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Chapter No. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page No.

History of the Organization 2
Mission, Objective and Strategies 2
Products and Services Portfolio 3

3.1 HRD Measures 5
3.2 Man Power Planning 6
3.3 Training measures 7
3.4 Policies and Procedure followed 7
3.5 Promotion Policy of employees 9
3.6 Performance appraisal system 9
3.7 Career planning 10
3.8 Procedure followed for purchase of materials 10
3.9 Product promotional measures 12


Advantages and Disadvantages 21
Significant factors of Success
Accountability followed in the organization
IT system Used 23
Financial Highlights of the Organization 24

Future plans for growth of the organization 25

Table Page

6.5 Financial Highlights of the last 3 years 24

Fig Page

2 Organization Structure 4



On Nov 15, 1886, Robert Bosch founded Bosch in Germany. It was initially a “Workshop
Precision Mechanics and Electrical Engineering.” It started with building a magneto ignition
device. In 1952, the company was established as Motor Industries Company Limited. Later,
in the mid1950s, it began developing electronic components, which is now its core business.
In 1993 it started manufacturing electric power tools, in 2006 the company began Common
Rail System manufacturing and changed its name from Motor Industries Company Ltd to
Bosch Ltd. In 2008 the company started manufacturing Gasoline Systems & Electric Drives.


Bosch is a German multinational engineering and Technology Company headquartered in

Gerlingen, near Stuttgart, Germany, with over 125 locations across the globe and around 4,
50,000 employees working for it. Bosch is well known as a hardware provider for
automobiles. Bosch supplies 90 percent of the hardware components in cars like Audi, BMW,
and Toyota. Apart from this, Home appliances are the primary business of Bosch. It
manufactures various Home appliances such as washing machines, kitchen appliances, etc.
Additionally, Bosch is a leading supplier of technology and services in the areas of Industrial
Technology, Consumer goods, and Mobility Solutions.


Bosch aims to develop products that spark enthusiasm, improve quality of life, and help
conserve resources. Their “We are Bosch” mission statement reflects this. It summarizes their
values, our strengths, and our strategic orientation.


In the spirit of Robert Bosch, Bosch aims to secure its future by ensuring its meaningful and
robust development and preserving its financial independence.


 Focusing on Customers

 Shaping Change

 Striving for excellence

Profile of the Products/Services

Bosch manufactures a large variety of products and it provides different types of services as
per its customer needs. Here are the products and services that Bosch offers its customers

Mobility Solutions

 iTrams
 Connected Mobility
 Digital Workshop


 Agriculture
 Healthcare
 Data Analytics
 Retail

Embedded Solutions

 Product Engineering
 Tool Development

 Testing and Validation


 Factories of the future

 Connected Products
 Jump-start Digital
 IoT Products

Business Solutions

 Enterprise Packaged Solutions

 Digital-supply-chain
 Design studio
 Robotic Process Automation
 Cloud Consultation

Bosch Group in India

 Bosch Ltd.
 Robert Bosch Engineering and Business Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
 ETAS Automotive India Pvt. Ltd.
 Bosch Automotive Electronics India Pvt. Ltd.
 Bosch Chassis Systems India Ltd.
 Bosch Rexroth (India) Ltd.
 Bosch Electrical Drives India Pvt. Ltd.
 Automotive Steering India Pvt. Ltd.
 BSH Home Appliances Pvt. Ltd.

Bosch follows a Matric Organizational Structure. Matrix structures facilitate cross-functional

learning as people from different departments come together to work on the same project.
This helps in creating innovative solutions and also a better understanding of the constraints
faced by other departments. This enables the employees to use their learning across various
teams, which helps create innovative products. Here is the organization chart of Bosch.

