Letter From Prime Minister Scott Morrison To Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk

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PRIME MINISTER Referee: MC2-059101 26 uy m0 “The Hon Annstaci Palasoezuk MP Premier of Queensland | William Steet BRISBANE QLD 4002 Dear Premier “Thank you for your leter dated 4 June 2021 regarding your proposal for a purpose-built quaraniine facility located in Toowoomba appreciate the significant work Wat has gone into developing this proposal, and the commitment ofthe Queensland Governinent to our ‘quarantine system, temas the priority of my government to ensure that more Australians who te overseas ‘an safely retum home. My government shares your dest to find quarantine solutions that ‘an increase Australia's intake of Pacific worker, and I appreciate your consideration ofthis cohort in the proposal ‘As you are aware, I reeased the Commonwealth's Key Assessment Criteria for (Commonwealth partnership in standalone quarantine accommodation on Friday 4 June 2021, after tabling those Criteria at our National Cabinet meeting. These Criteria have been developed to ensure that Commonwealth funded quarantine facilities meet heath requirements, ae national facilities with potential use beyond the COVID-19 pandemic, and represent value for mone. ‘Commonwealth officials have undertaken a preliminary assessment of your praposal against these Criteria. [note that it appears the proposal does not meet some key requirements, including ‘+ Within approximately | hour's vehicle transport to a tertiary hospital, otherwise known as «principal referral hospital; ‘+ Within reasonable proximity to an intemational aisport taking regu international commercial passenger lights (with limited bus transfer, + Commonvcalth-owned, to provide an enduring asset to support increase revlience capability ly scheduled AAs Ihave indiested publily the Commonwealth is willing to consider a partnership on any proposals that meet the Key Assessment Criteria. I would welcome a proposal rom ‘Queensland, or any state or territory, which meas these eitera en ec { note thatthe Queensland Government is likely to havea large number of sits available hich may be suitable. “The Commonwealth Department of Finance has identified the Department of Defence's Damascus Barracks located at 100 Sugarmill Road, Pinkenba QLD 4008, as poten suitable site, The ite is ofa suitable size and meets the Commonwealth's relevant key ‘ssessment eriteria inching accesso an interational airport taking regularly scheduled Jerational commercial passenger flights and proximity toa principal refer hospital. ‘The Commonwealth invites the Queensland Government to participate in a jeint formal assessment ofthis site. | have copied this letter to the Minster for Finance, Senator the Hon Simon Birmingham MP and the Minister for Home Asis, the Hon Karen Andrews MP. You since SCOTT MORRISON

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