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BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
(Action Research at SMPN 1 Cikidang Sukabumi)

Eni Mulyani
Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Ratna Dewanti
Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Ifan Iskandar
Postgraduate Universitas Negeri Jakarta

The objectives of this study were to find out the effect of implementation of scientific method assisted by graphic
media to improve students' English speaking skills. The research used action research design. The subjects were
30 second year eight class students of SMPN 1 Cikidang Sukabumi. Observation, interviews, stionnaires, and
documentation were employed to collect the data of the students‟ learning ctivities and speaking tests were
conducted to identify students‟ speaking achievement. In the scientific method students carry out observing,
asking, trying, reasoning and communicating activities, where these activities can train students to speak English.
The implementation of this study by applying the scientific method assisted by graphic media is as much as two
cycles. In the pre-action stage there were 2 students with a percentage of learning completeness of 6.7%, after
the action applied in the first cycle, as many as 8 students with a percentage of learning completeness 26.7% and
English speaking skills of students after the second cycle, as many as 28 students with a percentage of 93.3%
learning completeness. So, it can be concluded that the scientific method assisted by graphic media can improve
English speaking skills of class VIII H students of SMPN 1 Cikidang Sukabumi.

Keyword: scientific method, graphic media, English speaking skill.

INTRODUCTION the quality of human resources.That is why,

the Ministry of National Education
In the National Education System emphasizes that English is a compulsory
Law Number 20 of 2003 Article 33 subject in school so students are expected to
paragraph 3 explains that foreign languages be able to master English language skills
can be used as a language of instruction in well orally or in writing. That is why
certain educational units to support speaking is very essential, moreover
students' foreign language skills. In speaking English. Aye and Phyu (2015: 1)
implementing the National Education state that we need an effective English
System in Indonesia, English has been speaking skill in the whole life aspects in
chosen as the most dominant foreign this globalization era. Then, Sepahvand
language used starting from basic education (2014: 1847) argues that there are some
to higher education. Even English is the reasons to put speaking as the first aim of
first foreign language in Indonesia that has study such as personal satisfaction from
an essential role because it supports the being able to speak and reaching other
development of science and technology and interests or career goals. Additionally,

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
Tahir (2015: 174) says that somebody is graphic media. Scientific method is an
considered successful in learning a foreign alternative strategy with considered more
language when he or she has the ability to effective and more efficient to be applied in
speak it. learning English speaking skills. This
method is very suitable for speaking
However, the improvement of learning activities, because the scientific
speaking skills in learning English at method assisted by graphic media gives
SMPN 1 Cikidang Sukabumi is actually students the opportunity to be active in
facing classic obstacles that tend to be the speaking. The steps of scientific methods
same. Based on the results of interviews with graphical media are: (1) observing, (2)
and observations with English teachers at asking questions, (3) gathering information,
SMPN 1 Cikidang Sukabumi, data (4) processing information, and (5)
obtained from learning English in particular communicating.
speaking skills are still below the minimum The results of the research on
completeness criteria (KKM 75). Besides improving English speaking skills have
that the results of observations in the been done a lot, first by Manurung
process of learning English, showed that (2015:44-51) with the research title
speaking class VIII skills were still not Improving the speaking skill using reading
good. contextual internet-based instructional
These constraints include: (1) the materials in EFL class in Indonesia.
teacher still emphasizes learning in Second, Using Online Videos to Improve
language rules, whereas it should Speaking Abilities of Leaners Yükselir &
emphasize the aspect of English as a Kömür (2017:255-266), this study aims to
communication tool. As a result, many improve the speaking skills of EFL students
students find it difficult to use English as a in preparatory schools using online videos
communication tool for the various reasons at Osmaniye Korkut Ata University. And
they offer. (2) This weakness causes third, research with the title Using Online
untrained students to pronounce Videos to Improve Speaking Abilities of
vocabularies correctly. (3) Teachers are EFL Leaner Dineen Rodrigues & Edwin
poor in innovation and creativity, so the Vethamani, (2015: 43-67).
learning strategies used tend to use Based on the background description
conventional and monotonous approaches. above and the success of the previous
(4) Teachers tend to teach about English, researchers, the researchers wanted to
not how to use English, so speaking is conduct action research with the title
considered as memorization. (5) the "Improving English speaking skills through
teaching and learning process is less the scientific method assisted by graphic
attractive, boring and creates a frightening media in class VIII H at SMPN 1 Cikidang
impression for students. (6) Students tend to 1 Sukabumi " . This research was conducted
be less interested, less motivated and lazy with the general aim of: (1) Improving the
in practicing speaking, so their learning quality of learning English speaking skills
activities are low. (7) Students and some in the classroom (2) Improving students'
teachers assume that reading, listening and abilities in mastering English speaking
writing skills are far more important. skills and (3) Providing opportunities for
In an effort to overcome learning teachers to study learning speaking skills.
difficulties in mastering English speaking The specific objective of the researchers
skills, the teacher needs to use various was to improve their English speaking
methods to improve the learning outcomes skills through the scientific method assisted
of English speaking skills, one of them is by by graphic media in class VIII H students at
using the scientific method assisted by SMPN 1 Cikidang Sukabumi. From this
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
research, it is expected to be able to provide then analyzed quantitatively by the results
solutions in the learning process of English of each test conducted at the end of each
speaking skills of class VIII H students at meeting in each cycle and also qualitatively
SMPN 1 Cikidang. by describing the results of observations.
Performance tests are carried out 2 times at
METHOD the end of each cycle. The success of this
action can be seen from the increase or
Sugiyono (2014:487) say that action progress in the learning process, which is
Research contains two words, namely the result of improving students' English
research and action. In line with sugyono speaking skills. Students' speaking abilities
Emzir (2013:237 ) explain that action show improvement in pronunciation,
research is an informal, qualitative, vocabulary, grammar, fluency, and
formative, subjective, interpretive, understanding. In addition, it is the attitude
reflective research, and an experiential of change in students who show good
research model, in which individuals are enthusiasm and participate actively during
involved in studies as participants who the activity, confident in asking questions
know and support so that action research is and expressing opinions.
a study where all participants are involved The data analyzed in this study were
in the research. This action research is a students' speaking skills. Individual
series of cyclic studies which each cycle assessment of students is considered to
consists of 4 main activities, namely plan, have completed learning if they can reach a
actions, observation, and reflection in order minimum mastery level of 75% or get a test
to solve the problem. score of ≥ 75. The value of the results of the
This research was conducted at learning process in speaking evaluation
SMPN 1 Cikidang Sukabumi for three activities is obtained from the assessment
months. Data were obtained from class VIII sheet and can be calculated using the
H students in the second semester with 30 following formula.
students. The results of the research data are

