Oscillatory Zoning in Minerals

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The Canadi an Mine ralo gi st

Vol. 34, pp. I I I 1-l 126 (t996)



Oxawa-Carleton GeoscienceCente, Depamnentof Geology,Universityof Ottawa,
140ktuis Pasteur,Ottawa,Ontario KIN 6N5


Crystalscharacterized by oscillatoryzoningshow evidencefor a quasi-cyclicalternationin the chemicalcompositionof

discretegtowth-shellsfrom tens of nanometersto tens of micrometersin thickness.Oscillatory zoning is most commonly
observedandstudiedin crystalsof magmaticplagioclase,but sensitiveimagingtechniques(e.9.,Nomarskiinterferenceconffast
microscopy,cathodoluminescence, back-scattered electronimaging,X-ray topographs)reveal its presencein many olher
minerals.Throughthe applicationof thesetechniquesand an exhaustivereview of the literature,oscillatoryzoningis shownto
occur in at least 75 rock-forming and accessoryminerals comprising most major mineral classes:silicates (hydrous and
anhydrous),sulfides,oxides,halides,carbonates, phosphates, and sulfates.Such mineral zoning is a commonbut often
well-concealed phenomenon in magmaticrocks(particularlyalkalineones),hydrothermallyalteredrocks,mineralizedrocks,
andcarbonalesequences. Mechanisms of oscillatoryzoningarediscussed, effectsof adsorptionand
includingthe less-studied
elasficstressin near-surfacegrowth-layers.Its "non-equilibrium chemistry"makesoscillatory zoning a rich subjectfor further



Les cristauxzon6sde fagonoscillatoirer6sultentd'une alternationquasi-cyclique en compositionchimiqued'enveloppes

de croissancedistinctes,dont l'6paisseurvarie de dizaines de nanombtresi des dizaines de micromdtres.Le ph6nomdne
est le plus courammentobserv6et 6tudi6 dans les cristaux de plagioclasemagmatique,mais il est aussi d6velopp6dans
plusieursautresespdces,conrmeen t6moignentles techniquessensiblesde microscopiepaxcontrasted'interf6renceNomarski,
cathodoluminescence, r6partition des 6lectronsr6rodiffus6s, et images topographiquesdes rayons X. L'application de ces
techniqueset un bilan complet de la litt6rature montrent que la zonation oscillatoire a 6t6 document6epour au moins
75 mindraux principaux et accessoiresdes roches,y inclus des silicates (hydrat6sou non), sulfures, oxydes,halog6nures,
carbonates,phosphateset sulfates.Une zonationoscillatoire est corrante dans les rochesmagmatiques,rnais elle peut €tre
cryptique,surtoutdansles rochesalcalines,les rochesaffect6espar une alt6rationhydrothermale,les rochesdesgltes min6raux
et les sdquencesde carbonates.Nous revoyons les m6canismesde zonation oscillatoire, et faisons allusion aux r6les de
l'adsorption et de la ddformationdlastiquedansles couchesde croissancesprds de la surface,facteursqui sont moins bien
6tudi6s.Les 6cartsde la compositionI l'dquilibre font de la zonationoscillatoireun riche sujet de recherche.

(Traduit par la R6daction)

Mots-cl4s:zonationoscillatoire,couchede croissance,croissancecristalline,dynamiquenon lin6aire,microscopieh interf6rence


IN'rRoDUC'noN parallelto crystallographicplanesof low Miller indices

andhavethicknesses rangingfrom tensofnanometers
Mineralscharacterizedby oscillatoryzoningcontain to several tens of micrometers.Although the term
multiple compositionally varying growth-shells "oscillatory"is used,thefluctuationsin zonethickness
(layers,if viewedin cross-section) that are generally andcompositionneednot be regularor harmonic.The
concentration of inclusions,dislocations,andpossibly
point defects also may vary across and between
growth-layers. The zoningin magmaticplagioclase is a
commonphenomenon, so muchsothatpublicationson
r E-mail address.' afowler@acadvml.uottawa.ca the subjectdate back over a century (Rutley 1875,

