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Slide 1 of 46 IAQG 9138 training module - Continuous Sampling

Slide1Track1: Hello everybody! Welcome to the IAQG 9138 Statistical Product Acceptance Training
module on Continuous Sampling Plans. I am one of the representatives for IAQG 9138
training materials. This training module briefly explains an overview of Continuous Sampling
plans and a few examples where continuous sampling plans can be used. This module
covers, section or clause 9.1 of various publications of IAQG 9138, titled “Products accepted
under Continuous Sampling Plans”. For elaborated information on this, Please refer
Appendix H of IAQG 9138 and Chapter 3.7.6 of IAQG Supply Chain Management Handbook.

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S2T1: The requirements for the use of statistical sampling is flowing from IAQG 9100 Revision D as
stated, “When the organization uses sampling inspection as a means of product acceptance,
the sampling plan shall be justified on the basis of recognized statistical principles and
appropriate for use.”

S2T2: IAQG 9138 offers guidance to choose an appropriate statistical plan for the users’ specific
application from a variety of “recognized statistical principles and its appropriateness for

S2T3: It is essential to note that the standard IAQG 9138 is a revised document of ARP 9013 which
was released in 2005 and was recognized by the US Federal Aviation Administration as the
aerospace industry’s best practice for statistical product acceptance.

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S3T1: IAQG 9138 Selection Guide. The user can choose a type of sampling plan that fits their needs
for verification and acceptance.

S3T2: Figure 2 – Section Selection Guide in 9138 document helps the user to make decisions on the
type of sampling plan by choosing its governing section in the document. For example, if the
user wants to choose an attribute isolated lot sampling plan without switching rules, then
they will be directed to “9138 Section 6” after choosing “No” to “Custom made plans”, then
“Yes” to “Lot/Batch inspection” and “No” to “Switching rules”.

S3T3: This webinar will be helpful for the users whose answers to the Figure 2 decision diamonds
lead to “9138 Section 9” with the intention to do Continuous Sampling Plan. That is by
answering “No” to “Custom made plans”, then “No” to “Lot/Batch inspection” and then
choosing “Attribute Plans”.

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S4T1: Agenda: In this training module, the following items will be covered:

S4T2: Continuous Manufacturing Processes

S4T3: General Conditions of the Continuous Sampling Plans

S4T4: Requirements for the Continuous Sampling Plans

S4T5: Types of Continuous Sampling Plans and Examples

S4T6: IAQG 9138 requirements for Continuous Sampling Plans

S4T7: and Concluding Note

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S5T1: Continuous Manufacturing Processes will be briefly explained in the following slides

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S6T1: Manufacturing processes do not always produce products in a lot. Many processes produce
products in a continuous basis and submit products as one unit at a time for inspection.

S6T2: For an instance, processes that use conveyor lines often do not make an inspection lot, rather
the products are inspected in a continuous fashion.

S6T3: The top picture shows that the chocolate donuts are moving in the conveyor belt and can be
referred to as continuous process.

S6T4: These continuous production processes are different from lot or batch production.

S6T5: The bottom picture shows a baking tray containing a batch of chocolate donuts which is
referred to as lot or batch production.

S6T6: A few examples for Continuous Manufacturing processes may be, i) Cars moving in a conveyor
system to let the robots install parts in the automotive industry, ii) Printed Circuit Board
assembly line to put the electronics part in the electronics industry, and iii) Chicken wings
fried and packed on a conveyor belt in the food industry.

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S7T1: Sampling Plans for Continuous Manufacturing Processes

S7T2: The question here is "How would one sample units produced by the continuous
manufacturing processes?"

S7T3: Well, the continuous sampling plans are best suited for continuous manufacturing processes
and for other processes that produce in very small lots.

S7T4: Harold F. Dodge developed the first continuous sampling plan in 1943 for the product
acceptance of the moving products.

S7T5: MIL-STD-1235 published only attribute type continuous sampling plans and its procedures.

S7T6: Variables type continuous sampling plans are not included in 9138 due to the complexity of
the mathematics to define clearance number and the sampling frequency. But it can be
developed in combination of attribute continuous sampling plans and sequential sampling

S7T7: This training provide guidelines on attribute types of Continuous Sampling Plans only.

