Total Project Cost

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Civil engr. Engaged to study and render planning report on the contemplated project.

Study and report phase include cost for field surveys, planning analysis, geotechnical exploration
analysis in addition to direct engineering cost.

Study and report phase is important because its implementation determines the scope and
development of the entire project.

In final design and construction phase services like surveying and geotechnical engineering is needed.


The cost of all construction portions of a project, generally based upon the sum of the construction
contract(s) and other direct construction cost; does not include the compensation paid to the architect
and consultant, the cost of the land, right-of-way, or other cost which are defined in the contract
documents as being the responsibility of the owner.

Is the estimated total cost of constructing the facility to be covered by the proposed detailed design or
construction supervision services, excluding the fees and other costs of such services, the cost of land
and right of way, and legal administrative expenses of the agency.


These costs include the issuing of pledges, audits cost of the land and the interests of the lent money
through the construction. And can be best estimated in collaboration with the customers because they
are frequently outside the understanding and control of the Civil Engineer.

Staffing Cost, Project Administration Cost and Financing Cost

These costs which include the cost of issuing bonds and interest for borrowed money during
construction are part of the probable total project cost and can be estimate in cooperation with the
client because they are usually outside the knowledge and controls of the civil engineer.
Staff Costs – Definition Expenditure incurred for staff time used to deliver projects Example – Annual
salary, national insurance, pension contributions, employer’s contributions for NI and pension, any other
contractual payments included in the employee contract

Staff Costs Member of staff delivering one project – 100% of total staff costs (salary + employers costs +
other costs) Member of staff working on project and non-project activities % allocated to the project
based on time sheets and calculation applied to total staff costs Done on a monthly basis because the
allocation can and does change Monthly amounts added to produce total amount for the claim

means salaries and benefits related to payment of personnel.

Administration costs, also known as overhead costs or fixed costs are the costs which incur on a business
or hotel solely from running. These overhead costs are not directly impacted by manufacturing,
production or sales volume and can therefore be described as fixed costs. They can be seen as the basic
costs that occur without a sale having to be made. Examples for administrative costs are taxes, rent,
insurance, licensing fees, utilities, accounting and legal teams, administrative staff, facility upkeep, etc.


To provide for intangible costs, contingencies should routinely be added to the basic cost estimate. It is
common practice to add 20% or more to the estimate probable total project cost at the completion of
the study and report phase, reducing this to perhaps 10% at the completion of the final design and
perhaps to 5% when the construction bids become known. Larger or more complex may require higher
% 20costs.

Galit, Maria Nicole

Dizon, Jess Kinneth

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