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Book Two — Slaying a Trail of Demons

Chapter 61 – Mu Kui

The magnificent and beautiful mountain range was like layer upon layer of unbroken

Numerous large mountains that were nearly 33km tall wound up high into the clouds. The
mountains stood high and low with various bizarre shapes, as if numerous enormous beasts
of ancient times were silently settled there.

At the moment it was dusk and the afterglow of the setting sun poured down like a bloody
glow that tainted clouds and mist. The vast and towering mountains bathed under the light
of the setting sun and drew a grand and magnificent scene.

“What happened?”

“Where is this?”

A youth was muttering to himself on a precipitous cliff that was over 30 kilometers high.
His face was thin and handsome with a crude and resolute expression between his brows,
and he carried along a disposition that was tough like iron. Shockingly, it was Chen Xi.

Clouds that fluttered in the wind like cotton drifted atop the cliff. Mountain wind whistled
by as he stood within the sea of clouds, his clothes flapped as the wind blew upon them,
seeming as if they would fly away with the wind in the next moment.

However, at this time, Chen Xi instead had a frown on his face, and his eyes were filled
with an expression of deep thought. “I undoubtedly remember that at the instant the
immortal estate collapsed, I was still fleeing madly and aimlessly, and I nearly thoughts I’d
die within the immortal estate. How did I appear here in the blink of an eye?”

“You don’t have to ponder any longer, there was an almighty expert that tore through space
and saved all of you.” Ji Yu silently appeared to stand within the sea of clouds at the edge
of the cliff, and his expression had a trace of bewilderment as well.

Tore through Space? Almighty expert?

Chen Xi gasped, he was truly unable to imagine an expert of exactly what cultivation would
possess the terrifying ability to tear through space.

He noticed something after a short while, Ji Yu had said ‘all of you,’ Thus, it went without
speaking that Chai Letian and Su Jiao’s group were saved as well.

“But why did that expert lend a hand?” Chen Xi asked.

Ji Yu shook his head and sighed. “I can’t wrap my head around it either. Perhaps he just
happened to pass by and saw all of you at death's door, so he lent a hand to help accumulate
some virtue for himself.”

Accumulate virtue? Isn’t this a tad too coincidental?

Chen Xi was unable to contemplate the reason so he didn’t continue pondering about it, and
he murmured with a sigh. “I got away by luck, yet I’m within these layers upon layers of
enormous mountains. The mountain range goes on one after the other, and there actually
seems to be no end. I wonder which direction will allow me to return to Pine Mist City?”

“If it’s as I’ve predicted, then this place ought to be the interior of the 5,000 km Southern
Barbaric Mountain Range. Look over there. Demonic qi that’s condensed and doesn’t
dissipate has shot up into the heavens. Obviously, there’s a greater demon with a monstrous
imposing aura residing there.” Ji Yu stretched out his finger to point towards a towering
mountain in the distance that rose into the sky.

Chen Xi was shocked inwardly and he raised his eyes to gaze over at the direction Ji Yu
pointed at. As expected, billowing black mist coiled atop the peak of the mountain in the
distance, and the black mist was like a smoke signal that that was condensed and didn’t
dissipate as it rose into the sky.

Although a demon beast was capable of taking human form when it stepped into the
Congenital Realm, it was unable to get rid of the demonic qi on it. Moreover, the deeper its
cultivation, the dense the demonic qi was.

The condensed demonic qi that soared into the sky from that far away mountain proved
without a doubt that an extremely formidable greater demon resided there. As for its
strength, even Ji Yu was unable to precisely determine it, let alone Chen Xi.

“Hmm?” As if he had noticed something, Ji Yu knit his brows together. After remaining
silent for a short moment, his brows eased up and his expression returned to normal, then
he said, “Looks like you’ve indeed run into a perilous place where demon beasts wreak
havoc.” As he spoke, his body shook slightly before vanishing.

“It’s… actually… a human!”

Before Chen Xi could even wrap his head around what Ji Yu meant, a rough voice
suddenly echoed out in the distance. The speech of the voice was choppy as if the owner
had only just learned how to speak.

The place Chen Xi stood at was the side of the precipitous cliff at the top of the mountain
surrounded by mist and clouds that coiled around it, and behind him was instead a rocky
area that was bumpy.
At this moment, a black clothed young man with a hideous appearance and a strong stature
stood there in the rocky area, and his pair of shiny jade eyes emitted an undisguised
expression of atrociousness and ruthlessness.

“Congenital Realm greater demon?”

Chen Xi had once killed numerous Congenital Realm greater demons within the Southern
Barbaric Mountain Range and had stopped being ignorant since a long time ago. Thus, he
discerned the identity of the black clothed young man with almost a single glance.

“Oh, it’s a human as expected. I, Mu Kui have cultivated for almost 1,000 years, yet it’s the
first time I’ve encountered a human. I heard the texture of human flesh is nice and tender. I
wonder if it’s true?” The black clothed young man who called himself Mu Kui muttered to
himself, and the more he spoke, the more excited he became. He even occasional extended
out his scarlet red tongue to lick his mouth, revealing a mouthful of densely cold and sharp

“Want to eat me? A demon beast is a demon beast after all. Even if it has taken human
form, it’s still difficult to change the bloodthirsty desires imprinted within its bones.” Chen
Xi shook his head. The tip of his feet instantly stepped on the ground, utilizing the
Heavenly Dragon’s Eight Steps, his body was like a cheetah that dove out towards Mu Kui
in a brazen attack.

Mu Kui never imagined that Chen Xi would attack at will, and he’d only just slightly
panicked when Chen Xi had already closed the distance between the two of them.


An extremely simple explosive fist struck out to instantly blast Mu Kui flying. However,
before his body could even hit the floor, Chen Xi had once again stomped on the ground to
follow up before bending his elbow upwards and swinging his arm down, and his fist was
like a drill as it hammered downwards.


Mu Kui was directly smashed into the hard rocky ground, his body sunk deep into the
ground, and streams of darkish red blood even flowed out of the corners of his mouth.


Chen Xi raised his fist once more.

“Stop, stop! I admit defeat! I beg you, Senior, spare my life! Spare me!” Mu Kui screamed
in fear, yet an expression of rage and ruthlessness slipped past deep within his eyes.

Want to deceive me?

Chen Xi sneered incessantly in his heart. He completely disregarded Mu Kui imploring for
mercy as he continuously smashed his fist downwards another few tens of times. Every
single punch was a full force strike, smashing onto Mu Kui to the point his flesh broke
apart and numerous bones of his had already broken.

For a time, the entire peak of the mountain was filled with the shrill wailing of Mu Kui
begging for mercy, and his voice was incomparably miserable to the point it would cause
one’s countenance to change.

Not long after, Chen Xi gazed at Mu Kui who was on the verge of death, and asked coldly,
“Now, do you still want to eat me?”

Actually, he didn’t have a heart of stone, nor did his feelings towards demon beasts come to
the extent that he would spare none on sight. But, this Mu Kui was extremely cunning.
When he admitted defeat the first time, it was obviously an act to deceive Chen Xi. If Chen
Xi didn’t beat him to the point that fear was born within his heart, there was no telling what
would happen.

The world of demon beasts was actually even more barbaric than the world of humans, and
the law of survival where the strong were respected had always been carried out from
within their bones. The person with the biggest fist was the one who was boss, and they
completely didn’t care about reason.

“I don’t dare, I don’t dare. This lowly one has eyes but didn’t recognize Mt.Tai. I hope
Senior can pardon my offense.” Mu Kui’s tone revealed reverence and terror. His face was
completely red and swollen from being hit by Chen Xi, and his originally hideous
appearance had become an even more agonizing sight.

“Alright, I’ll ask you some things. If you’re able to answer it to my satisfaction, then I’ll let
you go. Right, get up first.” Chen Xi had his hands behind his back as he spoke.

Mu Kui did his best to struggle off the ground and stand up, then he held back the intense
pain in his entire body as he nodded repeatedly. “Of course, of course. This lowly one
guarantees to speak without reserve, and will surely make Senior satisfied.”

“Where is this?”

“Reporting to Senior. This place is within the 10,000 enormous mountains of the Southern
Barbaric Mountain Range. This mountain is called Moon’s Embrace Mountain, and it’s the
place I cultivate.” Mu Kui really did speak without reserve, and he replied in an extremely
straightforward manner.

“Oh, do you know how to leave this place?” Chen Xi expression remained unfazed as he
continued to ask, causing one to be unable to perceive his true thoughts within his heart.
When this appearance entered the eyes of Mu Kui, Chen Xi seemed to become
unfathomable, and he was even more certain inwardly that Chen Xi was a human expert
that had entered this place by mistake.

However, Chen Xi’s second question still caused Mu Kui to be unable to avoid being
stunned, and he said in shock. “Doesn’t Senior know how he came here?”

“Mmm.” The displeasure within Chen Xi’s voice caused Mu Kui to shudder in fear, but he
still had a face full of difficulty as he answered. “Senior, this lowly one has been cultivating
here since childhood. This lowly one has not left 500km from Moon’s Embrace Mountain
in these 1,000 years at all. Even this lowly one is unable to answer this question.”

“Alright, you may leave.” Chen Xi pondered for a short moment before waving his hand in

Mu Kui couldn’t help but be stunned. He let me go so easily? Mu Kui was in slight
disbelief and for a time, he didn’t know what to do.

It was at this moment that a deep and powerful voice was like a struck drum as it resounded
out from the foot of the mountain. “Mu Kui, you kid! I’ll surely kill you today! Hurry up
and get your ass down here for your grandfather!”

The sound was so loud that bangs echoed out explosively all over the entire Moon’s
Embrace Mountain.

“I’m doomed, this fellow, Li Hu, is here again…” Mu Kui’s expression abruptly became
incomparably miserable, and he seemed as if he’d been scared out of his wits.

Chen Xi couldn’t help but say curiously, “Is this fellow extremely formidable?”

Mu Kui powerlessly said with a bitter smile on his face, “He’s on par with me. But how
could I be a match for him in my current condition? Oh, earlier, if Senior didn’t…”

“Are you blaming me for injuring you?” Chen Xi coldly interrupted.

Mu Kui was shocked with terror, only now did he realize that the person beside him was an
even more ruthless person than Li Hu, and he instantly explained in a hurry. “Senior, calm
down. This lowly one absolutely didn’t mean that. I absolutely didn’t!”

“Why does that Li Hu want to kill you?” Chen Xi was only frightening him, and when
Chen Xi saw that he was so docile, Chen Xi couldn’t bear to make him suffer any longer.

“What else, but to seize my cultivation abode.”

Mu Kui gritted his teeth and said, “Senior, to be honest, there’s a section of a top-grade
spirit vein within my abode. I don’t know where that Li Hu acquired this information, so,
he wants to seize my abode and cause me to have no place to dwell in anymore.”

“Why are you telling me all this? Could it be that you’re not afraid that it will be seized by
me?” Chen Xi glanced at Mu Kui with a gaze that contained a profound meaning.

Mu Kui knew as well that he was unable to conceal his petty shrewdness from Chen Xi, so
he answered frankly. “As long as Senior is able to kill Li Hu for me, then there’s no harm if
this cultivation abode is gifted to Senior.”

“Then what about you?” Chen Xi compelled Mu Kui to answer completely, step by step.

Mu Kui fell on his knees with a bang and ceaselessly kowtowed as he said loudly, “I’m
willing to follow Senior, stand before Senior in protection, and become a spirit beast under
Senior’s command. I’ll serve Senior for my entire life.”

Chen Xi was instead stunned, as he’d never imagined that Mu Kui would perform such a

A demon beast acknowledging a master was no different from establishing a vow of the
heart under the Heaven Dao. The demon beast could only follow behind its master for its
entire lifetime, and its life or death was controlled by the hands of its master. Unless it was
under special circumstances, there wasn’t a single demon beast that would willingly do this.

“Mu Kui, you kid! You can’t hide! Hurry up and come out to receive death!”

The powerful and deep voice once again echoed out with a bang, and nearby the
mountainside of Moon’s Embrace Mountain, a fiery red figure was violently dashing
towards the peak of the mountain.
Chapter 62 – Li Hu

At the peak of Moon’s Embrace Mountain, at the side of the cliff that was covered in a sea
of clouds.

“He’s here! Senior, save me!” Mu Kui’s expression became miserable and unsightly as he
heard that voice that came closer and closer, and he kowtowed repeatedly.

Chen Xi shook his head and said helplessly, “If you don’t get up right now, I really won’t
save you.”

Mu Kui was overjoyed and once again kowtowed three times before saying with a voice
that contained agitation that was difficult to hide, “Thank you, Senior. Thank you!”

In a moment, a red robed youth leaped up the cliff. He had a pink face with lips that were
smooth as jade, and he possessed an extremely handsome appearance of starry eyes and
sword shaped eyebrows. Most eye catching of it all was the flame tattoo on his forehead
that contained a strand of flickering flame, and it added an evil air to him.

“Mu Kui, you kid! I never imagined that you’d actually find help! But, you seem to have
been injured, right?” The red robed youth glanced at Chen Xi with a strange gaze, then he
locked his gaze onto Mu Kui who was covered in injuries and he silently sneered

Chen Xi was hardly able to believe his eyes, as after he’d heard the powerful and deep
voice, he originally thought that the even if this Li Hu had taken human form, Li Hu ought
to be a burly fellow, but he never imagined that Li Hu would actually be a handsome youth!

With Chen Xi backing him up, Mu Kui’s had become much more courageous, and he
shouted out explosively with an angry voice. “Li Hu, you’ve provoked me repeatedly, do
you think I’m afraid of you?”

Li Hu shook his head in disdain, then he pointed at Chen Xi and said in a deep voice, “Kid,
I advise you to leave as soon as possible. Don’t get yourself injured because of Mu Kui.
Grandpa is a perfection-stage Congenital Realm Blaze Tiger greater demon. Killing you is
like slaughtering a chicken. Hurry up and fuck off!”

“Audacious! You actually dared insult Senior? You, stupid tiger, are really courting death!
Let me tell you, today, just because of what you just said, you, Li Hu, are dead for sure!”
Mu Kui shouted out explosively and was about to charge forward.

“Allow me.” Chen Xi’s calm and indifferent voice sounded out and it carried with it
irresistible air, and Mu Kui’s heart went cold for no reason. He moved back right away and
stood respectfully at the side, and when he recalled his miserable encounter from before,
the gaze he shot at Li Hu already carried a trace of pity.

Chen Xi took a step forward, and along with this step, his entire temperament suddenly
changed. Dense killing intent was abruptly emitted from his thin and tall body, like a sharp
sword that thirsted for blood had been drawn from its sheath.


Mu Kui gasped, and he suddenly realized. I’m afraid this is Senior’s true strength, right?
Looks like senior didn’t utilize his full strength at all when defeating me earlier…

“Kid, who the heck are you? Quickly speak your name!?”

The unparalleled killing intent that suddenly surged out from Chen Xi’s body caused Li Hu
to be shocked in his heart, and he knew he’d encountered a formidable opponent, so he
decided to sound Chen Xi out.

Mu Kui was able to recognize that I’m a human with a single glance, yet this Li Hu only
looks like he took no notice, he’s truly a stupid tiger. A trace of pity arose in Chen Xi’s
heart, and the killing intent in his chest instead became thicker and thicker.

Chen Xi’s grandfather, Chen Tianli, had always been a taboo in Chen Xi’s heart, and Li Hu
calling himself grandpa at every moment had undoubtedly provoked and offended Chen
Xi’s bottom line.

“Cut off your own tongue and I’ll spare your life,” Chen Xi said coldly.

“You’re actually more arrogant than Grandpa Li Hu, you’re truly courting death!” Li Hu
burst into rage, the demonic qi on his body suffused out with a bang, and eyes were
incomparably blackish red as if they were filled with blood.


Under the influence of his explosive rage, Li Hu decided to make the first move and gain
the advantage. On his hands that were big like fans, the nails on his fingers grew out
explosively to become 60 cm long, and they were like 10 sharp sword blades that were
suffused with a bloody glow. Then, his body leaped out to claw towards Chen Xi.


As he dashed, the red robe on Li Hu’s body tore into pieces that fluttered in the air,
revealing his upper body that was covered in curved and strong muscles that were like
rocks, and his aura explosively increased a level as well.

This tiger demon is actually on the path of the School of Fiendgod Body Refinement?
Chen Xi’s eyes lit up. This was the first time he’d encountered a body refining greater
demon, and the battle intent within his heart was instantly lit ablaze. Immediately, he didn’t
utilize his True Essence any longer as he charged straight at Li Hu.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Chen Xi and Li Hu were locked in battle, the Grand Collapsing Fist that was at the unity-
stage was exerted to the limit by Chen Xi as he used a purely head-on method to battle Li

He moved like a drawn bow to explode out like a thunderclap!

Chen Xi’s body was like a large bow that had been drawn fully, and the terrifying strength
beneath his muscles and skin were gathered at every joint in his body. When he smashed
out his fist, it was like a violently shot arrow, like muffled thunder exploding out.

The ‘collapsing’ within the Grand Collapsing Fist was fully utilized by him, as the
formidable strength of his body surged out from his fist to quake the space to the point that
circle after circle of ripples that were noticeable to the naked eye had undulated out!

Whereas Li Hu, although he was at the perfection-stage of the Congenital Realm as well,
his martial techniques were simple and crude, and they had barely reached the advanced-
stage. However, he was a Blaze Tiger and his body was innately extremely strong, and
what he cultivated after taking human form was also the School of Fiendgod Body
Refinement. So, in terms of the level of strength of the body, he wasn’t inferior to Chen Xi
in the slightest.

It was precisely because of this that although Li Hu was forced to retreat continuously, it
was impossible for Chen Xi to defeat him in a short amount of time.

“The body refinement cultivation of this senior is too shocking. That Li Hu is a tiger demon
that innately possesses a strong body, yet he’s been beaten to the point he’d unable to hit
back. Moreover, if their martial techniques were compared, the fist technique of this senior
is extremely formidable as well, and has obviously attained the unity-stage…”

In the distance, extraordinary splendor rippled in Mu Kui’s eyes as he watched the battle,
and the deeper he understood Chen Xi’s strength, the more reverence he felt in his heart
towards Chen Xi. He’d already inwardly decided that no matter what, he would stay by
Chen Xi’s side!

“How is this possible? I’ve already cultivated this body refinement technique for over 1,000
years, and I’m only a step away from advancing to the Violet Palace Realm to become a
demon king. How could I be forced to continuously retreat one step after another?” Li Hu’s
expression became more and more serious, as every fist that Chen Xi struck out would
quake his body to the point his vital energy and blood roiled, and the bones in his entire
body ached extremely as well. This sort of feeling was so unfamiliar, unfamiliar to the
point it caused him to be incomparably aggrieved.


A violent and fierce roar exploded out with a bang atop the mountain peak, and Li Hu’s
body slightly swayed before he’d already transformed into an enormous tiger that was 6m
long and 3m tall. Li Hu’s fangs were like sabers, his enormous claws like swords, and
savage and raging demonic qi suffused out with a bang from his body that was coiled in
blazing flames.

“How many years has it been? You’re the first person to force out my original form. I’ll let
you die a swift death!” Li Hu roared into the sky.


His entire figure was like a wisp of flames as he pounced towards Chen Xi with a speed
that was actually more than double from before!

“Senior, watch out!” Mu Kui shouted out loudly from afar. “After Li Hu’s returned to his
body of a demon beast, his strength had at least risen explosively by 20%!”

Going all out already?

Chen Xi instead sighed inwardly. The head on battle with Li Hu earlier had allowed his
comprehension towards his fist technique to deepen, and his Grand Collapsing Fist that
remained at a standstill at the unity-stage even had a faint trace of being about to break
through. But he never expected that at this critical moment, Li Hu had instead transformed
into a demon beast and changed the method of the battle, and this naturally caused him to
feel slight regret.

“Die!” Accompanied by the furious voice, Li Hu had already appeared before Chen Xi, and
he opened his bloody mouth to fiercely bite towards Chen Xi’s head!

Chen Xi took a deep breath and didn’t restrain his strength any longer, under the urging of
his body, his fist faintly emitted a mysterious energy that caused one’s heart to palpitate.

Ancient, desolate, icy… Since he’d attained the perfection-stage of the Congenital realm,
and some mysterious veins of shaman markings had vaguely appeared on his back, Chen Xi
noticed that when he utilized the Grand Collapsing Fist purely with the strength of his
body, strands of a mysterious energy would surge out from between his flesh and skin. This
energy was fine like strands of hair and was incomparably scarce. If he didn’t carefully
sense it, he would be utterly unable to notice it.

Shaman Energy!
It was recorded on the Universe Starslayer Body Forging Arts that when the body is refined
to the Violet Palace Realm, shaman markings and star diagrams would be condensed, and a
terrifying and mysterious energy called Shaman Energy would surge out from within the
entire body.

Similar to the True Essence that was cultivated by qi refiners, along with the increase in
cultivation, the Shaman Energy would undergo a qualitative transformation. Shaman
Energy was used to execute the Divine Abilities that could only be cultivated by body
refiners at the Violet Palace Realm, and it was able to display an unimaginable destructive


Chen Xi lowered his head and move his body sideway, dodging the bite of Li Hu’s bloody
mouth with a speed that was swift as lightning, and at the same time his right arm turned
around and a punch rushed out like lightning.


Chen Xi’s right fist directly broke open Li Hu’s lower jaw, then his fist easily made a hole
through Li Hu’s head from bottom to top, leaving behind a hole that surged with blood.

“Ah!” Dark red and thick blood flew out in the air above the side of the cliff, tainting the
drifting sea clouds in red. Whereas Li Hu instead emitted a miserable and suffering shrill
cry, and he was directly thrown out a few hundred meters with a swing of Chen Xi’s arm.
Li Hu then struggled for a short moment but was unable to stand up once again, and he died
just like that.

It seemed slow when written out, but in actuality, from the moment Li Hu transformed into
his body of a demon beast until Chen Xi broke open his head with a single punch, only an
instant had passed. However, within this instant, Li Hu was already dead on the ground.

Mu Kui’s pupils went wide, and he nearly thought he was seeing this. But when he saw the
body of Li Hu who had died miserably in a pool of blood, he affirmed that everything that
had happened was real!

Instant kill with a single strike?

Could it be that this is Senior’s true strength?

Mu Kui recalled the scene of Chen Xi beating the daylights out of him from before, a cold
stream of air poured out of his vertebrae into his entire body, and he couldn’t help but
shudder. If Senior had exerted his full strength at that time, I would probably have kicked
the bucket like Li Hu since a long time ago, right?
“Let’s go.” After removing a storage belt from Li Hu’s corpse, Chen Xi turned around and
walked down the mountain.

“Oh!” Mu Kui abruptly jolted awake and hurriedly jogged to follow up to Chen Xi, and his
gaze when he looked at Chen Xi’s back carried boundless reverence within it.

“Right, Li Hu is a Blaze Tiger, what about you?”

“Reporting to Senior, this lowly one is a Winged Silverwolf.”

“Oh, I heard that Winged Silverwolves possess a strand of the bloodline of the divine beast
of ancient times, the Lunarwood Wolf. Is it true?”

“Yeah… It’s true indeed. But the bloodline of this lowly one is mixed to a great extent. My
father was an Azurewing Windwolf, and my mother was a Winged Silverwolf, so, I’m
unsure if I possess the bloodline inheritance of the Lunarwood Wolf.”

“Oh, so you’re a cross breed.”


“But, you gave yourself the name Mu Kui[1. Mu Kui’s name (木奎) and the Lunarwood
Wolf (奎木狼) utilize the same characters but in an inverse order.], I presume that you
desire extremely to possess formidable strength like the Lunarwood Wolf, right?”

“Senior really possesses an insightful gaze that’s like a torch, it truly causes this lowly one
to have extreme admiration. The admiration within my heart is like a surging river…”


They chatted all along the way, and under the lead of Mu Kui, Chen Xi quickly followed
along the winding mountain path to circle around for almost the time for an incense stick to
burn before finally arriving before Mu Kui’s abode.

This abode was situated in an extremely hidden pavement on the mountain side. On one
side was a precipice, and the other side was tightly curtained by numerous large trees that
were like coiled dragons and required many people to form a circle around it. If it wasn’t
for Mu Kui leading the way, it was truly difficult to notice.

“Senior, please enter.” Mu Kui stood before the abode and bowed in welcome.
Chapter 63 – Continuous Pleasant Surprises

Mu Kui’s abode covered no more than 30 meters of space. Its inner environment was cool
and dry with some tables and chairs made of halogen salts placed around casually, and the
entire abode seemed extremely simple.

The moment he entered the abode, Chen Xi noticed a dense spirit energy fluctuation. He
swept his soul out and quickly found the source of the fluctuation.

At the corner of the abode was a meditation cushion. Chen Xi stretched out his hand to lift
the meditation cushion and saw a chunk of jade stone that emitted a misty bright light
silently lying within the crack in the rock. It was around 30cm long and thick like a baby’s
arm. The spirit energy emitted from it was thick and pure, and taking a slight breath would
cause one’s mind to feel refreshed.

“This is the top-grade spirit vein you spoke of? No wonder that tiger demon wanted to seize
your abode, the spirit energy here is more than 10 times denser than the outside world. It’s
undoubtedly a superb place to cultivate.” Chen Xi said in amazement. It was the first time
he’d seen the appearance of a spirit vein, but compared to the spirit spring he’d seen in the
sword immortal’s abode, this chunk of spirit vein was rather inferior.

Mu Kui stood at the side and was uneasy in his heart. Killing one and seizing their treasures
wasn’t something he hadn’t seen before, so he was naturally worried that greed would arise
in Chen Xi’s heart and he would wipe him out.


The more he thought about it, the more afraid he felt, Mu Kui didn’t dare hesitate any
longer and instantly knelt on the ground before saying loudly, “This lowly one is willing to
take Senior as my Master. I earnestly request Senior to keep my by your side, and Mu Kui
will only serve Senior for his entire lifetime. If I violate this oath, then I’ll surely encounter
the punishment of the Heaven’s Dao, and be unable to achieve rebirth, forever!”

Chen Xi knew that this fellow was afraid that Chen Xi would kill him and seize his
treasures, so Chen Xi knew that if he were to refuse Mu Kui, it would surely cause Mu Kui
to live in uncertainty forever, and perhaps some unexpected event may occur because of

Chen Xi pondered for a moment before nodding and saying, “Alright, I can accept your
request, but let me state something first, I won’t bring you along to leave this place.”

“Senior, Mu Kui sincerely wants to follow Senior. This lowly one will absolutely not divert
Senior’s attention to take care of me, please fulfill my request, Senior.” Mu Kui felt slightly
safe in his heart, but when he thought of the second half of what Chen Xi said, he couldn’t
help but feel slightly reluctant and said to himself. Is Senior afraid I’d get him into trouble?
Chen Xi shook his head. “I won’t change my decision, if you persist in this way, then…”

Before Chen Xi could even finish speaking, Mu Kui had said in a hurry, “Senior, calm your
anger. We’ll do it according to what Senior said.”

Chen Xi nodded.

Mu Kui continued to chat with Chen Xi, he originally wanted to find out about Chen Xi’s
background, but when he saw Chen Xi seemed to have his mind occupied with other things,
he instantly left in an extremely obedient manner.

This abode was silently seized by Chen Xi, but Mu Kui thought nothing of it, as he was
already extremely grateful that Chen Xi didn’t kill him after all.


Chen Xi sat on the meditation cushion, and the pure and thick spirit energy that surged out
from the top-grade spirit vein below him caused him to be unable to refrain from exhaling
in comfort.

“This place isn’t bad.” Ji Yu held the infant Pixiu in his arms as he appeared out of thin air.

Chen Xi was already used to Ji Yu coming and going like a shadow and knew that Ji Yu
would only come out and meet him when there was no one around.


The eyes of the snow white and fluffy Pixiu that was only the size of a fist lit up, then it
roared towards the place Chen Xi was sitting. Obviously, it had noticed the chunk of top-
grade spirit vein.

Chen Xi couldn’t help but stretch out his hand when he saw the little fellow had such a cute
appearance and wanted to embrace it, but was flatly refused by Ji Yu. “You current strength
is still unable to suppress Bai Kui, and would just let him run away.”

“Bai Kui?” Chen Xi was stunned.

“Yes, he’s called Bai Kui. He already possesses intelligence and was born with a spirit
body. But as an auspicious beast that’s well-renowned since ancient times, he’s forever
unable to take human form.”

Ji Yu said emotionally, “This is the Heaven Dao, it harms those who have too much and
supplements those that don’t. If a Pixiu is able to take human form and cultivate, then
relying on its terrifying ability to accumulate Karmic Luck, then sooner or later, it would
probably become a supreme existence.”

“Harms those who have too much and supplements those that don’t?” Chen Xi was
extremely puzzled. The Heaven Dao was extremely profound and difficult to ascertain.
How could he understand the meaning within the Heaven’s Dao with his current scope of

“What do you plan to do? Want to stay here forever?” Ji Yu changed the topic.

When the matter at hand was mentioned, Chen Xi’s expression seemed much more serious
as he nodded and said, “Yes, I heard from Mu Kui that seven demon kings with terrifying
forces under their command occupy this deep area of the Southern Barbaric Mountain
Range, and are like impenetrable walls that are defending the places that must be passed to
head to the outside world. So I want to temporarily stay here and leave once my cultivation
has broken through to the Violet Palace Realm.”

When they chatter earlier, Mu Kui wanted to find out about Chen Xi’s identity, but Chen Xi
instead changed the topic with just a few words and made Mu Kui reveal various secrets.
This also allowed Chen Xi to have a certain degree of understanding towards this area
where groups of mountains flowed on continuously.

The Southern Barbaric Mountain Range had a domain of 5,000km, and the central area
occupied 2,500km of it. Demon beasts moved about freely and wreaked havoc in this
central area, and amongst these demon beasts, the seven great demon kings held the
greatest reputation.

These seven great demon kings were respectively the Copper Mountain’s Thunderhawk
King, Aqua Cavern’s Black Ape King, Moonlight Lake’s Dark Wyrm King, Sunset
Forest’s Azure Python King, Moonhowl Ridge’s Roc King, Coldstar Mountain’s Nine-
tailed Fox King, and the elusive Profound-vision Old Turtle King.

There were differences between the strength of these seven demon kings, on the lower
spectrum was the Aqua Cavern’s Black Ape King who was only at the Violet Palace
Realm, and on the higher end of the spectrum was the Moonhowl Ridge’s Roc King and the
Coldstar Mountain’s Nine-tailed Fox King who almost no demon knew how formidable
their cultivations were.

Of course, the most mysterious was still the Profound-vision Old Turtle King. Allegedly,
this Old Turtle King had already lived for over 10,000 years and possessed a trace of the
bloodline of the ancient divine beast overlord, the Black Turtle, and his strength is

The reason that he was called mysterious is that practically no demon had seen him battle,
moreover, his whereabouts changed like how the direction of the wind changed. Unless he
was willing, otherwise, no one was able to meet him.
However, no matter if it was the stronger or weaker amongst the seven great demon kings,
they were all formidable existences that Chen Xi was currently unable to go against. It was
precisely because of this that he didn’t dare rashly leave Moon’s Embrace Mountain and go
around the surroundings of this central area of the mountain range that was controlled by
the seven great demon kings. If he were to venture through forcefully, he would only die
miserably under the fangs of the seven demon kings.

Ji Yu nodded and said, “That’s good as well. Although demon beasts wreak havoc in this
deep area of the mountain range and traces of humans are rare, the spirit energy of heaven
and earth is extremely dense. Moreover, various spirit herbs and natural treasures grow
here, seeming to be a treasure ground of nature. Cultivating here is extremely good as

They continued talking for some time longer, and after he instructed Chen Xi to cultivate
properly and not waste time, Ji Yu held the infant Pixiu in his arms as he disappeared.


Ji Yu had only just left when Chen Xi withdrew the jade slips he acquired in the sword
immortal’s abode from his storage ring, then arranged them on the ground.

There were a total of 20 jade slips, and they were personally picked by Ji Yu in the Book
Reserve Hall, so they were naturally existences that were extremely precious.

Amongst these, 13 were talisman crafting jade slips, and 7 were other jade slips.

The Dao of Talismans was vast and profound like a sea of mist, it required a long time to
study and comprehend, and it was extremely difficult to achieve anything within a short
amount of time.

Chen Xi shot his gaze at the other seven jade slips.

Qi refinement cultivation technique, Ice Crane Technique, records the technique to

cultivate the nine levels in the Violet Palace Realm. The True Essence that’s produced from
cultivating this technique is like a surging tide filled with icicles. Not only does it stretch
continuously and unbroken, it also possessed a sharp edge effect, and was extremely

“My Chen Clan’s Violet Sky Arts 18 levels merely records the cultivation technique for the
nine levels of the Postnatal Realm and Congenital Realm, yet it doesn’t contain the
technique for the Violet Palace Realm. This Ice Crane Technique just happens to solve my
imminent need.” Chen Xi hastily read over the Ice Crane Technique, and he looked at the
absolutely ingenious qi refinement technique that exceeded his imagination, a wisp of
gratefulness abruptly surged out from Chen Xi’s heart and he said to himself, I presume
Senior Ji Yu had taken this into consideration, so he picked this Ice Crane Technique for
me.    I must cultivate properly to live up to his expectations!
The second jade slip — Windflow Divination Sword.

The sword technique was swift like lightning with a myriad of transformations, like the
wind that whistled through the heavens and earth. When the sword was swung out, it was
like a storm howling with rage and swept away all obstacles in its way. Whereas when it
was used to defend, even wind couldn’t pass through it… At the same time, when the
sword technique was cultivated to the limit, the swung sword was swift like a gale, soft like
a breeze, violent like a storm, fierce like a squall, and sharp like a hurricane… It possessed
a myriad of transformations, causing its opponents to be unable to defend against it.

According to the characteristics of the wind, the Windflow Divination Sword was divided
into six moves, the Galeflash Shadow, Breezy Rain, Dark Storm, Tide Squall, Wavesplit
Hurricane, and Space Shattering Typhoon.

“Formidable! This Windflow Divination Sword’s first four moves are all at the level of the
unity-stage, and most unbelievable are that the Wavesplit Hurricane and Space Shattering
Typhoon actually already possesses the essence of the profound meaning of the Dao!”

Chen Xi was full of excitement as he read it, and his eyes were unusually brilliant.

As everyone knew, the stages of techniques were divided to the basic-stage, advanced-
stage, and unity stage, whereas above it was Dao Insight!

Once this stage was achieved, regardless of if it was sword technique, saber technique,
spear technique, footwork, fist technique; or even flower arrangement, painting, music, and
other techniques, they would all contain the cultivator's comprehension of the Grand Dao.
When these techniques were utilized, the might of the techniques were more than 100 times
stronger than the unity-stage. Although the two stages were divided by a single step, its
difference was as great as the distance between the heavens and the earth!

For example in sword techniques, when Dao Insight was comprehended, one would be able
to condense Sword Insight, and the might of the sword technique would have a qualitative
difference from an ordinary sword technique.

“Dao Insight! This Windflow Divination Sword is probably an extremely precious

existence within the Book Reserve Hall. Senior Ji Yu is so good to me…” Chen Xi took a
deep breath and forcefully restrained the excitement in his heart before continuing to look
at the next jade slip.

Movement technique — Divine Windwing Flight, using the wind as wings to arrogantly
howl in the nine heavens!

This Divine Windwing Flight was boundlessly profound as well. After experiencing the
pleasant surprise from before, Chen Xi had already become numbed. But when he saw this
profound movement technique that was able to allow cultivators to mount the clouds and
ride the mist to roam freely in the sky, he still couldn’t stop himself from getting excited
and he only calmed down after quite a long while.

Godly Illusion, God Shaker, God Killer. These three jade slips recorded soul attack
techniques, moreover, according to Chen Xi’s inference, these three jade slips were
obviously three parts of a whole, going up level by level from the lowest Godly Illusion to
the highest God Killer.

Similarly, these three soul attack techniques were techniques that Chen Xi required
urgently. According to his knowledge, visualization techniques to cultivate the soul were
extremely rare, and even though these soul attack techniques weren’t as precious as
visualization techniques, they were still extremely precious existences that ordinary powers
were utterly unable to possess.

When Chen Xi’s gaze descended on the last jade slip, he couldn’t help but be stunned.
Traceless Aura Technique?

Could it be that it’s a True Essence utilization technique?

Chen Xi picked it up and skimmed through it hastily, and Chen Xi’s heart that was almost
numbed after being ravaged by wave after wave of pleasant surprise had once again failed
him and started thumping.
Chapter 64 – Advancing to The Violet Palace Realm

“Condense True Essence at the 100 apertures around the body, then combine the spirit and
qi and use an internal breathing technique to take care of breathing… When cultivated to
the limit, it’s able to restrain one’s aura and provide stealth, and it’s difficult for a person
without Divine Sense to notice the cultivator.” Chen Xi held the Traceless Aura Technique
and savored each word as he read, and his eyes became brighter as each moment passed.

It’s too formidable!

Chen Xi couldn’t refrain from exclaiming in surprise after he’d finished reading the entire
jade slip.

This Traceless Aura Technique was an absolutely marvelous Secret Art. When successfully
cultivated, not only would he be able to restrain the aura in his entire body, his figure would
become transparent and disappear as if he’d vanished into thin air.

Most worthy of attention was that after the Traceless Aura Technique was executed, unless
it was a cultivator whose soul possessed Divine Sense, it would be utterly impossible for
the cultivator to notice any traces of him. Furthermore, Divine Sense was an ability that
only a great Rebirth Realm cultivator was able to acquire!

However, this Traceless Aura Technique could only be utilized in a motionless state. Once
he moved he would be completely exposed, and this flaw caused Chen Xi to feel it was a
real shame.

As far as he was concerned, if he was able to utilize the Traceless Aura Technique while
dashing, he would be completely capable of leaving the depths of the mountain range
unnoticed, and it would be unlikely for him to be killed by one of the seven great demon

In short, possessing the Traceless Aura Technique to Chen Xi at his current strength was
undoubtedly like an extra life saving method; it was also a great weapon that could be used
to conduct ambushes and surprise attacks!

“The lowest requirement to cultivate these jade slips is the Violet Palace Realm. Looks like
I must break through in my qi refinement cultivation to the Violet Palace Realm…”

Chen Xi pondered for a short while, then put away the jade slips on the floor. He withdrew
the octagonal containment bottle from his storage ring, then placed the Icesoul Heartlotus
beside the chunk of top-grade spirit vein beneath the meditation cushion.

The Icesoul Heartlotus was a treasure used to suppress inner demons during cultivation, and
at the instant it appeared it started emitted strands of energy that caused one’s heart to calm.
Within this calm atmosphere, Chen Xi’s excited mood gradually returned to peace.

Not only did the octagonal containment bottle contain almost 250kg of liquid condensed
from Netherezim Baleful Qi, there was still nearly 1,500kg of spirit liquid. These spirit
liquids were gathered from the Hundred Herb Hall in the sword immortal’s abode, and if it
wasn’t for the maturing of the Goldsoul Divine Lotus completely absorbing the spirit
spring, the spirit liquid Chen Xi would have been able to gather would be much greater
than 1,500 kg.

However, these spirit liquids were already sufficient to sustain his cultivation for an
extremely long time.


The octagonal containment bottle suddenly flew mid-air and the mouth of the bottle tipped,
pouring out spirit liquid like a column as Chen Xi opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Spirit liquids were used by Violet Palace Realm cultivators that had established their Dao
Foundation or cultivators above the Violet Palace Realm. At this moment, Chen Xi was
instead using it to charge into the Violet Palace Realm, and this was undoubtedly a risky

Nevertheless, Chen Xi was unable to care about all that any longer. When situated in the
extremely dangerous depths of the Southern Barbaric Mountain Range where demon beasts
wreaked havoc, only by swiftly increasing his strength would he be able to have a better
chance at survival!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

When the spirit liquid was ingested, an enormous sound like a great river surging forward
resounded out within Chen Xi’s body. The surging and pure spirit liquid was like a fierce
beast on a rampage as it started to rage about within all of his meridians. Everywhere it
passed, it was like countless little knives fiercely scraped every meridian and every
aperture, causing intense pain throughout his entire body.

Chen Xi emitted a muffled groan as he forcefully endured the pain and gritted his teeth as
he circulated the Violet Sky Arts.

Fortunately, the strength of his soul was sufficiently strong and was quickly able to lead the
spirit liquid current to follow along the meridians in his body to complete a circulation
revolution. After completing 36 revolutions, all the spirit liquids were injected into his

At this moment, his Dantian wasn’t peaceful as it used to be. The nine True Essence clouds
that originally assumed a ladder shape to rise straight up seemed as if they were stirred by
an enormous hand and they fiercely fluttered about within his Dantian, absorbing the True
Essence that had surged within.

The process of absorbing took three days!

Three days and almost 500kg of spirit liquids later, the volume of the nine True Essence
clouds had expanded 10 plus times and they were like fermented dough as they blocked up
the Dantian, unable to move another bit.

Chen Xi didn’t stop cultivating and still absorbed streams of spirit liquids that continued to
charge into his Dantian after being refined by his Violet Sky Arts.

Crack! Crack! Crack!

After spirit energy ceaselessly surging in and fiercely assaulting it, Chen Xi’s Dantian that
had been completely filled started to faintly bulge, as if it would break open in the next

Right at that moment.

Chen Xi’s eyes abruptly sprung open and cold light revolved within his eyes as he shouted.

Outside the abode, Mu Kui was meditating beneath a large tree and he seemed to have
noticed something as he raised his head abruptly. The scene that entered his eyes was that
of all the spirit energy of heaven and earth throughout the entire Moon’s Embrace
Mountain seeming as if they had been summoned, as they swarmed into the abode. For a
time, fierce gales sprung up and storms surged at a shocking scale.

“Drawing upon the spirit energy of the heaven and the earth?” Mu Kui’s eyes lit up
suddenly, then he said in agitation, “Could it be that Senior Chen Xi is about to develop his
violet palace?”

“Hmm?” 5,000km away, within a precipitous mountain that was like a sharp sword
piercing the sky, a black robed and white haired young man sat on a jade bed as he drank
excellent wine. Beside him, a beautiful female demon massaged his legs, and he had an
incomparably pleased expression.

However, he seemed to have noticed something as he suddenly stood up and the white bone
wine cup in his hand shattered on the floor with a crash. He seemed as if he didn’t notice it
in the slightest as he muttered to himself. “Who would be charging towards the Violet
Palace Realm within my territory? It’s impossible. Not a single one of those little fellows
possesses the strength to charge into the Violet Palace Realm. Could it be a fellow daoist
from another place?”

“My King, have you noticed something?” The beautiful female demon asked carefully.

The black robed white haired young man waved his hand and said, “Go look for my
disciple Li Hu. Ask him if any other demon-kind fellow daoists have been lingering

“Yes, my King.” The beautiful female demon smiled sweetly before transforming into a
white feathered spirit bird and spreading her wings to fly out the abode.

