Manual: Healadvisor Analyse App

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HealAdvisor Analyse App


Frequencies for Life

HealAdvisor Analyse App



Emerging science supports the use of Information Field analysis and optimizations as goals or affirmations.
Information Field analysis and optimizations are not intended as medical advice and are not substitutes for
examination or treatment by a medical doctor or other healthcare professional.

Healy provides personalized information that can help users understand how to improve their level of
wellbeing, vitality and awareness. Healy information should not be the only information relied on to make
legal, business, medical or personal relationship decisions, and the manufacturer specifically disclaims any
responsibility for user actions based on Healy information.

V. 1.3 | 2020-08-18

© 2019 Healy World GmbH

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or trans-
mitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, in
particular on the Internet, without prior written permission from Healy World GmbH.

Healy World GmbH | Potsdamer Platz 1 | 10785 Berlin - Germany |

HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

In this manual the different programs and functions of the HealAdvisor Analyse App are explained.

To receive regular information about program updates, new databases and important announce-
ments, please stay in touch with us via email.

Note: Before reading this manual, we would like to ask you to read the instructions for use. There
you will find the safety ­instructions, all aspects concerning the use of Healy, technical details and
storage i­nstructions.

We wish you all the best with your Healy.

Healy World GmbH | Potsdamer Platz 1 | 10785 Berlin - Germany |

HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

Foreword  3

Introduction  5

1 The Home Menu  7

1.1 Client Menu 7
1.1.1 Create New Client 7 Client Actions Menu 10
1.1.2 Delete Client 11

1.1.3 Search for Name 11
1.1.4 Client Options Menu 11

1.2 List Menu 12

1.2.1 List Options 12
1.2.2 Vibration Menu 14

2 Analysis Menu  16
2.1 Resonance Module 16
2.2 Aura Module 18

3 Settings Menu  23
3.1 Switch Language 23
3.2 Cloud Settings 23
3.2.1 Logout 23
3.2.2 Edit Cloud Account Profile 24
3.2.3 Change the Cloud Account Password 24
3.2.4 Authorize Additional Devices 24
3.2.5 Backup Master Key 24
3.2.6 Synchronization Settings 25

3.3 Infos 25
3.4 Connect to Healy 25
3.5 Healy Website 25
3.6 Contact 26
3.7 Manual 26
3.8 Instructions for Use 26

4 Notes  27
4.1 Disclaimer 27
4.2 Parallel Use of Healy Apps 27
4.3 Permissions for Smartphone Functions 27

Healy World GmbH | Potsdamer Platz 1 | 10785 Berlin - Germany |

HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

You can download the HealAdvisor Analyse App free of charge from the Apple App Store and the Google Play
Store. To start the download for the iPhone, please click on the “Download Cloud” icon in the upper right corner,
see Figure 0.1, and for Android smartphones please click on the “Install” button, see Figure 0.2.

Once the download and installation of the HealAdvisor Analyse App is successfully completed, start the HealAd-
visor Analyse App, Figure 0.3. To connect your Healy to your smartphone, click on the button “I have a Healy”,
Figure 0.4. For more information about the Healy devices, click on the link “I am interested in a Healy”, Figure
0.7. To connect to Healy, Bluetooth and Location Sharing/GPS must be activated on your smartphone and Healy
must be switched on. If Bluetooth is deactivated, you will receive an error message, Figure 0.5. After successful
Bluetooth activation, all Healy devices in your vicinity are listed. Select your device from the list, Figure 0.6.

Once you are connected to your Healy, you can login into the App with the E-mail address and password you
used to register on the Healy website, even though you never used the HealAdvisor Analyse App. There is no
registration process, as we implemented the SSO function (Single Sign-On), allowing you to sign into all our apps
and platforms with just your Healy World registration data, see Figure 0.8.

After successful login, you can synchronize the databases from the Cloud by clicking “Synchronize Now”.

