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SEM 112 WEEK 10

Name: Jasmin R. Conejero Date: May 6, 2021 Section:2 SEDE-1 Score: _
Professor: Prof. Orcega
Analyze the following: Exemplified each of the following terms in your own idea.
1. Spirit of life
- The Holy Spirit gives one the opportunity to live a holy life, insight on how to
transcend the earth, physical desires, and self-will, and the ability to choose
holiness over sinful uncleanness in the Spirit of Life. For example, when you
are volunteering to some organizations, when you are kind to someone and
when you share love and care to others.

2. Social class
- A community of individuals who share the same social status in a country. In
addition to being significant in social theory, the idea of class as a group of
people who share common economic conditions has been commonly used in
censuses and social mobility studies. For example, there are someone who
can afford all what they want and also there are someone who can not afford
anything what they need.

3. Right of the writer and right of the publisher

- The author assigns to the publisher all of their authorship and copyright rights.
This ensures that the author would need to get approval from the publisher
before doing something about the work for example, depositing it in a free
access archive, making it accessible on their own website, or providing copies
to colleagues.

4. Patronage about the literature

- Patronage is commonly understood to refer to rich and titled individuals'
financial patronage in schooling and literature for example buying the books of
the writers, patronizing the work of writers buy promoting it and also reading
the books of the writers.

5. Conflict theory of literature

- Conflict theory examines how people compete over scarce resources within
society. According to conflict theory, social and economic systems are weapons
in the fight between communities or classes, and they are used to perpetuate
oppression and the dominant class's supremacy for example when you have a
conflict to someone.
6. Genre of the literature
- The most common literary genres are poetry, drama/play, essay, short story,
and novel. The term "genre" may also apply to literary sub-genres or specific
genres, such as comedy, tragedy, epic poetry, thrillers, science fiction,
romance, and so on.

7. Social Institution about the literature

- The term "social institutions" refers to a wide range of social types, including
ceremonies, laws, traditions, organizations, and organizational processes.
Furthermore, there are several analytical accounts of institutions, including
sociological and metaphysical accounts. Indeed, all of these accounts of
institutions are not accounting of the same phenomenon; they are accounts of
different phenomena. For example, a society is more complete than an
organization since a society is more or less self-sufficient in terms of human
capital, and an institution is not.

8. Social theory
- It is how cultures evolve and grow,' ‘methods of understanding social behavior,'
‘power and social organization, gender and race, modernity and ‘civilization,'
and so on are all covered by ‘social science.' For example Inherent tracking
systems in the public education system create their own class stratification.

9. Money is a powerful
- Money has some sway over people and it gives them the freedom to do
anything they want about it. Some people believe that money gives them a
sense of value. They believe that if they don't have a lot of it, they aren't worth
much as an individual, but if they have a lot of it, they are.

10. Multiculturalism Theory about Ramayana

- The word "multiculturalism" is sometimes used as a defining term to describe
a society's plurality, but the emphasis of the following discussion is on
multiculturalism as a normative ideal in Western liberal democratic societies.

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