The violent fluctuation of the spirit energy of heaven and earth on Moon’s Embrace
Mountain had already drawn the attention of numerous greater demons that were devoted to
cultivation nearby. They either stuck their heads out from the water, looked far into the
distance from the peak of a tree or walked out from their abodes… and their gazes
congregated on the same place in unison: Moon’s Embrace Mountain.

“Could it be that fellow Mu Kui?”

“No, I fucking remember that stupid wolf had only just advanced to the perfection stage of
the Congenital Realm.”

“This might in the air is absolutely the development of the violet palace, without a doubt!”

“If he’s successful in developing his violet palace, then Aqua Cavern’s Black Ape King
will probably be threatened.”

It was either surprise, bewilderment, or worry that surged out within the heart of every
greater demon, but no matter what, the gazes they shot at Moon’s Embrace Mountain
faintly carried a trace of reverence.


Within the abode, Chen Xi felt the hairs on his body abruptly rise up and his Dantian felt as
if it was fiercely struck by thunder, causing his soul to start trembling as well.

A terrifying energy of heaven and earth suffused into the air.

A tiny sound like a shell breaking sounded. It was like the beginning of the world, though
more like a phoenix rising from the ashes. Chen Xi felt like his entire body had been
washed by clear spring water. His body was clear of impurities and his mind was clear.

Violet Palace Realm!

Chen Xi forcefully restrained the excitement in his heart as he viewed his own body
internally. His Dantian had already transformed into a space that was a hundred times more
spacious than before, and a lake of True Essence rippled within, seeming extremely


Chen Xi was shocked to notice that at the center of the lake, the Goldsoul Lotus Fruit that
was completely coiled in golden lights floated there, and it actually wasn’t affected by his
recent breakthrough in the slightest.

I wonder what magical effect this fruit actually has…?

Shaking his head, Chen Xi didn’t hesitate any longer and recalled the Ice Crane Technique
in his mind before carefully savoring the profound meaning within it.

The development of the violet palace was the establishing of the foundation of the Grand
Dao, and only then was one considered to have truly stepped onto the road to the Dao of
Immortality. At this moment, his cultivation was extremely unstable. If he didn’t have a
Violet Palace Realm cultivation technique to use, it could even cause his Dao Foundation to
be devastated!

In the Violet Palace Realm, every increase in level would cause a star condensed from True
Essence to emerge in the Dantian, and when nine stars were chained together, it was
considered the perfection stage of the Violet Palace Realm.

What Chen Xi needed to do now was to condense a star from True Essence and make his
cultivation stabilize completely.


Merely around 1,000 kg of spirit liquid remained within the octagonal containment bottle,
yet Chen Xi wasn’t sparing in the slightest. After he’d confirmed every detail of the Ice
Crane Technique and mastered it in his heart, he opened his mouth once again and absorbed
some spirit liquid before starting to cultivate.

The Ice Crane Technique was divided into nine levels, recording the cultivation method
from the 1st star of the Violet Palace Realm until the 9th star of the Violet Palace Realm. It
was alternatively named the Ice Crane’s Nine Transformations and every transformation
was able to condense a True Essence star.
Another six hours passed.

After circulating 81 revolutions according to the pathways of the 1st transformation of the
Ice Crane Technique, the True Essence throughout Chen Xi’s body had completely

The violet colored True Essence that he’d condensed from the Violet Sky Arts had now
become a clear and bright silver color. It was like frost crystals that were extremely

Moreover, the True Essence was continuously cold with overflowing with vigor, and as it
flowed between the meridians it seemed like a wriggling ice flood dragon that was moving

Chen Xi opened his eyes, bent his elbows and struck his fist at the air.

The fist lightly whistled out, causing an icy fist mark that was extremely striking to
abruptly appear in the air wherever it passed, and the entire abode instantly became filled
with cold qi.


The hard wall of the abode was suffused with a layer of ice, and a deep fist print sunk into
the middle of the wall.

“The Ice Crane True Essence is formidable as expected, even a casual fist strike possess
such might. It will surely be able to display an unexpected effect when battling an enemy!”
Chen Xi was extremely pleased.

“Senior, I wonder if this lowly one may enter?” Mu Kui’s voice sounded out from outside
the abode.

Chen Xi thought for a moment then took the initiative to walk out of the abode by himself,
then he looked at Mu Kui who stood there in a bowing position and asked. “What’s the

Mu Kui originally wanted to say something, but when his gaze descended onto Chen Xi, he
felt as if he was facing an unmovable towering mountain. He was extremely shocked in his
heart as he hurriedly congratulated. “Ah, Senior has really advanced to the Violet Palace
Realm, this lowly one congratulates Senior.”

Chen Xi frowned, “If you have something to say then say it, I don’t like being flattered by
others, so don’t do this again in the future.”

Mu Kui nodded repeatedly, then he deliberated for a short moment before stating the reason
he came in a low voice. “Senior, a few of my friends want to meet you. They’re all greater
demons that cultivate near Moon’s Embrace Mountain, and when they found out that
Senior broke through to the Violet Palace Realm, they especially came to congratulate
Senior. I wonder if Senior is able to find the time to meet them?”

“The greater demons that cultivate nearby?” Chen Xi was stunned, but when he noticed the
uneasy expression on Mu Kui’s face, he vaguely understood what was going on. This
fellow has probably boasted about some things to the other greater demons, right?
Chapter 65 – Greater Demons Visit to Congratulate

Mu Kui was extremely nervous. He didn’t dare meet Chen Xi’s eye, but he didn’t feel he’d
done anything wrong either.

Earlier, the commotion of Chen Xi drawing upon the spirit energy of the heaven and earth
to develop his violet palace was extremely great. It had drawn the attention of many greater
demons that were cultivating near Moon’s Embrace Mountain, so they all came over asking
Mu Kui to introduce them.

These greater demons had had some friendly relations with him and they would usually
gather together to drink wine and discuss the Dao. Although they weren’t best friends, it
still wasn’t nice for Mu Kui to refuse them, so he could only summon up the courage to go
see Chen Xi.

Of course, Mu Kui was still quite excited in his heart. He’d been cultivating for a thousand
years on Moon’s Embrace Mountain, but due him leading a solitary life and his cultivation
being unable to compare with the other greater demons, practically no one would be willing
to speak with him when the nearby greater demons gathered usually; they would only treat
him as a dispensable fellow daoist.

But now, along with Chen Xi’s advancement into the Violet Palace Realm, these greater
demons carried various treasures with them as they came looking for him, and all of them
conversed eagerly and enthusiastically with him. Besides causing Mu Kui to feel surprised,
pride couldn’t help but arise in his heart.

However, Mu Kui also knew clearly that if it wasn’t for Senior Chen Xi’s presence, these
vulgar folk would probably still not look him straight in the eye.

“Alright.” Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then agreed with a nod as he wanted to meet
the nearby greater demons as well. After all, these fellows stayed here all year long and had
now even become his ‘neighbors.’ Although it was difficult to be friends, they couldn’t be
enemies, so it was still necessary for him to maintain a certain level of relationship with

“Senior… You agree?” Mu Kui simply didn’t dare believe his ears as he asked in

“Do you not want me to back you up?” Chen Xi glanced askance at him, then said, “Only
this time, and no more.”

Mu Kui was both touched and prideful in his heart, and he nodded like a chick pecking
grains, as he was excited to the point that he couldn’t speak.

The land was covered with green pines and verdant cypresses, with waterfalls and springs
that flowed ever so beautifully. The sky was covered in a layer of mist and clouds, while
cool breezes blew like a tide.

In this scene that was like a painting, over ten men and women in various clothes were
laughing and chatting together. They were leaning against the azure pine tree, sitting or
squatting on rocks, sitting on the ground in groups of two or three, or standing upright and

“This fellow Mu Kui’s luck is so good, he was actually able to make friends with a Violet
Palace Realm expert. Truly a cause for envy.”

“Oh, we can only blame ourselves for neglecting him in the past. If I knew earlier, I might
be able to be like him and listen to the teachings of that Senior Chen Xi.”

“Where do all of you think this Senior Chen Xi is from? In the last thousand years, human
cultivators have rarely stepped foot into our mountain range.”

Various discussions resounded, and at this moment the mountainside of Moon’s Embrace
Mountain seemed to already be a bustling scene.

“Eh, Mu Kui is here, can it be that the youth before him is the Senior Chen Xi that just
developed his violet palace Dao Foundation?” Someone abruptly cried out in surprise.


The gazes of the group of greater demons shot towards the same direction in unison.

They saw Mu Kui pacing over while he followed behind a youth. The youth had a tall
figure and handsome appearance, his eyes were clear and indifferent. He seemed to be
absolutely ordinary, yet with every move he made, he seemed as if he’d merged with the
heavens and the earth and he naturally emitted a minuscule amount of an extremely
formidable aura.

His spirit is combined with his qi, his body combined with the world. He’s at the Violet
Palace Realm as expected!

At that moment, there was no longer a trace of doubt in the hearts of the greater demons,
and even the gazes they shot at Chen Xi carried along a trace of reverence.

“I’m the Spiritdove Mountain’s Xiong Pi, I pay my respects to Senior Chen Xi!”
“I’m the Basanite Cavern’s Zhui Man, I pay my respects to Senior Chen Xi. I congratulate
Senior on advancing to the Violet Palace Realm and establishing the foundation of the
Grand Dao!”

“I’m the Phoenixridge Lake’s…”

The greater demons came forward one by one to bow and pay their respects to Chen Xi,
and their expressions and words were filled with extreme respect.

At the beginning, Chen Xi felt slightly uncomfortable towards all this, but he became
accustomed to it later on. He only nodded in reply, yet in his heart, he’d secretly
remembered the name and appearance of each greater demon. Moreover, Chen Xi noticed
that similar to humans, these greater demons were particular about assigning positions
according to seniority. For example, when they paid respect to him, they’d followed the
rule of coming forward in succession according to their strengths.

Mu Kui had prepared good wine and savory fruits a while ago. He found an empty space
between the pine forest before setting up some meditation cushions and tables, and only
then did he invite Chen Xi and the others to take their seats.

Of course, even though the place was simple, Chen Xi was still respectfully welcomed by
all of the greater demons to sit at the head. Mu Kui directly sat on Chen Xi’s right and
attentively poured wine and gave fruit to Chen Xi; he was simply like a diligent and
conscientious servant. However, this scene drew the envy of many greater demons, and if it
wasn’t for their status, they would be only too anxious to serve Chen Xi like Mu Kui.

Chen Xi couldn’t help but be extremely curious. These demon beasts are all existences that
have taken human form, so why do they flatter and curry favor with me like this?

For example, the Spiritdove Mountain’s Xiong Pi possessed the bloodline of the primordial
variant beast, the Divine Herculean Bear. Xiong Pi’s identity could be said to be
incomparably respectable, and his strength was only a step away from developing his violet
palace. He seems to completely have no need to treat me with such reverence and respect,

“Senior, you don’t have to overanalyze it. You are the only one present that possesses a
Violet Palace Realm cultivation, and demon cultivators like us only believe in strength. So
long as your strength is more formidable than theirs, they would even be completely willing
to be your slave if you wanted.” Mu Kui who was by Chen Xi’s side seemed to have
noticed his bewilderment and sent Chen Xi a voice transmission in a low voice. “Senior,
feel free to eat and drink. A nice way of putting it would be that they came here to form a
good relationship with you, a bad way would be they came here to get acquainted with

Chen Xi couldn’t help but sigh with emotion. It looks like no matter if it’s demon beasts or
humans, they’re all unable to escape from fawning upon the rich and powerful.
They drank wine and chatted idly, and unknowingly, it became dusk.

“Senior, this is an Azure Spiritgourd that grows within my Basanite Cavern and only forms
every 1,000 years. It contains a dimension within it that is not only able to contain 5,000 kg
of good wine, it also possesses the dual attributes of fire and ice, and when used to drink
wine, it can freeze or warm up the wine. I hope Senior can kindly accept it.” When the
banquet ended, the greater demon Zhui Man of the Basanite Cavern walked forward and
respectfully gifted a verdant green gourd, its shape was simple and natural, and it emitted
traces of a misty green light.

“Senior, this is a Darkunicorn Fruit that was dug out from deep within the lake. It’s
extremely beneficial for stabilizing cultivation.”

“This Jadebone Lingzhi of mine was developed within the magma in the core of the earth.
It’s able to heal any injuries, and possess boundless magical effects. Senior, you must
accept this.”

These greater demons had been prepared for a while now and they all took out some
treasure or wondrous item before coming forward and offering it to Chen Xi.

Chen Xi was extremely startled, whereas Mu Kui instead took advantage of this period of
time to accept all the treasures with a natural expression, and wasn’t courteous in the

“Hmph! Competing to take out some useless things.” Xiong Pi who’d always been sitting
up straight on the side had abruptly snorted coldly, causing the other greater demons to be
stunned in unison. They gazed at Xiong Pi with extremely gloomy gazes.

Eh, this fellow seems to be a frank person.

Chen Xi couldn’t help but be surprised. When those greater demons took out their things
earlier, it looked to be novel and valuable, but they were all some auxiliary items that were
of no great benefit to cultivating. So, what Xiong Pi said wasn’t false.

“Hmph! Fellow Daoist Xiong, the heavens know that our intentions are good. We’re not
like you who didn’t gift anything, but only knows how to spout sarcastic remarks.”

“Exactly, although your cultivation is the highest amongst us, during this time that we came
to pay our respects to Senior Chen Xi, you’re intentionally sowing dissension. Your
motives are very evil.”

“You think our things are useless? Alright, old freak Xiong, you take out something useful
to allow us to broaden our vision.”
All the greater demons directed the spearhead at Xiong Pi, they were either disdainful or
ridiculing, and their words were filled with hostility.

Chen Xi looked askance at Mu Kui, who remained completely indifferent, and he sent a
voice transmission. “Aren’t you going to stop it?”

“Xiong Pi’s temper is like this, stopping him will only cause everyone to be unhappy.
Senior, wait and see. Although this Xiong Pi is outspoken, since he had said this, I presume
he’s prepared.” Mu Kui hurriedly sent a voice transmission to Chen Xi in explanation.

Sure enough, it was as Mu Kui had said. Xiong Pi turned a deaf ear towards the
surrounding sarcasm and mockery and drank all of the good wine in his cup with a single
gulp before standing up, a treasure appearing within his hand.

This item was like a fine and perfectly straight bamboo. It was one meter long with a
completely dark body that was dim and dull. It looked to be ordinary, however, the moment
it appeared in the air, a piercingly cold aura that caused one’s heart to trembled silently
suffused out into the air.

This is…

All of the greater demons stared wide eyed with expressions of disbelief.

Chen Xi’s gaze couldn’t help but lock on to the dark bamboo as well. After he’d advanced
to the Violet Palace Realm, his soul’s Perception Force had advanced a level and it acutely
detected that this dark bamboo seemed to contain a terrifyingly violent energy. The energy
was like thunder from the nine heavens and carried along with it a strand of an aura of
annihilation, causing one’s heart to tremble.

Xiong Pi whose body was tall and sturdy like a small hill swept his gaze towards the
surroundings as he asked coldly. “I wonder if this one meter long Seventhgold
Swordbamboo is able to enter the eyes of everyone?”

Seventhgold Swordbamboo?

When they heard this name, all the greater demons present gaped. Their gazes were already
filled with boundless burning desire and greed as they gazed at the dark bamboo.

So it’s a Seventhgold Swordbamboo!

At the same time that Chen Xi came to a sudden understanding, a wisp of shock couldn’t
help but surge out from his heart.

Just as its name implied, the Seventhgold Swordbamboo was a treasure that innately
possesses the attributes of both metal and wood, and its stem was sharp like a sword. It was
a rare treasure in the world as it only grew a 3cm every 100 years and would experience
lightning strikes after its growth. If it was able to withstand the lightning and not die, it
would then experience another 100 years of life to grow another 3cm. However, most
Seventhgold Swordbamboos were blasted to dust by lightning the moment they sprouted,
and only one in 10,000 was able to safely survive.

Therefore, the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in Xiong Pi’s hand had probably already
survived for 3,000 years. It had experienced no less than thirty lightning tribulations, yet
even after experiencing so many lightning strikes, it still had not died. Thus, it was easily
imaginable how terrifying the hardness was that the Seventhgold Swordbamboo had

“Senior, please accept this!” Xiong Pi walked forward and held his palms up to gift the
Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his hands to Chen Xi.

All the greater demons stared blankly at this scene. Even if they wracked their brains, they
still couldn’t understand why Xiong Pi would gift such an extremely valuable treasure to
Chen Xi.

Mu Kui was extremely excited as well and was about to help Chen Xi receive it when he
was stopped by Chen Xi as he said resolutely, “This treasure is too valuable, Fellow Daoist
Xiong, please keep it.”

“This treasure is useless in my hands; eating it would be tasteless, and throwing it away
would be a shame. It would only be able to display its might in Senior’s hands.” Xiong Pi
instead insisted on gifting it to Chen Xi and would not compromise.

“Do you have something you want to request of me?” Chen Xi was silent for a long time
before suddenly asking, his gaze staring fixedly at Xiong Pi’s face.

Xiong Pi seemed to not be surprised in the slightest and he said with a firm expression,
“Exactly, I, Old Xiong, have no other request in my entire life. I only request that Senior
can kill the Aqua Cavern’s Black Ape King for me!”

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone present was shocked.

Kill my King? On a large tree in the distance, the pupils of a spirit bird with white feathers
constricted, and it flapped its wings right away to soar into the clouds, disappearing
Chapter 66 – Xiong Pi

The Aqua Cavern’s Black Ape King?

Chen Xi couldn’t help but feel it was absurd. That’s one of the seven great demon kings,
this Xiong Pi really thinks highly of me!

“Senior Chen Xi, thank you for entertaining us today, we’ll be taking our leave first.”

“Yeah, we have important matters to attend to and will come disturb Senior on another


It wasn’t just Chen Xi, the expressions of all the other greater demons changed unceasingly
when they heard Xiong Pi. They bid their farewells to Chen Xi and left right away as if
they were avoiding the plague. From the beginning until the end, they didn’t spare Xiong Pi
a single glance.

Mu Kui couldn’t help but become anxious when he saw this, and swiftly sent a voice
transmission. “Senior, that Black Ape King governs thousands of kilometers of the vicinity,
and possesses a terrifying cultivation at the Violet Palace Realm. Which demon would dare
disobey him? Although the Seventhgold Swordbamboo is valuable, Xiong Pi is obviously
bringing harm to you and you must not agree to his request.”

Chen Xi neither agreed nor disagreed when he heard this and only gazed at Xiong Pi.

Now that Chen Xi had attained the Violet Palace Realm, his surrounding aura seemed to be
indifferent, yet it carried along with it a trace of a formidable oppressive force from
merging with the heavens and the earth.

Xiong Pi was only at the perfection-stage of the Congenital Realm and he quickly
succumbed to the pressure from Chen Xi’s gaze, then he shook his head and sighed. “Never
mind, since Senior is unwilling, then take it as I, Old Xiong, never mentioned it.” As he
spoke, this tall and sturdy bear demon revealed a rare trace of helplessness and sorrow as he
turned around to walk off in large strides.

“Can you tell me the reason?” Chen Xi asked.

“My young brother died miserably at the hands of the Black Ape King. As an elder brother,
can I not seek revenge for him?” Xiong Pi stopped dead in his tracks and only spoke out
word by word after a long time, his slow voice filled with sorrow and resentment.

Younger brother?
Chen Xi suddenly thought of his own younger brother, Chen Hao. He thought of the scene
when he saw Chen Hao’s right hand crippled outside Pine Mist City, how overwhelmed
with grief he was at the time, and he was stunned for a while.

It has already been three months now. I wonder if Little Hao has entered the Wandering
Cloud Sword Sect. With Instructor Meng Kong accompanying him, he probably didn’t
encounter any mishaps, right?

Chen Xi pondered for a moment and said, “I’m extremely curious, why are you sure that I
can kill the Black Ape King? I want to know the reason.”

Xiong Pi swiftly turned around and said in surprise, “Senior, you’re willing to help me?”

Mu Kui who stood nearby frowned as he said, “Old Xiong, do you think that Senior Chen
Xi would agree under the state of not knowing anything?”

Xiong Pi took a deep breath as if he was restraining the excitement in his heart and said
slowly, “That Black Ape King possesses the weakest strength amongst the seven great
demon kings. Although he advanced to the Violet Palace Realm a long time ago, he’s only
cultivated up to the 4th star Violet Palace Realm.”

Mu Kui laughed out of extreme anger. “Senior Chen Xi has only just broken through to the
Violet Palace Realm and you want him to kill a 4th star Violet Palace Realm Black Ape

Xiong Pi expression remained unchanged as he continued. “This information is indeed

unable to help Senior, but I feel that Senior will battle the Black Ape King sooner or later.
One mountain cannot house two tigers, I presume Senior understands this logic better than

“Moreover, I’ve already obtained the news that Li Hu died at your hands. Li Hu was the
trusted subordinate and informant of the Black Ape King and had always helped the Black
Ape King patrol his territory. Now that Li Hu is dead, the Black Ape King will surely not
let the matter go.” Xiong Pi tossed out another bombshell.

“Li Hu is the trusted subordinate and informant of the Black Ape King? Impossible, how
could I not know?” Mu Kui cried out in alarm and had an expression of disbelief. If it was
really as Xiong Pi had said, then he would be in imminent danger as well. After all, Li Hu
had died on Moon’s Embrace Mountain, and it was common knowledge that he, Mu Kui,
had the closest relationship with Chen Xi…

“How would Li Hu be an informant for the Black Ape King if you knew?” Xiong Pi asked

Mu Kui was finally in a panic and he had a bewildered expression as he cast his gaze at
Chen Xi. He was a Congenital Realm greater demon after all, and had lived in the Black
Ape King’s territory for more than a thousand years, how could he not know how
formidable the Black Ape King was?

“In that case, regardless of if I help you or not, I would still encounter the vengeance of the
Black Ape King?” Chen Xi asked coldly.

Xiong Pi didn’t speak, but his attitude said everything.

“Alright, I’ll take your Seventhgold Swordbamboo, but I won’t take the initiative to make a
move against the Black Ape King unless he comes knocking on my door.” Chen Xi said
this because he was worried that Xiong Pi had deceived him.

“Thank you, Senior. No matter if it’s a success or failure, I, Old Xiong, will never forget
the great kindness of Senior in this lifetime!” Xiong Pi knelt on the ground with a thump,
then kowtowed three times with three resounding bangs. When he raised his head, tears
were already flowing out from his eyes.

When this straightforward, big and tall fellow had acquired Chen Xi’s promise, he seemed
to have put down the load he’d carried within his heart for many years. He cried silently, he
cried sorrowfully, and he cried in joy!


“Fellow Daoist Yuan Tong, please swiftly come to the Moonhowl Ridge, there’s an urgent
matter to discuss — Signed: Zhan Feng.”

At Aqua Cavern, a white haired young man in green robes stared blankly at the message in
his hand and he muttered, “I wonder what Old Freak Roc wants to do, his tone seems so
anxious. I’m afraid this fellow hasn’t only invited me, could it be that something great is
about to occur?”

It was at this moment —


A white feathered spirit bird flew in and transformed into a beautiful female demon who
shouted anxiously. “Great King, a disaster is imminent!”

The white haired young man is green clothes was precisely the owner of Aqua Cavern, one
of the seven great demon kings, the Black Ape King Yuan Tong. He glared at the beautiful
female demon in displeasure and asked, “Xiao Ru, how many times have I said it? You
must be calm on every occasion and great event, what use is being panicked? Hurry up and
speak, what has happened?”

The beautiful female demon was Xiao Ru, and she took a deep breath before saying swiftly,
“Great King asked me to look for Li Hu, but unexpectedly, the tiger demon died long ago!”
“What?” Yuan Tong was stunned.

“Not only that, I passed by Moon’s Embrace Mountain, and not only did I discover the
corpse of Li Hu, I noticed many greater demons gathered together at its hillside, and they
seemed to be congratulating a human cultivator.”

Yuan Tong was stunned again. “Human cultivator?”

“Yeah, those greater demons addressed him as Chen Xi. According to my observations, that
person seems to have only just advanced to the Violet Palace Realm, and that’s the reason
why it drew these greater demons to pay their respects together.”

“No wonder. So it turns out that it was this human cultivator that advanced to the Violet
Palace Realm a few days ago.” Yuan Tong finally wrapped his head around the matter, and
a trace of ferociousness flashed on his fair face. “Hmph! You’re on my territory, but not
only do you not come pay your respects to me, you instead kill my trusted subordinate, Li
Hu. You’re truly courting death!”

“Great King, that person does indeed deserve death. But the most detestable one is instead
that Spiritdove Mountain’s Xiong Pi. He actually took out a one meter long Seventhgold
Swordbamboo and offered it to that human cultivator…”

“What! Seventhgold Swordbamboo? And it’s even one meter long?” Before Xiao Ru could
even finish speaking, Yuan Tong’s expression had become excited and he roared loudly.
“This damn bear demon. He actually dared not offer such a treasure to me? Truly

“Great King, this Xiong Pi had a condition for offering up the Seventhgold Swordbamboo.
The condition was that the human cultivator must agree to kill… Kill…” Xiao Ru spoke

“Kill who?” Yuan Tong as already angered to the point he had a savage expression,
demonic qi raged on his entire body and he looked extremely terrifying.


“Speak quickly!”

“Kill you, Great King.”


Yuan Tong smashed his palm against the nearby table and it instantly transformed into a
pile of powder.
“Dammit! Dammit! They all deserve to die!” Yuan Tong was transformed from a Black
Ape that was cruel and ruthless by nature. At this moment, under his explosive rage,
patches of hair that were black and like steel needles instantly surged out from his fair face,
then his mouth opened wide and two rows of sharp fangs instantly grew out by 60cm and
were exposed in the air.


Yuan Tong emitted a long howl towards the sky, his billowing voice that contained
monstrous cruelty rushed out of Aqua Cavern and surged within an area of 500km,
shocking the demons that were cultivating nearby to drop flat on the ground and ceaselessly

After a long time.

Sounds of intense breathing echoed out, seeming to be suppressing the flames of rage in his

“Detestable! I have to go for the matter Old Freak Roc called me for. Never mind, I’ll
properly torture these damnable things to death after I return from Moonhowl Ridge!”
Yuan Tong’s low, deep, and cruel voice surged ceaselessly within Aqua Cavern.


Three days passed by.

Mu Kui instead felt as if it was three years, as every second caused him to be unable to rest
in peace.

Could it be that Xiong Pi deceived us? The Black Ape King utterly doesn’t plan to look for
trouble with Senior Chen Xi?

Mu Kui was unable to wrap his head around it. It was precisely because he couldn’t wrap
his head around it that living through these past few days was too painful. He felt as if he
was an ant that was waiting to die, but he just happened to not know when death would

When he thought of this, Mu Kui couldn’t help but gaze into the distance. Within the sea of
clouds on the precipice, he saw a tall and thin figure cultivating his sword technique. The
figure’s clothes danced lightly in the wind and his sword moved like the wind; his
expression was serious and concentrated, and his posture was agile and graceful.

Senior Chen Xi’s disposition is indeed steadfast like a rock!

Mu Kui already didn’t know how many times he’d praised Chen Xi. Every time his
thoughts were restless and uneasy during these three days, he would come to this spot. As
long as he saw Chen Xi’s figure, his heart would feel much more at ease, as if he wouldn’t
be afraid even if the sky collapsed.

Actually, Chen Xi’s pressure was no different from Mu Kui. He never expected that he’d
only just advanced to the Violet Palace Realm, but he’d already offended the Aqua
Cavern’s Black Ape King because he killed Li Hu. However, since he was unable to hide,
he instead spent all of his pressure and thoughts on cultivating.

The Violet Palace Realm was a completely new realm, a qualitative transformation. If he
wanted to exert all of his strength and control this strength with both skill and ease, then he
must practice diligently and bitterly.

At the moment, he was cultivating the Windflow Divination Sword, and what he held in his
hand was shockingly the one meter long Seventhgold Swordbamboo.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Sword lights waved out. They were like a swift gale that howled out with speeds that were
swift like bolts of lightning, and they tore through the sky to leave behind numerous
residual sword marks.

The first move in the Windflow Divination Sword — Galeflash Shadow!

Supposedly, when cultivated to the limit, or in other words the unity-stage, it would be
possible to slash a falling leaf into over 1,000 orderly and even fine threads with a single
wave of the sword as it was incomparably swift.

Moreover, what caused Chen Xi to be joyous was due to the extreme sharpness of the
Seventhgold Swordbamboo and the extremely terrifying vigorous thunder qi contained
within it; when he executed the Galeflash Shadow, not only was it extremely swift like
lightning, it also added an awe-inspiring destructive force to his attacks, and its formidable
might exceeded his expectations.

“I already mastered my sword technique to the advanced-stage before. If I’m able to break
through to the unity-stage in a short amount of time, then I ought to have an extra bit of
assurance when battling the Black Ape King.”

Time trickled by.

At the side of the precipice covered in a sea of clouds, sword lights swept out like a myriad
of waterfalls, as some emerged, some would die out, and Chen Xi was like a tireless puppet
as he immersed himself into his infinitely profound sword technique.
Chapter 67 – Wind Dao Insight

One month later, at the peak of Moon’s Embrace Mountain.

Chen Xi held the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his hand while under the attentive gaze of
Ji Yu. He took a breath and his wrist trembled, a Galeflash Shadow splashing out.

Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!

Countless sharp sword streaks were like billowing waves that surged out as the sound of
wind and lightning howling resounded out with a hum. The heaven and earth seemed to be
filled with a cold and dazzling flowing light that was swift like a shadow.


A sword light flashed, and the scene abruptly changed.

The sword images were fine and lingered in the air continuously, then caused circles of
ripples to undulate in the air. The ripples seemed soft and fine, yet they instantly minced the
clouds in an area of 30 meters into dust that completely dispersed.

The move was impressively the second move of the Windflow Divination Sword — Breezy

“This kid is not bad, the Breezy Rain stresses on the word lingering, and it contains hidden
killing intent within it. He’s obviously already mastered its essence.” Nearby, Ji Yu nodded

The third move, Dark Storm — The sword images roared rapidly and swiftly as they
advanced, retreated, and circled around. For a time, the sword images were like clouds as
they covered the entire sky, and everywhere the sword images swept it was filled with
dense and violent sword qi.

The fourth move, Tide Squall — The sword images howled out like a raging tide, the force
of the sword was vigorous and unrestrained as it moved about freely and violently, like a
myriad of enormous waves that had overlapped on one another to surge in the heaven and
the earth, like a tide that had risen from the blue sea.


Chen Xi stopped and put away his sword after executing the four moves of the sword
technique, then he lightly spat out a mouthful of foul air, seeming calm and collected.

“Now bad, you’ve already completely mastered the first four moves.” Ji Yu nodded and
evaluated. “But, the unity-stage is not bound by moves, and once you’ve completely
comprehended it, then a casual stab of your sword will be able to draw upon the energy of
heaven and earth. Only that is considered to be the true unity-stage.”

Chen Xi nodded and accepted Ji Yu’s teachings.

Subsequently, Ji Yu started assessing the Divine Windwing Flight that Chen Xi cultivated.

The two of them arrived at a dense and green sea of bamboo behind Moon’s Embrace

“This sea of bamboo is roughly 50km in distance, what you need to do is shuttle back and
forth through it. You’re not allowed to touch any of the stems or leaves on the way, and the
tip of your foot mustn’t touch the ground.” Ji Yu instructed indifferently. “You must
complete it within the time of ten breaths.”

There’s difficulty in completing this task!

As he gazed at the dense and luxuriant sea of bamboo, Chen Xi couldn’t help but frown.

He’d only started to cultivate the Divine Windwing Flight half a month ago, but he’d
always cultivated it at the peak of Moon’s Embrace Mountain. It was extremely spacious
there and mountain winds whistled past. Thus he was able to willfully fly around in the air
and it was extremely satisfying.

However, at this moment, when faced with this sea of bamboo, and wanting to pass through
the entire sea of bamboo within the time of ten breaths without touching a single stem or
leaf, this was no easy feat.

“Worried that you’re unable to do it?” Ji Yu shook his head and derided. “This test is still
the most basic. A battle between cultivators is carried out while flying through the heavens
and earth, and would stop at nothing. It isn’t like how you imagine, simple mindedly
exchanging blows, but it’s instead the utilization of your ability while using every trick up
your sleeve. For example, battling while shifting about like ghosts. If your movement
technique is inferior, then not to mention battling, I’m afraid you won’t even be able to
dodge your opponent’s attacks.”

The hesitation in Chen Xi’s heart was completely intensified from what Ji Yu said and it
transformed into unwillingness that surged out from his heart. He instantly tapped the tip of
his foot on the ground, and his figure transformed into a wisp of a ray of light as he charged
into the luxuriant bamboo forest in the blink of an eye.


Piercingly cold wind flashed past from the sides of his body, but Chen Xi maintained his
diving posture as he looked concentrated and unblinkingly into the distance.
He couldn’t touch the bamboo stems or leaves, so he changed his direction to
circumnavigate the bamboo that were densely gathered together. However, the change of
direction was instead wasting time. Even if it was only a mere instant, to Chen Xi who had
to travel through the sea of bamboo within the time of ten breaths, it was undoubtedly an
enormous waste.

After a short moment, Chen Xi flew out of the sea of bamboo.

“26 breaths of time, not good enough.” Ji Yu shook his head ceaselessly.

Chen Xi had an expressionless face as he flew in once again.

“18 breaths, not good enough.”

“12 breaths, touched three bamboo leaves, not good enough.”

“…Not good enough.”

The words ‘not good enough’ filled Chen Xi’s thoughts throughout the entire afternoon.
The voice was calm and indifferent, yet it seemed like nightmare that caused him to not
only feel embarrassed, but also completely aroused the stubbornness and unyieldingness in
his head. After Ji Yu left, he shuttled back and forth within the sea of bamboos by himself
without slacking in the slightest.

Every time when he was exhausted to the point he almost unable to hold on, it seemed as if
the words ‘not good enough’ were lightly spat out from Ji Yu’s mouth and resounded by
his ear, then he would once again grit his teeth and stand up to once again charge into the
sea of bamboo…


Sweat flowed down his body like snakes and his heavy breathing resounded in the night
sky. Chen Xi was unable to stand up and he fell flat on his back. The True Essence in his
body was completely wrung out, to the point he wasn’t even willing to move a finger.

He just lay there like that, staring blankly at the sky above him that was suffused with an
array of stars, leaving his sweat to flow down his body like numerous streams.

“Ten breaths of time, I was only a step away…” Chen Xi’s throat was extremely hoarse and
his eyes filled with annoyance and unwillingness. He was completely unaware that Ji Yu
was standing in the distance silently watching him attentively, and that his experienced eyes
revealed a rare trace of admiration.

Ten days later.

Chen Xi vanished before the sea of bamboo with a ‘swoosh.’

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Due to his speed being too swift, everywhere Chen Xi passed the warm breeze in the air
would become piercingly cold like knives, and a string of afterimages were left behind in
the air. These afterimages only vanished like bubbles after one breath of time, and by that
time, Chen Xi was already more than 5km away.

Looking down from mid-air, at this moment, Chen Xi was like an extremely nimble bolt of
black lightning within the luxuriant sea of bamboo as he dodged past the clusters of dense
bamboo leaves and flashed past the numerous sturdy bamboo stems. His speed was so swift
that an ordinary person’s vision was utterly unable to catch up to him!

After a short moment, Chen Xi swiftly flashed out the sea of bamboos.

“Eight breaths of time, not bad. It’s much better than I expected.” Ji Yu nodded as he

A feeling as if he was in another world couldn’t help but arise in Chen Xi’s heart when he
heard Ji Yu finally stop saying ‘not good enough,’ yet he wasn’t excited, as the hardships
and sweat he’d experienced these past few days had completely transformed into tranquility
that was like a still lake.

“Now that your sword technique and movement technique have both attained the unity
stage, if you want to continue advancing, then you must go comprehend.” Ji Yu pondered
before saying, “Basic, advanced, unity, they are all attainable by relying on diligent and
bitter training. The fourth stage, Dao Insight, instead requires you to comprehend the Dao
of the Heavens, and when you’re able to comprehend a strand of the meaning of the Dao,
you’ll be able to form Sword Insight and Movement Insight.”

Comprehend the Dao of the Heavens…

Chen Xi’s brain hummed and it was as if he was suddenly enlightened.

In the past, he’d always heard people say that the most important thing in the path of
cultivation was to comprehend the great meaning behind the Dao of the Heavens, as only
then would one be able to walk to the peak of the Dao. But at that time, his cultivation was
low and he was ignorant to all this. He kept having the feeling that it was too far away, so
he’d never once paid attention to it.

Now that he’d advanced to the Violet Palace Realm to establish his foundation of the Grand
Dao and experienced many days of cultivation, he already unconsciously possessed a vague
trace of hazy perception of the Grand Dao. Presently, when Ji Yu revealed the truth, it felt
as if a new window had been pushed open before him, and he saw a completely new and
magnificent world!

Dao Insight!
No wonder it’s only after advancing to the Violet Palace Realm that one is considered to
have truly stepped onto the road to immortality! So it turns out that only at the Violet
Palace Realm would one possess a completely new perception of the surrounding world.

At this moment, Chen Xi was full of excitement.

But, the Dao of the Heavens is vast and veiled in mystery, how exactly do I comprehend the
profound meaning within it?

After a long time, Chen Xi’s mood finally returned to a calm state and he thought of a
problem that he must solve now — How to comprehend the Dao?

“Cultivate bitterly and diligently, visualize and meditate, then wait for good luck to arrive.”
Ji Yu replied in an extremely succinct, yet vague, manner.

Think about it, if there were methods to comprehend the Grand Dao, then everyone in the
world would have stepped on the path to the Grand Dao long ago.

Good luck?

Chen Xi frowned as he pondered, and he still shook his head after quite a long time. These
things that could be encountered by luck but not sought after, were things that were
impossible for him to have the determination that he would surely obtain it.

Ji Yu couldn’t refrain from reminding him when he saw this. “Slow-witted. Let me ask
you, are there any similarities between the Windflow Divination Sword and the Divine
Windwing Flight?”

The similarity between the sword technique and movement technique? They seem to both
be related to wind… Ah, wind?

Chen Xi’s eyes lit up, as he already had a plan in his heart.

Ji Yu smiled and said, “The Dao of Wind is constantly changing: violent, gentle, sharp,
lingering… It’s the most unrestrained and free. If you want to master the essence of the
Windflow Divination Sword and the Divine Windwing Flight, then you must first know
what exactly wind is.”



Chen Xi sat cross-legged within the sea of clouds at the side of Moon’s Embrace
Mountain’s precipice as he felt the mountain wind whistle past him.
The mountain wind moved swiftly and was difficult to find, but Chen Xi’s sword technique
and movement technique had long since attained the unity-stage, and he’d quickly merged
his mind with the wind within the world.

When the wind flashed past the billowing sea of clouds and swept past his face, he would
be able to clearly feel its speed, trajectory, strength, and even every tiny detail in the subtle
changes in the wind appeared within his mind.

“This mountain wind is piercingly cold like a saber and swift like lightning.” Three days
later, Chen Xi opened his eyes, seeming as if he’d comprehended something. Without the
slightest hesitation, he stood up and flew into the air like a garuda, and in an instant he’d
already flashed over 5km away. Compared to before, his movement technique faintly
carried within it a strand of an inexplicable aura. It had become even more profound and

After a short moment, before a lake in the area of Moon’s Embrace Mountain.

Chen Xi didn’t delay in the slightest before sitting on the ground to face the vast surface of
the lake.


The wind stirred the surface of the lake, causing wave after wave of ripples. As it flashed
past the lotus flowers on the surface of the lake, it carried along a trace of gentleness, like a
person that was deeply in love was stroking the face of their sweetheart.

“This lake wind is gentle and fine, and is continuous like the rain…” Seven days later,
Chen Xi opened his eyes once again, and the pondering expression within his eyes had
become even stronger. He then got up and flew off to vanish by the lakeside.

Day after day passed by, Chen Xi’s footprints spread all over the peak of the mountain, the
lake, the rocky area; during a heavy shower, under the fiercely shining sun… His
perception of wind grew deeper and deeper.

“The wind contains a myriad of changes, and its form is constantly changing. Regardless of
if it was a gale, a breeze, mountain wind, lake wind, and even the wind after rain; its speed,
force, and trajectory were completely different, displaying the Dao of changing to the
greatest extent. But what is the source of these changes?”

Another month passed by.

Chen Xi sat alone within the abode as he meditated on every type of wind that he’d
comprehended during these past few days.

Why does it change?

“Freedom! Without freedom, there is no wind!”

Chen Xi’s body trembled. When good fortune comes, the mind becomes clear, and it was
like he’d pierced through a piece of paper and he was suddenly enlightened!
Chapter 68 – Chen Xi’s Combat Strength

Without freedom, there is no wind!

Chen Xi’s mind was immersed in a profound state, Dao existed within the boundless time
of the world, and the Dao of Wind existed in the land, rivers, verdant grass, rocks…

As the wind blew past a hill, the clouds and mist that were blown away were its shadows.
As it blew past lotus leaves, that swaying posture was its traces. This was the aura of the
Dao, the meaning of the Dao!

Chen Xi silently sat cross-legged atop the peak of the mountain and his handsome face
carried a peaceful expression, yet his mind had followed the heaven and the earth, followed
the wind that was dancing in the sky, he was soaring and seeking the wind.

Dao Comprehension!

Ji Yu stood in the distance, his clothed fluttering in the wind, and his gaze was profound
like lightning as he looked at Chen Xi with a gaze that carried a trace of joy and delight.

The state of Dao Comprehension was something that could be encountered by luck but not
sought after, but it would surely exist after sufficient accumulation was done. Without the
diligent and bitter training in the earlier days, then even if one had the opportunity to
encounter a bit of the essence of Dao, it would be extremely difficult to grasp it.

Only after one had accumulated various experiences would one be able to completely bond
the mind with the heaven and the earth at the instant that good luck had arrived, and only
then would one be able to learn and comprehend a trace of the existence of the Dao in their
chaotic and unconscious state of Dao Comprehension.

The stars changed position, the bright moon rose and the vast sun set.

Along with the passage of time, strands of wind started to gather by the side of Chen Xi
who sat cross-legged there, stirring his hair and stroking his face, gentle like a lover that
had just been reunited.

“Shriek!” A vulture flew over from afar, its sharp gaze stared at the youth at the side of the
precipice as if it was gazing at a delicious meal. As a wild bird that hadn’t developed
intelligence yet, it didn’t sense the strands of dangerous aura atop Chen Xi’s body.  It was
extremely hungry and had been this way for a long time, to the point it utterly didn’t care to
consider much. With a plunge, it swiftly charged downwards, opening its sharp claws to
fiercely grab at the youth.

When it was still 30 meters away from Chen Xi.