Herz 1892,Harloff 1927,Phemister1934).Its occur- small-scalegrowth mechanism(s) is responsible,and

rencein other minerals(e.9.,nepheline,augite,zircon) that theoreticalwork has focusedtoo narrowly upon
has been known for nearly as long. However, few plagioclase-meltsystems.
textbooksin mineralogytreat the topic in any detail.
We have used back-scatteredelectron (BSE) OssERvarroNs nt Mn TERALS
imaging, X-ray element maps, cathodoluminescence SHownrc Oscru.tonv Zorwqc
(CL), and Nomarski interference-contrast(NIC)
microscopyto study various minerals,and we review Methodsof obsewation
the large number of published observations of
oscillatory zoning. As will be shown, oscillatory Table 1 documentsthe presenceof oscillatory
zoning visible using the abovetechniquesis typically 2ening in numerousminerals.The data consist of
not visible using standard petrographic or routine publishedobservationsof investigatorswho haveused
microbeamanalyticaltechniques.Oscillatoryzoning is various techniques(optical microscopy,CL, NIC,
considerably more common than may generally be BSE, transmission electron microscopy, X-ray
lsalized (Table 1). In our opinion, its occurrencein topography,and ion, electron,or X-ray microprobes),
many different minerals implies that a gureralized plus our own optical, NIC, BSE, and microprobe


r'lmls Phcpbatg Imdlifals

DimdC(3) ApatireN0) c{2) q3) B(mx@9) AesifiE c{2O

AMbN(4) l[@eda C(41)B(41) lotgm8db AO
PllubogmiE B(31) tutui&oire c{ar) qal)
Sd6d.s,slfN|l8 X@timB(22) Arsile O(2) N(7) B(14)
Clisorotatite O(40)
AsaryydbN(a) Halld6 Conbei& C(O
GaloaN(4) Diopside-l8dsbqgitc C(2) N(7)
Pyite (aL hwoitsYr.) N(4) Flqoilc O(2) q3) JadeiEB(30)
SdcibN(4) Hslite C(2) Kss{ille N(l) C{1)
Sforqudi@ N(4) trlae&iddldHodmlite B(33)
strslsite N(a) C€) C(3) TuSdalg Parg8ie N(1) O(1)
Tetohedrn€.t@Edre N(4) Richsile O(41)B(41)
Fertqile.hr,tositE C(t Spodm@ X(39)
H&E,hJd$dd6 Scndte-.lore[ib O(t Ilemlie C(3)

Badil€kvie q3) N€dodltst6 Pbylhdlbalc

caNied& N(a) C(2) C(3) Aadndite-gmolr c{z) C(3) r(t8) Biotit O(23)
qrmie (w 'o*ng) B{8) OliviB N(7) C(42) Iipidolle C(3)
colmbile-tmlatire B(34) Tilnte q3) B(t9) MwiteC{17)
Cumdun O(2)C{3) TdDozq3) Phlog!'pibO(2) B(24)
MagnstileN(4) zirc@ NOo) c{2) c(3) B(9) MOI) Pretdb B(12)
Pwskile O(2t)
ryrochl@-ni.roti@ q2) B(U) So(d||et6 Terod|I€tg
Rrdle C(2)
At@dleN(r)o(2) 'A&!rda" C(46)
Carb@s,6 Alleile C{2) B(25) Am(thmleM(32)
BpidoEO(O B(14) BcsrsirF{Ba) B(29)
Aikslle B(20) FedialyteC{O Nstselile N(1) O(2)C(3)
calcile NO) C(3) VwisitsB{43)Ql) OrlslreN(44)
DolomitcC(3) wdhlsils q48) Plasisle N(lO q2)
Cegcyi& C(3t si'Fq2) Quatz q3) M(4t
Maemile B(21) C(50) Seidim O?(13)
Sid€rteC(1) B(1) Ctclodura€ SodafteO(2)

Srtrde Bdyl o(12) c(3) x(3E)

TmalirO(2) C(3)
Barte q2) C(3)
C€lddle CX36)M(3O

aaMs af ob@6tot O opdlsl misscoly, C: eriodolmiM, B: bd-6oanq€d olec1r@foagi[& lvt eleaeM6 i@

ntcoFobe, N: N@6ti Mg@ aoftsq E0et€d-ligtt ntcmfcoly, s ch@i@l geidg of etded nhsals, x Xay

