Assistive Technology Diy Challenges FOR Disable Persons

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Challenges FOR
University of Sargodha
Main Campus(CS & IT)

ABSTRACT automated devices such as prosthetics .The online

The literature review focuses on the study of assistive communities provide tools for disabilities people to adopt the
technology to build custom Assistive Technology changes.
Components that are less expensive than conventional build
Literature Review
technologies because many purchased technologies are
[1] Empowering Do-It-Yourself Assistive Technology to
unused due to the low acceptance rate of these assistive
individuals. Their research mainly focused on the rate of
technologies. Here are some factors that tell us why relying
adoption for AT. The case study teaches individual artists
on “off-the-shelf” product is not good because products are
who could not use their hands to draw, so they make less
up to user performance and they not fit the user needs . The
expensive "Head Pointer for Painting" Technology. The
Literature study focuses that the increased control over
research purpose that AT is less costly, and also it is preferred
design enthusiasm and expense will drive people to build
over already made solution available in the market. They take
their own AT instead of buying it.
interviews of individuals with disabilities. The study that
Author Keywords these individuals are interested in learning new Technology
Assistive Technology DIY, Assistive Technology and want to know how modifications will be made on their
Challenges, Do It Yourself, Rapid Prototyping AT own and be involved in the whole process of DIY. Using
Introduction personal scale manufacturing and online communities will
Assistive Technology (AT) is defined as “any device or provide a platform for the empowerment of disabled people
system that allows an individual to perform a task that they to make their Technology that most acceptable to them.
would otherwise be unable to do or increases the ease and
safety with which the job can be performed” [1]. AT might In [2], the research's primary focus is to create a low-cost
provide life-changing solutions for disables because it helps speech-generating device. The open-source design is used
them break social barriers and get in touch with an active for the creation of a low budget.TalkBox is used in speech-
society. Research shows us that creating their assistive generating devices.TalkBox is designed to be a low cost
technology can provide a sense of empowerment in users, compared to the commercial Speech Generating Devices
leading them to increase the investment in the end product. which is higher in price and doesn't provide the excellent fit
Background History of the use case for disabled people. So they need an
Assistive Technology treats a variety of tools from high-tech alternative that fits their requirements, and then ultimately
gadgets that include control robots and wheelchairs to low- adaptation rate will be high. The researcher makes two
tech devices such as grips, handrails. There is a considerable prototypes. The first one uses the Makey board for input
business for non-medical and medical AT; researches have actions. In contrast, the other uses capacitive touch sensors
revealed that the adaptation rate of Assistive Technology is because Electronic and microcontrollers components are
shallow. Due to low adaptation rates, many people did not cheaply available, and the open-source community play an
find gadgets they need and, in return, waste money, time, and essential role in creating these DIY movement. They chose a
power. The study mainly concentrates on the idea that rates market standard open design which provides an alternative
of adaptation of AT can be enhanced by allowing people to to commercial make AT.
build and alter their private AT,than forcefully relying on In [3] research focuses on challenges related to adopting DIY
“off-the-shelf” gadgets. Researches tells DIY tools use to AT by disabled people or all kinds of people like non-
build, transform, or improve AT.Use of Rapid prototyping professional, friends, caregivers, family.Rapid prototyping is
machines is feasible for people to develop and customize a fast way to develop AT, which focuses on the making of
complex prototyping.The researcher conduct eleven objects embedded in the system corresponding to the sensors.
interviews with stakeholders that are currently involved in the In Kenya, Talk box used by the teacher for children
maker movement .they see that a lot of challenges faced for interactions. They record all student names in the box, and
the creation of DIY-AT..the study has revealed that mostly then student plays their names via audio by touch on the
non-professionals develop and adapted to DIY-AT.Most of device. In another case, the sense box used for creating music
the parents build the AT for their disabled children.Their for non-verbal students or clients. both of these tools are used
confidence increase after building the AT.The success for for education and therapist work and appreciated by end-user
making DIY is first to make a simple DIY.Lack of time is
In [9], This research addresses the impact of social impacts
also a major factor for teacher and parents to build assistive
and the technical in making DIY. The study that most the DIY
Technology for their disabled people.The nonprofessional
maker are only concerned with the technical aspects of
build AT in such a way that the not look good which give a
Devices. The study volunteers behavior that makes prosthetic
negative impact on the end-user.The other challenge faced by
devices for children that most of them focus on the
nonprofessionals is that if the device breaks so the repair may
functionality of the product. So Researcher Suggests some
take a long time than the original making of the product.
Aspect of HCI to enhance the Maker movement Like Human
In [4] Research paper a open source sharing of Design is Center Design, Participatory Design, interview Techniques to
found on is found after visiting understand the relation of human and devices along the way.
these website. Majority of the design build using 3D In The paper, they study the association of volunteers for
printers.Reserch examined the results of sharing their designs printing prosthetics. investigate the relationship between. The
freely online.They study various information about many Main Purpose is to get more human centric design that mainly
designs available on thingverse and also the requirement need focus recipients.
to build it.They see most of the design are 3D.They conduct
In [10] research paper study focuses on Co-design the Work
online questionnaires of many designers on this website and
that all the experts of the field collectively done. Collectively
