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Assessment 10.

Older Adult Program
Student to complete fields on this page marked with *

*Student Name
Ronald Zapata
Assessor Name
Jodie Arnot
Qualification SIS30315 – Certificate III in Fitness

*Delivery Method □ Online □ Face to Face

Assessment Type Case Study Role Play

Units of Competence SISFFIT003 Instruct fitness programs

SISFFIT014 Instruct exercise to older clients

SISFFIT002 Recognise and apply exercise considerations for specific

Declaration: I have read, understand and agree to the assessment tasks and criteria outlined in this document and
agree to complete this assessment in accordance with Australian Fitness Academy’s assessment policy. I declare that
all evidence submitted for this assessment is the product of my own work and every attempt has been made to
accurately reference all sources to prevent plagiarism.

Digitally signed by Ronald A

Ronald A Zapata T Zapata T
*Student Signature : ___________________________________
Date: 2018.08.30 15:14:16 +10'00'

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

Student Assessment Tasks
This assessment is to be completed after reviewing resources from Topic 10 – Exercise Instruction
for Specific Groups.

Students are required to address all questions in this assessment task.

Part A:
1. Read the case study profile of the client below.

Name: Samina Abbasi Height: 160 cm
Age: 66 years old Weight: 62 kg
Gender: Female BMI: 24.2
Resting HR: 75 bpm Occupation: Retired
Injuries/medical conditions: None

Family history of heart disease None

Smoke None
- Daily
- Weekly
- Quit > 6 months ago
Current Exercise / Activity None - sedentary
Blood Pressure 125/78
Cholesterol Normal

Blood Sugar Normal

Medications None
Current / Recent pregnancy Nil
Pain occurring with activity Nil – don’t exercise
Additional Information:
 Samina comes from a Muslim background where it is not common for women to exercise,
so she has never used the gym before and has very little experience with physical activity.
She will also need to be attired in line with her cultural beliefs when exercising.

 Her daughter has encouraged her to join a gym to help occupy her time, get her out and
about and become more active in the community, as well as strengthen her bones and

 English is Samina’s second language and she speaks in broken English, but she can
understand English very well.

 Samina has admitted she can be very lazy and has expressed that she loses interest in
exercise very quickly. Her daughter suggested a circuit format would be a good
introduction to exercise for her.

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

2. Complete Stages 1 and 2 of the Fitness Australia Pre-exercise Screening Tool to identify the
risk level of the client in the case study.

Complete the following based on your findings:

Total number of risk factors
Risk Stratification outcome □ Low □✔ Moderate
Referral required □ Yes □✔ No

3. Using the program card template included in this assessment, design an appropriate circuit
exercise program that Samina can complete on her own when she visits the gym.

Ensure that you:

a. Include an appropriate warm up, listing specific stretches

b. Include an appropriate cool down, listing specific stretches
c. Include a variety of cardiovascular and resistance exercises
d. Complete all details on the program card thoroughly
e. Follow the principles of programming such as:
• the F.I.T.T principle
• order of exercise
• type of exercise
• programming variables (sets, reps, rest, intensity, speed of
movement etc)
f. Use the ‘additional information’ section at the bottom of the card to list any other
information relevant to the client such as injury prevention.

4. What session frequency would you recommend for Samina? Explain your answer:
3 times week A she is not used to do exercise. So, she will be able to recover easily.

5. Given the cultural practices that Samina has to adhere to when exercising, what advice
would you give her about how to exercise safely in a comfortable environment (eg
hydration, rest periods, time of day to train)?
Drink water before, during and after training sessions. Two days off gym. Training will be held in the
morning non peak hours. Clothing use comfortable cloths that does not go against your believes and
6. Based on the information in Samina’s profile, identify something that may act as a barrier,
preventing her from adhering to the exercise program. Provide examples of how you
would help Samina to overcome the barriers:
She has lack of commitment and interest. I will identify type of exercise that she enjoy. So, I can use
them to make the most of the training .