R€tM ll6stu$,2PdlliDs & Gims (rgtl),3 lrlaBhlll(1988), aRmdolr (19&]),5Palacleet al.(194/-),6b etsL
(1986).7 Clnl er df O9E6).t All@ e, aJ.(1988),9 Pacno e al, (1992),10Pidrp@0992), 11Altm8lc a aL (lgAD, U
sinrmkx & Read(19E6),13 Sdth & Bm O9S), 14Yadtey e, aL (19F1),l5 W a af. (1992),16And€$@(1984),17
Royd (19q2),18Jmtwtt (191), 19Palm & Srephtr O92), 20 S@le 090), 2l Pwis O9t9), n *fr'Ils et al. (19y2),
23 KeaL (1981),24 OE,rin a 41.(19S), 25 Sl)Iem (l9l), 26 Edtss (198t, 27 R@sbo0989). 28 Tnim & &w
(19E ,29 RobiM & Orirs 0993),30 R-lc 0993), 31Nider (1981),32Haveue& Natid Oqm,33 Kawa&sts& Yua$lh
09t7),34lrhd 0987); 35PeHse (1990),3?R@drter(L969),38Gwiun a at. O90), 39Arrhi€r& Zrlo ($rD,40 I,hiIDot8
& GreyO94), 4l D-D.HogFtb,D6s.@, 42 St€eleO99l), 43 ce! d aL (193), 44 Diqfs@ Q94!.\ 45 P@'r d 41.OqA,
&Ma1za ql. (l94o),47 s&f.Ils!a at. (t971),48 Msto & Rcr&r (1989).49phakEyA Ir@Ed 0970),50 SpofilO99t).

observations.We list several minerals in which comprising most major mineral classes(silicates,
oscillatory zoning.either has not been previously sulfides, oxides, halides, carbonates,phosphates,and
documented(e.9., kaersutite,pargasite,siderite, and sulfates) exhibit such zoning. It occurs in minerals
combei@, or in which NIC microscopyhas not been from magmatic rocks, hydrothermally altered rocks,
previouslyusedto studythe fine detailsof suchzoning rocks in ore deposits,and carbonatesequences.
(e.g., apatite,calcite, melilite, and nepheline).In total, Oscillatoryzoningis readily observedin plagioclase
at least 75 rock-forming or accessory minerals and in the clinopyroxene of alkaline rocks because
these minerals commonly occur as large euhedral
crystals that combine significant short-rangecompo-
sitional variation (i.e., growthJayers-l-10 pn in
thickness), with compositionally sensitive optical
properties.These characteristicsmake zoning clearly
visible in the optical microscope.Oscillatory26ningin
other mineralsmay be visible in thin section,although
in many instances its detection requires optimally
oriented crystals in doubly polished sectionsand the
use of a stopped-downcondenserlens. Commonly,
variations in the color or birefringence of minerals
showingoscillatory zoning arelessvisible than arethe
schlieren-likebandsthat arise from small contrastsin
the indicesofrefractionofthe growthzones.

ffi Frc. 1. Back-scatleredelectron photomicrographs;contrast-
frjs-ig optimized300-secondscanson JEOL 6400SEM equipped
b. with JEOL solid-state detector (Carleton University).
A) Oscillatory zoning in apatite crystal in syenite
(pulaskite)from Mount Johnson,Quebec.The bulk rock
contains0.48 wt.ToP2Os,93 * l0 pg/g l,a and 199 t
20 ytglgCe.Growth zonesin the apatitecrystalvary from
{.6 wt.7o(dark) to *3,6 vt.Eo combinedl,a2O3+ CqO3
@right). Note the very small size of the unzonedcore
(-10 pm), and the asymmetrybetweengrowth layers on
equivalent crystal-faces.The image contrast has been
optimized to enhancethe zoning within the apatite.As a
cotrsequence, the gmin of kaersutiteenclosingthe apatite
crystal, which itself shows oscillatory zoning, appears
black on the image (see Fig. 2E, a photomicrographof
sirnilarly zoned crystal of kaersutite from the same
specimen).A magnetitegrain in the upperright comer of
the frame appearswhite. B) Nepheline phenocryst in
nephelinite, Oldoinyo kngai, Tanzania. The contrast
in mean atomic number is primarily due to variationsin
Fe concentration(presumablyFe3+substituting for Al).
CompareBSE resolutionto that of NIC photomicrograph
of similar crystals(Fig. 2C). C) Siderite-magnesite
in amygdule in a gabbroic dike, Montreal. The Mg/
(Mg + Fe) of the growth layersrangesfrom 0.55 (darkes0
to 0.29 (lightest). Despite the large variation of mean
atomic number in the crystal (requiring less extreme
contrastthan usedin Fig. 1A), the contrastbetweenthe
adjacent quartz, kaersutite, plagioclase and ilmenite is
barely sufficient for petrographicpuposes.

