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Assignment 2

Ans 1a: The broad problem is that the Chrysler cars are lagging n market share.

1b: the main problem is quality of their products like water leaks and defective parts and many other

1c: it is best to interview the users of GM, Ford, Honda, and Toyota car users and obtain from their
reaction, both positive and negative, to the cars they use, and why they prefer them. Similar reactions
from the users of Chrysler cars should also be gathered. One should proceed further based on the
analysis of these responses.

Cutting off staff created a negative impact on employee loyalty.

Ans 3

The purpose for which accounting principles were established have been totally defeated because of the
digressions that have taken place. They are irrelevant and not helpful for investors to make decision.
Despite adhering to GAAP and other accounting standards, firms need to be very clear and should
inform the investors how they have invested cash, from where they have received the cash and how this
cash will add value to their holdings.

Ans 4

4a: Client was struggling to differentiate among the variety of facilities offered to clients under the

4b: Only after Oliver has understood how the various classifications would be important to the three
classes of intended clients through survey data, can a meaningful conceptual model are going to
be developed.

The nature of the building facilities, how the buildings are maintained, and also the quality of service
provided. The three independent variables would differentiate the three distinct varieties of Holiday Inn
facilities and increase brand awareness among the users.

The higher the buildings, the higher their maintenance, and also the more differentiated the services
provided, the greater are the perceived differences within the three varieties of Holiday Inn facilities by
clients. However, if the Franchise owners don't cooperate in highlighting these differences to clients, no
amount of the improvements made within the independent variables will help to extend the brand
awareness. It's only the Franchise owners actively promote the concept of differentiated facilities- the
moderating variable can the brand awareness be increased, and as a consequence, the revenues.
The more differentiated the The more the brand
building facilities.

The more differentiated the Poor client

maintenance of the response

The more differentiated the Revenue increase by four

services to the clients. folds

if the Franchise owners

cooperate and actively
Increase revenue
promote the idea of


1. The more differentiated the building facilities. (The more the brand awareness)

2. The more differentiated the maintenance of the facilities. (Poor client response)

3. The more differentiated the services to the clients. (Revenue increase by four folds)

4. Differentiated building facilities, maintenance, and service will influence brand awareness only if
the Franchise owners cooperate and actively promote the idea of differentiation. If they don’t, no
amount of differentiation of the three independent variables will help clients to understand the
differentiation. (Increase revenue)

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