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Basic Trope: Cleavage taken Up to Eleven that exposes the entirely of the wearer's

cleavage and some/all of her stomach.

• Straight: The Black Magician Girl wears a Badass Long Robe that is open in the
front, showing off a long strip of skin.
• Exaggerated:
• Her robe hugs her body and shows every inch of skin in that area possible
without treading right into absolute exposure.
• Her cleavage is so massive her vagina is on full display.
• Downplayed: Her robe has a triangle of sheer fabric extending from her neckline
down past her cleavage.
• Justified:
• She is The Vamp, and uses her seductive wiles and attractive physique to
manipulate people into doing what she wants as well as her magic.
• The robe is part of the sacred uniform that her coven wears to perform their
• Inverted:
• Everything except her cleavage is visible.
• Underboobs or Sideboobs.
• Sexy Backless Outfit
• Subverted:
• The first time she shows up, it's in a Girl in a Box situation where she's
wearing very little. She turns out to actually wear a very modest outfit once
she joins the team.
• She wears the outfit despite being utterly flat-chested.
• She has a camisole on underneath.
• Double Subverted:
• However, after a power up, her new outfit exposes her cleavage
• She gets implants partway through the first season.
• A transparent camisole.
• Parodied: This outfit appears on a character who is not quite able to pull it off, for
some reason.
• Zig Zagged: Her costume varies; sometimes it's a Stripperiffic cleavage-fest,
other times it's more modest.
• Averted: Her costume covers her up entirely, or at least her entire torso.
• Enforced: "Let's tease our male fans a bit with her outfit, yeah?
• Lampshaded: "It's amazing to what new depths necklines in modern fashion can
• Invoked: She is Ms. Fanservice and designed her robes that way to draw attention
to her "greatest power" and distract opponents.
• Exploited: "We Need a Distraction. Show some cleavage!"
• Defied: She doesn't like people ogling her breasts and specifically designed her
robe to try and draw attention away from her chest.
• Discussed: "So we're getting a mage. I wonder if she's dressed like in the stories,
where her cleavage goes down to here."
• Conversed: "I'm sorry, but I don't think you can say your show is 'realistic' when
the heroine's neckline is below her belly button. That's just an accident waiting to
• Deconstructed:
• One wrong move causes her to slip up; while she corrects the error quickly,
her friends never stop joking about her, prompting Lise to change her
• People assume she "Really Gets Around" because of her fashion choices.
• Reconstructed:
• She decides to roll with the teasing of her friends, refusing to change her
• She 'accidentally' slips up from time to time in order to keep the men (and
some of the ladies) in thrall to her. It helps that she has the figure for it.
• She doesn't care whether everyone calls her a 'slut' or not; she's proud of her
body, she likes the clothes she wears and she's not about to let prudes
dictate her fashion choices.
• Played For Laughs: Her cleavage is used as a storage space for objects that are
far too large to otherwise fit there.
• Played For Drama: Her costume was chosen for her by someone else, and she
has to wear it if she doesn't wish to upset the creator, even though it causes people
to stare at, and judge her for it.

Stop staring at my breasts and get back to Absolute Cleavage.

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