General Manager

Production Finance Marketing Sales Development Research

Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager Manager

Project 1
Production Finance Sales Research
Manager Marketing Development
Team Team Team Team Team

Project 2
Production Finance Marketing Sales Development Research
Team Team Team Team Team Team

Project 3
Production Finance Marketin Sales Development Research
Team Team g Team Team Team Team


There are several functional Departments at Bosch. Here is the list of different functional
departments and their functions:

1. HR Department

2. Purchasing Department

3. Research and Development Department

4. Design Department

5. Logistics Department

6. Marketing Department

7. Customers' Development Department

HRD measures

The Human Resource Management Department majorly focuses on the following aspects


 Meeting new employees

 Exit surveys

 Induction

Knowledge Management

 Improve coordination with user departments in identification of development needs

 Follow-up of training inputs

 Training Effectiveness
 Application of inputs at the workplace

 Greater focus on the younger age profile

Organisational Development

 Develop information bank for advertising on the design of department structures for
maximum effectiveness

 Study on employees satisfaction

 Benchmarking studies on HR policies/practices

Manpower Planning

 Career plan for high potential

 Succession plan

 Quality improvement in selection/recruitment

 Introduce mentoring culture

 Developing a system for building high performance

Training and Development

 Attitude and in-house faculty development

 Improve functional knowledge, job-related skills/perspective development

 Inter-cultural training

 Outbound exercises to develop team spirit

 Share information and experiences

Performance Management

 Install a system to enable objection goal setting

 Develop reward systems to distinguish high performers

 Development of junior associates as an essential objective

 Develop methods for correction/separation of poor performers

Employee Potential Development

 Focus on "Development Discussion" component of PRED

 Potential development to take higher responsibilities

 Promote greater cross-functional mobility

Training measures

• External organizations visit Bosch and mutual sharing of the knowledge is done

• Quality trainings which include assignments and skill testing

• Co-ordinator meetings and audits are conducted

• Internal tie-up with many organizations that provide online courses

• Knowledge sharing among different departments as per the requirement

Policies and Procedure followed

 Employee Conduct Policies:

An employee conduct policy establishes the duties and responsibilities each employee
must adhere to as a condition of employment. Conduct policies are in place as a
guideline for appropriate employee behaviour, and they outline things such as proper
dress code, workplace safety procedures, harassment policies and policies regarding
computer and Internet usage. Such policies also outline the procedures employers may
utilize to discipline inappropriate behaviour, including warnings or employee
termination. Bosch is increasingly paying attention to bullying behaviour as a serious
issue and beginning to adopt policies in this area as well. Anti-bullying policies focus
on repeated hostile behaviours, identify reporting mechanisms and describe the
consequences for employees who engage in persistent bullying behaviour.

 Equal Opportunity Policies

Equal opportunity laws are rules that promote fair treatment in the workplace. Bosch
implements equal opportunity policies – anti-discrimination and affirmative action
policies, for example – to encourage unprejudiced behaviour within the workplace.
These policies discourage inappropriate behaviour from employees, supervisors and
independent contractors in regard to the race, gender, sexual orientation or religious
and cultural beliefs of another person within the organization.

 Attendance and Time off Policies

Attendance policies set rules and guidelines surrounding employee adherence to work
schedules. Attendance policies define how employees may schedule time off or notify
superiors of an absence or late arrival. This policy also sets forth the consequences for
failing to adhere to a schedule. For example, employers may allow only a certain
number of absences within a specified time frame. The attendance policy discusses
the disciplinary action employees face if they miss more days than company allows.

 Substance Abuse Policies

Bosch has substance abuse policies that prohibit the use of drugs, alcohol and tobacco
products during work hours, on company property or during company functions.
These policies often outline smoking procedures employees must follow if allowed to
smoke on business premises. Substance abuse policies also discuss the testing
procedures for suspected drug and alcohol abuse.

 Workplace Security Policies

Policies on security are in place to protect not only the people in an organization, but
the physical and intellectual property as well. Policies may cover entrance to a
facility, such as the use of ID cards and the procedures for signing in a guest.
Equipment such as a company laptop or smartphone may need to be signed out.
Computer security is a high priority for firms these days. Policies cover a variety of
topics, such as the frequency for changing passwords, reporting phishing attempts and
log-on procedures. Use of personal devices, such as a USB drive you bring from
home, may also be restricted to prevent to unintended spread of computer viruses and
other malware

Promotion Policy of employees

 Factors that are considered when determining the eligibility of an employee’s

promotion include performance levels, skills, education, relevant experience
and professional development.