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S8T1: The following slides will briefly explain the General Conditions for Continuous Sampling Plans

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S9T1: Continuous Sampling Plans are applicable when all of the following aspects are satisfied.

S9T2: They are applicable to Moving product, which is defined as any product whose acceptance
decisions are made separately for each unit of product. They are not applicable to the

S9T3: Continuous Sampling Plans are applicable to products which have Ample space, equipment
and manpower at or near the site of inspection to permit rapid 100% inspection when

S9T4: Continuous Sampling Plans are applicable to a process that is producing or is capable of
producing products whose yield or quality is stable.

S9T5: Continuous Sampling Plans are applicable to a non destructive inspection.

S9T6: Continuous Sampling Plans are applicable to very small Lot sizes where the lot sampling
becomes expensive. And also applicable to lots for which lot boundaries are impractical to
define. For an instance, high volume products such as fasteners and piece parts for which lot
definitions are unrelated to process start and stop events, as well as low volume products
such as serialized assemblies for which there are no lots.

S9T7: Continuous Sampling Plans can be used for any entities such as end items, components, raw
materials and data or records.

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S10T1: There are five types of Continuous Sampling plans published in MIL STD 1235 that are
republished in SCMH 3.7.6. They are CSP-1, CSP-F, CSP-2, CSP-T and CSP-V. Note that there
are other continuous sampling plans that are not common in use.

S10T2: Different types of CSPs are briefly explained as below:

CSP-1 is the standard CSP plan which is simple and easy to use and to manage.

CSP-F is a variation of CSP-1 that Accommodates shorter production runs.

CSP-2 is a modification of CSP-1 which increases inspection when nonconformances occur too
closely together.

CSP-T is a 3 level modification of CSP-1 which reduces the sampling frequency upon
demonstration of superior product quality.

CSP-V is also a variation of CSP-1 which provides a quicker return to sampling inspection after
the occurrence of nonconformance upon demonstration of superior quality.

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S11T1: The roles that have to be understood clearly before going to the next slides are “The
Screening Crew” and “The Sampling Inspector”.

S11T2: Screening crew, may be either a part of Manufacturing or of Quality, screens the product only
when it is rejected or during the initial 100% inspection.

S11T3: Sampling inspector often a part of Quality, whose job is to inspect the sample always,
regardless of the outcome of the inspection.

S11T4: Anytime during 100% inspection, both the Screening crew and the sampling inspector are at
work. The screening crew is screening 100% and the sampling inspector still samples the
same frequency. It is recommended that they are two different people.

S11T5: All five plan types distinguish the roles of inspection crew and screening crew as these had
been used in MIL-STD-1235. IAQG 9138 Section 4 requires that the evaluations performed
by both groups are accurate, independent and free from conflict of interest.

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S12T1: Important Definitions in Continuous Sampling Plans.

S12T2: In continuous sampling plan, a sample is one unit of the product drawn from the production
line as it passes a given station.

S12T3: Clearance number (i ) – is the number of consecutive conforming units required to adjust
inspection actions. i value also provides confidence on the process yields which qualify the
process to start sampling inspection.

S12T4: Sampling Frequency (f ) – is the required ratio between the number of units of the product
randomly selected and inspected at an inspection station and the number of units passing
the inspection station during periods of sampling inspection. Random tools such as a die, a
set of cards or a digital tool such as an Excel sheet can be used to select a random sample.

S12T5: The "S" Value is the limit on long periods of screening. For any type of attribute sampling
plans, the number of units screened before qualifying for the sampling inspection should be
less than the S-value.

S12T6: Production interval (N) – is the number of units that are retrievable at the time that a unit is

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S13T1: Requirements for the Continuous Sampling Plans

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S14T1: General Requirements

S14T2: Quality Parameter is the measure of risk in operations. 9138 requires quality parameter that
controls the probability of the delivered product. 9138 also recommends that the quality
parameters are specified by the Engineering.

S14T3: Continuous sampling plans are designed to control the Average Outgoing Quality Limit

S14T4: If an Initial Reliability Requirement (IRR) is given, use an appropriate AOQL which is (1 – IRR)

S14T5: If an AQL is given, use the below table to pick an equivalent AOQL. This table is available in
section 4 of 9138 document.

