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Lesson 3

Name: Jasmin R. Conejero Professor: MARIA JOSEFA C. ORCEGA

Date: March 10, 2021
SEM 112
II. Choose one topic in Qualities of a literary masterpieces and Write an interactive
My topic was all about the bible. The bible is a compilation of holy texts or
scriptures that Christians, Jews, Samaritans, Rastafari, and others revere. It takes the
form of an anthology, which is a collection of texts in various formats that are all
interconnected by the assumption that they are all divine revelations. Historical
accounts with a religious emphasis, hymns, prayers, proverbs, parables, didactic letters,
erotica, poetry, and prophecies are among the texts included. The Bible is still widely
regarded as a work of religious inspiration for believers. Canonical books are those that
are included in the Bible by a tradition or community, meaning that the tradition or group
believes the compilation to be the authentic reflection of God's word and will. There
have been a variety of Biblical canons created, with overlapping and divergent contents
from one congregation to the next.
Furthermore, God, his proclaimed acts of creation, provision, judgement,
deliverance, vow, and assurances are all major biblical themes. In terms of God's
essence, justice, faithfulness, grace, and compassion, the Bible examines what
happens to humanity. The main themes in the story consist around man's revolution,
alienation, and perversion. The gracious works of God include man's salvation,
repentance, healing, the blessings of grace, new birth, the coming kingdom, and the
ultimate consummation of man's dream.
In addition, the Bible serves two purposes. The first is to demonstrate that we
have all violated God's Law. "For whoever holds the entire rule but loses in one point
has been responsible for all of it," James 2:10 says. The Law of God shows how
someone has sinned against God and is guilty of God's full wrath. This demonstrates
the need for a Savior. Around the same moment, the Bible's central theme and central
point is Jesus. The Savior is Jesus. "The Lamb of God that takes away the guilt of the
earth," said John the Baptist (John 1:29).
Moreover, the Bible is a holy text or compilation of books that the Christian
Church recognizes as being uniquely influenced by God and thus definitive, containing
instructions for religion and action. Throughout the Bible, several passages testify to its
divine origin (Genesis 6:9-13, Exodus 20:1-17, 2 Timothy 3:16, 2 Peter 1:20-21,
Revelation 1:1-2, etc.) God did not, however, dictate the Bible word for word. It is also
the result of the several distinct human writers that contributed to it. Human writers'
works represent their various writing talents, writing styles, personalities, world views,
and cultural contexts. Many of the New Testament books were written as letters before
being converted to Scripture. Any Bible texts contain the writers' own historical studies
and recollections.
The Bible is heavily ingrained in popular culture, offering everything from a
metaphorical conception of righteousness by parables to the title of The Grapes of
Wrath. The fact that so many thinkers, authors, and masters of crafts have seen and
continue to find interest in the Bible to the zeitgeist of Western civilization demonstrates
how much of the Bible remains within the zeitgeist of Western civilization and masters of
crafts have sought and continue to find meaning in the Bible for their lives and work,
indicating the Bible's potential for study.
I therefore conclude that the Bible is the most extraordinary text ever published.
There are at least ten distinct differences between it and all other writings. The Bible is
more than just a text book to be read and praised for its insight. Trained men and
women can still investigate the Bible in depth and believe in its teachings without
jeopardizing their moral dignity in the twenty-first century. To summarize, the arguments
of a book of the Bible's illustrious credentials merit serious attention. Every true seeker
of truth should read this book for answers to life's most pressing questions.


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