 Depending on the type of job involved, the hiring supervisor might be mandated to
evaluate the employee’s performance ability in the new position for several months.

 A candidate is evaluated based on a number of factors including professionalism, past

achievements, and the willingness to assume additional responsibilities. To improve
chances of getting a promotion, candidates should submit information that
strategically shows their capacity to meet the responsibilities in the new position

Performance appraisal system

In order to encourage the performance of the employees, the organization provides different
kinds of appreciation tokens

 E card – You can shop with this card

People you have active participation in any team activities or taking a step ahead in their task
will be given awards.

 Spot award - 750

 Silver award - 1000

 Gold - 2000
 Diamond - 5000 points

Career planning

Career planning is done during the start of every year. Knowledge level of the employees is
tested based on the field/ department they are working in Later they discuss regarding the
training the employee needs to undergo in order to improve their skill set as needed.

Purchasing Department

In Purchasing, they always look for the most reliable suppliers with the best prices and high
quality. Core duties of the purchasing department include monitoring the quality of goods,
optimizing the supply chain, conducting approval tests, and auditing processes. They also
handle the operational and strategic functions, like consolidating purchasing volumes for
better results for specific categories of goods.

Procedure followed for purchase of materials

At Bosch, the system followed for the purchase of materials is as follows.

 Conclusion of and Modifications and Annual Orders

 Delivery, Acceptance, and Rejection

 Force Majeure

 The advice of Dispatch and Invoice

 Passing of Risk

 Claims Based on Defects

 Warranty

 Product Liability and Recall

 Rights of Withdrawal and Termination

 Conducting Work
 Provision of Materials

 Documentation and Confidentiality

 Intellectual Property

 Compliance

 Place of Performance

 Miscellaneous

Research and Development Department

The Research and Development Department is at Bosch is referred to as the heart of the
company's success. They are responsible for the innovations and for developing new
emerging technologies, which secure the company's leading position for the long term.
Depending on the specialization, the department is segregated into particular divisions such
as photovoltaic systems, battery materials, alternative drive technologies, and power
electronics. The research and development department at Bosch works closely with the
customers' development department.

Design Department

The design department at Bosch is responsible for designing the testing equipment, industrial
products, and manufacture the facilities depending on the specifications of the internal
development or the customers' manufacturing units. The departments take care of the
execution from the detailed configuration of individual micro-components as part of product
development to the complete design of production equipment in the area of special-purpose
machinery. In the final design, they integrate the manufacturing aspects and the specified
functions during the engineering process. The design department work closely with other
departments to produce a robust design which meets the customers; requirements of cost,
quality and time
Logistics Department

The logistics department ensures that the flow of goods, information, and materials runs
smoothly as it should, both at all interfaces with customers, suppliers, and within the
company. The department will ensure that there are sufficient stock levels by planning the
supply of raw materials. Also, the department coordinates with the shipment of the product to
customers and manage the design supply chain.

Marketing Department

The marketing department at Bosch works closely with other functional areas to make
effective strategies to develop the products and services. The decisions made by the
marketing team play a vital role in deciding the company's future as hey will be analysing
new fields in the market to develop pricing strategies etc. The marketing department at Bosch
is responsible for ensuring that the customers' expectations are given at most focus .

Product promotional measures

The promotional strategy in the marketing mix of Bosch can be explained through various
marketing activities as below:
 Sponsorships: Bosch has been sponsoring Ashwa Racing, Bosch sponsors Hardware
Cup, signs Deal with Modernism Week

 Social Media: Bosch has a global Facebook page where it updates all its latest
innovations and other related events and activities. It also has a You Tube channel
where it comes with creative videos to engage with the customers.

 Sales Team: Bosch has a skilled and knowledgeable B2B sales team which pitch its
products and services to corporate clients.

 Bosch Coupons and Promo Codes

 Offers: During peak festive seasons, Bosch offers discounts on its home products.

 TV Advertisements: Bosch comes with creative TV advertisements which focus

on the premium quality and durability of Bosch products.


