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Construction and Building Materials 71 (2014) 263–272

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Use of coarse recycled aggregates from precast concrete rejects:

Mechanical and durability performance
D. Soares, J. de Brito ⇑, J. Ferreira, J. Pacheco
ICIST, Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georresources, Instituto Superior Técnico – Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Rovisco Pais, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal

h i g h l i g h t s

 Aggregates recycled from precast concrete elements are well above average quality.
 Concrete made with them has very similar characteristics to conventional concrete.
 This is also true in terms of durability.
 Present limitations to the use of these recycled aggregates should be removed.

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This paper presents the results of an experimental campaign developed with the aim of evaluating the
Received 3 May 2014 effect of the incorporation in concrete of recycled aggregates from crushed elements produced by the pre-
Received in revised form 29 July 2014 casting concrete industry. The specific purpose was to study the use of the coarse fraction of these aggre-
Accepted 23 August 2014
gates. This was done by studying various replacement ratios of the coarse fraction of the aggregates. The
possibility/need to correct the composition of concrete mixes with recycled aggregates was also investi-
gated, by testing various contents of a superplasticizer, intending to replicate the characteristics of a ref-
erence concrete, i.e. a mix with an analogous composition but where all aggregates are natural. An
Recycled concrete aggregates
extensive set of tests was performed to evaluate the mechanical and durability properties of all concrete
Mechanical performance mixes. The results prove that the concrete mixes with recycled aggregates have an equivalent perfor-
Durability mance to that of the reference concrete in most of the properties. In the others, where a performance loss
was registered, that loss was lower than the one reported in the literature review performed. This was
expected since the quality of the coarse aggregates recycled from precast elements is very good and
totally fit for the production of new concrete, originating concrete compositions with good quality,
namely in terms of hardened state properties. As expected the use of a superplasticizer is beneficial
for concrete performance in all properties analysed.
Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

As the population grows and improves its lifestyle, a propor-

tional increase of the consumption of natural resources and energy
Abbreviations: CNA, coarse natural aggregates; CRCA, coarse recycled concrete occurs. Therefore, and due to the inevitable consequences of this
aggregates; Cx, concrete with x% replacement of CNA by CRCA (x varying between increase, a change of mentality towards the environment has
10 and 100); C100SPy, concrete with full replacement of CNA by CRCA and been witnessed. One of the sectors with greater responsibility in
superplasticizer at y% of cement weight (y varying between 0.5 and 2.0); CDW,
the consumption of natural resources and generation of waste is
construction and demolition waste; CRCAC, concrete with partial or total incorpo-
ration of coarse recycled concrete aggregates; NA, natural aggregates; RA, recycled
the construction industry, annually producing approximately
aggregates; RC, reference concrete; RAC, concrete with partial or total incorporation 850 Mton of waste in the European Union, equivalent to around
of recycled aggregates; RCA, recycled concrete aggregates; SP, superplasticizer; w/c, 31% of the overall production and the greatest of all sectors [1].
water/cement. The construction and demolition waste (CDW) is undoubtedly
⇑ Corresponding author. Tel.: +351 218419709; fax: +351 21 8497650.
one of the main focuses of attention in the search for a sustainable
E-mail addresses: (D. Soares),
(J. de Brito), (J. Ferreira), (J. Pacheco).
0950-0618/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
264 D. Soares et al. / Construction and Building Materials 71 (2014) 263–272

