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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope

(National Awareness Week for the Prevention

of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

PROJECT NAME LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope

GRADE 9 to GRADE 12 students
EST. START DATE February 6, 2023 February 8, 2023
TIME/DURATION Three (3) consecutive days

TARGET VENUE Maligaya National High School (MNHS) Gymnasium


CONTACT NO. +639984701441



Addressing the rising need for relevant and proper sexual education, and awareness of laws penalizing child sexual
abuse and exploitation in the Philippines, the INTRÉPIDE (Fearless) organization proposes a 3-day program for the
observance of the National Awareness Week for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation for the students of
Maligaya National High School. INTRÉPIDE aims to provide an immersive, informative, and eye-opening set of activities and
talks focused on the realities and environmental cause and effect of sexual abuse and exploitation in the country and how the
next generation can contribute to the ceasing of these detrimental crimes.

With these things in mind, the organizers came up with the program title: LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating
Hope. The organizers believe that by making a conducive and educational sex discussion by the guidance of renowned and
concerned set of speakers, we can spark awareness and new insight to the minds of the students to be catalysts for change,
potentially assisting victims of sexual abuse and exploitation who are terrified to speak up and fight for their once jeopardized
right to a safe and child-friendly society.

Today, the internet age opened new doors for child sexual abuse and exploitation. It's like darkness that gradually
creeps into the innocent and colorful minds of children, damaging and corrupting their well-being forever. INTRÉPIDE, through
this program, aspires to be a light that paves the way to a generation of informed, rational, and illuminated individuals that
stands for everybody's human right to a secure and safe space where dreams can freely foster and advance. Sparking
Awareness, Illuminating Hope.


According to the Republic Act 7877 or Anti-Sexual Harassment Act of 1995, the State shall value the dignity of every
individual, enhance the development of its human resources, guarantee full respect for human rights. Accordingly, sexual
harassment, which has been declared unlawful in the workplace, training and education environments, will not be tolerated as
it violates a person's dignity and human rights. On that note, every academic year, the Department of Education issues a
DepEd Order to ensure the proper observance of the National Awareness Week for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and
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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

Exploitation every 2nd week of February. As of writing, the Department of Education has not yet issued a particular DepEd
Order discussing the year 2023's theme. Hence, INTRÉPIDE prepared a detailed and comprehensive program proposal
anchored on the observance of the said DepEd order. The activities below were painstakingly and carefully studied and laid
out to produce the best outcome of attaining the goal of the celebration and the law that it represents.



Spoken Poetry Grade 9-12 students All Year Level
(2 representatives per year level)
Jingle Making Grade 9-10 students All Year Level
(Maximum of 15 students per Year
Poster Making Grade 9-12 students No Audience. The representatives will be put in
(1 representative per section) a separate area provided with all the necessary
Slogan Making Grade 9-12 students No Audience. The representatives will be put in
(1 representative per section) a separate area provided with all the necessary
Film Making Grade 9-12 students All Year Level
(2 teams no maximum number of
members per year level)

Estimated Target Participants of Students in General: 700


The celebration of National Awareness Week for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation aims to raise
awareness and educate the youth in relation to the RA 7877- Anti Sexual Harassment Act of 1995. Prevention is the most
effective tool against sexual harassment. Harassment does not go away by itself. If the situation is not addressed, the
harassment is more likely to develop and become more difficult to resolve over time. With this activity, the students will
exercise their talents and skills in different activities and learn about their rights as humans and the law that can protect them
from sexual abuse.

Seminar/Talk In the Anti Sexual Harassment Awareness seminar, the students will learn and apply the essential
skills of handling sexual harassment issues and complaints. With the help of guest speakers who
experience sexual abuse, lawyers, and other empowered people, the student will easily
understand the purpose and the aim of RA 7877-Anti Sexual Harassment Act of 1995.