Strengths of Bosch

 Bosch has a low-cost structure that makes its products affordable to customers

 Employees at Bosch are skilled and qualified as the recruitment is based on merit

 Bosch has more than a million follower of social media platforms this shows that it
has a robust online presence

 Its well-established IT system ensures the efficiency of internal and external

operations at Bosch

 Bosch has a high brand awareness as it has been in the market for several years.

 The customers value Bosch's products, and they find it as a good value for the amount
as it has maintained high quality over the years.

 Bosch provides unique products that are not offered by its competitors

 Bosch ensures that the products reach the customers on time as it has many outlets in
every state that is supported by a strong distribution network

 Bosch has a well-functioning and interactive website that draws a large number of
internet traffic and sales.

 The geography and location of Bosch provide it with a cost advantage in serving
its customers, when compared to that with the competition.
Weakness of Bosch

 Bosch has to pay a considerable amount of rent as a significant portion of its property
is rented.

 Bosch does not conduct market research more often which results in poor decision
making that does not match the present market scenario

 The workers in the company are less compared to the workload, which results is work
pressure among the workers that lack productivity

 Most of the products of Bosch have low market share. Very few products have high
market share, so there are chances of threats if there is a drop in market demand for
those few products

 Study shows that the qualified employees have been leaving the organization due to
less pay and lack of hikes, which may lead to a shortage of right talent

 Even though research and development are giving importance to Bosch, it is spending
less than the other competitors who are coming up with more innovative products.

 The legal department at Bosch is not well qualified, and Bosch is lack of
legal experience

 Very less amount is spent on quality control department which the lack of quality in
the services offered to the customers

 Bosch has a lower budget for its quality control department than competitors. This
leads to lack of consistency and the possibility of damage to quality across its various

 The time it takes for products to be purchased and sold are higher than the industry
average, meaning that Bosch builds up on inventory adding unnecessary costs to the
Opportunities of Bosch

 The increase in the number of internet users all over the world is an opportunity to
Bosch to expand their online presence

 E-commerce is a new trend where everyone is making the purchase online so Bosch
can make huge revenue by opening online stores and making it easy for the customers
to purchase its products

 An increase in population can help Bosch find potential customers that might be
interested in its products.

 The transport industry has been flourishing in the past few years, and shows growth
potential in the future. This has reduced the costs of transportation, which is beneficial
for Bosch as it will lower its overall costs.

 The green government drive provides Bosch an opportunity to sell its products to state
government contractors

 Customers are becoming more health-conscious, so Bosch can take this opportunity to
manufacture products that are good for customers health

 Automation is one of the benefits Bosch can utilize this to automate the tasks and
reduce costs

 Today educational institutes are increasing the training to their students, so there is an
opportunity for Bosch to get good skilled labor

 Increase in globalization allows Bosch to extend its operations to other countries

where it might find more opportunities in the new markets

 Growth in tourism is beneficial for Bosch as it will provide new potential customers
that it can target in order to gain market share
Threats of Bosch

 Innovation and technologies by the competitors within the industry might attract
its customers, and it might result in a decrease in Bosch's overall market share

 There are several new entrants in the market which can attract the existing
customers of Bosch

 Technology keeps changing, and if Bosch fails to reskill its employees based on the
current technological trends, then it results in a massive loss for the company.

 The country's fluctuating interest rate does not provide a stable economic and
financial environment

 Many substitute products are increasing in the market and are available for lesser
prices to the customers; this is a threat to the company.

 Regulations on international trade keep changing, and this requires compliance by

companies if they are to operate globally.

 The change in customers' tastes and requirements might be a threat to the company as
if they fail to reach the customer's expectations. They would lose potential clients

 Bosch has sales internationally and local suppliers, so the fluctuation exchange rate
affects the company.

 With the decrease in the suppliers over the years, the cost of the inputs could increase
for Bosch.

 Political uncertainties in the country prove to be a barrier in business, hindering

performance at times and making the business incur unnecessary costs.



The key result areas of Bosch are

 Mobility Solutions
 Industrial Technology
 Consumer Goods
 Energy and Building technologies

Mobility Solutions

This business sector majorly focuses on supplying the automotive components and sub
systems. Powertrain electrification, vehicle safety systems, vehicle to infrastructure and
vehicle to vehicle communication, driver assistance are some of the areas where this sector
offers its customers with integrated mobility solutions.