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S15T1: Inspection Sequence is recommended to be in the order of production. This is partly because
of the requirement of retrievability.

S15T2: Retrievability - Any skipped units must be retrievable and inspectable until the result of the
next inspected unit is known.

S15T3: Units of submitted product should pass each inspection station including prior process
inspections. The disposition of these units at prior inspections such as scrapping or reworking
is not prohibited.

S15T4:The sample units are selected at the chosen sampling frequency so that each unit of the
product will have an equal opportunity of being selected. It is recommended that the
inspector may vary the interval between the sample units randomly rather than drawing
sample units in a rigid pattern.

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S16T1: Acceptance and rejection of the products:

S16T2: Supplier organization is responsible to submit the conforming products per contract to the
customer. However, both the supplier and the customer may reject nonconforming products.

S16T3: For any identified nonconformity, the disposition procedure should be carried out and be
notified to the customer

S16T4: Nonconforming units are removed and are isolated from the regular production. These units
may be reworked and then screened and resubmitted to the customer.

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S17T1: Sampling plans are designated by the code letters.

S17T2: Table 2 in section 3.7.6 of SCMH provides permissible code letters based on the “production
interval” which is the number of units that are retrievable at the time a unit is inspected.

S17T3: A few factors influencing the code letter and its associated sampling plans are inspection
time per unit of product, production rate and retrievability.

S17T4: The quality parameter and an appropriate code letter are used to obtain any continuous
sampling plan from SCMH Tables. For CSP-F total production run "N" is also used.

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S18T1: Ineffective Screening is when the checking inspector finds a nonconformity during screening.

S18T2: Long Periods of Screening due to an occurrence of nonconformity before i consecutive

conforming units and when number of units screened is equal to or greater than the value of
S might need corrective action to improve the production process.

S18T3: On the occurrence of any of the above conditions, the customer is notified, and corrective
action is taken to improve the effectiveness of the screening crew and/or the production

S18T4: For a several consecutive periods of screening without any nonconformities, if N is smaller
than S, then the customer may ask to use another sampling plan.

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S19T1: General Steps for Continuous Sampling Plans will be briefly explained in the following slides.

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S20T1: a) Initiation of Production:

S20T2: During the initiation of production, Screening crew inspects each unit of product; whereas
Sampling inspector inspects concurrently at a frequency 𝑓 or more often.

S20T3: b) Requirements for Sampling Inspection are as follows:

i. Homogeneous population – all units are made under same design requirements under stable
conditions of production; not altered by innovation, significant changes in materials, strikes,
retooling or interruptions.
ii. 𝑖 consecutive units are found conforming by the screening crew during 100% inspection
iii. None of the 𝑖 consecutive units found conforming by the screening crew are found
nonconforming by the checking inspector.

S20T4: After satisfying the requirements for Sampling Inspection, only the sampling inspection at
frequency 𝑓 continues and the 100% screening is terminated.

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S21T1: Return to 100% inspection: Sampling inspection shall be terminated and 100% inspection
shall be resumed when either or both of the conditions described below:

S21T2: The Homogeneity of the product is not satisfied. For examples, drawing change affecting
characteristics in concern or major change in tooling.

S21T3: A nonconforming unit is found by the inspector. When 100% inspection is required, the flow
of product is curtailed until the screening crew can begin 100% inspection. 100% inspection
shall be continued until the requirements of sampling plan (b) are met.

S21T4: The units between the last known conforming unit and the nonconforming unit are screened.

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S22T1: Change in Code Letter may be made by initiating a screening sequence with the new
clearance number i during a sampling sequence. The change may result in either:

S22T2: increase of the sampling frequency, f to lower the i number or

S22T3: decrease of the sampling frequency, f with an appropriate increase in the clearance number

S22T4: e. Ineffective screening and f . Long period of screening are the same as explained in the
previous slides.

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S23T1: The following slides will briefly describe each of the five Continuous Sampling Plan types with

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S24T1: CSP-1 is a Standard single level continuous sampling plan. It is the most celebrated and
widely applied continuous sampling plan due to its simplicity to apply and to manage.