It was like a hurricane had appeared out of thin air, the swift and fierce trail of wind
contained the energy of heaven and earth and it instantly completely minced the vulture
into fine pieces. Due to the wind being too dense and sharp, the fresh blood that splattered
out was also pulverized into balls of bloody mist, and then it was blown by the wind to
vanish without a trace. From the beginning until the end, not a shred of the smell of blood
escaped, and if speed hadn’t attained an extremely terrifying level, it would have been
utterly impossible to do this!

“He has comprehended it. His strength has already obtained a qualitative change, and I’m
afraid it won’t be long before he’s able to pass the 1st level of the Heavenpeak of Trials.
Whereas I… I’m afraid it would be difficult for me to leave the Manor in the future.” Ji
Yu’s expression was complicated with a trace of absentmindedness, then it was replaced
with an expression of staunchness. “I’ve already helped him enough. With his current
strength and mentality, he’s completely capable of taking care of himself. Continuing to
stay by his side would only impede his path of the Grand Dao…”

At dawn seven days later, the vast sun had risen into the sky and light illuminated the

Chen Xi, who sat cross-legged on the side of the precipice, opened his eyes, and the corners
of his mouth revealed a rare trace of a smile.


In the next moment, Chen Xi didn’t seem to move, yet his figure had already appeared in
midair, and a pair of wings that were condensed from a gale seemed to have appeared out
of thin air behind him. He instantly tore through the sky, willfully soaring in the air, and
under the rays of the morning sun, that figure that whirled about like a bolt of lightning and
broke open countless streams of air within the clouds seemed like a dreamlike figure.



Chen Xi’s figure had become even swifter, even freer and easy, and his entire body was
like fluttering wind, possessing an indistinct trail causing his figure to be difficult to find.


Cultivating deep in the mountains while isolated from the world causes time to pass by

Three months of time had passed in a flash. From the anxiousness and uneasiness from the
very beginning, Mu Kui’s mood had gradually become tranquil.
The Aqua Cavern’s Black Ape King hadn’t appeared after a very long time, and this caused
Mu Kui to be even more firmly convinced that Xiong Pi was deceiving him and deceiving
Senior Chen Xi. That Li Hu wasn’t the trusted subordinate of the Black Ape King at all,
because if the Black Ape King was one who sought revenge for the smallest grievance, then
how could he allow Senior Chen Xi to live for three months?

One mountain cannot house two tigers? Nonsense!

Mu Kui held a wine jug as he cozily leaned in front of the abode and ceaselessly drank to
his heart’s content. He liked these sort of days, quiet and peaceful. Senior Chen Xi was
holding down the fort atop the mountain. He didn’t have to worry that the other greater
demons nearby would come disturb or swallow up his territory.


A figure appeared out of thin air with a speed that was like teleportation, and it scared Mu
Kui to the point his body went stiff and the wine jug in his hand fell with a clank. When he
focused and glanced over, it was shockingly Senior Chen Xi.

Mu Kui couldn’t help but feel a burst of embarrassment. I’m probably in an extremely
sorry state right now, right? However… Senior Chen Xi’s speed is truly too swift! He
appeared before me in the blink of an eye, who wouldn’t be scared half dead?

“Prepare a brush and a dish of ink for me.” Chen Xi entered the abode as soon as he
finished speaking.

“Oh, alright, wait a moment, Senior.” Mu Kui stomped on the floor and got up, then started
preparing swiftly, yet he was secretly curious in his heart. What does Senior Chen Xi want
to do?


Within the abode, Chen Xi removed a book from his storage ring, it wasn’t a cultivation
method, but was instead the little gains and experiences he obtained from cultivating.

After pondering for a long time within his mind, Chen Xi took up the brush and dipped it
into the ink, then slowly wrote out all the experiences and changes in his thoughts while he
cultivated during this period of time.

“His brush technique is free and graceful, yet its aura is powerful and sharp; every word he
writes is exquisitely written, providing a lifelike picture. Your improvement during this
period of time is indeed extremely great.” After Chen Xi finished writing, Ji Yu floated in
the air when he appeared and nodded as he assessed.

Chen Xi didn’t even raise his head before taking out a piece of paper, then swiftly writing a
line of words with a ‘swish’ and passed it to Ji Yu.
Since the day he cultivated the movement technique and sword technique, Ji Yu had
requested that he take a day from every month for self-examination, to comprehend the
changes in his strength and to summarize his combat experience.

These papers that were used to write self-examinations were called by Chen Xi as the Self-
Reflection Diary.

“Don’t write this sort of thing in the future again.” Ji Yu stopped reading and passed the
paper back to Chen Xi. “Self-examination is for the sake of urging your improvement and
to avoid deviating from the right path. Now that you’ve already established your Dao
Foundation and have truly stepped onto the road to immortality, there’s already no meaning
in writing these things. What you need to do is comprehend the Heaven Dao and stay true
to your heart.”

“Comprehend the Heaven Dao and stay true to my heart…” Chen Xi repeated it and
seemed as if he’d thought of something. He only came back to his senses after some time,
then he recalled a question that he was puzzled about right now and asked right away.
“Senior, may I ask how my current strength is, and how is it compared to other Violet
Palace Realm cultivators?”

“What do you think?” Ji Yu answered with a question.

Chen Xi thought for a moment then shook his head. “I’ve only fought with Li Huai who
was at the Violet Palace Realm, moreover, I was only at the perfection-stage of the
Congenital Realm at that time. I’m really unable to make an accurate estimate in this

Chen Xi was indeed unable to make an estimate of his own combat strength, as strictly
speaking, he had two methods of combat, after all. One method was the School of Fiendgod
Body Refinement that relied on the strength of his body to conduct close quarter battles; the
other method was the School of Qi Refinement that after experiencing these past few days
of bitter training had already become capable of executing a sword technique and
movement technique at the Dao Insight Stage. However, due to lacking combat with Violet
Palace Realm cultivators, his combat strength was sometimes strong and sometimes weak,
so it wasn’t easy for him to come to a conclusion.

“Killing ordinary Violet Palace Realm cultivators is like killing chickens and monkeys!” Ji
Yu spoke shocking words.

Even if Chen Xi was mentally prepared since long ago, he still couldn’t help but feel a burst
of astonishment. Like killing chicken and monkeys? Could it be that I’m already formidable
to this extent?

“Are you extremely surprised? You should know that your sword technique already
contains a strand of Dao Insight, and an ordinary Violet Palace Realm cultivator would
only be at the unity-stage. Solely in terms of sword technique, your strength has already
surpassed most Violet Palace Realm cultivators.

“Moving on to your cultivation.”

“In the aspect of qi refinement, you already possess the attainment of the 1st star of the
Violet Palace Realm, and the Ice Crane Technique is exquisite and ingenious. As far as I’m
concerned, it’s also a precious qi cultivation technique, but unfortunately, it only records
the technique of cultivation for the nine levels of the Violet Palace Realm. Even then,
regardless of if it was might or volume, your True Essence is far from something an
ordinary Violet Palace Realm cultivator is able to compare to.” Ji Yu spoke with fervor and
assurance, then he revealed a trace of regret. “Unfortunately, your diligent training in the
Martial Dao has instead caused you to neglect body refinement. If you’re able to attain the
Violet Palace Realm in body refinement and condense a star diagram from shaman
markings, your strength would increase by at least 20%.”

“Of course, relying on your soul’s current Perception Force, it’s already sufficient for you
to cultivate this soul attack technique, Godly Illusion. If you’re able to completely master it,
your chances of winning against an enemy would increase a great deal.”

Ji Yu quickly returned to normal and continued to analyze Chen Xi’s combat strength for
him. “All in all, your current strength ought to be able to go against a cultivator with a
cultivation around the 5th star Violet Palace Realm.”

“5th star Violet Palace Realm? Continuously leaping four levels?” Chen Xi gasped, as he
was slightly unable to believe it.

Ji Yu said seriously, “However, you had better not look down on Violet Palace Realm
cultivators. It’s a fundamental leap from the Congenital Realm to the Violet Palace Realm,
and Violet Palace Realm cultivators are already able to utilize graded Magic Treasures.
These fellows have numerous skills and are adept at various different ways of attack, like
formations, puppets, spirit flames, techniques… In the hands of these Violet Palace Realm
cultivators, they’re all able to display monstrous might.”

“After saying so much, you actually only have to remember one thing, there’s a varying
level of strength amongst Violet Palace Realm cultivators, and there are plenty of people
who are able to annihilate a 9th star Violet Palace Realm cultivator with a cultivation at the
1st star of the Violet Palace Realm. There’re even Violet Palace Realm cultivators that are
able to kill Golden Hall Realm cultivators!”

Chen Xi gasped, he suddenly felt that after listening to Ji Yu’s explanation, he’d instead
become even more confused.

“What’s there to be surprised about? Didn’t you kill a Violet Palace Realm cultivator at the
Congenital Realm? At that time, you hadn’t established your Dao Foundation yet, and you
were unable to fly in the air or control Magic Treasures.” Ji Yu seemed to understand Chen
Xi’s feelings and he said with a smile, “After saying all this, I only want to remind you,
never underestimate any enemy, but don’t be afraid of battle. If you can’t win, then run, it’s
no big deal. Some experts were chased after by others, and slowly, bit by bit, in the end
they instead wiped out all the people that chased after them.”

Chen Xi’s mind slightly eased up and he couldn’t help but jest. “The fleeing ability of that
fellow is surely extremely formidable, otherwise, he would have been surrounded and
annihilated long ago.”

“It was indeed. I remember that expert seemed to be surnamed Han, and people gave him
the nickname ‘Speedy Han,’ but unfortunately, that was a figure from before the primordial
era.” Ji Yu’s eyes revealed an expression of recollection as he sighed with deep emotion,
then he changed the topic and said, “I suggest you spend your time on body refinement and
the cultivation of your soul from today onwards. Once your body refinement attains the
Violet Palace Realm, you ought to be able to pass the 1st level of the Heavenpeak of

The 1st level of the Heavenpeak of Trials?

Chen Xi lowered his head to glance at his palm, and under his skin and flesh, the pattern of
a jade pendant could be indistinctly noticed.

Numerous scenes silently slipped past his mind. His mother, Zuoqiu Xue, leaving behind
her spiritual brand and Star Secret Realm; the surging river that Senior Ji Yu hid himself in,
the dark and precipitous Heavenpeak that stood at the center of the river and towered into
the clouds…
Chapter 69 – Come Knocking

Deep within the mountain range, at Moonhowl Ridge.

Moonhowl Ridge occupied an area of 5,000km. The mountain stood low, yet it was like an
ancient colossus that lay on the ground, giving out a desolate, bloody, and powerful aura, as
if it was the king of the lands and looked down on the world!

This place was the residence of the Roc King, Zhan Feng.

The dense demonic qi here transformed into numerous ramrod straight pillars of smoke that
shot into the sky and formed roiling dark clouds that enveloped the area below the sky all
year long, seeming to be displaying the monstrous power of its owner.

“Have you heard, our King joined forces with four other demon kings this time, and they
spent three months to capture eight human cultivators in one go.”

“How could I not know of such a sensational event? I even heard that the King intends to
refine those eight human cultivators into a cauldron of medicinal pills!”

“Medicinal Pill? No wonder the King doesn’t kill them, so it’s for the sake of refining
medicinal pills.”

“Shh! Softly! Do you want to die!?”

“Looks quickly! That’s…”

“The Copper Mountain’s Thunderhawk King and the Aqua Cavern’s Black Ape King!”

At the outer area of Moonhowl Ridge, two greater demons on patrol were whispering in
discussion. Seeming to have noticed something, they abruptly raised their heads and looked
towards the sky. There, two figures covered in billowing demonic qi stepped on the clouds
and mist as they swiftly flashed towards the distance like meteors.

“Xue Yu, why are you following me?” In midair, a figure that was suffused with demonic
qi had abruptly stopped before glancing backward with a gloomy expression. He wore
green robes and had white hair, possessing a handsome appearance. It was shockingly the
Aqua Cavern’s Black Ape King, Yuan Tong.

As he spoke, another figure followed up to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. This
person had a gaunt figure and eyes that were like lightning, an eagle nose and thin lips. He
wore a violet coat, seeming to be extremely cold yet graceful. He was one of the seven
great demon kings, the Copper Mountain’s Thunderhawk King, Xue Yu.
Xue Yu acted curious as he said, “It’s nothing, it’s just that I saw Big Brother Yuan’s
brows knitted, it seems… you have a load on your mind?”

“Hmph! What load could I have on my mind? You’re truly a strange fellow.” Yuan Tong
grunted coldly, then turned and left; yet his heart was filled with misgivings.

Three months ago, when he’d complied with the invitation of the Roc King, Zhan Feng,
and come to Moonhowl Ridge, he noticed that besides him, the Copper Mountain’s
Thunderhawk King, the Moonlight Lake’s Dark Wyrm King, and the Sunset Forest’s Azure
Python King had already been there since long ago.

Only afterwards did he find out that the Roc King had actually noticed a group of human
cultivators. These cultivators were scattered throughout the depths of the mountain range
and all possessed Violet Palace Realm cultivations. The Roc King invited them over for the
sake of capturing these human cultivators, as he desired to refine them into a cauldron of
Bloodsoul Fortune Pills!

The Bloodsoul Fortune Pills possessed a miraculous effect. Once consumed, it was able to
heighten the chances of a Violet Palace Realm cultivator advancing to the Golden Hall
Realm, and it was an extremely valuable medicinal pill. However, so long as they agreed to
join forces with the Roc King and capture these human cultivators, then once the Bloodsoul
Fortune Pills were refined, they would be able to obtain a portion of them.

When faced with such temptation, all four demon kings, including Yuan Tong, had agreed
directly. They had spent three months, but were only successful in capturing eight human
cultivators. They still lacked one last human cultivators before they could start refining the
Bloodsoul Fortune Pill. They’d bitterly searched for many days, yet weren’t able to
discover a single one.

The pill refinement plan was at an impasse, but Yuan Tong had instead recalled Chen Xi.
For the sake of the extremely valuable Seventhgold Swordbamboo in Chen Xi’s possession,
he was unwilling to reveal this matter to the other demon kings. He planned to go alone and
seize the Seventhgold Swordbamboo before capturing Chen Xi and sending him to the Roc
King. He never expected that the Thunderhawk King seemed to have noticed something
and brazenly followed him…

“Big Brother Yuan, wait for me.” Xue Yu chased up once again, then glanced at Yuan
Tong with a spurious smile on his face before saying, “I, your brother, am unoccupied and
have nothing to do. How about I go stay at Big Brother Yuan’s place for two days?”

Rage flashed on Yuan Tong’s face, then he took a deep breath and said coldly, “Xue Yu, if
you have something to say, then be frank. What’s the point of beating around the bush?”

Xue Yu rubbed his palms together and laughed loudly. “Great! Since Big Brother Yuan has
said this, then little brother will be frank. I heard that there’s still a human cultivator hidden
in Moon’s Embrace Mountain. I wonder if it’s true?”
“You…” Yuan Tong’s heart sank and he burst into rage. “You placed informants in my

Xue Yu laughed and replied with a question. “Big Brother Yuan, aren’t you the same?”

Yuan Tong’s face froze, yet he was speechless. His territory was right next to Xue Yu’s
territory. For the sake of being on guard against each other, to prevent the other from taking
over their territory, they’d placed informants in each other’s territory. This matter was
something that both of them already knew.

“Big Brother Yuan, don’t be oversensitive. I have absolutely no intention of fighting for
him with you. Now that the Bloodsoul Fortune Pill only lacks one Violet Palace Realm
cultivator before it can be refined, if the two of us capture this person back to the Roc King,
it would surely be a great merit. Once the medicinal pills are refined, both of us will be able
to obtain a little more, right?”

“Alright, I agree. But after we capture that kid, all his possessions are mine. Otherwise,
there’s no room to discuss this matter any further.” Yuan Tong’s expression was extremely
gloomy, yet he heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. So long as he doesn’t seize my
Seventhgold Swordbamboo, so what if I agree to his request?

“Big Brother Yuan is straightforward as expected!” Xue Yu laughed heartily. “With little
brother helping you stand guard at the side, wouldn’t that kid be captured easily?”

“Hmph! Before we capture that kid, I still have a matter to attend to. Do you want to come
along?” Yuan Tong’s gaze flickered and revealed a jet of hatred.

“Of course!” Xue Yu answered readily.

Spiritdove Mountain.

Xiong Pi was concentrating on cultivating in his abode when he suddenly felt two terrifying
Perception Forces sweep pass his body, and he was suddenly terrified. Could it be that the
Black Ape King has come knocking to get even with me?

“Xiong Pi, get the fuck out!” An explosive shout abruptly resounded out, and it was like
billowing thunder as it exploded out on Spiritdove Mountain, shocking the nearby demons
to the point they fled hastily in all directions.

It really is the old demon!

Xiong Pi seemed to have expected the arrival of this day since long ago. He had a calm
expression as he stood up and walked out of his abode, then gazed at the green robed, white
haired young man in midair and said, “Black Ape King, you’re really slow.”
“Hmph! You’re still so stubborn when you’re about to die.” Yuan Tong looked down at
Xiong Pi and said coldly, “Offer up your head on your own accord. Otherwise, it will be
like how I killed your younger brother that year, and I will smash you into a pool of meat
pudding with a single swing of my staff!”

“Younger brother…” Xiong Pi’s rugged face warped, seeming like he was crying for a
moment then laughing for a moment, and his stalwart body ceaselessly trembled.  He gazed
at Yuan Tong who stood there in midair, his eyes were sprung open like saucers and
contained a red hue yet revealed madness from extreme rage, and he roared loudly. “Black
Ape King, your doom is imminent. I’ll wait for you in hell, HAHAHA!”

It was at this moment that a saber light that was like a bolt of lightning flashed past,
instantly chopping off Xiong Pi’s head. Its speed was so swift that Xiong Pi didn’t even
have time to react, and that enraged and insane laughter stopped abruptly along with this.

“What’s the point of talking so much with a madman? It will only bring disgrace to our
status.” Within the clouds, the Thunderhawk King, Xue Yu, appeared suddenly, then he
lightly laughed as he grabbed Xiong Pi’s head up from across the space and casually tossed
it to Yuan Tong.

Yuan Tong said coldly, “I have to remind you, if you dare take my things the next time, I’ll
surely kill you!”

“Looks like I’ve indeed made an unnecessary move.” Xue Yu laughed indifferently, and a
trace of indistinct disdain flashed deep within his eyes.

After a short moment, Yuan Tong returned to his own territory. Yet, he didn’t stop and
directly lead the 1,000 plus demons of various strengths under his command and moved
towards the Moon’s Embrace Mountain in a formidable array.

One hundred plus Congenital Realm greater demons and over a thousand minor demons
gathered together were simply like a black current that surged in a formidable array through
the mountain range. Demonic qi roiled and their imposing might billowed.

“Haha! It’s still the first time that I’ve battled together with so many brothers, and we even
have the King to command the overall situation. Wouldn’t we kill that kid to the point he
wets his pants?”

“Why, isn’t the King being too cautious? It’s only killing a single human cultivator, is there
any need to mobilize the forces?”

“Hmph! What do you know? This is called a show of force! The King wants to let all the
greater demons and minor demons see that any fellow who dares offend him will die!”

“So that’s how it is, the King deserves to be called farsighted and prudent.”

Some of these thousand plus demons still maintained their demon beast form. They were
undisciplined and carefree by nature, so they naturally wouldn’t be as highly disciplined as
a human army. They were clamoring and making noise excitedly all along the way. Their
appearance wasn’t like they were going to kill an enemy, but was instead like they were
going sight-seeing.

“What did you bring so many subordinates for? Could it be that we’re unable to capture a
single human cultivator with our cultivation?” In mid air, the Thunderhawk King, Xue Yu,
glanced at the ground. The unscrupulous and clamorous noise from those demons caused
him to feel extreme disgust.

“I have my own plan.” Yuan Tong answered with an expressionless face.

Xue Yu smiled but said no more.

Before long, the vast and imposing crowd of demons dashed to stand before Moon’s
Embrace Mountain. They didn’t rashly charge up the mountain because of Yuan Tong’s

Even then, such an enormous group of demons appearing near Moon’s Embrace Mountain
had still drawn the attention of the other nearby demons.

“As expected! I knew that the Black Ape King wouldn’t let that human cultivator off so

“Fortunately, we left early that day and didn’t form a relationship with that human
cultivator. Otherwise, I’m afraid we wouldn’t be able to escape disaster today as well.”

“Such a great show of strength. Could it be that the Black Ape King did this intentionally,
and his objective was to make an example as a warning to others?”

“We’re doomed! The Black Ape King is finally unable to endure it and wants to purge
Moon’s Embrace Mountain…”

Numerous gazes looked over here in unison. Practically all these demons that cultivated
near Moon’s Embrace Mountain knew that a Violet Palace Realm human cultivator stayed
in Moon’s Embrace Mountain. When they saw this scene, how could they not know what
was about to happen?

At this moment, greater demons gathered and killing intent shot into the sky. Within a
50km radius around Moon’s Embrace Mountain, an oppressive and murderous aura silently
suffused into the air.

A storm was arriving!

Chapter 70 – Battling the Black Ape King

Mountain wind howled, blowing away the roiling and raging demonic qi that billowed into
the sky!

Why is it like this?

Such a long time passed, why has the Black Ape King come now?

My god! There’s also the Thunderhawk King…

At the side of Moon’s Embrace Mountain, he gazed at the demons that covered the sky and
the earth from every direction. As he gazed at the Black Ape King and Thunderhawk King
that stood loftily in midair, Mu Kui felt a chill run up his spine and unprecedented terror
enveloped him, causing his entire body to shiver.

“Senior… Senior Chen Xi, disaster… A disaster is imminent!” Mu Kui, who was almost
terrified to death, screamed out as he furiously dashed towards the abode. At this moment,
he could only entrust all hope on Chen Xi, even if this hope was extremely tiny.

The abode’s door was closed tightly, but Mu Kui was already unable to care about all that,
so he pushed open the door and shouted anxiously. “Senior Chen Xi…” His voice came to
an abrupt stop.

Only now did he notice that the abode was empty, and there actually wasn’t a trace of Chen

Senior Chen Xi… Could it be that he fled long ago?

Mu Kui was scared out of his wits and sat on the floor with a thump. He had an ashen
expression as he muttered. “Right, Senior Chen Xi is only one person, yet he's surrounded
by two demon kings and so many greater demons, what other way of survival is there
besides fleeing?”

“You didn’t think of fleeing yourself?”

“Fleeing myself? Right, why didn’t I think of…?” Mu Kui spoke halfway before seeming
to be jolted awake from a dream. He gazed at the figure before him that seemed as if it had
appeared out of thin air and asked with a trembling voice, “Senior, you haven’t left?”

“Leave it to me. If you perceive that it’s not going well, then leave as soon as possible.”
Chen Xi nodded. Earlier, he was cultivating the Traceless Aura technique, his aura had
completely vanished and his figure was transparent, so Mu Kui was naturally unable to
notice him.
Mu Kui took a deep breath, then gritted his teeth and spoke. “How could I do that? I’ve said
before that I would follow by Senior’s side for my entire lifetime!” Although his expression
was one of fear, it revealed a sense of staunchness and willfulness.

Chen Xi couldn’t help but moved, as he’d never expected Mu Kui would actually say this,
and he instantly said seriously, “If I ask you to flee, then flee! So long as you are alive, that
is more important than anything!”

As he spoke, Chen Xi withdrew a storage pouch and passed it to Mu Kui. “There’s a qi

refinement cultivation technique of mine within here, take it.”

“Senior…” Mu Kui gazed at the storage pouch in his hand and he couldn’t help but be
dumbstruck, and inexpressible gratitude surged out from his heart. When he looked up once
again, Chen Xi had already vanished within the abode.

“Don’t worry Senior, not only will I live on, I’ll become stronger!” Within the abode, Mu
Kui muttered to himself, and an expression of boundless firmness gushed out from his face.


“He came out!”

“The human cultivator has come out!”

Waves of exclamations in surprise suddenly sounded out within the faraway mass of
demons. Their gazes descended onto the same spot in unison, and there, a youth was
walking over with an even pace.

The young man had a tall and thin figure with a handsome appearance. Every movement of
his emitted a disposition that was relaxed and had transcended the mortal world, causing
him to seem extraordinary.

“You’re Chen Xi?” High in the air, the Black Ape King abruptly shouted loudly with a
voice that was like thunder, shocking the nearby demons to the point their entire body

“What do you think?” Chen Xi coldly asked rhetorically, yet he was inwardly shocked.
Why has the Thunderhawk King come as well?

The Black Ape King was green robed and white haired; the Thunderhawk King wore a
violet coat and a pair of cold eyes, and they both stood midair. He’d noticed the two of
them the instant he walked out of the abode and was naturally able to guess the identity of
the two. But the appearance of the Thunderhawk King still caused him to feel a trace of
Two Violet Palace Realm Demon Kings… Looks like this matter will be difficult to handle.
Chen Xi secretly went on alert and his formidable soul covered the surroundings, as he
didn’t dare slack in the slightest.

“Hmph! You’re in my territory and you still dare speak like this? You really have an
exaggerated opinion of your ability. Take a look first and see what this is.” Yuan Tong
sneered before raising his right hand, and a head appeared within his hand.

This head had a hideous and distorted appearance, seeming to contain boundless rage, and
when held in Yuan Tong’s hand, it still dripped blood and appeared to be extremely

“Xiong Pi!” Chen Xi’s eyes squinted. His impression of Xiong Pi couldn’t be considered to
be good, but he extremely admired Xiong Pi’s courage and resolution to take revenge for
his younger brother.

At this moment, when he saw the enraged and unwilling expression on Xiong Pi’s head,
Chen Xi felt both guilty and furious in his heart. Because of that Seventhgold
Swordbamboo, he’d promised Xiong Pi since long ago that he would kill the Black Ape
King one day and take revenge for Xiong Pi’s younger brother. But who would have
expected that Xiong Pi would actually die miserably in the hands of the Black Ape King?


A stream of killing intent that was burning hot like lava surged in Chen Xi’s heart, and his
expression became extremely icy cold.


The Black Ape King squeezed his fingers together and the head exploded into powder in
his hand, splattering blood all over the sky. “Hahaha! Are you angry? Who asked this
fellow to be too rampant, he actually dared to secretly plan to kill me! He virtually
possesses the same idiotic and revolting behavior as did his younger brother!”

“The King is correct, traitors like this deserve death!”

“Xiong Pi deserved death, otherwise, how could the King maintain his prestige?”

“If it was me, I’d surely cut him to pieces while he’s still alive, slice by slice. How could I
possibly let him off so easily like the King?”

The numerous demons roared, they expressions filled with bloodthirstiness and

In the distance, those demons that cultivated near Moon’s Embrace Mountain mostly had
good relationships with Xiong Pi. But at this moment, they didn’t have a shred of pity in
their expressions and instead revealed rejoicing expressions, seeming to be rejoicing that
they’d cut all ties with Xiong Pi long ago.

However, demons were inherently like this. They’d become accustomed to the laws of the
jungle while they were still wild beasts, and now that they possessed intelligence, the
ruthlessness and coldness within their bones was impossible to erase.

“I promised Xiong Pi that I’d kill you to help him take revenge for his younger brother.”
Chen Xi’s voice was cold and indifferent, yet calm, without a trace of fluctuation, seeming
to be speaking of a matter of no importance. But when it entered the ears of the demons, it
instead caused their hearts to go cold and they could feel the boundless killing intent within

“Interesting, the killing intent on this human cultivator is extremely strong and is obviously
tempered from life and death battles.” In mid air, the Thunderhawk King that had always
been indifferent to everything in the surroundings seemed to have noticed something
interesting, and the gaze he shot at Chen Xi carried a trace of surprise, but it quickly
vanished. It was only a little fellow that had just advanced to the Violet Palace Realm, and
he never took the little fellow seriously.

“Take revenge? I didn’t hear you wrongly, right?” Yuan Tong started laughing in a loud
and unrestrained manner, and he gazed at Chen Xi as if he was looking at a dead person. He
then said with an icy cold voice, “If I wasn’t busy and got delayed, do you think you’d be
able to live until now? Stop talking nonsense, hand over the thing Xiong Pi gifted you, then
cut your own throat and commit suicide, and I’ll leave your corpse intact. Otherwise…”

“Kid, with just your little cultivation, you’d better quickly do as my King says!”

“A human cultivator dares speak of killing my King, aren’t you afraid it will come back to
haunt you?”

“Alas, the King is really too kind hearted. If it was me, then even if he commits suicide, I’d
still cook his corpse and eat it! Only in this would it be satisfying!”

The numerous demons chimed in as they looked at Chen Xi with gazes filled with disdain
and ridicule.

“Kill!” A low and deep, icy cold voice was lightly spat out of Chen Xi’s mouth. In the next
instant, he’d already appeared in midair, and he was like a fierce tiger dashing down a
mountain as he rushed straight towards Yuan Tong with an irresistibly imposing manner.

“Since you’re seeking death, then I’ll fulfill your wish!” Yuan Tong let out a savage laugh
and an iron rod that was thick and heavy had already appeared in his hands. A surging
bloody glow suffused the iron rod, and he directly swung his rod fiercely to greet Chen Xi.

Chen Xi’s body was like an extremely nimble fish as he dexterously avoided the iron rod,
and the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his hand swiftly cut open Yuan Tong’s waist.

The Seventhgold Swordbamboo experienced lightning strikes every 100 years for it to grow
3cm, whereas the section of Seventhgold Swordbamboo in Chen Xi’s hand was an entire
one meter long. Not only was it extremely sharp, it also contained an extremely terrifying
and piercingly cold energy of thunder.

At this moment when he stabbed out with the sword, not only did it tear open a deep wound
on the Black Ape King’s waist, the thunder energy within it even surged into the wound,
striking the Black Ape King to the point his body went slightly stiff and he nearly dropped
down from midair.

It’s actually a Seventhgold Swordbamboo!

The eyes of the nearby Thunderhawk King that was watching the battle lit up and greed that
couldn’t be restrained arose within his heart.

“Kid, you think you can injure me with just this?”

Being injured by a single stab from Chen Xi before the eyes of so many subordinates
caused the Black Ape King to be extremely furious. The wound on his waist actually healed
to its former state in an instant!

School of Fiendgod Body Refinement!

Chen Xi was shocked. After body refinement attained the Violet Palace Realm, the vitality
of the body and lifeblood was extremely vigorous and it allowed the ability to regrow
limbs. If one wanted to kill such an opponent, then the only way was to pierce through the
head or heart!

“Die!” The demonic qi on Yuan Tong’s body surged and his aura swiftly skyrocketed, and
his figure instead transformed into a black shadow as he lifted the almost 5,000kg iron rod
in his hand before once again smashing it towards Chen Xi!

Chen Xi moved up the Seventhgold Swordbamboo horizontally.


A loud clang resounded out, and Chen Xi directly flew out backwards. Fortunately, this
was in midair, and it allowed him to dissolve more than half of the strength behind the
attack. Even then, his hands were still numbed by the shock.

The strength of a body refiner at the Violet Palace Realm is formidable, as expected. If I
was only capable of body refinement, then it would really be difficult for me to defeat him.
Looks like this fellow is worthy of his reputation as one of the seven great demon kings.
Chen Xi understood that he’d encountered a true opponent.

The Black Ape King was undoubtedly the most formidable opponent he’d faced up till

“Competing with me in strength? Hahaha… Let me see how many swings of my rod you
can take!” The Black Ape King roared towards the sky with laughter and his eyes were
filled with bloodthirst and ruthlessness. Then, he took large strides as he charged forward
with a billowing imposing manner. As the rod in his hand swept through the sky, it emitted
a breathtaking sound before fiercely pounding at Chen Xi. The strength exerted on the iron
rod had obviously increased a considerable amount from before.


How could Chen Xi continue taking it head-on? His figure swayed as he executed the
Divine Windwing Flight. It seemed as if a pair of wings that were condensed from a gale
had appeared behind him, and his speed was swift like a bolt of lightning. He was like the
wind that contained a myriad of extraordinary changes as he ceaselessly altered his
direction, and the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his hand repeatedly attacked Yuan Tong
with an extraordinarily swift speed.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Under the combination of sword technique and movement technique that contained Dao
Insight, thousands of wounds that dripped with blood had instantly been cut out on Yuan
Tong’s body, and his condition was terrifying.

How can this be possible!?

The King is actually unable to block that human youth’s sword moves?

Below Moon’s Embrace Mountain and a distance away from Moon’s Embrace Mountain,
all the demons watched with wide eyes and expressions of disbelief.

“Sword Insight! Movement Insight! Not good! This youth’s cultivation in the Martial Dao
has already attained the Dao Insight Stage!” The Thunderhawk King who crossed his arms
and observed the fight was unable to maintain his composure any longer and his expression
abruptly became grim.
Chapter 71 – Vengeful Spirits

At the side of Moon’s Embrace Mountain.

Mu Kui, who’d intended to slip away, accidentally caught a glimpse of the battle in the air
and was unable to move a step ever since.

Senior Chen Xi, he… He’s actually so formidable?

Mu Kui’s eyes rippled with extraordinary splendor. The Black Ape King possessed a body
refining cultivation at the 4th star of the Violet Palace Realm and had already attained the
Violet Palace Realm a thousand years ago. His cultivation could be said to be incomparably
powerful, and this was also the fundamental reason he was able to become one of the seven
great demon kings.

However, at this moment, the Black Ape King was completely suppressed by Chen Xi!

“Chen Xi undoubtedly only advanced to the Violet Palace Realm a few months ago!” Mu
Kui muttered in excitement and he already didn’t know how to express the excited feeling
in his heart at this moment.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Chen Xi’s figure was extremely nimble like the wind. the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his
hand was even swifter, to the point the eye was unable to catch a trace of it. It was like
wave after wave of tidewater that left behind numerous blood colored sword wounds on the
Black Ape King’s body.

At this moment, Chen Xi seemed to have returned to the time he trained bitterly in that sea
of bamboo, gritting his teeth as he practiced time and time again under the repeated
stimulation of Ji Yu’s remark ‘Not good enough!’ He only stopped when he had completely
exhausted the last strand of strength in his entire body. All for the sake of being able to
shuttle back and forth a single time in the sea of bamboo within the time of ten breaths.

Not touching a bamboo leaf, not touching the bamboo stem. Such an infuriatingly harsh
requirement caused him to seem so skillful and at ease when he dodged the Black Ape
King’s rod at this moment, virtually like he was taking an idle stroll in a garden, yet swiftly
like the wind.

Whereas his sword technique had instead obtained tempering bit by bit in this life and death
battle, and the sword’s force that contained Wind Insight became even swifter and fiercer…

Senior Ji Yu was correct after all, the strength of a Violet Palace Realm cultivator isn’t
necessarily required to be differentiated by cultivation, as the cultivation in the Martial
Dao is an equally vitally important link… Traces of comprehension emerged within his
heart, and Chen Xi’s live combat standard improved along with his increased

The Black Ape King felt extremely aggrieved, as no matter how he swung about his iron
rod, it was just unable to hit Chen Xi, and was even unable to touch Chen Xi’s sleeves;
whereas he instead received numerous bloody wounds from Chen Xi’s sword. Although
these wounds quickly recovered flawlessly, he could only tenaciously defend his weak
spots, and such a passive position of taking a beating caused him to furious to the limit!

“Dammit! Dammit! Fucking hell!” The Black Ape King fell into a frenzied state. His
height rose explosively by 10m and jet-black fur gushed out of the surface of his body,
piece by piece of muscles that were like rocks bulged up, and his eyes went red as his fangs
shot out.

Around the Black Ape King who’d returned to his beast form, a brutal energy that was
mixed with billowing demonic qi suffused out with a bang.

Crackle! Crackle!

Boundless blood colored lights abruptly surged out from the iron rod in the Black Ape
King’s hand. The colored lights were dense and bloody, and there seemed to be countless
vengeful spirits struggling within them. The instant it appeared in the air, the energy that
was violent and cruel caused the hearts of every demon present to go cold.

“The King is furious! How many years has it been? It’s the first time I’m seeing him return
to his beast form, and the first time I’m seeing him utilize the Demonic Vengeful Blood
Rod in his possession!”

“That human kid is too detestable and only knows how to dodge. If the King doesn’t use his
trump card, then that kid would think that the King is afraid of him!”

“Haha! That kid is dead for sure!”

When the crowd of greater demons saw the Black Ape King using his full strength, the
worry within their heart was completely wiped clean and they once again started
exclaiming loudly.

Once this old ape falls into a frenzied state, his strength would at least increase by 30%,
and the Demonic Vengeful Blood Rod in his hands is even refined from vengeful spirits of
demon beasts who died from resentment. Even if this kid’s Sword Insight is formidable, his
cultivation can’t compare to the old ape after all. It will probably be difficult for him to
hold his own, right? The Thunderhawk King, Xue Yu, stroked his chin as he secretly
considered, and he also secretly heaved a sigh of relief in his heart. Chen Xi’s display had
greatly exceeded his expectations. The Seventhgold Swordbamboo in Chen Xi’s
possession, his movement technique and sword technique that had attained the Dao Insight
Stage had all caused him to be extremely afraid.
The Thunderhawk King, Xue Yu, was a Golden Ironhawk adept in speed that had taken
human form, and his body innately contained a stand of thunder energy. Although his
cultivation was much higher than Chen Xi, if they were to enter into combat, then besides
his speed being able to compete with Chen Xi, he was practically suppressed by Chen Xi in
every other aspect.

Utilize thunder techniques?

Chen Xi possessed a Seventhgold Swordbamboo that was innately unafraid of thunder.

Moreover, if used well, it could even absorb thunder!

However, Xue Yu had lived for thousands of years after all, and he possessed various
trump card Magic Treasures. So if they really entered into battle, he wasn’t afraid of Chen
Xi either.

“Die!” Right when Xue Yu’s thoughts were flying, the Black Ape King swung the iron rod
in his hand. Swoosh! Boundless blood colored lights surged out with a bang, like a surging
blood colored river that roared and howled as if swallowed towards Chen Xi.


Accompanying the ghastly and sharp wailing and howling of ghosts, the surrounding world
became incomparably gloomy, and numerous vengeful spirits that could be seen with the
naked eye whistled in the air as they flew out. These vengeful spirits were all formidable
demon beasts that were tortured to death and contained terrifying resentment, then they
were tempered within the Demonic Vengeful Blood Rod by Yuan Tong for a thousand
years, causing these vengeful spirits to seem material and extremely terrifying. If it was a
person who wasn’t mentally firm, then their souls would probably be instantly seized and



The countless vengeful spirits emitted shrill howls as they surged towards Chen Xi while
blotting out the sky and the earth.

“Pu!” Yuan Tong, who’d completely fallen into a frenzied state, opened his mouth and spat
a mouthful of blood essence onto the Demonic Vengeful Blood Rod, and even more
vengeful spirits surged out with a bang from the stimulation of his blood, practically
completely blotting out the entire heavens and earth!

“Hahaha! Let me see how you dodge now!” Spitting out a mouthful of blood essence and
controlling the Demonic Vengeful Blood Rod in his hand caused Yuan Tong’s face to
become incomparably pale. But as he gazed at Chen Xi who was completely and tightly
surrounded by the vengeful spirits, he still couldn’t refrain from emitting wild and frenzied

This fellow, what atrocious methods! Exactly how many demon beast had he killed to
assimilate so many vengeful spirits?

As Chen Xi gazed at the swarm of vengeful spirits that charged at him like tidewater, his
expression couldn’t help but go grim. Vengeful spirits were shapeless objects and they were
completely impossible to be stopped by relying solely on ordinary methods.

What should I do?


Right at the moment Chen Xi’s expression became more and more serious, a strand of a
thunder arc abruptly surged out from the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his hand. It directly
struck the vengeful spirit beside him to death, completely reducing it to ashes!


Thunder is of Yang attribute and it’s innately the counter to all ghostly things. The
Seventhgold Swordbamboo in my hands is an entire meter long and has experienced
numerous lightning strikes, yet wasn’t destroyed, and it innately contains thunder energy
that possesses a destructive power. Why should I be worried about being unable to counter
these dirty things? Chen Xi’s eyes lit up and he poured his True Essence into the
Seventhgold Swordbamboo.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The sword lights were like violent waves that swept away the tide, and in the blink of an
eye, a myriad of sword images had already transformed into layer upon layer of sword
shadows that splashed out. The sword’s might was forceful and unrestrained, sweeping out
together like a myriad of enormous waves that overlapped each other as they swept through
the heavens and the earth.

The Windflow Divination Sword’s Tide Squall!

Hiss! Crackle! Hiss! Crackle!

Waves of sounds that were like fire scorching rose and fell, and Chen Xi’s figure was
covered within a myriad of sword lights. Every sword light he stabbed out had a strand of a
dazzling arc of thunder surging out from it, and everywhere it passed the vengeful spirits
weren’t even able to react when they were torn apart and burnt into nothingness.

“What’s going on? Why, why is it like this?” The smile on Yuan Tong’s face froze
abruptly, then it was replaced with an expression of shock and rage. The vengeful spirits
within the Demonic Vengeful Blood Rod were his trump card, and they were always
successful! But when he saw Chen Xi successively annihilating large groups of vengeful
spirits with extreme ease, he was completely unable to believe his eyes.

“It can’t be. These vengeful spirits were personally tortured to death by me, then tempered
with baleful qi for almost a thousand years. They’d become unafraid of all Magic Treasures
and weapons since long ago. How could they possibly become so weak?”

Yuan Tong’s expression warped and fluttered between various expression, yet he still
wasn’t able to believe it.

It was at this time.

Silently, a sword light that was swift like lightning seemed to have torn through space as it
suddenly approached, its speed was so swift then when Yuan Tong had just recovered from
his shock, it had already arrived before his face.

“No!” Boundless unwillingness surged out from Yuan Tong’s heart, yet it was already too
late to dodge. A bloody hole directly pierced between his brows.

Even though the Violet Palace Realm of body refinement was capable of regrowing limbs,
so long as the head or a weak point was crushed, then one would die without a doubt.


Another sword light flashed past, and Yuan Tong’s head was cut off, dropping into a long
and strong hand.

At this moment, not a sound could be heard!

All of the demons stared blankly at the headless corpse that was falling down from mid air
as if they’d seen a nightmare that was completely outside of their expectations. Their
bodies and minds were all in a state of shock and bewilderment!
Chapter 72 – Thousandhawk Grand Formation

Could it be…?

Xue Yu’s had a serious expression. He’d originally intended to lend a hand, but Chen Xi’s
sword technique was too fast. It was to the extent that when the thought of saving the Black
Ape King had only just arisen within his heart, Yuan Tong’s head had already been pierced
through by Chen Xi’s sword.

Wind Dao Insight!

Not only has this fellow cultivated an extremely formidable wind attribute sword technique,
moreover, he mixed the strand of Wind Dao Insight he’d comprehended into his sword
technique. In this way, he was able to kill Yuan Tong with an incomparable speed.