CDW cause various environmental impacts, such as the use of ment ratios higher than those allowed in existing codes [9], as long
landfill space, illegal deposits, siltation of rivers and lakes, besides as the quality of the CRCA is demonstrated. The research is thus a
the mere wastage of valuable materials. Notwithstanding these contribution to a wider use of RA, resulting in a decrease of the
negative aspects, only some countries have high recycling ratios environmental impacts associated to construction practices.
of CDW, such as the Netherlands or Denmark with ratios over
90% [2]. On the other hand, there are countries such as Spain and
Portugal with still low recycling ratios, around 10% and 5% respec- 2. Literature review
tively [3,4]. This discrepancy may be explained by the existence in
the first countries of laws that regulate the reuse and recycling, Generally the partial or total incorporation of RA in concrete’s
imposing target ratios, and of stiff fees for dumping in landfills [2]. composition leads to its lower performance relative to an analo-
Additionally, questions have been arising regarding the avail- gous concrete made exclusively with natural aggregates (NA). This
ability of natural resources (in particular of natural aggregates, can be justified by the distinct characteristics of RA from those of
which represent about 70% of the composition of concrete) in the PA. RCA are composed of NA and a hardened paste of cement
future, at local scale, as stated by Faleschini et al. [5] and Habert and natural fines, adhered to the NA. The original NA (coarse and
et al. [6]. fine) within the RCA represents 65–70% of their volume, the
Thus, in order to increment the recovery of waste and reduce remaining being the adhered mortar [15]. The mortar adhered to
the consumption of natural aggregates, a target for 2020 was the aggregates of the source concrete causes the rough texture
established at European level, as described in Directive No. 2008/ and high porosity of the RCA and has direct influence on the main
98/CE: 70% of CDW (excluding soils and rocks without hazardous differences found between the characteristics of the RCA versus
substances) will have to be reused or recycled. that of the NA [16]. The following features of the RCA stand out:
One of the ways or recovering CDW is turning them into aggre- much higher water absorption, higher Los Angeles wear, lower
gates, which are capable of various applications. The Aggregates bulk density and particles density and more irregular geometry
European Association estimates an annual production of [17]. However, Leite [18] and Poon et al. [15] mention that the
3000 Mton of aggregates in the European Union, out of which the rough texture of the RCA, allied to their high porosity, may lead
recycled aggregates (RA) generated represent around 5% [7]. The to a greater content of hydration products in the aggregates’ pores,
same Association refers that the countries that generate more RA allowing a densification of the interfacial zone and an improve-
are Germany and the United Kingdom, with an annual production ment of the final performance of concrete.
of 65 and 59 Mton respectively. However, the country with the Various researches point out the influence of the incorporation
highest ratio between the RA’s production and the overall aggre- of CRCA in concrete on its slump and density. Because it is the
gates production is the Netherlands (around 25%). As for Portugal, weighted result of its constituent materials, concrete’s density will
it is estimated that the annual production of this type of aggregates be lower in RAC as a consequence of the lower particles density of
is practically nil. the CRCA, by comparison with a corresponding reference concrete
Since concrete is one of the main constituents of CDW [8,9], an (RC) [17]. Besides the distinct water absorption of the aggregates
important part of RA corresponds to crushed concrete. These RA [19,20], fresh concrete slump is also affected by the shape and tex-
can result from the demolition of concrete structures or the crush- ture of the CRCA’s particles [10,21]. Ferreira et al. [22] concluded
ing of precast elements or lab specimens. Presently there are that, in order to offset the lower slump of RAC mixes, it is prefera-
diverse applications of the recycled concrete aggregates (RCA), in ble to compensate the mixing water than pre-saturating the RA.
foundations, pavements, soils stabilization, and reinforced con- The mechanical performance of concrete is not always affected
crete, among others [8,10]. by the CRCA’s incorporation. Generally for compressive and tensile
The aim of this research is to study this type of aggregates, in strength, and when the slump and size distribution of the aggre-
order to contribute to increasing the knowledge on the properties gates are kept constant, there is no consensual trend in the litera-
of concrete made with them, more specifically coarse recycled con- ture. In terms of compressive strength, there is a wide scatter of
crete aggregates (CRCA) from the precasting industry. An extensive results in the literature: in most of the researches the strength
range of properties was analysed, both in terms of the mechanical decreased as the CRCA ratio increased [23–25], while in others
performance and of durability of concrete, unlike most of the stud- there was no statistically-significant change [26,27]. For (splitting)
ies in the literature that focus only some of them. Another goal was tensile strength the results found indicate that the values in con-
to quantify the benefits from using a superplasticizer (SP) in con- crete with CRCA (CRCAC) are close to that of the corresponding
crete mixes with full replacement of the coarse natural aggregates RC [26,28]. On the contrary, the modulus of elasticity is signifi-
(CNA). cantly influenced, showing a linear relationship with the CRCA
This research is part of a project that includes the execution of ratio, mostly because of the greater deformability of the adhered
four full-scale two-storey reinforced concrete structures, made mortar in the RA [29]. Tabsh and Abdelfatah [20] refer that these
with the mixes analysed in this paper. The tests of these structures two properties depend on the quality of the RA’s source concrete.
are the most innovative component of the project, since up to now It is expected that the incorporation of CRCA increases the con-
there are no similar studies of full-scale structures made with RAC. crete abrasion resistance as a result of the better adherence
These tests include in situ characterisation tests of the mixes, non- between the aggregates and the cement paste [24]. This is the only
destructive dynamic characterisation of the structures and vertical main property where a better performance in the CRCAC than in
and horizontal load tests, the second of which up to collapse. These the RC is expected.
tests are described in [11–14]. The references relative to ultrasound pulse velocity are quite
Since generally concrete produced in precasting is of very good clear [24,31,32]: the velocity will decrease as the CRCA’s incorpora-
quality, it is expected that their use to obtain coarse aggregates to tion ratio increases.
be used in the production of new concrete has advantages over The use of RCA leads to poorer performance concrete in terms of
recycling common concrete. Furthermore, the rejects from precast the durability-related properties, mostly due to the greater poros-
concrete elements have no contaminants whatsoever, unlike com- ity of these aggregates. This may also be justified by micro-cracks
mon CDW. generated in the RA by the crushing process, thus making the
With the results of this study it was possible to prove beyond aggregate more susceptible to the penetration, diffusion and
reasonable doubt the feasibility of safely using aggregates replace- absorption of fluids [33].
D. Soares et al. / Construction and Building Materials 71 (2014) 263–272 265

Performance losses in terms of shrinkage, chloride penetration 100

90 Fine sand

Passing material (%)

resistance and carbonation resistance are expected due to the 80 Coarse sand
incorporation of CRCA [25,33–35]. However, there are some con- 70
60 Fine gravel
tradictory studies in which no significant influence of this type of
50 Medium gravel
aggregates on these properties was found [36–38]. 40 Coarse gravel
The conclusions of the various experimental campaigns on the 30
RA 4-10
water absorption by immersion and capillarity are similar, 10 RA 10-20
indicating an increase of the absorption rate proportional to 0





the increment of CRCA in concrete [23,33,34]. Levy and Helene
[37], reporting the work of Wirquin et al., refer that the water Sieve size (mm)
absorption process in RAC and RC is identical and follows the same
laws. Fig. 1. Aggregates’ size distribution.