Note: We recommend a stable and fast WiFi connection for synchronization, as the databases are a few hundred
megabytes in size. 5

HealAdvisor Analyse App

HealAdvisor Analyse App

Analyse App

Figure 0.1: Download the HealAdvisor Figure 0.2: Download the HealAdvisor Figure 0.3: Start the HealAdvisor
Analyse App from the Apple App Store Analyse App from the Google Play Store Analyse App

Healy World GmbH | Potsdamer Platz 1 | 10785 Berlin - Germany |

HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

After synchronizing with the Cloud and saving the master key you can fully use the HealAdvisor Analyse App and
create clients.


Figure 0.4: Connect to Healy, or visit Figure 0.5: Error message: Bluetooth Figure 0.6: List of found Healy devices.
the Healy website for more information connection is not activated To connect, select the desired device

Figure 0.7: Link to the Healy website Figure 0.8: Login after successful Cloud
account creation

Healy World GmbH | Potsdamer Platz 1 | 10785 Berlin - Germany |

HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

1 The Home Menu

By tapping on the house icon in the lower left corner of the HealAd-
visor Analyse App, you can access the home menu. Here you can
access the “Clients” (refers to anyone, including yourself, and any
entity whose information is stored in the App or the Holistic Health
Cloud) and “Lists” categories, see Figure 1.1.

1.1 Client Menu


In the Client menu you can create new clients or manage, search and
edit existing clients, see Figure 1.1.1.

1.1.1 Create New Client

If you click on the “Create new client” icon, a pop-up menu opens in
which you must select a client type. You can choose between the
following client types: Person, Animal, Plant, Company, Building,
Vehicle, Group and Other Figure Then you enter the client
data, Figure 7
In the client data form you have the possibility to enter the following
data (using the client type Person as an example, see table below):
Figure 1.1: Home menu

Figure 1.1.1: Client menu Figure Select client type Figure Create new client

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

Menu items: Client data Description

Add client image To enter a client picture, tap on the silhouette, see Figure, and either take
a photo directly with your mobile phone camera using the “Take photo“ option or
select a photo from your photo gallery by tapping on the “Select from photo album“
option. For this you have to grant the access permission.

Record vibration In this submenu you can record the specific vibration pattern of the respective client,
see Figure Hold your Healy in your right hand and start the recording by tap-
ping the button “Record vibration”. If your Healy is correctly connected, the vibration
will now be recorded, see Figure

Title Enter the client’s title here.

First name Enter the client’s first name here.


Last name Enter the client’s last name here.

Display as Enter the name to be displayed in the client menu here (this field is automatically
filled with the first name and last name). This field is the only mandatory field, all
other information is optional, see Figure

Birth date You can enter the date of birth (year, month, day) here

Birth place You can enter the place of birth here

Male/Female Here you can select the gender of the client: 8

Gender “Male” (M) or “Female” (F)

E-mail You can enter the client’s e-mail address here.

Telephone You can enter the client’s phone number here.

Address You can enter the client’s address data here. You can enter the following information:
Street and house number, city, post code, country, see Figure

Option field Synchronize client data and associated analysis data with the Cloud.
Important: If you are entering information about another person, you must have
that person’s prior permission to send their data to the Cloud; if a minor, that
person’s parent or guardian must give permission.

To save all the client data, tap on the check mark in the upper right corner of the screen, see Figure After
saving, a pop-up appears: “Should this client be synchronized to the Cloud? This requires permission from the
client.” YES/NO

• If you tap “YES”, the client data will be synchronized to the cloud and the client data will be saved.

• If you tap “NO”, the client data will be saved.

After saving, another pop-up appears with the message “The client has been saved: Do you now want to start an
analysis: YES/NO

• If you tap “YES”, you switch to the “Analysis Menu”.

• If you tap “NO”, you remain in the client menu.

If the client has been saved, the client actions menu, consisting of three horizontal bars, is activated in the upper
right corner next to the check mark, see Figure

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual


Figure Create new client: Figure Recording client vibration 9
Record vibration

Figure Enter the client’s Figure Saving client data Figure Create new client:
address data Manage documents

Healy World GmbH | Potsdamer Platz 1 | 10785 Berlin - Germany |

HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual Client Actions Menu

You can perform the following actions in the Client actions menu, see Figure

Menu item Description

View lists In the “View lists” menu you can open and view active and deactivated client’s lists, see
Active lists are lists created with the HealAdvisor Analyse App. Deactivated lists are lists
with already expired transmission parameters. Lists which are marked blue are lists
which were created after a resonance analysis. Lists which are marked red are lists which
were created after an aura analysis.