Xue Yu’s heart rose and fell rhythmically, it was truly difficult for Xue Yu to imagine how
this human youth was able to advance his cultivation in the Martial Dao to the Dao Insight
Stage so quickly when he’d only just advanced to the Violet Palace Realm not long ago.
After all, most Violet Palace Realm cultivators only had a cultivation in the Martial Dao at
the unity stage.


This fellow is an even more monstrous monster than us demons!

At this moment, Xue Yu didn’t dare look down on Chen Xi any longer.


The Black Ape King is dead?

But he’s one of the seven great demon kings!

Mu Kui felt his state of mind today was like a rising and falling tide. Up to the moment that
Chen Xi killed the Black Ape King, he was already excited to the point he clenched his fists
and wanted to shout loudly, yet he felt that no words were able to express the current
excitement in his heart.

The mountain winds whistled and demonic qi still billowed like dark clouds, but along with
the death of the Black Ape King, Yuan Tong, all the demon-kind present had already fallen
into extreme shock.

As they gazed at the youth that carried the Black Ape King’s head, the hearts of these
demon-kind that embraced the law of the jungle and respecting strength were filled with
terror, and they looked at Chen Xi with fearful gazes that carried traces of reverence.
“He deserved to die for torturing so many souls to death!” An indifferent voice drifted in
the air. Chen Xi gazed at the head of the Black Ape King that he held within his hand. As
he gazed at the expression of astonishment and disbelief within Yuan Tong’s bloodthirsty
eyes at the moment before Yuan Tong’s death, Chen Xi shook his head and exerted force in
his fingers, crushing Yuan Tong’s head with a ‘crack.’

Xiong Pi’s head was crushed by Yuan Tong’s hands, so Chen Xi crushed Yuan Tong’s
head with his hands. It was as if only by doing this was Chen Xi able to cause the guilt in
his heart to reduce slightly, and only then would he be able to hold a memorial for Xiong Pi
who’d died a long time ago.

“Mu Kui, gather up the treasures in the Black Ape King’s possession.” Chen Xi swept the
surroundings with his gaze then instructed indifferently before shooting his gaze towards
the distant Thunderhawk King.

“Honestly speaking, your strength greatly exceeded my expectations.” The Thunderhawk

King, Xue Yu, had a relaxed expression as he shrugged and said, “However, I’m sorry to
say that you aren’t a match for me.”

Chen Xi didn’t speak. His gaze stared fixedly at the Thunderhawk King and he felt a trace
of heavy pressure from the Thunderhawk King, pressure that was completely different from
when he faced the Black Ape King.

It seems like this fellow’s cultivation is at the 6th  star of the Violet Palace Realm?

Chen Xi had heard Mu Kui mention it before, amongst the seven great demon kings, the
Thunderhawk King, Xue Yu, possessed a strength that was even more terrifying than the
Black Ape King and the Sunset Forest’s Azure Python King. The crux of it all was because
Xue Yu was an ancient variant Golden Ironhawk that had taken human form. His speed was
exceptionally swift and was innately capable of accumulating the energy of thunder within
his body, causing him to be immensely formidable.

However, Chen Xi wasn’t afraid either, and he even wanted to give it a try. Was the
Thunderhawk King’s speed swifter in the end, or was his own Divine Windwing Flight

“Earlier, if I joined forces with the old ape, you would surely be dead right now, whereas
the reason you’re alive until now is actually extremely simple, it’s because I want you to
hand over the Seventhgold Swordbamboo on your own accord.” Xue Yu completely
disregarded the killing intent in Chen Xi’s gaze and said with a smile, “I don’t like to kill,
but if you’re too obstinate, then I might…”

“Noisy!” Chen Xi interrupted him before the Thunderhawk King could finish, then his
body swayed as the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his hand slashed at the Thunderhawk
King, Xue Yu.
Om! Om! Om!

It was like fine and soft wind had coiled together to flutter about happily as strands and
threads of sword lights tore through the sky, and they instantly formed an enormous net
sown together from a myriad of sword lights.

The Windflow Divination Sword’s Breezy Rain! The sword force was fine and
continuously lingering, seeming to be gentle like a drizzle, yet killing intent was concealed
within it. It was extremely suitable to be used against the Thunderhawk King that was adept
in speed.

However, the Thunderhawk King seemed to completely off guard, but in truth, he’d been
secretly on guard for a while now. The instant that Chen Xi made a move, the
Thunderhawk King’s figure was like a bolt of lightning as he flashed towards the distance
with a ‘swish,’ and he was already 300 meters away in the blink of an eye.

“Chen Xi, follow me if you have the balls!” The Thunderhawk King, Xue Yu, roared in
laughter from 300 meters in the distance. “I’ll tell you the truth, we’ve already capture eight
human cultivators in these past few days. I think they’re called Du Qingxi and Murong
Wei. They ought to be your friends, right? If you want to save them, then defeat me first, or
perhaps obediently hand over the Seventhgold Swordbamboo!”

Eight human cultivators, Du Qingxi…

Chen Xi was stunned and he couldn’t help but recall the various scenes in the Southern
Barbaric Nether Domain. Du Qingxi, Duanmu Ze, and Song Lin were his friends, even if
there was a misunderstanding between them. When he heard the news that they might have
met with misfortune now, he still felt a shred of anxiousness.

Never mind, I owe them from the Book Reserve Hall in the sword immortal’s abode.
Causing them to fall into a chaotic battle was my own lack of consideration in the end.
Now that they might have met with misfortune, I’ll go help them out again. I’ll consider it
as making up for my mistake, and as for the future… We’ll go our separate ways!  These
thoughts flashed within Chen Xi’s mind in the blink of an eye. Chen Xi’s figure sped out
right away, and a pair of wings seemed to have grown out of his back as he chased after the
distant Thunderhawk King.

“You’re truly courting death! My hawk-kind are the kings that reign supreme in the air!”
The Thunderhawk King, Xue Yu, lightly smiled, and a trace of cold killing intent flashed
within his eyes.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

One chasing after the other, Chen Xi and Xue Yu seemed like two bolts of lightning in hot
pursuit, and they vanished under the sky in the blink of an eye.

Senior Chen Xi will surely survive!

Mu Kui gazed at the tall and thin figure that had vanished in the sky, yet he wasn’t worried,
as he firmly believed that Chen Xi wouldn’t be defeated. It was a belief without reason.

At this moment, he’d walked with a swagger to arrive before the group of greater demons,
then bent down and gathered the treasures on the corpse of the Black Ape King according
to Chen Xi’s instructions.

“Oh, 1,500kg of spirit liquid, one piece of Crimsonflame Firesteel, a string of thousand year
Tempersoul Fruit…” At this moment, Mu Kui was simply arrogant to the limit, his hands
fumbled about the Black Ape King’s corpse, and didn’t pay attention in the slightest to the
practically killing gazes that were shot at him from the surroundings.

The 1,000 plus demons that had followed the Black Ape King over had long been scared
shitless by Chen Xi’s formidable combat strength, and now that the Black Ape King was
dead, like how monkeys would scatter when a tree fell, they wouldn’t foolishly go offend
Mu Kui.

But this fellow is truly too arrogant!

If you’re plundering the spoils of the battle then plunder it, why do you have to look
pleased with yourself and say it all out?

As they heard the extremely enticing names of various materials, and as they gazed at Mu
Kui’s greedy and repulsive appearance, the expressions of all these demons were extremely

After a long time, Mu Kui confirmed that he couldn’t  discover any more treasures from
Yuan Tong’s corpse, and only now did he smack his lips and stand up, then returned to
Moon’s Embrace Mountain with a leisurely and carefree manner.

“Fellow Daoist Mu Kui has returned?”

“Ah, we haven’t met for a long time, Fellow Daoist Mu Kui’s cultivation seems to have
progressed, congratulations!”

“Alas, Fellow Daoist Mu Kui, I’ve come to apologize to you, I’ve been busy cultivating
these past few days and had forgotten to pay a visit to you, it’s truly a sin.”

When Mu Kui returned to the abode on Moon’s Embrace Mountain, there was a group of
greater demons waiting for a while now. These greater demons were all the demons that
cultivated nearby Moon’s Embrace Mountain, and most of them had come to congratulate
Chen Xi when he advanced to the Violet Palace Realm. When they saw Mu Kui return, all
of them swarmed over familiarly with various shameless flattery and various inquiries that
showed great concern. They were simply brimming with enthusiasm.

“All of you leave, I have to guard the abode for Senior Chen Xi.” Mu Kui had an
expressionless face as he swept the demons with his gaze, and he snorted disdainfully in his
heart. When they found out Senior Chen Xi had offended the Black Ape King, all of them
ran away faster than rabbits. Now, when they saw Senior Chen Xi kill the Black Ape King,
they want to come curry favor with Senior Chen Xi? If only it was that simple!


Groups of mountains rose and fell, mist and clouds billowed.

Under the faraway blue sky, two flowing lights instantly flashed by. Their speed was so
swift that they sliced the clouds and mist in the sky to the point they roiled and dispersed,
forming an extremely striking wave of air behind them.




This kid’s speed is so swift, it’s actually faintly faster than my full speed by a bit. According
to this sort of speed, I’m afraid it won’t be long before he’ll catch up with me. The
Thunderhawk King, Xue Yu, who’d already returned to his beast form of a Golden
Ironhawk, flapped his wings and was extremely shocked inwardly. He didn’t have to look
back to know from the sound of air exploding that gradually became sharp, Chen Xi was
behind him and slowly approaching.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

The instant the Thunderhawk King was dazed, a sharp whistling sound of air exploding
suddenly sounded out from behind him, then numerous sword lights that contained
unparalleled Sword Insight tore through space as it flew towards him.

He hurriedly changed his direction to dodge these sword lights that caused him to be
extremely afraid in his heart, and he didn’t dare allow his thoughts to run wild anymore as
he concentrated his vigor to fly forward.

Just you wait! I’ll let you taste my power in a little while!

The Thunderhawk King’s wings flapped rapidly, once again increasing his speed by a great
deal, and he instantly pulled open the distance between him and Chen Xi, yet wanting to
completely throw Chen Xi off was utterly impossible to achieve.

Where does this fellow want to take me? Chasing up to this point caused Chen Xi to
vaguely guess that the Thunderhawk King seemed to want to lure him to a place, and
utterly didn’t intend on carrying out a life and death battle with him.

Could it be that he wants to look for the other demon kings to assist him? Or perhaps he
intends to lure me into his lair, then rely on other methods to fight me?  Chen Xi pondered
strenuously. Chen Xi’s speed was indeed not slower in the slightest as the Divine
Windwing Flight that contained a strand of Wind Dao Insight was exerted to the limit by
him, and he was like a strand of drifting and traceless swift wind that was like a bolt of

After the time for an incense stick to burn.

The Thunderhawk King stopped abruptly, then he unfolded his wings and rapidly dove

“This place is?” Chen Xi stopped in tow, then he swept his gaze downwards. He saw a
mountain that was coiled within violet gas standing towering there. It was entirely like a
sword, precipitous and steep, and on the side of the precipice an enormous palace was
shockingly built there!

This palace seemed to be completely made of a violet metal and was peerlessly exquisite.
Within it, pavilions, artificial mountains, and streams could be seen everywhere, to the
extent that there was even a lake with rippling blue water.

What extravagance!

Could it be that this is the Thunderhawk King’s lair?

“Children, quickly form the Thousandhawk Grand Formation with your ancestor and kill
this human youth!” The Thunderhawk King, Xue Yu, stood above the palace and suddenly
shouted out explosively.
Chapter 73 – Battling The Thunderhawk King

In the wake of Xue Yu’s explosive shout, countless black shadows abruptly shot into the
sky from the palace at the side of the precipice.

Shriek! Shriek! Shriek!

Sharp and ear piercing bird cries were like tidewater as they resounded in the heaven and
the earth. Those numerous black shadows were 6m wide Golden Ironhawks. Their feathers
were like iron armor, beaks like swords, and claws like hooks; the thousands of them
flapped their wings as they came from all over to form a six layered and perfectly round

Whereas the Thunderhawk King instead stood arrogantly at the exact center of the circle.

“Colossal Copper Mountain — Rise!” Xue Yu made a raising gesture in the air and a
30,000 meter high mountain that was suffused with violet lights appeared out of thin air!

Swish! Swish!

Billowing violet gas suffused the heavens and the earth. Within this roiling violet gas, the
mountain that was already floating midair started to shrink at a visible speed, transforming
into a 30cm high mini-mountain in the blink of an eye. The mini mountain was completely
overflowing with violet gas and the aura of a treasure shot into the sky!

“Hahaha, this Colossal Copper Mountain is 500,000kg heavy and was refined by me using
a Secret Technique for 3,000 years. It’s able to shrink and expand at will, and when it
smashes, you’ll be turned into powder even if you have a body of iron!” Xue Yu
maintained his hand in a position of the raising gesture from before as he gestured as if
holding up the little mountain that surged with violet gas, then roared with laughter at the
sky. “Although it’s only semi-finished, its might is comparable to a top-grade earth-rank
Magic Treasure! Chen Xi, today, you will die without a doubt… Eh, where is he?”

The Thunderhawk King fully scanned his surroundings, but he only saw the clear sky.
Where was there any trace of Chen Xi within the completely empty space?

“Could it be that this damnable fellow fled? It was so difficult for me to fucking lure that
fellow here, then place a Thousandhawk Greater Formation and employ my trump card
Magic Treasure, the Colossal Copper Mountain. How could he flee without saying a
word?” Xue Yu’s face flickered between a livid and grim countenance. He’d lured Chen Xi
all the way here, yet didn’t attack all along because he knew he was unable to suppress
Chen Xi in speed, and secondly, he was rather afraid of the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in
Chen Xi’s possession. That Seventhgold Swordbamboo just happened to be the counter to
the thunder energy within his body, so he had no choice but to approach it with caution.
This also allowed him to understand that if he wanted to quickly kill the human youth that
possessed extraordinary speed, he could only restrain the youths speed so that he could
crush the youth in one go with an irresistible force.

Furthermore, it just so happened that the Magic Treasure in his possession, the Colossal
Copper Mountain, was able to form a 330m area gravitational field once utilized. Anything
that entered within the gravitational field would encounter a terrifying gravity of almost
5,000kg that was just like a person was carrying a small mountain on his shoulder, and the
person's speed would surely be extremely affected. It was to the extent that if one was
caught off guard within the gravitational field, then one would instantly be squeezed by the
terrifying gravity to the point their body exploded!

However, this Colossal Copper Mountain was only semi-finished. If he were to battle Chen
Xi, then the Thunderhawk King could only put his heart and soul in controlling the
Colossal Copper Mountain and he would be unable to divert his attention to kill Chen Xi.

It was precisely because of this that the Thunderhawk King ordered his subordinates to
form the Thousandhawk Greater Formation, as he intended to order them to attack Chen Xi.

All of this was prepared according to plan, yet Chen Xi just happened to have gone

“Even if his speed was any faster, it was still impossible for him to vanish within my field
of vision in the blink of an eye. Could it be that he’s concealed somewhere nearby right
now?” When he thought of this, the Thunderhawk King Xue Yu released his Perception
Force and instantly swept the nearby vicinity, yet he didn’t notice a shred of Chen Xi’s

“Impossible! How can my fucking painstaking effort be wasted just like this?”


Xue Yu was unable to restrain the depression in his heart any longer, he flapped his wings
and rushed into the sky, then stood high in the sky as he scanned the surroundings. As a
hawk demon beast, his gaze was extremely sharp and was able to clearly see every small
thing in an area of 50km.

“Damnable fellow, you’ve fled faster than anyone…” Xue Yu was furious and broke out
into curses, however, right at that moment, a tiny feeling of danger caused a chill to run
down his spine and swiftly surged into his heart.

Not good!

His expression abruptly went pale. A steel trident that contained oppressive bright lights
suddenly appeared within his right hand and he blocked before himself out of pure instinct.

A wisp of a sword image swiftly appeared, easily slicing the steel trident into two, and its
remaining force didn’t reduce as it swept towards Xue Yu’s neck.

Moreover, at this moment, Chen Xi’s figure had appeared out of thin air, one meter beside
Xue Yu, and the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his right hand was swift like lightning,
peerlessly swift and fierce.

This scene scared the Thunderhawk King half to death. His wings flapped just like a pair of
shields that had joined together, blocking his chest at the extremely critical moment.


An enormous wound broke open on the wings of the Thunderhawk King that were hard like
iron, and blood gushed out with a ‘whoosh’ as feathers scattered all over the sky.

“Dammit! I was actually sneak attacked by that fellow!” The Thunderhawk King snorted in
frustration, his body staggered and he nearly fell from the sky. He didn’t dare stay here any
longer as his heavily injured wings would affect his speed, so he wanted to return to the
Thousandhawk Grand Formation. Only by controlling the Colossal Copper Mountain
would he be able to turn around this unfavorable situation.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Chen Xi concealed himself midair with the Traceless Aura Technique, and had waited for
this superb opportunity with great difficulty, how could he allow the Thunderhawk King to
flee? Instantly, he willed it in his heart, and eight flying swords that were suffused with
dense cold lights appeared out of thin air and flew out like a flowing light, instantly locking
down all Xue Yu’s paths of retreat.

These eight flying swords were obtained by Chen Xi from within the chasm in the
Crimsonflame Mountain Range of the Southern Barbaric Nether Domain. They were
previously used by the immortal, Nether Enlightenment, to maintain the Baleful
Condensation Formation, and their quality were at the ranks of the top-grade yellow-rank.
At this moment, when controlled by Chen Xi, cold lights surged out for a moment as spirit
energy flowed around it, and its sharp sword qi abruptly swarmed the sky.

“Dammit, this fellow actually possesses a graded Magic Treasure? He clearly only
advanced to the Violet Palace Realm a little while ago, where did he get so many
treasures?” The Thunderhawk King’s face swiftly went pale as he suddenly noticed that he
seemed to have been wrong since the beginning.

Seventhgold Swordbamboo, Dao Insight Stage sword technique and movement technique, a
mysterious technique that conceals him without a trace, and now he even had eight graded
Magic Treasure flying swords…
How could this fellow have so many resources? Could it be that he’s the personal disciple
from a super great sect?


A sound of swords that were like a dragon’s roar and a crane’s cry echoed out, under the
control of Chen Xi’s formidable Perception Force, the tips of the eight flying swords faced
downwards as they twisted towards the Thunderhawk King in the center.

At the same time, Chen Xi’s mind still wasn’t at ease, and the Seventhgold Swordbamboo
in his hand was like a typhoon, as pure Sword Insight mixed with an aura of annihilation
that would destroy everything tore through the sky towards Xue Yu.

The sixth move of the Windflow Divination Sword — Space Shattering Typhoon!

The cry of swords rose and fell like waves, and it was like the footsteps of the god of death
was approaching step by step.

As he felt the extremely terrifying force of destruction surging over from every direction,
the Thunderhawk King was already scared shitless. His figure was like an ephemeral
shadow as he fled downwards with a ‘swish.’ However, he was forcefully driven back to
where he stood earlier by the eight Netherezim Swords that surrounded him, and his face
couldn’t help but abruptly go pale as he roared with all his strength. “You can’t kill me!
Could it be that you don’t want to know the information about your friends?”

“Die!” Chen Xi instead turned a deaf ear to it. The Seventhgold Swordbamboo was the last
to be swung out, yet the first to arrive. The unparalleled Sword Insight contained within
seemed to revolve like a millstone, instantly mincing the Thunderhawk King into a mush of
blood and meat that sprinkled down profusely and disorderly from the sky like a rain of

Up to this point, besides the Black Ape King, another demon king from the seven great
demon kings had perished under Chen Xi’s sword!

“Only demon kings like you are able to capture them, so why should I ask you for their
whereabouts again?” Chen Xi gazed at the remains of the Thunderhawk King that sprinkled
down like rain, and he finally heaved a long sigh of relief.

Killing the Black Ape King, then traveling a long way to annihilate the Thunderhawk King
had caused Chen Xi’s True Essence to be on the verge of exhaustion, and his mind was
extremely exhausted. After all, being slightly careless in a life and death battle against a
stronger opponent would likely lead to death on the spot. If it wasn’t for his body being
extremely tough, he would have probably been unable to sustain himself any longer.

“That human youth has killed the King!”

“The King is actually dead! How could this be possible?”

“What should we do? Do we seek vengeance for the King?”

Due to the battle ending so swiftly, those thousand over Golden Ironhawks has only
awoken from what seemed like a dream now, and they let out surprised exclamations with
voices that were filled with terror and disappointment.

“Scram!” Chen Xi coldly spat out a word. Killing intent was condensed between his brows
and he was like an unfeeling deity of slaughter, scaring the thousand plus feathered animals
out of their minds with a single glance. At once, they didn’t dare hesitate any longer. All of
them spread their wings and fled in panic, and their appearances were as if they wished for
nothing more than their parents to have borne them with… an extra pair of wings!

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Chen Xi descended from midair when he confirmed that there weren’t any demon-kind in
the vicinity any longer, and he supported himself with the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in
his hand as he panted heavily.

After resting for a short moment and slightly recovering some physical strength, Chen Xi
walked a short distance to pick up a storage belt from the ground. He was slightly
disappointed once he roughly sized it up. There was an entire 330m worth of space within
the storage belt. Gold and jewels like agate and jade were placed in half of it; they were all
things that were extremely expensive in the mortal world and were piled up there like
mountain after mountain of gold and silver. Whereas various spirit herbs, spirit woods,
ores, and materials were piled in the other half, and all of them shone with extremely bright
lights and were surrounded by misty treasure qi.

“The quality of these materials is extraordinary and there’re more than 10,000 types. I
wonder how much spirit liquid I can obtain from exchanging them? What’s unfortunate is
that there actually isn’t a single complete Magic Treasure. The wealth of this Thunderhawk
King is too disgraceful.” Chen Xi shook his head and his gaze glanced thoughtlessly
around. He couldn’t help but light up as he saw that a 30cm tall small mountain
overflowing with violet gas was still left behind nearby.

“According to the Thunderhawk King, this small mountain is called Colossal Copper
Mountain, its 500,000kg heavy and was refined by him using a Secret Technique for 3,000
years. It’s able to shrink and expand at will, and it’s only semi-finished, yet its might is
comparable to a top-grade earth-rank Magic Treasure. I wonder if it’s true or not…?” These
thoughts flashed within Chen Xi’s mind, then he stretched out his hand to pick up the
Colossal Copper Mountain on the ground. Unexpectedly, despite him exerting his full
strength, he was still unable to move it in the slightest.

“The strength of my body already possess a cultivation at the perfection-stage of the

Congenital Realm and I can snatch up something over 5,000kg with a single arm, yet I’m
unable to snatch up this tiny 30cm tall mountain? Looks like this thing really is an
extraordinary treasure!” Not only was Chen Xi not discouraged, he instead became even
more excited. He didn’t hesitate anymore and shot out a strand of True Essence from his
palm right away, then started binding the little mountain.

The Thunderhawk King was already dead, so this little mountain had become an item with
no master, and he only had to wipe off the mental brand on the top before it could be used
by him.

“What a treasure!” After a short moment, Chen Xi opened his eyes abruptly, and a wisp of
wonder surged out from his eyes as he gazed at the little mountain that revolved as it
floated atop his palm.
Chapter 74 – A Chance Encounter of Old Friends

The Colossal Copper Mountain was refined from an almost 3,000 meter tall copper
mountain and was 500,000kg in weight. Pure Violet mist Baleful Qi was accumulated
within the entire mountain, and when utilized, it was able to form an enormous
gravitational field that was extremely formidable. When a person was within the
gravitational field, it was like an enormous mountain bearing down on the person, and the
pressure on the person would skyrocket. If it was someone with a slightly inferior strength,
they would be instantly crushed into a pool of mush.

“A semi-finished Magic Treasure is able to possess the might of a top-grade earth-rank

Magic Treasure. If it’s completely refined to success, what level of grade and rank would it
attain?” Chen Xi gazed at the 30 cm tall little mountain that endlessly revolved around and
around on the center of his palm, and was fond of it to the point he was unwilling to let go.
“However, this might is already sufficient for me. Fortunately, it’s a semi-finished Magic
Treasure. If it was any more formidable, then I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to control it as

Ordinarily, man-made yellow-rank, profound-rank, earth-rank, and heaven-rank and their

various grades of Magic Treasures had a certain requirement to True Essence. For example,
an earth-rank Magic Treasure required at least a Golden Core Realm cultivation to bind it, a
heaven-rank Magic Treasure required at least a Rebirth Realm cultivation to bind it. By no
means was the possession of a Magic Treasure with an extremely high rank and grade able
to allow a cultivator to become a peerless expert in one go.

“Hmm? That enormous palace at the side of the precipice ought to be the Thunderhawk
King’s lair, there might be other treasures within it.” After tossing the Colossal Copper
Mountain into his storage ring, Chen Xi looked up and noticed the matchlessly exquisite
palace, and he thought in his heart right away before leaping up and flashing over. He was
like an arrow piercing through the wind and was already standing before palace after a
short moment.

“Skysoar Hall? What lofty sentiments from this Thunderhawk King.” Chen Xi glanced at
the large gilded board that hung at the center of the palace and he shook his head before
going through the door right away.

Along with the death of the Thunderhawk King, Xue Yu, all the demons under his
command had fled. Presently, the palace was extremely silent, like a luxurious tomb built
after the death of kings and princes, and was deathly still.

Chen Xi had always been using his Perception Force to carefully search all along the way,
yet after taking a circle through numerous winding pavilions, then passing through
numerous artificial hills and flowing water, he didn’t discover a single valuable treasure
that could move him and couldn’t help but be bewildered. “Strange, the palace of the
Thunderhawk King is so luxurious, how can there not be a single valuable thing?”
Right at this moment, a low and feeble voice sounded out abruptly. “The movement outside
has stopped, could it be that Thunderhawk King is already dead?”

Chen Xi slightly distinguished the source of the voice and arrived behind an artificial
mountain right away. Under the cover of the verdant grass and moss was shockingly an
entrance that could allow a person to pass. Steps circled downwards one by one, seeming to
be leading deep into the ground, and that voice had come from within.

“This palace is built on the side of the precipice, based on this, this hole in the ground ought
to lead to within the mountainside.” Chen Xi pondered for a moment, then carefully walked
in. He wanted to see what was actually below and whether the person who spoke earlier
was human or demon.

After walking for 15 minutes within the gloomy and damp narrow path, Chen Xi arrived at
a spacious place that was dark, with only a few scattered shark oil lanterns that were dim
and tiny hung on the wall.

Gloomy, damp, and stuffy, the entire space was filled with a nauseating air of death. Mixed
within it was some dense and pungent smell of blood, causing its environment to be
extremely disgusting.

This was obviously a prison!

Chen Xi’s gaze swept the surroundings, and he noticed there were numerous cramped stone
rooms 330meters in the distance. The door to the stone rooms were numerous dark steel
pillars that were as thick as a human leg, tightly sealing up the stone room.

“Dammit! The Thunderhawk King is incomparably cunning. If it wasn’t for him suddenly
utilizing that violet colored mountain that revolved with gravity, how could we have
possibly been locked up here? It’s for the best if he’s dead, perhaps then we can even be

“Big Brother Chai is right. I wonder who the fellow that the Thunderhawk King was
battling actually is? If he’s able to righteously rescue us both, then it couldn’t be any

Seeming to have not noticed Chen Xi’s arrival, a wave of low and deep sounds of
conversation sounded out within the gloomy stone room like underground mice whispering
in discussion.

However, when he heard these two voices clearly, Chen Xi’s heart shook and he shouted in
a low voice. “Chai Letian, Yu Haobai?”

“Who? You actually recognize me, Chai Letian? Could it be a Fellow Daoist?” Two
exclamations of surprise sounded out from within the stone room, seeming to be extremely

It really is these two damnable things!

A cold light flashed within Chen Xi’s eyes. When they were at the Southern Barbaric
Nether Domain, Chai Letian had made things difficult for him at every corner and had even
launched a surprise attack at him from behind. Being caught off guard, Chen Xi was thrown
into the chasm at Crimsonflame Mountain Range. If it wasn’t for his body having attained
the Congenital Realm, he probably would have been smashed to pieces long ago.

He’d always remembered this grudge in his heart, how could he possibly forget? The
instant he fell into the chasm, he’d already sworn that he would surely kill this shameless
and despicable fellow in his lifetime.

Whereas at this moment, being able to encounter Chai Letian who was trapped within the
stone room was simply like a gift from the heavens, forcing Chen Xi to sigh with emotion.
The course of nature goes around, the guilty face retribution and the kind-hearted are

“Shit! It’s that fellow Chen Xi!”

“Ah, no wonder he sounded so familiar… Wait, Chen Xi? How could it be him?”

Within the stone room, Chai Letian and Yu Haobai seemed to have recognized Chen Xi’s
voice and shouted out loudly. At this moment, they were clad in rags with haggard
expressions. Their bodies were covered in innumerable scars and tied by a thick and long
chain that was circulating a violet light. Their appearances were incomparably wretched.

When Chen Xi arrived before the stone room and saw their appearances, he couldn’t help
but be shocked in his heart.

Amongst these two people, one was a personal disciple of Starnet Palace, and his ancestor
was even a great Nether Transformation Realm cultivator that was highly reputable in the
southern territory, thus possessing both a respected status and formidable background; the
other was a handsome and refined disciple of one of the three great institutions of Dragon
Lake City, the Myriadcloud Institution, and was similarly an outstanding figure in the
younger generation. Presently, the two of them had been reduced to this completely dark
prison and had wretched appearances like beggars. How could it not cause shock?

However, surprise is surprise, but the killing intent in Chen Xi’s heart only increased. He’d
grasped this opportunity to be merciless to them when they were down with great difficulty.
He would absolutely not miss this chance.

Chen Xi held the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his hand and opened up the steel pillar like
cutting through tofu before walking in.

“What do you want to do!? Chen Xi, we’re Fellow Daoists, can’t we just talk it out?” Yu
Haobai’s face abruptly went pale and he shouted out successively.

“Hmph! You can’t kill me, you’re just trash from an impoverished family. If you kill me,
then not only will you die, all the people related to you will die as well. Of course, if you
save us now, not only will I let bygones be bygones, I’ll still grant you great rewards. How
about it?” Even until this moment, Chai Letian still maintained his superior bearing and his
voice revealed dense disdain and confidence.

Chen Xi was stunned and the gaze he shot at Chai Letian carried a trace of surprise. He was
truly unable to imagine how this fellow actually still had this arrogant and bossy behavior
even at a time like this. Was it stupidity? Or was he playing the fool?

“Chen Xi, Fellow Daoist Chai is right, think it over a bit longer. Fellow Daoist Chai’s
ancestor is a great Nether Transformation Realm cultivator, and I’m from the Myriadcloud
Institution. Why bother offending us?” Yu Haobai thought Chen Xi was afraid when he
saw Chen Xi keeping silent. His attitude became strong and his voice already carried a trace
of an indescribable feeling of superiority.

Chen Xi did indeed keep silent, moreover, he still didn’t intend to speak. He only swung
the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his hand, cleanly chopping off Chai Letian’s hand. The
instant Chai Letian’s agonized cries had sounded out, Chen Xi had already forcefully
stuffed the severed hand into Chai Letian’s mouth, and the cry of agony became a muffled
groan. Blood flowed out from his mouth and blotted out his chest. He was in pain to the
point he lay on the floor and started to shiver, and his appearance was extremely gruesome.

“You… You…” Yu Haobai’s head was muddled from Chen Xi’s sudden attack, especially
when he saw Chai Letian’s terrifying appearance of holding his own hand in his mouth, and
Yu Haobai couldn’t help but want to cry out loudly, yet he was afraid that Chen Xi would
chop off his hand and shove it in his mouth as well.

“I ask, you answer. Otherwise, I’ll ask Chai Letian after I kill you,” Chen Xi said coldly.

Yu Haobai nodded like a chick pecking on grains. He’d completely understood Chen Xi’s
ruthlessness and viciousness, and the lack of hesitation when Chen Xi made a move caused
him to feel dread from the depths of his heart.

“Where are Du Qingxi and the others?” Chen Xi asked. He’d originally thought that Du
Qingxi and the others might be here, but after he used his Perception Force to search for a
short moment, he’d noticed that there was no other people besides Chai Letian and Yu
Haobai here.
“They seem to have been captured by the Roc King. Supposedly, he wants to use them to
refine some medicinal pill.” Yu Haobai replied, and he trembled in his heart when he
noticed Chen Xi’s displeased expression, and he hurriedly continued. “This is true, but they
ought to still be alive because refining that medicinal pill seems to require gathering a
certain number of Violet Palace Realm cultivators. They’ve only captured eight people and
it seems they’re still lacking quite a lot.”

“That being the case, why are the two of you locked up here?” Chen Xi asked in detail, as
Yu Haobai’s answers were extremely vague and he could only believe half of it.

“The Thunderhawk King intended to use our souls and blood to refine his mountain Magic
Treasure, so he locked us up here to be tortured daily. His objective is to force out our
monstrous resentment, so that it is able to improve the might of his Magic Treasure.” Yu
Haobai seemed to have recalled an unbearable memory, and his expression was savage as
he gnashed his teeth and replied.

“What about Su Jiao’s group?”

“I don’t know about this. But there seems to be some people from Su Jiao’s group amongst
the eight people the Roc King captured.”

“Right, how did all of you get captured by the demon kings? According to my knowledge,
all of you have Violet Palace Realm cultivations, and if you joined forces, it would be
sufficient to annihilate any demon king.”

“We were separated. After inexplicably coming out of the Southern Barbaric Nether
Domain, I appeared within this depths of the mountain range, then I was captured here by
the Thunderhawk King and encountered Fellow Daoist Chai.”

Crushing them one by one? It ought to be like this… Chen Xi fell into deep thought.
Presently, two of the seven great demon kings have been killed by me, and there are the
other five demon kings left. I wonder what exactly the cultivation of this Roc King is.
According to Mu Kui, this fellow’s strength seems to be merely inferior to the Profound-
vision Old Turtle King, and he’s an expert of the same level as the Nine-tailed Fox King…

“I’ve told you everything I know. Chen Xi, I beg you, please let me go?” Yu Haobai
suddenly knelt on the ground and said with an extremely pitiable expression, “There’s no
enmity between us. If you want to kill, then you ought to kill Chai Letian. It’s he who
tossed you down the chasm. I didn’t offend you at all… AH!”


A wisp of sword light flashed by and Yu Haobai’s head directly flew into the air. Even
right before his death, he seemed to still be unable to believe that Chen Xi would actually
dare do that…
“Who knows how you will scheme against me in the future if I don’t kill you?” Chen Xi
shook his head. Yu Haobai had repeatedly changed his attitude for the sake of living and
had even pushed everything onto Chai Letian like a fence-sitter. A person like this was the
most detestable, and the type of person that can’t be allowed to live the most.

“Pu! Cough! Cough! Cough!” At the side, Chai Letian used all the strength in his entire
body and had finally spat out the severed hand from his mouth. He glanced at Yu Haobai’s
headless corpse and his face was already completely dismal. He violently coughed and said,
“You can’t kill me. So long as you kill me, my Chai Clan ancestor will surely know it was
you who…”


Another cold light suddenly flashed by and all sounds came to an abrupt stop, and this
gloomy and damp prison within the mountainside that was in darkness had once again
fallen into a deathly silence.
Chapter 75 – Pointing His Sword At Moonhowl Ridge

Chen Xi rested for a short while after killing Chai Letian and Yu Haobai, then he returned
to Moon’s Embrace Mountain.

The Roc King desires to refine medicinal pills from Du Qingxi and the others. Even if
they’re alive, their situation is surely extremely dangerous and they could lose their lives at
any moment… Looks like I have to make the best use of my time. Chen Xi pondered all
along the way and arrived back at Moon’s Embrace Mountain before long.

Within the abode, when Mu Kui saw Chen Xi return, he was overjoyed and said with a
trembling voice, “Senior, you’ve finally returned. This lowly one was worried for so long.”

“What’re you worried about? The Thunderhawk King has already been killed by me and it
ought to be temporarily peaceful for a while.” Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the meditation
cushion and said, “I want to recover my strength, keep watch for me.”

“Senior, cultivate at ease, this lowly one will leave now.”


Mu Kui hastily left the abode, then he was unable to restrain the shock in his heart any
longer and gasped. Senior Chen Xi killed the Thunderhawk King?

When I fought the Black Ape King, my advantage was my cultivation in the Martial Dao
surpassed him greatly, yet my cultivation was far inferior to him. If it wasn’t for the
Seventhgold Swordbamboo in my possession that was able to counter those vengeful
spirits, I’m afraid the outcome of the battle would be difficult to predict.

The cultivation of the Thunderhawk King surpassed the Black Ape King, but unfortunately
his love of deception was too strong. He always wanted to use any means to allow himself
to possess a superb advantage and lacked the resolution to charge forward boldly.
Although he’d placed the Thousandhawk Grand Formation and had the Colossal Copper
Mountain in his possession, under the surprise attack of my Traceless Aura Technique,
they were utterly unable to be of any use. Thus, he naturally lost without a doubt.

However, if I’m able to form a profound sword formation with the eight Netherezim Flying
Swords, then even if I don’t launch a surprise attack, it seems I would still be able to fight
the Thunderhawk King. Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the meditation cushion and silently
thought deeply about the two battles of today, and traces of comprehension surged into his

Live combat was the sharpest whetstone for tempering the cultivation of a cultivator.
The more dangerous the situation, the higher one’s potential would be able to rise. Every
expert had to experience countless life and death experiences, going through desperate
battles where one must put their life on the line to eventually win the battle. Only then
would one be able to grow swiftly.

At the same time that successively killing of the Black Ape King and Thunderhawk King
allowed Chen Xi to clearly recognize his own strength, he also noticed his own inadequacy,
and that was that his cultivation at the 1st star of the Violet Palace Realm was too low.
Once he encountered those cultivators with comparable cultivations in the Martial Dao to
him, he would only be able to flee. Moreover, if he wanted to remedy this flaw, then
besides diligently and bitterly cultivating his qi refinement, mastering some formidable
offensive methods was also another way.

The Eight Netherezim Flying Sword all possess the might of a top-grade yellow-rank
Magic Treasure. Looks like I have to ponder the Dao of Talisman Formations when I have
the time. If I’m able to comprehend some technique to place a sword formation, then my
strength ought to be able to increase a level. Chen Xi pondered for a long time, then shook
his head and abandoned all the distracting thoughts in his mind before starting to cultivate.

Swish! Swish!

The spirit liquid within the octagonal containment bottle poured out.

Within the boundless empty space of his violet palace.

Along with Chen Xi executing the Ice Crane Technique, streams of liquid True Essence
that were crystal clear like ice gurgled as they poured into the violet palace’s lake. Above
the lake, the originally dim True Essence star gradually become brighter as well. It was
crystal clear and translucent, emitting a faint cold light, and its every movement
corresponded with the faraway lake.

After advancing to the Violet Palace Stage, every increase in level would condense a True
Essence star within the violet palace. These True Essence stars corresponded to the True
Essence lake and the brightness of the True Essence star made clear how pure and
condensed the True Essence was. After nine stars were condensed, they would form a
peculiar scene of nine stars strung together above the violet palace’s lake, like an arched
bridge built atop the lake. At that time, one could make preparations for charging into the
Golden Hall Realm.

Moreover, the strength of a Violet Palace Realm cultivator actually had a vitally important
relationship with the cultivation technique.

A top-notch qi cultivation technique was able to greatly expand the violet palace’s lake.
The larger and deeper the violet palace’s lake, the thicker the True Essence would be, and
the might displayed by the True Essence would be more terrifying.
The True Essence refined by a superficial qi cultivation technique wasn’t pure and
condensed. Moreover, it produced very little effect to the expansion of the violet palace’s
lake, and the might displayed by the True Essence belonged to an ordinary level. Most
importantly, when the True Essence cultivated like this advanced to a higher realm, the
advancement would become filled with difficulties and it would be extremely difficult to
break through to the next realm.

However, cultivating a top-notch qi technique consumed spirit liquid at an extreme level.

After all, the larger and deeper the violet palace’s lake was, the brighter and more
condensed the True Essence star would be, and the True Essence required to be refined
would be even more.

The Ice Crane Technique Chen Xi cultivated was a qi cultivation technique that Ji Yu had
picked for him. Although it only contained the technique for the nine levels of the Violet
Palace Realm, it was a top-notch qi cultivation technique. No matter if it was the quality or
quantity of his True Essence, they both surpassed ordinary Violet Palace Realm cultivators.

One day later.

Chen Xi awoke from his cultivation as the remaining 1,000kg of spirit liquid within the
octagonal containment bottle had been completely refined by him. Presently, the True
Essence star within the space in his violet palace was already extremely bright and
dazzling, seeming to be carved from ice and jade, and it emitted a dazzling shine like an ice

Spirit liquid, spirit liquid… The road of cultivating is indeed unable to break away from the
word ‘wealth.’ Those disciples from great clans and sects possess inexhaustible resources
available for them to cultivate, so their cultivation can naturally go up all the way and
throw all the ordinary independent cultivators with no status far behind them. Looks like if
I want to swiftly advance my strength, then I must gather more spirit liquid… He’d
cultivated for a day and had exhausted 1,000kg of spirit liquid, whereas his cultivation had
only advanced a bit, and this caused Chen Xi to be unable to refrain from sighing with
emotion. In the road of cultivating, wealth, companions, techniques, and location were only
four words, yet they were an irrefutable truth from ancient times.

“Mu Kui.” Chen Xi walked out of the abode.

“What is it, Senior?” Mu Kui, who was cultivating under a pine tree, hurriedly got up and
asked respectfully.

Chen Xi thought for some time before saying, “I want to make a trip to Moonhowl Ridge.
Leave at once if I don’t return within three days. Be sure to not stay behind.”

Mu Kui was shocked in his heart and said in astonishment. “Senior wants to go kill the Roc
Chen Xi shook his head. “I’m just saving a few people.” After he finished speaking, he
leaped up to the cloudy peak of the mountain.

“Senior, hold on. These are the treasures the Black Ape King left behind, please take
them.” Mu Kui seemed to have recalled something and took out a storage pouch before
crying out hurriedly.

“I’ll leave it for you. If my trip is successful, then I’ll be leaving the depths of the mountain
range. Keep those treasures to protect yourself.” The voice was distant and faint, and Chen
Xi’s figure had already vanished into the horizon.

Why is it like this? He left just like that? Mu Kui was in a trance as he muttered to himself.
He was extremely reluctant to let Chen Xi go. During these days of engaging with Chen Xi,
he’d already felt heartfelt admiration towards Chen Xi and had taken Chen Xi to be the
Master he would serve his entire life.

This won’t do, I can’t let it go like this. I have to cultivate properly, and I’ll go look for
Senior Chen Xi once I’ve advanced to the Violet Palace Realm. I must make him accept
me! Mu Kui gazed at the spot Chen Xi vanished as he fiercely clenched his fist, and his
eyes were filled with unswerving firmness.