The effect of RA in concrete may be mitigated by the use of SP in

concrete’s composition. One of the objectives of using this admix- compared to that of the CNA (1.41%). However, when these values are compared
ture is reducing the mixing water maintaining the slump, which with those from previous researches [10,13,16,21,30], the CRCA’s particles density
for the same cement content allows reducing the water/cement is above the average and the water absorption is below.
(w/c) ratio and improves concrete’s performance [39]. Some The humidity content was determined in order to predict the extra water con-
tent to be added to the mix to compensate the higher water absorption capacity of
researches were made on RAC with SP. Corinaldesi and Moriconi
the RA. Its value varied between 1.6% and 3.5% as a function of the aggregates stor-
[40] studied the joint influence of fly-ash and silica fume and SP age location and the weather conditions of the site.
in concrete with full replacement of NA by RA. Pereira et al. Just like particles density, the bulk density of the CRCA is lower than that of the
[41,42] analysed the influence of SP on the mechanical perfor- CNA (by around 10%). However, the voids volume is similar in the two types of
mance of concrete with fine recycled aggregates (at various aggregate. It is thus concluded that the aggregates’ interlocking is practically the
same, and therefore the bulk density is lower in the RA because of the lower density
replacement ratios). Barbudo et al. [43] quantified the effect of of the adhered cement paste.
SP on the mechanical performance of CRCAC (at various replace- The maximum wear values in the Los Angeles test occurred in the CRCA. These
ment ratios). All of these authors concluded that the use of SP is aggregates thus show a higher wear than the CNA, which is mainly due to the lower
beneficial in all properties analysed, despite Matias et al. [27] stat- strength of the adhered mortar in the RA relative to the stone material of the NA.
This agrees with the findings of other authors but there was a difference between
ing that superplasticizers are more efficient in conventional con-
the two size fractions of the CRCA: the smaller CRCA fraction’s wear was similar
crete than in RAC. The SP was thus able to offset the RA’s effect, to that of the NA coarse gravel.
and in some of the properties the performance of the RAC exceeded The CRCA used in this research have a similar shape index (slightly lower) than
that of the corresponding RC. All of these authors used a content of the CNA. This can be due to the crushing process, which was the same in the two
SP equal to 1% of the cement weight, considering the SP suspension aggregates’ types. When the same crushing process is used, the RA particles tend
to be slightly rounder than those of the NA [21].
as a whole.
Type I cement of class 42.5 R was used. The brand of the SP was SikaPlast 898,
Gonçalves and de Brito [9] made an extensive survey of the considered a high-performance SP, whose chemical basis is a combination of poly-
codes that allow the use of RA in concrete. They refer that the stan- carboxylates modified in an aqueous solution with 32 ± 2% of solid content.
dards follow essentially two types of reasoning. The first one con-
sists on incorporating RA in small amounts so that it is not
3.2. Concrete’s composition
detrimental to concrete’s performance, while the second allows
greater replacement ratios of NA by RA but establishes corrective In the first experimental stage, a total of 11 concrete mixes were formulated.
coefficients in order to consider the performance loss. Generally Besides a RC, there were RAC’s with replacement ratios of CNA by CRCA of 10%,
the aggregates are classed according to their composition and 20%, 30%, 40%, 50% and 100% (C10 to C100) and also RAC’s with 100% CRCA and
SP contents of 0.5%, 1.0%, 1.5% and 2.0%, considering the suspension as a whole
application restrictions are imposed, such as the strength class or
by cement weight (C100SP0.5 to C100SP2.0). The replacement of the aggregates
the environmental exposure class of the concrete, as well as mini- was made in terms of volume, resulting in a lower mass of the incorporated CRCA
mum requirements of their properties (particles density, water relative to the CNA. The objective of the SP was to decrease the water content in the
absorption, sulphates content, among others). Some countries, RAC and consequently decrease the w/c ratio for the same slump. The objective of
e.g. Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom and Germany, impose 20– this stage was to determine the composition of the mixes to be analysed in the next
stage, based on the compressive strength obtained.
25% as the limit CRCA’s incorporation ratio in structural concrete Two mixes were pre-set for the second stage: RC and C100 (with the intent of
(CRCA must have more than 90–95% of concrete or mortar in their analysing the full scope of the potential loss of performance in a CRCAC). Two extra
composition). mixes were intended: one with the maximum CRCA ratio that did not affect the
compressive strength; the other with a minimum SP content that allowed offsetting
the compressive strength loss of the C100 relative to the RC. In other words, the
3. Experimental campaign mixes targeted were the ones with the closest compressive strength to that of
the RC. The objective of the second stage was to evaluate the mechanical and dura-
3.1. Materials bility performance of these mixes.
The RC has a conventional composition, with natural siliceous and limestone
The fine natural aggregate used in all the mixes was silica sand, in two size aggregates, no admixtures or mineral additions. It was formulated according to
fractions (fine sand – 0–2 mm – and coarse sand – 0–4 mm). Three types of lime- the procedures in EN 206-1 [44] and LNEC E 464 [45], using the Faury’s method.
stone CNA were used: fine gravel – 4–8 mm –, medium gravel – 6–12 mm – and The remaining mixes were based on the RC’s composition, i.e. the constituents
coarse gravel – 12–20 mm). The RA came from crushed, naturally aged and non- proportions were maintained, as well as the aggregates’ size distribution. In the first
deteriorated, precast concrete elements of strength classes C35/45 and C40/50, experimental stage all the CNA and CRCA were sieved and separated by size frac-
used as supports of very long beams, having the same concrete composition of tion, with the intent of eliminating any differences in size distribution between
the beams. Only the coarse fractions (4–10 mm and 10–20 mm) originated from the mixes. In the second stage, in order to agree with the procedures used on site
the crushing of the elements were used. The maximum aggregates’ size was to build the full-scale structures mentioned in the introduction, the grading curves
22.4 mm. of each of the elemental aggregates (e.g. coarse sand or medium gravel, see Section
The crushing process used to obtain the RA consisted on a primary jaw crusher, 3.1) were used and best fitted to the Faury’s reference curve. The mixes’ slump was
followed by secondary and tertiary hammer crushers. also kept constant, in order to have mixes with the same type of use, and therefore
The results of the tests of aggregates are presented in Table 4 and the size dis- more fairly compared in terms of properties. A target slump range of 125 ± 15 mm
tribution of the aggregates in Fig. 1. was thus defined, within the S3 slump class.
The particles density of CRCA is slightly lower than that of CNA. This reduction In order to keep the RAC’s slump constant, the mixing water compensation
varies approximately from 2.5% for the apparent particles density to 10% for the method was used, which consists of providing an extra amount of water equivalent
oven dried particles density. The water absorption of the CRCA is high (4.61%) when to the absorption of the CRCA during mixing, as suggested by Ferreira et al. [22].
266 D. Soares et al. / Construction and Building Materials 71 (2014) 263–272

The composition of all mixes analysed is presented in Tables 1 and 2 for the first and consequently the density increased. Therefore, the density of
and second experimental stages, respectively. The apparent w/c ratio is calculated
the mixes with SP was up to 5.8% higher than that of the corre-
considering the water added to the concrete mix, whilst the effective w/c ratio
neglects the estimated quantity of water absorbed by the RA during the mixing
sponding mixes with no SP. These aspects can be established in
process. Table 5.