Back to clients The “Back to clients” button takes you back to the main client menu.

Save and Analyze With the “Save and Analyze” button you can access the analysis menu after saving the
client data.

Remove client With the “Remove client “ button you can delete clients that have already been created.

Cancel With the “Cancel “ button you return to the client menu.


Figure Client actions menu Figure View lists

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

1.1.2 Delete Client

You can delete previously created clients by swiping the corresponding client to the left. A menu will then appear
with two buttons: “Delete” or “Edit”, see Figure

1.1.3 Search for Name

In the menu item “Search for name” you can search for clients, see Figure

1.1.4 Client Options Menu

Under the “Client options menu” at the top right of the screen, consisting of three horizontal bars, you can import
clients from the address book of your smartphone using the “Import from Address Book” button, see Figure

THE HOME MENU At this point the HealAdvisor Analyse App will ask if it is allowed to access your contacts.


Figure Edit or delete client Figure Search for name Figure Additional options in
the client menu

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

1.2 List Menu

The “List menu” displays active and deactivated lists of clients. All lists are sorted chronologically by creation date,
see Figure 1.2.1. Lists from the "Resonance Analysis" are highlighted in blue. Lists from the “Aura Analysis” are
highlighted in red.

To delete or rename lists, swipe over a list to the left. The two buttons “Delete” and “Rename” are then displayed,
see Figure 1.2.2.

The determined list entries of the analysis lists show the parameters relevance, intensity and power, which can be
used to interpret the list. The relevance (a numerical value of -100 % to +100 % is possible) indicates how impor-
tant an entry currently is for the client. The intensity (a numerical value of 1-10 is possible) shows how present the
mentioned entry is in the client’s consciousness and can therefore provide orientation as to the extent to which


the client is willing to confront the topic. The potency is a further weighting factor of the list entry, which structures
the entries according to the homeopathic potency (values D, C and LM possible).

1.2.1 List Options

Using the “Actions” button (see Figure and the “Add manually” menu item, further entries can be added
manually to a list at any time, see Figure A list entry and individual items of the list entry can be edited,
supplemented or deleted using the “Pen icon” and the red “X icon”, see Figure You can also export the
list as a PDF file, see Figure

In the top right menu there is a filter and sort function, displayed as 4 vertical bars, see Figure List entries 12
can be filtered according to Intensity, Potency, Present state and Desired state and also sorted according to
Relevance, Potency and Intensity in the top or bottom view.

Figure 1.2.1: Active client lists Figure 1.2.2: Delete and rename lists

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual


Figure Open actions menu Figure Actions menu for client Figure Edit, add to or delete 13
lists list entries

Figure Export the list as PDF Figure Filter and sort function
of client lists

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual


Figure Vibrate client lists Figure List view settings Figure View during list 14
vibration: Card view

1.2.2 Vibration Menu

If you tap the button “Vibrate” in a list, see Figure, you enter
the “Vibrate” section.

In the menu at the top right, you can choose between different
modes for the view during vibration, see Figure

In the card view, the sent list entries are displayed one after the
other, where you can set the speed of the image change, see Figure In the scroll view, the list runs continuously from bottom to
top, see Figure

Figure Scroll view during


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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

With the menu item “Select transmission duration” you can set the transmission duration of the list, see Figure The following options can be selected:

890 z 17 s 875 z 5 m 59 s 2 h 12 s 590 z

1 s 884 z 37 s 843 z 12 m 40 s 4 h 14 m 27 s

3 s 989 z 1 m 20 s 26 m 49 s 8 h 58 m 40 s

8 s 444 z 2 m 49 s 600 z 56 m 46 s 514 z Manual


With the manual transmission duration, the parameters days, hours, minutes and seconds can be set individually,
see Figure

The transmission parameters are calculated according to the golden ratio and should thus achieve their optimal
effect in the client’s field. According to our experience, a transmission time of 12 minutes or more is generally
recommended when transmitting to massive objects such as healing stones and real estate.