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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

Spoken Poetry Through spoken poetry, students may practice critical thinking and empowering their voices.
Students can integrate their primary discourse into their secondary discourse using Spoken Word
Jingle Making This contest aims to encourage students to showcase their talent and skills in coming up with a
jingle that will help to raise awareness about the RA 7877-Anti Sexual Harassment Act of 1995.
Poster Making This activity will encourage the students to think outside the box. The on-the-spot poster-making
competition is a friendly competition among students. They will create a visual poster that reflects
their opinion, analysis, and reaction to the theme of Anti-Sexual Harassment Awareness. This
competition also pushes students to think and produce while under time constraints.
Slogan Making By participating or joining in a slogan contest, students will profit in various ways, including
improving their thinking abilities and increasing their self-confidence in writing. Students are
expected to enhance their penmanship and be creative in what they are going to write.
Film Making With this activity, the students will showcase their talent in scriptwriting, directing, acting, and
producing an educational film. This will also help them and the would-be viewers to understand the
importance of knowing the RA 7877 fully.


As the organization disseminate information concerning the awareness of the junior and senior high school students regarding
the anti-sexual harassment act at the National Awareness Week for the Prevention of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation, in
this section, the following are provided as the breakdown of the program mechanics from day 1 to 3 of the event.



SHS Master II/ Program Head


Program Adviser


Science Department Head


Speaker minister in CBN Asia Family Ministries of Asia.
Topic: Forgiveness and Faith In The Midst Of Tragedy
Public Attorney; Host of Asunto o Areglo; Award-winning host for PMPC Awards TV Best Public Service Program
Topic: The Infliction of the Law towards the Violator's Transgression Against the Anti-Sexual Harassment Law | The Sexual
Harassment Laws in the Philippines


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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

Filipina Actress; Singer; Starstruck First Season First Runner up in the Final 4; Awarded with the title of the "Philippine Pop
Topic: How it Haunts Me in My Sleep | Discern the Stinker


Filipina Singer; Television Host; Actress; Vlogger; Entrepreneur; Producer
Topic: Apprise Inspirational and Motivational Words in Overcoming Depression from Sexual Abuse and How God Ameliorate
the Torment



Light at the End of the Tunnel: Rekindling the Faith of the Victims of Sexual Abuse


Category Outstanding (40) Very Satisfactory Satisfactory (20) Needs Improvement

(30) (10)

Organization The sequencing of words The sequencing of The sequencing of The sequence of the
and phrases is logical, and the words and words is confusing, words and phrases is
the reader can easily phrases is somehow and the audience random. The
determine the idea. logical, and the may need to use audience can find no
audience can his/ her own evidence of
comprehend with knowledge to thoughtful ordering of
minimal effort. determine the idea ideas.
behind the poem.

Vocal Intonation and Highly effective and Effective and Moderately effective Not effective, more
Expression expressive intonation used expressive and expressive practice with
to reinforce change in intonation reinforces intonation used with intonation is strongly
mood, voice, setting, and/ or change in mood, room for recommended.
characterization. voice, setting, and/ improvement and
or characterization. practice.

Eye Contact Establishes eye contact Consistent use of Minimal eye contact Does not look at the
before, during and after the direct eye contact with the audience. audience during the
presentation. with the audience. presentation.

Dramatic Style of delivery reflects Style of delivery The poem is neither The poem is
Appropriateness internalization of the poem; reflects the overwhelmed nor overshadowed by
all gestures and movements precedence of the enhanced by the significant distracting
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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

feel essential to the poem's poem; the poem's style of delivery. gestures, facial
success. voice is well expressions,
conveyed. inflexions/ accents;
acting out of the

Overall Performance Captivating performance— Inspired Enjoyable recitation; Sufficient recitation;

whole equals "more than performance successfully delivers lacks meaningful
the sum of the parts" shows showed a grasp of poem. impact on students
mastery of recitation skills. recitation skills and
enhanced the
experience of the

