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Anxiety, depression and breast cancer

Anxiety and depression are Living with breast cancer is one of Some common symptoms of
common in women with breast many things that may trigger anxiety. anxiety include:
cancer, but they are often Anxiety is common, but the sooner • racing heart
overlooked and, therefore, you get help, the sooner you can • tightening of the chest
undertreated. The good news is begin to recover.
• snowballing worries
that there are effective treatments
Signs of anxiety • focusing on worry and not
for both anxiety and depression.
With careful management, The symptoms of anxiety often develop being able to distract yourself
gradually over time. Given that we all
the symptoms of anxiety and • trouble sleeping
experience some anxious feelings, it
depression can be treated along can be hard to know how much is too • feeling jumpy, restless or shaky.
with those of breast cancer so you much. In order to be diagnosed with There are effective treatments
can live as well as possible. an anxiety condition, it must have a available for anxiety.
major impact on your life, for example
This fact sheet provides information finding it difficult to make decisions or For more information on anxiety
on anxiety and depression, their finding it hard to go out socially. and treatments see the beyondblue
links with breast cancer, treatments Understanding anxiety fact sheet or
available for anxiety and depression, There are many types of anxiety, and visit
and how to help yourself or someone there are a range of symptoms for
close to you. each. Anxiety can be expressed in
different ways such as uncontrollable
worry, intense fear (phobias or
What is anxiety? panic attacks), upsetting dreams or
Anxiety is more than just feeling flashbacks of a traumatic event.
stressed or worried. Anxious feelings
are a normal reaction to a situation
where you feel under pressure. These
feelings usually pass once the stressful
situation has passed, or the ‘stressor’
is removed.
However, for some people anxious
feelings happen for no apparent reason
or are more intense and continue after
the stressful event has passed. For
a person experiencing anxiety, these
intense feelings cannot be brought
under control easily. Anxiety can be a
serious condition that makes it hard
for a person to cope with daily life.
There are many types of anxiety and
many people with anxiety experience
symptoms of more than one type. 1300 22 4636 1

What is depression?
While we all feel sad, moody or low
from time to time, some people
experience these feelings intensely,
for long periods of time (weeks,
months or even years) and sometimes
without any apparent reason.
Depression is more than just a low
mood – it’s a serious condition that
has an impact on both physical and
emotional wellbeing.
Depression affects how you feel about
yourself. You may lose interest in
work, hobbies and doing things you
normally enjoy. You may lack energy,
have difficulty sleeping or sleep more
than usual, feel anxious or irritable, or
• feeling worthless, helpless Physical changes
and guilty Symptoms of breast cancer treatment
find it hard to concentrate.
• increased irritability, frustration such as tiredness and pain can put a
The good news is, just like a physical and moodiness person at greater risk of developing
illness, depression is treatable and anxiety and depression. It can also
effective treatments are available. • feeling unhappy, sad or miserable
make anxiety and depression difficult
most of the time
to diagnose as these symptoms
Signs of depression • thoughts such as, “I’m a failure”, can be masked by side-effects of
A person may be depressed if she or “Life’s not worth living”, “People treatment for breast cancer. In
he has felt sad, down or miserable would be better off without me”. addition to this, some breast cancer
most of the time for more than two As with anxiety, there are effective treatments, such as chemotherapy
weeks and/or has lost interest or treatments available for depression. and hormone therapies, can cause
pleasure in usual activities, and has For more information on depression chemical changes in the brain. This
also experienced some of the signs and treatments see beyondblue’s can also put a person at greater risk of
and symptoms in the list below. Anxiety and depression: An information experiencing anxiety and depression.
It’s important to note that everyone booklet or visit
au/depression Lifestyle changes
experiences some of these symptoms
from time to time and it may not When you have breast cancer, there
necessarily mean you are depressed. “Depression can hit anybody. It are many changes you may have to
Equally, not every person who is doesn’t matter how well-adjusted deal with including:
experiencing depression will have all you are.” • coming to terms with “why me?”
of these symptoms. The symptoms – Mary, 62, breast cancer
will not provide a diagnosis – for that • dealing with the uncertainty of the
survivor of 13 years
you need to see a health professional – illness and imagining the worst
but they can be used as a guide. • dealing with tiredness and the side
What are the links between effects of treatment
Some common symptoms of
depression include: anxiety, depression and • making family, work and financial
breast cancer? adjustments in anticipation of
• not going out anymore, loss of
treatment and/or periods of
interest in enjoyable activities Research shows that anxiety and
being unwell
depression are common among
• withdrawing from close family
women with breast cancer. One • dealing with the response
and friends
study found that up to 50 per cent of partners, children, family
• being unable to concentrate and of women with early breast cancer and friends.
not getting things done at work may experience anxiety and/or These changes can cause ongoing
or home depression in the year after diagnosis.1 stress which puts a person at
• feeling overwhelmed, indecisive It is understood that fewer women greater risk of experiencing anxiety
and lacking in confidence experience these conditions in the and depression.
second, third and fourth years,
• increased alcohol and/or drug use
however up to 15 per cent of women
“It was just one thing on top of the
• loss or change of appetite and may still experience these conditions
other – the surgery, the chemo, my
significant weight loss or gain in the fifth year after diagnosis.
marriage, the kids, my job, thinking
• trouble getting to sleep, staying This may be related to a number of
about my mortality – and I just hit
asleep and being tired during different factors.
the wall.”
the day – Judy, 52