Under the afterglow of the setting sun, the Moonhowl Ridge that was a towering mountain
range that seemed like an ancient fierce beast had settled there was smeared with a dense
color of blood, and it seemed even more desolate, bloody and magnificent.


Chen Xi flew down and descended to the ground 5km away from Moonhowl Ridge. When
he raised his eyes to look towards Moonhowl Ridge, he saw billowing demonic qi like a
ramrod straight smoke signal as it pierced directly through the sky, blotting out the sky and
revealing boundless gloominess and killing intent.

At the center of Moonhowl Ridge were three extremely thick demonic qi’s that were the
most eye catching, and they were condensed completely and stood firmly. Compared to the
nearby demonic qi that was faint like smoke, it was like the difference between a tiny pearl
and the bright moon.

Three demon kings? This is going to be troublesome!

The Black Ape King and Thunderhawk King have already been killed by me, the Profound-
vision Old Turtle King’s whereabouts are uncertain and he drifts from place to place, and
the Nine-tailed Fox King is an existence of the same level as the Roc King and would
presumably not participate in this. So, only the Moonlight Lake’s Dark Wyrm King and the
Sunset Forest’s Azure Python King remain.

The Dark Wyrm King and Azure Python King’s strengths are merely inferior to the
Thunderhawk King but were superior to the Black Ape King. If it’s these two coupled with
the Roc King, my chances of success are tiny.

What should I do?

Chen Xi pondered for a while. In the end, he decided to silently sneak over, then wait for an
opportunity to make a move.

He couldn’t watch idly by as Du Qingxi’s group of three met with misfortune. Otherwise,
the trace of guilt within his heart would be unable to be made up for, and it would surely
transform into an inner demon that corroded his Dao Heart and disturbed his cultivation.

Ji Yu floated as he appeared, and he asked seriously. “You really want to go save them?”

Chen Xi was startled, seeming to have never expected that Ji Yu would appear at this time,
but he still nodded extremely firmly.

“Why?” Ji Yu continued to ask. “Do you know that they once watched without lending a
hand the moment you met with misfortune? At most, the relationship between all of you is
only of ordinary friends.”

“When I was in the sword immortal’s abode, I caused them to fall into the chaotic battle
that I caused for the sake of killing Chai Letian. This matter caused me to feel slightly
guilty and I want to make reparations,” Chen Xi said slowly.

“What if you die?” Ji Yu continued asking.

Chen Xi seemed to have never thought of this problem and he was stunned for a moment
before saying after pondering for a short while, “I think that no matter if it is the Heaven
Dao or humanity, both of them point straight towards the heart. If the heart is not at peace,
then I would probably leave behind a seed of inner demons. So, even if I die, I’d still do
this. Senior, didn’t you say before that the path of cultivation is to comprehend the
Heaven’s Dao and staying true to your heart?”

A wisp of admiration that was extremely difficult to notice surged out from Ji Yu’s
experienced eyes when he heard this.

After all, he was able to be calm in the face of danger. He was still able to stay true to his
heart and charge forward boldly when facing a fatal disaster. This level of cultivation of the
mind was extremely difficult to come by. Ji Yu had seen too many outstanding people in
these one million years, like Rebirth Realm experts of the School of Fiendgod Body
Refinement, peerless sword immortals… Which of them didn’t possess superb natural
talent and physique? But if it was in terms of the firmness and tenaciousness of the mind,
then only very few of them could compare to Chen Xi.

After all, if the Dao Heart wasn’t firm and tenacious, then regardless of how high one’s
natural talent was, one would be unable to tread to the end of the Grand Dao!

“With such mentality, the Grand Dao can be accomplished.” Ji Yu left these few words
before vanishing.

The Grand Dao can be accomplished? We’ll see if I can walk out of this extremely
dangerous place first…

Chen Xi muttered to himself, then his figure flashed like a strand of wispy smoke as he
silently approached Moonhowl Ridge that was 5km away.

After a short moment.

Relying on the incomparably profound Divine Windwing Flight, Chen Xi safely avoided
the demons that were on patrol at the foot of the hill and swiftly dashed along a secluded
little path towards Moonhowl Ridge. The instant he arrived at the mountainside, the
surrounding scene instantly changed greatly, like daytime had suddenly changed to the
night, and his surroundings were suffused with demonic mist, causing him to only vaguely
be able to distinguish the terrain.

Wu! Wu! Wu!

A wave of sharp sounds of wind that were like shrieks and howls resounded out, and the
sounds actually contained a strand of a strange energy that threw one’s mind into disorder.


Chen Xi’s Perception Force had attained an extremely high level since long ago, so he was
naturally unafraid of the disturbance from the sound. As he scanned his surroundings, he
instantly understood his current circumstances and his heart couldn’t help but sink.
Chapter 76 – A Change In Situation

Within an inconspicuous cave in the depths of the Southern Barbaric Mountain Range.

An azure clothed silver haired venerable old man that was covered in wrinkles sat cross-
legged there. A damaged copper coin was placed before him, and traces of an obscure,
mysterious and chilly aura effused from it.

“Hauled into the nine layers of hell to become a dragon… It’s actually the symbol for a
dragon hidden within deep waters[1. It’s a saying that says a dragon conceals itself
temporarily in deep waters, and would once day soar into the sky.]!”

Tzzt! Tzzt!

A wisp of indescribable radiance surged out from the skinny and wrinkled covered face of
the old man as he stared at the damaged copper coin on the ground. On the top of his head,
various mysterious scenes vaguely appeared like strands and threads of lightning arcs,
condensing into a red-crowned crane, a wyrm, a dashing horse and various other intelligent
things; divine lights that were mysterious and profound revolved around it.

“Old Turtle, I’ve just obtained news that the Black Ape and Thunderhawk have been
killed!” Suddenly, a low and feminine voice entered the cave, then a handsome man with
long hair that wrapped around his shoulders and peach shaped eyes appeared swiftly.

“No wonder… No wonder!” The old man was stunned, his eyes still staring fixedly at the
damaged copper coin on the ground. His expression revealed a wisp of enlightenment.

“You already know?” The man asked in astonishment.

“Qing Qiu, extremely great fortune has arrived. If you trust me, then quickly follow me to a
place.” The old man suddenly stood up and held a pitch-black walking stick in his hand as
he walked out with a swift pace.

“Where are we going?” The eyes of the middle aged man called Qing Qiu slightly
narrowed. During these past few years, this was the first time he’d seen the old turtle be so
excited. A wave of surprise couldn’t help but arise in his heart.

“Moon’s Embrace Mountain.” The old man’s voice drifted over with the wind as he’d
already vanished.

Moon’s Embrace Mountain?

Could it be he's going to look for that human youth?

Qing Qiu’s figure flashed as he pondered, and he was like lightning as he vanished with a

Moon’s Embrace Mountain.

Different from its previous desolate nature, the Moon’s Embrace Mountain today was
completely bustling. The demons within the nearby 500km had gathered here in unison and
had brought over good wine, spirit fruits, rare treasures and delicacies. They sat on the
ground at the mountainside azure pine forest as they chatted with each other in comfort.

“I heard Senior Chen Xi killed the Aqua Cavern’s Black Ape King and the Copper
Mountain’s Thunderhawk King within a day, this level of strength is truly shocking.”

“It is indeed. Senior Chen Xi is the most formidable Violet Palace Realm cultivator I’ve
seen. He’d only advanced to the Violet Palace Realm less than half a year ago, yet his
strength was already able to attain such a level. He’s simply a heaven-defying genius!”

“Haha! I saw the battle of Senior Chen Xi with the Black Ape King with my own two eyes
that day, that profound and unpredictable sword technique, and unparalleled speed… Tsk
tsk, there’s no way to describe it, no way to describe it!”

Mu Kui listened to the surrounding demons’ discussions of Chen Xi. He listened to the
undisguised admiration and flattery in their words, yet he was extremely calm in his heart.

He knew what these fellows came here for. Once the Black Ape King died, the surrounding
5,000 km of territory was without an owner. These fellows had obviously already taken
Senior Chen Xi to be the ‘king’ of this territory, and this was the reason why they’d all
ascended the mountain to express their friendliness.

When he thought of this, a thought of doing an evil suddenly arose within Mu Kui’s heart
and it slipped from his mouth. “All of you won’t be able to see Senior Chen Xi today, he’s
already headed to Moonhowl Ridge. He seems to want to battle the Roc King.”


“The Roc King?”

“My God! Does he want to die?”

The sounds of talking, laughter, flattery… All sounds stopped abruptly before being
replaced with numerous gasps, and the sounds revealed astonishment and disbelief.

The atmosphere became depressing.

“The Roc King is one of the very best experts amongst the seven great demon kings…
Mmm, Brother Mu Kui, Brother has matters to attend to and will take my leave first.”

“Uh, I just remembered that my child is going to break through to the Congenital Realm
today, I have to go stand guard for him.”

The demons produced various reasons and had gloomy expressions as they hastily bid their

Mu Kui didn’t persuade them to stay and held the wine cup with both hands as he leisurely
drank wine with a calm expression. He was already unable to give rise to an angry mood
towards these fence sitters that came rushing when they heard wind of something favorable,
and flee as soon as they hear wind of something unfavorable.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

It was at this moment that two flowing lights swiftly appeared in midair above Moon’s
Embrace Mountain. One was an azure clothed silver haired old man and the other was a
handsome middle aged man with long hair that draped his shoulders and eyes that were
shaped like peaches.

“Profound-vision Old Turtle King!”

“Coldstar Mountain’s Nine-tailed Fox King!”

Those demons that had walked to the base of the mountain raised their heads to glance
over, they couldn’t help but stop dead in their tracks, and their faces were already covered
in an expression of astonishment. Amongst these two demon kings, one had indefinite
whereabouts and unfathomable strength, the other lived in seclusion on Coldstar Mountain
and supposedly possesses a strength on par with the Roc King. Why have they appeared

Could it be for the sake of apprehending that human youth, Chen Xi?

“You’re that little wolf demon? Let me ask you, is the human youth on the mountain?” The
azure clothed silver haired old man’s gaze swept out and had already descended onto Mu
Kui because only he remained in the entire mountainside.

It’s as expected, that human youth is dead for sure!

At the foot of the mountain, all the demons were secretly rejoicing endlessly.

Mu Kui naturally recognized these two extraordinarily powerful demon kings and he
couldn’t help but feel terror in his heart when he heard this. Could it be that they’ve come
to take revenge for the Black Ape King and Thunderhawk King?
The Old Turtle King saw through Mu Kui’s thoughts with a single glance and he said with
a warm voice right away, “There’s no need to be worried, I didn’t come to make trouble,
but came for the sake of paying a visit to this human Fellow Daoist. I have something I
need his help with.”

Need his help?

Mu Kui couldn’t help but be stunned when he heard this, the demons at the foot of the
mountain and even the Nine-tailed Fox King by the Old Turtle King’s side all felt a trace of

“What? You don’t believe what I said?” The Old Turtle King shook his head and sighed.

“My Master… He’s gone to Moonhowl Ridge,” Mu Kui stuttered as he said. The Old
Turtle King’s had an extremely good public reputation. At least within the depths of the
southern barbaric mountains, he’d never heard anyone say that the Old Turtle King changed
his mind constantly, so Mu Kui was naturally able to believe the Old Turtle King.

“Moonhowl Ridge?” The Old Turtle King was stunned.

Mu Kui gritted his teeth and said, “Exactly. My Master’s friends were captured by the Roc
King, so my Master has already headed there to rescue them.”

The Nine-tailed Fox King frowned as he said slowly, “Hmm? I heard the Roc and the
others captured a few human cultivators these past few days. Presently, the Roc, Dark
Wyrm, and Azure Python are in closed door cultivation in Moonhowl Ridge. They seem to
desire to refine a cauldron of Bloodsoul Fortune Pills. Could it be that the human youth’s
friends are amongst them?”

“He’s truly courting death!” The Old Turtle King’s eyes surged with a wisp of
unrestrainable rage when he heard this. “Qing Qiu, want to make a trip to Moonhowl Ridge
with me?”

The Nine-tailed Fox King rubbed his nose and sighed. “Old man, you’ve already asked, can
I not go? Hmm, it’s about time I decide upon a victor with the Roc.” As he spoke, a wisp of
arrogant confidence slipped past his peach shaped eyes.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Flying lights tore through the sky, and the Profound-vision Old Turtle King and the Nine-
tailed Fox King had vanished.

“Fantastic! Only half a day has passed, I hope Senior Chen Xi can persist. With the
assistance of these two demon kings, he will surely be safe and sound.” Mu Kui stared
blankly at the distant sky and only suddenly shouted out in pleasant surprise after a long
Why is it like this?

At the foot of the mountains, the demons were all dumbstruck and were extremely regretful
in their hearts.

“It’s actually a large-scale maze…”

At the mountainside of Moonhowl Ridge, Chen Xi gazed at the grey colored dense mist
that roiled in his surroundings with a vigilant expression. He didn’t dare make any rash
movements, yet he was madly pondering on a method to break this formation in his mind.

Within the center of the mountain, in a sealed off stone room that contained an area of
around 3,300 meters, was a completely blood red large cauldron. A ghastly green flame
was blazing beneath the large cauldron, whereas above the large cauldron, nine blood
colored balls of light violently fluctuated and streams of thick medicinal strength suffused
out from them.

At this moment, there were three men of various appearances sitting cross-legged on
meditation cushions.

A man in a wide black robe with a gloomy expression and eyes which contained a dim
bloody frowned as he said, “These 996 types of precious spirit herbs and spirit woods are
about to be completely refined by the blood refinement method, yet there’s still a lack of
one more human cultivator to make nine. If we’re unable to capture one within three days,
then this cauldron of medicinal pills would be completely wasted.”

“Big Brother Roc is right, this is indeed a troublesome matter. I wonder what those two
fellows, Black Ape and Thunderhawk, are doing? It’s already been so long, could it be that
they still haven’t captured the human?” A bold and wide-mouthed brawny man with a
single horn on his forehead said with a deep voice, and his voice droned and revealed

“Hmm?” Beside the single-horned brawny man was a white complexioned man with a pair
of eyes that glowed with an evil light and no brows on his forehead. The man without
brows seemed to have noticed something. He stretched out his hand and made a grabbing
motion, and a Transmission Jade Slip was already in his hand.

“My King, something bad has happened, the Black Ape King and the Thunderhawk King
have been killed by a human youth called Chen Xi…” The face of the man without brows
went grim when he finished looking at the content of the Transmission Jade Slip, then cried
out. “Big Brother Roc, Big Brother Dark Wyrm, the Black Ape King and Thunderhawk
King have actually been killed!”
“What?!” The black robed man, or in other words, the Roc King, seized the jade slip and
briefly looked through it, then his expression became even gloomier and his voice was
tinny as he said, “These two idiots! Never mind, since it’s like this, we’ll first refine a
cauldron of medicinal pills.”

The bald and single horned Dark Wyrm King pondered before saying,  “Exactly, with the
two of them gone, it’s sufficient to only refine only eight pills from this cauldron of
Bloodsoul Fortune Pills.”

“Yes, it’s good like this as well. We’ll go help the Black Ape and Thunderhawk take
revenge after we finish refining the medicinal pills.” The white complexioned Azure
Python King that had no brows grinned as he nodded and agreed.

“Let’s first completely refine these materials, then we’ll go reap the blood and souls of
those eight cultivators in a little while.” The Roc King instructed.

Instantly, the three demon kings divided themselves around the blood colored large
cauldron and formed seals with their fingers, and numerous obscure and secret techniques
were placed onto the cauldron.

Right at this moment.

“My King, a human youth has trespassed into the Thousand Illusion Maze Formation!” An
extremely respectful voice entered from outside the sealed off stone room.

“Could it be the little fellow called Chen Xi who killed the Black Ape and Thunderhawk?”
The Azure Python King said in alarm.

“Dammit, he wasn’t earlier or later, but just so happened to appear at the critical juncture of
refining the materials.” A wisp of helplessness surged out from the Roc King’s shiny jade

“Azure Python, you help Big Brother stand on guard. I’ll go deal with the human youth.”
The Dark Wyrm King stood his extremely brawny body up, and his footsteps were like
thunder as he walked out of the sealed off room while echoing out with bangs.

“Dark Wyrm, you have to be careful. That kid is able to kill Black Ape and Thunderhawk,
he’s absolutely not easy to deal with.” The Roc King instructed.

“Hahaha! Don’t worry Big Brother, I, Dark Wyrm, am not those two idiots. He actually
dares trespass in Big Brother’s territory, he’s truly too rude.” The Dark Wyrm King
laughed loudly, the thick and strong bones with his entire body cracking. He’d already
stepped out of the sealed off room.
Chapter 77 – Dark Wyrm King

Layer upon layer of dense fog covered the sky, seeming like a pitch-black night.

Chen Xi’s Perception Force was merely able to cover an area of 33 meters, as surpassing 33
meters would cause his Perception Force to be bounced back by a shapeless force; this
caused him to be even more cautious.

If said in a simple manner, a formation was formed from numerous talismans that were
engraved with dense talisman markings and cooperated with each other from a great
distance. These types of formations were fused into one being with the world and possessed
the might of techniques.

In other words, there were only formations when there were talismans, and dense talisman
markings that were filled with profound meanings were the core of the formation.

Chen Xi had crafted talismans for many years and was deeply influenced by it, thus his
comprehension ability was extremely high as well. But ordinarily, the talismans he crafted
were all basic talismans, so he was at a loss for what to do when faced with the Thousand
Illusion Maze Formation before him.

However, although he was unable to easily get rid of the formation before him, he was still
able to differentiate that the Magic Treasures used as the foundation of the formation ought
to all be graded Magic Treasures, and only Violet Palace Realm cultivators were able to
bind and control graded Magic Treasures!

“This is obviously a graded formation, it’s too unbelievable. Could it be that there’s a
Talisman Formation Master level demon cultivator within the depths of the southern
barbaric mountains?” Chen Xi was extremely surprised. Although the grand formation
before him was only a maze and illusion formation, who knew if killing intent was
concealed within it? At the moment, the grand formation had obviously not been fully
activated. Otherwise, he would absolutely not be without pressure as he was right now.

“I must break the formation!”

“If I wait for the formation to be activated, then my situation would surely become very

Being pressed for time, Chen Xi controlled his formidable Perception Force like numerous
tentacles to spread out in all directions. Fortunately, his foundation in the Dao of Talismans
was extremely solid and his comprehension ability in the Dao of Talismans was shocking,
otherwise, it would be utterly impossible for him to walk out of the Star Secret Realm. At
this moment, when he calmed his heart and comprehended, he was like reeling in silk from
cocoons. He was able to notice the location of many profundities, and he’d obtained a good
deal of comprehension towards the Dao of Formations.
“Hmm?” Chen Xi suddenly felt his heart palpitate.

Right at this moment, a low and droning roar rumbled into the grand formation. “Children,
go! Kill that human youth!”



Accompanying the waves of frenzied and bloodthirsty yelling, all of a sudden, the far away
mist swiftly split open from the middle like a door had been opened. Demons like a wave of
tidewater surged into the formation.

Wolf demons that held dual Sai, bear demons that held iron rods, bat demons with wings on
their backs… All of them had frenzied and savage expression as they roared and howled
while charging towards Chen Xi.

When he saw this, Chen Xi heaved a sigh of relief instead. The strongest amongst these
demons was only at the Congenital Realm, but he still didn’t dare be slightly careless due to
the huge number of them.

Although cultivators at the Violet Palace Realm were able to sweep through all Congenital
Realm cultivators, when being surrounded by a powerful army and especially under the
circumstances of being unable to fly into the sky, there was no Violet Palace Realm
cultivator that dared guarantee they could completely annihilate a myriad of enemies by
themselves. Attacks could come from anywhere, and sneak attacks and dirty tricks would
endlessly occur.

However, Chen Xi was already capable of crushing existences at the same cultivation as
him when he was at the Congenital Realm. Presently, not only had he advanced to the
Violet Palace Realm, his cultivation in the Martial Dao had attained the Dao Insight Stage;
He wasn’t afraid of tactics that used numbers to attain victory.


Like a sea dragon entering the sea or a spirit crane returning to its nest; Chen Xi’s figure
was like a gust of wind as he attacked straight towards those demon beasts.


Chen Xi’s pierced into a blue-haired fish demon’s scale armor with a single stab of his
sword, piercing a hole through the fish demon’s heart. Chen Xi’s figure swayed to dodge a
few demon-kind that had sneak attacked him before twisting his hand backwards and
slashing out. The throats of another five demons were cut open, spouting pillars of blood.



Swing again!

Chen Xi charged into the crowd of demons, his body like a traceless gale as he swung the
Seventhgold Swordbamboo that seemed like a scattering meteor that emitted a horrifying
aura. His imposing manner became more and more sharp as he went on a rampage in the
crowd of demons, cutting through their ranks with extreme ease.

He didn’t dare hesitate in the slightest, nor did he dare stay in the same spot for a second.
He moved purely out of instinct, like an eel that had charged into a school of sardines. He
threw the surroundings and the situation of the battle into chaos and relied on all the chaos
to avoid being surrounded.

But even then, there were still some sneak attacks that were like venomous snakes that
waited for an opportunity at the side and had accurately hit Chen Xi. Fortunately, his body
refinement cultivation was already at the Congenital Realm, so he didn’t receive any
injuries. Yet this also caused Chen Xi’s nerves to become even more strained.

The battle that tempered a person’s will the most was undoubtedly a battle of life and death
on the battlefield, where one faced a powerful army that was like a forest of sabers and
swords without a shred of fear. When one man and one sword faced an army of demons in
battle alone, it tested courage, wisdom and strength!

Pu! Pu! Pu!

Strands of dense blood shot out violently and sprayed midair, and the pungent smell of
dense blood was almost unable to be dispersed and was extremely horrifying.

Ah! Ah! Ah!

Miserable howls that were like ghosts wailing rose and fell as one after another demon
beast vanished under Chen Xi’s sword. Every time a demon was stabbed to death by his
sword, Chen Xi’s killing intent would become even fiercer and sharper, like a treasured
sword that was being tempered.

He was like a god of death that endlessly reaped lives.

Chen Xi didn’t go insane from the stimulation of the blood, nor did he feel pity towards
those demons that died beneath his sword. His consciousness was extremely cold and
collected, like clear ice.
“Hmm?” Chen Xi seemed to have noticed something and suddenly twisted his head. A
curved blade that was like a crescent had appeared within his pupils; it was like a god of
ghosts had suddenly crawled out from hell and it emitted a terrifying dark and cold aura.

At this moment, he just happened to fall into a siege from six greater demons, and he
originally only required a single sword strike to break out of this predicament, however,
along with the appearance of the curved blade, he was forced into a dilemma.

Dodging the curved blade would mean suffering the attacks of the six greater demons, and
doing it the other way would mean suffering the killing blow of the curved blade.

Needless to say, the person that launched this sneak attack had an extremely precise grasp
of the battle and had instantly dissolved the advantage Chen Xi had obtained from his
desperate killing earlier and instantly forced him into a hopeless situation.

A hopeless situation that seemed to already be a dead end that couldn’t be broken out from.

“I’ve finally caught this trace of an opportunity. This kid is indeed troublesome, but
unfortunately, he’s still going to die in the hands of me, Dark Wyrm.” In the distance, the
bald and single horned Dark Wyrm King that possessed a brawny figure couldn’t refrain
from laughing complacently, his eyes filled with an expression of ruthless savagery.

But in the next moment, his smile froze as an unexpected turn of events occurred.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish!

Eight cold and sharp flying swords suddenly appeared around Chen Xi’s figure, seeming
like a wisp of lightning that bore through the clouds. They instantly cut off the heads of the
six surrounding greater demons.

At practically the same time the flying swords appeared, the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in
Chen Xi’s hand waved out with a Wavesplit Hurricane that brought along unparalleled
might as it fiercely slashed straight onto the curved blade.


The collision of sword and blade emitted a sharp sound that was ear piercing and deafening,
and Chen Xi borrowed the force of the collision to flash out like a shadow and floated off in
retreat for a few hundreds of meters away.

“This level of strength is not bad, all of you stand back. I’ll greet this little human friend.”
A deep and tinny voice that was like muffled thunder sounded out from afar, and only now
did Chen Xi notice a brawny man that was bald with a single horn as he held a dark blue
curved blade and was walking right towards him.
The dark blue curved blade was like a pond of lake water, both long and wide with cold
lights revolving on the edge of the blade. The blade itself was two meters long and was
virtually on par with a halberd, but the edge of this blade was much wider.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The demons had been killed by Chen Xi to the point that those remaining were scared stiff
long ago. When they heard him, they were all as if released from a burden and withdrew
one after another, leaving the ground filled with corpses that flowed with blood.

Only Chen Xi and the Dark Wyrm King remained on the battlefield.

“Seventhgold Swordbamboo? My Tenthwater Aurora Blade is a high-grade yellow-rank

Magic Treasure, but it’s actually unable to severe a section of Seventhgold Swordbamboo
that hasn’t been refined? It’s truly a good treasure.” The Dark Wyrm King’s swept his gaze
over Chen Xi, and his eyes emitted undisguised greed and burning desire when he clearly
saw the appearance of the sword in Chen Xi’s hand.

Chen Xi was sizing up the Dark Wyrm King as well. The eight Netherezim Flying Swords
fluttered about around him as he clenched the Seventhgold Swordbamboo tightly, and he
was incredibly cautious in his heart. He’d felt a shapeless pressure coming from the Dark
Wyrm King, a pressure that was overbearing and ruthless. The strength of the Dark Wyrm
King’s aura seemed to even surpass the Thunderhawk King.

This fellow ought to be the Dark Wyrm King, the Wyrm that had allegedly cultivated in
Moonlight Lake for 5,000 years! Moreover, this fellow has a single horn on his head, he’s
obviously a variant in the wyrm family and his strength is probably even more formidable!

“Oh! You are called Chen Xi? Let me think, I seem to have heard your name before…” The
Dark Wyrm King seemed to have recalled something and thought for a moment before
slapping himself on the head, and cried out. “Amongst those human cultivators that I
captured, there seemed to be a few fellows that discussed you. I originally intended to
capture you, as the refinement of the Bloodsoul Fortune Pill still lacked a human cultivator,
after all. But I never imagined that you would actually come over yourself. Hahaha!”

Chen Xi was startled. Could it be Du Qingxi and the others?

“Du Qingxi, Murong Wei, Cang Bin, Duanmu Ze… You ought to know these names,
right?” The Dark Wyrm King had a teasing expression as he spoke in an unhurried manner.

Chen Xi remained silent, yet his expression became even icier. As expected, these demon
kings really wanted to use them to refine medicinal pills and Yu Haobai hadn’t deceived

“You probably still don’t know what a Bloodsoul Fortune Pill is, right? Hmm, it’s actually
extremely simple. It’s to take the blood and souls of you human cultivators as the main
medicinal ingredient, then combine it with some treasures of heaven and earth to refine a
miraculous medicinal pill.” The Dark Wyrm King licked his mouth and had a ghastly smile.
“Whereas you came at the perfect time, we just happened to be planning to extract the
blood and souls of those people. Adding you would exactly fill the requirement of nine
people and it couldn’t be better.”

This Dark Wyrm King obviously wants to infuriate me, moreover, he’s intentionally
delaying. I must not fall into his trap. Aren’t Du Qingxi and the others still alive? I’ll kill
this Dark Wyrm and go save them! When he thought up to here, Chen Xi raised his eyes to
look at the Dark Wyrm King and killing intent was already bursting out from his chest.

This kid’s mentality isn’t bad. Looks like it really might be true that the Black Ape and
Thunderhawk died in his hands. The Dark Wyrm King noticed Chen Xi’s expression and
he couldn’t help but be shocked in his heart.


It was at this moment that Chen Xi utilized his Divine Windwing Flight and instantly
vanished on the spot. In the next moment, a raging and violent gale descended to envelop
an area of over a kilometer.

The sound of wind howled and whistled, and the wind was sharp like the blade of a sword.
For a time, the myriad of sword blades were like a torrential downpour, rumbling as they
swept towards the Dark Wyrm King.

Hiss! Hiss!

The sky seemed as if it was torn open as this violent gale contained Dao insight and was
executed by sword technique, so it transformed into peerlessly swift and fierce Sword
Insight that was like lightning, sweeping away all obstacles with extremely shocking might.

“You’re courting death!” The Dark Wyrm King was dumbstruck for a moment, seeming to
have never expected that Chen Xi would suddenly launch an attack without warning. His
face sank as he took a large stride forward, then the Tenthwater Aurora Blade in his hand
slashed out a myriad of solid blade lights in an instant. The blade lights seemed like
numerous dark blue crescents that shot out violently with magnificent strength!
Chapter 78 – Godly Illusion Arts

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The swift and fierce sword lights that contained a trace of Wind Dao Insight crashed onto
the myriad of dark blue blade lights that were like crescents, and the sound of rumbling
explosions scattered in all directions. The peerlessly violent blasts of wind tore through the
ground, splitting open numerous large ravines that were terrifying. The dense black mist in
the surrounding 300 meters was swept clean, causing the field of vision to be clear.

“It’s actually Sword Insight! I never imagined that you were actually able to attain such a
stage of cultivation in the Martial Dao at your young age, truly displeasing!” The Dark
Wyrm King successively stomped three paces back and glanced at Chen Xi in
astonishment. Then the energy in his entire body skyrocketed as he said with a savage
expression, “Unfortunately, your cultivation is too weak, how could this level of strength
injure me?”

“Tenthwater Aurora Slash!” The Dark Wyrm King suddenly shouted out explosively, and
the enormous dark blue curved blade in his hand transformed into a 30meter glowing blade
light that swept towards the faraway Chen Xi.

His cultivation in the Martial Dao is only at the unity-stage, yet he’s able to block off my
Space Shattering Typhoon. His qi refinement cultivation has obviously attained an
extremely terrifying extent. Looks like I can’t go head on with him. Chen Xi’s eyes squinted
as he executed his Divine Windwing Flight, then he successively leaped a few times to
dodge the Dark Wyrm King’s violent attack before moving about in the surroundings like a
drifting light. The Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his hand was like a flashing gale as it
pierced towards the Dark Wyrm King’s weak points.

He was only winding around the Dark Wyrm King, but not fighting!

The True Essence of the Dark Wyrm King was too thick and his original form was a variant
Wyrm. The True Essence he possessed was at least at the level of an 8th star Violet Palace
Realm cultivator. Under these circumstances, going head-on with him was undoubtedly the
most foolish approach.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

The Dark Wyrm King waved about the Tenthwater Aurora Blade, and the dark blue and
wide blade blocked all of Chen Xi’s attacks. His speed was unable to compare to Chen Xi,
nor was his blade technique as swift as Chen Xi. But by relying on his own tremendous
strength, he was able to easily deal with the attacks that swiftly shot at him from every
angle, and his expression was extremely at ease.
“It’s of no use, my Wyrm family innately possesses extremely strong defense. Although
your attacks contain Sword Insight, they’re at most able to scratch an itch for me.” The
Dark Wyrm King roared with disdainful laughter. “Moreover, what you’re doing is
extremely wasteful of True Essence. The longer it goes on, the more disadvantageous it is
to you. Instead of bitterly struggling, why don’t you simply let me chop off your head?
Isn’t that much better?”

Chen Xi remained silent and sped up the attack speed of the Seventhgold Swordbamboo
and sped up the shifting and movement of his movement technique. He was like a moth
flying into a flame, steadfast and stubborn.

“Truly a hell-bent little fellow, hahaha.” The Dark Wyrm King laughed even more
arrogantly, as he seemed to firmly believe that Chen Xi already had no tricks left to play,
and was just putting up a desperate fight.

Swoosh! Swoosh!

Chen Xi turned a deaf ear to the Dark Wyrm King; he was like a ghost when relying on his
Divine Windwing Flight. He transformed into an arc that once again assaulted the Dark
Wyrm King.

The two of them had exchanged blows many times and had roughly understood their
opponent’s strength. Chen Xi’s sword technique and movement technique were extremely
fast, but his cultivation was completely suppressed by the Dark Wyrm King. For a time, the
battle turned into a deadlock.

“It’s of no use, stop struggling, is there any meaning to… Ah! Big Brother, why have you
come?” The Dark Wyrm King was wildly roaring with laughter when a middle aged man in
a wide black robe and eyes that were like jade colored torches suddenly appeared within his
field of vision. Shockingly, it was the Roc King, Zhen Feng.

However, what was strange to the Dark Wyrm King was that the Roc King’s expression
was indifferent, seeming to have not noticed him as he didn’t say a word.

What’s going on?


A wisp of cold sword light suddenly appeared in his pupils, growing larger and larger, and
the dense killing intent gathered on the sword light thoroughly jolted the Dark Wyrm King

Shit! I was affected by this fellow’s illusion arts!

In a life and death battle, slightly zoning out could cause the outcome of the battle to be
decided. When the Dark Wyrm King realized the danger, the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in
Chen Xi’s hand was as swift as a clap of thunder as it flashed to attack the Dark Wyrm


The crisp sound of bones breaking echoed out, and an arm that carried blood that scattered
in the air fell over 30 meters away.

When Chen Xi saw this, he instead said to himself. What a pity!

Earlier, he’d intentionally only wound around the Dark Wyrm King but not fight as he was
showing weakness to his enemy, precisely for the sake of making the Dark Wyrm King let
down his guard, then Chen Xi would only need to use his soul attack technique, Godly
Illusion Arts, to break open up a trace of a flaw in the Dark Wyrm King’s mind before
being able to seize this opportunity to kill the Dark Wyrm King.

However, Chen Xi never expected that the Dark Wyrm King would react so quickly, as the
Godly Illusion Arts had only been executed when Dark Wyrm King had noticed it, causing
his killing sword strike to only sever an arm of the Dark Wyrm King.

But even then, it was sufficient to cause the Dark Wyrm King’s strength to be weakened by
almost half. After all, the Dark Wyrm King wasn’t a School of Fiendgod Body Refinement
cultivator and was unable to regrow his limbs. Once he lost his severed arm, then unless he
found some supreme medicine capable of re-growing limbs and resurrecting the dead,
otherwise, there would be no possibility of him growing another arm in his lifetime.

“Soul attack technique! I never imagined that you’ve mastered so many techniques at such
a young age!” The Dark Wyrm King stopped the bleeding of his severed arm with a swing
of his hand, and his ghastly pale face revealed resentment and viciousness. “I’ll temporarily
let you go today…” As he spoke, he’d grabbed the severed arm on the ground, then turned
around and dashed towards the grey mist in the distance.

Soul attack techniques were mysterious and possessed formidable might, moreover, they
were extremely rare and valuable. They were something that only great sects and great
clans with ancient hidden resources and reserves were able to possess.

The loss of an arm had weakened the Dark Wyrm King’s strength by almost half, and at
this moment, he was worried that he would encounter Chen Xi’s soul attack again, so he
could only choose to flee.

“Want to flee? Leave your life behind!” When he saw the Dark Wyrm King about to flee
from his field of vision, Chen Xi commanded in his head and the Colossal Copper
Mountain that was already floating above his palm continuously revolved as it flew into

A wisp of violet glow instantly enveloped an area of 300 meters. The Dark Wyrm King was
within this area and his dashing figure became sluggish, as his speed had obviously reduced

Gravitational Space!

The most miraculous thing about the Colossal Copper Mountain was its ability to form a
gravitational field with its own Violet Mist Baleful Qi’s gravitational force. Being under the
shroud of the Violet Mist Baleful Qi’s gravitational force was like carrying a heavy
mountain or falling deep into a swamp, so it would be strange if someone’s speed could be
fast within it.

“Colossal Copper Mountain!” The Dark Wyrm King exclaimed involuntarily in surprise.
“Dammit, how did this treasure fall into your hands?”


Chen Xi avoided making any reply. With a command in his heart, a Netherezim Flying
Sword shot out violently like a wisp of lightning flashing through the sky. It instantly
arrived before the Dark Wyrm King and a cold light flashed. Before the Dark Wyrm King
could even let out a miserable cry of death, his head was already cleanly chopped off and
blood sprayed out from his neck as his corpse crashed onto the ground.

Chen Xi put away the Colossal Copper Mountain, then looked at the Dark Wyrm King
who’d become a pile of mush, and he endlessly exclaimed with admiration to himself.
What a formidable Godly Illusion Arts. If it’s combined with the Traceless Aura Technique,
then it would surely be a first rate weapon in assassinations and sneak attacks!

Chen Xi didn’t continue sighing with emotion and he started gathering his spoils right
away. A high-grade yellow-rank Tenthwater Aurora Blade and a horn that was like white
jade and suffused with a gentle sheen. The Dark Wyrm King was originally a variant wyrm,
so his horn was able to cure most poisons and was even a superb material for refining into a
Magic Treasure; its value was extremely high.

There was also another storage bracelet.

Not only did the storage bracelet contain numerous spirit woods and ores, there were also
three weapons which emitted oppressive spirit energy. What caused Chen Xi to be
surprised was that he recognized all three of these weapons!

Duanmu Ze’s Sevenstar Rainbow Sword, Du Qingxi’s Unity Azurelotus Dagger, and Song
Lin’s Skynet Thousandhook Umbrella, and these three Magic Treasures were all of high-
grade yellow-rank.

Looks like they’ve indeed fallen into the hands of the Roc King. I’ve got to make the best
use of my time to rescue them. According to what the Dark Wyrm King said earlier, the
Roc King and Azure Python King seem to be refining the medicinal pill now. I must be sure
not to delay my time of rescuing them. Chen Xi pondered, then quickly put away all the
things, his gaze unintentionally sweeping the surroundings. He noticed a command token
within the pool of blood and mush. The command token seemed like iron but wasn’t iron,
seemed like jade but wasn’t jade, and when held in the hand, it looked to be covered in
cloud patterns and revolving mist, revealing a mysterious aura of talisman markings.    

Hmm? This seems to be…. This formation’s control token! Chen Xi was delighted in his
heart, he was just having a headache about how to leave this Thousand Illusion Maze
Formation, but he never expected that things would go so smoothly. With this control token
in hand, Chen Xi was completely capable of moving freely within this formation.

Looks like this formation isn’t controlled by the hands of the Dark Wyrm King, and it’s
fortunate that it’s like this. If he were to mobilize this formation at full force, I’m afraid I
would have been unable to withstand it since long ago… Chen Xi poured a strand of True
Essence into the control token as he pondered, then he took a stride forward and he’d
already walked out of the formation. His surroundings were filled with towering green
mountains that were overgrown with flowers and trees, and he’d already returned to the
mountainside of Moonhowl Ridge.

“Shit! The human youth has come out!”

“Quickly report to the King!”

A team of demons were patrolling in the distance. They just happened to see Chen Xi walk
out of the formation and they couldn’t help but be slightly stunned. Then they seemed to
have thought of something, and their expression abruptly went pale as they roared loudly
and fled as quickly as they could.

Chen Xi leaped out to stick out his hand and grab ahold of a sneaky looking minor demon,
then he clutched the demon's throat as he asked coldly. “Where are those human cultivators
being kept? If you don’t tell me then I’ll kill you right now!”

“In… In… Within the center of the mountain.” The minor demon was terrified to the point
its expression went bleak and it trembled in fear, even stuttering when it spoke.


Chen Xi casually knocked the fellow out then raised his eyes to gaze high up the mountain
peak, then he executed the Divine Windwing Flight to vanish on the spot like fluttering

Within the room in the center of the mountain, raging green flames were rising and
gushing. Above the enormous cauldron, those nine balls of light refined from hundreds of
types of treasures of heaven and earth had already concentrated into the size of an infant’s
fist, and it was crystal clear like a glass ball as it emitted a delicate fragrance that was

“Why hasn’t Dark Wyrm returned yet? Never mind, the pill refinement is more important.
Brother Azure Python, I’ll leave the extracting of blood and souls to you.” The Roc King
who wore a broad black robe scolded with a high-pitched voice, then he instructed the
Azure Python King who was by his side.

“Big Brother, wait for a moment, I’ll be back shortly.” The Azure Python King cupped his
hands, then got up right away before walking off in a zig-zagged, yet incomparably swift
pace, and he’d vanished from the stone room in the blink of an eye.

“Oh, I remember that there are two extremely beautiful female cultivators amongst those
humans. Should I do a little something?” The Azure Python King had his hands behind his
back as he walked in the quiet and gloomy passageway within the center of the mountain,
and a trace of a mysterious smile appeared on his fair and beardless face.

After a short moment.

The Azure Python King arrived at a ghastly and terrifying stone room within the center of
the mountain, numerous thick and strong iron pillars covered the entire room. There were
male and female cultivators bound on eight of these iron pillars.

Their entire bodies were without injury nor pain, yet they had bleak expressions and
dejected spirits, and their eyes were as lifeless as if they were soulless wooden puppets.

If Chen Xi was here, he would be able to notice that Du Qingxi, Duanmu Ze, and Song Lin
were shockingly among these eight people!

“Fellow Human Daoists, we meet again.” The Azure Python King held his hands behind his
back as he walked in the stone room. He grinned as he glanced at the eight people bound to
the iron pillars, particularly when he saw Du Qingxi. His eyes emitted undisguised lust that
was greedy and cruel.
Chapter 79 – Prison Battle

The eight people bound to the iron pillars raised their heads when the Azure Python King
spoke, and all their grieved and dispirited faces emitted an expression of extreme hatred.

“What’s the point of hating? All of you don’t even have the strength to tie up a chicken
after your True Essence was sealed. If I’m willing, I can take your lives with a swing of my
hand.” The Azure Python King grinned as he said this, then his gaze continuously stared
closely at Du Qingxi. In his eyes, even though Du Qingxi’s expression was haggard, her
beautiful face that was like a picture was still so gloriously appealing. It caused him to feel
greed and desire, and he couldn’t help but move closer and stretch his hand to stroke Du
Qingxi’s face.

“I’ll execute a Secret Art and commit suicide right away if you dare touch a finger of
mine!” Du Qingxi turned her head to the side to avoid his finger, and her clear eyes were
filled with the flames of rage and hatred.

Secret Art? Suicide?

The Azure Python King was stunned for a moment before smiling as he sighed. “All you
humans are really strange, it’s like all of you cultivate secret arts for committing suicide.
Could it be that all of you prepared long ago to use it in a situation like this?”

Although he said this, the Azure Python King didn’t dare arbitrarily act rashly. After all, the
refinement of the Bloodsoul Fortune Pills required blood and souls that were full of vitality.
If Du Qingxi died from suicide, he would feel extremely pained from the loss as well.

“Why bother struggling? If you obey me, then I guarantee I will properly satisfy you. I’ll
make you experience paradise and make you unable to stop wanting more, then you’ll
completely fall in love with this king.” The Azure Python King’s gaze brazenly scanned Du
Qingxi’s entire body. His gaze was promiscuous and his words were filled with dirty and
filthy things. It caused Du Qingxi to be angered to the point her beautiful face went pale as
she bit her lips tightly as her entire body ceaselessly trembled.

