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Nir aes ae Co nee Ua Lar 1, Which numbers a multiple of 7? (a) 65 © 8 &) 56 @) 50 2. What is 0.00245 in standard form ? (A) 245x102 (C) 0245 x10" @) 25x10? (D) 245 «10° ‘The LCM of the numbers 12 and 27 andthe LCF of the numbers 24 and 64 have a highest common factor of we Bs (©)-108. (D) 216 3299 correct to 2 significant figures is w3 (©) 3200 @2 (©) 3300 (0.05)*= (A) D025 (© 025 (@) ors D) 25 axa" wt o9 @ 2 o 7 ‘What is the next prime aumber after 47 ? (ay 9 © 57 B) 53 _ Oe If 25x35=875, then 25x035= (a) BTS (©) 0875 @) 875 (D) 0.0875 6.25010" = (A) 0.000675 (©) 067s (B) 0.00675 (D) 6750 “4 (03)'= @) 081 © o012 @ on (©) 0.0081, ‘What isthe product ofthe HICF and the LOM of 12, 18,307 (a) 1080 (©) 108 @) 180 Os L1+001= 10 om @).100. 10 By the distributive law 4934-4917 = (A) 66x52 (©) 5266 @) 49+20 (D) 20x49 Expressed in Standard Form 184.26 = (a) 18426 « 108 (©), 0.18426 107 {) 1an6= 10 (D) 18426 x10" Inthe bese ten number 4325 , how many times greater than the value represented by the digit isthe value represented by the digit 4 (a) 4000 (©) 400 (B) 2000 (@) 200 How many prime numbers are thee between 40 and 60°? (a) 10 os @s6 3 Tn which one ofthe following numbers does the digit 2 represent hundredths” (A) 4280.6 (©) 47.62 B) 58672 (@) 17248 ce raya: 18. What is 23. 6987 to two significant figures ? am © 23.6 @ 37 0) 2 19, If 2,0028 is approximated to 2,003, the approximation is correct 10 (A) 2 significant figures. (C)3 decimal places (B) 3 significant figures (D) 4 decimal paces no, (eeP = ws Ow B) 10 (D) 100 ee mF 2 9 Wy OR 9 é OR OF ag a 1 9 O35 © 25 5 1 Or O25 23, Which ofthe following is a composite umber ? 124 ol st 4) I only (© Wand tt only @) only (©) Land only L Write as a single fraction, 5-545 is 24, Writ le faction, 5-4 1 s > OR 5 1 os OF 125. Whats the difference between the value of the (git in 3468 and the value ofthe digit | in 2177 3 (©) 390 (B) 30 () 451 26. 2 (a) 24 9 18 M6 27, The reciprocal of 0.05 is (a) 0.0025. © 20 (B) 095 (by 50 28, The value ofthe digit3 in 2304, when converted to base 10 is (a) 30 (© 300 ) 15 () 375 29, What isthe multiplicative inverse of %4 ? et Oo. @ 0 O4 30, Which one ofthe following factions is the largest? we oF os me 31. 32*002= (a) 64 © 064 @) 0064 @) 0.0064 32, 360. (a) 1200 © 120 ® 12 0) 12 33. 35+72+0015= (a) 10715 (© 122 (B) 75515 on 34, 31-0.19= (@) 291 © 2 21 (0) 3081 35> Whatis'5:704 expressed to two decimal places? (a) 5.70 (© 57 B) 5.704 osm 36. What is 3 927 expressed to the nearest hundred? (a) 3900, (© 3920 (B) 3930 (D) 3800 37, Whats the LCM, of 12 and 18 ? a) 72 © 36 ®@s os 38. a 2 wi og a 3 es 5 39. Which isthe smallest value? B 5 (a) el Oo oO; 6 2 @? OF 40, 41 2. a, 44, 45, Which ofthe following is the same as 1.25? 3 3 (a) ry © a 5 3 8) ' @) g 3\_ wai 22) 6 5 (a) 0 © 7 oi ms Whatis the HCE. of 6, 12 and 187 «3 Os @) 12 @) 18 The sactin 2 nn ite ihe cnn 2s ese 21 9 we OF 2 3 @ oz Which number is both a factor and a multiple of 12? 2 @ 2 6 (0) 4 Any number which is divisible by both 3 and $ mst (A) bea factor of fifteen. (C) end with five. (B) bean odé number (D) bea multiple of fifteen 446. Hlow many prime numbers are there between Vand 18? wT Os @s oe (47, What is the smallest number that can be ‘added to 25 to make a prime mumber ? w2 ©4 @ 6 O12 {48. Which statement below is incorrect ? WESC A OCMC @) (8)-64) @ (8) +4 149, Which number is wettn in standard form? wimg 10 {B) 0.5% 10° (D) 1510" am 0 2 ay wm 0 (os (B) $000 (D) 5500 451, Which statement is eorret? (a) 43-3 533 @ -7>-11 M4<5 52, Which number is prime? 