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Paper 1: Novel word Embedding Technique for Sentiment Analysis and Blog Classification

using Deep Learning Techniques

Objective :

1. In any NLP application, term represent the basic information (feature). Relationship
between the terms represent the context of the document/ blog. Based on this, we have
proposed novel word level embedding technique.
2. The proposed model built using Bi-LSTM and Gated Recurrent Unit. The two
approaches have shown significant results.
3. A quantitative comparative study is conducted between the proposed model to
demonstrate the superiority between the models.
4. The models are evaluated on the following datasets.
a. Amazon product review dataset. (Total number of documents – 5,00,000)
b. Blogger classification using The Blog Authorship Corpus. (total docs – 20,000)
5. Both the models are evaluated in with 2 sets of experiments.
a. In the first set – 70 percent of dataset is used for training and 30 percent for
b. In the second set – 80 percent of dataset is used for training and 20 percent for
6. Paper is in final stage of drafting.

Paper 2: Topic Level Embedding Sentiment Analysis and Blog Classification using Deep
Learning Techniques

1. In this approach, embedding will be applied to topics present in user reviews / Blogs.
2. The deep learning models – Bi - LSTM will be trained based on the topics.
3. Other features (other than topics) will be ignored. Hence, time complexity will be under
control during training.
4. Paper is under drafting.
5. The same dataset is considered for experiments. Details are as follows.
a. In the first set – 70 percent of dataset is used for training and 30 percent for
b. In the second set – 80 percent of dataset is used for training and 20 percent for

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