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^ IIn r


This list contains titles of works in The New York Public
Library on November 1, 1917. The books and articles mentioned
are in the Reference Department, in the Central Building of the
Library at Fifth Avenue and Forty-second Street.



Introduction ------------- PAGE

l_ 9

Bibliography ---- - 10-11

Periodicals - - - - - - - - - - - - -11
General Works 12-13

Discoveries ----------
and Excavations 13-19

General Works




Description and Geography 19-20

Archaeology and Art -----

------------ - 20-27

General Works
Cylinders and Seals

Calendar and Chronology 27-30

History -


General Works

- - - 30-50

Erech, Kish, Lagash, Ur,

etc. 2>Z-Z7

Persian Period, etc.

Social Life 50-51

Personal Names

Law --------------- 53-57

Science --------------
------ 57-63

Astronomy, Astrology and Mathematics

Botany and Zoology


Language and Script 64-72

Decipherment 72-74

Sumerian Language 74-78

Sumerian Liter.\ture and the Sumerians ------- 78-80


IxscRiPTioxs ------------- PAGE

80- 84

Business Documents, Contract Tablets AND Commerce - . - - 85-89

History of Literature - - - - - - - - - - -89

Literature ------.------- 89- 91

Letters --------------91-96
Religion - - - - - - . . 96-105

Cosmogony ------------- 105-107

Divination, Magic and Omens 108-110

Assyriology and the Bible 110-116

Hittites ------------- 116-120

Cappadocian Tablets 121

MiTANNi Language ----------- 121

Index - - ------- 122-143

stories of three discoveries

in their
made in connection

uniqueness any Hterary inventions of the

with the ancient world
human mind;
the tale of Egyptian regeneration, the record of the Babylonian and Assyrian
resurrection, and the chronicle of the refinding of Crete. For many years
the first of these held sway over the interests and the imagination of students
and readers. It was the earliest in the field, — Champollion wrote his cele-

brated "Lettre a Monsieur S. Dacies" in 1822; and through the politics of

Napoleon, Egypt had been brought prominently within the circle of European
concern. It was the first glimpse had by the thoughtful world into a past
beyond that of Greece and Palestine; and the novelty of it all stung to the
quick the imagination of thoughtful readers as well as of students. The
strange hieroglyphics had yielded up their secrets; the picture writing on
the wall, on stone and wood, and on textile had been made responsive; the
halo of the Xile had cast its spell over those that had approached it, and
antiquarians reveled in the wealth of old things upturned.
Upon the other hand, our knowledge of Cretan civilization is so new and
so fragmentary that one hardly dare speak of it in the same breath w'ith

Egyptian and Babylonian affairs; but as Mr. Evans' confreres give, out more
and more of its sealed wisdom, an equally astonishing vista is opened to us
of an old European civilization standing at the gateway that leads to the East
and which may be either the pre- or the after-lude of that eastern world.

Between the older interest in Egypt and the younger in Crete stands
that in Babylonia and Assyria. The interest in these two countries had been
upheld continuously because of frequent references to them in the Bible.
Egypt had, it is true, a similar association; but apart from the sojourn there
of the Children of Israel and their Exodus, references to that country in
prophet, psalmist, and historian are few in number. On the other hand, the
older part of the scene upon which the tragic history of the People of the Book
was enacted, lay just in the country "between the two rivers." Paradise —
the earthly one — was situated there; and when one thought of the country
one remembered the expulsion from that scene of idyllic delights, the first

attempts of man to conform himself to the needs of a non-Paradise world,

the early history of the Hebrews there, the many interests that in later time
dragged the Assyrian plowshare over the ground of Palestine and finally the

I 1 ]
settlement in that land of sufficient numbers of Jews so as to make long-lived
settlements there.
What had become of that country? Strange as it may seem, nearly every
vestige of its once pulsating life had been covered up and hidden. Where
were the great cities of Nineveh and Babylon? Where were their palaces,

their streets, their dwelling places ? The very talkative Xenophon — who
lived within a couple of hundred years of Nineveh's downfall — passed over
where the city had been. He has absolutely nothing to say about it; he did
not even notice the vestiges of a city there. The truth is that after the fall
of the Assyrian empire, when the Scythian hordes, with a ruthlessness equaled

only in the twentieth century, destroyed the cities and ruined the temples, the
sand of the desert was piled up by the wind upon these ruins and completely
covered their traces. Since 606 B. C. they had lain there waiting their earthly

But the same wind that had blown the sand upon these ruins was apt,

also, to blow it off again. Travellers in the sixteenth, seventeenth and eigh-
teenth centuries brought back tales of walls uncovered here, of streets disclosed
there. They told of strange characters which they could not read engraven
upon rocks and bricks, — and of buildings, the meanings of which passed
their comprehension. To the more serious minded among them there was
evidence on every hand of an advanced civilization; and some pokings into
these ruins gave the clue to the nomad Arabs in the region to get bricks and
household vessels from the many "tells" (mounds) that covered the whole
district. But, while the topical study of this ancient habitat was going apace,
the scholarly world was ashamed to confess that the inscriptions and writings
to be seen upon the walls and upon the most varied objects remained unread-
able. It was not until the nineteenth century that the erudite Georg Friedrich
Grotefend (1802) discovered the key to a later product of this group that
had been found in the ruins of Persepolis, capital of the ancient kingdom of
Persia; and it was hoped that, working backwards, it might be possible to
unravel the mysteries of the older Assyria and Babylonia. Such a hope was
well justified, — nor was it belied. The Persepolis inscriptions, quite evidently,
were in three different languages, represented by three different kinds of one
and the same script; the first was the language used by the old Persian builders
of the palaces; the third was known, from a comparison with the inscriptions
found in the ruins of Babylon, to be Babylonian; while the second has been
called by various names, — Median, "Scythian, Susian, Amardian, Elamitic,
Anzanian and Neo-Susian."
But, during the first quarter of the nineteenth century, a young English

officer, forced by his military duties, to live in the mountains of Persia —

the later Sir Henry Rawlinson — had been working upon exactly the same
lines as had (irotefond, though tlie one was (|uile unknown to the other. He
had succeeded in deciphering a good part of the tri-lingual inscription of

Darius "the great" upon the rocks of Behistun, his work being completed by
the Irishman Hincks and the Frenchman Oppert.
It needed nothing more than this beginning to start the deciphering of
all the inscriptions so far known. And with this deciphering there grew up
the added interest in all that had taken place in this land of the two rivers, —
interest to students of archaeology, of history, of religion, of literature, and
of economics. Not only did many individual explorers spend their time going

down into the earth in search of further knowledge concerning these interest-

ing lands; but, beginning with the year 1842, a series of expeditions has been
sent from various countries which have uncovered a good deal of ground in
Mesopotamia and which give indication of what may still be found when
archaeological work there will once more be possible. Such were the French
expedition under Botta in that year; the English under Layard, 1845-50; a
second French one under Place, 1851-55; a third French one under Oppert,
1852-54; English ones again under Taylor in 1854, under Loftus, under Sir
Henry Rawlinson. under George Smith in 1873, and under Hormuzd Rassam
in 1878; a fourth French one under de Sarzec in 1876; an American one under
John P. Peters of the University of Pennsylvania in 1887, which was pro-
longed during four different campaigns until 1900; and finally the important
German ones carried on during the first fourteen years of the present century

( 1902+) . A really tremendous mass of material has been gotten in this manner,
— tablets, brick, statues, utensils of all sorts, etc., etc.; and the bringing of
this material to Europe and America has set an array of students at work
which, regarding its number and its achievements, may well vie with those

of any other branch of human learning.

It is certainly not overstepping the mark to say that the deciphering and
understanding of all this material have revolutionized many of our theories
and notions connected with antiquity in general and with the past of the
Semitic lands in particular. It has been well said that "when history com-
menced, the inhabitants of Babylonia were already highly civilized," i. e., when,
according to our notion the early life of peoples began a widely and deeply
developed civilization already existed in Babylonia, which forces us to put
the beginnings of things very much further back than we had ever imagined.
It is not only in its extension that this knowledge is so valuable. It is

equally so in its perfectness and thoroughness. We have vastly more of the

actual implements, the actual and the spiritual life of these ancient peoples,

than we have of the Greeks and Romans. The materials that the peoples in
Mesopotamia used were so much more durable and were so much better pre-
served by the dryness of the climate that this w-as bound to occur, even if no
stories concerning the libraries in Babylonia and Assyria similar to those told
about the libraries of Alexandria have come dow^n to us. In Mesopotamia
there existed no papyrus plant as there did in Egypt. The use of vellum was
entirely unknown. But there were unending amounts of fine clay, — especially

in the more southern portions of the land. People bent down and took this

clay, fashioning it into tablets of very varying size upon which they impressed
with a three cornered stylus their writing which, in course of time had devel-
oped from a poor picture script into one composed of wedge marks indented
in various directions and from which the script takes its name "cuneiform."
These tablets were dried either in the sun or in a kiln; and when the latter

course obtained, they became practically indestructible except through malice

and with intent. As I have said, such tablets were of every form, — square,
oblong and round; the smallest less than an inch square, the largest as much
as fifteen inches. For works of a more important character the clay w^as
fashioned into other and various forms, — into cylinders, into pentagonal,

heptagonal, octagonal or decagonal prisms and the like. Nor were these
peoples content with writing upon clay only. They made use of stone also,
upon which one is tempted to say they also wrote; for upon all buildings
which kings and rulers erected they managed to put somehow or somewhere
a record of their doings, — not only upon the bricks with which the building
was erected, but also upon the slabs of stone used and upon the bulls that

so often decorated the entrances to such buildings. And so intent were they
that the knowledge of their greatness should descend to the ears of future

generations that they buried the accounts of their doings — we should often
call them misdoings — in the corner-stones of such buildings, so that they
have come down to us exactly in the state in which they were inserted.

From Babylonia this system of writing extended into most of the sur-
rounding countries. So extensive have been the finds that we can look into
the house and street life of the inhabitants. We have their letters, their school-
books, their school slates (if I may use such a term), their reports, personal
and official, and hundreds of thousands of their accounts. We get into inti-
mate connection with them in their daily life and have no need to rely upon
the vague and uncertain reports that have come down to us from other and
stranger sources.
More than this, we have recovered a part of their vast literature, — per-

haps only a small part, but yet one that shows us how much stock they laid

upon literary expression and how prominent a part it must have played among
the better portion of the population. Even collections of documents were not
unknown; often we find them hoarded together in the excavations made; and
one king at least went further and brought together a library of the literary
productions of his people. His name was Assurbanipal. He ruled about the
year 668 B. C. How^ many sided this literature was may be seen at a glance;
much of it was in poetic form, the metres of which w^e are just beginning to
understand. Thus we have the various creation and cosmology myths, — in

which many scholars see the background for the story of the creation in our
Bible; the myth of Adapa, which belongs to the same category as our story

of Adam and Eve in Paradise; the w^onderful Gilgamesh epic in twelve tablets

with its story of the Deluge and which is undoubtedly the original of our
Biblical poem; the tale of the descent of Ishtar, the goddess of love, to Hades,
the land of the dead, in search of Tammuz, the beloved of her youth. Then
we have large collections of hymns, prayers, — beautiful in expression and so
often beautiful in thought that we are unconsciously led to think of the Hebrew
Psalms. We have also incantations to the various gods and goddesses, on
a lower level of theology than the preceding, but evidence of the immense and
strong hold religion has always had upon the peoples of the near-east. Some
fragments even of w^isdom literature and of ethical considerations have come
down to us which show that ethical vision w-as not unknown to these ancients.

Perhaps even more important in many ways is the historical and judicial
literature, which must have been of very large extent and a goodly share of

which has been saved for us, so that we may read and study it at our leisure.

The historical literature is of various kinds, beginning with ordinary building

inscriptions and display inscriptions on rocks, through the elaborate annals
prepared by each king, up to a set of chronicles, and even what has well been
termed a synchronous history of the country. Actual annals seem to com-
mence wath the fourteenth century B. C; though we have reliable historical
data that go back to the first dynasty of Babylon, ca. 2500 B. C. Yet even
this is not the oldest point upon which we can fix our gaze. Relying upon a
statement made by a late Babylonian king, Nabunaid (w^hich need not be ques-
tioned), we know^ that he discovered in the year 550 B. C. a foundation stone
of a very early king, which stone takes us back into the fifth millennium B. C.
That these historical writings were regarded also from a literary point

of view is evident from their wording and from the general form in w^hich
they are couched. Yet another intent ran through their composition, which
intent is just as self-evident. They w^ere meant to laud the kings who had


them written and to elevate in men's minds the dynasties to which these kings
belonged. Accordingly at times they lack complete truth, as surely as do
many historical documents of our very own days. A son will take upon his
brow some of the glories that ought to rest upon that of his father. Battles,

revolutions — of which w'e know from other sources — will be concealed;

and, as regards the numbers slain or prisoners taken in a battle, an Assyrian

king is just as liable to prate unduly as is his modern counterpart. The various
editions through which some of the annals have passed — editions which have
come down to us — clearly show the accumulations gathered by the roadside.
Prof. Olmstead, in his interesting study of Assyrian Historiography, says:
"But what shall we say as to the accuracy of numbers in our documents when
one edition gives the total slain in a battle as 14,000, another as 20,500, the
next as 25,000, and the last as 29,000?. . . What shall we say when we find
that the reviser has transformed a booty of 1,235 sheep in his original into
a booty of 100,125?. . . So when Sennacharib tells us' that he took from
little Judah no less than 200,150 prisoners, and that in spite of the fact that
Jerusalem itself w^as not captured, we may deduct the 200,000 as a product
of the fancy of the Assyrian scribe, accept the 150 as somewhere near the
actual number captured and carried off." Both Babylonia and Assyria were
not less human than our modern Europeans
As important as is the historical is the law literature of these old peoples.
I do not refer simply to records of legal decisions, nor to business contracts,
properly attested, signed and sealed, just as we write them to-day, revealing
an evident love and desire that the forms of law should be duly and properly
remembered. I am referring to laws specified and ordered and set out in
proper and technical form. Fragments of such laws were found in the great

Museum, and published by Meissner in 1890. In 1892

collection at the British

he published further some old "private laws" of Babylon and concluded from
internal reasons that they went back to some earlier code which Delitzsch,
from historical considerations, connected with the greatest of the older Baby-
lonian kings, Hammurabi, who lived somewhere in the neighborhood of the
year 2260 B. C. The story continues to be as interesting as many such stories
are. Some few years later in December, 1901 — De Morgan, excavating —
at Susa. the ancient capital of Persia, came upon three large fragments of a
block of black diorite, forming a quarter part of a stele that must have been
some 2.25 metres in height. was a representation of
At the top of one side
this very king Hammurabi —
of whom Delitzsch had thought receiving a —
code of laws from the seated sun-god Shamash, much in the same fashion
as the ancient Hebrews believed their Moses had received one from Jehovah.

Then followed a judicial code which, when complete, is estimated to have

contained "forty-nine columns of four thousand lines and about eight thousand
words." Another scholar, Scheil, soon found that the fragments published
by Meissner were in reality portions of the code copied from this very stele.

The story connected with this find is not only interesting as one of dis-
covery. — the stele had been captured when the old Elamites made a raid
upon Babylon and carried it off from the temple of jMarduk in which it stood

to their own city of Susa, where it waited some 4,000 years to be excavated
by the Frenchmen who set it up in Paris. It is a great landmark in the history

of civilization. The code deals with all possible relations of life in a sober

and most enlightened manner. Not without reason has it been called "the
oldest code of laws in the world." This in itself is of moment; but, when
we consider also that it bears definite relation to the code of ]\Ioses, we can
see that the Pentateuchal laws did not stand alone in ancient times, but that
they were part and parcel of a system of law^ which the near-east had developed
at so early a date as this. In one of his closing paragraphs, King Hammurabi
says: "In the days that are to come, for ever and ever, the king w^ho is in the

land shall attend to the words of righteousness which I have w-ritten upon my
monument. . . He shall rule his subjects, pronounce judgment, give decisions,
drive the wicked and evil doers from the land, and promote his people's pros-

perity." And then he proceeds to call down the curses of all the great gods
and goddesses upon such as should "not heed his words". . .curses which have

a very ominous sound just at this moment of the w^orld's history.

The influence of Babylonia and of Assyria is seen not only in the state
power that they built up, but in the fact that it was they and not their

competitors the Egyptians who furnished the international script for the
hither-Asia of those days. This is clearly proven by the individual cuneiform
documents found in various mounds in Palestine, at Tell-el-Hesy (Lachish)
by Bliss in 1891, at Taanak by Sellin in 1902, at Gezer by Macalister in 1904;

and most especially by the great find in 1888 at Tell-el-Amarna in Egypt. At

this last place more than three hundred tablets were discovered by a w'oman
hunting for antiques in what had been the palace of the great heretic king
Amenophis the Fourth (ca. 14B. C). Unfortunately their importance was
not recognized at the moment, and they journeyed several times between
Cairo and the chief capitals of Europe. Alany were destroyed, some were
intentionally broken up to be sold to tourists and finally about three hundred,

more or less damaged, went to grace public and private collections. The
importance of these tablets will be recognized when it is remembered that
they contain the correspondence of governors sent by Amenophis the Third
and the Fourth to rule over Palestine, Phenicia and Syria at the very time

when the Hittites and the Khabiri (by some supposed to be the Hebrews)
were breaking up this great colonial empire of Egypt in the north.

The influence of these Assyrians had proceeded even further up into

Asia Minor into that part which was afterwards known as Cappadocia. In
their attempts to found a Pan-Assyrian empire the kings ruling at Nineveh
had planted their armies up to the Aegean Sea, — just as their regal vanity

has left the signs of their coming upon the rocks overlooking the Sea and the
IMediterranean. Yet, though they did not succeed, their cultural influence
did extend into Asia ]\Iinor, into the very centre of the important Hittite
power. Not only are there tablets from Arzawa in the Tell-el-Amarna group,
but a number have been found also in Kara-Ujiik and in Boghaz Koi (1600
B, C.) which shows us that by the side of the real Hittite script used by rulers

for inscriptional and adornment purposes, the script of Assyria was the medium
of intercourse in the Hittite country itself. Who these Hittites were we do
not know exactly as yet. They have left us in southern Syria a large number
of royal inscriptions carved on stone — for the most part in relief — in a

hieroglyphic script, the key to which, strangely, has not yet been found. That
these Hittites were of importance, that they represented a power which both
Egypt and Assyria had to count and were so often at odds with, — of all this

there can be no doubt. They are first mentioned on Egyptian inscriptions

coming from the eighteenth dynasty (1503-1449 B. C); and they disquieted
the Egyptian colonial power by continually pressing forward from Cappadocia.
From all that we know we can say that at an early date they formed a large
empire extending from the Orontes to the Aegean Sea; and just as they had
come into contact with the Egyptians to the south, so also they collided with
the Assyrians when later they endeavored to push their arms too far towards
the west. From what has just been said it will be seen that much remains
in doubt in regard to these Hittites, — concerning their racial and historical

connections. But still greater doubt attaches itself to the particular portion
of the Hittite people who were called in the inscriptions Mitanni. They also

came into conflict with the Egyptians; and in the Tell-el-Amarna tablets we
have despatches that passed between them and the Hittite kings. The mystery
becomes still when we find that the names of the six Mitanni kings
which have been handed down to us are all difficult of connection philologically
with Semitic roots, but bear a strange likeness to Aryan ones. If we add to
this that among the divinities of these peoples were such Aryan gods as Indra,

Varuna and Mythra, we are led to conclude that we are here dealing wath
Aryan rather than with a Semitic people. The future that lies upon the lap
of .the gods must instruct us on our way through these intricacies of fact and
through these dilemmas of explanation.
Of all these varied interests' — private, collective and state — the works
and articles listed in the following catalogue treat. It will be seen at a glance
that the collection is a comprehensive one and — so far as is humanly possible
—a pretty complete one; and yet not so complete as the Library authorities
will have wished. Naturally, since the middle of 1914, the quiet intercourse
of libraries and booksellers, as well as of scholars, has been wo fully disturbed.
Recent publications in the enemy countries and in the semi-enemy lands are
entirely absent. — if any have been brought out. For that the Library is not
responsible; where that responsibility lies it is not for the writer to say at this

The excellences of the catalogue — and I trust that it has some — are
due to the untiring, painstaking and accurate work of my assistant, Miss Pratt,
to whom I wish in this somewhat public manner to express my thanks.
— Richard Gottheil.



Compiled by Ida A. Pratt

UxDER THE Direction of Richard Gottheil, Ph.D.

Bibliography. History — Continued Sumerian Literature and the
Periodicals. Assyria. sumerians.
Neo-Babylonia. Inscriptions.
General Works.
Persian Period, etc.
Discoveries and Excavations: Business Documents, Contract
General Works. Social Life. Tablets and Commerce.
Babylon. History of Literature.
Personal Names.
Nineveh. Law. Literature.
Nippur. Letters.
Description and Geography. Astronomy, Astrology and Religion.
Archaeology and Art: Mathematics. Cosmogony.
General Works. Botany and Zoology.
Cylinders and Seals. Divination, Magic and Omens.
Cale.ndar and Chronology. Metrology. assyriology and the bible.

History: Language and Script. Hittites.

General Works. Decipherment. Cappadocian Tablets.
Erech, Kish, Lagash, Ur, etc.
Babylonia. Sumerian Language. Mitanni Language.


Bezold, Carl. See British Aluseum. — his: A new boundary stone of Nebuchad-
Department of Egyptian and Assyrian An- rezzar I. Philadelphia, 1907. 8°. p. xiv-

tiquities. XXV.) * OCN

British Museum. — Department of Egyp- Hogg, Hope W. Survey of recent Assyri-
tian and Assyrian Antiquities. Catalogue ology. Period 2. Edinburgh: O. Schulze
of the cuneiform tablets in the Kouyunjik & Co., 1910. 8°. *OCK
collection of the British Museum, by C.
Jastrow, Morris, the younger. Bibliog-
Bezold. London: the trustees, 1889-99. 5
*OCL raphy. (In his: The religion of Babylonia
V. 4°.
and Assyria. Boston, 1898. 8". p. 703-
List of the titles of Assyriological works, v. 5, p.
2219-223L 738.) *R-*OCY
Supplement. By L. W. King. Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. Survey
London: the trustees, 1914. xxxviii p., 11., of the bibliography of the literature relat-
285 p., 1 1., 6 pi. 4°. * OCL ing to the code of Hammurabi. (In his:
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Litteratura. (In The relations between the laws of Baby-
his: Assyrian grammar. Berlin, 1889. 12°. lonia and the laws of the Hebrew peoples.
p. 53* -78*.) *OAC London, 1914. 8°. p. 65-91.) * OCS
Fossey, Charles. L'assyriologie en 1903- Kaulen, Franz. Litteratur. (In his: As-
07. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1904-09. 8°. syrieii imd Babylonien nach den neuesten
serie 10. v. 4. p. 241-306; v. 8, p. 439^90; v. Entdcckungen. Freiburg im Breisgau.
9. p.5-48; V. 13, p. 179-223, 359-418; v. 14. p. 1882. 8°. p. 207-222.) * OCM
415-482.) * OAA King, Leonard William. See British Mu-
Hinke, William John. Bibliography of seum. —
Department of Egyptian and As-
the Babylonian kudurru inscriptions. (In syrian Antiquities.
[ 10]


Bibliography, continued. Fund. Quarterly statement. London, 1900.

Muss-Arnolt, William. Recent contribu-

8°. 1900, p. 258-268.) * PWC
tions to Assyriology. (American journal Rogers, Robert William. Literature.
of Semitic languages and literatures. Chi- (In his: A history of Babylonia and As-
cago, 1906. 8°. V. 22, p. 272-286.) * OBA syria. New York [1915). 8°. v. 2, p. 577-
The works
of Jules Oppert. (Bei- 585.) * OCT
trage zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1894. 8°. Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert fitienne
Bd. 2, p. 523-556.) * OCL Jean Baptiste. Bibliography of the late
Olmstead, Albert Ten Eyck. Assyrian George Berlin, Assyriologist. (Babylo-
historiography. A source study. Colum-
nian and Oriental record. London, 1891.
bia. Mo., 1916. vii, 66 p. 8°. (University
8°. V. 5, p. 71-72.) * OCL
of Missouri. Studies: Social science series. Truebner & Co. A catalogue of leading
V. 3, no.l.) TDK books on Egypt and Egyptology, and on
Pick, Hermann. Assyriologie 1909-13. Assyria and Assyriology, to be had at the
(Deutsche morgenlandische Gescllschaft. affixed prices, of Triibner & Co. London:
Zeitschrift. Leipzig. 1912-14. 8°. Bd. 66, Trubner & Co., 1881. 2 p.l., 52 p. 8°. * OBI
p. 341-345; Bd. 67, p. 386-389; Bd. 68, p. 435- Zur Literatur iiber Babel, Bibel und die
440.) * OAA Ausgrabungen im Gebiete des Euphrat
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. The col- und Tigris. (Beitrage zur Kenntnis des
lection of Babylonian tablets belonging to Orients. Berlin [1904]. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 301-
Joseph Offord. (Palestine Exploration 308.) * OAA


American journal of Semitic languages et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et assyri-

and literatures. v. 14 -date. Chicago, ennes. v. 1-36. Paris, 1870-1914. 4°.
1897 -date. 8°. * OBA *OBKG
Continuation of Hehraica. Revue d'assyriologie et d'archeologie
Babyloniaca. fitudes de philologie as- orientale. v. 1-11, no. 2; v. 12. Paris: E.
syro-babylonienne, publiees par Ch. Virol- Leroux, 1886-1915. 4°. * OCL
leaud. V. 1-7, fasc. 1. Paris: P. Geuthner, Revue semitique d'epigraphie et d'his-
1907-14. 8°. *OCO toire ancienne. v. 1-22, no. 2. Paris, 1893-
The Babylonian & Oriental record. A 1914. 8°. *OAA
monthly magazine of the antiquities of the Semitistische Studien. See Zeitschrift fiir
East. V. 1-9, no. 3. London, 1886-1901. 8°. Assyriologie und verwandte Gebiete.
*OCL Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
Beitraege zur Assyriologie und vergleich- ceedings. V. 1 - date. London, 1879- date.
enden semitischen Sprachwissenschaft 8°. * YIA
hrsg. von Friedrich Delitzsch und Paul Transactions. v. 1-9. London.
Haupt. Bd. 1-7, Heft 1-2; Bd. 8-10. Heft 1872-93. 8°. *YIA
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1890-1913. 8°.
*OCL University of Pennsylvania. — Museum:
Babylonian Section. Publications, v. 1,
Bezold, Carl. See Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
no. 1 ; V. 2-4, no. 1 ; v. 5-6, no. 1 ; v. 7S, no. 1
ologie; also Zeitschrift fiir Keilschriftfor-
v. 1; V. 10-11, no. 2; v. 12, no. 1. Phila-
delphia, 1911-17. 4°. *OCL
Delitzsch, Friedrich. See Beitraege zur
Virolleaud, Ch. See Babyloniaca.
Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie und ver-
Haupt, Paul. See Beitraege zur Assyri- wandte Gebiete. .hrsg. von Carl Bezold. .

ologie. Bd. 1-29. Leipzig and Strassburg, 1886-

Hehraica, a quarterly journal in the in- 1915. 8°. *OCL
terests of Hebrew study, v. 1-9. Chicago, Semitistische Studien. Erganzungs-
1884-93. 8^ *OBA hefte zur Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Hommel, Heft 1-18. Berlin, Weimar, 1894-1900. 8°.
Fritz. See Zeitschrift fiir Keil-
Zeitschrift Keilschriftforschung und
Melanges d'archeologie egyptienne et as- verwandte Gebiete... Hrsg. von Carl
syrienne. tome 1-3. Paris: Imprimerie Bezold und Fritz Hommel. Bd. 1-2. Leip-
nationale, 1872—76. 4°. * OBKG zig. 1884-85. 8°. * OCL
Recueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie Continued as: Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.

General Works
Boissier, Alfred. Notes d'assyriologie. Jhering, Rudolf von. Vorgeschichte der
(Revue s6mitique. Paris. 1898-1900. 8°. Indoeuropaer. Leipzig: Breitkopf & Hartel.
annee 6, p. 142-151, 356-365; annee 7, p. 49- 1894. xiii, 486 p. 8°. QOL
53, 131-135; annee 8, p. 150-152.) * OAA p. 91-305. Arier und Semiten.

Boscawen, William St. Chad. British The evolution of the Aryan. Trans-
Museum lectures. Assyria and Babylonia latedfrom the German by A. Drucker.
London: Temple Publishing Co. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co., 1897.
[1885.] 1 p.l., 30, 31, 26, 36 p. 12°. * OCM xviii, 412 p. 8°. QOL
p. 67-245. Aryans and Semites.
"From under the dust of ages." A
series of six lectures on the history and Johns, Claude Hermann Walter.
antiquities of Assyria and Babylonia; de- syriological notes.(American journal of
livered at the British Museum. London: Semitic languages and literatures. Chica-
Temple Co., 1886. 3 p.l., 169 p. 12°. * OCM go, 1906. 8°. V. 22, p. 224-241.) * OBA
Brandis, Johannes. Rerum Assyriarum Lincke, Arthur Alexander. Bericht iiber
tempora emendata; commentatio. Bonnae: die Fortschritte der Assyriologie in den
apud A. Marcum, 1853. 1 p.l., iv, 66 p.. 1 Jahren 1886-1893. Leipzig: Bar & Her-
table. 8°. * OCT mann, 1894. viii, 124 p. 8°. (Transactions
of the Statutory Ninth International Con-
Drucker, A. See Jhering, Rudolf von. gress of Orientalists, v. 2.) * OAA
Evans, George. An essay on Assyriol- Norton, Francis Collins. A popular hand-
ogy. London: Williams and Norgate, 1883. book of useful and interesting information
2 p.l., 75 p., 5 facs. 8°. * OCZ for beginners in the elementary study of
Fossey, Charles. Manuel
d'assyriologie, Assyriology. Compiled from the writings
fouilles. ecriture, langues, iitterature,^ ge-
of some
of the best authorities by F. C.
ographic, histoire, religion, institutions,
Norton. Ditchling. Sussex: the author,
1908. 2 p.l., 201 p., Imap, 1 port. 8°.
art. tome 1. Paris: E. Leroux, 1904. 4°.
Friederici, Carl, translator. See Tiele, Peters, John Punnett. seat of theThe
earliest civilization in Babylonia and the
Cornelis Petrus.
date of its beginnings. (American Orien-
Harper, Robert Francis. Assyriological tal Society. Journal. New Haven. 1896.
notes. (American journal of Semitic lan- 8°. V. 17, p. 163-171.) * OAA
guages and literatures. Chicago, 1897-
1903. 8°. V. 14, p. 1-16. 171-182; v. 15. p.
Philipson, David. Five lectures on cune-
129-144; v. 19, p. 228-232.) * OBA iform discoveries. Cincinnati: Bloch Print-
ing Co., 1889. 51 p. 8°. * OCK
Hermann VoUrat.
Hilprecht, Assyriaca.
Eine Nachlese auf dem Gebiete der Assyri-
Rauschen, Gerhard. Neues Licht aus
ologie. Teill. Boston: Ginn Co.. 1894. & dem alten Orient; Keilschrift- und Papy-
viii, 136 p., 2 pi. 8°. (University of Penn-
rusfunde aus dem jiidisch-christlichen
sylvania. Publications. Series in philology,
Altertum, Ausgrabung der Menasstadt.
literature and archaeology, v. 3, no. 1.)
Bonn: P. Hanstein, 1913. 2 p.l., 59(1) p.. 1

*OCT 1. 8°. *OBD

Hilprecht anniversary volume. Studies in Sayce, Archibald Henry. Assyriological
Assyriology and archaeology dedicated to notes. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
Hermann V. Hilprecht upon the twenty- Proceedings. London. 1896-98. 8°. v. 18,
fifth anniversary of his doctorate and p. 170-186; v. 19, p. 68-76, 280-292; v. 20. p.

his fiftieth birthday. .by his colleagues,.

250-262.) * YIA
friends and admirers. With 85 pictures... A primer of Assyriology. (Lon-
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1909. xiv, 457 p. don:) Religious Tract Society [1894|. 127
8°. * OCK p. 16°. *OCK
Reviewed by A. Ungnad in Deutsche morgen-
Idndische Gesellschaft. Zeitsclirift, Bd. 65, p. 109- Scheil, Jean Vincent. Documents relatifs
130, 'OAA. a I'histoire de I'assyriologie. (Revue d'assy-
riologie. Paris, 1913. 4°. v. 10, p. 11-14.
Jensen, Peter. Die philologische und die
historische Methode in der Assyriologie. 185-193.) *OCL
(Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Notules. (Revue d'assyriologie.
Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1896. 8°. Bd. 50. p. Paris. 1915. 4°. v. 12, p. 55-62, 114-116.
241-262.) • OAA 158-160, 193-201.) * OCL

General IVorks, continued. actions. London, 1874. 8= V.3, p.430-

445.) *YIA
Schrader, Eberliard. Keilinschriften und
Geschichtsforschung. Ein Beitrag zur Taylor, Elizabeth J., translator. See Tide,
nionumentalen Geographic, Geschichte und Cornelis Petrus.
Chronologic dcr Assyrer. Giessen: J.
Tide, Cornelis Petrus. Die Assyriologie
Ricker, 1878. vi^i, 556 p., 1 map. 8°. * OCZ und ihre Ergebnisse fiir die vergleichende
Starck, E. von. Babylonien und Assyri- Religionsgeschichte. Aus dem Hollan-
. .

dischen von K. Friederici. Leipzig: Otto

en nach ihrer altcn Geschichte und Kultur
dargestcllt. Marburg: A. Ebel, 1907. v
Schulze [1878]. 24 p. 12°. * OCK
p., 1 1., 443 p. 8°. * OCK WesternAsia, according to the
most recent discoveries... Translated by
Talbot, Henry Fox. Assyrian notes. Elizabeth J. Tavlor. London: Luzac & Co.
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans- [1894.] 36 p. 12°. *OCK

Discoveries and Excavations

Gexer.^l Works Chaldee. campagne de 1903. Compte rendu
sommaire des fouilles. (Revue d'assyri-
Ainsworth, William Francis. Researches ologie. Paris, 1907. 4°. v. 6, p. 5-17. 47-
in Assyria. Babylonia, and Chaldsea; form- 52, 88-89.) * OCL
ing part of the labours of the Euphrates
expedition London: J. W. Parker, 1838.
. . .
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Discoveries in
2p.l.. 343p., Imap, 4pl. 8°. KCB Mesopotamia. 10 pi. (Smithsonian Insti-
tution. Annual report. Washington, 1901.
Andrae, Walter. Der Anu-Adad-Tempel 8°. 1900. p. 535-549.) * EA
in Assur. Leipzig: T. C. Hinrichs. 1909.
4p.l.. 95 p.. 7 plans, 26 pi. f°. (Deutsche Flamming, Johannes. Sir Henry Raw-
Orient-Gesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche linson und seine Verdienste um die Assyri-
Veroffentlichungen. Heft 10.) ft * OAA ologie. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Leip-
zig, 1894. 8°. fed. 2, p. 1-18.) * OCL
Die Festungswerke von Assur.
Textband. Tafelband. Leipzig: J. C. Hin- Geere, H. Valentine. By Nile and Eu-
richs. 1913. 2v. i°. (Deutsche Orient- phrates. A record of discovery and adven-
Gesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Verof- ture. Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. 1904. xii.
fentlichungen. Heft 23.) ft* OAA 356 p., 3 maps, 2 plans, 29 pi. 8°. * OFV
Die Stelenreihen
Assur. Leip- in Heuzey, Leon. Mission de M. de Sarzec
zig: J. C. vii. 88 p.,
Hinrichs. 1913.
5 en Chaldee, huitieme campagne de fouilles
plans. 40 pi. i°. (Deutsche Orient-Gesell- 1894. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris. 1896.
schaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichun- 4°. v. 3. p. 65-68.) *OCL
gen. Heft 24.) ft* OAA See also Sarzec, Ernest de.

Banks, Edgar James. Bismya; or. The Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat. The exca-
lost city ofAdab; a story of adventure, of vations in Assyria and Babj-lonia. Phila-
exploration and of excavation among the delphia, 1904. 4 p.!., xi-xx, 577 p., Imap,
ruins of the oldest of the buried cities of 36 pi. 8°. (University of Pennsylvania.
Babylonia. New York: G. P. Putnam's Babylonian expedition of the University.
Sons, 1912. xxii p., 11., 457 p., 1 port. 8°. Series D. Researches and treatises, v. 1.)
Boscawen, William St. Chad. The monu- Repr. 7. ed. of Hilprecht's "Explorations in Bible

ments and inscriptions on the rocks at lands during the 19th century."
Nahr-el-Kelb. (Society of Biblical Archse- Explorations in Bible lands during
ologv. Transactions. London, 1882. 8°. the 19. century, by H. V. Hilprecht. .with .

V. 7. p. 331-352.) * YIA the co-operation of... Dr. Benzinger...

Prof. Dr. Hommel. .Prof. Dr. Jensen... .

Botta, Paul fimile. Lettres de M. Botta

Prof. Dr. Steindorff Philadelphia: A.. . .

sur ses decouvertes a Khorsabad. pres de

J. Holman and Company, 1903. xxiv, 810
Ninive. Publiees par ^L J. Mohl. Paris:
Imprimerie royale, 1845. xi, 72 p.. 55 pi. p., 4 maps, 47 pi. 8°. * GAL
8°. *OCN The
so-called Peters-Hilprecht con-
troversy. Part 1. Proceedings of the com-
Cavaniol, Henry. Les monuments en mittee appointed by the Board of Trustees
Chaldee. en Assyrie et a Babylone, d'apres of the University of Pennsylvania to act
les recentes decouvertes archeologiques. as a court of inquiry. Part 2. Supplemen-
Paris: A. Durand et P. Lauriel, 1870. 3 p.l., tal documents, evidence and statement.
368 p., 11., 5 pi. 8°. *OCM Philadelphia: A. J. Holman & Co.. 1908.
Cros, Gaston. Mission frangaise de viii, 357 p. 8=. * GCN
Discoveries and Excavations, continued. Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. Lon-
don, 1910. 8°. v. 32, p. 41-54.) *YIA
General JVorks, continued.
Notes on exploration in western
Peters, John Punnett. Hilprecht's an- Asia. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal.
swer. [New York, 1908.) 15 p. 8°.
London, 1907. 8°. 1907, p. 1065-1070.)
*OCNp.v.l *OAA
Kaulen, Franz. Assyrien iind Babylonien Rassam, Hormuzd. Asshur and the land
nacli den neuesten Entdeckungen. Frei- of Nimrod: being an account of the dis-
burg im Breisgau: Herder, 1882. viii, 222 coveries made in the ancient ruins of Nine-
p., 1 1., 3 pi. 2. Auflage. 8°. veh, Asshur, Sepharvaim, Calah, Babylon,
* OCM and * OCT Borsippa, Cuthah, and Van, including a
narrative of different journeys in Meso-
Loftus, William Kennett. Travels and potamia, Assyria, Asia Minor, and Koor-
researches in Chaldosa and Susiana; with distan. With an introduction by Robert
an account of excavations at Warka, the W. Rogers. Cincinnati: Curts & Jennings,
"Erech" of Nimrod, and Shush, "Shushan 1897. xvi, 432 p., 1 map, 2 plans, 19 pi., 1
the palace" of Esther in 1849-52. London: port. 8°. *OCN
J. Nisbet and Co., 1857.
xvi, 436 p., 1 map,
2 plans, 4 pi. 8°. * OCN Excavations and discoveries in As-
syria. 3 plans. (Society of Biblical Ar-
New York: R. Carter & Bros., chaeology. Transactions. London, 1882.
1857. xvi, 436 p., 1 map, 2 plans, 4 pi. 8°.
8°. * YIA
V. 7, p. 37-58.)
History of Assyrian and Babylo-
Luckenbill, Daniel David. A compre- nian discoveries. (Imperial and Asiatic
hensive account of the excavations in quarterly review. Woking, 1894. 8°. new
Ashur from Sept. 18, 1903, to the end of series, v. 8, p. 86-101.) * OAA
February, 1905. (Records of the past.
Washington, 1906. 4". v. 5, p. 15-24.)
Recent Assyrian and Babylonian
MTA research. [London: Wyman & Sons,
printers, 1880.] 37 p. 6. ed. 8°.
Mohl, Jules. Sec Botta, Paul fimile. * OCN p.v.l
Morgan, Jacques Jean Marie de. Les Recent discoveries of ancient Baby-
dernieres fouilles de Susiane. fetude snr lonian cities. 3 pi. (Society of Biblical
revolution artistique dans I'filam et la Archaeology. Transactions. London. 1885.
Chaldee depuis les origines jusqu'a la prise 8°. V. 8, p. 172-197.) *YIA
de Suse par Assourbanipal. (Revue de I'art
Rohrbach, Paul. In Babylonien. (Preus-
ancien et moderne. Paris, 1908-09. f°. v. Berlin, 1901. 8°. Bd.
24, p. 401-415; v. 25, p. 23-34.) f MAA sische Jahrbiicher.
105, p. 279-313.) *DF
Oppert, Jules. Expedition scientifique Sarzec, Ernest de. Decouvertes en
en Mesopotamie, executee par ordre du Chaldee. Public par les soins de L. Heuzey.
gouvernement, de 1851 a 1854, par MAL Avec le concours de A. Amiaud et F. Thu-
Fulgence Fresnel, Felix Thomas et Jules reau-Dangin. Paris: E. Leroux, 1884-1912.
Oppert. Publiee.. .par Jules Oppert. 2v. f°. tt*OCM
tome 2 and plates. Paris: Imprimerie im-
perial, 1856-59. 2v. f°. tandttt*OCM Scheil, Jean Vincent. Une saison de
Tome 2. Dechiffrement des inscriptions cunei- fouilles a Sippar. Le Caire: Institut fran-
formes. Qais d'archeologie orientale, 1902. 3 p.l.,
141 p.. 1 1., 1 plan, 6 pi. f°. (Institut fran-
Die franzosischen Ausgrabungen
in Chaldaa. 1 pi. (Verhandlungen des gais d'archeologie orientale du Caire. Me-
fijnften internationalen Orientalisten-Con-
moircs. tome 1.) f * OBKG
gresses. Berlin: A. Asher & Co., 1882. 8°. University of Chicago. — Oriental Ex-
Theil 2, Halfte 1, p. 235-248.) * OAA ploration Fund: Babylonian Section. The
expedition of the Oriental Exploration
Philipson, David. Five lectures on cune-
Fund (Babylonian Section), of the Uni-
iform discoveries. Cincinnati: Bloch Print-
versity of Chicago. Report no. 1-2. [Chi-
ing Co., 1889. 51 p. 8°.
cago, 1904.1 8°. * p.v.2 OCM
Pinches, Thcophilus Goldridge. Dis- University of Pennsylvania. The Baby-
coveries in Asnunnak. (Babylonian and lonian expedition of the university. Series
Oriental record. London, 1892. 8°. v. 6, D: Researches and treatises, v. 1, 3, 4, 5,
p. 66-68.) * OCL fasc. 1. Philadelphia: University of Penn-
Discoveries in Babylonia and the sylvania, 1904-10. 8°. * OCN
neighboring lands. (Records of the past. Ward, William Hayes. Report on the
Washington. 1910. 4°. v. 9, p. 95-112.) Wolfe expedition to Babylonia, 1884-83.
MTA Boston: Cupples, Upham and Co., 1886.
discoveries by the German ex- 33 p. 8°. (Archaeological Institute of
pedition on the site of Assur. (Society of America. Papers.) * OCN p.v.l

Discoveries and Excavations, continued. undertaken for the trustees of the British
Museum. London: J. Murray, 1853. xxiv,
Babylon 686 p., 2 maps, 3 plans, 10 pi. 8". * OCN

Banks, Edgar James. Seven wonders of New York: Harper & Brothers,
the ancient world: walls of Babylon.
tlie 1853. xvi, 586 p., 2 maps, 3 plans, 2 pi. 8°.
1 pi. (Art and archaeology. Washington, *OCN
1916. 8°. V.3, p. 131-141.) MTA New York: G. P. Putnam &
Co., 1853. xxii p., 1 1., 686 p., 1 map, 3 plans,
Baumstark, Anton. Babylon; zur Stadt-
geschichtc und Topographie. Mit einem 10 pi. 8°. *OCN
Plane und ciner Kartenskizze im Text. Nineveh and Babylon; a narrative
Stuttgart: J. B. Metzler, 1896. 1 p.l., 34 col.. of a second expedition to Assyria during
1 plan. 8°. * OCT the years 1849, 1850, & 1851. Abridged by
Repr. Paulys Realencyclopadie der classischen
: the author from his larger work. London:
Altertumswissenschaft, Bd. 2, col. 2667-2700, * R- T. Murrav, 1882. 3 p.l., xii-lv, 413 p., 1
BTGS. map, 1 pi. new ed. 12°. * OCM
Bezold, Carl. Ninive und Babylon.
Bielefeld: Velhagen &
Klasing, 1903. 1 p.l., McGee, David W. Zur Topographie
Babylons auf Grund der Urkunden Nabo-
143 p., 1 pi. 4°. (Monographien zur Welt-
* OCM polassars und Nebukadnezars. (Beitrage
geschichte. v. 18.)
zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1898. 8°. Bd.
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Babylon. Leipzig: 3, p. 524-560.) * OCL
J. C. Hinrichs, 1901. 25 p., 1 plan. 2. ed.
Meissner, Bruno. Von Babylon nach den
S°. (Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft. Send- Ruinen von Hira und Huarnaq. Leipzig:
schriften. Bd. 1.) * OCM J. C. Hinrichs, 1901. 22 p. 8°. (Deutsche
Jastrow, Alorris, the younger. The palace Orient-Gesellschaft. Sendschriften. Bd. 2.)
and temple of Nebuchadnezzar. (Harper's *OAC
monthlj^ magazine. New York, 1902. 8°. Menant, Joachim. Ninive et Babylone.
V. 104, p. 809-813.) *DA Paris: Hachette et Cie., 1888. 2 p.l., 316 p.
Johns, Agnes S., translator. See Kolde- 12°. (Bibliotheque des merveilles.) * OCN
wey, Robert. Myers, Philip Van Ness. Remains of lost
Kiepert, Heinrich. Begleitworte zur empires: sketches of the ruins of Palmyra,
Karte der Ruinenfelder von Babylon. Ber- Nineveh, Babylon, and Persepolis, with
lin: D. Reimer, 1883. 28 p., 1 map. 8°. some notes on India and the Cashmerian
*OCM Himalayas. New York: Harper & Broth-
Repr.: Zeitschrift der Gesellschaft fiir Erdkunde ers, 1875. 2 p.l., xiv, 15-531 p., 11 pi. 8°.
zu Berlin, Bd. 18, p. 1-26, KAA. *OCN
Koldewey, Robert. The excavations at Myhrman, David Wilhelm. Nya fynd i

Babylon by Robert Koldewey. Translated Babylon eller resultaten af Tyska orient-

by Agnes S. Johns. London: Macmillan sallskapets grafningar i ruinfaltet vid
and Co., Ltd., 1914. xix, 335 p., 1 plan. 7 Hillah aren 1899-1903. (Ymer. Stock-
col'd pi. 8°. * OCN holm, 1904. 8°. V. 23, p. 269-297.) KAA
Die Pflastersteine von Aiburschabu Newman, John Philip. The thrones and
in Babylon. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1901. palaces of Babylon and Nineveh from sea
10 p., 1 map, 4 pi. f°. (Deutsche Orient- to sea. A thousand miles on horseback.
Gesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffent- New York: Harper & Brothers, 1876. 3 p.l..
lichungen. Heft 2.) t * OAA 11-455 p. 8°. *OCN
Die Tempel von Babylon und Bor- Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. Baby-
sippa nach den Ausgrabungen durch die lon from the recent excavations. (Society
Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft. Leipzig: J. of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings.
C. Hinrichs, 1911. 3 p.l.,76 p., 16 plans, 11 London, 1912. 8°. v. 34, p. 83-106.) * YIA
pi. i°. (Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft.
Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichungen.
Memoir on the
Rich, Claudius James.
ruins of London: Longman.
Heft 15.) tt*OAA Hurst. Rees, Orme and Brown, 1818. iv,
Das wieder erstehende Babylon; die 67 p., 3 pi. 8°. *OCN
bisherigen Ergebnisse der deutschen Aus-
Narrative of a journey to the site of
grabungen. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1913.
Babylon in 1811, now first published: me-
vii, 328 p., 2 plans, 7 pi. f°. (Deutsche
moir on the ruins; with engravings from
Orient-Gesellschaft. Sendschriften. Bd. 6.)
the original sketches by the author: re-
*OAC marks on the topography of ancient Baby-
Layard, Sir Austen Henry. Discoveries lon by Major Rennell... Second memoir
in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon; with on the ruins. . . London: Duncan and Mal-
travels in Armenia. Kurdistan and the des- colm, 1839. xvi, xlvii, 324 p., 26 pi. 8°.
ert: being the result of a second expedition *OCN
Discoveries and Excavations, continued. Legrain, Leon. Le temps des rois d'Ur.
Recherches sur la societe antique d'apres
Babylon, continued.
des textes nouveaux. Paris: H. Champion,
Second memoir on Babylon: con- 1912. 2v. 8° and 4°, (ficole pratique des
taining an inquiry into the correspondence hautes etudes, Paris. Bibliotheque: Sci-
between the ancient descriptions of Baby- ences historiques et philologiques. fasc.
lon and the remains still visible on the site 199.) * EN
. .London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme
Riedel, Wilhelm. Weitere Tafeln aus
and Brown, 1818. 2 p.l., 58 p., 3 pi. 8°. Drehem veroeffentlicht von Wilhelm Rie-
*OCN del. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1913.

Rohrbach, Paul. Babylon. (Preussische 4°. v. 10, p. 207-210.) * OCL

Tahrbiicher. Berlin, 1901. 8°. Bd. 104. p.
276-289.) * DF
Selby, William Beaumont. Memoir on
the ruins of Babylon. Bombay: Education Bezold, Carl. Ninive und Babylon.
Society's Press, 1859. 7 p., 2 maps. 8°. Bielefeld: Velhagen &
Klasing, 1903. 1 p.l.,

(Selections from the records of the Bom- 143 p., 1 pi. 4°. (Monographien zur Welt-
bay Government, no. 51, new series.) geschichte. v. 18.) * OCM
*OCN Billerbeck, Adolf, and
Alfred Jeremias.
Streber, Franz. L^eber die Mauern von Der Untergang Nineveh's und die Weissa-
Babylon und das Heiligthum des Bel gungsschrift des Nahum von Elkosch.
daselbst. (Koniglich Bayerische Aka- (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1898.
demie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 87-188.) * OCL
Philos.-philol. Classe. Miinchen, 1849. 4°. Blackburn, John. Nineveh: its rise and
Bd. 5, Abth. 1, p. 131-205.) * EE ruin; as illustrated by ancient scriptures
Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. Das Stadt- and modern discoveries. course of lec- A
bild von Babylon. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, tures, delivered at Claremont Chapel, Lon-
1904. 32 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg. don. With additions and supplementary
Heft *OAC notes. London: Partridge & Oakey, 1850.
5, 4.)
xii, 232 p., 1 map. 16°. * OCW
Winckler, Hugo. Geschichte der Stadt
Nineveh and
Bonomi, Joseph. its pal-
Babylon. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1904.
8°. (Der alte Orient.
aces. The
discoveries of Botta and
48 p. Jahrg. 6.
*OAC Layard applied to the elucidation of Holy
Heft 1.)
Writ. London: Illustrated London Libra-
ry ,1852]. iii-xx, 402 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 8°.
Drehem *OCN
London: Ingram, Cooke & Co.,
Delaporte, Louis. Tablettes de Drehem. 1853. XX, 430 p., 1 map, 6 pi. 2. ed. 8°.
(Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1911. 4°. v. *OCW
8, p. 183-198.) * OCL Boscawen, William St. Chad. The mak-
Dhorme, Paul. Tablettes de Drehem a ing of Nineveh. The great gate cylinder of
Jerusalem. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, Sennacherib. (Imperial and Asiatic quar-
1912. 4°. V. 9, p. 39-63.) * OCL terly review. London, 1910. 8°. series 3,
V. 30, p. 314-335.) * OAA
Foertsch, Wilhelm. Altbabylonische
Texte aus Drehem. (Rivista degli studi Botta, Paul* fimile. Lettres de M. Botta
orientali. Roma, 1914-15. 8°. v. 6, p. 1383- sur ses decouverts a Ninive. (Journal asi-
1393.) * OAA atique. Paris. 1843-44. 8°. serie 4, v. 2,
p. 61-72, 201-214; v. 3, p. 91-103, 424-435;
Genouillac, H. de. Tablettes de Drehem V. 4, p. 301-314.) * OAA
publiees avec inventaire et tables. Paris:
P. Geuthner, 1911. 2 p.l., vii-viii, 121 p., 51
M. on tlie dis-
Botta's letters

Dcpartement coveries at Nineveh. Translated from the

pi. f°. (Musee du Louvre.
French, by C. T. with a plan, plates and
des antiquitcs orientales.) f * OCQ inscriptions. First series. London: Long-
Hussey, Mary Inda. Tablets from Dre- man, Brown, Green & Longmans, 1850. xv.
hem in the Public Library of Cleveland, 74 p., 49 pi. 8°. * OCN
Ohio, (.\merican Oriental Society. Jour- Monument de Ninive decouvert et
nal. New Haven, 1913. 8°. v. 33, p. 167- dccrit. Mesure et dessine par M. E. Flan-
179.) *OAA din. Paris: Imprimerie nationale. 1849-50.
Langdon, Stephen. Tablets from the 5 v. i°. ttt*OCM
archives of Drehem, with a complete ac- Circourt, Adolphe de. Decouvertes dans
count of the origin of the Sumcrian calen- les ruines de Ninive et de Babylone. Paris.
dar, translation, commentary and 23 plates. 1854. 51 p. 8°. *OCNp.v.l
Paris: P. Geuthner, 1911. 25 p., 23 facs. 4°. Repr.: Revue contemporaine, tome 11, p. 272-297,
t*OCQ 592-616, * D.M.

Discoveries and Excavations, continued. Kidder, Daniel P. Nineveh and the river
Tigris. New York: Lane & Scott, 1851.
Nineveh, continued. 216 map. 16°. BBR
p., 1
Davis, A. Lecture on the remarkable Layard, Sir Austen Henry. Discoveries
discoveries lately made in the East; as in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon; with
those of Nineveh. Persia, &c.. together with travels in Armenia, Kurdistan and the des-
an account of the hieroglyphics on ruins ert: being the result of a second expedition
and the mode by which their meaning has undertaken for the trustees of the British
been ascertained. Buffalo: Phinney & Co., Museum. London: J. Murray, 1853. xxiv,
1852. 16 p. 8°. IAGp.v.7 686 p., 2 maps, 3 plans, 10 pi. 8°. * OCN

Delattre, Alphonse J. Les inscriptions New York: Harper & Broth-

historiques de Xinive et de Babylone. As- ers, 1853. xvi, 586 p., 2 maps, 3 plans, 2 pi.
pect general de ces documents; examen 8°. *OCN
raisonne des versions frauQaises & ang- New York: G. P. Putnam &
laises. Paris: E. Leroux, 1879. 90 p. 8°. xxii 686 map, 3 plans,
Co.. 1853. p., 1 p., 1
*OCK 10 pi. 8°.

Grotefend, Georg Friedrich. Anlage und The monuments of Nineveh. From
Zerstorung der Gebaude zu Nimrud nach drawings made on the spot. London: J.
den Angaben in Layard's Niniveh. An- Murray, 1849. vi p., 1 1., 22 p., 100 pi. i°.
hang 1-3. (Konigliche Gesellschaft der ttt * OCM
Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Abhand- Nineveh and Babylon; a narrative
lungen. Gottingen, 1853. 4°. Bd. 5.) * EE of a second expedition to Assyria during
the years 1849, 1850, & 1851. Abridged by
Bemerkungen zur Inschrift eines
the author from his larger work. London:
Thongefasses mit ninivitischer Keilschrift.
T. Alurray, 1882. 3 p.l., xii-lv, 413 p., 1 map.
(Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaf-
1 pi. newed. 12°. * OCM
ten zu Gottingen. Abhandlungen. Gottin-
gen, 1850. 4°r Bd. 4.) * * EE Nineveh and its remains: with an
account of a visit to the Chaldaean Chris-
Die Erbauer der Palaste in Khorsa- tians of Kurdistan, and the Yezidis, or
bad und Kujjundshik. Zweiter Nachtrag Devil-Worshippers; and an enquiry into
zu den Bemerkungen iiber ein ninivitisches
the manners and arts of the ancient Assv-
Thongefass. (Konigliche Gesellschaft der
rians. London: J. Murray, 1849. 2 v. 8°.
Wissenschaften zu Gottingen. Abhand-
lungen. Gottingen, 1850. 4°. Bd. 4.)*EE *OCN
New York: G. P. Putnam. 1849.
Das des Obelisken aus
Zeitalter 2v. 8°. *OCN
Nimrud. Ein Nachtrag zu den Bemerkun-
gen iiber ein ninivitisches Thongefass. New York: G. P. Putnam, 1851.
(Konigliche Gesellschaft der W'issenschaf- 2 v. in 1. 8°. *OCN
ten zu Gottingen. Abhandlungen. Got- New York: G. P. Putnam, 1852.
tingen, 1850. 4°. Bd. 4.) *EE 2v.ini. newed. 12°. * OCN
Haupt, Paul. Xenophon's account of the A
popular account of discoveries at
fall of Nineveh. (American Oriental So- Xineveh. By A. H. Layard, abridged by
ciety. Journal. Xew Haven, 1907. 8°. him from his larger work. X^ew York:
V. 28, p. 99-107.) * OAA Harper & Brothers, 1852. xxiii, 360 p., 3
plans, 3 pi. 8°. * OCN
Hoefer, Jean Chretien Ferdinand. Sec-
ond memoire sur les mines de Ninive.
Xew York: Harper & Broth-
ers, 1854. xxiii, 360 p., 3 plans, 3 pi. 8°.
Paris: Firmin Didot freres, 1850. 1 p.l., 51
p., 4 pi. 8°. * C p.v.417
second series of the monuments
Jeremias, Alfred. See Billerbeck, Adolf, of Xineveh; including bas-reliefs from the
and Alfred Jeremias. palace of Sennacherib and bronzes from
the ruins of X^imroud. London: T. Murray,
Johnston, Christopher. The fall of Nine- 1853. 8 p.l., 71 pi. f°. ftt * OCM
veh. (American Oriental Societv. Jour- Lincke, Arthur Alexander. Continuance
nal. New Haven, 1901. 8°. v. 22. p. 20- of the name Assyria and X'ineveh after
22.) * OAA 607-6 B. C. n. p., n. d. 8 p. 8°. (Trans-
actions of the Statutory Ninth Interna-
Jones, Felix. Topography of Nineveh,
illustrative of the maps of the chief cities
tional Congress of Orientalists, v. 2.)

of Assyria; and the general geography *OAA

of the country intermediate between the Martin, John. Descriptive catalogue of
Tigris and the upper Zab. (Royal Asiatic the picture of the fall of Nineveh. Lon-
Societv. Journal. London, 1855. 8°. v. don: Plummer and Brewis, 1828. 16 p., 1 pi.
15, p. 297-397.) * OAA 4°. *Cp.v.ll79
Discoveries and Excavations, continued. Nineveh. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour-
nal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 16, p. 93-117.)
Nineveh, continued. *OAA
Menant, Joachim. La bibliotheque du
palais de Ninive. Paris: E. Leroux, 1880.
Smith, George. Account of recent ex-
16°. (Bibliotheque orien- cavations and discoveries made on the site
viii,162 p., 11.
* OAD of Nineveh. (Society of Biblical Archae-
tate elzevirienne. v. 28.)
ologi^ Transactions. London, 1874. 8°.
Babylone. Paris: Hachette
Ninive et V. 3',
p. 446-464.) * YIA
et Cie., 1888. 2 p.l.. 316 p. 12°. (Bibli-
discoveries; an account
otheque des merveilles.) * OCN of explorations and discoveries on the site
Myers, Philip Van Ness. Remains of of Nineveh, during 1873 and 1874. With
lost empires: sketches of the ruins of Pal- illustrations. New York: Scribner, Arm-
myra. Nineveh, Babylon, and Persepolis, strong & Co., 1875. xvi, 461 p., 1 map, 7 pi.
with some notes on India and the Cashme- 8°. *OCN
rian Himalayas. New York: Harper & New York: Scribner, Arm-
Brothers, 1875. 2 p.l., xiv, 15-531 p.. 11 pi.
8°. *OCN strong & Co., 1876. xvi, 461 p., 1 map, 7 pi.
3. ed. 8°. *OCN
Newman, John Philip. The thrones and
palaces of Babylon and Nineveh from sea Tuch, Johann Christian Friedrich. Com-
to sea. A thousand miles on horseback. mentationes geographicae. Particula I. De
New York: Harper & Brothers, 1876. 3 p.l., Nino urbe animadversiones tres. Scripsit
11-455 p. 8°. *OCN F. Tuch. Accedit tabula lapidi inscripta.
Lipsiae: apud F. C. G. Vogelium, 1845. 2
Ninive grande ville retrouvee au xix.
la p.l., 67 p., 1 map. 8°. * OCN p.v.l
siecle. Toulouse: Societe des livres re-
ligieux, 1854. 80 p., 1 pi. 16°. * OCN Zehnpfund, Rudolf. Die Wiederent-
deckung Nineves. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
Perkins, Justin. Journal of a tour from 1903. 32 p. .8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg.
Oroomiah to Mosul, through the Koordish 5, Heft 3.) * OAC
mountains, and a visit to the ruins of Nine-
veh. (American Oriental SocietJ^ Jour-
nal. New York. 1851. 8°. v. 2, p. 69-119.)
*OAA Nippur

Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. Assur For inscriptions and documents found in the
and Nineveh. (Victoria Institute. Journal Nippur Library see also Business Documents, Con-
tract Tablets, and Commerce; Inscriptions; and
of the transactions. London, 1910. 8°. v.
SuMERiAN Literature.
42, p. 154-174.) *EC
A new historical fragment from Clay, Albert Tobias. Professor Hil-
Nineveh. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour- precht's recent excavations at Nippur.
nal. London, 1904. 8°. 1904, p. 407-417.) (Records of the past. Washington, 1903.
*OAA 4°. v. 2, p. 47-62.) MTA
Nina and Nineveli. (Society of Fisher, Clarence S. The architecture of
Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. Lon- Nippur. (Records
1 pi. of the past.
don, 1905. 8°. v. 27, p. 69-76.) * YIA Washington, 1903. 4°. v. 2, p. 99-118.)
Sennacherib's campaigns on the MTA
northwest and his work at Nineveh. Mycenaean palace at Nippur. [Nor-
(Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London. wood, Mass.,1 1904. 403-432 p., 3 pi. 8°.
1910. 8°. 1910, p. 387-411.) * OAA * OCN p.v.l
Place, Victor. Ninive et I'Assyrie. Paris: Repr. American journal of archaeology, scries
: 2,
V. 8 p. 403-432, MTA.
Imprimerie imperiale, 1867-70. 3 v. f°.
ttt * OCM See also University of Pennsylvania.
Rassam, Hormuzd. Asshur and the land Geere, Valentine, The American exca-
of Nimrod: l)eing an account of the dis- vations at Nippur. 8 pi. (Monthly re-
coveries made in the ancient ruins of Nine- view. London, 1903. 8°. V. 12, no. 3, p. 88-
veh, Asshur. Sepharvaim, Calah, Babylon, 108.) *DA
Borsippa, Cuthah and Van, including a
narrative of different journeys in Meso- Henning, Charles L. Die Ergebnisse der
potamia, Assyria, Asia Minor and Koordis- amcrikanischen Ausgrabungen in Nippur.
tan. With an introduction by Robert W. (Globus. Braunschweig, 1900. 4°. Bd.
Rogers. Cincinnati: Curts & Jennings, 78, p. 7-13.) t KAA
1897. xvi, 432 p., 1 map. 2 plans, 19 pi.. 1
Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen
port. 8°. * OCN am Beltempel zu Nippur. (Globus.
Ravenshaw, E. C. On the winged bulls, Braunschweig, 1903. 4°. Bd. 84, p. 133-137.
lions and other symbolical figures from 149-155.) fKAA


Discoveries and Excavations, continued. Nippur; or. Explorations and ad-
ventures on the Euphrates. The narrative
Nippur, continued.
of the University of Pennsylvania expedi-
Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat. Die Aus- tion to Babylonia in the years 1888-90.
grabungen tier Universitat von Pennsyl- New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1897. 2 v.
vania im Bel-Tempel zu Nippur. Ein Vor- 8°. *OCN
trag. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1903. 77 p.
8°. * OCM The Nippur librarj'. (American
Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven,
The earliest version of the Babjdo- 1905. 8°. V.26, p. 145-164.) * OAA
nian deluge story and the temple library of
Nippur. Philadelphia: University of Penn- The palace at Nippur; Babylonian,
sylvania. 1910. X. 65 p.. 3 pi. 8°. (Uni- not Parthian. [Norwood, Mass., 1905.
versity of Pennsylvania. The Babylonian 450-452 p. 8°. * OCN
expedition of the university. Series D: Re- Repr. American journal of archaeology, series
: 2,
searches and treatises, v. 5, part 1.) * OCN V. 9, p. 450-452, MTA.

recent excavations of the uni- Some recent results of the Univer-
versity at Nippur. 1 pi. (University of sity of Pennsylvania excavations at Nip-
Pennsylvania. Lhiiversity bulletin. Phila- pur, especially of the Temple Hill. 4 pi.
delphia, 1899. 4°. V. 3, p. 373-377.) STG (American journal of archaeology. Prince-
The Hilprecht tablets. (Biblia. Meri- ton, 1895. 8°. V. 10, p. 13-47, 352-368, 439-
den, Conn., 1905. 8°. v. 18, p. 14-22.) 468.) MTA
University of Pennsylvania. Babylonian
Marquand, Allan. The palace at Nippur expedition of the Universitj' of Pennsyl-
not Mycenaean but Hellenistic. (Ameri- vania. Excavations at Nippur, plans, de-
can journal of archaeology. Norwood, tails and photographs of the buildings, with
Mass., 1905. 8°. series 2, v. 9, p. 7-10.)
numerous objects found in them during
MTA the excavations of 1889, 1890, 1893-1896,
John Punnett.
Peters, Exploration of 1899-1900. With descriptive text by Clar-
Nippur. 1 pi. (Records of the past. Wash- ence S. Fisher, part 1-2. Philadelphia,
ington, 1903. 4°. V. 2, p. 35-46.) MTA 1905-06. i°. tt * OCN

Description and Geography

Albemarle (6. earl), George Thomas ney from Bagdad by Mount Zagros to
Keppel. Personal narrative of a journey Hamadan. the ancient Ecbatana, researches
from India to England, by Bussorah, Bag- inIspahan and the ruins of Persepolis. . .

dad, the ruins of Babylon, Curdistan, the London: H. Colburn & R. Bentley, 1830. 2
court of Persia, the western shore of the V. 2. ed. 8°. BCR
Caspian sea, Astrakhan, Nishney, Nov-
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Im Lande des ein-
gorod, Moscow and St. Petersburgh, in the
stigen Paradieses; ein Vortrag, von Fried-
year 1824. London: H. Colburn, 1827. 2 v.
rich Delitzsch. Stuttgart: Deutsche Ver-
2. ed. 8°. BBE lags-Anstalt, 1903. 58 p. 8°. * OCN
Billerbeck, Adolf. Geographische Un-
Goeje, Michiel Johannes Zur histori- de.
tersuchungen. Berlin: W. Peiser, 1898. 50
schen Geographic Babyloniens. (Deutsche
p. 8°. (Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft.
OAA morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift.
Mitteilungen. Jahrg. 3. Heft 2.) *
Nebukadnezar's Befestigung der Umgebungen
Leipzig, 1885. 8°. Bd. 39, p. 1-16.) * OAA
von Babylon iind der Angriff der Perser. Jensen, Peter. Kis. (Zeitschrift fiir As-
2. Tigris, Surapi, Nahr-Dupalias, Uknu und Ulai.
syriologie. Berlin, 1900. 8^ Bd. 15, p. 210-
Das Sandschak Suleimania und des- 256.) *OCL
sen persische Nachbarlandschaften zur
babylonischen und assyrischen Zeit. Ge- Jones, James Felix. Memoirs by Com-
ographische Untersuchungen unter be- mander James Felix Jones. Steam-trip to
sonderer Beriicksichtigung militarischer the north of Baghdad, in April, 1846; with
Gesichtspunkte von A. Billerbeck. Leip- notes on various objects of interest en
zig: E. Pfeiffer. 1898. iv p., 11., 176 p.. 1 route... Notes on the topography of
map. 8°. * OCN Nineveh, and the other cities of Assyria;
and on the general geography of the coun-
Boscawen, William St. Chad. Babylonian try between the Tigris and the upper Zab;
canals. (Babylonian and Oriental record. founded upon a trigonometrical survey
London. 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 226-233.) * OCL made in the year 1852. Bombay: Bombay
Buckingham, James Silk. Travels in As- Education Society's Press, 1857. xxii p.,
syria, Media and Persia, including a jour- 21., 3-500 p., 1 map, 13 plans, 9 pi., 1 table.
Description and Geography, continued. Streck, Maximilian. Die alte Landschaft
Babylonien nach den arabischen Geo-
4°. (Bombay Presidency. Selections from Leiden: E. J. Brill,
graphen. Teil 1-2.
the records of the Bombay government, 1900-01. 8°. *OCN
no. 43, new series.) * SES heutigen Land-
Das Gebiet der
Langdon, Stephen. An ancient Baby- schaften Armenien, Kurdistan und West-
lonian map. (University of Pennsylvania. persien nach den babylonisch-assyrischen
Museum. Journal. Philadelphia, 1916. 8°. Keilinschriften. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriolo-
v. 7, p. 263-268.) * F gie. Weimar, Berlin, 1898-1900. 8°. Bd.
Notes of a 13, p. 57-110; Bd. 14, p. 103-172; Bd. 15, p
Loftus, William Kennctt. * OCL
journey from Baghdad to Busrah, with de-
scriptions of several Chaldaean remains. 1 Toffteen, Olaf Alfred.Notes on Assyri-
map. (Royal Geographical Society. Jour- an and Babylonian geography. (American
nal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 26, p. 131-153.) journal of Semitic languages and litera-
KAA tures. Chicago, 1907. 8°. v. 23, p. 323-
Peiser, Felix Ernst. Eine babylonische 357.) * OBA
Landkarte. (Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie. Researches in Assyrian and Baby-
Leipzig, 1889. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 361-370.) lonian geography. Chicago: University of
*OCL Chicago Press, 1908. 2 p.l., 60 p., 2 maps.
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. A.ssyri- 8°. *OCN
ological gleanings. (Society of Biblical Wagner, Hermann. Die tjberschatzung
Archaeology. Proceedings. London. 1901. der Anbauflache Babyloniens. (Asien.
8°. v. 23, p. 188-210.) * YIA Berlin, 1902. f°. Jahrg. 1, p. 101-105.)
Porter, Robert Ker. Travels in Georgia. tBBA
Persia. Armenia, ancient Babylonia. .dur- .
Ward, William Hayes. On
the location
ing the years 1817, 1818, 1819, and 1820. of Sippara. (American Oriental Society.
London: Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme. Journal. New Haven, 1889. 8°. v. 13, p.
and Brown, 1821-22. 2 v. 4°. t BBV Ixxiii-lxxiv.) * OAA
Quatremere, fitienne Marc. Memoires Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. Die geo-
geographiques sur la Babylonie ancienne et graphische Liste ii R 50. (Deutsche mor-
moderne. [Paris, 1844.] 56 p. 8°. genlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift.
* C p.v.344
Leipzig, 1899. 8°. Bd. 53, p. 653-667.)
: Annales de philosophic chretienne, serie 3,
p. 361-372, 405-427; tome 10, p. 7-17, 112-
123. YAA. Winckler, Hugo. Die Euphratlander und
Sachau, Eduard. Am
Euphrat und Tigris. das Mittelmeer.
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
(Der alte Orient. Jahrg.
Reiscnotizen aus dem Winter 1897-98. 1905. 32 p.
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1900. 4 p.l., 160 p., 7, Heft 2.) *OAC
5 maps. 2 pi. 8°. BBS Zehnpfund, Rudolf. Babylonien in sein-
Reise Syrien und Mesopotamien.
in en wichtigsten Ruinenstatten. Leipzig: J.
Leipzig: F. A. Brockhaus, 1883. x, 478 p.. C. Hinrichs. 1910. 72 p. 8°. (Der alte
11., 3 maps, 22 pi. 8°. BCD Orient. Jahrg. 11, Heft 3-4.) * OAC

Archaeology and Art

General Works Manual of Oriental antiquities in-
cluding the architecture, sculpture and in-
Adler, Cyrus. Report on the section of dustrial arts of Chald^ea, Assyria. Persia,
Oriental antiquities in the U. S. National Syria, Judaea, Phoenicia, and Carthage.
Museum. 1889. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Translated and enlarged by B. T. A.
Off.. 1891. 1 p.l., 289-292 p. 8°. (Smith-
Evetts. London: H. Grevel and Co., 1889.
sonian Institution. United States National xix, 312 p. 8°. *OAL
Museum.) * OCM p.v.2
Repr.: National Museum. Report, 1889, p. 289- New York: G. P. Putnam's
292, ^ EA. Sons, 1889. xix, 312 p. 8°. * OAL
Armstrong, Walter. See Perrot, Georges, New York: G. P. Putnam's
and C. CmriF.z. Sons, 1906. xix, 352 p. new ed. 12°.
Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois. Man- *R-*OAL
uel d'archeologie orientale; Chaldee, Assy-
rie. Perse, Syrie, Judee, Phenicie, Car- Banks, Edgar James. The Bismya tem-
thage. Paris: Maison Quantin
318 [1888]. ple. journal of .Semitic lan-
p. 8°. (Bibliotheque de I'enseignement des guages and literatures. Chicago, 1905. S".
beaux-arts.) * GAL V. 22, p. 29-34.) * OBA


Archaeology and Art, continued. Bronze reliefs from the gates of

Shalmaneser, king of Assyria, B. C. 860-
General Works, continued. 825. Edited by L. W. King. London: the
The Bismya temple. 1 pi. (Records trustees. 1915. 36 p., 80 1., 80 pi. f°.
of the past. Washington, 1906. 4°. v. 5, tt * OCM
p. 227-236.) MTA A
guide to the Babylonian and As-
The oldest statue in the world. syrian antiquities. (Edited by E. A. Wallis
(American journal of Semitic languages Budge.] London: the trustees, 1900. xv,
and literatures. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 21, 203 p.. 1 1.. 34 pi. 8°. * OCL
p. 57-59.) * OBA Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis.
Plain stone vases from Bismya. See British Museum. Department of —
(American journal of Semitic languages Egyptian and Assyrian Antiquities.
and literatures. Chicago, 1905. 8°. v. 22,
* OBA Chipiez, Charles. See Perrot, Georges,
p. 35-40.)
and Charles Chipiez.
Spurious antiquities in Bagdad.
(American journal of Semitic languages Clay, Albert Tobias. The art of the
and literatures. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 21. Akkadians. (Art and archaeology. Wash-
p. 60-62.) * OBA ington. 1917. 4°. v. 5, p. 69-92.) MTA
Terra-cotta vases from Bismya. Dedekind, Alexander. Die Wiener Statue
(American journal of Semitic languages des Namarut. (Vienna Oriental journal.
and literatures. Chicago, 1906. 8°. v. 22, Vienna, 1893. 8°. v. 7, p. 201-205.) * OAA
p. 139-143.) *OBA Delaporte, Louis. La glyptique de I'As-
Billerbeck, Adolf, and Friedrich De- syrie. (Musee Guimet. Annales: Biblio-
LiTZSCH. Die Palasttore Salmanassars ii. theque de vulgarisation. Paris, 1910. 12°.
von Balawat. Erklarung ihrer Bilder und tome 34, p. 263-290.) * OAH
Inschriften. nebst Salmanassars Stierko- La glyptique de Sumer d'Akkad. et
loss- imd Throninschrift von Friedrich De- (Musee Guimet. Annales: Bibliotheque de
litzsch. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1908. 2 vulgarisation. Paris, 1909. 12°. tome 31.
p.l., 155 p.. 4 pi.
ologie. Bd.6.)
8°. (Beitrage zur Assyri-
*OCL p. 179-223.) * OAH
Notes de glyptique orientale. (Re-
Bissing, Friedrich Wilhelm von. Beitrage vue semitique. Paris, 1911. 8°. annee 19,
zur Geschichte der assyrischen Skulptur. p. 338-339.) * OAA
Miinchen, 1912. 17 p., 5 pi. 4°. (Konig-
lich Bayerische Akademie der Wissen- Delitzsch, Friedrich. See Billerbeck,
schaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.-philol. Adolf, and Friedrich Delitzsch; also Ras-
und histor. Klasse. Bd. 26, Abhandlung sam, Hormuzd.
2.) *EE Dieulafoy, Marcel. Temple de Bel-Mar-
duk. fitude arithmetique et architectonique
Boissier, Alfred. Notice sur quelques
monuments assj'riens a I'Universite de Zu- du texte. 2 plans. (Institut de France.
rich. [With notices of the work of Julius
Academie des inscriptions et belles-lettres.
Weber and Joseph Grivel.] Geneve: Im- Memoires. Paris, 1914. 4°. tome 39, p.

primerie Atar, 1912. 49 p. 8°. * OCM 309-372.) *EO

DoUey, Charles S. The thyrsos of
Boscawen, William St. Chad. See Ras- Dionysos and the palm inflorescence of
sam, Hormuzd. the winged figures of Assyrian monuments.
Boussac, Hippolyte. Iconographie zo- (Philadelphia. 1893., 8 p. 4°. ZADp.v.ll
ologique des monuments assyro-chaldeens. Repr.: American Philosophical Society. Proceed-
ings, V. 31, p. 109-116, * E.4.
(Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1915. 4°. v.
12, p. 173-188.) *OCL Duerst, Ulrich. Quelques ruminants sur
British Museum. —
Department of Egyp- des oeuvres d'art asiatiques. (Revue arche-
ologique. Paris, 1902. 8°. serie 3, v. 40,
tian and Assyrian Antiquities. Assyrian
antiquities. Guide to the Kouyunjik gal- p. 239-244.) MTA
lery. [London: W. Clowes and Sons,] 1883. Duncan, George S. The art of the Su-
iv, 190 p. 12°. *F merians. (Art and archaeology. Wash-
Assyrian antiquities. Guide to the
ington. 1917. 4°. v. 5, p. 93-100.) MTA
Nimroud Central Saloon. [London:] the Evetts, Basil Thomas
Alfred, translator.
trustees. 1886. x p., 1 1., 128 p. 12°. * OCM See Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois.
Assyrian sculptures in the British Fergusson, James. The palaces of Nine-
Museum; edited by E. A. Wallis Budge. veh and Persepolis restored; an essay on
Reign of Ashur-nasir-pal, 885-860 B. C. ancient Assyrian and Persian architecture.
London: the trustees, 1914. 24 p.. 531.. 53 London: John Murray, 1851. xvi, 368 p., 8
pi. 1°. tt*OCM pi. 8°. MQL
Archaeology and Art, continued. Hertz, Bram. Catalogue of the collec-
tion of Assyrian, Babylonian, Egyptian,
General IVorks, continued.
Greek. Etruscan, Roman, Indian, Peruvian
Frank, Karl. Babylonisch-assyrische and Mexican antiquities, formed by B.
Kiinst. Seemann [1913|. 33-
Leipzig: E. A. Hertz. London: [G. Norman, printer,;
64 p., 1 pi. 4°. (Kunstgeschichte in Bil- 1851. iv, 156 p., 5 pi. 4°. BAG
dern. Bd. 1, Heft 2.) f * OAL
Babylonische Beschworungs reliefs. Heuzey, Leon. Autre taurcau chaldeen
Ein Beitrag zur Erklarung der sog. Hades- androcephale: statuettes a incrustations.
reliefs. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1908. iv (Institut de France. Academic des in- —
p., 11., 94 p., 4 pi. 8°. (Leipziger semitis- scriptions et belles-lettres. Monuments et
tische Studien. Bd. 3, Heft 3.) * OCM mcmoircs. Paris, 1900. f°. v. 7, p. 7-11.)

Kopfe babylonischer Damonen. 1

pi. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1910. 4°. Autrcs monuments figures prove-
V. 7, p. 21-32.) *OCL nant des fouillcs du capitaine Cros. (Re-
Fresnel, Fulgence. Lettre a M. J. Mold
vue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1907. 4°. v. 6,
(Sur les antiquites babyloniennes]. (Jour- p. 53-58.) * OCL
nal asiatique. Paris, 1853-55. 8°. serie 5, Le chien du roi Soumou-Ilou
V. 1, p. 485-548; v. 2, p. 5-78; v. 6, p. 525- (fouillcs du capitaine Cros en Chaldee).
548.) *OAA (Institut de France. —
Academic des in-
Fritsch, Gustav. Volkerdarstellungen scriptions ct belles-lettres. Alonuments et
auf den altagyptischen und assyrischen mcmoircs. Paris, 1905. f°. v. 12, p. 19-
Denkmalern. (Deutsche Gesellschaft fiir 28.) t MAA
Anthropologic, Ethnologic und Urgc-
schichte. Correspondcnzblatt. Braun- La construction du Our-Nina
d'apres les Icves et les notes de M. de Sar-
schweig, 1902. 4°. Bd. 33, p. 113-119.)
QOA zec. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1898.

Genouillac, H. dc. Une cite du Bas-Eu-

4°. V. 4, p. 87-122.) *OCL
phrate au quatrieme millenairc. (Revue Notes complementaircs d'apres
historique. Paris, 1909. 8°. v. 101, p. 241- les decouvertes de M. dc Sarzcc. (Revue
271.) BAA d'assyriologie. Paris, 1903. 4°. v. 5. p.
Grimm, Karl J. The polychrome lion 26-32.) * OCL
recently found in Babylon. (American De la decoration des vases chal-
Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven, deens. 1 pi. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
1901. 8°. v. 22, p. 27-34.) * OAA 1907. 4°. V. 6, p. 59-66.) * OCL
Hamy, Ernest Theodore. La figure hu-
maine dans les monuments chaldeens, Deux armes sacrees chaldeennes
babyloniens et assyriens. (Societe d'an- decouvertes par M. dc Sarzcc. 1 pi. (Re-
thropologie de Paris. Bulletin et me- vue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1896. 4°. v. 3,
moires. Paris, 1907. 8°. seric 5, v. 8, p. p. 52-58.) * OCL
116-132.) QOA Un gisement de diorite, a propos
Handcock, Percy S. P. Mesopotamian des statues chaldeennes. (Revue d'assyri-
archaeology; an introduction to the archae- ologie. Paris, 1886. 4°. v. 1, p. 121-123.)
ology of Babylonia and Assyria. London: *OCL
Macmillan and Co., 1912. xvi, 423 p., 1 map, Modele en relief, inedit, dc la plus
33 pi. 8°. *OCM ancienne construction asiatique villa royale
Harper, Robert Francis. The Kh. col- chaldeenne. (L'Ami des monuments et des
lection of Babylonian antiquities belong- arts. Paris, 1904. 8°. v. 18, p. 261-265.)
ing to the University of Pennsylvania. MAA
(Hebraica. Hartford, 1889. 8°. v. 6. p. 59-
national du Louvre. Cata-
60.) * OBA logue des antiquites chaldeennes sculpture
Harrison, Jane E. Introductory studies et gravure a la pointe. Paris: Librairies-
in Greek art. London: T. Fisher Unwin, Imprimeries reunics, 1902. 2 p.l., iii. 405 p.,
1885. viiip., 21., 312 p., 1 map, 10 pi. 8°. 1 pi. 8°. *OCM
MAH Un palais chaldeen
d'apres les
p. 40-70. Chalda;o-.\ssyria.
decouvertes dc M. de Sarzcc. Paris: E.
Helm, Otto, and H. V. Hilpreciit. Che- Leroux, 1888. 3 p.l.. iii, 117 p., 11., 1 pi.
mische Untersuchung von altbabylonischcn 16°. (Petite bibliotheque d'art et d'arche-
Kupfer- und Bronze-Gegenstanden und ologie.) *OCM
deren Alters-Bestimmung. (Berliner Ge-
sellschaft fiir Anthropologic. Verhand- Petits chars chaldeo-babyloniens en
lungen. Berlin, 1901. 8°. 1901, p. 157- terre cuite. 1 pi. (Revue d'assyriologie.
164.) QOA Paris, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 115-120.) * OCL


Archaeology and Art, continued. tombeau de Sardanapale a Tarsous. Paris:
A. Leleux, 1853. 1 p.l., lip., 1 pi. 8°.
General IVorks, continued.
de Tcllo et la periode
rois Repr.: Revue archeologique, annee 10, p. 527-537,
arcliaique de I'art chaldeen. Paris: Didier .MT.l.

et Cie., 1882. lip., 1 pi. 8°. * OCM Ledrain, Eugene. Les antiquitcs chal-
Repr. Revue archeologique, nouv.
: scrie, v. 44, deennes du Louvre. (L'art. Paris, 1882.
p. 271-279, MTA.
f°. tome 31, p. 61-69.) fMAA
taiireau chaldeen a tete humaine
Le Une statuette de bronze avec le
et derives.
scs (Institut de France. nom d'Asur-dan. (Revue d'assyriologie.
Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Paris, 1892. 4°. v. 2, p. 91-92.) * OCL
Monuments et memoires. Paris, 1900. f°.
V. 6, p. 115-132.) fMAA Lenormant, Francois. Tre monument!
caldei ed assiri di collezioni romane.
Une villa royale chaldeenne en- Roma: Coi Tipi del Salviucci, 1879. 19 p..
viron 4000 ans avant notre ere. (Revue 1 pi. 4°. *OCKp.v.l
d'assyriologie. Paris, 1896. 4°. V. 3, p.
59-64.) *OCL Longperier, Adrien de. Notice sur les
monuments antiques de I'Asie nouvelle-
See also Sarzec, Ernest de, and ment entres au Musee du Louvre. (Jour-
Leon Heuzey. nal asiatique. Paris, 1855. 8°. serie 5, v.

Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat. Zur Lapis- 6, p. 407-434.) * OAA

lazuli-Frage im Babylonischen. (Zeit- See also Musee du Louvre.
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Berlin, 1893. 8°.
Luckenbill, Daniel David. The temples
Bd. 8, p. 185-193.) *OCL of Babylonia and Assyria. (American
See also Helm, Otto, and H. V. Hil- journal of Semitic languages and litera-
precht. tures. Chicago, 1908. 8°. v. 24, p. 291-
322.) * OBA
Hommel, Fritz. Aus der babylonischen
Altertumskunde. (In: Die Aula. Miin- Meissner, Bruno. Grundziige der baby-
chen, 1895. 4°. Jahrg. 1, no. 18.) f * OCV lonisch-assyrischen Plastik. Leipzig: J. C.
Hinrichs, 1915. 156 p. 8°. (Der alte
Jastrow, Morris, the younger. Nebopo- Orient. Jahrg. 15, Heft 1-4.) * OAC
lassar and the temple to the sun-god at
Menant, Joachim. Les fausses antiqui-
Sippar. (American journal of Semitic tcs de I'Assyrie & de la Chaldee. Paris:
languages and literatures. Chicago, 1899.
E. Leroux, 1888. 2 p.l., 107 p. 16°.
8°. V. 15, p. 65-86.) * DBA (Petite bibliotheque d'art

et d'archeolo-
Jeremias, Alfred. Bemerkungen zu gie.) * OCM
einigen assyrischen Altertiimern in den Forgeries of Babylonian and As-
Koniglichen Museen zu Dresden. (Zeit- syrian antiquities. (American journal of
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1886. archaeology. Baltimore, 1887. 8°. v. 3,
8°. Bd. 1, p. 45-50.) * OCL p. 14-31.) MTA
Handbuch der altorientalischen Musee du Louvre. Notice des monu-
Geisteskultur. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. ments exposes dans la galerie d'antiquites
1913. xvi, 366p., 2pl. 4°. * OCM assyriennes au Musee du Louvre, par
Adrien de Longperier. Paris: Vinchon,
King, Leonard William. The origin of 1849. 40 p. 2. ed. 16°. * p.v.l OCK
animal symbolism in Babylonia, Assyria,
and Persia. (Society of Biblical Archae- Offord, J. The nude goddess Assyrio- in
ology. Proceedings. London, 1912. 8°. Babylonian art. (Society of Biblical Ar-
V. 34, p. 276-278.) * YIA chaeology. Proceedings. London, 1896.
See also British Museum. Depart- — 8°. V. 18, p. 156-157.) *YIA
ment of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiqui- Oppert, Jules. Grundziige der assyri-
ties. schen Kunst. Basel: B. Schwabe, 1872.
1 p.l., 31 p. 8°. (Oeffentliche Vortrage
Knudtzon, Jorgen Alexander. Babylon- gehalten in der Schweiz. Bd. 1, Heft 11.)
isch-assyrische Altertiimer in Kopenha-
gen. 1 pi. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Weimar, 1897. 8°. Bd. 12, p. 253-257.) Paterson, Archibald. Assyrian sculp-
*OCL tures; palace of Sinacherib. Plates and
ground-plan of the palace. The Hague:
Koldewey, Robert. Die altbabyloni- M. Nijhoff [1915]. 2 p.l., 14 p., 1 1., 2 plans.
schen Graber in Surghul und El Hibba.
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig,
87 pi. f°. tt*OCN
1887. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 403-430.) * OCL Ferret, Georges, and Charles Chipiez. A
history of art in Chaldsea & Assyria from
Langlois, Victor. Le Dunuk-Dasch, the French of Georges Perrot...and
Archaeology and Art, continued. Reber, Franz. Ueber altchaldaische
Kunst. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
General Works, continued. Leipzig, 1886-87. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 128-175.
Charles Chipiez. Illustrated with four 289-303; Bd. 2, p. 1-41.) * OCL
hundred and fifty-two engravings in the Redford, George. Sculpture: Egyptian,
text and fifteen steel and coloured plates. Assyrian, Greek, Roman. London: S.
Translated and edited by Walter Arm- Low, Marston, 1892. xi, 246 p.. 1 1. 12°.
strong. London: Chapman and Hall, (Illustrated handbooks of art history.)
Limited, 1884. 2 v. 4°. * OCM and MAE MGH
Pinches, Theophilus The Goldridge. Redlich, Richard. Vom Drachen zu
antiquities found by Mr. H. Rassam at Babel. (Globus. Braunschweig, 1903. f°.
Abu-Habbah (Sippara). London: Harri- V. 84, p. 364-371.) f KAA
son & Sons, 1884. 8 p., 1 pi. 8°.
Ringelmann, Max. Les constructions
* OCM p.v.2 rurales de la Chaldee et de I'Assyrie.
Repr. : Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans-
actions, V. 8, p. 164-171, * VIA.
(Recueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie
et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et assyri-
Babylonian art, illustrated by Mr. ennes. Paris, 1907-08. 4°. annee 29. p.
H. Rassam's latest discoveries. (Society 187-215; annee 30, p. 45-64.) * OBKG
of Biblical Archaeology. Transactions.
London, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 347-357.) * YIA Sarzec, Ernest de. See Heuzey, Leon.
Sarzec, Ernest de, and Leon Heuzey.
The bronze gates of Balawat in Construction anterieure a Our-Nina. (Re-
Assyria. (British Archaeological Associa-
vue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1903. 4°. v. 5,
tion. Journal. London, 1879. 8°. v. 35.
p. 233-237.) CA p. 33-56.) * OCL
Scheil, Jean Vincent. Esagil ou le temple
gates discovered by
The bronze de Bel-Marduk a Babylone. 2 pi. (Insti-
Mr. Rassam Balawat. 1 pi. (Society of
Biblical Archseologv. Transactions. Lon-
tut de France. —
Academic des inscriptions
*YIA et belles-lettres. Memoires. Paris, 1914.
don, 1882. S°. V. 7, p. 83-118.) 4°. tome 39, p. 293-308.) * EO
The temples of ancient Babylonia.
Schileico, Woldemar d'un G. Tete
(Society of Biblical Archieology. demon assyrien a I'Ermitage imperial de
ceedings. London, 1900. 8°. v. 22, p. 358-
Saint-Petersbourg. (Revue d'assyriologie.
371.) *YIA Paris, 1914. 4°. v. 11, p. 57-59.) * OCL
Prince, John Dyneley. The Pierpont Mor- Schleinitz, Der Katalog der
Otto von.
gan Babylonian axe-head. 1 pi. (Ameri- babylonisch-assyrischen Altertiimer und
can Oriental Society. Journal. New Bibliotheken im British-Museum. (Zeit-
Haven, 1905. 8°. v. 26, p. 93-97.) * OAA schrift fiir Bitcherfreunde. Bielefeld. 1903.