Figure List transmission Figure Manual setting of

parameters transmission parameters

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

2 Analysis Menu
The analysis menu contains all analysis modules that are enabled for
your HealAdvisor Analyse App. These can be the Resonance module
and the Aura Analysis module, see Figure 2.1. All the modules are
designed to perform analyses in the information field of your clients.
Analysis results are then automatically saved and can be found in the
home menu under “Lists”.

2.1 Resonance Module
In the Resonance Analysis module, you can perform an analysis in
the information field for all created clients, with which you can deter-
mine what the client is currently resonating with the most.

For the analysis you must be connected to your Healy. Please select
an existing client first, see Figure 2.1.1.

In the resonance analysis menu you will find a pre-formulated focus

sentence “With what do I have the greatest resonance now?”, which
cannot be changed. Via “Continue with database selection” you
reach the database menu, see Figure 2.1.2. The following databases
are available for selection:
Figure 2.1: Analysis menu with two
analysis modes

Australian Bush Flowers Healy Beauty Programs

Alaskan Gemstone Elixirs Healy Skin Programs

Bach flowers Healy Bioenergetic Balance 1 Programs

I Ching Healy Bioenergetic Balance 2 Programs

Schuessler Salts Healy Meridian Programs 1

Healy Gold Cycle Programs Healy Meridian Programs 2

Healy Pain / Psyche Programs Healy Chakra Programs

Healy Learning Programs Healy Protection Programs

Healy Fitness Programs Healy Deep Cycle Programs

Healy Job Programs All Healy Programs

Healy Sleep Programs

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

Figure 2.1.1: Client list in the Figure 2.1.2: Focus set for Resonance Figure 2.1.3: Resonance analysis 17
Resonance Analysis menu analysis databases

For a detailed list of the individual database entries tap on the blue
“i” icon at the end of the respective category, see Figure 2.1.3. Indi-
vidual database entries cannot be selected. Confirm by clicking on
the “checkmark” icon at the top right, see Figure 2.1.4, to select the
category and return to the Resonance Analysis menu. The selected
category will now be displayed. By tapping on the “Pen” symbol you
can select another category, see Figure 2.1.5.

Now the analysis can be carried out by placing a finger onto the dis-
play, see Figure 2.1.6. You can also carry out an analysis for a client
by “neutral focusing” on him.

After the analysis, the analysis list is displayed with the five entries
that have the greatest resonance with the client, see Figure 2.1.7.

From the analysis list you can either create a PDF, which you can
share with others, or you can add the information from the list to
the client’s field. Alternatively, you can also add positive information
to an object.

Figure 2.1.4: Database entries of the

respective database

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

Figure 2.1.5: Focus set for Resonance Figure 2.1.6: Resonance Analysis Figure 2.1.7: Resonance analysis list 18

2.2 Aura Module

To perform an aura analysis, please select an existing client.

If you have decided on a client and no connection to your Healy has been established yet, you will be prompted
to establish a connection at this point. Once you have connected to your Healy, you will be returned to the Aura
Analysis menu and can continue your analysis.

In the Aura Analysis module you can either take an aura image, see Figure 2.2.1, or view the history of previously
created aura images, see Figure 2.2.2.

Select “Record Aura” and Healy will start with the Aura Analysis, see Figure 2.2.2.

At the top right of the screen, next to the circular representation of the recorded aura, you can see two icons,
see Figure 2.2.4:

With the cloud symbol you can create a PDF with the aura image and the interpretation texts for the 3 most
relevant chakras (it is not possible to create a PDF in bar chart view), see Figure 2.2.5. With the “X-Icon” in the
upper left corner of the PDF preview you can return to the previous view. With the share icon at the top right of
the screen, you can forward and share the PDF via various services and channels, see Figure 2.2.6.

Using the icon at the top right of the Aura Capture menu, you can switch between the bar chart view and the Aura
picture view of the recorded aura, see Figure 2.2.7.

