Portfolio Guidelines and Requirements 12-14

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All students are required to complete an electronic portfolio of their graduate work to program
faculty during their last semester of coursework. This copy will NOT be returned to the student
and will remain on‐file with the department as evidence of compliance to ASHA program
standards. Students must turn in their portfolio in a binder.

Portfolio material should include a synthesis paper that summarizes the student’s learning
experience and future goals, a letter of application, a resume, examples of clinical testing,
evaluation and progress reports, student presentation handouts, a major paper, evidence of
student research and other examples of original student work.


 Internal:
Portfolios should be divided into tabbed and labeled sections that are prefaced by a table of
contents with page numbers. Additionally, each section should contain an itemized
summary/cover page that lists the comprehensive contents of each section in the order in
which they are presented (e.g., Letter of Application, November, 2011; Resume, October,
2011; etc.). Each item within a section should then be prefaced by a page which identifies
the document to follow (a ‘title” page of sorts). Contents should be paginated.

Specific Contents:

1) Synthesis Paper:
This paper should summarize your learning experience, the impact your education has
made/will make, your present strengths and weaknesses, and future goals for employment
and/or educational endeavors. It should be typed with 12 font using 1‐inch margins,
be double‐spaced, and be 3‐5 pages.

2) Letter of Application and Resume:
Write a letter of application for a position in speech‐language pathology that is of interest
to you. Compose a resume summarizing your employment goals, credentials, education,
experience, presentations, organizations, professional/community activities, and
awards/honors. Your letter should not exceed 1 page and your resume should not
exceed 2 pages. These should be typed with 10‐12 inch font in the body using
margins of no less than 1 inch.

3) Professional Credentials:
Compile necessary documentation to support your resume. This should include your
completed ASHA application and an appropriate state licensure form.

4) Clinical Experiences:
Write a 2‐page double spaced summary which clearly states your clinical strengths,
weaknesses, and plans for future development in your areas of personal need or interest.
In addition, this section must provide an index of relevant work completed with an
ENMU faculty/staff supervisor. This index should state the initials of the client, the
date of the report, the site of the report, the area treated, and the name of the
supervisor. The index must address each of the following areas:

 Child evaluation report

 Adult evaluation report
 Child lesson plan/plan of care
 Adult lesson plan/plan of care
 Child long term goals and short term objectives
 Adult long term goals and short term objectives
 Child SOAP/session note
 Adult SOAP/session report
 Child report of 9 weeks/term/semester progress
 Adult report of 9 weeks/term/semester progress

This section must further contain at least one original example of a clinical work product
you created from each of the following work sites (cannot be a duplicate document used
 University
 Head Start/preschool
 Public school (K‐12)
 Medical site
 Other site (private practice, nursing home, early intervention FIT, adult DD,
stuttering camp, etc.).

Documentation should reflect a variety of speech‐language impairments and must
minimally reflect 3 (e.g., articulation, language, voice, fluency).

5) Major Graduate Research Project/Special Project:
A) This section should begin with a bulleted/listed summary that synthesizes the
following information:
 Title of study
 Advisor(s)
 Purpose of the study
 Methodology including research design, subject(s), setting, materials, evaluation
procedure(s), and statistical analysis methods
 Results of the study (must include chart/table exemplifying results)
 Discussion and/or clinical implications
B) Completed “publication‐ready” paper including
 Formal abstract (100‐120 words unless specified otherwise by the publisher)
 Body of paper with introduction, literature review, methodology, results,
interpretation/discussion, references, and appendices.
C) Presentation Artifacts
 PowerPoint slides
 Poster
 Brochure and/or webpage
 Other handouts
D) Other Project Artifacts required
 Human subjects proposal and acceptance letter(s)
 Evidence of conference presentation
 CEU Project
E) A 3‐page learning experience paper specifying what you have learned
regarding professional research, problems in conducting the study, strengths and
weaknesses of your research, what you might have done differently next time, and
additional supports needed.