Rassam, Hormuzd. Babylonian cities.

4°. Jahrg.6, p. 492-498.) f* GAA
Being a paper read before the Victoria In- Spencer, H. Assyrian art three thou-
stitute, or Philosophical Society of Great sand years ago. London: A. Jarvis. 1895.
Britain. With comments by Prof. De- 9 p. ob. 16°. MGHp.v.l
litzsch and an appendix by W. St. Chad Repr.: Magazine of art, v. 19, p. 51-54, f MAA.
Boscawen. London: E. Stanford tl88-?). Tarbell, Frank Bigelow. history of A
Ip.l., 33 p., 41. 8°. *OCNp.v.l Greek art; witli an introductory chapter
On the preservation of Assyrian on art in Egypt and Mesopotamia. New
and Babylonian monuments. (Transac- York: Macmillan Co., 1913. 2 p.l., iii-xiii,
tions of the ninth International Congress 15-295 p. 12°. MAH
of Orientalists. London: Committee of Thureau-Dangin, Frangois. Notice sur
the Congress, 1893. 8°. v. 2, p. 187-189.) la troisieme collection de tablettes decou-
*OAA verte par M. de Sarzec a Tello. (Revue
Rathgeber, Georg. Archaologische d'assyriologie. Paris, 1903. 4°. v. 5, p.
Schriften. Nike in hellenischen Vasen- 67-102.) * OCL
bildern. Zusammengesetzte und gefliigel- Tiele, Cornelis Petrus. Bemerkungen
te Gestalten in den Denkmalern der Kunst iiber fi-sagila in Babel und £-zida in Bor-
der Babylonier, Assyrier, Phoiniker... sippa zur Zeit Nebukadrezars (Zeit-
Gotha: J. G. Miiller, 1857. 1 p.l., xxxii. schrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1887.
523 p. f°. ttMTN 8°. Bd. 2. p.179-190.) *OCL
Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke. On Tylor, Edward B. The winged figures
the Birs Nimrud, or the great temple of of tlie Assyrian and other ancient monu-
Borsippa. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour- ments. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
nal. London, 1861. 8°. v. 18, p. 1-34.) Proceedings. London, 1890. 8°. v. 12, p.
*OAA 383-393.) * YIA


Archaeology and Art, continued. Delaporte, Louis. Catalogue des cylin-
dres orientaux et des cachets assyro-baiiy-
General Works, continued.
loniens, perses et syro-cappadociens de la
Ward, William Hayes. Altars and sac- Bihliotheque nationale; pul)lie sous les
rifices in the primitive art of Babylonia. auspices de I'Academie des inscriptions et
(Chicago: F. H. Revell Co., 1902., 266-277 I)elles-lettres. Ouvrage accompagne d'un
.p., 3 pi. 8°. * OCM p.v.3 album de 40 planches. Paris: E. Leroux,
1910. 2 v. 4°. (Fondation Eugene Piot.
The Babylonian caduceus.
can Oriental Society. Journal. New Ha- t*OCM
ven, 1890. 8°. V. 14, p. Ixxxv-l.xxxviii.) Catalogue du Musee Guimet. Cy-
*OAA lindres orientaux. Paris: E. Leroux, 1909.
Notes on Oriental antiquities, no.
p.l., xi. 140 p., 10
pi. 4°. (Musee Guimet.
1-3. [Norwood, Mass., 1898., 159-168 p.
Annales. v. 33.) * OAH
8°. *OCMp.v.l Le cylindre-cachet du roi I.sar-Lim.
Repr. : American journal of archaeology, series 1 pi. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1910.
2, V. 2, p. 159-168, MTA. 4". V. 7, p. 147-150.) *OCL
no. 1. The horse in ancient Babylonia.
no. 2. Nehuslitan. Le cylindre royal du musee de
no. 3. A Hittite cylinder seal. Peronne. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,

Notes on Oriental antiquities, no.

1913. 4°. v. 10, p. 89-92.) * OCL
4-9. Baltimore: American Journal ot Les cylindres orientau.x du Musee
Archaeology, 1888. 14 p., 2 pi. 8°. (Ar- historique de I'Orleanais. 6 pi. (Hilprecht
• chseological Institute of America. Papers.) anniversary volume. Leipzig, 1909. 4°.
* OCM p.v,2 p. 83-100.) * OCK
no. 4. An eye of Nabu.
no. 5. A
Babylonian bronze pendant, Cylindres roj^aux de I'epoque de la
no. 6. The stone tablet of Abu-habba. premiere dynastie babylonienne. (Revue
no. 7. Two stone tablets with hieroglyphic Baby- archeologique. Paris, 1910. 8°. serie 4,
! Ionian writing.
no. 8. Assyro-Babylonian forgery.
V. 15. p. 107-117.) MTA
no. 9. The sun-god of Babylonian cylinders. Les sept sceaux d'une enveloppe
datee de Samsu-iluna, roi de Babylone.
Winckler, Hugo. Nebuchadnezzar's (Recueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie
.artificial reservoir. (Hebraica. New Ha- et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et assyri-
ven, 1888. 8°. v. 4, p. 174-175.) *OBA ennes. Paris, 1910. 4°. annee 32, p. 160-
163.) *OBKG
Heuzey, Leon. Sceaux inedits des rois
Cylinders and Seals
d'Agade. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
Allotte de la Fuye, Frangois M. Les 1898. 4°. V. 4, p. 1-12.) * OCL
sceaux de Lougalanda, patesi de Lagash Jastrow, Morris, the younger. A cylinder
(Sirpourla), et de sa femme Barnamtarra. of Marduktabikzirim. (Zeitschrift fiir As-
(Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1907. 4°. v.
syriologie. Leipzig, 1889. 8°. Bd. 4. p.
'6, p. 105-125.) *OCL 301-323.) *OCL
Banks, Edgar James. A Nebuchadnez- Landseer, John. Sabaean researches,
;zar cylinder. (Open court. Chicago, 1915. in a series of essays, addressed to dis-
:8°. V.29, p. 746-751.) * DA tinguished antiquaries, and including the
substance of a course of lectures; delivered
Clercq, Louis de. Collection de Clercq; at the Royal Institution of Great Britain
catalogue methodique et raisonne. Anti- on the engraved hieroglyphics of Chaldea,
quites assyriennes, cylindres orientaux, Egypt and Canaan. London: Hurst, Robin-
cachets, briques, bronzes, bas-reliefs, etc. son & Co.. 1823. xi, 402 p.. 2 pi. 4°.
Public par De Clercq avec la collabora- t*OCM
tion de J. Menant. tome 1, 3-4, 7, partie 1.
Paris: E. Leroux, 1888-1911. 5 v. f°. Langdon, Stephen. A cj'linder seal of
Tome 1. Cylindres orientau.x. 2 v., ftt * OCM. the Hammurabi period. (Society of Bibli-
Tome 3. Les bronzes par A. de Ridder, t MTEL. cal Archaeology. Proceedings. London,
Tome 4. Les marbres, les vases peints et les 1912. 8°. V. 34, p. 158-159.) * VIA
I ivoires par A. de Ridder, t MTEL.
Tome 7. Les .bijoux et les pierres gravees par A. A seal of Nidaba, the goddess of
de Ridder, ^ MTEL. vegetation. (Society of Biblical Archae-
Review of tome 1, by W. H. Ward and I. M. ology. Proceedings. London, 1914. 8°.
Price, \n tht Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie, Bd. 5,
313-334, • OCL.
V. 36, p. 280-281.) * VIA
Cugnin, Louis. Catalogue des cylindres
Two Babylonian seals. 1 pi. (Baby-
loniaca. Paris, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 236-238.)
orientaux de' la collection L. Cugnin par L. *OCO
Legrain. Paris: H. Champion, 1911. 2
ip.l., ii, 34p.,6pl. -sq.4°. t * OCM Legrain, Leon. Sec Cugnin, Louis.
Archaeology and Art, continued. An interesting cylinder-seal. 1 pi.
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
Cylinders and Seals, continued.
ceedings. London, 1911. 8°. v. 33, P- 213-
Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich 220.) * YIA
Karl. Ein Siegelcylinder Koni| Bur-Sin's
Sir Henry Peek's Oriental cylin-
von Isin. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie.
ders. (Babylonian and Oriental record.
Leipzig, 1894. 8°. Bd. 2, 589-621.)
*OCL London, 1891. 8°. v. 5, p. 30-31.) * OCL
Lyon, David Gordon. The seal impres- Three cylinder-seals. 1 pi. (Soci-
sions on an early Babylonian contract ety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings.
(Harvard Semitic Museum, no. 109). London, 1911. 8°. v. 33, p. 130-134.)
(American Oriental Society. Journal. *YIA
New Haven, 1906. 8°. v. 27, p. 135-141.) Price, Ira Alaurice. Four Babylonian seal
*OAA cylinders. (American journal of Semitic
Menant, Joachim. Catalogue des cy- languages and literatures. Chicago, 1904.
lindres orientaux du Cabinet royal des me- 8°. V. 20, p. 109-115.) *OBA
dailles de La Have. La Haye: Imprimerie
84 4°.
Some and other cylinder
de I'etat, 1878. 2 p.l., p., 8 pi.
seals. (In: Old Testament and Semitic
t*OCM studies, in memory of William Rainey
Empreintes de cylindres assyriens Harper. Chicago, 1908. 4°. v. 1, p. 381-
relevees sur des contrats d'interet prive 400.) * OBC
(605^26 av. J. C). [Paris, 189-?, 1 p.l.,

5 pi. 4°. t*OCM Some seals in the Goucher collec-

tion. (American journal of Semitic lan-
Oriental cylinders of the Williams
guages and literatures. Chicago, 1910. 8°.
collection. Baltimore: American Journal
of Archaeology, 1886. 14 p., 2 pi. 8°.
V. 26, p. 169-176.) * OBA
* OCM p.v.2 Ridder, Alfred de. See Clercq, Louis de.
Repr. : American journal of archaeology, v. 2, p.
247-260, Sayce, Archibald Henry. The Babylonian
Les pierres gravees de la Haute- cylinders found by General di Cesnola in
Asie. Recherches sur la glyptique orien- the treasury of the temple at Kurium. (So-
tale. Paris: Maisonneuve & Cie., 1883-86. ciety of Biblical Archaeology. Transac-
2 v. 4°. t*OCM tions. London, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 441-444.)

Sec also Clercq, Louis de.

seal-cylinder from Kara Eyuk.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
Seal cylinders and other Oriental seals by ceedings. London, 1910. 8°. v. 32, p. 177-
William Hayes Ward. New York: Aletro- 180.) * YIA
politan Museum of Art [189-?]. 48 p. 8°.
(Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.
- —— Three seal-cylinders from Mem-
Handbook, no. 12.) * OCM phis. 1 pi. (Society of Biblical Archaeol-
ogy. Proceedings. London, 1911. 8°. v.
Morgan, John Pierpont. Cylinders and 23. p. 259-260.) * YIA
other ancient Oriental seals in tlie library
of J. Pierpont Morgan; catalogued by Wil- Teloni, Bruto. Pietre incise oriental! del
liam Haves Ward. New York: privately Museo di Perugia. 1 pi. (Societa asiatica
printed, 1909. 129 p., 1 1., 39 pi. f°. italiana. Giornale. Firenze, 1905. 8°. v.
tt * OCM 18. p. 195-216.) *OAA
James B. A net cylinder of Ente-
Nies, Toscanne, Paul, Les fonctionnaires
mena. (American Oriental Society. Jour- bata, lupa ct naru. (Revue d'assj'riologie.
nal. New Haven, 1916. 8°. v. 36, p. 137- Paris, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 56-64.) * OCL
139.) * OAA Ward, William Hayes. The Babylonian
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. The representation of the solar disk. rChicago,
Babylonian and Assyrian cylinder-seals 1898.] 3 p. 8°. .*OCMp.v.l
of the British Museum. London: Whiting Repr.: American journal of theology, v. 2, p. 115-
6 Co., 1885. lip., 3 pi. 8°. * OCM p.v.2 118,

Repr.: British Archaeological Association. Jour- The Babylonian seals. (New York,
nal, V. 41. p. 396-404, CA. 1887., 80-92 p. 8°. * OCM p.v.l
Cylinder-seals in the possession of Extract: Scribner's magazine, v. 1, p. 80-92,
Offord. (Society of Biblical Archae-
* DA.
ology. Proceedings. London, 1902. 8°. Bel and the dragon. fNew York,
V. 24, p. 87-94.) * YIA 1898., 12 p. 8°. * OCM p.v.l
interesting cylinder-seal. (So- Repr.: American journal of Semitic languages
and literatures, v. 14, p. 94-105, * OBA.
ciety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceed-
ings. London, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 168-169.) The cylinder and cone seals in the
*YIA Museum of the Hermitage, St. Petersburg.
Archaeology and Art, continued. rising sun on Babylonian cylinders. (Bal-

Cylinders and Seals, continued.

timore, 1887., 7p., Ipl. 8°. * OCM p.v.l
Repr.: American journal of archaeology, v. 3, p.
(In: Old Testament and Semitic studies, 50-56, MT.l.

in memory of William Rainey Harper. Notes on Oriental antiquities. Two

Chicago, 1908. 4°. v. 1, p. 359-380.) Babylonian seal-cylinders. (Baltimore,
*OBC 1886.] 3 p. 8°. * OCM p.v.l
Repr.: American journal of archaeology, v. 2, p.
A new inscription of Ine-Sin, king 46-48, .MT.l.
of Ur. (American journal of Semitic lan- On Babylonian-Assyrian cylinder
£?ua!?es and literatures. Chicago, 1903. 8°. seals. (American Oriental Society. Jour-
V. 19. p. 149-151.) DBA
* nal. New Haven, 1890. 8°. v. 14, p. cxlii-
cxliv.) *OAA
Notes on Oriental antiquities. A A
royal cylinder of Burnaburiash.
Babylonian cylindrical basrelief from (American Oriental Society. Journal.
Urumia in Persia. Tiamat and other evil New Haven, 1896. 8°. v. 16, p. cxxxi-
spirits, as figured on Oriental seals. [Bos- cxxxii.) * OAA
ton, 1890.] 15 p.. 1 pi. 8°. * OCM p.v.l The
seal cylinders of western Asia.
Repr.: American journal of archaeology, v. 6, p. Washington, D. C, 1910. xxix p., 1 1., 428
286-29S, MTA. p. 4°. (Carnegie Institution of Washing-
Notes on Oriental antiquities.
ton. Publications, no. 100.) * EA
"Human sacrifices" on Babylonian cylin- Sir Henry Peek's Oriental cylin-
ders. [Boston, 1890.] 11 p. 8°.
ders. (Babylonian and Oriental record.
London, 1890. 8°. v. 4, 241-245.)
* OCM p.v.l p.
Repr.: American journal of archaeology, v. 5, p.
34-43, MTA. See also Metropolitan Museum of
Art. New York; also Morgan, John Pier-
Notes on Oriental antiquities. The pont.

Calendar and Chronology

Barton, George Aaron. Kugler's cri- tificii Instituti Biblici. 1912. 2 p.l., viii, 124
terion for determining the order of the p. 4°. (Pontificio istituto biblico.)
months in the earliest Babylonian calen- t*ocz
dar. (American Oriental Society. Jour- Epping, Joseph, and J. N. Strassm.mer.
nal. New Haven, 1913. 8°. v. 33, p. 297- Dcr Saros-Canon der Babylonier. (Zeit-
305.) * OAA schrift fiir Assvriologie. Berlin, 1893. 8°.
Bosanquet, J. W. Chronology of the Bd. 8, p. 149-178.) * OCL
reigns of Tiglath Pileser, Sargon, Shalma-
nezer and Sennacherib, in connexion with Floigl, Victor. Die Chronologic der
Bibel des Manetho und Beros. Leipzig:
the pUienomenon seen on the Dial of Ahaz.
(Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. Lon- W. Friedrich, 1880. x, 286 p. 8°. BAH
don, 1855. 8°. V. 15, p. 277-296.) * OAA Ginzel, F. K. Handbuch der mathema-
Corrections of the canon of Ptol- tischen und technischen Chronologic. Das
emy, required in order to place it in har- Zeitrechnungswesen der Volker. Bd. 1-3.
mony with the solar eclipses of Jan. 11th, Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1906-14. 3 v. 8°.
B. C. 689 and May 28th, B. C. 585. (Royal OYB
Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1855. Gumpach, Johannes von. Die Zeitrech-
8°. V. 15, p. 416-430.) * OAA nung der Babylonier und Assyrer. Hei-
Boscawen, William St. Chad. Babyloni- delberg: J. C. B. Mohr, 1852. xvi, 179 p.
an dated tablets, and the canon of Ptolemy. 8°. * OCT
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans- Haerdtl, Eduard von. Astronomische
actions. London, 1878. 8°. v. 6, p. 1-78.) Beitrage zur assyrischen Chronologic.
*YIA (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaf-
Discussion, p. 79-133. ten. Denkschriften. Math.-naturwissensch.
Brockelmann, Karl. Wesen und Ur- Classe. Wien, 1885. f°. Bd. 49, p. 153-
sprung des Eponymats in Assyrien. (Zeit- 196.) *EF
schrift fur Assyriologie. Strassburg, 1902. Haigh, Daniel H. Comparative chron-
8°. Bd. 16, p. 389-401.) ^*
OCL ology of Assyria, Egypt and Israel. (Zeit-
Deimel, Antonius. Veteris Testamenti schrift fiir agyptische Sprache und Alter-
chronologia monumentis Babylonico-As- thumskunde. Leipzig, 1871. 4°. Jahrg.
syriis illustrata. Romae: sumptibus Pon- 9, p. 74-80, 99-103.) f * OBH
Calendar a)id Chronology, continued. cegyptischen Chronologic. Berlin: Konig-
liche Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1869.
Hogg, Hope W. Relative chronology of
first dynasties of Isin and Babylon. (Man- 1 p.l., 25-66 p. 4°. t *
Konigliche Akademie der Wissenschaften.
chester Oriental Society. Journal. Man- :

Abhandlungen, Philos.-hist. Klasse, 1869, p. 25-66,

chester, 1911. 8°. 1911, p. 21-39.) *OAA * EE.

Hommel, Fritz. Zur altbabylonischen Mahler, Eduard. Der babylonische

Chronologic. (Zeitschrift fiir Keilschrift- Schaltcyclus. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriolo-
forschung. Leipzig, 1884. 8°. Bd. 1. p. gie. Leipzig, 1891. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 457-464.)
32-44.) * OCL *OCL
Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. A list Die Datirung der babylonischen
of the year-names used to date the years Arsacideninschriften. (Wiener Zeitschrift
of the first dynasty of Babylon, compiled fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Wien,
from... date lists and. .documents of the .
1901. 8°. Bd. 15, p. 57-71.) * OAA
period. part 1. Cambridge: A. P. Dixon,
. .
Die Jahrrechnungen bei den Assy-
1911. sq.4°. ttBAH rern. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leip-
On the length of the month in zig, 1890. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 47-54.) * OCL
Babylonia. (Society of Biblical Archaeol- Der Kalender
Babylonier. der
ogy. Proceedings. London, 1908. 8°. v. (Hilprecht anniversary volume. Leipzig,
30, p. 221-230.) 1909. 4°. p. 1-13.) *OCK
Kewitsch, G. Zweifel an der astrono- Das Kalenderviresen der Babylonier.
niischen und geometrischen Grundlage des (Transactions of the ninth International
60-Systems. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Congress of Orientalists. London. 1893.
Strassburg, 1904. 8°. Bd. 18, p. 73-95.) 8°. V. 2. p. 209-217.) * OAA
Der Saros-Canon der Babylonier
Kugler, Franz Xaver. Darlegungen und und der 19-jahrige Schaltcyclus derselben.
Thesen iiber altbabylonische Chronologic. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar,
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg, 1896. 8°. Bd. 11, p. 41-46.) * OCL
1909. 8°. Bd. 22, p. 63-78.) * OCL
Der Schaltcyclus der Babylonier.
Langdon, Stephen. A tablet from Um- (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar,
ma. in the Ashmolean Museum. 1 pi. 1894. 8°. Bd.9, p. 42-61.) * OCL
(Society of Biblical Archaeology^ Pro-
ceedings. London, 1913. 8°. v. 35, p. 47-
Der Schaltcyklus der Babylonier.
*YIA (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft.
Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1898. 8°. Bd. 52, p.
Tablets from the archives of 227-246.) * OAA
Drehem, with a complete account of the
Sumerian calendar, transla- Zur Chronologic
der Babylonier.
origin of the
Vergleichungstabellen der babylonischen und
tion, commentary and 23 plates. Paris:
christlichen Zeitrechnung von Nabonassar
P. Geuthner, 1911. 25 p., 23 facs. 4°.
(747 V. Ch.) bis 100 v. Ch. (Kaiserliche
t*OCQ Akademie der Wissenschaften. Denk-
Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich schriften. Math.-naturwissensch. Classe.
Karl. Berossos' Chronologic und die Wien, 1895. f°. Bd. 62, p. 641-664.) * EF
keilinschriftlichen Neufunde. (Klio. Bei-
Marquart, Josef. Chronologische Unter-
trage zur alten Geschichte. Leipzig, 1908-
suchungen. (Philologus. Leipzig, 1899.
4°. Bd.8, p. 227-251; Bd. 476-
BAE 8°. Supplementband 7, p. 635-720.) RBA
Die Dynastien der babylonischen Meyer, Eduard. Die chaldaische Aera
des Almagest und der babylonische Kalen-
Konigsliste und des Berossos. (Klio.
Beitrage zur alten Geschichte. Leipzig. der. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Wei-
1903. 4°. Bd. 3, p. 135-163.) BAE mar, 1894. Bd.9, p. 325-328.) * OCL
chronologische System des
Nach Tag und Monat. (Zeitschrift Berossos. (Klio. Beitrage zur alten Ge-
fiir Assyriologie.Weimar, 1896. 8°. Bd. schichte. Leipzig, 1903. 4°. Bd. 3, p. 131-
11, p. 432-443.) *OCL 134.) tBAE
Zwei Hauptprobleme der altorien-
talischen Chronologic und ihre Losung
Muss-Amolt, William. The Assyro-
Babylonian months and their regents.
von C. F. Lehmann. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer,
1898. X, 224 p., 1 fac. 1 pi., 5 tables. 4°.
[Baltimore?] n.d. 34 p. 16°. * OCM p.v.2
OCT The names of the Assyro-Babylo-
nian months and their regents. [Boston,
Lepsius, Karl Richard. Uber den chrono-
logischen Werth der assyrischen Epony-
1892., 1 p.l., 40 p. 8°. * OCM p.v.2
Repr.: Journal of Biblical literature, v. 11, p. 72-
men, und einige Beriihrungspunkte mit der 94, 160-176. 'DA.
Calendar and Chronology, continued. Genesis xiv. (Society of Biblical Archaeol-
ogy. Proceedings. London, 1917. 8°. v.
Oefele, Felix von. Die Angaben der
Berliner Planetentafel P8279 verglichen
39, p. 4-15.) *YIA
mit der Geburtsgeschichte Christi im Be- Plunket, Emmeline. The Accadian cal-
richte des Matthaus. Berlin: \V. Peiser, endar. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
1903. 1 p.l.. 45 p. 8°. (Vorderasiatische Proceedings. London. 1892-1910. 8°. v.
Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. Jahrg. 8, Heft 14, p. 112-119; V.32, p. 11-17, 55-63.) * YIA
2.) * OAA Sayce, Archibald Henry. Babylonian
chronology. (Society of Biblical Archae-
Oppert, Jules. Chronologie dcs As-
H. ology. Proceedings. London, 1912. 8°.
syriens et des Babyloniens. [Paris:
Carion,] n. d. 43 p. 8°. * OCT V. 34, p. 165-172.) *YIA
The new Babylonian chronological
La fixation exacte de la chronolo- tablet. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
gie des derniers rois de Babylone. (Zeit- Proceedings. London, 1899. 8°. v. 21. p.
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Berlin, 1893. 8°. 10-25.) * YIA
Bd. 8, p. 56-74.) * OCL
Schnabel, Paul. Die
Hie und da. (Deutsche morgen- Chronologie in Berossos' Babyloniaka.
landische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leip- Berlin: W. Peiser, 1908. 1 p.l.. 46 p.. 11.
zig, 1899. 8°. Bd. 53, p. 93-97.) * OAA 8°. (Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft. Mit-
teilungen. Jahrg. 13, Heft 5.) * OAA
Nach Jahr und Tag. (Zeitschrift
fiir Assyriologie. Weimar, 1897. 8°. Bd. Studien zur babylonisch-assyri-
12, p. 97-105.) *OCL schen Chronologie. Berlin: W. Peiser,
1908. 1 p.l.. 100 p. 8°. (Vorderasiatische
Noli me tangere. A mathematical
Gesellschaft. Alitteilungen. Jahrg. 13,
demonstration of the exactness of Biblical
chronology. (Society of Biblical Archae-
Heft 1.) *OAA
ology. Proceedings. London, 1898. 8°. Smith, George. The Assyrian eponym
V. 20, p. 24-47.) * VIA canon; containing translations of the docu-
ments, and an account of the evidence, on
chronology and the true
real the comparative chronology of the Assy-
history Babylonian dynasties.
of the rian and Jewish kingdoms, from the death
(Babylonian and Oriental record. Lon- of Solomon to Nebuchadnezzar. London:
don, 1888. 8°. V. 2, p. 105-118.) *OCL S. Bagster and Sons, n. d. viii, 206 p. 8°.
Restoration of the Berosus caoon. *ocw
(Transactions of the second session of the On
fragments of an inscription giv-
International Congress of Orientalists. ing part of the chronology from which the
London: Triibner & Co.. 1876. 8°. p. 46- canon of Berosus was copied. (Society of
50.) * OAA Biblical Archaeology. Transactions. Lon-
Die Schaltmonate bei den Baby- don, 1874. 8°. V.3, p. 361-379.) * YIA
loniern und die agyptisch-chaldaische Ara Strassmaier, J. N. Einige chronologische
des Nabonassar. (Deutsche morgenland- Daten aus astronomischen Rechnungen.
ische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Berlin, 1892.
1897. 8°. Bd. 51, p. 138-165.) * OAA 8°. Bd. 7, p. 197-204.) * OCL
Peiser, Felix Ernst. Studien zur orien- Der Saros-Canon Sp. ii, 71. (Zeit-
talischen Altertumskunde. Berlin: W. schrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar, 1895.
Peiser, 1897-1901. 8°. (Vorderasiatische 8°. Bd. 10. p. 64-69.) * OCL
Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. Jahrg. 2, See also Epping, Joseph, and J. N.
Heft 4; Jahrg. 3, Heft 6rjahrg. 5, Heft 2; Str.\ssmaier.
Jahrg. 6, Heft 3.) * OAA Thureau-Dangin, Francois. Note pour
Zur babylonischen Chronologie. servir a chronologie de la seconde
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, dvnastie d'Our. (Revue semitique. Paris,
1891. 8°. Bd. 6, p.264-271.) * OCL 1897. 8°. annee 5, p. 72-74.) * OAA

Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. The Notes pour servir a la chronologie

Babylonian month-names of the fifth de la dynastie kassite. (Journal asiatique.
Paris, 1908. 8°. serie 10, v. 11, p. 117-134.)
series. (Society of BiJblical Archaeology.
Proceedings. London, 1912. 8°. v. 34, p. *OAA
292-295.) * VIA Tyrwhitt, R. E. Ptolemy's chronology
of Babylonian reigns conclusively vindi-
Notes upon the early Sumerian
month-names. (Society of Biblical Archae- cated; and the date of the fall of Nine-
veh ascertained; with elucidations of con-
ology. Proceedings. London, 1913. 8°.
nected points in Assyrian, Scythian. Me-
V. 35, p. 123-128.) * VIA dian. Lydian and Israelite history. (Royal
Some Relph collection.
texts of the Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1861.
with notes on Babylonian chronology and 8°. V. 18, p. 106-149.) *OAA
Calendar and Chronology, continued. ncucre Arbeiten zur babylonisch-per-
sischen Chronologie. (Deutsche morgen-
Ungnad, Arthur. Die Chronologie der landische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leip-
Rcgicrung Ammiditana's mid Ammisa- zig, 1901. 8°. Bd. 55, p. 195-220.) * OAA
duga's. Nach Datenlisten dcs Berliner
Museums. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Zum
babylonischen Kalender. (Hil-
Leipzig, 1909. 8°. Bd. 6, Heft 3. p. 3-53.) precht anniversary volume. Leipzig, 1909.
*OCL 4°. p. 281-290.) * OCK
Weidner, Ernst F. Studien zum Kalen-
(Baby- Zur neubabylonischen und acha-
dcr der Hethitcr und Babj'lonier.
8°. 164-181.)
menidischen Chronologie. (Deutsche mor-
loniaca. Paris, 1912. v. 6. p.
genlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift.
*oco Leipzig, 1908. S°. Bd. 62, p. 629-647.)
Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. tjbcr einige *OAA

General Works Delattre, Alphonse J. Coup d'ccil sur la
civilisation assyrio-babylonienne. (Revue
Abbott, E. See Duncker, Max. des questions scientifiques. Louvain, 1900.
Babelon, Ernest Charles Frangois. See 8°. serie 2, v. 18, p. 79-124.) * EM
Lenormant, Frangois, and E. C. F. Babelon. Les inscriptions historiques de
Barreiros, Caspar. Censura in quendam Ninive et de Babylone. Aspect general de
auctorem, qui sub falsa inscriptione Berosi ces documents, examen raisonne des ver-
Chaldsei circumfertur. [Heidelberg:j Apud sions frangaises & anglaises. Paris: E.
H. Commelinum, 1598. 46 p. 16°. ZDE Leroux, 1879. 90 p. 8°. * OCK
Bound with: Jacques Boileau, Historia flagellan-
tium. Parisiis, 1700. Delitzsch, Friedrich. See Muerdter, F.
Berosus. Berossos oder Chaldaische Duncker, Max. Geschichte des Alter-
Alterthiimer. Als, durch die neulich im thums. Berlin: Duncker und Humblot,
Boden Assyriens ausgegrabenen Keilin- 1855-57. 4 v. 2. ed. 8°. BAE
bestatigte. Seitenstiicke
Von Dr. S. Rubin. Wien: Verlag
— • Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot,
des Verfassers. 1882. 160 p. 12°. * PE 1878-82. 7v. 5.ed. 8°. BAE
Berosus Chaldaeus fragmenta. (In: Leipzig: Duncker & Humblot,
Fragmenta historicorum Grsecorum. Pari- 1884-86. 2v. 8°. BAE
siis, 1878. 4°. V. 2, p. 495-510.) BVE The history of antiquity; from the
See also the section Calendar and German by E. Abbott. London: R. Bent-
Chronology. ley & Son, 1877-82. 6v. 8°. *R-BAE
Levi della Vida, Giorgio. Pseudo-Beroso Edward.
Parr, History of the Assyri-
siriaco. (Rivista degli studi orientali. ans, Chaldeans, Medes, Lydians and
Roma, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 7-43.) * OAA Carthaginians. New York: Robert Carter
& Brothers, 1850. vi, 7-333 p. 12°. * OCT
Bezold, Carl.Die Kulturwelt des alten
Orients. (In: Julius von Pflugk-Hart- Goodspeed, George Stephen. A history
tung, Weltgeschichte. Berlin, 1910. of the Babylonians and Assyrians. New
[V. 7,1 p. 1-127.) t BAP York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1902. xiii, 422 p.,
2 maps. 12°. (Historical series for Bible
Bosanquet, J. W. On the date of the
fallof Nineveh, and the beginning of the
students, v. 6.) *R-*OCT
reign of Nebuchadnezzar at Babylon, B. C.
Hall, Harry Reginald. The ancient his-
581. (Society of Biblical Arcliacology.
tory of the Near East, from the earliest
Transactions. London, 1873. 8°. v. 2. p.
times to the Ijattle of Saiamis. New York:
147-178.) *YIA Macmillan Co., 1913. xxiii, 602p., 10 maps,
Brandis, Johannes. t)ber den histo- 2 plans. 30 pi., 1 table. 8°. * OBE
rischen Gewinn aus der Entzifferung der
Nebst einer See also King, Leonard William,
assyrischen Inschriften.
Ubersicht iiber die Grundziige des assy-
and H. R. Hall,- also Maspero, Sir Gaston
Keilschrift systems.
Camille Charles.
Berlin: W. Hertz, 1856. vi. 126 p.. 1 fac.
The History
of Babylonia and Assyria.
8°. *OCK (In: Williams, The historians' his-
H. S.
Craig, James Alexander. See Wincklcr, tory of the world. New Y'ork, 1905. 4°.
Hugo. v. 1, p. 305-637.) *R-BA

History, contiiiitcd. Krall, Jakol). Grundriss dcr altoricntali-

schen Geschichte. Theil 1. Bis auf Kyros.
General Works, continued.
Wien: A. Holder, 1899. 8°. BAE
Hoefer, Jean Clirctien Ferdinand. Chal-
dee, Assyria. Medie. Babylonie, Mesopo- Krug, Carl. See Niebuhr, Carl, pseud.
tamie, Phenicie. Palmyrene. Paris: F. of Carl Kru.g,
Didot freres, 1852. 2 p.l., 440 p., 1 map. 30 Lenormant, Fran(:ois, and E. C. F. Babe-
pi. 8°. BBP LON. Histoire ancienne de I'Orient jus-
Hommel, Fritz. Abriss der bahylonisch- qu'aux guerres mediques. Paris: A. Levy,
assyrischen und israelitischen Geschichte 1881-88. 6 v. 9. ed. 4°. t * OCT
von den altesten Zeiten bis zur Zerstorun.^ Tome 4. Les assyriens et les chaldeens.

Babel's in Tabellenform. Leipzig: J. C. Tome 5. La civilisation assyro-chaldeenne.

Hinrichs, 1880. 2 p.l., 20 p. 4°. * PXG McCIure, ]\I. L. See Maspero, Sir Gas-
Geschichte Morgen-
des alten ton Camille Charles.
landes. Mit 9 Voll- und Textbildern und
einer Karte des Morgenlandes. Berlin: McCurdy, James Fredeilck. History,
G. J. Goschen. 1912. 193(1) p.. 11. 3. ed.
propliecy and the monuments. New York:
Alacmillan and Co., 1894-1901. 3 v. 8°.
16°. (Sammlung Goschen. Bd. 43.)
Geschichte Babyloniens und Assy- Maspero, Sir Gaston Camille Charles.
riens. Berlin: G. Grote. 1885. vi. 802 p.. 1 Histoire ancienne des peuples de I'Orient
map, 16 pi. 8°. (Allgemeine Geschichte classique. Les empires. Paris: Hachette
in Einzeldarstellungen. Hauptabtheilung et Cie., 1899. 2 p.l., 826 p.. 3 pi. 4°.
1, Theil 2.) *R-BA t*OBK
Justi, Ferdinand. Egypt and western G. Maspero's Geschichte der mor-
Asia in antiquit}'; in part translated under genlandischen Volker im Altertum. Nach
the supervision of J. H. Wright. Philadel-
der zweiten Auflage des Originales und
phia: Lea Bros. & Co. [Cop. 1902.) 1 p.l.,
unter Mitwirkung des Verfassers iibersetzt
v-xviii, 17-352 p., 1 fac, 1 plan, 27 pi. 4°. von Dr. Richard Pietschmann. Leipzig: . .

(A history of all nations, v. 1.) *R-BA W. Engelmann, 1877. xi, 644 p., 1 map. 8°.
Karppe, S. Les documents historiques The passing of the empires, 850 B.C.
de la Chaldee et de I'Assyrie et la verite. to 330 B.C. By G. Maspero... Edited by
(Revue semitique. Paris, 1894. 8°. annee A. H. Sayce... Translated by M. L. Mc-
2, p. 347-361.) * OAA CIure. . New York: D. Appleton & Com-

Kaulen, Franz. und Baby- Assj'rien

pany, 1900. xii, 824 p., 3 pi. 4°. t*OCT
Translation of: Histoire ancienne des peuples de
lonien nach den neuesten Entdeckungen. I'Orient classique. Les empires.
Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1882. viii,
222 p., 1 1., 1 fac. 2 maps. 2. ed. 8°. (II- Histoire ancienne des peuples de
lustrierte Bibliothek der Lander- u. Vol- I'Orient classique. Les origines. figypte
kerkunde.) OCT and * OCM
* & Chaldee. Paris: Hachette et Cie.. 1895.
2 p.l., 804 p., 3 pi. 4°. t*OBK
King, Leonard William. A history of The dawn of civilization: Egypt
Babylonia and Assyria, v. 1-2. London:
Chatto & Windus, 1910-15. 2 v. 4°. and Chaldaea. Edited by A. H. Sayce,
*R-* OCT translated by M. L. McClure. London:
V. 1. A history of Sumer and Akkad. Society for Promoting Christian Knowl-
V. 2. A history of Babylon. edge, 1894. xii, 800 p., 1 map. 4°.
V. 1. New York: F. A. Stokes
Translation of: Histoire ancienne des peuples de
Co. [1910.] xxii p., 1 1., 380 p., 1 map. 34 pi. I'Orient classique. Les origines. fegypte & Chaldee.
40 * OCT
New York: D. Appleton and
f * OBK
See also Maspero, Sir Gaston Camille Co., 1894. xii, 800 p., 1 map. 4°.
History of Egypt, Chaldea, Syria,
Halevy, Joseph. M. L. W. King et le Babylonia and Assyria, by G. Maspero...
probleme sumerien. (Revue semitique. Edited by A. H. Sayce... Translated by
Paris, 1910. 8°. annee 18, p. 325-333.) M. L. McClure... London: The Grolier
*OAA Society [190-?,. 13 v. 8°. * OBT
V. 1-9. Translation of Maspero's Histoire an-
King, Leonard William, and H. R. Hall. cienne des peuples de I'Orient classique.
Egypt and western Asia in the light of V. 10-12. Rappoport, S. History of Egrypt from
330 B. C. to the present time.
recent discoveries. London: Society for W.,
V. 13. King. L. and H. R. Hall. History of
Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1907. Egypt. Chaldea, Syria, Babylonia and Assyria in
viii p., 31., 480 p., 17 pi. 4°. * OBL the light of recent discovery.
History, continued. Pietschmann, Richard. See Maspero,.
Sir Gaston Camille Charles.
General Works, continued.
Ragozin, Zenaide Alexeievna. Famous
The struggle of the nations, Egypt,
nations; the stories of peoples which have
Syria and Assyria, by G. Maspero...
attained prominence in history, v. 1, part
Edited by A. H. Sayce... Translated by
M. L. McClure. London: Society for Pro-
1-2. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons,
1889. 8°. *OCT"
moting Christian Knowledge, 1896. xii, from
794 p., 1 map, 3 pi. 4°. *R-BAE V. 1, part 1. story
earliest times to the rise of Assyria.
of Chaldea, the-

Translation of: Histoire ancienne des peuples de V. 1, part story of Assyria, from the rise
2. The
rOrient. Premieres melees des peuples. of the empire to the fall of Nineveh.
New York: D. Appleton & Story of Media, Babylon and'
Company, 1897. xii, 794 p., 3 pi. 4°.
Persia, including a study of the Zend-
t*OBK Avesta or religion of Zoroaster; from the
Maurice, Thomas. Observations con- fall of Nineveh to the Persian war...
nected with astronomy and ancient his- New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1888.
tory, sacred and profane, on the ruins of xviiip., 11., 447 p., 1 map, 2 pi. 12°. (The
Babylon, as recently visited and described story of the nations.) *R-BAC"
by C. J. Rich.. London: the author, 1816.
—— New - York: G. P. Putnam's-
2p.l., viii, 164p., 4pl. 4°. f * OCK Sons, 1891. xviiip., 1 1., 447 p., 1 map, 2 pi.
Menant, Joachim. Babylone et la Chal- 12°. (The story of the nations.) * OMS-
dee. Paris: Alaisonneuve et Cie.. 1875.
* OCV Rawlinson, George. The five great
vii, 303 p., 1 map, 7 plans. 4°.
monarchies of the ancient eastern world;
Meyer, Eduard. Geschichte des Alter- or. The history, geography and antiquities
thums. Stuttgart: Cotta, 1884-1902. 5 v. of Chaldjea. Assyria, Babylon, Media and'
8°. BAE Persia, collected and illustrated from
Stuttgart: J. G. Cotta, 1910-13. ancient and modern sources. London: J.
8°. BAE Murray, 1862-67. 4 v. 8°. * OCT'
5v. 3. ed.

Muerdter, F. Kurzgefaszte Geschichte New York: Scribner, Welford'

Babyloniens und Assyriens nach den & Co., 1871. 3v. 2. ed. 8°. Stuart 6683
Keilschriftdenkmalern. Mit besonderer Rogers, Robert William. A history of
Beriicksichtigung des Alten Testaments.
Babylonia and Assyria. New York: Eaton
Mit Vorwort und Beigaben von Friedrich & Mains [Cop. 1900j. 2 v. 3. ed. 8°.
Delitzsch. Stuttgart: D. Gundert. 1882. * R-* OCT
viii, 279 p. 12°. * OCT
.Si.xth edition in two volumes,
Nakhlah, Jamil. Tarikh Babil wa Ashur. revised, largely rewritten and illustrated.
r-A. short history of Babylon and Assyria.! New York: Abingdon Press [1915). 2 v.
Beirut: al-Fawaid, 1893. 128 p. 8°. * OFI 8°. * OCT
Niebuhr, Carl, pseud, of Carl Krug. Rubin, S. See Berosus,
Die Chronologic der Geschichte Israels,
Aegyptens. Babyloniens, und Assj'riens, Sayce, Archibald Henry. The antiquity
von 2000-700 v. Chr. untersucht. Leip- of civilized man. (American journal of
zig: E. Pfeiffer, 1896. x, 80 p. 8°. * OBT theology. Chicago, 1901. 8°. v. 5, p. 692-
Forschung und Darstellung. Ver- 702.) ZEA
merke und Einzclheiten zur historischen Synchronous history of Assyria
Betrachtungsweise insbesondere des alten and Babylonia. (Society of Biblical Ar-
Orients. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer, 1905. 1 p.l.. chaeology. Transactions. London. 1873.
48 p. 8°. *OBE 8°. V. 2, p. 119-145.) *YIA
Repr.: Ex Oriente Lux, Bd. 1, p. 203-250, * OAC. See also Maspero, Sir Gaston
Niebuhr, Marcus von. Geschichte As- Camille Charles.
sur'sund Babel's seit Phul aus der Con-
Scheuchzer, Aug. Zur Geschichte von
cordanz des Alten Testaments, des Beros-
Assur und Babel. Ethnographisches.
sos, des Kanons der Konige und der grie-
(Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft.
chischen Schriftsteller. Nebst Versuchen
Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1862. 8°. Bd. 16, p.
liber die vorgeschichtliche Zeit. Berlin:
W. Hertz, 1857. vi, 529 p., 1 map. 8°. 482-494.) * OAA
*OCT Schrader, Eberhard. Die Abstammung
der Chaldaer und die Ursitze der Semiten.
Peiser, Felix Ernst. Studien zur orien-
(Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft.
talischen Altertumskunde. Berlin: W. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1873. 8°. Bd. 27, p.
Peiser. 1897-1901. 8°. (Vorderasiatische
Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. Jahrg. 2, Heft
397-424.) * OAA
4; Jahrg. 3, Heft 6; Jahrg. 5, Heft 2; Jahrg. Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert fitienne
6, Heft 3.) *OAA Jean Baptiste. The black-heads of Baby-

History, coiit'unicd. Die Volker Vorderasiens. Leipzig:

T. C. Hinrichs, 1899. 36 p. 8°. (Der alte
Ccncral Works, ctuitiinicd.
Orient. Jahrg. 1, Heft 1.) * OAC
Ioniaand ancient China. (Babylonian and
Oriental record. London, 1891. 8°. v. 5,
p. 233-246.) * OCL Erkch, Kish, L.\G.\sn, Ur, etc.
The fabulous fishmen of early Baby-
lonia in ancient Chinese legends. London: Allotte de la Fuye, Frangois M. En-
Babylonian & Oriental Record, 1888. 6 p. e-tar-zi patesi de Lagas. (Hilprecht anni-
8°. * OVE versary volume. Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p.

Repr. : Babylonian and Oriental record, v. 2, p.

121-136.) * OCK
221-226, • OCL. En-gil-sa, patesi de Lagas. (Flori-
From ancient Chaldea and Elam to legium; ou, Recueil de travaux d'erudition
early China: an historical loan of culture. dedies a Monsieur le marquis M. de Vogiie.
(Babylonian and Oriental record. Lon- Paris, 1909. 4°. p. 3-14.) f * OAC
don, 1891. 8°. V. 5, p. 32-44, 63-70, 79-86.)
*OCL Quelques particularites de
des tablettes de I'epoque d'Urukagina, roi
Origin from Babylonia and Elam de Sirburla. (Recueil de travaux relatifs
of the early Chinese civilisation. sum- A a la philologie et a I'archeologie egyp-
mary of the proofs. (Babylonian and Ori- tiennes et assyriennes. Paris, 1904. 4°.
ental record. London. 1888-94. 8°. v. 3, annee 26, p. 139-143.) * OBKG
p. 62-69, 73-91. 97-110. 129-141. 150-164,
185-192. 217-223; v. 5, p. 261-271; v. 6, p. 10- Amiaud, Arthur. Sec Gudea.
24. 37-42, 49-61. 97-110. 121-133. 159-167,
172-185; V. 7. p. 8-16, 31-45, 49-62, 73-S7, Contenau, Georges. La cour et la mai-
97-106, 125-134, 145-153.) * OCL sonnee d'un patesi d'Umma au temps du
roi Dungi. (Journal asiatique. Paris. 1914.
Tide, Cornelis Petrus. Babylonisch- 8°. serie 11, v. 3, p. 619-636.) * OAA
assyrische Geschichte. Teil 1-2. Gotha:
F. A. Perthes. 1886-88. 2 v. in 1. 8°. Duncan, George S. See Sin-gasid, king
(Handbiicher der alten Geschichte. Serie of Erech.
1, Abteilung 4.) BAE Eannatum. Le galet A d'Eanadou. Par
Walther, Johann Georg. Prolusio his- Fr. Thureau-Dangin. (Revue semitique.
torica qua Herodoti et Ctesiae sententias Paris, 1897. 8°. annee 5, p. 66-72.) * OAA
de magnitudine atque antiquitate imperii
Halevy, Joseph. La
stele des vautours.
Ass}^riaci et Medici conjungit. J. G.
Paris, 1910. 8°. annee
(Revue semitique.
Walther... fLipsiae: ex officina Langen- * OAA
18, p. 182-207, 334-344.)
hemiana, 1744.] xxiv p. 4°. KAT p.v.4
Heuzey, Leon. Les galets sacres du roi
Winckler, Hugo. Ancient nearer Asia.
fiannadou. 1 pi. (Revue d'assyriologie.
(In: H. F. Helmolt, The world's history.
Paris, 1896. 4°. v. 3, p. 105-112.) * OCL
London: W. Heinemann, 1901-09. 8 v. 4°.
V. 3, p. 1-252.) *R-BA Restitution materielle de la stele
des vautours; restitution archeologique,
Auszug aus der vorderasiatischen
par L. Heuzey, restitution epigraphique,
Geschichte bearbeitet von Hugo Winckler.
par F. Thureau-Dangin. Paris: E. Leroux,
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1905. 2 p.l., 86 p.
8°. (Hilfsbiicher zur Kunde des alten
1909. 2 p.l., 64 p.. 4 pi. f°. tt*OCM
Orients. Bd. 2.) * OBE La stele du roi fiannadou (stele des
Geschichte Babyloniens imd Assy- vautours) d'apres les nouveaux fragments
riens. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer, 1892. xii. 354 decouverts par M. de Sarzec. (Revue d'as-
syriologie. Paris, 1896. 4°. v. 3. p. 1-12.)
p., 1 1. 8°. (Volker und Staaten des alten
Orients. Bd. 1.) * OCT *OCL
history of Babylonia and As- La stele des vautours. fitude d'ar-
syria. Translated and edited by James cheologie chaldeenne d'apres les decou-
Alexander Craig. New York: C. Scrib- vertes de M. de Sarzec. Paris: A. Lew.
ner's Sons, 1907. xii, 352 p., 1 map. 8°. 1884. 30 p., 2 pi. f °. t* OCM
*OCT Repr.
Gazette archeologique, annee
9, p. 164-180,

Die politische Entwickelung Baby-

loniens und Assyriens. Leipzig: J. C. Hin- Entemena. Le cone historique d'En-
richs, 1900. 32 p. 8^ (Der alte Orient. temena par Frangois Thureau Dangin. 1
Jahrg. 2, Heft 1.) * OAC pi. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris. 1898.
Studien und Beitrage zur baby-
4°. V. 4, p. 37-50.) * OCL
lonisch-assyrischen Geschichte. (Zeit- Genouillac, H. de. Ancienne stele de vic-
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1887. 8°. toire. 2 pi. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
Bd.2, p. 148-178, 299-315, 387-396.) * OCL 1910. 4°. V. 7, p. 151-156.) * OCL
History, coiitiiiticd. Nouvelle inscription de Goudea par
M. Thureau-Dangin. (Revue d'assyriolo-
Ercch, Kish. Lagash. Vr, etc.. continued.
4°. 23-25.)
gie. Paris, 1907. v. 6, p.
Tablettes d'L>. (In: Hilprecht an- *OCL
niversary volume. Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p.
Amiaud, Arthur. Quelques observations
137-141.) *OCK sur les inscriptions des statues de Tell-loh.
Gudea. Le cj-lindre A de Gu-de-a. Par (Zeitschrift fiir Keilschriftforschung. Leip-
Fr. Thureau-Dangin. (Zeitschrift fiir As- zig, 1884. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 151-160.) * OCL
syriologie. Strassburg. 1902-05. 8". Bd. BoscAVVEX, William St. Chad. Statue of
16, p. 344-362; Bd. 17, p. 181-202; Bd. 18. Gudea as "the architect." (Babylonian
p. 119-141.) *OCL and Oriental record. London, 1893. 8°.
Le cylindre
de Gudea, par AI. A V. 6, p. 282-283.) * OCL
Oppert. (Academic des inscriptions et Heuzey, Leon.Le sceau de Goudea,
belles-lettres. Comptes rendus. Paris.
nouvelles recherches sur quelques sym-
1902. 8°. 1902, p. 360-412.) * EO boles chaldeens. (Revue d'assyriologie.
Le cylindre B de Goudea. Essai Paris, 1903. 4°. v. 5, p. 129-139.) * OCL
de transcription en caracteres assyriens,
par Arthur Amiaud. (Revue d'assyriolq-
Une statue complete de Goudea. 1
pi. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1907. 4°.
gie. Paris, 1892-96. 4°. v. 2, p.
V.3, p. 42-48.) *OCL V. 6, p. 18-22.) * OCL
Jexsex, Peter. Inschriften aus der Re-
Les cylindres de Goudea. Tran-
gierungszeit Gudea's. (In: Keilinschrift-
commentaire, gram-
scription, traduction,
liche Bibliothek. Berlin, 1892. 8°. Bd. 3,
maire et lexique par Frangois Thureau- * OCL
Halfte 1, p. 26-67.)
Dangin. partie 1. Paris: E. Leroux, 1905.
8°. *OCM Jexsex, Peter, and H. Zimmerx. Namen
Partie 1. Transcription et traduction. und Zeichen fiir Haustiere bei Gudea.
Deux inscriptions de Gudea. patesi (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig,
1888. 8°. Bd. 3. p. 198-210.) * OCL
de Lagasu. Par Y. Le Gac. (Zeitschrift
fiir Assyriologie. Berlin, 1892. 8°. Bd. Oppert, Jules. Die Uebersetzung des
7, p. 8-15.) *OCL grossen Cylinders A von Gudea. (Ver-
The great cylinder inscriptions A& handlungeu des xiii. internationalen Orien-
B of Gudea copied from the original
clay talisten-Kongresses. Leiden: E. J. Brill,
cylinders of the Telloh collection pre- 1904. 8°. p. 258-260.) * OAA
served in the Louvre. Autographed, signs Scheil, Jean Vincent. Le culte de Gudea
listed, tentatively transliterated and trans- sous la II. dynastie d'L'r. (Recueil de tra-
lated, with commentary and notes by Ira vaux relatifs a la philologie et a I'archeolo-
M. Price, part 1. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. gie egyptiennes et assyriennes. Paris.
1899. 4°. (Assyriologische Bibliothek. Bd. 1896. 4°. annee 18, p. 64-74.) * OBKG
15.) t*OCQ
Quelques notes sur les inscriptions
L'inscription .A de Gudea. Par A. de Gudea. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Amiaud. (Zeitschrift fiir Keilschriftfor- Leipzig, 1891-92. S°. Bd. 6, p. 311-316;
schung. Leipzig, 1884. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 233- Bd. 7, p. 190-194.) * OCL
256.) * OCL
Thi-reau-Daxgin. Francois. Le songe
L'inscription de la statue B de de Goudea. (Academic des inscriptions et
Goudea transcrite par A. Amiaud, publiee lielles-lettres. Comptes rendus. Paris,
par Fr. Scheil. (Recueil de travaux relatifs 1901. 8°. 1901, p. 112-128.) * EO
a la philologie et a I'archeologie egyp-
tiennes et assyriennes. Paris, 1892. 4°. ZiMMERK, Heinrich. Das Traumgcsicht
annee 12. p. 195-209.) * OBKG Gudea's. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Leipzig. 1888. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 232-235.)
L'inscription G de Goudea. Par
Arthur Amiaud. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
ologie. Leipzig, 1888. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 23- Heuzey, Leon. Genealogies de Sirpourla
49.) *OCL d'apres les decouvcrtes de M. de Sarzec.
Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1892. 4°.
L'inscription de Goudea, par A. H (

2, p. 78-84.) * OCL

Amiaud. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.

Leipzig, 1887. 8°. Bd. 2. p. 287-298.) Le nom d'Agade sur un monument
*OCL de Sirpourla. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
Inscriptions cuneiformes du Musee
1896. 4°. v. 3, p. 113-117.) * OCL
du Louvre. Les cylindres de Gudea. Nouveaux monuments du roi Our-
Cylindre B public dans sa forme archaiquc Xina decouverts par M. de Sarzec. (Revue
par Paul Toscanne. Paris: E. Leroux. d'assyriologie. Paris, 1896. 4°. v. 3. p.
1901. 1 p.l., iv. 91 p., 1 1. 4°. t*OCQ 13-19.) *OCL
History, continued. Urukagina's. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriolo-
gie. Strassburg, 1911. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 275-
Erech, Kish, Lagash, Ur, etc., continued.
280.) *OCL
Les rois de Tello et la periode Langdon, Stephen. A bilingual tablet
archaique de I'art chaldeen. Paris: Didier
from l'>cch of the first century B. C.
et Cie., 1882. 11 p.. 1 pi. 8°. * OCM (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1915. 4°.
Repr. Revue archeologique, nouv. serie, v. 44,

p. 271-279, MTA. V. 12, p. 73-84.) * OCL

Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat. Koniq- Ini- Miscellanea Assyriaca. i. Date
Sin von Ur. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. formulae of Larsa. (Babyloniaca. Paris.
Berlin. 1892. 8°. Bd. 7, p. 343-346.) 1914. 8°. V. 7, p. 39-50.) * OCO
*OCL See also Rim-Sin, king of Larsa.
Ein neuer Konii^ von Tello. (Zeit- Le Gac, Y. See Gudea; also Ur-Bau,
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar. 1896. patesi of Lagash.
8°. Bd. 11, p. 330-331.) *OCL Legrain, Leon. Le temps des rois d'Ur.
Die Stellung des Konigs Ura-imitti Recherches sur la societe antique d'apres
in der Geschichte. (Zeitschrift fiir As- des textes nouveaux. Paris: H. Champion,
syriologie. Strassburg, 1908. 8°. Bd. 21, 1912. 2v. 8° and 4°. (ficole pratique des
p. 20-30.) * OCL hautes etudes, Paris. Bibliotheque. Sci-
ences historiques et philologiques. fasc.
Hommel, Fritz. Die Konige und Patisi 199.) *EN
von Sir-gul-la und ihre Inschriften. (Zeit-
schrift fiir Keilschriftforschung. Leipzig, Luckenbill, Daniel David. Two inscrip-
1885. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 179-186.) * OCL tions of Mesilim, king of Kish. (x\rneri-
can journal of Semitic languages and liter-
Howorth, Sir Henry H.
later rulers The atures. Chicago, 1914. 8°. v. 30, p. 219-
of Shirpurla or Lagash. (English histori- 223.) * OBA
cal review.
London, 1902. 8°. v. 17. p. 1-
209-234.) BAA —— - See also Rim-Sin, king of Larsa.
Lugal-zaggisi, king of Erech. Lougal-
Hrozny, Friedrich. Die altesten Djmas-
zaggisi, roi d'Ourouk. Fr. Thureau- Par
tien Babyloniens. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir
die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Wien, 1912.
Dangin. (Revue semitique. Paris. 1897.
8°. Bd. 26, p. 143-162.) * OAA 8°. annee 5, p. 263-274.) * OAA
Das Problem der altbabylonischen Manishtusu. The cruciform monument
of Manishtusu by L. W. King. (Revue
Dynastien von Akkad und Kis. (Wiener 4°.
d'assyriologie. Paris, 1912. v. 9, p.
Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlan-
des. Wien, 1909. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 191-219.) 91-105.) *OCL
*OAA Naram-Sin. Une inscription de Naram-
Sin. par F.Thureau-Dangin. (Revue d'as-
Janneau, Ch. Guillaunie. Une dynastie 1911. 4°. 199-
svriologie. Paris, v. 8, p.
chaldeenne; les rois d'Ur. Paris: P.
Geuthner, 1911. xii, 61 p., 1 pi. 4°. 200.) * OCL
t*ocv Inscriptions de Naram-Sin. 1 pi.

Jastrow, Morris, the younger. Urumus.

(In: France. —
Ministere de I'lnstruction
Publique et des Beaux-Arts. Delegation
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg, en Perse. Memoires. Paris, 1900-13. f.
1908. 8°. Bd. 21, p. 277-282.) tome 6, p. 2-6.) t * OMB
Jensen, Peter. Inschriften der Konige King. Leonard William. A new brick-
(Herren) und Statthalter von Lagas (=§ir- stamp of Naram-Sin, king of Akkad...
bur-la). (In: Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek. (Societv of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
Berlin, 1892. 8°. Bd. 3, Halfte 1, p. 2-77.) ceedings. London, 1909. 8°. v. 31, p. 286-
*oco 288.) * YIA
Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. The Maspero. Sir Gaston Camille Charles.
Manana-Iapium dynasty at Kish. (Soci- Note sur le bas-relief de Naramsin. (Re-
ety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. cueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie et
London. 1911-12. 8°. v. 33, p. 98-103, 128- a I'archeologie egyptiennes et assyriennes.
129; v. 34, p. 23-26.) * YIA
Paris, 1893. 4°. annee 15, p. 65-66.)
King, Leonard William.Foundation in- *OBKG
scriptions from the royal palace at Erech. ScHEiL, Jean Vincent. Inscription de
1 pi. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Naram-Sin. 1 pi. (Recueil de travaux
Proceedings. London, 1915. 8°. v. 37. p. relatifs a la philologie et a I'archeologie
22-23.) * YIA egyptiennes et assyriennes. Paris, 1893.

Sec also Manishtusu.

4°. annee 15, p. 62-64.) * OBKG
Naram Sin — Sargani sarri. 1 pi.
Kugler, Franz Xaver. Chronologisches (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1912. 4".
imd Soziales aus der Zeit Lugalanda's und V. 9, p. 69.) * OCL


History, continued. Sargon I.

Ercch, Kish, Lagasli, Ur, etc., continued. Halevy, Joseph. Sur la date de Sargon
i"'. (Revue semitique. Paris, 1909. 8°.
Oppert, Jules. See Gudea. annee 17, p. 110-114.) * OAA
Filter, W.T. The reign of "Arad-Sin," Le vraj nom de Sargon \'\ (Revue
king of Larsa. (Society of Biblical Ar- semitique. Paris, 1908. 8°. annee 16, p.
chaeology. Proceedings. London, 1911. 377-381.) *OAA
8°. V. 33', p. 204-212.) * YIA
King, Leonard William. Sargon i., king
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. The of Kish and Shar-Ganisharri, king of Ak-
Sumerians of Lagas. (Society of Biblical kad. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
Archaeology. Proceedings. London. 1913. Proceedings. London, 1908. 8°. v. 30, p.
8°. y. 35, p! 13-36.) * YIA 238-242.) * YIA
Poebel, Arno. Historical and grammati- Sayce, Archibald Henry. The northern
cal texts, by Arno Poebel. Philadelphia: campaigns of Sargon of Akkad. (Society
L'niyersity Museum, 1914. 3 p.l., cxxv facs. of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings.
4". (University of Pennsylvania. Muse- — London, 1916. 8°. v. 38, p. 201.) * YIA
um. Publications of the Babylonian Sec- Deux tablettes ar-
Sarzec, Ernest de.
tion, y. 5.) *OCL chaiques de Tcllo. (Revue d'assyriologie.
Historical texts, by Arno Poebel. Paris, 1892. 4°. v. 2, p. 146-149.) * OCL
y. 1. Philadelphia: University Museum, Scheil, Jean Vincent. Les plus anciennes
1914. 4°. (University of Pennsylvania. dynasties connues de Sumer-Accad. 2 pi.
Museum. Publications of the Babylonian (Academie des inscriptions et belles-
Section, v. 4, no. 1.) * OCL lettres. Comptes rendus. Paris, 1911. 8°.
Price, Ira Maurice. See Gudea. 1911, p. 606-620.) *EO
See also Gudea.
Radau, Hugo. Early Babylonian his-
tory, down to the end of the fourth dynas- Schileico, Woldemar G. Notes presar-
ty of Ur. To which is appended an ac- goniques. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
count of the E. A. Hoffman collection of 1914. 4°. y. 11, p. 61-68.) * OCL
Babylonian tablets in the General Theo- Sin-gasid, king of Erech. The Sumerian
logical Seminary, New
York, U. S. A.
inscriptions of Sin-gasid, king of Erech.
Dissertation. New York: Oxford Univer-
Transliterated, translated and annotated
sity Press. American Branch. 1899. yiii,
by George S. Duncan. (American journal
81 p., 1 1., 2 tables. 8°. * p.v.3 OCK of Semitic languages and literatures. Chi-
York: Oxford University cago, 1915. 8°. y. 31, p. 215-221.) * OBA
Press. American Branch, 1900. xx, 452 p..
Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert fitienne
1 pi., 2 tables. 4°. * OCT Jean Baptiste. An unknown king of La-
Rim-Sin, king of Larsa. A letter of Rim- gash, from a lost inscription of 6000 years
Sin. By D. D. Luckenbill. (American ago. (Babylonian and Oriental record.
journal of Semitic languages and litera- London, 1890. 8°. v. 4, p. 181-187, 193-
tures. Chicago, 1916. 8°. v. 32, p. 98-101.) 208.) * OCL
*OBA Thureau-Dangin, Frangois. Asduni-erim
A letter of Rim-Sin, king of Larsa. roi de Kis. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
By S. Langdon. 1 fac. (Society of Bibli- 1911. 4°. y.8, p. 65-79.) * OCL
cal Archaeology. Proceedings. London, —— - Encore la dynastie d'Agade. (Re-
1911. 8°. V. 33, p. 221-222.) * YIA vue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1912. 4°. v. 9,

B.\NKS, Edgar James. Who was the p. 81-83.) * OCL

Biblical Arioch of the days of Abraham? La fin de la domination gutienne.
(Open court. Chicago, 1914. 8°. v. 28, p. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1912. 4°.
557-559.) *DA V. 9, p. 111-120.) *OCL
PiLTER, \\'. T. The reign of "Rim-Sin" La formule d'un traite cntre Shir-
and the conquest of Isin. (Society of Bib- pourla et Gishban. (Revue d'assyriologie.
lical Archaeology. Proceedings. London, Paris, 1898. 4°. v. 4, p. 123-125.) * OCL
1912. 8°. v. 34, p. 6-16, 41-51.) * YIA
fragment de stele de victoire
Thure.\u-D.\ngin, Franqois. Rim-Sin et d'un roi d'Agade. (Revue semitique.
la fin de la dynastie de Larsa. (Journal Paris, 1897. 8°. annee 5, p. 166-173.)
asiatique. Paris, 1909. 8°. seric 10, y. 14, *OAA
p. 335-342.) * OAA Une
incursion elamite en territoire
Ungnwd, Arthur. Rim-Sin und Samsuiluna. sumericn a I'cpoque presargonique. (Re-
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg, vue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1907. 4°. v. 6,
1909. 8°. Bd. 22,, p. 73-89.) * OCL p. 139-142.) *OCL

History, continued. Geschichte von

Friedrich Delitzsch.
Leipzig, 46 p.
1906. 4°. (Konig-
1 p.l.,
Ercch. Kish, Lagash, Ur, etc., continued.
lich Sachsischc Gesellschaft der Wissen-
Une inscription de Kudur-mabuk. schaften. Abhandlungen. Philol.-hist.
(Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1912. 4°. v. Klasse. Bd. 25, no. 1.) * EE
9, p. 121-124.) *OCL Babj'lonisclie Chroniken von Hugo
Me-silim roi de Kis. (Zeitschrift Winckler. (In: Keilinschriftliche Biblio-
fiir Assyriologie. Weimar, 1896. 8°. Bd. thek. Berlin, 1890. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 272-283.)
11, p. 324-326.) *OCL *OCO
Un nouveau roi d'Our. (Revue Bezold, Carl. On two duplicates of the
d'assyriologie. Paris, 1907. 4°. v. 6. p. "Babylonian chronicle." (Society of Bib-
69-71.) *OCL lical Archaeology. Proceedings. London,
Rois de Kis et rois d'Agade. (Re- 1889. 8°. V. 11, p. 131-138.) * YIA
vue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1912. 4°. v. 9, Hrozny, Friedrich. Bemerkungen zu den
p. 33-37.) * OCL babylonischen Chroniken BM. 26472 und
La ruine de Shirpourla (Lagash) BM. 96152. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die
sous le regne d'Ourou-Kagina. (Revue Kunde des Morgcnlandes. Wien, 1907. 8°,
d'assyriologie. Paris, 1907. 4°. v. 6, p.
Bd.21, p. 375-383.) * OAA
26-32.) * OCL JoHXS, Claude Hermann Walter. Some
further notes on the Babylonian chronicle
See also Eannatum; also Entemena;
of the first dynast}-. (Society of Biblical
also also Lugal-zaggisi, king of
Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1909-
Erech; also Naram-Sin; also Ur-engur.
10. 8°. v. 31, p. 14-19; v. 32, p. 272-282.)
Toscanne, Paul. Sec Gudea. *YIA
Ur-Bau, patesi of Lagash. Ur-Bau, patesi Belck, Waldemar, and F. F. K. Lehmanx-
de Lagasu. L'inscription de sa statue de- Haupt. Ein neuer Herrscher von Chaldia.
couverte a Tell-Loh, en Chaldee. Par Y. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar,
Le Gac. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. 1894. 8°. Bd. 9, p. 82-99, 339-360.) * OCL
Berlin, 1892. 8°. Bd. 7, p. 125-160.) * OCL
Boscawen, William St. Chad. Begin-
Ur-engur. Inscription d'Our-engour nings of Chaldean civilisation. (Babylo-
par M. F. Thureau-Dangin. (Revue d'as- nian and Oriental record. London, 1893-
syriologie. Paris, 1907. 4°. v. 6, p. 79- 94. 8°. v. 7, p. 1-8, 25-30.) * OCL
82.) * OCL The of empires "Babylon of
Winckler, Hugo. Inschriften von Koni- the Bible" in the light of latest research.
gen von Sumer und Akkad. (In: Keilin- An account of the origin, growth and de-
schriftliche Bibliothek. Berlin, 1892. 8°. velopment of the empire, civilization and
Bd. 3, Halfte 1, p. 76-107.) * OCO historj' of the ancient Babylonian empire,
from the earliest times to the consolida-
Witzel, Maurus. Bemerkungen zu der tion of the empire in B. C. 2000. London:
Siegesinschrift Utuhegals von Uruk. (Baby- Harper & Bros., 1903. xxix, 355 p., 1 fac,
v. 7, p. 51-62.)
loniaca. Paris, 1914. 8°.
*oco 1 map. 8°. *R-*OCV
Delattre, Alphonse J. Les Chaldeens
Zehnpfund, Rudolf. Die Lage der Stadt
jusqu'a la formation de I'empire de Na-
Eridu. (Hilprecht anniversary volume.
OCK buchodonosor precede de considerations
Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p. 291-298.) *
sur un recent livre de M. Hugo Winckler.
Louvain: Lefever freres et sceur, 1889. xii,
25 p. new ed. 8°. * OCT
Babylonia WixcKLER, Hugo. Plagiat? Antwort auf
die von A. J. Delattre. .gegen mich erho-
Sec Hammurabi, king
Amiaud, Arthur.
benen Beschuldigungen. Leipzig: E.
of Babylon.
Pfeiffer, 1889. 20 p. 8°. * OCT
Babylonian chronicle. The Babylonian Reponse au
Delattre, Alphonse plai-
chronicle. By Theophilus G. Pinches. J.

[London, 1887.] 27 p. 8°. * OCK p.v.3 doyer de M. Hugo Winckler. Louvain:

Lefever freres et soeur, 1889. 20 p. 8°.
Repr. Roval Asiatic Society. Journal, new series,
V. 19, p.

655-681, * OAA. *OCT

The Babylonian chronicle. By Winckler, Hugo. Noch
einiges iiber die
Theo. G. Pinches. (Royal Asiatic Society. Chaldaer. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Journal. London, 1894. 8°. 1894, p. 807- Leipzig, 1889. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 345-360.)
833.) * OAA *OCL
Die babylonische Chronik; nebst Delitzsch, Friedrich. Bemerkungen zu
einem Anhang iiber die synchronistische einigen altbabylonischen Konigs- und Per-
History, continued. PiLTER, W. T. Eastern and western
Semitic personal names. The equivalence
Babylonia, continued. of Hammurapi and Amraphel. (Society
sonennamen. (Beitriige zur Assyriologie. of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings.
Leipzig, 1894. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 622-626.) London, 1913. 8°. v. 35, p. 171-186, 244-
*OCL 245.) *YIA
Handel, Recht und Sitte im alten ScHEiL, Jean Vincent. La chronologic
Babylonien. (Velhagen & Klasings Mo- rectifiee du regne de Hammourabi. 1 pi.

natshefte. Berlin, 1899. 8°. Jahrg. 13. Bd. (Institut de France. —

Academic des in-
2. p. 47-56.) *DF scriptions et belles-lettres. Memoires.
Paris, 1915. 4°. v. 39, p. 111-122.) * EO
Sec also Babylonian chronicle.
Talbot, Henry Fox. On the inscription
Halevy, Joseph. Babylone dans I'Avesta, of Khammurabi. (Royal Asiatic Society.
les Jatakas et le fragment ouigour du Journal. London, 1863. 8°. v. 20, p. 445-
Tourfan. (Revue semitique. Paris, 1908. 451.) *OAA
8°. annee 16, p. 438-446.) * OAA
LTlmer, Friedrich. Hammurabi: sein
Recherches critiques sur I'origine Land und seine Zeit. Leipzig: J. C. Hin-
de la civilisation babylonienne. Paris: richs, 1907. 36 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient.
Imprimerie nationale, 1876. 3 p.l., 268 p. Jahrg. 9, Heft 1.) * OAC
8°. *OCK Ward, William Hayes. Who was Ham-
Hammurabi, king of Babylon. L'in- murabi? A study of the founder of Baby-
scription bilingue de Hammourabi par A. lon. (Century. New York, 1903. 8°. v.

Amiaud. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 66, p. 454-460.) * DA

1892. 4°. V. 2, p. 4-19.) * OCL Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat. See Ne-
inscription bilingue de Ham-
Une buchadnezzar I.
mourabi, roi de Babylone. .par A. Amiaud. . Howorth, Sir Henry H. The early his-
(Recueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie tory of Babylonia. (English historical re-
et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et assyri- view. London, 1898-1901. 8°. v. 13, p. 1-
ennes. Paris, 1870. 4°. v. 1, p. 181-190.) 16. 209-228; v. 14, p. 625-655; v. 16, p. 1-34.)
inscription non semitique de Hrozny, Friedrich. Zum Geldwesen
Hammourabi; traduite en assyrien par der Babylonier. (Beitriige zur Assyriolo-
Arthur Amiaud. (Journal asiatique. Paris, gie. Leipzig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 546-550.)
1882. 8°. serie 7, v. 20, p. 231-244.) * OAA *OCL
Jastrow, Morris, the younger. Hittites
Inscriptions de Hammourabi, roi
in Babylonia. (Revue semitique. Paris,
de Babylone. .traduites et publiees avec

un commentaire a I'appui par. .Joachim .

1910. 8°. annee 18, p. 87-96.) * OAA
Menant. Paris: B. Duprat, 1863. 2 p.l.. King, Leonard William. Chronicles
80 p., 121. 4°. *OCR concerning early Babylonian kings, includ-
ing records of the early history of the
The letters and inscriptions of
Kassites and the country of the sea.
Hammurabi, king of Babylon, about B. C.
Edited by L. W. King. London: Luzac &
2200. to which are added a series of letters
Co., 1907. 2 v. 12°. (Studies in eastern
of other kings of the first dynasty of Baby-
lon. The original Babylonian texts, edited
history, v. 2-3.) *R-*OCV
from tablets in the British Museum, with Sec also Hammurabi, king of Baby-
English translations. . .])y L. W. King. lon.
London: Luzac & Co., 1898-1900. 3 v. 8°.
Koenig, Eduard. Babyloniens Kultur
(Luzac's Semitic text and translation series. und die Wcltgeschichte. Ein Briefwech-
v. 2-3, 8.) * OCR scl. Berlin: E. Runge [1903?]. 1 p.l.. 42 p.
nouvelle inscription de Ham-
Une 12°. *OCK
mourabi, roi de Babylone. .par J. Menant. .
Krug, Carl. See Niebuhr, Carl, pseud,
2 pi. (Recueil de travaux relatifs a la of Carl Krug.
philologie et a I'archeologie egyptiennes
et assyriennes. Paris, 1880. 4°. annee 2, Landersdorfer, Simon. Die Kultur der
p. 76-85.) * OBKG Balivlonier und Assyrier. Kempten: J.
K5sel, 1913. viii, 238 p., 11., 1 map. 16°.
Jensen, Peter.
Inschriftcn aus der Re-
(In: Keilin-
Leander, Pontus. Diit forhistoriska kul-
schriftliche Bibliothek. Berlin, 1892.
turfolket Babylonien ock dan sumeriska
Bd. 3, Halfte 1, p. 106-131.) * OCO fragan. (In:

Sprakvetenskapliga sall-
Oppert, Jules. L'epoque de Hammurabi. skapet Upsala.
i Forhandlingar, Sept.
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1897 -Maj 1900. Upsala, 1901. 8°. p. 65-
1889. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 101-105.) * OCL 82.) * EI

History, continued. Palmblad, \Mlhelm Fredrik, and others.

De rebus Babyloniis et originibus veterum
Babylonia, continued.
Chaldicorum dissertatio. [Part 1-4.) Up-
Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedricli Excudebant Reg. Acadcm. Typo-
Karl. Sec Belck, Waldemar, and F. F. K. graphi, 1820. 8°. BAC p.v.4
Lehmann-Haupt; also Shamash-shum-
ukin, king of Babylonia. Pevzner, A. I. See Winckler, Hugo.

Letters to Monsieur H
* * * concerning Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. A new
the most antient gods or kings of Egypt, Babylonian king of the period of the first
and the antiquity of the first monarchs of dynasty of Babylon, with incidental refer-
Babylon and China. Intermixed with a ences to Immerum and Anmanila. (Society
great number of curious and entertaining of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings.
particulars, describing the origin of the London, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 158-163.)
several deities among the heathens. Trans- *YIA
lated from the French. London: T. Roberts, Sec also Babylonian chronicle.
1734. 2p.l., llOp.. 41. 12°. *Cp.v.78
Poebel, Arno. Das zeitliche Verhaltnis
• Lindl, Ernest. Die Datenliste der ersten der ersten Dynastie von Babylon zur zwei-
Dynastie von Babylon. (Beitrage zur As- ten Dynastie. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriolo-
svriologie. Leipzig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 4, p. gie. Strassburg, 1907. 8°. Bd. 20, p. 229-
338-402.) * OCL 245.) * OCL
Randbemerkungen von Friedrich Delitzsch, Bd. 4,
p. 403-409. Das zeitliche Verhaltnis der zwei-
ten Dynastie der grosseren Konigsliste zur
Menant, Joachim. See Hammurabi, king (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
dritten Dynastie.
of Babylon.
ologie. Strassburg, 1908. 8°. Bd. 21, p.
Mengedoht, H. W. See Nabu-apal-iddin, 162-175.) *OCL
king of Babylon.
Price, Ira Maurice. Some observations
Meyer, Eduard. L'ntersuchungen iiber on the financial importance of the temple
die alteste Geschichte Babyloniens und in the first dynasty of Babylon. (Ameri-
iiber Xehukadnezars Befestigungsanlagen. can journal of Semitic languages and liter-
(Koniglich Preussische Akademie der atures. Chicago, 1916. 8°. v. 32, p. 250-
Wissenschaften. Sitzungsberichte. Ber- 260.) * OBA
lin, 1912. 4°. 1912, p. 1062-1108.) * EE
Ragozin, Zenaide Alcxeievna. Chaldea
Nabu-apal-iddin, king of Babylon. In-
from the earliest times to the rise of As-
scription de Xabu-abil-iddin. Par V. syria (treated as a general introduction to
Scheil. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. the study of ancient historv). New York:
Leipzig. 1889. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 324-344.) G. P. Putnam's Sons. 1900. 3 p.l., v-xx,
*OCL 381 p., 2 maps, 1 pi. 2. ed. rev. 8°. (The
Inscription of Nabu-pal-iddina, king stor}- of the nations.) * OCV
of Babylon, B. C. 883-852. Translated by
H. W. Mengedoht. (Babylonian & Orien- New York: G. P. Putnam's
Sons, 1905. 3 p.l., v-xx. 381 p., 2 maps. 2.
tal record. London, 1901. 8°. v. 9. p. 16-
* OCL ed. revised. 8°. (The storv of the na-
20, 30-35.) '

tions.) * OCV
Nebuchadnezzar I. Freibrief Nebukad- Later reprint of The story of Chaldea.
nezar's i.. Konigs von Babylonien c. 1130
V. Chr. Zu ersten Mai veroffentlicht, um- The storj' of Chaldea from the ear-
schrieben und iibersetzt. Inaugural-Disser- liest times to the rise of Assvria. New
tation... von Hermann Hilprecht. Leip- York: G. P. Putnam's Sons [1886]. xx, 381
zig: A. Pries, 1883. 2 p.l., ix, 3-10 p., 41. p.. 1 pi. 12°. (The rtorv of the nations. "i

4°. t*OCR *R-BAC

Inscription of Xebukadnezzar, son

New York: G. P. Putnam's
of Nin-eb-nadin-sum. By Rev. J. N. Strass- Sons, 1891. XX. 381 p., 2 maps, 1 pi. 2. ed.,

maier. (Hebraica. Chicago, 1892. 8°. v. revised. 12°. (The story of the nations.)
9, p. 4-5.) * OBA *ocv
Niebuhr, Carl, pseud, of Carl Krug. Die

New York: G. P. Putnam's
erste Dynastie von Babel. (Vorderasiat- Sons, 1893. xx, 381 p.. 2 maps, 1 pi. 2. ed.,

ische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. Berlin, revised. 12°. (The story of the nations.")
1897. 8°. 1897, p. 290-295.) * OAA *ocv
Nikolski, N. M. Sec Winckler, Hugo. Rawlinson, .Sir Henry Creswicke. N^otes
on the earlv historv of Babylonia. Lon-
Oppert, Jules. La vraie personnalite et don: J. W. Parker & Son, 1854. 1 p.l., 45 p.
les dates du roi Chiniladan. (Revue d'as- 8°. *OCV
svriologie. Paris, 1886. 4°. v. 1, p. 1-11.") Repr. Roval Asiatic
: Society. Journal, v. IS,
*OCL p. 215-259, • OAA.
History, continued. de la fondation du royaume babylonien.
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg,
Babylonia, continued. * OCL
1908. 8°. Bd. 21, p. 176-187.)
Rogers, Robert William. Outlines of
the history of early Babylonia. Leipzig: Winckler, Hugo. Die babylonische
T. Stauffer, 1895. xi, 71 p. 8°. * OCV Geisteskultur ihren Beziehungen zur
Kulturentwicklung der Menschheit. Leip-
Sax, Carl. Ueber die babylonisclie Urge- zig: Quelle & Meyer, 1907. 2 p.l.. 152 p.,
schichte und iiber die Nationalitat der 1 pi. 12°. (Wissenschaft und Bildung.
Kuschiten und der Chaldaer. (Deutsche Einzeldarstellungen &us alien Gebieten des
morgenliindische Gesellschaft. Zcitschrift. \Yissens. No. 15.) * OCK
Leipzig, 1868. 8°. Bd. 22, p. 1-68.) * OAA [A Russian translation by A. L
Sayce, Archibald Henry. Sec Smith, Pevzner, edited by N. M. Nikolski.j Mos-
George. cow, 1913. 2 p.l., iv, 170 p. 12°. *QG
Scheil, Jean Vincent. See Nabu-apal- Die babylonische Kultur in ihren
iddin, king of Babylon. Beziehungen zur unsrigen. Ein Vortrag.
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1902. 54 p. 8°.
Schrader, Eberhard. Zur Frage nach *OCK
dem Ursprunge der altbabylonischen Cul- See also Babylonian chronicle.
tur. (Koniglich Preussische Akademie der
NYissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Philos.-
hist. Klasse. Berlin, 1884. 4°. 1883. Ab-
theilung 2, p. 1-49.) * EE Assyria

Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylonia. Adad-nirari I., king of Assyria. Inscrip-

tion de Merou-nerar roi d'Assyrie par
Samassumukin. Konig von Babylonien. i''"',

668-648 V. Chr.. inschriftliches Material M. Pognon. (Journal asiatique. Paris,

liberden Beginn seiner Regierung. Gros- 1883-84. 8°. serie 8, v. 2, p. 351-431; V.3.
sentheils zum ersten Male hrsg., iibersetzt p. 293-335.) * OAA
und erlautert von C. F. Lehmann. Leip- Amiaud, Arthur. Esarhaddon ii. (Baby-
zig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1892. xiv p.. 1 1.. 173 p.,
lonian and Oriental record. London, 1888.
1 i., 118 p.. 241. 4°. (Assyriologische Bib- 8°. * OCL
V. 2. p. 197-201.)
liothek. Bd. 8.) f * OCQ
See also Shalmaneser II., kirtg of
BoissiER, Alfred. Documents relatifs a Assyria.
Shamash-shum-ukin. (Revue semitique.
Paris, 1896. 8°. annee 4, p. 161-163.) Ashurbanipal. The annals of Ashurban-
*OAA apal (V Rawlinson pi. i-x); autographed
§anias-sum-ukin text by Robert J. Lau...with a glossary
Johnston, Christopher.
inEnglish and German and brief notes by
the eldest son of Esarhaddon. (American
New Haven, Stephen Langdon. Leiden: Late E. J.
Oriental Society. Journal. 12°.
45 63
1904. 8°. v. 25, p. 79-83.) * OAA Brill, 1903.
(Semitic study series,
X, p., 11.,
no. 2.)
p., 11.
Prin'CE. John Dyneley. A new Samas- Assurbanipal und die letzten assy-
sum-ukin series. (American journal of
rischen Konige bis zum L^ntergange Nini-
Semitic languages and literatures. Chica-
veh's; bearbeitet von Maximilian Streck.
go, 1915. 8°. v. 31, p. 256-270.) * OBA Teil 1-3. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1916.
Smith, George. Early history of Baby- 3 V. 8°. (Vorderasiatische Bibliothek.
lonia. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Stiick7.) *OCW
Transactions. London, 1872. 8°. v. 1. p. Inschriften Asurbanipal's .von P.
28-92.) * YIA Jensen. (In: Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek.
. .

The history of Babylonia. . . Edited Berlin, 1890. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 152-269.) * OCO
by Rev. A. H. Sayce. London: Society
for Promoting Christian Knowledge (1877).
Inscription of Asurbanipal, from a
192 p. 16°. (.\ncient history from the barrel-cylinder found at Aboo-Habba. . .

monuments.) * OCV Transliterated and translated by James A.

Craig and Robert F. Harper. (Hebraica.
London: Society for Promot- Chicago. 1886. 8°. v. 2, p. 87-89.) * OBA
ing Christian Knowledge, 1888. xxviii, 180
p. |3. ed.) 16°. (Ancient history from L'n texte inedit d'Assurbanipal, par
the monuments.) * OCV .\rthur Strong. (Journal asiatique. Paris,
1893. 8°. serie 9, v. 1. p. 361-385.) * OAA
Strassmaier, J. X. See Nebuchadnez-
zar I. Two edicts of Assurbanipal. By S.
Arthur Strong. (Royal Asiatic Society.
Thureau-Dangin, Francois. La deu- Tournal. London. 1891. 8°. 1891, p. 457-
xieme dvnastic du canon roval et la date 475.) *OAA

History, coiitiiinid. Smith, George. History of Assurbanipal;

translated from the cuneiform inscriptions.
Assyria, continued. London: Williams & Norgate, 1871. iv,
An unpublished text of Asurhani- 384 p., 1 pi. 4°. t*OCW
pal by S. A. Smith. (Revue d'assyriologie.
Paris, 1892. 4°. v. 2. p. 20-22.) * OCL Stroxg. S. Artluir. On some oracles to
Esarhaddon and Asurbanipal. (Beitrage
Zwei Erlasse Konig- Asurbanabal's. zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1894. 8°. Bd.
Von C. F.Lehmann. (Zeitschrift fiir As- 2, p. 627-645.) * OCL
svriologie. Leipzig, 1887. 8°. Bd. 2, p.
58-68.) * OCL Walker, Dean A. The Assyrian king.
Asurbanipal. (The Old Testament stu-
Cnoop KooPM.\NS, Wopko. Disputatio dent. New York, 1888. 4°. v. 8, p. 57-62,
historico-critica de Sardanapalo. Am- . .
96-101.) *DA
stelodami: apud Vid. G. Warnars et Fil.
1819. 16, 188 p. 8°. *OCW Ashur-nasir-pal, king of Assyria. In-
schriften Asur-nasir-al^al's .von F. E. . .