Criteria for Judging


1.) Relevance to the Theme 40%

2.) Creativity 25%

3.) Coherence of form and structure (harmony of words, presentation) 20%

4.) Clarity of imagery and language 15%

TOTAL 100%


1.) Stage presence and presentation 40%

2.) Poise and spontaneity of recitation 25%

3.) Intonation, poetic expression and a clear insight into the poet's intention 20%

4.) Clarity of spoken words and diction 15%

TOTAL 100%

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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

Mechanics | Guidelines

1.) Contestants may pre-register by sending an email to the organization at on or before
January 27, 2023 with the following information:
● Name of Contestant
● Age
● Year Level and Section
● Contact Information.
2.) The spoken word poetry is open from grade 9 to 12 with only 2 participants per year level.
3.) Fifteen minutes before the respective time (10:00 AM), each participant is expected to be in the auditorium. There will
be a 10 minutes grace period.
4.) English will be the medium of the poem.
5.) On the day of the competition (February 7), the participant must provide three hard copies of the poem in an A4 bond
6.) The participant will be assessed with poetry writing and spoken word poetry phases.


Light at the End of the Tunnel: Rekindling the Faith of the Victims of Sexual Abuse

Rubrics | Criteria for Judging

Category Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement

(40) (30) (20) (10)

Melody Simple and very Simple and very Melody is fair but not Melody requires
catchy. Rhythm and catchy. Rhythm and catchy. Rhythm and improvements, not
melody range is melody range is melody could be appealing/ copied
appropriate and appropriate and improved. Lacks from another source.
appealing; is original appealing; originality.
and unique Demonstrates some

Presentation Excellent creativity, Some creativity, Little creativity. Lacks creativity. Not
very well thought most parts appeared Other parts seemed very thought out.
out. to have been to have been
thought out thought out

Lyrics Lyrics are extremely Lyrics are catchy Lyrics are somewhat Lyrics are not
catchy and made and made with catchy and simple, catchy, lack theme

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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

with very engaging partially engaging but the words are description, and are
words; describes the words; describes the not engaging, but complicated.
theme well and are theme and are they lack theme
simple. simple. description.

Volume Loud enough to be Loud enough to be Loud enough to be Volume is often too
heard by all the heard by all heard by all soft to be attended
audience throughout audience at least audience at least by all audience
the presentation. 90% of the time 80% of the time members.

Energetic Facial expressions Facial expressions Facial expressions Very little use of
and body language and body language and body language facial expression
generate strong sometimes generate are used to generate and body language.
interest and strong interest and enthusiasm about Did not generate
enthusiasm about enthusiasm about the theme to others much interest in the
the theme to others. the theme to others. but seemed theme.

Overall Effectiveness Remarkably Cohesive, all parts Somewhat cohesive, Lacks cohesion;
cohesive, all parts interrelate well. parts interrelate parts do not
interrelate very well. somewhat interrelate

Criteria for Judging

1.) Composition (catchy melody, lively music, rhythm, recall) 20%

2.) Relevance to the Theme 25%

3.) Lyric Content (originality, clarity of message, phrasing) 30%

4.) Creativity (use of structure, instruments, vocals) 15%

5.) Appeal/ Impact 10%

TOTAL 100%

Mechanics | Guidelines

1.) Contestants may register by sending an email to the organization at on or before January 27,
2023 with the following information:
● Team Name
● List of the entrants (Indicate the team's representative)

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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

● Age
● Year Levels and Section
● Contact Information of the Representative
2.) Walk-in registrants are also accepted in the office of the organization.
3.) The spoken word poetry is open from Grade 9 to 12 with only one group of 15 people per year level.
4.) Fifteen minutes before the respective time (11:00 AM), each participant is expected to be in the school gymnasium.
There will be a 10 minutes grace period.
5.) The lyrics of the jingle must be submitted on or before February 5, not later than 8:00 PM, by sending an email to the
organization at
6.) The jingle must be an original composition and must not have been used as an entry in any song competitions.
7.) Any musical instrument is allowed as an accompaniment at the composer's discretion.
8.) Be at least three (3) minutes but must not exceed four (4) minutes, including the intro and resolution.
9.) Not contain any indecent, rude, or offensive words
10.) Introduction and explanation of the song as part of the entry are not necessary.
11.) The lyrics could be written in either English, Filipino, or a combination of both.
12.) It will be performed and presented on February 8.
13.) The performers must wear complete school uniforms as they present.


