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Albertsons Companies Master BOBJ SNAPSHOT

2021 2021 2021 Current Yr Previous Yr

Principal Name 1 2 3 Variance % Change
January February March Total Total
Time Frame
Supplier Partner Name 2021 2021 2021 Total Sales LY Sales Chg Sales % Chg Business Unit Master Name
Grand Total $11,262,447 $1,263,931 $1,331,795 $13,858,172 $24,436,260 ($10,578,087) (43.3%) Albertsons Companies Master
Apotex Corp $20,446 $20,446 $189,983 ($169,537) (89.2%)
Baumer Foods Inc $40,498 $10,916 $896 $52,309 $65,250 ($12,941) (19.8%)
Bay Valley Foods 0.0%
Culture Club LLC $4 ($4) (100.0%)
Dobi & Associates Inc $843 $843 $103,245 ($102,401) (99.2%)
Essence Water, Inc $2,380 $2,380 $16,340 ($13,961) (85.4%)
Farmer Bros Coffee $65,495 $65,495 $65,495 0.0%
Global Material Technologies INC $21,734 $21,734 $34,678 ($12,943) (37.3%)
Heartland Food Products Group $739,665 $739,665 $1,242,231 ($502,566) (40.5%)
Hsin Tung Yang Foods Co dba Fusion
Ranch $3,489 $1,121 $4,610 $2,350 $2,261 96.2%
Jasper Products LLC 0.0%
Leonetti's Frozen Foods $16,338 $16,338 $128,033 ($111,694) (87.2%)
LiDestri Foods Inc $3,452 ($3,452) (100.0%)
Nestle Food Company 0.0%
Olde Thompson $76,248 $76,248 $21,011 $55,237 262.9%
Olds Products Company $603,112 $603,112 $1,134,664 ($531,552) (46.8%)
Pacific World Corporation $29,300 $29,300 $29,300 0.0%
PostDevelopments Inc LLC/MOM
Consumer Brands $843,358 $843,358 $4,730,143 ($3,886,785) (82.2%)
Brands $38,691 $32,707 $12,759 $84,158 $84,158 0.0%
Red Gold Inc $2,048,861 $2,048,861 $6,087,387 ($4,038,527) (66.3%)
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC $3,003,824 $931,013 $990,897 $4,925,734 $3,129,079 $1,796,655 57.4%
Rudolph Foods Co $19,162 $19,162 $49,433 ($30,271) (61.2%)
So Good So You $68,398 $68,398 $71,731 ($3,332) (4.6%)
Spectrum Brands/Rayovac $798,574 $798,574 $1,509,905 ($711,331) (47.1%)
Sugar Foods Corp $1,009,402 $288,174 $327,242 $1,624,818 $1,862,346 ($237,528) (12.8%)
Tower Laboratories $58,036 $58,036 $98,670 ($40,633) (41.2%)
Trans-Herbe Inc $512,827 $512,827 $821,586 ($308,759) (37.6%) Albertsons Companies Master Total
Ventura Foods LLC $193,287 $193,287 $193,287 0.0% Grand Total
Vi-Jon, LLC $985,949 $985,949 $2,823,385 ($1,837,436) (65.1%)
Volpi Foods $62,528 $62,528 $311,354 ($248,826) (79.9%)
Power BI Snapshot

Supplier Part January2021 February2021 March2021 Sum of Sales Sum of SalesSum of SaleSum of Brkg % Chg
Apotex Corp 20445.9 20445.9 189982.7 -169536.8 -0.89238
Baumer Foods 40497.50 10915.56 896.40 52309.46 65250.03 -12940.57 -0.198323
Culture Club LLC 3.88 -3.88 -1
Dobi & Associa 843.44 843.44 103244.9 -102401.5 -0.991831
Essence Water 2379.63 2379.63 16340.23 -13960.6 -0.85437
Farmer Bros C 65495.40 65495.4 65495.4
Global Materia 21734.48 21734.48 34677.84 -12943.36 -0.373246
Heartland Foo 739665.06 739665.06 1242230.93 -502565.9 -0.404567
Hsin Tung Ya 3489.40 1121.00 4610.4 2349.82 2260.58 0.9620226
Leonetti's Fro 16338.26 16338.26 128032.54 -111694.3 -0.87239

