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The propeller synchrophaser matches left and right propeller RPM as well as
propeller phase relationship. This phase relationship is designed to decrease cabin
noise, and is not adjustable in flight. A toggle switch, placarded   PROP   SYN   -
ON   -   OFF, installed   adjacent   to   the   synchroscope   on   the   pilot's
instrument panel (fig.  2-18), turns the system on/off.Signal  pulses  occurring  once
per  revolution  of  thepropeller are obtained from magnetic pickups (located inthe
front   of   the   engine   on   the   deice   brush   mountingbracket) when the target
(mounted on the aft side of thespinner   bulkhead)   passes   the   magnetic   pickup.
Thesignal  pulses  are  sent  to  a  control  box  installed  forwardof  the  pedestal.  
The  control  box  receives  these  signalpulses  and  compares  them  for  pulse
rate  and  relativeposition.      Differences   in   pulse   rate   and/or   propellerposition
cause  the  control  box  to  vary  the  voltage  in  theprimary  governor  coil,  which
in  turn  increases  propellerspeed until the correct speed and phasing are
obtained.A   governor   coil   increases   the   speed   set   by   thepropeller  control
lever,  but  never  decreases  the  speedset  by  the  control  lever.    The  maximum
synchrophaserrange   is   approximately   20   RPM.      This   limited   rangeprevents
either propeller from losing more than a limitedRPM    if    the    other    propeller    is
feathered    with    thesynchrophaser  ON.There  is  no  master  or  slave  engine  in
this  system.There   is   a   limited   range   for   synchronizing,   called   the"holding
-range".    There  is  a  maximum  RPM  differential(capture    range),    at    which
the    synchrophaser,    whenturned  on,  will  begin  to  synchronize  the  propellers.  
Forthisreasonthepropellersshouldbemanuallysynchronized before turning the
synchrophaser on.NOTEIf  the  synchrophaser  is  ON  but
doesnotadjustproperly,thesynchrophaser  has  reached  the  limitof  its  range.  
Turn  the  system  OFF,manually   adjust   the   propeller   RPMinto
synchronization,   then   turn   thesynchrophaser ON.The  propeller  synchrophaser
may  be  used  on  takeoff  atthe pilot's option.b.Synchrophaser  Control  Box.    The
control  box,located   forward   of   the   pedestal,   converts   pulse   ratedifferences
into   correction   commands.      Differences   inpulse  rate,  and/or  propeller
position,  cause  the  controlbox   to   vary   the   voltage   in   the   primary   governor
coil,which  in  turn  increases  propeller  speed  until  the  correctspeed    and
phasing    are    obtained.        The    system    isprotected    by    a    5-ampere
circuit    breaker    placardedPROP  SYNC,  located  on  the  overhead  circuit
breakerpanel (fig.  2-9).c.Synchroscope.      The   propeller   Synchroscope,located
on   the   pilot's   instrument   panel,   provides   anindication   of   synchronization
of   the   propellers.      If   theright propeller is operating at a higher RPM than the
left,a   black   and   white   cross   pattern   spins   in   a   clockwisedirection.    Left,
or  counterclockwise,  rotation  indicates  ahigher  RPM  of  the  left  propeller.    This
instrument  aidsthe   pilot   in   obtaining   complete   synchronization   of

Synchronizer function[edit]
Many multiengine airplanes have a propeller synchronizer (prop sync) installed to eliminate the
annoying “drumming” or “beat” of propellers whose rotation speed are close, but not precisely the
same. To use prop sync, the propeller r.p.m. are coarsely matched by the pilot and the system is
engaged. The prop sync adjusts the r.p.m. of the “slave” engine to precisely match the r.p.m. of
the “master” engine, and then maintains that relationship. The prop sync should be disengaged
when the pilot selects a new propeller r.p.m., then re-engaged after the new r.p.m. is set. The
prop sync should always be off for takeoff, landing, and single-engine operation. The AFM/POH
should be consulted for system description and limitations.

Propeller synchrophaser[edit]
A variation on the propeller synchronizer is the propeller synchrophaser. Prop sychrophase acts
much like a synchronizer to precisely match r.p.m., but the synchrophaser goes one step further.
It not only matches r.p.m. but actually compares and adjusts the positions of the individual blades
of the propellers in their arcs. There can be significant propeller noise and vibration reductions
with a propeller synchrophaser. From the pilot’s perspective, operation of a propeller
synchronizer and a propeller syncrophaser are very similar. A synchrophaser is also commonly
referred to as prop sync, although that is not entirely correct nomenclature from a technical

As a pilot aid to manually synchronizing the propellers, some twins have a small gauge called a
synchroscope mounted in or by the tachometer(s) with a propeller symbol on a disk that spins.
The pilot manually fine tunes the engine r.p.m. so as to stop disk rotation, thereby synchronizing
the propellers. This is a useful backup to synchronizing engine r.p.m. using the audible propeller
beat. This gauge is also found installed with most propeller synchronizer and synchrophase
systems. Some synchrophase systems use a knob for the pilot to control the phase angle.
Operation of propeller synchronization can occur with a master/slave approach or with a
push/pull technique associated with Type II systems. In Type II systems speed is increased for
the side lower in RPM while at the same time speed is decreased on the faster RPM side. The
net result is similar, but there is no master or slave, and no minute hunting typical of a Type I
(master/slave) system. With a Type II system RPM cannot be reduced below manual speed
settings so prop sync does not need to be "Off" during takeoff and landing. Type I systems
MUST be off for takeoff and landings.