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

Client Name: Abbasi Session Duration: 60 min aprox Session Frequency: 3 times weekly Session Aims and objectives: circuit session
Reps/ Time/
Exercises Distance Rest Period Equipment Required Circuit Diagram

Warm up
Activity to raise HR:
low rev tread mill
10 min
Static bike
Dynamic Stretches:
30 sg each
Dynamic chest and back. Knee and hip circles. Side lunge , straight leg lateral swing and cat -cow
Circuit Training Program

Chair-Squats 3 10 reps Chair

Step-up 3 30 sg Step
Forward lunge-parcial depth 3 10 reps dumbbell

pull-down 3 10 reps back machine fixed weight

press machine chest fixed weight 3 10 reps press machine chest fixed
Kettle-bell swing 3 20 sg kettle bell
Resistance band kick butt extension 3 10 reps resistance band
superman 3 20 sg floor mat
Exercises Sets Time/ Distance RPE Other (PNF/ Machine Level etc.) Teaching Cues (2-3 cues) Exercise Benefit

Cool Down
Activity to decrease HR:
8 min static bike set at the height of your waist.
No over
uric extend
acid production.
leg to avoid
Light cycling exercise
Static Stretches: (Please tick relevant muscle groups) ✔ Pectorals/ Deltoids Biceps ✔ Gluteals ✔ Hip Flexors Other: Please list
✔ Upper Back/ Traps Triceps ✔ Hamstrings ✔ Adductors
✔ Lower Back/ Latissimus Dorsi Abdominals ✔ Quadriceps ✔ Calves

Additional Considerations: Safety/ Injury Prevention: Specific Client Recommendations (cultural

Please keep hydrated before, during and after session. No weight is
required for the first 4 to 6 weeks. After light weight is recommended if you Please feel free to wear any cloths
feel ready. Resting time between session will be 4 min. that make you confortable. During
ramadam please eat more carbs as
7. Have a friend, family member or classmate play the role of the client and conduct a 30-
minute program show, instructing the client through the circuit program you have

As part of the program show you must:

a. Allocate equipment, making sure it is available in safe working order prior to the
b. Introduce and explain the safety considerations of the exercise
c. Demonstrate exercises with correct technique when teaching exercises
d. Provide clear and accurate instruction and use appropriate communication to
account for any language barriers and to encourage and support the client
e. Monitor the client’s performance, recognise and address any poor technique or
f. Progress or regress the exercises as required, based on the client’s fitness level and
g. Ask the client for feedback to confirm their understanding and utilize RPE to gauge
h. Determine and record the correct weight for the client to match the intended
i. Respond appropriately to any client questions
j. Record all programming variables, instructions or modifications to the original plan
on the program card

Part B:

8. Assume 6 weeks has passed since you first instructed Samina through her circuit exercise
program. During a follow up appointment, you learn that Samina has rarely been
attending her exercise sessions due to experiencing pains in her lower back during the
exercise and when bending over at home.

Would you refer Samina to an allied health professional? Y / N

If yes, use the referral template on the following page to contact an appropriate allied
health professional. The referral letter should identify your concerns for the client and
request their guidance prior to participation in an exercise program.

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

Client Referral Form

Client details
Surname: Abbasi Given names: Samina
Date of birth: 14-Jun-52 Sex: Male  Female  ✔

98 Saxa Street, Glendalough

Phone number: Mobile

Referral details
Recommended medical or health service:

□ Doctor / General Practitioner □✔ Physiotherapist □ Dietitian

□ Exercise Physiologist □ Podiatrist □ Other _______________________

Reason for referral:
experiencing pains in her lower back during the
exercise and when bending over at home.
Relevant past history:

Referring Exercise Professional

Surname: Zapata Tabares Given name: Ronald
99 Walker Crescent, Narrabundah

Telephone number:
Signature: Ronald A Zapata T Digitally signed by Ronald A Zapata T
Date: 2018.08.30 15:16:27 +10'00'

Client Consent
Surname: Abbasi Given name: Samina
I give my consent for <Exercise Professional> to communicate with my GP / other health professional in
regards to my health status and participation in an exercise program.

Signature:_______________________________ Date:___________________________________

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

9. You receive the following correspondence back from Samina’s allied health professional:

To the Fitness Instructor,

Thank you for your correspondence regarding Samina’s back pain and her intention to
continue an exercise program with your guidance.