Additional services and products for fleet operations like over the air software updates,
regular data acquisition and smart battery systems are involved in the mobility life cycle

 Bosch eBike system, a former business unit was setup as its own division within the
Mobility solutions sector.
 Long-range lidar sensor which is suitable for the automotive volume-production is
being developed at Bosch
 Bosch is providing connected mobility specially designed for agriculture
 Improved functions are made available to the driver by updating the vehicle firmware
and software over the air.
Industrial Technology

This business sector has a special division called Drive and Control Technology division
which is responsible for safe, powerful and efficient movements in the systems and machines
of any size and type. This division includes mobile applications, factory automation, plant
construction and engineering.

It creates the required environment for fully connected applications with intelligent
components customized services and system solutions. This sector is divided as connected
mobility, Automated mobility and Powertrain systems and electrified mobility

 The packaging technology which is setup as a new division of this business sector
handles automation, and inspection equipment, complemented by a comprehensive
services portfolio including laboratory services validation and qualification of
machinery and industry specific trainings
 From stand- alone machines to modular combined lines and integrated systems Bosch
offers entry level automation to high-end technology for a huge variety of pack styles,
formats and sizes.

Consumer goods

It is a division for power tools. It is a supplier of measuring technology, power-tool

accessories and power tools. This division has an extensive product range and is aimed at the
professional users in the DIY market, trade and industry and amateur crafters. The Consumer
Goods business sector also offers a broad range of modern, energy-efficient, and increasingly
connected household appliances. Its product portfolio ranges from refrigerators and freezers,
stoves, ovens, extractor hoods, dishwashers, to small appliances such as vacuum cleaners,
coffee makers, and food processors. The vital focus in this sector is the power tools.
Bosch Power Tools Products Portfolio:

 Construction Range
 Power Tool Accessories
 Metal Working Range
 Service
 Total Measuring Service
 Cordless Range
 Cleaning Solutions for Maintenance
 Woodworking Range

Bosch Power Tool Solutions for all User Segments

 Professional Tradesmen
 Cutting Solutions
 Demolition Solutions
 Institutional
 Drilling Solutions
 Cleaning Solutions
 Industrial
 Contractors
 Measuring Solutions
 Construction

Energy and Building Technologies

The Energy and Building Technologies division has two areas of business. The global
product business which focuses on security, communication solutions and the regional system
integration business. The other area is offers solutions and customized services for energy
efficiency, building automation and building security etc.

The thermo technology division comes under this sector which offers hot water, air
conditioning, and decentralized energy management to customers worldwide.
Bosch Energy and Building Solutions:

 Integrated Heating and Cooling

 HVAC Efficiency Improvement
 Waste Heat Recovery Solution
 Steam Distribution Optimization

Bosch develop and commission solar power plants for enterprise and utility clients

 Total installed capacity close to 100 MW till Jan 2017

 Strong in-house design and engineering expertise
 Types of installations
o Ground-mounted
o Sheet-roof
o RCC roof
o Raised roof
o Water lagoon (submerged)
o Car parking
 End-to-end turnkey services from design to commissioning, operations, and



Advantages and drawbacks of the organisation structure


 Dealer Community: Bosch has a good and strong dealer community relationships that
focuses on promoting the company’s training and products
 Financial Position: Bosch has a made profits in the past 5 years along with cumulated
profit reserves which can be used ti finance the capital expenditure.
 Automation: of various stages of production has allowed the more efficient use of
resources and reducing costs. It also allows for consistency in quality of its products
and provides the ability to scale up and scale down production as per the demand in
the market.
 Skilled Labour force: Bosch has invested extensively in the training of its
employees that has resulted in it employing a large number of skilled and motivated
 Bosch has a diversified workforce, with people of many geographical, racial, cultural
and educational backgrounds that help the company by bringing in diverse ideas and
methodologies of doing things.
 Entering new markets: Bosch’s innovative teams have allowed it to come up with new
products and enter new markets. It has been successful in past, in most of the
initiatives it has taken in new markets.
 Partnerships: Strategic partnerships are established by Bosch with its suppliers,
dealers, retailers and other stakeholders. This allows it to leverage them if need be
in the future.