LiDestri Foods Inc 3451.68 -3451.68 -1

Olde Thompso 76248.08 76248.08 21011.45 55236.63 2.6288823
Olds Product 603112.46 603112.46 1134664.32 -531551.9 -0.468466
Pacific World 29300.21 29300.21 29300.21
PL Developmen 843358.48 843358.48 4730143.31 -3886785 -0.821706
Post Consume 38690.88 32707.44 12759.42 84157.74 84157.74
Red Gold Inc 2048860.54 2048860.54 6087387.3 -4038527 -0.663425
Royal Oak Ent 3003824.02 931012.87 990897.32 4925734.21 3129079.14 1796655 0.5741801
Rudolph Food 19162.07 19162.07 49433.31 -30271.24 -0.612365
So Good So Y 68398.16 68398.16 71730.6 -3332.44 -0.046458
Spectrum Bra 798573.64 798573.64 1509904.98 -711331.3 -0.47111
Sugar Foods 1009402.39 288173.76 327241.84 1624817.99 1862346.13 -237528.1 -0.127542
Tower Laborat 58036.34 58036.34 98669.57 -40633.23 -0.411811
Trans-Herbe I 512826.95 512826.95 821585.96 -308759 -0.375809
Ventura Food 193286.61 193286.61 193286.61
Vi-Jon, LLC 985948.57 985948.57 2823384.67 -1837436 -0.650792
Volpi Foods 62528.31 62528.31 311354.46 -248826.2 -0.799173
11262446.78 1263930.63 1331794.98 13858172.39 24436260 -10578087 -0.432885
11262446.78 1263930.63 1331794.98 13858172.39 24436260 -10578087 -0.432885
Albertsons Companies Master BOBJ SNAPSHOT Power BI Snapshot
2021 2021 2021 Previous Yr
Principal Name 1 2 3 Current Yr Total Variance % Change
January February March
Time Frame
2021 2021 2021 Row LRow Label January20 February2 March2021
Supplier Partner Name Total Brkg LY Brkg Chg Brkg % Chg
Grand Total $207,522 $22,628 $23,672 $253,822 $437,304 ($183,481) (42.0%) Alber Apotex Cor562.2626
Apotex Corp $562 $562 $5,225 ($4,662) (89.2%) Baumer Foo 1214.925 327.4668 26.892

Baumer Foods Inc $1,215 $327 $27 $1,569 $1,958 ($388) (19.8%) Culture Club LLC
Bay Valley Foods 0.0% Dobi & Ass30.4882
Culture Club LLC $0 ($0) (100.0%) Essence Wa 71.3889

Dobi & Associates Inc $30 $30 $3,296 ($3,265) (99.1%) Farmer Bro1964.862
Essence Water, Inc $71 $71 $490 ($419) (85.4%) Global Mat652.0344
Farmer Bros Coffee $1,965 $1,965 $1,965 0.0% Heartland 22189.9518
Global Material Technologies INC $652 $652 $1,040 ($388) (37.3%) Hsin Tung 174.47 56.05

Heartland Food Products Group $22,190 $22,190 $37,525 ($15,335) (40.9%) Leonetti's 653.5304

Hsin Tung Yang Foods Co dba Fusion Ranch $174 $56 $231 $117 $113 96.2% LiDestri Foods Inc
Jasper Products LLC 0.0% Olde Thom2287.4424
Leonetti's Frozen Foods $654 $654 $5,121 ($4,468) (87.2%) Olds Prod 12062.2492
LiDestri Foods Inc $69 ($69) (100.0%) Pacific Wor755.8853
Nestle Food Company 0.0% PL Develop16867.1696
Olde Thompson $2,287 $2,287 $630 $1,657 262.9% Post Cons 773.8176 654.1488 255.1884

Olds Products Company $12,062 $12,062 $22,810 ($10,748) (47.1%) Red Gold I37303.1053
Pacific World Corporation $756 $756 $756 0.0% Royal Oak 51065.0067 15827.2191 16845.2542

PL Developments Inc $16,867 $16,867 $94,603 ($77,736) (82.2%) Rudolph F 766.4828

Post Consumer Brands LLC/MOM Brands $774 $654 $255 $1,683 $1,683 0.0% So Good S2051.9448
Red Gold Inc $37,303 $37,303 $107,482 ($70,179) (65.3%) Spectrum 12777.1791
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC $51,065 $15,827 $16,845 $83,737 $53,426 $30,312 56.7% Sugar Food20188.0478 5763.4752 6544.8368