S24T2: Before beginning the CSP-1, Specify the AOQL value for the product. Choose an appropriate f-
value with respect to the number of units retrievable at a time a unit is inspected during the
sampling inspection.

S24T3: For the given AOQL and for the selected “f” value, find the appropriate i-value and S-value
from the tables, Table 3 and Table 4 of SCMH 3.7.6 respectively.

S24T4: Let us see the inspection process flow of CSP-1. CSP-1 begins with 100% inspection.

S24T5: The process presents unit by unit for inspection and each unit is inspected.

S24T6: There should be an i consecutive conforming units to establish confidence on the process
yield or process quality. If there is any nonconformance found during the i consecutive
passes, 100% inspection continues until it reaches the S-value which is the limit for long
periods of screening.

S24T7: Once i number of units pass in a row, 100% inspection will be suspended and the sampling
inspection at a probability of frequency f will begin under the CSP-1 plan. The sampling
inspection continues until an occurrence of a nonconformance.

S24T8: If there is any nonconformance found during the sampling inspection, then revert back to
100% inspection and the process starts all over again. In addition to that, for any
nonconformance, the units from the last known conforming unit are screened. The
procedure of the CSP-1 is also available in SCMH section 3.7.6 Figure 1.

S24T9: The policies for special conditions such as a change in code letter, ineffective screening or
long periods of screening work as explained in the previous slides for CSP general steps.

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S25T1: Here is an example for CSP-1. A small composite structure is subjected to ultrasonic testing
with an AOQL in its engineering specification of 1.22%. The production interval may be 50 at
one time. So the required AOQL in this example is 1.22% and the production interval is 50.

S25T2: The organization considers to use one of the continuous sampling plan types and evaluates
the process by looking at the process homogeneity, the process yield, the process stability,
the screening, inspection and storage capabilities and other relevant process elements to
choose the suitable plan.

S25T3: As a result, the organization chooses the CSP-1. To implement the CSP-1 plan, the
organization has to choose a f-value for the given AOQL and then to find i-value and S-value

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S26T1: For this example to use CSP-1, the first step is to Choose the code letter from Table 2 in
SCMH 3.7.6.

S26T2: The permissible code letters for this example is from A through D with respect to the number
of units retrievable being 50 as seen in the picture.

S26T3: The second step is to Choose a f-value from A through D.

S26T4: The organization chooses to inspect 1 random unit out of every 4 units.

S26T5: The third step is to find the i value from Table 3, for the f value of 1/4 and AOQL of 1.22%
which is 49.

S26T6: The fourth step is to find the S value from Table 4, for the f value of 1/4 and AOQL of 1.22%
which is 115.

S26T7: In this example, the organization chooses to use CSP-1 with f-value of 1 random unit out of
every 4 units, i-value of 49 and S-value of 115.

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S27T1: CSP-F is also a single level continuous sampling plan similar to CSP-1 which permits smaller
clearance number i to be used to accommodate short production run. This plan is applied to
a specified number of units N to be produced in the period considered.
S27T2: Before beginning the CSP-F, specify the AOQL value for the product from the engineering
specification. Each table from Table 5 through 16 is developed for a specific AOQL value
ranging from 0.018% to 1.9%. The user can choose the AOQL table closest to the engineering
required AOQL value. Then Choose an appropriate f-value with respect to the number of
units retrievable at any time during the sampling inspection.
S27T3: For the given AOQL and for the selected “f” value, find the appropriate i-value from the
tables, Table 5 through 16. Then find an appropriate S-value from Table 4 of SCMH 3.7.6.
S27T4: CSP-F inspection process begins with 100% inspection.
S27T5: The process presents unit by unit for inspection and each unit is inspected.
S27T6: There should be an i consecutive conforming units to establish confidence on the process
yield or process quality. If there is any nonconformance found during the i consecutive
passes, 100% inspection continues until it reaches the S-value which is the limit for long
periods of screening.
S27T7: Once i number of units pass in a row, 100% inspection will be suspended and the sampling
inspection at a probability of frequency f will begin under the CSP-F plan. The sampling
inspection continues until an occurrence of a nonconformance.
S27T8: If there is any nonconformance found during the sampling inspection, then revert back to
100% inspection and the process starts all over again. In addition to that, for any
nonconformance, the units from the last known conforming unit are screened. The
procedure of the CSP-F is also available in SCMH section 3.7.6 Figure 2.
S27T9: The policies of special conditions such as a change in code letter, ineffective screening or long
periods of screening work as explained in the previous slides for CSP general steps.

