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Department of Biomedical Engineering and
Department of Physical Therapy, Marquette University, Milwaukee, WI;
Keywords: human, spinal cord injury, rehabilitation, sensory processing.

Stretch and load TD   de  sensory

related Fatigue   des  matériaux  
information #1  
active, 10   passive) wereA.  imposed
Benoit   under three
  has been shown to be important for loading conditions to elucidate phase specific
Exercice   1     the timing and magnitude of lower
modulating effects of ankle loading: load during hip
Calculer  le  rapport  de  charge  R  de  ces  différents  chargements  
extremity muscle activity during walking in extension (EXT), :   load during hip flexion
animal models of spinal
a.  Chargement   cord injury (SCI).
alterné     Itb.  isChargement  
and no loading (NL). Peak hip torque
not well known if augmented sensory and root mean square (RMS) EMG of the
information can improve leg strength and rectus femoris (RF), gluteus maximus (Gmax),
coordination in humans post SCI. and medial hamstrings (MH) were analyzed in
flexion and extension.
The aim of this study was to examine the
affect of ankle loading on hip muscle activity A significant difference (repeated measures
during bilateral hip oscillations. We proposed ANOVA, P < 0.05) in peak hip torque was
that, for SCI, load application would result in observed for the SCI group only, with means
increased hip torque and electromyography for EXT and FLX greater than for the NL
(EMG) as compared to no load.                            
condition (Figure 1). Analysis of individual
  contrasts between conditions showed that peak
c.   Tension  of
Influence alternée  avec  joints
additional σa  =  4and
9  MPa   et  σ1  =  2000  
sensory hip kPa  
torque and RF and Gmax EMG were
systems (e.g. vestibular) were minimized by significantly different for only FLX vs. NL
positioning the subject recumbent and while MH EMG was significantly different for
localizing movement to the hip and ankle both EXT vs. NL and FLX vs. NL.
joints. Hip oscillations and ankle load were
applied via a custom lower limb robot These findings suggest that ankle loading may
consisting of bilateral servomotor drive be necessary to achieve optimal hip muscle
systems (Kollmorgen, Northhampton, MA) activation during gait training in SCI,
and pneumatic rotary  actuators (Kuroda, particularly during body-weight supported
  Kanagawa, Japan), respectively. Thirty training.
d.   Dans  quelle  
consecutive hipcondition  
oscillations obtient-­‐on  
(10 passive, un  r10 apport  de  charge  nul?  
e.   Identifier  
Figure 1. Hip lposition,
es  cycles  
torque,de  cand
hargement   représentatifs  
EMG data for the last 5 passivesur  
andle   graphique  
first suivant  
5 active cycles :   SCI
from one
  subject. For SCI, torque and EMG were greater for both loading conditions as compared to no loading.

Position,   moment  eThis
Acknowledgements: t  EMG  
workdise  supported
la  hanche  
by the pour  
es  5  derniers  
Trust and cthe
GAANN passifs   et  5  d
fellowship erniers  cycles  

actif  pour  un  sujet  souffrant  d'une  lésion  de  la  moelle  épinière.  

Inspiré  de  Heitz  et  coll.,  IEEE  on  Rehabilitation  Robotics  :  [proceedings]  ·∙  June  2011  

Exercice  2  
Voici  la  courbe  de  Wöhler  d'un  acier  austénitique:  

Figure 5.4. Statistical
Combien   de  cycles  dtreatment
e  fatigue  dof fatigue tests
'amplitude   1900  on austenitic
MPa   steel samples
peut  supporter   –
une  éprouvette?  
Dans   curvesde  
quel  domaine   atcontrainte  
2.5% andd97.5% oit-­‐on  sfor the different
olliciter   methods
une  éprouvette  d'acier  
austénitique  pour  qu'elle  supporte  300  cycles  de  chargement?  

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