Rudolph Foods Co $766 $766 $1,977 ($1,211) (61.2%) Tower Labo1741.0902

So Good So You $2,052 $2,052 $2,152 ($100) (4.6%) Trans-Herb19697.2954
Spectrum Brands/Rayovac $12,777 $12,777 $24,158 ($11,381) (47.1%) Ventura Fo1044.8082
Sugar Foods Corp $20,188 $5,763 $6,545 $32,496 $37,247 ($4,751) (12.8%) Vi-Jon, LL 0.9929
Tower Laboratories $1,741 $1,741 $2,960 ($1,219) (41.2%) Volpi Food625.2831
Trans-Herbe Inc $19,697 $19,697 $31,893 ($12,196) (38.2%) Grand Tota 207521.7 22628.36 23672.17
Ventura Foods LLC $1,045 $1,045 $1,045 0.0%
Vi-Jon, LLC $1 $1 $10 ($9) (89.6%)
Volpi Foods $625 $625 $3,114 ($2,488) (79.9%)
Sum of BroSum of BrkSum of BrkSum of Brkg % Chg
562.2626 5224.525 -4662.262 -0.89238
1569.284 1957.501 -388.2171 -0.198323
0.1164 -0.1164 -1
30.4882 3295.65 -3265.162 -0.990749
71.3889 490.2069 -418.818 -0.85437
1964.862 1964.862
652.0344 1040.335 -388.3008 -0.373246
22189.95 37525.09 -15335.14 -0.408664
230.52 117.491 113.029 0.962023
653.5304 5121.302 -4467.771 -0.87239

69.0336 -69.0336 -1
2287.442 630.3435 1657.099 2.628882
12062.25 22810.48 -10748.24 -0.471197
755.8853 755.8853
16867.17 94602.87 -77735.7 -0.821706
1683.155 1683.155
37303.11 107481.6 -70178.54 -0.652935
83737.48 53425.8 30311.68 0.56736
766.4828 1977.332 -1210.85 -0.612365
2051.945 2151.918 -99.9732 -0.046458
12777.18 24158.48 -11381.3 -0.47111
32496.36 37246.92 -4750.563 -0.127542
1741.09 2960.087 -1219 -0.411811
19697.3 31893.4 -12196.1 -0.382402
1044.808 1044.808
0.9929 9.5214 -8.5285 -0.895719
625.2831 3113.545 -2488.262 -0.799173
253822.2 437303.6 -183481 -0.419574
Albertsons Companies Master BOBJ SNAPSHOT
2021 2021 2021 Previous Yr
Principal Name 1 2 3 Current Yr Total Variance % Change
January February March
Time Frame
2021 2021 2021 Business Unit Master Name
Supplier Partner Name Total Units LY Units Chg Brkg % Chg
Grand Total 8,007,296 127,795 145,170 8,280,261 15,047,558 (6,767,297) (45.0%) Albertsons Companies Master
Apotex Corp 1,938 1,938 30,798 (28,860) (93.7%)
Baumer Foods Inc 29,445 1,044 90 30,579 47,818 (17,239) (36.1%)
Bay Valley Foods 0.0%
Culture Club LLC 2 (2) (100.0%)
Dobi & Associates Inc 325 325 5,785 (5,460) (94.4%)
Essence Water, Inc 1,738 1,738 8,803 (7,065) (80.3%)
Farmer Bros Coffee 14,421 14,421 14,421 0.0%
Global Material Technologies INC 27,512 27,512 43,896 (16,384) (37.3%)
Heartland Food Products Group 468,069 468,069 711,420 (243,351) (34.2%)

Hsin Tung Yang Foods Co dba Fusion Ranch 554 35 589 784 (195) (24.9%)
Jasper Products LLC 0.0%
Leonetti's Frozen Foods 6,790 6,790 38,925 (32,135) (82.6%)
LiDestri Foods Inc 204 (204) (100.0%)
Nestle Food Company 0.0%
Olde Thompson 19,348 19,348 4,414 14,934 338.3%
Olds Products Company 810,649 810,649 1,472,328 (661,679) (44.9%)
Pacific World Corporation 47,906 47,906 47,906 0.0%
PL Developments Inc 433,288 433,288 1,371,313 (938,025) (68.4%)
Post Consumer Brands LLC/MOM Brands 2,514 2,142 815 5,471 5,471 0.0%
Red Gold Inc 2,994,452 2,994,452 5,368,891 (2,374,439) (44.2%)
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC 685,117 96,528 109,437 891,082 565,254 325,828 57.6%
Rudolph Foods Co 8,866 8,866 20,567 (11,701) (56.9%)
So Good So You 29,993 29,993 30,610 (617) (2.0%)
Spectrum Brands/Rayovac 356,260 356,260 662,445 (306,185) (46.2%)
Sugar Foods Corp 787,021 28,046 34,828 849,895 1,151,820 (301,925) (26.2%)
Tower Laboratories 29,748 29,748 50,601 (20,853) (41.2%)
Trans-Herbe Inc 306,045 306,045 486,916 (180,871) (37.1%)
Ventura Foods LLC 61,872 61,872 61,872 0.0%
Vi-Jon, LLC 846,426 846,426 2,883,980 (2,037,554) (70.7%)
Volpi Foods 36,999 36,999 89,984 (52,985) (58.9%)
Power BI Snapshot