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S28T1: Example for a Short production Run

S28T2: On a Communication satellite, there are 5 orbit adjustment rocket support structures used.
The company is planning to build 100 satellites of the same design to put on the
constellation. The engineering specification has a 98% IRR for a specific characteristic.

S28T3: The total number of units planned to produce is 100 times 5 which is 500 which can be a case
of short production run.

S28T4: The given quality parameter is 98% IRR which can be converted to AOQL by 1-IRR as
mentioned in the 9138 document. So the required AOQL is 2% or less.

S28T5: The organization evaluates the process by looking at the process homogeneity, the process
yield, the process stability, the screening, inspection and storage capabilities and other
relevant process elements to determine the suitable type of continuous sampling plan.

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S29T1: For this example to use CSP-F, the first step is to Choose the code letter from Table 2 in SCMH

S29T2: The permissible code letters for this example is from A through D with respect to the number
of units produced in a whole period being 500 as seen in the picture.

S29T3: The second step is to Choose an appropriate AOQL table for the required 2% AOQL. The
closest table is 1.9% AOQL plans and it also gives a margin for measurement uncertainty.
Then choose a f-value from A through E.

S29T4: The organization chooses to inspect 1 random unit out of every 7 units.

S29T5: The third step is to find the i value from Table 16, for the f value of 1/7 which is 40.

S29T6: The fourth step is to find the S value from Table 4, for the f value of 1/7 and AOQL of 1.9%
which is 154.

S29T7: In this example for CSP-F, the organization chooses a f-value of 1 random unit out of every 7
units, an i-value of 40 units and a S-value of 154 units.

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S30T01: CSP-2 is a two level continuous sampling plan which has a different requirement for return
to 100% inspection unlike the CSP-1 plans.
S30T02: This plan should not be used to inspect engineering characteristics as it will violate the c
equals to 0 policy, where c is the number of nonconformances in the sample that allows the
acceptance of the product.
S30T03: Before beginning the CSP-2, specify the AOQL value for the product. Note that the AOQL
value for this type of CSP-2 is mostly based on the business risk, but not an engineering risk.
The user can choose an AOQL value closest to the specified AOQL value from the SCMH
tables. And then Choose an appropriate f-value with respect to the number of units
retrievable at a time of inspecting an unit.
S30T04: For the specified AOQL and for the selected “f” value, find the appropriate i-value from the
tables, Table 17 and then find an appropriate S-value from Table 4 of SCMH 3.7.6.
S30T05: CSP-2 also begins with 100% inspection.
S30T06: The process presents one unit at a time for inspection and each unit is inspected.
S30T07: There should be an i consecutive conforming units to establish confidence on the process
yield or process quality. If there is any nonconformance found during the i consecutive
passes, 100% inspection continues until it reaches the S-value which is the limit for long
periods of screening.
S30T08: Once i number of units pass in a row, 100% inspection will be suspended and the sampling
inspection at a probability of frequency f will begin under the CSP-2 sampling plan.
S30T09: If there is any nonconformance found during the sampling inspection, the sampling
inspection will still continue at a probability of frequency f. In the second chance for this
sampling plan, the number of units conforming will be counted.
S30T10: If there is an i conforming units in a row, then the normal sampling inspection phase is
S30T11: If there is an nonconformance in the second chance of this sampling plan, then revert back
to 100% inspection and the process starts all over again. The procedure of the CSP-2 is also
available in SCMH section 3.7.6 Figure 3.
S30T12: The policies for special conditions such as a change in code letter, ineffective screening or
long periods of screening work as explained in the previous slides for CSP general steps.

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S31T1: Here is an example for CSP-2. A customer organization is receiving “Test Reports” of a certain
material from its supplier. The contract is to receive materials and its test reports 7 times a
week for 3 years. The receiving organization wants to validate the test reports a small
fraction of the time, instead of every test report.