Dei.itzsch, Friedrich. Asurbanipal und Peiser. (In: Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek.

die assvrische Kultur seiner Zeit. Leipzig: Berlin, 1889. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 50-129.) * OCO
T. C. Hinrichs. 1909. 44 p. 8°. (Der alte Les inscriptions d'Assur-nasir-aplu
Orient. Jahrg. 11, Heft 1.) * OAC III,roi d'Assyrie (885-860 av. J.-C). Nou-
velle edition des textes originau.x, d'apres
Haigh, Daniel H. The annals
of Assur-
les estampages du British Museum et les
banipal considered in their relation to the
monuments par Y. Le Gac. Paris: P.
cotemporary chronology of Lydia, Egypt Geuthner, 1907. 1 p.l., xxi, 209 11. 8^
and Israel. (Zeitschrift fiir iigyptische
Sprache und Alterthumskunde. Leipzig,
1872. 4°. Jahrg. 10, p. 125-129.) f * OBH On
a recently discovered text of
Assur-natsir-pal, B. C. 885. By Ernest A.
HoMMEL, Fritz. Zwei Jagdinschriften Budge. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
Asurbanibal's nebst einem Excurs iiber die Transactions. London. 1882. 8°. v. 7, p.
Zischlaute im Assyrischen wie im Semi- 59-82.) * YIA
tischen iiberhaupt. Leipzig: J. C. Hin-
richs, 1879. viii, 63 1 pi. 8°. * OCO .AlItkex, William E. M. Notes on a col-
lection of some unpublished inscriptions of
Jarvis. Alfred. Nineveh... Three stat- Ashurnazirpal. (xAmerican Oriental Soci-
uettes of Sennacherib and Sardanapalus & ety. Journal. New Haven, 1912. 8°. v.

his queen (B. C. 702-645). Modelled from 32, p. 130-134.) * OAA

the Assyrian marbles now in the British Mueller, Ernst. Grammatische Bemer-
Museum. [London, 1880 ?i 21. sq. 8°. kungen zu den Annalen Asurnasirpal's.
* p.v.2, no.5 OCM (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig,
Jexsex, Peter. Weitere Bemerkungen zu 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 349-379.) * OCL
den As.surbanapluinschriften. (Zeitschrift Stroxg, S. Arthur. On soine cuneiform
fiir Assyriologie. Weimar, 1895. 8°. Bd. inscriptions of Sennacherib and Assurna-
10, p. 242-254.) * OCL sirpal. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal.
London, 1891. 8°. 1891, p. 145-160.)
JoHxs, Claude Hermann Walter. The *OAA
chronology of Asurbanipal's reign. (So-
ciety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceed- Bezold, Carl. Sec Sennacherib, king or
ings. London. 1902-14. 8°. v. 24. p. 235- Assyria.
241; V. 25, p. 82-89; v. 27, p. 92-100. 288-
296; V. 29, p. 74-84; v. Z6, p. 181-187.) J. W.
Bosanquet, Synchronous history
*YIA of [Assyria and Judeai from B. C. 745 to
688. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
Lancdon, Stephen. List of proper names Transactions. London, 1874. 8°. v. 3. p.
in the annals of Asurbanipal... (Ameri- 1-82.) * YIA
can journal of Semitic languages and liter-
atures. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 245- Boscawen, William St. Chad. Sec Esar-
255.) * OBA haddon, king of Assyria.
Notes on the annals of Asurbani- Brandis, Joannes.Rerum Assyriarum
pal (V. Rawlinson. p. 1-10). (American tempora emendata commentatio scripsit
Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven, loannes Brandis. Bonnae: apud Adolphum
1903. 8°. V. 24, p. 96-102.) * OAA Marcum, 1853. 1 p.l., iv, 66 p., 1 table. 8°.

ScHRADER, Eberhard.
Kineladan und
Asurbanipal. (Zeitschrift fiir Keilschrift- Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis.
forschung. Leipzig, 1884. 8°. Bd. 1, p. Assyrian texts, being extracts from the an-
222-232.) *OCL nals of Shalmaneser ii., Sennacherib and
History, continued. (£cole pratique des hautes etudes, Paris.
Bibliotheque: Sciences historiques et phi-
Assyria, continued.
lologiques. fasc. 208.) * EN
Assur-bani-pal. Witli philological notes.
Some unpublished Esarhaddon in-
London: Triibner and Co., 1880. 4 p.l.. 44 scriptions. By Robert F. Harper.
p. 8°. (Archaic classics.) * OCO (Hebraica.
. .

New Haven, 1887. 8°. v. 4,

See also Ashur-nasir-pal, king of p. 18-25.) * OBA
Transliteration and translation of
Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis, cylinder A of the Esarhaddon inscriptions
and L. W. King, editors. Annals of the By Robert F. Harper. (Hebraica.
kings of Assyria. The cuneiform texts New Haven, 1888. 8°. v. 4, p. 99-117.)
with translations, transliterations, etc., *OBA
from the original documents in the British Banks, Edgar James. Eight oracular
Museum. Edited bj-^ E. A. Wallis Budge
responses to Esarhaddon. (American
...and L. W. King... v. 1. London: the
journal of Semitic languages and litera-
trustees, 1902. 4°. t * OCT tures. Chicago, 1898. 8°. v. 14, p. 267-
Streck, Maximilian. Bemerkungen zu 277.) * OBA
den "Annals of the kings of Assyria," i.
Budge. Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis.
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg,
The history of Esarhaddon, son of Sen-
1904-06. 8°. Bd. 18. p. 142-201; Bd. 19. p.
nacherib, king of Assyria, B. C. 681-668.
234-260.) * OCL Translated from the cuneiform inscriptions
James A. Sec Ashurbanipal;
Craig, also upon cylinders and tablets in the British
Shalmaneser II., king of Assyria. Museum collection together with original
texts, a grammatical analysis of each word,
Eneberg, Charles. Sec Tiglathpileser explanations of the ideographs by extracts
III. from the bi-lingual syllabaries, and list of
cponyms, etc. London: Triibner and Co.,
Esarhaddon, king of Assyria. Die Bauin- 1880. xiip., 21., 163 p. 8°. (Triibner's
schriften Asarhaddons. Von B. Meissner Oriental series.) *R-*OAC
und P. Rost. (Beitrage zur .\ssyriologie.
Leipzig, 1898. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 189-362.) Delattre, Alphonse J. The oracles given
*OCL infavour of Esarhaddon. (Babylonian and
Oriental record. London, 1889. 8°. v. 3,
Cylinder B of the Esarhaddon in-
p. 25-31.) *OCL
scriptions. . .transliterated and translated
by Robert F. Harper. (Hebraica. New GoDBEY, Allen Howard. The Esarhaddon
Haven, 1888. 8'. v. 4, p. 146-157.) * OBA succession. (American journal of Semitic
languages and literatures. Chicago, 1905.
Historical inscription of Esarliad-
don, by W. Boscawen. (Society of Bibli-
8^ V. 22, p. 63-80.) * OBA
cal Archaeology. Transactions. London, Harper, Robert F. Some
corrections to
1876. 8°. V. 4, p. 84-97.) * YIA the texts of cylinders A and B of the Esar-
Inschrift Asarhaddon's, Konigs von haddon inscriptions as published in I R.,
Assyrien. Hrsg. von Eberhard Sclirader. 45-47, and III R., 15, 16. (Hebraica. New
2pi. (In: Konigliche Musecn zu Berlin. Haven, 1887. 8°. v. 3, p. 177-185.) * OBA
Mitthcilungcn aus den orientalischen Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. Fresh
Sammlungen. Berlin, 1893. f°. Heft 11. light on the history of Esarhaddon. (Soci-
p. 30-43.) tt*OAC ety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings.
Inschriften .A.sarhaddon's. (In: London, 1915. 8°. v. 37, p. 47-49.) * YIA
Kcilinschriftliche Bibliothek. Berlin, 1890.
LuscHAN, Felix von. Monolith des Asar-
8°. Bd.2, p. 120-153.) * OCO haddon. 3 pi. (In: Konigliche Museen zu
Inscriptions d'Assaraddon, roi d'.Ks- Berlin. Mittlieilungen aus den oriental-
syrie, 681-668. 1 pi. (In: France. Mi- — ischen Sammlungen. Berlin, 1893. i".
nistere de I'lnstruction Publique et des Heft 11, p. 11-29.) tt*OAC
Beaux-Arts. Delegation en Perse. Me- Muss-.^RNOLT, William.
moires. Paris, 1913. f°. tome 14, p. 36- Notes on the
puI)lications contained in vol. ii. of
45.) t*OMB E. Schradcr's Kcilinschriftliche Bibliothek.
A letter of Esarhaddon. By Chris- — II. The inscriptions of Esarhaddon.
topher Johnston. (American journal of (Hebraica. Hartford, 1891. 8°. v. 7. p. 81-
Semitic languages and literatures. Chi- 103.) *OBA
cago, 1906. 8°. V. 22, p. 242-246.) * OBA Strong, S. Arthur. On some oracles to
prisme S d'.\ssaraddon, roi Esarhaddon and Asurbanipal. (Beitrage
d'Assyrie. 681-668 par V. Scheil. Paris: 6 zur .Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1894. 8°. Bd.
Champion, 1914. 3 p.l.. 56 p., 11., 7 pi. 4°. 2.p. 627-645.) * OCL
History, continued. Jones, F. A. Pre-Sargonic times. A
study in clironology. (Society of Biblical
Assyria, coiitiiiucJ.
Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1906.
Evetts, Basil Thomas Alfred. See Sen- 8°. V. 28, p. 264-267.) * YIA
nacherib, king of Assyria.
Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen
Fontane, Marius. Les Asiatiques: As- Inhalts. Heft 1. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
syriens, Hebrcux, Pheniciens (de 4000 a 1911. f°. (Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft.
559 av. J.-C). Paris: A. Lemerre, 1883. 2 Wissenschaftliche Vcroffentlichungen.
p.l., 513 p., 2 maps. 8°. (Histoire imivcr- Heft 16.) t*OAA
selle.) *R-BA Ileft 1. Autographien. Von L. Messerscliniidt.

Fraser, James Baillie. Mesopotamia and King, Leonard William. See Budge,
Assyria, from the earliest ages to the pres- P>ncst Alfred Thompson Wallis, and L.
ent time; with illustrations of their natural W. King, editors.
history. New York: Harper and Brothers,
Kruger, Jacob.Geschichte der Assyrier
1842. XV, 17-336 p., 1 map. 16°. * OCT und Iranier voni zuni 5'*° Jahr-
13'"" bis
New Y'ork: Harper & Brothers, hundert vor Christus. Frankfurt a. M.: H.
1865. XV, 17-336 p., 1 map. 16°. BCB L. Bronner, 1856, xxii p., 1 1., 527 p., 1 map,
Gautier, J. E. See Tukulti Ninib II.
4 pi. 8°. *OCT
Genouillac, H. de. See Sargon II., king Kuyper Hzn., Assyrie. De As-
syrisch-Iranische mogendheid (1250-500 J.
of Assyria.
V. Chr.). Naar de denkbeelden van Jakob
Godbey, Allen Howard. Notes on some Kruger voorgesteld. Amsterdam: C. F.
officials of the Sargonid period. Part of a Stemler, 1856. 3 p.l., 55 p. 8°. * OCT
dissertation... Chicago: [University of
Chicago Press,] 1906. 68 p. 8°. * OCT
Langdon, Stephen. Sec Ashurbanipal.
Revised from: American journal of Semitic lan- Lau, Robert J. See Ashurbanipal.
guages and literatures, v. 21, p. 65-82; v. 22, p. 45-
88, * OBA. Le Gac, Y''. See Ashur-nasir-pal, king of
Gregory, John. The Assyrian mon-
archy: being a short description of its rise Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich
and fall. (In his: Works. London: M. Karl. Die historische Semiramis und ihre
Clark, 1683-84. 8°. v. 2, p. 175-255.) ZEP Zeit. Vortrag gehalten in der Deutschen
Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin am 6. Fe-
Harper, Robert F. See Ashurbanipal;
bruar 1910. Tiibingen: J. C. B. Mohr. 1910.
also Esarhaddon, king of Assj'ria.
Ip.L, 76 p. 8°. *OCM
Hincks, Edward. See Tiglathpileser I.
See also Ashurbanipal.
Hunger, Johannes. Heerwesen und
Kriegfiihrung der Assyrer auf der Hohe Lenormant, Frangois. Lettres assyriolo-
ihrer Macht. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1911.
giques sur I'histoire et les antiquites de
40 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg. 12, I'Asie anterieure. Paris: Lith. Barousse,
Heft 4.) *bAC 1871-72. 2v. in 1. 4°. * OCK
Lotz, Wilhelm. See Tiglathpileser I.
Jensen, Peter. See Ashurbanipal.
Luckenbill, Daniel David. Inscriptions
Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. The
years of the Assyrian monarchy. of early Assyrian rulers. (American jour-
last (So-
ciety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceed- nal of Semitic languages and literatures.
ings. London, 1916. 8°. v. 38, p. 119-128.) Chicago, 1912. 8°. v. 28, p. 153-203.)

A new eponym list 82-5-22, 121. Lyon, David Gordon. See Sargon II.,
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro- king of Assyria.
ceedings. London, 1896. 8°. v. 18, p. 205- Manitius, Walther. Das stehende Heer
See also Sennacherib, king of As-
* YIA der Assyrerkonige und seine Organisation.
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
1910. 8°.
Bd. 24, p. 97-149, 185-224.)
Johnston, Christopher. The fall of the
Assyrian empire. (In: Studies in honor of Meissner, Bruno. See Esarhaddon, king
Basil L. Gildersleeve. BaUimore, 1902. 8°. of Assyria; also Sennacherib, king of As-
p.113-122.) REG syria.

The fall of Nineveh. (American Menant, Joachim. Annales des rois

Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven, d'Assyrie traduites et mises en ordre sur
1901. 8°. V. 22, p. 20-22.) * OAA le texte assyrien. Paris: Maisonneuve et
See also Esarhaddon, king of As- Cie., 1874. xii, 312 p.,7 maps. 4°. * OCW
syria. See also Sargon II., king of Assyria.
History, continued. Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke. Out-
line of the historv of Assyria, as collected
.Issyria. con tinned.
from the inscriptions discovered by A. H.
Mengedoht, H. W. See Shalmaneser II., Laj^ard, Esq., in the ruins of Nineveh.
king of Assyria. London: J. W. Parker & Son, 1852. 31 p.
12°. * C p.v. 928
Merou-nerar I., king of Assyria. See
Sec also Tiglathpileser I.
Adad-nirari I., king of Assyria.
Rogers, Robert William. Fresh light
Noeldeke, Tlieodor. Ueber den Namen upon the history of the earliest Assyrian
Assyriens. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. period. (American Historical Association.
Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 268-273.) Annual report. Washington, 1916. 8°.
*OCL 1914, v.l, p. 93-102.) lAA
Olmstead, Albert Ten Eyck. Tbe Assy- Rest, Paul. See Esarhaddon, king of
rian clironicle. (American Oriental Soci- Assyria; also Sennacherib, king of Assyria;
ety. Journal. New Haven, 1915. 8°. v. also Tiglathpileser III.
34, p. 344-368.) * OAA
Sachau, Eduard. Glossen zu den histo-
Oppert, Jules. Memoire sur les rapports rischen Inschriften assyrischer Konige.
de rfigypte et de I'Assyrie dans I'antiquite, (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar,
eclaircis par I'etude des textes cuneiformes 1897. 8°. Bd. 12, p. 42-61.) * OCL
par M. Oppert. Paris: Imprimerie impe- Sargonking of Assyria. De inscrip-
riale, 1869. 2 p.l., 127 p. 4°. t* OCT tione Sargonis regis Assyriae quae vocatur
Repr.: Academic des inscriptions et belles-lettres.
annalium. Dissertatio inauguralis quam
Memoires presentes par divers savants, serie 1, tome
8, p. 523-649, * EO.
. .scripsit Hugo Winckler. Berolini: typis

G. Langenscheidt, 1886. 62 p., 21. 8°.

La non-identite de Phul et de Teg- *OCR
lathphalasar prouvee par des textes cunei-
formes. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, Grande inscription du palais de

1886. 4°. V. 1, p. 165-170.) * OCL Khorsabad publiee et commentee par J.

Oppert et J. Menant. Paris: Imprimerie
Sin-sar-iskun, roi d'Assyrie. (Zeit- imperiale, 1863. 347 p., 21 facs. 8°. * OCR
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Berlin, 1892. 8°. Repr.: Journal asiatique, serie 6, v. 1, p. 5-20; v. 2,
Bd. 7, p. 334-343.) * OCL p. 475-517"; v. 3, p. 5-62, 168-201, 209-265, 373-415;
V. 6, p. 133-179, 289-330, » OAA.
See also Sargon II., king of Assyria;
also Tiglathpileser I.
Inschriften Sargon's .von F. E. . .

Peiser. (In: Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek.

Pancritius, Alarie C. Assj'rische Krieg- Berlin, 1890. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 34-81.) * OCO
fiihrung von Tiglat-pileser i. bis auf Samsi-
Les inscriptions de Dour-Sarkayan
adad iii. Konigsberg i. Pr.: Hartwig, 1904. (Khorsabad) provenant des fouilles de M.
2 p.l., 144 p., 11. 8°. VWCp.v.2 Victor Place, dechiffrees et interpretees
Paton, Lewis Bayles. .\ssyria and Prus- par Jules Oppert. Paris: Imprimerie im-
sia: an historical parallel. (Hibbert jour- periale, 1870. 2 p.l., 39 p. f°. tt*OCQ
nal. London, 1916. 8°. v. 15, p. 97-112.) Inscriptions des revers de plaques
ZAA du palais de Khorsabad, traduites sur le
Peiser, Felix Ernst. See Ashur-nasir- texte assyrien par Joachim Menant. Paris:
pal,king of Assyria; also Sargon II., king Imprimerie imperiale, 1865. 23 p. f°.
of Assyria; also Shalmaneser II., king of t*OCQ
Assj'ria. Keilschrifttcxte Sargon's Konigs
von Assyrien (722-705 v. Chr.). Nach den
Pognon, Henri. See Adad-nirari I., king Originalcn neu hrsg., umschrieben, iiber-
of .\ssyria; also Sennacherib, king of As- setzt und erklart von D. G. Lyon. Leip-
syria. zig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1883. xvi, 94 p. 4°.
(Assyriologische Bibliothek. Bd. 5.)
Ragozin, Zenaide Alexeievna. The story
of Assyria from the rise of the empire to
the fall of Nineveh. New York: G. P. Put-
relation de la huitieme cam-
nam's Sons, 1887. xix, 450 p., 2 maps, 3 pi. pagne de Sargon (714 av. J.-C.). Texte
12°. (The story of the nations.) assyrien inedit, public et traduit par F.
*R-BAC Thurcau-Dangin. Paris: P. Geuthner, 1912.
2 p.l., XX. 87 p., 11., 30 facs., 1 map. f°.
New York: G. P. Putnam's (Musee du Louvre. Departement des an-
Sons, 1891. xix. 450 p., 2 maps, 3 pi. 12°. tiquites orientales.) f* OCW
(The story of the nations.) * OCW Texte de Sargon
jeune provenantle
New York: G. P. Putnam's des fouilles d'cl-Ahymer, par H. de Ge-
Sons, 1893. xix, 450 p., 2 maps, 3 pi. 12°. nouillac. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
(The story of the nations.) * OCW 1913. 4°. v. 10, p. 83-87.) * OCL

History, continued. Sec also Esarhaddon, king of As-

syria; also Shalmaneser II., king of As-
Assyria, continued. syria; also Tukulti Ninib II.
Albright, W. F. The eighth campaign Schmidt, Valdemar. Assyriens og .lEgyp-
of Sargon. (American Oriental Society. tens gamle Historic; eller, Historisk-geo-
Tournai. New Haven, 1916. 8°. v. 36. p. grapiiiske Undersrigelser om det gamle
226-232.) * OAA Testamentes Lande og Folk. Kj^ben-
BoscAWEN, William St. Chad. Campaign havn: Fr. WcHdikes Forlag, 1872-77. 2 v.
of Sargon ii. (B. C. 712) against Judea. 8°. * OCZ
(Babylonian and Oriental record. Lon-
Schrader, EI)erhard. See Esarhaddon,
don, '1890. 8°. V. 4, p. 118-120.) *OCL king of Assyria; also Tiglathpileser III.
Klauber, Ernst Georg. Assyrisches Beam-
Sennacherib, king of Assyria. Die Bauin-
tentum nach Briefen aus der Sargoniden-
schriftcn Sanheribs hrsg. von B. Meissner
zeit. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1910. vi,
128 p. 8°. (Leipziger semitistische Stu- und P. Rost. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer. 1893.
dien. Bd. 5, Heft 3.) * DEC 3p.l., 120 p., 11., 7 facs. 8°. * OCT
Zur Politik und Kultur der Sargo- Inschriften Sanherib's (705-681 v.
nidenzeit.. . (American journal of Semitic Chr.) von Carl Bezold. (In: Keilinschrift-
languages and literatures. Cliicago, 1912- liche Bibliothek. Berlin, 1890. 8°. Bd. 2,
14. 8°. V. 28, p. 101-133, 244-253; V. 30, p. p. 80-119.) *OCO
233-287.) * OBA L'inscription de Bavian. Texte,
Olmstead, Albert Ten Eyck. AVestern traduction et commentaire philologique
Asia in the days of Sargon of Assyria 722- avcc trois appendices et un glossaire par
705 B. C. A study in Oriental history. H. Pognon. Paris: F. Vieweg, 1879. 4 p.l.,
New York: H. Holt & Co.. 1908. vii, 192 220 p., 1 1.(ficole pratique des hautes

p. 8°. (Cornell University. President — etudes. Bibliotheque: Sciences philolo-

White School of History and Political Sci- giques et historiques. fasc. 39, 42.) *
ence. -Cornell studies in history and po- .
Inscriptions of Sennacherib. 7-31
litical science, v. 2.) * OCW p., 43 pi. (In: British Museum. Depart- —
Praetorius, Franz. Bemerkungen zu ment of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiqui-
einigen Inschriften Sargons. (Deutsche ties. Cuneiform texts. London, 1909. f°.

morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. part 26.) f * OCQ

Leipzig, 1873. 8°. Bd. 27, p. 511-520.) On five unpublished cylinders of
*OAA Sennacherib. By B. T. A. Evetts. (Zeit-
Schrader. Eberhard. Zu des Hrn. Dr. schrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1888. 8°.
Praetorius Bemerkungen zu einigen Sar- Bd. 3, p. 311-331.) *OCL
gonsinschriften. (Deutsche morgenlan- Sennacherib's letters to his father
dische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, Sargon. By C. H. W. Johns. (Society of
1874. 8°. Bd. 28, p. 125-137.) * OAA Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. Lon-
Sayce, Archibald Henry. Was Jareb the don, 1895. 8°. v. 17, p. 220-239.) * VIA
original name of Sargon? (Babylonian
Adler, C5'rus. On the death of Senna-
and Oriental record. London, 1887. 8°. cherib and the accession of Esarhaddon.
v. 2, p. 18-22.) * OCL (American Oriental Society. Journal.
Schrader. Eberhard. Die Sargonsstele des New Haven, 1889. 8°. v. 13, p. ccxxxv-
Berliner Museums. 36 p., 2 facs. (Koenig- ccxxxviii.) * OAA
lich Preussische Akademie der Wissen-
schaften. Abhandlungen. Philol.-hist. Bradner, Lester, the younger. A classi-
Klasse. Berlin, 1882. 4°. Jahrg. 1881, fication of sentences in the Sennacherib
Abh. * EE (Taylor) inscription. (Hebraica. Hart-
ford, 1890. 8°. V. 6, p. 303-308.) * OBA
Sayce, Archibald Henry. Assyria: its
princes, priests and people. London: Re- Fullerton, Kemper. The invasion of
ligious Tract Society, 1885. 166 p. 12°. Sennacherib. (Bibliotheca sacra. Ober-
(By-paths of Bible knowledge. [no.i 7.) lin, 1906. 8°. v. 63, p. 578-634.) * DA
* YIW Langdon, Stephen. Evidence for an ad-
Xew Y'ork: F. H. Revell Co., vance on Egypt by Sennacherib in the
1895. 2p.l.. 7-166p., 1 pi. 12°. (Bv-paths campaign of 701-700 B. C. (American Ori-
of Bible knowledge, [no.) 7.) * YIW ental Society. Journal. New Haven, 1903.
Scheil, Jean Vincent. Inscriptions des
8°. v. 24, p. 265-274.) * OAA
derniers rois d'Assyrie. (Revue d'assyri- Muss-Arnolt, William. Notes on the
ologie. Paris, 1913. 4°. v. 10, p. 197-205.) publications contained in vol. ii. of Eber-
*OCL hard Schrader's Keilinschriftliche Biblio-
Sin-sar-iskun fils d'Assurbanipal. thek. —
I. The inscriptions of Sennacherib.
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar, (Hebraica. Hartford, 1890. 8°. v. 7, p.
1896. 8°. Bd. 11, p. 47-49.) * OCL 56-71.) *OBA
History, continued. •
Les inscriptions de Salmanasar ii,

roi d'Assyrie (860-824). Transcrites, co-

Assyria, continued.
ordonnees, traduites et commentees par A.
Nagel, Gottfried. Der Zufr des Sanherib Amiaud et V. Scheil. Paris: H. Welter.
gegen Jerusalem, nacli den Quellen darge- 1890. xiv, 120 p. 8°. * OCR
stellt. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1902. viii,
8°. *PXG •
The monolith
inscription of Sal-
124 p.
manescr ii. (860-824 B. C.); collated, tran-
Olmstead, Albert Ten Ej-ck. Western scribed, translated and explained, together
Asia in the reign of Sennacherib of As- with text, transcription, translation and ex-
syria. (American Historical Association. planation of the throne-inscription of Sal-
Annual report. Washington, D. C, 1911. maneser ii. . . Dissertation . . .by James A.
8°. 1909. p. 91-101.) lAA Craig. New Haven: Tuttle, Morehouse &
Taylor, 1887. 30 p., 1 1., 7 p. 4°. * OCR
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. Senna- Repr.: Hebraica, v. 3, p. 201-232, * OBA.
ciierib's campaigns on the northwest and
his work at Nineveh. (Royal Asiatic Soci- Throne-inscription of Salmanassar
ety. Journal. London, 1910. 8°. 1910, p. II.(860-824 B. C). By J. A. Craig. (He-
387-411.) *OAA braica. Chicago, 1886. 8°. v. 2, p. 140-
146.) * OBA
Prasek, Justin V. Sanheribs Feldziige
gegen Juda. Berlin: W. Peiser, 1903. 1
Boissier, Alfred. des Deux fragments
45 8°.(Vorderasiatische Gesell- annales de Salmanasar ii. (Recueil de
p.l., p.
schaft. Mitteilungen. 1903, Heft 4.)
travaux relatifs a la philologie et a I'arche-
*OAA ologie egyptiennes et assyriennes. Paris,
1903. 4°. annee25, p.81-86.) * OBKG
Sax, B. Le prisme de Sennacherib dans
Isaie. (Revue d'assj'riologie. Paris, 1898. Jastrow, Morris, the younger. Correc-
4°. * OCL tions to the text of the black obelisk of
V. 4, p. 59-64.)
Shalmaneser ii. (Hebraica. New York,
Smith, George. Histor}' of Sennacherib; 1889. 8°. v. 5, p. 230-242.) * OBA
translated from the cuneiform inscriptions,
by George Smith. Edited by... A. H.
—— Some notes on "the monolith in-
scription of Salmaneser ii." (Hebraica.
Sayce. London: Williams and Norgate,
OCW New Haven, 1888. 8°. v. 4, p. 244-246.)
1878. iv, 182 p., 1 pi. 4°. f * *OBA
Stroxg, S. Arthur. On some cuneiform Schrader, Eberhard. Der assyrische
inscriptions of Sennacherib and Assurna-
Konigsname Salmanassar. (Zeitschrift
sirpal. (Roval Asiatic Society. Journal. Leipzig, 1885.
fiir Keilschriftforschung.
London, 1891. 8°. 1891, p. 145-160.) * OCL
8°. Bd. 2, p. 197-204.)
Der Name Sanheribs.
ToRCZYXER, H. Smith, George. Assyria from the earli-
(Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des est times to the fall of Nineveh. London:
Morgenlandes. Wien, 1910. 8°. Bd. 24, Society for Promoting Christian Knowl-
p. 427-430.) * OAA edge, n. d. 192 p. 16°. (Ancient history
from the monuments.) * OCW
Ungnad, Arthur. Der Name Sanherib's.
(Deutsche inorgenlandische Gesellschaft. New York: Scribner, Arm-
Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1908. 8°. Bd. 62, strong & Co., 1876. 202 p. 12°. (Ancient
721-724.) * OAA
history from the monuments.) * OCW
Weber, Otto, Sanheril), Konig von As- New
and revised edition by
A. H. Sayce. London: Society for Promot-
syrien 705-681. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
ing Christian Knowledge, 1890. 204 p.
1905. 29 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg. 16°. (Ancient history from tlie monu-
6. Heft 3.) *OAC ments.) * OCW
Shalmaneser II., king of Assyria. The ——Tiie Assyrian eponym canon; con-
l;lack obelisk. Annals of Shalmanezer ii..
taining translations of the documents, and
king of Assyria, B. C. 858-854. (Edited an account of the evidence, on the com-
and translated by H. W. Mengedoht.] parative ciironology of the Assyrian and
(Babylonian & Oriental record. London, Jewish kingdoms, from the death of Solo-
1896-99. 8°. v. 8, p. 111-120, 141-158. 169- mon to Nebuchadnezzar. London: S. Bag-
175.) *OCL ster and Sons, n. d. viii, 206 p. 8°. * OCW
Inschriften Salmanassar's ii. (860- On a new fragment
of the Assyrian
825 V. Annaleninschrift des Obe-
Chr.). canon belonging to the reigns of Tiglath-
lisks Hugo Winckler.
von Nimrud von Pileser and Shalmaneser. (Society of Bib-
Die Monolith-Inschrift III. Rawl. 7-8 von lical Arcliaeology. Transactions. Lon-
F. E. Peiser. (In: Keilinschriftliche Bibli- don, 1873. 8°. V. 2. p. 321-332.) * VIA
othek. Berlin. 1889. 8°. Bd. 1. p. 128-175.)
*oco Smith, Samuel A. See Ashurbanipal.
History, continued. scriptions et belles-lettres. Comptes ren-
dus. Paris, 1909. 8°. 1909, p. 807-820.)
Assyria, continued. *EO
Staerk, Willy. Das assyrische Wcltreich Annales de Tukulti Ninip ii, roi
im Urteil der Propheten. Gottingcn: Van- d'Assyrie, 889-884 par V. Scheil. .avec la .

denhocck imd Ruprecht, 1908. vi. 240 p. collaboration de J. E. Gautier. Paris: H.

8°. *OCW Champion, 1909. 3 p.l., 62 p., 11., 7 facs..
Streck, Maximilian. See Ashurbanipal. 1 map, 3 pi. 8°. (ficole pratique des hautes
etudes. Bibliotheque: Sciences historique.s
Strong, S. Arthur. See Ashurbanipal. ct philologiques. fasc. 178.) * EN
Talbot, H. Fox. See Tiglathpileser I.
Winckler, Hugo. Einige neue Inschriften-
Thureau-Dangin, Francois. See Sargon fiagmente des letzten assyrischen Konigs.
II., king: of Assyria. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1892. 4°.
V. 2, p. 66-67.) *OCL
Tiglathpileser Die Inschriften Tig-
lathpiloscr's transskribicrtem assy-
i. in See also Sargon II., king of Assyria;
rischem Grundtext mit Ubersetzung und also Shalmaneser II., king of Assyria; also
Kommentar von Dr. Wilhelm Lotz. Leip- Tiglathpileser I.

zig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1880. xvi, 224 p. 8°.

Inschriften Tiglath-Pilcser's L (um Neo-Babvloni.\
1100 V. Chr.) von Hugo Winckler. (In:
Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek. Berlin, 1889. Ball, Charles James. See Nebuchadnez-
8°. Bd. 1, p. 14-49.) *OCO zar II., king of Babylon.
Inscription of Tiglath Pileser i.. Bezold, Carl. See Nabonidus, king of
king of Assyria, B. C. 1150, as translated Babylon; also Nebuchadnezzar II., king of
by Sir Henry Rawlinson, Fox Talbot, Babylon; also Nergal-shar-usur, king of
Esq., Dr. Hincks and Dr. Oppert. Lon- Babylon.
don: Royal Asiatic Society, 1857. 73 p. 8°.
*OCK Boscawen, William St. Chad. Inscrip-
tions relating to Belshazzar. (Babylonian
Reprinted in Royal Asiatic Society. Journal,
V. 18, p. 150-219, * OAA. and Oriental record. London, 1887. 8°.
V. 2, p. 14-18.) *OCL
Tiglathpileser III. De
inscriptione Tig-
lat-Pileser iii., regis Assyriae, quae vocatur See also Nergal-shar-usur, king of
annalium. Dissertatio. .quam publice de- .
fendet Paulus Rost. Lipsiae: E. Pfeiffer, Bruce, Preston P. See Nabopolassar.
1892. 54 p., 11. 8°. *OCKp.v.l
Evetts, Basil Thomas Alfred. Inscrip-
Inschriften Tiglath-Pileser's iii.
tions of the reigns of Evil-Merodach (B. C.
(745-727 V. Chr.) von E. Schrader. (In: 562-559). Neriglissar (B. C. 559-555). and
Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek. Berlin. 1890. Laborosoarchod (B. C. 555). Copied and
8°. Bd. 2, p. 2-33.) * OCO autographed bv B. T. A. Evetts. Leipzig:
E. Pfeiffer. 1892. vi p.. 11., 31, 94 p. 8".
Inscription de Tiglat-Pileser ii.
£tude assyrienne, par Charles Eneberg. (Babylonische Texte. Heft 6 b.) * OCQ
(Journal asiatique. Paris, 1875. 8°. serie Halevy, Joseph. Balthasar et Darius le
7, V. 6, p. 441-472.) * OAA Mede. (Revue semitique. Paris, 1894. 8°.

Die Keilschrifttexte Tiglat-Pilesers annee2, p. 186-191.) * OAA

nach den Papierabklatschen und Origi-
III. Karppe, S. See Nabopolassar.
nalen des Britischen Museums neu hrsg.
von Paul Rost. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer, 1893. Langdon, Stephen. Die neubabyloni-
2v. 8° and f°. * OCQ and f * OCQ schen Konigsinschriften; bearbeitet von S.
Langdon. aus dem Englischen iibersetzt
Ansp.-\cher, Abraham Samuel. Tiglath von R. Zehnpfund. Leipzig: J. C. Hin-
Pileser iii. New York: Columbia Univer- richs, 1912. vi, 376 p. 8°. (Vorderasi-
sity Press, 1912. xvi, 72 p. 8°. (Contribu- atische Bibliothek.) * OCR
tions to Oriental history and philologv.
no. 5.) * OCW lon.
See also Nabonidus, king of Baby-

Havdn, Howell AI. Azariah of Judah

and Tiglath-pileser iii. (Journal of Biblical Latrille, Johannes. See Nabonidus, king
literature. New York, 1909. 8°. v. 28. p.
of Babjdon.
182-199.) * DA Lau, Robert Julius. See Nabonidus, king
of Bal^ylon.
Tukulti Ninib II. Les annales du roi
d'Assyrie Tukulti Ninip ii par le P. Scheil. Meissner, Bruno. See Nebuchadnezzar
(Institut de France. Academic des in-— II., king of Babylon.
History, continued. Nabopolassar. Inschriften von Nabopa-
yco-Babylouia. ecu tinned.
lassar und Smerdis. Von J. N. Strass-
maier. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leip-
Messerschmidt, Leopold. Sec Naboni- zig, 1889. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 106-152.) * OCL
dus, king of Babylon.
Inschriften Nabopolassar's (625-
Moldenke, Alfred B. Sec Nebuchadnez- 604 Chr.) von Hugo Winckler. (Keilin-
zar II., king of Babylon. schriftliche Bibliothek. Berlin, 1890. 8°.

Nabonidus, king of Babylon. The Abu Bd.3, Hiilfte2, p. 2-9.) * OCO

Habba cylinder of Nabuna'id (v. Rawlin-
L'ne de Nabopolassar.
sonpl. 64). Autographed text by R. J. Par S. Karppe. (Revue semitique. Paris,
Lau. With an introduction and glossary
. .
1895. 8°. annee 3, p. 165-174, 210-213, 334-
in English and German by J. D. Prince.
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1905. x, 40 p. 12°.
343.) * OAA
(Semitic study series, no. S.) * OCR Ein Text Nabopolassars. Von
Die Inschrift der Stele Nabuna'id's, Hugo Winckler. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
ologie. Leipzig, 1887. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 69-75.)
Konigs von Babylon, enthaltend die erste
inschriftliche Nachricht iiber den Fall *OCL
Ninives von L. Messerschmidt. Berlin: Three inscriptions of Nabopolassar,
W. Peiser. 1896. 1 p.l., 83 p. 8°. (Vor- king of Babylonia (B. C. 625-604). By
derasiatische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. Preston P. Bruce. (American journal of
1896, Heft 1.) * OAA Semitic languages and literatures. Chi-
Inschriften Nabonid's (555-538 v. cago, 1900. 8°. v. 16, p. 178-186.) * OBA
Chr.) von F. E. Peiser. (Keilinschriftliche RoESCH, Gustav. Nabopolassar. Ein
Bibliothek. Berlin, 1890. 8°. Bd. 3, Halfte archaologischer Versuch. (Deutsche mor-
2, p. 80-121.) * OCO genlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift.
Inschriften von Nabonidus, Konig Leipzig, 1861. 8°. Bd. 15, p. 502-540.)
von Babylon (555-538 v. Chr.); von der *OAA
Thontafeln des Britischen Museums copirt
v'.nd autographirt von J. N. Strassmaier. Nebuchadnezzar II., king of Babylon.
Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer, 1889. x, 68. 640 p. 8°. Cuneiform text of a recently discovered
(Babylonische Texte. Heft 1-4.) * OCQ cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Baby-
lon.From the original in the Metropolitan
Inscription de Nabonide. Par Fr. Museum of Art, New York. Copied, trans-
V. Scheil. (Zeitschrift fiir Assj^riologie. lated & published by J. F. X. O'Conor.
Leipzig, 1890. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 399-409.) (Baltimore:! Woodstock College. 1885. 53
*OCL p., 1 pi. 8°. * p.v.l OCK
Inscription de Nabonide. Par V. Repr.: Ilebraica, v. 1, p. 201-208, * OBA.
Scheil. 3 pi. (Recueil de travaux relatifs
a la philologie et a I'archeologie egyp- A cylinder of Nebuchadnezzar. By
tiennes et assyriennes. Paris, 1896. 4°. Alfred B. Moldenke. (.\merican Oriental
annee 18, p. 15-29.) * OBKG Society. Journal. New Haven, 1896. 8°.

Der Nabonidcylinder v Ravvl. 64

V. 16, p. 71-78.) * OAA
umschrieben, iibersetzt und erklart von Ein Freibrief Nebukadnezar's II.
Johannes Latrille. (Zeitschrift fiir Keil- \'on Bruno Aleissner. (Zeitschrift fiir As-
schriftforschung. Leipzig, 1885. 8°. Bd. syriologie. Leipzig, 1889. 8°. Bd. 4, p.
2. p. 231-262. 335-359; Zeitschrift fiir Assv- 2'59-267.) * OCL
riologie. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1. p. 25- von
38.) * OCL Konig von Babylon (604-561 v. Chr.); von
New inscriptions of Nabuna'id. By flen Thontafeln des Britischen Museums
S. Langdon. (American journal of Semit- copirt und autographirt von J. N. Strass-
ic languages and literatures. Chicago. maier. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer. 1889. vii, 38,
1916. 8°. v. 32, p. 102-117.) * OBA 272 p. 8°. (Babylonische Texte. Heft
Two inscriptions of Nabonidus. By 5-6.) * OCQ
C. Bezold. 5 facs. (Society of Biblical Inschriften Nebukadnezar's (604-
Archaeology. Proceedings. London. 1889. 561 V. Chr.) von Hugo Winckler. (Keilin-
8°. V. 11, p. 84-103.) * YIA .schriftlichc Bibliothek. Berlin. 1890. 8°.
BoscAWEX, William St. Chad. .\ new Bd.3, Halfte 2, p. 10-71.) * OCO
Babylonian inscription. (Babylonian and
Oriental record. London, 1895. 8°. v. 8, Die Inschriften Nebukadnezars ii.
im Wadi Brisa und am Nahr el-Kelb hrsg.
p. 136-140.) *OCL r.iul iibersetzt von F. H. Weissbach. Leip-
Teloni, Bruto. Appunti intorno all' zig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1906. iv, 44 p., 26 pi.
iscrizione di Nabonid, V. R. 65. (Zeit- i". (Deutsche Orient-GescUschaft. Wis-
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1888. scnschaftliche Veroffentlichungen. Heft
8°. Bd. 3. p. 159-173, 293-310.) * OCL 5.) ft* OAA
History, contUmcd. Oppert, Jules. Revised chronology of the
latestBabylonian kings. (Society of Bib-
Neo-Babyloiiia, cciitinucd.
lical Archaeology. Transactions. Lon-
Inscriptions of Nebuchadrezzar ii. don, 1878. 8°. V.6, p. 260-274.) * YIA
By Rev. C. J. Ball. 16 facs. (Society of
Peiser, Felix Ernst. See Nabonidus,
Biblical .\rchaeology. Proceedings. Lon-
king of Babylon.
don. 1888-89. 8°. V. 10, p. 87-129, 215-230.
290-300, 359-368; v. 11, p. 116-130, 159-160, Prince, John Dyneley. See Nabonidus,
195-218, 248-253.) * VIA king of Babylon.
Ueber einen Nebukadnezar cylinder Scheil, Jean Vincent. See Nabonidus,
des Berliner ^Museums, von Hugo Winck- king of Babylon.
ler. (Zeitschrift Assvriologie. Leip-
Strassmaier, N. See Nabonidus, king
zig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 337-348.) * OCL J.
of Babylon; also Nabopolassar; also Nebu-
unedirte Nebukadnezarin- chadnezzar II., king of Babylon.
schrift. von C. Bezold. (Zeitschrift fiir Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. See Nebu-
Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, chadnezzar II., king of Babylon.
p. 39-44.) * OCL
Winckler, Hugo. See Nabopolassar; also
J. H.
GoTTHEiL. Richard A building in- Nebuchadnezzar II., king of Babylon.
scription of King Nebuchadnezzar. New
York, 1913. 5 p., 1 pi. 4°. * OCK Zehnpfund, Rudolf. See Langdon,
Repr. The Xew York Public Library.
: Bulletin,
V. 17, p. 863-865, * HXD.
Gray, Louis Herbert. Kai Lohrasp and
Persian Period, etc.
Nebuchadrezzar. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir
die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Wien. 1904. For other works on this period see the List of
8°. Bd. 18, p. 291-298.) * OAA IVorks Relating to Persia in the Bulletin, January,
1915, V. 19, p. 9-126.
Grotefend, Georg Friedrich. Erlauterung
zweier Ausschreiben des Koniges Nebu- Bang, Willy. Beitrage zur Erklarung
kadnezar in einfacher babylonischer Keil- der Achaemeniden-Inschriften. (Deutsche
schrift mit einigen Zugaben. (Konigliche morgenliindische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift.
Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Got- Leipzig, 1889. 8°. Bd. 43, p. 525-534.)
tingen. Abhandlungen. Historisch-phi- *OAA
lologische Classe. Gottingen, 1856. 4°.
Bezold, Carl. Die Achamenideninschrif-
Bd. 6, p. 65-106.) * EE ten. Transscription des babylonischen
Langdon. Stephen H. The supposed va- Textes nebst Ubersetzung, textkritischen
riant of AH. 82. 7-14. 1042. Where is it? Annierkungen und einem W'orter- imd
Its probable contents. (American Orien- Eigennamenverzeichnisse von Dr. Carl
tal Society. Journal. New Haven. 1905. Bezold. Mit dem Keilschrifttexte der
8°. V. 26, part 1, p. 98-103.) * OAA kleineren Achamenideninschriften auto-
graphirt von Paul Haupt. Leipzig: J. C.
O'CoxoR. John Francis X. Inscription of Hinrichs, 1882. xiv p.. 1 1.. 96 p. 4°. (As-
Nebuchadnezzar, variants of an unpub- syriologische Bibliothek. Bd. 2.) f * OCQ
lished duplicate of the New York cylinder.
(Hebraica. New Haven, 1887. 8°. v. 3, Bosanquet, J. W. Cyrus the Second.
p. 166-170.) * OBA Concerning Cyrus, son of Cambyses king
of Persia and of Mandane daughter of
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. A new Astyages, who overthrew Babylon and re-
fragment of the history of Nebuchadnez- leased tlie Jews: as distinguished from
zar III. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Cyrus, father of Cambyses, who conquered
Transactions. London, 1882. 8°. v. 7. p. Astyages, and founded the empire of the
210-225.) * YIA Medes and Persians. (Society of Biblical
Archaeology. Transactions. London,
Nergal-shar-usur, king of Babylon. In- 1872. 8°. \'. 183-262.) * YIA
1. p.
schriften Neriglissar's (559-555 v. Chr.)
von Carl Bezold. (Keilinschriftliche Bib- Cambyses. Inschriften von Cambyses,
liothek. Berlin. 1890. 8°. Bd. 3, Halfte 2. Konig von Babylon (529-521 v. Chr.) von
p. 70-79.) * OCO den Thontafeln des Britischen Museums
copirt und autographirt von J. N. Strass-
Inscription of Neriglissar. [Trans- maier. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer, 1890. viii, 28.
latedby W. St. C. Boscawen.] (Babyloni- 256 p. 8°. (Babylonische Texte. Heft
an and Oriental record. London, 1891. 8°.
8-9.) * OCQ
V. 5, p. 213-218.) * OCL
Cyrus the Great. Inschrift auf dem
O'Conor, John Francis Xavier. Sec Nebu- Thoncylinder des Cyrus, Konigs von Baby-
chadnezzar II., king of Babylon. lon-Persien (538-529 v. Chr.) von E.
History, continued. Museums copirt und autographirt von
J. N. Strassmaier. Heft 1-3. Leipzig: E.
Persian Period, etc., continued. Pfeiffer, 1892-97. 8°. (Babylonische Texte.
Schrader. (Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek. Heft 10-12.) *OCQ
Berlin, 1890. 8°. Bd. 3, Halfte 2, p. 120- •
sculptures and inscription of
127.) *oco Darius the Great on the rock of Behistun
von Cyrus, Konig von
Inscliriften in Persia. A new collation of the Persian,
Babylon (538-529 v. Chr.) von den Thonta- Susian and Babylonian texts with English
feln des Britischcn Museums copirt und translations. [Edited by L. W. King and
. .

autographirt von J. N. Strassmaier. Leip- R. C. Thompson.) London: The Museum,

8°. 1907. Ixxix p., 1 1., 223 p., 1 map, 15 pi. 4°.
zig: E. Pfeiffer, 1890. v, 26. 224 p.
(Babylonische Texte. Heft 7.) * OCQ t*OMH
Notes on a newly-discovered clay Quatremere, fitienne Marc. Memoire
cylinder of Cyrus the Great. By Sir H. C. sur Darius le Mede et Balthasar, rois de
Rawlinson. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour- Babylone. Paris, 1838. 20 p. 8°.
* C p.v.344
nal. London, 1880. 8°. new series, v. 12,
p. 70-97.) .
* OAA Repr.: Annales de
317-336, YAA.
philosophic chretienne, tome
16, p.
cuneiform inscription relating
to the capture of Babylon by Cyrus, and Haupt, Paul. Sec Bezold, Carl.
the events which preceded and led to it. King, Leonard William. See Darius I.,
By Theo. G. Pinches. (Society of Biblical king of Persia.
Archaeology. Transactions. London, 1882.
Oppert, Jules. L'inscription babyloni-
8°. V. 7. p. 139-176.) * YIA
enne d'Antiochus Soter. (Revue d'assyri-
Floigl, Victor. Cyrus und Herodot nach ologie. Paris, 1886. 4°. v. 1, p. 102-105.)
den neugefundenen Keilinschriften. Leip- *OCL
zig: \V. Friedrich, 1881. 3 p.l., 198 p. 8°.
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. See
BCP Cyrus the Great.
Hagen. O. E. Keilschrifturkunden zur
Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke. See
Geschichte des Konigs Cyrus. (Beitrage
Cyrus the Great.
zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1894. 8°. Bd.
2, p. 205-248.) * OCL Schrader, Eberhard. See Cyrus the
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Nachtragliches zu
O. E. Hagens Cyrus-Texten. (Beitrage Strassmaier, J. N. Sec Cambyses; also
zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1894. 8°. Bd. Cyrus the Great; also Darius I., king of
2, p. 248-257.) * OCL Persia.

Halevy, Joseph. Le royaume heredi- Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert fitienne

taire de Cyrus. (Actes du huitieme Con- Jean Baptiste. Hyspaosines. Kharacenian
gres international des orientalistes. Leide: king of Babylon, on a Babylonian tablet
E. J. Brill, 1893. 8°. partie 2, section 1, p. dated 127 a. "C, and the Arsacian era, 248
153-163.) *OAA a. C. (Babylonian and Oriental record.
Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. Das Grab
London, 1890. 8°. v. 4, p. 136-144.) * OCL
des CjTus und die Inschriften von Murg- Thompson, Reginald Campbell. See
hab. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesell- Darius I., king of Persia.
schaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1894. 8°. Bd.
Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. Die Keilin-
48, p. 653-665.) * OAA schriften der Achameniden. Bearbeitet
Darius I., king of Persia. Inschriften von F. H. Weissbach. Leipzig: J. C. Hin-
von Darius, Konig von Babylon (521-485 richs. 1911. l.xxxiv, 160 p. 8°. (Vorder-
v. Chr.) von den Thontafeln des Britischen asiatische Bibliothek. Stuck3.) * OMH

Social Life

Berlin, George. Akkadian precepts for Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis.
tlic conduct of man in his private life. 4 Babylonian life and history. London: Re-
facs. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. ligious Tract Society, 1884. 168 p., 1 pi.
Transactions. London, 1885. 8°. v. 8. 12°. (By-paths of Bible knowledge, (no.i
p. 230-270.) * YIA 5) *YIW
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Handel, Recht und
The Babylonians at home. (Con- Sitte im alten Babylonien. (Velhagen &
temporary review. London, 1886. 8°. v. Klasings Monatshefte. Bielefeld, 1899. 8°.
49, p. 212-218.) *DA Jahrg. 13, Bd. 2, p. 47-56.) * DP

Social Lift", continued. Maspero, Sir Gaston Camille Cliarles.

Au temps de Ramses et d'Assourbanipal;
Handel und ^\'andcl in Altbaby- figypte, Assyrie anciennes. Paris: Ha-
lonien. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-An- chette et Cie., 1910. xiii, 416 p., 11. 5. ed.
stalt. 1910. 60 p. 8°. * OCM 12°. (Collection des lectures historiques.)
Genouillac, H. do. Tablettes sumeri-
ennes archaiques. Materiaux pour servir Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria.
a I'histoire de la societe sumerienne, pub- From the French of G. Maspero. With
lies avec introduction, transcription, tra- one hundred and eighty-eight illustrations.
duction et tables par H. de Genouillac. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1892. xv.
Paris: P. Geuthner, 1909. Ixxi, 122 p.. 41 pi. 376 p. 12°. * OBKC
f°. t*OCP
Meissner, Bruno. Assyrische Jagden auf
Gosse, Philip Henry. Assyria; her man- Grund alter Berichte und Darstellungen.
ners and customs, arts and arms: restored Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1911. 32 p. 8°.
from her monuments. London: Society (Der alte Orient. Jahrg. 13, Heft 2.) * OAC
for Promoting- Christian Knowledge, 1852.
*OCM Falkenjagden bei den Babyloniern
xviii, 642p. i2°.
und Assyrern. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie.
Harkness, M. E. Assyrian life and his- Leipzig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 418-422.)
tory. With introduction by R. Stuart *OCL
Poole. London: Religious Tract Society Life in ancient Baby-
Offord, Joseph.
[1883]. 107 p., Ipl. 12°. (By-paths of
lonia four thousand years ago; as depicted
Bible knowledge. [Uo.] 2.) * YIW by the Dilbat tablets. (American anti-
Heuzey, Leon. Musique chaldeenne. quarian. Benton Harbor, Mich., 1911. 8°.
(Revue d'assyriologie.
^ Paris, 1912. 4°. v. V. 33, p. 15-21.) HBA
9, p. 85-90.) * OCL Oppert, Jules. Liberte de la femme a
Hommel, Fritz. Die vorsemitischen Babylone. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
Kulturen in ^gypten und Babylonien. 1892. 4°. V. 2, p. 89-90.) * OCL
Leipzig: O. Schulze, 1882. 3 p.l.. 71-424 p.
8°. (In his: Die semitischen Volker und
Peiser, Felix Ernst. A sketch of Baby-
lonian society. (Smithsonian Institution.
Sprachen. rBd.j 2.) * OBF Annual report. \\'ashington, 1899. 8°.

Jastrow, Morris, the younger. The civ- 1898, p. 579-599.) * EA

ilization of Babylonia and Assyria; its Skizze der Gesell-
remains, language, history, religion, com- schaft. Berlin: W. Peiser, 1896. 1 p.l., 30

merce, law, art and literature. Philadel- p., 1 1. 8°. (Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft.
phia: J. B. Lippincott Co., 1915. xxv, 515 Mitteilungen. 1896, Heft 3.) * OAA
p., 1 map, 77 pi. 8°. * OCM
Filter, W. T. A legal episode in ancient
Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. An As- Babylonian family life. (Society of Bibli-
syrian doomsday book or liber censualis of cal Archaeology. Proceedings. London,
the district round Harran; in the seventh 1910. 8°. V.32, p. 81-92, 129-142.) * YIA
century B. C; copied from the cuneiform
tablets in the British Aluseum by the Rev. Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. "Son-
C. H. W. Johns; transliterated and trans- hood," or adoption among the early Baby-
lated with index of proper names and glos- lonians. (Hebraica. Hartford, 1891. 8°.
sary. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1901. vi p., V. 7, p. 186-189.) * OBA
1 1., 82 p., 17 pi. 4°. (Assyriologische Bib-
liothek. Bd. 17.) f * OCQ Sayce, Archibald Henry. Babylonians
and Assyrians. Life and customs. New
Landersdorfer, Simon. Die Kultur der York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1899. xp..ll.,
Babylonier und Assj'rier. Kempten: J. 266 p. 12°. (The Semitic series.) * OCM
Kosel, 1913. viii, 238 p.. 1 1., 1 map. 16°.
*OCK Social life among the Assyrians and
Babj'lonians. London: Religious Tract
Marx, Victor. Die Stellung der Frauen Society, 1893. 121 p., 1 1. 12°. (By-paths
in Babylonien gemass den Kontrakten aus of Bible knowledge, [no.] 18.) * YIW
der Zeit von Nebukadnezar bis Darius
(604-485). (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Schneider, Hermann. Kultur und Den-
Leipzig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 1-77.) * OCL ken der Babylonier und Juden. Leipzig:
J. C. Hinrichs, 1910. xvi, 665 p. 8°. * OCY
Die Stellung der Frauen in Baby-
lonien gemass den neubabylonischen Kon- Zimmern, Heinrich. Ein babylonisches
trakten aus der Zeit von Nebukadnezar Ritual fiir eine Hausweihe. (Zeitschrift
bis Darius (604-485). Leipzig: A. Pries. fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg, 1909. 8°.
1898. 30 p., 1 1. 8°. * OCS Bd. 23. p. 369-376.) * OCL

Personal Names
Chiera, Edward. Legal and administra- Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich
tive documents from Nippur, chiefly from Karl. Ueber Pur-Sin, Kat-Sin, Ini-Sin und
the dynasties of Isin and Larsa. Philadel- verwandte Konigs- und Personennamen.
phia: University Museum, 1914. 110 p., 21., (Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie. Weimar,
Ol facs. 4°. (University of Pennsylvania. 1895. 8°. Bd. 10, p. 84-95, 268-276.) * OCL
— Museum: Babylonian Section. Publica-
Menant, Joachim. Les noms propres as-
tions. V. 8. no. 1.) * OCL syriens: rccherches sur la formation des
List of personal names, p. S4-102.
expressions ideographiques. Paris: B.

Lists of personal names from the Duprat, 1861. 2 p.l., 64 p. 4°. * OCO
Temple school of Nippur. Lists of Ak-
kadian personal names. Philadelphia: Myhrman, David W. Nouveaux noms
University Museum. 1916. 91-175 p., 11., propres de I'epoque des rois d'Our. (Baby-
loniaca. Paris, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 251-257.)
33 pi. 4°. (University of Pennsylvania.
— Museum: Babylonian Section. Publica- *OCO
tions, v. 11, no. 2.) *OCL Perruchon, Jules. des noms

Lists of personal names from the propres contenus dans le lettres trouvees a

Temple school of Nippur. syllabary of A El-Amarna. (Revue semitique. Paris,

personal names. Philadelphia: L'niversity 1894. 8°. annee 2, p. 308-323.) * OAA
Museum. 1916. 88 p., 1 1.. 37 pi. 4°. (Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania. Museum: Baby- — Ranke, Hermann. Early Babylonian
personal names from the published tablets
lonian Section. Publications, v. 9, no. 1.)
of the so-called Hammurabi dynasty (B. C.
*OCL 2000). Philadelphia: University of Pennsyl-
Clay, Albert Tobias. Legal and com- vania. 1905.xiii. 255 o. 8°. (University of
mercial transactions dated in the Assyrian, Pennsylvania. The Babylonian expedition
Xeo-Bal)ylonian and Persian periods, of the University. Series D: Researches
chiefly from Nippur. Philadelphia: Uni- and treatises, v. 3.) * OCN
versity of Pennsylvania. 1908. ix, 85 p., 2 1.,
72 facs.. 9 pi. f °. (L^niversity of Pennsyl- Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke. On
vania. Babylonian expedition of the Uni- the orthography of some of the later royal
A ersity. Series A: Cuneiform texts, v. 8, names of Assyrian and Babylonian history.
parti.) t*OCN (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London,
Concordance of proper names, p. 39-69. 1855. 8°. v. 15, p. 398-402.) * OAA
Personal names from cuneiform Scheil, Jean Vincent. Listes onomas-
inscriptions of the Cassite period. New tiques redigees d'apres les textes de §ar-
Haven: Yale University Press, 1912. 3 p.l., gani, et de la deuxieme dynastie d'Ur.
5-208 p. 4°. (Yale University. Yale Orien- (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar,
tal series, v. 1.) * OAC 1897. 8°. Bd. 12, p. 331-347.) * OCL
Paul. Les noms propres baby- Schrader, Eberhard. Uber einen altori-
loniens a I'epoque de Sargon I'ancien et de entalischen Herrschernamen. (Koniglich
Xaram-Sin. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Leipzig, 1909. 8°. Bd. 6, Heft 3, p. 63-88.) Sitzungsberichte. Berlin, 1895. 4°. 1895,
*OCL p. 961-964.) * EE
Les plus anciens noms de personnes
a Lagas. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Tallqvist, Knut Leonard. Neubabylo-
Strassburg, 1909. 8°. Bd. 22, p. 284-316.) nisches Namenbuch zu den Geschaftsur-
*OCL kunden aus der Zeit des Samassumukin bis
Xerxes. [Helsingfors. 1906.) xliii, 338 p.
Hoschander, Jakob. Die Personennamen
4°. (Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten. Acta.
auf dem Obelisk des Manistusu. (Zeit-
V. 32. no. 2.) * EI
schrift Assyriologie. Strassburg, 1907.
8°. Bd. 20, p. 246-302.) * OCL Ungnad, Arthur. Babylonian letters of
Ruber, Engelbert. Die Personennamen tlie Hammurapi period, by Arthur Ungnad.
in den Keilschrifturkunden aus der Zeit Philadelphia: University Museum. 1915.
der Konige von Ur und Nisin. Leipzig: 50 p.. 21., civ facs. 4°. (University of
L C. Hinrichs. 1907. 4 p.l., 208 p. 4°. (As- Pennsylvania. — Museum: Babylonian Sec-
syriologische Bibliothek. Bd. 21.) f * OCQ tion. Publications, v. 7.) * OCL
Index of proper names, p. 34-45.
Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. Some
secondary formations among Assyrian Babylonische Briefe aus der Zeit
proper names. (American journal of Semit- der Hammurapi-Dynastie. Leipzig: J. C.
ic languages and literatures. Chicago, Hinrichs. 1914. xl. 450 p. 8°. (Vorder-
1902. 8°. V. 18. p. 149-166, 246-253.) asiatische Bibliothek. Stuck6.) * OCS
*OBA Eigennanienverzeichnis, p. 405-445.


Boscawen, W' illiam St. Chad. Notes on Godbey, Allen Howard. See Hammurabi,
Babj'loiiian Icsal and commercial inscrip- king of Babylon.
tions. (Babylonian and Oriental record.
London. 1900. 8°. v. 8. p. 217-221.) * OCL Hammurabi, king of Babylon. Text of
Chiera, Edward. and administra- Lc£?al
the code of Hammurabi, king of Babylon
(about 2250 B. C). Edited by Robert F.
tive documents from Nippur, ciiiefly from
Harper, with the co-operation of A. H.
the dynasties of Isin and Larsa. Philadel-
GodbeJ^ (American journal of Semitic
phia: University Museum, 1914. 110 p., 21.,
languages and literatures. Chicago, 1903.
61 facs. 4°. (University of Pennsylvania.
— Museum: Babj-lonian Section. Publica-
8°. v. 20, p. 1-84.) * OBA
tions. V. 8. no. 1.) *OCL The code of Hammurabi, king of
Clay, Albert Tobias. Legal and com- Babjdon about 2250 B. C. Autographed
mercial transactions dated in the Assyrian, text, transliteration, translation, glossary,
Neo-Babylonian and Persian periods, index of subjects, lists of proper names,
chiefh^ from Nippur. Philadelphia: Uni- signs, numerals, corrections and erasures
versity of Pennsylvania, 1908. ix, 85 p., Robert Francis Harper. Chicago:
2 1., 72' facs., 9 pi. f". (University of Penn- University of Chicago Press, 1904. xv,
sylvania. Babylonian expedition of the 192 p., 11., Imap, 104 pi. 2. ed. 8°. * OCS
University. Series A: Cuneiform texts. Ham-
Code des lois (droit prive) de
V. 8, parti.) t*OCN murabi, roi de Babylone vers I'an 2000
Cuq, fidouard. Le droit babylonien au avant Jesus-Christ. 7 pi. (France.
temps de la premiere dynastie de Babylone. Ministere de I'lnstruction Publique et des
(Nouvelle revue historique de droit fran- Beaux-Arts. Delegation en Perse. Me-
gais et etran.^er. Paris. 1909. 8°. v. 33, moires. Paris, 1902. f°. tome 4, p. 11-
p. 245-288, 399-433.) XAA 162.) t*OMB
de gage en Chaldee a
droit Codex Hammurabi; textus primi-
I'epoque neo-babylonienne. (Revue d'as- genius, transscriptio, translatio Latina, vo-
syriologie. Paris, 1915. 4°. v. 12, p. 85- cabularia, tabula comparationis inter leges
113.) *OCL Mosis et Hammurabi, ad usum privatum
• —— - Essai
sur I'organisation judiciaire auditorum. Romae: Typis Polyglottis
de la Chaldee a I'epoque de la premiere Vaticanis, 1910. 45 p. f°. (Pontificio
dynastie babylonienne. (Revue d'assyri- istituto biblico.) f * OCQ
ologie. Paris, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 65-101.)
The code of Hammurabi, king of
*OCL Babylon (about 2250 B. C). (Independent.
L'n proces criminel a Babylone sous New York, 1903. 8°. v. 55, p. 67-70, 127-
le regne de Samsouilouna. (Revue d'as- 132. 183-190.) *DA
svriologie. Paris. 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 173-
181.) *OCL Code of Khammurabi. (Evening
Post. New York, 1903. f°. April 25, 1903,
D., C. H. S. Ancient Babylonian law. supplement, p. 2, col. 1-3.) *A
(Biblia. Meriden, 1901. 8°. v. 14. p. 187-
192.) * VIA The laws of Hammurabi, king of
Babylonia. 4 pi. (Records of the past.
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Zur juristischen Washington, 1903. A°. v. 2, p. 67-90.)
Litteratur Babyloniens. (Beitrage zur As- MTA
syriologie. Leipzig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 78-
The oldest code of laws in the
87.) * OCL world. The code of laws promulgated by
Duncan, George S. Babylonian legal and Hammurabi, king of Babylon B. C. 2285-
business documents from the first Baby- 2242; translated by C. H. W. Johns. Edin-
lonian dynasty, transliterated, translated burgh: T. & T. Clark, 1903. xii, 88p. 12'.
and annotated. (American journal of *ocs
Semitic languages and literatures. Chica- •
Lade Hammourabi (vers 2000
go, 1914. 4°. V. 30, p. 166-195.) * OBA av. J. C). Par V. Scheil. Paris: E. Leroux.
1906. 2 p.l., iii, 80 p., 1 1., 1 pi. 3. ed. 12°.
Feuchtwang, D. Studien zum babyloni- *ocs
schen Rechtswesen. (Zeitschrift fiir As-
syriologie. Leipzig. 1890-91. 8°. Bd. 5, p.
Die Gesetze Hammurabis Konigs
23-30; Bd. 6. p. 437-446.) * OCL von Babylon um 2250 v. Chr. Das alteste
Gesetzbuch der Welt tibersetzt von...
Genouillac, H. de. Textes juridiques de Hugo Winckler. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
I'epoque d'Ur. (Revue d'assyriologie. 1902. 42 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg.
Paris, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 1-32.) * OCL 4. Heft 4.) * OAC
Law, continued. Duncan, George S. The code of Moses
and the code of Hammurabi. (Biblical
Hammurabi's Gesctz, von J. Kohler,
world. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 23, 188-
F. E. Peiser [and A. Ungnadj. Leipzig: E.
Pfeiffer, 1904-11. 5 v. 8°. * OCS 193, 272-278.) * DA
Amalric. Jean. La condition de la Dykes, D. Oswald. The code of Ham-
femme dans le code d'Hammourabi et le
murabi. (Juridical review. London, 1904.

code de Moise. Montauban: Imp. co-op-

8°. V. 16, p.72-85.) SEA
erative (ancienne Maison Granie), 1907. Hammurapi und das sa-
Fehr. Hans.
73 p., 1 1. 8°. SNR lischeRecht. Eine Rechtsvergleichung.
Berger, Philippe. Le code d'Hammou- Bonn: A. Marcus & E. Weber, 1910. 5 p.l..
rabi. (La grande revue. Paris, 1905. 8°. 143 p. 8°. *OCS
1905, V. 2, p. 23-48.) * DM Flach, Jacques. Le code de Hammou-
Le code d'Hammourabi. (Musee rabi et la constitution originaire de la pro-
Guimet. Annales: Bibliotheque de vul- priety dans I'ancienne Chaldee. (Revue
garisation. Paris, 1906. 12". tome 20, p. historique. Paris, 1907. 8°. v. 94, p. 272-
191-239.) * OAH 289.) BAA
Best.\, Enrico. Le leggi di Hammurabi La propriete
collective en Chaldee
e I'antico diritto babilonese. (Rivista itali- et la pretendue feodalite militaire du code
ana di sociologia. Torino, 1904. 8°. anno de Hammourabi. (Revue historique. Paris,
8, p. 179-236.) SA 1907. 8°. V.95, p. 309-336.) BAA
BoscHERON, Achille. Babylone et la Fluegel, Maurice. The humanity, be-
Bible. Code de Hammourabi et Livre de nevolence and charity legislation of the
I'Alliance. Caen: C. Valin, 1906. vi, 107 p., Pentateuch and the Talmud. In parallel
1 1. 4°. * OCZ with the laws of Hammurabi, the doctrines
of Egypt, the Roman xii tables and mod-
Brugi, Biagio. Le leggi di Hammurabi
ern codes. Baltimore: H. Fluegel & Co..
re di Babilonia del 2250 circa av. Cristo.
1908. vii, 306 p., 1 1. 8°. * PIT
(Reale istituto veneto. Atti. Venezia. 1902-
03. 8°. tomo 62, parte 2, p. 1105-1119.) GoDBEY, Allen Howard. The chirography
*ER of the Hammurabi code. (American jour-
CoBERN, Camden M. Moses and Ham- nal of Semitic languages and literatures.
murabi and their laws. (Methodist review^. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 137-148.)
New York, 1904. 8°. v. 86, p. 696-703.) *OBA
*DA Deuteronomy and the Hammurabi
CoHN, Georg. Die Gesetze Hammurabis code. (Reformed Church review. Lan-
. . . Ziirich: Art. Institut Orell Fiissli, 1903. caster, Pa., 1904. 8°. V. 8, p. 469-494.)
44 p. 8°. *OCKp.v.l ZXBA
CoNDAMiN, Albert. Abraham et Ham- place of the code of Hammu-
mourabi vers 2050 avant Jesus-Christ, rabi. (Monist. Chicago, 1905. 8°. v. 15,
(fitudes publiees par des peres de la Com- p. 199-226.) YAA
pagnie de Jesus. Paris, 1908. 8°. v. 115, Grimme, Hubert. Das Gesetz Cham-
p. 485-501.) * DM murabis und Moses. Eine Skizze. Koln:
Cook. Stanley A. The laws of Moses and J. P. Bachem, 1903. 45 p., 1 1. 8°. * OCZ
the code of Hammurabi. London: A. & C. H.\levy, Joseph. Le code d'Hammourabi
Black, 1903. xviii, 307 p. 8°. * OCZ et la legislation hebraique. (Revue semi-
Daiches, Samuel. Altbabylonische tique. Paris, 1903. 8°. annee 11, p. 142-
Rechtsurkunden aus der Zeit der Hammu- 153, 240-249, 323-324.) * OAA
rabi-Dynastie. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, Harper, Robert Francis. List of signs,
1903. iv, 100 p. 8°. (Leipziger semitis- numerals, scribal errors, and erasures in
tische Studien. Bd. 1, Heft2.) * OCS
the text of the code of Hammurabi.
Zur Erklarung des Hammurabi- (American journal of Semitic languages
Codex... (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. and literatures. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 20,
Strassburg, 1904-05. 8°. Bd. 18, p. 202- p. 116-136.) *OBA
222.) * OCL Notes on the code of Hammurabi.
Dareste de la Chavanne, Rodolphe. Le (American journal of Semitic languages
code babylonien d'Hammourabi. (Journal and literatures. Chicago, 1905. 8°. v. 22,
des savants. Paris, 1902. 4°. 1902, p. 517- p. 1-28.) * OBA
528, 586-599.) 3-OA Hertz, Joseph Herman. The oldest code
Le code babylonien d'Hammourabi. of laws in the world; the code of Ham-
(Nouvelle revue historique de droit fran- murabi. A university extension lecture.
Qais et etranger. Paris, 1903. 8°. v. 27, Johannesburg: Central News Agency. Ltd.,
p. 5-34.) XAA 1910. 21 p. 12°. *OCS
Law, continued. The structure of the Hammurabi
Hammu- code. (American Oriental Society. Jour-
HoBHOusE, L. T. The laws of nal. New Haven, 1904. 8°. v. 25, 248-
rabi. (The Speaker. London, 1903. f.
new series, v. 7, p. 551-552.) * DA 265.) * OAA
Whenand where was the code
Jastrow, Morris, the younger. Older and Hammurabi promulgated? (American
laterelements in the code of Hammurapi. Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven,
(American Oriental Society. Journal. 1906. 8°. V. 27, p. 123-134.) * OAA
New Haven. 1916. 8°. v. 36, p. 1-33.)
*OAA MiLLOUE, Leon dc. La delegation fran-
Jenkins. Owen B. The code of Ham- gaise en Perse. Resultats de ses travaux.
murabi, compared with American law. Les fouilles de Suze. Le code d'Ham-
(American law review. St. Louis, 1905. mourabi. (Musee Guimet. Annales: Bib-
8°. V. 39, p. 330-341.) XAA liotheque de vulgarisation. Paris, 1907.
12°. tome 26, p. 99-112.) * OAH
Jeremi.\s, Johannes. Moses und Ham-
murabi. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1903. 47 MiRANDE, Dominique. Le code de Ham-
p., Ipl. 8°. *OCZp.v.3 mourabi et ses origines; aperqu sommaire
du droit chaldeen. Paris: E. Leroux, 1913.
Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. Notes 4p.l., 84 p., 11. 8°. *OCS
on the code of Hammurabi. (American
iournal of Semitic languages and litera- Das syrisch-romische
MiTTEis, Ludwig.
tures. Chicago, 1903. 8°. v. 19, p. 96-107. Rechtsbuch und Hammurabi. (Zeitschrift
171-174.) *OBA der Savigny-Stiftung
fiir Rechtsgeschichte.
1904. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 284-297.)
Kelso, James A. The code of Ham- XAA
murabi and the Book of the Covenant. Mueller, David Heinrich. Der Gebrauch
(Princeton theological review. Philadel-
der Modi in den Gesetzen Hammurabis.
phia, 1905. 8°. V. 3, p. 399-412.) ZEA (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des
KoENiG, Eduard. Hammurabi's Gesetz- Morgenlandes. Wien, 1904. 8°. Bd. 18,
eskoder. Ein Beitrag zu seiner geschicht- p. 97-100.) * OAA
lichen Wiirdigung. (Die Grenzboten. Die Gesetze Hammurabis und ihr
Leipzig, 1903. 8°. Jahrg. 62, Vierteljahr 3, Verhaltnis zur mosaischen Gesetzgebung
p. 597-603.) * DF sowie zu den xii Tafeln. Text in Um-
schrift, deutsche und hebraische Uberset-
Lagrange, J. Le code de Hammourabi.
zung, Erlauterung und vergleichende An-
(Revue biblique internationale. Paris,
alyse. Wien: A. Holder, 1903. 286 p.. 1 fac.
1903. 8°. annee 12, p. 27-51.) * YIA 8°. *OCS
Langdon, Stephen. A fragment of the Hammurabi-Kritiken. (Wiener
Hammurabi code. (Society of Biblical
Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlan-
Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1914. Wien,
des. 1905. 8°. Bd. 19, p. 371-381.)
8°. V. 36, p. 100-106.) * YIA *OAA
Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich Die § Kodex Ham-
280-282 des
Karl. Hammurabi's code. (Nineteenth murabi. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde
century and after. London, 1903. 8°. v. des Morgenlandes. Wien, 1908. 8°. Bd.
54, p. 1035-1040.) * DA 393-398.)
22, p. * OAA
Ein missverstandenes Gesetz Ham- Das syrisch-romische Rechtsbuch
murabis. (Klio. Beitrage zur alten Ge- und Hammurabi. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir
schichte. Leipzig. 1904. 4°. Bd. 4. p. 32- die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Wien. 1905.
41.) fBAE 8°. Bd. 19, p. 139-195.) * OAA
Luckenbill. Daniel David. The temple Uber die Gesetze Hammurabis.
women of the code of Hammurabi. (Ameri- Vortrag gehalten in der Wiener Juristi-
can journal of Semitic languages and liter- schen Gesellschaft am 23. Marz 1904.
atures. Chicago, 1917. 8°. v. 34, p. 1-12.) Wien: A. Holder, 1904. 46 p. 8°.
*OBA OCKp.v.l
Lyon, David Gordon. The consecrated Die Wortfolge bei Hammurabi und
women of the Hammurabi code. (Studies die sumerische Frage. (Wiener Zeitschrift
in the historv of religions; presented to fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. Wien,
C. H. Toy. New Y'ork, 1912. 8°. p. 341- 1903-04. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 337-342; Bd. 18,
360.) * OAS p.91-96.) * OAA

Notes on the Hammurabi monu- Zur Hammurabi Kritik. (Deutsche
ment. (American Oriental Society. Jour- morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift.
nal. New Haven, 1904. 8°. v. 25. p. 266- Leipzig. 1905. 8°. Bd. 59, p. 145-154.)
278.) * OAA *OAA
Law, continued. Kohler, Josef. Ein Beitrag zum neu-
babylonischen Recht. (Beitrage zur As-
Zur Terminologie im Eherecht bei
svriologie. Leipzig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 4, p.
Hammurabi. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die
Kiinde des Morgenlandes. Wien, 1905. 8°.
423-430.) *OCL
Bd. 19, p. 382-388.) * OAA Sec also Hammurabi, king of Baby-
Pinches, Theopliilus Goldridge. Ham-
murabi's code of laws... (Societj' of Bib- Kohler, Josef, and F. E. Peiser. Aus
lical Archaeology. Proceedings. London, dem babj'lonischen Rechtsleben. Heft 1-4.
1902. 8°. V. 24, p. 301-308.) * YIA Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer, 1890-98. 2 v. 8°.
Ratto, Lorenzo. I contratti agrari e di Koschaker, Paul. Babylonisch-assy-
lavoro nel codice di Hammurabi. (Rivista risches Biirgschaftsrecht; ein Beitrag zur
d'ltalia. Roma, 1904. 8°. anno 7, v. 1, p. Lehre von Schuld und Haftung... Leip-
836-844.) NNA zig: B. G. Teubner, 1911. xviii, 263 p. 8°.

Schorr, Moses. Die Kohler-Peisersche

Hammurabi-tJbersetzung. (Wiener Zeit- Observations juridiques sur "ibila-
schrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes. ablum." (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
Wien, 1904. 8°. Bd. 18, p. 208-240.) 1914. 4°. V. 11, p. 29-42.) * OCL
*OAA The scope and methods of a history
Die § 280-282 des Gesetzbuches of Assj^rio-Babylonian law. (Society of
Hammurabis. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. Lon-
Kunde des Morgenlandes. Wien, 1908. 8°. don, 1913. 8°. V. 35, p. 230-243.) * YIA
Bd. 22, p. 385-392.) * OAA Meissner, Bruno. Altbabylonische Ge-
setze. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Leip-
Ungnad, Arthur. Selected Babylonian
business and legal documents of the Ham-
zig, 1898. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 493-523.) * OCL
murabi period. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1907. Aus dem altbabylonischen Recht.
xvi, 48, 42 p. 8°. (Semitic study series, Skizzen. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1905.
no. 9.) *OCS 32 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg. 7.
Zur Syntax der Gesetze Hammura-
Heft 1.) *6AC
bis. (Zeitschrift fiir Assvriologie. Strass- Beitrage zum altbabylonischen Pri-
burg, 1903-05. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 353-378; Bd. vatrecht. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1893.
18, p. 1-67.) * OCL viii, 160. viii, 58 p. 4°. (Assyriologische
The laws
Bibliothek. Bd. 11.) f * OCQ
VixcEXT, George Edgar. of
Hammurabi. (American journal of soci- Menant, Joachim. See Oppert, Jules,
ology. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 9, p. 737- and J. Mexant.
754.) SA Oppert, Jules. Das assyrische Land-
WoHLFROMM, Ernst Rudolf Max. LTnter- recht. (Zeitschrift fiirAssyriologie. Wei-
suchungen zur Syntax des Codex Ham- mar, 1898. 8°. Bd. 13, p. 243-276.) * OCL
murabi's. Leipzig: W. Drugulin, 1910. 84 Les documents juridiques cunei-
p., 1 1. 8°. *OCO formes. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Leipzig. 1888. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 174-185.)
Harper, Robert Francis. See Hammurabi, *OCL
king of Babylon.
Les inscriptions juridiques de I'As-
Jelitto, Joseph Thomas. Die peinlichen syrie et de la Chaldee. (Verhandlungen
Strafen im Kriegs- und Rechtswesen der des VII. Internationalen Orientalisten-
Babylonier und Assyrer. Breslau: Buch- Congresses. Semitische Section. Wien:
druckerei der Schlesischen Volkszeitung, A. Holder, 1888. 8°. p. 167-182.) * OAA
1913. xii, 70 p., 11. 8°. * OCS
Textes juridiques babyloniens.
(Actes du dixieme Congres international
Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. Baby-
des orientalistes. Leide: E. J. Brill, 1896.
lonian and Assyrian laws, contracts and
letters. New York: C. Scribner's Sons. 8°. partie3. section 2, p. 123-133.) * OAA
1904. xviiip.. 21.. 424p. 8°. (Library of Oppert, Jules, and Menant. Docu-
ancient inscriptions, v. 6.) * OCS ments juridiques de I'Assyrie et de la
Clialdee. Paris: Maisonneuve & Cie.. 1877.
relations between the laws of
Babylonia and the laws of the Hebrew viii, 366 p.. 1 1. nar.4°. f* OCT
peoples. London: published for the British Peiser, Felix Ernst. Texte juristischen
Academy by H. Milford, 1914. xv, 96 p. 8°. und geschaftliclien Inhalts. von F. E.
*ocs Fciser. Berlin: Reuther & Reichard. 1896.
Sec also Hammurabi, king of Baby- XX. 323 p. 8°. (Keilinschriftliche Biblio-
lon. thek. Bd. 4.) *OCO

Law, continued. Scheil, Jean Vincent. La liberation ju-

diciaire d'un fils donne en gage sous Nerig-
Sec also Hammurabi, king- of Baby-
lissor en 558 av. J.-C. (Revue d'assyriolo-
lon; also Kohler, Josef, and F. E. Peiser.
gie. Paris, 1915. 4°. v. 12. p. 1-13.) * OCL
Pelagaud, F. Sa-tilla, textes juridiques de
See also Hammurabi, king of Baby-
la scconde dvnastie d'Our. 7 facs. (Babj'-
loniaca. Paris, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 81-132.)
*oco Schorr, !Moses. Die altbabylonische
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridse. Baby- Rechtspraxis. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die
lonian legal documents referring to house Kunde des Morgenlandcs. Wien, 1910. 8°.
property, and the law of inheritance. 4 Bd. 24, p. 431-461.) * OAA
facs. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
Altbabylonische Rechtsurkundcn aus
Transactions. London, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p.
der Zeit der i. babylonischen Dynastie.
271-298.) *YIA Umschrift, Ubersetzung und Kommentar
The law of inheritance in ancient von Moses Schorr. Wien, 1908. 209 p. 8°.
Babylonia. (Hebraica. New Haven, 1886. (Kaiserliche Akademie der Wissenschaf-
8°. V. 3, p. 13-21.) *OBA ten. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe.
Poebel, Arno. Babylonian legal and Bd. 155, Abh. 2.) * EF
business documents from the time of the Zur Frage der sumerischen und
first dynasty of Babylon, chiefly from semitischen Elemente im altbabylonischen
Nippur. Philadelphia: University of Penn- Rechte. (Revue semitique. Paris, 1912.
f °.
sylvania, 1909. xvi,
(University of Pennsylvania. Babjdonian
164 p., 1 1.. 70 pi. 8°. annee 20, p. 378-397.) * OAA
expedition of the University. Series A: Thureau-Dangin, Franqois. Un juge-
Cuneiform texts, v. 6. part 2.) ff * OCN nient sous Ammi-ditana. (Revue d'assyri-
ologie. Paris, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 121-123.)
Ranke, Hermann. Babylonian legal and
business documents from the tinie of the *OCL
first dynasty of Babylon chiefly from Sip- CuQ, fidouard. Commentaire juridique
par. Philadelphia: Universit}^ of Pennsj^l- d'un jugement sous Ammi-ditana. (Revue
vania. 1906. viii p., 1 1., 79 p., 7 1.. 84 pi. _f°. d'assyriologie. Paris, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p.
(University of Pennsylvania. Babylonian 125-138.) * OCL
expedition of the University. Series A:
Cuneiform texts, v. 6, part 1.) ft * OCN Ungnad, Arthur. L^ntersuchungen zu
den im vii. Hefte der Vorderasiatischen
Revillout, Eugene. Les obligations en Schriftdenkmaler veroffentlichten Urkun-
droit egyptien compare aux autres droits den aus Dilbat nebst einem Anhang: Die
de I'antiquite. Suivies d'un appendice
. .
Liicke in der Gesetzesstele Hammurapis.
sur le droit de la Chaldee au xxiii. siecle et Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1909. vi, 149 p. 8°.
au VI. siecle avant J.-C. par Victor et (Beitrage zur Assvriologie. Bd. 6, Heft 5.)
Eugene Revillout. Paris: E. Leroux, 1886. *OCL
Ixxxiii, 530 p., 1 1. 8°. (£cole du Louvre.)
*OBKG See also Hammurabi, king of Baby-
Revillout, Victor. See Revillout, Eugene.
Rogers, R. V. Woman and the law in Wiener, Harold M. The legislations of
Babylonia and Assyria. (Green bag. Bos- Israeland Babylonia. (Victoria Institute.
ton, 1903. 4°. V. 15, p. 485-494.) XAA Journal of the transactions. London, 1909.
8°. V. 41, p. 139-166.) *EC
Sayce, Archibald Henry. The laws of
Babylonia. (Scientia. Bologna, 1912. 8°. Winckler, Hugo. See Hammurabi, king
V. 11. p. 94-100.) OA of Babvlon.

Astronomy, Astrology and Bezold, Carl. Astronomic. Himmels-
schau und Astrallehre bei den Babvloniern.
Heidelberg: C. Winter, 1911. 60 p. 8°.
Amiaud, Arthur. Les nombres ordinaux (Heidelberger Akademie der Wissen-
en assyrien. (Journal asiatique. Paris, schaften. Sitzungsberichte. Philos.-hist.
1889. 8°. serie8, v. 13, p. 297-312.) * OAA Klasse. Jahrg. 1911, Abh. 2.) * EE
Bertin, George. The Assyrian numerals. Bischoff, Erich. Babylonisch-Astrales
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans- im Weltbilde des Talmud und Midrasch.
actions. London, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 370- Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1907. vi d.. 1 1..
389.) * YIA 172 p. 8°. *PRC
Science, continued. Epping, Joseph. Astronomisches aus
Babylon oder das Wissen der Chaldaer
Astronomy, Astrology, etc., continued.
iiber den gestirnten Himmel. Unter Mit-
Boll, Fr. Zur babylonischen Planeten- wirkung von... J. N. Strassmaier .von J. . .

ordnung. (Zeitschrift fiirAssyriologie. Epping.. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder,


Strassburg, 1911. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 372-377.) 1889. 2p.l., 190, 7 p., 1 table. 8°. * OCM
*OCL Epping, Joseph, and J. N. Strassmaier,
Bourdais, abbe. Date.'; sur la sphere Babylonische Mondbeobachtungen aus den
celeste des Chaldeo-Assyriens. (Journal Jahren 38 und 79 der Seleuciden-Aera.
(Zeitschrift Assyriologie.
fiir Berlin, 1892.
asiatique. Paris, 1895. 8°. serie 9, v. 5, p.
142-152.) * OAA 8°. Bd. 7, p. 220-254.) * OCL
Neue babylonische Planeten-Tafeln.
Brown, Robert, the younger. A Euphra- (Zeitschrift fiir Assvriologie. Leipzig,
tean circle of 360". (Society of Biblical 1890-91. 8°. Bd. 5, p.341-366; Bd. 6. p. 89-
Archaeology. Proceedings. London. 1900. 102. 217-244.) * OCL
8^ V. 22, p. 67-71.) * YIA
Gilbert, Otto. Babylons Gestirndienst.
Euphratean stellar researches. (So- (Globus. Braunschweig, 1904. f°. v. 86,
ciety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceed- p. 225-231.) t KAA
ings. London, 1893-96. 8°. v. 15. p. 317- Die astronomischen
Ginzel, F. K.
342, 456-470; v. 17. p. 16-36. 284-303; v. 18,
* YIA Kenntnisse der Babylonier und ihre kultur-
p. 25-44.) (Klio. Beitrage
historische Bedeutung.
zur alten Geschichte. Leipzig, 1901. 4°.
Remarks on the Euphratean astro-
nomical names of the signs of the zodiac. Bd. 1, p. 1-25, 189-211, 349-380.) t BAE
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro- Illustrazione d'uno zodi-
Hager, Joseph.
ceedings. London, 1891. 8°. v. 13, p. 246- aco orientale del Cabinetto delle medaglie
271.) *YIA (li Sua Maesta a Parigi; scoperto recente-

Remarks on
the tablet of the thirty niente presso le sponde del Tigri in vicin-
stars. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. anza dell' antica Babilonia... Milano:
Proceedings. London, 1890. 8°. v. 12, dalla stamperia e fonderia di G. G. Deste-
p. 137-152, 180-206.) * YIA fanis. 1811. 5 p.l., 4-63(1) p., 4 pi. f°.

ft * OCM
Babylonische Quadratwur-
Cantor, M. Halevy, Joseph. L'etoile nommee Kak-
zeln und Kubikwurzeln. (Zeitschrift fiir
kab Mesri en Assyrien. (Journal asiatique.
Assyriologie. Strassburg, 1908. 8°. Bd. Paris, 1886. 8°. serie 8, v. 8, p. 369-380.)
21, p. 110-115.) *OCL *OAA
Chiarini, L. Fragment d'astronomie Le systeme sumero-astral de M. H.
chaldeenne. decouvert dans les visions du Winckler. (Revue semitique. Paris, 1908.
prophete fizechiel. et eclairci par...L. 8°. annee 16, p. 215-223.) * OAA
Chiarini. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1830. Raima, Nicolas. Sec Ideler, Christian
8°. serie 2, v. 6, p. 279-304, 351-373.) Ludwig.
* OAA Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat. Mathe-
Craig, James A. Astrological-astronomi- matical, metrological and chronological
cal texts copied from the original tablets tablets from the temple library of Nippur.
in the British Museum and autographed. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania,
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1899. viii p.. 1 1., 1906. xvi p.. 1 1.. 70 p., 1 1., 45 pi. f °. (Uni-
94facs. 4°. (Assyriologische Bibliothek. versity of Pennsylvania. Babylonian ex-
Bd. 14.) t*OCQ pedition of the university. Series A: Cune-
Thompson, Reginald Campbell. Craig's
iform texts, v. 20.) tt*OCN
Astrological-astronomical texts. (Ameri- Hincks, Edward. On
a tablet in the
can journal of Semitic languages and liter- British Museum, recording in cuneatic
atures. Chicago, 1901. 8°. v. 17, p. 107- characters, an astronomical observation;
115.) *OBA with incidental remarks on the Assyrian
numerals, divisions of time, and measures
Cumont, Franz. Comment les Grecs con- of length. (Dublin, 1856.] 31-47 p. sq. 4°.
nurent les tables lunaires des Chaldeens. *OCKp.v.l
(In: Florilegium; ou, Recueil de travaux Repr. : Roval Irish .^cademv. Transactions, v.
d'erudition dedies a Monsieur le marquis 23, part 2, p. 31-47, *EC.