Supplier Partner Name January20 February2 March2021Sum of UniSum of UniSum of UniSum of Units Chg %
Apotex Corp 1938 1938 30798 -28860 -0.937074
Baumer Foods Inc 29445 1044 90 30579 47818 -17239 -0.360513
Culture Club LLC 2 -2 -1
Dobi & Associates Inc 325 325 5785 -5460 -0.94382
Essence Water, Inc 1738 1738 8803 -7065 -0.802567
Farmer Bros Coffee 14421 14421 14421
Global Material Technologies INC 27512 27512 43896 -16384 -0.373246
Heartland Food Products Group 468069 468069 711420 -243351 -0.342064
Hsin Tung Yang Foods Co 554 35 589 784 -195 -0.248724
Leonetti's Frozen Foods 6790 6790 38925 -32135 -0.825562

LiDestri Foods Inc 204 -204 -1

Olde Thompson 19348 19348 4414 14934 3.383326
Olds Products Company 810649 810649 1472328 -661679 -0.44941
Pacific World Corporation 47906 47906 47906
PL Developments Inc 433288 433288 1371313 -938025 -0.684034
Post Consumer Brands LLC/MOM Brands 2514 2142 815 5471 5471
Red Gold Inc 2994452 2994452 5368891 -2374439 -0.442259
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC 685117 96528 109437 891082 565254 325828 0.576428
Rudolph Foods Co 8866 8866 20567 -11701 -0.568921
So Good So You 29993 29993 30610 -617 -0.020157
Spectrum Brands/Rayovac 356260 356260 662445 -306185 -0.462204
Sugar Foods Corp 787021 28046 34828 849895 1151820 -301925 -0.262129
Tower Laboratories 29748 29748 50601 -20853 -0.412106
Trans-Herbe Inc 306045 306045 486916 -180871 -0.371462
Ventura Foods LLC 61872 61872 61872
Vi-Jon, LLC 846426 846426 2883980 -2037554 -0.706508
Volpi Foods 36999 36999 89984 -52985 -0.588827
Grand Total 8007296 127795 145170 8280261 15047558 -6767297 -0.449727
Albertsons Companies Master BOBJ SNAPSHOT Power BI Snapshot
Principal Account Name 2021
1 2021
2 2021
3 Current Yr Sales Previous Yr Sales % Change
January February March
Cash Receipts Cash Receipts %
2021 2021 2021
Supplier Partner name Cash Receipts Cash Receipts LY Chg Chg Business Unit Master Name
Grand Total: $24,656 $39,220 $10,250 $74,125 $190,233 ($116,108) (61.0%) Albertsons Companies Master
Apotex Corp
Bay Valley Foods $2 ($2) (100.0%)
Essence Water, Inc
Farmer Bros Coffee
Global Material Technologies INC
Heartland Food Products Group ($106) ($106) $8,525 ($8,631) (101.2%)
LiDestri Foods Inc
Nestle Food Company $25 $25 $25
Olds Products Company ($1,610) $69 $193 ($1,348) $236 ($1,584) (670.4%)
Pacific World Corporation
PL Developments Inc ($239) ($239) $24,171 ($24,410) (101.0%)
Red Gold Inc $16,668 $26,353 $43,021 $52,097 ($9,076) (17.4%)
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC ($16,866) ($7,869) ($24,735) $43,882 ($68,617) (156.4%)
So Good So You $561 ($561) (100.0%)
Spectrum Brands/Rayovac
Sugar Foods Corp $6,660 $8,407 $7,057 $22,124 $14,281 $7,843 54.9%
Tower Laboratories
Trans-Herbe Inc $18,759 $11,485 $30,244 $28,514 $1,731 6.1%
Ventura Foods LLC $557 $557 $557
Supplier Partner Name January2021 February2021 March2021 Sum of Cash Receipts Sum of Cash Receipts LY Sum of Cash Receipts Chg
ACH Food Companies 0 0 0 0
AJM Packaging Corp 0 0
Aurora Organic Dairy 0 0
C & F Foods Inc (DO NOT USE) 0 0 0 0
Camerican Intl 0 0 0
Carl Buddig & Co. 0 0
CH Guenther & Son Inc 0 0 0 0
Frozen Specialties Inc 0 0
Gel Spice Company LLC (DO NOT USE) (USE 10955/10955) 0 0
Global Packaging 0 0 0 0
Grassland Dairy Products Inc 0 0
HABA a Div of Davion Inc 0 0 0 0
Hsin Tung Yang Foods Co 0 0 0
Independent Foods LLC 0 0
Johanna Foods Inc 0 0
Johnsonville Foods 0 0
Karlin Food Products Inc 0 0 0 0 0
KC Pharmaceuticals Inc 0 0
Knouse Foods Cooperative Inc 0 0 0 0
Leclerc Foods Intl Ltd 0 0
National Raisin Company 0 0 0 0 0