I have assessed Samina’s condition and my preference is to try and alleviate Samina’s lower
back pain through a regular light to moderate physical activity program and some
physiotherapy, rather than commencing her on medication.

Samina can continue with a regular exercise program and will benefit from exercises of low
impact that mobilise her joints (such as walking) and where her spine is supported (such as a
seated bike). I would suggest a resistance circuit that initially includes both upper and
lower body exercises where the back is in a supported position. Samina would also benefit
from performing basic prone back extensions, basic exercises to strengthen her core and
stretches to improve her flexibility.

Please contact me should you require further information and I look forward to receiving
communication about Samina’s progress.

Craig Gowan
Allied Health Professional

In response to the allied health professional’s guidance and instructions above, develop a
revised exercise program that Samina can complete in the gym.

Use the program card template on the following page to document your plan.

10. What would you say to Samina to explain the benefits of regularly participating in the
exercise program, especially in relation to reducing risks associated with ageing? Include
information about the physiological adaptations you would expect to occur.
It could aid to reduce heart disease and high blood pressure. Also, exercise could prevent
diabetes. She might experience body temperature increases. Blood flow redistribution and
oxygenation throughout the body will be better as lungs get stronger.

11. Have the same friend, family member or classmate play the role of the client and conduct a
30-minute program show to instruct the client through the new exercise program. In your
instruction, be sure to explain any precautions for exercise in relation to the client’s injury
and age.

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

Client Name: Abbasi Session Duration: 60 min Session Frequency: 3 times weekly Session Aims and objectives: circuit session
Reps/ Time/
Exercises Distance Rest Period Equipment Required Circuit Diagram

Warm up
Activity to raise HR:
15 min Treadmill
Walking (treadmill)
Dynamic Stretches:
30 s each
Dynamic chest and back. Knee and hip circles. Side lunge , straight leg lateral swing and cat -cow
Circuit Training Program
push leg machine
10 reps push leg machine
Leg extension machine
10 reps leg extension
Trunk rotation
10 reps floor mat
Pull down
10 reps Pull down machine
press machine chest fixed weight
3 times 10 reps dumbbell
bridge with bent elbows
20 sg floor mat
Resistance band kick butt extension
10 reps resistance band
20 sg floor mat
Exercises Sets Time/ Distance RPE Other (PNF/ Machine Level etc.) Teaching Cues (2-3 cues) Exercise Benefit

Cool Down
Activity to decrease HR:
8 min Static bike set at the height of your waist.
No over
uric extend
acid production.
leg to avoid
Light cycling exercise
Static Stretches: (Please tick relevant muscle groups) ✔ Pectorals/ Deltoids ✔ Biceps ✔ Gluteals ✔ Hip Flexors Other: Please list
✔ Upper Back/ Traps ✔ Triceps ✔ Hamstrings ✔ Adductors
✔ Lower Back/ Latissimus Dorsi Abdominals ✔ Quadriceps ✔ Calves

Additional Considerations: Safety/ Injury Prevention: Specific Client Recommendations (cultural

Please keep hydrated before, during and after session. No weight is
required for the first 4 to 6 weeks. After light weight is recommended if you Please feel free to wear any cloths
feel ready. Resting time between session will be 4 min that make you confortable. During
ramadam please eat more carbs as
12. Following the program show, have the client complete the session evaluation form
included in this assessment. Include the completed electronic form for submission with
this assessment or alternatively scan and upload the original hand written copy.

13. Based on the feedback from your client, what modifications to the program design or the
program instruction would you make for the future?
I will try to spend less time in warming and cool down session.

14. Reflect on your own performance during the instruction process.

a. Did you face any difficulty communicating with the client due to language barriers?
What changes did you make to your instruction and communication to account for
It is very challenging due to the client is not used to exercise. I did show 10s videos about how
to perform the exercises.

b. What did you find challenging about accommodating the instructions from the
allied health professional?

It was challenging as I had to search for specific exercises that fit our needs

c. What areas do you think you could improve upon?

Teaching methods as everybody has different ways to learn.

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

Participant Session Evaluation Form

Thank you for your participation in the activity. To assist with future improvements, please
complete the following questions and return to the instructor at the end of the session.
*Compulsory required fields (AFA assessors may contact you to verify your participation).