3.3. Tests
4.2. Hardened concrete mechanical properties
The NA (coarse and fine) and the RCA (coarse) used in the various concrete
mixes were the object of various standard tests: 4.2.1. Compressive strength First stage. The compressive strength of the first experi-
 Size grading: standard EN 933-1 [46].
 Particles density and water absorption: standard EN 1097-6 [47]. mental stage mixes is presented in Table 5. There were no signifi-
 Bulk density: standard EN 1097-3 [48]. cant differences in the type of failure of the various specimens. The
 Los Angeles wear: standard EN 1097-2 [49]. ultimate compressive stresses are identical in the CRCAC and RC. At
 Humidity content: standard EN 1097-5 [50]. 28 days, the strength of the mixes with 10% and 20% of CRCA was
 Shape index: standard EN 933-4 [51].
slightly below that of the RC (maximum loss of 2.3%), while the
In both experimental stages, the fresh-state concrete tests, workability and den-
strength of the 30%, 40%, 50% and 100% replacement ratios mixes
sity, followed the procedures in EN 12350-2 [52] and EN 12350-6 [53], respectively. was higher (increments up to 6%). The maximum strength differ-
In the hardened state, the concrete mixes were subjected to the tests listed in ence between the C10 and C100 mixes was less than 4 MPa, and
Table 3, in terms of mechanical and durability properties. it was considered not significant. It is thus not possible to establish
any type of correlation between this property and the CRCA con-
4. Results and discussion tent. According to de Brito [17], similar mechanical strengths
between CRCAC and RC can be obtained, for the same aggregates’
4.1. Fresh concrete properties size distribution and workability, if RCA with current strength
and density are used and the concrete strength class is moderate.
The workability of the concrete mixes under analysis was fixed Looking again at Section 2, the identical strength of the concrete
a priori, i.e. in their design, in order to make a more balanced com- mixes may be justified by the shape of the aggregates, their adher-
parison between them. All mixes were designed to have a slump in ence to the cement paste and the quality of the source concrete.
the 125 ± 15 mm range, i.e. within the S3 slump class (100– As expected, the strength of the mixes with SP was always sig-
150 mm), and mixes failing to comply with this were rejected nificantly higher than that of the remaining ones and is not linearly
and corrected, by trial and error. For the same slump, CRA incorpo- influenced by the SP content. This increase was caused by the
ration did not cause the effective w/c ratio of the mixes to vary, reduction of the effective w/c ratio, and consequently of the quality
which is explained by their geometric characteristics similar to of the cement paste, for the same slump whenever SP was used.
those of the NA [21]. The SP’s capacity to reduce the w/c ratio ran- There were increments up to 49.6% at 7 days and 39.7% at 28 days,
ged from 21% to 26%, i.e. there was a significant reduction of the relative to the mixes with 100% CRA without SP.
ratio (from 0.52 to 0.41 up to 0.39). However, the influence of The use of SP also increases the performance in compressive
the SP content on this capacity is not linear, as Fig. 2 demonstrates. strength, as well as in the other properties affected by SP use (dis-
The density of CRCAC is lower than that of the RC and it cussed further on), of conventional concrete mixes, since it also
decreased linearly as the CNA by CRA replacement ratio increased. originate mixes with lower w/c ratios for the same slump. The
The maximum losses were 3.5% and 4.2% (in both cases for full aim of the SP incorporation on this experimental programme was
replacement of the CNA), in the first and second stage respectively. to assess whether or not its use would offset (or more than offset,
Since concrete’s density depends directly on its constituents’ parti- in this case) any possible loss on performance of the concrete
cles density, this trend was expected. The reduction in w/c ratio mixes produced.
caused by the SP addition resulted in an increase of the volume The compressive strength allowed defining the mixes to be
of solid particles (occupying the space previously filled by water) analysed in the second experimental stage. Because the CRCA

Table 1
Composition of the concrete mixes: first experimental stage.

Components Components mass (kg/m3)

RC C10 C20 C30 C40 C50 C100 C100SP
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Coarse natural aggregates 4–5.6 mm 109.3 98.4 87.4 87.4 65.6 54.7 – – – – –
5.6–8 mm 124.7 112.2 99.7 99.7 74.8 62.3 – – – – –
8–11.2 mm 126.0 113.4 100.8 100.8 75.6 63.0 – – – – –
11.2–16 mm 322.5 290.3 258.0 258.0 193.5 161.3 – – – – –
16–22.4 mm 326.1 293.5 260.9 260.9 195.6 163.0 – – – – –
Coarse recycled aggregates 4–5.6 mm – 10.0 20.1 20.1 40.1 50.2 100.3 105.7 105.4 105.7 105,9
5.6–8 mm – 11.4 22.8 22.8 45.6 57.0 114.0 120.1 119.8 120.1 120,4
8–11.2 mm – 11.6 23.1 23.1 46.3 57.9 115.7 121.9 121.6 121.9 122,2
11.2–16 mm – 30.0 59.9 59.9 119.8 149.8 299.6 315.6 314.8 315.6 316,3
16–22.4 mm – 30.3 60.6 60.6 121.1 151.4 302.9 319.1 318.3 319.1 319,8
Coarse sand 543.3 543.3 543.3 543.3 543.3 543.3 543.3 572.3 570.9 572.3 573.7
Fine sand 249.6 249.6 249.6 249.6 249.6 249.6 249.6 263.0 262.3 263.0 263.6
Cement 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0
Water 182.0 183.1 184.2 185.1 186.9 189.9 193.3 155.7 157.9 154.4 148.0
Effective w/c ratio 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.52 0.41 0.41 0.40 0.39
Apparent w/c ratio 0.52 0.52 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.55 0.44 0.45 0.44 0.42
Superplasticizer 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.8 3.5 5.3 7.0