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

Figure 2.2.1: Create aura image Figure 2.2.2: Comparison of aura Figure 2.2.3: Aura recording in 19
images progress

Figure 2.2.4: Aura image created Figure 2.2.5: Aura image as PDF Figure 2.2.6: Forward and share the
aura photograph PDF

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

Figure 2.2.7: Different representations of the aura image: Aura image view and bar Figure 2.2.8: Interpretation texts of the 20
chart view chakras

After you have made the aura recording, you can read the inter-
pretation of the chakras by clicking on “Interpretation”, see Figure
2.2.8. The “X Icon” at the top right of the screen takes you back to the
previous view. The interpretation texts always show the three most
prominent chakras. If you would like to learn more about the individ-
ual chakras, tap on the button “More about the forehead chakra”, for
example, see Figure 2.2.9. The chakra interpretation texts contain
information structured according to the following topics:

Energy level Psychic

Objective Emotional

General Spiritual

Life topic Affirmations

Physical Nature

Figure 2.2.9: More details about the


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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

Figure 2.2.10: Analysis of the selected Figure 2.2.11: Analysis of the three Figure 2.2.12: Start the analysis of the 21
chakras most prominent chakras three most prominent chakras

If you want to perform an analysis of the chakras marked with a blue

circle, press the button “Start analysis”, see Figure 2.2.10. The three
lowest chakras are preselected. You can add further chakras to this
preselection by tapping the empty white circle fields below the color
bars. You can also reduce the selection by tapping the blue circles.

If you press the “Start Analysis” button, the analysis of the three
main chakras will be prepared. The focus sentence is predefined as
“My aura is strong and stable”, but can be changed as desired, see
Figure 2.2.11. When formulating the focus sentence, please note
that it should be positive and clear and should reflect the objective
of your analysis.

You can select “Consider negative relevance” from the analysis menu
to get the highest negative relevance in the analysis list, see Figure

Furthermore, you can manually change the number of entries for

a chakra by tapping on the automatically defined number of three
entries and changing it via the keypad.

After the aura analysis you will be in the list menu and can use the Figure 2.2.13: Aura Analysis list
button “Actions” to use further options, see Figure 2.2.13:

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

Figure 2.2.14: PDF Aura Photography Figure 2.2.15: Vibrating after the aura Figure 2.2.16: Aura analysis history 22
analysis list analysis

• Add additional list entries manually

• Display list as PDF, see Figure 2.2.14

Or you can use the button “Vibrate” to directly vibrate the aura anal-
ysis list, see Figure 2.2.15.

A list entry and individual items of the list entry can be edited, added
to or deleted using the “Pen icon” and the red “X icon” before they
are displayed, see Figure 2.2.13.

Previously created aura images are sorted chronologically by date

of creation in the history under the Aura Analysis menu, see Figure

If you have just taken an aura picture or have decided to use an aura
picture from the history, you can then use the small circular “(i)-icon”
(top left) to look at the interpretation of the aura picture or switch
between the aura picture view and the bar chart display of the aura
(top right icon), see Figure 2.2.17.

Figure 2.2.17: Bar chart display Aura

analysis history

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

3 Settings Menu
In the Settings menu you will find the following menus: Switch Lan-
guage, Cloud Settings, Infos, Connect to Healy, Healy website, Con-
tact, Manual, Instructions for use, see Figure 3.1.

3.1 Switch Language

In the menu item “Switch language“ you can choose your language,
see Figure 3.1.1.

3.2 Cloud Settings
In the Cloud Settings menu, you can make all the settings related
to your Cloud account, authorize additional devices, back up your
Master Key and customize the synchronization settings. You can use
this account for all future online services, see Figure 3.2.1.

3.2.1 Logout
With “Log out” you can log out of your Cloud account and log in again
with another account.
Figure 3.1: Settings menu

Figure 3.1.1: Switch language Figure 3.2.1: Cloud registration

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

3.2.2 Edit Cloud Account Profile

You can edit your profile with the “pencil icon“, see Figure

3.2.3 Change the Cloud Account Password

You can change the password of your Cloud account in the “Change
password” section.