“Despicable! Azure Python King, come at me if there’s anything! Aren’t you ashamed for
bullying a girl?” The nearby Duanmu Ze roared in rage.

“Is it your place to interrupt when this King is speaking?” The Azure Python King snorted
coldly, then leaped over to stand right before Duanmu Ze as he stuck out his hand and
heavily slapped Duanmu Ze’s face. Five red and swollen finger marks instantly appeared
on his handsome face.

“I’ll kill you! I’ll kill you!” Duanmu Ze seemed to be in a state of madness as he
desperately struggled, wanting to rip open the binding of the iron pillar. Yet it was a futile
A slap was a method that was most embarrassing to another. A resounding and clear slap
combined with a disdainful and arrogant attitude would be like sharp knife gouging the
chest, stimulating the most furious and insane feelings within a person’s heart.

Since Duanmu Ze was born in the Duanmu Clan, he was a figure like a proud son of the
heavens, handsome and elegant with graceful bearing. When had he ever suffered such a
humiliation? Killing him was just a matter of will, but this slap… It was truly too hurtful!

“Enraged? Despairing?” The Azure Python King was like an atrocious devil as he grinned.
“You want to kill me? Unfortunately, you’ll never be able to do it. Although there’s a youth
called Chen Xi who came to rescue all of you, he’s now trapped within the Thousand
Illusion Maze Formation. Oh, if I think about it now, he’s probably already dead in the
hands of Dark Wyrm.”

“Chen Xi!” Duanmu Ze’s figure trembled, then abruptly roared with all his strength. “Chen
Xi, flee quickly! There are three demon kings here and you’re absolutely not his match!”

Beside Duanmu Ze, Du Qingxi’s body stiffened as she muttered, “Chen Xi? He… why is
he here? Isn’t he giving away his life? How silly…” Although she said this, a stream of
dense warmth and emotion surged into her heart. So many days had passed since she’d
been captured in the prison within the center of this mountain, and she’d despaired long
ago. She only hoped that she could die a swift death and not suffer torture and humiliation.
However, at this moment, how could she not be moved when she heard that Chen Xi was
on the way to save her?

“Dammit! Isn’t this courting death? Scram! Quickly scram, I won’t let you fucking save
me, scram!!” Song Lin raised his head and roared as he gnashed his teeth, yet his eyes were
already getting moist.

Even though they didn’t suffer any harm to their bodies while being captured here, the
constant cursing and humiliation they suffered from the various demons caused them to feel
that this place was virtually like a hell that made death sound good! A den of monsters!

“HAHAHA! Looks like all of you didn’t hear me clearly, Chen Xi is almost assuredly dead
by now, what’s the use of wasting any more of your strength to shout?” The Azure Python
King let out a deafening laugh, his laughter revealed inexplicable complacency and
confidence. “Give up, all of you will be awaiting his arrival forever, forever!”

“Unfortunately, I’ve disappointed you.” Suddenly, an icy cold and indifferent voice swiftly
sounded out. At practically the exact instant that this voice appeared, a wisp of a chilly
sword light that seemed like a spark of lightning tore through the air as it swept towards the
Azure Python King’s neck.

The sword light was like a shuttle as cold lights appeared on it, the Sword Insight that was
like ice was pure and condensed, as if it could shatter and pierce through anything. The
instant it appeared, that swift, fierce, and dazzling sword light had already lit up the entire
prison, dazzling to the point one was unable to open one’s eyes.

“You’re courting death!” The Azure Python King’s reaction was extremely quick as well.
With only an intention, a large hammer that was coiled in azure lights appeared within his
hand and fiercely smashed towards the sword light that shot straight towards him.

This large hammer was called Cobalt Glaze and it was an intermediate-grade yellow-rank
Magic Treasure refined from cobalt steel, then placed by the Azure Python King into his
body to be cultivated for a thousand years. It possessed sufficient spirit, and with a wave of
the hammer, violent strong azure air blasts burst out, the strong winds whistling with an
extremely astonishing force.

However, that sword light seemed as if it possessed intelligence, it changed its direction to
move along the side of the Cobalt Glaze hammer before swiftly attacking once again,
forcing the Azure Python King to retreat in a sorry state and lose the initiative.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Another few more sword images emerged and the sword lights that were like flashing gales
contained the sound of wind and thunder as cold lights that seemed like ice were faintly
emitted from them.

The speed of the Windflow Divination Sword’s gale, the violence of the Seventhgold
Swordbamboo’s violent thunder, and the coldness of the Ice Crane Technique’s ice were
combined together with Sword Insight that surged like a rainbow in the clear sky, causing
an extremely ghastly scene.

The person capable of executing this level of sword technique was naturally Chen Xi,
without a doubt.

He’d already silently snuck in when the Azure Python King entered the prison, then he
executed his Traceless Aura Technique to conceal himself nearby. He’d clearly heard
everything that happened within the prison, especially when he heard Du Qingxi’s group of
three roaring with all their might when they knew of his arrival. It caused his heart to feel at
ease for no reason, as if he’d removed a burden from his heart. His Dao Heart became
illuminated and his thoughts cleared. At the same time, it made his resolution to save them
become firmer.

However, because the prison room was narrow and cramped, it would be extremely easy to
injure Du Qingxi and the other if he were to battle the Azure Python King in the prison
room. So, Chen Xi had already exerted his full strength the instant he decided to launch an
attack, and he would attack aggressively, step by step, so that he would be able to kill the
Azure Python King in a short amount of time.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sword light was like lightning and the terrifying energy condensed on the tip of the
sword forced the Azure Python King to repeatedly dodge backward in an extremely sorry
state. Bright lights shook intensely on the Cobalt Glazed hammer in his hand as numerous
terrifying sword marks were left on its surface.

Chen Xi pressed on. The Windflow Divination Sword was executed by him to the limit and
he’d already forgotten how many sword moves he made as he stabbed, pierced, slashed,
chopped, flicked, and swept. Every sword strike contained a strand of Wind Dao insight
and was extremely swift like lightning. The originally cramped and narrow prison was
filled with a myriad of Sword Insight that was like lightning and wind, and the peerlessly
fierce and swift might of the sword seemed to almost crush space itself.

“Chen Xi!”

“He actually killed his way in…”

“When did this fellow become so formidable?”

At that moment, the eight people within the prison had all recognized Chen Xi. Their
expressions that were dejected and dispirited suddenly became agitated and their eyes
carried a trace of blazing hope.

“Dao Insight Stage! Ice attribute True Essence! Violet Palace Realm cultivation!” Three
successive exclaims of surprise sounded out abruptly. If Chen Xi turned around, he would
surely notice that the one who emitted those exclaims of surprise was Cang Bin, the leading
figure of the Cang Clan’s younger generation that had always been following by Su Jiao’s

After he let out the surprised exclamations, Cang Bin seemed to have become conscious of
how improper it was and he swiftly shut his mouth with a flickering expression.

The relationship between him and Chen Xi was absolutely far from being good. If it wasn’t
for Su Jiao, he wouldn’t even remember who Chen Xi was. Even until just now, he’d only
taken Chen Xi to be a laughable and pitiable ant, and he felt it was absurd when the Azure
Python King said Chen Xi had trespassed into Moonhowl Ridge with a desire to rescue
them. Would a disciple from an impoverished family that only knew talisman crafting and
the culinary arts be able to survive under the attacks of a myriad of demons? Would he be
able to withstand the attacks of the three demon kings?

However, at this moment, as he looked at Chen Xi relying on a sword to force the Azure
Python King to repeatedly retreat without any room for striking back, only now did Cang
Bin suddenly realize that the fellow that he’d always taken to be an ant had now thrown
him far, far behind…
This strong contrast even caused him to be unwilling to believe that this was a fact, and he
even wished for nothing more than for Chen Xi to be defeated at the hands of the Azure
Python King now!

This was Cang Bin’s mentality, forever unwilling to see an ant that was countless times
weaker than him suddenly become an enormous colossus that he had to look up to.

Jealousy? A warped heart? Unwillingness? It was too complicated!

No one noticed the unnaturalness of Cang Bin’s expression. Their attention was drawn by
his three successive shocked exclamations from before. When they looked over carefully,
they too noticed that Chen Xi’s strength actually possessed an extremely astonishing
change and that his cultivation in the Martial Dao was at the Dao Insight Stage caused them
to be extremely shocked even more. Because, although they were the most distinguished
amongst the younger generation of Dragon Lake City, not one of their cultivations in the
Martial Dao had attained such an extent!

“Could it be that this fellow obtained a great fortuitous encounter? It’s simply as if he’s a
different person!” Duanmu Ze muttered; he was both shocked and glad.

“Perhaps, he was always hiding his strength when he entered the Southern Barbaric Nether
Domain,” Song Lin spoke as if he thought of something.

“No matter what, by daring danger to come rescue us, Chen Xi has already taken us as
friends, yet we…” Du Qingxi’s expression dimmed after she spoke a sentence. “Yet we
never considered his feelings. When we were within the Southern Barbaric Nether Domain,
Chai Letian attacked Chen Xi by surprise and caused him to fall into the chasm. We
hesitated to act due to Chai Letian’s background, we stood idly by and remained
completely unmoved. I’m afraid we’ve already broken his heart, right?”

Du Qingxi’s words caused Duanmu Ze and Song Lin to look dazed, then they lowered their
heads in shame.


A sound that was like tearing through rags sounded out, a long and narrow scar slashed
down from the left shoulder of the Azure Python King, tearing through his clothes and
flesh, and fresh blood flowed.


Another loud noise echoed out, like the sound of an iron halberd shattering, and the Cobalt
Glaze hammer in the hands of the Azure Python King shattered with a bang, transforming
into fragments that scattered all over the ground.
“I… I’m actually injured?” The Azure Python King’s body stuck close to the wall with an
absent-minded expression, seeming to have become muddled from this successive turn of

How could Chen Xi let such a superb opportunity go? The Seventhgold Swordbamboo in
his hand emitted a sharp howl as it swiftly stabbed directly towards the Azure Python
King’s throat!

It was at this moment that rumbling echoed out, and the wall collapsed with a loud crash. A
skinny black robed person suddenly appeared, and he conveniently grabbed the Azure
Python King before instantly retreating explosively over 30 meters away, with a speed so
swift that it was actually a tiny bit faster than Chen Xi’s sword technique!
Chapter 80 – Battling The Roc King

The black clothed man had a skinny and pale countenance. His figure tall, with black violet
hair that fluttered in the wind. His eyes were jade green and shiny like a blazing flame, and
they seemed as if they possessed a magical charm that was capable of sucking a person’s
soul in.

The moment this person appeared, demonic qi that covered the heavens and the earth madly
surged into appearance, transforming into roiling black mist the coiled around his body. His
imposing manner was extremely astonishing.

“Roc King!” Du Qingxi exclaimed involuntarily, then swiftly said, “Chen Xi, you have to
watch out. This fellow’s cultivation in body refinement and qi refinement have both
attained the perfection-stage of the Violet Palace Realm. His strength isn’t inferior to an
ordinary Golden Hall Realm cultivator in the slightest!”

Dual cultivating both qi refinement and body refinement?

Both at the perfection-stage of the Violet Palace Realm?

Chen Xi was secretly shocked as he gazed at the black robe Roc King that was over 30
meters away. He actually dual cultivated both qi and body refinement like me, but his
cultivation is too much higher than me. I’m probably in danger this time.

“Azure Python, you return to the pill refinement room first to look after the cauldron, leave
this to me.” The Roc King stood proudly as he instructed indifferently.

“Big Brother, this fellow killed Dark Wyrm, you absolutely must not let him off!” The
Azure Python King hatefully glanced at Chen Xi before turning around and leaving.

“You’re really not bad. Possessing a cultivation at the initial-stage of the Violet Palace
Realm, yet able to comprehend the Dao Insight Stage of cultivation in the Martial Dao. I
presume you’re a rather rare genius amongst you human cultivators.” The Roc King’s gaze
stared faintly at Chen Xi. Seeming to have already seen through Chen Xi’s limits, he said in
a light voice, “However, you’re far from being a match for me. Although the
comprehension abilities of demon-kind are far inferior to you humans, I’ve already
cultivated for over 10,000 years. Regardless of body refinement, qi refinement, or
cultivation in the Martial Dao, they’re all far deeper than yours, so I advise you to give up.
No matter how you struggle, your end is only death!”

Over 10,000 years!

Chen Xi was shocked in his heart once again. The roc family were originally extremely
terrifying existences from the primordial era that were formidable. According to legend,
adult rocs with a pure bloodline were an entire few thousands of kilometers in size, and
when they spread their wings, it was even able to cover the entire sky. Swallowing seas and
mountains with a single gulp, soaring into the sky with a single flap of their wings!

Although the Roc King before Chen Xi wasn’t so instilling of terror and despair like his
ancestors, he was still an extremely formidable existence. He’d cultivated for over 10,000
years! Even a stupid being would probably have already grown into an expert that
dominated an area after experiencing these extremely long years.

“Don’t listen to his nonsense. Although the natural talent of the roc family is extraordinary,
his natural endowments are extremely deplorable, and only being able to cultivate to the
perfection-stage of the Violet Palace Realm after 10,000 years is sufficient to prove this
point. If it was during the primordial era, this fellow would at most be a baby that had just
learned to walk within the roc family.” Song Lin hurriedly spoke out.

The Roc King didn’t become furious and his expression was gloomy as always, without the
slightest change as he said in a light voice. “Everything you said is correct, but all this is
meaningless, right?”

It was indeed meaningless, and Chen Xi admitted this. Because a fact was right in front of
his face, the Roc King was the one with the strongest cultivation and the most terrifying
one present here; this was something that no one was able to deny.

“I spoke so much because I actually don’t have the heart to kill you, as I feel sympathy for
a talented person like you. I hope that you’re able to become my subordinate, follow me to
create a Grand Dao together and proudly roar out our names in the world!” The Roc King
said seriously, “Of course, if you refuse, then I’ll surely kill you today. After all, your
comprehension ability is too shocking, and once you grow, you’ll surely become a great
calamity in the future. I couldn’t eat and sleep in peace if I didn’t kill you.”

Du Qingxi and the other were all stunned as they seemed to have never expected that the
Roc King would look so highly upon Chen Xi.

“Impossible!” Chen Xi didn’t even think before resolutely refusing.

“You’re not going to consider it a little longer?” The Roc King asked.

“There’s no need to consider it. Following you will undoubtedly be helping the wicked
conduct wicked deeds and bring calamity to the world. Although I, Chen Xi, am not a sage
that pities all humankind, I have my own Dao Heart on the path to the Dao. The path
you’ve given isn’t suitable for me.” Chen Xi spoke out word for word.

At this moment, Chen Xi suddenly felt that the pressure the Roc King gave him had been
weakened a great deal, as if his words had resonated with his soul, causing his Dao Heart to
become even more firm and immovable. It became clear and illuminated.
“Alright! In the three thousand Grand Daos, everyone has their own path to tread.
Unfortunately, you’ll be losing your life on your path today.” The Roc King sighed.
“Follow me if you’re afraid of affecting your friends. Don’t worry, since it’s a battle, then
I’ll kill you openly. I’ll let you know how you died, and will absolutely not attack you by

As soon as he finished speaking, the Roc King swung his black robe, and within the
demonic mist that suffused the air, he’d already flashed towards outside the center of the
mountain. He actually didn’t spare Chen Xi another glance, as he if he was entirely
unafraid that Chen Xi wouldn’t follow him.

“Chen Xi, don’t go. Quickly flee and don’t care about us,” Du Qingxi said hurriedly as
soon as the Roc King left, her clear eyes were filled with worry and anxiousness, and she
spoke with wholehearted sincerity.

“Right! Flee! Live to fight another day! We’re dead, but you can’t throw away your life
because of this.”

“Du Qingxi is right, you’re far from being a match for the Roc King. You should flee

Duanmu Ze and Song Li spoke out at practically the same instant, their expressions firm
and serious.

“All of you… How can all of you be like this? How would you know before trying? Once
Chen Xi leaves, wouldn’t all of us be refined into medicinal pills? All of you are willing,
but I’m unwilling!” At the side, Murong Wei who’d never spoken all this time cried out in
a sharp voice. She was from the Dragon Lake City’s Azurewood Institution and possessed
an appearance that was delicate, attractive, and elegant; however at this moment, her
expression flickered between an ashen and lived expression, and there was a trace of rage
within her eyes.

Chen Xi still remembered that Murong Wei, Yu Haobai, and the twins Du Quan, and Du
Qui were all similar, they’d only followed the lead of Chai Letian and obeyed everything he
said. Although they never did make things difficult for him in the Southern Barbaric Nether
Domain, when Chai Letian made things difficult for him, she’d instead added fuel to the
flame from the side, like a servant that only knew how to wag her tail to curry favor with
Chai Letian.

Now, the twins Du Quan and Du Qui had died in the sword immortal’s abode, Chai Letian
and Yu Haobai had died at his hands, and only Murong Wei remained.

In the beginning, Chen Xi rather sympathized with her bitter experience, but when he heard
her words now, there was instead a wave of uncomfortableness in his heart.
“Miss Murong Wei is correct. Chen Xi, the lives of everyone are grasped within your hands
now. Don’t let down the hopes of everyone.” At the side, Cang Bin spoke shamelessly.

“Despicable! Motherfucker, all of you participated in trying to harm my Brother Chen, now
all of you want to lead him to death as well? No way!” Duanmu Ze was angered to the
point he let loose a torrent of abuse.

“Cang Bin, I remember that you and Su Jiao seemed to wish for nothing more than to kill
Chen Xi, right? Don’t you feel what you just said is shameless?” Song Lin was extremely
furious as well.

Chen Xi couldn’t bear it any longer when he saw Du Qingxi about to speak, and he spoke
out in restraint. “Enough. I came here this time for the sake of rescuing all of you. If worst
comes to worst then it’s only death. But if I don’t fight until the end, then I’ll absolutely not
give up!” The sound of his voice hadn’t finished sounding out when Chen Xi’s figure had
already transformed into a gust of wind that floated away.

In the sky above Moonhowl Ridge.

Black clouds billowed as demonic qi swept throughout, the Roc King stood in the sky with
his hands behind his back, as the demonic qi on his body violently danced about and
whistled, causing his black robe to flutter, his imposing manner dashing to the skies!

“Great King!”

“The King is going into battle?”

On the ground, one the rocs… Within an area of 50km of Moonhowl Ridge, innumerable
gazes had gathered towards here at this moment, and they all gazed at that towering figure
in midair that was like a king that looked down upon the world.


After a short moment, another flowing light flashed, and a tall and skinny youth appeared
on the sky only 300m away from the Roc King.

“Ah! It’s actually that human youth!”

“This fellow was extremely formidable in the Thousand Illusion Maze Formation, an entire
100 plus brothers of ours died beneath his sword, he’s truly detestable!”

“I heard the Dark Wyrm King was killed by him as well. But now that our King is going
into battle, this human youth will die for sure!”
A wave of whispered discussion arose amongst the nearby demons when they saw Chen Xi,
and the gazes they shot at Chen Xi contained shock, disdain, pity, hatred, and so on and so

“I’ll give you one last chance. Do you want to pledge allegiance under my command?” The
Roc King’s shiny jade green eyes were like two green bolts of lightning that swiftly
descended onto Chen Xi. His voice was high pitched, yet carried an aura of decisive killing.

“If you want to fight, then fight. There’s no need to say anything further.” Chen Xi’s
expression was calm. He held the Seventhgold Swordbamboo tightly in his right hand, and
the eight Netherezim Flying Swords were like swimming fish as they swam in patrol
around his body, waiting for the arrival of the battle.

This was an aboveboard battle, and all schemes and tricks would be shattered before
absolute strength. What they were competing at was strength, courage, and cultivation in
the Martial Dao.

To Chen Xi, this battle was against the most terrifying opponent he’d ever encountered
since cultivating to date. At the same time that his nerves were strained, a strand of blazing
battle intent surged out from his heart. His eyes were completely icy cold, yet the activity in
his entire body was boiling as if he was aflame. His mind was completely alert and was
filled with the burning hot battle intent that was like lava.

His fighting spirit soared!

“Good! You indeed have the qualifications to fight this King, since you’re able to emit such
pure and valiant battle intent.” The Roc King laughed into the air, his voice containing a
trace of domineering and piercingly cold killing intent. It wasn’t inferior to a thunderclap
when it poured into the ears of the nearby demons, shocking them to the point their
eardrums almost shattered.

Taken by surprise, Chen Xi felt as if his heart was smashed by a sledgehammer, and the
circulation of vital energy within his entire body was almost collapsed and thrown into
disorder. He hurriedly circulated his True Essence and the True Essence that was icy cold
like ice quickly dispersed any abnormalities.

This fellow’s killing intent is actually so dense? If it was me from before, I’m afraid only
listening to his voice would throw the circulation of my vital energy in disorder and die
from the eruption of my vital energy within my body?

But only by being able to battle an enemy of such level would it be satisfying!

Not only did Chen Xi not feel afraid, the battle intent in his chest grew even stronger, and
his gaze became even icier cold and pure as he took the initiative to launch an attack.

Lightning flickered throughout the Seventhgold Swordbamboo, and there were even traces
of airflow that were like ice suffused atop its surface. With a glance, the one meter long
Seventhgold Swordbamboo seemed to have transformed into an ice dragon that was filled
with the energy of lightning.


Chen Xi vanished from the spot to appear before the Roc King in the next moment. The
Seventhgold Swordbamboo pierced out like lightning, causing the entire sky to seem as if a
violent and raging gale had swept past, bringing along the terrifying force of crushing
everything as it swept towards the Roc King.

Chen Xi didn’t hold back and exerted all his strength in this attack.

“Too weak!” The Roc King’s arms shook and a surging great river instantly appeared
between his palms, the river water was pitch-black and roiling, like an ever-turning tide.


Chen Xi’s full force sword strike already contained Wind Dao Insight, yet it was like a clay
oxen entering the sea, never to be seen again, as it was actually easily neutralized by this
black river!


Chen Xi flashed explosively in retreat when his attack missed, and he was extremely
shocked in his heart. What, what cultivation technique is this?
Chapter 81 – Tidal Dao Insight

My current full force strike is sufficient to slaughter the Black Ape King in an instant, how
could it be so easily neutralized by him? What level of cultivation technique is that black
colored roiling river? Chen Xi stared fixedly at the black river that whistled and surged
between the Roc King’s hands. Although the river was only 70cm long, it gave a feeling
that it was mighty and without end; it was extremely unbelievable.

“Die!” Chen Xi refused to believe it and swung his sword out once again, Galeflash
Shadow, Breezy Rain, Dark Squall, Tide Squall, Wavesplit Hurricane, and Space
Shattering Typhoon, all six of the moves within the Windflow Divination Sword were
executed to the limit by him, and he was confident that an attack like this was more than
enough to kill even the Thunderhawk King head on.

However, he still accomplished nothing!

The black colored river was like a bottomless abyss that could dissolve anything, no matter
how fierce and terrifying Chen Xi’s Sword Insight was. So long as it was flushed by the
river water, then all the energy within it would dissipate without a trace.

This won’t do. If this continues then even if the Roc King doesn’t take the initiative to
attack, I’ll be completely worn down by this black river! Chen Xi’s thoughts revolved and
he didn’t continue going forward.

“I’ve said it before, you aren’t a match for me.” The Roc King was calm and composed as
he laughed, then a wisp of arrogance gushed out from his skinny face. “You’ve only
comprehended a strand of Wind Dao Insight, whereas after experiencing 10,000 years of
comprehending, I’ve instead comprehended Tidal Dao Insight, a complete Tidal Dao
Insight! How could you possibly be a match for me?”

Tidal Dao Insight? Complete?

Chen Xi’s eyes squinted as he had a clear understanding of what that meant.

Every technique was divided into the basic-stage, advanced-stage and unity stage. Once this
stage was attained, one could already fuse with the world, and every move was able to draw
upon the energy of heaven and earth to be used as one’s own.

Above the unity-stage was the Dao Insight Stage.

At this stage, one had to comprehend the world and the profundity of the Dao. So long as
one’s natural endowments weren’t bad and possessed sufficient comprehension ability, then
one could comprehend a Dao Insight of one’s own from all natural things like mountains,
rivers, earth, flowers, plants, wind, fire, lightning, thunder, etc. Like the Wind Dao Insight
Chen Xi comprehended from the wind, or the Tidal Dao Insight that the Roc King
comprehended from the tide; they were all types of Dao Insight.

However, there was also a difference between Dao Insights, comprehending a strand of
Dao Insight could only be considered as to have only just found the path and only starting
to gain mastery. If one was able to understand all the profundities of the Dao, then one
could be considered to have mastered a complete Dao Insight!

Chen Xi’s Wind Dao Insight could only be considered to have only just found the path,
whereas the Tidal Dao Insight of the Roc King was a mastered, complete Dao Insight.

Although both their cultivations in the Martial Dao were at the Dao Insight Stage, the
difference between them was like the difference between the heavens and the earth!

“I comprehended the Tidal Dao Insight 5,000 years ago, then experienced 5,000 more years
of understanding and tempering to repeatedly improve it. Only then did I completely master
a complete Tidal Dao Insight that belonged to me. This nether river in my hands was
formed from the essence of water refined by my Tidal Dao Insight, and it’s able to allow
me to exert the full might of the Tidal Dao Insight. The strength of its might isn’t inferior to
an earth-rank Magic Treasure, and even if I encounter a Golden Hall Realm cultivator, I
still have the confidence to kill him, let alone you?” The Roc King spoke with confidence
and composure, and a domineering aura raged throughout his body. “Chen Xi, don’t
struggle anymore, submit!”

“Want me to submit? Then defeat me first!” Chen Xi grunted coldly, the eight Netherezim
Flying Swords that revolved around him abruptly emitted a long cry as they transformed
into eight dazzling sword lights that crisscrossed both horizontally and vertically as they
moved to mince the Roc King.

“Truly a stubborn little fellow. Then I’ll defeat you first!” As he sighed faintly, the Roc
King’s palms suddenly grabbed towards the space before him, then fiercely pushed
forward, as if he was pushing over a large mountain.


The black river suddenly transformed into a surging turbid wave that instantly flooded the
sky within an area of 50km. When gazed at from afar, it was like a vast and mighty pitch-
black Great River hung beneath the sky, and it arrived before Chen Xi in the blink of an

“Hmm?” Chen Xi’s face went slightly grim. Along with the appearance of the nether river,
the Roc King had actually vanished into thin air! Chen Xi’s heart went cold as he
summoned back the eight Netherezim Flying Swords.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Sounds of wind that were piercingly cold like blades emerged, raging like a hurricane, and
every strand of wind was like a sharp sword. For a time, a myriad of sword blades slashed
towards the river that assaulted straight at him, and the hurricane that contained Wind Dao
Insight possessed extremely terrifying might. Even the black tide that was surging towards
him was directly slashed into fine droplets before transforming into mist and vanishing.

However, one wave had only just been suppressed, when a terrifying black river surged
over from the distance, layer upon layer of waves flowed with it, and it was even greater in
strength and impetus.

“Kill!” Chen Xi didn’t hesitate in the slightest as he controlled the hurricane, and the eight
Netherezim Flying Swords seemed like eight wind dragons that roared and danced wildly
in the air as he moved to meet it head on,

Wind Sword Insight was matchlessly fierce and swift and contained a myriad of changes. It
was to break open one’s shackles and to struggle open one’s bindings; it was freedom!


Crush the obstruction before him.


Annihilate all the demons and monsters on his path.


All for the sake of freedom!

The water of the nether river roiled and surged like a tide. It seemed inexhaustible as each
wave’s might was stronger and more terrifying than the last. Whereas Chen Xi instead
relied on the eight Netherezim Flying Swords and his Wind Dao Insight to slaughter
without restraint, like a hard stone on the precipice. Despite the roiling tide, I’ll destroy it
all with a myriad of swords!

Hiss! Hiss! Hiss!

The hurricane was like a sword as it crushed the tidewater into thousands of water droplets,
yet was unable to completely eliminate them.

“Relying solely on the eight Netherezim Flying Swords isn’t enough.” Chen Xi’s eyes were
calm like icy snow as a grim light flashed within, then the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in
his right hand gave rise to a myriad of flickering lightning lights atop the flowing sword
light condensed from his ice True Essence as he madly crushed the black waves that surged
over from every direction, his imposing manner skyrocketing steadily!

On a small hill 5km away from Moonhowl Ridge, the azure clothed and white haired
Profound-vision Old Turtle King, and the Nine-tailed Fox King who had eyes that were like
peaches and hair that scattered on his shoulders, were shockingly standing atop the hill.

Their gazes both looked at the black colored river below the distant sky, and the youth that
was surrounded at the center of the river and waves.

“What a pity!” The Old Turtle King sighed.

“What’s a pity?” The Nine-tailed Fox King was stunned as he questioned.

“You don’t understand.” The Old Turtle King sighed with emotion. “Not mentioning
anything else, just look at this little fellow, his soul is extremely strong, and it’s more than
enough to control eight top-grade yellow-rank flying swords. His comprehension ability is
extremely shocking, as his cultivation in the Martial Dao is already at the Dao Insight
Stage, moreover, it’s the Wind Dao Insight that’s most difficult to be comprehended. But,
he still hasn’t understood the terror of the Tidal Dao Insight.”

“The tide rises one after the other, and the might of each progressive wave is more
formidable than the last. The might at its strongest is able to easily crush a towering
mountain, and his circumstances will become more and more dangerous if he relies only on
his current strength.”

“If he’s given a period of time, then relying on his comprehension ability, he would be
completely capable of mastering a complete Wind Dao Insight. Although his cultivation
would be inferior to the Roc King, he would still be in an undefeatable position.
Unfortunately, what a pity.” The Old Turtle King shook his head and sighed endlessly.

“What’s there to feel pity for? If worst comes to worst, we can lend a hand and save him
when he’s about to die. Didn’t you need something from him? Wouldn’t he be grateful and
seek to repay us once we save him?” The Nine-tailed Fox King instead had a relaxed
expression as he lightly laughed.

“You don’t understand.” The Old Turtle King shook his head once more, and he said
secretly in his heart. Hauled into the nine layers of hell to become a dragon. If we lend a
hand, then what transformation into a dragon could occur?


The eight Netherezim Flying Swords shot out both horizontally and vertically, Chen Xi
held the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his hand as he took step by step forward, and
numerous black colored enormous waves were crushed into droplets before vanishing.
The strength of the waves are growing stronger, and it’s becoming more strenuous for me.
Chen Xi was extremely anxious in his heart. Moreover, my True Essence is being
consumed bit by bit. If this goes on, then I’m afraid my circumstances will become
extremely terrible.

Splash! Splash! Splash!

Another black colored tidal wave surged over with an aura even stronger and fiercer than
the previous wave, and there was even the sharp aura of halberds vaguely carried within it.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

When Chen Xi annihilated the first wave of tidal waves with his Seventhgold
Swordbamboo yet saw it was unable to make the tidal waves die out, he clenched his left
fist right away, then punch after punch tore through the sky towards the tidal wave. The fist
lights seemed material, containing the strength of Chen Xi’s body that was at the
perfection-stage of the Congenital Realm and a trace of indistinct and mysterious Shaman
Energy as they roared out, thoroughly blasting the waves that had transformed into droplets
to scatter and disappear completely.


Chen Xi could only desperately fight on when surrounded by the nether river from all

“He’s going to lose.” The Nine-tailed Fox King said unhurriedly, “He even used his body
refinement cultivation that’s only at the perfection-stage of the Congenital Realm, and he’s
undoubtedly making his last struggle. Should we save him?”

The Old Turtle King shook his head. “It’s still a bit too early. Wait a while longer. He can
still persist for some time.”

“You still want to wait?” The Nine-tailed Fox King said in surprise, “If we wait any longer,
then even if we rescue him, he’d probably have suffered an extremely heavy injury and
become a complete cripple whose life is over.”

“Wait.” The Old Turtle King still persisted, and the gaze he looked at Chen Xi with seemed
to vaguely be anticipating something.


The time of making another cup of tea had passed, when Chen Xi was fighting with his
utmost strength, a black tidal wave was like an enormous hammer that slammed down
fiercely onto Chen Xi’s body, and he was directly thrown flying over 30m away and a
strand of dark red fresh blood appeared on the corners of his mouth.
“Kill!” Chen Xi’s hair was disheveled and he didn’t care about the blood that flowed out
from the corners of his mouth. The instant his body fell from the impact, he’d scurried back
up right away, and the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his hand moved straight out to
annihilate the black colored tidal wave that once again approached in assault.

Kill! Kill! Kill!

His body was already extremely exhausted, his True Essence almost consumed completely,
yet a ball of surging flames blazed within Chen Xi’s eyes. That was the flames of
unyieldingness, persistence, and stubbornness!

The time for making another cup of tea passed.

Chen Xi’s expression was already completely lifeless, as if he’d fallen into possession by a
devil, and his gaze was blank. If it wasn’t for the eight Netherezim Flying Swords that
danced about around him and the Seventhgold Swordbamboo in his hand stabbing out, his
current appearance was simply like a wooden puppet that had lost its soul!

Countless scenes slipped past Chen Xi’s mind, like floating lights and passing shadows, yet
they were so clear.

His impoverished life when he was young, his mother missing, his father leaving, his
marriage contract being torn apart, the unending humiliation and ridicule, his grandfather’s
gaze of resentment and dejection…

The countless scenes fused together, transforming into a large hand that tightly choked his

He felt out of breath as the strong feeling of suffocation filled his entire body, as if he was a
little insect that was enveloped by the web of a spider, unable to struggle, and could only
wait for death.



He shouted at the top of his voice, roaring with rage and unwillingness.
Chapter 82 – Incorporeal Wind Sword

The water within the nether river surged and roiled, like a roaring and raging black enraged
dragon that spanned through the sky, seeming to want shatter, crush and annihilate
everything. In the eyes of everyone present, Chen Xi was like a rice straw within the black
river, like a drifting leaf that floated erratically, and there was a chance he would be
overturned and destroyed by the tidal waves at any moment.

He was in a critical situation!

“The King is formidable as expected! This level of ability is simply like the might to move
mountains and boil seas! That kid is dead for sure!”

“Of course, the King has occupied Moonhowl Ridge for countless years. Did you see that
fellow being able to harm a hair of the King? I knew the moment this kid appeared that it
would surely be difficult for him to flee from the calamity of death this time!”

Within the area of 50km, all the demons endlessly exclaimed with admiration as they gazed
at the battle in the sky. They were even more convinced that the human youth had no
chance of turning the tides under the Tidal Dao Insight of the Roc King.

The uproarious sounds of discussion similarly entered into the center of the mountain.

The expression of Du Qingxi and the other went incomparably anxious, if it wasn’t for
rescuing them, would Chen Xi have fallen into such a state?

He shouldn’t die!

“This fellow is actually going to lose? Truly too infuriating! If he knew it was going to be
like this, then wouldn’t it have been better if he didn’t come? Giving others hope, yet
disappointing in the end! Could it be that all men like to show off their courage and act
rashly?” Murong Wei shrieked endlessly, her beautiful face already completely warped.

“It’s indeed disappointing. I thought he had the ability to turn the tide, but who knew that
he couldn’t amount to much. Alas.” Cang Bin seconded Murong Wei as he sighed

“What did you say?! Fucking say it again!” Duanmu Ze roared in rage, as he truly never
imagined that such a shameless person existed in the world.

“Don’t waste your strength on them. What’s the point in getting angry with these types of
unscrupulous and shameless fellows?” Song Lin said slowly.

Du Qingxi didn’t speak, but in her heart she seriously looked down upon Cang Bin and
Murong Wei, and she couldn’t be bothered to make a fuss about it with them.


“Something’s happening!”

Under the gazes of everyone, Chen Xi who was surrounded from all angles by the black
colored tidal wave in the distant sky had suddenly stopped all movement, and he actually
didn’t resist any longer!

“What’s this kid doing?” The Nine-tailed Fox King frowned, with the strength of his
vision, he was naturally able to see that not only had Chen Xi abandoned all resistance, he
had even closed his eyes.

The nearby Profound-vision Old Turtle King didn’t say anything and only locked his gaze
tightly upon Chen Xi, and a trace of excitement was actually vaguely noticeable on his
skinny face that was covered in wrinkles, seeming to be in anticipation and nervousness.


The Roc King in black robed appeared suddenly within the black colored tidal wave, and as
he gazed at Chen Xi who was soon to be swallowed by his Tidal Dao Insight, his jade and
shiny eyes lacked the delight from approaching victory, but instead had a trace of

It shouldn’t be like this. The battle intent of this kid is pure and firm, and his character is
even tough and unyielding. How could he abandon all resistance? Suspicion grew wildly
within the heart of the Roc King and he secretly shook his head endlessly. Could it be that I
was mistaken earlier? This kid was actually putting up a show?


An enormous 330m tidal wave struck, sending Chen Xi flying over 100 meters away like
an inconspicuous ant. His hair was disheveled and fresh blood flowed from his five orifices.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Before Chen Xi’s body could even hit the ground, another few more tidal waves struck,
striking him to the point the skin on his entire body was covered in wounds, and blood
gushed out like a fountain, tainting his clothes completely. From afar, Chen Xi was like a
man made of blood, and his appearance was extremely wretched.

But his eyes were still closed as before, and his expression was inexplicably calm, causing
him to seem extremely strange.
“Something’s not right, there’s something strange with this fellow.” The Nine-tailed Fox
King spoke in surprise. In his eyes, Chen Xi could be said to be in constant danger, on the
brink of death, as if he might perish at any moment. But only after seeing it clearly did he
notice to his surprise that there seemed to be a jet of shapeless viscous force around Chen
Xi, and no matter how the tidal waves struck him from all directions, more than half of the
force from them would be dispersed by this viscous force and not even 20% of its might
struck Chen Xi’s body!


A trace of dense curiosity gushed out from the charming peached shaped eyes of the Nine-
tailed Fox King.

It wasn’t that he’d never encountered young cultivators with peerless natural talent, but it
was still a first for him to encounter one like Chen Xi. Moreover, the time since cultivating
of Chen Xi seemed to be extremely short and Chen Xi’s age was extremely young, yet a
little fellow like this was able to persist under the Tidal Dao Insight of the Roc King until
now. Chen Xi was simply a freak to him.

“You’ve noticed as well?” The Old Turtle King’s gaze burned as his voice revealed a trace
of unfathomableness, then he suddenly stretched his hand out to point at the distant sky as
he shouted out loudly. “Look, quickly!”

In his hazy consciousness, Chen Xi dreamt of a sky filled with stars.

Within the clear night sky, a myriad of dazzling and resplendent stars hung in the sky, as
they emitted chilly silver light. They followed a profound trajectory as they whirled around,
dancing in the sky. A cool breeze whipped past the spacious grassland, and the fine and
supple grass was like a wave as they flapped within the low howls of the wind.

At that time, his mind was pure and clear.

At that time, only the myriad of stars remained in his eyes, it was like an enormous hand
used the heavens and earth as talisman paper and the stars as the talisman brush to paint out
the mysterious and profound trajectory of the stars.

At this moment, he saw the numerous stars that studded the sky completely once again, and
the ancient and vast sigh seemed to once again sound out by his ears.

The countless scenes of the past and the past dejection, unwillingness, hardships, ridicule,
and wasted time of doing nothing had all transformed into ash. When faced with the myriad
of stars, the numerous and complicated grudges of the mortal world and the past incidents
that caused him to feel enraged and unwilling, seemed to be so insignificant and not worthy
of mention.
His mind became completely peaceful, like a massive rock that remained towering and
immovable even after experiencing 10,000 years of wind and rain.

His gaze once again returned to calm, like a vast lake without ripples.

My life was bumpy, full of grief and indignation; like winds that were both rapid and slow;
like stars that were both bright and dim. The things in the world both comply and defy, and
the feelings in life encompass both joy and sorrow. No matter what, I have to continue
walking down the path of life; no matter how, I have to face it calmly. Like the wind, I must
seek the freedom in my heart!

Whereas my freedom is…

In his mind, numerous scenes flashed into appearance once again — his grandfather’s gaze
that held expectation, his mother’s affectionate repeated warning, the worship on his
younger brother’s immature face, the sincere and firm dissuasion of Du Qingxi’s group of

All of you are my freedom!

At this moment, an indescribable profound aura poured into his entire body, and the soul
within his sea of consciousness was advancing and transforming at an unbelievable speed!

As if he was being reborn in this hopeless situation.


A loud bang echoed out within his entire soul, as if it was the dawn of the world, and the
scenes within the surrounding 500km were clearly reflected within his heart, like the
demons that were concealed within their lairs, the roiling and surging nether river, the
uneasy and anxious expressions of Du Qingxi’s group of three… Even to the extent that
even the shape of a stone on the ground, the veins on a leaf, and the antennae of an ant were
all clearly visible in the minutest detail. In addition to that was the winds of freedom that
were everywhere!

Chen Xi opened his eyes. His gaze was clear without a shred of impurities, and his
expression was neither joyous nor sorrowful, like an ancient Buddha that had
comprehended karma in meditation, and his Dao Heart was completely unsoiled.

“Chen Xi, you’re too disappointing. Since it’s like this, then go to hell!” Right at this
moment, accompanied by the explosive shout of the Roc King that was high pitched like a
howl, the nether river in mid air suddenly started surging, like a black dragon who’d just
awaken from its slumber and was swaying its colossal body that was continuous like a
mountain ridge. It emitted a roar that was like muffled thunder as it surged towards Chen
Xi that was tiny like an ant.
Like a dragon’s roar and seeming to possess the shape of a dragon, even the heavens and
earth seemed to tremble and the sky seemed to be about to be torn into pieces. The
turbulent flow of spirit energy were like blades that shot out with a bang. The rocks, plants,
and river within an area of 50km were pulverized, and the demons that were located
comparatively closed were even swept flying over 300m away before falling to the ground
and ceaselessly spitting blood.

For a time, the sky and earth dimmed, as if it had fallen into the night that was like the end
of the world.

The Roc King was going for the kill!

The same thought flashed past the minds of everyone present in unison, the thought that
Chen Xi would probably lose his life under this strike…

“Wind, rise!” Right at this moment, a voice that was calm and indifferent resounded out.
The voice started soft and became loud, and when it passed through the roiling black tidal
wave, it was already like a resonant voice that resounded through within the entire heaven
and earth.

A mere two words, yet seemed to possess a miraculous magical power to fly in the air for a
long time. When heard, it was like listening to a strand of gentle wind whispering by the


He still isn’t dead?

A good deal of the demons present were stunned in unison.

Right at this moment, they suddenly noticed that black dragon in midair that was formed
from the surging nether river seemed as if it was bound on the spot by someone. It stopped
in midair, not raging with waves nor emitting any sounds of surging tidewater, and it lost
the terrifying strength that made other’s hearts palpitate with fear… Even to the extent that
there wasn’t a single movement from it in the slightest!


As if it was grasped by a shapeless enormous hand, as if it was frozen by cold and fierce
winds and snow, and the scene was extremely bizarre.