In otler cases,CL (Marshall1988),NIC microscopy secondaryX-ray fluorescencewithin the sample

of etchedcrystals(e.g.,Pearce & Kolisnik 1990),BSE (Goldstein et al. 1992). This limit applies to a point
imaging (e.9.,Halden& Hawthorne1993),or X-ray analysis,line profile, or two-dimensionalX-ray map.
topography(e.g.,Langet al. 1991)may be requiredto Interferometricmethodssuchas NIC microscopyhave
detectzoning.Fundamentals of CL and BSE imaging $eater spatialresolutionthanthe electronmicroprobe,
are given in Marshall (1988) and Goldsteiner a/. but arequalitativein nature.
(1992), respectively.The basic principles of X-ray
topography are discussedin Lang et al. (1991): Texturesand rnicrostructures of crystals
although extremely sensitive to dislocations and showing oscillatory zoning
changesin unit-cell parameters, this techniqueis not
widely used in the Eafih sciences,being best suited The growth layers of crystals showing oscillatory
for large, highly perlect single crystals.Nomarski zoning are typically parallel to crystallographicplanes
interference-contrastmicroscopy uses optical inter- of low Miller indices,and commonlyconcentricwith
ferometry to enhancesmall variations in the surface externalmarginsof the crystal. This finding indicates
relief of a specimen.Polishingrelief emphasizes grain that such crystals maintained a euhedral shape
boundaries;zoningwithin crystalsis bestbroughtout throughoutmuch of their growth.Suchzonedcrystals
by etching highly polished surfaceswith appropriate are generally rather equant; it is considerably less
acid mixtures. Under ideal conditions (1.e., an commonfor crystalswith dendritic,acicular,or highly
unscratchedhighly reflective near-planarsurface), plate-likehabitsto exhibitsuchzoning.Oneofthe few
variationsin surfacerelief assmallas2-10 nm may be exceptionstlat we have observedis plate-like Fe-rich
resolved by NIC microscopy (Nomarski & Weill augite microphenocrystsin certain East African
1954).However,the lateralresolutionis muchpoorer nephelinites.tlightly packedmonomineralicarraysof
(300-500nm). microcrystalline fibers(e.g.,agate:Merinoet al. 1995,
Table I doesnot list every methodthat has been Heaney& Davis 1995)or dendrites(e.9.,sphalerite:
usedto detectoscillatoryzoning in a given mineral. Fowler & L'Heureux 1995) can exhibit banding
Certain well-studiedminerals (e.g., zircon, apatite) similar to oscillatoryzoning,althoughtheir mode of
have been examined with optical microscopy, growth differs from that of singlecrystals.lOscillatory
Nomarski interference-contrastmicroscopy, back- zoning is observedin crystals as small as a few tens
scattered electron imaging, cathodoluminescence, of micrometers[our own observationsof apatitein
electronmicroprobe,protonmicroprobe,secondaryion pulaskite from Mt. Johnson,Quebec,nepheline and
microprobe, X-ray topography, autoradiography, clinopyroxene in nephelinite from East Africa,
fission-trackanalysis,and so on. No singlemethodis and plagioclasein andesitefrom Montserrat;seealso
ideallysuitedfor detectingzoningin all minerals.With Vance (1962) and Cashman(1992) tor additional
back-scattered electronimaging, detectorconditions examplesofplagioclasel,to severalcentimeters in size
mustbe optimizedif very smalldifferences in themean or larger. It may be present from the center to the
atomic numberof the mineral growth-zonesare to be margin of a crystal, but oscillatory zoning in crystals
revealed.Sucha proceduremay not be compatiblewith with an unzonedcore or a monotonicallyzonedouter
routine petrographic and textural examination of margin is fairly common.This is bestdocumentedfor
specimensbecausethe 8-bit dynamic range typical plagioclase(Smith& Brown 1988),but otherminerals,
of digital images currently obtained with scanning such as diopside phenocrystsin alkaline magmatic
electronmicroscopy(SEM)(i.e.,256shadesof grey)is rocks, possesssimilar features (Thompson 1973,
rarely sufficient to show zoning within a mineral and O'Brien et al. 1988,Simonettiet al. 1996).Crystalsof
simultaneouslymaintain adequatecontrast among many minerals showing oscillatory zoning (e.g.,
the various minerals (Fig. 1). Furthermore, our plagioclase,nepheline,diopside, melilite, kaersutite)
experiencewith certainspecimensof kaersutite,augite, contain a rich assortmentof minor strucfuressuch as
and apatite has shown that weak zoning that is sieve-texturedcores, embayedfaces or rounded-off
detectableby optical or NIC methods cannot be cornerE,individual growthJayersthat vary in thickness
resolved even using carefully optimized operating on both crystallographicallyequivalent and non-
conditionsfor the SEM and the detector.Clearly, equivalentfaces,angular"unconformities"and'ocross-
potentialionic substitutionssuchas vIFe3++ ryAl = bedding" between layers, and multicored crystals
vIFe2++ IvSi would causelittle changein the
mean apparentlyformedthroughsynneusis(e.g.,Figs. 1,2;
atomicnumberof a mineral. Alldgreet al. 1981,Anderson1984,Pearce& Kolisnik
In additionto low image-contrast in someminerals 1990). Planar growth-layerscommonly cross twin
characterizedby oscillatory zoning, the spatial planesor incorporatevesiclesor foreigncrystalswith
resolutionof the BSEtechniquemay be inadequate. In little or no disruptionof subsequentlayering.
electron-microprobe analysis,the minimum volume Many of the rocks examined show oscillatory
sampledis on the order of 5-10 pm3, a fundamental zoning in more than one mineral. Our observations,
limit of resolutionimposedby electronscatteringand andtlose of otherresearchers. indicatethat suchzoned

