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Supervisor :

Naajihah Mafruudloh, M.Pd

Arranged By :

1. Muhammad Khusni Mubarrok (2002070056)

2. Elsa Fatika Widhiani (2002070063)
3. Meita Catur Kurnia Putri (2002070064)
4. Fadilla Faridatun Jannah (2002070066)





Names of group members : 1. Muhammad Khusni Mubarrok (2002070056)

2. Elsa Fatika Widhiani (2002070063)

3. Meita Catur Kurnia Putri (2002070064)

4. Fadilla faridatun Jannah (2002070066)

Department : Hospital Administration

Higher Education : University of Muhammadiyah Lamongan

Title of Paper : Analyzing international journals I

Lamongan, 16 juni 2021

Who makes a statement Who Gives the Endorsement

(.........................................) (.........................................)


We give thanks to the presence of Allah SWT, because thanks to His grace, knowledge and
guidance, all understanding is perfect. Also do not forget that all blessings and best wishes will
always be bestowed on the most honorable prophet, our role model Muhammad SAW.
But the author realizes that there are still many shortcomings and mistakes in the
preparation of this paper, because it is still in the learning process. Therefore, we hope that
readers who provide constructive criticism to improve the preparation of future papers. We do
not forget to thank the lecturers who have guided us in the preparation of this paper, as well as
friends who have contributed in the form of ideas, ideas, thoughts etc.
Hopefully this paper can add to the scientific repertoire, especially for us as compilers
and generally for all readers. Aamiin.

Lamongan, 16 juni 2021



ENDORSEMENT PAGE………………………………………...…...…………..2


TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………...…..4

A. Backround …………………………………………………...……………5
B. Formulation Of The Problem……………………………...………………5
C. Purpose ……………………………………………………...…………….5

A. Definition of journals………………………………………………………6
B. Component of journals……………………………………………………..6
C. Function of journals…………………………….…………………………..7
D. Language used of journals………….. ……………..…………………………………8

A. Closing……………….…………………………………………………….10


A. Background
Scientific journals are a strategic tool in developing the competence of lecturers and
researchers in Indonesia. Scientific publication is the main requirement for promotion and
demonstrates the reputation of an academician's expertise at the national and international
level. The fact shows that the need for this publication does not match the difficulty of
many scientific journals in Indonesia to publish regularly due to the inability to obtain
articles that are worthy of publication.
Publication in journals is a pathway to academic reputation and career as an academic.
The authors wish to publish in the journal who is known to have published research results
that are read and cited by many researchers. The famous journal contains all academics,
which later aired a lot (Murray, 2009). Writings leading scientists (some won Nobel
prizes) in magazines Nature or Science in the field of science can boost popularity of these
journals. University-affiliated journal famous, for example Harvard Business Review is
not the highest in terms of the number of citations or impact factors, but the journal
contains content the writings of business thinkers and pioneers, such as Michael Porter
(strategy), Robert Kaplan (accounting) and John Kotter (leadership).
B. Formulation Of The Problem
1. What is meant by journals ?
2. What are the components of a journals ?
3. What is the function of the journals ?
4. How is the language used in the journal ?

C. Purpose
To explain about journals.


A journal is a periodic publication in the form of articles that are published
regularly, in this case the journal is usually published at certain time intervals such as
every 4 months or every 1 year. There are several types of journals, including
Professional or Trade Journals, Popular Journals, and Scholarly Journals. (wikipedia)
In general, journals have a wide range of material but are very dense, only
consisting of 6 to 8 pages, but each sentence is scientifically valuable. The purpose of
making a journal is to develop a research that has been written and become a reference
for other researchers who are conducting similar research activities.
Journals generally contain a number of references that serve as references for
writing each article. The types of articles written are not limited to research reports, but
can also be in the form of literature reviews.

Every scientific journal must have a clear title. By reading the title, it will be
easier for the reader to know the essence of the journal without having to read the
entirety of the journal. The title should not have a double meaning. It is
recommended that there should be no more than 12 Indonesian journal words and
more than 10 English journal words. The title is written at the top center of the page,
in capital letters, and in bold.
Author's name, Name of Supervisor I, Name of Supervisor II, without an
academic degree it is recommended to include the name of the institution (affiliation:
name of study program, faculty, and university), and it is recommended to include
address and email.
Abstract is different from summary. The abstract section in scientific journals
serves to briefly digest the contents of the journal. The abstract here is intended to be
explanatory without referring to the journal. The abstract should present
approximately 250 words summarizing the objectives, methods, results and
conclusions. Do not use abbreviations or citations in the abstract. The abstract must
stand alone without footnotes. This abstract is usually written last. An easy way to
write an abstract is to cite the most important points in each section of the journal.
Then use bullet points to compile a brief description of the journal that has been
made. Abstract writing is typed using 1 space.
The keywords are 3-5 words, taken from the core that will be discussed in the