Light at the End of the Tunnel: Rekindling the Faith of the Victims of Sexual Abuse

Rubrics | Criteria for Judging

Category Outstanding Very Satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement

(40) (30) (20) (10)

Required Elements All the required Most of the required Few of the required Missing most/ all of
elements are clearly elements are clearly elements are clearly the required
visible, organized visible, organized visible, organized elements.
and well placed. and well replaced. and well placed.
Maybe there are
missing elements.

Pictures/ Graphics Pictures and Most pictures and Few of the pictures The pictures and
Relevance graphics are clear graphics are clear and graphics are graphics are not
and relevant and relevant clear and relevant clear and relevant

Visual Clarity and The project has an The project has a The project needs The project needs
Appeal excellent design and nice design and improvement in significant

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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

layout. It is neat and layout. It is neat and design, layout or improvements in

easy to understand easy to understand neatness design, layout and
the content. neatness.

Graphics Originality Several of the One or two of the The graphics are Graphics lack
graphics used on graphics used on made by the student students' creativity.
the poster reflect an the poster reflects but are based on the
exceptional degree students' creativity in designs/ ideas of
of students' their creation. others
creativity in their

Graphics Clarity Graphics are all in Most graphics are all Graphics are all in Many graphics are
focus and the in focus and the focus and the not clear/ too small.
content easily content easily content easily
viewed and viewed and viewed and
identified from 6 ft identified from 6 ft identified from 4 ft
away. away. away.

Criteria for Judging

1.) Relevance to the Theme 50%

2.) Originality 25%

3.) Aesthetic Appeal 20%

4.) Poster’s Description 15%

TOTAL 100%

Mechanics | Guidelines

1.) Contestants may pre-register by sending an email to the organization at on or before January
27, 2023 with the following information:
● Name of Participant
● Age
● Year Level and Section
● Contact Information
2.) Walk-in registrants are also accepted in the office of the organization.
3.) It is open from Grade 9 to 12 with only one representative per section.
4.) The competition is on-the-spot.

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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

5.) On the day of the competition, the contestants will be given one and a half hour to finish their piece.
6.) Fifteen minutes before the respective time (1:00 PM), each participant is expected to be in the Junior High School
Building Room 201922. There will be a 10 minutes grace period.
7.) The organization will provide the cartolina, pencil and sharpener; however, additional needed materials should be
shouldered by the contestants.
8.) The artwork will be displayed on the bulletin board at the gymnasium three (3) hours after the contest.


Light at the End of the Tunnel: Rekindling The Faith of the Victims of Sexual Abuse

Rubrics | Criteria for Judging

Category Outstanding Very satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement

(40) (30) (20) (10)

Required Elements All the required Most of the required Few of the required Missing most/ all of
elements are clearly elements are clearly elements are clearly the required
visible, organized visible, organized visible, organized elements.
and well placed. and well replaced. and well placed.
Maybe there are
missing elements.

Visual Clarity and The project has an The project has a The project needs The project needs
Appeal excellent design and nice design and improvement in significant
layout. It is neat and layout. It is neat and design, layout or improvements in
easy to understand easy to understand neatness design, layout and
the content neatness.

Presentation Excellent creativity, Some creativity, Little creativity. Lacks creativity. Not
very well thought most parts appeared Other parts seemed very thought out
out. to have been to have been
thought out thought out

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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

Craftsmanship The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is The slogan is

exceptionally attractive in terms of acceptably attractive distracting and
attractive in terms of neatness. Good though it is a bit messy.
neatness. Well- construction and messy.
constructed and not very messy.

