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I. ce ae % on ont nae 2) Challed ~ spoke ee 2 3. Guessed - thought J imagined ie eh Grruffly 7 in dep and horshed| 24 5. | fetch - collec © yoru. el 6. Upstt — ypny Aig ey 7: Angry Z envaged es 8.|Exifed — Youse le adiin los. le Eagev — enthusiastic 24 to. Laxy - idle. - | Poised. - balanced [in postin = 12.|Dart - & guith movernont, [33 3. Heod ful - careful. t 4 (Suit _ fail. i 1S. Mighty uf = you? joy { foyig a 16.| Pierce - penta. " v1. | Nibble - bile off small bits. |39 7, SUCCES8s TAS G ENERAL. "ENGLISH TART-A Synonyms. ts samacneer — 6% 10 stAnprre. | Dusk - time jut bre nigit , Emphre - kingdom - | forth fidld - Productive land. | Honest - truthful | fale - lackin | Strange - un Rey ple ~ a small wove in water Realiaed.- hoped for [undorstood Astounded. - phoded . Back a froth - one ond be archer cy gong oe 4 Down - beginning 4 the devy Oat - a rowing atick for boat colour n pase | Reasuing - encouraging . fo E fer fumed - sunted Conquered - getned victory . | Defeated = pvercone. Extink - he longer in gusten Murmur - utfer sound tn low ct ont] Sacred. hold 4 predous Sparkle - shine forth Noattve peopl = pepe oginally foun ma couriiy Ls Oyphevt = chil le pra fe hn eal Al: Weapon - Mangere era 42. 43 | 44. 46 4 4, 48 4 50. = oh ; Expbve ~ be pxamine Descnding- qoing clown Bower - a sha y aver. Delight = hpptnes Nek ~ frome of a btrd 63 Ma bs Kimarkabb — great . bb Chores - yequlay task. {67 Spout - a pipe 68 Rapid - voy quik. |4 1p. Mystery ~ Furze /strange &. Viston ot the plans Sulwelat SUCCESS 4 TAS a Tooloked - cut off from other, Opper lunifies - ooplare . Report bity - taking oe ¢ plate - on looten, . Slah - a dorky yf atone Forage ~ gearch 4 fod Susptatows ~ doubtful whining - cornplain tn an anroring Snouk - noe 4 an nil |Scrorolde a climb with diffenlty, fascinating z aAlyacting - Pionan - who ferst la study |82| (untous - & ts know Divewe ~ cliffount 83-| Cushisn - a aft bed Unique - pedal 54.| Granny - grandmother | Accoplance ~ agpitting BS: Tugs - pull with eff | Amazing ~ 3% ae 76.) shell - an feck ‘ — Lefe hibtry $9 | 8B | Co = om : Biography f ~ person |e ou taste - Commonicols - cxcharge te Chas gy, catph - moved quietly .| EAablishad. - foun qo] Bore - empl: Gyoduale - acaduoic dugres a1] Ghost - apivit 4 dead pewor | pissin - atm aa.| Mivacl - aunbelcevable . | Pil - danger [rele 43| fou - look carefully . | cutie - eles] voir [a | Pehle small" stom. | Favour 99 45|Plodid - avalkod 196 | frtvacy - fiecdom to de 120. | dws dle small branch {abe | Corn ~ edge Dashed - quashed - | Gazed - Looked - | Lived - dwelk . Snapped. _ proke: Gmained— (oft - Apology - ETy. ; Repubabion - Fame / rope I Glouched - aithing- | Angry - f | Apundance SUCCESS » LAS = Sou; Y~ taste bomen Blossom - lower / bloom. Critteal ~ Ju gare np Deltctous - tashy - Garba - trash [waste Frombled - chivewd Urtous . file - fa / unl [Bans Yollecl - shouted . = plenty linge gt Glide - ynove sinoolhly. fuottc - unuswal merely ~ only 9) Elabd - vey happy , 1 dlandd | 1 }| Giallo p - b gun [| jush if Glide =— move moolhly. 5 Endangored ~ in dangee e 1 Valuable - costly « | Destrucktn - damage | Mam mals - ani | Bain - de , Giggh4- lau fed dn 0 silly way, -] E yasively ~ trying + pispose - braok up & (eave: . Teng Ea vou | Blotching ~ having @ nag ical . Dismay feeling of feo | Obstinately - Mement ; Consoled - comfort ‘ | Midst - middle - extindin Shrink - apt smalles in size that nin fiom ths mothers boy stroyed « b avoid. amoall- Alu - attentive - Cope Ea manag to do Giazed - per J looked Anwtowly- worried. Embraced - hugged Summon ~ send {o [all for 65. (67. SUCCESS x IAS Hcp pected - aig ht eb amoat 164! Do jue be os lla eee ro Bll - op Herald Surrondee / produce " Badly - have a Atrong datve fi ~ proclat / declare 9 felon. tnsinl — strong deed . Require - plas vp f fs suaceed or vin Sraulox - fe ¢ ae | Gonomtration - fs Spell oh ee "4 Logée - reasoning Itnst : agi words, |ITS. Strate — plan { work stantantous tn the mansnt 76 A Pa | Suages - rashes foward hi oy eT | ihe - serene fier) Menta halen — ves expr id atrong - 1784 Tn aftience - inability & wait Kindle. - awoken! dante [light 119! Vantshed - dis appeared Paty tobism- leve 4 mother (and | (82: Facog zing aching | Fund. ~ dey cd. Arg fe potty — talent Zool — gat arog i2| Gedieated - devel Massacre ~ mass mute 183 | Glued - tuk. Caled ” - vested. I+. Compose — calm manner | Ruvealed - mp" d. (8s. Confidence ~ rim tru - | Seared - obtained (36,) Leon - pice z Cond - created 81} Matwe - behave in a sensible Tuoofe ~ pn 188 Shuation - circumstances. wy Ue raté aay | Ad = fen eg calles od es a ; i oes tat nt aod cast /eomonrtall | Stim - itariutn {Ub6. Fatayed - M93 194 ae =" 90) rerents. 11] Dispose ~ si id 4 DYetlowd. — dis cormna 4 ~ AOL: ws! Auamnea dice loe-} Sane — look. givedly [uae / 5 — old sbiden 11. | Shrunk - became small. success A TAS gh _dandand . Lawal - honour [high rexped 120.| Fmnpatienk - inrttated: i ta naa bai. | Spilled - flow ove n ‘gnified - Andeeonk ba2.| Harsh - paugh I} Substitute — alkornadive . bya3.| Frornble - Bhala vitally . p0.| Tackle - manage . hvea] Scared - frightened [afraid H201.| Pruobed - sn quired. fas ae or aa | 9) |b, anpse ~ Bnort . ie ee : om a 7 or Ciel it , ony — inne b0S.| (op — folice - lgg0. Exagprate Z elaborate [inflate 86.) Hondnel- tough los.| Innocent - fanless / file ses. fe7.| Hall, mde «ay? 32 Boormed - shined smiled - lene | Gndamé Coble - unbeatable [st1o9.\y90) pavely - hondly a0f.| Hwmene - shoving kindness. last} Froncely - severly , 210. upon dows - Sunprising [raozing te Silly . foaish [mindless . lait. | Coldisel — vous lange / nage. 2b | Rog tyne - adatristration tem | laie.| Sher — vortical [popendicad fa, felted - attacked by by. |Reckoned~ belive aomelhing i bu a fanle fear [easily wes pia. | Bury - te pul aomething tpl ine a las pit — dang fate fa Mealy - Cdl [ly ( ns - veacng/ dele tuted — wore upset hes. te 4s 46, 247, #48. ea gs o> SB. S4, Qs, as6 | WS 7. Rs3. RS. kelo- Aba. Re. 264) 266- lee. 96l.| Ro SUCCESS & Consouative - Hadiftenal [slab Ravett- Rebellion /rist/| mutiny wit ~ Antelligence Thrilled - excited. Puil - Glan ges] sésk three: Cunning - deception / brithoy Agjutitng - gaining | geting ' Lapsed - lost /e ep Determined - firm /8 rong | Futtle — useless . Déssuyptia. - distwebance Fuxiously - vidintly. Chased- san afte. Fame - popula "rl ind pf Steg Ke — Kil a rere litter - shine - Huddle - crowd gah] a by - disobey (nose (el am wonder | Bruise - hunk /Enheny eaplion - sudden owtbunse Gnas ~ grind | ne. web - notwork Habitat - sme / Een pac 1. 268. 269 R7o. wal 22. 273. 6. Rb | 77) be 271. 280. 284, 8S. wal tig RET. lass. yl ply [Parables - BE 3-1 ' (| TAS Freak - unusual Jabnotrod/odd! actin . tn reading suniting welcome . Voganits ~ ghange Gvat - aus words Gouff - regi han [rey |e Ferplned- puede [baad leonfuse.| Boltoud - beaten oul & shape. ovis with morad Heartbroken ~ i sy ce Chertsled - Pomember wi 3 . Genorows - noble yairded. [Libor Galery - colettion § atows Pte - floodid withered Evolve- deuclep quiet 8 Sending - uemnov'ng [aiyp'ng : — fp aopreale . &uccess * TAS Cok hala Pominate — conkrd- 17. indispensable - a H.| Slammed- criticia | Teer - great fear = SUCCESS x TAS | Control - Lirmit - bo [fepuler - ial = iat lep|fatch - vepair, mend, im fx file outline { foo [head ofictudl- nok doing ony dijocked (disarp oun fe up — brown 5} 2 untidy shabby ry Hegel ned, ~ beokin' died up wih aged -éhin ¢ anim ‘To. oe fot A714. Bruchmnont at skin, Jurinklo, al bb Write an ees 1 Whee i ~ esupernabuaally. Le] geimal F ; | Avie Aagit | an = eng 1) Atethude - iv Feet ia Coors - rough, tmpolt, rads | Bem = a ae 7 dona, if Contact - ee : te forlorn - Lonely » a misexable. “oveuign - for ld th voutig frm 9 coin ul jee Cramped — kapt a bn namo Te 436. consritked emmy 182| Descent - own ward movement . bg | Pewite - indhiynent le, 16s: Distress - extreme arrow, pain . hee Hee. Emergency We Htb7. Entroprenour — bein. 49) rie. Grasping - undurstanding . 