It was like the heavens and earth were roaring, violent winds raged within an area of
5,000km, surging as they gathered towards there like sharks that had smelt blood. The
violent and explosive sound seemed as if it desired to shatter the eardrums, and was
extremely astonishing.

There were even some demon-kind with slightly inferior strengths that were directly
knocked out by this sound.

What’s going on?

Why is it like this?

Whereas in the distance, the Profound-vision Old Turtle King suddenly laughed
soundlessly as a wisp of realization gushed out from deep within his eyes, and he muttered
excitedly. “Hauled into the nine layers of hell to become a dragon… It’s really him… It’s
really him!”

“Sword, descend!” The calm and indifferent voice sounded out once again. Then, everyone
saw that Chen Xi whose hair was disheveled and entire body dripping with blood stepped
onto the motionless nether river as he rose into the sky, and the Seventhgold Swordbamboo
in his hand slashed down.

A scene that was bound to be forever imprinted into the hearts of every demon appeared.

Along with Chen Xi’s sword slashing down, the gales in the heaven and earth swiftly
transformed into an incorporeal wind sword that was an entire 33km long. Under a wave of
droning that was like clear cries, numerous circles of ripples formed from the strong
vibrations caused by the friction in the air spread out, seeming as if the heavens and the
earth were in resonance because of the incorporeal wind sword. Whereas under this
resonance, the incorporeal wind sword abruptly vanished, as if it had teleported.

Kacha! Kacha!

The nether river that was windy and rose and fell like a mountain ridge was chopped into
two, then like shattered glazed glass, it transformed into a myriad of tiny water droplets
which were instantly evaporated by the vibration in the air before they could even fall to the


The momentum of the incorporeal wind sword didn’t reduce in the slightest as it slashed
onto the ground, and it left behind a terrifying and bottomless enormous ravine that was
almost 33km long, whereas the hills, rivers, rocks, and plants within were all crushed into

The might of a single slash was fierce and swift to this extent!
Chapter 83 – Friendship

The heaven swayed and the earth shook, suffusing dust and smoke into the air, and it only
returned to calmness after a long time.


A strange silence enveloped the surroundings, and only the sound of wind still whistled as
it swept past.

The gazes of everyone had converged in midair, converged onto the figure that wore
clothes tainted in blood, yet had a backbone that was ramrod straight. They seemed to be
unable to believe it, as if the strike from before had muddled their heads. They gaped, yet
were unable to make a single sound for a long time.

Their gazes were already filled with shock and astonishment.


It was unknown who gasped, but the originally weak sound instead seemed so ear piercing
within this silent atmosphere.

“This fellow is simply not human!”

“A counterattack from a hopeless situation?”

“My god! The King’s Tidal Dao Insight was actually destroyed by him!”

The demons burst into an uproar as various sounds of surprised exclamations rose and fell,
as if only by crying out in this way would they be able to vent the shock and astonishment
in their hearts.

“He actually comprehended a complete Wind Dao Insight in a hopeless situation. This level
of comprehension ability is a bit too terrifying…” The Nine-tailed Fox King muttered.

“Terrifying? I feel it’s extremely normal as he ought to be a person like this.” The
Profound-vision Old Turtle King had an appearance as if what happened was within reason,
and he seemed to feel it was extremely normal for Chen Xi to do such a shocking act.


A figure abruptly appeared in midair. Shockingly, it was the Roc King. At this moment, his
face was pale to the extent it was almost translucent, his figure shaky and his steps
staggering, and he couldn’t refrain from violently spitting out a mouthful of blood.
“How can this be possible?! How can this be possible?!” The Roc King’s pupils dilated as
he gazed upon the distant towering figure that seemed like a man made of blood, and his
expression was as if he’d seen a ghost.

Not only did this strike of Chen Xi’s slash his Tidal Dao Insight into pieces, it even heavily
injured him. If it wasn’t for him dodging in time, he would have lost his life. Even then, he
didn’t have the strength to continue battling.


This fellow is too abnormal! He was actually able to master a complete Wind Dao Insight
in the blink of an eye! The Dao of the Wind is one of the Grand Daos within the heaven and
earth, whereas my Tidal Dao Insight is instead a type of Water Dao, it’s virtually like a
firefly competing in brightness with the moon, I’m completely unable to go against it! If I
continue struggling, perhaps I might be killed by him…

These thoughts swiftly flashed past the Roc King’s mind, and in almost an instant, he’d
already made a decision before turning around and fleeing.

Want to flee? Chen Xi raised his head indifferently as he commanded in his heart.


A Netherezim Flying Sword tore through the sky, like a bolt of lightning concealed within
the wind. The Roc King was utterly unable to dodge as it pierced through the back of his
head, then the sword light revolved to accurately and cleanly cut off his head.


Blood gushed out, and the Roc King wasn’t even able to let out a miserable howl before
becoming a headless corpse that crashed down from midair.


Chen Xi didn’t spare another glance on the Roc King’s corpse after doing all this, and he
turned to plunge downwards, and his direction was shockingly the center of Moonhowl

No one dared obstruct him, because at this moment, Chen Xi had already become a god of
death in the hearts of the demons present, and an expert that annihilated the Roc King with
a single sword strike!


Within the center of the mountain.

“What happened? What is there no movement outside? Chen Xi is fine, right?” Duanmu Ze
was anxious and bewildered. Earlier, an extremely terrifying airflow had swept past, and it
nearly crushed the center of the mountain into destruction. However, at this moment, there
wasn’t a single sound from the outside world, and it was instead strangely silent.

Du Qingxi and Song Lin were similarly extremely bewildered and anxious.

“We’re finished… Chen Xi is dead, and we’re going to be refined into medicinal pills. If he
knew this would happen, he ought to have saved us first then go battle that Roc King. But
now, our hope is destroyed and even the opportunity to flee is lost.” Murong Wei was
scared out of her wits and she grieved as if she’d lost her parents.

“Shut up!” Duanmu Ze lashed out.

“Shameless!” Song Lin said in disdain.

For a time, a heated argument played out once again. Because of the unknown outcome of
the battle and because of the silent and oppressive atmosphere, the gloominess and rage
within the hearts of everyone couldn’t be restrained any longer and completely exploded
out, like adding oil to a wok, becoming more and more intense by the moment.

It was at this moment that a wave of footsteps sounded out, causing the sounds of argument
within the room to abruptly vanish to become extremely silent, and only the approaching
sound of footsteps reverberated in the air.

“We’re finished, our blood and soul is going to be extracted.” Murong Wei didn’t dare
watch and closed her eyes shut as she turned dreary from terror.

The others, including Du Qingxi’s group of three, were extremely panic-stricken in their
hearts. As the footsteps approached, their heartbeats inexplicably quickened, thumping loud
like striking a drum.

A figure slowly arrived before the door.

The figure had disheveled hair and clothes tainted in blood, and his entire body effused
strands of the pungent smell of blood, yet his backbone was still ramrod straight. His facial
features remained calm and indifferent as before, and the peaceful and calm aura on his
body seemed to flush away the oppressive and depressing atmosphere in the prison, causing
the moods of others to be unable to help from becoming calm.

“Chen Xi!’

“You… actually didn’t die!?”

“This is real?”

When they saw the appearance of the person clearly, Du Qingxi, Duanmu Ze, and Song Lin
were all stunned, seeming to be unable to believe it. They only let out a wave of surprised
exclamations after a short while, and their moods were already extremely excited.

Chen Xi laughed silently when he saw the heartfelt expressions of excitement and jubilance
on the three of them, and he lifted the Seventhgold Swordbamboo to slash the thick chains
on the iron pillars into pieces before rescuing Du Qingxi and the others one by one.

Due to their True Essence being sealed while locked up here, their bodies had become
extremely weak long ago, and at the instant they obtained freedom, their bodies swayed and
almost fell down on their butts.

“You… You wouldn’t have really killed the Roc King, right?” In the distance, Cang Bin’s
face was full of suspicion and he seemed unable to accept this fact.

“Is this question very important? We’ve already been rescued. Once we return to Dragon
Lake City, I’ll prepare more gifts to bestow upon Chen Xi, I can’t let him have done all this
for nothing. Where there is service rendered, then there are rewards, right?” Murong Wei
limbered up her muscles and recovered her reserved appearance, and the arrogance within
her bones caused her to have a flavor of a superior person giving alms when she spoke.

Chen Xi didn’t pay any attention to the two and instead looked at Du Qingxi’s group of
three as he nodded and said, “The Roc King is already dead, but the Azure Python King is
probably nearby. We should quickly leave this place.”

There was one more thing that Chen Xi didn’t mention. After he utilized the final
incorporeal wind sword, the True Essence within his body had already dried up, and his
body was riddled with injuries, causing it to be impossible for him to be involved in another
battle. At the moment, he was already like an arrow at the end of its flight, and he was
purely relying on his immense will to forcefully support himself.

“Wait a moment first.” Du Qingxi suddenly arrived by Chen Xi’s side, then bent towards
his ears. “Lend me the sword in your hand.”

Chen Xi was stunned.

Right when he was stunned, Du Qingxi had already taken the Seventhgold Swordbamboo
from his hand in an extremely natural manner.

“Eh, Big Sister Qingxi, what did you take the sword for?” Murong Wei asked wonderingly.

Right at the moment she finished speaking, Du Qingxi swung the Seventhgold
Swordbamboo, directly slicing through her throat, and a huge hole was instantly sliced
open on her throat and fresh blood sprayed out. She sprung her eyes wide open, seeming to
be unable to believe it, yet her body had already fallen limply on the ground and ceaselessly
convulsed before ceasing to breathe.

Du Qingxi didn’t notice all this as after she cut Murong Wei’s throat, the Seventhgold
Swordbamboo in her hand didn’t slow down in the slightest as she stabbed towards Cang

“How dare you!?” Cang Bin noticed something was off long ago, and he fiercely retreated
backward when he saw Du Qingxi’s actions. But his True Essence was sealed and his body
fragile, so his speed of retreat wasn’t swift. Whereas on the side, Duanmu Ze and Song Li
seemed to be in tacit understanding since before, and from left and right, they came at Cang
Bin in a pincer, completely sealing off his path of retreat.

“You all…”


His voice stopped abruptly. Cang Bin held his own throat until he fell onto the ground and
died. His eyes still stared at Du Qingxi hatefully, seeming to have never imagined that this
chilly woman that was always silent would actually be so vicious and ruthless.

Du Qingxi killing Murong Wei and Cang Bin successively with two sword strikes had
struck the other three people with terror. They’d all followed Su Jiao to enter the Southern
Barbaric Nether Domain, and in other words, they and Du Qingxi’s group were from
hostile groups. At this moment, they were naturally worried that Du Qingxi would silence
them as well.

“Xue Jing, Mo Han, Di Hongtu, I won’t kill all of you today. Go back and tell Su Jiao and
the clans of Murong Wei and Cang Bin that it was I, Du Qingxi, that killed them. If they
want to take revenge, then come at me!” Du Qingxi coldly gazed at the three of them as she
spoke word for word, her tone was icy cold, clear, and powerful.

“Me too.”

“Count me in.”

Duanmu Ze and Song Lin spoke out in unison, and they both smiled at each other when
they finished.

Chen Xi was shocking in his heart, then raised his eyes to look at the three for a long time
before saying, “Thank you.”
He naturally knew why Du Qingxi’s group of three acted in this way. It was because they
wanted to prove themselves to him and they wanted to use this sort of resolute actions to
help share the pressure the powers behind these people would bring upon him.

“I thought you would be extremely shocked, but I never imagined that you were far more
composed than my expectations,” Du Qingxi smiled as he said, then wiped off the blood on
the Seventhgold Swordbamboo before turning around the handle of the sword and returning
it to Chen Xi.

“Since it has already happened, what good is surprise?” Chen Xi received the Seventhgold
Swordbamboo and his gaze looked at the three as he said slowly, “Not to mention I killed
Chai Letian and Yu Haobai a few days ago, I’ve been unafraid of everything since long

“What’s done is done. I let you down in the past, but I’ll absolutely not let you down again
in the future. You took me as a brother, and if I, Duanmu Ze, let my brother down again,
then I’m even worse than pigs and dogs.”

“Great! I wanted to kill them since long ago!”

“They’re dead? What’s done is done, there’s no big deal about it. We’ll face everything

Du Qingxi’s group of three were stunned when they heard him, then spoke out at almost the
exact same time. The content of what they said was different, yet all revealed intention to
face everything together with Chen Xi, and as soon as they finished speaking, the three of
them glanced at each other and couldn’t help but laugh.

“Let’s go.” Chen Xi’s heart was warm, and he felt that rescuing Du Qingxi’s group of three
this time was correct. Not only did he remedy the guilt in his heart, he even regained their
friendship, and he obtained both their respect and trust.

This type of feeling was extremely comfortable, and it was the first time that Chen Xi had
experienced the happiness of friendship since he was young.

He was alone and friendless for too long, and was mocked and ridiculed by his peers too
much. So he naturally yearned even more for this feeling that was difficult to come by.

At this moment, Chen Xi was happy, but he was bad at expressing it, and he could only
silently remember it and brand it within his heart.

Right at the moment when Chen Xi and the others were about to leave, the Profound-vision
Old Turtle King and the Nine-tailed Fox King had arrived unexpectedly. The Old Turtle
King grinned as he cupped his fist, and his voice was warm, causing one to feel as if
bathing in spring breeze. “Little Brother Chen Xi, I’m Xuan Jing, along with my friend
Qing Qiu, we’ve come to have an audience with you, Fellow Daoist.”
Chapter 84 – The Old Turtle King’s Purpose In Coming

Xuan Jing? Qing Qiu?

Chen Xi thought in his heart and instantly confirmed the identity of the two people.[1.
Their names are directly derived from their demon king titles, and that’s why Chen Xi was
able to recognize them right away.]

“Watch out!”

“They’re the Profound-vision Old Turtle King and the Nine-tailed Fox King!”

Du Qingxi and the others recognized the identity of the two and their expression instantly
went grim as they went on alert and ready for combat.

Although they had never seen the two demon kings, the names of the two were like
thunderclaps that struck the ears. How could they not know that these two were existences
that were even stronger and mysterious than the Roc King?

However, in the eyes of Du Qingxi and the others, no matter if it was the azure clothed
white haired Old Turtle King or the Nine-tailed Fox King with shoulder-length hair and
eyes that were shaped like peaches, the two of them were very different compared to other
demon-kind. They both had restrained spirits and indifferent auras, and there actually
wasn’t a shred of demonic qi fluctuations in their bodies! If it wasn’t for the Old Turtle
King taking the initiative to proclaim his identity, they would have nearly guessed that
these two demon kings were human cultivators…

This also proved from another angle that the cultivations of these two demon kings had
probably already attained an unbelievable level!

When they thought of this, the hearts of Du Qingxi and the others constricted and they were
extremely anxious. They’d only just been saved, could it be that they would be captured
once again?

“There’s no need to worry. If these two wanted to make a move against us, then we’d
probably already be dead.” Chen Xi waved his hand as he calmly stared at these two demon
kings that had arrived unexpectedly with eyes that didn’t contain a trace of fear.

“You flatter us. However, the two of us did indeed come here because we have something
to request of Little Brother Chen Xi.” The Old Turtle King smiled warmly, and in his heart,
he was instead endlessly praising Chen Xi’s acute perception.

While the Old Turtle King spoke, the Nine-tailed Fox King swing his sleeve, and the floor
was fully piled with various treasures that the aura of treasures circulated upon. There were
spirit herbs, medicinal pills, spirit liquids, various other materials of bizarre shapes, and
there even were a few Magic Treasures with formidable auras!

“You killed the Roc King and these are your spoils. I gathered them for you, have a look.”
The Nine-tailed Fox King lightly smiled.

The attention of Du Qingxi and the others were completely attracted by this pile of spoils.
They grew up within rich and powerful great clans since they were young, and their gazes
were all incomparably sharp. They were practically able to discern with a glance that all the
various treasure on the ground were extremely valuable, and if exchanged into spirit
liquids, it would probably be worth over 500,000kg of spirit liquids!

500,000 kg of spirit liquids! That was an amount that could allow a Violet Palace Realm
cultivator to break through to the Golden Hall Realm in one go!

But, it made sense when thought about, as one of the seven great demon kings who had
lived for 10,000 years, it was within reason for the Roc King to possess so many treasures.

However, they were still slightly unable to believe it. According to what the Nine-tailed
Fox King said, he seemed to want to gift all these treasures to Chen Xi… What exactly was
going on?

Could it be that they really have something to request of from Chen Xi, and that’s why they
would offer these treasures provided by the Roc King and gift such a great present to Chen

It looks like these two fellows did indeed have something request from Chen Xi!

Chen Xi has already instantly understood within his heart, yet he didn’t spare a glance to
the various treasures on the ground and asked. “I wonder for what matter did the both of
you come here for?”

“Don’t worry Little Brother, it’s absolutely a good thing that’s only advantageous but
nothing to lose from. It’s an extremely good thing! But let’s not talk about this matter first,
we should leave this place first. Hmm, let’s go to Moon’s Embrace Mountain, that place
seems to be Little Brother Chen Xi’s place of repose.” The Old Turtle King let out a hearty
laugh. At this moment, he admired Chen Xi even more for being able to be so composed
when faced with precious treasures. If it was any other person of the younger generation,
that person would probably have been completely captivated and obsessed with the
precious treasures since long ago.

“Keep it. These things are yours in the first place, you don’t have to worry about owing us
anything.” The Nine-tailed Fox King joked, his pair of clear peach shaped eyes narrowed
into a line and was extremely evil and charming.
It wasn’t good for Chen Xi to decline when it had come to this point, so he put away all the
treasures on the ground into his storage ring right away.

Under these circumstances, if he were to refuse again, he would seem to be too pretentious
and rude. Although he wasn’t able to guess what exactly these two demon kings wanted to
do, it wasn’t a bad thing according to his current observations. After all, if it was a bad
thing, these two fellows probably wouldn’t be so polite with him.

A treasured vessel of simple and grand make broke through the layers of air as it swiftly
flew towards the extremely distant skies.

This time, if it wasn’t for comprehending a complete Wind Dao Insight at the last moment,
I’m afraid I would have lost my life here. I must cultivate painstakingly in the future, it’s
enough that I’ve felt the feeling of being at death’s door once, I don’t want to try it a
second time… On the vessel, Chen Xi stood there while holding the handrail, feeling as if
years had passed arose within his heart as he gazed at Moonhowl Ridge that was swiftly
disappearing behind him.

“Tsk tsk, if I’m not wrong, this vessel is a graded Magic Treasure!”

“Yeah, its entire body is engraved with various spirit gathering talisman markings, and it’s
able to absorb the spirit energy of heaven and earth by itself and transform the spirit energy
into fuel. It completely doesn’t require expanding anything for it to fly for long periods of

“It’s indeed an extremely precious treasure vessel.”

Du Qingxi and the others were standing at the side, and they endlessly praised after
carefully sizing up the structure of this treasured vessel.

This treasured vessel belonged to the Old Turtle King. When sitting within it, it was stable
and comfortable, and one couldn’t feel any airflow in the slightest. Moreover, there were
beds, tables, chairs, spirit flowers, fine herbs, and even various types of fine wine and fresh
fruits filled with spirit energy contained indoors. It was simply like a palace that could fly
in the sky and was extremely comfortable.

“Little Brother Chen Xi, how is this treasured vessel of mine?” The Old Turtle King stood
by Chen Xi’s side as he asked with a grin.

“Really not bad.” Chen Xi nodded, he was taken completely by surprise when he’d just
ascended into the vessel, because according to his observation, not only was this treasured
vessel comfortable, it was also extremely sturdy and was completely on par with a graded
Magic Treasure.
A graded Magic Treasure was divided into four ranks, namely the heaven-rank, earth-rank,
profound-rank, and yellow-rank; and every rank was divided again into four grades, namely
the low-grade, intermediate-grade, high-grade and top grade. Chen Xi was unable to
discern what grade or rank this treasured vessel was, but he was extremely certain that it
was surely a graded Magic Treasure without a doubt.

“Hahaha! If you like it then I’ll gift this treasured vessel to you.” The Old Turtle King
laughed loudly, then decided. “Don’t refuse it, this treasure can withstand a full force strike
of a Golden Hall Realm cultivator, moreover, it’s able to fly a distance of 5,000km in two
hours. Keep it by your side as a means of defending yourself.”

“How could I do that?” Chen Xi was unable to accept it.

“Keeping this thing is useless to me. If you don’t take it, then I’ll destroy it once we arrive
at Moon’s Embrace Mountain!” The Old Turtle King feigned anger.

How could Chen Xi still refuse when the Old Turtle King had already spoken to such an
extent? But the wonder in his heart grew denser and denser. What exactly would cause this
demon beast of mysterious whereabouts to curry favor with me?

Before long, the treasured vessel had flown to Moon’s Embrace Mountain.

Mu Kui was cultivating and he couldn’t help but be dumbstruck when he saw the treasured
vessel descending. But when he saw Chen Xi walk out from within, he stomped on the
ground and leaped up, and he was wild with joy as he dashed out violently and shouted in
excitement. “Senior, you didn’t die… You didn’t die…”

When he saw Mu Kui so happy, Chen Xi was extremely happy as well, and he gave a rare
tease. “Were you so eagerly looking forward to my death?”

Mu Kui’s face flushed red and he shook his head like a rattle drum. “How could I…? How
could I…?”

Chen Xi felt amused and inexplicably moved when he saw Mu Kui excited to the point of
being unable to speak clearly, and he patted Mu Kui’s shoulder as he changed the topic.
“Guests have arrived, aren’t you going to make preparations?”

“Oh, Okay.” Mu Kui noticed the Old Turtle King and the Nine-tailed Fox King standing by
Chen Xi’s side as they chatted and laughed together, and they seemed to have an extremely
good relationship with Chen Xi, causing him to feel even more admiration towards Chen
Xi’s ability. He immediately said nothing more and dashed off into the abode like a wisp of
smoke to go prepare some fragrant fruits and fine wine.

“This wolf demon has a very genuine character. It’s simply an extremely great good fortune
of his to be able to follow by Little Brother Chen Xi’s side, and even I can’t help but be
envious of him.” The Old Turtle King smiled as he flattered.
Nearby, the Nine-tailed Fox King also nodded with a smile as well.

Only where there was a request, would an expression be made. Chen Xi understood this
principle but didn’t point it out, and he nodded as he said, “Mu Kui is not bad indeed, I look
extremely favorably upon him.”

The banquet was quickly prepared, and Chen Xi and the others took their seats before
drinking wine and talking with the Old Turtle King and Nine-tailed Fox King.

After drinking to a slightly tipsy state, the Old Turtle King said nonchalantly, “Little
Brother Chen Xi, do you know of the past of the depths of the Southern Barbaric Mountain

Is it finally starting? Chen Xi thought in his heart, then cupped his hands. “Senior Xuan
Jing, please provide me with your guidance.”

The Nine-tailed Fox King interrupted from the side. “The exhaustion on the faces of these
Fellow Daoists are difficult to conceal, I presume all of you suffered many hardships at the
hands of the Roc King. How about this? All of you can go rest first and don’t have to give
consideration to us.”

His words were filled with the intent of driving them away.

Du Qingxi and the others were naturally able to discern this, but they were indeed too
exhausted, as their True Essence was sealed until today and it hadn’t completely recovered
yet, so they immediately left.

Up to this point, only Chen Xi and the two demon kings remained.

“This depths of the Southern Barbaric Mountain Range has already existed for 500,000
years, but it’s completely isolated from the world. Not only are human cultivators unable to
enter, even the demon beasts within are unable to leave.” The Old Turtle King spoke with
deep emotion. “Most worrying of all is that there’s a layer of strange restriction here. It’s
utterly impossible for any demon-king to break through from the Violet Palace Realm and
advance into the Golden Hall Realm, let alone cultivating to a higher realm of attaining
immortality and ascending to the peak of the Grand Dao.”

Chen Xi was stunned. “Didn’t the Roc King want to refine some Bloodsoul Fortune Pills
with the intention of advancing to the Golden Hall Realm?”

“Exactly.” The Old Turtle King replied. “But that’s only an act of insanity before death.
After all, his lifespan was about to end, and he had to do this for the sake of living.”

The nearby Nine-tailed Fox King grunted coldly. “That Roc King was an idiot. He saw all
of you suddenly appearing here and thought that good fortune had arrived, so he wanted to
refine all of you into Bloodsoul Fortune Pills. Yet he didn’t know that even if he was
successful in refining the pills, it would be absolutely impossible for him to advance to the
Golden Hall Realm.”

“Why is it like this?” Chen Xi asked in amazement.

“Because…” When he spoke to here, the Old Turtle King paused, his expression carried a
strand of deep reverence and he only sighed after some time. “Because, 500,000 years ago,
a mysterious and formidable treasure fell here. The restriction that confined an area of
50,000km of the depths of the Southern Barbaric Mountain Range is precisely caused by a
strand of aura emitted by it!”

A strand of aura sealed the depths of the Southern Barbaric Mountain Range for 500,000

No matter how firm Chen Xi’s Dao Heart was, he still couldn’t help but gasp and said in
surprise, “Exactly what treasure is so formidable?”

The Old Turtle King looked up into the sky, and his expression became incomparably
respectful as he muttered. “A treasure that can possess such might is naturally the treasure
that caused the three dimensions to be in chaos during the primordial era and caused the
blood of primordial beings from all the heavens to flow into a river — The Mysterious
River Diagram!”
Chapter 85 – River Diagram

River Diagram!

In an instant, a myriad of enormous waves surged in Chen Xi’s heart.

“Have you heard of the River Diagram? It was the most mysterious diagram in the
primordial era. Numerous gods and devils of the primordial era used it to comprehend their
own path in the Dao. They peeked into the secrets of the heavens to master the profound
meaning of the Grand Dao and ascended to the highest summit of the Dao. It was precisely
because of this that every appearance of the River Diagram was accompanied by slaughter.
This slaughter caused upheaval within the three dimensions and disturbed the six paths of
reincarnation. That doomsday-like scene of various figures with remarkable ability fighting
over the River Diagram, just thinking about it sends a chill down one’s spine.”

“Luckily, the River Diagram vanished after the end of the primordial era, and that terrifying
scene of gods and devils entangled in battle never appeared again. It’s probably been
1,000,000 years since then. If it wasn’t for Mom having read the ancient books of the clan
when I was young, I would be completely unaware of the River Diagram’s name.”

In his mind, the words of his mother resounded once again, like flowing music from a
zither, agilely ringing out, causing Chen Xi to be reminiscent and shocked.

It’s actually the River Diagram!

Right, only a strand of aura emitted from such a mysterious existence like this would be so
terrifying, and would restrict this depths of the Southern Barbaric Mountain Range for a
million years!

Chen Xi couldn’t help but think of the vast and aged Fuxi Divine Statue in his sea of
consciousness. Senior Fuxi had observed the River Diagram to divine the Grand Dao of the
changes of the secrets of heaven and ascend the peak of the Grand Dao to achieve supreme
glory. How terrifying an existence the River Diagram actually was could be seen from this;
it was simply a first-rate treasure in the entire world!

Moreover, Chen Xi had once heard Ji Yu say that the Fuxi Divine Statue in his sea of
consciousness contained a strand of the River Diagram’s true essence, but he still hadn’t
understood the profundities within it until today. At this moment, when he heard the Old
Turtle King speak about the River Diagram, he couldn’t help but think in his heart. Could it
be that this fellow noticed something, so he came to look for me? Could it be that the thing
he wants to request of me is related to the River Diagram as well?

“River Diagram? Impossible! How could such a mysterious existence fall to this poor and
ordinary lousy mountain range?!” Ji Yu’s voice suddenly sounded out in his heart.
He seemed to be slightly anxious and doubtful, and he said after pondering for a moment,
“However, you should reconfirm it. After all, that River Diagram is extremely mysterious.
If it really fell here, then it’s an enormous good fortune that you absolutely must not miss.
That year, my Master was comprehending the Grand Dao at the bank of a river when he
obtained it by chance. Unfortunately, at the instant my Master had just comprehended a
Grand Dao, it vanished into thin air. No matter how my Master searched, he was unable to
find it again. It’s extremely miraculous.”

“What I’m wondering now is why would they look for me? Could it be that they know I
possess the True Body Brand of Senior Fuxi in my sea of consciousness?” Chen Xi

“Hmm?” Ji Yu was startled, then went silent for a long time, before seeming to notice
something as he said in realization, “I understand now. So it’s an old soft-shelled turtle.
During the primordial era, the soft-shelled turtle family understood divination via astrology,
and are most skilled at divining the changes in a person within a year in the past and future.
I presume this soft-shelled turtle noticed something through divination, and only then did
he look for you.”

“So that’s how it is.” Chen Xi immediately understood as well.

“This won’t do. This matter is of great importance. The moment the River Diagram
appears, it will surely draw the attention of almighty figures in the heavens and earth.
Looks like I have to show up and meet them…” Ji Yu said resolutely, his tone carrying a
trace of heavy seriousness.


During the time Chen Xi was lost in thought, the Old Turtle King and Nine-tailed Fox King
looked at each other, but they didn’t disturb Chen Xi. They instead picked up their wine
cups to carefully savor the wine as they communicated via voice transmission.

“Looks like you were right, this little fellow knows of the River Diagram as well.” The
Nine-tailed Fox King said swiftly, and the excitement in his voice couldn’t be concealed.
“I’ve already been held up at the perfection-stage of the Violet Palace Realm for a few
thousands of years. If I’m still unable to break through the restrictions here, then I’m afraid
I won’t be able to live for long. Luckily, luckily this fellow has appeared!”

The Old Turtle King sighed with emotion as well. “Yeah, if it wasn’t for our demon-kind
possessing extremely long lifespans, I’m afraid we would have completely been unable to
endure the countless years. We must make sure to grab ahold of such a critical moment like

The Nine-tailed Fox King nodded then said abruptly, “Right, do you think he can take the
River Diagram?”
“It isn’t the River Diagram, it’s…” His voice came to an abrupt stop, and the Old Turtle
King swiftly raised his head and a trace of astonishment was contained within his eyes.

The Nine-tailed Fox King was stunned then raised his head to look, and when he saw the
thin old man that had appeared suddenly, he couldn’t help but secretly gasp.

The old man’s face was thin and indifferent, his eyes deep like an abyss, and he lazily held
an azure skinned bottle gourd as he gulped down some wine with an inexplicably
unrestrained bearing. He looked to be like a content old man that could be constantly seen
in the mortal world.

However, how sharp were the gazes of the two demon kings? In practically an instant,
they’d noticed a terrifying aura that caused their hearts to palpitate coming from the thin
old man.

This feeling was like facing a towering mountain of unknown height, only able to look up,
only able to revere!

Ji Yu swept the two demon kings with his gaze as he said indifferently, “An old soft-
shelled turtle that has cultivated for 31,200 years and a nine-tailed fox that has cultivated
for 8,033 years, yet both are only at the perfection-stage of the Violet Palace Realm. If not
for your innately long lifespan, the two of you would have probably already transformed
into a pile of bones, right?”

The faces of the Old Turtle King and Nine-tailed Fox King went grim and they were unable
to restrain a wisp of astonishment from appearing on their faces. Obviously, Ji Yu had
revealed everything about the two of them with a single sentence.

“This fellow, Ji Yu, saw through them with a glance?” Although he had known Ji Yu’s
cultivation was unfathomable long ago, Chen Xi still couldn’t help but exclaim in surprise.

The Old Turtle King’s expression had already become extremely respectful, and he stood
up before asking in a respectful tone. “Senior’s eyes are filled with wisdom, may I know
Senior’s great name?”

The Nine-tailed Fox King didn’t dare dally and followed to stand up, and the gaze he shot
at Ji Yu was filled with shock.

“You two don’t have to know who I am, you just have to answer my questions.” Ji Yu’s
voice that seemed to be casual and relaxed had instead revealed an aura of looking down on
the world, and he said directly, “Is the River Diagram really in this depths of the mountain

“It is, but it ought to not be the complete River Diagram, and it’s more likely a fragment.”
The Old Turtle King replied. He’d already discerned that Ji Yu had a deep relationship with
Chen Xi, and he naturally knew what he should do.
But a trace of shock couldn’t help but arise in his heart. The strange things on this little
fellow are really not little. When he killed the Roc King, even if he didn’t comprehend a
complete Wind Dao Insight, he would absolutely not be killed by the Roc King with this
mysterious old man present.

“A fragment of the River Diagram?” Ji Yu said in surprise.

“It’s indeed like that. If it was the complete River Diagram, I’m afraid it would have been
discovered long ago.” The Old Turtle King replied extremely straightforwardly.

“Why would the complete River Diagram shatter into fragments? Could it be that another
unforeseen event occurred during these one million years of time?” Ji Yu muttered to
himself and was lost in thought.

Chen Xi instead paid no attention to all this as he said, “Since it’s a fragment of the River
Diagram, then why didn’t you two seniors go take it?”

“Little Brother Chen Xi, please don’t address us like this again. I’m unable to take on such
respect, let’s just become friends on equal terms.” The Old Turtle King hurriedly corrected.

The Nine-tailed Fox king radiated with smiled as he said, “Exactly, exactly! If Little
Brother Chen Xi doesn’t mind, then just call me as Elder Brother Qing Qiu.”

When faced with such an unexpected event, Chen Xi’s mind was filled with limitless
emotions. No wonder those disciples from great powers were always surrounded and
fawned on by a crowd of people who wanted to curry favor with them. The crowd of people
weren’t afraid of their strengths, but were instead afraid of the backing behind these

“The energy of the River Diagram fragment is too mystical, and is not something our
strengths are able to subdue.” The Old Turtle King’s expression was serious as he said,
“According to my calculations, only you, Little Brother, are able to subdue it.”

“Me?” Chen Xi pointed at himself in astonishment.

“Right, you.” The Old Turtle King spoke with certainty. “I sacrificed 10 years of my
lifespan to conduct a divination and devoted myself to try to fathom it. I noticed that all the
traces pointed towards you, and it’s absolutely correct.”

Sacrificing 10 years of lifespan to conduct a divination? Chen Xi still felt it was extremely

absurd, but he also knew that astrological divination and similar secret arts had been
present since ancient times, so he didn’t really doubt what the Old Turtle King said.

“Regardless of if it’s true or false, go take a look once your strength has recovered.” Ji Yu
awoke from his pondering and said decisively, “If it’s a River Diagram fragment, then the
possibility of you seizing it is great indeed. Don’t forget, within your sea of

He didn’t finish speaking, yet Chen Xi understood what Ji Yu meant. The Fuxi Divine
Statue within his sea of consciousness contained a strand of the River Diagram’s true
essence, and relying on the faint connection, it was indeed possible for him to subdue the
River Diagram fragment.

“Senior is correct. Little Brother is probably already exhausted from the fierce battle with
the Roc King, and it’s most suitable to go subdue the River Diagram fragment after his
strength recovers.” The Old Turtle King was in extremely high spirits, as the appearance of
Ji Yu had undoubtedly allowed him to see new hope.

“This is 5,000 kg of spirit liquids for Little Brother Chen Xi to use in recovering your
strength. This is an expression of my good will and I hope you don’t refuse.” The Nine-
tailed Fox King took out a white jade bottle and passed it to Chen Xi.

“It’s better to accept than to decline courteously.” Chen Xi cupped his hand and readily
received it.

“Hahaha!” The Old Turtle King and Nine-tailed Fox King laughed loudly in unison, it
seemed that Chen Xi being able to accept this 5,000 kg of spirit liquids caused them to be
extremely happy.

Chen Xi clearly felt that after he’d accepted this gift, the relationship between himself and
the two demon kings had become a great deal closer. It was true that accepting the gifts of
others sometimes was instead able to advance the relationship between the two.

Of course, Chen Xi didn’t reject this sort of feeling. As far as he was concerned, the Old
Turtle King and Nine-tailed Fox King were both experienced demons who had ability,
finesse, knew their limits, and knew how to give favors. Establishing a relationship with
them was completely beneficial.

At the side, Ji Yu watched Chen Xi communicate with the two demon kings. Chen Xi
spoke steadily and had a sense of propriety; the greenness in all of his actions had greatly
faded away. He’d formed a character and bearing that belonged to himself, and he seemed
to be so extraordinary and dignified.

“The little fellow has finally grown up…” Ji Yu sighed with emotion in his heart and was
extremely gratified.

He still remembered that when he met Chen Xi for the first time, the sedateness and
vigilance on that handsome face was like a lonely infant beast that was ready to put his life
on the line at any moment; like a hedgehog that had used sharp spikes to disguise himself.
It was like if he didn’t do this, then he wouldn’t know how to continue living. He was
stubborn, fierce, and steadfast.
Comparatively speaking, the current him had already imprinted his ability into his bones,
like a rounded cobblestone that released a dazzling light that belonged solely to him.

He didn’t need compassion, he didn’t need sympathy, he didn’t need assistance; he would
rely on the sword in his heart to do things openly and upright, and repay all kindness and
enmity swiftly.

This was the mentality that an expert must possess!

Chapter 86 – Closed Door Cultivation

Within the abode on Moon’s Embrace Mountain.

Chen Xi sat cross-legged on the meditation cushion, and beneath the meditation cushion
was a segment of a top-grade spirit vein that contained dense spirit energy that cleared the
heart and calmed the mind.

He took out the Ice Crane Technique’s jade slip and carefully read through it once more.


A white jade bottle flew out to descend on the ground before him. The stopper opened up
and dense spirit energy suffused out. There was 5,000kg of spirit liquid within. That day,
Chen Xi had merely consumed 1,000 kg of spirit liquid and had broken through from the
perfection-stage of the Congenital Realm to the 1st star of the Violet Palace Realm,
moreover, his realm was solid and firm.

Chen Xi thought for a moment and withdrew another two jade bottles, one black and one
green. They were respectively from the corpses of the Dark Wyrm King and Roc King, and
contained respective amounts of almost 4,000kg and 65,000kg of spirit liquid!

“65,000kg? Looks like the Roc King didn’t just prepare to refine Bloodsoul Fortune Pills to
break through to the Golden Hall Realm, he even prepared sufficient spirit liquid. But it has
now benefited me…” Chen Xi roughly took a low breath and was extremely pleasantly
surprised in his heart.

“Draw!” After arranging the three jade bottles in order, Chen Xi commanded in his heart,
and a strand of spirit liquid instantly surged out from within the white jade bottle, then he
opened his mouth and swallowed it.

Swish! Swish!

The rich spirit liquid was like a gurgling stream that washed through the meridians in his
entire body, then transformed into a translucent True Essence that was like ice before
completely pouring into his Dantian.

Within the vast and open space within his violet palace.

Along with the influx of strand after strand of True Essence, the great lake that had dried up
long ago was like a starving infant beast that started absorbing madly.

The surface of the lake rose up bit by bit.

After three hours, the great lake in the violet palace had arrived at a saturated condition.
The dim star that hung above the great lake in the violet palace emitted a dazzling and
resplendent brilliance as well. Its brilliance was chilly like ice and translucent like snow
and was extremely beautiful.


Chen Xi didn’t stop circulating his cultivation technique and instead suddenly started
circulating the second level of the Ice Crane Technique, and along with an enormous
rumble that was like muffled thunder, the entire great lake in the violet palace started to
madly rotate.

It rotated like a turbine with a speed that became swifter and swifter, and the absorption
force that surged out from it became more and more terrifying. The spirit liquid from within
the white jade bottle had practically only just circulated in his meridians for an instant when
it was swallowed and absorbed. As a consequence of this, the great lake in the violet palace
became more and more wider, more and more deeper!


An enormous bang sounded out, and in the sky above the great lake in the violet palace,
another star had abruptly emerged. It was separated on the other side from the previous star,
and they both faced each other from a distance. Accompanied by the surging spirit liquids
that poured in and the expansion of the great lake in the violet palace, this newly emerged
star started becoming gradually brighter from its dim state, then became dazzling, then

I’m at the 2nd star of the Violet Palace Realm. Chen Xi continued absorbing the dense
spirit liquid from within the white jade bottle without the slightest intention of stopping.

When he advanced to the 2nd star of the Violet Palace Realm, 3,000kg of spirit liquid from
the 5,000kg within the white jade bottle was already consumed, and along with Chen Xi’s
advancement, the absorption speed of the great lake in his violet palace became faster,
causing the mere 2,000kg of spirit liquid that remained in the jade bottle to vanish at an
extremely swift speed.

Swish! Swish!

The great lake in the violet palace continued expanding and deepening at a speed that was
at least 10 or even perhaps 100 times faster than before, and this speed was still sustained.


After an unknown amount of time, the spirit liquid within the white jade bottle was
completely absorbed. At practically the exact same instant, a spout of spirit liquid flew out
from the black jade bottle beside it and poured into Chen Xi’s mouth without the slightest

Time slowly flowed by.

Yet Chen Xi’s eyes were still tightly closed with a peaceful expression on his face, and he
still didn’t have the slightest intention of stopping the circulation of his cultivation

This wasn’t reckless.

After he comprehended a complete Wind Dao Insight, Chen Xi’s soul had already broken
through the Perception Force stage and attained the state of Spiritual Perception, and it was
on par with cultivators at the Golden Hall Realm.

Most importantly, Chen Xi’s current comprehension of the Heaven Dao had long since
surpassed cultivators of the same cultivation, and he’d even outdone ordinary Golden Hall
Realm cultivators.

Relying on the strength of his soul that was at the Spiritual Perception stage and his superb
comprehension in Dao Insight, Chen Xi was completely able to cultivate all the way to the
Golden Hall Realm without stopping.

Of course, the precondition would be to possess sufficient spirit liquid to support his

Some cultivators were unable to advance for a long time. On one hand, the reason was
possessing insufficient spirit liquid, and on the other hand, it was because their souls
weren’t strong enough.  Without a strong soul to control it, the explosive increase in
strength would only lead to exploding to death from the uncontrollable energy.

It was like a mortal commoner possessing the True Essence energy to raise a mountain, yet
not possessing an equal soul. There would only be one outcome, and the commoner would
be unable to control the True Essence and would instead cause himself to die under the
bursting and chaotic flow of True Essence.

Moreover, the soul was also the central core for controlling Magic Treasures in battle, it
was a control level. Even if one’s True Essence was powerful, possessing a weak soul
would cause one to be unable to attain the proficient state of controlling a Magic Treasure
like controlling one’s arms and finger, so the person’s combat strength would naturally be
weak. Even if one’s True Essence was ordinary, possessing a powerful soul would allow
one to utilize the full might of a Magic Treasure and the person’s combat strength would
rise because of this.

All in all, the uses of the soul were extremely profound, and it possessed a mutually
beneficial relationship that was inseparable with True Essence, one’s cultivation realm, the
comprehension of the Grand Dao, and even crafting talismans, equipment refinement, and
beast taming. But, the improvement of the soul was extremely difficult.

There were only three ways to cultivate the soul.

The first, relying on a visualization technique.

The second, relying on comprehending the Grand Dao.

The third, tempering the will and spirit through live combat.