S31T2: So the total number of test reports received will be 7 times 52 weeks times 3 years which is
1092 reports.

S31T3: The organization introduces a business case to match the fraction of test reports that are
validated to the cost of escape i.e., calculating the break even quality.

S31T4: The organization assigns a business risk parameter in terms of AOQL of 10%. Note that this is
not an engineering specified AOQL.

S31T5: The organization then evaluates the process to qualify for the CSP-2 plan.

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S32T1: For this example, the first step is to choose the code letter from Table 2 in SCMH 3.7.6.

S32T2: The permissible code letters for this example is from A through F with respect to the number
of test reports received in 3 years being 1092 as seen in the picture.

S32T3: The second step is to choose an AOQL value closest to the required 10% AOQL value which is
11.46%. Then choose a f-value from A through F.

S32T4: The organization chooses to inspect 1 random Test Report out of every 7 Test Reports.

S32T5: The third step is to find the i value from Table 17, for the f value of 1/7 which is 11.

S32T6: The fourth step is to find the S value from Table 18, for the f value of 1/7 and AOQL of 11.46%
which is 62.

S32T7: So, to validate the quality of the “Test Report”, the organization chooses CSP-2 plan with a f-
value of 1 random “Test Report” out of every 7 “Test Reports”, an i-value of 11 and a S-value
of 62.

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S33T01: CSP-T is a three level modification of CSP-1 which provides reduced sampling frequency
upon demonstration of superior product quality.
S33T02: Before beginning the CSP-T, specify the AOQL value for the product. Choose an appropriate
f-value with respect to the number of units retrievable at a time a unit is inspected during
the sampling inspection.
S33T03: For the specified AOQL and for the selected “f” value, find the appropriate i-value from the
tables, Table 19 and then find an appropriate S-value from Table 20 of SCMH 3.7.6.
S33T04: CSP-T also begins with 100% inspection.
S33T05: The process presents one unit at a time for inspection and each unit is inspected.
S33T06: There should be an i consecutive conforming units to establish confidence on the process
yield. If there is any nonconformance found during the i consecutive passes, 100% inspection
continues until it reaches the S-value which is the limit for long periods of screening.
S33T07: Once i number of units pass in a row, 100% inspection will be suspended and the sampling
inspection at a probability of frequency f will be carried out under the sampling plan.
S33T08: If i consecutive units pass in a row when inspected at the rate of frequency f, then the rate
of frequency will be reduced to f/2.
S33T09: So now each unit gets a probability “f/2” of being selected for inspection.
S33T10: If i consecutive units pass in a row when inspected at the rate of frequency f/2, then the rate
of frequency will further be reduced to f/4.
S33T11: So now each unit gets a probability “f/4” of being selected for inspection. The sampling
inspection continues at this reduced frequency until encountering a nonconformance.
S33T12: If there is any nonconformance found at any time, 100% inspection will be brought back
and the process starts all over again. The procedure of the CSP-T is also available in SCMH
section 3.7.6 Figure 4.
S33T13: The policies for special conditions such as a change in code letter, ineffective screening or
long periods of screening work as explained in the previous slides for CSP general steps.

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S34T1: Here is an example for CSP-T. A tape laydown operation to manufacture a composite part
requires checking the gap between the courses every meter and the engineering specified
IRR is 97%. The part has a length of about 40 meters and has 12 plies. The current
inspection requires 40 gap measurements for each ply.

S34T2: So the total gap measurements will be 40 time 12 which is 480 measurements for each part.
AOQL calculated from IRR is 3%.

S34T3: The manufacturer evaluates the process to reduce the 40 measurements to one
measurement a ply upon demonstrated superior quality of the process.

S34T4: The manufacturer decided to also measure the last gap of each ply to maintain the
retrievability within each ply, as a nonconformance is very expensive.

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S35T1: So to come up with a plan for this example, the first step is to choose the code letter from
Table 2 in SCMH 3.7.6.

S35T2: The permissible code letters for this example could range from A through J as the
manufacturer is producing this composite parts continuously.

S35T3: The second step is to choose an AOQL value closest to the required 3% AOQL value which is
2.9%. Then choose a f-value from A through J.