The water part of the SP was not taken into consideration in the definition of the w/c ratios.
D. Soares et al. / Construction and Building Materials 71 (2014) 263–272 267

Table 2
Composition of the concrete mixes: second experimental stage.

Component Components mass (kg/m3)

RC C25 C100 C100SP1.0
Coarse natural aggregates Fine gravel 176.0 132.0 – –
Brita 1 261.4 196.0 – –
Brita 2 666.8 500.1 – –
Coarse recycled aggregates AGRB 4-10 – 83.3 333.3 352.0
AGRB 10-20 – 171.0 683.8 722.3
Coarse sand 448.4 448.8 450.1 475.5
Fine sand 243.4 243.8 245.1 258.8
Cement 350.0 350.0 350.0 350.0
Water 185.5 194.8 206.4 159.2
Effective w/c ratio 0.54 0.54 0.54 0.40
Apparent w/c ratio 0.54 0.55 0.59 0.45
Superplasticizer 0 0 0 3.5

The water part of the SP was not taken into consideration in the definition of the w/c ratios.

Table 3
Tests of hardened concrete.

Stage Test Standard Age (days) Number of specimens Shape and size (mm)
1st Compressive strength EN 12390-3 [54] 7 2 Cubes, 150
28 4 Cubes, 150
2nd Compressive strength EN 12390-3 [54] 7 3 Cubes, 150
28 5 Cubes, 150
56 3 Cubes, 150
Splitting tensile strength EN 12390-6 [55] 28 3 Cylinders, U150  300
Modulus of elasticity LNEC E 397 [56] 28 2 Cylinders, U150  300
Ultrasound pulse velocity EN 12504-4 [57] 28 5 Cubes, 150
Abrasion resistance DIN 52108 [58] 91 3 Prisms, 71  71  50
Shrinkage LNEC E 398 [59] 0–90 2 Prisms, 100  100  450
Water absorption by immersion LNEC E 394 [60] 28 4 Cubes, 100
Capillary water absorption LNEC E 393 [61] 28 4 Cylinders, U150  100
Carbonation resistance LNEC E 391 [62] 7, 28, 56, 90 3 Cylinders, U100  40
Chloride penetration resistance LNEC E 463 [63] 28, 90 3 Cylinders, U100  50

Table 4
Properties of the fine and coarse aggregates.

Property Fine sand Coarse sand Fine gravel Medium gravel Coarse gravel CRCA 4–10 mm CRCA 10–20 mm
Particles density (kg/m3)
Apparent 2537 2622 2708 2756 2717 2654 2665
Oven dried 2511 2590 2634 2623 2621 2367 2370
Saturated surface dry 2522 2602 2661 2671 2657 2475 2481
Bulk density (kg/m3) 1583 1536 1407 1434 1368 1285 1248
Voids content (%) 37.0 40.7 46.6 45.3 47.8 45.7 47.3
Water absorption, 24 h (%) 0.41 0.46 1.04 1.84 1.34 4.57 4.66
Los Angeles wear (%) 22.3 27.2 31.5 33.3 41.2
Shape index (%) 16.4 21.7 14.5 11.5 12.2

0.53 LNEC E 471 [64] and there was no negative influence of the RA on this
0.51 property. As for the SP content, 1% of cement weight was chosen
Effective w/c ratio

because it is used frequently in the industry (and in existing
research) and, again, because changes in this content did not have
a significant influence on concrete’s compressive strength.
0.37 Second stage. As seen in Fig. 3, the results in this stage agree
0.35 with those from the previous stage.
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 The analysis of the evolution curves of the compressive strength
% SP (by weight of cement) over time generally allows splitting the mixes into two groups: RC/
C25 and C100/C100SP1.0. The first two mixes registered a strength
Fig. 2. Correlation between effective water/cement ratio and percentage of SP (by
weight of cement).
increase between 28 and 56 days of 17.7% (RC) and 12.2% (C25),
and therefore their strength at 56 days may still increase. The
incorporation had no statistically-significant effect on the compres- strength of the other two mixes stabilized after 28 days with a
sive strength, a 25% replacement ratio was chosen (C25 mix) because 4.3% increase (C100) and no increase at all (C100SP1.0; a change
it is the maximum ratio for structural concrete allowed by standard of 0.2 MPa may be considered negligible).
268 D. Soares et al. / Construction and Building Materials 71 (2014) 263–272

Table 5
Density (first and second stages) and compressive strength (first stage).