469) Honms - control, tacts, bile ul 4 47 _ phat ud 9 Fr AAT. in fe An fo, 50 EQ 03, | Commissioned - orduud. Artieulale - -ospres thoug hb GO aunt: poop 4 4 oe Junquanchabk - ~cannot be sal sfid Coppers ~ coins g Dp ‘fein felings vil tn words} figwe out - re ouk, guns pore music @nsing! G: ats a a who frou He play OP fanabic - a sepsive 9 zeal {| | irieverent— not showing 1O5p° c| yevevence - Yey ect [honour mastor— bp lank completely ; invidious - sate [unfit fone ste Bonevo bint - generous hind Sophibicnkah ~ ale “Advonced | ¥38¢/ septrianced [routed Linsey! hasbtealed ~ Saewpendtre | A position [warlike Bs en / Msi da Jeol Render - Prev tlege~ Se he [berefi bef protien Malaanbay [ SOG, 508 507, 510. i 12. & 8S sit sls. Sib st [Sl eos 504, S07, .| Jarnming - compres pushtg Jo 0, wh rou9hl | Sostle - bo kn Kips amit Mole ch coset crowd /sushing | pot , | Deeds ~ p donk achive [ier SUCCES Sufite — enough Jadeq uate Exacting = demanding /challeraging “Truuism — o saliment obviously bu indi verdoble — essoptial Jeo sory absolutely rs Famestnes ~ sefousnes Froseuk — continur [purse Prey - vicktne (qa mno/ hunk poatch Redrew - verdy [eompers” fanned out - agreed ost — Jalye Abrr a a un in aang TL Frupl - suddenly happen - bypront - cut pour . fee sgt ro eb, gpeains od lo Brawl ~ nots (ooal - p fonzied - ve Prosi - chastrg [ troding. fa conduct lage yroeedig Soaring - Fly op [risinglinc™ : fuaving axtrernely crowded (posing my 538 Jom}. 520) 53) ay 3 w 6. 5: S24] \s26. Sat \ca| S21 1540. Al: eS| ena 8 kal cas sab fH. 48. sa] i5S0 | IAS “Triumph — vio Tong awl - pull /drag / bq [tm Lonbil - high -prctain pile Good stew meak or vegetable cooks ‘lowly bn iui a clos jn undewabud — value nak regen - 8 Ie sy sue os aomeone - eat activity G ign - organ J hee steady afer i posta Finaistont - conbiruaue per® Sritiaking ~ storing fei Fmplensrlation- coo Exceptional - ere, fenaltsed ~ puns = Sirmultancows of a se Fntervenee buone in a islated - made inle ia ib Breeding hewn ~ nokig Shrosees __deficall fonsitions fh Vertatten - degtee 4 change 552 a travel veyed a — biel. GVEON SUCCESS # TAS 553 S. le eldom ~ pot often, rarely. [974 | Flocks - birds of the same “hie bss. . Exctled ~ tn a state great itt ee 556. Flutterin pee birds M8 eich Aightly & tofly. EST. Twitering ~ chirpin vd q bird 558| Restricted - iid eonfiued fem 557.| Fascinating ~ Voy intewsting fr k60.| Kenovabed - ropated i a ie ‘dition Sb1.| Valour ~ bravery. se. Seank; - dnsufficront 563. | Monolithic - ainge lage S82, [S84 SBS. Lack st Moat - dowp wide ditch a ator a oop) B87, ng» mag “en - dowites Lavéshuress [great val s luxurious / ouchnor ea cB. staunch - skeadfost [ayo oil sti inbtal - Voy comp corp licatid [tuisted. sty. Cpuliace - sa. | Sanctily - fobs lls sn me goss oa 0, magi Sli: 51| Gren in tty | SA, S80, oe) Her gh store, masstVe, mort 588. se} Co 6 wey fie pg belt “boll | 4. Hexcuteatt - Massive /migh : ree ob [by [etd Duly lary bight A tue fa wun ~ sigh pitched 4 fois Scowl ~ frown ey iy apes osing - tyoub nal suictng qurash - beak [hit | yt Ohscune - vagu® ws (wit. Avaric - grt ae “Froupl - group 43 poor Navvalt = story ny telling swan - econ: D cwvoked Lie pe frill Fin maculae Stealthy - jit Protoet - fe Fiend = evil lzosant, ae cat (ey secret tive (5 set 1 demon / ‘hl | ainf [wrens shaggy ~ “pemplok Koivu scone L— forums Frimardial- Ek amitive ins ae slept inn- sm

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