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Hello, I am Teresa Blossom. I live in Canada. I have two friends named

Sarah and Leslie. I also have a worst enemy named Laura. She is super
bossy and fashionable. Oh! I almost forgot to mention that in our family it is

only me, my mom, dad and my little brother named Steve. He is very
adorable. Also, I have a very important secret. My dad is a wizard! Isn’t it

amazing? This is my mom and dad. My friends do not know about this.
It’s really hard to keep this secret. My dad can turn into a wizard by clapping
his hands three times, jumping two times and then he has to say “Cauldron
Cakes”. He wears a blue cape, a type of dress and he also wears a yellow and
blue type of hat. Then a shiny blue remote appears in his hand from nowhere. He
calls this remote his “wizen”. He calls it this name by mixing the word ‘wizand’
and ‘wand’ together.

Cupcake Magic

It was a sunny morning. Laura who lives next door was shouting, which woke
me up. Then I suddenly remembered that today my friends were visiting us and
we were supposed to have a party. After I had breakfast
I told mom to help me make the cupcakes but she said that she had a meeting
with and important colleauge in her office.
I groaned. She said sorry and I said its okay. Then my dad said that he will
help as his boss was sick and gave everybody a day off. I just smiled at him and
he smiled back. I thought it would be nice to bake cakes with my dad and also we
could spend some time together. After I agreed, Steve said,” Bake now!” He
doesn’t speak very clearly. Then mom left. My dad and I put on our aprons. Then
we gathered the ingredients we need to make cupcakes. After a while my dad
got a phone call. His boss called and asked dad to meet him at his house and that
he recovered from his illness. He also said that he wanted to talk about
I was too angry now. So, to cheer me up my dad said that he will use his
wizand to bake the cupcakes which would be fast. I agreed to that again. Then
he clapped his hands 3 times, jumped 2 times and then he said ,”cauldron
cakes.” POOF! He turned into daddy wizard. Then he pressed a code in his
wizand and said,
“Bakelira cupcakes.” Then wonderful and colorful cupcakes appeared in front of

me. It looked delicious. I took one in my hand and took a bite. YUCK! It
was totally bitter….. apart from the cream on top.

I told my dad that he used the wrong code. Then he pressed another code
and said, “Cupcakelira.” Then another bunch of good looking cupcakes appeared

in front of me. This time all of them looked the same. I took a bite
of one and it was…………………. DELICIOUS!! I loved it. Then I hugged my dad and
said “You are the best dad! Thank you so much! You made my dad! He said
“Anything to make you happy!” Then all of my friends came. The party was

!!! All of my friends loved the cupcakes. It has to be because Daddy

wizard rules!

Done by: Arianna Mahmoud.

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