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a) Talk about the most important infromation about you.

(What do you do / what's

you ocupation).

b) Talk about a person you admire or someone very important for you, her o his
daily routine and describe with pictures what this person is doing.

c) Activities that this person can do in the seasons of the year, kind of clothes
that is wearing. Describing kind of clothes

Ahora les voy a hablar sobre una persona que admiro.

Now I'm going to talk about a person that I admire.

Su nombre es Cristiano Ronaldo y es un jugador de futbol, actualmente juega por la

His name is Crisitiano Ronaldo and he is a soccer player, currently playing for

Yo admiro a Cristiano Ronaldo porque es un gran jugador de fútbol y que es el mejor

jugador del mundo para mi.
Cristiano Ronaldo Tiene trofeos tanto como club como tambien individualmente,
Cristiano Ronaldo ayuda con su dinero a hospitales y a niños con enfermedades.

I admire Cristiano Ronaldo because he is a great soccer player and that he is the
best player in the world for me.
Cristiano Ronaldo has trophies both as a club as well as individually,
Cristiano Ronaldo helps hospitals and children with illnesses with his money.

Su rutina empieza a las 8 de la mañana, realiza un poco de ejercicio.

Luego del ejercicio se ducha junto a su hijo.
Desayuna con su familia. En la mañana entrena al máximo con sus amigos del equipo
durante tres horas.
Su trabajo continúa en su casa en la piscina. Despues almuerza con su familia.
En la tarde lleva a su hijo a la escuela. Luego se dirige a los entrenamientos de
su club.
El y sus compañeros juegan un partido de practica. Al finalizar el dia recoge a su
hijo de la escuela con su auto.
Cena con su familia y se va a dormir.

Asi termina su rutina Crisitiano Ronaldo.

Your routine starts at 8 in the morning, get a little exercise..

After exercise, you shower with your child.
Have breakfast with your family. In the morning he trains hard with his team
friends for three hours.
His work continues at his house by the pool. Then he has lunch with his family.
In the afternoon, she takes her son to school.Then he heads to his club's training
He and his teammates play a practice game. At the end of the day, he picks up his
son from school with his car.
He has dinner with his family and goes to sleep.

Thus ends his routine Crisitiano Ronaldo.

Actividades que puede hacer en los estaciones del año.
Activities that you can do in the seasons of the year.

En primavera a Cristiano Ronaldo le gusta entrenar con su hijo al futbol.
El lleva un polo, un short y un par de zapatillas.

In spring, Cristiano Ronaldo likes to train with his son for soccer.
He wears a polo shirt, shorts and a pair of sneakers.

En verano a Cristiano Ronaldo le gusta nadar en el mar.
El lleva un short.

In summer Cristiano Ronaldo likes to swim in the sea.

He wears a shorts.


En otoño a Cristiano Ronaldo le gusta salir a comprar.

El lleva una casaca y unos anteojos.

In the fall, Cristiano Ronaldo likes to go shopping.

He wears a coat and glasses.


En invierno a Cristiano Ronaldo le gusta salir a esquiar.

El lleva una gorra, un par de guantes, una casaca y pantalon.

In winter Cristiano Ronaldo likes to go skiing.

He wears a cap, a pair of gloves, a jacket, and pants.

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