National Sugar Co LLC 0 0 0 0

Sum of Cash Receipts % Chg
Albertsons Companies Master BOBJ SNAPSHOT Power BI Snapshot

2021 2021 2021

Previous Yr
Principal Name 1 2 3 Variance % Change
January February March Time Frame Previous Yr
Supplier Partner Name 2021 2021 2021 Total Total Change % Change Business U
Sales $11,262,447 $1,263,931 $1,331,795 $13,858,172 $24,436,260 ($10,578,087) (43.3%) Albertsons Companies Master
Brokerage $207,522 $22,628 $23,672 $253,822 $437,304 ($183,481) (42.0%)
Grand Total
Cash Receipts $24,656 $39,220 $10,250 $74,125 $190,233 ($116,108) (61.0%)
Units 8,007,296 127,795 145,170 8,280,261 15,047,558 (6,767,297) (45.0%)
Apotex Corp Sales $20,446 $20,446 $189,983 ($169,537) (89.2%)
Brokerage $562 $562 $5,225 ($4,662) (89.2%)
Cash Receipts
Units 1,938 1,938 30,798 (28,860) (93.7%)
Baumer Foods Inc Sales $40,498 $10,916 $896 $52,309 $65,250 ($12,941) (19.8%)
Brokerage $1,215 $327 $27 $1,569 $1,958 ($388) (19.8%)
Cash Receipts $484 $891 $1,375 $1,300 $75 5.8%
Units 29,445 1,044 90 30,579 47,818 (17,239) (36.1%)
Bay Valley Foods Sales 0.0%
Brokerage 0.0%
Cash Receipts $2 ($2) (100.0%)
Culture Club LLC Sales $4 ($4) (100.0%)
Brokerage $0 ($0) (100.0%)
Cash Receipts
Units 2 (2) (100.0%)
Dobi & Associates Inc Sales $843 $843 $103,245 ($102,401) (99.2%)
Brokerage $30 $30 $3,296 ($3,265) (99.1%)
Cash Receipts $2,728 ($2,728) (100.0%)
Units 325 325 5,785 (5,460) (94.4%)
Essence Water, Inc Sales $2,380 $2,380 $16,340 ($13,961) (85.4%)
Essence Water, Inc
Brokerage $71 $71 $490 ($419) (85.4%)
Cash Receipts
Units 1,738 1,738 8,803 (7,065) (80.3%)
Farmer Bros Coffee Sales $65,495 $65,495 $65,495 0.0%
Brokerage $1,965 $1,965 $1,965 0.0%
Cash Receipts
Units 14,421 14,421 14,421
Global Material Technologies INC Sales $21,734 $21,734 $34,678 ($12,943) (37.3%)
Brokerage $652 $652 $1,040 ($388) (37.3%)
Cash Receipts
Units 27,512 27,512 43,896 (16,384) (37.3%)
Heartland Food Products Group Sales $739,665 $739,665 $1,242,231 ($502,566) (40.5%)
Brokerage $22,190 $22,190 $37,525 ($15,335) (40.9%)
Cash Receipts ($106) ($106) $8,525 ($8,631) (101.2%)
Units 468,069 468,069 711,420 (243,351) (34.2%)
Hsin Tung Yang Foods Co dba Fusion Sales $3,489 $1,121 $4,610 $2,350 $2,261 96.2%
Ranch $231 $117 $113 96.2%
Brokerage $174 $56
Cash Receipts
Units 554 35 589 784 (195) (24.9%)
Jasper Products LLC Sales 0.0%
Brokerage 0.0%
Cash Receipts ($0) $0
Leonetti's Frozen Foods Sales $16,338 $16,338 $128,033 ($111,694) (87.2%)
Brokerage $654 $654 $5,121 ($4,468) (87.2%)
Cash Receipts $561 $455 $1,016 $3,937 ($2,921) (74.2%)
Units 6,790 6,790 38,925 (32,135) (82.6%)
LiDestri Foods Inc Sales $3,452 ($3,452) (100.0%)
Brokerage $69 ($69) (100.0%)
Cash Receipts
Units 204 (204) (100.0%)
Nestle Food Company Sales 0.0%
Brokerage 0.0%
Nestle Food Company

