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Bankrupt company: The Bankruptcy

Lawyers in California Assist You

Has your business been in difficulty for several months now and you have been slow to take matters into
your own hands? You can no longer pay your debts and you are wondering what to do? It must be said,
your business is bankrupt. Don't be afraid! Evans Law Offices, with expertise in troubled corporate law
and bankruptcy law in California, is here to support you and help you deal with the procedures that
await you in the months to come.

What is bankruptcy?
For some time now, your bills have been piling up and it's hard to pay everyone. Tax debts, salaries,
suppliers, rents, loans, the list is long. You have managed to negotiate payment terms, but you feel stuck
in your throat. Until then, you have refused to face reality: fear of failure, of external judgments, etc.
Admitting difficulties is not a sign of weakness, on the contrary, it is important to take matters into your
own hands in time in order to come out of them looking better and stronger. Today, the situation seems
hopelessly compromised and you wonder if you are not bankrupt? Do not panic! Our bankruptcy
lawyers in California are there to support you.

The bankruptcy is classically defined as a situation in which a company does not have sufficient cash to
meet its deadlines and pay its debts. It is also said that the company is in a state of insolvency or that it
must file for bankruptcy.

As a business owner, know that you have certain obligations if you are in this situation. You have 45 days
from the cessation of payments to inform the competent court. The judge will then be able to
pronounce the opening of a judicial reorganization or judicial liquidation procedure depending on the
seriousness of the situation.

Not easy to see clearly. What are the documents to collect and communicate to the commercial court?
How to proceed with the declaration of suspension of payments? Should we warn the creditors?
Whatever your geographical location, our bankruptcy lawyers in California are there to support you,
guide you, and assist you in the procedures to be carried out.

Be careful to respect the procedure and the deadlines! In the event of default, you could be held liable
and you could be forced to pay your company's debts out of your personal funds. Personal bankruptcy
California and a ban on managing could also be pronounced against you. Don't take any chances!
Contact a lawyer who will ensure that the difficulties of your business do not affect your personal life
and your future plans.

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