Melchior de Vogiie. Paris, 1909. 4°. p. Hommel, Fritz. Die Astronomie der
159-165.) t*OAC altcn Chaldaer. (In his: Aufsatze und .\h-
liandlungen. Miinchen: G. Franz, 1901.
Delaporte, Louis. Document mathema- 8°. [Heft, 3, p. 350-474.) * OAC
tique de I'epoque des rois d'Our. (Revue
Repr.: Das -Ausland, Jahrg. 64. p. 221-226. 249-
d'assyriologie. Paris. 1911. 4°. v. 8, p.
253. 270-273, 381-387, 401-407; Jahrg. 65, p. 59-63,
131-133.) *OCL 72-75, 87-91, 101-106, ^ KAA.
Science, continued. King, Leonard William. A Neo-Baby-
lonian astronomical treatise in the British
Astronomy, Astrology, etc., continued.
Museum, and its bearing on the age of
Babylonian astronomy. (Baby- Babylonian astronomy. 1 pi. (Society of
lonian and Oriental record. London, 1893. Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. Lon-
8°. V.6. p. 169-172.) *OCL don, 1913. 8°. V. 35, p. 41-46.) * YIA

Die babylonisch-assyrischen Plane- Kugler, Franz Xaver. Die babylonische

tenlisten. (Hilprecht anniversary volume. Mondrechnung. Zwei Systeme der Chal-
Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p. 170-188.) * OCK daer liber den Lauf des Mondes und der
Sonne. Auf Grund mehrerer von J. N.
Ideler, Christian Ludwig. Memoire sur Strassmaicr. .copirten Keilinschriften des

les connoissances astronomiques des Chal- Britischen Museums. Freiburg im Breis-

deens, traduit de I'allemand rpar N. Halma). gau: Herder, 1900. xv, 214 p., 8 pi. 4°.
iParis, 1820.] 153-178 p. 4°. f OMLp.v.lO *OCM
Ueber die Sternkunde der Chaldaer. Contribution a la meteorologie
(Koniglich Preussische Akademie der babylonienne. (Revue d'assyriologie.
Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Hist.- Paris, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 107-130.) * OCL
philol. Klasse. Berlin, 1818. 4°. 1814-15,
199-229.) * EE Eine ratselvolle astronomische
Keilinschrift. . . (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
Jastrow, Alorris, the younger. Dil-Bat. ologie. Strassburg, 1903. 8°. Bd. 17. p.
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg, 203-238.) * OCL
1909. 8°. Bd. 22, p. 155-165.) * OCL
Some new
lights on Babylonian as-
Months and days in Babylonian- tronomy. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Assj-rian astrology.(American journal of Strassburg, 1911. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 304-320.)
Semitic languages and literatures. Chica- *OCL
go, 1910. 8°. V. 26, p. 151-155.) *OBA Sternkunde und Sterndienst in
The sign and name for planet in Babel. Assyriologische, astronomische
Babylonian. (American Philosophical So- und astralmythologische Untersuchungen.
ciet}'. Proceedings. Philadelphia, 1908. Buch 1-2, Teil 1. Aliinster in Westfalen:
8°. V. 47, p. 141-156.) * EA Aschendorff, 1907-10. 4°. f* OCQ
and names of the planet
Signs •
Erganzungen zum ersten und
Mars. (American journal of Semitic lan- zweiten Buch. Teil 1-2. Miinster in
guages and literatures. Chicago, 1910. 8°. Westfalen: Aschendorff, 1913-14. 4°.
V. 27, p. 64-83.) * OBA t*OCQ
glosses in astrological Zur Erklarung der babylonischen
letters. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1910. 8°. v. Mondtafeln. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
3, p. 227-235.) * OCO Berlin, 1900. 8°. Bd. 15, p. 178-209.)
Sun and Saturn. (Revue d'assyri- *OCL
ologie. Paris, 1910. 4°. v. 7, p. 163-178.) See also Thureau-Dangin, Frangois,
*OCL and F. X. Kugler.
Jensen, Peter. Der Kakkab misri der Langdon, Stephen. the Astronomy and
Antares. (Zeitschrift fiir Assj^riologie. early Sumerian calendar. (Society of Bib-
Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 244-267.) lical Archaeology. Proceedings. London.
*OCL 1912. 8°. V. 34, p. 248-256.) * YIA

Jeremias, Alfred. Das Alter der baby- Launay, L. de. L'astronomie babyloni-
lonischen Astronomie. Leipzig: J. C. Hin- enne et la science allemande. (Nature.
richs. 1908. 64 p. 8°. (Im Kampfe um Paris, 1915. 4°. annee 43, semestre 1, p.
den Alten Orient. Wehr- und Streitschrif- 141-144.) OA
ten. [Bd.]3.) * OCK Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1909. Karl. Die Mondfinsternis vom 15. Sabatu
92 p. 2. ed. 8°. (Im Kampfe um den unter Samassumukin. (Zeitschrift fiir
Alten Orient. Wehr- und Streitschriften. Assyriologie. Weimar, 1896. 8°. Bd. 11.
[Bd.]3.) *OCK p. 110-116.) *OCL
Handbuch der altorientalischen Ueber protobabylonische Zahlwor-
Geisteskultur. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, ter. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leip-
1913. xvi, 366p., 2pl. 4°. * OCM zig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p.222-228.) * OCL
Johnston, Christopher. On the Chaldean Oppert, Jules. Un annuaire astrono-
astronomy. (American Oriental Society. niique babylonien traduit en partie en grec
Journal. New Haven, 1890. 8°. v. 14. p. par Ptolemee. (Journal asiatique. Paris,
cxl-cxli.) * OAA 1890. 8°. serie 8, v. 16, p. 511-532.) * OAA
Science, continued. tion. London: Luzac & Co., 1900. 2 v. 8°.
(Luzac's Semitic text and translation se-
AstronoDiy, Astrology, etc., continued.
ries. V. 6-7.) *OCQ
Les eclipses mentionnees dans les
Thureau-Dangin, Frangois. Les chiffres
textes cuneiformes. (Zeitschrift fiir As-
fractionnaires dans I'ecriture babylonienne
syriolo£?ie. Weimar, 1896. 8°. Ed. 11, p.
archai'que. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie.
310-31?:) * OCL Leipzig, 1898. 8°. Bd.3, p. 588-589.)
Un texte babj-lonien astronomique *OCL
et traduction grecque d'apres Claude
Thureau-Dangin, Frangois, F. X. and
Ptolemee. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
KuGLER. Distances entre etoiles fixes
Leipzig. 1891. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 103-123.)
d'apres une tablette de I'epoque des Seleu-
*OCL cides. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1913-
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. An 14. 4". V. 10. p. 215-225; V. 11, p. 1-21.)
astronomical or astrological tablet from *OCL
Babj-lon. (Babylonian and Oriental rec- Partie I. TIuireau-Dangin, F. Texte et tiaduc-
ord. London, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 202-207.) tioii.

*OCL Partie
2. Kugler, F. X. Commentaire astrono-

Some mathematical
tablets of the
Ungnad, Arthur. Die Deutung der Zu-
British Museum.. (Hilprecht anniversarj^
kunft bei den Babyloniern und Assyrern.
volume. Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p. 71-78.) 8°.
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1909. 36 p.
*OCK (Der alte Orient. Jahrg. 10, Heft 3.)
Plunket, Emmeline. Gu, the eleventh *OAA
constellation of the zodiac. (Societj^ of
Virolleaud, Ch. L'astrologie chaldeenne.
Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. Lon-
* YIA Le livre intitule "enuma (Anu)"" Bel"
don, 1896. 8°. V. 18, p. 65-70.)
publie, transcrit et traduit par Ch. Virol-
The month when the star Barsag leaud. fasc. 1-14. Paris: P. Geuthner, 1905-
sets. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. 12. 4°. t*OCS
Proceedings. London, 1914. 8°. v. 36,
9-14.) * YIA L'astrologie chaldeenne. Le livre
intitule "enuma ud (An)"" Bel" transcrit
Sayce, Archibald Henrj'. The astrono- et traduit par Ch. Virolleaud. partie 2-4.
my and astrology of the Babylonians, with Poitiers: A. Boutifard, 1903. 4°. f * OCS
translations of the tablets relating to these No more published.
subjects. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
Transactions. London, 1874. 8°. v. 3,
L'astrologie chaldeenne. Le livre
intitule "ud (An)"" Bel" publie, transcrit
p. 145-339.) * YIA et traduit par Ch. Virolleaud. Transcrip-
Revised translation of a passage in tion, fasc. 5-8. Paris: H. Welter, 1903.
the great astronomical work of the Baby- 4°. t*OCS
lonians. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. No more publislied.
Transactions. London, 1876. 8°. v. 4, p.
fitudes astrologiques. (Babyloni-
36-37.) * YIA aca. Paris, 1912. 8°. v. 6. p. 115-128, 251-
I primordi
Schiaparelli, G. dell' astrono- 261.) * OCO
mia presso Babilonesi.
i (Rivista di
Fragments astrologiques. (Baby-
scienza. Bologna, 1908. 8°. v. 3, p. 213- loniaca. Paris, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 268-286.)
259; v. 4, p. 24-54.) OA *oco
Strassmaier, J. N. See Epping, Joseph, Weidner, Ernst F. Alter und Bedeutung
and J. N. Strassmaier. der babylonischen Astronomie und Astral-
lehre; nebst Studien iiber Fixsternhimmel
Talbot, Henry Fox. Notice of a very
ancient comet from a Chaldean tablet. imd Kalender. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans- 1914. 4p.l., 96 p.. Ipl. 8°. (Im Kampfe
actions. London, 1876. 8°. v. 4, p. 257- um den Alten Orient. [Bd.j 4.) * OCK
262.) *YIA Babj'lonische Messungen von Fix-
On an ancient eclipse. (Society of

sterndistanzen. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1912.
Biblical Archaeology. Transactions. Lon-
8°. V. 6, p. 221-233.) * OCL
don, 1872. 8°. V. 1, p. 13-19, 348-354.) Beitrage zur babylonischen Astro-
* YIA nomie. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1911. 2 p.l.,
Thompson, Reginald Campbell. 100 p., 1 map. 8°. (Beitrage zur Assyri-
The * OCL
reports of the magicians and astrologers of ologie. Bd. 8, Heft 4.)
Nineveh and Babylon in the British Mu- Die Entdeckung der Prazession,
seum. The original texts, printed in cune- cine Geistestat babylonischer Astronomen.
iform characters, edited with translations, (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1914. 8". tome 7.
notes, vocabulary, index and an introduc- p. 1-19.) *OCO

Science, continued. von Franz v. Frimmel: "Uber einige antike

Samen aus dem Orient." Teil 1. (Kaiser-
Astronomy, Astrology, etc., continued.
lichc Akademie der Wissenschaften. Sit-
Handbuch der babylonischen As- zungsberichte. Philos.-hist. Classe. Wicn,
tronomic. Bd. 1. Leipzig:: J. C. Hinrichs, 1914. 8°. Bd. 173, Abhandl. 1.) * EF
1915. 4°. (Assyriologische Bibliothek.
OCQ King, Leonard William. early men- An
Ed. 23, Lieferungl.) t *
tion of cotton: the cultivation of Gossy-
Zum Alter der babylonischen As- pium arborcum, or tree-cotton, in Assyria
tronomie. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1912. 8°. in the seventh century B. C. (Society of
V. 6. p. 129-133.) * OCO Biblical .\rcliaeology. Proceedings. Lon-
don. 1909. 8°. V. 31, p. 339-343.) * YIA
Zur babylonischen Astronomie.
(Babyloniaca. Paris. 1910-12. 8°. v. 4, Meissner, Bruno. Babylonische Pflan-
p. 162-179; V. 6. p. 1-40, 65-105, 134-163, zennamen. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
216-220.) * OCO Leipzig, 1891. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 289-298.)
Wesson, Edward. An Assyrian solar *OCL
eclipse. 1 (Society of Biblical Archae-
pi. Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. Names
ology. Proceedings. London, 1912. 8°. of plants and things made therefrom in
V. 34, p. 53-66.) * YIA Babylonia. (Society of Biblical Archae-
Some lunar eclipses. 1 pi. (Soci- ologj'. Proceedings. London, 1894. 8°.
ety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. V. 16, p. 308-311.) *YIA
London. 1912. 8°. v. 34. p. 205-211. 239- De I'exploitation
Scheil, Jean Vincent.
246.) *YIA des dattiers dans I'ancienne Babylonie.
(Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1913. 4°. v.
10, p. 1-9.) * OCL
Botany axd Zoology
Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert fitienne
Bonavia, E. Bananas and melons as des- Jean Baptiste. The calendar plant of
sert fruits of Assj-rian monarchs and cour-
China, the cosmic tree and the date-palm
tiers. (Babylonian and Oriental record. of Babylonia. (Babvlonian and Oriental
London. 1890. 8°. v. 4. p. 169-175.) * OCL record. London, 1890. 8°. v. 4, p. 217-
231, 246-251.) * OCL
The cone-fruit of the Assyrian
monuments. (Babylonian and Oriental The tree of life and the calendar
record. London. 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 138- plant of Babylonia & China. London:
142. 170-172. 173-178.) * OCL Babvlonian & Oriental Record, 1888. 11 p.
8°. '
The sacred trees of Assyria. (Trans- Repr. : Babylonian and Oriental record, v. 2, p.
actions of the ninth International Con- 149-159, * OCL.
gress of Orientalists. London, 1893. 8°.
from Mesopotamia
V. 2, p. 245-257.) * OAA Wheat carried
to early China. (Babylonian and Oriental
The sacred trees of the Assyrian record. London, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 184-
monuments. (Babylonian & Oriental rec- 192.) * OCL
ord. London, 1888-89. 8°. v. 3, p. 7-12,
35-40, 56-61.) *OCL Toscanne, Paul. Notes sur quelques
figurations d'animaux en Chaldee-Susiane.

Some un-noticed plants on the As- (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1912. 4°.
syrian monuments (British Museum). v. 9, p. 13-19.) *OCL
(Babylonian and Oriental record. Lon-
don, 1891. 8°. V. 5, p. 196-200.) * OCL
Frimmel, Franz von. See Hrozny, Fried-

Houghton, William. The birds of the Boissier, Alfred. Liste de plantes medi-
Assyrian monuments and records. 13 pi. cinales. (Revue semitique. Paris. 1894.

(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans- 8^ annee 2, p. 135-145.) * OAA

actions. London, 1885. 8°. v. 8, p. 42- Boscawen, William St. Chad. Babyloni-
142.) * YIA an medicine, i. Leprosy. (Babylonian and
On the mammalia of the Assyrian Oriental record. London, 1889. 8°. v. 3,
sculptures. 11 pi. (Society of Biblical p. 204-210.) *OCL
Archaeology. Transactions. London, Babylonisch-assy-
Dennefeld, Ludwig.
1877. 8°. V. 5, p. 33-64, 319-383.) * YIA
rische Geburts-Omina. zugleich ein Beitrag
Hrozny, Friedrich.Das Getreide im zur Geschichte der Medizin. Leipzig: J. C.
alten Babylonien. Ein Beitrag zur Kul- Hinrichs. 1914. vi p.. 1 1.. 232 p. 4°. (As-
tur- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte des alten syriologische Bibliothek. Bd. 22.)
Orients. Mit einem botanischen Beitrage t*OCQ
) i


Science, continued. La mesure des volumes dans les
textes archaiques de la Chaldee. (Revue
Medicine, continued. d'assyriologie. Paris, 1907. 4°. v. 6, p. 75-
Dumon, Raoul. Notice sur la profession 78.) * OCL
de medecin, d'apres les textes assyro-baby- formules d'ar-
Mesures agraires et
loniens. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1897.
pentage a I'epoque presargonique. (Revue
8°. serie 9, v. 9, p. 318-326.) * OAA d'assyriologie. Paris, 1915. 4°. v. 12, p.
Kuechler, Friedrich. Beitrsege zur 117-146.) *OCL
Kenntnis der assyrisch-babylonischen
Mesures de capacite dans les textes
Medizin. Texte mit Umschrift, Uberset- archaiques de Telloh. (Journal asiatique.
zung und Kommentar. Leipzig: J. C. Hin-
Paris, 1909. 8°. serie 10, v. 13, p. 235-247.)
vi p., 11.. 154 p., 20 facs.
richs, 1904.
(Assyriologische Bibliothek. Bd. 18.)
t*OCQ Aures, Auguste. Essai sur le systeme
metrique assyrien. Paris: F. Vievveg, 1881-
Lenormant, Frangois. Sur la lecture et
85. 4 156 157-190 p., 6 plans. 4°.
p.l., p., 21.,
la signification de Tideogramme sa, et
a cette occasion sur quelques noms de
Repr.: Recueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie
maladies en accadien et en assyrien. (So- et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et assyriennes, v. 3,
ciety of Biblical Archaeology. Transac- p. 8-27, 155-177; v. 4, p. 157-220; v. 5. p. 139-156;
tions. London, 1878. 8°. v. 6, p. 144-197.) V. 6, p. 81-96; v. 7, p. 8-15, 49-82, * OBKG.

*YIA Essai sur le systeme metrique as-

Mengedoht, H. W. Letter of an Assyri- syrien. in. partie. Essai sur les mesures
an physician. (Babylonian and Oriental ponderales. [Prefatory note signed Aures.
record. London, 1895. 8°. v. 8, p. 95-96.) n. p. rl883.i 1 p.l., 24 p. 4°. f * OCM
*OCL Autographic copy.

Oefele, Felix von. Keilschriftmedizin in £tude de la formation des mesures

Parallelen. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1902. assyriennes de capacite. (Recueil de tra-
31 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg. 4. Heft vaux relatifs a la philologie et a I'arche-
2.) * OAC ologie egyptiennes et assyriennes. Paris,
Alaterialien zur Bearbeitung baby- 1889. 4°. anneell, p. 37-51.) * OBKG
lonischer Medicin. Berlin: W. Peiser, 1902. fitude de la formation des mesures
8°. (Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft. Mit- itineraires et des mesures agraires, dans le
teilungen. Jahrg. 7, Heft 6.) * OAA systeme metrique assyrien. (Recueil de
Sayce, Archibald Henr3^ An ancient travaux relatifs a la philologie et a I'arche-
Babylonian work on medicine. (Zeitschrift ologie egyptiennes et assyriennes. Paris,
fiir Keilschriftforschung. Leipzig, 1885. 1893. 4°. annee 14, p. 1-10.) * OBKG
8°. Bd. 2, p. 1-14, 205-216.) * OCL Brandis, Johannes. Miinz-, Mass-, Das
Thompson, Reginald Campbell. Assyri- und Gewichtswesen in Vorderasien bis auf
an prescriptions for diseases of the head. Alexander den Grossen. Berlin: W. Hertz.
(American journal of Semitic languages 1866. xii, 622 p., 1 1. 8°. VBDB
and literatures. Chicago, 1907-08. 8°. v. Decourdemanche, Jean Adolphe. Note
24. p. 1-6, 323-353.) * OBA sur les poids assyro-babyloniens. (Journal
ViroUeaud, Ch. Une formule chimique: asiatique. Paris, 1908. 8°. serie 10. v. 11,
K203. 1 pi. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1910. p. 191-202.) * OAA
8°. V.3, p. 221-222.) * OCO Traite pratique des poids et mesures
Pronostics sur Tissue de diverses des peuples anciens et des Arabes. Paris:
maladies. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1907. 8". Gauthier-Villars, 1909. vii, 144 p., 1 table.
V. 1. p. 1-120.) *OCO 4°. VBDB
Zehnpfund, Rudolf. Zuqaqipu, das Delaporte, Louis Joseph. Notes de me-
Schropfinstrument der Babylonier. (Bei- trologie assyrienne. (Recueil de travaux
trage zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1902. 8°. relatifs a la philologie et a I'archeologie
Bd. 4, p. 220-226.) * OCL egyptiennes et assyriennes. Paris, 1904,
4°. annee 26, p. 134-139.) * OBKG
Eisenlohr, August. Ein altbabylonischer
Metrology Feldcrplan nach Mittheilungen von F. V.
Allotte de la Fuye, Frangois M. Un ca- Scheil. Hrsg. und bearbeitet von August
Eisenlohr. Leipzig: C. Hinrichs, 1896.
dastre de Djokha. (Revue d'assyriologie. J.

Paris, 1915. 4°. v. 12, p. 47-54.) * OCL 2 p.l., 16 p., 3 tables. 8°. VBDK p.v.5
Le gour saggal et ses subdivisions Ueber
altbabylonische Maassbe-
d'apres les documents presargoniques de zeichnung. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Lagas. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1910. Weimar, 1897. 8°. Bd. 12, p. 231-2.^9.
4°. V. 7. p. 33-47.) * OCL *OCL

Science, cou tinned. La notation des mesures de ca-

pacite dans les documents juridiques cune-
Metrology, continued. iformes. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedricli Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 87-90.) * OCL
Karl. Das altbabylonische Maass- und
Gewichtssystem als Grundla.sfe dcr anti- Les poids chaldeens. (Revue d'as-
syriologie. Paris, 1903. 4°. v. 5, p. 57-64.)
ken Gewichts-, Miinz- und Maassystemc.
(Actes du huitieme Congres international
des orientalistes. Leide: E. J. Brill. 1893. Quelques mots sur le cadastre chal-
8°. partie 2, section 1. p. 165-249.) * OAA deen. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris. 1898.
4^ v. 4. p. 28-33.) * OCL
Verglcichende Metrologie und keil-
inschriftlicheGewichtskunde. (Deutsche Les signes numeriques des mesures
morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. l^abyloniennes de capacite. (Zeitschrift
Leipzig, 1912. 8°. Bd. 66, p. 607-696.) fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig. 1889. 8°. Bd.
*OAA 4. p. 371-373.) *OCL
Sec also Regling, Kurt, and F. F. K. and F. F. K. Lehmann-
Regling, Kurt,
Le H M .\ N N -H AU PT. Haupt. Die Sonderformen des "babylo-
nischen" Gew'ichtssystems. (Deutsche
Lenormant, Frangois. Essai sur un morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift.
document niathematique chaldeen, et a Leipzig. 1909. 8°. Bd. 63, p. 701-729.)
cette occasion sur le systeme des poids et *OAA
mesures de Babylone. Paris: A. Levy,
1868. 7 p.l.. 3 p., 21.. 179, 148 p. 8°. * OCM Reisner, George Andrew. Altbabyloni-
sche Maasse und Gewichte. (Koniglich
Lepsius, Karl Richard. Die babylonisch- Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften.
assyrischen Langenmasse nach der Tafel Sitzungsberichte. Berlin. 1896. 4°. 1896,
von Senkereh. Berlin: Konigliche Aka- p. 417-426.) * EE
demie der Wissenschaften, 1877. 1 p.l..

105-144 p.. 3 pi. 4°. t*OCM Notes on the Babylonian system of

Repr. Konigliche .-Xkademie der Wissenschaften.
measures of area. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
Abhandlungen:"Philos.-hist. Klasse, 1S77, p. 105-144, ologie. Weimar, 1896. 8°. Bd. 11. p. 417-
•££. 424.) *OCL
Norris, Edwin. On the Assyrian and Riedel, W. The measure gar. (Society
Babylonian weights. (Royal Asiatic So- of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings.
ciety. Journal. London, 1856. 8°. v. 16. London, 1914. 8°, v. 36, p. 120-121.)
p. 215-226.) * OAA *YIA
Oppert, Jules. Un cadastre chaldeen du Scheil, Jean Vincent. Le calcul des vol-
quatrieme millenium avant I'ere chretienne. umes dans un cas particulier a I'epoque
(Academie des inscriptions et belles- d'Ur. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1915.
lettres. Comptes rendus. Paris, 1896. 8°.
4°. V. 12, p. 161-172.) * OCL
serie 4. tome 24. p. 331-348.) * EO See also Eisenlohr, August.
Confirmation definitive du systeme Smith, George. On Assyrian weights
des mesures agraires babyloniennes. (Zeit- and measures. (Zeitschrift fiir agyptische
schrift Assyriologie.
fiir Leipzig, 1889. 8°. Sprache und Alterthumskunde. Leipzig,
Bd. 4. p. 97-100.) *OCL 1872. 4°. Jahrg. 10, p. 109-112.) f * OBH
L'etalon des mesures assyriennes,
- Thureau-Dangin, Frangois. Un cadastre
fixe par les textes cuneiformes. Paris: chaldeen. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
Imprimerie nationale, 1875. 2 p.l., 90 p. 8°. 1898. 4°. V. 4. p. 13-27.) * OCL
* OCT L'u. le qa et la mine, leur mesure et
Repr.: Journal asiatique. serie 6, v. 20, p. 157-17"; Paris,
leur rapport. (Journal asiatique.
serie 7, v. 4, p. 417-486, * OAA.
1909. 8°. serie 10. v. 13. p. 79-111.) * OAA
Lal.di moins. et nig.gas un peu en
moins. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Ber- Watson, Sir C. M.
Babylonian measures
lin, 1895. 8°. Bd. 10, p. 49-57.) * OCL of length. (Society of Biblical Archae-
ology. Proceedings. London, 1915. 8".
Les mesures assyriennes de capac- V. 37, p. 60-65.) * YIA
ite et de superficie. (Revue d'assyriologie.
Paris, 1886. 4°. v. 1, p. 124-147.) * OCL Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. Zur keilin-
schriftlichen Gewichtkunde. (Deutsche
Les mesures de Khorsabad. (Re- morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift.
vue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1896. 4°. v. 3. Leipzig, 1911. 8°. Bd. 65, p. 625-696.)
p. 89-104.^ * OCL *OAA

Language and Script

Amiaud, Arthur. Materiaux pour le dic- T. C. Hinrichs. 1913. 4°. (Beitrage zur
tionnaire assyrien. [Paris: Societe asia- Assyriologie. Bd. 9, Halfte 1-2.) * OCL
tique, 188L] 233-247 p. 8°. * OCO Part 1. A genealogical table of Babylonian and
Assyrian signs with indices.
Repr. : Journal asiatique, serie 7, v. 18, p. 233-247,
* OAA. Part 2. A classified list of simple ideographs with
analysis and discussion.
Amiaud, Arthur, and L. Mechineau. Tab- The origin of some cuneiform
leau compare des ecritures babylonienne signs. (In: Old Testament and Semitic
et assyrienne. archa'iques et modernes avec studies, in memory of W. R. Harper. Chi-
classement des signes d'apres leur forme cago, 1908. 4°. y. 2, p. 227-258.) * OBC
archaique. Paris: H. Welter. 1902. 2 p.l.,
vii-xvip., 11., 148p. 2. ed. 8°. * OCO A
peculiar use of ilani in the tablets
from El-Amarna. (American Oriental So-
Assyrian. Exercise sheet, no. 1-4 rwith ciety. Journal. New Haven, 1893. 8°.
answersj. London: S. Bagster and Sons, y. 15, p. cxcvi-cxcix.) * OAA
n. d. 111. 4°. (Archaic classics.) * OCO Behrens, Emil. Miszellen. (Wiener Zeit-
schrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes.
Ball, Charles James. The Accadian af-
(Transactions of the
Wien, 1905. 8°. Bd. 19, p. 393-396.)
finities of Chinese.
ninth International Congress of Oriental-
ists. London, 1893. 8°. v. 2, p. 677-728.) Berlin, George. Abridged grammars of
*OAA the languages of the cuneiform inscriptions
containing: i. A
Sumero-Akkadian gram-
Babylonian hieroglyphs. 2 pi. (So- mar; II. An Assyro-Babylonian grammar;
ciety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceed- III. A Vannic grammar; iv. A Medic gram-
ings. London, 1898. 8°. v. 20, p. 9-23, mar; v.An old Persian grammar. London:
296-298.) * YIA Triibner & Co., 1888. viii. 117 p. 12°.
On the compound heart ideogram (Triibner's collection of simplified gram-
(LID + SAG. Br. 8890). (Manchester Ori- mars, no. 17.) * OCO
ental Society. Journal. Manchester, 1911. Notes on the Assyrian and Ak-
8°. 1911, p.'l23-127.) *OAA kadian pronouns. (Royal Asiatic Society.
Tournal. London, 1885. 8°. new series,
Barrois, Joseph. Lecture litterale des y. 17, p. 65-88.) * OAA
hieroglyphes et des cuneiformes, par I'au-
teur de la Dactylologie (i. e. Joseph Bar- Origin and development of the
roisj. Paris: |F. Didot freres,) 1853. 2 p.l., cuneiform syllabary. (Royal Asiatic Soci-
iv. 80 p., 15 pi. 4°. *OBN et3\ Journal. London, 1887. 8°. new se-
ries, v. 19, p. 625-654.) * OAA
Barth, Jacob. Babyl.-assyr. ra-a-mu Suggestions on the formation of
"lieben." (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. the Semitic tenses. A comparative and
Strassburg, 1909. 8°. Bd. 22, p. 1-5.) critical study. (Royal Asiatic Society.
*OCL Journal. London, 1882. 8°. new series,
Das Nominalprafix na im Assyri- V. 14, p. 105-118.) *OAA
schen. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leip- Suggestions on the voice-formation
zig, 1887. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 111-117.) *OCL of the Semitic verb. A comparative and
Das semitische Perfect im Assyri- critical study. (Royal Asiatic Society.
schen. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leip- Tournal. London, 1883. 8°. new series,

zig, 1887. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 375-386.) * OCL y. 15, p. 387-418.) * OAA

Bezold, Carl. Ein Fragment zu S*.
Verschiebung der Liquidae im As- (Zeitschrift fiir Keilschriftforschung. Leip-
syrischen. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Leipzig, 1888. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 57-61") * OCL zig, 1885. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 61-71.) *OCL
Prolegomena zu einer babylonisch-
Zum assyrischen Lexikon. (Zeit- assyrischen Grammatik. (Verhandlungen
schrift fiirAssyriologie. Strassburg. 1909- des vii. Internationalen Orientalisten-Con-
10. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 90-96; Bd. 24, p. 150-156.) gresses. Semitische Section. Wien: A.
*OCL Holder, 1888. 8°. p. 73-82.) * OAA
Barton, George Aaron. On
the etymol- Some unpublished cuneiform sylla-
ogy of Ishtar. (American Oriental Society. baries. 8 facs. (Society of Biblical Archae-
Journal. New Hayen, 1911. S°. v. 31, ology. Proceedings. London, 1889. 8°.
p. 355-358.) * OAA y. 11, p. 44-54.) *YIA
The origin and development of Verbalsuffixformen als Alterskrite-
Babylonian writing. part 1-2. Leipzig: rien babylonisch-assyrischer Inschriften.

Language and Script, continued. landes. Wion. 1911. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 127-

Heidelberg: C. Winter's Universitatsbuch-

152.) *OAA
handlung." 1910. 28 p. 8°. (Heidelberger Die Namen der assyrisch-babyloni-
Akademic der Wissenschaften. Sitzungs- sclien Keilschriftzeichen. Leipzig: J. C.
berichte. Philos.-hist. Klasse. Jahrg. 1910, Hinrichs. 1913. iv p.. 1 1., 113 p. 8°. (Vor-
Abh. 9.) *EE derasiatische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen.
Boson, Giustino. Alcuni nomi di pietre
Jahrg. 18, Heft 1.) * OAA
nelle iscrizioni assiro-babilonesi. (Rivista Cull, Richard. The Assyrian verbs basu,
degli studi orientali. Roma, 1913. 8°. v. "to be"; qa1)ah. "to say"; and isu. "to have."
6. p. 969-977.) * OAA identified as variant forms of verljs having
metalli e le pietre nelle iscrizioni
I the same significations in the Hebrew lan-
•iiimero-assiro-babilonesi. (Rivista degli guage. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
studi orientali. Roma, 1916. 8°. v. 7. p. Transactions. London. 1872. 8°. v. 1, p.
379-420.) * OAA 281-293.) *YIA
Boutflower, Charles. On the meaning Delattre, .\lphonsc J. .\-mur-ri ou a-har-
of theword "asitu." (American journal of ri? (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
Semitic languages and literatures. Chica- Proceedings. London, 1896. 8°. v. 18.
go, 1898. 8°. V. 15, p. 49-51.) *OBA p. 71-75.) *YIA
On a not uncommon rendering of Delitzsch, Friedrich. Assj'rian gram-
the word (American journal of
ikallu. mar with paradigms, exercises, glossary
Semitic languages and literatures. Chica- and bibliography. Translated from the
go. 1901. 8°. V. 17. p. 244-249.) * OBA German by R. S. Kennedy. Berlin: H.
Bradner, Lester, jr. The order of the Reuther. 1889. xvi. 366. 80 p. 12°. (Porta
sentence in the Assyrian historical inscrip- linguarum orientalium. Pars 10.) * OAC
tions. (Hebraica. Hartford. 1891. 8°. v. Assj^rische Lesestiicke, nach den
8. p. 1-14.) * OBA Originalen theils revidirt theils zum ersten
Bruennow, Rudolph Ernst. A classified Male hrsg. und durch eine Schrifttafel ein-
listof all simple and compound cuneiform geleitet. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1878.
ideographs occurring in the texts hitherto viii, 107 p. 2. ed. i°. f * OCO
published, with their Assyro-Babj-lonian Assyrische Lesestiicke nach den
equivalents, phonetic values, etc. Leyden: Originalen theils revidirt theils zum ersten
E. Brill. 1889. x. 8 p.. 2 1., 596 p. 4°.
J. Male hrsg. nebst Paradigmen. Schrifttafel,
t*oco Textanalyse und kleinem Worterbuch zu
Indices zu meiner "Classified list." Selbstunterricht wie zum akademischen
Leiden: Buchhandlung u. Druckerei vor- Gebrauch. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1885.
mals E. J. Brill, 1897. viii. 342 p.. 1 1. 4°. xvi. 148 p. 3. ed. T. t*OCO
t*oco Assyrische Lesestiicke mit gram-
FossEY, Charles. Contribution au dic- matischen Tabellen und vollstiindigem
tionnaire sumerien-assyrien. (Supplement Glossar. Einfiihrung in die assyrische und
a la "Classified list" de Briinnow.) fasc. babylonische Keilschriftlitteratur bis hin-
1-2. Paris: E. Leroux, 1905-07. sq. 4°. auf zu Hammural)i fiir akademischen Ge-
t*OCP brauch und Selljstunterricht. Leipzig: J. C.
Hinrichs. 1900. xii, 193 p. 4. ed. 4°. (As-
HussEY, Alary Inda. A supplement to syriologische Bibliothek. Bd. 16.) f * OCQ
Briinnow's classified list of cuneiform
ideographs. (American Oriental Societv. Assyrische Studien. Heft 1. As-
Tournal. New Haven, 1901. 8°. v. 22, syrische Thiernamen mit vielen Excursen
p. 201-220.) * OAA und einem assyrischcn und akkadischen
Glossar. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1874.
ViROLLE.xuD. Ch. Table des formes ver- 8°. *OCO
vii.189 p.
bales contenues dans le "Premier supple-
ment a la liste des signes cuneiformes de Assyrisches Handworterbuch. Leip-
Briinnow." (Babvloniaca. Paris. 1907. zig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1896. xx, 730 p. 8'.
8°. V. 1, p. 133-184.') * OCO *oco
Chossat, fidouard de. Repertoire assy- Assyrisches Worterbuch zur ge-
rien; traduction et lecture. [Classification samten bisher veroffentlichten Keilschrift-
des caracteres cuneiformes. babyloniens, literatur unterBeriicksichtigung zahlreicher
ninivites, archaiques et modernes.i Lyon: unveroffentlichter Texte. Lieferung 1-3.
Louis Perrin et Marinet, 1878-79. viii, Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1887-90. 488 p.
184 p., 2 1., 204 p. 4°. t*OCO 4°. (Assyriologische Bibliothek. Bd. 7.)
Christian, Viktor. Erganzungen und t*OCQ
Bemerkungen zu S*. S^ S"!, und S'. (Wie- Die Entstehung des altesten Schrift-
ner Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des Morgen- systems; oder, Der Ursprung der Keil-
Language and Scri[>t, continued. Notes de lexicographic assyrienne.
(Journal asiatique. Paris, 1878-80. 8°.
schriftzeichen. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs.
serie v. 12. 435-453;
p. v. 13, p. 435-455;
1897. 4p.l, 239 p. 4^ * OCO V. 15, p.
35-60, 510-529.) * OAA
Ein Nachwort. Leipzig: J. C.
Notes de lexicographic assyrienne,
Hinrichs, 1898. 1 p.l., 47 p. 4°. * OCO suivies d'une etude sur les inscriptions de
The Hebrew language viewed in Van. Paris: Imprimerie nationale, 1883.
the light of Assyrian research. London: 2 p.l., ii, 144 p. 8°. (Melanges d'assyri-
Williams & Norgate, 1883. xii, 73 p. 8°. ologie.) *OCO
*PCA Nouvelles notes de lexicographic
Sumerisch - akkadisch - hettitische assyrienne. (Journal asiatique. Paris,
Vokabularfragmente. Berlin: Konigliche 1883. S\ series, v. 2, p. 184-198.) * OAA
Akademie der Wissenschaften, 1914. 49 p.
4°. (Koniglich Preussische Akademie der Halevy, Joseph. La chute du "w" apres
Wissenschaften. Abhandlungen. Philo- une consonne en babylonien archaique.
sophisch-historische Klasse. Jahrg. 1914. (Revue semitiquc. Paris, 1911. 8°. annee
Nr. 3.) * EE 19, p. 105-110.) *OAA
Dvorak, Rudolf.L'eber "tinuru" des As- Deux problemes assyro-semitiques.
syrisch-babj'lonischen und die demselben (Orientalische Studien Theodor Noldeke
entsprechenden Formen der iibrigen sem- zum siebzigsten Geburtstag. Gicszen,
itischen Sprachen. (Zeitschrift fiJr Keil- 1906. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 1015-1029.) * OAC
schriftforschung. Leipzig, 1884. 8°. Bd. Mots semitiques meconnus. (Re-
1, p. 115-150.) *OCL vue semitique. Paris, 1910. 8°. annee 18,
Fossey, Charles. fitudes assyriennes. p. 44-60.) * OAA
(Journal asiatique. Paris, 1908-10. 8°.
Notes assyriologiques.
serie 10, v. 11, p. 183-189; v. 15, p. 523-525.) fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1887-89. 8".
*OAA Bd. 2, p. 397-402; Bd. 3, p. 186-197, 332-352;
See also Scheil, Jean Vincent, and Bd. 4, p. 52-65. 205-224.) * OCL
Charles Fossey.
Notes de lexicographic assyrienne.
Geldart, G. C. On
Dr. Hincks's "Per- (Zeitschrift fiir Kcilschriftforschung. Leip-
mansive tense" Assyrian verb; with
in the zig. 1884. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 75-78, 180-184, 262-
special reference to the first person singu- 269.) *OCL
lar, terminating in -ku. (Transactions of
the second session of the International
—— - Nouvelles considerations sur le
Congress of Orientalists. London: Triib- svllabaire cuneiforme. (Journal asiatique.
ner & Co., 1876. 8°. p. 25-34.) * OAA Paris, 1876. 8°. serie 7, v. 7, p. 201-380.)
Genouillac, H. de. Xotes lexicograpli- L'origine des ecritures cuneiforme
iques. (Revue d'assvriologie. Paris, 1910.
et phenicienne. (Revue semitique. Paris,
4^ V. 7. p. 157-161.)' *OCL 1897. 8°. annee 5, p. 47-65.) * OAA
Gobineau, Arthur, comte de.
Joseph Haupt, Paul. Assyr. ramku. "priest" =
Traite des ecritures cuneiformes. Paris:
Heb. komer. (American journal of Semitic
Firmin Didot Freres, Fils et Cie., 1864. 2 v.
languages and literatures. Chicago. 1915.
8°. *OCO 8°. V. 32. p. 64-75.) * OBA
Godbey, Allen Howard. The rab-sitirte.
The Assyrian
contribu- e-vowel. A
(.\merican journal of Semitic languages tion to the comparative phonology of the
and literatures. Chicago, 1917. 8°. v. 34, .\ssyro-Babylonian language. Baltimore:
p. 13-20.) * OBA Johns Hopkins Universitv, 1887. 29 p. 8°.
Grivel, Josef. Nemrod et les ecritures
* OCK p.v.2
Repr. American journal of philology, v. 8, p. 265-
cuneiformes. (Societj- of Biblical Archae- :

291, R.-I.'l.
ology. Transactions. London, 1874. 8°.
V. 3, p. 136-144.) * YIA Assyrian phonology, with special
reference to Hebrew. (Hebraica. Chica-
Gutbrod, G. L'eber die wahrschein-
J. F. go, 1885. 8\ V. 1, p. 175-181.) *OBA
liche Lcbensdauer der assyrisch-babylo-
iiischen Sprache. (Zeitschrift fiJr Assyri- Der assyrische Name des Potwals.
ologie. Leipzig, 1891. 8". Bd. 6, p. 26-33.) (American journal of Semitic languages
*OCL and literatures. Chicago, 1907. 8°. v. 23.
Guyard, Stanislas. Notes
p. 253-263.) * OBA
giqucs. (Recueil de travaux relatifs a la und uru, Pferd.
Imnieru, Schaf,
philologie et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft.
assyriennes. Paris, 1880. 4°. annee 2. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1911. 8°. Bd. 65, p.
p. 18-21. 134-139.) * OBKG 107-108.) * OAA
Language and Script, continued. conpolis. (Society of Biblical Archzeology.
Proceedings. London, 1898. 8°. v. 20, p.
The name Istar. (American Ori-
291-295.) *YIA
ental Society. Journal. New Haven, 1907.
8°. V.28, p. 112-119.) *OAA Die
sprachgescliichtliche Stellung
On etymology of mutninu. des bab. -assyrischen einer- und des west-
(Hebraica. Chicago, 1885. 8= V. 2,
semitischen andrerseits. (In his: Aufsatze
4-6.) *OBA und Abhandlungen. Miinchen: G. Franz.
1892. 8°. Hiilfte 1, p. 92-123.) * OAC
Some Assyrian
etymologies (Ameri-
can journal of Semitic languages and liter- Houghton, William. On the hieroglyphic
atures. Chicago, 1909. 8°. v. 26, p. 1-26.) or picture origin of the characters of the
*OBA Assyrian syllabary. (Society of Biblical
t)ber das assj-rische Nominalprafix Archaeology. Transactions. London, 1878.
na. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 8°. V. 6. p. 454-483.) * YIA
1890. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 1-20.) * OCL
Howardy, G. cuneorum; sive,
Ober die beiden Halbvocale u und Lexicon signorumAssyriorum, linguis
i. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, Latina, Britannica, Germanica sumptibus
1890. 8°. Bd.l, p. 293-300.) * OCL
Instituti Carlsbergici Hauniensis composi-
Uber den Halbvocal u im Assyri- tum a G. Howardy. Pars 1-2. Lipsia?:
schen. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leip- O. Harrassowitz, 1904-07. 8°. * OCO
zig, 1887. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 259-286.) * OCL
Jaeger, Martin. Das babylonische
assyrischen Nominallehre. Hauchlautszeichen. (Beitrage zur As-
(Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1890. syriologie. Leipzig, 1890. 8°. Bd. 1, p.
8°. Bd.l. p. 158-184.) * OCL 589-592.) * OCL
Hemsworth, H. W. See Smith, Daniel. Der Halbvokal i im Assyrischen.
(Beitrage zur Assvriologie. Leipzig, 1890.
Hincks, Edward. On Assyrian verbs. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 443-491.) * OCL
(Journal of sacred literature. London,
1855-56. 8°. series 3. V. 1. p. 381-393: V. 2,
Jastrow, Morris, the younger. Assyrian
p. 141-262; V. 3, p. 152-171.) * DA vocabularies. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
On the personal pronouns of the Leipzig, 1889-91. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 153-162;
Assyrian and other languages, especially Bd. 5, p. 31-46; Bd. 6, p. 73-88.) * OCL
Hebrew. [Dublin, 1856.] 9 p. sq. 8°.
The term
Babylonian su'alu.
* OCK p.v.l
(American journal of Semitic languages
Repr. Royal Irish Academy. Transactions, v. 23,
part 2,

p. 3-9, * EC. and literatures. Chicago, 1898. 8°. v. 14,

p. 165-170.) * OBA
Specimen chapters of an Assyrian
grammar. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour- The
signs and names for the liver
nal. London, 1866. 8°. new series, v. 2, in Babylonian. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
p. 480-519.) *OAA ologie.
Strassburg, 1907. 8°. Bd. 20. p.
Hogg, Hope W. "Heart and reins" in
the ancient literatures of the nearer East. Jensen, Peter. Assyrio-hebraica. (Zeit-
(Manchester Oriental Society. Journal. schrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1889. 8".
Bd. 4, p. 268-280.) * OCL
Manchester, 1911. 8°. 1911, p. 49-91.)
*OAA Bemerkungen zu einigen Schrift-
Two cuneiform heart symbols. zeichen. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
(Manchester Oriental Society. Journal. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 176-197.)
Manchester, 1911. 8°. 1911, p. 109-121.) *OCL
*OAA Wirkungen des Aleph im Baby-
Holzhey, Carl. Herkunft und Bedeutung lonisch-Assyrischen. (Zeitschrift fiir As-
derEndvokale u, i, a beim assyrischen syriologie. Berlin, 1892. 8°. Bd. 7, p.
Nomen und Verbum. (Deutsche morgen- 211-219.) *OCL
landische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leip- Zu den Nominalpraefixen m (-a,
zig, 1903. 8°. Bd. 57, p. 751-765.) * OAA -i, -u) und n (-a, -i, -u) im Assyrischen.
(Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft.
Hommel, Fritz. Assyriological notes.
Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1889. 8°. Bd. 43,
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
ceedings. London, 1896-99. 8°. v. 18, p. p. 192-205.) * OAA
17-24; v. 19, p. 78-90. 312-315; v. 21, p. 115-
Johnston, Christopher. Assyrian lexi-
139.) * YIA cographical notes. (American journal of
The Babylonian ideogram for Semitic languages and literatures. Chica-
"image" and the slate palette from Hiera- go, 1911. 8°. v. 27, p. 187-189.) * OBA
Language and Script, continued. The sign of the breath at the end of
words in the New-Babylonian and Achae-
Assyrian qananu "to coil"; and
menian inscriptions. (Hebraica. Hart-
xarapu "to abound." (American Oriental
Society. Journal. New Haven, 1909. 8°.
ford, 1891. 8°. V. 7, p. 149-151.) *OBA
V. 29, p. 224-226.) * DA A Langdon, Stephen. An Assyrian gram-
matical treatise on an omen tablet. Trans-
The Assyrian word nubattu. (In: lation and commentary by S. Langdon.
Old Testament and Semitic studies in (American Oriental Society. Journal.
memory of W. R. Harper. Chicago, 1908. New Haven, 1906. 8°. v. 27, p. 88-103.)
4°. V. 1, p. 339-349.) * OBC *OAA
Note on two Assyrian words hither- The Babylonian zuharu. (Society
to unexplained. (American Oriental So- of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings.
ciety. Journal. New Haven, 1901. 8°. London, 1911. 8°. v. 33, p. 121-127.) * YIA
V. 22, p. 23-26.) * OAA Concerning the use of the word
Two new Assyrian words. (Ameri- ullanu in Assyrian. (Society of Biblical
can Oriental Society. Journal. New Ha- Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1913.
ven, 1899. 8°. V. 20, p. 250-252.) * OAA 8°. v. 35, p. 193-195.) * YIA
derivation of sabattu and other
Kennedy, R. S. See Delitzsch, Friedrich. notes. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesell-
schaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1908. 8°.
Kent, Charles Foster. Annexion in Bd. 62, p. 29-32.) * OAA
Assyrian. (American Oriental Society.
Journal. New Haven, 1893. 8°. v. 15, The etymology of the Babylonian
p. cxxvi-cxxvii.) * OAA relative pronoun. (American journal of
Semitic languages and literatures. Chica-
Annexion in Assyrian. (Hebraica. go, 1915. 8°. v. 31, p. 271-281.) *OBA
Hartford, 1891. 8°. v. 7, p. 289-301.) ——

treatises upon a re-
*OBA ligious text concerning the ardat lili. 2
The origin and signification of the facs. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1911. 8°. v. 4,
gunu-signs. n. p. [189-?] 299-308 p. S°. p. 187-191.) *OCO
* OCK p.v.3 Lexicographical studies. (Society
King, Leonard William. Assyrian lan- of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings.
guage, easy lessons in the cuneiform in- London, 1908-09. 8°. v. 30, p. 266-271; v.
scriptions. London: K. Paul, Trench, 31, p. 74-77, 110-114.) *YIA
Triibner & Co., 1901. 2 p.l., xi-xiv p., 11., A new
inscription of extraordinary
216 p. 12°. (Books on Egypt and Chaldea. importance for history and philology.
v. 5.) * OCO (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
First steps in Assyrian. A book for ceedings. London, 1914. 8°. v. 36, p. 24-
34.) * YIA
beginners, being a series of historical,
mythological, religious, magical, epistolary Rythm in Babylonian psalms.
and other texts printed in cuneiform char- (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1908. 8°. v. 2, p.162-
acters with interlinear transliteration and 167.) * OCO
translation and a sketch of Assyrian gram-
Syllabar in the Metropolitan Mu-
mar, sign-list and vocabulary. London: seum. (Society of Oriental Research.
K. Paul. Trench, Triibner & Co., 1898. Journal. Chicago, 1917. 8°. v. 1, p. 19-
cxxxix p., 1 1., 399 p. 8°. * OCO 23.) * OAA
A Neo-Babylonian syllabary of the Lau, Robert J. Supplement to the old-
class S'. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Babylonian vocabularies. (American Ori-
Strassburg, 1911. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 298-303.) ental Society. Journal. New Haven, 1908.
*OCL 8°. v. 27, p. 297-300.) * OAA
Knudtzon, J0rgen Alexander. Zur Leander, Pontus. Ueber die sumerischen
assyrischen und allgemein semitischen Lehnworter im Assyrischen. Uppsala: E.
Grammatik. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Berling. 1903. 1p.l., 94 p. 8°. (Kongliga
Leipzig, 1891-92. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 299-310, Universitetet i Upsala. Upsala Universi-
405-431 Bd. 7, p. 33-63.)
* OCL tets Arsskrift. 1903.) * EI
Kraetzschmar, Richard. Die Proposi- Le Gac, Y. Sur valeurs phonetiques
tion .sa im .'\ssyrischen. (Beitrage zur As- des signes [ia, ya — ai, aya]...en assyrien.
syriologie. Leipzig, 1890. 8°. Bd. 1, p. (Zeitschrift fiJr Assyriologie. Leipzig,
583-588.) * OCL 1891. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 189-216.) * OCL
Relativpronomen Relativsatz und Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand
im Assyrischen. (Beitrage zur Assyriolo- Karl. Sar kis.sati. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
gie. Leipzig, 1890. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 379-442.) ologie. Weimar, 1896. 8°. Bd. 11, p. 197-
*OCL 206.) * OCL

Language and Scril't. continued. J. C. Hinrichs, 1910. xx, 721 p. 4°. (As-
syriologische Bibliothek. Bd. 20.)
Lenormant, fitude sur quel-
ques parties des syllabaires cuneiformes.
Studien zur Serie ana ittisu. (Zcit-
Essai dc philologie accadienne et assyri-
sclirift fiir Assyriologie. Berlin, 1892.
enne. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie., 1876.
xxiv. 329 p. 8°. * OCO Bd. 7, p. 16-32.) OCL
Supplement zu den assyrischen
Les noms de
I'airain et du cuivre
lan^ues des inscriptions Worterbiichern. Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1898.
dans les deux
cuneiformes de la Chaldee et de TAssyrie.
2 p.l., 106, 32 p. sq. 4°. t*oco
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans- Menant, Joachim, filements d'epigraphie
actions. London, 1878. 8°. v. 6, p. 334- assyricnne. Le syllabaire assyrien. Ex-
417.) *YIA pose des elements du systeme phonetique
de I'ecriture anarienne. partie 1-2. (Acade-
Les syllabaires cuneiformes. Edi-
mic des inscriptions et belles-lettres. Me-
tion critique classee pour la premiere fois
moires presentes par divers savants. Paris,
methodiquement et precedee d'une intro- * EO
1869-73. 4°. serie 1, tome 7.)
duction sur la nature de ces documents.
Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie., 1877. vii, 236 p. Expose des elements de gram- la
8°. *OCO maire assyrienne. Paris: Imprimerie im-
periale. 1868. 2 p.l., iv, 392 p. 4°. * OCO
Lottner, C. Remarks on the nation bj'
which the cuneiform mode of writing was Les langues perdues de la Perse &
invented. (Philological Societv. Trans- de I'Assyrie. Paris: E. Leroux, 1885-86.
actions. Berlin, 1858. 8°. 1858, p. 124- 2 V. 16°. (Bibliotheque orientale elze-
136. )
RAA virienne. [V.] 41, 50.) * OAD
V. 41. Perse.
Luckenbill, Daniel David. The Chicago V. SO. .Ass) rie.
syllabary. (American journal of Semitic Legons d'epigraphie assyrienne pro-
languages and literatures. Chicago. 1917. fessees aux cours libres de la Sorbonne
8°. V. 33, p. 169-199.) * OBA pendant I'annee 1869. Paris: Maisonneuve
Lyon, David Gordon. An Assyrian man- et Cie., 1873. viii, 115 p. 4°. (Cours libres
ual for the use of beginners in the study of de la Sorbonne.) * OCO
the Assyrian language. Chicago: Ameri- Manuel de
langue assyrienne. la
can Publication Society of Hebrew, 1886. I. Le syllabaire. ii. La grammaire. iii.
xlv, 138 p. 8°. *OCO Choix de lectures. Paris: Imprimerie na-
tionale, 1880. 2 p.l., v, 383 p., 1 table. 4°.
New York Charles Scribner's
(Elements d'epigraphie assyrienne.)
Sons, 1892. xlv, 142 p. 2. ed. 8°. *OCO *oco
McCurdy, J. F. The Semitic perfect in Observations sur les polyphones
Assyrian. (Actes du sixieme Congres in- assj'riens. n. t.-p. (Paris, 1859.] 15 p. 4°.
ternational des orientalistes. Leide: E. J. *oco
Brill, 1885. 8°. partie 2, section 1, p. 507- Recueil d'alphabets pour servir a la
534.) * OAA lecture et a I'interpretation des ecritures
cuneiformes. Paris: B. Duprat, 1860. 27 p.
Mechineau, L. Sec Amiaud, Arthur, and
L. Mechixeau.
4°. * OCO
Mercer, Samuel Alfred Browne. The
Meissner, Bruno. Assyriologische Stu- oath in Babylonian and Assyrian literature.
dien. No. 1-6. Berlin: W. Reiser, 1903-13. Munich: C. Wolf and Son, 1911. xii. 42 p..
8°. (Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft. Mit- II. 8°. *OCKp.v.l
teilungen. Jahrg. 8, Heft 3; Jahrg. 9, Heft 3;
Jahrg. 10. Heft 4; Jahrg. 12, Heft 3; Jahrg. Tlie oath in cuneiform inscriptions.
15, Heft 5; Jahrg. 18, Heft 2.) * OAA (American Oriental Society. Journal.
New Haven, 1913. 8°. v. 33, p. 33-50.)
Assyrisch-babylonische Chresto- *OAA
mathie fiir Anf anger. Leiden: E. J. Brill, The oath in Sumerian inscriptions.
1895. 2 p.l., xxv, 68 p. 4°. * OCQ
The oath in cuneiform inscriptions.
Kurzgefasste assyrische Gramma- (American journal of Semitic languages
tik. Leipzig:
" J. C. Hinrichs, 1907. v, 80 p. and literatures. Chicago. 1913-14. 8°. v.
8°. *OCO 29, p.65-94; v. 30. p. 196-211.) * OBA
Studien. (Zeit-
1. The oath
Babylonian inscriptions
in of the
time of the Ilamnnirabi dynasty.
schrift fur Assyriologie. Berlin, 1893-1903. 2. The
oath in inscriptions since the time of the
8°. Bd. 8, p. 75-85; Bd. 9, p. 268-279; Bd. Ilainmurabi dynasty.
17, p. 239-250.) * OCL Morgan, Jacques Jean Marie de. Note
Seltene assj'rische Ideogramme, sur les procedes techniques en usage chez
gesammelt von Bruno Meissner. Leipzig: les scribes babyloniens. (Recueil de trav-
Language and Script, contiuucd. Das Princip der assyrischen Zeich-
enordnung. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
aux relatifs a la philologie et a I'archeolo-
Leipzig, 1887. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 316-320.)
gie egyptiennes et assyriennes. Paris,
1905. 4°. annee27, p. 234-249.) * OBKG *OCL
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. Archaic
Mueller, Wilhelm Max. Die Spuren der forms of Babylonian characters. (Zeit-
babylonischen Weltschrift in Agypten. schrift fiir Keilschriftforschung. Leipzig,
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1912. iv, 90 p.. 1 1. 1885. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 149-156.) * OCL
8°. (Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft. Mit-
* OAC Assyriological gleanings. (Society
teilungen. Jahrg. 17, Heft 3.)
of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings.
Muss-Arnolt, William. Assyrian ety- London, 1896. 8°. v. 18, p. 250-258.)
mologies. (Hebraica. Hartford, 1891. 8°. *YIA
V. 7, p. 183-185, 253-256.) * OBA The
element ilu in Babylonian
divine names. (Royal Asiatic Society.
A concise dictionary of the Assyri-
Journal. London, 1905. 8°. 1905, p. 143-
an language. Berlin: Reuther & Reichard, 150.) * OAA
1905. 2v.ini. 8°. f * OCO
Major Mockler Ferryman's tablet
Lexicographical notes. (American giving the names of temple-overseers. 1 pi.
iournal of Semitic languages and litera- (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
tures. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 223-
ceedings. London, 1899. 8°. v.21, p. 164-
234.) * OBA 167.) *YIA
Supar,'""^" suparsak(u), <•"*'> sak-
Pognon, Henri. Lexicographic assyri-
supp(bb)ar, and related terms. (American
enne. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1912.
journal of Semitic languages and litera-
tures. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 186-
4°. V.9, p. 125-141.) *OCL
193.) * OBA Melanges assyriologiques. (Jour-
nal asiatique. Paris, 1913. 8°. serie 11, v.
Zur Erklarung der semitischen
Nix, L. 1, p. 395-426.) *OAA
Verbalformen. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriolo-
gie. Weimar, 1895. 8°. Bd. 10, p. 174- Pontificio istituto biblico. Tabulae sig-
192.) * OCL norum cuneiformium in usum scholae.
Romae: Typis polyglottis Vaticanis, 1910.
Norris, Edwin. Assyrian dictionary; in- 32 p. f°. tt*OCO
tended to further the study of the cune-
iform inscriptions of Assyria and Baby- Praetorius, Franz. Ueber einige assy-
lonia. London: Williams & Norgate, 1868- rische Worter. (Deutsche morgenlandische
72. 3v. 4°. *OCO Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1874.
8°. Bd. 28, p. 88-92.) * OAA
Specimen of an Assyrian dictionary.
(Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, Price, Ira Maurice. Recent thought on
1866. 8°. new series, v. 2, p. 225-256.) the origin of the cuneiform writing.
*OAA (American journal of Semitic languages
and literatures. Chicago, 1899. 8°. v. 15,
Oppert, Jules. Elements de la gram-
maire assyrienne. Paris: Imprimerie im- p. 145-156.) * OBA
perial, 1860. 2p.l., 95p. 8°. *OCO Prince, John Dyneley. Assyrian preposi-
Repr.: Journal asiatique, serie 5, v. IS, p. 98-130, tional usage. (American Oriental Society.
338-398, • OAA.
Journal. New Haven, 1899. 8°. v. 20, p.
Napah, etre
eleve, culminer. (Zeit- 1-11.) *OAA
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Assyrian
primer; an inductive
Bd. 1. p. 233-243.) * OCL method of learning the cuneiform charac-
U-an-tim, "creance," ideogramme ters. New York: Columbia University
de I'assyrien rasut. (Zeitschrift fur Assyri- Press, 1909. 2 p.l., 58 p., 1 1. 8°. * OCO
ologie. Leipzig, 1891. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 281- The Babylonian equations for Syria.
288.) *OCL (American journal of Semitic languages
Peiser, Felix Ernst. Die assyrische Verb- and literatures. Chicago, 1914. 8°. v. 30,
tafel (v Rawl. 45.). i. Die assyrische p. 212-218.) *OBA
Zeichenordnung auf Grund von S° und v On the syntax the Assyrian
Rawl. 45. Inaugural-Dissertation. Miin- preposition ina. (American Oriental So-
chen: F. Straub, 1886. 2 p.l., 32 p. 8°. ciety. Journal. New Haven, 1896. 8°.
*oco 16, p. ccxviii - ccxxvi.) * OAA
Die assyrische Zeichenordnung auf The syntax of the Assyrian prepo-
Grund von S" und VR 45. (Zeitschrift fiir sition ana. (American Oriental Society.
Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, Journal. New Haven, 1897. 8°. v. 18, p.
p.95-125.) * OCL 355-360.) * OAA

Language and Script, continued. Schrader, Eberhard. Assyrisches Sylla-

bar fur den Gcbrauch in seinen Vorlesun-
Reisner, George A. The Berlin vocabu- gen zusammengestellt von E. Schrader.
lary V. A. Th. 244. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
Mit den Jagdinschriften Asurbanipal's in
oloRie. Weimar. 1894. 8°. Bd. 9, p. 149-
Anlage. Berlin: Konigliche Akademie der
164.) *OCL Wissenschaften, 1880. 1 p.l., 8 p., 1 1. 4°.
The construct
case in Assyrian. *oco
(American Oriental Society. Journal. New
Haven, 1893. S°. v. 15, p. cxxi-cxxvi.) Die Namen
der Meere in den assy-
*OAA rischen Inschriften. (Koeniglich Preus-
sische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Ab-
Rosenberg, J. Assyrische Sprachlehre handlungen. Philol.-hist. Klasse. Berlin,
nnd Kcilschriftkunde fiir das Selbststudi- 1878. 4°. Jahrg. 1877, p. 169-195.) * EE
um. Grammatik, Syllabar, Chrestomathie
and Vocabular. Wien: A. Hartleben Zur Frage nach der Aussprache der
il900?j. viii, 184 p. 16°. (Die Kunst der Zischlaute im Babylcfnisch-Assyrischen.
Polyglottie. Theil 66.) OCO (Zeitschrift fiir Keilschriftforschung,
Leipzig, 1884. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 1-18, 178-179.)
Rosny, Leon de. Sur le systeme de for- *OCL
mation de I'ecriture cuneiforme. (Congres
international des orientalistes. Compte- Skinner, Macy AL The termination ii,
rendu imi in Assyrian ver"bs. (American Oriental
de la premiere session. Paris:
Maisonneuve Society. Journal. New Haven, 1896. 8°.
et Cie., 1876. 8°. tome 2, p.
165-177.) * OAA V. 17, p. 171-173.) * OAA
Sayce, Archibald Henry. An Assyrian Smith, Daniel. Cuneorum clavis. The
grammar for comparative purposes. Lon- primitive alphabet and language of the
don: Triibner & Co., 1872. xvi, 188 p. 12°.
ancient ones of the earth, by means of
*oco which can be read the cuneiform inscrip-
tions on the stone tablets, obelisks, cylin-
An elementary grammar; with full ders, and other remains discovered in As-
syllabary and progressive reading book, of syria. From the papers of the late Daniel
the Assyrian language, in the cuneiform Smith. Edited by H. W. Hemsworth.
type. London: Samuel Bagster and Sons London: printed for the editor at the Chis-
rl875,. 4p.l., vi. 129p. 8°. (Archaic clas- wick Press, 1875. xxiii, 160 p., 9 pi. 8°.
sics.) * OCO *oco
Lectures upon the Assyrian
lan- A
true key to the Assyrian history,
guage, and syllabary; delivered to the stu- sciences, and religion: being an introduc-
dents of the archaic classes. London: tion to the history of the remarkable dis-
Samuel Bagster and Sons, 1877. viii. 157 p. covery of the primitive alphabet and by
8°. (Archaic classics.) * OCO means of which can be read the twenty
thousand sepherim. or clay and stone tab-
tenses of the Assyrian verb.
lets, contained in the British and continen-
(Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London,
tal museums. London: J. Burns. 1869. 14
1877. 8°. new series, v. 9, p. 22-58.)
*OAA p.. 2 pi. 8°. *Cp.v.394

Scheil, Jean Vincent. Assimilation de Strassmaier, J. N. Alphabetisches Ver-

trois nouveaux signes archaiques. zeichniss der assyrischen und akkadischen
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar. 1897. Worter der "Cuneiform inscriptions of
8°. Bd. 12, p. 258-264.) * OCL western Asia," vol. ii. Sowie anderer meist
unveroffentlichter Inschriften. Mit zahl-
Fragments de syllabaires assyriens. reichen Erganzungen und Verbesserungen
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Berlin, und einem Worterverzeichniss zu den in
1893-95. 8°. Bd. 8. p. 194-207; Bd. 9, p. den Verhandlungen des vi. Orientalisten-
218-223; Bd. 10, p. 193-221.) * OCL Congresses zu Leiden veroffentlichten
babylonischen Inschriften. Leipzig: J. C.
Les pronoms demonstratifs assyri- Hinrichs. 1886. iv. 1144 p.. 4°.
21.. 66 p.
ens su et sasu. (Journal asiatique. Paris, (Assyriologische Bibliothek. Bd. 4.)
1890. 8°. serie 8, v. 16, p. 533-537.) * OAA t*OCQ
Recueil de signes archaiques de Streck, Maximilian. Lexikalische Stu-
I'ecriture cuneiforme. (fipoque de Shar- dien. (Babyloniaca. Paris. 1908. 8°. v.
gani, Gudea & des rois de la 2^ dynastie
d'Ur —4000 - 3000 av. J.-C.) Paris: H.
2, p. 46-59, 168-198, 209-242.) * OCO
Welter, 1898. 2 p.l., 80 p. 4°. * OCO Talbot, Henry Fox. Contributions
towards a glossary of the Assyrian lan-
Scheil, Jean Vincent, and Charles Fossev. guage. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal.
Grammaire assyrienne. Paris: H. Welter, London, 1868-73. 8°. new series, v. 3. p.
1901. 3 p.l., vi, 112 p. 4°. *OCO 1-64; V. 4, p. 1-80; v. 6, p. i-lxxx.) * OAA
Language and Script, continued. Wright, William. Observations on the
Assyrian verb basu as compared with the
Teloni, Bruto. Crestomazia assira, con
paradigmi grammaticali. Firenze, 1887. 2
Hebrew verb haya, "he was." (Society of
Biblical Archaeology. Transactions. Lon-
p.l., iv, 144 p. 8°. (Societa asiatica italiana.
Pubblicazioni. v. 1.) * OAA don, 1874. 8°. V. 3, p. 104-109.) * YIA
Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert fitienne Ylvisaker, Sigurd C. Zur babylonischen
Jean Baptistc. The old Babylonian char- und assyrischen Grammatik; eine Unter-
acters and their Chinese derivates. Lon- suchung auf Grund der Briefe aus der Sar-
don: Babylonian and Oriental Record, gonidenzcit. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1912.
1888. 27 p. 8°. *OCKp.v,3 iv, 88 p. 8°. (Leipziger semitische Stu-
Eepr. : Babylonian and Oriental record, v. 2, p. dien. Bd. 5, Heft 6.) * OBC
73-99, * OCL.
Thureau-Dangin, Frangois. Fragments Zehnpfund, Rudolf. Uber babylonisch-
de syllabaires. (Revue d'assyriologie. assyrische Tafelschreibung. 1 pi. (Actes
Taris, 1907. 4°. v. 6, p. 128-132.) * OCL du huitieme Congres international des ori-
entalistes. Leide: E. J. Brill, 1893. 8°.
L'ordre des signes dans S". (Zeit- partie 2, section 1, p. 265-272.) * OAA
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Berlin, 1900. 8°.
Bd. 15, p. 162-177.) *OCL Zimmern, Heinrich. L'eber Rhythmus
Recherches sur I'origine de I'ecri- im Babvlonischen. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
ture cuneiforme. Partie 1 and supplement. ologie. Weimar, 1897. 8°. Bd. 12, p. 382-
Paris: E. Leroux, 1898-99. 2v.ini. 8°. 392.) * OCL
*oco Ein vorlaufiges Wort iiber babylo-
Sur quelques signes cuneiformes. nische Aletrik. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriolo-
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Berlin, 1900. gie. Berlin, 1893. 8°. Bd. 8, p. 121-124.)
8°. Bd. 15, p. 37-55.) * OCL *OCL
Ungnad, Arthur. Babjdonisch-assyrische Weiteres zur babylonischen Metrik.
Granimatik, mit Ubungsbuch (in Trans- (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar,
skription). Mitnchen: O. Beck, 1906. ix. 1895. 8°. Bd. 10, p. 1-24.) * OCL
163 p. 12°. *OCO Zur assyrischen und vergleichen-
Virolleaud, Ch. Liste des formes ver- den semitischen Lautlehre. (Zeitschrift
hales contenues dans Sai. (Babyloniaca. fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1890. 8°. Bd.
Paris, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 129-161.) * OCO 5, p. 367-398.) * OCL


Bezold, Carl. Die Fortschritte der Grotefend, Georg Friedrich. Bemerkun-

Kcilschriftforschung in neuester Zeit. gen zur Inschrift eines Thongefasses mit
Hamburg: A. G. Richter, 1889. 28 p. 8°. babylonischer Keilschrift. (Konigliche
(Sammlung gemeinverstiindlicher wissen- Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Got-
schaftlicher Vortrage. Neue Folge, Serie tingen. Abhandlungen. Historisch-philo-
3, Heft 65.) *Cand*OCK logische Classe. Gottingen, 1850. 4°.
Bd. 4, p. 3-18.) *EE
Booth, Arthur John. The discovery and
decipherment of the trilingual cuneiform Bemerkungen zur Inschrift eines
inscriptions. London: Longmans, Green Thongefasses mit ninivitischer Keilschrift.
(Konigliche Gesellschaft der Wissenschaf-
& Co., 1902. xvii, 459 p., 1 plan. 8°.
Abhandlungen. His-
*OMH ten zu Gottingen.
torisch-philologische Classe. Gottingen,
Botta, Paul £mile. Memoire sur I'ecri- 1850. 4°. Bd. 4, p. 175-193.) * EE
ture cuneiforme assyrienne. (Journal asi-
Erlauterung des Anfangs der
atique. Paris, 1847-48. 8°. serie 4, v. 9, p.
babylonischen Inschrift aus Behistun.
373-391, 465-505; v. 10, p. 121-148, 207-229.
(Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft.
296-324, 444-472; v. 11, p. 242-273.) * OAA Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1853. 8°. Bd. 7, p.
Dorow, Wilhelm. Die assyrische Kcil- 156-161.) *OAA
schrift erlautert durch zwei noch nicht Erlauterung der babylonischen
bekannt gevvordene Jaspis-Cylinder aus Keilinschriftcn aus Behistun. (Konigliche
Niniveh und Babylon... Wiesbaden: L. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften zu Gottin-
Schellenberg, 1820. 4 p.l., 62 p., 1 1., 3 pi. gen. Abhandlungen. Gottingen, 1856. 4°.
4" * OCO Bd. 6.) * EE

Decipherment, continued. Expose des elements constitutifs du

systeme de la troisieme ecriture cune-
Erlautcrung einiger Urkundcn in iforme de Persepolis. Paris: A. Franck.
babylonischcr Keilschrift. (Deutsche mor- 1847. 101 p. 8°. *OCO
eenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift.
Leipzig, 1854. 8°. Bd. 8, p. 229-238.) Luzzatto, Filossino. Le sanscritisme de
*OAA la languc assyrienne; ou. Les restes de la

Eriauterung der Inschrift aus den langue assyrienne recueillis et expliques

Oberzimmern in Nimrud. (Deutsche mor- par la Sanscrit. £tudes prcliminaires au
Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. dechiffrement des inscriptions assyriennes.
Leipzig, 1853. 8°. Bd. 7, p. 79-86.) * OAA
Padoue: chez A. Bianchi, 1849. 80 p. 16'.
Neue Beitrage zur Eriauterung der Menant, Joachim. Les ecritures cune-
babylonischen Keiischrift. Hannover: . .
iformes, expose des travaux qui ont pre-
Im Verlage der Hahn'schen Hofbuchhand- pare la lecture et I'interpretation des in-
lung, 1840. 72 p., 1 pi. 4°. t*OMH scriptions de la Perse et de I'Assyrie.
Remarks on the wedge inscrip- Paris: B. Duprat, 1860. 2 p.l., 214 p., 11.
tion recentlj^ discovered on the upper Eu- 4°. *OCK
phrates. .being a commentary on certain
Inscriptions assyriennes des briques
fundamental principles in the art of de- de Babjdone. Essai de lecture et d'inter-
ciphering the cuneatic characters. (Syro- pretation. Paris: B. Duprat, 1859. 2 p.l..
Egyptian Societv. Original papers. Lon- 54 p., 1 1., 2 pi. 4°. *OCO
don, 1845. 8°. V. 1, p. 125-139.) * OBKG
Messerschmidt, Leopold. Die Entziffe-
Die Tributverzeichnisse des Obelis-
rung der Keilschrift. Leipzig: J. C. Hin-
ken aus Nimrud nebst Vorbemerkungen
Ursprung und richs. 1903. 32 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient.
iiber den verschiedenen
Jahrg. 5, Heft 2.) * OAC
Charakter der persischen und assyrischen
Keilschrift und Zugaben iiber die babylo- Olshausen, Justus. Priifung des Cha-
nische current- und medische Keilschrift. rakters der in den assyrischen Keilinschrif-
(Konigliche Gesellschaft der \Vissenschaf- ten enthaltenen semitischen Sprache.
ten zu Gottingen. Abhandlungen. His- (Koeniglich Preussische Akademie der
torisch-philologische Classe. Gottingen. W'issenschaften. Abhandlungen. Philol.-
1853. 4°. Bd.^5. p. 207-298.) * EE hist. Klasse. Berlin, 1865. 4°. Jahrg.
Hager, Joseph. A dissertation on the 1864, p. 475-496.) * EE
newly discovered Babylonian inscriptions. Oppert, Jules, fitudes assj^riennes. In-
London: A. Tilloch, 1801. xxiii, 62 p., 5 pi. scription de Borsippa, relative a la res-
4°. *OCK tauration de la tour des langues par Nabu-
chodonosor. (Journal asiatique. Paris,
Hincks, Edward. On the first and sec- 8°.
(Royal 1857. serie 5, V. 9, p. 125-209, 490-548;
ond kind of Persepolitan writing.
Irish Academj-. Transactions. Dublin.
V. 10, p. 168-226.) * OAA
1848. 4°. v. 21, p. 114-132.) * EC Rapport surprogres du dechiffre-
On the Khorsabad inscriptions. ment des ecritures cuneiformes. (Congres
Dublin: M. H. Gill, 1850. 72 p. 4°. * OCK international des orientalistes. Compte-
Repr. : Royal Irish Academy. Transactions, v. 22, rendu de la premiere session. Paris:
part 2, p. 1-72, * EC. Alaisonneuve et Cie., 1876. 8°. tome 2,

the three kinds of Persepolitan p. 117-148.) *OAA
writing and on the Babylonian lapidary Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke. Bi-
characters. (Roval Irish Academy. Trans-
actions. Dublin, 1848. 4°. v. 21, p. 233-
lingual readings —
Cuneiform and Phoeni-
cian. Notes on some tablets in the British
248.) * EC Museum, containing bilingual legends (As-
Hitzig, Ferdinand. Sprache und Sprach- syrian and Phoenician"). (Royal Asiatic
en Assvriens. Leipzig: S. Hirzel, 1871. iv Societ}-. Journal. London, 1865. 8°. new
p.. 1 l..'94p., 11. 8°. *OCO series, v. 1, p. 187-246.) * OAA
Holtzmann, Adolf. Neue Inschriften in
A commentary on
the cuneiform in-
scriptions Babylonia and Assyria, in-
Keilschrift und zweiten Art.
der ersten
cluding readings of the inscription on the
(Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Nimrod obelisk and a brief notice of the
Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1854. 8°. Bd. 8, p. ancient kings of Nineveh and Babylon.
539-547.) * OAA London: J. \V. Parker, 1850. 1 p.l., 83 p..

Loewenstern, Isidore. Essai de dechiffre-

Ipl. 8°. *OCK
ment de I'ecriture assyrienne pour servir Memoir on the Bab)'lonian and As-
a I'explication du monument de Khorsabad. syrian inscriptions. (Royal Asiatic Soci-
Paris: A. Franck. 1845. 4 p.l., 7-36 p.. 3 pi. ety. Journal. London, 1851. 8°. v. 14.
A\ * OCO parti.) *OAA
Dcciphcnncni, co)i tinned. babylonischen Keilinschriften. Kritische
Untersuchung der Grundlagen ihrer Ent-
On the inscriptions of Assyria and zifferung. (Deutsche morgenlandische Ge-
Babylonia. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour- Leipzig, 1872. 8°.
sellschaft. Zeitschrift.
nal. London, 1850. 8°. v. 12, p. 401-483.) Bd. * OAA
26, p. 1-392.)
Saulcy, Louis Felicien Joseph Caignart Die Basis der Entzifferung der
de. Lexique de I'inscription assyrienne de assyrisch-babylonischen Keilinschriften.
Behistoun. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1855. (Deutsche morgenlandische Gesellschaft.
8°. serie 5, v. 5, p. 109-197.) * OAA Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1869. 8°. Bd.
23, p.
Traduction de I'inscription assyri-
enne de Behistoun. (Journal asiatique. Talbot, Henry Fox. Four new syllaba-
Paris, 1854. 8°. serie v. 3, 93-160.) ries and a bilingual tablet; edited with
5, p.
*OAA notes and remarks, by H. F. Talbot. (So-
ciety of Biblical Archaeology.
Sayce, Archibald Henry. The archaeol- tions. London, 1874. 8°. v. 3, p. 496-529.)
ogy of cuneiform inscriptions.London: *YIA
Society for Promoting Christian Knowl- Translation of some Assyrian in-
edge, 1907. vi, 7-220 p., 2 maps, 14 pi. 8°.
scriptions. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour-
*OCK nal. London, 1861. 8°. v. 18, p. 35-105,
Schrader, Eberhard. Die assyrisch- 362-369.) * OAA

SuMERiAN Language
Ball, Charles James. The Accadian af- L'incorporation verbale en acca-
finities ofChinese. (Transactions of the dien. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1886.
ninth International Congress of Oriental- 4°. v.l, p. 105-115, 148-161.) * OCL
ists. London, 1893. 8°. v. 2, p. 677-728.) Notes on the Assyrian and Ak-
*OAA kadian pronouns. (Royal Asiatic Society.
Chinese and Sumerian. London: Journal. London, 1885, 8°. new series,
Oxford University Press, 1913. xxiii, 151 v. 17, p. 65-88.) * OAA
p., 81. 4°. t*OCP L'ordre syntactique en sumero-
Ideograms common to Accadian accadien. (Revue d'assyriologie Paris,
and Chinese. (Society of Biblical Archae- 1892. 4°. v. 2, p. 47-60.) *OCL
ology. Proceedings. London, 1891. 8°. The pre-Akkadian Semites. (Royal
V. 13, p. 83-105, 368-382, 484-495.) * YIA Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1886.
The new Accadian. (Society of
8°. new series, v. 18, p. 409-436.) * OAA
Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. Lon- Bezold, Carl. Akkadisch. (In: Florile-
don, 1890. 8°. V. 12, p. 4-41, 53-80, 207- gium; ou, Recueil de travaux d'erudition
222, 269-287, 394-418.) * YIA dedies a Monsieur le marquis Melchior de
Semitic and Sumerian. (Hilprecht Vogue. Paris, 1909. 4°. p. 53-58.)
anniversary volume. Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p. t*OAC
33-59.) * OCK Bruennow, Rudolph Ernst, and others.
Correspondance sumerologique. (Revue
Sidelights on Sumerian. (Society semitique. 1905-13.
Paris, 8°. annee 13,
of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. p. 259-275; anneep. 310-333,
15, 455-481;
London, 1909. 8°. v. 31, p. 70-73, 239-246.) annee 16, p. 62-64, 176-190, 302-323, 480-
483; annee 17, p. 107-109, 168-222, 296-311,
Barton, George Aaron. The expression 465-469; annee 18, p. 67-69, 463-475; annee
sa-dug in early Sumerian texts. (Ameri- 19, p. 191-196; annee 20, p. 81-82; annee 21,
can journal of Semitic languages and p. 145-155.) * OAA
literatures. Chicago, 1911. 8°. v. 28, p. Opinions et observations sur le
63-65.) * OBA sumcrien. (Revue semitique. Paris, 1906-
Bertin, George. Abridged grammars of 07. 8°. annee 14, p. 83-92, 155-180, 245-
the languages of the cuneiform inscriptions 278, 339-366; annee 15, p. 69-84, 226-245.)
containing: i. A Sumero-Akkadian gram- OAA
mar; II. An Assyro-Babylonian grammar; Brummer, Vincent. Die sumcrischen
HI.A Vannic grammar; iv. A Medic gram- Vcrbal-Afformative nach den altesten
mar; V. An old Persian grammar. London: Keilinschriften l)is herab auf Gudea (ca.
Trubner & Co., 1888. viii, 117 p. 12°. 3300 V. Chr.) einschliesslich. Leipzig: O.
(Triibner's collection of simplified gram- Harrassowitz, 1905. v p., 11., 82 p. 8°.
mars, no. 17.) * OCO *OCP

Sitnicrian Language, continued. Sumirisch-grammatische Miszellen.

(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg,
Chossat, fidouard de. Repertoire sume-
rien (accadien). Lyon: A. L. Perrin. 1882.
1911. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 89-113.) * OCL
vip., 1 1., 217 p. 8°. *OCP Genouillac, H. de. Vocabulaire sumero-
babylonien a I'usage des devins d'Ourouk
Conder, Claude Reignier. Notes on Ak-
datant de I'epoque des Seleucides. (Revue
kadian. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. 4°.
d'assyriologie. Paris, 1913. v. 10, p.
London, 1893. 8°. 1893, p. 855-867.)
*OAA 71-82.) * OCL
Deimel, Antonius. Vocabularium Sume- Guyard, Stanislas. Questions sumero-
ricuni ad textus archaicos, vdl: historicos et accadiennes. (Zeitschrift fiir Keilschrift-
alios quosdam, qui administrationem tem- forschung. Leipzig, 1884. 8°. Bd. 1, p.
plorum potissimum et palatiorum princi- 96-114.) *OCL
pum spectant. Ad usum privatum auditor- Halevy, Joseph. Analyse comparative
um edidit A. Deimel. Romae: G. Speranza, de quelques phonemes sumeriens presar-
1910. 581. f°. (Pontificioistitutobiblico.)
goniques. (Revue semitique. Paris, 1913.
t*OCP 8°. annee21, p. 39-44.) * OAA
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Grundziige der
sumerischen Grammatik. Leipzig: J. C. Analyses sumeriennes. (Revue
Hinrichs, 1914. xxv, 158 p. 8°. (Hilfs- semitique. Paris, 1913. 8°. annee21, p.
biicher zur Kunde des alten Orients. Bd. 264-286.) * OAA
5.) * OCP Apergu grammatical
de I'allo-
Prince, John Dyneley. Delitzsch's Su- graphie assyro-babylonienne. (Actes du
merian grammar. (American journal of sixieme Congres international des oriental-
Semitic languages and literatures. Chica- istes. Leide: E. J. Brill, 1885. 8°. partie 2.
go, 1914. 8°. V. 31, p. 67-78.) *OBA section 1, p. 535-568.) * OAA
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Sumerisches Glos- Un aveu de M. Ungnad. (Revue
sar. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1914. xxvii, semitique. Paris, 1912-13. 8°. annee 20,
296 p. 4°. *OCP p.365-377; annee 21, p. 45-52.) * OAA
Prince, John Dj-neley. Delitzsch's "Su- La decouverte d'un criterium sume-
merisches Glossar." (American journal of rien. (Revue semitique. Paris, 1902. 8°.
Semitic languages and literatures. Chica- annee 10, p. 159-171.) * OAA
go, 1915. 8°. V. 31, p. 160-167.) * DBA Des mots sumeriens dans la Bible.

Donner, O. See Haupt, Paul. (Revue semitique. Paris, 1913. 8°. annee
21, p. 326-338.) * OAA
Edkins, Joseph. Accadian and Chinese.
(China review. Hongkong, 1887. 8°. v. Deux
specimens de philologie
15, p. 295-298.) * OVA sumero-turque. (Revue semitique. Paris,
1903. 8°. annee 11, p. 269-273.) * OAA
Accadian origin of Chinese writing.
(China review. Hongkong, 1897. 8°. v. Encore I'inventeur d'un criterium
22, p. 765-768.) * OVA sumerien. (Revue semitique. Paris, 1905.
8°. annee 13, p. 124-170.) * OAA
The Sumerian vocabularv. (China
review. Hongkong, 1900. 8°. v. 25, p. 2,7- Investigations grammaticales sume-
38.) * OVA riennes. (Revue semitique. Paris, 1910.
Fossey, Charles. Contribution au dic- 8°. annee 18, p. 61-66.) * OAA
tionnaire sumerien-assyrien. (Supplement Lectures erronees a corriger avis
a la "Classified list" de Briinnow.) fasc. aux sumeristes. (Revue semitique. Paris,
1-2. Paris: E. Leroux, 1905-07. sq. 4°. 1911. 8°. annee 19, p. 197-200, 340-343.)
fitudes sumeriennes. (Journal asi-
AI. C. P. Tiele et la question sume-
atique. Paris, 1905-08. 8°. serie 10, v. 5.
rienne. (Revue semitique. Paris. 1900.
p. 105-129; v. 11, p. 177-182.) * OAA 8°. annee 8, p. 9-22.) * OAA

Les permutations des consonnes en
sumerien. (Hilprecht anniversary volume. La nais^ance du sumerien. (Revue
Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p. 105-120.) * OCK semitique. Paris, 1899. 8°. annee 7, p.
La question sumerienne, recherche
158-165.) *OAA
d'un criterium. (Academie des inscrip- Notes de grammaire sumerienne.
tions et belles-lettres. Comptes rendus. Les innovations de M. M. Witzel. (Revue
Paris, 1901. 8°. 1901, p. 696-706.) * EO semitique. Paris, 1913-14. 8°. annee 21.
p. 156-177, 287-317, 403-423; annee 22. p. 51-
Galgoczy, Johann. Sumirisch-gramma- * OAA
tische Erorterungen. (Zeitschrift fiir As-
syriologie. Strassburg, 1909. 8°. Bd. 23. Notes sumeriennes. (Revue semi-
p. 55-72.) * OCL tique. Paris, 1893-1910. 8°. annee 1, p.
Sumerian Language, continued. en Orientalisten-Congresses. Berlin: A.