Information :
N = Value
R = Skor Obtained
SM = Maximum Score
100% = Constants

Research is considered successful if 75% of students in the class can achieve KKM grades.
To calculate the learning achievement assessment using percentage formula:

Information :
Pb = Percentage of student learning completeness
n = The number of students who complete study (KKM ≥75)
N = Number of all students

BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
cycle 1, it can be seen that there has been an
increase in all aspects, both language and
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION non-language. In the grammar aspect there
was a significant increase from 6.7% in pre-
Based on the results of observations action to 23.3%, in the vocabulary aspect to
made at the time of the study, it was 63.3%, in terms of understanding the
obtained data on students 'English speaking context increased to 66.7%, fluency 30%
skills and the percentage of students' pronunciation 30% and in the non-language
completeness in the pre-cycle, cycle 1, and aspect, self-confidence also increased by
cycle 2 stages. At the initial stage, the 40%. While learning completeness
researcher conducted observations, tests becomes 26.7%. This fact indicates the
and also interviewed students of class VIII success of the actions taken in improving
H of SMP 1 Cikidang Sukabumi regarding learning outcomes. However, classically it
learning English speaking skills of students. has not been said to be successful because
Researchers get problems in the form of overall the percentage of completeness has
methods used by monotonous teachers, not reached 75% so learning still has to be
namely conventional methods and continued in cycle II
assignments and lack of student speaking Stage II cycle shows the average
skills. learning activities of students get a
The pre-action stage shows the percentage of 78% with a high category,
average student learning activity with a meaning that they are not required to make
percentage of 11% with very low criteria, improvements again in the next cycle. Then
meaning that there needs to be it can be concluded that the activeness of
improvement by using the right method to students in the learning process by applying
improve student learning activities. While the Scientific Method assisted by Graphic
to find out the speaking skills of students Media on English speaking skills of
using English, researchers pay attention to students, is achieved with the desired target
the value of speaking skills obtained by according to the steps in the lesson plan.
students. This is important because the The ability to speak English as a whole also
value obtained is an illustration of the has increased learning using the scientific
mastery of students' English speaking method assisted by graphic media. From the
skills. Based on the acquisition of pre-test average in the second cycle experienced a
results, data were obtained that students significant increase in aspects of language
who were well involved in teaching and and non-language. In grammar aspects
learning activities reached 2 students from 23.3% to 83.3%, vocabulary from
(6.7%). In general, students are involved in 76.7% to 9.7%, understanding context from
speaking activities. The above fact 66.7% to 90%, fluency from 30% to 80%,
encourages researchers to increase the pronunciation from 30% to 53%, self-
value of students 'English speaking skills, confidence in non-language aspects 40% to
especially improving students' language 97% and learning completeness from
skills by using Scientific methods assisted 26.7% to 93.3%.
by graphic media related to basic Based on the results of data analysis,
competencies learned in the first cycle. there was an increase in student activities
Stage I cycle shows the average by applying Scientific Method assisted by
learning activities of students get a Graphic Media. This was seen when
percentage of 56% with sufficient students were actively in learning. For the
categories, meaning that there needs to be average value of each cycle there are the
improvement by continuing the second following graphs:
cycle. From the average posttest value in
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