Originality Exceptional use of Good use of new Average use of new No use of new ideas
new ideas and ideas and originality ideas and originality and originality to
originality to create a to create slogan to create slogan create slogan

Mechanics | Guidelines

1.) Contestants may pre-register by sending an email to the organization at on or before
January 27, 2023 with the following information:
● Name of Participant
● Age
● Year Level and Section
● Contact Information
2.) Walk-in registrants are also accepted in the office of the organization.
3.) It is open from grade 9 to 12 with only one representative per section.
4.) The competition is on-the-spot.
5.) On the day of the competition, the contestants will be given an hour to finish their piece.
6.) Fifteen minutes before the respective time (2:00 PM), each participant is expected to be in the Senior High School
Building Room 201866. There will be a 10 minutes grace period.
7.) The organization will provide the cartolina, pencil and sharpener; however, additional needed materials should be
shouldered by the contestants.
8.) The artwork will be displayed in the bulletin board at the gymnasium three (3) hours after the contest.


Light at the End of the Tunnel: Rekindling the Faith of the Victims of Sexual Abuse


Category Outstanding Very satisfactory Satisfactory Needs Improvement

(40) (30) (20) (10)

Duration at limit above/ below the limit

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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

10-15 minutes

Sound quality and Clear; no/ little Clear; no/ little Clear; no or little Difficult/ impossible
Design distortion of sound; distortion of sound; distortion of sound; to hear/ understand;
easy to understand, easy to understand, easy to understand, use of sound may be
adequate pace, adequate pace and adequate pace and limited and
appropriate balance appropriate balance appropriate balance ineffective
is achieved between is achieved between is achieved between
music/ sound at all music/ sound and music/ sound and
times. voice at all times voice at all times
with considerable with some success

Editing Clip transition Clip transition Clips transition with Clip transition with
smoothly, effectively smoothly, effectively some effectiveness limited effectiveness/
and appropriately and appropriately throughout the jump around with no
throughout the video over most of the video. logical coherence

Camera Work/ Camera work is Camera work is Camera work is Camera work is
Cinematography done with high consistent, no somewhat sloppy, shakes,
effectiveness, is unintentional shake, consistent; framing inappropriate for a
consistent and framing is thoughtful is inconsistent, film
enhances the and impactful, movement is
theme/ mood of the movement is soft unintentional

Acting Acting is genuine, Acting is genuine, Acting is genuine, Acting is not

authentic, plausible authentic, plausible authentic, plausible genuine, plausible
consistently and most of the time very sporadically almost never
verisimilitude for the

Editing Choices All video clips and Most video clips and Some video clips Video clips and
images have been images have been and images have images have been
effectively edited to effectively edited to been edited, which poorly edited and do
improve the impact improve the impact has improved the not enhance the
of the film. of the film impact of the film to impact of the film
a limited degree

Lighting Director has made Subjects are lit Subjects are Subjects are not
excellent lighting adequately with properly lit appropriately lit.
decisions. considerable occasionally; the Faces are blown out,

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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

success; work has camera is not the camera is

been done to keep supported by a light frequently facing the
the lighting source, an attempt light source, no
consistent and has been made to attempt made to fix/
appropriate for the fix/ alter lighting alter lighting
film problems problems

Graphics Credits and graphics Credits are designed Credits are created Credits for producer
are created with a with considerable with some and music not
high degree of effectiveness and proficiency included
effectiveness include music and

Criteria for Judging

1.) Relevance to the Theme 40%

2.) Creativity and Originality 30%

3.) Pacing and Structure 20%

4.) Entertainment Value 10%


1.) Students who are 17 years old and below must have his/ her guardian sign a consent form of consent to join the
2.) Intrépide reserves the right to disqualify any team that fails to comply with the competition rules and film guidelines.
3.) This is open from grade 9 to 12 with only two teams per year, with no maximum participants.
4.) By signing the Registration Form, the entrants agree to abide by the rules of the competition and the film guidelines
and the judges' decision.
5.) The final copy of the film entry must be submitted no later than February 4, no later than 8:00 PM