187-190. 286-288; annee 2, p. 270-280; annee

Asher & Co., 1882. 8°. Theil 2, Halfte 1,
annee 6, p. 274-278, 373-375;
p. 249-287.) * OAA
3, p. 88-90;
annee 14, p. 374-375; annee 15, p. 84-100, Hommel, Fritz. Die neueren Resultate
334-350. 482-498; annee 16, p. 65-84, 191- der sumerischen Forschung. (Deutsche
208, 324-329, 466-479; annee 17. p. 70-80, morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift.
312-343, 433-465; annee 18, p. 70-75. 163- Leipzig, 1878. 8°. Bd. 32, p. 177-186.)
179.) *OAA *OAA
Notes sumero-hongroises. (Revue The Sumerian language and its af-
semitique. Paris, 1911. 8°. annee 19, p. finities. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal.
368-374.) * OAA London, 1886. 8°. new series, v. 18, p. 351-
363.) * OAA
La nouvelle evolution de I'acca-
disme. Paris: E. Leroux, 1876. 16 p. 8°. Die sumero-akkadische Sprache und
*OCP ihre Verwandtschaftsverhaltnisse. (Zeit-
schrift fiir Keilschriftforschung. Leipzig,
Observations critiques sur les pre- 1884. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 161-178, 195-221, 323-
tendus Touraniens de la Babylonie. (Jour- 342.) * OCL
nal asiatique. Paris, 1874. 8°. serie 7, v. 3,
* OAA Hopkins, L. C.Chinese and Sumerian.
p. 461-536.)
pi. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
Precis d'allographie assyro-babj^- ceedings. London, 1914-15. 8°. v. 36, p.
lonienne. Paris: E. Leroux, 1912. xxix, 269-273; v. 37, p. 24-33, 50-59, 75-86.)
472 p. 12\ *OCP *YIA
Repr. Revue semitique, annee 18, p. 208-217, 269-

324, 408-462; annee 19, p. 30-95, 160-190, 266-337, Hrozny, Friedrich. Das Problem der
419-451, * OAA. sumerischen Dialekte und das geographi-
sche System der Sumerier. (Wiener Zeit-
La pretendue langue d'Accad; est- schrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes.
elletouranienne? Replique a Fr. Lenor-
Wien, 1906. 8°. Bd. 20, p. 281-290.)
mant. Paris: E. Leroux, 1875. 31 p. 8°.
Les pretendus mots "sumeriens" Jastrow, Morris, the younger. A new
aspect of the Sumerian question. (Ameri-
empruntes en assyrien. (Revue semitique.
Paris, 1904-05. 8°. annee 12, p. 229-245, can journal of Semitic languages and liter-
325-348; annee 13, p. 23-53.) * OAA atures. Chicago, 1906. 8°. v. 22, p. 89-
109.) * OBA
Sumerisme et africanisme. (Revue
8°. annee 12, p. Bemerkungen zu einigen
Jensen, Peter.
semitique. Paris, 1904.
sumerischen und assyrischen Verwandt-
175-186.) * OAA schaftswortern. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
Traits caracteristiques de la langue ologie. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 386-
sumerienne. (Revue semitique. Paris,
. . 413.) *OCL
1912. 8°. annee 20, p. 265-272.) * OAA Johnston, Christopher. The Sumero-
Verbes composes sumeriens. (Re- Akkadian question. (American Oriental
vue semitique. Paris, 1908-09. 8°, annee Society. Journal. New Haven, 1893. 8°.
16, p. 330-338; annee 17, p. 81-90.) * OAA V. 15, p. 317-322.) *OAA
See also Bruennow, Rudolph E., and Kramar, Karel. O
others. jednote jazykove. (Kralovska ceska spo-
lecnost nauk, Prague. Sitzungsberichte.
Haupt, Paul. Die akkadische Sprache. Classe fiir Philosophic, Geschichte und
Vortrag gehalten auf dem fiinften interna- Philologie. Prag, 1905. 8°. 1905, no. 4.)
tionalen Orientalisten-Congresse zu Ber- *QCB
lin. Mit dem Keilschrifttexte des fiinf-
spaltigen Vocabulars K. 4225 sowie zweier
Langdon, Stephen. The principles of
Sumerian noun formation. (Babyloniaca.
Fragmente der babylonischen Sintfluther-
zahlung und einem Anhange von O.
Paris, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 1-8.) * OCO
Donner iiber die Verwandtschaft des Sumerian-Assyrian vocabularies.
sumerisch-akkadischen mit den ural-altai- (Babyloniaca. Paris. 1908-11. 8°. v. 2. p.
schen Sprachen. Berlin: A. Asher & Co.. 199-208. 282-288; v. 3, p. 145-196, 259-265;
1883. xliv, 48p. 8°. * OCP V.4, p. 9-56.) *OCO
Sumerian dove, and nam, swal-
tu, The Sumerian expression si-ni-tum
low. (Societv of Oriental Research. Jour- capital, balance carried forward. (Baby-
nal. Chicago, 1917. 8°. v. 1, p. 3-9.) loniaca. Paris, 1912. 8'. v. 6, p. 41-53.)
Die sumerisch-akkadische Sprache. A Sumerian grammar and chresto-
(Verhandlungen des fiinften international- mathy with a vocabulary of the principal

Sunicriaii Language, continued. Poebel, Arno. Die Genetivkonstruktion

im Sumerischen. (Babyloniaca. Paris,
roots in Sumerian and a of the most
important syllabic and vowel transcrip- 1911. 8°. V. 4, p. 193-215.) * OCO
tions. Paris: P. Gcuthner, 1911. vii, ii p.. Grammatical texts. Philadelphia:
1 1., 310 p., 1 1. 8°. *OCP University Museum, 1914. 122 p. 4°. (Uni-
Sumerian grammatical texts. Phila- versity of Pennsylvania. Museum: Baby- —
delphia: University Museum, 1917. 44 p., lonian Section. Publications, v. 6, no. 1.)
11.. 58 pi. 4°. (University of Pennsyl- *OCL
vania. —
Museum: Babylonian .Section. Historical and grammatical texts.
Publications, v. 12, no. 1.) * OCL by Arno Poebel. Philadelphia: University
Sumerian loan-words in Babylo- Aluseum, 1914. 3 p.l., cxxv facs. 4°. (Uni-
nian. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1908. 8°. v. 2. versity of Pennsylvania. Museum: Baby- —
p. 102-120.) * OCO lonian Section. Publications, v. 5.) * OCL
Syntax of compound verbs in Su- sumerischen Personennamen
merian. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1908. 8°. zur Zeit der Dynastie von Larsani und der
V. 2, p. 65-101.) * OCO ersten Dynastie von Babylon. Breslau:
H. Fleischmann, 1910. 44 p., 11. 8°.
La syntaxe du verbe sumerien. *OCP
(Babyloniaca. Paris, 1907. 8°. v. 1. p.
211-286.) *OCO Das Verbum im Sumerischen.
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg,
Ledrain, Eugene. Dictionnaire de la 1908. 8°. Bd. 21, p. 216-236.) * OCL
langue de I'ancienne Chaldee. Paris: E.
Leroux, 1898, 6 p.l., 570 p., 1 1. 4°. f * OCP Prince, John Dyneley. Certain grammati-
cal phenomena in Sumerian. (American
Lenormant, Frangois. fitudes accadi- journal of Semitic languages and litera-
ennes. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie., 1873- tures. Chicago, 1911. 8°. v. 27, p. 328-
4°. assyriologiques.
79. 3 V. (Lettres 330.) * OBA
serie2.) * OCO
The and second persons in
fitudes cuneiformes. (Journal asi- Sumerian. (American journal of Semitic
atique. Paris, 1877. 8°. serie 7, v. 9, p. languaees and literatures. Chicago, 1903.
235-254; V. 10, p. 116-156.) * OAA 8°. V. 19, p. 203-227.) * OAA
La langue
primitive de la Chaldee Materials for a Sumerian lexicon
et les idiomes touraniens. fitude de philo- with a grammatical introduction... Leip-
logie et d'histoire suivie d'un glossaire zig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1908. 1 p.l., xxxvi, 414
accadien. Paris: Alaisonneuve & Cie., 1875. p. 4°. (Assyriologische Bibliothek. Bd.
viii, 455 p. 4°. f * OCP 19.) t*OCQ
Les principes de comparaison de Striking phenomena of Sumerian.
I'accadien et des langues touraniennes. (American Oriental Society. Journal.
Reponse a une critique. Paris: E. Leroux, New Haven, 1914. 8°. v. 34, p. 321-328.)
1875. 24 p. 8°. *OCP *OAA
Recherches philologiques sur quel- Sumerian as (Ameri-
a language.
ques expressions accadiennes et assyri- can journal of Semitic languages and litera-
ennes. (Recueil de travaux relatifs a la tures. Chicago, 1907. 8°. v. 23, p. 202-
philologie et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et 219.) *OBA
assyriennes. Paris, 1870. 4°. v. 1, p. 59-
62, 103-107.) * OBKG The verbal prefixes and infixes in
Sumerian. (.\merican journal of Semitic
Mueller, David Heinrich. Die Wortfolge languages and literatures. Chicago. 1908.
bei Hammurabi und die sumerische Frage. 8°. V. 24, p. 354-365.) * OBA
(Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde des
Morgenlandes. Wien. 1903-04. 8°. Bd. The vocabulary of Sumerian.
17, p. 337-342; Bd. 91-96.) * OAA (American Oriental Society. Journal.
18, p.
New Haven, 1904. 8°. v. 25, p. 49-67.)
Oppert, Jules. fitudes sumeriennes. *OAA
(Journal asiatique. Paris, 1875. 8°. serie
7, V. 5, p. 267-318, 442-500.) * OAA Sayce, Archibald Henry. The Accadian
numerals. (Deutsche morgenlandische
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. Obser- Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1873.
vations upon the languages of the early in- 8°. Bd. 27, p. 696-702.) * OAA
habitants of Mesopotamia. (Royal Asiatic
Society. Journal. London, 1884. 8°. new Accadian phonology. (Philologi-
series, v. 16, p. 301-324.) * OAA cal Society. Transactions. London, 1879.
8°. 1877-79, p. 123-142.) RAA
Sumerian or cryptography. 4 pi.
(Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, Schrader, Eberhard. 1st das Akkadische
1900. 8°. 1900, p. 75-96.) * OAA der Keilinschriften eine Sprache oder eine
Sumeriaii Language, continued. Toscanne, Paul. fitudes sur la langue
sumerienne. Preface de M. J. Oppert.
Schrift? (Deutsche morgenlandische Ge-
8°. serie 1. Paris: E. Leroux, 1904. 4°.
sellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1875.
Bd. 29, p. 1-52.) * OAA t*OCP
Les signes sumeriens derives (les
Strassmaier, J. N. Alphabetisches Ver- gunii). Preface de M. J. Oppert. Paris:
zeichniss der assj'rischen und akkadischen E. Leroux, 1905. 2 p.l., 69 f. 4°. f * OCP
Worter der "Cuneiform inscriptions of
western Asia." vol. ii. Sowie anderer M. Sumerian and Georgian:
meist unveroffentlichter Inschriften. Mit a study in comparative philology. (Royal
zahlreichen Erganzungen und Verbesser-
Asiatic Society. Journal. London, 1913.
ungen luid einem Worterverzeichniss zu
8°. 1913, p. 783-821; 1914, p. 1-36.) * OAA
den in den Verhandlungen des vi. Oriental- Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. Die sume-
isten-Congresses zu Leiden veroffentlich- rische Frage. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1898.
ten babylonischen Inschriften. Leipzig: ivp., 21., 184 p. 8°. *OCP
J. C. Hinrichs, 1886. iv. 1144 p., 21.. 66 p.
4°. (Assj-riologische Bibliothek. Bd. 4.) Witzel, Maurus. Untersuchungen iiber
t*OCQ die sumerischen Verbal-Praformative
(Teildruck). Leipzig: A. Pries, 1912. 2
Terrien de Lacouperie, Albert fitienne 42 p. 8°.
p.l., *OCP
Jean Baptiste. Akkadian and Sumerian in
comparative philology. (Babylonian and Untersuchungen iiber die Verbal-
Praformative im Sumerischen nebst zahl-
Oriental record. London, 1886. 8°. v. 1,
reichen Hinweisen auf die Verbalaffixe;
p. 1-7.) * OCL mit einem ausfiihrlichen Verzeichnis der
Thureau-Dangin, Frangois. Le sume- Verbalformative in L^mschrift und Uber-
risme de M. Delitzsch. (Revue semitique. setzung. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1912.
Paris, 1907. 8°. annee 15, p. 499-521.) 140 p. 8°. (Beitrage zur Assvriologie.

*OAA Bd.8, Heft 5.) '

Sur les prefixes du verbe sumerien. Zimmern, Heinrich. Akkadische Fremd-
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg, worter als Beweis babj-lonischen Kul-

1907. 8°. Bd. 20, p. 380-404.) * OCL tureinfluss. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1915.

Un texte grammatical sumerien.

2 p.l., 72 p. 4°. t*OCP
Repr. Renunziationsprogramm
: der philosophi-
(Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1914. 4°. v. schen Fakultat der Universitat Leipzig fiir 1913-
11. p. 43-53.) *OCL 1914.

Sumerian Literature and the Sumerians

Sec also Religiox

AUotte de la Fuye, Frangois M. Docu- Chiera, Edward. Legal and administra-

ments presargoniques. fascicule 1, partie tive documents from Nippur, chiefly from
1-2; fascicule 2, partie 1-2. Paris: E. Le- the dynasties of Isin and Larsa. Philadel-
roux, 1908-13. i°. t*OCP phia: University Museum, 1914. 110 p., 21..
61 facs. 4°. (University of Pennsylvania.
Notes sumeriennes. (Revue d'as-
— Museum: Babj'lonian Section. Publica-
syriologie. Paris, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p. tions. V.8, no. 1.) *OCL
154.) *OCL
Clay, Albert Tobias. Miscellaneous in-
Barton, George Aaron. Sumerian busi- scriptions in the Yale Babylonian collec-
ness and administrative documents from tion. New Haven: Yale University Press.
the earliest times to the dynasty of Agade. 1915. viii p.. 21., 108 p.. 11.. 55 pi. 4°.
Philadelphia: University Museum, 1915. (Yale Oriental series. Babvlonian texts,
33 p., 2 1., Ixxiv facs. 4°. (University of '
Pennsylvania. —
Museum: Babylonian Sec-
v. 1.)

tion. Publications, v. 9, no. 1.) * OCL Genouillac, H. de. Tablettes sumeri-

ennes archaiques. Materiaux pour servir
Bedale, Charles Lees. Sec John Rylands a I'histoire de la societe sumerienne, pub-
Library, Manchester. lies avec introduction, transcription, tra-
Berens, Randolph Humphrey. The duction et tables par H. de Genouillac.
Babylonian tablets of the Berens collec- Paris: P. Geuthner, 1909. Ixxi, 122 p., 41

tion, by Theophilus G.* Pinches. .with .

pi. f°. t*OCP
copies of texts and seals. London: Royal Halevy, Joseph. Sumeriens et Semites
Asiatic Society. 1915. xi, 172p. 8°. (.Aisi- in Babylonie. (Revue semitique. Paris,
atic Society. Monographs, v. 16.) * OCP 1907. 8^ annee 15, p. 184-225.) * OAA


Sumerian Literature, etc., continued. Langdon, Stephen. Some Sumerian

contracts. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Le sumerisme et I'histoire baby-
Strassburg, 1911. 8°. Bd. 25, p. 205-214.)
loniennc. (Revue semitique. Paris, 1900- *OCL
01. 8°. annee 8. p. 239-251. 308-369; annee
9, p. 7-63, 117-127, 234-243.) * OAA A Sumerian legend concerning Dul-
Azag. 1 pi. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1910.
Le sumerisme dans I'lnde. (Revue 8°. V. 3, p. 79-80.) * OCO
semitique. Paris, 1904. 8°. annee 12, p.
85-87.) * OAA Sumerians and Semites in Baby-
lonia. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1908. v.
Les tablettes greco-babyloniennes 137-161.) *OCO
2, p.
et le sumerisme. [Paris: G. Maurin, 1902.)
28 p. 8°. *OCKp.v.3 Margolis, Elias. Sumerian temple docu-
Repr.: Revue semitique, annee 10, p. 241-268, ments. New York: [International Press,
* OAA. 1915. 63 p. 8°. *OCP
Haupt, Paul. Akkadischc und sumerische Mercer, Samuel A. B. Sumerian morals.
Keilschrifttexte nach den Originalen im (Society of Oriental Research. Journal.
Britischen Aluseum copirt und mit ein- Chicago. 1917. 8°. v. 1, p. 47-84.) * OAA
leitenden Zusammenstellungen sowie er-
klarenden Anmerkungen hrsg. von Paul Meyer, Eduard. Sumerier und Semiten
Haupt. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1881-82. in Babylonien.
9 pi. (Koniglich Preus-
220 p. 4°. (Assyriologische Bibliothek. sische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Ab-
Bd. 1.) t*OCQ handlungen. Philos.-hist. Klasse. Ber-
Einige Verbesserungen und Nach-
lin. 1906. 4°. 1906, Abh. 3, p. 1-125.) * EE
trage zu meinen Akkadischen und sume- Myhrman, David Wilhelm. Sumerian
rischen Keilschrifttexten. (Zeitschrift fiir administrative documents dated in the
Keilschriftforschung. Leipzig, 1885. 8°. reigns of the kings of the second dynasty
Bd. 2, p. 267-284.) * OCL of Ur from the temple archives of Nippur,
preserved in Philadelphia. Philadelphia:
Die Familiengesetze
in Keilschrift,Transcription und tjberset- University of Pennsylvania. 1910. xii, 146
zung, nebst ausfiihrlichem Commentar p.. 11., 82 pi. f°. (University of Pennsyl-
und zahlreichen Excursen. Eine assyri- vania. Babylonian expedition, series A:
ologische Studie. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. Cuneiform texts, v. 3, parti.) f * OCP
1879. xii. 75 p. 4°. * OCY Nesbit, William Marsiglia. Sumerian
Hogg, Hope W. Inscribed nail of Ellil- records from Drehem. New York: Colum-
bani, twelfthking of the Babylonian dynas- bia University Press, 1914. xiv, 71 p., 10 pi.
ty of Isin. 4 pi. (Manchester Oriental 8°. (Columbia University Oriental studies.
Societ3\ Journal. Manchester, 1911. 8°. V. 8.) * OCP
1911, p. 1-20.) *OAA Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. Lament
Hrozny, Friedrich. Ninib und Sumer. over the desolation of Ur (Mukeyyer).
(Revue semitique. Paris, 1908. 8°. annee (Babvlonian and Oriental record. Lon-
16, p. 339-354. 455-465.) * OAA don. 1888. 8°. V. 2, p. 60-63.) * OCL
Hussey, Mary Inda.
Sumerian tablets in Sumerian women
field-work. for
the Harvard Semitic Museum. Copied (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London,
with introduction and index of names and 1915. 8°. 1915, p. 457-463.) * OAA
persons by M. I. Hussey. part 1-2. Cam- Hum-
See also Berens, Randolph
bridge: Harvard University, 1912-15. 2 v.
f°. (Harvard Semitic series, v. 3-4.)
t*OBC Poebel, Arno. Historical and grammati-
Jensen, Peter. De incantamentis non- cal texts, by Arno Poebel. Philadelphia:
University Museum, 1914. 3 p.l., cxxv facs.
nuUis Sumerico-Assj-riis. Monachii: P.
Straub (1883,. 2 p.l., 44 p., 2 1. 8°. * OCP 4°. (University of Pennsylvania. Mu- —
seum: Babvlonian Section. Publications.
John Rylands Library. Manchester. V. 5.) * OCL
Sumerian tablets from Umma in the John
Rylands Library. Manchester; transcribed, Historical texts. Philadelphia: Uni-
transliterated, and translated by C. L. Be- versity Museum, 1914. 242 p. 4°. (Uni-
dale. .with a foreword by C. H. W. Johns.
versity of Pennsylvania. Museum: Baby- —
Manchester: University Press, 1915. xv. lonian Section. Publications, v. 4, no. 1.)
16 p., 10 pi. f°. t*OCP *OCL
King, Leonard William. A new example Pettier, Edmond.
Les Sumeriens de la
of Sumerian line-engraving upon shell. 1 Chaldee d'apres les monuments du Louvre.
pi. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro- (Revue de I'art ancien et moderne. Paris.
ceedings. London, 1910. 8°. v. 32, p. 243- 1909-10. 4°. v. 26. p. 409-420; v. 27, p. 39-
245.) * YIA 52.) MAA
Smiicriaii Literature, etc., continued. 45 facs. (Hilprecht anniversary volume.
Prince, John Dyneley. Akkadian An
Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p. 374-457.) * OCK
cruciform monument. (American journal Sayce, Archibald Henry. The use of
of Semitic languages and literatures. Chi- papyrus as a writing material among the
cago, 1912. 8°. V. 29, p. 95-110.) *OBA Accadians. (Society of Biblical Archaeol-
og}'. Transactions. London, 1872. 8°.
The unilingual inscriptions K. 138 v.^1, p. 343-345.) *YIA
and K. 3232 translated. (American Orien-
tal Society. Journal. New Haven. 1901. Thureau-Dangin, Frangois. Les inscrip-
8°. V. 21, part 2, p. 1-22.) * OAA tions de Sumcr et d'Akkad. Transcription
et traduction par Frangois Thureau-Dan-
Radau, Hugo. Miscellaneous Sumerian gin. Paris: E. Leroux, 1905. 352 p. 8°.
texts from the temple librarj'- of Nippur. *OCP


Abel, Ludwig. See Keilinschriftliche A new

collation of the Blau monu-
Bibliothek. ments. (American Oriental Society. Jour-
AUotte de la Fuye, Frangois Docu-
nal. New Haven, 1903. 8°. v. 24, p. 388-
ments presargoniques. fasc.
1, partie 1-2;
389.) * OAA
fasc. 2, partie 1-2. Paris: E. Leroux. 1908- Notes on an archaic inscription
13. f°. tt*OCP published by Father Scheil. (American
Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven,
Assyriologische Bibliothek, hrsg. von 1901. 8°. V. 22, p. 126-128.) * OAA
Friedrich Delitzsch und Paul Haupt. Bd.
1-23, Lieferung 1. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, Some notes on the Blau monu-
1881-1915. 4°. t*OCQ ments. (American Oriental Society. Jour-
nal. New Haven, 1901. 8°. v. 22, p. 11&-
Babylonische Texte. Heft l-6b, 7-12. 125.) * OAA
Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer, 1887-97. 2 v. 8°.
Bezold, Carl. LTeber Keilinschriften.
*OCQ Berlin: C. Habel, 1883. 31 p. 8°. (Samm-
Heft 1-4. Inschriften von Nabonidus, Konig von
Babylon. 555-538 v. Chr. copirt und autographirt
lung gemeinverstandlicher w-issenschaft-
von J. N. Strassmaier. licher Vortrage. Serie 18, Heft 425.) *C
Heft 5-6. Inschriften von Nabvichodonosor, Konig
von Babylon, 604-561 v. Chr.; copirt und auto- See also Keilinschriftliche Biblio-
graphirt von J. N. Strassmaier. thek.
Heft 6b. Inscriptions of the reigns of Evil-Mero-
dach. B. C. 562-559, Xeriglissar, B. C. 559-555, and
Boscawen, William St. Chad. Notes on
Laborosoarchod, B. C. 555; copied and autographed an ancient Assyrian bronze sword bearing
by B. T. A. Evetts. a cuneiform inscription. (Society of Bib-
Heft 7. Inschriften von Cyrus, Konig von Baby- lical Archaeology. Transactions. Lon-
lon, 538-529 V. Chr.; copirt und autographirt von
J. X. Strassmaier.
don, 1876. 8°. V. 4, p. 347-348.) * YIA
Heft 8-9. Inschriften von Cambyses, Konig von On
an early Chaldean inscription.
Babylon, 529-521 v. Chr.; copirt und autographirt
von J. N. Strassmaier. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans-
Heft 10-12. Inschriften von Darius, Konig von actions. London, 1876. 8°. v. 4, p. 132-
Babylon, 521-485 v. Chr.; copirt und autographirt 171.) *YIA
von J. X. Strassmaier.
On some early Babylonian or Ak-
Tallqvist, K. L. Studien zu den Baby- kadian inscriptions. (Society of Biblical
lonischen Texten, Heft 6 b. (Zeitschrift Archaeology. Transactions. London,
fiir Assvriologie. Berlin, 1892. 8°, Bd. 7. 1878. 8°. V.6, p. 275-283.) * YIA
p. 268-287.) *OCL British Museum. — Department of Egyp-
Banks, Edgar James. A vase inscription tian and Assyrian Antiquities. Cuneiform
from Warka. (American journal of Se- texts from Babylonian tablets, &c.. in the
mitic languages and literatures. Chicago, British Museum, part 1-34. London: the
1904. 8°. V. 21, p. 62-63.) * OBA trustees, 1896-1914. f°. f * OCQ
Barton, George Aaron. The Babylonian Deimel, Anton. Studien zu CT i, iii, v,
tablets in the collection of George Vaux. vii, IX und -X. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
jr. (American journal of Semitic lan- Strassburg. 1909-Ll. 8°. Bd. 22. p. 17-53;
guages and literatures. Chicago, 1913. 8°. Bd. 23, p. 107-144; Bd. 25, p. 328-344.)
V. 29, p. 126-137.) * OBA *OCL
Interpretation of the archaic tablet Clay, Albert Tobias. Inscriptions of Ne-
of the E. A. Hoffman collection. (Ameri- l)uchadnezzar and Naram Sin. (Records
can Oriental Society. Journal. New of the past. Washington, D. C. 1914. 4°.
Haven, 1902. 8°. v. 23, p. 21-28.) * OAA series 2, v. 1, p. 73-75.) MTA

Iiiscript'wus, coiitiuucd. of Biblical .Archaeology. Proceedings.

London, 1899. 8°. v. 21, p. 289-302.)
Miscellaneous inscriptions in the *YIA
Yale Babylonian collection. New Haven:
Yale University Press. 1915. viii p., 2 1., Hrozny, Friedrich. See Sellin, Ernst.
108 p.. 1 1.. 55 pi. 4°. (Yale Oriental series. Jastrow, Morris, the younger. The two
Babylonian texts, v. 1.) f * OCQ copies of Rammannirari's inscription.
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Ein Thonkegel (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar,
Sinidinnam's. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. 1895. 8°. Bd. 10, p. 35-48.) * OCL
Leipzig. 1890. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 301-311.) Jensen, Peter. Sec Keilinschriftliche
*OCL Bibliothek.
Assyriologische Bibliothek.
Si-c also
Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. See
Evetts, Basil Thomas Alfred. Sec Baby- Morgan, John Pierpont.
lonische Texte.
Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek. Sammlung
Fossey, Charles. Textes babyloniens von assyrischen und babylonischen Texten
inedits. 1 pi. (Babyloniaca. Paris. 1911.
in Umschrift und Ubersetzung. In Ver-
8°. V. 4, p. 248-250.) * OCO bindung mit Dr. L. Abel, Dr. C. Bezold,
Textes inedits ou incompletement Dr. P. Jensen, Dr. F. E. Peiser, Dr. H.
publics. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. AN'inckler hrsg. von Eberhard Schrader.
Strassburg. 1905-06. 8°. Bd. 19, p. 175- Bd. 1-6, Teil 1-2, Lieferung 1. Berlin: H.
184.) *OCL Reuther, 1889-1915. 8°. * OCO
Gautier, J. 6. Archives d'une famille de KxuDTzoN, J0rgen A. Bemerkungen zum
Dilbat au temps de la premiere dynastie crsten Bande der "Keilinschriftlichen Bib-
de Babylone. Le Caire: Institut frangais liothek." (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
d'archeologie orientale, 1908. 3 p.l.. ii, 114 Leipzig, 1891. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 1-25.) * OCL
p., 31.. 1 pi. f°. (Institut frangais d'arche-
Studies of some
King, Leonard William.
ologie orientale du Caire. Alemoires. v.
rock-sculptures and rock-inscriptions of
26.) tt*OBKG western Asia. 13 pi. (Society of Biblical
Genouillac, H. de.
Inscriptions diverses. Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1913.
(Revue d'assvriologie. Paris, 1913. 4°. v. 8°. V. 35. p. 66-94.) * YIA
10. p. 101-1020 * OCL Koenigliche Museen zu Berlin. Vor- —
Halevy, Joseph. Les textes cuneiformes derasiatische Abteilung. Vorderasiatische
de la de M. Sarzec transcrits,
collection Schriftdenkmiiler. Heft 1-11, 13; Beihejt
retablis en assyrien populaire et traduits zu Heft 1. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1907-
par J. Halevy. (Recueil de travaux rela- 15. i°. tt*OAA
tifs a la philologie et a I'archeologie egyp-
tiennes et assyriennes. Paris, 1889. 4°. Kunz, George Frederick. On the ancient
inscribed Sumerian (Babylonian) axe-head
annee 11, p. 171-211.) * OBKG from the Morgan collection in the Ameri-
Haupt, Paul. Akkadisclie und sume- can Museum of Natural History. With
rische Keilschrifttexte nach den Originalen translation by Prof. Ira Maurice Price...
im Britischen Aluseum copirt und mit ein- and the discussion by the Rev. Dr. W. H.
leitenden Zusammenstellungen sowie er- Ward. fNew York: Knickerbocker Press.
klarenden Anmerkungen hrsg. von Paul 1905.] 37-47 p., 1 pi. 8°. * OCP
Haupt. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1881-82. Repr.: American Musevim of Natural History.
220 p. 4°. (Assyriologische Bibliothek. Bulletin, v. 21, p. 37-47, PQ.-}.

Bd. 1.) t*OCQ Langdon, Stephen. Babylonian miscel-

See also Assyriologische Bibliothek. laneous texts. (Society of Biblical Archae-
ology. Proceedings. London, 1909. 8°.
Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat. Old Baby- 324-326.) * YIA
v. 31. p.
lonian inscriptions chiefly from Nippur,
part 1-2. Philadelphia: D. A. Partridge, An
early Babj'lonian tablet of
printer. 1893-96. f°. (University of Penn- warnings for the king. (American Orien-
sylvania. Babjdonian expedition of the tal Society. Tournal. New Haven. 1907.
University, series A: Cuneiform texts, v. 8°. v. 28. p. 145-154.) * OAA
1, part 1-2.) tt*OCN A
tablet of Babylonian wisdom. 3
Repr. : American Philosophical Society. Trans- pi. (Society of Biblical Archaeologv.
actions, new series, V. 18, p. 5-54, 50 pi., EA.
Proceedings. London, 1916. 8°. v. 38,
Die Votiv-Inschrift eines nicht er- p. 105-116, 131-137.) * YIA
kannten Kassitenkonigs. (Zeitschrift fiir
Layard, Sir Austen Henry. Inscriptions
Assyriologie. Berlin, 1892. 8°. Bd. 7. p.
in the cuneiform character, from Assyrian
305-318.) * OCL monuments discovered by A. H. Layard.
Howorth, Sir Henry H. On the earliest London: printed by Harrison and Son.
inscriptions from Chaldea. 1 pi. (Society 1851. 3 p.l., 98 f. f°. ttt*OCQ
Inscrit>tions, continued. Inscriptions archaiques de trois
briques chaldeennes. (Revue d'assyriolo-
Le Gac, Y. Quelques inscriptions assy- gie. Paris, 1892. 4°. v. 2, p. 85-88.)
ro-babyloniennes du Alusee Lycklama, a *OCL
Cannes. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Weimar, 1894. 8°. Bd. 9, p. 385-390.) Les inscriptions assyriennes des
*OCL Sargonides et les fastes de Ninive. Ver-
sailles: Imprimerie de Beau jeune. 1862.
Textes babyloniens de la collection 8°. *OCKp.v.2
2p.l., 60p.
Lycklama a Cannes. (Babyloniaca. Paris, Repr. Annales de philosophie chretienne, seiie 5,
1910. 8°. V. 3, p. 33-72.) * OCO tome

6, p. 43-75, 182-208, YAA.

Legrain, Leon. Collection Louis Cug- La plus ancienne inscription semi-
nin. Textes cuneiformcs: catalogue, tran- tique jusqu'ici connue. (Revue d'assyriolo-
scription et traduction. (Revue d'assyri- gie. Paris, 1896. 4°. v. 3, p. 20-26.)
ologie. Paris, 1913. 4°. v. 10, p.
Lenormant, Frangois. Choix de textes Sur quelques-unes des inscriptions
cuneiformes inedits ou incompletement cuneiformes. nouvellement decouvertes en
publics jusqu'a ce jour. Paris: Maison- Chaldee. (Actes du sixieme Congres inter-
national des Leide: E. J.
neuve et Cie., 1873. 270 p. 4°. t*OCQ Brill. 1885. 8°.
partie 2. section 1, p. 625-
Lyon, David Gordon. a lapislazuli On 636.) * OAA
disc bearing a cuneiform inscription.
(American Oriental Societv. Journal. Traduction de quelques textes as-
New Haven, 1890. 8°. v. 14, p. cxxxiv- syriens. (Atti del iv Congresso interna-
cxxxvii.) * OAA zionale degli orientalisti. Firenze: coi tipi
dei Successori Le Alonnier, 1880. 8°. v. 1,
Meissner, Bruno. Assyrische Freibriefe. p. 229-238.) * OAA
(Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1894.
8°. Bd. 2, p. 565-588.) * OCL Falser, Felix Ernst. Sec Keilinschrift-
liche Bibliothek.
Meloni, Gerardo. Testi assiri del British
Museum. 10 facs. (Rivista degli studi ori- Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. Baby-
entali. Roma, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p. 559-598.) lonian inscriptions. 2 pi. (Society of Bib-
*OAA lical Archaeology. Proceedings. London.
Menant, Joachim. Notice sur les inscrip- 1911. 8°. V. 33, p. 155-161.) * YIA
tions en caracteres cuneiformes de la col-
lection epigraphique de M. Lottin de Laval.
A Babylonian tablet dated in the
reign of Aspasine. (Babylonian and Ori-
Caen: A. Hardel, 1858. 44 p., 4 pi. 4°.
*OCK ental record. London, 1890. 8°. v. 4, p.
Rapport a son excellence M. le
131-135.) *OCL
ministre d'etat sur les inscriptions assyri- An early Babylonian inscription
ennes du British Museum. Rapport 1-2. from Niffer. (Hebraica. Hartford, 1889.
Paris: B. Duprat. 1862-63. 32 p., 11.. 24 p. 8°. V. 6, p. 55-58.) * OBA
4°. *OCL Greek transcriptions of Babylonian
Morgan, John Pierpont. Cuneiform in- tablets. 3 pi. (Society of Biblical Archae-
scriptions, Chaldean, Babylonian, and As- ology. Proceedings. London, 1902. 8°.
syrian; collections contained in the library V. 24, p. 108-119.) *YIA
of J. Pierpont Morgan, catalogued by the
Rev. C. H. W. Johns. New
York: R. G. upon the Assyrian report
Cooke, 1908. 61(1) p., 1 pi. 12°. * OCQ tablets, with translations. (Societj' of Bib-
lical Archaeology. Transactions. Lon-
Ogden, Ellen Seton. Some notes on the
don, 1878. 8°. V. 6, p. 209-243.) * YIA
so-called hieroglyphic-tablet. (American
Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven. Some late-Babylonian in the
1913. 8°. V. 33, p. 16-23.) * OAA British Museum. (Recueil de travaux rela-
The text of an archaic tablet in the tifsa la philologie et a I'archeologie egyp-
tiennes et assyriennes. Paris, 1897. 4°.
E. A. Hoffman collection. (American Ori-
ental Society. Journal. New Haven, 1902. anneel9, p. 101-112.) * OBKQ
8°. v. 23, p. 19-20.) * OAA The
terra-cotta tablets of Baby-
Oppert, Jules. Excerpta assyriaca. lonia and Assyria. 1 pi. (British Archae-
(Congres international des orientalistes. oloGfical Association. Journal. London,
Compte-rendu de la premiere session. 1880. 8°. V. 36, p. 398-404.) CA
Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie., 1876. 8°. Texts Babylonian wedge-
in the
tome 2, p. 217-228.) * OAA writing. Autographed from the original
L'inscription du Saros. (Revue documents. With a list of characters and
d'assyriologie. Paris, 1886. 4°. v. 1, p. 69- their meaning, part 1. London: Societv
7Z.) * OCL of Biblical .\rchaeology, 1882. 4°. * OCQ

hiscriptioiis, continued. ings. London, 1906-07. 8°. v. 28, p. 193-

200, 241-251; V. 29, p. 7-17.) * YIA
archaic and three later Baby-
lonian tablets. 2 pi. (Society of Biblical Nimrod and the Assyrian inscrip-
Archaeology. Proceedings. London. 1897. tions. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
8°. V. 19, p. 132-143.) * VIA Transactions. London, 1873. 8°. v. 2. p.
243-249.) * YIA
Pognon, Henri. Les inscriptions baby-
loniennes dn Wadi Brissa. Paris: F. Vie- See also Records of the past.
wcg, 1887. 3p.l.. 14
ii, 199 p., 11.. pi. 8°.
(ficole pratique des hautes etudes. Bibli- Scheil, Jean Vincent. Notes d'epigrapliie
otheque: Sciences philologiques ct histo- ct d'archeologie assyriennes. (Recueil de
riques. fasc. 71.) * EN travaux relatifs a la philologie et a I'arche-
ologie egyptiennes et assyriennes. Paris,
Pontificio istituto biblico. Textus cune- 1894-1904. 4°. anneeie, p. 32-37, 90-92,
iformes in usum scholae. Romae: Tj-pis
186-190; annee 17, p. 27-41, 78-84; annee 19.
polyglottis Vaticanis, 1910. 18 p. f°.
p. 44_64; annee 20, p. 55-71, 200-210; annee
tt * OCQ 21, p. 26-29; annee 22, p. 27-39, 78-80. 149-
Price, Ira Maurice. An ancient Baby- 161; annee 23, p. 18-23, 91-98. 133-140;
lonian (ax-head) inscription. (American annee 24, p. 24-29; annee 26, p. 22-29.)
journal of Semitic languages and litera- *OBKG
tures. Chicago, 1905. 8°. v. 21, p. 173-
Nouvelles d'epigraphie et
178.) * OBA d'archeologie assyriennes. (Recueil de
See also Kunz, George Frederick. travaux relatifs a la philologie et a I'arche-
ologie egyptiennes et assyriennes. Paris,
Radau, Hugh. The E. A. Hoffman col- annee 132-137.)
1909. 4°. 31, p. 54-58,
lection of Babylonian clay-tablets in the *OBKG
General Theological Seminary, New York
City. (In his: Earlj' Babylonian history. Stele Bel-Harran-bel-utsur.
New York, 1900. 4°. p. 321-434.) * OCT (Recueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie
et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et assyri-
Rawlinson, Sir Henry Creswicke. The ennes. Paris, 1894. 4°. annee 16, p. 176-
cuneiform inscriptions of western Asia. 182.) * OBKG
London: lithosrraphed by R. E. Bowler.
1861-84. Sv. f°. ttt*OCQ Textes elamites-semitiques. serie
1-5. Paris: E. Leroux, 1900-13. 5 i\ v.
V. 1. A from the historical inscriptions
of Chaldea. Assyria and Babylonia. (France. —
Ministere de ITnstruction Pu-
V. 2-5. A selection from the miscellaneous inscrip- blique et des Beaux-Arts. Delegation en
tions of Assyria. Perse. Memoires. tome 2, 4, 6, 10, 14.)
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. Addi- t*OMB
tions and corrections to the fifth volume
Schrader, Eberhard. Die Keilinschriften
of the Cuneiform inscriptions of western
Asia. (Zeitschrift fiir Keilschriftforschung.
am Eingange der Quellgrotte des Sebeneh-
Su. 31 p., 1 pi. (Koeniglich Preussische
Leipzig, 1884-85. 8°. Bd. I. p. 342-349; Bd.
Akademie der Wissenschaften. Abhand-
2, p. 72-86, 157-160, 263-266, 328-334.)
lungen. Philos.-hist. Klasse. Berlin, 1886.
*OCL 4". Jahrg. 1885, Abh. 1.) * EE
Records of the past: being English trans- Zur Kritik der Inschriften Tig-
lations of the Assyrian and Egyptian
lath-Pileser's ii., des Asarhaddon und
monuments. Published under the sanction des Asurbanipal. (Koniglich Preussische
of the Society of Biblical Archaeology. Abhand-
Akademie der Wissenschaften.
London: S. Bagster & Sons [1874-81]. 12 lungen. Philos.-hist. Klasse. Berlin. 1880.
V. 12°. *OCK 4°. 1879, p. 1-36.) * EE
V. 1. Another copy. London [1875]. 2. ed. 12°.
See also Keilinschriftliche Biblio-
New series edited by A. H. Sayce. thek.
London: S. Bagster & Sons [1888-92,. 6 v.
12°. * OCK Sellin, Ernst. Tell Ta'annek. Bericht
Contains translations of texts dealing with various iiber eine mit Unterstiitzung der Kaiser-
divisions of Assyro-Babylonian literature which are
not specified or brought out in the sections to which
lichen Akademie der Wissenschaften und
they belong. des K. K. Ministeriums fiir Kultus und
Unterricht unternommene Ausgrabung in
Sayce, Archibald Henry. Assyriological Palastina. Nebst einem Anhange von F.
notes. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Hrozny: Die Keilschrifttexte von Ta'an-
Proceedings. London. 1896-98. 8°. v. 18, nek. [Wien: C. Gerold's Sohn, 1904., 123 p..
p. 170-186; V. 19, p. 68-76, 280-286; v. 20. p. 2 plans, 13 pi. f°. (Kaiserliche Akademie
250-262.) * YIA der Wissenschaften in Wien. Denkschrif-
The Chedor-Laomer tablets. (So- ten. Philosophisch-historische Klasse. Bd.
ciety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceed- 50, Abh. 4.) *EF
luscripiioiis, continued. p. 179-191; v. 8. p. 81-95. 135-158; v. 9. p. 21-
25, 73-80; v. 10, p. 93-100; v. 11, p. 88-104.)
Smith, Samuel Alden. Miscellaneous
Assyrian texts of the British Museum with
textual notes. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer. 1887. Notice sur la troisieme collection
viip., 28 f., 16 p. 8°. * OCQ de tablettes decouverte par M. de Sarzec a
Tello. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1903.
unedited Texts, K. 6 and K. 7. 4°. v. 5, p. 67-102.) * OCL
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig,
1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 422-427.) * OCL Recueil de tablettes chaldeennes.
E. Leroux, 1903. 2 p.l., xvi. 155 f.
Strassmaier, J. N. Die babylonischen t*OCQ
Inschriften im Museum zu Liverpool nebst
andern aus der Zeit von Nebukadnezzar bis Tablette de Samarra. 1 pi. (Revue
Darius. (Actes du sixieme Congres inter- d'assyriologie. Paris, 1912. 4°. v. 9, p.
national des orientalistes. Leide: E. J. 1-4.) * OCL
Brill. 1885. 8°. partie 2, section 1. p. 569- Toscanne, Paul. Textes divers baby-
624. 1-176.) *OAA loniens. (Recueil de travaux relatifs a la
Einige kleinere babylonische Keil- philologie et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et
schrifttexte aus dem Britischen Museum. assyriennes. Paris. 1908-09. 4°. annee
(Actes du huitieme Congres international 30, p. 121-136; annee 31, p. 121-132.)
des orientalistes. Leide: E. J. Brill, 1893. * OBKG
8°. partie 2. section 1, p. 279-283, 1-35.) University of Pennsylvania. The Baby-
*OAA lonian expedition of the University. Series
Sec also Babylonische Texte. A: Cuneiform texts, v. 1, part 1-2; v. 3.
part 1; V. 6. part 1-2; v. 8, part 1; v. 9-10, 14-
Strong, S. Arthur. Four cuneiform texts. 15; V. 17. parti; v. 20, parti; v. 29, parti.
(Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.
1892. 8°. 1892, p. 337-368.) * OAA 1893-1911. f°. tt*OCN
On some Babylonian and Assyrian ViroUeaud, Ch. Di-tilla. Textes de
alliterative texts. (Society of Biblical Telloh (2. dyn. d'Our), appartenant au
Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1895. Musee de Constantinople. (Revue semi-
8°. V. 17. p. 131-151.) *YIA tique. Paris, 1903. 8°. annee 11, p. 180-
Three cuneiform texts. (Babylo- 186.) * OAA
nian and Oriental record. London. 1892. Nouveaux du
8°. V. 6. p. 1-9.) * OCL Musee Britannique. (Babyloniaca. Paris.
Talbot, Henry Fox. Assyrian texts 1907. 8°. V. 1, p. 185-209.) * OCO
translated. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour- Ward, William Hayes. See Kunz,
nal. London, 1862. 8°. v. 19, p. 124-198. George Frederick.
261-273.) * OAA
Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. Babylo-
Tegner, Esaias. Ninives och Babylons nische Miscellen. Hrsg. von F. H. Weiss-
kilskrifter. Stockholm: Klemmings Anti- bach. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1903. 2 p.l.,
quariat. 1875. 126 p. 8°. (Ur var tids .^2p., 16 pi. f°. (Deutsche Orient-Gesell-
forskning. [no.) 12.) * OCT schaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlichun-
Thompson, Reginald Campbell. Til- gen. Heft 4.) f * OAA
Barsip and its cuneiform inscriptions. 3 pi. Winckler, Hugo. The cuneiform inscrip-
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro- tion in the tunnel of Negub. (Hebraica.
ceedings. London, 1912. 8°. v. 34, p. 66- New Haven, 1887. 8°. v. 4, p. 52-53.)
74.) * YIA *OBA
Thureau-Dangin, Frangois. Les deux Einige neuveroffentlichte Texte
plus anciennes inscriptions proto-cunei- Hammurabis. Nabopolassars und Nebu-
formes connues. (Revue semitique. Paris, kadnezars. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
1896. 8°. annee 4, p. 43-52.) * OAA Leipzig, 1887. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 118-147.)
Inscriptions diverses du Louvre. *OCL
(Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1907. 4°. v. Sammlung von
6, p. 133-138.) * OCL hrsg. von H. Winckler. Bd. 2. Lieferung
1-2. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer, 1893-94. 4°.
Musee Louvre, departement
des antiquites orientales. Tablettes chal- t*OCQ
deennes inedites. 32 facs. (Revue d'as- Ueber einige alt-babylonische In-
syriologie. Paris. 1898. 4°. v. 4. p. 69-86.) schriften. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris.
*OCL 1892. 4°. v. 2, p. 61-65.) * OCL
Notes assyriologiques. (Revue See also Keilinschriftliche Biblio-
d'assyriologie. Paris, 1910-14. 4°. v. 7, thek.

Business Documents, Contract Tablets and Commerce

Ball, Charles James. A Babylonian deed Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis.
of sale. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. On some recently acquired Babylonian
Proceedings. London, 1892. 8°. v. 14, p. tablets. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
166-169.) * YIA Leipzig, 1888. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 211-230.)

Another Baby-
Barton, George Aaron.
lonian ledger account of reeds and wood. Clay, Albert Tobias. Aramaic indorse-
(American journal of Semitic languages ments on the documents of the Murasu
and literatures. Chicago, 1912. 8°. v. 28, Sons. (In; Old Testament and Semitic
p. 207-210.) *OBA studies in memory of W. R. Harper. Chi-
A Babylonian ledger account of cago. 1908. 4°. v.l, p. 285-321.) *OBC
reeds and wood. (American journal of Business documents of Murashu
Semitic languages and literatures. Chica-
Sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Darius
go, 1911. 8°. V. 27, p. 322-327.) * OBA II. Philadelphia: University Museum, 1912.
Haverford Library collection of 54 p., 1 1., 123 pi. 4°. (University of Penn-
cuneiform tablets; or. Documents from the sylvania. — Museum: Babylonian Section.
temple archives of Telloh. Edited by G. Publications, v. 2, no. 1.) * OCL
A. Barton, part 1. Philadelphia: T. C.
Winston Co. [1907., f°. tt*OCQ Business documents of Murashu
Sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Darius
Some contracts of the Persian peri- II. (424-404 B. C.) Philadelphia: Univer-
od from the Kh" collection of the Univer- sity of Pennsylvania. 1904. xix. 87 p., 6 1.,
sity of Pennsylvania. (American journal 89 pi. (University of Pennsylvania.
of Semitic languages and literatures. Chi- Babylonian expedition of the University.
cago, 1900. 4°. V. 16, p. 65-82.) * OBA Series A: Cuneiform texts, v. 10.)
Still another Babylonian ledger of tt * OCN
reeds and wood. (American journal of Documents from the temple ar-
Semitic languages and literatures. Chi- chives of Nippur dated in the reigns of
cago, 1913. 8^ V. 29, p. 138-142.) * OBA the Cassite rulers. Philadelphia: Univer-
Sumerian business and administra- sity Museum, 1912. 57-92 p.. 1 1., 72 pi. 4°.
tive documents from the earliest times to (University of Pennsylvania. —
the dynasty of Agade. Philadelphia: Uni- Babylonian Section. Publications, v. 2.
versity Museum, 1915. 33 p., 21.. 74 pi. 4°. no. 2.) *OCL
(University of Pennsylvania. —
Documents from the temple ar-
Babylonian Section. Publications, v. 9,
no. 1.) *OCL chives of Nippur dated in the reigns of
Cassite rulers. (Complete dates.) Phila-
Belser, Carl Wilhelm. Babylonische delphia: L^niversitj^ of Pennsylvania, 1906.
Kudurru-Inschriften. (Beitrage zur As- ixp., 11., 74 p., 81., 87 pi. f°. (University
syriologie. Leipzig, 1894. 8°. Bd. 2, p. of Pennsylvania, Babylonian expedition
111-203.) *OCL of the University Series A: Cuneiform

Berens, Randolph Humphrey. The

texts. V. 14.) tt*OCN
Babylonian tablets of the Berens collec- Documents from the temple ar-
tion, bj' Theophilus G. Pinches. .with . chives of Nippur dated in the reigns of
copies of texts and seals. London: Royal Cassite rulers. (Incomplete dates.) Phila-
Asiatic Societ.v. 1915. xi, 172p. 8°. (Asi- delphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1906.
atic Society. Monographs, v. 16.) * OCP x, 68 p., 3 1., 84 pi. i°. (University of Penn-
sylvania. Babylonian expedition of the
Boscawen, William St. Chad. A Baby- University. Series A: Cuneiform texts, v.
lonian land grant. (Babylonian and Orien- OCN
15.) ft*
tal record. London, 1887. 8°. v. 1. p. 65-
68.) * OCL Legal and commercial transactions
dated in the AssjTian, Neo-Babylonian
oldest bank in the world. and Persian periods, chiefly from Nippur.
(Babylonian and Oriental record. Lon- Philadelphia: L^niversity of Pennsylvania,
don, 1894. 8°. v. 7, p. 241-246.) * OCL 1908. ix, 85 p., 2 1.. 72 facs., 9 pi. f°. (Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania. Babylonian expe-
Museum.— Department of Egyp-
tianand Assyrian Antiquities. Babylonian dition of the University. Series A: Cune-
boundary-stones and memorial-tablets in iform texts. V. 8, part 1.) ft * OCN
the British Museum. Edited by L. W. See also Hilprecht, Hermann Voll-
King. With an atlas of plates. London: rat. and A. T. Clay; also Morgan, John
the trustees, 1912. 2 v. f°. f * OCQ Pierpont.
Business Documents, etc., continued. Tablettes d'Ur. (Hilprecht anni-
versary volume. Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p. 137-
Contenau, Georges. a Contribution *OCK
I'histoire economique d'Umma. Paris: £.
Champion, 1915. 4 p.l., xliii, 102 p., 25 1., Hilprecht,Hermann Vollrat, and A. T.
161-162 p. 8°. (£cole des hautes etudes. Cl.\y. Business documents of Murashii
Bibliotheque: Sciences philologiques et
Sons of Nippur dated in the reign of Arta-
historiques. fasc. 219.) * EN xerxes i. (464-424 B. C). Philadelphia:
Tablettes de comptabilite relatives University of Pennsylvania, 1898. 90 p.,
a I'industrie du cuivre a Umma
au xxiii. 2 1., 92 pi. f°. (University of Pennsyl-
siecle. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1915. vania. The Babylonian expedition of the
4°. V. 12, p. 15-25.) * OCL University. Series A: Cuneiform texts,
v. 9.) t*OCN
Tablettes de comptabilite relatives
a I'industrie du vetement a Umma au xxiii. Hinke, William John. A new boundary
siecle. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1915. stone of Nebuchadrezzar i. from Nippur.
4^ v. 12, p. 147-157.) * OCL With a concordance of proper names and
Cuq, fidouard. fitudes sur les contrats a glossary of the Kudurru inscriptions thus
far published. Philadelphia: University of
de I'epoque de la premiere dynastie baby-
lonienne. (Nouvelle revue historique de Pennsylvania, 1907. xxvii, 323 p., 1 1. 8°.
droit frangais et etranger. Paris, 1910. 8°. (University of Pennsylvania. Babylonian
V. 34, p. 423-478.) XAA expedition of the University. Series D,
V. 4.) * OCN
Delaporte, Louis Joseph. Tablettes de
comptabilite chaldeenne. (Zeitschrift fijr Selected Babylonian Kudurru in-
Assvriologie. Strassburg, 1905. 8°. Bd. scriptions. Leiden: Late E. J. Brill, 1911.
18. p. 245-256.) * OCL xi p., 11., 90 p. 8°. (Semitic study series,
no. 14.) *OCS
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Der Berliner Mero-
dachbaladan-Stein. (Beitrage zur Assyri- Fr.\nk, Karl. Bemerkungen und Bei-
ologie. Leipzig, 1894. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 258- trage zur Kudurru-Forschung im An-
273.) * OCL schluss an W. Hinke, A new boundary
stone of Nebuchadrezzar I. (Zeitschrift
Handel und Wandel in Altbaby- fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg, 1909. 8°.
lonien. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-An- Bd. 22, p. 98-124.) * OCL
stalt, 1910. 60 p. 8°. * OCM
Notizen zu den neubabylonischen Holt, Ivan Lee. Tablets from the R.
Kontrakttafeln. (Beitrage zur Assyriolo- Campbell Thompson collection in Haskell
gie. Leipzig. 1898. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 385-392.) Oriental Museum, the University of Chi-
*OCL cago. Chicago, 1911. 1 p.l., 193-232 p. 8°.

Fiinfzig Rechts- und

Demuth, Ludwig. Repr.: American journal of Semitic languages
Vervvaltungsurkunden aus der Zeit des and literatures, v. 27, p. 193-232, * OBA.
Konigs Kyros (538-529 v. Chr.). (Beitrage
zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1898. 8°. Bd. Huber, Engelbert. Die altbabylonischen
3. p. 393-444.) * OCL Darlehnstexte aus der Nippur-Sammlung
im K. O. Museum in Konstantinopel.
Duncan, George S. Babylonian legal and (Hilprecht anniversary volume. Leipzig,
business documents from the first Baby- 1909. 4°. 189-222.) * OCK
lonian dynasty, transliterated, translated
and annotated. (American journal of Se- Hussey, Mary Inda. A conveyance of
mitic languages and literatures. Chicago, land dated in the reign of Ellil-bani.
1914. 4°. V. 30, p. 166-195.) * OBA (American Oriental Society. Journal.
FiguUa, Hugo
Heinrich. Altbabylo-
New Haven, 1916. 8°. v. 36, p. 34-36.)
nische Vertrage. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
1914. vip.. 1 1., 79p., 4pl. f°. (Konigliche Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. Assy-
Museen zu Berlin. —
Vorderasiatische Ab- rian deeds and documents recording the
teilung. Vorderasiatische Schriftdenk- transfer of property, including the so-
malcr. Heft 13.) ft * OAA called private contracts, legal decisions and
proclamations preserved in the Kouyunjik
Friedrich, Thomas. Altbabylonische
collections of the British Museum chiefly
Urkunden aus Sippara. Texte mit Um-
of the 7th century B. C. copied, collated,
schrift. Ubersetzung und Kommentar.
arranged, abstracted, annotated and in-
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1906. 8°. (Bei-
trage zur Assyriologie. Bd. 5,
dexed by the Rev. C. H. W. Johns. Cam-
p. 413-529.)
bridge: D. Bell and Co., 1898-1901. 3 v.
*OCL 8°. * OCS
Genouillac, H. de. Contrat en forme.
(Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1914. 4°. v. Keiser, Clarence E. See Morgan, John
11, p. 27-28.) *OCL Picrpont.
Business Documents, etc., continued. Regestenform. Ein Beitrag zur altbaby-
lonischen Kulturgeschichte. Paderborn:
King, Leonard William. Sec British
Museum. — Department of Egyptian and
F. Schoningh, 1913. x, 514p. 8°. (Studien
zur Geschichte und Kultur des Altertums.
Assyrian Antiquities. Ergiinzungsbd. 2.) BAP
Kohler, Josef. See Peiser, Felix Ernst. Luckenbill, Daniel David. Notes on some
Kohler, Josef, and Arthur Ungnad. texts from the Cassite period. (American
Assyrische Rechtsurkunden in Umschrift journal of Semitic languages and litera-
nnd Uebersetzung, nebst einem Index der tures. Chicago, 1914. 8°. v. 31, p. 79-87.)
Personen-Namen und Rechtserliiuterun- *OBA
tien. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffcr, 1913. 4 p.l., 467 A
study of the temple documents
p. 4°. *OCS from the Cassite period. Chicago: Uni-
Hundert ausgewahlte Rechtsurkun- versity of Chicago, 1907. 49 p. 8".
den aus der Spatzeit des babylonischen *OCNp.v.l
Schrifttums von Xerxes bis Mithridate^ ii. Repr. : American journal of Semitic languages
and literatures, v. 23, p. 280-322, • OBA.
(485-93 V. Chr.). Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer,
1911. 2 p.l., 89 p. 8°. *OCS Meek, Theophile James. Old Babylonian
business and legal documents. (The R F H
Kotalla, Eduard. Fiinfzig babylonische
collection.) (American journal of Semitic
Rechts- und Verwaltungsurkunden aus der
languages and literatures. Chicago, 1917.
Zeit des Konigs Artaxerxes i. (464-424 v.
Chr.). (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Leip-
8°. V. 33. p. 203-244.) * OBA
zig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 551-574.) * OCL Meissner, Bruno, and K. L. Tallqvist.
Landsberger, B. Babylonisches. (Wie- Neubabylonische Wohnungs-Miethsver-
ner Zeitschrift fijr die Kunde des Morgen-
haltnisse.(Vienna Oriental journal. Vien-
landes. Wien. 1912. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 127- na, 1890. 8^ V. 4, p. 113-130.) *OAA
131.) *OAA Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
Cuneiform texts in the Metropolitan Mu-
Langdon, Stephen. Contracts from
Larsa. 4 facs. (Society of Biblical Ar-
seum of Art. Edited and translated by
London. 1912. Alfred B. Aloldenke. part 1-2. New York:
chaeology. Proceedings.
8°. V.34. p. 109-113.) *YIA the museum, 1893. xx, 136 p. 4°. * OCS
Part 1 was
first published under the title Baby-
Tablets from Kis. 16 facs. (Soci- Ionian contract tablets,
ety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. Moldenke, Alfred B. See Metropolitan
London, 1911. 8°. v. 33, p. 185-196. 232- Museum of Art, New York.
242.) * YIA
Morgan, John Pierpont. Babylonian
tablets of the period of Luga-
records in the library of J. Pierpont Mor-
landa. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1911. 8°. v.
* OCO gan. Edited by A. T. Clay. New York:
4, p. 246-247.)
privately printed, 1912-14. 3 v. f°.
Lau, Robert Julius. Old Babylonian t*ocs
temple records. New York: Columbia Part 1. Clay, A. T. Babylonian business transac-
University. 1906. xi. 89 p., 1 1., 41 p., 1 1., tions of the first millennium B. C.
Part 2. Clay, A. T. Legal documents from Erech,
35 facs. 4°. (Columbia University Orien-
dated in the Seleucid era (312-65 B. C).
tal studies. V. 3.) * OCS Part 3. Reiser, C. E. Cuneiform bullae of the
third millennium B. C.
Ledrain, Eugene. Un contrat bilingue
assj'rien-arameen. (Revue d'assvrioloeie. Oppert, Jules. Un acte de vente con-
Paris, 1886. 4^ v. 1, p. 39-40.) ' * OCL serve en deux exemplaires. (Zeitschrift
fiir Keilschriftforschung. Leipzig, 1884.
Legrain, Leon. Tablettes de compta- 8°. Bd. 1, p. 45-64.) *OCL
bilite.etc., de I'epoque de la dynastie
d'Agade. 5 pi. (France. Ministere de — Peiser, Felix Ernst. Eine babylonische
ITnstruction Publique et des Beaux-Arts. Verfiigung von Todes wegen. (Zeitschrift
Delegation en Perse. Memoires. Paris, fur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1888. 8°. Bd.
1913. f°. tome 14, p. 62-126.) f * OMB 365-371.)
3, p. * OCL
Le temps des rois d'Ur. Recherches Studien zum babylonischen Rechts-
sur la societe antique d'apres des textes wesen. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leip-
nouveaux. Paris: H. Champion, 1912. 2 v. zig, 1888. 8°. Bd. 3, p. 69-92.) * OCL
8° and 4°. (ficole pratique des hautes juristischen und geschaft-
etudes, Paris. Bibliotheque: Sciences his- lichen Inhalts, von F. E. Peiser. Berlin:
toriques et philologiques. fasc. 199.) * EN Reuther & Reichard. 1896. xx, 323 p. 8'.
Lindl, Ernest. Das Priester- und Beam- (Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek. Bd. 4.)
tentum der altbabylonischen Kontrakte. *oco
Mit einer Zusammenstellung samtlicher Urkunden aus der Zeit der dritten
Kontrakte der i. Dynastie von Babylon in babylonischen Dynastie. In Urschrift,


Business Documents, etc., eontinucd. Revillout, Victor. See Revillout, Eugene,
and Victor Revillout.
Umschrift und tjbersetzung hrsg. von F,
E. Peiser. Dazu Rechtsausfiihrungen von Sayce, Archibald Henry. Babylonian
J. Kohler. Berlin: W. Peiser, 1905. xii. contract-tablet belonging to the Imperial
44 p. f°. t*OCQ Academy of Sciences at St. Petersburg.
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig,
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. An As- 1890. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 276-280.) * OCL
syrian record of receipts of taxes. (He-
braica. Chicago. 1886. 8°. v. 2, p. 221- Some unpublished
222.) * OBA (Babylonian and Oriental record. Lon-
Babylonian dower-contract.
don, 1889. 8°. V. 4, p. 1-6.) * OCL
(Babylonian and Oriental record. Lon- Schorr, Moses. Kin Kaufkontrakt aus
don, 1887. 8°. V. 2, p. 1-8.) * OCL Hana. 2 pi. (Babyloniaca. Paris. 1910.

Babylonian legal documents refer-

8°. V. 3, p. 266-267.) * OCO
ring to house property and the law of in- Das Sumerische
den Rechtsur- in
heritance. London: Harrison & Sons, 1884. kunden der Hammurabi-Periode. (Hil-
28 p., 4 facs. 8°. * OCK p.v.2 precht anniversary volume. Leipzig, 1909.
Repr. : Societv of Biblical Archaeology. Trans- 4°. p. 20-32.) *OCK
actions, V. 8, p. 271-298, * YIA.
Steinmetzer, Franz. Eine Schenkungs-
Documents relating to slave-deal- urkunde des Konigs Melisicbu. (Beitrage
ing in Babylonia in ancient times. (Soci- zur Assvriologie. Leipzig, 1910. 8°, Bd.
ety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. 8, Heft 2, p. 3-38.) * OCL
London, 1885. 8°. v. 7, p. 32-36.) * YIA
Stevenson, James Henry. Assyrian and
Remarks on Babylonian contract Babylonian contracts, with Aramaic refer-
tablets and the canon of Ptolemy. 2 pi. ence notes. New York: American Book
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans- Co. [Cop. 1902.] 206 p. 12°. (Vanderbilt
actions. London, 1878. 8°. v. 6, p. 484- Oriental series.) * OCS
493.) * YIA
Strassmaier, J. N. Die altbabylonischen
Sin-gasid's gift to the temple E-ana. Vertrage aus Warka. (Verhandlungen des
(Babylonian and Oriental record. Lon- fiinften internationalen Orientalisten-Con-
don, 1886. 8°. v. 1, p. 8-11.) *OCL gresses. Berlin: A. Asher & Co., 1882. 8".
case-tablets from Telloh.
Theil2. Halfte 1, p. 315-364, 1-144.) * OAA
2 pi. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. A
contract tablet from the 17th year
London, 1905. 8°. 1905, p. 815-829.) of Nabonidus. 1 fac. (Society of Bibli-
*OAA cal Archaeology. Transactions. London,
Babylonian contracts
early 1882. 8°. V. 7, p. 407-410.) * YIA
or legal documents. (Roval .A.siatic Soci- Fiinf babylonisclie Vertrage aus der
ety. Journal. London, 1897-99. 8°. 1897, Zeit von Nebukadnezzar. (Zeitschrift fiir
p. 589-613; 1899, p. 103-120.) * OAA Keilschriftforschung. Leipzig, 1884. 8".

Tablets referring to the apprentice-

Bd. 1, p. 87-95.) * OCL
ship of slaves at Babylon. (Babylonian Tallqvist, Knut Leonard. Babylonische
and Oriental record. London, 1887. 8". Schenkungsbriefe, transscribiert, iibersetzt
V. 1, p. 81-85.) * OCL imd commentiert von K. L. Tallqvist.
Helsingfors: J. C. Frenckell & Sohn, 1891.
Two contract-tablets from Baby-
lon. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leip-
Ip.l., 24 p. 4°. t*OCS
zig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 198-205.) * OCL See also Meissner, Bruno, and K. L.
See also Berens, Randolph Hum-
phrey. Thureau-Dangin, Francois. La comp-
en Chaldee au troisieme
tabilite agricole
Poebel, Arno. Babylonian legal and millenaire. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
business documents from the time of the 1896. 4°. V. 3, p. 118-146.) * OCL
first dynasty of Babylon, chiefly from
Nippur. Philadelphia: University of Penn- Un contrat de Hana. (Journal asi-
sylvania, 1909. atique. Paris, 1909. 8°. serie 10, v. 14, p.
xvi, 164 p., 11., 70 pi. i".
(University of Pennsylvania. Babylonian 149-155.) * OAA
expedition of the University. Series A: Contrats archaiques provenant de
Cuneiform texts, v. 6, part 2.) ft * OCN Suruppak. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
Revillout, Eugene, and Victor Revillout.
1907. 4°. V. 6, p. 143-154.) * OCL
A contract of apprenticeship from Sippara. Ungnad, .\rtiuir. (Altbabylonische Pri-
(Babylonian and Oriental record. Lon- vaturkunden. Edited by Arthur Ungnad.
don, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 119-127.) *OCL Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1909. f°. (Konig-


Business Docximcnts, etc., continued. Vanderburgh, Frederick Augustus. A
Hche Museen zu Berlin. — Vorderasiatisclie Oriental Society. Journal.
husiiicss letter of .\nu-sar-usur.
New Haven,
Abteilunc:. Vordcrasiatische Schrittdenk-
maler. Heft 7-9.) ft * OAA 1916. 8°. V. 36, p. 333-336.) * OAA

Three Babylonian tablets, Prince
tNeubabylonische Kontrakte. By collection, Colunil)ia University, (.\meri-
Arthur Ungnad.i Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, can Oriental Society. Journal. New
1907-08. f°. (Konigliche Museen zu Ber- Haven, 1913. 8°. v. 33, p. 24-32.) * OAA
lin. —
Vorderasiatisclie Abteilung. Vor- Waterman, Leroy. Business documents
derasiatisclie Schriftdenkmaler. Heft 3-6.
of tlie Hammurabi period. (American
tt * OAA journal of Semitic languages and litera-
Selected Babylonian business and tures. Chicago, 1913. 4°. v. 29, p. 145-

legal documents of the Hammurabi period. 204, 288-303; v. 30, p. 48-73.) * OBA
Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1907. xvi, 48, 42 p. 8°. Zehnpfund, Rudolf. Babylonische We-
(Semitic study series, no. 9.) * OCS berrechnungen. (Beitrage zur Assyriolo-
gie. Leipzig, 1890. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 492-536.)
Selected business documents of the
Neo-Babylonian period. Leiden: E. J.
Brill, 1908. xi. 74 p. 8°. (Semitic study Ziemer, Ernst. Fiinfzig Rechts- und
series, no. 10.) * OCS Verwaltungsurkunden aus der Zeit des
Konigs Kambyses (529-521 v. Chr.). (Bei-
See also Kohler, Josef, and Arthur trage zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1898. 8°.
Ungnad. Bd. 3, p. 445-492.) * OCL

History of Literature
Bezold, Carl. Die babylonisch-assy- Sayce, Archibald Henrj-. Babylonian
rische Literatur. (In: Die Kultnr der Ge- literature. Lectures delivered at the Royal
genwart. Berlin, 1906. 4°. Teil 1, Ab- Institution. London: S. Bagster and Sons,
teilung 7, p. 40-50.) *OAT n. d. 2p.l., 86p. 8°. *OCK
Kurzgefasster tJberblick iiber die The literary works of ancient Baby-
babylonisch-assyrische Literatur. Nehst Ionia. (Zeitschrift fur Keilschriftfor-
einem chronologischen Excurs, zwei Regis- schung. Leipzig, 1884. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 187-
tern und einem Index zu 1700 Thontafeln 194.) *OCL
des British-Museum's hrsg. von Carl
Bezold. Leipzig: Otto Schulze, 1886. xv, Teloni, Bruto. Letteratura assira.
395 p. 8°. *OCK Milano: U. Hoepli, 1903. xv. 266 p. 11., 2
facs. 16°. (Manuali Hoepli.) ^OCQ
Reimmann, Jacob Friedrich. Historia
literaria Babyloniorum et Sinensium. Ilia, Weber, Otto. Die Literatur der Baby-
methodo chronologica, haec, scientifica lonier und Assvrer. Ein t'berblick. Leip-
adumbrata. Brunsvigse: apud Viduam zig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1907. xvi, 312 p. 8°.
Schroederi, 1741. 2 parts in 1 v. 16°. (Der alte Orient. Erganzungsband 2.)
*OCK * and * OAC OCT

See also Cosmogonv

Assyrian and Babylonian literature, New York: The

Colonial Press
selected translations. With a critical in- (Cop. 1901]. 1 p.l., 3-309 p., 3 pi.
viii p., 21.,
troduction by R. F. Harper. New York: rev. ed. 8°. (The world's great classics.)
D. Appleton & Co., 1901. 1 p.l.. xci, 462 o.. *OCY
1 map. 3 pi., 1 port. 8°. (The world's
great books.) *R-*OCQ Boissier, Alfred. Deux fables assyri-
ennes. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
Babylonian and Assyrian literature; Proceedings. London, 1899. 8°. v. 21. p.
comprising the epic of Izdubar, hymns, 34-48.) * YIA
tablets, and cuneiform inscriptions; with a
special introduction by Epiphanius Wilson. St. Chad. The Baby-
Boscawen, William
London: The Colonial Press (Cop. 1901]. lonian legend of the serpent-tempter.
viii p., 2 I., 3-309 p., 2 pi. rev. ed. 8°. (Babylonian and Oriental record. Lon-
*OCY don, 1890. 8°. V. 4, p. 251-255.) * OCL
Literature, co}itiiiitcd. Hommel, Fritz. Gish-dubarra, Gibil-
gamish, Nimrod. (Society of Biblical
Craig, James A. The Babylonian Istar-
Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1893-
epic. (The Old Testament student. New 94. 8°. 291-300; v. 16, p. 13-15.)
York, 1889. 4°. v. 8, p. 249-256.) * DA v. 15, p.
Dieckmann, Chr. Das Gilgamis-Epos in Hrozny, Friedrich. Zur Hollenfahrt der
seiner Bedeutung fiir Bibel und Babel. Istar. (Wiener Zeitschrift fiir die Kunde
Leipzig: C. Steffen, 1902. 198 p. 8°.
dcs Morgenlandes. Wien, 1903. 8°. Bd.
*OCY 17, p. 323-330.) * OAA
Gray, Louis Herbert. Stylistic parallels
Jaeger, Martin. Assyrische Rathsel und
between the Assyro-Babylonian and the Spriichworter. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie.
old Persian inscriptions. (American jour- Leipzig, 1894. 8°. Bd.2, p. 274-305.)
nal of Semitic languages and literatures. *OCL
Chicago, 1901. 8°. v. 17, p. 151-159.)
*OBA Jastrow, Morris, the younger. Another
fragment of the Etana myth. 1 pi. (Ameri-
Gressmann, Hugo. See Ungnad, Arthur, Journal. New
can Oriental Society.
and Hugo Gressm.axx. Haven, 1910. 8°. v. 30, p. 101-131.) * OAA
Hamilton, Leonidas Le Cenci. Ishtar A Babylonian Job. (Contemporary
and Izdubar, the epic of Babylon; or. The review. London, 1906. 8°. v. 90, p. 801-
Babylonian goddess of love and the hero 808.) * DA
and warrior king; constructed from trans- A Babylonian parallel to the story
lations of the great Accadian epic and the of Job. (Journal of Biblical literature.
legends of Assyria and Babylon, found in New York, 1906. 8°. v. 25, p. 135-191.)
cuneiform inscriptions on tablets lately dis- *DA
covered on the site of the ruins of Nineveh,
and now deposited in the British Museum.
A of the Babylonian
"Dibbarra" epic. Philadelphia: University
The oldest epic poem of antiquity, restored of Pennsylvania Press, 1891. 1 p.l., 42 p.,
in modern verse by L. Le Cenci Hamilton.
1 pi. 8°. (University of Pennsylvania.
V. 1. London: W. H. Allen & Co., 1884. 8°.
Publications: Series in philology, literature
*OCY and archaeology, v. 1, no. 2.) * OCY
Harper, Edward J. Die babylonischen
Legenden von Etana, Zu, Adapa und Dib- A new fragment of the Babylonian
Etana legend. 1 pi. (Beitrage zur Assyri-
barra. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Leip-
olosie. Leipzig, 1898. 8°. Bd.3, p. 363-
zig, 1894. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 390-521.) * OCL
3830 * OCL
Im Originaltext und in Um- Jensen, Peter. Assyrisch-babylonische
schrift veroffentlicht, iibersetzt und er-
Inaugural-Dissertation. Leipzisr:
Mythen und Epen. Berlin: Reuther &
Reichard, 1900. xxii, 588 p., 11. 8°. (Keil-
Druck von A. Pries, 1892. 1 p.l., 32 p., 1 1. inschriftliche Bibliothek. Bd. 6.) * OCO
8». *OCY
Das Gilgamesch-Epos in der Welt-
Harper, Robert Francis. See Ass3man literatur. Bd. 1. Strassburg: K. J. Triib-
and Babylonian literature. ner, 1906. f°. * OCY
Haupt, Paul. Das babylonische Nim- Jeremias, Alfred. Izdubar-Nimrod.
rodepos. Keilschrifttext der Bruchstiicke Eine altbabylonische Heldensage. Nach
der sogenannten Izdubarlegenden mit dem den Keilschriftfragmenten dargestellt von
keilinschriftlichen Sintfluthberichte. Nach Alfred Jeremias. Leipzig: B. G. Teubner,
den Originalen im Britischen Museum 1891. viii, 73 p., 4 pi. 8°. * OCY
copirt und hrsg. von... Paul Haupt. Leip-
Johnston, Christopher. Assyrian and
zig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1884-91. 2 p.l., 150 f.
4°. (Assyriologische Bil;liothck. P.rl. 3.)
Babylonian beast fables. (American jour-
nal of Semitic languages and literatures.
t*OCQ Chicago, 1912. 8^ v. 28, p. 81-100.) * OBA
The beginning of the Babylonian On a the Babylonian
passage in
Nimrod epic. (American Oriental Society. Nimrod epic. (American journal of Se-
Journal. New Haven, 1901. 8°. v. 22, p. 7-
mitic languages and literatures. Chicago,
12.) *OAA 1899. 8\ V. 16, p. 30-36.) * OBA
Ergebnisse einer erneuten Colla- King, Leonard William. frag- A new
tion der Izdubar-Legenden. (Beitrage zur ment of the Gilgamesh epic. (Society of
Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1890. 8". Bd. 1, p. Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. Lon-
94-152.) * OCL don, 1914. 8°. V.36, p. 64-68.) YIA
Die Tafel dcs l)abylo-
zvvolfte New fragments of the Dibbarra-
nischcn Nimrod-Epos. (Beitrage zur As- Icgend on two Assyrian plague-tablets.
syriologie. Leipzig, 1890. 8". Bd. 1. p. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar,
48-79.) * OCL 1896. 8°. Bd. 11, p. 50-62.) * OCL
Literature, co)itiiiucd. ; The legend of Merodach. (Society
of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings.
Kristensen, W. B. De plaats van het
Zondvloedverhaal in het Gilgamcs-epos.
London, 1908. 8". v. 30, p. 53-62, 77-85.)
(Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschap- *YIA
pen. Verslagen en mededeelingen. Af- Prince, John Dyneley. Note sur le nom
deeling lettcrkunde. Amsterdam, 1916. S°. Gilgames. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1908. 8°.
reeks 5, deel 2, stuk 1, p. 54-63.) * EL v. 2, p. 62-64.) * OCO
Langdon, Stephen. Babylonian prov- Sayce, Archibald Henry. Two early
erbs. (American journal of Semitic lan- Babylonian historical legends. (Society of
guages and literatures. Chicago, 1912. 8°. Biblical Archaeology, Proceedings. Lon-
V.28, p. 217-243.) * OBA don, 1915. 8°. V. 37, p. 195-200.) * YIA
Schrader, Eberhard. Die Hollenfahrt
The epic of Gilgamish. Philadel-
phia: University Museum, 205-227 p.,
der Istar. Ein altbabylonisches Epos.
1 1., 8 pi. 4°. (University of Pennsylvania. Nebst Proben assyrischer Lyrik. Text,
— Museum: Babylonian Section. Publica- Uebersetzung, Commentar und Glossar.
Giessen: J. Ricker, 1874. 2 p.l., 154 p. 8°.
tions. V. 10, no. 3.) * OCL
The epic of Gilgamish. (Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania. — Museum. Journal.
Talbot, Henry Fox. Ishtar and Izdubar,
being the sixth tablet of the Izdubar series.
Philadelphia, 1917. 8°. v. 8, p. 29-38.) * F Translated from the cuneiform by H. F.
Ishtar's journey to hell. (Univer- Talbot. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
sity of Pennsylvania. —
Museum. Journal. Transactions. London, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p.
Philadelphia, 1916. 8°. v. 7, p. 178-181.) 97-121.) *YIA
*F The legend of Ishtar descending to
Maynard, John A. Babylonian patriotic Hades. Translated by H. F. Talbot. (So-
sayings. (Society of Oriental Research. ciety of Biblical Archaeology. Transac-
Journal. Chicago. 1917. 8°. v. 1. p. 85-87.) tions. London, 1873. 8°. v. 2, p. 179-212.)
Meissner, Bruno. Ein altbabylonisches Revised translation of the descent
Fragment des Gilgamosepos. Berlin: W. of Ishtar. with a further cominentarv. (So-
Peiser, 1902. 15 p., 2 pi. 4°. (Vorderasi- ciety of Biblical Archaeology. Transac-
atische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. Jahrg. tions. London, 1874. 8°. v. 3, p. 118-135,
7, Heft 1.) * OAA 357-360.) * YIA
Morgenstem, Julian. On Gilgames-Epic Thureau-Dangin, Frangois. Fragment
XI, 274-320. A
contribution to the study of d'un poeme relatif a Anusat. (Revue d'as-
syriologie. Paris, 1914. 4°. v. 11. p. 81-
the role of the serpent in Semitic mythol-
ogy. (Zeitschrift fur Assyriologie. Strass- 87.) * OCL
burg, 1915. 8°. Bd. 29, p. 284-300.) * OCL Ungnad, Arthur, and Hugo Gressmanx.
Das Gilgamesch-Epos. Neu iibersetzt von
Mueller, David Heinrich, Zur Syntax A. Ungnad und gemeinverstandlich erklart
von Istars Hollenfahrt. (Wiener Zeit- von H. Gressmann. Gottingen: Vanden-
schrift fiir die Kunde des Morgenlandes.
hoeck & Ruprecht, 1911. iv, 232 p. 8\
Wien, 1903. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 331-336.) * OAA (Forschungen zur Religion und Literatur
Oppert, Jules. Le Persee chaldeen. des Alten und Neuen Testaments. Heft
(Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1892. 4°. 14.) *OCY
v. 2, p. 121-123.) *OCL Wilson, Epiphanius. Sec Babylonian
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. The and Assyrian literature.
lament of "the daughter of Sin." 2 pi. (So- Zimmem, Heinrich. Konig Tukulti bel
ciety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceed- nisi und
die kuthaische Schopfungslegende.
ings. London, 1895. 8°. v. 17, p. 64-74.) (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar.
*YIA 1897. 8°. Bd. 12, p. 317-330.) * OCL

Abel, Ludwi^ See Tell-el-Amama tab- Behrens, Emil. Assyrisch-babylonische
lets. Briefe kultischen Inhalts aus der Sargoni-
denzeit. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1906. 2
Barton, George Aaron. On an old Baby- p.l., 124 p. 8°. (Leipziger semitistische
lonian letter addressed to "Lushtamar."
(American Oriental Society. Journal.
Studien. Bd. 2, Heft 1.) * OBC
New Haven, 1909. 8°. v. 29, p. 220-223.) Berry, George Ricker. The letters of the
*OAA R"'2 collection in the British Museum, with
Letters, continued. philologie et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et
assyriennes. Paris, 1897. 4°. annee 19, p.
transliteration, notes and glossary. Chi-
40-44.) * OBKG
cago: University of Chicago Press, 1896.
30 p., 11. 4°. *OCKp.v.3 The letters and inscriptions of
Repr. : Hebraica, v. 11. Hammurabi, king of Babylon, about B. C.
2200, to which are added a series of letters
Bezold, Carl. Zwei assyrische Berichte. of other kings of the first dynasty of Baby-
(Zeitschrift Assyriologie. Strassburg,
lon. The original Babylonian texts, edited
1912. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 114-125.) * OCL from tablets in the British Museum, with
See also Tell-el-Amarna tablets. English translations. .by L. W. King.

British Museum. — Department of Egyp- London: Luzac &

Co., 1898-1900. 3 v. 8^
(Luzac's Semitic text and translation se-
tian and Assyrian Antiquities. Old Baby-
lonian letters. 41 pi. (In: Cuneiform texts
ries. V. 2-3, 8.) * OCR
... London, 1910. i°. part 29.) f * OCQ BoscAWEN, William St. Chad. The letters
of Khammurabi. (Babylonian and Orien-
Conder, Claude Reignier. Sec Tell-el-
tal record. London, 1899. 8°. v.8, p. 193-
Amarna tablets.
201.) *OCL
Delattre, Alphonse J. Quelques lettres
Harper, Robert Francis. Assyrian and
assyriennes. Essai d'interpretation. (So-
Babylonian letters belonging to the K col-
ciety of Biblical Archaeology.
London, 1900-01. 8°. 286- lection of the British Museum, part 1-14.
ings. v. 22, p.
304; V.23, p. 50-71, 331-359.) * YIA Chicago: D. C. Heath & Co., 1892-1914.
14 V. 8°. *OCT
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Beitrage zur Er-
GoDBEY, A. H. Political, religious, and
klarung der babylonisch-assyrischen Brief-
social antiquities of the Sargonid period.
litteratur. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie.
(American journal of Semitic languages
Leipzig, 1890-94. 8°.. Bd. 1, p. 185-248.
* OCL and literatures. Chicago, 1905. 8°. v. 21,
613-631; Bd. 2, p. 19-62.)
p. 65-82.) * OBA
Sec also Hammurabi, king of Baby- Contains a list of all the officials, tradesmen, and
lon. men of sacred and learned professions, that are
mentioned in Harper's Assyrian and Babylonian
Ebeling, Erich. Altbabylonische Briefe. letters, v. 1-8.
(Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1913. 4°. v.
* OCL Thompson, Reginald Campbell. Robert
10, p. 15-40, 105-155.)
Francis Harper's Assyrian and Babylonian
Figulla, Hugo Heinrich. Der Brief- letters. (American journal of Semitic lan-
weclisel Belil)ni's historische Urkunden aus guages and literatures. Chicago, 1901. 8".
der Zeit Asurbanipals. Leipzig: J. C. Hin- V. 17, p. 160-167.) * OBA
richs, 1912. 2 p.l., 104 p. 8°. (Vorderasi-
atische Gesellschaft. Mittcilungen. Jahrg.
Toffteen, Olaf Alfred. Geographical list
to R. F. Harper's "Assyrian and Babylo-
17, Heftl.) *OAA nian letters," vols. 1-8. (American journal
Gelderen, Cornelis van. Ausgewahlte of Semitic languages and literatures. Chi-
babylonisch-assyrische Briefe transscribi- cago, 1905. 8°. V. 21, p. 83-99.) * OBA
ert und iibcrsetzt. (Beitrage zur Assyri-
Streck, Maximilian. Glossen zu O. A.
ologie. Leipzig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 501-
545.) *OCL Toffteen's "Geographical list to R. F. Har-
per's Assyrian and Babylonian letters, vols.
Hammurabi, king of Babylon. Die Briefe 1-8." (American journal of Semitic lan-
Hammurabi's an Sin-idinnam. Von Gott- guages and literatures. Chicago, 1906. 8°.
fried Nagel. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. V. 22, p. 207-223.) * OBA
Leipzig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 434-483.)
*OCL Harper, Robert Francis. Babylonian let-
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Zusatzbemcrkun- ter. —The Joseph Shemtob collection of
gen zu Nagels Abhandlung iiber Kings Babylonian antiquities recently purchased
Hammurabi-Briefe. (Beitrage zur Assyri- for the University of Pennsylvania. (He-
ologie. Leipzig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 4. p. 483-
braica. New York, 1888. 8'^ v. 5, p. 74-
500.) * OCL 76.) * OBA
Hammurabi, king of Babylon. Briefe
The letters of the
2 collection Rm.
HammuralM's an Sin-idinnam. Von J. A. of the British Museum. (Zeitschrift fitr
Knudtzon und Friedrich Delitzsch. (Bei- Assyriologie. Berlin, 1893. 8°. Bd. 8, p.
trage zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1902. 8'.
341-359.) * OCL
Bd. 4, p. 88-99.) * OCL Jastrow, Morris, the younger. Tiie let-
Corrcspondance de Hammurabi, roi ters of Abdiheba. (Hebraica. Chicago,
de Babylone avec Sinidinnam, roi de Larsa 1892. 8°. V. 9. p. 24-46.) * OBA
ou il est question de Codorlahomor. Par V. Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. Baby-
Scheil. (Recueil de travaux relatifs a la lonian and Assyrian laws, contracts and
Letters, continued. duction par FranQois Martin. Paris: H.
Champion, 195 p. 4°.
1909. (ficole
3 p.l..
letters. New York: C. Scribncr's Sons,
pratique des hautes etudes. Bibliotheque:
1904. xviiip.. 2 1.. 424p. 8°. (Library of
Sciences philologiques et historiques. fasc.
ancient inscriptions, v. 6.) * OCS 179.)

* and* EN OCS
Some Assyrian letters.(Society of
Trois lettres neo-baljylonienncs.
Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. Lon-
(Hilprecht anniversary volume. Leipzig,
don, 1902. 8°. V. 24, p. 293-299.) * YIA 1909. 4°. 142-151.) * OCK
Johnston, Christopher. The epistolary Meissner, Bruno. .-Mtbabylonische Briefe.
literature of the Assyrians and Babylo-
(Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Leipzig. 1894.
nians. A dissertation. Baltimore, 1898. 8°. Bd.2, p. 557-564.) * OCL
2 p.l., 125-175. 41-96 p., 1 1. 8°. * OCK p.v.3
Repr. American Oriental Society.
: Tournal, v. IS, Metcalf, John M. P. See Tell-el-Amarna
p. 125-175; V. 19, p. 42-96, * OAA. tablets.
A letter of Samas-sum-ukin to his Montgomery, Alary Williams. Briefe
brother Sardanapalus. (American journal aus der Zeit des babylonischen Konigs
of Semitic languages and literatures. Chi- Hammurabi (ca. 2250 v. Chr.). Leipzig: A.
cago, 1901. 8°. V. 17, p. 146-150.) * OBA Pries, 1901. 31 p., 21. 8°. * OCK p.v.2
recent interpretation of the letter
Nagel, Gottfried, See Hammurabi, kinj
of an Assyrian princess. (American Ori- of Babylon.
ental Society. Journal. New Haven, 1899.
8°. V. 20, p. 244-249.) * OAA Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. Zwei
assyrische Briefe iibersetzt und erklart von

Two Assyrian letters. (American
T. G. Pinches. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer, 1887.
Oriental Societ3\ Journal. New Haven. 58-67 p. 8°. * p.v.2 OCK
1893. 8°. V. 15, p. 311-316.) *OAA Repr.: S. A. Smith, Keilschrifttexte Assurbani-
King, Leonard William. Sec Hammu- pal's, Heft 2.

rabi, king of Babylon.

Radau, Hugo. Letters to Cassite kings
Klauber, Ernst.Keilschriftbriefe. Staat from the temple archives of Nippur. Phila-
und Gesellschaft in der babj'lonisch-assyri- delphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1908.
schen Briefliteratur. Leipzig: J. C. Hin- XV, 174 p., 11., 80facs. f°. (University of
richs. 1911. 32 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Pennsylvania. Babylonian expedition of
Jahrg. 12. Heft 2.) * OAC the Universitj\ Series A: Cuneiform texts.