Cash Receipts $25 $25 $25

Olde Thompson Sales $76,248 $76,248 $21,011 $55,237 262.9%
Brokerage $2,287 $2,287 $630 $1,657 262.9%
Cash Receipts $2,205 ($2,205) (100.0%)
Units 19,348 19,348 4,414 14,934 338.3%
Olds Products Company Sales $603,112 $603,112 $1,134,664 ($531,552) (46.8%)
Brokerage $12,062 $12,062 $22,810 ($10,748) (47.1%)
Cash Receipts ($1,610) $69 $193 ($1,348) $236 ($1,584) (670.4%)
Units 810,649 810,649 1,472,328 (661,679) (44.9%) Grand Total
Pacific World Corporation Sales $29,300 $29,300 $29,300 0.0%
Brokerage $756 $756 $756 0.0%
Cash Receipts
Units 47,906 47,906 47,906
PL Developments Inc Sales $843,358 $843,358 $4,730,143 ($3,886,785) (82.2%)
Brokerage $16,867 $16,867 $94,603 ($77,736) (82.2%)
Cash Receipts ($239) ($239) $24,171 ($24,410) (101.0%)
Units 433,288 433,288 1,371,313 (938,025) (68.4%)
Post Consumer Brands LLC/MOM Sales $38,691 $32,707 $12,759 $84,158 $84,158 0.0%
Brands $1,683 $1,683 0.0%
Brokerage $774 $654 $255
Cash Receipts
Units 2,514 2,142 815 5,471 5,471
Red Gold Inc Sales $2,048,861 $2,048,861 $6,087,387 ($4,038,527) (66.3%)
Brokerage $37,303 $37,303 $107,482 ($70,179) (65.3%)
Cash Receipts $16,668 $26,353 $43,021 $52,097 ($9,076) (17.4%)
Units 2,994,452 2,994,452 5,368,891 (2,374,439) (44.2%)
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC Sales $3,003,824 $931,013 $990,897 $4,925,734 $3,129,079 $1,796,655 57.4%
Brokerage $51,065 $15,827 $16,845 $83,737 $53,426 $30,312 56.7%
Cash Receipts ($16,866) ($7,869) ($24,735) $43,882 ($68,617) (156.4%)
Units 685,117 96,528 109,437 891,082 565,254 325,828 57.6%
Rudolph Foods Co Sales $19,162 $19,162 $49,433 ($30,271) (61.2%)
Brokerage $766 $766 $1,977 ($1,211) (61.2%)
Cash Receipts
Rudolph Foods Co

Units 8,866 8,866 20,567 (11,701) (56.9%)

So Good So You Sales $68,398 $68,398 $71,731 ($3,332) (4.6%)
Brokerage $2,052 $2,052 $2,152 ($100) (4.6%)
Cash Receipts $561 ($561) (100.0%)
Units 29,993 29,993 30,610 (617) (2.0%)
Spectrum Brands/Rayovac Sales $798,574 $798,574 $1,509,905 ($711,331) (47.1%)
Brokerage $12,777 $12,777 $24,158 ($11,381) (47.1%)
Cash Receipts
Units 356,260 356,260 662,445 (306,185) (46.2%)
Sugar Foods Corp Sales $1,009,402 $288,174 $327,242 $1,624,818 $1,862,346 ($237,528) (12.8%)
Brokerage $20,188 $5,763 $6,545 $32,496 $37,247 ($4,751) (12.8%)
Cash Receipts $6,660 $8,407 $7,057 $22,124 $14,281 $7,843 54.9%
Units 787,021 28,046 34,828 849,895 1,151,820 (301,925) (26.2%)
Tower Laboratories Sales $58,036 $58,036 $98,670 ($40,633) (41.2%)
Brokerage $1,741 $1,741 $2,960 ($1,219) (41.2%)
Cash Receipts
Units 29,748 29,748 50,601 (20,853) (41.2%)
Trans-Herbe Inc Sales $512,827 $512,827 $821,586 ($308,759) (37.6%)
Brokerage $19,697 $19,697 $31,893 ($12,196) (38.2%)
Cash Receipts $18,759 $11,485 $30,244 $28,514 $1,731 6.1%
Units 306,045 306,045 486,916 (180,871) (37.1%)
Ventura Foods LLC Sales $193,287 $193,287 $193,287 0.0%
Brokerage $1,045 $1,045 $1,045 0.0%
Cash Receipts $557 $557 $557
Units 61,872 61,872 61,872
Vi-Jon, LLC Sales $985,949 $985,949 $2,823,385 ($1,837,436) (65.1%)
Brokerage $1 $1 $10 ($9) (89.6%)
Cash Receipts $2,190 $2,190 $7,793 ($5,603) (71.9%)
Units 846,426 846,426 2,883,980 (2,037,554) (70.7%)
Volpi Foods Sales $62,528 $62,528 $311,354 ($248,826) (79.9%)
Brokerage $625 $625 $3,114 ($2,488) (79.9%)
Cash Receipts
Units 36,999 36,999 89,984 (52,985) (58.9%)
Power BI Snapshot