However, in the cultivation world, visualization techniques were extremely precious and
were something only great powers with deep reserves were able to possess. Whereas
comprehending the Grand Dao was a fortune that could be encountered by luck but not
sought after, and it was extremely difficult.

Only the method of using live combat to temper the will remained, yet it was the most
ordinary method. However, it was also the most dangerous and slowest method of
cultivating the soul.

Chen Xi possessed the Fuxi Divine Statue so he naturally didn’t have to consider these

When he was at the perfection-stage of the Congenital Realm, he’d already attained the
stage of Perception Force, and in the time after that, his improvement in the comprehension
of the Dao was extremely shocking as well. Now that he’d mastered a complete Wind Dao
Insight, it was extremely beneficial to his soul, and coupled with his visualization of the
Fuxi Divine Statue day in and day out, his soul was even improving at every moment. It
wasn’t the slightest bit like other cultivators that would encounter bottlenecks or were
unable to advance!

Moreover, he’d practically spent this near half a year’s worth of time in battle. No matter if
it was combat expertise or the will to fight, they had obtained repeated tempering. The
solidness of his Dao Heart and the strength of his will similarly allowed his soul to become
even more solid and refined.


Comprehending the Dao!

Tempering the will via live combat!

All of these had placed a dense and powerful foundation for Chen Xi’s soul to strengthen,
so it was naturally far from something other cultivators could compare to.

One month had already passed by.

During this period of time, Chen Xi was constantly in closed door cultivation. Du Qingxi
and the others were recovering from their injuries as well.

The Profound-vision Old Turtle King and the Nine-tailed Fox King seemed as if they’d
settled down in Moon’s Embrace Mountain and stayed within the azure pine forest at the
mountainside all day long, drinking tea and wine, merrily living a life of ease.

Mu Kui also seized this opportunity to repeatedly consult the two demon kings on questions
he had in cultivating. Out of respect for Chen Xi, the two demon kings naturally passed on
their knowledge devotedly and guided Mu Kui time after time, causing Mu Kui to be
delighted to the point he thought he was dreaming every day and even walking felt as if
treading on air.

However, Mu Kui soon became troubled because the Moon’s Embrace Mountain had
suddenly become bustling with activity.

“Eh, so it’s Fellow Daoist Azure Cow, you’ve come to pay a visit to Senior Chen Xi as

“Haha, Old Toad, you’ve actually come as well. I remember that your Lone Jade Mountain
is 40,000 km from here. With your cultivation, you ran for at least half a month, right?”

“Exactly! Aiya! You actually brought Nine-profounds Spiritblend Jade!”

“Cheh! This gift of mine is still considered to be shabby. Currently, on Moon’s Embrace
Mountain, if you can’t produce a slightly rare treasure, then the loss of face is

Near Moon’s Embrace Mountain, numerous demons carried various gifts and were either in
groups of two to five and were like numerous tides of water that were surging up Moon’s
Embrace Mountain. The scene was extremely bustling with noise and excitement.

Since Chen Xi killed the Aqua Cavern’s Black Ape King, the Copper Mountain’s
Thunderhawk King, the Moonlight Lake’s Dark Wyrm King and the Moonhowl Ridge’s
Roc King, his reputation had become so resounding that he seemed to have become the
number one influential figure in the area of 5,000km of the depths of the Southern Barbaric
Mountain Range.

Especially when they heard that the Profound-vision Old Turtle King and the Nine-tailed
Fox King had become Chen Xi’s best friends as well, Chen Xi’s reputation was like the sun
during high noon, causing the myriad of demons to feel fear and reverence in their hearts.

The Moon’s Embrace Mountain that Chen Xi stayed at had naturally become the holy
grounds within the hearts of the myriad of demons in the depths of the mountain range. It
caused countless demons to trudge over to pay their respects, and the grandness of this
occasion was unprecedented.

“Is Senior Chen Xi still in closed door cultivation?”

“Yeah, we’ve come here to firstly pay our respects to the two seniors, the Profound-Vision
Old Turtle King and the Nine-tailed Fox King, and secondly for the sake of Senior Chen
Xi. Fellow Daoist Mu Kui, you mustn’t let all of us down.”

Every day, practically every single demon that walked up Moon’s Embrace Mountain
would put forward the request of paying their respects to Chen Xi. Mu Kui had been
questioned by them to the point calluses were soon to form on his ears, and he repeated the
same answer again and again. “Senior Chen Xi is in closed door cultivation.”

When he was truly forced into a corner, he would turn the spearhead to another place, like
saying, “Even I don’t know when Senior Chen Xi will be coming out. Didn’t you see that
even the King Xuan Jing and King Qing Qiu are waiting? Why don’t all of you go ask the
two Kings?”

Even then, Mu Kui had still become extremely busy. He had to engage in social small talk
with the various fellow daoists, then make a feast for them to eat and enjoy themselves. In
the end, after he’d sent them off, he still had to carry the various gifts. He was running off
his feet all day and it caused him to feel dizzy.

Mu Kui’s vexations were greatly relieved after the Nine-tailed Fox King arranged for over
100 beautiful fox demons under his command to become attendants.

I wonder exactly how long Senior will stay in closed door cultivation? If he still doesn’t
come out, then these fellows would probably hang on in Moon’s Embrace Mountain and
not leave.  After Mu Kui sat cross-legged at the table at the mountainside azure pine forest,
he drank fine wine as he muttered. The nearby open space that was over 3km large was
crowded with various demons since long ago. Some had just arrived, some had stayed here
for many days, and they were all waiting to meet Chen Xi.

“I never expected that Chen Xi was so well received,” Duanmu Ze said in admiration.

“Haha, I think so too, he seems like a mountain king. But the monkey wine here is really
delicious.” Song Lin’s sleepy eyes were half closed as he embraced the wine jug and spoke

Du Qingxi didn’t speak, but she was extremely delighted in her heart. As for the reason,
even she was unable to say. She was a woman after all, and they would always have
delighted moments or worries that were inexplicable.

It was at this moment that the door of the abode that had been closed tightly for a month
opened up slowly.


At this moment, all the sounds vanished without a trace, and within this sudden silence, the
gazes of everyone shot within the abode in unison.

Their expressions contained undisguisable excitement and anticipation, and they seemed to
be afraid to even breathe heavily.

It was under this attention of the multitude of demons that a tall figure slowly walked out
from within the abode.
Chapter 87 – Element Inversion Mountain

A handsome appearance, tall figure, and a steady and dignified bearing; when they saw this
youth, the innumerable demons that had been waiting outside for a long time stood up with
a ‘swish’ in unison before bowing in greeting. Their movements were neat and uniform, as
if they were an army that had drilled for a long time.

There were no sounds of congratulations nor uproarious sounds. It was just a silent and
respectful rise and bow, yet it possessed more strength than any words, as this was
reverence and submission that came from within.

The most beautiful sound was silence, as it went straight to the heart!

This was the most grandiose scene that had happened in the depths of the Southern
Barbaric Mountain Range for countless years. A myriad of demons paying their respects
was an unprecedentedly dazzling scene.

The myriad of demons stood respectfully as if they were facing the general on the
battlefield that was calling roll, as if they were subjects that were paying their respects to
the king. This scene caused Du Qingxi and the others to fall into boundless shock.

Chen Xi was stunned for a moment, then as he gazed into the distance at the dense crowd
of demons that he could see no end of and looked at the submission and reverence in their
expressions, his heart was shocked as well.

“Demon-kind have always been more straightforward than humans. They believed in their
fists and believed in strength, and possessed adoration and fanaticism that others were
unable to understand towards the strong. You’ve killed four of the seven demon kings, and
your reputation is influential like the sun hanging in the sky. I have no doubt that if you
dare make yourself king, these demon-kind would instantly commit themselves under your
command, and they would follow by your side and never refuse any command of yours.” Ji
Yu’s voice sounded out in his heart.

“Alright, your wishes have been granted, quickly leave now. Don’t disturb the quiet
cultivation of me and Little Brother Chen Xi.” The Nine-tailed Fox King flew into midair,
and his voice was like exploding thunder that rumbled as it sounded out throughout Moon’s
Embrace Mountain.

The Nine-tailed Fox King had spoken personally, and there was naturally no demon that
dared disobey him.

In next to no time, the crowd of demons were like tidewater as they poured down Moon’s
Embrace Mountain. Even though they didn’t have the chance to speak with Chen Xi, they
were already satisfied after seeing Chen Xi’s appearance. They felt that their trip here
wasn’t for nothing.
“You’ve advanced?” Not long after the masses of demons had left, the Nine-tailed Fox
King glanced over thoughtlessly and noticed to his surprise that Chen Xi seemed as if he’d
been reborn. Although the aura surrounding Chen Xi’s body had become more and more
faint, he naturally possessed an extraordinary and elegant bearing as he casually stood
there, like a towering mountain that held its spirit within.

Chen Xi nodded. It wasn’t just an advancement, during his month long closed door
cultivation, he’d already completely absorbed all the spirit liquid he’d obtained. Now,
within the space in his violet palace, five dazzling and resplendent stars hung there,
fluttering as they emitted rays of starlight and coordinated with each other from a distance,
and the True Essence that was glittering and translucent like ice within the great lake in his
violet palace was vast and mighty,

If it wasn’t for the spirit liquid being insufficient, Chen Xi would have been able to break
through to the Golden Hall Realm in one go!

Most importantly, the cultivation of the Ice Crane Technique caused the great lake in Chen
Xi’s violet palace to be even wider and deeper than an ordinary Violet Palace Realm
cultivator. Although the accumulated True Essence was extremely thick, the amount of
spirit liquid consumed to advance a level was many times more than an ordinary Violet
Palace Realm cultivator.

If Chen Xi wanted to advance to the 6th star of the Violet Palace Realm, then he would
probably require 50,000kg of spirit liquid.

Advancing to the 7th star of the Violet Palace Realm would require 100,000kg of spirit

Advancing to the 8th star of the Violet Palace Realm would require 200,000kg of spirit

Without one million kg of spirit liquid as a base, breaking through to the Golden Hall
Realm was utterly impossible!

Of course, with Chen Xi’s current strength, he was already completely unafraid of
cultivators at the perfection-stage of the Violet Palace Realm. Even if he were to surpass a
realm and battle a Golden Hall Realm cultivator, there was still a possibility for him to
annihilate his opponent.

After all, no one could possibly be like him, having a soul that improved at every moment,
possessing natural talent in comprehending the Dao that was abnormal to the point it was
heaven defying, and cultivating a treasured cultivation technique, the Ice Crane
Technique… He was simply an existence that was a living monster.
If he were to advance his body refinement cultivation to the Violet Palace Realm as well,
then condense shaman markings and control Shaman Energy, Chen Xi’s combat strength
would even be able to surge up a great deal!

Unfortunately, the advancement of the School of Fiendgod Body Refinement was too slow.
Even though he possessed the extremely formidable body refinement cultivation technique,
the Universe Starslayer Bodyforging Arts, he was still stuck at the edge of the perfection-
stage of the Congenital Realm and was unable to break through for a long time.

According to Ji Yu, the Violet Palace Realm of body refinement allowed the condensation
of shaman markings that could convert Shaman Energy. It was a formidable realm that
allowed one to control unbelievable Divine Abilities! How could it be so easily achieved?

Taking this step forward meant being in the middle of mortals and the divine, it was a
qualitative transformation, like a caterpillar breaking through the cocoon to become a
beautiful and dancing butterfly!

But this step was like a wide chasm. Without the bitter cultivation and accumulation at the
early period and the tempering of the body all day and night, the strand of a chance to break
through that seemed illusory. It was utterly impossible to touch the edge of the Violet
Palace Realm.

“Chen Xi, when will we be leaving here?” Du Qingxi walked over and asked in a light
voice. After she’d seen the scene of the myriad of demons coming to pay their respects, she
couldn’t help but be slightly worried that Chen Xi would be unwilling to leave this place.

“Yeah, a year has already passed since we entered the Southern Barbaric Nether Domain.
Now that we’ve gotten out of the predicament again, we naturally ought to swiftly leave
this place. This way, our families wouldn’t be worried.” Duanmu Ze spoke as well.

Actually, Chen Xi couldn’t wait to leave this place as well, but he still had something to do,
and he said, “We can depart once I finish dealing with a matter with the two demon kings.”

“Precisely. If this matter doesn’t succeed then I’m afraid all of you will be unable to leave,”
The Old Turtle King said with a smile on his face.

The face of Du Qingxi and the others went grim. What does he mean by this? Is he
threatening Chen Xi?

“Everyone, you’ve misunderstood. How should I say it? The matter that we and Little
Brother Chen Xi are going to deal with is precisely to open up a path that leads to the
outside world. Without this path, then not to mention all of you, even we are unable to
leave.” The Old Turtle King vaguely explained and didn’t breathe a word about the River
Diagram fragment.

“Yes, it’s indeed so.” Chen Xi nodded.

Only now did everyone heave a sigh of relief.

“Then be careful and return quickly.” Du Qingxi suddenly rose her head and looked
straight into Chen Xi’s eyes as she spoke, and her voice that was cold like ice emitted a
wisp of rare embarrassment and gentleness.


Chen Xi inexplicably heaved a sigh of relief after sitting on the treasured vessel and flying
out of Moon’s Embrace Mountain for a long time.

When he recalled the words Du Qingxi spoke earlier, a strand of strange throbbing still
remained within his heart, and it was like he’d touched electricity, causing him to be taken
by surprise, yet he was extremely fond of it.

This feeling was like tasting strong wines, like listening to wonderful music, and it was
truly difficult to depict it.

“Based on Little Brother Chen Xi’s appearance, could it be that you’re troubled about love?
No wonder Little Brother went alone and depended on the sword in your hand to kill your
way up Moonhowl Ridge. So it turns out that it was urged by the affection of getting
enraged for your woman, a truly enviable pair of Dao Companions.” The Nine-tailed Fox
King blinked his charming peach shaped eyes as he teased.

Chen Xi was stymied, then he hurriedly shook his head and changed the topic as he didn’t
want to explore the private affairs in his heart with a sly old fox.

“Right, where exactly is the River Diagram fragment?”

The Nine-tailed Fox King smiled and didn’t overdo it. He leaned on the railing and looked
into the distance as he spoke in an unhurried manner. “It’s naturally at the center of this
place, under the Element Inversion Mountain 25,000 km from here.”

Element Inversion Mountain?

What a strange name!

A trace of anticipation couldn’t help but emerge in Chen Xi’s heart.


The treasure vessel broke through the roiling waves of clouds as it flew swiftly below the
sky. Although its speed couldn’t compare to a flying sword, one didn’t have to expend True
Essence when staying within it and it was also able to keep out the wind and rain and avoid
the atmospheric winds in the sky, it was extremely comfortable and convenient.

In next to no time, a pitch-black mountain that pierced straight into the clouds was reflected
in their eyes. This mountain was barren and filled with jagged rocks of strange shapes, like
a steel fierce beast, and within an area of 50km from it, it was actually completely deathly
quiet without a trace of life in the slightest!
Chapter 88 – Profound Disruption Mountain

The surroundings were filled with vitality like green hills and blue rivers, vast expanses of
cloud and mist, and various birds; yet near the pitch-black and precipitous mountain,
violent winds raged, gravel flew about all over the sky, and howling sounds filled the air. It
was a like a deathly still den of monsters that emitted ghastly wails and wolf howls.

Two completely different scenes gathered in one place and separated quite distinctly from
one another, it was extremely bizarre!


The treasured vessel stopped 50km away.

“Look.” The Old Turtle King pointed at the pitch-black mountain. “That’s the Element
Inversion Mountain. The elements are inverted there, and neither man nor beast can live
within. Even if it's cultivators like us, mistakenly entering it would cause the blood to flow
in opposite direction from the heart and the True Essence will become chaotic. The longer
the person stays within the range of the Element Inversion Mountain, the easier it is for
one’s energy to become chaotic and explode from the chaotic energy.”

How strong was Chen Xi’s soul? The instant his soul swept past the vicinity of the pitch-
black mountain, he’d acutely noticed a type of fluctuation that was like tidewater, and it
was gloomy, mysterious, and heavy… It seemed to contain an energy that crushed all life,
causing one’s heart to involuntarily start palpitating and feel astonished.

“It’s extremely terrifying indeed.” Chen Xi nodded then asked. “The River Diagram’s
fragment is beneath the mountain?”

“Exactly. According to my ancestors, the Element Inversion Mountain utterly didn’t exist
in the past and instead appeared with the River Diagram’s fragment one million years ago.
So the River Diagram’s fragment is surely concealed within it.” The Old Turtle King
answered. “Moreover, according to my deduction, the peculiar fluctuation formed by the
Element Inversion Mountain is also capable of properly concealing the River Diagram’s
aura. Otherwise, I’m afraid it would have been discovered by almighty cultivators who
possessed extraordinary powers long ago.”

“What should we do?” Chen Xi was slightly unable to wait. Even if it was a fragment, so
long as it touched the words ‘River Diagram,’ it still possessed supreme temptation.

As the saying goes, money and treasures move the heart, and the temptation was precisely
because of this principle.

“There’s no other way, we can only walk in.” The Old Turtle King spread out his hands
with a bitter smile on his face. “All treasures will disintegrate within the area covered by
the Element Inversion Mountain due to the inversion of energy. So, we can’t use this
treasured vessel any longer. As for the location of the River Diagram fragment, it’s at the
center beneath the Element Inversion Mountain.”

As he spoke up to here, the Old Turtle King had a serious expression when he turned
around. “Once we arrive close to the Element Inversion Mountain, the strength of me and
Qing Qiu will be restrained greatly, and I’m afraid we’ll be unable to help Little Brother.
Little Brother, you’ll have to depend on yourself if you want to take out the River Diagram

“Alright!” Wealth is sought from danger and risk. It was naturally impossible for him to
obtain the River Diagram fragment so easily, and these were all within Chen Xi’s

“Let’s go!” Chen Xi was the first to leap off the treasured vessel. The instant his feet
stepped onto the barren area, he felt his entire body shake and the gloomy, mysterious, and
heavy fluctuation assaulted his face. The True Essence within his violet palace seemed to
be stimulated as it started becoming restless, and the blood within his entire body became
unruly and wanted to flow in inverse.

Chen Xi hurriedly circulated his cultivation technique, and only then was he able to
suppress it as his expression was already extremely grim.

Wu~ Wu~

The strong winds raged, wailing and howling as if the god of ghosts was weeping, and it
was extremely grating on the ear. But to Chen Xi who’d comprehended a complete Wind
Dao Insight, these winds were nothing.

The instant those ferocious violent winds touched the surroundings of his body, it was as if
they’d encountered their king and obediently kept out of his way, not daring to offend his
supreme majesty.

Even then, Chen Xi’s movement was still extremely strenuous because along with his steps
entering deep into the area, the bizarre fluctuating energy became stronger, and wave after
wave, it swept past his body like a tidal wave, like devils that seized and absorbed the soul,
wishing for nothing more than to cause the blood and True Essence within Chen Xi’s body
to explode.

The Old Turtle King and Nine-tailed Fox King followed closely behind. Although they
didn’t have treasures to protect their bodies, they received Chen Xi’s protection. Those
violent winds were unable to touch their bodies as well, causing the two demon kings to
endlessly praise in their hearts, and they gazed at Chen Xi’s back with gazes that were
filled with anticipation.

Huff! Huff! Huff!

After the time for an incense stick to burn, when they were 330m away from the Element
Inversion Mountain, the two demon kings were unable to take a step further, their breathing
was heavy and rapid and their expressions were extremely ghastly pale and unsightly.
Obviously, that shapeless and bizarre fluctuation had caused immeasurable pressure to the
two of them.

Chen Xi’s expression was normal, as his Dao Heart was solid and condensed like a stone
on the shore, and even his soul had attained the level of Spiritual Perception. He was able to
excellently control the activity of his body, and although the bizarre fluctuation grew
stronger and stronger, it was still within the scope that he could endure.

“Little Brother Chen Xi, I and Qing Qiu can only accompany you up to here, the remainder
will all be up to you.” The Old Turtle King breathed heavily as he spoke.

“You must succeed, we’ll be waiting for your triumphant return.” The Nine-tailed Fox
King stared at Chen Xi’s eyes as he spoke word by word.

“Okay!” Chen Xi nodded, and he didn’t say anything further before once again walking

“Can he do it?” The Nine-tailed Fox King gazed at Chen Xi who gradually vanished in the
distance, and mind was filled with worry about his future as he muttered. “If even he fails,
then I can only wait for death to arrive.”

“Don’t speak such dispirited words, have you forgotten that there’s still a mysterious and
formidable senior by Little Brother Chen Xi’s side?” The Old Turtle King said in a deep
voice, “He’ll surely succeed. So long as he takes out the River Diagram fragment, the
restraint that envelops the depth of the Southern Barbaric Mountain Range will surely be
broken. You and I will surely be able to charge into the Golden Hall Realm, and we won’t
have to worry about our lifespans reaching the limit and dying with regret.”

“Dammit! Exactly what energy is this? It’s so strange.” The more he walked the more
strenuous it became for Chen Xi, and he had to devote all his strength to control the activity
within his body. If he were to slack slightly, the blood and True Essence within his body
would become chaotic and start rampaging, and the consequences were unimaginable.

“If I didn’t advance to the 5th star of the Violet Palace Realm, I’m afraid that at this
moment, I would have died from my blood surging in reverse and my True Essence
becoming chaotic. No wonder the 330m around the Element Inversion Mountain is devoid
of any life.”

Chen Xi had to stop and rest slightly at a distance of 100m away from the Element
Inversion Mountain. All along the way here, not only had he expended a large amount of
True Essence to resist the bizarre fluctuation, even his mind was extremely exhausted from
it. At this moment, as he gazed at the Element Inversion Mountain that was close at hand,
he felt extremely fearful of his journey so far.

“The energy in this world is truly marvelous, inverting the elements… There’s even such
energy in this world. If I’m able to use this type of energy to refine a Magic Treasure, then I
presume its might will surely be extremely terrifying, right?”

“Of course!” Right when Chen Xi was lost in thoughts, Ji Yu had his hands behind his back
as he leisurely appeared by Chen Xi’s side, and as he looked up at the dangerously steep
mountain that was 33km tall, extraordinary splendor rippled within his eyes.

“Exactly what energy is atop this Element Inversion Mountain? And how do I refine it into
a Magic Treasure?” Chen Xi asked in wonder.

Ji Yu was stunned. “This is undoubtedly a Profound Disruption Mountain, how could it be

an Element Inversion Mountain?”

This time, it was instead Chen Xi who was stunned. “Profound Disruption Mountain?”

“It’s naturally a Profound Disruption mountain, and it possesses Profound Disruption

Divinelight. A granule sized dot is beyond 150,000kg in weight, and innately restrains the
essence of the five elements. During the primordial era, this Profound Disruption Mountain
was also an extremely rare precious material for equipment refinement, and the Profound
Disruption Divinelight within it was even able to be used to cultivate a Divine Ability
called Wings of Disruption. Not only can this Divine Ability tear through space to instantly
move an extremely great distance, a light flap of the wings was able to cause any Magic
Treasure of the five elements to lose its capabilities and transform into a ball of scrap!”

“In terms of might, it isn’t the slightest bit inferior to the Fivecolored Divinelight that is
ranked in the top 10 during the primordial era.”

“As for the Element Inversion Mountain, it really does exist. The so-called Element
Inversion Mountain is an extremely mystical mountain that caused fresh air to sink, foul air
to rise, overturned the heaven and the earth, and made energy circulate in reverse.
However, it was refined into a Magic Treasure by an almighty cultivator figure a million
years ago, and it’s impossible for a second Element Inversion Mountain to appear in the
world.” Ji Yu gazed at the Profound Disruption Mountain with a burning gaze, and he
spoke extremely swiftly with a voice that revealed a trace of reminiscence and emotion.

Profound Disruption Mountain, Element Inversion Mountain, Wings of Disruption,

Fivecolored Divinelight… During the era that primordial beings roamed freely, exactly
how many almighty figures that looked down upon the world had come into being? And
how many strange and unusual miraculous treasures had come into being during that
time? Chen Xi’s mind rose and fell like the tide as he heard this, and boundless yearning
emerged within his heart.
“Do you want to keep this Profound Disruption Mountain?” asked Ji Yu abruptly.

“Yes!” Chen Xi didn’t hesitate in the slightest with his answer. A granule sized piece of
this divine thing was over 150,000kg in weight, and it even contained Profound Disruption
Divinelight within it that’s able to be used to cultivate the Wings of Disruption. How could
he let it slip by?

Of course, he knew that it was utterly impossible to keep it away by relying solely on his
current strength. After all, this was a mountain that was 33km tall, and to what extent
would its weight have reached? 10 million tons? 100 million tons? It was immeasurable!

Thus, when he heard that Ji Yu was able to assist him in keeping away this Profound
Disruption Mountain, the wild joy in Chen Xi’s heart could be easily imagined.

“I can only help you drag it into the Manor, moreover…” Ji Yu’s expression suddenly
became extremely serious, and he stared fixedly at Chen Xi’s gaze as he said slowly,
“Moreover, because of expending too much of my strength, I will have to stay dormant
inside the Manor in the future, and I’ll be unable to help you anymore for an extremely long
period of time.”

Chen Xi was stunned, and he was silent for a long time before saying resolutely. “Then it’s
fine if I don’t have this Profound Disruption Mountain!”

Ji Yu laughed loudly, and his hearty laughter was filled with joy as he said, “Kid, your
heart isn’t bad. Even if you don’t want this Profound Disruption Mountain, I would still
help you keep it away!

“There’s no need to say more.”

“You have to know that after you pass through the 1st level of the Heavenpeak of Trials, I
won’t be able to leave the Manor and assist you any longer, and this is something that
would happen sooner or later. Instead of that, why don’t I seize the opportunity to help you
now and put away this Profound Disruption Mountain? This is the best choice.”

“But…” Chen Xi recalled the bits and pieces from the past, he recalled the guidance and
teaching Ji Yu gave him, and a strand of dense reluctance surged out from his heart.
Because since a long time ago, deep within his heart, he’d taken Ji Yu to be an elder family
member, a loved one.

“Don’t be fussy. Once you have the strength to pass through the Heavenpeak of Trials,
you’ll be able to enter the Manor and see me every day. It isn’t a final farewell, so why be
so irresolute and hesitant?” Ji Yu frowned as he berated.

“Really?” Chen Xi said in pleasant surprise.

Ji Yu smiled helplessly. “It’s naturally true. I’m only unable to leave the Manor. Kid, why
are you like a little child?”

However, Ji Yu also knew that when Chen Xi was young, Chen Xi’s clan was annihilated,
his parents went missing, the grandfather he shared his life together with had died
miserably in the hands of his enemies, and only his younger brother remained, but his
young brother had gone to the Wandering Cloud Sword Sect to practice his swordsmanship
as well. Comparatively speaking, Chen Xi cherished the familial relationships in his life
more than anyone, and even the future friendships, love relationships, relationships between
master and disciple…

“It’s fine if it’s like this.” Chen Xi decided inwardly that he would surely break through his
body refinement cultivation to the Violet Palace Realm as soon as possible. In this way, he
would possess the qualifications to challenge the 1st level of the Heavenpeak of Trials and
would be able to see Senior Ji Yu every day in the future.

“Profound Disruption Mountain… Haha! It’s been a million years, I’ve nearly forgotten the
taste of battle!” Ji Yu suddenly let out a long howl towards the sky, his voice surging like
thunder, and rumbling exploded out throughout the heaven and earth. Whereas his body
had instead arrived below the sky. Roiling multicolored divine lights appeared on his entire
body and he’d already changed in appearance in an instant.

A body of a lion and head of a dragon, he stepped on clouds with four hooves that were
thick like pillars, and his entire body was covered dense inky black scaled. His body was
like a small hill with boundless and majestic rays of light that were unparalleled flowing
around his entire body. He stood proudly at the top of the cloud as he looked down at the


The heavens and earth seemed to tremble, and the space within an area of 500km was
violently roiling. For a time, spirit energy was chaotic and raging, the plants were blazed
into ash and the ground was pressured to the point it cracked and collapsed, leaving behind
numerous enormous ravines that crisscrossed each other.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

Chen Xi felt suffocated. It was like a majestic large mountain pressed onto his entire body,
pressing him to the point he retreated repeatedly and the vital energy and blood in his chest
violently roiled without end.

“So… So terrifying!” Chen Xi gasped, and as he gazed at the enormous silhouettes of a

beast under the sky, he felt himself to be like an ant that would die with a single stomp and
possessed no room to struggle in the slightest!

What level of cultivation would this be?

Rebirth Realm?

Nether Transformation?

Earthly Immortal?

Or perhaps… Heavenly Immortal?

Chen Xi was unable to guess, but he was extremely certain that the current Ji Yu was the
most terrifying existence he’d ever seen; there was no other!

“Heaven and earth as the guide, the world as the fuel, the stars in the universe…” A wave
of obscure and mysterious chanting and incantations sounded out. It was powerful and
mighty, and every word seemed like a thunderclap that shook the heavens and the earth,
seeming to want to make everything to prostrate itself in obedience.

Ji Yu’s hoof abruptly stepped on the sky, and his mouth opened as he suddenly emitted a
roar that was like a dragon’s roar. “Seal!”

A single word, yet it seemed to contain the profundity of the Grand Dao and the mysteries
of the cycle of heaven. It was like a sacred Sanskrit chant that came from ancient times, and
it was even more alike to a shout that shook the soul the most towards life and death, the
world, and the heaven and earth!

Chen Xi felt his entire body shake and he almost knelt down and lay flat on the floor, his
soul and will seeming to have suffered a beating from the shapeless energy of the heaven
and earth.


The 33km tall Profound Disruption Mountain suddenly started to sway violently, seeming
as if it would be pulled up by the root in the next moment. However, right at this moment, a
heavy, gloomy, and mysterious energy gushed out, roiling as it formed into a pitch-black
luster that caused one’s heart to palpitate in fear, and it swept out towards Ji Yu who was
beneath the sky.

Shockingly, it was the Profound Disruption Mountain’s luster that was able to incinerate
the essence of the five elements!

“You still dare resist!?” Ji Yu who possessed a lion’s body and a dragon’s head abruptly
emitted an explosive shout, his voice was like thunder that exploded out to cause the
Profound Disruption Mountain’s pitch-black luster to break inch by inch before collapsing
and vanishing.
“Swallow!” An enormous entrance that was an entire 3km in area appeared out of thin air,
and it was like the eye of a storm as it fiercely swallowed the Profound Disruption

However, Chen Xi saw that the entire Profound Disruption Mountain that was 33km tall
was like a rootless piece of straw that flew into midair before flying into the enormous
entrance to disappear within the blink of an eye.


The entrance in the sky instantly vanished as well.


It was at this moment that a wisp of extremely dazzling colorful brilliance swiftly stormed
out from the enormous empty space where the Profound Disruption Mountain had
vanished, and it swiftly flashed towards the extremely distant skies.

“Catch it properly!” Ji Yu emitted another explosive shout that was like muffled thunder,
and two golden flowing lights shot out explosively from his eyes. The instant the two
golden lights appeared in midair, they transformed into two bright gold enormous golden
palms that instantly caught that dazzling colorful brilliance and fiercely tossed it towards
Chen Xi who was on the ground.

Is it the River Diagram fragment?

Chen Xi swiftly raised his head, and cold lights flowed within his eyes as the aura on his
entire body climbed steadily.
Chapter 89 – Leaving For Home


The instant Chen Xi’s hand caught the dazzling brilliance, a strange energy that was a mix
of scorching hot and icy coldness disregarded the thick True Essence covering his palm as
it fiercely pierced into his flesh like a sharp awl, seeming to want to break open his palm
and escape.

“It actually disregarded the energy of my True Essence!” Chen Xi felt pain to the point that
his face warped. If it wasn’t for him cultivating the Universe Starslayer Bodyforging Arts
and having already tempered his body to the perfection-stage of the Congenital Realm, only
this blow would have caused a hole to be pierced through his palm.

At this moment, Chen Xi finally saw clearly that the dazzling brilliance in his palm was
actually like an irregular fragment of a tortoise shell.

It was palm-sized, entirely rough and pitch-black, with crisscrossed rugged markings that
were dense and complicated cut on its surface. Yet not only was it not in disorder, it instead
carried along an ancient and profound aura.

It seemed like within it was a boundless ocean, a star studded sky, a heaven and earth that
was vast like when the world was formed. Up to the heavens and down to the netherworld,
it was vast without end. With a glance, it seemed as if it wanted to absorb one’s soul into it!

This is the River Diagram fragment?

Chen Xi was inexplicably shocked. That instant earlier, his soul seemed as if it wanted to
fly away, and it caused him to feel great terror and great panic.


It was at this moment that a strand of a violent torrent of energy surged out from the River
Diagram fragment into his palm once again. It was like the lava from the core of the earth
and extremely cold ice mixed together, so scorching that it scalded his skin and so icy cold
that it pierced his bones. With a bang, it shook Chen Xi’s hand to the point a spray of blood
exploded out from his tightly clenched right hand, and the blood spattered and suffused into
the air, revealing ghastly white bones on his hand.

“Ah!” The intense pain caused Chen Xi to be unable to refrain from roaring out, yet his
hand still tightly clenched onto the River Diagram fragment without letting go. Even if his
skin and flesh had already opened up and white bones clanked.
Chen Xi didn’t notice that after the River Diagram fragment was tainted with his blood, it
struggled even more intensely. It was restless and uneasy, seeming to have noticed that an
energy that caused it to feel extreme terror was silently approaching…


Another strand of scorching and icy cold energy that were mixed together surged out once
again, and right when Chen Xi intended to exert all the strength in his body and grit his
teeth to endure this wave of pain, the ancient divine statue that sat cross-legged in his sea of
consciousness suddenly opened its eyes. In that instant, it was like the primordial world was
just opened up and the universe was just formed, there seemed to be lightning coiling and
stars revolving within its eyes, and a myriad of scenes and divine lights diffused out with a

“Gather!” It was like the shout of an ancient god, like a divine statue that existed eternally
had moved, an arm extended out to the air and lightly made a grabbing motion like it was
embracing the world and the universe, and the arms fingers tore through the sky, splitting
open numerous black rifts!


The River Diagram fragment suddenly trembled intensely in Chen Xi’s hand, seeming to be
unwilling, seeming to be struggling, but in the end, it all proved futile and it vanished in the
blink of an eye.

Within the space in Chen Xi’s sea of consciousness that seemed to have no end.

A dazzling brilliance suddenly appeared, then it revealed a palm-sized tortoise shell that
went round and round around the Fuxi Divine Statue, fluttering about ceaselessly.

“Looks like it was the strand of River Diagram true essence within the Fuxi Divine Statue
that was activated and made it completely submit.” Chen Xi withdrew his gaze from his sea
of consciousness, and only now did he heave out a long breath of air.


At the instant his mind relaxed, an intense pain that felt like his heart was pierced by ten
thousand arrows spread throughout his body, and only now did he realize that only ghastly
white bones remained on his right hand.

“I’m only at the perfection-stage of the Congenital Realm in body refinement now and am
unable to regrow my limbs like a Violet Palace Realm cultivation would allow me to. What
should I do?” Chen Xi’s heart tensed up, and when he recalled his younger brother who’d
similarly lost his right hand. For a time, all sort of feelings surged into his heart.

A wisp of cool and refreshing airflow poured into his right palm that was only bones, the
flesh, tendons, and skin quickly grew like a dried tree meeting spring, and it healed to its
prior state at a visible speed.

It was Ji Yu. He’d already recovered his thin appearance. With a swing of his sleeve, he’d
already healed Chen Xi’s right hand, and it was extremely miraculous.

However, Chen Xi was instead startled when he saw Ji Yu’s countenance.

Ji Yu was ghastly pale to the point he was almost translucent. His gaze was dim like a
waning candlelight that was about to go out, and even his tall figure seemed to become
blurred, as if it would collapse and vanish in the next moment.

“There’s no need to worry, it’s only because my strength has been completely expended.”
Ji Yu’s voice was hoarse and low, and it emitted dense exhaustion.

Chen Xi’s heart ached. If it wasn’t for taking the Profound Disruption Mountain for me, if
it wasn’t for obtaining the River Diagram fragment, how could Senior Ji Yu possibly
become like this?

Ji Yu smiled, yet his smile was like a withered chrysanthemum as he said, “I’ve already
absorbed the Profound Disruption Mountain into the abode, and I’ll teach you how to bind
it once your strength becomes greater. As for the River Diagram fragment, I presume you
have already assimilated it into your sea of consciousness. Don’t go try to comprehend it
first, as things comprehended from a broken thing are always the most inferior.”

“I remember that the complete River Diagram is the size of a cattail leaf fan, I reckon
there’s still another eight or nine River Diagram fragments abandoned in other places, and
you must collect it completely. All those years ago, Master relied on it to comprehend the
Dao of the cycle of the heavens, and walked to the limit of the Grand Dao in the end. I hope
that you are able to comprehend a Dao that belongs to yourself.”

“Besides that, take proper care of yourself in the future. A man must always learn to face
and endure things alone, as only then can you be called a true expert. Mmm, all this is too
long winded, we can still frequently see each other once you pass the Heavenpeak of Trails,
there’s no need to mention these garrulous words…”

Chen Xi silently listened, and the past scenes of happiness, inspiration, joy, and
depression… They seemed like flowing water as they swept past his mind, they were so
clear yet so far, and his tears couldn’t be restrained anymore and silently slid down his face.

Even if he knew that he could see Ji Yu in the future, Chen Xi was unable to control the
feelings in his heart. He wasn’t good at expressing himself and had held back for too long,
and he'd never said a single thank you to Ji Yu all along… All the gratitude and emotions in
his heart gushed out at this moment like lava erupting from a volcano.
He cried, cried silently, cried willfully.

At this moment, Chen Xi was like a 16 year old youth, venting his gratitude and pain
without any scruples.

Ji Yu had already vanished since an unknown time, yet Chen Xi still stood on the spot in a
daze, like a log.

After a long time, he muttered. “I surely will, surely.” It was like a vow, and his calm and
slow voice revealed a resolute and decisive feeling within it.

“What happened earlier?”

“My god! The Element Inversion Mountain vanished!”

“Look, Little Brother Chen Xi is there.”

A wave of conversation vaguely sounded out from the distance, then two flying lights tore
through the sky towards him. It was the Old Turtle King and Nine-tailed Fox King.

Chen Xi turned around and the traces of tears on his face had evaporated off, and he’d
recovered his indifferent and carefree expression as he said, “I was fortunate enough to
succeed in my mission.”

It was a mere few words, yet when it entered the ears of the Old Turtle King and the Nine-
tailed Fox King, it was instead an enormously pleasant surprise. Actually, the two of them
had noticed some changes since long ago, but only when they obtained Chen Xi’s
confirmation did they dare believe that all this was real.

“So to say, the restraint that enveloped the depths of the Southern Barbaric Mountain
Range for a million years has vanished?” The Old Turtle King’s voice trembled slightly.

“HAHAHA! I never expected that when my lifespan was about to be over, I would be able
to once again obtain the hope of breaking through to the next realm. The heavens didn’t
betray me!” The Nine-tailed Fox King laughed loudly at the sky, seeming to be venting the
excitement and joy in his heart.

Chen Xi silently watched this, yet he was still thinking about Ji Yu in his heart.

Chen Xi’s unusualness was noticed by the Old Turtle King, and he thought in his heart
before slowly saying with a solemn expression. “I establish a vow beneath the Heaven Dao,
that if I were to leak the matter of the River Diagram fragment in my entire lifetime, then I
request the Heaven Dao to punish me. Annihilate me and make me unable to be reborn
The Old Turtle King couldn’t be blamed for doing this, as the River Diagram fragment was
something that could cause an upheaval in the three dimensions, after all. It was a rare
treasure that primordial beings fought over chaotically. Now that a portion of it was
obtained by Chen Xi, if this matter were to leak out, then not only would it draw a deathly
calamity to Chen Xi, it would probably even cause him to be affected, and the
consequences were unimaginable.

Establishing a vow under the Heaven Dao was naturally extremely beneficial without a
single disadvantage.

The Nine-tailed Fox King was stunned, then he recovered from his shock and faced the vast
Heaven Dao as he established a similar vow under the Heaven Dao.

Chen Xi never imagined that his silence would actually solve a great trouble that was latent
and imperceptible, and his mood became much happier as he said with cupped hands,
“Thank you Big Brothers for such trust, Chen Xi is boundlessly grateful.”

Big Brother?

The two demon kings looked at each other and smiled when they heard this.


The treasured vessel rose into the air and swiftly flew towards Moon’s Embrace Mountain.

“Have you really decided to leave today, and you’re not staying for a few days?” The Old
Turtle King persuaded Chen Xi to stay once again. Since he’d ascended the vessel, Chen Xi
had already decided that once they returned to Moon’s Embrace Mountain, he would leave
the depths of the Southern Barbaric Mountain Range and return to Pine Mist City. The Old
Turtle King was naturally reluctant, as he still wanted to properly entertain Chen Xi for
some time.

“Yeah, why are you in such a hurry? I still want to bring you to Coldstar Mountain and help
you choose the most beautiful fox in my Nine-tailed Fox family.” The Nine-tailed Fox
King ceaselessly persuaded him to stay as well.

“I still have many things to do, and I really don’t have the time to stay. Big Brothers, please
let me off.” Chen Xi leaned on the railings and looked into the distance as he spoke slowly
with an extremely resolute attitude. At this moment, he recalled the various past events in
Pine Mist City, he recalled his family, recalled Uncle Zhang from the Zhang grocery store,
recalled the Clear Stream Restaurant’s Old Man Ma, Qiao Shan, and Pei Pei…

The Old Turtle King smacked his lips regrettably. “Alright, I won’t persuade you to stay. I
will be leaving the depths of the Southern Barbaric Mountain Range once I advance to the
Golden Hall Realm as well. I’ll go meet Little Brother at that time.”
“Haha, I’ll naturally be there as well. I’ve been looking forward to the luxuries in the
human world for a long time.” The Nine-tailed Fox King smiled to the point his peach
shaped eyes narrowed, and his face was filled with a charming aura.

“At that time, if I’m able to meet with Big Brothers again, then we must only stop drinking
when we’re drunk,” Chen Xi said seriously, and even a trace of a rare smile appeared on
the corners of his mouth.


Moon’s Embrace Mountain. Under the gazes of the myriad of demons, a treasured vessel
carried Chen Xi, Du Qingxi, Song Lin, and a total of four others to break open the sunset
glow that was like blood, and fly towards an extremely distant place.

“Master, I don’t hate you for not bringing me along this time. Once my strength becomes
strong, if you still won’t keep me by your side, then I’ll have to slit my throat and take my
own life…” At the mountainside of Moon’s Embrace Mountain, Mu Kui stood alone before
the abode, he muttered as he gazed at the treasured vessel that tore through the clouds and
left. His voice trembled, yet carried along a flavor of resoluteness and firmness. Whereas
his face was already stained with tears, and it had completely drenched his clothes.

— End of Book Two —

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