What are the treatments for Medication
“You can get down to the bottom
anxiety and depression? of the spiral and don’t know how
Antidepressant medication
is sometimes used along with
Talking and emotional support can you’re going to get out. If I had got
psychological therapies to treat
help to reduce the stress of coping some help earlier, it may not have
moderate to severe depression and
with breast cancer, but if things been so bad.”
some anxiety conditions.
become more difficult, professional – Grace, 57, breast cancer survivor of
help may be needed. six years Making a decision about which
antidepressant is best for a person
There is no one proven way that can be complex. The decision will
people recover from anxiety or Psychological treatments be made in consultation with a
depression and it’s different for doctor, after careful assessment
Psychological treatments can help
everybody. However, there is a range and consideration. The doctor
with recovery and to prevent anxiety
of effective treatments and health should discuss differences in
or depression from recurring.
professionals who can help people on effects, possible side effects of
These treatments help build
the road to recovery. There are also medications, and whether they can
skills in coping with stressful life
many things that people with anxiety interact with other medications you
circumstances and can be provided by
or depression and breast cancer can are taking. Stopping medication
a psychologist, psychiatrist or other
do to help them to recover and stay should only be done gradually, with
trained health professional.
well. The important thing is finding the a doctor’s recommendation and
right treatment and the right health • Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) under supervision.
professional that works for you. is an effective treatment for people
with anxiety and depression. It A doctor or treating health
Different types of anxiety or professional will take into account
teaches people to evaluate their
depression require different types of several factors when suggesting the
thinking about common difficulties,
treatment. These may include physical most suitable treatment. Regular
helping them to identify unhelpful
exercise for preventing and treating contact with and ongoing assessment
patterns of thinking and modify
mild anxiety and depression, by a doctor to check that treatments
these thought patterns and the way
counselling by a trained health are working effectively is an important
they react to certain situations.
professional or, in some part of becoming and staying well.
circumstances, treatment with • Interpersonal therapy (IPT)
Most people taking medication will
antidepressant medications. The is also effective for treating
also benefit from psychological
treatment for anxiety and depression depression and some types of
therapies, which will reduce the
in someone with breast cancer anxiety. It helps people find new
likelihood of anxiety or depression
involves a coordinated approach ways to get along with others and
coming back after the person has
managed by your primary health to resolve losses, changes and
stopped taking the medication.
professional that monitors and treats conflict in relationships.
the symptoms of anxiety, depression There is a great deal of misinformation
• Relaxation training or guided
and breast cancer. about antidepressant medication, but
imagery are techniques which are
these are the facts:
very effective for reducing anxiety,
however they do require practice • Antidepressant medication doesn’t
before the best benefit is achieved. change your personality. While
Relaxation CDs are available from antidepressants can make you
Cancer Councils. feel better and therefore may
make it easier for you to get along
with people, they do not change
“I kept crying all the time, yet I
your personality.
couldn’t pinpoint anything actually
causing it. I told my GP and she said • Taking antidepressant medication is
to me: ‘I think you need a safe place not a sign of weakness. Depression
to offload’. The improvement and is an illness, not a character
release after a few sessions with a flaw. Taking medication to relieve
psychologist was immediate – the symptoms does not mean you
tears stopped, the cloud lifted, the are weak.
sun came out and I realised I had • Antidepressants are not addictive. If
been suffering mild depression.” you stop taking the medication, you
– Loreena, 44, breast cancer survivor of may start to feel the way you did
three years before the treatment. Some people
confuse this with being addicted.