The introduction contains the background of why the research was conducted, a
description of the problems to be studied, associated with the theory, and ends with
the purpose of the research being carried out. The writing is typed with 2 spaces,
approximately 4-6 pages.
This section describes when the experiment has been carried out. The researcher
explained the experimental design, equipment, data collection methods, and types of
controls. If the experiment is carried out in nature, then the author describes the
research area, location, and also describes the work carried out. The general rule to
remember is that this section should be detailed and clear so that the reader has the
basic knowledge and techniques to publish. Writing Method is typed with 2 spaces,
approximately 1 page.
The discussion can be divided into several sub-sections. Typed in 2 spaces.
Writing approximately 4-6 pages. In the discussion, compare the results of research
with the model or theory referred to, and connect the results of your research and
previous research by showing similarities and discussing the differences. Discussion
is used for qualitative research results, while Results and Discussion are used for
quantitative research results.
In the conclusion that discusses the proof of the hypothesis from the research, it is
written in a concise manner that contains sufficient information so that the reader
knows that he has proven the hypothesis that has been carried out and in knowing the
advantages and disadvantages of the method. And usually there are suggestions that
contain the possibility of further research, and the potentials of the methods used can
be included.
Bibliography on scientific papers is written immediately after the end of the text
(no need to change new pages), while bibliography on papers, books, or research is
written by changing new pages. The type of writing for the bibliography is entitled
LIST OF REFERENCES, in bold, in upright letters, all capitals. The elements listed
in the bibliography consecutively include: (1) the author's name is written in the
following order: last name, first name, and middle name, without an academic
degree, (2) year of publication, (3) title, including subtitle, ( 4) place of publication,
and (5) name of publisher. These elements may vary depending on the type of library

1. The Function of Scientific Journals in Making Backgrounds

The existence of scientific journals is often used as a reference in making the
background of a research such as scientific studies or thesis. You can use it as a
reference for case studies, relevant data or information.

2. The Function of Scientific Journals for Writing Theoretical Framework Research

A study must have a theoretical framework section that contains various chapters
that will be used as further discussion. With scientific journals, you can develop data
and information to make it more quality.
3. Scientific Journals as References for Previous Research
To strengthen the study, it is necessary to have previous research. Then, you can
take advantage of the existence of scientific journals to be used as additional
references, which can later be used as a comparison of the content, themes and titles
of your work.
4. Scientific Journals as Explanation of Research Methodology
Determining the methodology will be easier if accompanied by a similar research.
So, from this example you will get an idea of how the pattern of determining the
method approach is.
5. As an Material to Enrich the Treasures of Science
As time goes by, the existence of scientific journals is increasing. This is
something to be proud of, because it means that you will be more flexible to carry
out the latest research with various existing innovations. The reason is that references
are very important for academic activities.
6. Scientific Journals Are Also Needed to Make a Research Conclusion
Some of you who may not be too involved with the world of research, will think
that writing a conclusion does not require any references. In fact, it's wrong.
Scientific journals are useful for clarifying the final results of previous research.
7. As Teaching Reference Material for Educators\
Apart from the various uses and functions for making research, it turns out that
scientific journals are also very much needed by educators to make teaching
materials. Of course, because taking these references will further broaden your
horizons and lead to innovation.
As mentioned above regarding the functions and uses of scientific journals 2019,
you can use them as relevant reference materials according to your needs. Make sure
the title is chosen properly and pay attention to the accreditation level and ISSN


In general, the use of language in scientific articles must refer to the
characteristics of language including (1) objective, (2) impersonal, (3) technical, and (4)
practical (Gay, 1981; Saragih.1999).
1. Objective
Objective language is a language that describes an experience which for all
audiences of language users, the representation of linguistic experience is seen as the

same. On the other hand, subjective language describes an experience (by the author)
that is different from the experience understood by the audience in understanding the
representation of that experience because the author takes into account personal
attitudes, opinions, and comments. So, the objectivity of language can be increased
by negating or minimizing these personal opinions and attitudes. Because subjective
language exists in the form of epithets or emotional expressions, modalities, mental
processes, and connotative meanings, objectivity can be achieved by eliminating or
minimizing the use of language with the above subjective characteristics.
2. Impersona
The impersonality of language shows the writer's involvement in the text of the
scientific articles he or she composes. In the text of scientific articles, the pronoun
form I, we, we, or the author is not used in order to avoid exposure to the persona
(subjective). Although we admit that scientific work does not exist without the
involvement of the author, the rhetoric of science demands that in the text that
involvement is not shown. To maintain the impersonality of the text so that the
writer's involvement does not appear, the passive voice is used as shown in the
following example.
The sample is determined randomly.
not I/we/the author chose the sample randomly. Languages are divided into four
not I/we/author divides languages into four categories.
3. Technical
Specifically, technical terms are used in scientific articles. There is not a single
discipline without technical terms. Technical means in the context of writing the
terms used are related to terms in one discipline. However, it is recommended not to
use abbreviations (acronyms) that are not commonly used. The use of abbreviations
is carried out by first displaying the full form of the acronym description that will be
made followed by the abbreviation form in the first parentheses. In subsequent texts
the abbreviated form can be used consistently. For example, in 2004 the
Competency-Based Curriculum (KBK) will be implemented. However, until now the
teachers and principals still do not understand the KBK. Even the school does not yet
have an example of a KBK that…. The use of the expression Kur'94 or limpul coins
and other similar forms must be replaced with the 1994 Curriculum and fifty rupiah
4. Practical
The practicality of the language of scientific articles is characterized by the use of
economical and non-taxa (ambigiuous) texts. For example, the word researched and
promoted based on this principle can be used instead of conducting research and
promotion because the first formation is more economical and does not contain
ambiguity. However, the form of the phrase based on, consists of, according to,

depends on cannot be changed to be based on, consists, fits, and depends even
though the form is shorter and
more economical because the first form is a form that has been standardized in


A. Closing
Journal is a periodic publication in the form of articles that are published regularly,
in this case the journal is usually published at certain time intervals such as every 4 months
or every 1 year. There are several types of journals, including Professional or Trade
Journals, Popular Journals, and Scholarly Journals.
Journals generally contain a number of references that serve as references for
writing each article. The types of articles written are not limited to research reports, but can
also be in the form of literature reviews.



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