January2021 February2021

Supplier Partner Name Sum of Sales Sum of Brokerage Sum of Cash Recipt Sum of Units Sum of Sales Sum of Brokerage Sum of Cash Recipt
Albertsons Companies Master 11262446.78 207521.7137 24655.94 8007296 1263930.63 22628.3599 39219.52
ACH Food Companies 0
AJM Packaging Corp
Apotex Corp 20445.9 562.2626 0 1938
Aurora Organic Dairy
Baumer Foods Inc 40497.5 1214.925 483.93 29445 10915.56 327.4668 0
Bay Valley Foods
C & F Foods Inc (DO NOT USE) 0
Camerican Intl 0
Carl Buddig & Co.
CH Guenther & Son Inc 0
Culture Club LLC
Dobi & Associates Inc 843.44 30.4882 0 325 0
Essence Water, Inc 2379.63 71.3889 0 1738 0
Farmer Bros Coffee 65495.4 1964.862 0 14421
Frozen Specialties Inc
Gel Spice Company LLC (DO NOT USE) (USE 10955/10955)
Global Material Technologies INC 21734.48 652.0344 0 27512
Global Packaging
Grassland Dairy Products Inc
HABA a Div of Davion Inc 0
Heartland Food Products Group 739665.06 22189.9518 0 468069 0
Hsin Tung Yang Foods Co 3489.4 174.47 0 554 1121 56.05
Independent Foods LLC
Jasper Products LLC
Johanna Foods Inc
Johnsonville Foods
Karlin Food Products Inc 0
KC Pharmaceuticals Inc
Knouse Foods Cooperative Inc 0
Leclerc Foods Intl Ltd
Leonetti's Frozen Foods 16338.26 653.5304 561 6790 455.41
LiDestri Foods Inc 0
National Raisin Company 0
National Sugar Co LLC 0
Natural Fruit Corp
Nestle Food Company
Niagara Bottling LLC
Nielsen Citrus Products/Suntree Products
Olde Thompson 76248.08 2287.4424 0 19348
Olds Products Company 603112.46 12062.2492 -1609.65 810649 68.95
Pacific World Corporation 29300.21 755.8853 47906
Pasco Foods Inc
Peak Food LLC/Oppenheimer Companies Inc 0
Pet Brands Products LLC
Pic Corporation
PL Developments Inc 843358.48 16867.1696 0 433288 -238.61
Post Consumer Brands LLC/MOM Brands 38690.88 773.8176 2514 32707.44 654.1488
Red Gold Inc 2048860.54 37303.1053 16667.96 2994452 26352.81
Republic Plastics 0
Reynolds Consumer Products/Presto Products 0
Rockline Industries Inc 0
Royal Oak Enterprises LLC 3003824.02 51065.0067 -16865.7 685117 931012.87 15827.2191 -7868.8
Rudolph Foods Co 19162.07 766.4828 0 8866
Saputo Cheese USA 0
Shearers Foods Inc
So Good So You 68398.16 2051.9448 0 29993
Spectrum Brands/Rayovac 798573.64 12777.1791 0 356260
Sugar Foods Corp 1009402.39 20188.0478 6659.58 787021 288173.76 5763.4752 8407.25
Tower Laboratories 58036.34 1741.0902 0 29748
Trans-Herbe Inc 512826.95 19697.2954 18758.82 306045 11485.37
Trophy Nut Co 0
US Cotton LLC 0
Ventura Foods LLC 193286.61 1044.8082 0 61872 557.14
Vi-Jon, LLC 985948.57 0.9929 0 846426
Volpi Foods 62528.31 625.2831 0 36999
Western Sugar Co 0
Grand Total 11262446.78 207521.7137 24655.94 8007296 1263930.63 22628.3599 39219.52

Sum of Units Sum of Sales Sum of Brokerage Sum of Cash Recipt Sum of Units Sum of SalSum of SalSum of SalSum of Sa Sum of BroSum of BroSum of Br Sum of 'C2Sum of Cas
127795 1331794.98 23672.1714 10249.75 145170 13858172 24436260 -10578087 -0.432885 253822.25 437303.59 -183481.3 -0.419574 74125.21

20445.9 189982.7 -169536.8 -0.89238 562.2626 5224.5247 -4662.262 -0.89238 0

1044 896.4 26.892 891.13 90 52309.46 65250.03 -12940.57 -0.198323 1569.2838 1957.5009 -388.2171 -0.198323 1375.06


3.88 -3.88 -1 0.1164 -0.1164 -1
0 843.44 103244.9 -102401.5 -0.991831 30.4882 3295.6504 -3265.162 -0.990749 0
2379.63 16340.23 -13960.6 -0.85437 71.3889 490.2069 -418.818 -0.85437 0
65495.4 65495.4 1964.862 1964.862 0