*Participant Name: Natalia Botero Activity: circuit program

*Participant Phone Number: 0405604991 Date: 28-Aug-18

Instructor Name: Ronald Zapata

1. Did the instructor explain and demonstrate the exercises enough to allow you to adequately
perform them again unsupervised? Y / N

2. Did the instructor demonstrate and explain the safety considerations of the equipment?
Y/ N

3. Was the instructor clear in their communication? Y / N

4. Did the instructor demonstrate each of the exercises correctly before asking you to
participate? Y/ N

5. Did the instructor mention the purpose of each exercise when instructing? Y / N

6. Did the instructor instruct you through the warm up and cool down components? Y/ N

7. Describe how the instructor monitored you during the session to ensure you were applying
the exercises properly:
He was follow me throughout the session giving clues about to perform some exercises.

8. Did the instructor make any adjustments to your exercises or technique during the session?
Y/ N Please describe:
All exercises were clear . No problems during the session

9. Did the instructor ask you for feedback throughout the session? Y/ N.
Please describe:
Really good session especially with the prone back exercises. I have done before

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

Session Evaluation Form Continued…….

10. Did you feel that the intensity of the exercises were appropriate to your experience level and
fitness level? Y/ N Please explain:
All weights were adjusted to my fitness level.

11. Did the instructor record the established resistance loads or equipment levels on the program
card? Y / N

12. Did the instructor complete the program show in approximately 30 mins? Y / N
Please list the time taken : _____________________
28 min

13. Did the instructor explain how to read the program card? Y / N

14. Explain the strategies the instructor used to encourage and support you throughout the
Clear explanation , demonstration and answering questions.

15. Did the instructor change any exercises that were too difficult or too easy? Y / N
Please explain:
IT was according of my fitness level.

16. Did the instructor explain any safety precautions to account for any medical
conditions/injuries you were experiencing, based on allied health advice?
Safety precautions were given especially when my back was involved in some exercises.

17. Please detail any ways you feel the instructor can improve on their performance:
Reduce spending time in warming and cool down session. So, we could have spent more
time in the circuit.

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

Assessment 10.2 Criteria Checklist (Assessor Use Only)

SISFFIT003 Instruct fitness programs

Performance Evidence Yes No

Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the
context of the job role. This must include period(s) totalling at least eight hours comprising at least eight
different client contact sessions (2 of which are contained in this assessment), and:
Plan, document, implement and evaluate at least three circuit training sessions (2 of which

are contained in this assessment) with interrelated components
Conduct sessions that individually or cumulatively incorporate:
demonstration, explanation, and instruction in the following:

cardiovascular exercises (not assessed in this assessment)

dynamic warm-up and cool-down components (not assessed in this assessment)

resistance exercises:
squat (not assessed in this assessment)
static lunge (not assessed in this assessment)
push-up (not assessed in this assessment) ✔
triceps dips (not assessed in this assessment)
prone back extension
shoulder press (not assessed in this assessment)
abdominal crunches (not assessed in this assessment)
bent over row (not assessed in this assessment)
lateral raise (not assessed in this assessment)
modified dead lift (not assessed in this assessment)
prone hover (not assessed in this assessment)

flexibility exercises – static and dynamic stretches (not assessed in this assessment)

injury prevention strategies specific to client needs and program. (not assessed in this

SISFFIT014 Instruct exercise to older clients

Elements Performance Criteria
Yes No
1 Identify client fitness requirements.
1.2 Review and advise client of outcomes of pre-exercise health screening
1.3 Refer client to medical or allied health professionals as required.

1.5 Identify common barriers to exercise participation by older clients.

1.6 Recognise and explain benefits of exercise for older populations and the ✔
role of exercise in reducing risks associated with ageing.
1.7 Receive guidance from medical or allied health professionals for exercise
participation, as required.