S35T4: The organization chooses to inspect 1 random gap out of every 5 meters.

S35T5: The third step is to find the i value from Table 19, for the f value of 1/5 which is 29.

S35T6: The fourth step is to find the S value from Table 20, for the f value of 1/5 and AOQL of 2.9%
which is 93.

S35T7: So, the organization chooses CSP-T upon demonstrated superior quality of the process with a
f-value of 1 measurement out of every 5 meters, an i-value of 29 and a S-value of 93. The
superior quality of the process will reduce the frequency of random units for inspection to f/2
which is 1 in every 10 meters and then to f/4 which is 1 in every 40 meters. The organization
inspects every last meter of the ply to maintain the retrievability within that ply, as
mentioned earlier.

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Slide 36 of 46 IAQG 9138 training module - Continuous Sampling

S36T01: CSP-V Plans. CSP-V is a Variation to standard CSP-1 that provides reduced clearance number
upon demonstration of superior product quality. This plan can be applied to the processes
which has been there for long time and has well understood failure modes and its solutions
and has standard repair procedures.
S36T02: Before beginning the CSP-V plan, specify the AOQL value for the product required by the
engineering. Choose an appropriate f-value with respect to the number of units retrievable
at a time a unit is inspected during the sampling inspection.
S36T03: Table 21 and Table 22 in SCMH 3.7.6 gives the value of i and value of S for the AOQL values.
S36T04: CSP-V also begins with 100% inspection.
S36T05: The process presents one unit at a time for inspection and each unit is inspected.
S36T06: There should be an i consecutive conforming units to establish confidence on the process
yield. If there is any nonconformance found during the i consecutive passes, 100% inspection
continues until it reaches the S-value which is the limit for long periods of screening.
S36T07: Once i number of units pass in a row, 100% inspection will be suspended and the sampling
inspection at a probability of frequency f will be carried out under the sampling plan. This
sampling phase can be called as “Normal Sampling inspection Phase” for the sake of
conveniently understand this procedure.
S36T08: If there is any nonconformance found during this normal phase, the plan will revert back to
100% inspection.
S36T09: The i consecutive conforming units inspected at a frequency f in the normal sampling phase
demonstrates the superior quality of the process and the sampling inspection continues at
the same rate of frequency f. Let us call this phase a "Superior Quality Phase." If there is any
nonconformance found at this phase, 100% inspection will begin.
S36T10: Since the process has already demonstrated for its superior quality, the clearance number
”i” will be reduced to “x”. So if there is x conforming units in a row, then the plan moves to
the normal sampling inspection phase.
S36T11: If there is a nonconformance before passing the x consecutive units, then sampling plan will
be reverted to 100% inspection and the process starts all over again. The procedure of the
CSP-V is also available in SCMH section 3.7.6 Figure 5.
S36T12: The policies for special conditions such as a change in code letter, ineffective screening or
long periods of screening work as explained in the previous slides for CSP general steps.

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S37T1: Here is an example for a CSP-V plan. Consider a hole drilling process on a steel structure of a
defense product. Suppose the nonconformances are well understood over a long period of
time and the organization has a robust standard repair process in place. The IRR specified in
the engineering is 95%.

S37T2: The total number of holes drilled might be from several thousands to a few hundred
thousands. The Inspection Reliability Requirement, IRR, required by the engineering is 95%.
So the AOQL can be 1-IRR which is 5%.

S37T3: The organization evaluates the process quality and other process elements and determines
that the his process is suitable to use CSP-V plan due to the confidence in the repair process
that can reduce the i number to a tabulated x number after demonstrating superior quality
by completing two i inspections.

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S38T1: The first step in this example is to choose the code letter from Table 2 in SCMH 3.7.6.

S38T2: The permissible code letters for this example is from A through K as the total number of
holes drilled could be ranging from several thousands to a few hundred thousands.

S38T3: The second step is to Choose an AOQL value closest to the required 5% AOQL value which is
4.94%. Then choose a f-value from A through K.

S38T4: The organization chooses to inspect 1 random hole out of every 25 drilled holes.

S38T5: The third step is to find the i value and x value from Table 21, for the f value of 1/25 which
are 36 and 12 respectively.