see most of them area student of (Science, Technology,
creativity design process applied across the whole Life span
Engineering, and Mathematics). A small amount is a student
under the supervision of all experts. Occupational therapists
of other fields. In answer to the question about the motivation
and industrial designers collaborate to make the more generic
of design, their responses are they made design Made for
human-centric DIY machines that mainly focus on
themself, Made This for Someone I Know, Made as a
maximising the disable person's productivity. The
personal challenge, Required for a Class or Competition, Part
collaboration of the designers and disabled people in creating
of a Research Project, This Isn’t Intended for a Disability
the design is well known because it is the most suitable
In [5] The research is about visually impaired children and humanistic approach. For the development of holistic
the Experts that are working for them. they have to create solutions, the designer addresses the emotional, social
their study material for students, but that didn't meet the impacts of users. Most of the work now a day is doing with
standard, so using rapid technology help them to build the the designer's interactions and the people with a physical
guides that are suitable for them.So they make the prototypes impairment or disability (PwIDs). This paper collaborates
for the student and also make blogs about the diy process and Three groups user, Occupational therapists and industrial
tutorials how to build things. designers. The main focus of the study to bring all the groups
to build a more human-centric design for disables peoples.
In [6] Disabilities people have specific needs that not fit in
the industrial approach. So these people build hacking their
custom solutions directly or with the help of a caregiver. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK
Hackability is used to make less expensive products that A fundamental part of DIY-AT is enabling people to
include the combination of designer developer and disable participate and build Assistive Technology.Diffrent websites
persons. This process provides courage in disable persons to allow the users to download open-source design (such as
tell their need and also collaborate in the whole process . This Thingiverse) and also allow people to participate, and present
technique aims to build a system in less time, and their output new ideas. While those places give a novel way to create a
focus is on a large scale. community and share designs, they currently do not provide
support to help learners customize the designs.We believe
In [7] Research they use participatory design to build the diy
devices that allowed learners to customize pre-existing ideas
for westren kenya .They conduct workshops and give
will play a significant part in the fate of DIY-AT. Those
Collect feedback.The community is involved in these
mechanisms should allow users to quickly make insignificant
workshops.They also make Groups for Stakeholders.They
adjustments, such as changing the design dimensions. In
Provide special education in kishmu city .Adopt the talk box
addition to illustrating how to practice this new technology,
in local shools.Observe the disable Students.and customize
we necessary inform end-users to assess their needs and know
the talk box accordingly
proper answers that meet their requirements.In our case
In[8] reserch they create TalkBox and SenseBox for studies, we recognized the story of people who became their
children.TalkBox uses communication via audio and sense personal Assistive Technology, but haven’t shared their ideas
box use to sense the things and playback audio detecting the among any mainstream communities. Some of the reasons
people haven’t received their designs are because they don’t 9. Okerlund, Johanna, and David Wilson. "DIY Assistive
understand what high-traffic sites to post their work, and Technology for Others: Considering Social Impacts and
think that people do not want the opportunity to see this Opportunities to Leverage HCI Techniques."
work.The Research concentrates on the empowerment of Proceedings of FabLearn 2019. 2019. 152-155.
disabled a person to directly involved in producing the DIY- 10. Aflatoony, Leila, and Su Jin (Susan) Lee. "AT makers: a
AT. The Research tells that they meet difficulties of social multidisciplinary approach to co-designing assistive
accessibility of the many creator space environment. So They technologies by co-optimizing expert knowledge."
want more workshops that cover the area, also teach them the Proceedings of the 16th Participatory Design Conference
skills and give the possibility of collaboration between 2020-Participation (s) Otherwise-Volume 2. 2020
themselves. Early Research also determines the number of
actual members is Minimal. So the actual member should be
workaround beside various abilities of people to support them
and guide them in difficulties they encounter to adjust to
those technologies. The future aim is to teach the artists to
present the design rather than have it protected. There also
need to develop programming and design to various
disability students Using a Raspberry pi to make the
technology themselves and even convince them that doing
DIY-AT is in abilities of them.
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2. Hamidi, Foad, et al. "Do-It-Yourself (DIY) assistive
technology: a communication board case study."
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persons. Springer, Cham, 2014

3. Hook, Jonathan, et al. "A study of the challenges related

to DIY assistive technology in the context of children
with disabilities." Proceedings of the 2014 conference on
Designing interactive systems. 2014.
4. Buehler, Erin, et al. "Sharing is caring: Assistive
technology designs on thingiverse." Proceedings of the
33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in
Computing Systems. 2015.
5. Giraud, Stéphanie, et al. "“DIY” Prototyping of
Teaching Materials for Visually Impaired Children:
Usage and Satisfaction of Professionals." International
Conference on Universal Access in Human-Computer
Interaction. Springer, Cham, 2017
6. Russo, Ludovico Orlando, Giuseppe Airò Farulla, and
Carlo Boccazzi Varotto. "Hackability: A Methodology
to Encourage the Development of DIY Assistive
Devices." International Conference on Computers
Helping People with Special Needs. Springer, Cham,
7. Hamidi, Foad, et al. "Participatory design of DIY digital
assistive technology in Western Kenya." Proceedings of
the Second African Conference for Human Computer
Interaction: Thriving Communities. 2018.
8. Hamidi, Foad. "DIY Assistive Technology Prototyping
Platforms: An International Perspective." IEEE
Pervasive Computing 18.4 (2019): 12-16.

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