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Authors – Rishabh Saraf, Wai Chun Suen, Yuzhe Wang, Yuwei Wang


In today’s rapidly developing social environment, an increasing number of people have no time to cook.
Especially in some metropolises such as Singapore, people are occupied with hectic schedules, household chores
and work tasks. Therefore, the concept of takeaways is warmly welcomed by the public especially young people
(Paradise, 2013). Lots of people believe that local takeaways are an ideal option. However, the disadvantages of
it cannot be neglected.

First, the most important is that takeaways are unhealthy for our body. More specifically, fast food contains
higher amounts of unwanted nutrients including salt, fat, and various types of additives. There is a direct
connection between fast food and obesity (UK Essays, 2018). It's worth noting that increased intake of fast food
is deteriorating people’s health and even leading to life-threatening diseases such as cancer and hepatitis
(Wilson, 2019). Furthermore, the takeaway prices may be significantly higher than the actual cost of cooking at
home. For the long-term, this would be a financial burden for a household.

On the contrary, homemade food is much healthier. As when people prepare food at home, the cleanness,
healthiness, and freshness can be controlled by themselves. There are many advantages of homemade food.
First, homemade food is the best approach to be healthy and disease free, people can cook for themselves
according to their own preference and needs. Furthermore, homemade food can help maintain a healthy lifestyle
and eating habit. It also keeps a family together and strengthens family bonds. For instance, during meals, every
family member gets the chance to share their daily activities and thoughts.

The Green Kitchen aims to provide customers with healthy, reliable, and nutritious ingredients. We advocate a
healthy diet; our objective is to encourage customers to make DIY food according to their own preference and
needs. Meanwhile, some innovative recipes are provided and updated regularly.

Rishabh Saraf - James Cook University Portfolio: Final Project Portfolio

Created: 24-JAN-21 Last Modified: 24-JAN-21 Page 2 of 22 pages
Project Objective
Life in Singapore is fast paced. The young manpower working in the corporate sector has no time to take good
care of its health. The most important factor to be considered while making a lifestyle change is Diet.

By conducting this research in the form of a formal business venture, we eventually plan to take over customer
segments of all other age brackets. We plan on achieving this through good word of mouth promotion and a
visibility of lifestyle changes within the Singapore youth.

1. To analyze the efficacy of DIY meal kits

Out first objective is to analyze the efficacy of DIY meal kits towards the promotion of healthy eating within
Singapore youth. We plan on achieving this by offering subscription-based meal preparation boxes at affordable
rates. Our key partners shall be the local grocery suppliers.

2. To decrease the dependency of the working youth on hawker centers

Our second objective shall be to decrease the dependency of the working youth on hawker centers and
takeaways for food. A detailed study has been carried out with regards to our rival market. Although they offer
convenience and variety, additionally being a part of Singapore’s rich cultural heritage, we plan on entering this
market by offering hygiene and a nutritional quotient, marking these two factors as our value proposition.

Project Strategies

Activities stated are the steps that will take to implement the strategy

Determination of the effects of continuous high-quality ingredients-based cooking

procedures. Utilizing social media to advertise the meal kit in social media to attract potential

1. LinkedIn - provide an interface to introduce and link to our website, which can also have a higher
ranking in Google SEO
2. Twitter - Can detailed drop down the Insights of our ‘The Green Kitchen’, and seek feedback, which can
also retweet of other people's tweets
3. Facebook/Instagram - Similarly, sharing new events, news and information can generate reshares
marketing. They can also be a tool to promote our company with a homepage to specify customers,
engage with Customers by constructing up User-Generated Content. According to the Ecommerce
Snapshot report in the age of 18 to 29, customers are trusting more information provided by other
customers. For instance, consumer-submitted photos and video. These comments are the basis

Rishabh Saraf - James Cook University Portfolio: Final Project Portfolio

Created: 24-JAN-21 Last Modified: 24-JAN-21 Page 3 of 22 pages
for attracting others as they reckon it was more valuable than brand visual content.

Promoting the goodness of DIY meal kits between the media and the local populations through

Building the capacities of the Subscription-based meal customer of the involvement of more innovative
with collaboration recipes.

Project Delivery and Outcome

The outcomes we aim to achieve with this project is to provide subscription-based meal preparation boxes
located to millennials specific to employees in Singapore. The priority achievement is to take over customer
segments of all other age brackets. No matter the service, ingredients, and recipes that we provide to our
customers has a strict regulation on the freshness of ingredients, the recipes are legitimate healthy home cooking
without complex cooking instructions. User-oriented is always a benchmark in a competitive industry, service
and the meal kit box will only be better, as we value and acknowledge the feedback on customers.