S38T6: The fourth step is to find the S value from Table 22, for the f value of 1/25 and AOQL of 4.94%
which is 254.

S38T7: For this hole drilling process having a demonstrated process quality and a robust standard
repair processes, the organization chooses CSP-V plan with a f-value of 1 random hole out of
every 25 drilled holes, an i-value of 36, x value of 12 and a S-value of 254.

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S39T1: Choosing Continuous Sampling Plans. Sometimes the user has to make a decision to use
either Continuous Sampling plan or Lot Sampling plan. It mostly depends on the total cost
achieving the same level of protection.

S39T2: For an instance, a supplier sets up a machine to produce a certain hydraulic fitting, three
times per year. During each run, the supplier produces 1000 fittings over a period of 6 weeks.
Customers purchase these in shipments of typically 5-10 apiece, or a frequent kanban
shipments of a single unit.
S39T3: If considering the whole group as a lot would require delaying 1 shipment until after
finishing the full 1000 fittings and if we consider each individual shipment as a lot, then it
would require 100% inspection due to its lot size.

S39T4: By contrast, treating this as a continuous process could allow shipment after a few days of
production, and a reduced inspection than 100% inspection and it still provides conventional
levels of protection (like 98% IRR).

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S40T1: IAQG 9138 Requirements for Continuous Sampling Plans

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S41T1: Section 9 of IAQG 9138 covers

S41T2: Continuous Sampling

S41T3: Quality Parameters for Continuous Sampling

S41T4: Inspection Sequence

S41T5: General conditions

S41T6: Supply Chain Management Handbook Continuous Sampling Tables

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S42T1: Appendix K – Guidelines and Recommendations for accepting Products based on Continuous
Sampling offers a comprehensive guidance.

S42T2: Clause K.1 Applicability of Continuous Sampling covers “Conditions Necessary for Continuous
Sampling Plans”, “Conditions when Continuous Sampling Inspection might be Desirable” and
“Conditions when sampling plans require approval”.

S42T3: Clause K.2 Types of Continuous Sampling Plans describe briefly the five types of continuous
sampling and its purposes.

S42T4: Clause K.3, Implementing Continuous Sampling covers guidelines for Quality Parameters,
Inspection sequence, submission of product, sample selection, corrective action indications
and example continuous sampling plan.

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S43T1: 9138 General requirements and Documentation requirements. Continuous Sampling plans
also requires to meet Clause 4 General requirements and Clause 5 Documentation
requirements of IAQG 9138 document.

S43T2: Clause 4 General requirements cover personnel training on statistical plans, Safety/critical
characteristics, Quality requirements and parameters, sample selection, process or product
characteristics to consider for statistical sampling, Evaluation systems, handling
nonconformances within the sample, Statistical Product acceptance plans and records to be
maintained, Alternate statistical techniques for product acceptance and Auditing of statistical
techniques for product acceptance.

S43T3: Clause 5 Required Information to be Documented covers Documented Procedure

Requirements, Initial Reliability Requirement or Quality Parameter Values for Product
Acceptance, Assigning Responsibilities, Assigning Where Applied, Establishing a Training
Program, Controlling Nonconformances, Monitoring Performance and Effectiveness, Defining
Adjustments to Inspection Frequency, and Customer Approval of Procedures and Plans.

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S44T1: Concluding Note for Continuous Sampling Plans

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S45T1: This training module covered the applicability of the continuous sampling plans, General
requirements for continuous sampling plans and specific requirements and procedures of
each type of the all five continuous sampling plans with examples. It also directed to the
9138 sections for the general requirements for statistical product acceptance.

S45T2: Users can also refer to the Contents and Tables in Section 3.7.6 of SCMH to familiarize and to
understand and to use any attribute type of the five continuous sampling plans. The
mathematics for a few of the plans are available in original technical papers and Text books
like “Acceptance Sampling in Quality Control” by Edward G. Schilling.

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S46T1: For further specific questions, please contact the training authors by clicking “Contact Us”
button in SCMH website and by writing to SCMH Support Manager. This training module will
be available in the SCMH web site.

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Speaker Notes IAQG 9138 Statistical Product Acceptance

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