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1. What do you think is a good way for team to remain updated on work status at any given time?

2. When a product owner adds a new feature/idea in the backlog and bring it up for a discussion, how should a
team respond (Team must analyse only the technical feasibility…)
3. In a team that follows agile, how would a team member know what others are working on? Select two that apply.
(1 and 2 – the team should have a daily sync up, Product owner and ….)
4. After a team member writes a piece of code how can she ensures that it works, before checking it in (Through
unit testing)
5. How should a team have quality built into its deliverable? (By having a robust definition)
6. What happens if the offshore team members are not able to participate in the iteration demo due to time
zone/infrastructure issues (1 – No issues, onsite members…)
7. If you are asked to bring in agile way of working into the way a meeting runs, which one among the list options
will you implement. (2 – Meeting must be run strictly according to the agenda to reduce digress…)
8. What is the efficient way to ensure that the code is working as per the acceptance criteria/business requirement?(
1. Through automated functional test)
9. Given a piece of work to be executed in agile, how would you form agile team (3 – Not exceeding 9)
10. When multiple team member are working on a related feature, how often should they integrate their work. (3. In
a scheduled daily frequency)
11. How does the team know what to work upon during the iteration (2 – Based on the discussion during iteration…)
12. For any meeting (Other than aglile event) that team member have among them, what are the points to consider?
Select two correct options ( 2 and 3: team must not allow meeting to go beyond 1 hour, team must short
and timeboxed)
13. How does an agile team obtain clarity on backlog items that may be picked up in upcoming iterations? (2 –
Product owner and facilitator….)
14. What whould be the standard way for anyone outside an agile team (for eg. Dp, head) to get status of the work at
any point of time ( 1- he/she can refer kanban…etc)
15. In the middle of the itereation, how should team handle requirement changes from the customer (3 – accept
16. What do you think is the most effective way to ensure that code adheres to good coding standard? (3 – Static
17. When you have more than one agile team working on a single product, which one of the following should be
considered. (3 – Team to have regular sync-up meet to manage and reduce the dependencies)
18. Which among the following is recommended way to run retrospective (2 – Team discuss how they can improve
upon their work…)
19. In an agile team, who is responsible for tracking the tasks? (1 – Facilitator assigns the task to members…)
20. In a team, if someone strucks with the selected task for the iteration, what is the immediate next step (2 – Reach
out to other team member for support)
21. What would be a suggested way to share and sustain knowledge with members in a team (4- in a central place

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