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

2 Develop program plans
2.1 Identify settings and program considerations that support safe and
sustainable exercise participation for older clients.
2.2 Determine type of training, training methods and equipment required to
achieve client goals.
2.3 Develop and document program plans that incorporate instructional
information and guidance from medical or allied health professionals if
2.4 Explain benefits of exercise and anticipated structural and physiological

adaptations as they relate to client goals and needs.
2.5 Develop customised training sessions that include a variety of exercises
and equipment to meet client needs.
2.6 Discuss and confirm client understanding of potential signs and symptoms

of intolerance contraindications to exercise and recommended precautions.
3 Instruct exercise session
3.1 Allocate sufficient space, assemble resources and check equipment for

safety and maintenance requirements.
3.2 Provide clear exercise instructions and confirm client understanding.

3.3 Demonstrate exercises, techniques and equipment to client.

3.4 Explain any precautions for exercise relevant to client age, ability and risk

3.5 Monitor participation and performance to identify signs of exercise ✔
intolerance and modify as required.
3.6 Monitor client intensity, techniques, posture and safety, and modify

program as required.
3.7 Seek ongoing guidance from, or refer client to, medical or allied health

professionals, as appropriate.
3.8 Select and use communication techniques that encourage and support

3.9 Modify session as required considering basic mechanics, safety and fitness

3.10 Respond to clients experiencing difficulties and answer questions as ✔
3.11 Complete session documentation and progress notes

4 Evaluate program
4.4 Review own performance and identify areas needing improvement.

4.5 Identify aspects needing further emphasis or attention in future sessions.

4.6 Evaluate program or activities and discuss modifications to program.

4.7 Document and update records of evaluation and modification of programs

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

Performance Evidence Yes No

Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the
context of the job role. This must include period(s) totalling at least five hours comprising at least five
different client contact sessions (2 of which are contained in this assessment) and:
Use industry endorsed pre-exercise screening tools and risk stratification processes to
identify the risk level of at least ten older clients ( 1 of which is contained in this
Prepare referral letters to relevant medical or appropriate allied health professionals with
supporting pre-exercise health screening documentation for at least two older clients (1 of ✔
which is contained in this assessment)
Plan, document, implement and evaluate suitable exercise programs within scope of
practice for older clients:
- three clients that don’t require guidance or instruction provided by medical or
allied health professionals (1 of which is contained in this assessment)

- two clients in response to guidance or instruction provided by medical or allied

health professionals (1 of which is contained in this assessment)

Conduct sessions that incorporate:

1. appropriate selection and monitoring of a range of equipment appropriate for the
client’s functional ability, according to industry guidelines
2. demonstration, explanation, and instruction of exercises
3. injury prevention strategies specific to client needs and to minimise the risk of falls
4. suitable order and sequence of activities
5. session components that target the needs and goals of the individual
6. suitable duration, intensity, volume
7. ongoing clear and constructive feedback to clients and, where required, medical or
allied health professionals
8. use of evidence based exercise adherence strategies
9. minimise the risk of falls
10.variations and structure suitable to the needs of the older client
11.provision of hydration and rest opportunities as required
12.explanation of the role of exercise and incidental physical activity in prevention of
chronic diseases and functional decline that may or may not be associated with ageing
and reducing the risk of falls
Modify programs for clients, addressing at least three of the following (1 of which is
contained in this assessment):
• technical requirements (not assessed in this assessment)
• changing needs due to fitness adaptations (not assessed in this assessment)
• changing goals (not assessed in this assessment)
• client needs, objectives, likes and dislikes (not assessed in this assessment)
• technical difficulty adjustments of exercises (not assessed in this assessment)
• medical or allied health professional feedback

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

SISFFIT002 Recognise and apply exercise considerations for specific populations
Elements Performance Criteria
Yes No
1 Identify client fitness requirements.
1.2 Review and advise client of outcomes of pre-exercise health screening

1.3 Refer client to medical or allied health professionals as required.

1.4 Identify potential barriers to participation. ✔

2 Develop program plans

2.1 Determine type of training, training methods and equipment required to
achieve client goals.
2.2 Incorporate guidance/advice from medical or allied health professionals
into the provision of fitness advice/or planning of instruction.
2.3 Develop and document program plans that incorporate key instructional
information to target components of fitness, including guidance from medical
or allied health professionals if required.
2.4 Explain benefits of exercise and anticipated structural and physiological

adaptations as they relate to client goals and needs.
2.5 Develop customised training sessions that include a variety of exercises
and equipment to meet client needs.
2.6 Discuss and confirm client understanding of potential signs and symptoms
of intolerance, precautions or contraindications to exercise and ✔
recommended precautions
3 Conduct exercise session
3.1 Allocate sufficient space, assemble resources and check equipment for

safety and maintenance requirements.
3.2 Provide clear exercise instructions and confirm client understanding.