Concrete mix Density (kg/m3) Compressive strength (MPa) – 1st stage

1st stage 2nd stage 7 days DRC (%) 28 days DRC (%)
RC 2368 2377 40.9 – 48.0 –
C10 2354 35.4 13.4 46.9 2.3
C20 2349 38.1 6.8 47.7 0.5
C25 2344
C30 2342 43.2 5.7 50.8 6.0
C40 2326 37.8 7.6 48.0 0.1
C50 2322 40.8 0.3 49.5 3.3
C100 2284 2278 39.4 3.5 50.3 4.9
C100SP0,5 2341 57.3 40.1 63.8 32.9
C100SP1 2384 2410 58.5 43.2 67.6 40.9
C100SP1,5 2371 57.8 41.4 60.8 26.7
C100SP2 2380 59.0 44.3 70.3 46.6

75 et al. [26] refer that tensile strength is affected mostly by the RCA’s
Compressive strength (MPa)

70 quality and not their quantity, which agrees with the findings of
65 our study.
60 RC When SP was incorporated in concrete its tensile strength
55 C25 increased by approximately 39%. It is thus concluded that the use
50 C100 of SP is beneficial for this property, considerably increasing it and
45 C100SP1.0 more than offsetting the (in this case negligible) negative effect
40 of the CRCA. These trends agree with those detected by Barbudo
35 et al. [43].
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Curing time (days) 4.2.3. Modulus of elasticity
As expected, the modulus of elasticity was lower in the RAC,
Fig. 3. Evolution of concrete compressive strength over time.
proportionally to the replacement ratio of CNA by CRCA (Table 6).
A maximum reduction of 11% was registered, for full aggregates’
It is found that the incorporation of SP resulted in a perfor- replacement. The capacity of the aggregates to resist deformations
mance improvement of 61.4% at 7 days (relative to C100) and a is controlled by their stiffness and influenced by their porosity. The
reduction of this efficacy at later ages: 53.6% (28 days) and 49.2% RA’s are therefore more deformable because of the high porosity of
(56 days). This confirms the findings of Barbudo et al. [43], i.e. the adhered cement paste. As the modulus of elasticity depends on
the SP accelerates strength development through a faster and more the deformability of all its constituents, it is natural that it is lower
efficient hydration. This can be seen in Fig. 4, showing the results of in the CRCAC than in the RC [14,17]. In fact, it is found there is a
the two experimental stages. practically linear relationship (R2 = 0.91) between the relative
modulus of elasticity and the replacement ratio of CNA by CRCA
(Fig. 5).
4.2.2. Splitting tensile strength Our results agree with various researches [24,26–28,43], where
The splitting tensile strength of all mixes is presented in there is a clear descending trend of the modulus of elasticity as the
Table 6. CRCA content increases. However, the performance loss in our
Both mixes with CRCA and no SP had strength values similar to study is lower than in the others, which ranged between 14% and
that of the RC, i.e. no trend was found linking this property with the 34%, confirming once again the good quality of our CRCA (as seen
replacement ratio of CNA by CRCA. The mix with 100% of CRCA had in the aggregates’ tests).
the same ultimate tensile stress as the RC and the mix with 25% of The mix with 100% of CRCA and 1% of SP has a higher modulus
CRCA registered a value 4% lower. This loss was well below the one of elasticity than all the other mixes. Unlike in the Barbudo et al.
seen in previous researches, such as Matias et al. [21] and Rao et al. [43] work, the performance loss due to the use of CRCA was more
[24], where the CRCAC had losses of 16% and 24% respectively. This than offset by the use of SP. The increments were of 9.2% and 23.0%
diluted reduction may be justified by the better bond between the relative to the RC and the C100, respectively.
CRCA and the cement paste, as a consequence of their greater rug-
osity and porosity (as referred for compressive strength). Malesev 4.2.4. Ultrasound pulse velocity
Table 6 shows the results of the ultrasound pulse velocity tests.
Since the ultrasound pulse velocity is an indirect measure of
concrete’s porosity, it was expected that it would be lower in the
fcm,C100SP / fcm,C100

1.6 RAC than in the RC, because of the higher porosity of the adhered
C100SP0.5 cement paste in the RA. The trend was confirmed, with a maximum
C100SP1.0: stage 1 loss of around 6%, for a mix with full replacement of CNA by CRCA.
1.4 C100SP1.0: stage 2 Even though small, this velocity decrease agrees with those
1.3 C100SP1.5 obtained by Kou et al. [31] and Rao et al. [24], i.e. 8% and 10%
1.2 C100SP2.0 respectively. Fig. 5 shows a strong relationship, with a correlation
coefficient practically equal to 1, between the ultrasound pulse
velocity and the CRCA incorporation ratio.
7 days 28 days 56 days
The addition of SP led, as expected, to a decrease of the RA neg-
Fig. 4. Concrete compressive strength versus SP incorporation. ative effect, practically offsetting the velocity loss relative to the
D. Soares et al. / Construction and Building Materials 71 (2014) 263–272 269

Table 6
Results of the tests of hardened concrete.

Concrete Splitting tensile Modulus of Ultrasonic pulse Abrasion wear Water absorption by Capillary water absorption
mix strength (MPa) elasticity (GPa) velocity (km/s) (mm) immersion (%) 72 h (g/mm2)
RC 3.1 36.2 4.71 4.21 14.2 5.51E 03
C25 2.9 34.1 4.65 3.94 15.5 6.11E 03
C100 3.1 32.1 4.42 3.96 18.0 7.81E 03
C100SP1.0 4.3 39.5 4.70 3.30 13.7 3.58E 03

1.05 0
y = -0.0006x + 1.0007 - 100

Shrinkage (μm/m)
R² = 0.9993

- 200 RC
Modulus of elasticity C25
- 300
0.90 C100
y = -0.001x + 0.9859 Ultrasonic pulse velocity
R² = 0.9095 - 400 C100SP1.0
- 500
0 20 40 60 80 100 - 600
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
% Coarse recycled concrete aggregates
Time (days)
Fig. 5. Influence of the incorporation of CRA on the modulus of elasticity and
Fig. 6. Evolution of shrinkage deformation over time.
ultrasonic pulse velocity.

