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The Real Citizens of San Antonio

Tactical Marketing Plan

Version 1.0

Presented by:
Anthony D. Miller
aka Tony Fayte
Tactical Marketing Plan
Plan Overview

Practice: Growing Up And Taking Responsibility

Name of Campaign: Put The Tone On

Campaign Manager: TBA

Subject Matter Expert: TBA

We will harness the raw talent, love and devotion of the citizens of San Antonio to elevate
our communities and ourselves instead of waiting on others.

Target Market
Product Demographics
Most of us have our set of loyal fans and in some cases those overlap.

Target Contact Demographics

If we all collaborate with each other we will essentially exchange fans and acquire more
loyal fans by endorsing each other.

Message Summary

We all know what the problem is so it’s time for us to take action. We can’t
wait around for some mystical community activist or major label to come
swoop in to miraculously change anything for us.

Call to Action
We must be our own miracles as well as our communities. God has blessed us with the
power to do so. You can’t honestly say music has no power or you wouldn’t be here and
you surely wouldn’t be pursuing it with such great passion. We have to be adults and
come together to achieve something unheard of. We all know San Antonio is full of some
of the greatest hustlers of all time so just think what would happen if all of that power was
focused on one goal? Putting The Tone On!!!

What is the desired outcome?

By accomplishing this we will better the lives of not only ourselves but everyone we come
in contact with. The major labels have already been watching San Antonio waiting for
someone to jump out at them. What better way to jump out than to have a summertime
concert & community event starring all of San Antonio’s artists and created and run by
San Antonio’s artists and community?

What is the pull-through offer?

We’ll be in reality creating our own chance to truly shine both artistically and spiritually.
For a whole city to come together to work together to achieve new heights together has
never before been fathomed. We will demand the attention of major media and major
labels alike.

List Development
Step 1

 Create a series of mixtapes starring San Antonio’s artists.

 The feature song on each mixtape will be an ode to San Antonio and will have
the same track on each one as it will be a continuation of the song from the
previous tape.

 We must come harder and cleverer than we’ve ever come on these mixtapes,
especially the anchor song which will have six different artists with 8 bars apiece
on each one until everyone gets a chance to Put On For The Tone!!! (Please do
not be offended if you’re asked to do your part again as it’s not a diss but how we have to
operate because our competition is worldwide and not local.)

 With everyone pushing the mixtapes in their market we will increase everyone’s
exposure tenfold almost immediately by covering the entire city and surrounding
areas at once instead of piece by piece creating a simultaneous buzz that’s sure
to spill over to the internet.

Step 2

 We must give back to our communities and they will continue to give to us!!!

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 We can set up our own mentorship program to help kids who’re going through
what we went through growing up or tutor kids or any other service we know our
community is lacking.

 By doing this we will command positive attention by showing that Hip-Hop is a

lifesaver and cares about everyone.

 We’ll show that though we have many differences we are intelligent and mature
enough to use them to our advantage and the advantage our collective
community family.

Step 3

 Have an onslaught of performances featuring songs from the mixtapes to

maximize exposure leading up to the major show in the summer.

 Contact every media outlet we know and find out what it will take for them to
cover our community service and shows, often it’s as simple as asking them to.

 We’ll contact staff writers and offer them the chance to cover an ongoing story
that will help advance their careers and they’ll be all over it.

 Operate in such a manner where when it’s time to approach a major venue for
the summer show we’ve already established a track record of being responsible,
mature and caring adults instead of the animals they think we are.

 Record everything we do and post it online creating our own reality show
featuring different artists on each show.

 Have major media (i.e. B.E.T. or MTV) want to cover the show due to the way we
went about getting to that point.

Prospecting Mechanism
It’s all about presentation and perception. If we present and promote everything correctly
the perception of us can be exactly what we want it to be.

People will naturally gravitate to us for showing them that people can still come together
and get things accomplished themselves.

The media will love us at first because it will be a nice story to report a few times but will
likely start looking for something negative which we won’t give them. We’ll stick with the
reporters we chose to assure as much damage control as possible.

Pre-event Follow-up
Figure out how many people are truly going to be involved.

Figure out what community services we’re going to perform.

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Record and distribute the mixtapes.

Figure out what size venue we will need and scope locations.


Post-event Follow-up
Continue working in our communities and with each other while branching out and
expanding to new markets.

Opportunity Qualification Process and Criteria

Be 100% committed to bettering yourself and your community.

Be honest and real at all times.

Be 100% professional at all times when in public.

If you’re scheduled for an event, be there on time.

Love your city and be truly ready to make it happen.

Campaign Sign-off
This is not a performance rights contract or indication of any legal obligation that can be upheld in any
court. The undersigned simply promises to adhere and add to the plan as described herein to help
improve the lives of the participants and the community.

Signature Date

Signature: Date:

Print first and last name: Pseudonym/stage name:


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