0 21734.48 34677.84 -12943.36 -0.373246 652.0344 1040.3352 -388.3008 -0.373246 0

0 0

-106.15 739665.06 1242231 -502565.9 -0.404567 22189.952 37525.09 -15335.14 -0.408664 -106.15
35 4610.4 2349.82 2260.58 0.9620226 230.52 117.491 113.029 0.9620226 0
0 0

16338.26 128032.54 -111694.3 -0.87239 653.5304 5121.3016 -4467.771 -0.87239 1016.41

3451.68 -3451.68 -1 69.0336 -69.0336 -1 0
0 0

24.62 24.62

76248.08 21011.45 55236.63 2.6288823 2287.4424 630.3435 1657.0989 2.6288823 0

193.03 603112.46 1134664 -531551.9 -0.468466 12062.249 22810.484 -10748.24 -0.471197 -1347.67
29300.21 29300.21 755.8853 755.8853

0 0

0 0
0 843358.48 4730143 -3886785 -0.821706 16867.17 94602.866 -77735.7 -0.821706 -238.61
2142 12759.42 255.1884 815 84157.74 84157.74 1683.1548 1683.1548
0 2048861 6087387.3 -4038527 -0.663425 37303.105 107481.65 -70178.54 -0.652935 43020.77
0 0
0 0
96528 990897.32 16845.2542 0 109437 4925734 3129079 1796655 0.5741801 83737.48 53425.795 30311.685 0.5673605 -24734.5
19162.07 49433.31 -30271.24 -0.612365 766.4828 1977.3324 -1210.85 -0.612365 0
0 0

68398.16 71730.6 -3332.44 -0.046458 2051.9448 2151.918 -99.9732 -0.046458 0

798573.64 1509905 -711331.3 -0.47111 12777.179 24158.478 -11381.3 -0.47111 0
28046 327241.84 6544.8368 7057.12 34828 1624818 1862346 -237528.1 -0.127542 32496.36 37246.923 -4750.563 -0.127542 22123.95
58036.34 98669.57 -40633.23 -0.411811 1741.0902 2960.0871 -1218.997 -0.411811 0
0 512826.95 821585.96 -308759 -0.375809 19697.295 31893.396 -12196.1 -0.382402 30244.19
193286.61 193286.61 1044.8082 1044.8082 557.14
2190 985948.57 2823385 -1837436 -0.650792 0.9929 9.5214 -8.5285 -0.895719 2190
36999 89984 -52985 -0.588827

127795 1331794.98 23672.1714 10249.75 145170 8280261 15047558 -6767297 -0.449727

Sum of CasSum of Ca Sum of Ca Sum of UniSum of UniSum of UniSum of 'C25-Unit-Measures'[Unit-Chg%]
190232.87 -116107.7 -0.610345 8280261 15047558 -6767297 -0.449727
0 0
0 0
0 1938 30798 -28860 -0.937074
0 0
1299.64 75.42 0.0580315 30579 47818 -17239 -0.360513
2.07 -2.07 -1
0 0
0 0
0 0
2 -2 -1
2728.4 -2728.4 -1 325 5785 -5460 -0.94382
0 1738 8803 -7065 -0.802567
0 14421 14421
0 0
0 0
0 0 27512 43896 -16384 -0.373246
0 0
0 0
0 0
8525.05 -8631.2 -1.012452 468069 711420 -243351 -0.342064
0 589 784 -195 -0.248724
0 0
-0.48 0.48 -1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
3937.23 -2920.82 -0.741846 6790 38925 -32135 -0.825562
0 0 204 -204 -1
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
2204.98 -2204.98 -1 19348 4414 14934 3.3833258
236.27 -1583.94 -6.70394 810649 1472328 -661679 -0.44941
47906 47906
0 0
0 0
0 0
0 0
24171.38 -24409.99 -1.009872 433288 1371313 -938025 -0.684034
0 0 5471 5471
52096.9 -9076.13 -0.174216 2994452 5368891 -2374439 -0.442259
0 0
0 0
43882.13 -68616.63 -1.563658 891082 565254 325828 0.5764276
0 8866 20567 -11701 -0.568921
0 0
0 0
560.95 -560.95 -1 29993 30610 -617 -0.020157
0 356260 662445 -306185 -0.462204
14281.29 7842.66 0.5491563 849895 1151820 -301925 -0.262129
0 29748 50601 -20853 -0.412106
28513.66 1730.53 0.0606913 306045 486916 -180871 -0.371462
0 0
0 0
557.14 61872 61872
7793.4 -5603.4 -0.718993 846426 2883980 -2037554 -0.706508

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