RC. In other words, an almost identical ultrasound pulse velocity The incorporation of CRCA had a detrimental effect on con-
was obtained in the C100SP1.0 and RC mixes. This is due essen- crete’s performance. At 91 days increases (relative to the RC) of
tially to the water reducing capacity of the SP used. The increase 1.5% and 15.7% were observed for the 25% and 100% replacement
of ultrasound pulse velocity due to the decrease of w/c ratio is con- ratios respectively. This can be justified by two factors: less stiff-
firmed by the Ravindrajah et al. [32] study. ness (as found out for the modulus of elasticity of concrete) and
greater water content of the CRCAC. The first factor is explained
by the lower stiffness of the RCAC relative to the CNA, conferred
4.2.5. Abrasion resistance
by the adhered cement paste, which is translated into a decrease
Table 6 clearly shows that the abrasion resistance increases
of the restriction to deformations. On the other hand, the water
with the incorporation of CRCA in concrete. In other words, lower
added to compensate for the higher absorption of the RA leads to
wear values were obtained in the CRCAC than in the RC. However it
a higher content of water available to evaporate in the RAC, and
was not possible to establish a clear correlation between abrasion
therefore an increase of the shrinkage deformations.
resistance and CRCA incorporation ratio, as suggested by de Brito
Fig. 7 confirms the influence of the incorporation of RCRCA on
[30]. The loss of thickness in the CRCAC was lower by approxi-
this property, with a practically linear relationship between the
mately 6% than that of the RC. This can be justified by the better
two factors (R2 = 0.977). This is corroborated by the Matias et al.
adherence of the cement paste to the RA, because of their greater
[21] and Limbachiya et al. [38] works.
rugosity and porosity, as referred by Leite [18] and Poon et al.
According to Coutinho and Gonçalves [66], SP influence the
[15]. Because the cement paste is more prone to suffer wear than
shrinkage deformations when used to increase the workability
the NA, it is just natural that the mixes that have a better bond
for the same w/c ratio, causing an increase in shrinkage. When
between the paste and the aggregates have lower abrasion wear.
used to obtain higher strength maintaining the workability and
The results obtained in this research agree with those of previ-
decreasing the w/c ratio, they cause a decrease in shrinkage. Since
ous researches, which suggest a better performance of CRCAC in
the SP use in this study corresponds to the second case, lower
terms of this property [21,27,65].
shrinkage deformations were expected in the mix with SP (since
Since the CRCAC have better performance in this property com-
there is less water available to evaporate) than in the analogous
pared to the RC, the use of SP in their production is not relevant for
mix without SP. This was confirmed by the results obtained, with
abrasion wear. Mix C100SP1.0 showed decreases of 21.6% and
decreases of 27.8% and 37.6% relative to the RC and C100 respec-
16.6%, relative to the RC and C100 respectively, further improving
tively. The beneficial effect of SP is therefore confirmed, if used
the performance of the CRCAC in this property. A similar conclu-
sion was drawn by Barbudo et al. [43] and Pereira et al. [42] for
CRCA and fine RCA respectively.
1.40 y = 0.0042x + 1.0019
4.3. Hardened concrete durability properties 1.35 R² = 0.9999

y = 0.0026x + 1.011
4.3.1. Shrinkage 1.20
R² = 0.9907 Shrinkage

The shrinkage results are shown in Fig. 6. These values are the 1.15 Water absorption by immersion

average of two samples and the value of deformation by shrinkage, 1.10 Water absorption by capillarity
1.05 y = 0.0016x + 0.989
at every age, is referred to the first measurement made (after 1.00 R² = 0.9767
demolding the specimens). 0.95
0 20 40 60 80 100
As expected, since the test was performed inside a room under
% Coarse recycled concrete aggregates
controlled conditions (temperatures of 20 ± 2 °C and relative
humidity of 50 ± 5%), the shrinkage deformations increased over Fig. 7. Influence of the incorporation of CRA on shrinkage, water absorption by
time for all mixes. immersion and capillary water absorption.
270 D. Soares et al. / Construction and Building Materials 71 (2014) 263–272

to reduce the w/c ratio, resulting in a more than full compensation

Capillary absorption coefficient

y = -2E-04ln(x) + 0.0017 y = -1E-04ln(x) + 0.0013
of the negative effects of the use of CRCA. R² = 0.9942 R² = 0.9914
y = -1E-04ln(x) + 0.0012