 Cash flow problems: There is a lack of proper financial planning at Bosch regarding
cash flows, leading to certain circumstances where there isn’t enough cash flow as
required leading to unnecessary unplanned borrowing.
 Integration: Bosch's current structure and culture have resulted in the failure of
various mergers aimed at vertical integration.
 Diversification in the workforce: The workforce at Bosch is concentrated with mostly
local workers, and low amounts of workers from other racial backgrounds. Lack of
diversification makes it difficult for employees from different racial background to
adjust at the workplace, leading to loss of talent.
 High employee turnover rates: Bosch has a higher employee turnover rate compared
to competitors. This means that it has more people leaving the job, and as a result, it
is spending more on training and development as employees keep leaving and joining.
 Worker morale is low due to company culture and politics that have grown in recent
 The decision making is highly centralized, and decisions by teams need to be
approved by certain officials. This reduces efficiency in operations by making
them more time consuming. It also leads to reduced innovation.
 The performance appraisal is not in a systematic manner. People are often not
appraised for their performance. This leads to lower work morale and lack of
promotion opportunities for employees.

Significant factors of Success

 Brand Awareness of Bosch is one significant factor for its success

 Bosch maintains its quality while developing the products for its customers
 It is the major Hardware component supplier for many renowned automobile
manufacturers like Audi, BMW, and Toyota.
 It has internal tie up with many online learning platforms through which it trains their
employees based on the field they work in
 Bosch has a very good culture which encourages its employees and keeps
them productive

Accountability followed in the organization

The major unit of structure in a matrix is the cross-functional team. Teams create project
deliverables and produce outputs from cross-functional processes. Teams also need an
accountability system that holds them together. When organizations use only one type of
accountability — individual accountability — a team leader is positioned as the sole owner of
the team’s outcome. Since authority does not exist between team leaders and team members,
we need another way to connect them to the project.

Effective matrix organizations use three types of accountability to create alignment and
enable leaders to lead without authority: Organizational, Team, and Individual.

 Organizational accountability commits every leader in the organization to

operating in its best interest

 Team accountability is the accountability that team members have for a team’s
outcomes; it takes precedence over individual accountability

 Individual accountability is the accountability that individuals have for their

goals or deliverables.

A team’s goal is covered by two types of accountability: individual and team. In the case of
Joe’s project, he is individually accountable for the outcome, while Tom and Janet have team
accountability. Additionally, Joe’s, Janet’s and Tom’s bosses all have organizational
accountability for the outcome and need to negotiate achievable goals and allocate resources
based on the project’s priority.

IT system Used
All the work flow at Bosch is connected to ERPs. There are Red lake , Data lake, Bigdata,
Cloud. Redlake is where all the raw data is computed and stored, it is accessible to employees
for easy use. The employees can use the data whenever required.
Financial Highlights of the Organization

Figures in millions of Euros

Particulars 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015

Current Assets 36,384 36,168 58,994 58,382 59,516

Non-Current Assets 52,646 47,486 59,004 65,946 52,235

Current Liabilities 22,176 21,563 26,300 25,005 22,771

Non-Current Liabilities 25,775 22,915 3,702 3,974 4,908

Equity 41,079 39,176 87,996 95,349 84,072

Revenue 77,700 78,470 78,070 73,130 70,610

Future plans for growth of the organization

• Focus on solving challenges faced by the society

• Social and ecological Balance
• Six megatrends: climate, energy, water, urbanization, globalization, and health.

• Advance prediction analysis must be done in order to face the external threats
• Increase in usage of Biodegradable Gases and Fuels during the manufacturing of
• Restructuring of the organization and reskilling of the employees should be dome
more often to improve the performance
• Sustainability


• Accountability: Due to large employee base it is a tough task for the management to
focus on every employee so each individual should take their own responsibility of
being productive and should be accountable for their task
• Transparency: There should be transparency among the departments and the
employees in order to better understand and work together
• One-to-one communication: In spite of having an organization structure the
communication should be flat, any level employee should be able to communicate to
their higher authorities with ease.

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