Antidepressants and tamoxifen • work with you to draw up a CBT, IPT and/or medication. If your
The antidepressant paroxetine Mental Health Treatment Plan so condition requires hospital admission,
(Aropax) reduces the effectiveness you can get a Medicare rebate for a psychiatrist will be in charge of
of the breast cancer treatment drug psychological treatment (if your treatment.
tamoxifen, and should therefore be appropriate)
Mental health nurses are specially
avoided by women taking tamoxifen. • provide brief counselling or, trained to care for people with mental
in some cases, psychological health conditions. They work with
There is a possibility that some other
therapies psychiatrists and GPs to review a
antidepressants may, to a small
degree, affect the way that the body • prescribe medication person’s mental health, monitor
responds to tamoxifen. However medication and provide information
• refer you to a mental health about mental health conditions and
this has not been proven through specialist such as a psychologist,
research, and not all antidepressants treatment. Some have training in
social worker or psychiatrist (if psychological therapies.
are the same. appropriate).
If you are taking tamoxifen and an Social workers in mental health are
It is recommended that you see your
antidepressant, you may like to specially trained to work with people
regular GP, if you have one, or another
discuss this with your GP or medical who are experiencing difficulties in
GP in the same clinic, as they will be
oncologist. If you are considering life. Social workers can help people
aware of your cancer diagnosis and
starting, stopping or altering find ways to manage more effectively
any other health issues.
antidepressant medication, then it’s some of the situations that trigger
important that you speak with your You should also let your medical these conditions such as family issues,
doctor before making any decisions. oncologist, or the specialist managing financial problems, work stress and
your breast cancer treatment, know if living arrangements. Mental health
Antidepressants do not reduce the you have anxiety or depression. social workers can also provide
effectiveness of aromatase inhibitors focused psychological self-help
used to treat hormone receptor Psychologists are health
strategies. Oncology social workers
positive breast cancer. professionals who provide
have experience in supporting people
psychological therapies such as
with cancer, and their families.
cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT)
Who can assist? and interpersonal therapy (IPT). Occupational therapists in mental
Psychologists are not doctors health help people who, because of a
A General Practitioner (GP) is a good
and cannot prescribe medication mental health condition, have difficulty
first step to discuss your concerns.
in Australia. participating in normal, everyday
Your GP can:
activities. Mental health occupational
• make a diagnosis Psychiatrists are medical doctors
therapists also provide focused
who specialise in mental health. They
• check for any physical health psychological self-help strategies,
can make medical and psychiatric
problems or medication that may including relaxation training.
assessments, conduct medical
be contributing to your condition tests, provide therapy and prescribe
• discuss available treatments medication. Psychiatrists often use
psychological treatments such as