Aircraft multi-engine applications usually use an automatic

system to match either engine or propeller speeds, or propeller
phase. These systems are referred to as either synchronizer or
synchrophaser systems respectively. This discussion explains the
differences and the similarities of each from a reference point of
former Woodward supplied systems. Woodward was once the
predominant sync system supplier for light twin-engine aircraft.

A synchronizer system matches either engine speeds or propeller
speeds as identically as possible, as if each are driven from one
rather than two sources That is, as if they were geared to the
same driveshaft even though the aircraft has independent
engines, engine controls, and levers mounted in the cabin. When
the system is turned on, it creates this speed match eliminating
“beats” from propeller blades and makes jet cabin noise more
A jet can use a portion of the Woodward system to match EPR
(engine pressure ratio) during takeoff rather than matching
engine rotational speed. While this particular system is equipped
with an engine synchronizer, its capability is enhanced by the
aircraft manufacturer to provide this unique function.

All pure jet applications are synchronizer rather than

synchrophaser systems.  For propeller-driven light aircraft,
although thousands have propeller synchronization (only)
systems often these can be enhanced by upgrading to a
synchrophasing system.

Pure jet applications have capability to sync either N1 (inlet

turbine-what you see when you look into the front of a jet engine)
or N2 (the high pressure turbine that you can’t see). Pilots will
select sync of N1 or N2 based on aircraft flight condition to have
the greatest effect on reducing cabin noise.

Synchrophaserso have the greatest effect on reducing cabin

A system that controls both the rotational speed AND relative
phase between left and right propeller blades is a synchrophasing
system. As propellers rotate, there are both non-preferred
and optimum phase relationships between left and right
propellers.  These will cause greater or lesser noise and vibration
within the cabin. The function of a “phasing” system is to provide
rotational operation at the lower noise position.

Synchrophasing systems can be “fixed” or “variable”. Fixed

“phasing” systems match relative phase to a preferred low noise
position upon engagement. This is true only if phase targets are
in the correct positions, as targets provide the system feedback
as to propeller blade locations. A variable position synchrophaser
allows the pilot control of propeller blade relative phase via a
knob located on the aircraft panel.

Regardless of fixed or variable phase systems, speed

synchronization is always maintained as long as sync is turned
on and functional. Phasing is like “icing on the cake” providing
lower cabin noise in propeller-driven aircraft.
In the case of Woodward supplied sync systems, they can be
either Type I  or Type II.  The latter provides more precise control.
A refinement of the propeller synchroniser is the propeller synchrophaser.
Like the synchroniser, the synchrophaser precisely matches the RPM of all
of the propellers. However, the synchrophaser also compares the propeller
to propeller position of the propeller blades within their individual arcs and
then adjusts them to their optimum relative positions. This refined
adjustment results in a significant further reduction in propeller noise and
vibration as compared to those achieved by the more basic synchronisation


Propeller synchronisation is the process of manually or automatically

adjusting the propellers of a multi-engine propeller driven aeroplane so that
they all rotate at the same speed.

When the propellers of a multi-engine aircraft are not turning at the same
speed, an audible vibration or "beat" results. Although this does not affect
the operation or efficiency of the aircraft, it can be very annoying to the
passengers and crew. Propeller synchronisation serves mainly to improve
the comfort of the aircraft occupants.

In a twin engine aircraft, manual synchronisation is accomplished by slowly

adjusting the RPM of one engine until it matches the other. The elimination
of the audible "beat" is, in many cases, the only tool available to the pilot to
judge success. Some aircraft provide a cockpit indicator to assist in
propeller synchronisation. Pilots can use this indicator to help them match
propeller speeds manually or, when installed, to decide whether or not to
engage electronic propeller synchronisation
Many multi-engine airplanes have an electronic propeller synchroniser
installed. To use it, the RPM of each of the propellers is first coarsely
matched by the pilot and then the system is engaged. One engine is
designated as the "master" and the other engine(s) as the "slave(s)". The
synchroniser adjusts the RPM of the “slave” engine to precisely match that
of the “master” engine, and then maintains that relationship.

In most installations, the propeller synchronisation must be turned off for

takeoff, landing, during single engine operations and when intentionally
changing the propeller RPM in flight (for example, from climb RPM to cruise

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