3.2.4 Authorize Additional Devices

In the “Connected cloud devices” section you can authorize other
smartphones to log into your Cloud account with the HealAdvisor
Analyse App. Alternatively you can import the Master Key. Please

note that the app is only intended for use with one smartphone and
the Cloud.

3.2.5 Backup Master Key

With “Backup Master Key” you can save the Master Key for your Cloud
account. The “Master Key” is the only way to retrieve your data from
the Cloud if you lose your device. To perform a backup, go to the
Cloud Settings and select “Backup Master Key”, see Figure Figure User Cloud Menu 24
Tap on the button “Save Master Key” and follow the instructions in
the app.

Figure Storing the Master Key to enable later access to the Cloud data.

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

3.2.6 Synchronization Settings

You can enable mobile data usage (with your SIM card) to be also
used for synchronization by enabling the menu item “Use mobile
data connection for sync”, see Figure

“Automatic Sync” allows you to automatically synchronize the data

between the Analyse App and Cloud if an Internet connection is

“Lists Sync enabled” automatically synchronizes the analysis lists of

the clients.

“Synchronize changes” synchronize the currently generated data to

or from the Cloud.

“Full synchronization” restores all data from the Cloud.

Note: We recommend a stable and fast WiFi connection for synchro-

nization, as the databases are several hundred megabytes in size.

3.3 Infos
Under “Infos” you will find your HealAdvisor Analyse App version, Figure Synchronize the Healy 25
hardware information about your Healy, as well as the privacy policy App

and the imprint, see Figure 3.3.1.

3.4 Connect to Healy

With “Connect to Healy” the connection between the app and the
Healy hardware can be established via Bluetooth. It searches for
Bluetooth devices in the vicinity and if a device is found, it is dis-
played with the serial number (example: 01:01:01:01:01:4B). If you
tap on the information icon (i) on the right, the HealAdvisor Analyse
App connects with your Healy, see Figure 3.4.1.

3.5 Healy Website

The “Healy Website” button takes you to the Healy website, see
Figure 3.5.1:

Here you will find the latest information about Healy.

Figure 3.3.1: Hardware information

about the Healy App

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

Figure 3.4.1: Connect to Healy Figure 3.5.1: Healy website Figure 3.6.1: Healy contact details 26

3.6 Contact
Here you will find the contact details, which you can use to contact
our team at any time, see Figure 3.6.1.

3.7 Manual
Here you find the link to the latest manual of the HealAdvisor Ana-
lyse App see Figure 3.7.1.

3.8 Instructions for Use

Here you will find the link to the latest Healy Instructions for Use.

Figure 3.7.1: Online HealAdvisor

Analyse manual

Healy World GmbH | Potsdamer Platz 1 | 10785 Berlin - Germany |

HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

4 Notes
4.1 Disclaimer
Please see the disclaimer that appears at the beginning of the
HealAdvisor Analyse App whenever you start the HealAdvisor Ana-
lyse App: Healy provides personalized information that can help
users understand how to improve their level of wellbeing, vitality and
awareness. Healy information should not be the only information
relied on to make legal, business, medical or personal relationship
decisions, and the manufacturer specifically disclaims any responsi-
bility for user actions based on Healy information.

4.2 Parallel Use of Healy Apps
Healy can be used with the Healy App or the HealAdvisor Analyse
App. Please note that both apps cannot be used simultaneously with
the Healy.

4.3 Permissions for Smartphone Functions

In order to be able to use all functions of the HealAdvisor Analyse
App or to connect your Healy, you are asked at different places in
the HealAdvisor Analyse App to grant the app access to photos,
media and files on your smartphone or access to the location of your
smartphone and Bluetooth permissions, see Figure 4.3.1 to Figure
4.3.4. In order to use the respective functions, it is necessary to allow
the requested accesses.

Figure 4.3.1: Photos, media and files

data usage

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HealAdvisor Analyse App Manual

Figure 4.3.2: Contacts data usage Figure 4.3.3: Location data usage Figure 4.3.4: Bluetooth authorisation 28

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Frequencies for Life

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T. +49 30 54905949-1 | |

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