Zur babj'lonisch-assyrischen Brief-

V. 17, parti.) tt*OCN
literatur. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1911. 8°. Scheil, Jean Vincent. Sec Hammurabi,
V. 4, p. 180-186.) * OCO king of Babylon; also Tell-el-Amarna tab-
Klostermann, August. Ein diplomati-
scher Briefwechsel aus dem zweiten Jahr- SchoUmeyer, Anastasius. Altbabylo-
tausend vor Christo. Kiel: P. Toeche, nische Briefe. (Babyloniaca. Paris. 1914,
1898. 22 p. 8°. *OCKp.v.l 8°. V. 7, p. 32-38.) * OCO
Knudtzon, Jjzfrgen A. Sec Hammurabi, Altbabvlonische Privatbriefe. (Babv-
king of Babjdon. loniaca. Paris, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 57-64.)
Landersdorfer, Simon. Altbabylonische
Einiges zur altbabylonischen Brief-
Privatbriefe, transkribiert, iibersetzt und
literatur. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
kommentiert, nebst einer Einleitung und
4 Registern. Paderborn: F. Schoningh,
1914. 4°. V. 11. p. 75-80.)
1908. xii. 142p.. 11. 8°. (Goerres-Gesell- Schroeder, Otto. See Tell-el-Amarna
schaft. Studien zur Geschichte und Kultur tablets.
des Alterthums. Bd. 2, Heft 2.) BAP Smith, S. Alden. Assyrian letters. 36
Luckenbill, Daniel David. Old Baby- facs. (Society of Biblical Archaeologv.
lonian letters from Bismya. (American Proceedings. London, 1887-88. 8°. v. 9,
journal of Semitic languages and litera- p. 240-256; v. 10, p. 60-72, 155-177. 305-315.)
tures. Chicago, 1916. 8°. v. 32, p. 270- * YIA
292.) * OBA Assyrian letters of the time of Asur-
McKnight, Robert James George. Se- banipal. (Verhandlungen des vii. Interna-
lected letters from Sargonid period, with tionalen Orientalisten-Congresses. Semi-
philological notes. A dissertation. Chi- tische Section. Wien: A. Holder. 1888. 8'.
cago: University of Chicago, 1909. 2 p.l., p. 257-265.) *OAA
20 p. 8°. *OCS Strong, S. Arthur. A letter to Assurban-
Martin, Francois. Lettres neo-babyloni- ipal. (Hebraica. Chicago. 1892. 8°. v. 9,
ennes; introduction, transcription et tra- p. 1-3.) *OBA
Letters, continued. Abel, Ludwig. Stiick einer Tafel aus
Talbot, Henry Fox. The defence of a dem Fund von el-Amarna. (Zeitschrift
fiir Assyriologie. Berlin, 1892. 8°. Bd. 7,
magistrate falsely accused. From a tablet
in the British Museum. Translated by H. p. 117-124.) *OCL
F. Talbot. (Society of Biblical Archaeol- Allen, T. G. See Luckexbill, Daniel
ogy. Transactions. London, 1878. 8°. v. David, and T. G. Allen.
6, p. 289-304.) * YIA BoEHL, Franz M. Th. Die Sprache der
Amarnabriefe mit besonderer Beriicksich-
Tell-el-Amarna tablets. The Tell el- tigung der Kanaanismen. Leipzig: J. C.
Amarna tablets in the British Museum, Hinrichs, 1909. iv, 96 p. 8°. (Leipziger
with autotype facsimiles. London: British semitistische Studien. Bd. 5, Heft 2.)
Museum, 1892. xciv, 157 p., 1 1., 24 facs. 4°.
*OCQ BoscAWEN, William St. Chad. Southern
Bibliography, p. Ixxxvii-xcii.
Palestine and the Tel-el-Amarna tablets.
Der Thontafelfund von el-Amarna. (Babylonian and Oriental record. Lon-
Hrsg. von Hugo Winckler; nach den Orig- don, 1891. 8°. v. 5, p. 114-120.) *OCL
inalen autographirt von Ludwig Abel.
Berlin: W. Spemann,
1889-90. 3 v. in 1. i°. The Tel el-Amarna tablets in the
(Konigliche Museen zu Berlin. Mittheil- British Museum. Letters from kings of
ungen aus den orientalischen Sammlungen. Alashiya & North Syria. (Babylonian and
Heft OAC Oriental record. London, 1892. 8°. v. 6,
1-3.) t*
p. 25-35, 69-72.) * OCL
Die Tontafeln von el-Amarna.
Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis.
[Hrsg. von Otto Schroeder.] Halfte 1-2.
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1914-15. f°.
On cuneiform despatches from Tushratta.
(Konigliche Museen zu Berlin. Vorder- — king of Mitanni, Burraburiyash the son of
Kuri-Galzu, and the king of Alashiya, to
asiatische Abteilung. Vorderasiatische
OAA Amenophis in., king of Egj-pt, and on the
Schriftdenkmaler. Heft 11.) ft * cuneiform tablets from Tell el-Amarna. 9
Oriental diplomacy: being the trans- facs. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
literated text of the cuneiform despatches Proceedings. London, 1888. 8°. v. 10, p.
between the kings of Egypt and western 540-569.) * YIA
Asia in the xvth century before Christ, dis- Delattre, Alphonse Azirou. (Society
covered at Tell el-Amarna, and now pre- of Biblical Archaeolog3^ Proceedings.
served in the British Museum. With full
vocabulary, grammatical notes, etc., by
London, 1891. 8'. v. 13, p. 215-234.) * YIA
Charles Bezold. London: Luzac and Co.. Lettres de Tell el-Amarna. (Soci-
1893. xliv, 124 p. 8°. * OCQ ety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings.
London. 1891-93. 8°. v. 13. p. 539-561; v.
Die Thontafeln von Tell-el-Amarna 15, p. 16-30, 115-134, 345-373, 501-520.)
von Hugo Winckler. Berlin: Reuther & *YIA
Reichard. 1896. xxxvi, 415, 50 p. 8°. (Keil-
Les Pseudo-Hebreux dans les lettres
inschriftliche Bibliothek. Bd. 5.) * OCO de Tell el-Amarna. (Revue des questions
The Tell-el-Amarna-letters. by historiques. Paris, 1904. 8°. v. 75, p. 353-
Hugo Winckler. New York: Lemcke & 382.) BAA
Buechner, 1896. xlii, 415, 50 p. 8°. * OCQ Quelques lettres de Tell el-Amarna.
Translated from the German by John M. P. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
ceedings. London, 1891. 8°. v. 13, p. 317-
The Tell Amarna tablets. Trans- 327.) * YIA
latedby C. R. Conder. Published for the Trois lettres de Tell el-Amarna.
committee of the Palestine Exploration (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
Fund. London: A. P. Watt, 1893. xi. 212 ceedings. London, 1891. 8°. v.U, p. 127-
p 8°. *OCQ 132.) *YIA
London: A. Watt & Son. Dhorme, Paul. La langue de Canaan.
1894. xvi, 258 p. 2. ed. *OCQ (Revue biblique. Paris, 1913. 8°. nouvelle
nouvelles lettres d'el Amarna
Deux serie, v. 10, p. 369-393.) * YIA
par le P. V. Scheil. (Institut fran(;ais Ebeling. Erich. Das Verbum der El-
d'archeologie orientale. Bulletin. Le Amarna-Briefe. (Beitrage zur Assyriolo-
Cairo, 1902. 4°. v. 2, p. 113-118.) t*OBL gie. Leipzig, 1910. 8°. Bd. 8, Heft 2, p.
Tablettes d'el-Amarna. de la collec-
39-79.) * OCL
tion Rostovicz, publiees par Fr. V. Scheil. Gatschet, a. Historic
S. documents
(Mission archeologique fran<;aise au Caire. from the fourteenth century B. C. (.Ameri-
Memoires. Paris, 1897. 4°. v. 6, p. 297- can anthropologist. Washington, 1897. 8°.
312.) t*OBKG V. 10, p. 121-123.) HBA

Letters, continued. Perruchon, Jules. Index des ideogrammes

et des mots contenus dans les lettres l)aby-
Halevv, Joseph. La corrcspondance (Transcription et
lonicnncs d'el-.\marna.
d'Amenophis iii et d'Amenophis iv, tran-
traduction de M. Halcvy.) (Revue semi-
scrite et traduite. (Journal asiatique.
tique. Paris. 1895. 8°. annee 3. p. 54-72.
8°. serie 8, v. 16. p. 298-
Paris. 1890-92.
147-164, 200-209, 306-333.) * OAA
354, 402-462; v. 17. p. 87-133. 202-273. 496-
531; V. 18, p. 134-185, 510-536: v. 19, p. 270- Petrie, William Matthew Flinders. Syria
333, 499-555; v. 20, p. 233-278.) * OAA and Egypt; from the Tell el-Amarna let-
Le profit liistorique des tablettes ters. New York: C. Scribner's Sons. 1898.
d'el-Amarna. (Revue semitique. Paris, vii, 187p. 12°. *OCQ
1897. 8°. annee5, p. 36-46, 132-147. 255- S.W'CE, Archibald Henry. Adam and Sar-
262, 343-359.) * OAA gon in the land of the Hittites, a new Tell
Hempl. George. The old Doric of the el-Amarna discovery. (Society of Biblical
Archaeology. Proceedings. London. 1915.
Tell el Amarna texts. (American Philo-
logical Association. Transactions and pro-
8°. V. 37, ^p. 227-245.) * YIA
ceedings. Boston. 1914. 8°. v. 44, p. 185- Ba1)ylonian tablets from Tel el-
214.) RAA Amarna. Upper Egypt. (Society of Bibli-
Nieeuhr. cal Archaeology. Proceedings. London,
Hutchison, Jane. See Carl,
pseud, of Carl Krug.
1888. 8°. V. 10, p. 488-525.) * YIA
Ein diplomat-
The cuneiform tablets. 3 pi. (In:
Klostermaxx. August. W. ]M. F. Petrie. Tell el Amarna. London:
ischer Briefwechsel aus dem zweiten Jahr-
Alethuen & Co., 1894. f°. p. 34-37.)
tausend vor Christo. Kiel: Universitats- t*OBM
Buchhandlung, 1898. 22 p. 8°. * p.v.l OCK
The cuneiform tablets of Tel el-
Knudtzox, Jprgen Alexander. Ergeb- Amarna, now preserved in the Boulaq Mu-
nisse einer Kollation der El-Amarna-Taf- seum. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
eln. (Beitrage zur Assyriologie. Leipzig, Proceedings. London. 1889. 8°. v. 11. p.
1902. 8°. Bd. 4. p. 101-154.) * OCL 326-413.) * YIA
Weitere Studien zu den El-Amarna- of the Tel el-Amarna
The discovery
Tafeln. (Beitrage zur Assj^riologie. Leip- tablets. (American journal of Semitic lan-
zig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 279-337, 410-417.1 guages and literatures. Chicago, 1917. 8°.
*OCL V. 33, p. 89-90.) * OBA
Lehmaxx-Haupt. Ferdinand F. K. Aus The lonians the Tel el-Amarna
dem Funde von Tell el Amarna. (Zeit- tablets. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1888. 8°. Proceedings. London, 1902. 8°. v. 24. p.
Bd. 3, p. 372-406.) * OCL 10-13.) *YIA
LiEBLEiN, Jens Daniel Carolus. Les Victoria Institute. The annual
lettres royales de Tell el-Amarna. (Sphinx. address on the cuneiform inscriptions at
Upsala, 1909. 8°. v. 13, p. 37-44.) * OBH Tel el-Amarna. London: Victoria Insti-
. .

tute. 1889. Ip.l., iv, 17 p.. 31. 8°.

LucKEXBiLL, Daniel David, and T. G. * OCK p.v.2
Allex. The Murch fragment of an el- Syrien vor dem Ein-
Trampe, Ernst.
Amarna letter. (American journal of Se-
dringen der Israeliten. ii. Studien zu den
mitic languages and literatures. Chicago,
* OBA Thontafeln von Tell el-Amarna. Berlin:
1916. 8°. v. 33. p. 1-8.)
R. Gaertners Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1901.
NiEBUHR. Carl, pseud, of Carl Krug. Die 29 p. 8°. (Wissenschaftliche Beilage zum
Amarna-Zeit. Aegypten und Vorderasien Jahresbericht des Lessing-Gymnasiums zu
um 1400 V. Chr. nach dem Thontafelfunde Berlin. Ostern, 1901.) * OCQ
von el-Amarna. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. \\'ixcKLER, Hugo. Tel-Amarna 125. (Vor-
1899. 32 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg.
derasiatische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen.
1, Heft 2.) *OAC Berlin, 1897. 8°. 1897, p. 283-285.) * OAA
The Tell el Amarna period. The Die Volker Vorderasiens. Leipzig:
relations of Egypt and western Asia in the 36 p. 8°. (Der alte
J. C. Hinrichs, 1899.
fifteenth century B. C. according to the Orient. Jahrg. 1, Heft 1.) * OAC
Tell el Amarna tablets. Translated by J.
Hutchison. London: D. Nutt, 1901. 3 p.l., Vorarbeiten zu einer Gesammtbear-
9-62 p. 12°. (The ancient East. no. 2.") beitung der el-Amarna-Texte. (Zeitschrift
* OCK p.v.2 fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1891. 8°. Bd.
6, p. 141-148.) * OCL
London: D. Nutt. 1903. 3 p.l.,
9-62 p. 12°. (The ancient East. no. 2.) ZiMMERN, Heinrich. Briefe aus dem
*OCQ Funde in el Amarna in Transscription und
Letters, continued. enne. (Hilprecht anniversary volume.
Uebersetzung. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriolo-
Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p. 156-163.) * OCK
gie. Leipzig. 1890. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 137-165.) Ungnad, Arthur. Babylonian letters of
*OCL the Hammurapi period, by Arthur Ungnad.
Keilschriftbriefe aus Jerusa-
Die Philadelphia: University Museum, 1915.
lem. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leip- 50 p., 21., 104facs. 4°. (University of
zig, 1891. 8°. Bd. 6, p. 245-263.) * OCL Pennsylvania. — Museum: Babylonian Sec-
Das Verhaltnis des assyrischen
tion. Publications, v. 7.) * OCL
Permansivs zum semitischen Perfect und Babylonische Briefe aus der Zeit
zum agyptischen "Pseudoparticip" unter- der Hammurapi-Dynastie. Leipzig: J. C.
sucht unter Benutzung der el-Amarna- Hinrichs. 1914. xl. 450 p. 8°. (Vorder-
Texte. (Zeitschrift fiir Assvriologie. asiatische Bibliothek. Stuck6.) * OCS
Leipzig, 1890. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 1-22.) * OCL
Waterman, Leroy. Some Kouyunjik
Thompson, Reginald Campbell. A late
letters and related texts. [Chicago.] 1912.
Babylonian letter. (Society of Biblical iii. 143 p. 8°. *OCKp.v.3
Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1909. American journal of Semitic languages and
8°. V.31, p. 169-171.) *YIA :

literatures, v. 28, no. 2, and v. 29, no. 1, * OBA.

Late Babylonian letters, translitera- Winckler, Hugo. See Tell-el-Amarna

tions and translations of a series of letters tablets.
written in Babylonian cuneiform, chiefly
during the reigns of Nabonidus, Cyrus, Zeitlin, Maurice. Le style administratif
Cambyses and Darius. London: Luzac & chez les Assyriens: choix de lettres assyri-
Co., 1906. xxxvi. 226 p.. 1 pi. 8°, (Luzac's ennes et babyloniennes, transcrites, tra-
Semitic text and translation series, v. 17.) duites et accompagnees de notes. Paris: P.
*ocs Geuthner, 1910. 2 p.l., 122 p., 11., 39 facs.
Thureau-Dangin, Francois. Lettres de 4°. (fitudes assyriologiques. no. 1.)

I'epoque de la premiere dynastie babyloni- *ocs


Adler, Cyrus. The view^s of the Baby- (American Oriental Societj'. Journal.
lonians concerning life after death, n. p. New Haven, 1917. 8°. w.Z7, p. 23-42.)
[1888.] 92-101 p. '8°. * p.v.l OCY * OAA
Extract: Biblical and historical criticism, July, —— An androgynous Babylonian divin-
1888. ity. (American Oriental Societv. Journal.
AUotte de Fuye, Franqois M. £tat des
New Haven, 1901. 8°. v. 21, part 2, p. 185-
deces survenus dans le personnel de la
187.) * OAA
deesse Bau sous le regne d'Urukagina. The Semitic Istar cult. (Hebraica.
(Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1910. 4°. v. Chicago, 1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 131-165.) * OBA
7, p. 139-146.) * OCL Tammuz and Osiris. (American
Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven,
Assurbanipal. A
prayer of Assurbanipal. 1915. 8°. v. 35, p. 213-223.) * OAA
By S. Arthur Strong. (Transactions of
the ninth International Congress of Orien- Baudissin, Wolf Wilhelm. Graf. Tam-
talists. London, 1893. 4°. v. 2, p. 199- muz bei den Harranern. (Deutsche mor-
208.) * OAA genlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift.
Leipzig, 1912. 8°. Bd. 66, p. 171-188.)
Ball, Charles James. A
Babylonian rit- *OAA
ual text. (Royal .Asiatic Society. Journal. Babylonisch-assyrische
Bezold, Carl.
London, 1892. 8°. 1892, p. 841-853.) Religion. (Archiv fiir Religionswissen-
*OAA schaft. Leipzig, 1904-12. 8°. Bd. 7. p.
.\ bilingual hymn. (Society of Bib- 193-211; Bd. 10, p. 104-128; Bd. 15, p. 203-
lical Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 241.) ZAA
1893. 8°. V. 15, p. 51-54.) * VIA Die babylonisch-assyrische Relig-
Glimpses Babylonian religion. ion. (In: Die orientalischen Religionen.
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro- Berlin, 1906. 4°. p. 39-50.) ZAE
ceedings. London, 1892. 8°. v. 14, p. 149- Ueber Beschrei-
162.) * YIA bungen babylonisch-assyrischer Gotterty-
pen. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Wei-
Barton, George Aaron. Ancient Baby- mar, 1894. 8°. Bd. 9, p. 114-125, 405-409.)
lonian expressions of the religious spirit. *OCL
Religion, contituicd. Contenau, Georges. La deesse nue baby-
lonienne; etude d'iconograpliie comparee.
Boellenruecher, Josef. Gebete und Hym-
Paris: P. Geuthner, 1914. 131 p., 1 1. 4°.
nen an Nergal. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
1904. 2 p.l., 52 p. 8°. (Leipziger semitis- *OCM
tische Studien. Bd. 1, Heft6.) * OBC Craig, James A. Assyrian and Babylo-
nian religious texts, being prayers, oracles,
Boissier, Alfred. Materiaux pour I'etude hymns, &c. Copied from the original tab-
de la religion assyro-babylonienne. (So- lets preserved in the British Museum and
ciety of Biblical Archaeology. Proceed- autographed, v. 1-2. Leipzig: J. C. Hin-
ings. London. 1902-03. 8°. v. 24, p. 220- richs, 1895-97. 4°. (Assyriologische Bib-
233; V. 25, p. 23-29, 75-81.) * YIA liothek. Bd. 13.) t*OCQ
Materiaux pour I'etude de la re- Davis, John D. The gods of Shirpurla.
ligion babylonienne. (Revue semitiquc. (American Oriental Society. Journal.
Paris, 1901. 8°. annee 9, p. 146-160.) New Haven, 1896. 8°. v. 16, p. ccxiii-
*OAA ccxviii.) * OAA
Boscawen, \Yilliam St. Chad. Hymn to Deimel, Antonius. Pantheon Babyloni-
Gilgames. (Balivlonian and Oriental rec- cum; nomina deorum e textibus cuneifor-
ord. London, 1894. 8°. v. 7, p. 121-125.) mibus excerpta et ordine alphabetico dis-
*OCL tributa adiuvantibus Romeo Panara. .los. .

The Kerubim
Eden. (Baby- in Patsch. .Nic. Schneider; edidit Antonius

lonian and Oriental record. London. 1889. Deimel... Romae: sumptibus Pontificii
8°. V. 3, p. 145-149.) *OCL Instituti Biblici, 1914. xvi, 264 p., 1 1., 35 p.

Notes on Assyrian religion and

4°. t*OCY
mythology. (Society of Biblical Archae- Delaporte, Louis Joseph. Noms theo-
ology. Transactions. London, 1878. 8°. phores en Assyrie a I'epoque des Sargoni-
V. 6, p. 535-542.) * YIA des. (Revue de I'histoire des religions.
Paris, 1906. 8°. tome 54, p. 46-64.) ZAA
Notes on the religion and mythol-
ogy of the Assyrians. (Society of Biblical Delitzsch, Friedrich. Esagila. the Baby-
Archaeology. Transactions. London, lonian Pantheon. 1 pi. (Records of the
1876. 8°. V.4, p. 267-301.) * YIA past. Washington. 1903. 8°. v. 2, p. 323-
331.) MTA
Bruennow, Rudolf Ernst. Assyrian
hymns. (Zeitschrift fiir Assvriologie.
Das Land ohne Heimkehr. Die
Gedanken der Babylonier-Assyrer iiber
Leipzig, 1889-90. 8°. Bd. 4, p. 1-40. 225-
* OCL Tod und Jenseits. nebst Schlussfolgerun-
258; Bd. 5, p. 55-80.)
gen. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt,
Cara, Cesare de. Identificazione d'Iside
1911. 48 p. 8°. *OCY
Repr.: Deutsche Revue, Jahrg. 35, Bd. p. 18-32,
e d'Osiride con Istar ed Asur. (Actes du * DF.

huitieme Congres international des ori-

entalistes. Leide: E. J. Brill, 1893. 8°. Dhorme, Paul. Choix de textes religieux
partie 2, section 1, p. 273-278.) * OAA assyro-babyloniens. Transcription, traduc-
tion, commentaire
par... Paul Dhorme.
Carus, Paul. Assyrian poems on the im- Paris: V. Lecoffre, 1907. 3 p.l., xxxvii. 406
mortality of the soul. (Open court. Chi- p. 4°. (Etudes bibliques.) f * OCY
cago, 1905. 8°. V. 19, p. 107-110.) *DA Nin-ib. (Hilprecht anniversary vol-
The Babylonian Good Friday. ume. Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p. 365-369.)
(Open court. Chicago, 1910. 8°. v. 24. p. *OCK
138-142.) * DA La souveraine des dieux. (Revue
d'assyriologie. Paris, 1910. 4". v. 7, p. 11-
Clay, Albert Tobias. Ellil, the god of
Nippur. (American journal of Semitic lan- 20.) * OCL
guages and literatures. Chicago. 1907. 8°. Tablette rituelle neo-babylonienne.
V. 23, p. 269-279.) * OBA (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1911. 4°. v.

origin and real name of Nin-ib.
8, p. 41-63.) *OCL
(American Oriental Society. Journal. Documents religieux de I'Assyrie & de la
New Haven, 1907. 8°. v. 28, p. 135-144.) Babylonie. Texte assyrien, en caracteres
*OAA hebreux, traduction et commentaire par J.
Halevy. partie 1. Paris: Maisonneuve et
Collins, G. Sec Tide, Cornelis Petrus.
Cie., 1882. 8°. * OCY
Partie 1. Le texte coinplet et une partie de la
Combe, Histoire du culte de
traduction et du commentaire.
Sin en Babylonie et en Assyrie. Paris: P.
Geuthner, 1908. 3 p.l., x-xviii p., 1 1., 158 p.. Ebeling, Erich. See Keilschrifttexte aus
11. 8°. *OCY Assur.
Religion, continued. Some tmpublished religious texts of
Samas. (American journal of Semitic lan-
Ermoni, V. Le panbabylonisme. (Revue guages and literatures. Chicago. 1901. 8°.
des idees. Paris, 1909. 8°. annee 6, se-
mestre 339-366.) * DM V. 17, p. 222-243.) * OBA
2, p.
Guyard, Stanislas. Bulletin critique de la
Eulenburg, Olga zu. Von Asdod nach religion assyro-babylonienne. (Revue de
Ninive im Jahre 711 v. Chr.. von O. z. E. Paris, 1880-82. 8°.
I'histoire des religions.
Folge2-3. Leipzig: O. Wigand. 1905-06. tome 1, p. 327-345; tome 5, p. 253-278.)
12°. * OCY ZAA
Folge 2. Eridu der babylonische Gottesgarten.
Folge 3. Die Busse vcn Ninive.
Halevy, Joseph. Deux hymnes sumeri-
ens. (Revue semitique. Paris. 1908. 8°.
Famell, Lewis Richard. Greece and annee 16. p. 484-509.) * OAA
Babylon; a comparative sketch of Mesopo-
Quelques hymnes sumero-babylo-
tamian, Anatolian and Hellenic religions.
niens de la collection de Berlin. (Revue
Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark. 1911. xii, 311 p.
8°. ZAT semitique. Paris, 1909. 8°. annee 17. p.
91-106.) * OAA
Foertsch, Wilhclm. Religionsgeschicht-
religieux babyloniens en
liche Untersuchungen zu den altesten double redaction. (Revue semitique. Paris,
babylonischen Inschriften. von Wilhelm 1896. 8°. annee 4, p. 150-160, 245-251. 344-
Fortsch. Halfte 1. Leipzig: J. C. Hin-
richs, 1914. 8°. (Vorderasiatische Gesell-
348.) * OAA
schaft. Mitteilungen. Jahrg. 19, Heft 1.) Hare, William Loftus. Babylonian re-
*OAA ligion: a short account of Chaldean magic,

La deesse "Aruru." Babj'lonian myths and Assyrian theology;

Fossey, Charles.
pointing to their influence on the ideas of
(Revue de I'histoire des religions.
tome ZAA the Jews. London: C. W. Daniel [1905].
1900. 8°. 41, p. 163-165.)
61 p. nar. 16°. (The world's religion se-
Frank, Karl.Bilder und Symbole baby- ries, no. 4.) *OCY
lonisch-assyrischer Cotter. Nebst einem
Harper, Robert Francis. Assyrian and
Beitrag iiber die Gottersymbole des Nazi-
Babylonian prayers translated by R. F.
maruttas-Kudurru von H. Zimmern. Leip- Harper. (Biblical world. Chicago, 1904.
zig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1906. 2 p.l., 44 p. 8°.
(Leipziger semitistische Studien. Bd. 2,
8°. V. 23, p. 279-286.) * DA
Heft 2.) *OBC Babylonian penitential psalms.
(Biblical world. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 23,
Studien zur babylonischen Religion.
Bd. 1, Heft 1-2. Strassburg i. E.: Schlesier
p.358-365.) * DA
& Schweikhardt, 1911. 8°. * OCY Hehn, Joliannes. Hymnen und Gebete
an Marduk. (Beitrage zur Assj-^riologie.
Das Symbol der Gottin Gestinna. Leipzig, 1906. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 279-400.)
(Hilprecht anniversary volume. Leipzig.
1909. 4°. p. 164-169.) * OCK *OCL
Heuzey, Leon. Les deux dragons sacres
Fries, Carl. Studien zur Odvssee. 1-2. de Babylone et leur prototype chaldeen.
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1910-11. 8°. (Vor- 1 pi. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris. 1907.
derasiatische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. 4°. V. 6, p. 95-104.) *OCL
Jahrg. 15, Heft 2-4; Jahrg. 16. Heft 4.)
*OAA Les dieux a turban sur les cylindres
1. Das Zagmukfest auf Scheria. chaldeens. (Academie des inscriptions et
2. Odysseus der Bhikshu. belles-lettres. Comptes rendus. Paris,
1906. 8°. 1906, p. 43-48.) * EO
Gehrich, Georg. See Tide, Cornells
Petrus. Hommel, Fritz. Die Identitat der altes-
ten babylonischen und aegyptischen Gotter-
Gilbert, Otto. Babylons Gestirndienst. genealogie und der babylonische L^rsprung
(Globus. Braunschweig, 1904. f°. v. 86, der aegyptischen Kultur. (Transactions of
p. 225-231.) fKAA the ninth International Congress of Orien-
talists. London, 1893. 8°. v. 2, p. 218-
Gray, Clifton Daggett. .A hymn to 244.) * OAA
Samas. (American journal of Semitic lan-
guages and literatures. Chicago, 1901. 8°. Der sechskopfige Drache von
V. 17, p. 129-145.) * OBA Jamutbal. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1908. 8°.
tome 2. p. 60-61.) * OCO
The Samas religious te.xts classi-
Sec also Krausz, Joseph.
fied in the British
catalogue asMuseum
hymns, prayers and incantations... Chi- Hrozny, Friedrich. Sumerisch-babylo-
cago: University of Chicago Press, 1901. nisclie Mythen von dem Gotte Ninrag
24 p., 1 1., 20 pi. 8°. * OCY p.v.l (Xinib) hrsg., umschrieben, iibersetzt und
Religion, con tinned. Ueber einige sumero-akkadische
u. babylonisch-assyrische Gotternamen.
erklart von Friedrich Hrozny... Berlin:
Assyriologie. Leipzig,
(Zeitschrift fiir
W. Peiser, 1903. 4 p.l.. 128 p.. 13 facs. 4°. 1886. 8^ Bd. 1, p. 1-24.) * OCL
(Vorderasiatische Gescllschaft. Mitteilun-
gen. Jahrg. 8, Heft 5.) * OAA Jeremias, Alfred. The Babylonian con-
ception of heaven and hell. Translated by
Hussey, Mary Inda. Some Sumerian- London: D. Nutt. 1902. 2
J. Hutchison.
Babylonian hymns of the Berlin collection. p.l., vii-viii, 52 p. 12°. (The ancient East,
Transcribed and interpreted, with collation no. 4.) *OCY
of the original tablets, from the text pub-
lished by George Reisner. (American Die babylonisch-assyrischen V^or-
journal of Semitic languages and litera- stellungen vom Leben nach dem Tode;
tures. Chicago, 1907. 8°. v. 23, p. 142- nach den Quellen mit Beriicksichtigung
176.) *OBA der alttestamentlichen Parallelen. Leip-
zig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1887. 3 p.l., 126 p. 8^
Hutchison, Jane. Sec Jeremias, Alfred. *OCY
Jastrow, Morris, the younger. Aspects Handbuch der altorientalischen
of religious belief and practice in Bab}'- Geisteskultur. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
lonia and Assyria. New York: G. P. Put- 1913. xvi, 366 p., 2 pi. 4' *OCM
nam's Sons. 1911. XXV, 471 p., 1 map. 33 pi.
Holle und Paradies bei den Baby-
8°. (American lectures on the history of 32
* OCY loniern. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1900.
religions, series 9, 1910.)
p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg. 1, Heft 3.)
Bildermappe mit 273 Abbildungen *OAC
samt Erklarungen zur Religion Babylo- Monotheistische Stromungen inner-
niens und Assyriens, besonders im Ansch- halb der babylonischen Religion, auf
luss und als Erganzung zu Jastrow's Re- Grund eines Vortrages gehalten auf dem
ligion Babyloniens und Assj'riens; zusam- II.internationalen Kongress fiir Religions-
mengestellt und erklart von M. Jastrow, geschichte zu Basel 1904. Leipzig: J. C.
jr. Giessen: A. Topelmann, 1912. ob. 8°. Hinrichs, 1904. 48 p. 8°. * OCY
Jeremias, Johannes. Die Cultustafel von
Did the Babylonian temples have
(American Oriental Societv. Sippar CBeitrage zur Assyriologie. Leip-
zig, 1890. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 268-292.) * OCL
Journal. New Haven, 1906. 8°. v. 27, p.
147-182.) * OAA Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religiose n In-
The god Asur. (American Oriental halts. Heft 1-2. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
Journal. New Haven, 1903. 8°. 1915. f°. (Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft.
282-311.) *OAA Wissenschaftliche Verof f entlichungen. Heft
V. 24, p.
28.) t* OAA
An omen
school text. (In: Old Heft 1-2. Autographien. Von Erich Ebeling.
Testament and Semitic studies, in memorj-
Kessler, Konrad. L^eber Gnosis und
of William Rainey Harper. Chicago, 1908.
4°. * OBC altbabylonische Religion. (Verhandlun-
V. 2, p. 279-325.)
gen des fiinften internationalen Oriental-
The religion of Babylonia and As- isten-Congresses. Berlin: A. Asher & Co.,
syria. Boston: Ginn & Co.. 1898. xii p., 1882. 8°. Theil2, Halftel, p. 288-305.)
1 1., 780 p.. 1 map. 8°. (Handbooks on the *OAA
history of religions, v. 2.) *R-*OCY King, Leonard William. Babylonian re-
Die Religion Babyloniens und As- ligion and mythology. London: K. Paul,
syriens. Giessen: J. Ricker, 1905-12. 2 v. Trench, Triibner & Co., 1899. vii p., 2 1..
in 3. 8°. *OCY 220 p. 12°. (Books on Egypt and Chal-
BoissiER. Alfred. M. Jastrow: Die Re- daea. v. 4.) * OCY
ligion Babyloniens und Assyriens. Ex- Klauber, Ernst Georg. Politisch-reli-
amen d'une partie de I'ouvrage qui con- giose Texte aus der Sargonidenzeit; hrsg.
cerne la divination. 1 fac. (Babyloniaca. von E. G. Klauber. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer.
Paris, 1910. 8°. v. 4, p. 81-93.) * OCO 1913. Ixvi, 178 p., 89 facs. 4°. ft * OCY
Jensen, Peter. Hymnen auf das Wieder- Knudtzon, J0rgen Alexander. Assy-
erscheinen der drei grossen Lichtgotter. rische Gebete an den Sonnengott fiir Staat
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, und konigliches Haus aus der Zeit Asar-
1887. 8°. Bd. 2. p. 76-94, 191-204.) * OCL haddons und Asurbanipals. Mit Unter-
stiitzung der Universitat Kristiania hrsg.
Texte zur assyrisch-babylonischen
von . . .
J. A. Knudtzon. Leipzig: E. Pfeiffer.
Religion, von P. Jensen. Lief. 1.Berlin:
1893. 2v. 8° and f°. * OCY and f * OCY
Reuther & Reichard, 1915. 8°. (Keilin-
schriftliche Bibliothek. Bd.6, Teil 2.) See also Maspero, Sir Gaston Ca-
*oco mille Charles.
Religion, continued. A
lament to Enlil and its later
redactions. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1908. 8°.
Krausz, Joseph. Die Gotternamen in * OCO
v. 2, p. 275-281.)
den babylonischen Siegelcylinder-Legen-
den. Miinchen: F. Straub, 1910. 47 p. 8°. Lamentation to the goddess of Sir-
*OCY purla. (American journal of Semitic lan-
guages and literatures. Chicago, 1908. 8°.
Die Gotternamen in den babyloni-
schen Siegelcj'linder-Legenden; ziisam- V.24, p. 282-285.) * OBA
mengestellt und bearbcitet von Joseph A liturgy of the cult of Tammuz.
Krausz. mit zahlreichen Beitragen von (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1911. 8°. v. 4, p.
Fritz Hommel. Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz. * OCO
1911. xii, 128 p. 8°. * OCY
Lajard, Felix. Fragments d'un memoire The necessary revisions of the Su-
merian Epic of Paradise. (American jour-
sur le systeme theogonique et cosmo-
nal of Semitic languages and literatures.
gonique des Assyriens on des Chaldeens
Chicago, 1917. 8°. v. 33, p. 245-249.)
d'Assyrie. (Journal asiatique. Paris, 1834.
8°. serie2, V. 14, p. 114-143.) * OAA *OBA
The originals of two religious texts
Langdon, Stephen. An account of the of the Asurbanipal library. (Society of
pre-Semitic version of the fall of man. 2 Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. Lon-
pi. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. *YIA
don, 1912.. 8°. V. 34, p. 152-157.)
Proceedings. London. 1914-15. 8°. v. 36,
p. 253-264; v. 37, p. 263.) * YIA A preliminary account of a Sumeri-
Babylonian eschatology. (Baby- an legend of the flood and the fall of man.
loniaca. Paris, 1912. 8°. v. 6, p. 193-215.) (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
*oco ceedings. London, 1914. 8°. v. 36, p. 188-
198.) * YIA
Babylonian eschatology. (In: Es-
says in modern theology and related sub- A ritual of atonement for a Baby-
jects. New York, 1911. 8°. p. 141-161.) lonian king. (University of Pennsylvania.
ZFB — Museum. Journal. Philadelphia, 1917.
Babylonian Sumerian
liturgies. 8°. V. 8, p. 39-44.) *F
texts from the early period and from the The sister of Tammuz. (Babvloni-
library of Ashurbanipal, for the most part aca. Paris, 1914. 8°. v. 7, p. 20-28.)
transliterated and translated, with intro- *oco
duction and index. Paris: P. Geuthner.
Sumerian and Babylonian psalms.
1913. lii, 151 p., 75 facs. i°. f * OCP Paris: P. Geuthner, 1909. xxvi, 349 p.. 11.
A chapter from
the Babylonian 8°. *OCP
books of private devotion. (Babvloniaca.
8°. * OCO Sumerian Epic of Paradise, the
Paris. 1910. v.3, p. 1-32.) '
flood and the fall of man, by Stephen
A chapter from the Babylonian Langdon. Philadelphia: University Muse-
books of private penance. (International um, 1915. 98 p.. 21.. 7 facs. 4°. (Univer-
Congress for the History of Religions. sity of Pennsylvania. —
Museum: Baby-
Transactions. Oxford, 1908. 8°. congress lonian Section. Publications, v. 10. no. 1.)
3, V. 1, p. 249-254.) * R - ZAP *OCL
classical liturgy to Innini. (Re- Jastrow. Morris, the younger. The Su-
vue d'assyriologie. Paris, 1912. 4°. v. 9, merian view of beginnings. (American
p. 5-11.) *OCL Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven,
Deux fragments d'hymnes a Samas. 1916. 8°. v. 36, p. 122-135.) * OAA
(Babyloniaca. Paris, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 75- Prince. John Dyneley. The so-called
78.) * OCO Epic of Paradise, (.\merican Oriental So-
fragment of a liturgy to Ninib ciety. Journal. New Haven, 1916. 8°. v.
(Xinurasha). (Society of Biblical Archae- 36, p. 90-114, 269-273.) * OAA
ology. Proceedings. London, 1915. 8°. Langdon, Stephen. upon
Critical notes
v.2,7, p. 66-70.) *YIA the Epic of Paradise. (American Oriental
A fragment of a Nippurian liturgy. Society. Journal. New Haven, 1916. 8°.
2 pi. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1910. 8°. v.3, V. 36, p. 140-145.) *OAA
p. 241-249.) * OCO A
reply to the criticisms of Prof. Jastrow and
Prof. Prince.
A hymn to Enlil with a theological
redaction. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris, Langdon, Stephen. Sumerian liturgical
1915. 4°. V. 12, p. 27-32.) * OCL texts. Philadelphia: University Museum,
A hymn to Tammuz. (Revue d'as- 1917. 99-203 p., 1 1.. 56 pi. 4°. (University
syriologie. Paris, 1915. 4°. v. 12. p. 33- of Pennsylvania. —
Museum: Babylonian
45.) *OCL Section. Publications, v. 10, no. 2.) * OCL


Religion, continued. Babylonia and Assyria. Leipzig: J. C.

Hinrichs, 1906. 8°. (Beitrage zur Assyri-
tablet of prayers from the Nippur
ologie. Bd. 5, p. 531-712.) * OCL
library. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
Proceedings. London, 1912. 8°. v. 34, p. Martin, Francois. Le juste souffrant
75-79.) * YIA babylonien. (Journal asiatique. Paris.
and Ishtar; a monograph 1910. 8°. serie 10. v. 16, p. 75-143.) * OAA
upon Babylonian religion and theology Textes religieux assyriens et Iniby-
containing extracts from the Tammuz loniens. Transcription, traduction et com-
liturgies and all of the Arbela oracles. mentaire. Paris: E. Bouillon, 1900. 4 p.l.,
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1914. vii p., 2 1.. xxix, 143 p.. Ipl. 4°. (ficole des hautes
196 p., 5facs., Ipl. 8°. * OCY etudes. Bibliotheque: Sciences philolo-
Lenormant, Francois. Les dieux de giques et historiques. fasc. 130.

Babylone et de I'Assyrie. Paris: Maison- *OCYp.v.l

neuve et Cie., 1877. 1 p.l., 27 p. 8°. * OCY Maspero, Gaston Camille Charles.
Assyrisciie Gebete an den Sonnengott
Hymne an soleil, a texte primitif
fiir Staat und konigliches Haiis aus der
accadien avec version assyrienne, traduit et
Zeit Asarhaddons und Asurbanipals, mit
commente. (Journal asiatique. Paris,
1878-79. 8°. serie 378-434; v. 13,
Unterstiitzung der Universitat Kristiania
7, v. 12, p.
hrsg. von Dr. J. A. Knudtzon. (Journal
p. 5-98.) * OAA des savants. Paris, 1898. 4°. 1898, p. 600-
II Mito di Adone-Tammuz nel

614.) 3-OA
documenti cuneiformi. (Atti del iv. Con-
gresso internazionale degli orientalisti. Maynard, John A. Studies in religious
Firenze: coi Tipi dei Successori Le Mon- texts from Assur. (American journal of
nier, 1880. 8°. v. 1, p. 143-173.) * OAA Semitic languages and literatures. Chica-
go, 1917. 8°. V. 34, p. 21-59.) * OBA
Sur le nom de Tammouz. (Congres
international des orientalistes. Compte- Meek, Theophile James. Cuneiform
rendu de la premiere session. Paris: Mai- bilingual hymns, prayers and penitential
sonneuve et Cie., 1876. 8°. tome 2, p. 149- psahri<;. (Beitrage zur Assj^iologie. Leip-
165.) * OAA zig, l'J!3. 8°. Bd. 10, p. iii-iv, 1-127.) •

Loisy, Alfred. fitudes sur la religion

chaldeo-assj'rienne. (Revue des religions. A hymn to Ishtar, K. 1286. (Ameri-
Paris, 1890-92. 8°. annee 2. p. 512-532; can journal of Semitic languages and lit-
annee3, p. 5-55, 97-130. 193-222. 289-318, eratures. Chicago, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 156-
481-519; annee 4. p. 97-153.) ZAA 161.) *OBA
Luckenbill, Daniel David. A Neo-Baby- Meissner, Bruno. Babylonische Leichen-
lonian catalogue of h)'mns. (American feierlichkeiten. (Vienna Oriental journal.
journal of Semitic languages and litera- Vienna, 1898. 8°. v. 12, p. 59-66.) * OAA
tures. Chicago, 1909. 8°. v. 26, p. 27-32.)
*OBA Menant, Joachim. Le Pantheon assyro-
chaldeen. Les Beltis. (Revue de I'histoire
Luzzatto, Filossino. Sur I'existence d'un des religions. Paris, 1883. 8°. tome 8, p.
dieu assyrien nomme Semiramis, identique ZAA
a Mithra et au dieu qui etouffe le lion qu'on
voit au musee assyrien du Louvre, et sur Mercer, Samuel A. B. Emperor-worship
quelques autres noms de ce dieu. (Jour- in Babylonia. (American Oriental Soci-
nal asiatique. Paris, 1851. 8°. serie 4, v. ety. Journal. New Haven, 1917. 8°. v,
17, p. 465-480.) * OAA 36, p. 360-380.) * OAA
Lyon, David G. Was there at the head The malediction in cuneiform in-
of the Babylonian Pantheon a deity bear- scriptions. (American Oriental Society.
ing the name El? (American Oriental So- Journal. New Haven, 1914. S°. v. 34, p.
ciety. Journal. New Haven, 1885. 8°. 282-309.) * OAA
V. 11, p. clxiv-clxviii.) * OAA Montet, Edward. On the conception of
Mackenzie, Donald A. Myths of Baby- a future among the Semitic races:
lonia and Assyria, by Donald A. Macken- whence and when the notion was received.
zie. With historical narrative & compara- (Asiatic quarterly review. London, 1890.
tive notes... London: Gresham Pub. Co. 8°. V. 10, p. 319-339.) * OAA
[1915?] xxxix, 537 p., 1 double map, 40 pi.
8°. (Myth and legend in literature and Morgenstem, Julian. The doctrine of
sin in the Babylonian religion. Berlin: \V.
art.) * OCY Peiser, 1905. 2 p.l.. 158 p. 8°. (Vorderasi-
Macmillan, Kerr Duncan. Some cune- atische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. Jahrg.
iform tablets bearing on the religion of 10, Heft 3.) *OAA
Religion, continued. Gifts to a Babylonian Bit-ili or
Bethel. (Babylonian and Oriental record.
Muenter, Friedrich. Religion der Baby-
lonier. Kopenhagen: J. H. Schubothe,
London, 1888. 8°. v. 2, p. 142-145.) * OCL
1827. 2p.l., 140p., 3pl. 8°. * OCY The goddess Istar in Assyro-Baby-
lonian literature. 2 pi. (Society of Bibli-
Myhrman, David VVilhelm. Babylonian
cal Archaeology. Proceedings. London,
hymns and prayers. Philadelphia: Univer-
sity Museum. 1911. 12 p., 47 pi. 4°. (Uni-
1909. 8°. V. 31, p. 20-37, 57-69.) * YIA
versity of Pennsylvania. —
Museum: Baby- The hymns T. G.
to Tammuz. by
lonian Section. Publications, v. 1, no. 1.) Pinches... Manchester, Eng.: Sherratt &
*OCLandt*OCY Hughes, 1904. 32 p., 8 pi. 8°. (Manches-
ter Museum. Publication 55. Notes from
Offord, Joseph. The deity of the * F
the Manchester Museum, no. 19.)
crescent Venus in ancient western Asia.
Repr.: Manchester Literary and Philosophical
(Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, Society. Memoirs and proceedings, v. 48, no. 2i,
1915. 8°. 1915, p. 197-203.) * OAA * EC.
Hymns to Tammuz: a new recovery Notes on the deification of kings
of Babylonian literature. (American an- and ancestor-worship in Babylonia. 4 pi.
tiquarian. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 26, p. 337- (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
341.) HBA ceedings. London, 1915. 8°. v. 37, p. 87-
Oppert, Jules. La fondation consacree 95, 126-134.) * YIA
a la deesse Nina. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri- Observations sur la religion des
ologie. Berlin, 1893. 8°. Bd. 8, p. 360- Babyloniens 2000 ans avant Jesus Christ.
374.) * OCL (Revue de I'histoire des religions. Paris,
Sec also Poesie lyrique.
1901. 8°. tome 43, p. 275-297.) ZAA
Sapattu, the Babylonian Sabbath.
Paffrath, Paul Tharsicius. Ueber einige
wichtige Gottheiten in den altbabylo- (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
ceedings. London, 1904. 8°. v. 26, p. 51-
nischen historischen Inschriften (Anu und
Enlil, Stadtgottheit, Familiengottheit). 56, 162-163.) *YIA
Paderborn: F. Schoningh, 1912. iv, 60 p., Two texts from Sippara of the Sun-
11. 8°. *OCY god. (Zeitschrift fiir Keilschriftforschung.
Leipzig, 1885. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 324-328.)
Gotterlehre in den altbaby-
lonischen Konigsinschriften. Mit einem *OCL
ausfiihrlichen Register der auf die altbaby- Poesie lyrique.Assyrie. Chants et in-
lonische Gotterlehre beziiglichen Stellen. vocations, traduction de J. Oppert. (In:
Paderborn: F. Schoningh, 1913. xvi, 226 p., Bibliotheque orientale. Chefs d'tieuvre lit-
3 pi. 8°. (Studien zur Geschichte und teraires de ITnde. Paris, 1872. 4°. tome
. .

Kultur des Altertums. Bd. 6, Heft 5-6.) 2, p. 199-219.) t* OAG

BAP Pressense, E. de. La religion chaldeo-
Panara, Romeo. Sec Deimel, Antonius. assyrienne. (Revue de I'histoire des re-
ligions. Paris, 1886. 8°. tome 14, p. 72>-
Paravey, Charles Hippolyte de. Memoire
sur la trinite assyrienne et sur la trinite
94.) ZAA
chinoise; ou, Explication d'un cylindre Price, Ira Maurice. Notes on the pan-
persepolitain, et des caracteres d'un pas- theon of the Gudean cylinders. (American
sage important du Tao-te-king. [Paris.] journal of Semitic languages and litera-
1853. 12 p. 8°. *OVp.v.l tures. Chicago, 1900. 8°. v. 17, p. 47-53.)
Repr. Annales de philosophic chretienne, serie 4,
: *OBA
tome 8, p. 61-72, YAA.
Prince, John Dyneley. The Assyro-Baby-
Patsch, Jos. See Deimel, Antonius. lonian scapegoat controversy. (American
journal of Semitic languages and litera-
Perry, E. Guthrie. Hymnen und Gebete
tures. Chicago, 1904. 8°. v. 20, p. 173-
an Sin. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1907. vi,
50 p.. 4 facs. 8°. (Leipzigcr semitistische 181.) *OBA
Studien. Bd. 2, Heft 4.) * OBC and * OCY Le bouc emissaire chez les Baby-
loniens. (Journal asiatique. Paris. 1903.
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. The
Babylonian gods of war and their legends.
8°. serie 10, V. 2, p. 133-156.) * OAA
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro- A
divine lament. . . (American Ori-
ceedings. London, 1906. 8°. v. 28, p. 203- ental Society. Journal. New Haven, 1911.
218, 270-283.) * YIA 8°. V. 31, p. 395-402.) * OAA
Enlil and Ninlil, the older Bel and The God-name (Ameri-Zaq-qar.
Beltis. 2 pi. (Society of Biblical Archae- can journal of Semitic languages and liter-
ology. Proceedings. London, 1911. 8°. atures. Chicago, 1913. 8°. v. 29, p. 284-
V. 3Z, p. 77-95.) * YIA 287.) * OBA

Religion, continued. DiENEMANN, Max. Sumerisch-babylonische

The hymn to Belit. (American Hymnen der von George Reisner herausge-
gebenen Berliner Sammlung umschricben,
Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven, ubersetzt und erklart. Inaugural-Disserta-
1903. 8°. V. 24, p. 103-128.) *OAA tion. . . Breslau: V. S. Schottlaender, 1898.
A hymn to the goddess Ban. (In: 31 p., 1 1. 8°. * OCY p.v.l
Old Testament and Semitic studies in
memory of William Rainey Harper. Chi- Robiou, Felix. A study on Egyptian and
cago, 1908. 4°. V. 1, p. 323-338.) * OBC Babylonian triads. Woking: Oriental Uni-
Preprinted: American journal of Semitic languages versity Institute, 1894. 20 p. 8°. (Trans-
and literatures, v. 24, p. 62-75, * OBA. actions of the statutory ninth International
A hymn to Nergal. (American Ori-
Congress of Orientalists, v. 3.) * OAA
ental Society. Journal. New Haven, 1907. A
study on Egyptian and Baby-
8°. V. 28, p. 168-182.) * OAA lonian triads. (Imperial and Asiatic quar-
A hymn to (American
terly review. Woking, 1894. 8°. new se-

journal of Semitic languages and litera-

ries, v. 7, p. 119-136.) *OAA
tures. Chicago, 1916. 8°. v. 33, p. 40-44.) Rogers, Robert William. The religion of
*OBA Bal)ylonia and Assyria, especially in its re-
A hymn to Tanimuz. (American lations to Israel. Five lectures delivered
journal of Semitic languages and litera- at Harvard University. New York: Eaton
tures. Chicago, 1910. 8°. v. 27, p. 84-89.) & Mains, 1908. xiv, 235 p., 23 pi. 8°.
A hymn Tamniuz. .with trans-
to .
Sayce, Archibald Henry. Lectures on
lation and commentary. (American Ori- the origin and growth of religion, as illus-
ental Society. Journal. New Haven, 1909. trated by the religion of the ancient Baby-
8°. v. 30, p. 94-100.) * OAA lonians. London: Williams and Norgate,
A political hymn to Shamash. 1888. viii, 558p. 2. ed. 8°. (Hibbert lec-
(American Oriental Society. Journal. tures, 1887.) * OCY
New Haven, 1913. 8°. v. 33, p. 10-15.)
On human sacrifice among the
*OAA Babylonians. (Society of Biblical Archae-
A Tammuz fragment. (American ology. Transactions. London, 1876. 8°.
Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven, V. 4, p. 25-31.) * YIA
1913. 8°. V.33. p. 345-348.) * OAA The religions of ancient Egypt and
Prince, John Dyneley, and F. A. Vander- Babylonia. The Gifford lectures on the
burgh. A composite Bau-Text. (Ameri- ancient Egyptian and Babylonian concep-
can journal of Semitic languages and lit- tion of the divine. Edinburgh: T. & T.
eratures. Chicago, 1910. 8°. v. 26, p. 137- Clark, 1902. vi p., 1 1., 509 p. 8°. * OBZ
150.) * OBA Halevy, Joseph. La religion des anciens
Radau, Hugo. Sumerian hymns and Babyloniens et son plus recent historien,
prayers to God Nin-Ib from the temple li- M. Sayce. (Revue de I'histoire des re-
brary of Nippur. Philadelphia: University ligions. Paris, 1888. 8°. tome 17, p. 169-
of Pennsylvania, 1911. x, 88 p., 11., 21 pi. 218.) ZAA
f°. (University of Pennsylvania. Baby-
lonian expedition of the University. Series Scheil, Jean Vincent. Choix de textes
A: Cuneiform texts, v. 29, part 1.) f * OCN religieux assyriens. (Revue de I'histoire
des religions. Paris, 1897. 8°. tome 36,
Rawlinson, George. The religions of p. 197-207.) ZAA
the ancient world, including Egypt. As-
syria and Babylonia, Persia, India, Phoe-
Hymne babylonien avec metre ap-
parent. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
nicia, Etruria, Greece, Rome. New York: Weimar, 1895. 8°. Bd. 10, 291-298.)
C. Scribner's Sons, 1883. xiv, 249 p. 12°.
Nouveau chant sumerien en I'hon-
Reisner, George. Sumerisch babylonische neur d'Istar et de Tamuz. 1 pi. (Revue
Hymnen nach Thontafeln griechischer d'assyriologie. Paris, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p.
Zeit. Berlin: W. Spemann, 1896. xx. 1591. 161-171.) *OCL
f°. (Koenigliche Museen zu Berlin. Mit-
theilungen aus den orientalischen Samm- La promesse dans la priere baby-
lungen. Heft 10.) ft * OAC lonienne. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,

Banks, Edgar James. Sumerisch-baby-

1915. 4°. V. 12, p. 65-72.) * OCL
lonische Hymnen der von George Reisner Schmidt, Aage. Abrahams Tid. Et Bil-
herausgegebenen Berliner Sammlung um- lede babj'lonisk Religion og Kultur.
schrieben, ubersetzt und erklart. Leipzig: Kcibenhavn: G. E. C. Gad, 1905. 200 p.
A. Pries, 1897. 31 p., 2 1. S°. * OCY 12°. *OCY
Religion, continued. A fragment of ancient Assyrian
Gedanken i'tbcr die Entwicklung mythology. (Society of Biblical Archae-
der Religion auf Grund dcr babylonischen
ologv. Transactions. London, 1872. 8°.
Quellen. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 19U. 2
V. 1, p. 271-280.) * YIA
p.l.. 136 p. 8°. (Vorderasiatische Gesell- Note on the
religious belief of the
schaft. Mitteilungen. Jahrg. 16, Heft 3.) Assyrians. (Society of Biblical Archae-
*OAA ology. Transactions. London, 1872-73.
Die religiose Entwicklung in der 8°. v. 1. p. 106-115; V. 2, p. 29-79, 346-352.)
babylonischen Beschworungsliteratur. Leip- *YIA
zig: M. Schmersow, 1910. 3 p.l., Z2i p., 1 1.
The revolt Heaven. From
in a
8°. * OCY Chaldean tablet. (Society of Biblical
Schneider, Hermann. Zwei Aufsatze zur Archaeology. Transactions. London, 1876.
Religionsgeschichte Vorderasiens. Leip- 8°. V. 4. p. 349-362.) * YIA
zig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1909. 2 p.l., 84 p. 8°.
(Leipziger seniitistische Studien. Bd. 5, Teloni, Bruno. La questione dei cheru-
Heft 1.) *OBC bini e dei genii alati (specialmente antro-
pomorfi) degli Assiro-Caldei. (Zeitschrift
Schneider, Nic. See Deimel, Antonius. fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1891. 8°. Bd.
Schollmeyer, Anastasius. Der Istar- 6. p. 124-140.) * OCL
hymnus K. 41 nebst seinen Duplikaten.
Berlin: W. Reiser. 1908. 1 p.l, 25 p. 8°. Thompson, Reginald Campbell. The
Mitteilun- third tal>let of tlie series Ludlul bel nimeki.
(Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft.
gen. Jahrg. 13, Heft 4.) * OAA 2 pi. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
Proceedings. London, 1910. 8°. v. 32, p.
Sumerisch-babylonische Hymnen 18-24.) * YIA
und Gebete an Samas. Zusammengestellt
und bearbeitet von P. A. Schollmeyer. Thureau-Dangin, Frangois. La deesse
Paderborn: F. Schoningh, 1912. viii, 138 p., Nisaba. (Revue d'assyriologie. Paris,
1 1. 8°. (Studien zur Geschichte und Kul- 1910. 4°. V. 7, p. 107-111.) *OCL
tur des Altertums. Erganzungsband 1.)
BAP Tiele, Cornelis Petrus. La deesse Istar
Schrader, Eberhard. Die Gottin Istar surtout dans le mythe babylonien. (Actes
als Malkatu und Sarratu. (Zeitschrift fiir du si.xieme Congres international des ori-
entalistes. Leide: E. J. Brill, 1885. 8°.
Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1888-89. 8°. Bd.
3, p. 353-364; Bd. 4, p. 74-76.) * OCL partie 2, section 1, p. 493-506.) * OAA
Schrank, Walther. Babylonische Siihn- Geschichte der Religion in Altertum
riten, besonders mit Riicksicht auf Priester bis auf Alexander den Grossen. Deutsche
und Biisser. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1908. autorisierte Ausgabe von G. Gehrich. Bd.
xii, 112 p. 8°. (Leipziger semitistische 1-2, Heft 1. Gotha: F. A. Perthes, 1896-98.
Studien. Bd. 3, Heft 1.) * OCY 8°. ZAF
Bd. Einleitung.
1. Agypten. Babel-Assur. Vor-
Spence, Lewis. Myths & legends of derasien. Bibliographische Anmerkungen.
Babylonia & Assyria. New York: F. A. Bd. 2, Heft 1. Die Religion bei den iianischeii
Stokes Co. (1916.1 412 p., 40 pi. 8°. * OCY Volkern.

Strong, S. Arthur. A hymn of Nebuchad- •

Histoire comparee des anciennes
nezzar. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. religions de I'figypte et des peuples semi-
Proceedings. London, 1898. 8°. v. 20, p. tiques. Traduite du hollandais par G.
154-162.) * YIA Collins. Precedee d'une preface par A.
Sec also AssurbanipaL Reville. Paris: G. Fischbacher, 1882. xvi,
510 p., 11. r. *OBD
StuQken, Eduard. Astralmythen der He-
braeer, Babylonier und Aegypter. Reli- Vanderburgh, Frederick Augustus. Baby-
gionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen. Leip- lonian Tammuz lamentations... Text,
zig: E. Pfeiffer, 1896-1907. 5 v. in 4. 8°. translation and notes by F. A. Vander-
ZAP burgh. (American journal of Semitic lan-
Beitrage zur orientalischen Mytho- guages and literatures. Chicago, 1911. 8°.

v. 27, p. 312-321.)
logie. [Heft] 1. Berlin: W. Reiser, 1902.
8°. (Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft. Mit- A hymn to Bel... (American Ori-
teilungen. Jahrg. 7, Heft 4.) * OAA ental Society. Journal. New Haven, 1909-
Talbot, Henry Fox. The fight between 10. 8°. V. 29, p. 184-191; v. 30, p. 61-71.)
Bel and the dragon, and the flaming sword *OAA
which turned every way. Translated from Sumerian hymns from cuneiform
a Chaldean tablet by H. F. Talbot. (Soci- the British Museum. Translitera-
te.xts in
ety of Biblical Archaeology. Transactions. tion,translation and commentary. New
London, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 1-21.) * YIA York: Columbia University Press, 1908.
Religion, continued. lieder. (Revue d'assvriologie. Paris. 1913
xii p., 1 1.. 83 p. 8°. (Columbia University.
4°. V. 10, p. 157-184.) * OCL
Contributions to Oriental history and plii- Wuensche, August. Salomos Thron und
lology. no. 1.)
* OCP Hippodrom Abbilder des babylonischeu
Himmelsbildes. (Ex Oriente Lux. Leip-
See also Prince, John Dynclcy, and
F. A. Vanderburgh. zig, 1906. 8°. Bd. 2, p. 113-168.) * OAC
ViroUeaud, Ch. Invocation au Solcil
Zimmern, Heinrich. Babylonische Buss-
createur. (Revue semitique. Paris. 1901.
psalmen umschrieben, iibersetzt und er-
klart. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 18S5. x, 120
S\ annee 9. p. 172-174.) * OAA p. 4°. (.\ssyriologische Bibliothek. Bd.
Textes relatifs au culte des divini- 6.) t*OCQ
tes de Lagash. (Revue semitique. Paris,
1903. 8°. annee 11. p. 76-81.) * OAA Dcr
babylonische Gott Tanuiz.
[Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1909., 40 p. 4°.
Textes pour servir a I'histoire de la (Koniglich Siichsische Gesellschaft der
religion assyro-babj'lonienne. (Revue \\'issenschaften. AI)handlungen. Philolo-
semitique. Paris, 1904. 8°. annee 12. p. gisch-historische Klasse. Bd. 27, p. 699-
269-275.) * OAA 738.) * EE
Ward, William Hayes. Altars and sacri- Babylonische Hymncn und Gebete
fices in the primitive art of Babylonia. in Auswahl. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1905.
(In: S. I. Curtiss, Primitive Semitic relig;- 32 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg. 7.
ion today. Chicago. 1902. 8°. p. 266-277.) Heft 3.) *OAC
*OBD Babylonische Hymnen und Gebete.
The asherah. [Chicago, i 1902. 33- Zweite Auswahl. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
44 p. 8°. *OCMp.v.l 1911. 32 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg.
Repr. : American journal of
liteiatures, v. 19, p. 33-44, *
languages 13, Heft 1.) *OAC
Beitrage zur Kenntnis der babylo-
The serpent tempter in Oriental nischeu Religion. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs.
mythology. [Andover,] 1881. 209-230 p. 1901. xii p., 2 1., 226 p., 79 pi. 4°. (Assvri-
8°. * OAS ologische Bibliothek. Bd. 12.) f * OCQ
Repr.: Bibliotheca sacra, v. 38, p. 209-230, * D.-l.
^umerische Kultlieder aus altbaby-
Winckler, Hugo. Die Istar von Ninive lonischer Zeit. Reihe 1-2. Leipzig: J. C.
in Agypten. (Vorderasiatische Gesell- Hinrichs, 1912-13. f^ (Konigliche Mu-
schaft. Mitteilungen. Berlin, 1897. 8°. seen zu Berlin. —
Vorderasiatische Abteil-
1897, p. 286-289.) * OAA ung. Vorderasiatische Schriftdenkmaler.
Witzel, Maurus. Neue tJbersetzungs- Heft 2. 10.) ft* OAA
versuche sumerisch-babylonischer Tamuz- Sec also Frank, Karl.

See also Literature
Barton, George Aaron. Tiamat. (Ameri- nal. New Haven, 1916. 8'. v. 36, p. 300-
can Oriental Society. Journal. New 320.) * OAA
Haven, 1893. 8^ v. 15, p. 1-27.) * OAA Daiches, Samuel. Job xxvi. 12-13 and
British Museum. —
Department of Egyp- the Babylonian story of creation. (Zeit-
tian and Assyrian Antiquities. Chaldean schrift fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg, 1911.
account of the deluge from terra cotta tab- 8\ Bd. 25, p. 1-8.) *OCL
lets, found at Nineveh, and now in the
British Museum. Two photographs, with
Beimel, Antonius. See "Enuma Elis."

translation and text by G. Smith. London: Delitzsch, Friedrich. Das babylonische

W. A. Mansell & Co., 1874. 7 p., 2 pi. f^ Weltschopfungsepos. (Leipzig: S. Hirzel.
ttt * OCY 1897.] 160 p. 4°. (Koniglich Sachsische
Creation series, tablets. 38 pi. (In: Gesellschaft der W'issenschaften. Abhand-
Cuneiform texts... London, 1901. f°.
lungen. Philologisch-historische Klasse.
part 13.) t*OCQ Bd. 17, No. 2.) *EE
Bumham, S. Sec Haupt, Paul. "Enuma Elis," sive, Epos Babylonicum
de creatione mundi. In usum scholse edidit
Camoy, Albert J. Iranian views of ori- A. Deimel. Romae: sumptilnis Pontificii
gins in connection with similar Babylonian Instituti Biblici, 1912. ix p.. 11., 66 p. 4°.
beliefs. (American Oriental Society. Jour- t * OCY
Cosmogony, continued. Sumerian and Akkadian views of
beginnings. (American Oriental Society.
Gunkel, Hermann. Die judische und
Journal. New Haven. 1916. 8°. v. 36, p.
die babylonische Schopfuns'Sgeschichte. * OAA
(Deutsche Rundschau. Berlin, 1903. 8°.
Jahrg. 29, Bd. 115. p. 267-286.) * DF Sumerian myths of beginnings.
(American journal of Semitic languages
Haupt, Paul. The cuneiform account of and literatures. Chicago, 1917. 8°. v. 33,
the deluge. An inaugural address delivered p. 91-144.) * OBA the University of Goettingen . . .

Translated by S. Burnham. (The Old Jensen, Peter. Die Kosmologie der

Testament student. Chicago. 1883. 4°. v. Babylonier. Studien und Materialien.
3, p. 77-85.) * DA Strassburg: K. J. Triibner, 1890. xvi p.,
11.. 546 p., 11., 3 pi. 8°.
of the Babylonian
The dimensions Reviewed by J. Halevy in Rez'ue de I'histoire des
ark. (American journal of philology. Bal- religions, tome 22, p. 180-208, ZAA.

timore, 1888. 8°. v. 9, p. 419-424.) RAA Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. A short
The introductory lines of the cune- bibliography of works on the Babylonian
iform account of the deluge. (American stories of creation and the flood. Man-
Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven. chester, Eng.: John Rylands Library, 1913.
1904. 8°. V. 25, p. 68-75.) * OAA 21. 8°. *OCZ
On two passages of the Chaldean Kellner, Maximilian Lindsay. The del-
flood-tablet. (American Oriental Society. uge in the Izdubar epic and in the Old
Journal. New Haven, 1896. 8°. v. 16. p. Testament. [Cambridge.] 1888. 30 p. 8°.
cv-cxi.) * OAA *ocz
Repr. : Church review, Nov., 1888.
Hilprecht, Hermann Vollrat. The earli-
Babylonian deluge story
est version of the
King, Leonard William. The seven tab-
and the temple library of Nippur. Phila- lets of creation; or. The Babylonian and
delphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1910. Assyrian legends concerning the creation
X, 65 p., 3 pi. 8°. (University of Penn- of the world and of mankind. London:
sylvania. The Babylonian expedition of Luzac & Co., 1902. 2 v. 8°. (Luzac's _

the University. Series D: Researches and Semitic text and translation series, v. 12-
treatises, v. 5, fasc. 1.) * OCN 13.) * OCZ
Reviewed by F. B. Wright in Records of the past,
1910, V. 9, p. 182-185, MTA. Langdon, Stephen. The name of the
ferryman in the deluge tablets. (American
Der neue Fund zur Sintflutge- Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven,
schichte aus der Tempelbibliothek von 1902. 8°. v. 23, p. 48-50.) * OAA
Nippur. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1910. 62
p., 11., 2 pi. 8°. *OCY A
reconstruction of a part of the
Sumerian text of the seventh tablet of
Barton, George Aaron. Hilprecht's frag- creation, with the aid of Assyrian commen-
ment of the Babylonian deluge story taries. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
(Babylonian expedition of the University Proceedings. London, 1910. 8°. v. 32. p.
of Pennsylvania, series D, v. 5, fasc. 1). 115-123, 159-167.) * YIA
(American Oriental Society. Journal.
New Haven, 1910. 8°. v. 31, p. 30-48.) Lenormant, Frangois. Le deluge et
*OAA I'epopee babylonienne. Paris: Alaison-
Prince. John Dyneley, and F. A. Vander-
neuve & Cie., 1873. 43 p. 8°. * OCY
Repr.: Correspondant.
burgh. The new Hilprecht deluge tablet.
(American journal of Semitic languages Essai de commentaire des fragments
and literatures. Chicago, 1910. 8°. v. 26, cosmogoniques de Berose, d'apres les
p. 303-308.) * DBA textes cuneiformes et les monuments de
I'art asiatique. Paris: Maisonneuve et Cie..
Jastrow, Morris, the younger. and Adam 1871. 576 p. 8°. YCO
Eve in Babylonian literature. (American
journal of Semitic languages and litera- Loisy, Alfred. Les mythes babyloniens
tures. Chicago, 1899. 8°. v. 15, p. 193- et premiers chapitres de
les la Genese.
214.) *OBA Paris: A. Picard et fils, 1901. xiv, 212 p..
11. 4°. *OCZ
Adrahasis and Parnapistim. (Zeit-
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar. 1898. Le recit du deluge dans la tradition
8°. Bd. 13, p. 288-301.) * OCL de Nippour. (Revue archeologique. Paris,
The new
version of the Babylonian
1910. 8°. serie4, v. 15, p. 209-211.) MTA
account of the deluge. (Independent. Muss-Amolt, William. A comparative
New York, 1898. 4°. v. 50, p. 178-179. 211- study on the translations of the Babylonian
212.) * DA creation tablets with special reference to

Cosmogony, continued. of the gods; from the cuneiform inscrip-

Jensen's Kosmologie and Barton's Tiamat.
tions. New York: Scribner. Armstrong &
Co., 1876. xvi, 319p., 4pl. 8°. * OCZ
"(Hebraica. Chicago, 1892. 8°. v. 9. p. 6-
23.) * OBA The eleventh tablet of the Izdubar
legends. The Chaldean account of the del-
The cuneiform account of tlie crea-
uge. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
tion and the deluge. Revised translation.
Transactions. London, 1874. 8°. v. 3, p.
Chicago. 1894. 1 p.l., 17-27, 1-10 p. 8°.
530-596.) * YIA
Repr.: Biblical world, v. 3, p. 17-27, 109-118, On some fragments of tlic Chaldean
* DA. account of the creation. 6 pi. (Society
of Biblical Archaeology. Transactions.
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. A Baby-
lonian duplicate of tablets i and ii of the
London, 1876. 8°. v. 4, p. 363-364.) * YIA
creation series. (Babylonian and Oriental Sec also British Museum. — Depart-
record. London, 1890. 8°. v. 4. p. 25-33.) ment of Egyptian and .Assyrian Antiquities.
Gilgames and the hero of the flood. Talbot, Henry Fox. Chaldean account
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro- of the creation. Translated by H. F. Tal-
ceedings. London, 1903. 8°. v. 25, p. 113- bot. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
122, 195-201.) * YIA Transactions. London, 1877. 8°. v. 5. p.
426-440.) * YIA
A new version of the creation-story.
(Royal Asiatic Society. Journal. London, Commentary on the deluge tablet.
1891. 8°. 1891, p. 393-408.) * OAA (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans-
actions. London, 1876. 8°. v. 4, p. 49-83.)
The new version of the creation- *YIA
story. (Transactions of the ninth Interna-
tional Congress of Orientalists. London, A
tablet in the British Museum, re-
1893. 4°. V. 2, p. 190-198.) * OAA lating apparently to the deluge translated
by H. F. Talbot. (Society of Biblical
old and new versions of the
The Archaeology. Transactions. London. 1876.
Babylonian creation and flood stories. 8°. v. 4, p. 129-131.) *YIA
(Victoria Institute. Journal of transac-
tions. London, 1915. 8°. v. 47, p. 301- Warren, William Fairfield. Babylonian
328.) * EC and pre-Babylonian cosmology. (American
Oriental Society. Journal. New Haven,
Poebel, Arno. Historical texts. Phila- 1901. 8°. V. 22, p. 138-144.) * OAA
delphia: University Museum, 1914. 4°.
(University of Pennsylvania. Museum: — terpreted.
The Babylonian imiverse newly
(Royal Asiatic Societv. Jour-
Babylonian Section. Publications, v. 4,
no. 1.) *OCL nal. London, 1908. 8°. 1908, p. 977-983.)
A new creation and deluge text. p. 7-70.
Winckler, Hugo. Die babylonische
Radau, Hugo. The cosmology of the Weltschopfung. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs,
Sumerians. (Monist. Chicago. 1902. 8°. 1906. 36 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg.
v. 13, p. 103-113.) YAA 8, Heftl.) *OAC
Saint Clair Tisdall, William. The He- Himmels- und Weltenbild der
brew and the Babylonian cosmologies. Babylonier als Grundlage der Weltan-
(Nineteenth century and after. London, schauung und Mythologie aller Volker.
1905. 8°. V. 58, p. 259-266.) * DA Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1901. 62 p., 1 pi.
8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg. 3, Heft 2-3.)
Smith, George. The Chaldean account *OAC
of the deluge. (Societj' of Biblical Archae-
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1903.
ology. Transactions. London, 1873. 8°.
V. 2, p. 213-234.) * YIA 68 p. 2. ed. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahre.
3, Heft 2-3.) *OCY
The Chaldean account of the del-
uge. (Records of the past. Washincrton. Die Weltanschauung des alten Ori-
D. C, 1902. 4°. V. 1, p. 362-380.) MTA ents. (Ex Oriente Lux. Leipzig. 1905. 8°.
Bd. 1, p. 1-50.) *OAC
The Chaldean account
of Genesis,
containing the description of the creation, Zimmern, Heinrich. Neue Stiicke des
the fall of man, the deluge, the tower of AtrahasTs-Mythus nachgewiesen. (Zeit-
Babel, the times of the patriarchs, and schrift fiir Assvriologie. Berlin. 1899. 8°.
Nimrod: Babylonian fables, and legends Bd. 14, p. 277-292.) * OCL

Divination, Magic and Omens

Bezold, Carl. Zwei assyrische Berichte. C. Hinrichs, 1914. vi p., 11., 232 p. 4°.
(Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Strassburg, (Assyriologische Bibliothek. Bd. 22.)
1912. 8°. Bd. 26, p. 114-125.) * OCL t*'OCQ
Boissier, Alfred. Choix de textes rela- and A. Wiedem.a.nx.
Fischer, Heinrich,
tifs a la divination assj-ro-babylonienne. Ueber babylonische "Talismane" (Cylin-
der und andere Formen) aus dem histor-
V. 1-2, fasc. 1. Geneve: H. Kiindig, 1905-
ischen Museum im steierisch-landschaft-
06. 8°. *OCQ lichen Joanneum zu Graz. Mineralogisch
Corrections and additions by C. Virolleaud in
Babyloniaca, v. 4, p. 94-100, * OCO. und archaologisch bearbeitet. Stuttgart:
E. Schweizerbart, 1881. 16 p., 3 tables. 4°.
Deux documents assyriens relatifs
aux presages. (Revue semitique. Paris,
1893. 8°. annee 1, p. 63-70, 168-172.) Fossey, Charles. La magie assyrienne,
*OAA etude suivie de textes magiques, tran-
scrits, traduits et commentes par C. Fos-
Documents assyriens relatifs a la

sey. Paris: E. Leroux, 1902. 5 p.l.. 474 p.,

magie. (Society of Biblical Archaeolog}\
1 1. 4°. (ficole pratique des hautes etudes.
Proceedings. London, 1901. 8°. v. 23, p.
Bibliotheque: Sciences religieuses. v. 15.")
114-130.) *YIA * OCY and * EN
Documents assyriens relatifs aux Presages tires des naissances.
presages, tome 1. Paris: E. Bouillon, 1894- (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1912-13. 8°. v. 5.
99. f°. t*OCQ p. 1-256.) * OCO
latromantique, physiognomonie et Textes assyriens et babyloniens
palmomantique babyloniennes. (Revue relatifs a la divination. Transcrits. traduits
d'assyriologie. Paris, 1911. 4°. v. 8, p. 33- et commentes. serie 1. Paris: Geuthner,
39.) * OCL 1905. f°. t*OCQ
Presages fournis par certains in- Textes magiques assyriens. (Re-
sectes. (Hilprecht anniversary volume. cueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie et a
Leipzig, 1909. 4°. p. 352-364.) * OCK I'archeologie egyptiennes et assyriennes.
Les presages de Sargon et de Nar- Paris, 1904. 4°. annee 26, p. 89-128, 179-
am-Sin. Extraits des livres des haruspices. 218.) *OBKG
(Revue semitique. Paris, 1902. 8°. annee Frank, Karl. Zu babylonischen Besch-
10, p. 275-280.) * OAA worungstexten. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
Boscawen, William St. Chad. ologie. Strassburg. 1910. 8°. Bd. 24. p.
an witchcraft. (Babylonian & Oriental
157-165.) * OCL
record. London. 1899. 8°. v. 8. p. 205- Gwynn, R. M. An omen text dealing
210.) .*OCL with houses. 1 pi. (Society of Biblical
Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1914.
Brummer, Vincent. An
early Chaldean 8°. V. 36, p. 240-248.) * VIA
incantation of the "temple not exorcised."
(Recueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie Hunger, Johannes. Babylonische Tiero-
et a I'archeologie egyptiennes et assyri- mina nebst griechisch-romischen Parallel-
ennes. Paris, 1906. 4°. annee 28, p. 214- en. Berlin: W^ Reiser, 1909. 1 p.l., 178 p.
227.) * OBKG 8°. (Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft. Mit-
teilungen. Jahrg. 14, Heft 3.) * OAA
Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis.
Assyrian incantations to fire and vi^ater. Becherwahrsagung bei den Baby-
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans- loniern nach zwei Keilschrifttexten aus der
actions. London, 1878. 8°. v. 6, p. 420- Hammurabi-Zeit. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs.
435.) *YIA 1903. 2 p.l., 80 p. 8°. (Leipziger semitis-
tische Studien. Bd. 1, Heft 1.) * OBC
Cooper, \\\ R. See Lenormant, Francois. Jastrow, Morris, the younger. Babyloni-
Davies, T. Witton. Magic, divination an-Assyrian birth-omens and their cultural
and demonology among the Semites. significance. Giessen: A. Topelmann, 1914.
(American journal of Semitic languages vi, 86 p. 8°. (Religionsgeschichtliche Ver-
and literatures. Chicago, 1898. 8°. v. 14. suche und Vorarbeiten. Bd. 14, Heft 5.)
p. 241-251.) *OBA ZAD
Notes on omen texts. (American
Dennefeld, Ludwig. Babylonisch-assyr- journal of Semitic languages and litera-
ische Geburts-Omina, zugleich ein Beitrag tures. Chicago. 1907. 8°. v. 23. p. 97-115.")
zur Geschichte der Medizin. Leipzig: J. *OBA
Divination, Magic and Omens, continued. —— Le magie chez les Chaldeens et les
origines accadiennes. Paris: Maisonncuve
An omen
school text. (In: Old
et Cie., 1874. x, 362 p., 1 1. 8°. (Les sci-
Testament and Semitic studies, in memory
of William R. Harper. Chicago, 1908. 4°.
ences occultes en Asie.) YMC
V.2, p. 279-325.) * OBC Myhrman, David Wilhelm. Die Labar-
tu-Texte. Babylonischc Beschworungsfor-
Jensen, Peter. De incantamentorum meln nebst Zauberverfahren gegen die
Sumerico-Assyriorum seriei quae dicitur Damonin Labartu. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
surbu tabula vi. (Zeitschrift fiir Keil- ologie. Strassburg, 1902. 8°. Bd. 16, p.
schriftforschung. Leipzit;. 1884-85. 8°. 141-200.) * OCL
Bd. 1, p. 279-322; Bd. 2, p. 15-61.) * OCL
Oppert, Jules. Sechshundert drei und
King, Leonard William. Babylonian fiinfzig. Eine babylonischc magische
Quadrattafel. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriolo-
magic and sorcery, being: "The prayers of
gie. Strassburg, 1903. 8°. Bd. 17, p. 60-
the lifting of the liand." The cuneiform
texts of a group of Babylonian and Assyri-
74.) *OCL
an incantations and magical formulae edited Six cent cinquante-trois: les carres
with transliterations, translations and full mystiques chaldeens. (Academic des in-
vocabulary from tablets of the Kuyunjik scriptions et belles-lettres. Comptes ren-
collections preserved in the British Muse- dus. Paris, 1902. 8°. 1902, p. 457-468.)
um. London: Luzac & Co., 1896. xxx p., *EO
11., 199 p., 11., 76 pi. 8°. *OCY Sayce, Archibald Henry. Babjdonian
"Heart and reins" in relation to augury by means of geometrical figures.
Babylonian liver divination. (Manchester (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans-
Oriental Society. Journal. Manchester, actions. London, 1876. 8°. v. 4, p. 302-
1911. 8°. 1911, p. 95-98.) * OAA 314.) *YIA
The meaning and use of kutaru Thompson, Reginald Campbell. An As-
in Assyrian magic. (Society of Biblical syrian incantation against rheumatism.
Archaeology. Proceedings.
" London. 1911. (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
8\ V. 33, p. 62-67.) * YIA ceedings. London. 1908. 8°. v.'^30, p. 63-
69,145-152,245-251.) * YIA
Langdon, Stephen. An ancient magical The and evil spirits of Baby-
text. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1912. 8°. v.
lonia, being Babylonian and Assyrian in-
6, p. 106-108.) * OCO cantations against the demons, ghouls,
Another bit nuri text. (Babyloni- vampires, hobgoblins, ghosts, and kindred
aca. Paris, 1910. 8°. v. 3, p. 255-258.) evil spirits, which attack mankind. Trans-
*oco lated from the original cuneiform texts,
with transliterations, vocabulary, notes,
Babylonian magic. (Scientia. Bo- etc. London: Luzac & Co., 1903-04. 2 v.
logna, 1914. 8°. V. 15, p. 222-240.) OA 8°. (Luzac's Semitic text and translation
- A fragment of
a series of ritualis- series, v. 14-15.) * OCQ
tic prayers to astral deities in the cere- The reports of the magicians and
monies of divination. (Revue d'assyriolo- astrologers of Nineveh and Babylon the in
gie. Paris, 1915. 4°. v. 12. p. 189-192.) British Museum. The original texts, print-
*OCL ed in cuneiform characters, edited with
translations, notes, vocabulary, index and
Lenormant, Frangois. Chaldean magic:
an introduction. London: Luzac & Co..
its origin and development. Translated
1900. 2 V. 8°. (Luzac's Semitic text and
from the French [by W. R. C. i.e. W. R.
Cooper). With. .additions by the author,
translation series, v. 6-7.) * OCQ
and notes by the editor. London: S. Bag- Semitic magic: its origins and de-
ster & Sons [1878,. 3 p.l., vi-xii, 414, 18 p., velopment. London: Luzac & Co., 1908.
1 1. 8°. * OCY Ixviii, 286 p.. 1 1. 8°. (Luzac's Oriental re-
La divination et
science des pre- la
ligions series, v. 3.) * OAS
sages chez les Chaldeens. Paris: Maison- Ungnad, Arthur. Ein Leberschau-Text
neuve et Cie., 1875. 2 p.l.. 236 p. 8°. (Les aus der Zeit Ammisaduga's. (Babvloniaca.
sciences occultes en Asie.) * OCY Paris. 1908. 8°. tome 2, p. 257-274.)
Incantation magique chaldeenne Ein neuer Omentext aus der Zeit
bilingue a texte primitif accadien, avec ver- .\mmisadugas. 1 pi. (Babyloniaca. Paris.
sion assyrienne, traduite et commentee par
F. Lenormant. (Journal asiatique. Paris,
1910. 8°. V. 3, p. 141-144.) * OCO
1878. 8°. serie 7, v. 11, p. 179-231. 277- Virolleaud, Ch. De quelques textes
335.) * OAA divinatoires. (Babyloniaca. Paris, 1908-
Divination, Magic and Omens, continued. le titre de "Summa sa-tab." (Babyloniaca.

11. V.2, p. 134-136: v. 3.

8°. p. 133-140.
Paris, 1907. 8°. v. 1, p. 121-132.) * OCO
197-220, 287-307; v. 4, p. 101-128.) * OCO Weber, Otto. Damonenbeschworungbei
den Babyloniern und Assyrern. Eine
Ophiomancie babj'lonienne. (Revue Skizze. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1906. 37
semitique. Paris, 1905. 8°. annee 13, p. p. 8°. (Deralte Orient. Jahrg. 7, Heft 4.)
361-368.) * OAA *OAC
Presages assyriens relatifs aux Weissbach, Franz Heinrich. Eine sume-
evenements publics. (Revue semitique. risch-assyrische Beschworungsformel. (In:
Paris, 1902. 8°. annee 10, p. 77-81.) * OAA Melanges Charles de Harlez. Leyde, 1896.
Presages des eclipses de soleil
4°. p. 360-371.) *OAC
et de I'obscurcissement du soleil ou du ciel Zur Serie Maklu. (Beitrage zur
par les nuages. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriolo- Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1902. 8°. Bd. 4, p.
gie. Strassburg, 1902. 8°. Bd. 16, p. 201- 155-167.) *OCL
239.) * OCL Wiedemann, Alfred. See Fischer, Hein-
Sur le traite d'extispicine qui porte rich, and A. Wiedemann.


Argentieri, Domenico. Jerusalem ob- ceedings. London, 1896. 8°. v. 18, p. 237-
sessa. II commentario assiro d'una nar- 239.) * YIA
razione biblica, illustrate nel testo cune- Bornand, Roger. Babylone et la Bible.
iforme. (Bessarione. Roma. 1909-10. 8°. (Revue de Belgique. Bruxelles, 1903. 8°.
serie 3, v. 6, p. 41-79; v. 7, p. 249-308.)
*OAA serie 2, v. 38, p. 285-298.) * DM
Boscawen, William St. Chad. The Baby-
Ball, Charles James.Israel and Baby-
lonian and Jewish festivals. (Babylonian
lon. (Society Biblical Archaeology.
and Oriental record. London, 1890. 8°.
Proceedings. London, 1894. 8°. v. 16, p. V. 4, p. 34-38.) * OCL
188-200.) * YIA
Bible and the monuments.
Light from the East; or. The wit- The primitive Hebrew records in the light
ness of the monuments; an introduction to of modern research. London: Eyre and
the study of Biblical archaeology. Lon- Spottiswoode, 1895. 177 p., 21 pi. 2. ed.
don: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1899. xxxiii, 8°. *OCZ
256 p., 131., 29 pi. 4°. *R-t*OAL
The cuneiform
inscriptions and the
Banks, Edgar James. The Bible and the era of the Jewish captivity: being a paper
spade... New York: ^Association Press, read before a meeting of the Victoria In-
1913. 193 p. 8°. *YIW stitute. [London, 188-?] 1 p.l., 37 p., 21.
Barth, Jakob. Babel und israelitisches 8°. * PXG
Religionswesen. Vortrag. Berlin: Mayer The legend of the tower of Babel.
& Muller, 1902. 36 p. 8°. * PE (Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans-
Barton, George Aaron. Archaeology and actions. London, 1877. 8°. v. 5, p. 303-
the Bible. Philadelphia: American Sun- 312.) *YIA
day School Union (1916]. xiii, 461 p., 1 1.. Boscheron, Achille. Babylone et la
114 pi. 8°. *YIW Bible. Code de Hammourabi et Livre de
I'Alliance. Caen: C. Valin, 1906. vi, 107 p.,
Berger, Philippe. Les origines babylo-
niennes de la poesie sacree des Hebreux.
1 1. 4°. * OCZ
(Musee Guimet. Annales: Bibliotheque de Brown, Francis. Assyriology; its use
vulgarisation. Paris, 1904. 12°. v. 16. p. and abuse in Old Testament study. New
26-84.) * OAK York: C. Scribner's Sons, 1885. 2 p.l.. 96 p.

Bezold, Carl. Die babylonisch-assy-

12°. *OCK
rischen Keilinschriften und ihre Bedeutung The Sabbath in the cuneiform rec-
fiir das Alte Testament. Ein assyriolo- ords. (Presbyterian review. New York,
gischer Beitrag zur Babel-Bibel-Frage. 1882. 8°. v. 3, p. 688-700.) * DA
Mit 100 .Anmerkungen und 12 Abbildungen.
Tubingen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1904. 4 p.l., 67 p. Brown, Hiram Chellis. The historical
8°. *OCZp.v.3 bases of religions primitive. Babylonian
and Jewish. Boston: H. B. Turner & Co.,
Boissier, .\Ifred. Notes assyriologiques. 1906. 3 p.l, v-vii p., 2 1., 3-319 p. 12^
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro- *OBD
Assyriology and the Bible, continued. tant criticismsand the author's replies, by
Budde, Karl. Dr. Friedrich Delitzsch... Translated
Das Alte Testament uiui
die Ausgrabungen. Ein Beitrag zinii Streit
from the German. Chicago: Open Court
um Babel uiul Bibel. Giessen: J. Ricker, Publishing Co., 1906. xxiii p., 21., 247 p.,
1903. xii. 40p. 2. ed. 8°. * OCZ 1 pl. 8°. .. *OCZ
Repr.: Open court, v. 16, p. 209-233, 263-290; v.
Was soil die Genieinde aus dcin 17. p. 325-341, 393-408; v. 20, p. 134-155, 266-288,

Streit um Babel und Bibel Icrnen? Tiibiii- 'DA.

gen: J. C. B. Mohr, 1903. 38 p. 8°. Babel und Bibel: ein Riickblick und
* OCZ p.v.4 .\usblick. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlags-

Bunsen, Ernst von. Biblische Gleichzeit-

Anstalt. 1904. 75 p. 8°. * p.v.2 OCK
[Russian translation.! St. Peters-
igkeiten oder uebereinstimmende Zeitrech-
nung Babyloniern, Assyrern, Aegyp-
burg. 1909. 95 p. 8°. * QB p.v.4
tern und Hebraern. Berlin: Mitscher & Wo lag das Paradies? Eine biblisch-
Rostell, 1875. 4p.l.. 143 p., 2 tables. 8°. assyriologische Studie. Mit zahlreiclien
*YL assyriologischen Bcitriigen zur biblischen
Lander- und Volkerkunde Leipzig: J.
Campos Novaes, Jose de. As origens . . .

C. Hinrichs, 1881. x p., 21., 346 p., 1 map.

chaldeanas do judaismo. Sao Paulo: C.
Gerke & Cia.. 1899. xi, 505 p.. 1 map. 15 pi.
8°. * OCZ
8°. * OCZ Erbt, Wilhclm. Von Jerusalem nach
Rom. L'ntersuchungen zur Geschichte und
Cheyne, T. K. Babylon and the Bible. Geschichtsdarstellung des L'rchristentums.
(Hibbert journal. London, 1903. 8°. v. 2, Alit Anhang nebst Sternkarte: Der Stern-
p. 65-82.) ZAA himmel im Alten Testament. Leipzig: J.
Clay, Albert Tobias. Amurru. The C. Hinrichs. 1912. 2 p.l.. 132 p.. 1 pi. 8^
home of the northern Semites. A study (Vorderasiatische Gesellscliaft. Mitteilun-
showing that the religion and culture of gen. Jahrg. 17, Heft 2.) * OAC
Israel are not of Babylonian origin. Phila- Evetts, Basil T. A. New light on the
delphia: Sunday School Times Co.. 1909. Bible and the Holy Land; being an account
217 p., Imap. 8°. * OCZ of some recent discoveries in the East.
Condamin, Albert. Abraham et Ham- London: Cassell & Co.. 1892. xxiv. 469 p.
mourabi vers 2050 avant Jesus-Christ, 8'. *OCZ
(fitudes publiees par des peres de la Com- Fluegel, Maurice. The humanity, be-
pagnie de Jesus. Paris, 1908. 8°. v. 115. nevolence and charity legislation of the
p. 485-501.) * DM Pentateuch and the Talmud in parallel with
La Bible et apergu
I'assyriologie: the laws of Hammurabi, tiie doctrines of
general sur leurs rapports au point de vue Egypt, the Roman xii tables and modern
critique et exegetique. (fitudes publiees codes... Baltimore: H. Fluegel & Co..
par des peres de la Compagnie de Jesus. 1908. vii, 306 p.. 1 1. 8°. * PIT
Paris. 1902-03. 8°. v. 93, p. 433-453. 748- Foote, Theodore Clinton. The cherubim
767; V. 94, p. 782-808.) * DM and the ark. (American Oriental Society.
Cook, Stanley A. The laws of Moses and Journal. New Haven. 1904. 8°. v. 25. p.
the code of Hammurabi. London: A. & C. 279-286.) * OAA
Black, 1903. xviii, 307 p. 8°. * OCZ Funk, Salomon. Bibel und Babel. fWien:
Deimel, Antonius. Veteris Testamenti Akad. Verlag.i 1907. 2 p.l.. 80 p. i°. (Monu-
chronologia monumentis Babylonico-.\s- menta Judaica. pars 2. ser. 1.) * PDO
syriis illustrata. Romae: sumptibus Ponti- Bibel und Babel, bearbeitet von S.
ficii Instituti Biblici, 1912. 2 p.l., viii, 124 p. Funk. Wien: Orion-Verlag, G. m. b. H..
4°. (Pontificio istituto biblico.) f * OCZ 1913. 4 p.l. 348 p.. 1 map. f°. (Monu-
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Assyriologische
menta Talmudica. Bd. 1.) *P
Nolizen zum Alten Testament. (Zeitschrift Gall, August von. Die alttestamentliche
fiir Keilschriftforschung. Leipzig, 1885. Wissenschaft und die keilinschriftliche
8". Bd. 2, p. 87-98, 161-178, 284-294. 385- Forschung. (Archiv fiir Religionswissen-
398.) * OCL schaft. Tiibingen. 1902. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 289-
Babel und Bibel. Vortrag. (No.)
339.) ZAA
1-3. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1903-05. 8°. Giesebrecht, Franz. Friede fiir Babel
*ocz und Bibel. Konigsberg i. Pr.: Thomas &
No. 1 is 3. edition. Oppermann, 1903. 2 p.l., 62 p. 8°.
No. 2-3 pubiisheil by
Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt, * OCZ p.v.l
Glossner, M. Zur Bibel- und Babel-
Babel and Bible; three lectures on frage... (Jahrbuch fiir Philosophic und
the significance of Assyriological research spekulative Theologie. Paderborn, 1907.
for religion, embodying the most impor- 8°. V. 21, p. 385-414.) YAA
Assyriology and the Bible, continued. Hommel, Fritz. Die altorientalischen
Denkniakr und das Alte Testament. Eine
Goldschmied, Leopold. Der Kampf um
Erwiderung auf Prof. Fr. Delitzsch's
Babel-Bihel ini Lichte des Judentums.
"Babel und Bibel." Zweite mit einem
Frankfurt a. M.: Kauffmann, 1903. 39 p.
Nachwort iiber den Namen Jahve und
8°. *OCZp.v.4 einem iiber die neuesten Darstellungen der
Gressmann, Huyo. Altorientalische babyl.-assyr. Religion orientierenden Ex-
Texte und Bilder zum Alten Testamente, kurs vermehrte Auflage. Berlin: Deutsche
in Verbindung mit A. Ungnad und H. Orient Alission, 1903. 62 p. 8°. * OCZ
Ranke hrsg. von Hugo Gressmann. Bd. 1. Hutchison, Jane. See Zimmern, Hein-
Tubingen:^;. C. B. Alohr, 1909. 4°. * YL rich.