R² = 0.9958
4.3.2. Water absorption by immersion 1.00E-03 RC
As seen in Table 6, the replacement of CNA by CRCA causes an 8.00E-04 C25
increase of the water absorption by immersion, and the use of SP 6.00E-04
in the mix with 100% of CRCA was beneficial for this property. C100SP1.0
4.00E-04 y = -9E-05ln(x) + 0.0008
There were increases of water absorption of 9.1% and 26.9% for R² = 0.9998
the 25% and 100% CRCA incorporation ratios respectively. This is 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
justified by the greater water content in the RCA (necessary to keep Time (hours)
constant the workability but increasing the porosity) and high
water absorption capacity of the CRAC, since this property depends Fig. 8. Evolution of capillary absorption coefficients over time.
on the water within the concrete and the pores structures of the
aggregates [66]. The maximum increase found here is slightly
below those obtained by other researchers, i.e. values between
29% and 44% [23,24,26]. 4.3.4. Carbonation resistance
Fig. 7 allows analysing the water absorption by immersion evo- Fig. 9 shows the carbonation depths measured in the various
lution with the aggregates’ replacement ratio. The high value of the mixes and test ages.
correlation coefficient (R2 = 0.991) of the linear regression proves The CRCAC registered carbonation depths at all ages similar but
the linear relationship between these two factors. slightly higher than those of the RC. The differences measured ran-
Due to the w/c ratio reduction and consequent decrease of the ged between 0.2 mm and 1.2 mm, and therefore they may simply
voids index caused by the incorporation of SP in concrete, a water result from the test results’ scatter. It is thus concluded that the
absorption drop occurred. There were reductions of 3.4% and 23.9% CRCA had no significant influence on the concrete (accelerated)
relative to the RC and C100 respectively. It is thus concluded that carbonation resistance, similarly to the compressive strength.
the use of SP is beneficial in terms of this property, resulting in a The similar performance of the RAC and RC is due essentially to
complete remission of the effect of the CRCA. the very good quality of the CRCA used in this study, sourced from
high-strength precast concrete elements. As evidenced in Section
4.1, the CRCA have better characteristics than those of similar
4.3.3. Water absorption by capillarity aggregates in previous studies, especially at the level of particles
Table 6 shows the results of the capillary water absorption tests density, bulk density, Los Angeles wear (the 4–10 mm fraction)
(capillarity absorption at 72 h) and Fig. 8 provides the capillary and water absorption.
absorption coefficients. These coefficients are the water absorbed This (lack of) trend contradicts most of the researches concern-
by capillarity over time divided by the square root of time. Fig. 7 ing CRCA, such as Amorim et al. [34] and Kou and Poon [25], in
shows the linear regression of the capillary water absorption rela- their experimental campaigns, and Xiao et al. [35], in their litera-
tive to the replacement ratio of CNA by CRCA, with a correlation ture survey. However, Levy and Helene [37] also got identical car-
coefficient almost unitary (R2 = 0.999). It is clear that the capillary bonation depths in CRCAC and RC. However, this author used
absorption increases linearly with the replacement ratio as did the higher cement content in the CRCAC, which might have influenced
water absorption by immersion. This increase is essentially due to this property.
the factors mentioned in the previous section (increase of the The results of the C100SP1.0 mix allow concluding that the use
water content to compensate for the loss of workability and of SP improves the carbonation performance of concrete, since it
greater porosity of the CRCAC). leads to a reduction of the effective w/c ratio, which results in a
The addition of SP to the mix led to a decrease of the effect of decrease of the porosity and CO2 permeability. The use of SP
the RA, completely offsetting the greater capillary absorption of resulted in improvements between 58% and 62% relative to the
the mixes with CRCA. In other words, the capillary water absorp- RC and between 60% and 69% relative to the C100. Relative to
tion of the C100SP1.0 mix was lower (around 35%) than that of the CRCAC with no SP, the efficacy of the SP decrease over time,
the RC. Relative to an analogous mix without SP (C100), the reduc- since the improvement of 69% at 7 days decreased to 60% at
tion was of approximately 54%. 91 days. These results confirmed what was referred in the section
The reductions in this test (35%) are significantly higher than relative to compressive strength, i.e. the SP has an effect of acceler-
those in the absorption by immersion test (3.4%). This can be jus- ating concrete hardening and has a more significant influence in
tified by the fact that the capillary absorption is more influenced the first days of curing.
by the quality of the cement paste, contrarily to the absorption
by immersion that is more affected by the CRCA content [23].
Therefore, the performance improvement resulting from the w/c
reduction due to the SP (and consequent increase of the cement
paste quality) is more important for the capillary absorption.
Carbonation depth (mm)

A logarithmic regression is the best adjusted to the progress 10

over time of the capillary absorption coefficients found, providing
for all mixes excellent correlations (coefficients practically equal 7 days
to 1). As expected, it is found that the capillary absorption coeffi- 6 28 days
cient decreases more rapidly in the first hours of the test, tending 56 days
to stabilize over time, i.e. the absorption occurs faster in the first 91 days
hours of contact of the specimens with water. The similar pattern 2
of the regressions for all mixes indicates that the evolution of the
capillary absorption over time is identical in the CRCAC and BR 0
RC C25 C100 C100SP1.0
mixes, and the same can be said for the mix with SP. This agrees
with the Wirquin et al. study, reported by Levy and Helene [37]. Fig. 9. Carbonation resistance.
D. Soares et al. / Construction and Building Materials 71 (2014) 263–272 271

20 (4) It is possible to increase the present ratio limits of incorpo-

Chloride diffusion coefficient

18 ration of this type of aggregates in codes of various coun-

16 tries, if the quality of their source is demonstrated in
(x10-12 m2/s)

advance (such as in precast elements).

28 days (5) The use of a superplasticizer in concrete is beneficial for all
91 days properties analysed. There was a performance improvement,
both in mechanical and durability terms, offsetting any neg-
4 ative effect of the recycled concrete aggregates. Therefore,
2 the use of superplasticizers in high-quality recycled aggre-
0 gates concrete is highly recommended, leading to excellent
RC C25 C100 C100SP1.0 performances.
Fig. 10. Chloride penetration resistance.
The coarse recycled aggregates generated from precast ele-
4.3.5. Chloride penetration resistance ments and the use of superplasticizers open new perspectives for
This property is quantified by the chloride ions diffusion coeffi- recycled aggregates concrete, enabling the production of high-per-
cient from non-steady-state migration tests, as seen in Fig. 10. The formance concrete.
results from two testing ages are coherent, demonstrating no clear
influence of the CRCA content. Variations (relative to the RC) of
approximately +7% and 3% were observed for the mixes with Acknowledgments
25% and 100% of CRCA incorporation respectively. These small dif-
ferences between mixes may be simply due to the inherent scatter The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of Opway, the
of results of this test. The results agree with those from carbon- ICIST research centre, IST, University of Lisbon and FCT (Fundação
ation resistance, where differences between 2% and 7% were para a Ciência e Tecnologia).
obtained at 91 days. It is thus concluded that this specific type of
RCA, from high-strength concrete elements, does not significantly References
affect this property.
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