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Antenna Parameters


1. Explain the radiation mechanism for the antenna?

2. A monopole antenna is radiating in free-space. The total electric field (Eθ)
measured at a distance of 150m from the antenna is 20 V/m. Find the:
a. power density (Wrad)
b. power radiated (Prad)
c. Repeat Part (a) and (b) for the distance 300m.

3. Find the half-power beamwidth (HPBW) and first-null beamwidth (FNBW), in

radians and degrees for the following normalized radiation intensities:
i) U (θ ) = cos(θ )

ii) U (θ ) = cos(2θ )

ii) U (θ ) = cos 2 (2θ )

iii) U (θ ) = cos(3θ )

iv) U (θ ) = cos 2 (3θ )

4. A horizontal infinitesimal electric dipole of constant current, I0 is placed

symmetrically about the origin and directed along the x-axis. Derive the:
a. far-zone fields radiated by the dipole.
b. directivity of the antenna.

5. The maximum radiation intensity of a 90% efficiency antenna is 200mW/unit

solid angle. Find the directivity and gain (dimensionless and in dB) when the:
a. Input power is 125.66 mW.
b. Radiated power is 125.66 mW.

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