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Helping yourself • Take your antidepressant
Islander mental health workers medication as prescribed. Talk
understand the mental health issues to your GP if you are finding this
of Indigenous people and what is “Learn to say ‘no’. If you are tired, difficult to do or if the medicine is
needed to provide culturally safe and don’t say you will go out, babysit too expensive for you.
accessible services. Some may have or whatever. It took me a couple of
• Get help, support and
undertaken training in mental health months before I learnt this lesson
encouragement from family and
and psychological therapies. Support myself. Now, I don’t make any plans
friends and have them help you
provided by Aboriginal and Torres definite ’til the day is here.”
follow your treatment plan.
Strait Islander mental health workers – Mary, 62, breast cancer survivor
might include, but is not limited of 13 years • Consider joining a breast
to, case management, screening, cancer support group – meeting
assessment, referrals, transport and talking to people whose
There are many ways people with experiences are similar to yours
to and attendance at specialist anxiety or depression can help
appointments, education, improving helps you realise you’re not alone.
themselves to recover. If you have Contact BCNA on 1800 500 258
access to mainstream services, anxiety or depression, the following
advocacy, counselling, support for for details about support groups in
tips may be helpful. your area.
family and acute distress response.
• Find out as much as you can about • Try relaxation techniques such as
The cost of treatment from a mental anxiety, depression and breast
health professional varies. However, meditation or yoga.
cancer so that you give yourself the
in the same way that you can get best chance at recovery. Breast • Get involved in social activities.
a Medicare rebate when you see a Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) • Stay active and exercise under the
doctor, you may also be able to get has free information kits for supervision of a doctor.
part or all of the consultation fee women with early and secondary
subsidised when seeing a mental • Eat healthily and include a wide
breast cancer. These include tips variety of nutritious foods.
health professional for treatment of from women based on their own
anxiety or depression. You will need experiences. To find out more or to • Limit or give up alcohol, tobacco
to see your GP before making the order a kit, phone BCNA on 1800 and caffeine.
appointment to have a Mental Health 500 258 or visit
Treatment Plan drawn up for you.
• Do what you enjoy, such as “Information… that’s what really
See beyondblue’s Getting help – spending time with the people close helps you get through and make
How much does it cost? fact sheet at to you. This can help reduce stress sense of it all.” and improve your overall feelings of – Amy, 64, breast cancer survivor of four
wellbeing. years
To find a mental health practitioner in
your area, visit www.beyondblue. • Talk to your GP about your or call treatment options, and ask about a
the beyondblue Support Service on Mental Health Treatment Plan.
1300 22 4636.

How family and friends
can help
When a person has breast cancer and
anxiety or depression, it can affect
those close to them. It’s important for
family and friends to look after their
own health as well as looking after the
person who has breast cancer.
• Learn about the symptoms of
anxiety and depression to help
you recognise warning signs.
• Encourage your family member to
go to the doctor if her anxiety or
depression gets worse. Make sure
you seek support if you think you
need it, too.
• Support your family member by
helping her to follow her treatment
and mental health plans. Gently References
remind the person to take her 1 
Burgess C., Cornelius V., Love S., Graham J., Richards M., Ramirez A. ‘Depression and anxiety in
cancer, anxiety and depression women with early breast cancer: five year observational cohort study.’ BMJ. 330(7493):702, 2005 Mar 26.
medications regularly and to attend
all their medical appointments.
• Encourage the person with breast Where to find more information
cancer to do things she would
normally enjoy. Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA)
• Look after your own health by 1800 500 258
eating well, exercising regularly,
getting enough sleep and doing Provides free information and support, including the My Journey Kit for
things that you enjoy, too. women with early breast cancer, Hope & Hurdles for women with secondary
breast cancer, various booklets and fact sheets, and an online network for
people affected by breast cancer.
Images courtesy of Breast Cancer
Cancer Council Helpline
Network Australia.
13 11 20
A free, confidential telephone information and support service. Specially
trained staff can answer questions about cancer and offer emotional and
practical support.

Learn more about anxiety and depression, or talk it through with
our Support Service.
1300 22 4636
Email or chat to us online at

Access to trusted, relevant mental health care services, online
programs and resources.   @beyondblue

This fact sheet was developed
by beyondblue and Breast Cancer Donate online
Network Australia. 1300 22 4636 © Beyond Blue Ltd. BL/0375 11/14

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