Frc. 2. Nomarskiinterferencecontrastmicrographsof acid-etchedcrystals,showingcharacteristicminor featuresof oscillatory

zoning.A) Stronglyzonedcrystal of diopsidein leucite-bearinglav4 Mt. Vesuvius.Sectionwas etchedfor about8 minutes
at 20oCin a concentratedIIF-HC1-<itric acid mixture. On a fine scale,zoningis irregular,andmanyepisodesof dissolution
appearindicatedby roundedcorners,embayments,and angularunconformities.This crystal is very similar to thosestudied
by Thompson(1973).Scalebar: 400 pm. B) Melilite (&ermanite) crystalsin nephelinite,Mt. Elgon, Uganda.Sectionwas
etchedfor 5 minutesat 20oCin lU%oHCl. ln addition to melilite, phenocrystsof nephelineand diopsidein this lava also
show oscillatory zoning. Scalebar: 100 pm, C) Nephelinecrystalsin nephelinite,Oldoinyo Lengai (from samesampleas
Fig. 1B). Sectionwas etchedfor 2-3 minutesat 20oCin ll%a HCl. Fine detailsof zoning are similar to thosecommonly
found in plagioclase.Areasof irregular or apparentlyunzonedgrowth are present.Oscillatory zoning is also developedin
phenocrystsand microphenocrystsof clinopyroxene,sodalite,and combeitein this lava. Scalebar: 100pm. D) Detail of a
different phenocrystofnepheline from samethin sectionas Fig. 2C. Regularzoning is sharplytruncatedby a dissolution
surface,and subsequentgrowh is extremelyirregular. This featureis only presentin one comer of the crystal, which is
-2 mm across.Scalebar: 40 pm. E) Kaersutitecrystal in pulaskite,Mt. Johnson.Sectionwas etchedfor 8-10 minutesat
20oCin a concentratedIIF-HCl-citric acid mixture.TransmittedJightmicroscopyrevealsonly broad,weak color-banding;
enhancedBSE imaging did not show *re growth zoning. Scale bar: 400 pm. F) Apatite crystal from samesampleof
pulaskite as in Fig. 2E. Section was etchedfor 30 secondsat 20oC in ll%o HCI. The crystal is partially enclosedin
magnetite(medium grey) and subsequentlyovergrown by pyrite (very light grey). Asymmerical growttt of equivalent
crystal facesis evident,and is likely due to growth that continuedafter the apatitecrystal becameattachedto magnetite.
Compareto Fig. 1A. Scalebar:40 pm.