Graph 1. Comparison of Average Student Activities

40% Aktivitas Siswa

Pra tindakan Siklus I Siklus II

So based on the graph of comparison of the using scientific learning method obtained
average student activity in the pre-action, the highest value 24, the lowest value 10,
cycle 1 and cycle II, the application of the the average value average 19.23 and
scientific method assisted by graphic media standard deviation 2, 73. The results of
has been successful. This is because the inferential analysis show that
activities of students in participating in psychomotooric abilities of students in
learning in the initial activities, the core and class X1. Ipa1 Sungguminasa 3 Public High
the end have been carried out well in School Academic Year 2016/2017 has
accordance with the lesson plan. This is increased.
also relevant to the study entitled Based on the average final score, for
Application of Scientific Method in each aspect can be seen in the graph below
Laboratories to Psychomotor Ability of where in general the average post-test cycle
Sungguminasa 3 High School Students II is higher than the pre-test and post-test in
Nurmiati ( 2017 :317-326) which shows cycle I.
that the results of the analysis after learning

Graph 2. Comparison of Average Final Values of Speaking Aspects Prat

action,Cycle I and Cycle II

2,5 Pra Tindakan
Siklus I
1 Siklus II
Tata Bahasa KosaKata Pemahaman Kefasihan Pelafalan Kepercayaan
Konteks diri

percentage of completeness from pre-

It can be concluded that several things have action, cycle I and cycle II. Language
occurred, namely an increase in the aspects increased from 6.7% to 23.3% and
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
76.7% (complete), while for non-language 6.7% in the pre-action to 23.3% in the first
aspects there was an increase from 6.7% to cycle and a significant increase in the
23% and 96.7% in cycle II. So based on the second cycle, namely 76.7%. The increase
results of the student's significant also occurred in non-language aspects,
achievements in pre-action, cycle I and which increased from 6.7% to 23% in the
cycle II, Scientific Method assisted Graphic first cycle and 96.7% in the second cycle.
Media has succeeded in improving English Referring to the final score, the increase
speaking skills in students at SMPN 1 occurred from 33% in the pre-action to
Cikidang Sukabumi and researchers 26.7% in the first cycle and in the second
decided not to continue the research. cycle namely 93.3%.
These results are also relevant to the Based on the minimum completeness
research entitled The Effect of Scientific criteria of 75%, it can be concluded that
Approach on Students' English completeness occurs classically, both
Achievement for Junior High School Level language and non-language aspects, and the
in Riau Province, Indonesia Hasan final grade point average.Personally, all
(2018:123-128). The findings indicate that students experience an increase in the final
there is a significant effect of the scientific grades of pre-action, cycle I and cycle II.
approach through the 2013 ICT curriculum From the posttest results, it was found that
on English achievement students. Research there were 2 students who did not complete.
entitled Scientific Approach to Improve They need special attention in order to
Mathematical Problem Solving Skills for complete their studies.Scientific method
Students of Grade V Herman & Jupri with the help of graphic media is an
(2017:1-6)). Based on the results and effective method for students to improve
analysis, the conclusion is that the their speaking skills in English. This
Scientific Approach can improve students' process starts from the activities of
mathematical problem solving skills. The understanding, asking and collecting data to
study entitled Application of Scientific be analyzed so that students learn in detail
Approach Using Concrete Media to the various elements of the language
Improve Mathematics Learning Outcomes contained in the material presented. The
in Elementary School Students S Wulandari results of the analysis are used as capital for
(2017:587-599) that the application of the students to develop the ability to think
scientific approach using concrete media logically and systematically to respond to
improves student learning outcomes in the transactional and interpersonal texts
mathematics grade 3 Sidorejo Lor 01 they learn. Responses are communicated in
Elementary School has improved learning the form of making presentations. In
outcomes in the pre cycle of 34%, cycle I presentations, students must speak English.
was 71%, in cycle II it increased to 92%. The scientific method based on
graphic media used as a teaching method
CONCLUSION fosters the sensitivity of students to think
The learning process using the scientifically. This is related to the
scientific method assisted by graphic media scientific approach used in the learning
increases the ability to speak English skills process. By using a scientific approach,
of class VIII H students of SMPN 1 students discover for themselves the
Cikidang, Sukabumi. This fact is obtained concepts of knowledge they learn.The
from the results of the analysis, which application of constructivism takes place
shows an increase in the percentage of when students work together in groups.
completeness from pretest to pre-action to Students work together to build mutual
posttest in cycle II,The increase occurred in knowledge between them. This was
aspects of language, which increased from realized in the form of training using
BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968
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BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019
BAHTERA: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume 18 Nomor 1 Januari 2019
P-ISSN : 0853-2710
E-ISSN : 2540-8968

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BAHTERA : Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra, Volume Januari 2019

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