Mechanics | Guidelines

1.) Contestants must register by sending an email to the organization at on or before January 04,
2023. Registration forms can be downloaded from the Intrépide's Official Website. Fill up the form with the following
● Team Name
● List of the entrants along with their respective roles (director, scriptwriter, videographer, editor, and others)
● Age

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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

● Year Levels and Sections

● Contact Information of the respective Director and Scriptwriter of the team
● Consent form of participants aged below 17 years
2.) Video resolution should be at least 720p (1280x720), 25fps frame rate.
3.) Entries should be original. In accordance with copyright laws, music used in an entry must be original, licensed, or in
the public domain (ask permission from the composer).
4.) The final copy of the script must be submitted no later than January 10, no later than 8:00 PM at the Intrépide's email
5.) Upon the registration, the team may begin working with the process of scriptwriting.
6.) All creative endeavors including but not limited to: scriptwriting, directing, shooting, editing, and musical scoring,
should be done by the team members. If creative endeavors of the film are done by somebody not part of the
registered team member, the entry will be immediately disqualified from the competition..
7.) All films received on the abovementioned deadline will be part of the competition. Teams who fail to submit their films
on the said deadline will be disqualified to join the competition, but their films will still be included in the public
8.) Any type of video camera or DSLR camera capable of filming may be used. Animation and computer graphics are
also permitted.
9.) Films need not be in English
10.) The film must at least be ten minutes long but not longer than fifteen minutes in duration, including opening and
closing credits.
11.) The film must be submitted on a DVD and play using standard film/video programs such as Windows Media Player
and VLC Player.
12.) The face of the DVD should bear the title of the film and the name of the team.
13.) The films must not be viewed publicly until February 7, 2023, 3:00 PM in the school gymnasium.



Program Head
Program Adviser.
MAPEH Department Head/Head of the Awarding
SHS Master Teacher I
English Department Head
Math Department Head
AP Department Head
TLE Department Head
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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)


Host/Writer/Reporter GMA Channel 7
Topic: Sexual Harassment Awareness Advocacies


Date: February 6, 2023
Venue: School Gymnasium

8:00 – 9:00 Registration of Participants

9:00 – 10:00 Invocation Ministry for Youth Affairs
Opening Remarks Mr. Prozac B. Aquino
SHS Master Teacher II/Program Head

Inspirational Message Ms. Michelle Nepomuceno

Program Adviser

Event Briefer Ms. Patricia Joyce M. Amarga

SHS Master Teacher I

10:00 – 11:00 Speaker 1 Mrs. Joy Tan-Chi Mendoza

Speaker Minister
CBN Asia
Open Forum (15 minutes)

Morning Snacks

11:00 – 12:00 Speaker 2 Atty. Percida Acosta

Public Attorney and Host
Asunto o Areglo
Open Forum (15 minutes)

12:00 – 1:00 Intermission Number JHS’ Theater Guild

Lunch Time

1:00 – 2:00 Speaker 3 Ms. Yasmien Kurdi-Soldevilla

Filipina Actress and Singer
GMA Channel 7
Open Forum (15 minutes)

2:00 – 3:00 Speaker 4 Mrs. Toni Gonzaga-Soriano

Actress/TV Host/Vlogger
ABS-CBN Channel 2
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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

Open Forum (15 minutes)

3:00 – 4:00 Intermission Number SHS’ Student Council

Closing Remarks Mr. Prozac B. Aquino

Date: February 7, 2023
Venue: Each activity has its own venue

9:00 – 10:00 Program Activities' Orientation All Year Level

School Gymnasium
Guided by Mr. Prozac Aquino

10:00 – 11:00 Spoken Poetry Contest Proper 2 Representative/Year Level

School Auditorium
Guided by Ms. Patricia Joyce Amarga

11:00 – 12:00 Jingle Making Contest Maximum of 15 students/Year Level

School Gymnasium
Guided by Ms. Jan Kylla Antonio

12:00 – 1:00 Lunch Time

1:00 – 2:00 Poster Making Contest 1 Representative Per Section

Junior High School Building
Guided by Mr. Ernan Babia

2:00 – 3:00 Slogan Making Contest 1 Representative Per Section

Senior High School Building
Guided by Ms. Meightrix Advincula

3:00 – 4:00 Film Showing 2 Teams/Year Level

School Gymnasium
Guided by Ms. Zhyla Cortez

Date: February 8, 2023
Venue: School Gymnasium
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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