*Students completing a thesis will, of course, substitute their thesis and appropriate artifacts in
lieu of the publication‐ready paper above.

6) Other Research:
Include evidence of other student research such as participation in faculty sponsored
research, study done with practicum supervisors, single subject designs done as a part of
therapy, survey projects, meta‐analysis of professional writings, therapeutic and other
program reviews, research papers, article reviews/abstracts, etc. At least 3 items should
be submitted.

7) Other Professional Projects:
This section should provide other examples of original student work. Items to be
considered for this section should NOT include your special project or more formalized,
data‐driven research, but rather should include other projects such as student‐created
checklists, therapy games, resource guides, staff/parent handouts, topic notebooks, or
other clinical/educational tools such as original student created case histories or progress
tracking/ reporting forms. Lengthy or bulky projects (e.g., topic notebooks) that do not fit
readily into the portfolio should be summarized rather than directly inserted. Compiled
projects should be careful to include references. At least 5 items should be submitted.

8) Professional Writing:
This section should include examples that display your proficiency with writing
professional letters to colleagues, clients/parents, supervisors, administrators, etc.
Persuasive letters such as scholarship requests, grant proposals, funding application
letters, or submissions for professional offices (e.g., ASHA delegate, student officers, etc,)
are also of interest. At least 5 items should be submitted.

9) Presentation Activities:
Provide evidence of formal presentation activities. Items to be considered include national,
state, regional, local, or class presentations completed by the student. The following
criteria must be met for each item submitted:
 Title of presentation
 Audience
 Setting (Date/time/location)
 Length of presentation
 Number of attendees
 Purpose/Learner objectives
 Handouts
 Convention program/presentation schedule if applicable

At least 5 items should be submitted for this section. 1 item may consist of a web‐
based presentation venue (e.g., webpage).

10)Continuing Education:
The student must provide evidence of attendance at 6 continuing education events
completed during their graduate matriculation period. Include certificates if given.
Attendance at departmentally sponsored relevant classes taken for credit that do not count
toward completion of degree plan requirements (electives) will typically qualify as a single
continuing education event; however, approval of the program director must be secured
prior to electives counting as continuing education credit.

11)Program Assessment:
The student is required to informally assess the ENMU CDIS program as a part of the
portfolio. The student should not rate individual courses and/or instructors, but rather
should consider the program as a whole and provide evaluative, constructive comments
and feedback. This assessment should be completed on surveymonkey.com. A link will be
sent to students at the appropriate time. Students should print out the “thank you” page
for verification of survey completion.

12)Additional Sections:
Students should be aware that additional sections may be added on an “as needed” basis as
the CDIS Program continues to develop assessment procedures for the ASHA standards.
Additional sections may also be required for students who have not meet KASA

Portfolios will be assessed according to the rubric for evaluating portfolios. This can be found in
the documents listed on the ENMU CDIS website.

Each student’s portfolio will be rated as outstanding, acceptable, marginal, or unacceptable across
each of the following parameters:
 Overall portfolio quality
 Synthesis paper
 Letter of application and resume
 Professional credentials
 Clinical experience
 Special project
 Other research
 Professional writing
 Presentation activities
 Continuing education
 Program assessment
 Additional sections (if applicable)

All portfolios are due by 5:00 pm according to the following schedule:

 If graduating in a fall semester, your portfolio is due on the last Friday in October
 If graduating in a spring or summer semester, your portfolio is due on the last Monday in
 If any due date falls during an official University recess, your portfolio is due exactly one
week prior.

Portfolios should be turned in to the department office.

*Late portfolios will not be accepted. If your portfolio does not arrive in the Program Office by
the date and time required, you will fail to meet departmental graduation requirements and your
graduation will be deferred until such time as you have met all requirements.

An overview and question/answer session specifically addressing the portfolio process will be
provided for students during CDIS 590: Graduate Seminar. Students should also feel free to
schedule an individual appointment with the Graduate Coordinator to ask additional questions,
gain further guidance, view portfolio examples, or to review their portfolio at any time.

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