9 ©8 @ 75 on 83. 4 55. 56. 37 58. me wt oy 2 ms ‘What is the square root of (17? — 15°)? ws © 4 © Ina certain housing scheme the lots in one ‘ection are numbered from 153 10 317 How many houses ar in that section ? (a) 164 © 165 B) 235 (0) 236 “The sum of three consecutive integers is 33 ‘Which is the largest umber ? ws @2 ou ©) 0 se OB o-k @ -15 oe (0375 has the same value as 3 OS 3 ®s OF 39, 60, 61 © 6, 64, 65 Jimmowed 5 of lawn, Sardh mowed 5 3 of the lawn . What faction ofthe lawn remained to be mowed ? 8 2 ws OF i 4 @s 5 ‘What i the value of (0.101)? (4) 0001 111 (©) 0.010201 (®) 0.101.101 (0).0.102.01 ‘What isthe greatest common divisor of the set ofmumbers, {54,72,90}? as (© 18 B) 1080 (0) 90 970 is approximately (A) 3.110" @) 9810 (© 31%10 D) 98x10 199.4 « 0.05 is approximately (a) 10 © 100 ®) 10. ©) 01 ‘Which ofthe following is a prime number ? a3 Oa ® 39 (0) 35 ‘The value ofthe 2 inthe number 452.3 is (A) 2 tenths (B) 2tens (©) 2 ones (D) 2 hundreds 6. The base ten equivalent of 101 Tenis (a2 Os @) 101 Ou 67. The base two equivalent of 19 base tn is? (a) 11001 © 10011 ®) 10 ©) 01101 al 4 95 © 95 4 16 @ oF © 9F 0, Haste ey «© 3* @ @ * 70. The place value ofthe 2 in the number 3245418 (A) seventy two (©) thirty six () onehndred (©) two hundred 1. (a) -10 ©3 @7 ©) 0 Ce 2. n m4, 15 16. n. 8. 0.007 written as a common fraction is 1 a we OD 1 1 On © iw ‘When 120, 134 , 162 are divided by a certain ‘number the remainder is always 1. What is the number? (ay-13 ome ®u ©) § ‘The LCM. of 15,9 and 3 is (war © 135 (@B) 45 O15 0,008 «2.5 in standard form is (a) 2«107 (© 2x10" ® 210 D) 210 08«003= (a) 002s (©) 0240 @) 208 © 280 Given that 1800513 =73400, then 1799x13= (a) 23.400-1 (B) 23400-1799 (©) 2340-13 (D) 23400-1800 ‘Which ofthe following is a composite number? 3 ou ® oO» p. 0 31 2 8 (0.675 writen as a common fraction is n 3 OD OF 2 5 OF oF “The mumber 3.14159 , correet to 3 decimal places, is (a) 312 © 3141 @) 315 () 3.140 -5-(8)= w -15 Ons j @4 ©) 18 | 3.33+0.003= | (a) 110 © 1100 | ® m ©) 10 j iaoamtr wen ae ges?” 2 2 ws © 5 @® 5 o F 35x 150 is the same as (A) 00%50)+(100%35) (B)_G5x50)+G5%100) (©) G5+50)x100 (©) @5x100)+50 a 85 86, 81, 88 89, 90, (1 tose 1 W 5 © 1 1 ® -3 @ -5 What isthe vale ofthe digit 4in the number 204005 7 4 © 40 (8) 400 (D) 4000. 8732" (a) 8:732%10 (©) 8732x10° @ s7210° ©) 8732%10° 7 1 expressed asa decimal is zor (a) 8.75 (B) 0875 (©) 0.0875, (D) 0.00875 10946 to four significant figures is re Vitesse tin, 2! w 3 OF @ 2 mt 91 92 93, 93. 00289 = (a) 0.0017 (Q 017 ®) 0017 ©) 0.00017 @F C= ) 6s © 33 8 31 twostird ofa amber is $6, what is ‘ree-quarters ofthe number? we Os @ 2 © 6 ‘What isthe next prime number inthe sequence 2,3,5,7, wes © 9 ®u ©) 13 ‘What isthe difference between the largest and and the smallest ofthe following numbers ? 39 u On OF 3 9 @ F OF 675x107 = (a) 6750 (©) 0.695 (B) 0.00675 (D) 0.000675 oo ees 97. TheEXACT value of 242+08 jg 1000 (a) 0.0207 (©) 0207 (@) 20.700 (D) 2070 98, 17,962.03 correct to two significant figures equals (A) 36.10 © 36 @) 360 036 99. Using the distributive law 43x15 443% (a) 48458 (© 48x58 ® 43420 (©) 43x20 100, Given that 3.4%0.73 =2.482,, then 0.34%730 is (a) 2482, (© 2482 B 2482 (D) 2482 End_of Test

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