Grimme, Hubert. Das Gesetz Chammu- Jastrow, Alorris. the younger. The Bible
rabis und Moses. Eine Skizze. Koln: J. and the Assyrian monuments. (Century.
P. Bachem, 1903. 45 p., 1 1. 8°. * OCZ New York, 1894. 8°. v. 47, p. 395-411.)
"L^nbewiesenes." Bemerkungen *DA
eines Philologen zu F. Delitzsch, Babel und Hebrew and Babylonian
Bibel 1-2. Minister i. W.: H. Schoningh The Haskell lectures, delivered at Oberlin
rl903j. 80 p. 8°. * OCZ p.v.l College in 1913, and since revised and en-
larged. New
York: C. Scribner's Sons.
Gunkel, Herman. Israel and Babylon. 1914. XV p., 11., 376 p. 8°. * PE
The influence of Babylon on the religion
of Israel... English translation by E. S. On
Palestine and Assyria in the
B. Philadelphia: J. J. McVey, 1904. 63 p. days of Toshua. (Zeitschrift fiir Assvri-
12°. *OCZp.v.3 ologie. Berlin. 1892. 8°. Bd. 7. p. 1-7.)
Schopfung und Chaos in L'rzeit und
Endzeit. Eine religionsgeschichtliche Un-
original character of the He-
tersuchung iiber Gen. 1 und Ap. Job. 12; mit
brew Sabbath. (American journal of theol-
ogy. Chicago, 1898. 8°. v. 2, p. 312-352.)
Beitragen von Heinrich Zimmern. Got-
tingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1895.
xiv, 431 p. 8°. *YLZ Jensen, Peter. Moses, Jesus. Paulus.
Drei Varianten des babylonischen Gott-
Halevy, Joseph. La date du recit yah- menschen Gilgamesch. Eine Anklage
weiste de la creation. (Revue semitique. wider die Theologen; ein Appell auch an
Paris. 1904. 8°. annee 12, p. 19-36, 118- die Laien. Frankfurt am Main: Neuer
154.) * OAA Frankfurter Verlag, 1909. 63 p. 8°. * OCY
Les pretendus emprunts cosmogo-
niques dans la Bible. (Revue semitique. Jeremias, Alfred. Das Alte Testament
Paris, 1904. 8°. annee 12, p. 217-228. 313-
im Lichte des alten Orients. Handbuch
zur biblisch-orientalischen Altertumskunde
324.) * OAA Leipzig: C. Hinrichs, 1904. xiv,
Handcock, Percy S. P. The latest light 383 p., 2 maps. 8°. * OCZ
on Bible lands. London: Society for Pro- •
Im Kampfe um Babel und Bibel.
moting Christian Knowledge, 1913. 1 p.l., Ein Wort zur Verstandigung und Abwehr.
v-xii, 372 p., Ipl. 12°. * YIW Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1903. 38 p. 8°.
Haupt, Paul. See Schrader, Elierhard. * OCZ p.v.3
Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1903.
Hawkins, Chauncey J. Excavations and * OCZ
44 p., 1 1. 3. ed. 8°. p.v.3
the Bible. (Open court. Chicago, 1905.
8°. V. 19, p. 1-7.) * DA Monotheistische Stromungcn inner-
halb der babylonischen Religion, auf Grund
Hehn, Johannes. Die biblische und die eines Vortrages gehalten auf dem ii. In-
babylonische Gottesidee; die israelitische ternationalcn Kongress fiir Religionsge-
Gottesauffassung im Lichte dcr altoriental- schichte zu Basel 1904. Leipzig: J. C.
ischen Religionsgeschichte. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1904. 48 p. 8°. * OCY
Hinrichs, 1913. xii, 436 p., 2 pi. 8°. * PNB
Moses und Hammurabi. Leipzig:
Siebenzahl und Sabbat bei den C. Hinrichs, 1903. 47 p., Ipl. 8°.
Babyloniern und im Alten Testament. * OCZ p.v.3
Eine religionsgeschichtliche Studie. Leip-
zig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1907. 2 p.l., 132 p. 8°. Jessel, E. E. The unknown history of
(Leipziger semitistische Studien. Bd. 2, the Jews, discovered from the ancient rec-
Heft 5.) *OBC ords and monuments of Egypt and Baby-
''^ — - und Erlosung nach biblischer
lon. London: Watts & Co., 1909. xi. 158
p.. 24 pi., 2 maps. 8°. * PXG
iind babylonischer Anschauung. Leipzig:
j. C. Hinrichs, 1903. vi p., 11., 62 p. 8°. Johns, Claude Hermann Walter. The in-
*PNK fluence of Babylonian mythology upon the


Assyr'wlogy and the Bible, continued. Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig. 1910.

Old Testament. (In: H. B. Swete. Essays

8°. Bd. 64, p. 715-732.) * OAA
on some Biblical questions of the day. Bibel und Babel. Eine kulturge-
London, 1909. 8°. p. 21-52.) * YIG schichtliche Skizze. Berlin: M. Warneck,
Karppe, S. Alelanges assyriologiques et
1902. 51 p. 5. ed. 8°. * OCZ p.v.l
bibliques. (Journal asiatique. Paris. 1897. The
Bible and Babylon, their rela-
8°. serie 9, v. 9, p. 86-146; v. 10, p. 77-1 19.) tionship in the history of culture. Trans-
*OAA lated from the tenth German edition, with
additional notes by the author and by the
Alelanges do
biblique ct
translator, the Rev. William Turnbull
d'assyriologie. (Revue semitique. Paris,
1894. 8°. annee2, p. 146-154.) * OAA Filter... London: Religious Tract Soci-
ety, 1905. xvi, 17-137p., 1 pi. 12°. (By-
Kennett, Robert Hatch. The composi- paths of Bible knowledge, no. 24.) * YIW
tion of the Book of Isaiah in the light of
history and archaeology. London: pub- Die Gottesfrage und der Ursprung
des Alten Testaments. Gr. Lichterfelde-
lished for the British Academy by H.
Frowde, Oxford University Press, 1910.
Berlin: E. Runge il903]. 1 p.l., 57 p. 12°.

vi p.. 11., 94 p. 4°. (British Academy.

Schweich Trust. The Schweich lectures, Relations of Babylonian and Old
1909.) * YLRB Testament culture. (Homiletic review.
Kittel, Rudolf. Der Babel-Bibel-Streit New York, 1908-09. 8°. v. 55, p. 262-266;
V. 56, p. 9-12; v. 57, p. 186-189, 443-447: v.
and die Offenbarungsfrage. Ein Verzicht
auf Verstandigung. Leipzig: A. Deichert,
58, p. 283-286.) ZIXD
1903. 26 p. 8°. *OCZp.v.2 Kohler, Kaufmann. Assyriology and the
Die babylonischen Ausgrabungen Bible. |New York,, 1903. 103-114 p. 8°.

und biblische Urgeschichte.

die Leipzig: *OCZp.v.4
A. Deichert, 1903. 36'"p. 8°. * OCZ p.v.2 Repr. Year Book of the Central Conference of

.\merican Rabbis, 1903 - 5663.

Klausner, M. A. Hie Babel Hie Bibel — Assyriology and the Bible. Paper
Anmerkungen zu des Professors Delitzsch read before Rabbinical Conference at De-
zweitem Vortrag iiber Babel und Bibel. troit, Tnlv, 1903. Chicago: Bloch & New-
Dritte, mit einem Nachwort versehene Auf-
lage. Berlin: S. Calvary & Co., 1903. 40 p.
man, ivoo. 19 p. 16°. *PE
8°. *OCZp.v.4 Kohut, Alexander. The Talmudic rec-
ords of Persian and Babylonian festivals
Zu Lehr und Wehr! Jiidische Zeit- critically illustrated. (American journal of
fragen. Berlin: S. Calvary & Co.. 1903. Semitic languages and literatures. Chica-
2p.l.. 125 p. 8°. *PBS go, 1898. 8°. V. 14, p. 183-194.) * OBA
Knieschke, W. Bibel und Babel, El und Langdon, Stephen. Lectures on Baby-
Bel. Eine Replik auf Friedrich Dclitzschs lonia and Palestine. Paris: P. Geuthner,
Babel und Bibel. Westend-Berlin: W. 1906. xiiip., 11., 183p. 12°. * OCK
Faber & Co., 1902. 64 p. 8°. * OCZ
Lehmann-Haupt, Ferdinand Friedrich
Koeberle, Justus. Bab)donische Kultur Karl. Babyloniens Kulturmission einst
und biblische Religion. Ein erweiterter und jetzt. Ein Wort der Ablenkung und
Vortrag. AUinchen: C. H. Beck. 1903. 2 Aufklarung zum Babel-Bibel-Streit. Leip-
p.l., 54 p. 8°. *OCZp.v.3 zig: Dieterich, 1903. 2 p.l.. 88 p. 8°.

Die Beziehungen zwischen Israel * OCZ p.v.2

und Babylonien. Sechs Vortrage. Hrsg. Israel, seine Entwicklung im Rali-
von Prof. D. Walther. Wismar i. Meckl.: men der Weltgeschichte. Tubingen: J. C.
H. Bartholdi, 1908. 95 p. 8°. * PE B. Mohr, 1911. vii, 344 p., 1 map. 8°.

Koenig, Eduard. Die Babel-Bibel-Frage

und wissenschaftliche Methode.
die Zu- Lenormant, Frangois. Les origines de
gleich Kritik von Delitzsch's iii**"" Babel- I'histoire d'apres la Bible et les traditions
Bibel-Schrift. Berlin: E. Runge il904,. 46 des peuples orientaux. tome 1-2, partie 1-
p. 8°. (Im Kampf um das Alte Testament. 2. Paris: Maisonneuve & Cie., 1880-84.
Heft 3.) *OCZp.v.l 3v. 2. ed. 12°. * OCZ
babylonische Gefangenschaft Lieblein, Jens Daniel Carolus. Aegyp-
der Bibel als beendet erwiesen. Stuttgart: ten. Babel und Bibel. (Deutsche Revue.
M. Kielmann, 1905. 81 p. 8°. (Christen- Stuttgart. 1903. 8°. Jahrg. 28. Bd. 4, p.
tuni und Zeitgeist. Heft 5.) * PE 200-210. 284-297.) * DP
Die babylonische Schrift und Sprache Lindl, Ernest. Die Bedeutung der As-
und die Originalgestalt des hebraischcn syriologie fiir das Alte Testament und
Schrifttums. (Deutsche morgenlandische unsere Erkenntnis der altorientalischen
.'issyriology and the Bible, continued. Ochser, Schulim. Judentum und Assyri-
ologie. Drei volkstiimliche Vortrage ge-
Kultur. Wien: Alayer & Co.. 1906. 19 p.
halten im Vereine fiir jiidische Geschichte
8°. (Leo-Gesellschaft. Vortrage und Ab-
und Literatur in Berlin. Berlin: S. Calvary
liandlungen. [Heftj 27.) *C & Co., 1904. 63 p. 8°. * PE
Lods, Adolphe. De quclques publica- Oettli, Samuel. Der Kampf um Bibel
tions allemands sur les rapports religieux
und Babel. Leipzig: A. Deichert, 1903.
de Babjdone et du peuple d'Israel. (Revue
de I'histoire des religions. Paris, 1903. 8°.
42 p. 4. ed. 8°. * OCZ p.v.2
V. 48, p. 210-221.) ZAA Orano, Paolo. A proposito di "Babel
und Bibel" di F. Delitzsch. (Rivista
Loisy, Alfred. Les mythes babyloniens
et les premiers chapitres de la Genese.
d'ltalia. Roma, 1904. 8°. anno7, v. 1. p.
Paris: A. Picard & fils, 1901. xiv, 212 p..
315-324.) NNA
11. 4°. *OCZ Filter, William Turnbull. See Koenig,
McCormack, Thomas J. The struggle Eduard.
for Babel and Bible. (Open court. Chica- Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. The Old
go, 1903. 8°. V. 17, p. 129-145.) * DA Testament, in the light of the historical
Margoliouth, George. The earliest re-
records and legends of Assyria and Baby-
ligion of the Hebrews. A new
ancient lonia. London: Society for Promoting
Christian Knowledge, 1903. viii, 9-592 p.,
theory. (Contemporary review. London,
1898. 8°. V. 74, p. 581-592.) * DA 16 pi. 2. ed. 8°. *PE
Politeyan, Jacob. Biblical discoveries in
Mercer, Samuel A. B. Extra-Biblical
sources for Hebrew and Jewish history. Egypt, Palestine and Mesopotamia, by the
Translated and edited by Rev. Samuel A. B. Rev. J. Politeyan... With foreword by
Mercer. New York: Longmans, Green, the Rev. Canon R. B. Girdlestone. Lon- . .

and Co., 1913. xiv p., ll.,"210p., 3 pi. 3 don: E. Stock, 1915. X, 194 p., 2 maps, IS
maps. 8°. *PXE pi. 8°. *YIW
Miller, O. D. Har-Moad; or, The moun- Pope, Hugh. The influence of the cune-
tain of the assembly. A
series of archaeo-
iform inscriptions upon Biblical criticism.
logical studies, chiefly from the stand-
(Ecclesiastical review. Philadelphia, 1903.
point of the cuneiform inscriptions. North
8°. V. 29, p. 352-363.) ZLF
Adams, Mass.: S. M. Whipple. 1892. xxi, Porges, Natlian. Bibelkunde und Babel-
445 p., 2 diagrs., 3 pi., 1 port. 8°. * OCM funde. Eine kritische Besprechung von
Montet, fidouard. Friedrich Delitzsch's Babel und Bibel.
Israel and Babylonian
Leipzig: Liebes & Teichtner, 1903. 108 p.
civilization. (Open
court. Chicago, 1909.
8°. v. 23, p. 619-631.) * DA 8°. * OCZ p.v.l
Radau, Hugo. Bel, the Christ of ancient
Nikel, Johannes. Genesis und Keil-
times. Chicago: Open Court Publishing
schriftforschung. Ein Beitrag zuni Ver-
standnis der biblischen Ur- und Patriarchen-
Co., 1908. iv p., 11., 55 p. 8°. ZAM
Repr.: Monist, v. 14, p. 67-119, YAA.
geschichte. Freiburg i. B.: Herder. 1903.
xi, 261 p. 8°. * OCZ Ranke, Hermann. Sec Gressmann, Hugo.
Nolan, Frederick. expectations The Rassam, Hormuzd. Biblical nationalities
formed by the Assyrians, that a great de- past and present. (Society of Biblical
liverer would appear about the time of our .A.rchaeology. Transactions. London, 1885.
Lord's advent, demonstrated. [By Fred- 8°. V. 8, p. 358-385.) * YIA
erick Nolan.) London: Bagster, 1826. 4
p.l., 272p. 8°. ZFHF Robinson, Andrew Craig. The bearing of
recent Oriental discoveries on Old Testa-
Norton, Francis Collins. Bible student's ment history. (Victoria Institute. Jour-
handl)Ook of Assyriology; a popular man- nal of the transactions. London, 1906. 8°.
ual of useful information for the elemen- *EC
V. 38, p. 154-176.)
tary study of Oriental archaeology, and a
help for young students and teachers of The fall of Babylon and Daniel v,

the Old Testament. Second edition, with 30. (Victoria Institute. Journal of the
an introduction by A. H. Sayce. London: transactions. London, 1914. 8°. v. 46. p.
K. Paul, Trench, Triibner & Co., Ltd., 9-30.) * EC
1913. 2 p.l., vii-xx, 226 p.. 1 map, 8 pi.. 1
Rogers, Robert William. Cuneiform
port. 12°. * OCZ parallels to tlie Old Testament: translated
Newark, Wiihclm. Die assyrisch-lxiby- and edited by R. W. Rogers. New York:
lonischen Keil-Tnschriften und das Alte ICaton (S: Mains, 1912. xxii, 567 p., 1 map,
Testament. Berlin: Mayer & Miillcr. 1878. 1 table. 8°. * PE
28 p. 8°. *OCZ liibliograpliy, p. .xi-xvi.

/}ssyriology and the Bible, continued. Schneider, Hermann. Kultur und Den-
ken dcr Babylonier und Juden. Leipzig:
Rosenthal, Liuhvig- A. Babel Bibel
8°. * OCY
J. C. Hinrichs, 1910. xvi, 665 p.
Oder Bal)cl gesen Bibel? Ein Wort zur
Klarung-. Berlin: "Israelitischcn W'ochen- Scholz, .'\nton. Die Keilschrift-Urkun-
schrift," 1902. 31 p. 12°. * p.v.4 OCZ dcii und die Genesis. Wiirzburg: L. Wocrl,
1877. 91 p. 8°. * YLH
Bibel trotz Babel! Beleuchtung des
zweiten Delitzsch'sclien Vortratjcs und Schorr, Moses. See Sarsowsky, Al)ra-
seiner neuesten Aeusserung "Zur Kla- iiam.
rung." Leipzig: M. W. Kaufniann, 1903.
Schrader, Eberliard. Die Keilinschriften
viii, 32 p. 8°. * p.v.4 OCZ und das Alte Testament. Mit einem Bei-
tragc von Paul Haupt. Giesscn: J. Ricker,
Sarsowsky, Abraham. Keilschriftliches
1883. vii, 618p., Imap. 2. ed. 8°. * OCZ
Urkuiulenliuch zum Alten Testament in
Urschrift zusammengestellt, autographicrt Mit Ausdehnung auf die Apok-
und hrsg. von A. Sarsowsky; mit einem ryphen, Pseudepigraphen und das Neue
Worter- und Eigennamenverzcichnis von Testament neu bearbeitet von H. Zimmern
M. Schorr. Teil 1. Leiden: E. J. Brill, und H. Winckler. Berlin: Reuthcr &
1911. P. tt*OCZ Reichard, 1902-03. x, 680 p., 1 map. 3. ed.
Teil 1. Historische Texte.
go *p£
Sayce, x\rchibald Henry. Early Israel The
cuneiform inscriptions and
and the surrounding nations. London: the Old Testament. Translated from the
Service & Paton, 1899. xxvii p.. 21.. 33- second enlarged German edition with an
337 p. 8°. *PXG introductory preface by Rev. Owen C.
Whitehouse. London: Williams and Nor-
Fresh light from the ancient monu-

gate, 1885-88. 2 v. 8°. * OCZ
ments; a sketch of the most striking
confirmations of the Bible from recent Schwartzkopff, Paul.Die Weiterbil-
discoveries in Egypt, Palestine, Assyria, dung der Religion: ein Kaiserwort. Ein
Babj^lonia, Asia Minor. New York: F. H. Beitrag zur Verstandigung iiber "Babel
Revell Co.. 1895. 160 p., 4 pi. 12°. (Bv- und Bibel" vom religionsgeschichtlichen
paths of Bible knowledge, v. 2.) * YIW und rcli^nonsphilosophischen Standpunkte
aus. Schkeuditz bei Leipzig: W. Schafer.
Alte Denkmaler im Lichte neuer 1903. iv, 82p. 8°.
Forschungen. Ein Uberblick iiber die
durch die jiingsten Entdeckungen in Egyp- Sellin, Ernst. Der Ertrag der Ausgra-
ten, Assj'rien, Babylonien. Palastina und
bungen im Orient fiir die Erkenntnis der
Kleinasien erhaltenen Bestatigungen bibli-
Entwicklung der Religion Israels Leip- . . .

zig: G. Bohme, 1905. 44 p., 1 pi. 8°. *PE

scher Tatsachen. Deutsche vom Verfasser
revidirte Aussabe. Leipzig: O. Schulze Shedd, Ephriam Cutler. The servant of
[1886,. viii. 232 p. 8°. * OCZ Jehovah in the light of the inscriptions. A
latest light on the Bible from
world empire. A world religion. Chicago:
University of Chicago Press [1907]. 464-
the Euphrates valley. (Homiletic review.
New York, 1904. 8°. v. 47, p. 171-175.)
468 p. 8°. *OCKp.v.3
Repr.: Biblical world, 464-468, *
ZIXD v. 30, p. D.-i.

Alonument facts and higher critical Simpson, William. The tower of Babel
fancies. New York: F. H. Revell Co. and the Birs Nimroud. (Society of Bibli-
128 Iport. 12°. * OCZ cal Arcliaeology. Transactions. London,
fl904.] p.,
1893. 8°. v. 9, p. 307-332.) * YIA
Schleusner, Georg. Die Bedeutung der Taenzer, A. Judentum und Entwick-
Ausgrabungen in dem Euphrat- und Tig- lungslehre. Nach einen in Innsbruck am
risgebiet fiir das Alte Testament... Wit-
4. Mai 1903 uber "Babel und Bibel" gehal-
tenberg: P. Wunschmann, 1882. 30 p. 8°.
tenen Vortrag. Berlin: Calvary & Co.,
*PE 1903. 68 p. 8°. *PE
Schloegl, Nivard. Wissenschaft und Henry Fox. Illustrations of the
Bibel. Betrachtungen iiber Prof. De-
Prophet Daniel from the Assyrian writ-
litzsch' Vortrage: Babel und Bibel. (Die
ings. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
Kultur. Wien, 1904. 8°. Jahrg. 5, p. 3-10.)
Transactions. London, 1873. 8°. v. 2. p.
*DF 360-364.) * YIA
Schmidt, Aage. Udgravningerne i As-
The Old Testa-
Thomas, John Evans.
syrien og deres Betydning for
ment in the light of the religion of Baby-
Christiania: Lutherstiftelsens Boghandel,
lonia and Assyria. London: A. and C.
1910. 92 p. 12°. (Det nordiske Udvalg 12°. * PE
Black, 1909. vii, 174 p.
for Udgivelsen af Skrifter om det gamle
Testamente og Bibelkritiken.) * OCZ Ungnad, Arthur. See Gressmann, Hugo.
Assyriology and the Bible, continued. Der alte Orient und die Bibel. (Ex
Oriente Lux. Leipzig, 1906. 8°. Bd. 2. p.
Urquhart, John. The bearing of recent
4-47.). * OAC
Oriental discoveries on Old Testament his-
tory. (Victoria Institute. Journal of the
transactions. London, 1906. 8°. v. 38. p. sung. (Ex Oriente Lux. Leipzig, 1906.
18-48.) * EC 8°. Bd.2, p. 51-112.) *OAC
Sec also Schrader, Eberhard.
Vigouroux, F. La Bible et les decou-
vertes modernes en figypte et en Assyrie; Zimmern, Heinrich. The Babylonian
avec des illustrations d'apres les monu- and the Hebrew Genesis. Translated by J.
ments par I'abbe Douillard. Paris: Berche Hutchison. London: D. Nutt, 1901. 3 p.l.,
et Tralin, 1877. 2 v. 12°. * YII 64 p. 12°. (The ancient East. no. 3.)
Walther, D. Sec Koeberle, Justus. Biblische und babylonische Urge-
Ward, William Hayes. The story of the schichte. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1901.
serpent and the tree. (American antiquari- 40 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient. Jahrg. 2, Heft
an and Oriental iournal. Chicago, 1898. 3.) *OAC
8°. V. 20, p. 211-227.) HBA Keilinschriften und Bibel nach
ihrem religionsgeschichtlichen Zusammen-
Weber, Otto. Theologie und Assyriolo-
hang. Ein Leitfaden zur Orientierung im
.gie im Streite um Babel und Bibel. Leip-
sog. Babel-Bibel-Streit, mit Einbeziehung
zig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1904. 31 p.
auch der neutestamentlichen Probleme.
* OCZ p.v.4 Berlin: Reuther & Reichard, 1903. 54 p.
Whitehouse, Owen C. Sec Schrader, 8°. * OCZ p.v.2
Zum um
Streit die
Wilke, Fritz Otto Richard. Jesaja und Das babylonische Material in seinen
Assur. Greifswald: J. Abel, 1905. 55 p. 8°. Hauptpunkten dargestellt. Berlin: Reuther'
*PDW & Reichard. 1910. 66 p. 8°. ZFH p.v.4
Winckler, Hugo. Abraham als Baby- Zur Frage nach dem Ursprunge des
lonier, Joseph als Aegypter. Der weltge- Purimfestes. (Zeitschrift fitr die alttesta-
schichtliche Hintergrund der biblischen mentliche Wissenschaft. Giessen, 1891.
Vatergeschichten auf Grund der Keilin- 8°. Jahrg. 11. p. 157-169.) * PD
schriften dargestellt. Leipzig: J. C. Hin- Sec also Gunkel, Hermann; also
richs, 1903. 38 p. 8°. * OCZ Schrader, Eberhard.

Abienzo, Francisco J. Los heteos. (Re- Birdwood, Sir George C. M. The empire
vista contemporanea. Madrid, 1899. 8°. of the Hittites in the history of art. (Asi-
V. 115, 628-634.) NPA atic quarterly review. London, 1888. 8°.
V. 5, p. 190-212.) * OAA
Amiaud, Arthur. Simple coup d'oeil sur
(In his: Sva. London: P. L.
de lovanoff et sur les inscriptions
la l)ulle
Warner, 1915. 8°. p. 201-224.) *
heteennes. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie.
Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p. 274-288.) Breasted, James Henry. WHien did the
*OCL Hittites enter Palestine? (American jour-
Anderson, G. C. A new Hittite inscrip- nal of Semitic languages and literatures.
Lon- Chicago, 1905. 8°. v. 21, p. 153-158.)
tion. (Journal of Hellenic studies.
don, 1901. 8°. V. 21, p. 322-324.) BVA *OBA
British Museum. — Department of Egyp-
Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli. tian and Assyrian Antiquities. Carche-
und hrsg. im Auftrage des Orient-
fiihrt mish; report on the excavations at Djerabis
Comites zu Berlin. Berlin: W. Spemann, on bciialf of the British Museum, con-
1893-1911. 4v. in3. f°. (Koenigliche ducted by C. Leonard Woolley .and T. . .

Museen zu Berlin. Mittheilungen aus den E. Lawrence, part 1. London: the muse-
orientalischen Sammlungen. Heft 11-14.) um, 1914. f°. t*OCZE
t*OAC Part 1. Hogarth, D. G. Introductory.

Basmadjian, K. J. A propos des deux Campbell, John. The Hittites: their in-
sceaux heteens. (Society of Biblical Ar- scriptions and their historv. Toronto:
chaeology. Proceedings. London, 1898. Williamson & Co. [1890.) 2 v. 8°.
8^ V.20, p. 230-234.) * VIA *R-*OCZE
Hittitcs, co)iti)iHcd. Constable and Co., 1910. xxiv, 415 p.. 1

The Khitan languages; the Aztec

map, 88 pi. 8°. * OCZE
and Bibliography, p. 392-401.
its relations. [Toronto, 1884.] 25 p.
12°. * OCZE Gleye, A. Hettitische Studien. Bd. 1.
Repr. : Canadian Institute. Proceedings, new Leipzig: O. Harrassowitz, 1910. 4°.
series, v. 2, p. 158-180, * EC.
Proposed reading of the Davenport
Gonino, I. Sec Perrot, Georges, and
tablet, n. t.-p. n. p., n. d. 8 p.
Ch.\rles Chipiez.
translation of the principal Hittite Gottheil, Richard James Horatio. Figur-
inscriptions vet published, n. t.-p. n. p., ines of Syro-Hittite art. (In: Studies in
n. d. 16 p. 8°. * OCZE p. box ihe history of religions; presented to C.

Chantre, Ernest. Recherches archeolo-

H. Toy. New York. 1912. 8°. p. 361-
giques dans I'Asie occidentale. Mission en
365.) * OAS
Cappadoce 1893-94. Paris: E. Leroux, Grothe, Hugo.Bemerkungen zu einigen
1898. xvi, 232 p., 1 map, 26 pi. f°. Dcnkmalstatten und Denkmalern hettiti-
t * OCZE scher Kunst in Kleinasien. (In his: Meine
Charles, Benson Brush. Hittite inscrip- Vorderasienexpedition. Leipzig, . . 1911.
tions; certain newly discovered inscrip-
4°. Bd. 1, p. ccliv-cclxxiv.) KBK
tions, together with revised copies of a
Hirschfeld, Gustav. Die Felsenreliefs in
number hitherto known and still in situ. Kleinasien und das Volk der Hittiter...
Representing a portion of the results of the 75 p., 2 pi. (Koniglich Preussische Aka-
Cornell expedition to Asia Minor and the deniie der Wissenschaften. Abhandlun-
Assj-ro-Babvlonian Orient. Ithaca, X. Y., gen. Philos.-hist. Klasse. Berlin, 1887.
1911. 49 p.. Ifac. f°. t*OCZE 4°. 1886, Abh. 2.) * EE
A search for the Hittites. (Inde-
pendent. New York, 1909. 8°. v. 67. p.
Hogarth, David George. The empire
919-924.) * DA of the Hatti. (Illustrated London news.
London, 1911. i°. v. 138, p. 842, 864.) * DA
Sec also Olmstead, Albert Ten Eyck,
and others. problems and the excava-
tion of Carchemish. London: H. Frowde
Chipiez, Charles. Sec Perrot, Georges, [1911]. 15 p. 8°. *OCZE
and Charles Chipiez. Repr.: British Academy. Proceedings, v. 3, p.
361-375, * EC.
Conder, Claude Reignier. Dusratta's
Hittite letter. (Roval Asiatic Society. Recent Hittite research. (Royal
Journal. London, 1892. 8°. 1892, p. 711-
Anthropological Institute of Great Britain
809.) * OAA and Ireland. Journal. London, 1909. 8°.
V. 39, p. 408-415.) QOA
Tlie and their language.
Edinburgh and London: W. Blackwood Sec also British Museum. Depart- —
and Sons, 1898. x, 312 p., 1 map, 16 pi. 8°. ment of Egyptian and Assyrian Antiqui-
*OCZE ties.

Notes on the Hittite writing. 8 pi. Hommel, Notes on the Hittite

(Roval Asiatic Society. Journal. London, inscriptions. (Society of Biblical Archaeol-
1893. 8°. 1893, p. 823-853.) * OAA ogy. Proceedings. London, 1899. 8°. v.
Recent Hittite discoveries. (Scot- 21, p. 224-238.) * VIA
tish review. London, 1900. 8°. v. 36. p. Hrozny, Friedrich. Die Losung des
62-80.) * DA hetliitisclicn Problems. Ein vorlaufiger
Sec also Wright, William. Bericht. (Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft.
Mitteilungen. Berlin, 1915. 8°. Nr. 56,
Cowley, A. Notes on Hittite hiero- p. 17-50.) *OAA
glyphic inscriptions. (Roval Asiatic So-
cietv. Journal. London, 1917. 8°. 1917. Hutchison, Jane. Sec Messerschmidt,
p. 561-585.) * OAA Leopold.
Dodd, Isabel F. An ancient capital fBog- Jensen, Peter. Grundlagen fiir eine Ent-
haz Keouvi. (National geographic maga- zifferung der hatischen oder cilicischen In-
zine. Washington. 1910. 8". v. 21, p. 111- schriften. (Deutsche morgenlandische Ge-
124.) KAA sellschaft. Zeitschrift. Leipzig, 1894. 8°.

Garstang, John. The land of the Hit- Bd. 48, p. 235-352, 429-485.) * OAA
tites. an account of recent explorations and Hittiter und Armenier. Strass-
discoveries in Asia Minor, with descrip- burg: K. J. Triibner, 1898. xxvi. 256 p.. 1
tions of the Hittite monuments. London: map, 10 tables. 8°. * OCZE
Hittitcs, continued. Messerschmidt, Leopold. The ancient
Die hittitisch-armenische Inschrift
Hittites. (Smithsonian Institution. An-
nual report. Washington, 1904. 8°. 1903,
eines Sj^ennesis aus Babylon. (Deutsche
morgenlandische Gesellschaft. Zeitschrift. p. 681-703.) * EA
Leipzig, 1903. 8°. Bd. 57, p. 215-270.) Bemerkungen zu den
*OAA Inschriften. (Vordcrasiatische Gesell-
schaft. Mitteilungen. Berlin, 1898. 8°.
Die kilikischen Inschriften. Bei-
tras;e zu ihrer Erklarung-. (Vienna Orien- Jahrg. 3, p. 179-226.) * OAA
tarjournal. Vienna, 1896. 8°. v. 10, p. 3- Corpus inscriptionum Hettiticarum.
20.) * OAA Berlin: W. Peiser. 1900. 8°. (Vordcrasi-
Theso-called Hittites and their in- atische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen. Jahrg.
scriptions. (In: H. V. Hilprecht, Explora- 5, Heft 4-5.) * OAA
tions in Bible lands. Philadelpliia, 1903. Corpus inscriptionum Hettiticarum.
8°. p. 753-793.) *R-*OAL Nachtrag 1-2. Berlin: W. Peiser, 1902-06.
Jerphanion, Guillaume de. Hittite monn- 8°. (Vordcrasiatische Gesellschaft. Mit-
ments of Cappadocia. (Society of
6 pi. teilungen. Jahrg. 7, Heft 3; Jahrg. 11,
Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. Lon- Heft 5.) * OAA
don, 1910. 8°.' V. 32, p. 168-174.) * YIA Die Hettiter. Leipzig: J. C. Hin-
Karolides, Paul. Die sogenannten As- richs. 1902. 32 p. 8°. (Der alte Orient.
sjTO-Chaldaer und Hittiten von Kleinasien. Jahrg. 4, Heft 1.) * OAC
Athen: Gebrueder Perris, 1898. 175 p. 8°. The Hittites. Translated by J.
*ocz Hutchison. London: D. Nutt, 1903. vi p.,
Kohl, Heinrich. Sec Puchstein, Otto. 11., iO-56p. 12°. (The ancient East. no.
Koldewey, Robert.Die Architektur von
6.) * OCZE
Sendschirli. (Konigliche Museen zu Ber- Meyer, Eduard. Die Entzifferung der
lin. Mittheilungen aus den orientalischen hethitischen Sprache. Zur Einfiihrung von
Sammlungen. Berlin, 1898. f°. Heft 12, E. Meyer. (Deutsche Orient-Gesellschaft.
p. 103-200.) tt*OAC Mitteilungen. Berlin, 1915. 8°. Nr. 56, p.

Die hettitische Inschrift gefunden

5-17.) * OAA
in der Konigsburg von Babylon am 22. Reich und Kultur der Chetiter. Ber-
August 1899. und veroffentlicht von R. lin: K. Curtius, 1914. 2 p.l., vii-viii, 168 p.,
Koldewey. Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs, 1900. 1 map, 16 pi. 8°. (Kunst mid Altertum.
8 p., 3 pi. f °. (Deutsche Orient-Gesell- Bd. 1.) *OCZE
schaft. Wissenschaftliche Veroffentlich-
Mueller, Wilhelm Max. Asien und Eu-
ungen. Heft 1.) * OAA rope nach altagyptischen Denkmalern. . .

Krencker, Daniel. See Puchstein, Otto. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1893. x p., 1 1..
Kruszynski, Jozef. Hittyci. (Biblioteka
403 p., 1 map. 8°. * OBK
p. 319-335. Die Hetiter.
warszawska. Warszawa, 1913. 8°. no. 8,
p. 310-350.) *QPA Der Buendnisvertrag Ramses' ii und
Leonhard, Walther. Hettiter und Ama- des Chetiterkonigs im Originaltext neu
zonen; die griechische Tradition iiber die hrsg. und iibersetzt. Berlin: W. Peiser,
"Chatti" und ein Versuch zu ihrer histo-
1902. 48 p.. 16 tables. 8°.
1 p.l., (Vor-
dcrasiatische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen.
rischen Verwertung. Leipzig: B. G. Teub-
ner. 1911. x, 252 p., 1 map. 8°. * OCZE Jahrg. 7, Heft 5.) * OAA
Ein neuer Hetiterkonig? (Vor-
Lieblein, Jens Daniel Carolus.
fitude sur
dcrasiatische Gesellschaft. Mitteilungen.
les Xetas. (Travaux de la troisieme ses-
sion du Congres international des oriental-
Berlin, 1896. 8°. 1896, p. 192-193.) * OAA
istes. St. Petersbourg, 1879. 8°. v. 2. p. Olmstead, Albert Ten Eyck, and others.
343-364.) * OAA Travels and studies in the nearer East,
by A. T. Olmstead. B. B. Charles, J. E.
Luckenbill, Daniel David. The Hittites. Wrench, v. 1, part 2. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cor-
(American journal of theology. Chicago,
nell University. 1911. f°. (Cornell expedi-
1914. 8°. V. 18, p. 24-58.) ZEA tion to Asia Minor, and the Assyro-Baby-
Macridy-Bey, Th. La porte des sphinx lonian Orient.) ft * OAC
a Euyuk. Fouilles du Musee imperial otto- V. 1, part 2. Hitfite inscriptions.
man. Berlin: W. Peiser, 1908. 1 p.l., 29 p.,
Ferret, Georges, and Charles Chipiez.
1 1., 2 pi. 8°. (Vordcrasiatische Gesell-
History of art in Sardinia, Judfea, Syria,
schaft. Mitteilungen. Jahrg. 13, Heft 3.)
*OAA and Asia Minor. From the French of
Georges Perrot...and Charles Chipiez.
Menant, Joachim. See Sayce, Archibald Illustrated with four hundred and six en-
Henry. gravings and eight steel and coloured
Hittites, continued. The discovery of archaic Hittite in-
scriptions in Asia Minor. (Society of Bib-
plates... Translated and edited by T.
Gonino. London: Chapman and Hall.
lical Archaeology. Proceedings. London,
Limited, 1890. 2 v. 4°. MAE and * OCZE 1905. 8°. V. 27, p. 21-31, 43-47.) * YIA
Pinches, Theophilus Goldridge. Notes Fragments of Hittite cuneiform
upon the fragments of Hittite cuneiform tablets from Boghaz Keui. (Royal Asiatic
tablets from Yuzgat, Boghaz Keui. 3 pi. Societv. Journal. London, 1909. 8°. 1909,
(University of Liverpool. Annals of p. 963-980.) * OAA
archaeolog}- and anthropology. Liverpool, Geographical notes on the Hittite
1910. 8°. V. 3, p. 99-106.) QOA hieroglyphic inscriptions. (.Society of Bib-
Prince, John Dyneley. The Hittite lical Arcliaeology. Proceedings. London,
material in the cuneiform inscriptions. 1914. 8°. V. 36, p. 233-239.) * YIA
(American journal of Semitic languages
The Hittite boss of Tarkondemos.
and literatures. Chicago, 1915. 8°. v. 2)2, (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. Leipzig,
p. 38-63.) *OBA 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p.380-385.) * OCL
Puchstein, Otto. Boghaskoi, die Bau-
werkc. Von O. Puchstein unter Mitwirk-
A Hittite cuneiform tablet from
ung von H. Kohl und D. Krencker. Leip- Boghaz Keui. (Royal Asiatic Society.
Journal. London, 1908. 8°. 1908, p. 985-
zig: J. C. Hinrichs. 1912. 2 p.l.. 180 p., 1
map. 11 plans, 38 pi., 1 port. f°. (Deutsche
995.) *OAA
Orient-Gesellschaft. Wissenschaftliche Hittite hieroglyphs on a Cappadoci-
Veroffentlichungen. Heft 19.) ft * OAA an cuneiform tablet in the Royal Scottish
Recent Hittite discoveries. (Biblia. Meri-
Museum, Edinburgh. 1 pi. (Society of
Biblical Archaeologv. Proceedings. Lon-
den, Conn., 1901. 8°. v. 14, p. 53-59.)
*YIA don, 1913. 8°. v. 3o, p. 203-204.) * YIA
Reckendorf, Hermann. Die Entziffer- The Hittite inscription at Aleppo.
(Society of Biblical Archaeologv. Pro-
ungen der hettitischen Inschriften. (Zeit-
schrift fiir Assyriologie. Weimar, 1896. ceedings. London, 1911. 8°. v. 33, p. 227-
8°. Bd. 11, p. 1-40.) *OCL 231.) *YIA
The Hittite inscriptions. (Society
Rusch, Richard. Hethitische Zahlzeich-
of Biblical Archaeology. Procecdines.
en. Ihr Wert, ihre Bedeutung, ihr Alter
London, 1909. 8°. v. 31, p. 259-268. 327-
dargestellt imd erlautert. (Recueil de tra- ZZl.) * YlPs.
vaux relatifs a la philologie et a I'archeolo-
gie egyptiennes et assyriennes. Paris, The
Hittite inscriptions discovered
1914. 4°. annee 36, p. 113-128.) * OBKG In' Sir W. Ramsay and Miss Bell on the
Kara Dagh. 2 pi. (Society of Biblical
Rylands, W. Harry. Hittite inscriptions.
Archaeologv. Proceedings. London, 1909.
(Society of Biblical Archaeologv. Pro-
ceedings. London, 1898. 8°. v. 20, p. 263-
8°. V. 31. p."83-87.) *YIA
266.) * VIA •—— The Hittite inscriptions of Emir
Ghazi and Aleppo. (Society of Biblical
inscribed stones from Jerabis,
Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1908.
Hamath, Aleppo. &c. 8 pi. (Society of Bib- 8°. V. 30, p. 182-191.) * YIA
lical Archaeology. Transactions. London,
1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 429-442.) * YIA Hittite inscriptions from Gurun
and Emir Ghazi. 2 pi. (Society of Bibli-
See also Wright, William. cal Archaeology. Proceedings. London,
Sayce, Archibald Henry. The Arzawan 1908. 8°. V. 30, p. 211-220.) * YIA
letters and other Hittite notes. (Royal The Hittite inscriptions translated
Asiatic .Societv. Journal. London, 1916. and annotated. 1 pi. (Society of Biblical
8°. 1916, p. 253-268.) * OAA Archaeology. Proceedings. London. 1905.
bilingual Hittite and cuneiform 8°. V. 27, p. 191-254.) * YIA
inscription of Tarkondemos. 1 pi. (Soci-
Hittite notes. (Society of Biblical
ety of Biblical Archaeology. Transactions. Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1899-
London, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 294-308.) * YIA 1911. 8°. V. 21, p. 194-223; V. 33, p. 43-45.)
The decipherment of the Hittite *YIA
inscriptions. (Monthly review. London, Hittite vocabularies from Boghaz
1902. 8°. v. 8, no. 3, p. 101-108.) * DA Keui. (Royal Asiatic Society. Journal.
The decipherment of the Hittite in- London, 1914. 8°. 1914, p. 965-972.)
scriptions. (Society of Biblical Archaeol- *OAA
ogy. Proceedings. London, 1903-04. 8°. The Hittites, or the story of a for-
V.25, p. 141-156, 173-194. 277-287, 305-310, gotten empire. (Homiletic review. New
347-356; v. 26, p. 17-24, 235-250.) * YIA York, 1901. 8°. v. 41, p. 387-391.) ZIXD
Hittitcs, continued. Tyler, Thomas. The nature of the Hittite
writing. (Ninth International Congress of
The Hittites; the story of a forgot-
Orientalists. Transactions. London, 1893.
ten empire. New York: F. H. Revell Co.
8°. V. 2, p. 258-272.) * OAA
[189-?] 4p.l.. 12-149 p. 2.ed. 12°. (By-
paths of Bible knowledge, v. 12.) * YIW Ward, William Hayes. The Hittite gods
Les Heteens: histoire d'un empire in Hittite art. [Norwood, Mass., 1899.]
oublie... Traduit de I'anglais. Preface. .
39 p. 8°. *OCZEp.v.l
Repr. -American journal of archaeology, series
et appendices par M. J. Menant. Paris: E. : 2,
V. 3, p. 1-39, MTA.
Leroux. 1891. 2 p.l., xiii, 210 p., 1 1.. 1 map,
5 pl. 16°. (AInsee Guimet. Annales: Bib- —— On some Hittite seal cylinders.
liotheque de vulgarisation.) * OAH -

(.\merican Oriental Society. Journal. New

Haven, 1896. 8°. v. 16, p. cxxix-cxxxi.)
The inscriptions of Carchemish.
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
ceedings. London, 1915. 8°. \.Z7, p. 8- Some Hittite seals. 1 pi. (Ameri-
21.) *YIA can journal of archaeology. Princeton,
The monuments of the Hittites. N. J., 1894. 8°. V. 9, p. 361-365.) MTA
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Trans-
actions. London, 1882. 8°. v. 7, p. 248- Unpublished or imperfectly pub-
lished Hittite monuments, [no.] 1-3. Bal-
293.) * YIA
timore, 1886-88. 8°. *OCZEp.v.l
Notes on the Hittite inscriptions Repr.: American journal of archaeology, v. 2, p.
and mythology: the rock sculptures of 49-51; V. 3, p. 62-69; v. 4, p. 172-174, MTA.
Boghaz Keui. (Society of Biblical Archae-
ology. Proceedings. London, 1913. 8°. White, George E. The Hittite capital
V. 35, p. 55-62.) * YIA Boghaz-Keuj'^ and its environs. (Records
of the past. Washington, 1907. 8°. v. 6,
The solution of the Hittite problem. p. 245-253.) MTA
(Societ}'' of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
ceedings. London, 1912-13. 8°. v. 34, p. Hittites near Marsovan, Asia Minor.
217-226, 269-275; v. 35, p. 6-12.) * YIA 1 pl. (Records of the past. Washington,
1908. 4°. v. 7, p. 267-274.) MTA
Hittite cuneiform tablets from
Boghaz Keui. (Roval .A.siatic Society. A
to the Hittite cities Eyuk
Journal. London. 1907-08. 8°. 1907. p. and Boghaz Keoy.
(Victoria Institute.
913-921; 1908, p. 548-549.) * OAA Journal of the transactions. London, 1901.
8°. v. 33, p. 226-236.) * EC
See also Wright, William.
Wilson, Sir Charles, Sec Wright, Wil-
Sibree, E. Note on a Hittite inscription. liam.
(Society of Biblical Archaeology. Pro-
ceedings. London, 1906. 8°. v. 28, p. 27-
Winckler, Hugo. Nach Boghaskoi! Ein
28.) *YIA nachgelassenes Fragment. Leipzig: J. C.
Hinrichs, 1913. 32 p. 8°. (Der alte Ori-
Thompson, Reginald Campbell. A jour- ent. Jahrg. 14, Hcft3.) * OAC
ney by some unmapped routes in the wes-
tern Hittite country between .\ngora and
Wrench, J. E. See Olmstead, Albert Ten
Eregli. pl. (Society of Biblical .\rchaeol-
Eyck, and others.
ogy. Proceedings. London, 1910-11. 8°.
V. 32, p. 181-191, 237-242, 289-295; v. 33. p.
8-14.) *YIA Wright, George Frederick. The Hittites.
(Records of the past. Washington, 1909.
A new decipherment of the Hittite 4°. V.8, p. 308-310.) MTA
hieroglyphs. (Society' of Antiquaries of
London. Archaeologia. London, 1913. 4°. Wright, William. The empire of the
V. 64, p. 1-144.) t CA Hittites. With decipherment of Hittite in-
scriptions by Prof. \. H. Sayce. A Hittite
On some "Hittite" clay tablets from map by Col. Sir Charles Wilson... and
Asia Minor. 2 pl. (Society of Biblical Capt. Conder, and a complete set of Hittite
Archaeology. Proceedings. London, 1910. inscriptions revised by W. H. Rylands.
8°. V. 32, p. 191-192.) *YIA London: J. Nisbet & Co., 1882. xx p., 1.. 1

200 p., 1 map, 18 pl. 8°. * OCZE

Some notes on a new Hittite in-
scription found at Carchemish. (Society New York: Scribner & Wel-
of Biblical Archaeology. Proceedings. ford, 1884. xx p., 1 1., 200 p., 1 map. 18 pl.
London, 1914. 8°. v. 36, p. 165-167.) * YIA 8°. * OCZE

Cappadocian Tablets
Amiaud, Arthur. Une inscription cappa- The
tablet in cuneiform script from
docienne expliquee. (Zeitsclirift fiir As- Yuzghat. (Royal Asiatic Society. Jour-
syriologie. Leipzig, 1886. 8°. Bd. 1, p. nal. London, 1907. 8°. 1907, p. 14.^-160.)
91-94.) * OCL *OAA
Chantre, Ernest. Recherchcs arclieolo- See also Sayce, .'\rchibald Henry.
giques dans I'Asie occidentale. ^Mission en Sayce, Archiljald Henry. The Cappado-
Cappadoce 1893-4. Paris: E. Leroux. 1898. cian cuneiform tablets. (Babyloniaca.
xvi, 232 p., 1 map, 26 pi. i°. ft * OCZE
Paris, 1908. 8°. v. 2, p. 1-45.) * OCO
Haematite cylinder from Cappa-
Delitzsch, Friedrich. Beitrage zur Ent-
docia. (Society of Biblical Archaeology.
zifferuny and Erklarung der kappadoki-
Proceedings. London, 1897. 8°. v. 19, p.
schen Keilschrifttafcln. Leipzig: S. Hirzcl,
1893. 2p.I.. 207-270 p. 4°. (Koniglich 301.) *YIA
Sachsische Gesellschaft dor Wissenschaf- The
tablet from Yuzgat, in the
ten. Philol.-hist. Klasse. Abhandlungcn. Liverpool Institute of Archaeology. By the
Bd. 14, No. 4.) *EEandt*OCX Rev. A. H. Sayce... and T. G. Pinches...
London: Royal Asiatic Society. 1907. 1
Jensen, Peter. Die kappadocischen Keil-
p.l.. 72p., 6pl. 8°. (Asiatic Society. Mon-
schrifttafelchen. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyri-
ologie. Weimar, 1894. 8°. Bd. 9. p. 62-
ographs, [no.) II.) * OCX
81.) *OCL Thureau-Dangin, Frangois. Un acte de
PincheSj Theophilus Goldridge. The repudiation sur une tablette cappadocienne.
Cappadocian tablets belonging to the (In: Florilegium; on, Recueil de travaux
Liverpool Institute of Archaeology. 15 pi. dedies a Alonsieur le marquis Melchior de
(Annals of archaeology and anthropology. Vogue. Paris, 1909. 4°. p. 591-597.)
Liverpool, 1908. 4°. v. 1, p. 49-82.) QOA t*OAC

Mitanni Language
Bork, Ferdinand. Die Mitannisprache. —— - Zur Erklarung des Mitanni. (Zeit-
Berlin: W.
Peiser, 1909. 1 p.l., 126 p. 8=. schrift fiir Assyriologie. Berlin, 1899. 8°.
(Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft. Mitteilun- Bd. 14, p. 173-181.) *OCL
gen. Jahrg. 14. Heft 1-2.) * OAA Messerschmidt, Leopold. Mitanni-Stu-
dien. Berlin: \V. Peiser. 1899. 1 p.l., 134 p.
Bruennow, Rudolph Ernst. Die Mitani- 8°. (Vorderasiatische Gesellschaft. Mit-
Sprache. (Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie. teilungen. Jahrg. 4, Heft 4.) * OAA
Leipzig, 1890. 8°. Bd. 5, p. 209-259.) Sayce, Archibald Henry. The language
*OCL of Mitanni. (Society of Biblical Archae-
ology. Proceedings. London, 1900. 8°.
Jensen, Peter. Vorstudien zur Entzif- v. 22, p. 171-225.) * YIA
ferung des Mitanni. (Zeitschrift fiir As- The language of Alitanni. (Zeit-
syriologie. Leipzig. 1890-91. 8°, Bd. 5, schrift ^iir Assyriologie. Leipzig, 1890. 8".
p. 166-208; Bd. 6, p. 34-72.) * OCL Bd. 5, p. 260-275.) * OCL
: : :


Assyrian and Babylonian literature, 89.

Assyriologische Bibliothek, 80.
Abel, Ludwig. Stuck einer Tafel aus dem Fund von Aures, Auguste;
el-Amarna, 94. Essai sur le systeme metrique assyrien, 62.
Abienzo, F. J. Los heteos, 116. £tude de la formation des mesures assyriennes, 62.
Adad-nirari I., king of Assyria. Inscription, 40. fitude de la formation des mesures itineraires, 62.
Adler, Cyrus: Ausgrabungen in Sendschirli, 116.
On death of Sennacherib, 45.
Report on section of Oriental antiquities in U. S.
National Museum, 20.
Views of Babylonians concerning life after B
death, 96.
Babelon, E. C. F.
Ainsworth, W. F. Researches in Assyria, 13.
Manual of Oriental antiquities, 20.
Aitken, W. E. M. Notes on collection of unpub-
Manuel d'archeologie orientale, 20.
lished inscriptions, 41.
Personal narra- Sec also Lenormant, Francois, and E. C. F. Babelon.
Albemarle (6. earl), G. T. Keppel.
Babyloniaca, 11.
tive of journey from India to England, 19.
Babylonian and Assyrian literature, 89.
Albright, W. F. Eighth campaign of Sargon, 45.
Babylonian chronicle, 37.
Allen, T. G. Sec Luckenbill, D. D., and T. G. Allen.
Babylonian & Oriental record, 11.
Allotte de la Fuye, F. M.
Babylonische Texte, 80.
Un cadastre de Djokha, 62. Ball, C. J.:
Documents presargoniques, 78, 80.
Accadian affinities, 64, 74.
En-e-tar-zi, patesi de Lagas, 33.
Babylonian deed of sale, 85.
En-gil-sa, patesi de Lagas, 33.
Babylonian hieroglyphs, 64.
£tat des deces survenus dans le personnel de la
Babylonian ritual text, 96.
deesse Bau, 96.
Bilingual hymn, 96.
Le gour saggal, 62.
Chinese and Sumerian, 74.
La mesure des volumes, 62.
Glimpses of Babylonian religion, 96.
Mesures agraires, 62.
Ideograms common to Accadian and Chinese, 74.
Mesures de capacite, 62.
Israel and Babylon, 110.
Notes sumeriennes, 78.
des tablettes
Light from East, 110.
Quelques particularites de I'ecriture
de I'epoque d'Urukagina. 33.
New Accadian, 74.
Les sceaux de Lougalanda, 25.
On compound heart ideogram, 64.
Semitic and Sumerian, 74.
Amalric, Jean. La condition de la femme, 54.
Sidelights on Sumerian, 74.
American journal of Semitic languages and litera-
Bang, Willy. Beitrage zur Erklarung der Achae-
tures, 11.
meniden-Inschriften, 49.
Amiaud, Arthur:
Banks, E. J.:
Esarhaddon II., 40.
Bible and spade, 110.
Une inscription cappadocienne expliquee, 121.
Bismya, 13.
Materiaux pour le dictionnaire, 64.
Bismya temple, 20, 21.
Les nombres ordinaux en assyrien, 57.
Eight oracular responses, 42.
Quelques observations sur les inscriptions des
Nebuchadnezzar cylinder, 25.
statues de Tell-loh, 34.
Oldest statue in the world, 21.
Simple coup d'ceil sur la bulle de lovanoff et sur
Plain stone vases from Bismya, 21.
les inscriptions heteennes, 116.
Mechineau. Tableau com- Seven wonders of ancient world, 15.
Amiaud, Arthur, and L.
Spurious antiquities in Bagdad, 21.
pare des ecritures babylonienne et assyrienne, 64.
Sumerisch-babylonische Hymnen, 103.
Anderson, J. G. C. New Hittite inscription, 116.
Terra-cotta vases from Bismya, 21.
Andrae, Walter:
Vase inscription, 80.
Der .\nu-.Adad-Tempel in Assur, 13.
Die Festungswerke von Assur, 13.
Who was Biblical Arioch?, 36.
Barreiros, Caspar. Censura in quendam auc-
Die Stelenreihen in Assur, 13.
toreni, 30.
Anspacher, A. S. Tiglath Pileser III., 47. Lecture litterale des hieroglyphes
Barrois, Joseph.
.Argentieri, Domenico. Jerusalem obsessa, 110. et des cuneiformes, 64.
Ashurbanipal Barth, Jakob:
Annals, 40. Babel und israelitisches Religionswesen, 110.
Assurbanipal und die letzten assyrischen Konige, 40. Babyl.-assyr. raa-mu, 64.
Inschriften, 40. Das Nominalpriifix na ini Assyrischen, 64.
Inscription, 40. Das semitische Perfect im Assyrischen, 64.
Prayer, 96. Verschiebung der Liquidae im Assyrischen, 64.
Un texte inedit, 40. Zum assyrischen Lexikon, 64.
Two edicts, 40. Barton, G. .\.:
An unpublislied text, 41 Ancient Babylonian expressions of religious
Zwei Erlasse Kfinig Asurbanabal's, 41. spirit. 96.
Ashur-nasir-pal, king of Assyria: Androgynous Babylonian divinity, 96.
Inschriften, 41. Another Babylonian ledger account, 85.
Les inscriptions, 41. Archaeology and Bible, 110.
On a recently discovered text, 41. Babylonian ledger account, 85.
Assyrian. Exercise sheet, 64. Babylonian tablets, 80.

: : : : :


Barton, G. A., continued: Bezold, Carl, continued
Expression sa-dug, 74. Ueber keilinschriftliche Beschreibungen babylo-
Haverford Library collection of cuneiform tab- nisch-assyrischcr Giittertypen, 96.
lets, 85. Verbalsjiffixformen, 64.
riilprecht's fragment of Babylonian dehige Zwei assyrische Bcrichte, 92, 108.
story, 106. Billcrbeck, Adolf: _
Interpretation of archaic tablet, 80. Geogra|)hische ITntersuchungen, 19. V
Kugler's criterion, 27. Das .Sandschak Sulcimania, 19.
New collation of Ulau monuments, 80. Billerbeck. -Xdolf, and I-'riedrich Dclitzsch. Die
Notes on archaic inscription, 80. Palasttore Salmanassars IL, 21.
On etymology of Ishtar, 64. Billcrbeck, .\dolf, and .Mfred Jeremias. Der Untcr-
On old Babylonian letter addressed to "Lush- gang Nineveh's, 16.
taniar," 91. Birdwood. Sir G. C. M. Empire of Hittites, 116.
Origin and development of Babylonian writing, 64. Bischoff, Erich. Babylonisch-.Astrales im VVeltbilde
Origin of some cuneiform signs, 64. des Talmud, 57.
Peculiar use of ilani, 64. Bissing, F. W. von. Beitriige zur Geschichte der as-
Semitic Istar cult, 96. syrischen Skulptur, 21.
Some contracts of Persian period, 85. Blackburn, John. Nineveh, 16.
Some notes on Bl;ui monuments, 80. Boehl, F. M. T. Die Sprache der .\marnabriefe, 94.
Still another Babylonian ledger, 85. Boellenruecher, Josef. (Jebete und Ilymnen an Ner-
Sumerian business and administrative documents, gal, 97.
78, 85. Boissier, Alfred
Tamniuz and Osiris, 96. Choix de textes relatifs a la divination, 108.
Tiamat, 105. Deux documents assyriens relatifs aux presages, 108.
Basmadjian, K. J.
A propos des deux sceaux heteens, Deux fables assyriennes, 89.
116. Deux fragments des annales de Salmanasar IL, 46.
Baudissin, W. W., Graf. Tanimuz bei den Harran- Documents assyriens relatifs a la magie, 108.
ern, 96. Documents assyriens relatifs aux presages, 108.
Baumstark, Anton. Babylon, 15. Documents relatifs a Shamash-shum-ukin, 40.
Behrens, Emil: latromantique, physiognomonie et palmomantique,
.\ssyrisch-babylonische Briefe, 91. 108.
Miszellen, 64. Liste de plantes medicinales, 61.
Beitraege zur Assyriologte, 11. M. Jastrow: Die Religion Babyloniens, 99.
Belck, Waldemar, and F. F. K. Lehmann-Haupt. Materiaux pour I'ctude de la religion, 97.
Ein neuer Herrscher von Chaldia, 37. Notes d'assyriologie, 12.
Belser, C. W. Babylonische Kudurru-Inschriften. 85. Notes assyriologiques, 110.
Berens, R. H. Babylonian tablets of Berens collec- Notice sur quelques monuments assyriens, 21.
tion. 78. 85. Presagts fournis par certains insectes, 108.
Berger, Philippe: Les presages de Sargon, 108.
Le code d'Hammourabi, 54. Boll, Fr. Zur babylonischen Planetenordnung, 58.
Les origines babyloniennes de la poesie sacree des Bonavia, E.
Hebreux, 110. Bananas and melons, 61.
Berosus: Cone-fruit. 61.
Berossos oder Chaldaische -Mterthiinier, 30. Sacred trees of .\ssyria, 61.
Berosus Chaldseus fragmenta, 30. Sacred trees of Assyrian monuments, 61.
Berry, G. R. Letters of R'" 2 collection, 91. Some un-noticed plants. 61.
Bertin. George: Bonomi, Joseph. Nineveh and its palaces, 16.
Abridged grammars of languages of cuneiform in- Booth, A. J. Discovery and decipherment of trilingual
scriptions, 64, 74. cuneiform inscriptions, 72..
Akkadian precepts, 50. Bork, Ferdinand. Die Mitannisprache, 121.
-Assyrian numerals, 57. Bornand, Roger. Babylone et la Bible, 110.
Babylonians at home, 50. Bosanquet, J. W.
L'incorporation verbale en accadien, 74. Chronology of reigns of Tiglath Pileser, Sargon, 27.
Notes on Assyrian and Akkadian pronouns, 64, 74. Correctio;is of canon of Ptolemy, 27.
L'ordre syntactique en sumero-accadien, 74. Cyrus the .Second. 49.
Origin and development of cuneiform syllabary, 64. On date of fall of Nineveh, 30.
Pre-Akkadian Semites, 74. Synchronous history, 41.
Suggestions on formation of Semitic tenses, 64. Boscawen, W. St. C.
Suggestions on voice-formation of Semitic verb, 64. Babylonian canals, 19.
Besta, Enrico. Le leggi di Hammurabi, 54. Babylonian dated tablets, 27.
Bezold, Carl: Babylonian and Jewish festivals, 110.
Die Achamenideninschriften, 49. Babylonian land grant, 85.
Akkadisch, 74. Babylonian legend of serpent-tempter, 89.
Astronomic, 57. Babylonian medicine. 61.
Die babylonisch-assyrische Literatur, 89. Babylonian witchcraft, 108.
Babylonisch-assyrische Religion, 96, Beginnings of Chaldean civilisation, 37.
Die babylonisch-assyrischcn Keilinschriften, 110. Bible and monuments, 110.
Die Fortschritte der Keilschriftforschung, 72. British Museum lectures, 12.
Ein Fragment zu S", 64. Campaign of Sargon II. 45. ,

Die Kulturwelt des alten Orients, 30. Cuneiform inscriptions, 110.

Kurzgefasster t'berblick iiber die babylonisch-as- First of empires, 37.
syrische Literatur, 89. "From under the dust of ages," 12.

Ninive und Babylon, 15, 16. Hymn to Gilgamcs, 97.

On two duplicates of "Babylonian chronicle." 37. Inscriptions relating to Belshazzar, 47.
Prolegomena zu einer babylonisch-assyrischen Gram- Kerubim in Eden, 97.
matik, 64. Legend of tower of Babel, 110.
Some unpublished cuneiform syllabaries, 64. Letters of Khammurabi, 92.
Ueber Keilinschriften, 80. Making of Nineveh, 16.
: : : : :


W. St.
Boscawcii, C continued Bruennow, R. E., and others:
Correspondancc sumerologiiiue, 74.
Monuments and inscriptions on rocks at Nalir-el-
Kelb, 13. Opinions et observations sur le sumerien, 74.
New Babylonian inscription, 48. Brugi, Biagio. Le leggi di Hammurabi, 54.
Notes on ancient Assyrian bronze sword, 80. Brummer, Vincent:
Notes on Assyrian religion, 97. Early Chaldean incantation, 108.
Notes on Babylonian legal and commercial inscrip- Die sumerischen Verbal-.Afformative, 74.
tions, 53. Buckingham, J. S. Travels in Assyria, Media and
Notes on religion and mythologfy, 97. Persia, 19.
Oldest bank in world. 85. Budde, Karl:
On early Chaldean inscription, 80. Das Alte Testament und die Ausgrabungen, 111.
On some early Babylonian inscriptions, SO. Was soil die Gemeinde aus dem Streit um Babel

Southern Palestine, 94. und Bibel lernen?. 111.

Statue of Gudea, 34. Budge, E. A. T. W.:
Tel el-Amarna tablets, 94. Assyrian incantations to fire and water, 108.
Boscheron, Achille. Babylone et la Bible, 54, 110. Assyrian texts, 41.
Babylonian life, 50.
Boson, Giustino:
History of Esarhaddon, 42.
Alcuni nomi di pietre nelle iscrizioni assiro-babi-
lonesi, 65.
On cuneiform despatches, 94.
I metalli e le pietre nelle iscrizioni sumero-assiro-
On some recently acquired Babylonian tablets, 85.
Budge, E. A. T. W., and L. W. King. Annals of
babilonesi, 65.
kings of Assyria, 42.
Botta, P. E.:
Bunsen, E. von. Biblische Gleichzeitigkeiten oder
Lettres. 13.
uebereinstimmende Zeitrechnung bei Babyloniern
Lettres sur ses decouverts a Ninive, 16. und Hebraern, 111.
M. Botta's letters on discoveries at Nineveh, 16.
Memoire sur I'ecriture cuneiforme, 72.
Monument de Ninive, 16.
Bourdais, abbe. Dates sur la sphere celeste, 58.
Boussac, Hippolyte. Iconographie zoologique, 21.
Boutf lower, Charles:
Cambyses. Inschriften, 49.
On meaning of word "asitu," 65. Campbell, John:
On not uncommon rendering of word ikallu, 65.
Hittites, 116.
Bradner, Lester, the younger: Khitan languages, 117.
Classification of sentences in Sennacherib inscrip- Proposed reading of Davenport tablet, 117.
tion, 45. Translation of principal Hittite inscriptions, 117.
Order of sentence, 65.
Campos Novaes, J. de. As origens chaldeanas do
Brandis, Johannes: judaismo, 111.
Das Miinz-, Mass-, und Gewichtswesen, 62. Cantor, M. Babylonische Quadratwurzeln, 58.
Rerum .\ssyriarum tempora emendata, 12, 41. Cara, C. de. Identificazione d'Iside e d'Osiride con
Uber den historischen Gewinn aus der Entzif- Istar ed Asur, 97.
ferung, 30. Carnoy, A. J. Iranian views of origins, 105.
Breasted, J. H. When did Hittites enter Palestine?. Cams. Paul
116. Assyrian poems, 97.
British Museum. —
Department of Egyptian and As- Babylonian Good Friday, 97.
syrian Antiquities: Cavaniol, Henry. Les monuments en Chaldee, 13.
Assyrian antiquities. Guide to Kouyunjik gal- Chantre, Ernest. Recherches archeologiques dans
lery, 21. I'Asie occidentale, 117, 121.
Assyrian antiquities. Guide to Nimroud Central Charles, B. B.
Saloon, 21. Hittite inscriptions, 117.
Assyrian sculptures, 21. Search for Ilittite.s, 117.
Babylonian boundary-stones, 85. Cheyne. T. K. Babylon and Bible, 111.
Bronze reliefs from gates of Shalnianeser, 21. Chiarini, L. Fragment d'astronomie chaldcenne, 58.
Carchemish, 116. Chiera, Edward:
Catalogue of cuneiform tablets. 10. Legal and administrative documents from Nippur,
Chaldean account of deluge, 105. 52, 53, 78.
Creation series, tablets, 105. Lists of personal names, 52.
Cuneiform texts, 80. Chipiez, Charles. See Perrot, Georges, and Charles
Guide, 21. Chipiez.
Old Babylonian letters, 92. Chossat, E. de:
Brockelmann, Karl. Wesen und Ursprung des Epony- Repertoire assyrien, 65.
mats. 27. Repertoire sumerien, 75.
Christian, \'iktor:
Brown, Francis: ^
Ergiinznngen und Bemerkungen zu S", S**, §'•1,
Assyriology, 110.
Sabbath in cuneiform records, 110.
und S*^, 65.
Die Namcn der assyrisch-babylonischen Keilschrift-
Brown, H. C. Historical bases of religions primi-
zeichen, 65.
tive, no. Decouvertes dans mines de
Circourt, A. de. les
Brown, Robert, the younger: Ninive, 16.
Euphratean circle, 58. Clay, A. T.
Euphratean stellar researches, 58. Amurru, 111.
Remarks on Euphratean astronomical names, 58. Aramaic indorsements, 85.
Remarks on tablet of thirty stars, 58. Art of Akkadians, 21.
Bruennow, R. E. Business documents of Murashii Sons of Nip-
.Assyrian hymns, 97. pur, 85.
Classifiedlist of all cuneiform ideographs, 65. Documents from temple archives of Nippur, 85.
Indices zu meiner "Classified list," 65. Ellil. 97.
Die Mitani-Sprache, 121. Inscriptions of Nebuchadnezzar and Naram Sin, 80.
: : .


Clay, .-/. T. continued Dccourdemanche, J. A.:
Legal and commercial transactions, 52, 53, 85. Note sur les poids assyro-babyloniens, 62.
Miscellaneous inscriptions, 78, 81. Traite pratique des poids et mesures, 62.
Origin and real name of Nin-ib, 97. Dcdckind, .Alexander. Die Wiener Statue des Nama-
Personal names, 52. rut, 21.
Professor Ililprecht's recent excavations, 18. Dciniel, .\ntoiiius:
Sec also Ililprecht, II. V., and .\. T. Clay. Pantheon Babylonicum, 97.
Clercq, L. de. Collection de Clercq; catalogue, 25. Studicn zu CT, I, III, V, VII, IX und X, 80.
Cnoop Koopmans, Wopko. Disputatio historico- \'eteris Testamenti chronologia, 27, 111.
critica de Sardanapalo, 41. Vocabularium Suniericum ad tcxtus archaicos, 75.
Cobern, C. M. Moses and Hammurabi, 54. Delaporte, Louis:
C'olin, Georg. Die Gesetze Hammurabis, 54. Catalogue des cylindres, 25.
Catalogue du Musee Guimet, 25.
Combe, fttienne. Histoire du culte de Sin, 97.
Le cylindrecachet, 25.
Condamin, Albert: Le cylindre royal, 25.
Abraham et Ilammonrabi, 54, 111.
Les cylindres orientaux, 25.
La Bible et I'assyriologie, 111.
Cylindres royaux, 25.
Conder, C. R. Document matheiiiatique, 58.
Dusratta's Ilittite letter, 117. La glyptique de I'.Vssyrie, 21.
Hittites, 117. La glyi)tique de Sumer et d'.Akkad, 21.
Notes on .\kkadian, 75. Noms theophores en Assyrie, 97.
Notes on Ilittite writing. 117. Notes de glyptique orientale, 21.
Recent Hittite discoveries, 117. Notes de metrologie assyrienne. 62.
Contenau, Georges: Les sept sceaux d'une enveloppe datee de Samsu-
Contribution a I'histoire economique d'Unima, 86. ihuia, 25.
La cour et la maisonnee d'un patesi d'Umma, 33. Tablettes de comptabilite chaldeenne, 86.
La deesse nue babylonienne, 97. Tablettes de Dreheni, 16.
Tablettes de comptabilite relatives a I'industrie du Delattre, A. J.:
cuivre, 86. A-mur-ri ou a-har-ri?, 65.
Tablettes de comptabilite relatives a I'industrie du Azirou, 94.
vetement, 86. Les Chaldeens, i7
Cook, S. A. Laws of Moses and code of Ham- Coup d'ceil sur la civilisation, 30.
murabi, 54, 111. Les inscriptions historiques de Ninive, 17, 30.
Cowley, ^\. Notes on Hittite hieroglyphic inscrip- Lettres de Tell el-.\marna, 94.
tions, 117. Oracles given in favour of Esarhaddon, 42.
Craig, J. A.: Les Pseudo-Hebreux dans les lettres de Tell el-
Assyrian and Babylonian religious texts, 97. .Xn'nvna. 94.
Astrological-astronomical texts, 58. Quel j'.rs lettres assyriennes, 92.
Babylonian Istar-epic, 90. Quelqucs lettres de Tell el-.\marna, 94.
Cros,- Gaston. Mission frangaise de Chaldee, cam- Reponse au plaidoyer de H. Winckler, 37.
pague de 1903, 13. Trois lettres de Tell el-.Amarna, 94.
Cugnin, Louis. Catalogue des cylindres, 25. Delitzsch, Friedrich:
Cull, Richard. Assyrian verbs, 65. Assyrian grammar, 65.
Cumont, Franz. Comment les Grecs connurent les Assyriologische Notizen zum .Mten Testament, 111.
tables lunaires, 58. Assyrische Lesestiicke, 65.
Cuc], Edouard: Assyrische Studien, 65.
Commentaire juridique d'un jugement, 57. Assyrisches Handworterbuch, 65.
Le droit babylonien, 53. Assyrisches Worterbuch, 65.
Le droit de gage en Chaldee, 53. Asurbanipal, 41.
Essai sur I'organisation judiciaire de la Chaldee, 53. Babel und Bibel. UK
fetudes sur les contrats, 86. Babel and Bible, 111.
Un proces criminel a Babylone, 53. Babel und Bibel: ein Riickblick und Ausblick, 111.
Cyrus the Great: Babylon, IS.
Inschrift auf dem Thoncylinder, 49. Das babylonische Weltschopfungscpos, 105.
Inschriften, 50. Beitrage zur Entziffcrung und Erklarung der kap-
Notes on newly-discovered clay cylinder, 50. padokischen Keilschrifttafeln, 121.
On a cuneiform inscription, 50. Beitrage zur Erklarung der babylonisch-assyrischen
Brieflitteratur. 92.
Bemerkungen zu einigen altbabylonischen Konigs-
und Persoiiennanien. 37.
Der Berliner Merodachbaladan-Stein, 86.
Discoveries in Mesopotamia, 13.
T).,C. H. S. .Ancient Babylonian law, 53. Die Entstehvmg des iiltesten Schriftsystems, 65.
Daiches, Samuel: Esagila, 97.
-Mtbabylonische Rechtsurkunden, 54. Grundziige der sumerischen Gramniatik, 75.
Job xxvi, 12-13 and Babylonian story of creation, Handel, Recht und Sitte im alten Babylonien,
105. 38. 50.
Zur Erklarung des Hammurabi-Codex, 54. Handel und Wandel in Altbabylonien, 51, 86.
Dareste de la Chavanne, Rodolphe. Le code baby- Hebrew language, 66.
lonien, 54. Im Lande des einstigen Paradieses, 19.
Darius I., king of Persia: Das Land ohne Heimkehr, 97.
Inschriften, 50. Litteratura. 10.
Sculptures and inscription of Darius, 50. Nachtragliches zu O. E. Hagens Cyrus-Texten, 50.
Davies, T. W. Magic, divination and demonology, Notizen zu den neubabylonischen Kontraktta-
108. feln, 86.
Davis, A. Lecture on remarkable discoveries made Sumerisch - akkadisch hettitische
- Vokabularfrag-
in East, 17. mente. 66.
Davis, J. D. Gods of Shirpuria, 97. Sumerisches Glossar, 75.
: : :


Dclitzscli, Fricdrich. Evans, George. Essay on Assyriology, 12.
Ein Thonkegel Sinidinnam's, 81. Evetts, B. T. A.:
Wo lag das Paradies?, 111. Inscriptions, 47.
Zur juristischen Litteratur Babyloniens, S3. New light on Bible, 111.
Zusatzbenierkungen zu Nagels Abhandlung iiber
Kings Ilammurabi-Briefe, 92.
See also Billerbeck. Adolf, and Friedrich Delitzsch.
Demuth, Liidwig. Fiinfzig Rechts- und Verwaltungs- F
urkunden, 86.
Dennefeld, Ludwig. Babylonisch-assyrische Geburts- Farnell, L. R. Greece and Babylon, 98.
Omina. 61, 108. Farr, Edward. History of Assyrians, 30.
Dhornie, Paul: Fehr, Hans. Ilammurapi, 54.
Choix de textes religieux, 97. Fergusson, James. Palaces of Nineveh, 21.
La langue de Canaan, 94. Feuchtwang, D. Studien zum babylonischen Rechts-
Nin-ib. 97. wesen, 53.
Les noms propres babyloniens, 52. Figulla, II. IT.:
Les plus anciens noms de personnes, 52. Altbabylonische Vertrage, 86.
La souveraine des dieux, 97. Der Briefwechsel Belibni's historische Urkun-
Tablette rituelle neo-babylonienne, 97. den, 92.
Tablettes de Drehem a Jerusalem, 16. Fischer, Heinrich, and A. Wiedemann. Ueber baby-
Dieckmann, Chr. Das Gilgamis-Epos, 90. lonische "Talismane," 108.
Dienemann, Max. Sumerisch-babylonische Ilymnen, Fisher, C. S.
103. Architecture of Nippur, 18.
Dieulafoy, Marcel. Temple de Bel-Marduk, 21. Mycenaean palace at Nippur, 18.
Documents religieux, 97. Flach, Jacques:
Dodd, L F. Ancient capital, 117. Le code de Hammourabi, 54.
Dolley, C. S. Thyrsos of Dionysos, 21. La propriete collective en Chaldee, 54.
Dorow, Wilhelm. Die assyrische Keilschrift, 72. Flemming, Johannes. Sir Henry Rawlinson und
Duerst, Ulrich. Quelques ruminants sur des ceuvres seine Verdienste um die Assyciologie, 13.
d'art asiatiques, 21. Floigl, Victor:
Dumon, Raoul. Notice sur la profession de mede- Die Chronologic der Bibel, 27.
cin, 62. Cyrus und Herodot, 50.
Duncan, G. S. Fluegel, Maurice. Ilinnanity, benevolence and char-
Art of Sumerians, 21. ity legislation, 54, 111.
Babylonian legal and business docimients, 53, 86. Foertsch, Wilhelm:
Code of Moses and code of Hammurabi, 54. Altbabylonische Texte aus Drehem, 16.
Duncker, Max: Religionsgeschichtliche Untersuchungen zu den
Geschichte des Alterthums, 30. altesten babylonischen Inschriften, 98.
History of antiquity, 30. Fontane, Marius. Les Asiatiques, 43.
Dvorak, Rudolf. Ueber "tinuru," 66. Foote, T. C. Cherubim and ark. 111.
Dykes, D. O. Code of Hammurabi, 54. Fossey, Charles:
L'assyriologie en 1903-07, 10.
Contribution au dictionnaire sumerienassyrien,
65, 75.
E La deesse "Aruru," 98.
£tudes assyriennes, 66.
Eannatum. Le galet A d'Eanadou, 33. £tudes sumeriennes, 75.
Ebeling, Erich: Le magie assyrienne, 108.
Altbabylonische Briefe, 92. Manuel d'assyriologie, 12.
Das \'erbum der El-Amarna-Briefe, 94. Les permutations des consonnes en sumerien, 75.
Edkins, Joseph: Presages tires des naissances, 108.
Accadian and Chinese, 75. La question sumerienne, 75.
.Vccadian origin of Chinese writing, 75. Textes assyriens et babyloniens relatifs a la divi-
Sumerian vocabulary, 75. nation, 108.
Eisenlohr, August: Textes babyloniens inedits, 81.
Ein altbabylonischer Felderplan, 62. Textes inedits, 81.
Ueber altbabylonische Maassbezeichnung, 62. Textes magiques assyriens, 108.
Entemena. Le cone historique, 33. See also Scheil, J. V., and Charles Fossey.
"Enunia Elis," 105. Frank, Karl:
Epping, Joseph. Astronomisches aus Babylon, 58. Babylonisch-assyrische Kunst, 22.
Epping, Joseph, and J. N. Strassmaier: Babylonische Beschworungs reliefs, 22.
Babylonische Mondbeobachtungen, 58. Bemerkungen und Beitrage zur Kudurru-Forsch-
Xeue babylonische Planeten-Tafeln, 58. ung, 86.
Der Saros-Canon, 27. Bilder und Symbole babylonisch-assyrischer Cot-
Erbt, Wilhelm. Von Jerusalem nach Rom, 111. ter, 98.
Ermoni, V. Le panbabylonisme, 98. Kripfe babylonischer Diimonen, 22.
Esarhaddon, king of Assyria: Studien zur babylonischen Religion, 98.
Die Bauinschriften Asarbaddons, 42. Das Symbol der Gottin Gestinna, 98.
Cylinder B of Esarhaddon inscriptions, 42. Zu babylonischen Beschworungstexten, 108.
Historical inscription, 42. Fraser, Mesopotamia and Assyria, 43.
Inschrift Asarhaddon's, 42. Fresnel, Fulgence. Lettre a M. J. Mohl, 22.
Inschriften Asarhaddon's, 42.
Friedrich, Thomas. Altbabylonische Urkunden, 86.
Inscriptions d'Assaraddon, 42.
Letter of Esarhaddon, 42. Fries, Carl. Studien zur Odyssee, 98.
Le prisnie S d'Assaraddon, 42. Fritsch, Gustav. Volkerdarstelluhgen auf den alt-
Some unpublished inscriptions, 42. jigyptischen und assyrischen Denkmiilern, 22.
Transliteration and translation of cylinder A, 42. Fullerton, Kemper. Invasion of Sennacherib, 45.
Eulenburg, O. zu. Von Asdod nach Ninive, 98. Funk, Salomon. Bibel und Babel, 111.
: : : :


Grotefend, G. F., continued
Bemerkungen zur Inschrift eines Thongef.Hsses mit
niiiivitischer Keilschrift, 17, 72.
Galgoczy, Joliann: Die Erbaucr der Palaste in Khorsabad und Kuj-
Sumirisch-graniniatisclie Erorterungen, 75. jundshik, 17.

Sitniirisch-graniiiiatisclie Miszellcn, 75. Erlauterung des Anfangs der babylonischen In-

Gall, A. von. Die alttcstanieiitliche Wissenschaft schrift, 72.
und (lie keiliiischriftliche ForschuTig, 111. Erlauterung der babylonischen Keilinschriften, 72.
Ciarstang, John. Land of Hittites, 117. Erlauterung ciniger Urkunden in babylonischer
Gatschet, A. S. Historic documents, 94. Keilschrift, 73.
Gautier, J. ft. Arciiives d'une famille de Dilbat, 81. Erlauterung des Inschrift aus den Oberzimmern in
Geere, H. V.: Nimrud, 73.