9:00 – 10:00 Opening Remarks Mrs. Kara David

GMA Channel 7

Awarding Ceremonies Ms. Laynie Balaguer

MAPEH Head Department/
Head of the Awardings

10:00 – 11:00 Spoken Poetry Awarding Ms. Patricia Joyce Amarga

Top 5 Placers SHS Master Teacher I

11:00 – 12:00 Lunch Time

12:00 – 1:00 Jingle Making Awarding Ms. Jan Kylla Antonio

Top 5 Placers Math Department Head

1:00 – 2:00 Poster Making Awarding Mr. Ernan Babia

Top 3 Placers TLE Department Head

2:00 – 3:00 Slogan Making Awarding Ms. Meightrix Advincula

Top 3 Placers English Department Head

3:00 – 4:00 Film Making Awarding Ms. Zhyla Cortez

Top 7 Best Short Films AP Department Head

Intermission Number Students and Teachers

Closing Remarks Mr. Prozac Aquino

SHS Master Teacher II

Ms. Michelle Nepomuceno

Program Adviser

Mr. Leojay Balani


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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)


The key people in supervising the different events and competitions during the "LIGHT: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating
Hope" event are as follows:

Name/Position Information and Tasks

Mr. Prozac Aquino, SHS Master Teacher II Supervision, Seminar and Talks
Ms. Patricia Joyce Amarga, SHS Master Teacher I Supervision, Spoken Poetry
Ms. Jan Kylla Antonio, Math Department Head Supervision, Jingle Competition
Mr. Ernan Babia, TLE Department Head Supervision, Poster Making
Ms. Meightrix Advincula, English Department Head Supervision, Slogan Making
Ms. Zhyla Jerra Mae Anne Cortez, AP Department Head Supervision, Film Showing
Ms. Laynie Balaguer, MAPEH Department Head Supervision, Awarding
Mr. Leojay Balani, Science Department Head Supervision, Technical


For the 3-day event, these are the equipment needed:

 Stage Design and Setup

 Sound System (microphones and speakers)
 Chairs and Tables
 Laptop and Projector
 Projection Screen (white cloth)
 Electrical Outlet/Extension cords


Event Budget Worksheet

Expected Attendees: 700
EXPENSES: (in Philippine Peso)


•Audio Visual (microphones, 25,000 20,000
speakers, projector, electrical outlet,
• Speaker Fees 70,000 50,000
• Tech Teams 10,000 8,000
• Table & Chair Rentals 5,000 5,000
• Clean-Up fees 2,000 2,000

REFRESHMENT Estimated Actual

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LIGHTS: Sparking Awareness, Illuminating Hope
(National Awareness Week for the Prevention
of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation)

• Food 8,000 7,981

• Drinks 4,000 3,654

Publicity Estimated Actual

• Bond paper 300 266
• Banner Paper 250 239
• Water Color 400 357
• Crayons/ pastel color 300 249
• Xerox/ Print Paper 500 468
• Other Supplies (Markers, Pencils, 400 450
Pens, Empty DVD)

Pre-Event Planning Estimated Actual

• Ticket 500 444
• Flyers/Banners/Sign 1,500 1,386
• T-Shirt 3,000 3,000
• Prizes/Souvenirs 3,000 2,895
•Awards (Certificate,Trophies) 2,500 2,399
• Decorations (Balloons, Paper 2,500 2,435

Total Cost 139,150 111, 223

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