3.3 Demonstrate exercises, techniques and equipment to client.

3.4 Monitor participation and performance to identify signs of exercise

intolerance and modify as required.
3.5 Monitor client intensity, techniques, posture and safety, and modify

program as required.
3.6 Seek ongoing guidance from, or refer client to, medical or allied health

professionals, as appropriate.
3.7 Select and use communication techniques that encourage and support

3.8 Modify session as required considering basic mechanics, safety and fitness ✔
3.9 Respond to clients experiencing difficulties and answer questions as

3.10 Complete session documentation and progress notes

4 Evaluate program
4.4 Review own performance and identify areas needing improvement.

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

4.5 Identify aspects needing further emphasis or attention in future sessions. ✔

4.6 Evaluate program or activities and discuss modifications to program.

4.7 Document and update records of evaluation and modification of programs

Performance Evidence Yes No

Evidence of the ability to complete tasks outlined in elements and performance criteria of this unit in the
context of the job role, and
use industry endorsed pre-exercise screening tools and risk stratification processes to
identify the risk level of at least ten clients (1 of which is contained in this assessment)
across the following specific population groups:

1.children and adolescents (not assessed in this assessment)

2. women (not assessed in this assessment)
3. older adults (not assessed in this assessment)
4. clients with a disability (not assessed in this assessment)
5. culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups

prepare referral letters to relevant medical or appropriate allied health professionals with
supporting pre-exercise health screening documentation for a client from each specific
population group
1. children and adolescents (not assessed in this assessment)
2. women ✔
3. older adults
4. clients with a disability (not assessed in this assessment)
5. culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) groups

plan, document, implement and evaluate suitable exercise programs within scope of
practice for specific population clients:

five clients that don’t require guidance or instruction provided by medical or allied
health professionals (1 of which is contained in this assessment)

five clients in response to guidance or instruction provided by medical or allied

health professionals (1 of which is contained in this assessment)

conduct sessions that incorporate:

1. appropriate selection and monitoring of a range of gym-based cardiovascular and

resistance equipment, according to industry guidelines
2. demonstration, explanation, and instruction of exercises
3. injury prevention strategies specific to client needs and program
4. suitable order and sequence of activities
5. session components that target the needs and goals of the individual
6. suitable duration, intensity, volume
7. ongoing clear and constructive feedback to clients and, where required, medical
or allied health professionals
8. use of evidence based exercise adherence strategies specific to the population

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3

modify programs for clients, addressing at least three of the following ( 1 of which is
contained in this assessment):

- technical requirements (not assessed in this assessment)

- changing needs due to fitness adaptations (not assessed in this assessment)
- changing goals (not assessed in this assessment)
- client needs, objectives, likes and dislikes (not assessed in this assessment)
- technical difficulty adjustments of exercises (not assessed in this assessment)
- medical or allied health professional feedback

Performance Feedback / Comments:

Hi Ronald, Thank you for your submission. Well done on getting the referral letter Q18 correct first go. You
need to revise Q2, add more detail to Q4, and just check one of your words in Q5 (which changes the
meaning of your statement). Please specify which resistance band exercise in Q3 program 1 and Q9
program 2, take the static stretches out of the warm up, make the choices low impact, and fix exercise order
in Q9 program 2. Please see my comments for details. You're on your way! Cheers, Jodie (Please
download this PDF and make your changes to this file so that my comments are retained in your
Assessment Result:
Result Performance Please Tick
Not Yet Satisfactory 1 = Not
Satisfactory 2 = satisfactory

3 = good

4 = excellent

Digitally signed by Jodie

Assessor Name & Signature: Arnot
Date: 2018.09.05
Date: 5-Sep-18
16:02:50 +10'00'

Document 312/SIS30315 Certificate III in Fitness/Assessment 10.2 – Older Adult Program v3


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