Another outcome that we aim as a startup to be lucrative in the next few years. We reckon we could be splitting
the market sharing in the third year of our operations. We are ambitious to have a deep and concrete basis for the
start-up years to run successfully in the future.

For our blog to achieve all the outcomes, we need several deliverables:

1. Primary Research and Secondary Research

2. SWOT Analysis

3. Marketing Plan and Strategy (target market, behavioral changes, business milestone, implementation,

4. Fundraising and Revenue

Team Details

Rishabh Saraf - James Cook University Portfolio: Final Project Portfolio

Created: 24-JAN-21 Last Modified: 24-JAN-21 Page 4 of 22 pages


Our methodology is based on primary and secondary search to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the
background industry with the preliminary work of our product and service.

The necessity of conducting primary research focused on documentaries and to supplement our primary
research, secondary research from various sources such as journals, books, charts and government publication
will enable us to accumulate and analyze with supportive information to induce more accurate and data-based
results, which are favorable for our latter action in finding the research objectives.

The observation through the scholarly articles, news and social media usually produces results that cannot
be generalized. However, it will provide in-depth understanding of the problem and will help in making the


The objective of this project is to analyze the efficacy of DIY meal kits towards the promotion of healthy
eating, to decrease the dependency of the working youth on hawker centers and takeaways for food and to
eventually take over customer segments of all other age brackets.

Discussion reflects on analysis and interpretation. The results from table1 table2 and table3 are more positive
than expected. In this sense, there will be a huge room for us to expand our customer segment and less people
depending on takeaway and the industry rising is significant, yet meal kit spending is growing 3 times than the
second highest, digital meal order and delivery. The spending is still rising within the pandemic (COVID-19).
Similarly, all this data reflects the DIY meal kit has a huge influence toward the promotion of healthy eating,
while all data about DIY meal kit is increasing and they will also be increasing in the future.

Rishabh Saraf - James Cook University Portfolio: Final Project Portfolio

Created: 24-JAN-21 Last Modified: 24-JAN-21 Page 19 of 22 pages
However as most information comes for secondary search, mostly journals, authorized websites, and books. The
way we evaluated the objective may not be abundance, as Official statistics may reflect the biases of those in
power. Also, things that are measured might be changed through time on how to measure, which induce though
comparison with historical data. There will be also doubting the authentication of the data and the
representativeness of the data. Fortunately, the data come from authorized websites with enormous data to
represent the global population.

The result can be exploited to attempt for a legit startup and predict the future of meal kits in Singapore. The
result has truly shown the possibility of a meal kit on the economic side. In the later year, the industry will be
blooming. Yet, questions will arise about the condition of meal-kit after the COVID-19. As the more stuff are
more inclined to virtual, including working. Meal kits compared to takeaways are relatively healthier, and
people will be keeping the habit of subscribing to meal kits, which the industry will not be affected as much as
we thought (Zwanka, R. J., & Buff, C., 2020).

SWOT Analysis

Analysis as per metrics is as follows -

Threats need to be managed with accuracy.


To conclude, after gathering sources and information related to the problems across the internet, we can get the
insight of the current trends of eating within the Singapore youth. From the results collected, most of the

Rishabh Saraf - James Cook University Portfolio: Final Project Portfolio

Created: 24-JAN-21 Last Modified: 24-JAN-21 Page 20 of 22 pages
working adults in Singapore experience difficulties when it comes to cooking nutritional food while working
from home. A huge dependency on Hawker Centers has been established for food options. Our business
proposal will help analyze the efficacy of DIY Meal Kits towards promotion of healthy eating within Singapore
youth. An active lifestyle change within the youth will encourage people of all age brackets to adopt these
nutritional meal kits.


Meal Kits Most Popular with Gen X | News. (0). N.d.

Wheatley, R. (2018, March 20). Millennials and Meal Kits: Will Dynamic Duo Shine in Supermarkets?

Sloan, A. E. (2017). Easy Eats: The New Wave of Meal Solutions.

Meal kit Delivery Service Market Size, 2015-2025 | Industry Report. (0). N.d.

Foundry, W. (2020, November 19). Home dining in the new normal: The rise of DIY meal kits. Retrieved
December 04, 2020, from

Desai, T. (2018, March 19). Here are 4 things meal kits should do to bring back lost subscribers and
win new ones. CNBC. from

Dawson, A. (2018). Community kitchen freezing and vacuum packaging. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and
Community Development, 8(3), 19-21.

Retailers Tap into Meal Kit Opportunity. (0). Convenience Store News.

Rishabh Saraf - James Cook University Portfolio: Final Project Portfolio

Created: 24-JAN-21 Last Modified: 24-JAN-21 Page 21 of 22 pages

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