American excavations at Xippur, 18. Erlauterung zweier Ausschreiben des Koniges Ne-
By Nile anil Euphrates, l,i. bukadiiezar, 49.
GeUiart. G. C. ()n Dr. Ilincks's "Permansive Neue Beitrage zur Erlauterung der babylonischen
tense," 66. Keilschrift, 73.
Gelderen, C. van. Ausgewahlte babylonisch-assy- Remarks on wedge inscriptions, 73.
rische Briefe, 92. Die Tributverzeichnisse des Obelisken aus Nim-
Genouillac, II. de: rud, 73.
Ancienne stele de victoire, 33. Das Zeitalter des Obelisken aus Nimrud, 17.
Une cite du Bas-Euphrate, 22. Grothe, Hugo. Bemerkungen zu einigen Denkmal-
Contrat en forme, 86. statten und Denkmalern hcttitischer Kuiist, 117.
Inscriptions diverses, 81. Gudea. [Cylinder inscriptions, te.xts and transla-
Notes lexicographiques, 66. tions,] 34.
Tablettes de Drehem, 16. Gumpach, J. von. Die Zeitrechnung der Baby-
Tablettes sumeriennes, 51, 78. lonier, 27.
Tablettes d'Ur, 34, 86. Gunkel, Herman:
Textes juridiques, 53. Israel and Babylon, 112.
\'ocabulaire suniero-babylonien, 75. Die jiidische und die babylonische Schopfungsge-
Giesebrecht, Franz. Frieda fiir Babel und Bibel, schichte, 106.
111. Schopfung und Chaos in Urzeit und Endzeit, 112.
Gilbert, Otto. Babylons Gestirndienst, 58, 98. Gutbrod. G. J. F. L^eber die wahrscheinliche Lebens-
Ginzel. F. K. dauer der assyrisch-babylonischen Sprache, 66.
Die astronomischen Kenntnisse der Babylonier, 58. Guyard, Stanislas:
Handbuch der mathematischen und technischen Bulletin critique de la religion assyro-babylo-
Chronologic, 27. nienne, 98.
Gleye, A. Hettitische Studien, 117. Notes assyriologiques, 66.
Glossner, M. Zur Bibel- und Babelfrage, 111. Notes de lexicographic assyrienne, 66.
Gobineau, J. A., comte de. Traite des ecritures Nouvelles notes de lexicographie assyrienne, 66.
cuneiformes, 66. Questions sumero-accadiennes, 75.
Godbey, A. H. Guynn, R. M. Omen text dealing with houses, 108.
Chirography of Hammurabi code, 54.
Deuteronomy and Hammurabi code, 54.
Esarhaddon succession. 42.
Notes on some officials of Sargonid period, 43.
Place of code of Hammurabi, 54. H
Political, religious, and social antiquities, 92.
Rab-sitirte, 66. Haerdtl, E. von. Astronomische Beitrage, 27.
Goeje, M. J. de. Zur historischen Geographic Baby- Hagen, O. E. Keilschrifturkundcn zur Geschichte
loniens. 19. des Konigs Cyrus, 50.
Goldschmied, Leopold. Der Kampf um Babel-Bibel, Hager, Joseph:
112. Dissertation on newly discovered Babylonian in-
Goodspeed, G. S. History of Babylonians, 30. scriptions, 73.
Gosse, P. H. Assyria, 51. Illustrazione d'uno zodiaco orientale, 58.
Gottheil, R. J. H.: Haigh. D. H.:
Building inscription. 49. Annals of Assurbanipal, 41.
Figfurines of Syro-Hittite art, 117. Comparative chronology, 27.
Gray, C. D. Halevy, Joseph:
Hymn to Samas, 98. Analyse comparative de quelques phonemes sume-
Samas religious texts, 98. riens, 75.
Some unpublished religious texts, 98. Analyses sumeriennes, 75.
Gray, L. H.: AperQU grammatical de I'allographie assyro-baby-
Kai Lohrasp and Nebuchadrezzar, 49. lonienne, 75.
Stylistic parallels, 90. L'n aveu de M. L'ngnad, 75.
Gregory. John. .\ssyrian monarchy, 43. Babylone dans I'Avesta, 38.
Gressmann, Hugo: Balthasar et Darius, 47.
Altorientalische Texte und Bilder, 112. La chute du "w" apres une consonne, 66.
See also Ungnad. Arthur, and Hugo Gressmann. Le code d'Hammourabi, 54.
Grimm, K. J. Polychrome lion, 22. La correspondance d'Amenophis III, 95.
Grimme, Hubert: La date du recit yahweiste de la creation, 112.
Das Gesetz Chammurabis, 54, 112. La decouverte d'un criterium sumerien, 75.
"Unbewiesenes," 112. Des mots sumeriens dans la Bible, 75.
Grivel, Josef. Nemrod, 66. Deux hymnes sumeriens, 98.
Grotefend, G. F.: Deux problemes assyro-semitiques, 66.
Anlage und Zerstcirung der Gebaude zu Nim- Deux specimens de philologie sumero-turque, 75.
rud, 17. Encore I'inventeur d'un criterium sumerien, 75.
Bemerkungen zur Inschrift eines Thongefasses mit L'etoile nommee Kakkab Mesri, 58.
babylonischer Keilschrift, 72. Investigations grammaticales sumeriennes, 75.
: : : : :


Halci'y. Joscfh, continual Harfcr, R. F., continued
Lectures erronees a corriger avis aux sunie- Kh. collection of Babylonian antiquities, 22.
ristes, 75. Letters of Rm. 2 collection. 92.
M. C. P. Tiele et la question sumerienne, 75. List of signs, numerals and erasures in code of
M. L. W. King et le probleme sunierien, 31. Hammurabi, 54.
Mots seniitiques nieconnus, 66. Notes on code of Hammurabi, 54.
La naissance du sunierien, 75. Some corrections to texts, 42.
Notes assyrtologiques, 66. Harrison, J. E. Introductory studies in Greek art, 22.
Notes de grammaire sumerienne, 75. Haupt, Paul:
Notes de lexicographie assyrienne, 66. Die akkadische Sprache, 76.
Notes sunieriennes, 75. Akkadische und sumerische Keilschrifttexte, 79, 81.
Notes sumero-hongroises, 76. Assyr. ramku, 66.
La nouvelle evolution de I'accadisnie, 76. Assyrian e-vowel, 66.
Nouvelles considerations sur le syllabaire cunei- Assyrian phonology, 66.
fornie, 66. Der assyrische Name des Potwals, 66.
Obsen-ations critiques sur les pretendus Toura- Das babylonische Nimrodepos, 90.
niens de la Babylonie, 76. Beginning of Babylonian Nimrod epic, 90.
L'origine des ecritures cuneiforme. 66. Cuneiform account of deluge, 106.
Precis d'allographie assyro-babylonienne, 76. Dimensions of Babylonian ark, 106.
La pretendue langue d'Accad, 76. Einige Verbesserungen und Nachtrjige zu meinen
Les pretendus eniprunts cosmogoniques dans la Akkadischen und sumerischen Keilschrifttex-
Bible, 112. ten, 79.
Les pretendus mots "sumeriens" empruntes en Ergebnisse einer erneuten Collation der Izdubai^
assyrien, 76. Legenden, 90.
Le profit historique des tablettes d'el-Amarna, 95. Immeru, Schaf, und iiru, Pferd, 66.
Ouelques hymnes sumero-babyloniens, 98. Introductory lines of cuneiform account of deluge,
Recherches critiques sur l'origine de la civilisation 106.
babylonienne, 38. Name Istar. 67.
La religion des anciens Babyloniens, 103. On etymology of mutninu, 67.
Le royaunie hereditaire de Cyrus, 50. On two passages of Chaldean flood-tablet, 106.
La stele des vautours, 33. Some Assyrian etymologies, 67.
Sumeriens et Semites, 78. Sunierian tu, dove, 76.
Le sumerisme, 79. Die sumerisch-akkadische Sprache, 76.
Sumerisme et africanisme, 76. Die sumerischen Familiengesetze, 79.
Le sumerisme dans I'lnde, 79. t)ber das assyrische Nominalprafix na, 67.
Sur la date de Sargon I'""'., 36. Uber die beiden Halbvocale u und i, 67.
Le systeme sumero-astral, 58. Uber den Halbvocal u im Assyrischen, 67.
Les tablettes greco-babyloniennes, 79. Xenophon's account of fall of Nineveh, 17.
Les textes cuneiformes, 81. Zur assyrischen Nominallehre, 67.
Textes religieux, 98. Die zwolfte Tafel des babylonischen Nimrod-
Traits caracteristiques de la langue sumerienne, 76. Epos, 90.
Verbes composes sumeriens, 76. Hawkins, C. J. Excavations and Bib'e, 112.
Le vrai nom de Sargon I''''., 36. Haydn, H. M. Azariah of Judah and Tiglath-
Hall. H. R.: pileser III., 47.
Ancient history of Near East, 30. Hebraica, 11.
Sec aUo King, L. W., and H. R. Hall. Hehn, Johannes:
Hamilton, L. LeC. Ishtar and Izdubar, 90. Die biblische und die babylonische Gottesidee, 112.
Hammurabi, king of Babylon: Hymnen und (iebete an Marduk. 98.
Die Briefe, 92. Siebenzahl und Sabbat bei den Babyloniern, 112.
Code, 53. Siinde und Erlosung nach biblischer und babylo-
Code des lois, 53. nischer Anschnuung. 112.
Codex Hammurabi, 53. Helm, Otto, and H. V. Ililprecht. Chemische Un-
Correspondance, 92. tersuchung, 22.
Die Gesetze, 53. Hempl, George. Old Doric of Tell el Amarna texts, 95.
Hammurabi's Cesetz, 54. Henning, C. L.
L'inscription bilingue, 38. Die Ergebnisse der amerikanischen Ausgrabungen
Une inscription non semitique, 38. in Nippur, 18.
Inscriptions de Hamniourabi, 38. Die Ergebnisse der Ausgrabungen am Beltem-
Laws, 53. pel, 18.
Letters and inscriptions, 38, 92. Hertz, Bram. Catalogue of collection of Assyrian
La loi, 53. antiquities, 22.
Une nouvelle inscription, 38. Hertz, J. II. Oldest code of laws, 54.
f)ldest code of laws, 53. Heuzey, Leon
Text of code, 53. Autre taureau chaldeen androcephale, 22.
Hamy, E. T. La figure humaine dans les monu- .\utres monuments figures, 22.
ment chaldeens, 22. Le chien du Soumou-Ilou. 22.
Handcock, P. S. P.: La construction du roi Our-Nina. 22.
Latest light on Bible lands, 112. De la decoration des vases chaldeens, 22.
Mesopotamian archaeology, 22. Deux amies sacrees chaldeennes, 22.
Hare. W. L. Babylonian religion, 98. Les deux dragons sacres, 98.
Harkness, M. E. Assyrian life, 51. Les dieux a turban sur les cylindres chaldeens, 98.
Harper, E. J. Die babylonischen Legenden, 90. Les galcts sacres du roi fiannadou, 33.
Harper, R. F. Cienealogics de Sirpourla, 34.
Assyrian and Babylonian letters, 92. Un gisement de dioritc, 22.
Assyrian and Babylonian prayers, 98. Die L<)sung des hethitischen Problems, 117.
Assyriological notes, 12. Mission de M. de Sarzec en Chaldee, 13.
Babylonian letter, 92. Modele en relief de la plus ancienne construction
Babylonian penitential psalms, 98. asiatique villa, 22.
: : : : :


Hensey, Leon, continued Holzhcy, Carl. Herkunft und Bedeutung der End-
Musee national du Louvre. Catalogue des an- vokale u, i, a beim assyrischen Nonien, 67.
chalileennes, 22.
tiquitt-s Homniel, Fritz:
Musiiiuc chalilocnne, 51. Abriss der babylonischassyrischen und israeliti-
Le noin d'Agade, 34. schen Gcschicbte, 31.
Nouveaux monuments du roi Our-Nina, 34. Die altorientalischcn Dcnkmalcr und das Altc Tes-
Un palais chaldcen, 22. tament, 1 12.
Petits chars chaldeo-habyloniens, 22. Assyriological notes, 67.
Restitution niaterielle de la stele des vautours, 33. Die Astronomic der alten Chaldiier, 58.
Les de Tello, 23, 35.
rois Aus der babylonischen Altertumskunde, 23.
Le sceau de Goudea, 34. Babylonian astronomy, 59.
Sceaux des rois d'Agade, 25. Babylonian ideogram for "image," 67.
L^ne statue de Goudea. 34. Die babylonisch-assyrischen Planetenlisten, 59.
La stele du roi ftannadou, 3i. Geschichte des alten Morgenlandes, 31.
La stele des vautours, 33. Geschichte Babyloniens und Assyriens, 31.
Le taureau chaldeen, 23. Gish-dubarra, 90.
Une villa royale chaldeenne, 23. Die Identitiit der altesten babylonischen und Kgyp-
See also Sarzec. E. de, und Leon Heuzey. tiscben Giittergenealogie, 98.
Hilprecht, H. V.: Die Konigc un<l Patisi von Sir-gul-la, 35.
Assyriaca. 12. Die neueren Resultate der sumerischen For-
Die Ausgrabungen der Universitiit von Pennsyl- schung, 76.
vania im Bel-Tempel, 19. Notes on Hittite inscriptions, 117.
Earliest version of Babylonian deluge story, 19, Der sechsktipfige Drache, 98.
106. Die sprachgeschichtliche Stellung des bab. -assy-
Excavations in Assyria and Babylonia, 13. rischen einer- und des westsemitischen andrer-
Explorations in Bible lands, 13. seits. 67.
Konig Ini-Sin, 35. Sumerian language, 76.
Mathematical, metrological and chronological tab- Die sumero-akkadische Sprache, 76.
lets. 58. Die vorsemitischen Kulturen, 51.
Der neue Fund zur Sintflutgeschichte, 106. Zur altbabylonischen Chronologic, 28.
Ein neuer Konig von Tello, 35. Zwei Jagdinschriften Asurbanibal's, 41.
Old Babylonian inscriptions, 81. Hopkins, L. C. Chinese and Sumerian, 76.
Recent excavations at Nippur, 19.
So-called Peters-Hilprecht controversy, 13. Hoschander, Jakob. Die Personennamen, 52.
Die Stellung des Konigs Ura-imitti, 35. Houghton, William:
Die Votiv-Inschrift. 81. Birds of Assyrian monuments, 61.
Zur Lapis-lazuli-Frage, 2i. On hieroglyphic or picture origin of characters, 67.
See also Helm, Otto, and H. V. Hilprecht. On mammalia of Assyrian sculptures, 61.
Hilprecht, H. V., and A. T. Clay. Business docu- Howardy, G. Clavis cuneorum, 67.
ments of Murashii Sons of Nippur, 86. Howorth, Sir H. H.
Hilprecht anniversary volume, 12. Early history of Babylonia. 38.
Hilprecht tablets, 19. Later rulers of Shirpurla, 35.
Hincks, Edward: On earliest inscriptions from Chaldea, 81.
On Assyrian verbs, 67. Hrozny. Friedrich:
On first and second kind of Persepolitan writ- Die altesten Dynastien Babyloniens, 35.
ing, 73. Bemerkungen zu den babylonischen Chroniken, 37.
On Khorsabad inscriptions, 73. Das Getreide im alten Babylonien, 61.
On personal pronouns, 67. Ninib und .Suiiier, 79.
On tablet in British Museum, 58. Das Problem der altbabylonischen Dynastien von
On three kinds of Persepolitan writing, 73. Akkad und Kis, 35.
Specimen chapters of Assyrian grammar, 67. Das Problem der sumerischen Dialekte, 76.
Hinke, W. J.: Sumerisch-babylonische Mythcn, 98.
Bibliography of kudurru inscriptions, 10. Zum Geldwesen der Babylonier, 38.
New boundary stone, 86. Zur Hollenfahrt der Istar, 90.
Selected Babylonian Kudurru inscriptions, 86.
Huber, Engelbert:
Hirschfeld, Gustav. Die Felsenreliefs in Kleinasien, Die altbabylonischen Darlehnstexte, 86.
117. Die Personennamen, 52.
History of Babylonia, 30. Hunger, Johannes:
Hitzig. Ferdinand. Sprache und Sprachen Assyri-
Babylonische Tieromina, 108.
ens, 73.
Becherwahrsagung bei den Babyloniern nach zwei
Hobhouse, L. T. Laws of Hammurabi, 55.
Keilschrifttexten, 108.
Hoefer, J. C. F. Heerwesen und Kriegfiihrung der Assyrer, 43.
Chaldee, Assyrie, 31.
Second men'oire sur les ruines de Ninive, 17.
Hussey, M. I.:
Hogarth, D. G. Conveyance of land. 86.
Empire of Hatti, 117. Some Sumerian-Babylonian hymns, 99.

Hittite problems, 117. Sumerian tablets. 79.

Recent Hittite research, 117. Supplement to Briinnow's classified list, 65.

Hogg, H. W.: Tablets from Drehcm, 16.

"Heart and reins," 67.
Inscribed nail, 79.
Relative chronology, 28.
Survey of recent .\ssyriology, 10.
Two cuneiform heart symbols, 67.
Holt, I. L. Tablets from Thompson collection, 86. Ideler, C. L.
Holtzmann, Adolf. Neue Inschriften in Keil- Memoire sur les connoissances astronomiques, 59.
schrift, 73. L'eber die Sternkunde, 59.
: :


Jensen, P.cter, continual
Inschriften der Kiinige und Statthalter von
Lagas, 35.
Jaeger, Martin: Der Kakkab misri der .Antares, 59.
Assyrische Rhthsel, 90. Die kappadocischen Keilschrifttafelchen, 121.
Das babylonische Hauchlaiitszeichen, 67. Die kilikischen Inschriften, 118.
Der Halbvokal i ini Assyrischen, 67. Kis, 19.
Janneau, C. G. Une dynastie chaldeenne, 35. Die Kosniologie der Babylonier, 106.
Jarvis, Alfred. Nineveh, 41. Moses, Jesus, Paulus, 112.
Jastrow, Morris, the younger: Die philologische und die historische Methode in
Adam and Eve, 106. der -Assyriologie, 12.
Adrahasis and Parnapistim, 106. So-called Hittites, 118.
Another fragment of Etana myth, 90. Texte zur assyrisch-babylonischen Religion, 99.
Aspects of religious belief, 99. Ueber einige sumero-akkadische u. babylonisch-as-
Assyrian vocabularies, 67. syrische Gcitternamen, 99.
Babylonian-Assyrian birth-omens, 108. Vorstudicn zur Entzifferung des Mitanni, 121.
Babylonian Job, 90. Weitere Bemerkungen zu den Assurbanapluin-
Babylonian parallel to story of Job, 90. schriften, 41.
Babylonian term su'alu, 67. Wirkungen des Aleph im Babylonisch-Assyri-
Bible and Assyrian monuments, 112. schen, 67.
Bibliography, 10. Zu den Nominalpraefixen m (-a, -i, -u), 67.
Bildermappe, 99. Zur Erklarung des Mitanni, 121.
Civilization of Babylonia and .Assyria, SI. Jensen, Peter, and H. Zimmern. Namen und Zeichen
Corrections to text of black obelisk, 46. fiir Haustiere bei Gudea, 34.
Cylinder of Marduktabikzirim, 2.S. Jeremias, .Alfred
Did Babylonian Temples have libraries?, 99. Das Alte Testament im Lichte des alten Orients,
Dil-Bat, 59. '
Fragment of Babylonian "Dibbarra" epic, 90. Das -Alter der babylonischen -Astronomie, 59.
C.od Asur, 99. Babylonian conception of heaven and hell, 99.
Hebrew and Babylonian traditions, 112. Die babylonisch-assyriscfien Vorstellungen vom
Hittites in Babylonia, 38. Leben nach dem Tode, 99.
Letters of Abdiheba, 92. Bemerkungen zu einigen assyrischen Altertii-
Months and days in Babylonian-Assyrian astrol- mern, 23.
r'gy, 59. Die Cultustafel von Sippar, 99.
Nebopolassar, 23. Handhuch der altorientalischen Geisteskultur, 23,
New aspect of Sumerian question, 76. 59, 99.
New fragment of Babylonian Etana legend, 90. Holle und Paradies bei den Babyloniern. 99.
New version of Babylonian account of deluge, 106. Im Kampfe um Babel und Bibel, 112.
Notes on omen texts, 108. Izdubar-Nimrod, 90.
Older and later elements in code of Hammurapi, 55. Monotheistische Striimungen innerhalb der baby-
Omen school text, 99, 109. lonischen Religion, 99, 112.
On Palestine and .Assyria indays of Joshua, 112. Moses und Hammurabi, 55, 112.
Original character of Hebrew Sabbath, 112. Sec also Rillerbeck, -Adolf, and Alfred Jeremias.
Palace and temple of Nebuchadnezzar, 15.
Jerphanion, G. de. Hittite monuments, 118.
Religion of Babylonia and .Assyria, 99.
Die Religion Babyloniens und Assyriens, 99.
Jessel, E. E. Unknown history of Jews, 112.
Sign and name for planet, 59. Jhering, R. von:
Signs and names for liver, 67. Evolution of the Aryan, 12.
Signs and names of planet Mars. 59. Vorgeschichte der Indoeuropaer, 12.
Some notes on "monolith inscription," 46. John Rylands Library, Manchester. Sumerian
Sumerian and .Akkadian views of beginnings, 106. tablets, 79.
Sumerian glosses, 59. Johns, C. n. W.:
Sumerian myths, 106. Assyrian deeds and documents, 86.
Sumerian view of beginnings, 100. Assyrian doomsday book, 51.
.Sun and Saturn, 59. Assyriological notes, 12.
Two copies of Rammannirari's inscription, 81. Babylonian and .Assyrian laws, 56, 92.
Urumus, 35. Chronology of Asurbanipal's reign, 41.
Jelitto, J. T. Die peinlichen Strafen im Kriegs- Fresh light on history of Esarhaddon, 42.
und Rechtswesen, 56. Influence of Babylonian mythology upon Old Tes-
Jenkins, O. B. Code of Hammurabi, 55. tament, 112.
Jensen, Peter: Last years of Assyrian monarchy, 43.
Assyrio-hebraica, 67. List of year-names, 28.
Assyrisch-babylonische Mythen und Epen, 90. Manana-Iapium dynasty at Kish, 35.
Bemerkungen zu einigen Schriftzeichen, 67. New eponym list. 43.
Bemerkungen zu einigen sumerischen und assyri- Notes on code of Hammurabi, 55.
schen Verwandtschaftswortern, 76. On length of month in Babylonia, 28.
De incantamentis nonnuilis Sunierico-.Assyriis, 79. Relations between laws of Babylonia and laws of
De incantanientorum Sumerico-.Assyriorum, 109. Hebrew peoples, 56.
Das Gilganiesch-Epos. 90. .Short bibliography, 106.
Grundlagen fiir eine Entzifferung der hatischen Some Assyrian letters, 93.
Inschriften, 117. Some further notes on Babylonian chronicle, 37.
Hittifer und .Arnienier, 117. Some secondary formations among Assyrian proper
Die hittitisch-armenische Inschrift eines Sycnnesis names, 52.
aus Babylon, 118. Survey of bibliography of literature relating to
Hymncn, 99. code of Hammurabi, 10.
Inschriften aus der Regicrungszeit Gudea's, 34. Johnston, Christopher:
Inschriften aus der Regicrungszeit Hammurabi's, .Assysian and Babylonian beast fables, 90.
38. .\ssyrian lexicographical notes, 67.
: : : :


Johtistoii, Cliristof'her, coiitiitiied Kittel, Ruilolf:
Assyrian nananu "to coil"; ami xarapu "to Der Babel-Bibel-Streit. 113.
abouiul," 68. Die babylonischen Ausgrabungen, 113.
Assyrian word mihattu, 68. Klauber. E. G.
> Epistolary literature, 93. Assyrisches Beamtentum nach Briefen, 45.
Fall of Assyrian empire, 43. Keilschriftbricfe, 93.
Fall of Nineveh, 1", 43. Politisch-religiose Texte, 99.
Letter of Sanias-sum-ukin, 93. Zur babylonisch-assyrischen Briefliteratur, 93.
Note on two .\ssyrian words, 68. Zur Politik und Kultur der Sargonidenzeit, 45.
On Chaldean astronomy, 59. Klausncr, M. A.:
On passage in Rahylonian Nimrod epic, 90. Hie Babel —
Hie Bibcl, 113.
Recent interpretation of letter of Assyrian prin- Zu Lehr und Wehr, 113.
cess, 93. Klostermann, August. Ein diplomatischer Bricf-
Sanias-sum-ukin, 40. wechsel, 93, 95.
Suniero-.Akkadian question, 76. Knieschke, W. Bibel und Babel, 113.
Two Assyrian letters, 93. Knudtzon, J. .\.:

Two new .Assyrian words, 68. Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott, 99.
Jones, F. A. Pre-Sargonic times, 43. Babylonisch-assyrische -Mtertiimer, 23.
Topography of Nineveh, 17.
Bemerkungen zum ersten Bande der "Keilinschrift-
Jones, Felix.
lichen Bibliothek," 81.
Jones, J. F. Memoirs, 19.
Ergebnisse einer Kollation der El-Amarna-
Justi, Ferdinand. Egypt and western Asia, 31.
Tafeln. 95.
\N'eitere Studien zu den El-Amarna-Tafeln, 95.
Zur assyrischen und allgemein semitischen Gram-
matik, 68.
K Koeberle, Justus:
Babylonische Kultur und biblische Religion. 113.
Karolides, Paul. Die sogenannten Assyro-Chaldiier Die Beziehungen zwischen Israel und Babylo-
und Hittiten, 118. nien. 113.
Karppe, S. Koenig. Eduard:
Les documents historiques de la Chaldee, 31. Die Babel-Bibel-Frage, 113.
Melanges assyriologiques. 113. Babyloniens Kultur, 38.
Melanges de critique biblique et d'assyriologie, 113. Die baliylonische Gefangenschaft der Bibel, 113.
Kaulen, Franz: Die babylonische Schrift und Sprache, 113.
Assyrien und Babylonien, 14, 31. Bibel und Babel, 113.
Litteratur. 10. Bible and Babylon, 113.
Keilinschriftliche Bibliothek, SI. Die (lottesfrage und der Ursprung des Alten Tes-
Keilschrifttexte aus Assur historischen Inhalts. 43. taments, 113.
Keilschrifttexte aus Assur religicisen Inhalts, 99. Hammurabi's Gesetzeskoder, 55.
Kellner, M. L. Deluge in Izduhar epic, 106. Relations of Babylonian and Old Testament cul-
Kelso, J. A. Code of Hammurabi, 55. ture, 113.
Kennett, R. H. Composition of Book of Isaiah, 113. Koenigliche Museen zu Berlin. —
Kent, C. F.: Abteilung. Vorderasiatische Schriftdenk-
Annexion in Assyrian, 68. mhler. 81.
Origin and signification of gunu-signs, 68. Kohler, Josef. Ein Beitrag zum neubabylonischen
Kessler. Konrad. Ueber Gnosis und altbabylonische Recht, 56.
Religion, 99. Kohler, Josef, and F. E. Peiser. Aus dem babylo-
Kewitsch, G. Zweifel an der astronomischen und nischen Rechtsleben, 56.
geometrischen Grundlage des 60-Systems, 28. Kohler. Josef, and Arthur Ungnad:
Kidder, D. P. Nineveh, 17. Assyrische Rechtsurkunden, 87.
Kiepert, Heinrich. Begleitworte zur Karte der Ruin- Hundert ausgewahlte Rechtsurkunden, S7.

enf elder von Babylon, 15. Kohler, Kaufmann. .\ssyriology and Bible. 113.
King, L. W.: Kohut, .Mexander. Talmudic records of Persian and
Assyrian language, 68. Babylonian festivals, 113.
Babylonian magic and sorcery, 109. Koldewey, Robert:
Babylonian religion, 99. Die altbabylonischen Griiber, 23.
Chronicles concerning early Babylonian kings, 38. Die Architektur von Sendschirli, 118.
Early mention of cotton, 61. Excavations at Babylon, 15.
First steps in Assyrian, 68. Die hettitische Inschrift gefunden in der Konigs-
Foundation inscriptions, 35. burg von Babylon, 118.
"Heart and reins" in relation to Babylonian liver Die Pflastersteine von -Aiburschabu in Babylon, 15.
divination, 109. Die Tempel von Babylon und Borsippa, 15.
History of Babylonia and Assyria, 31. Das wieder erstehende Babylon, 15.
Meaning and use of kutaru in Assyrian magic, 109. Koschaker, Paul
Neo-Babylonian astronomical treatise, 59. Babylonisch-assyrisches Biirgschaftsrecht, 56.
Neo-Babylonian syllabary, 68. Observations juridiques, 56.
New brick-stamp of Naram-Sin, 35. Scope and methods of history of Assyrio-Baby-
New example of Sumerian line-engraving, 79. lonian law. 56.
New fragment of Gilgamesh epic, 90. Kotalla, Eduard. und
Fiinfzig babylonische Rechts-
New fragments of Dibbarra-legend, 90. Verwaltungsurkunden, 87.
Origin of animal symbolism in Babylonia, 23. Kraetzschmar. Richard:
Sargon I., 36. Die Praposition sa, 68.
Seven tablets of creation, 106. Relativpronomen und Relativsatz, 68.
Studies of some rock-sculptures, 81. Sign of breath at end of words, 68.
See also Budge, Ernest Alfred Thompson Wallis, Krall, Jakob. Grundriss der altorientalischen Ge-
and L. \V. King. schichte, 31.
King, L. W., and H. R. Ilall. Egypt and western Kramar, Karel. O sumero-gruzinske jednote jazy-
Asia, 31. kove, 76.


Kraiisz, Joseph. Die Gotternamen in den babylo- Langdon, Stcf^hcn, continued:
nischen Siegelcylinder-Legenden, 100. Lamentation to goddess of Sirpurla, 100.
Kristensen, W. B. De plaats van het Zondvloed- Lectures on Babylonia, 113.
verhaal in het Gilganies-epos, 91. Lexicographical studies, 68.
Kruger, Jacob. Geschichte der Assyrier und List of proper names, 41.
Iranier, 43. Liturgy of cult of Tammviz, 100.
Kruszynski, Jozef. Hittyci, 118. Miscellanea Assyriaca, 35.
Kuechler, Friedrich. Beitr.xge zur Kenntnis der as- Name of ferryman in deluge tablets, 106.
syrisch-babylonischen Medizin, 62. Necessary revisions of Sumerian Epic of Para-
Kugler, F. X.: dise, 100.
Die babylonische Mondrechnung, 59. Die neubabylonischen Konigsinschriften, 47.
Chronologisches und Soziales aus der Zeit Luga- New inscription, 68.
landa's und Urukagina's, 35. Notes on annals of Asurbanipal, 41.
Contribution a la meteorologie babylonienne, 59. Originals of two religious texts, 100.
Darlegungen und Thesen iiber altbabylonische Preliminary account of Sumerian legend of flood,
Chronologie, 28. 100.
Eine ratselvolle astronomische Keilinschrift, 59. Principles of Sumerian noun formation, 76.
Some new lights on Babylonian astronomy, 59. Reconstruction of part of Sumerian text of sev-
Sternkunde und Sterndienst, 59. enth tablet of creation, 106.
Zur Erklarung der babylonischen Mondtafeln, 59. Ritual of atonement, 100.
See also Thureau-Dangin, Frangois, and F. X. Rythm in Babylonian psalms, 68.
Kugler. Seal of Nidaba, 25.
Kunz, G. F. On ancient inscribed Sumerian axe- Sister of Tammuz, 100.
head, 81. Some Sumerian contracts, 79.
Kuyper Hzn., Gerrit. Assyria, 43. Sumerian-.Assyrian vocabularies, 76.
Sumerian and Babylonian psalms, 100.
Sumerian Epic of Paradise, 100.
Sumerian expression si-ni-tum capital, 76.
Sumerian grammar, 76.
Sumerian grammatical texts, 77.
Sumerian legend, 79.
Lagrange, J. Le code de Hanimourabi, 55.
Fragments d'un memoire sur le sys- Sumerian liturgical texts, 100.
Lajard, Felix.
Sumerian loan-words, 77.
teme theogonique, 100.
Sumerians and Semites, 79.
Landersdorfer, Simon:
Supposed variant of AH. 82, 49.
Altbabylonische Privatbriefe, 93.
Syllabar, 68.
Die Kultur der Babylonier, 38, 51.
Babylonisches, 87. Syntax of compound verbs, 77.
Landsberger, B.
Landseer, John. Sabaean researches, 25. La syntaxe du verbe sumerien, 77.
Tablet of Babylonian wisdom, 81.
Langdon, Stephen:
man, 100. Tablet of prayers, 101.
Account of pre-Semitic version of fall of
Tablet from Umma, 28.
-Ancient Babylonian map, 20.
Tablets from archives of Drehem, 16, 28.
Ancient magical text, 109.
Tablets from Kis, 87.
Another bit niiri text, 109.
Assyrian grammatical treatise, 68.
Tammuz and Ishtar, 101.
Astronomy and early Sumerian calendar, 59.
Two Babylonian seals, 25.
Babylonian eschatology, 100. Two tablets, 87.
Babylonian liturgies, 100. Langlois, Victor. Le Dunuk-Dasch, 23.
Babylonian magic, 109. Lau, R. J.:
Babylonian miscellaneous texts, 81. Old Babylonian temple records, 87.
Babylonian proverbs, 91. Supplement to old-Babylonian vocabularies, 68.
Babylonian zuharu, 68. Launay, L. de. L'astronomie babylonienne, 59.
Bilingual tablet from Erech, 35. Layard, Sir A. H.:
Chapter from Babylonian books of private devo- Discoveries in ruins of Nineveh and Babylon,
tion, 100. 15, 17.
Chapter from Babylonian books of private pen- Inscriptions in cuneiform character, 81.
ance, 100. Monuments of Nineveh, 17.
Classical liturgy to Innini, 100. Nineveh and Babylon, 15, 17.
Concerning use of word ullanu, 68. Nineveh and its remains, 17.
Contracts from Larsa, 87. Popular account of discoveries at Nineveh, 17.
Critical notes upvon Epic of Paradise, 100. Second series of monuments of Nineveh, 17.
Cylinder seal, 25. Leander, Pontus:
Derivation of sabattu, 68. Dat forhistoriska kulturfolket Babylonian, 38.

Deux fragments d'hymnes a Samas, 100. Ueber die sumerischen Lehnworter im Assyr-
Early Babylonian tablet, 81. ischen, 68.
Epic of Gilgamish, 91. Leilrain, Eugene:
Etymology of Babylonian relative pronoun, 68. Les antiquites chaldeennes du Louvre, 23.
Evidence for an advance on Egypt by Sennache- Un contrat l)ilingue, 87.
rib, 45.
Dictionnaire de la langue de I'ancienne Chaldee, 77.
Fragment of Hammurabi code, 55.
Une statuette de bronze, 23.
Fragment of liturgy to Ninib, 100.
Fragment of Nippurian liturgy, 100. Le Gac. Y.
Fragment of series of ritualistic prayers to astral
Ouelqucs inscriptions assyro-babyloniennes, 82.
.Sur les valours plionctiques des signes [ia, ya], 68.
Grammatical treatises, 68. Textes babyloniens, 82.
Hymn to Enlil, 100. Legrain, Leon:
Hymn to Tammuz, 100. Collection Louis Cugnin, 82.
Tshfar's journey to hell, 91. Tablettes de comptabilite, 87.
Lament to Enlil, 100. Le temps des rois d'Ur, 16, 35, 87.
: : : : : :


Lehmann-IIaiipt, F. F. K. Lotls, Adolphe. De quelques publications allemands
Das altbabylonische Maass- und Gewichtssys- sur les rapports religieux de Babylone ct du
teni, 63. pcuple d'lsrai'l, 114.
Aus (Icni Funile von Tell el Aiiiarna, 95. Loewenslern, Isidore:
Babyloniens Kiilturinission, 113. Essai de dechiffrement, 73.
Berossos* Chronologic, 28. Expose des elements constitutifs du systeme de la
Die Dynastien der babylonischen Konigsliste, 28. troisicme ecriturc cuneiforme, 73.
llamnuuabi's code, 55. Loftus, W. K.:
Die historische Semiramis, 43. Notes of journey from Baghdad to Busrali, 20.
I.srael, 113. Travels and researches in Chalda;a and Susiana, 14.
Ein niissvcrstandcnes Gesetz Ilammurabis, 55. Loisy, Alfred:
Die Mondfinsternis voni 15. §abatu, 51. fttudcs sur la religion. 101.
Nach Tag und Monat, 28. Les mythes babyloniens, 106, 114.
Sar kis.sati, 68. Le recit du deluge, 106.
Ein Siegelcylinder Konig Bur-Sin's, 26. Longperier, A. de. Notice sur les monuments an-
Ueber protobahylonische Zaiilworter, 59. tiques de r.\sie, 23.
Ueber Pur-Sin, 52. Lottner, C. Remarks on nation by which cunei-
Vergleichcnde Metrologie, 63. form mode of writing was invented, 69.
Zwei Hauptprobleme der altorientalisclien Chro- Luckcnbill, D. D.
nologie, 28. Chicago syllabary, 69.
See also Belck, Waldemar, and F. F. K. Lehmann- Comprehensive account of excavations in
Haupt; also Regling, Kurt, and F. F. K. Leh- Ashur. 14.
mann-IIaupt. Hittites, 118.
Lenorniant, Kran(;ois: Inscriptions of early Assyrian rulers, 43.
Chaldean magic, 109. Neo-Babylonian catalogue of hymns, 101.
Choix de fextes cinieifornies inedits, 82. Notes on some texts, 87.
Le deluge ct I'epopee babylonienne, 106. Old babylonian letters, 93.
Les dieux de Babylone, 101. Stvidy of temple documents, 87.
La divination et la science des presages, 109. Temple women, 55.
Essai de commentaire des fragments cosmogo- Temples of Babylonia. 23.
niques de Berose, 106. Two inscriptions of Mesilim, 35.
Essai sur un document matliematique, 63. Luckcnbill, D. D., and T. G. Allen. Murch frag-
fitude sur quelques parties des syllabaires cune- ment. 95.
iformes, 69. Lugal-zaggisi, king of Erech. Lougal-zaggisi, roi
£tudes accadiennes, 77. d'Ourouk, 35.
fitudes cuneiformes. 77. Luschan, F. von. Monolith des Asarhaddon, 42.
Hymne an soleil, 101. Luzzatto, Filossino:
Incantation magique chaldeenne, 109. Le saiiscritisme de la langue assyrienne, 73.
La langue primitive de la Chaldee, 77. Sur I'existence d'un dieu assyrien nomme Semi-
Lettres assyriologiques, 43. ramis. 101.
Le magie chez les Chaldeens, 109. Lyon, D. G.
II Mito di Adone-Tammuz nel document! cune- Assyrian manual. 69.
iformi, 101. Consecrated women of Hammurabi, code, 55.
Les nonis de I'airaiii et du cuivre, 69. Notes on Hammurabi monument, 55.
Les origines de I'histoire, 113. On lapislazuli disc, 82.
Les principes de comparaison de I'accadien et des Seal impressions, 26.
langues touraniennes, 77. Structure of Hammurabi code, 55.
Recherches philologiques sur quelques expressions Was there at head of Babylonian Pantheon a deity
accadiennes, 77. bearing name El?, 101.
Sur la lecture et de la signification de Tideo- When and where was code Hammurabi promul-
gramme sa, 62. gated?, 55.
Sur le nom de Tammouz, 101.
Les syllabaires cuneiformes, 69.
Tre monumenti caldei, 23.
Lenormant, FranQois, and E. C. F. Babelon. His- M
toire ancienne de I'Orient, 31.
Leonhard, Walther. Hettiter und Amazonen, 118. McCormack. T. J. Struggle for Babel and Bible, 114
Lepsius, K. R. McCurdy, J. F.
Die babylonisch-assyrischen Langenmasse, 63. History, prophecy and monuments, 31.
fber den chronologischen Werth der assyrischen Semitic perfect in .Assyrian, 69.
Eponymcn. 28. McGee. 1). W. Zur Topographic Babylons, 15.
Mackenzie. D. A. Myths of Babylonia and As-
Letters to Monsieur H***, 39.
syria. 101.
Levi della Vida. Giorgio. Pseudo-Beroso siriaco, 30. McKnight, R. Selected letters, 93.
J. G.
Lieblein, J. D. C. Macmillan, K. D. Some cuneiform tablets, 101.
.\egypten. Babel und Bibel, 113. Macridy-Bcy, Th. La porte des sphinx a Euyuk,
£tiide sur les Xetas. 118. 118.
Les lettres royales de Tell el-.\marna, 95. Mahler, Eduard:
Lincke, -A. .\.: Der babylonische Schaltcyclus, 28.
Bericht itber die Fortschritte der Assyriologie, 12. Die Datirung der babylonischen Arsacideninschrif-
Continuance of name Assyria, 17. ten, 28.
Lindl, Ernest: Die Jahrrechnurgen bei den .\ssyrern, 28.
Die Bedeutung der Assyriologie fiir Alte Testa- Der Kalender der Babylonier, 28.
ment, 113. Das Kalenderwesen der Babylonier, 28.
Die Datenliste der ersten Dynastie von Baby- Der .Saros-Canon, 28.
lon, 39. Der ."schaltcyclus der Babylonier, 28.
Das Priester- und Beamtentum der altbabylo- Zur Chronologic der Babylonier, 28.
nischen Kontrakte, 87. Manishtusu. Cruciform monument, 35.
: : : : :


Manitius, Walther. Das stehendc Heer dcr As- Mi'uant, Joachim, continued
sy rerkonige, 43. Forgeries of Babylonian and Assyrian antiqui-
Margoliouth, (leoige. Earliest religion of ancient ties, 23.
Hebrews, 114. Inscriptions assyricnnes, 73.
Margolis, Elias. Sunierian temple documents, 79. Les langues perdues, 69.
Marquand, Allan. Palace at Nippur not Myce- Legons d'epigraphie assyrienne, 69.
naean, 19. Manuel de la langue assyrienne, 69.
Marquart, Josef. Chronologische Untersuchun- Ninive et Babylone, 15, 18.
gen, 28. Les noms proprcs assyriens, 52.
Martin, Franqois: Notice sur les inscriptions en caracteres cune-
Le juste souffrant babylonien, 101. iformes, 82.
Lettres neo-babyloniennes, 93. Observations sur les polyphones assyriens, 69.
Textes religieux assyriens, 101. Oriental cylinders of Williams collection, 26.
Trois lettres neo-babyloniennes. 93. Le Pantheon assyro-chaldeen, 101.
Martin, John. Descriptive catalogue of picture of Les pierres gravees de la Haute-Asie, 26.
fall of Nineveh, 17. Rapport sur les inscriptions assyriennes, 82.
Marx, Victor. Die Stellung der Frauen in Baby- Recueil d'alphabets, 69.
lonien. 51. Sec also Oppert, Jules, and J. Menant.
Maspero, Sir G. C. C. Mengedoht, H. W. Letter of Assyrian physician, 62.
Assyrische Gebete an den Sonnengott, 101. Mercer, S. A. B.
Au temps de Ramses et d'Assourbanipal, 51. Emperor-worship in Babylonia, 101.
Dawn of civilization, 31.
Extra-Biblical sources for Hebrew history, 114.
G. Maspero's Geschichte der morgenlandischen Malediction in cuneiform inscriptions, 101.
V61ker, 31. Oath in Babylonian literature, 69.
Ilistoireancienne des peuples de I'Orient, 31. Oath in cuneiform inscriptions, 69.
History of Egypt, Chaldea, 31 Sumerian morals, 79.
Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria, 51.
Messerschmidt, Leopold:
Note sur le bas-relief de Naramsin, 35. .Ancient Hittites, 118.
Passing of empires, 31. Bemerkungen zu den hethitischen Inschriften, 118.
Struggle of nations, 32.
Corpus inscriptioniuii Hettiticarum, 118.
Maurice, Thomas. Observations connected with as-
Die Entzifferung der Keilschrift, 73.
tronomy, 32. Die Hettiter, 118.
Maynard, J. A. Hittites, 118.
Babylonian patriotic sayings, 91. Mitanni-Studien, 121.
Studies in religious texts, 101.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York:
Mechineau, L. See Aniiaud, Arthur, and L.
Cuneiform texts, 87.
Seal cylinders, 26.
Meek, T. J.:
Meyer, Eduard:
Cuneiform bilingual hymns, 101.
Die chaldaische Aera des Almagest, 28.
Hymn to Ishtar, 101.
Das chronologische System des Berossos, 28.
Old Babylonian business and legal documents, 87.
Die Entzifferung <ler hethitischen Sprache, 118.
Meissner, Bruno:
Geschichte des Alterthums, 32.
Altbabylonische Briefe, 93.
Reich und Kultur der Chetiter, 118.
Altbabylonische Gesetze, 56.
Sumerier und Semiten. 79.
Ein altbabylonisches Fragment des Gilgamose-
Untersuchungen iiber die alteste Geschichte Baby
pos, 91.
loniens, 39. ,
Assyriologische Studien, 69.
Assyrisch-babylonische Chrestomathie Anfan-
Miller, O. D. Har-Moad, 114.
ger, 69.
Milloue, L. de. La delegation frangaise en
Assyrische Freibriefe, 82. Perse, 55.
Assyrische Jagden, 51. Mirande, Dominique. Le code de Hammourabi, 55.
.\us deni altbabylonischen Recht, 56. Mitteis, Ludwig. Das syrisch-romische Rechtsbuch
Babylonische Leichenfeierlichkeiten, 101. unii Hammurabi, 55.
Babylonische Pflanzennamen, 61. Montet, fidouard
Beitrjige zum altbabylonischen Privatrecht, 56. Israel and Babylonian civilization, 114.
Falkenjagden, 51. On conception of future life, 101.
Grundzuge der babylonisch-assyrischen Plastik, 23. Montgomery, M. W. Briefe, 93.
Kurzgefasste assyrische Grammatik, 69. Morgan, J. J. M. de:
Lexicographische Studien, 69. Les dernieres fouilles de Susiane, 14.
.Seltene assyrische Ideogramme, 69. Note sur les precedes techniques en usage chez les
Studien zur Serie ana ittisu, 69. scribes, 69.
Supp'ement zu den assyrischen Worterbiichern, 69. Morgan, J. P.:
\'on Babylon nach den Ruinen von Ilira, IS. Babylonian records, 87.
Meissner, Bruno, and K. L. Tallqvist. Neubaby- Cuneiform inscriptions, 82.
lonische Wohnungs-Miethsverhjiltnisse, 87. Cylinders, 26.
Melanges d'archeologie egyptienne et assyrienne, 11. Morgenstern, Julian:
Meloni, Gerardo. Testi assiri del British Mu- Doctrine of sin, 101.
seum, 82. On Gilgames-Epic, 91.
Menant. Joachim: Mueller. D. H.:
-Vnnales des rois d'Assyrie, 43. Der Gebrauch der Modi in den Gcsetzen Ilam-
Babylone et la Chaldee, 32. murabis, 55.
La bibliotheque du palais de Ninive, 18. Die Gesetze Hammurabis, 55.
Catalogue des cylindres orientaux, 26. Hanimurabi-Kritikcn, 55.
Les ecritures cuneiformes, 7.1. Die § 280-282 des Kodex Hammurabi, 55.
Elements d'epigraphie assyrienne, 69. Das syrisch-romische Rechtsbuch und Hammu-
Emprcintes de cylindres assyriens, 26. rabi, 55.
Expose des elements de la grammaire assyrienne, 69. t'ber die Gesetze Hammurabis, 55.
Les fausses antiquites de I'Assyrie, 23. Die Wortfolge bei Hammurabi, 55, 77.
: : : :


Mueller. D. H., continued, king of Babylon:
Ziir Ilaiiiimnabi Kritik. 55. Inschriften, 49.
7.urSyntax von Istars Ilollt'nfahrt, 91. Inscription, 49.
Zur Terininologie im Eherccht, 56. Nesbit, W. M. Sumerian records, 79.
Mueller, Ernst. (Maniniatische Bemerkungcn zu ilcn Newman, J. P. Thrones an<l palaces of Babylon and
.\nnalen .V.surnasirpal's, 41. Nineveh, 15, 18.
Mneller. W. M.: Niebuhr, Carl, pseud, of Carl Krug:
Asien lunl Europe, 118. Die Amarna-Zcit, 95.
Der Buendnisvertrag Ramses' II und des Chetiter- Die Chronologic der Geschichte Israels, .Aegyptens,
konigs, 118. Babyloniens, 32.
Ein neuer HetiterkiJnig, 118. Die erste Dynastic von Babel, 39.
Die Spuren der babylonischcn Wcltschrift in Agyp- Forschung und Darstellung, 32.
ten, 70. Tell el Amarna period, 95.
Mucntcr, Friedrich. Religion der Babylonier, 102. Niebuhr, M. von. Geschichte Assur's und Babel's, 32.
Muerdter, F. Kurzgefaszte Geschichte Babyloniens Nies, J. B. Net cylinder, 26.
und Assyriens, i2. Nikel, Johannes. Genesis und Keilschriftfor-
>[usee du Louvre. Notice dcs monuments, 23. schung, 114.
Muss-Arnolt, William: Ninive la grandc ville. 18.
Assyrian etymologies, 70. Nix, L. Zur Erklarung der semitischen Verbal-
Assyro-Babylonian months, 28. formen, 70.
Comparative study on translations of Babylonian Noeldeke, Theodor. Ucber den Namen Assyri-
creation tablets, 106. ens, 44.
Concise dictionary, 70. Nolan, Frederick. Expectations formed by .Assyri-
Cuneiform account of creation, 107. ans, that a great deliverer would appear, 114.
Lexicographical notes, 70. Norris, Edwin:
Names of Assyro-Babylonian months, 28. Assyrian dictionary, 70.
Notes on publications, 42, 45. On Assyrian and Babylonian weights, 63.
Recent contributions to Assyriology, 11. Specimen of Assyrian dictionary, 70.
Supar, 70. Norton, F. C.
Works of Jules Oppert. 11. Bible student's handbook of Assyriology, 114.
Myers, P. V. Remains of lost empires, 15, 18. Popular handbook of Assyriology, 12.
Myhrman, D. W.: Newark, Wilhelm. Die assyrisch-babylonischen Keil-
Babylonian hymns and prayers, 102. Inschriften, 114.
Die Labartu-texte, 10').
Nouveaux noms propres, 52.
Nya fynd Babylon, 15.

Sumerian administrative documents, 79.

Ochser, Schnlim. Judentum und Assyriologie. 114.
O'Conor, J. F. X. Inscription of Nebuchadnez-
zar, 49.
N Oefele, F. von:
Die Angaben der Berliner Planetentafel, 29.
Nabonidus, king of Babylon: Keilschriftmedizin in Parallelen, 62,
Abu Habba cylinder, 48. Materialien zur Bearbeitung babylonischer Medi-
Die Inschrift der Stele Nabuna'id's, 48. cin, 62.
Inschriften Xabonid's, 48. Oettli,Samuel. Der Kampf um Bibel und Babel, 114.
Inschriften von Nabonidus, 48. Offord, Joseph:
Inscription de Nabonide. 48. Deity of crescent Venus, 102.
Der Nabonidcylinder, 48. Hymns to Tammuz, 102.
New inscriptions, 48. Life in ancient Babylonia, 51.
Two inscriptions, 48. Nude goddess, 23.
Nabopolassar Ogden, E. S.
Inschriften von Nabopalassar und Smerdis, 48. .Some notes on so-called hieroglyphic-tablet, 82.
Inschriften Nabopolassar's, 48. Text of archaic tablet, 82.
I'ne inscription, 48. Olmstead, A. T.:
Ein Text Nabopolassars, 48. Assyrian chronicle, 44.
Three inscriptions, 48. .Assyrian historiography, 11.
Nabu-apal-iddin, king of Babylon. Inscription, 39. Western .Asia in days of Sargon, 45.

Nagel, Gottfried. Der Zug des Sanherib gegen Western Asia in reign of Sennacherib, 46.

Jerusaleni, 46.
Olmstead, .A. T., and others. Travels and studies in
nearer East. 118.
Nakhlah, Jamil. Tarikh Balil wa Ashur, 32.
Olshausen. Justus. Priifung des Charakters, 73.
Naram-.Sin: Oppert, Jules:
Une inscription, 35.
Vn acte de vente, f<7.
Inscriptions, 35.
XJn annuaire astronomique babylonien, 59.
Nebuchadnezzar I.: Das assyrische Landrecht, 56.
Freihrief Nebukadnezar's I., 39. Vn cadastre chaldcen, 63.
Inscription, 39. Chronologic des Assyriens, 29.
Nebuchadnezzar II., king of Babylon: Confirmation definitive du systeme des mesures
Cuneiform text, 48. agraires, 63.
Cylinder. 48. Les documents juridiques, 56.
Ein Freibrief, 48. Les eclipses mentionnees dans les textes cune-
Inschriften von Xabuchodonosor, 48. iformes, 60.
Inschriften Nebukadnezar's, 48. Elements d^ la grammaire assyrienne, 70.
Die Inschriften Nebukadnezars II., 48. L'epoque de Hammurabi, 38.
Inscriptions, 49. L'etalon des mesures assyrjennes, 63.
Ueber einen Nebukadnezar cylinder, 49. fitudes assyriennes, 73.
Eine unedirte Nebukadnezarinschrift, 49. £tudes sumeriennes, 77.
: : : : : :


Ofpert. Jules, continued Peiser, F. E., continued
Excerpta assyriaca, 82. Texte juristischen und geschaftlichen Inhalts,
Expedition scientifique en Mesopotamia, 14. 56, 87.
La fixation exacte de la chronologie des derniers Urkunden, 87.
rois de Babylone, 29. Zur babylonischen Chronologie, 29.
La fondation consacree a la deesse Nina, 102. See also Kohler, Josef, and F. E. Peiser.
Die franzosischen -Ausgrabungen in Chaldaa, 14. Pelagaud, F. Sa-tilla. 57.
Grundziige der assyrischen Kunst, 23. Perkins, Justin. Journal of a tour from Oroomiah
Hie und da, 29. to Mosul, 18.
L'inscription babylonienne d'Antiochus Soter, SO. Perrot, Georges, and Charles Chipiez:
L'inscription du Saros, 82. History of art in Chaldsa, 23.
Inscriptions archaiques, 82. History of art in Sardinia, Syria, and Asia
Les inscriptions assyriennes, 82. Minor, 118.
Les inscriptions juridiques, 56. Perruchon, Jules:
Lal-di moins. 63. Index des ideogrammes, 95.
Liherte de la femme, 51. Index des nonis propres, 52.
Menioire sur les rapports de I'figypte et de I'As-
syrie, 44.
Perry, E. G. Hymnen und Gebete an Sin, 102.
Peters, J. P.:
Les mesures assyriennes, 63. Exploration of Nippur, 19.
Les mesures de Khorsabad, 63. Hilprecht's answer, 14.
Nach Jabr und Tag, 29. Nippur, 19.
Napah, 70. Nippur library, 19.
Noli me tangere, 29.
Palace at Nippur, 19.
La non-identite de Phul et de Teglathphalasar, 44. Seat of earliest civilization in Babylonia. 12.
La notation des mesures de capacite, 63. Some recent results of excavations at Nippur, 19.
Le Persee chaldeen, 91. Petrie, W. M. F. Syria and Egypt, 95.
La plus ancienne inscription semitique. 82. Philipson, David. Five lectures on cuneiform dis-
Les poids chaldeens. 63. coveries, 12, 14.
Quelques mots sur le cadastre chaldeen, 63. Pick, Hermann. Assyriologie, 1909-13, 11.
Rapport sur les progres du dechiffrenient, 73. Filter, W. T.
Real chronology of Babylonian dynasties, 29.
Eastern and western Semitic personal names, 38.
Restoration of Berosus canon, 29.
Legal episode, 51.
Revised chronology, 49.
Reign of "Arad-.Sin," 36.
Die Schaltmonate bei den Babyloniern, 29. Reign of "Rim-Sin," 36.
Sechshundert drei und fiinfzig, 109. Pinches, T. G.
Les signes numeriques, 63. ^Additions and corrections to fifth volume of Cune-
Sin-sar-iskun, roi d'Assyrie, 44.
iform inscriptions, 83.
Six cent cinquante-trois, 109.
-Antiquities found by H. Rassam, 24.
Sur quelques-unes des inscriptions cuneiformes, 82.
Archaic forms, 70.
L'n texte babylonien astronomique, 60. Apsur and Nineveh, 18.
Textes juridiques babyloniens, 56. Assyrian record of receipts, 88.
Traduction de quelques textes assyriens, 82. Assyriological gleanings, 20, 70.
U-an-tim, 70.
Astronomical or astrological tablet, 60.
Die L'ebersetzung des grossen Cylinders A von Babylon from recent excavations, 15.
Gudea, 34. Babylonian art, 24.
La vraie personnalite et les dates du roi Chinila- Babylonian and Assyrian cylinder-seals, 26.
dan, 39. Babylonian dower-contract, 88.
Oppert, Jules, and J. Menant. Documents juri-
Babylonian duplicate of tablets I and II of crea-
diques, 56.
tion series, 107.
Orano, Paolo. A proposito di "Babel und Bibel," Babylonian gods of war, 102.
Babylonian inscriptions, S2.
Babylonian legal documents, 57, 88.
Babylonian month-names, 29.
Babylonian tablet, 82.
Bronze gates of Balawat, 24.
Paffrath, P. T. Bronze gates discovered by Rassam, 24.
Ueber einige wichtige Gottheiten in den altbaby- Cappadocian tablets. 121.
lonischen historischen Inschriften. 102. Collection of Babylonian tablets, 11.
Zur Gotterlehre in den altbabylonischen Konigsin- Cylinder-seals, 26.
schriften, 102. Discoveries in .Asnunnak, 14.
Palniblad, V. P., and others. De rebus Baby- Discoveries in Babylonia, 14.
loniis, 39.
Discoveries by German expedition on site of
Asiur, 14.
Pancritius, M. Assyrische Kriegfiihrung, 44.
Documents relating to slave-dealing, 88.
Paravey, C. H. de. Memoire sur la trinite assyri- Early Babylonian inscription, 82.
enne, 102. Element ilu in Babylonian divine names, 70.
Paterson, Archibald. Assyrian sculptures, 23. Enlil and Ninlil, 102.
Paton, L. B. .Assyria and Prussia, 44. f;ifts to Babylonian Bit-ili, 102.
Peiser, F. E. Ciilganies, 107.
Die assyrische Verbtafel, 70. Goddess Istar, 102.
Die assyrische Zeichenordnung, 70. Greek transcriptions of Babylonian tablets, 82.
Eine babylonische Lan<ikarte, 20. Hammurabi's code, 56.
Eine babylonische Verfiigung von Todes wegen, 87. Hymns to Tamnniz,
Das Princip der assyrischen Zeichenordnung, 70. Interesting cylinder-seal, 26.
Sketch of Babylonian society, 51. Lament of "daughter of Sin," 91.
Skizze der babylonischen Gesellschaft, 51. Lament over desolation of Ur, 79.
Studien zum babylonischen Rechtswesen, 87. Law of inheritance, 57.
Studien zur orientalischen Altertumskunde, 29, 32. Legend of Merodach. 91.
: :: :


Pinches, T. C, continued Praetorius, Eranz:
Major Mockler Ferryman's tablet, 70. Bemerkungen zu einigen Inschriften Sargons, 45.
Names of plants, 61. Uel)er einigc assyrische Wiirter, 70.
New Babylonian king, 39. Prasek, J. V. Sanheribs Fcldziige gegen Juda, 46.
New fragment of history of Nebuchadnezzar Pressense, E. de. La religion clialdeo-assyrienne,
III., 49. 102.
New historical fragment from Nineveh, 18. Price, I. M.:
New version of creation-story, 107. .Ancient Babylonian inscription, 83.
Nina and Nineveli, 18. Four IJabylonian seal cylinders, 26.
Notes upon .Assyrian report tablets, 82. Notes on pantheon, 102.
Notes on deification of kings, 102. Recent thought on origin of cuneiform writing, 70.
Notes upon early Sumerian month-names, 29. Some Cassite and other cylinder seals, 26.
Notes on exploration in western Asia, 14. Some observations on financial importance of the
Notes upon fragments of Hittite cuneiform tablets, temple, 39.
119. Some seals in Goucher collection, 26.
Observations sur la religion des Babyloniens, 102. Prince, J. D.
Observations upon languages of early inhabitants .\kkadian cruciform monument, 80.
of Mesopotamia, 77. Assyrian prepositional usage, 70.
Old anil new versions of Babylonian creation and Assyrian primer, 70.
flood stories, 107. .Assyro-Babylonian scapegoat controversy, 102.
Old Testament in light of historical records, 114. Babylonian equations for Syria, 70.
Remarks on Babylonian contract tablets, 88. Le btnic emissaire, 102.
Sapattu, 102. Certain grammatical phenomena in Sumerian, 77.
Sennaclierib's campaigns, 18, 46. Delitzsch's Sumerian grammar, 75.
Sin-gasid's gift, 88. Delitzsch's "Sumerisches Glossar," 75.
Sir Henry Peek's Oriental cylinders, 26. Divine lament, 102.
Some case-tablets, 88. First and second persons in Sumerian, 77.
Some early Babylonian contracts, 88. God-name Zaq-ciar, 102.
Some late-Babylonian texts, 82. Hittite material in cuneiform inscriptions, 119.
Some mathematical tablets, 60. Hymn to Belit, 103.
Some te.xts of Relph collection, 29. Hymn to goddess Bau, 103.
"Sonhood," or adoption, 51. Hymn to Nergal, 103.
Sumerian or cryptography, 77. Hymn to Ninkasi, 103.
Sumerian women for field-work, 79. Hymn to Tammuz, 103.
Sumerians of Lagas, 36. Materials for a Sumerian lexicon, 77.
Tablet in cuneiform script from Yuzghat, 121. New Samas-sum-ukin series, 40.
Tablets referring to apprenticeship of slaves, 88. Note sur nom
Gilgames, 91.

Temples of ancient Babylonia, 24. On syntax of Assyrian preposition ina, 70.

Terra-cotta tablets, 82. Pierpont Morgan Babylonian axe-head, 24.
Texts in Babylonian wedge-writing, 82. Political hymn to Shamash, 103.
Three cylinder-seals, 26. So-called Epic of Paradise, 100.
Two archaic and three later liabylonian tablets, 83. Striking phenomena of Sumerian, 77.
Two contract-tablets, 88. Sumerian as a language, 77.
Two texts from Sippara, 102. Syntax of Assyrian preposition ana, 70.
Zwei assyrische Briefe. 93. Tammuz fragment. 103.
P'ace, Victor. Ninive et I'Assyrie, 18. Unilingual inscriptions, 80.
Plunket, Emmeline: Verbal prefixes and infixes in Sumerian, 77.
.\ccadian calendar, 29. Vocabulary of Sumerian, 77.
Gu, 60. Prince, J. D., and F. A. Vanderburgh:
Month when star Barsag sets, 60. Composite Bau-Text, 103.
Poebel, .Arno: New Hilprecht deluge tablet, 106.
Babylonian legal and business documents, 57, 88. Puchstein, Otto. Boghaskoi, 119.
Die Genetivkonstruktion im Sumerischen, 77.
Grammatical texts. 77.
Historical and grammatical texts, 36, 77, 79.
Historical texts, 36, 79, 107.
Die sumerischen Personennamen, 77. Quatremere, E. M.:
Das Verbum im Sumerischen, 77. Memoire sur Darius, SO.
Das zeitliche Verhiiltnis der ersten Dynastie von Memoires geographiques sur la Babylonie, 20.
Babylon zur zweiten Dynastie, 39.
Das zeitliche Verhiiltnis der zweiten Dynastie der
gnisseren Konigsliste zur dritten Dynastie, 39.
Poesie lyrique, 102.
Pognon, Henri: Radau, Hugo
Les inscriptions babyloniennes, 83. Bel, 114.
Lexicographic assyrienne, 70. Cosmology of Sumerians, 107.
Melanges assyriologiques, 70. E. A. Hoffman collection of Babylonian day-tab-
Politeyan, Jacob. Biblical discoveries in Egypt, lets, 83.
Palestine and Mesopotamia, 114. Early Babylonian history, 36.
Pontificio istituto biblico: Letters to Cassite kings, 93.
Tabulae signorum cuneiformium, 70. Miscellaneous Sumerian texts, 80.
Textus cuneiformes, 83. Sumerian hymns and prayers, 103.
Pope, Hugh. Influence of cuneiform inscriptions Ragozin, Z. -A.
upon Biblical criticism, 114. Chaldea, 39.
Porges, Nathan. Bibelkunde und Babelfunde, 114. Famous nations, 32.
Porter, R. K. Travels in Georgia, Persia, Armenia, Story of Assyria, 44.
ancient Babylonia, 20. Story of Chaldea, 39.
Pottier, Edmond. Les Sunieriens, 79. Story of Media, Babylon and Persia, 32.
: : : : :


Ranke, Hermann: Roesch, Gustav. Nabopolassar, 48.
Babylonian legal and business documents, 57. Rogers, R. W.
Early Babylonian personal names, 52. Cuneiform Old Testament, 114.
parallels to
Rassam, Ilormuzd: Fresh light upon history of earliest Assyrian
Asshur and flie land of Nimrod, 14, 18. period, 44.
Babylonian cities, 24. History of Babylonia and Assyria, 32.
Biblical nationalities, 114. Literature, 11.
E.xcavations and discoveries in Assyria, 14. Outlines of history of early Babylonia, 40.
History of -Assyrian and Babylonian discoveries, 14. Religion of Babylonia and .\ssyria, 103.
On preservation of Assyrian and Babylonian monu- Woman and law, 57.
ments, 24. Rohrbach, Paul:
Recent Assyrian and Babylonian research, 14. Babylon, 16.
Recent discoveries of ancient Babylonian cities, 14. In Babylonien, 14.
Rathgeber, fieorg. Archaologische .Schriften, 24. Rosenberg, J. Assyrische Sprachlehre, 71.

Ratto, Lorenzo. I contratti agrari e di lavoro, 56. Rosenthal, L. A.

Rauschcn, Gerhard. Neues Licht aus dem alten Babel und Bibel, ll.v
Orient, 12. Bibel trotz Babel, 115.
Ravensbaw, E. C. On winged bulls, lions and other Rosny, Leon de. Sur le systeme de formation de
symbolical figures, 18. I'ecriture cuneiforme, 71.
Rawlinson, George: Rusch. Richard. Hethitische Zahlzeichen, 119.
Five great monarchies, 32. Rylands, W. H.:
Religions of ancient world, 103. Hittite inscriptions, 119.
Rawlinson, Sir H. C. Inscribed stones, 119.
Bilingual readings, 73.
Commentary on cuneiform inscriptions, 73.
Cuneiform inscriptions of western Asia, 83.
Memoir on Babylonian and Assyrian inscrip-
tions, 73.
Notes on early history of Babylonia, 39.
Sachau, Eduard:
On Birs Nimrud, 24. Am Euphrat und Tigris, 20.
On inscriptions of Assyria, 74. Glossen zu den historischen Inschriften, 44.
On orthography of some royal names, 52. Reise in Syrien und Mesopotamien. 20.
Outline of history of Assyria, 44. Saint Clair-Tisdall, William. Hebrew and Babylo-
Reber, Franz. Ueber altchaldaische Kunst, 24. nian cosmologies, 107.
Recent Hittite discoveries, 119. Sargon II., king of ,\ssyria:
Reckendorf, Hermann. Die Entzifferungen der het- De inscriptione Sargonis, 44.
titischen Inschriften, 119. Grande inscription, 44.
Records of the past, S3. Inschriften Sargon's, 44.
Recueil de travaux relatifs a la philologie et a I'arche- Les inscriptions de Dour-Sarkayan. 44.
ologie, 11. Inscriptions des revers de plaques du palais de
Redford, George. Sculpture: Egyptian, .Assyrian, 24. Khorsabad, 44.
Redlich. Richard. Vom Drachen zu Babel, 24. Keilschrifttexte Sargon's, 44.
Regling, Kurt, and F. F. K. Lehmann-Haupt. Die
L'n relation de la huitieme campagne de Sargon, 44.
Sonderformen des "babylonischen" Gewichtssys- Texte de Sargon, 44.
tems, 63. Sarsowsky, Abraham. Keilschriftliches Urkunden-
Reimmann, F. Historia literaria Babylonio-
J. buch zum Alten Testament, 115.
rum, 89. Sarzec, E. de:
Reisner, G. A. Decouvertes en Chaldee, 14.
.Mtbabylonische Maasse und Gewichte, 63. Deux tablettes archaiques de Tello, 36.
Berlin vocabulary, 71. Sarzec, E. de, and Leon Heuzey. Construction
Construct case in Assyrian, 71. anterieure a Our-Nina, 24.
Notes on Babylonian system of measures of
Saulcy, L. F. J. C. de:
area, 63. Lexique de I'inscription assyrienne, 74.
Sumerisch babylonische Hymnen, 103. Traduction de I'inscription assyrienne, 74.
Revillout, Eugene. Les obligations en droit egjp- Sax, B. Le prisme de Sennacherib dans Isaie, 46.
tien, 57. Sax, Carl. Ueber die babylonische Urgeschichte, 40.
Revillout, Eugene, and Victor Revillout. Contract
Sayce, A. H.:
of apprenticeship, 88. .\ccadian numerals, 77.
Revillout, \'ictor. See Revillout, Eugene, and \'ic- -Vccadian phonology, 77.
tor Revillout. .\dam and Sargon, 95.
Revue d'assyriologie, 11. .\lte Denkmiiler im Lichte neuer Forschungen, 115.
Revue scmitique, 11. Ancient Babylonian work on medicine, 62.
Rich, C. J.: .Antiquity of civilized man, 32.
Memoir on ruins of Babylon, 15. -Archaeology of cuneiform inscriptions, 74.
Narrative of a journey to site of Babylon, 15. .Arzawan letters, 119.
Second memoir on Babylon, 16. -Assyria, 45.
Riedel. Wilhelm: -Assyrian grammar, 71.
Measure gar, 63. -Assyriological notes, 12, 83.
Weitere Tafeln aus Drehem, 16. -Astronomy and astrology of Babylonians, 60.
Rim-Sin, king of Larsa. Letter, 36. Babylonian augury, 109.
Ringclmann, Max. Les constructions ruralts de la Babylonian chronology, 29.
Chaldce, 24. Babylonian contr.-ict-table't, 88.
Robinson, .\. C. Babylonian cylinders, 26.
Bearing of recent Oriental discoveries on Old Babylonian literature, 89.
Testament history, 114. Babylonian tablets, 95.
Fall of Babylon, 114. Babylonians and .Assyrians. 51.
Robiou. Felix. Study on Egyptian and Babylonian Bilingual Hittite and cuneiform inscription, 119.
triads, 103. Cappadocian cuneiform tablets, 121.
: . :


Sayce, A. H., continued Scheil, J.v., continued
Cheilor-Laomer tablets, 83. Notes d'epigraphie et d'archeologie assyriennes, 83.
Ciineiforiii tal)lets, 95. Notules, 12.
Dcciplu-nneiit of Hittite inscriptions, 119. Nouveau chant sumerien, 103.
Discovery of archaic llittite inscriptions, 119. Nouvelles notes d'epigraphie assyriennes, 83.
Discovery of Tel el-.\niarna tablets, 95. Les plus anciennes dynasties connues de Sunier-
Early Israel and surrounding nations, 115. Accad, 36.
Elementary granunar, 71. La promesse dans la priere babylonienne, 103.
Fragments of Hittite cuneiform tablets, 119. Les pronoms dcmonstratifs assyriens su et sasu, 71.
Fresh light from ancient monuments, 115. Quelques notes sur les inscriptions de Gudea, 34.
Geographical notes on llittite hieroglyphic in- Recueil de signes archaiques, 71.
scriptions, 119. Une saison de fouilles a Sippar, 14.
Ila-matite cylinder from Cappadocia, 121. Sin-sariskun, 45.
Les Heteens. IJO. Stele de Bel-IIarran-bel-utsur, 83.
Hittite boss of Tarkondemos, 119. Textes elamites-semitiques. 83.
Hittite cuneiform tablet, 119. Scheil, J. v., and Charles Fossey. Grammaire assy-
Hittite hieroglyphs, 119. ricnne, 71.
Hittite inscription at .\leppo, 119. Scheuchzer, Aug. Zur Geschichte von Assur und
Hittite inscriptions, 119. Babel. 32.
Hittite inscriptions discovered by .Sir \\^ Ramsay, .Schiaparelli, G. I primordi dell' astronomia presso

119. i Babilonesi, 60.

Hittite inscriptions of Emir Ghazi, 119. Schileico, W. G.:
Hittite inscriptions from Gurun and Emir Ghazi, Notes presargoniques, Z6.
119. Tete d'un demon assyrien, 24.
Hittite inscriptions translated, 119. Schleinitz, O. von. Der Katalog der babylonisch-
Hittite notes, 119. assyrischen .Mtertiimer, 24.
Hittite vocabularies, 119. Schleusner, Georg. Die Bedeutung der .\usgrabun-
Hittites, 119, 120. gen in dem Euphrat- und Tigrisgebiet fiir das
Inscriptions of Carchemish, 120. .Mte Testament, 115.
lonians in Tel el-.\marna tablets, 95. Schloegl. Nivard. Wissenschaft und Bibel, 115.
Language of Mitanni, 121. Schmidt, Aage:
Latest light on Bible from Euphrates valley, 115. .-\brnhanis Tid, 103.
Laws of Babylonia, 57. Gedanken Entwicklung der Religion. 104.
iiher die
Lectures upon Assyrian language. 71. Die religiose Entwicklung in der babyloniscben Be-
Lectures on origin and growth of religion, 103. schwfirungsliteratur. 104.
Literary works of ancient Babylonia, 89. Udgravningerne i Assyrien og deres Betydning
Monument facts, 115. for Israel, 115.
Monuments of Hittites, 120. Schmi<lt. Valdemar. Assyriens og ^ligyptens gamle
New Babylonian chronological tablet, 29. Historic, 45.
Nimrod, 83. Schnabel, Paul:
Northern campaigns of Sargon, 36. Die babylonischc Chronologic, 29.
Notes on Hittite inscriptions, 120. Studien zur babylonisch-assyrischen Chronolo-
On human sacrifice, 103. gic, 29.
Primer of Assyriology, 12. Schneider, Hermann:
Religions of ancient Egypt and Babylonia, 103. Kultur und Denken der Babylonier, 51, 115.
Revised translation of passage in great astronomi- Zwei Aufsatze zur Religionsgeschichte Vorder-
cal work, 60. asiens. 104.
Seal-cylinder from Kara Eyuk. 26. Schollmcycr, Anastasius:
Social life among Assyrians, 51. Ahbabylonische Briefe. 93.
Solution of Hittite problem, 120. Allbabylonischc Privatbriefc, 93.
Some unpublished contract-tablets, 88. Einiges zur altbabyloni?chen Briefliteratur, 93.
Synchronous history of .\ssyria and Babylonia, i2. Der Istar-hymnus K. 41, 104.
Tablet from Yuzgat. 121. Sumerisch-babylonische Hymnen und Gebete, 104.
Tenses of Assyrian verb, 71. Scholz. .Anton. Die Keilschrift-Urkunden und die
Three seal-cylinders, 26. Genesis, 115.
Two early Babylonian historical legends, 91. Schorr, Moses:
Two Hittite cuneiform tablets, 120. Die altbabylnnische Rechtspraxis, 57.
I'se of papyrus. 80. Altljabylonischc Rechtsurkunden, 57.
Victoria Institute. Annual address on cuneiform Ein Kaufkoiitrakt, 88.
inscriptions, 95. Die Kohler-Peiscrsche Hammurabi-Cbersetzung, 56.
Was Jareb original name of Sargon?, 45. Die § 280-282 des Gesetzbuches Hammurabis, 56.
Scheil, J. v.: Das Sumerische in den Rechtsurkunden. 88.
de trois nouveaux signes, 71.
,\ssiniilation Zur Frage der sumerischcn und semitischen Ele-
Le calcul des volumes, 63. mente im altbabylonischen Rechte, 57.
Choix de textes religieux assyriens, 103. Schrader, Eberhard:
La chronologic rectifiee du regne de Hammou- Die .\bstammung der Chald.Hcr, 32.
rabi, 38. Die assyrisch-babylonischen Keilinschriften, 74.
Le culte de Gudea, 34. Der assyrische Krinigsname Salmanassar, 46.
De rexploitation des dattiers, 61. Assyrisches Syllabar, 71.
Documents relatifs a I'histoire de I'assyriologie, 12. Die Basis der Entzifferung. 74.
Esagil. 24. Cuneiform inscriptions and Old Testament, 115.
Fragments de syllabaires assyriens, 71. Die Gottin Istar als Malkatu, 104.
Hynine babylonien, 103. Die Hollenfahrt der Istar, 91.
Inscription de Naram-Sin, 35. 1st das .\kkadische der Keilinschriften eine
Inscriptions des derniers rois d'.Assyrie, 45. Sprache?. T!
La liberation judiciaire, 57. Die Keilinschriften und das -Mte Testament, 115.
Listes onomastiques, 52. Die Keilinschriften am Eingange der Quellgrotte
Naram Sin, 35. des Sebeneh-Su, 83.
: : :


Schradcr, Ebcrhard, continued Strassmaier, J. N.:
Keilinscliriften und Geschichtsforschung, 13. Alphabetisches Verzeichniss der assyrischen und
Kinelailati unil Asurbanipal, 41. akkadischen Worter, 71, 78.
Die Name der Meere in den assyrischen Inschrif- Die altbabylonischen Vertrage, 88.
ten. 71. Die babylonischen Inschriften, 84.
Die Sargonsstele, 45. Contract tablet, 88.
t'ber einen altoiientalischen Herrschernanien, 52. Einige chronologische Daten, 29.
Zu des Hi-n. Dr. Praetorius Bemerkinigen, 45. Einige kleinere babylonische Keilschrifttexte, 84.
Zur Frage nach der Aiissprache der Zischlaute, 71. Fiinf babylonische Vertrage, 88.
Zur Frage nach dem Ursprunge der altbabylo- Der Saros-Canon, 29.
nischen Cultur, 40. See also Epping, Joseph, and J. N. Strassmaier.
Zur Kritik der Inschriften Tiglath-Pileser's II., 83. Streber, Franz. Ueber die Mauern von Babylon, 16.
Schrank, Walther. Babylonische Siihnriten, 104.
Streck, Maximilian:
Schwartzkopff, Paul. Die Weiterbildung der Re-
Die alte Landschaft Babylonien, 20.
ligion. 115.
Bemerkungen zu den "Annals of kings of As-
Selby, \V. B. Memoir on ruins of Babylon, 16.
syria," 42.
Sellin, Ernst:
Das Gebiet der heutigen Landschaften Arme-
Der Ertrag der Ausgrabungen ini Orient, 115.
nien, 20.
Tell Ta'annek. 83.
Glossen zu O. \. Toffteen's Geographical list, 92.
Semitische Studien, 11.
Lexikalische Studien, 71.
Sennacherib, king of Assyria:
Die Bauinschriften, 45. Strong, S. A.:
Inschriften Sanherib's, 45. Four cuneiform texts, 84.
L'inscription de Bavian, 45. Hymn of Nebuchadnezzar, 104.
Inscriptions, 45. Letter to Assurbanipal, 93.
On five unpublished cylinders, 45. On some Babylonian and Assyrian alliterative
Sennacherib's letters, 45. texts, 84.

Shalmaneser II., king of Assyria:

On some cuneiform inscriptions, 41, 46.

Black obelisk, 46. On some oracles to Esarhaddon, 41, 42.

Inschriften, 46. Three cuneiform texts, 84.
Les inscriptions, 46. Stucken, Eduard:
Monolith inscription, 46. Astralmythen, 104.
Throne-inscription, 46. Beitrage zur orientalischen Mythologie, 104.
Shamash-shum-ukin, king of Babylonia. .'>amassumu-
kin inschriftliches Material, 40.
Shedd, E. C. Servant of Jehovah, 115.
Sibree, E. Note on Hittite inscription, 120.
Simpson, William. Tower of Babel, 115.
Sin-gasid, king of Erech. Sumerian inscriptions, 36. Taenzer, A. Judentum und Entwicklungslehre, 115.

Skinner, M. M. Termination \x, um in Assyrian Talbot, H. F.:

verbs, 71. Assyrian notes, 13.
Smith, Daniel: Assyrian texts translated, 84.
Cuneorum clavis, 71. Chaldean account of creation, 107.
True key to Assyrian history, 71. Commentary on deluge tablet, 107.
Contributions towards a glossary, 71.
Smith, George:
Defence of magistrate. 94.
Account of recent excavations, 18.
Fight between Bel and dragon, 104.
Assyria, 46.
Four new syllabaries, 74.
Assyrian discoveries, 18.
Fragment of ancient Assyrian mythology, 104.
Assyrian eponym canon, 29, 46.
Illustrations of Prophet Daniel from Assyrian writ-
Chaldean account of deluge, 107.
ings, 115.
Chaldean account of (Jenesis, 107.
Ishtar and Izdubar, 91.
Early history of Babylonia, 40.
Eleventh tablet of Izdubar legends, 107.
Legend of Ishtar, 91.
Note on religious belief of Assyrians, 104.
History of Assurbanipal, 41.
Notice of very ancient comet, 60.
History of Babylonia, 40.
History of Sennacherib, 46.
On ancient eclipse, 60.
On Assyrian weights, 63. On inscription of Khammurabi, 38.
Revised translation of descent of Ishtar, 91.
On fragments of an inscription, 29.
Revolt in Heaven, 104.
On new fragment of .\ssyrian canon, 46.
Tab!et in British Museum, relating to deluge, 107.
On some fragments of Chaldean account of crea-
Translation of some .Assyrian inscriptions, 74.
tion, 107.
Smith, S. A.: Tallqvist, K. L.
Assyrian letters, 93. Babylonische Schenkungsbriefe, 88.
Assyrian letters of time of Asurbanipal, 93. Neubabylonisches Namenbuch, 52.
Miscellaneous Assyrian texts, 84. Studien zu den Babylonischen Texten, 80.
Two unedited texts, 84. Sec also Meissner, Bruno, and K. L. Tallqvist.
Society of Biblical Archaeologry Tarbell, F. B. History of Greek art, 24.
Proceedings, 11. Tegner, Esaias. Ninives och Babylons kilskrifter, 84.
Transactions, 11.
Tell-el-.\marna tablets. [Various texts and transla-
Spcnce, Lewis. Myths & legends of Babylonia, 104. tions], 94.
Spencer, H. Assyrian art, 24.
Teloni. Bruto:
Staerk, Willy. Das assyri!5che Weltreich, 47. .\ppunti intorno all' iscrizione di Nabonid, 48.
Starck, E. von. Babylonien und Assyrien, 13. Crestomazia assira, 72.
Steinmetzer, Franz. Eine Schenkungsurkunde, 88. Lotteratura assira, 89.
Stevenson, J. H. Assyrian and Babylonian con- Pietre incise orientali, 26.
tracts, 88. La questione dei cherubini, 104.
: : :


Terrien tie Lacoiiperie, A. E. J. 3.: Thnrcau-Dangin, Francois, continued
Akkadian and Siimerian, 78. Le sumcrisme de M. Delitzsch, 78.
Bibliography, 11. Sur IfS prefixes du verbe sumerien, 78.
Black-lieads of Babylonia, 32. Sur (|uclques signes cuneiformes, 72.
Calendar plant, 61. Tablette de Saniarra, 84.
Fabulous fishnien, 33. Un texfe grammatical sumerien, 78.
From Chaldca and Elam to early China, 33. Thureau-Dangin, Frangois, and F. X. Kuglcr. Dis-
llyspaosines, SO. tances entre etoiles fixes, 60.
Old Babylonian characters, 72. Ticle, C. P.:
Origin from Babylonia and Elam of Chinese civili-
Die .Assyriologie, 13.
sation, 33. Babylonisch-assyrische Geschichte, 33.
Tree of life, 61. Bemerkungen iiber P.-sagila, 24.
Unknown king of Lagash, 36. La deesse Istar, 104.
Wheat carried from Mesopotamia to China, 61. Geschichte der Religion in Altertum, 104.
Thomas, J. E. Old Testament in light of religion Histoire comparee des anciennes religions de
of Babylonia, 115. I'figypte et des peuples semitiques, 104.
Thompson, R. C. Western Asia, 13.
Assyrian incantation against rheumatism, 109. Tiglathpileser L:
Assyrian prescriptions, 62. Die Inschriften, 47.
Craig's Astrological-astronomical texts. 58. Inscription, 47.
Devils and evil spirits of Babylonia, 109. Tiglathpileser III.:
Journey by some unmapped routes in western Hit- De inscriptione, 47.
tite country, 120. Inschriften, 47.
Late Babylonian letters, 96.
Inscription, 47.
Xew decipherment of Hittite hieroglyphs, 120. Die Keilschrifttexte, 47.
On some "Hittite" clay tablets, 120.
Toffteen, O. A.:
Reports of magicians and astrologers, 60, 109.
Geographical list, 92.
Robert Francis Harper's Assyrian letters, 92.
Notes on Assyrian geography, 20.
Semitic magic, 109.
Researches in Assyrian geography, 20.
Some notes on new Hittite inscription, 120.
Third tablet of series Ludlul bel nimeki, 104. Torczyner, H. Der Name Sanheribs, 46.
Til-Barsip, 84. Toscanne, Paul
Thureau-Dangin, Frangois: £tudes sur la langue sumerienne, 78.
Un acta de repudiation sur une tablette cappa- Les fonctionnaires bata, lupa et naru, 26.
docienne, 121. Notes sur quelques figurations d'animau.x, 61.
Asduni-erim, 36. Les signes svuiieriens derives (les gunu), 78.
Un cadastre chaldeen, 63. Textes divers babyloniens, 84.
Les chiffres fractionnaires, 60. Trampe, Ernst. Syrien vor dem Eindringen der
La comptabilite agricole, 88. Israeliten, 95.
Un contrat de Hana, 88. Truebner & Co. Catalogue of books on Egypt, 11.
Contrats archaiques, 88. Tseretheli, M. Sumerian and Georgian, 78.
La deesse Nisaba, 104. Tuch, J. C. F. Commentationes geographicae, 18.
Les deux plus anciennes inscriptions proto-cune- Tukulti Ninib II. Les annales, 47.
iformes, 84.
Tyler, Thomas. Nature of Hittite writing, 120.
La deuxieme dynastie du canon royal, 40.
Encore la dynastie d'Agade. 36. Tylor, E. B. Winged figures, 24.
La fin de la domination gutienne, 36. Tyrvvhilt, R. E. Ptolemy's chronology, 29.
La formule d'un traite, 36.
Fragment d'un poeme, 91.
L'n fragment de stele de victoire, 36.
Fragments de
syllabaires, 72.
incursion elamite, 36.
Une inscription de Kudur-mabuk, 37.
Ulmer, Friedrich. Hammurabi, 38.
Inscriptions diverses, 84.
Les inscriptions de Sumer, 80. Ungnad, Arthur:
Un jugement sous Ammi-ditana, 57. Altbabylonische Privaturkunden, 88.
Babylonian letters, 52, 96.
Lettres de I'epoque de la premiere dynastie baby-
Babylonisch-assyrische Grammatik, 72.
lonienne, 96.
L'u, le qa et la mine, 63.
Babylonische Briefe, 52, 96.
Me-silim, 37. Die Chronologie der Regierung Ammiditana's und
Musee du Louvre, departement des antiquites ori- Ammisaduga's, 30.
entales. Tablettes, 84.
Die Deutung der Zukunft, 60.

Note pour servir a la chronologic de la seconde

Ein Leberschau-Text, 109.
dynastie d'Our, 29. Der Name Sanherib's, 46.

Notes assyriologiques. 84. Neubabylonische Kontrakte, 89.

Notes pour servir a la chronologic de dynastie
Ein neuer Omentext. 109.
kassite, 29. RimSin und Samsuiluna, 36.
Notice sur troisieme collection Selected Babylonian business documents, 56, 89.
la de tablettes,
24, 84. Selected business documents, 89.
L^n nouveau roi d'Our, 37. Untersuchungen zu den im vii. Hefte der \'or-
L'ordre des signes dans S**, 72. derasiatischen Schriftdenknialer veroffentlichten
Recherches sur I'origine de I'ecriture cune- Urkunden, 57.
iforme, 72. Zur Syntax der Gesetze Hammurabis, 56.
Recueil de tablettes chaldeennes, 84. See also Kohler, Josef, and .\rthur Ungnad.
Rim-Sin, 36. Ungnad, .Arthur, and Hugo Gressmann. Das Gil-
Rois de Kis, 37. gamesch-Epos, 91.
La ruine de Shirpourla, 37. University of Chicago. — Oriental Exploration Fund:
Le songe de Goudea, 34. Babylonian Section. Expedition, 14.
: : : :


University of Pennsylvania: Ward, W. H., coittiinied
Habylonian expedition: Excavations at Nippur, 19. Unpublished or imperfectly published Hittite
Series A Cuneiform
: texts, 84. monuments, 120.
Series D: Researches and treatises, 14. Who was Hammurabi?, 38.
University of Pennsylvania. — Museum: Babylonian Warren, W. F.
Section. Publications, 11. Habylonian and pre-l!abylonian cosmology, 107.
Ur-Bau, patesi of Lagasli. L'inscription, 37. Babylonian universe, 107.
XJr-engur. Inscription, 37. W'aterman, Leroy:
Urquhart, John. Bearing of recent Oriental dis- Business documents, 89.
coveries on Old Testament history, 116. Some Kouyunjik letters, 96.
Watson, Sir C. M. Babylonian measures of length, 63.
Weber, Otto:
Damonenbeschworung, 110.
Die Literatur der Babylonier, 89.
Sanherib, 46.
Theologie und Assyriologie, 116.
Vanderburgh. F. A.:
Weidner, E. F.:
Babylonian Tammuz lamentations, 104.
Alter und Bedeutung der babylonischen Astro-
Business letter, 89.
nomic und Astrallehre, 60.
Hymn to Bel, 104.
Babylonische Messungen von Fixsterndistanzen, 60.
Sumerinn hymns, 104.
Beitrjige zur babylonischen Astronomic, 60.
Three Babylonian tablets, 89.
Die Entdeckung der Prazession, 60.
See also Prince, J. D., and F. A. Vanderburgh. Handbuch der babylonischen .\stronomie, 61.
Vigouroux, F. La Bible et les decouvertes mo- Studien zum Kalender der Hethiter, 30.
dernes en figypte et en Assyrie, 116. Zum Alter der babylonischen Astronomie, 61.
X'incent. (i. E. Laws of Hammurabi, 56.
Zur babylonischen Astronomie, 61.
\'irolleaud, Ch.
Weissbach, F. H.
L'astrologie chaldeenne, 60.
Babylonische Miscellen, 84.
De quelques textes divinatoires, 109. Die geographische Liste II R 50, 20.
Di-tilla, 84.
Das Grab des Cyrus, 50.
fttudes astrologiques, 60.
Die Keilinschriften der .\chameniden, 50.
Une formule chimique, 62.
Das Stadtbild von Babylon, 16.
Fragments astrologiques, 60.
Eine sumerisch-assyrische Beschworungsformel,
Invocation au Soleil createur. 105.
Liste des formes verbales contenues dans Sai, 72.
Die sumerische Frage, 78.
Nouveaux fragments inedits, 84.
Uber einige neuere Arbeiten zur babylonisch-per-
Ophioniancie babylonienne, 110.
sischen Chronologic, 30.
Presages assyriens relatifs aux evenements pub-
Zum babylonischen Kalender, 30.
Zur keilinschriftlichen ^Gewichtkunde, 63.
Presages tires des eclipses de soleil, 110.
Zur neubabylonischen und achamenidischen Chro-
Pronostics sur Tissue de diverses maladies, 62.
nologic, 30.
Sur le traite d'extispicine, 110.
Zur Serie Maklu, 110.
Table des formes verbales, 65.
Textes pour servir a I'histoire de la religion, 105. Wesson, Edward:
Assyrian solar eclipse, 61.
Textes relatifs au culte des divinites de Lagash,
Some lunar eclipses. 61.
White, G. E.:
Hittite capital Bogbaz-Keuy, 120.
Hittites near Marsovan, 120.
Visit to Hittite cities, 120.
w Wiedemann, A.
Sec Fischer, Heinrich, and A.

VV'agner, Hermann. Die Uberschiitzung der An- Wiener, H. M. Legislations of Israel and Baby-
bauflache Babyloniens, 20. lonia, 57.
Walker, D. A. Assyrian king, 41. Wilke, F. O. R. Jesaja und Assur, 116.
Walther. J. G. Prolusio historica qua Herodoti et Winckler, Hugo:
Ctesiae sententias, 33. -Abraham als Babylonier, 116.
Ward, W. H.: Der alte Orient und die Bibel, 116.
Altars and sacrifices, 25, 105. Altorientalische Geschichtsauffassung, 116.
.\sherah, 105. Ancient nearer Asia, 33.
Babylonian caduceus, 25. Auszug aus der vorderasiatischen Geschichte, 33.
Babylonian representation of solar disk, 26. Die babylonische Geistcskultur, 40.
Babylonian seals, 26. Die babylonische Kultur, 40.
Bel, 26. Die babylonische Weltschopfung, 107.
Cylinder and cons seals, 26. Cuneiform inscription, 84.
Hittite gods, 120. Einige neue Inschriftenfragmciite, 47.
New inscription of Ine-Sin, 27. Einige neuverriffentlichte Texte. 84.
Notes on Oriental antiquities, 25, 27. Die Euphratl.-inder und das Mittelmeer, 20.
On Babylonian-Assyrian cylinder seals, 27. Geschichte Babyloniens und .\ssyriens, 33.
On location of Sippara, 20. Geschichte der Stadt Babylon, 16.
On some Hittite seal cylinders, 120. Himniels- und Weltenbild der Babylonier, 107.
Report on Wolfe expedition to Babylonia, 14. History of Babylonia and .Assyria, 33.
Royal cylinder of Burnaburiash, 27. Inschriften von Kcinigen von Sunier und .\kkad, 37.
Seal cylinders of western Asia, 27. Die Istar von Ninive, 105.
Serpent tempter, 105. Nach Boghaskoi, 120.
Sir Henry Peck's Orientalcylinders, 27. Nebuchadnezzar's artificial reservoir, 25.
Some Hittite seals, 120. Noch einiges iiber die Chaldaer, 37.
Story of serpent and tree, 116. Plagiat?, 37.
: :


li'iucklcr. Hugo, contiiiiicd: Rudolf, continued


Die politische Entwickeluiig Babyloniens uiul As- Die Lage der .Stadt Erirlu, 37.
syriens, ,?3. L'ber babylonischassyrische Tafelschreibung, 72.
Sanuiilung von Keilschrifttexten, 84. Die Wicderentdcckung Nineves, IH.
Studien und Heitrage zur bahyloiiischassyrischen Zu(|a(iii)U, 62.
("icschichte, 33. Zeitlin, Maurice. Le style adniinistratif chez les
Tel-Amarna 125, 95. .\ssyriens, 96.
Ueber einige alt-babyloniscbe Inschriften, 84. Zeitschrift fiir Assyriologie, 11.
Die V'olker Vorderasiens, 33. 95. Zeitschrift fiir Keilschriftforschung, 11.
N'orarbeiten zu einer GesaninUbearbeitung der el-
Ziemer, Ernst. Kiinfzig Rcchts- und N'erwaltungsur-
Aiiiarna-Texte, 95. kunden, 89.
Die \\'eltanscliauung des alten Orients, 107.
Zimmern, Ileinricli
Witzel, Maurus:
Akkadische Fremdworter, 78.
Bemerkungen zu dcr Siegesinschrift Utuhegals, 37. Babylonian and Hebrew Genesis, 116.
Neiie rbersetzungsversuche sumerisch-babylo-
Babylonische Busspsalmen, 105.
ni.«cher Tanuiz-lieder, 105.
Der babylonische (!ott Tamuz, 105.
Untersuchungen iiber die sumerischen Verbal-
Babylonische Ilymnen und Gebete, 105.
Praforinative, "S.
Ein babylonisches Ritual, 51.
Untersuchungen iiber die Vcrbal-Priiformative im
Beitrage zur Kenntnis der babylonischen Religion,
Sumerischen, 7S.
Wohlfronun, E. R. M. Untersuchungen zur Syntax
Biblische und babylonische Urgeschichte, 116.
des Codex llamnuirabi's, 56.
Briefe aus dem Funde in el Amarna, 95.
Wright, C. F. Ilittites, 120.
Keilinschriften, und Bibel, 116.
Wright. William:
Die Keilschriftbriefe aus Jerusalem, 96.
Empire of Ilittites. 120.
Konig Tukulti be! nisi und die kuthaische Schop-
Observations on Assyrian verb basu, 72.
fungslegende, 91.
Wuensche, August. Salomes Thron, 105.
Neue Stiicke des Atrahasis-Mythus nachgewie-
sen. 107.
Sumerische«Kultlieder, 105.
Das Traumgesicht Gudea's, 34.
Ueber Rhythmus im Babylonischen, 72.
Das Verhaltnis des assyrischen Permansivs zum
Ylvisaker, S. C. Zur babylonischen und assyrischen semitischen Perfect, 96.
Grammatik, Ein vorlaufiges Wort iiber babylonische Metrik, 72.
Weiteres zur babylonischen Metrik, 72.
Zum Streit um die "Christusmythe," 116.
Zur assyrischen und vergleichenden semitischen
Lautlehre, 72.
Zur Frage nach dem Ursprunge des Purimfes-
Zehnpfund, Rudolf: tes. 116.
Babylonien in seinen wichtigsten Ruinenstiitten, 20. Sec also Jensen, Peter, and H. Zimmern.
Babylonische Weberrechnungen, 89. Zur Literatur iiber Babel, 11.

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