minerals are particularly cotnmon in alkaline rocks. measuredup to 44-fold variationsin the concenfration
For this reason, and because pristine crystals, of Cr.
particularly those of easily altered minerals (e.g., Many observationsof oscillatoryzoningshowthat it
nepheline,metlite), are best found in fresh volcanic is binary, i.e., the short-rangezoning varies between
rocks, we examined the University of Ottawa's two stable or gradually varying compositional end-
collection of alkaline volcanic rocks (varying from members. [The end-members may themselves be
olivine nepheliniteto trachyte) from the East African complex solid-solutions.lTernary or higher-order
Rift, in addition to several samplesprovided by Dr. zoning hasrarely beenreportedin the literature.In the
Keith Bell of CarletonUniversity. We found that the aforementionedion-microprobestudy of an aluminian
majorify (at least3 1 out of 47 phenocryst-bearinglavas diopside ("augite") phenocrystin an alkaline basalt,
from eight volcanic centers)containphenocrystswith Shimizu (1990) detected Fm-scale, large-amplitude
oscillatory 2sning, most commonly of diopside and antithetic variation betweencompatible (Cr, Sc) and
nepheline.Certain of these rocks also contain other moderately incompatible (Ii, V, Sr, Zr) elements.
minerals with oscillatory zoning, such as apatite, This result is consistent with electron-microprobe
titanite, melilite, sodalite, and combeite. Peterson studiesof other casesof oscillatory zoning in igneous
(1989)describedoscillatoryzoningin phenocrystsof clinopyroxenes (a.9.,Thompson1973).An interesting
aegirine-augite,nepheline, and titanian andradite in exceptionis a dolomite crystal studiedby Fraseret al.
highly differentiated peralkaline 1"n1t"1ittes from (1989),in which the concenfrationsof Fe, Mn, and Zn
ShomboleVolcano, Kenya. Intrusive rocks containing vary independentlyof eachother.Possiblereasonsfor
severaldifferent mineralsdisplayingoscillatoryzoning this casearediscussedbelow.
also arefound. Using CL, Wenzel& Ramseyer(1992) In certain minerals showing oscillatory 2ening,the
studiedoscillatory zoning in apatite,plagioclase,and growth mechanism(s)was sufficiently sensitive to
K-feldspar from a diorite-to-monzonitesequenceof fractionatesuchgeochemicallysimilar elementsas Nb
rocks.Using optical andNIC microscopy,we observed and Ta, Mo and W, and k andHJ [e.9., columbite-
fine1y zoned plagioclase, clinopyroxene, kaenutite, tantalite: Lahti (1987); powellite-scheelite: Palache
and apatite in syenite and alkaline gabbro from Mt. et al. (1944); zircon: Speer(1982)1.In contrast,in
Royal and Mt. Johnson,both Monteregiancomplexes other occurrences.levels of the rare-earth elements
in Quebec. In these rocks, apatite with oscillatory vary sympatheticallywith thoseof suchgeochemically
2sning can be found as inclusions within magnetite, distinct elementsas U and Th, and nonradiogenicPb
titanite, and oscillatorily zoned crystals of kaersutite. le.g., zircon: Chakoumakoset al. (1987), Pidgeon
Asymmeftical growth-layers within apatite crystals (1992), Halden et al. (1993); titanite: Paterson &
indicate that oscillatory zoning continued during Stephens(1992)1.Becauseof the potentialfor complex
growth even as the apatite crystals were being multi-elementsubstitutions,the detailedinterpretation
envelopedby other minerals(Frg. 1A). of zoning detected by BSE requires additional,
element-specificmicro-analytical techniquessuch as
Chemicalvariations in minerals X-ray mapping.
displaying oscillatory zoning
Forrn and.preservationof chemicalzoning
Oscillatory zoning generally does not involve
unusual compositions, but rather "normal" Oscillatory zoning is commonly superposedupon
compositionsthat vary over short distances.In many longer-scale,sning, either normal (i.e., the concen-
rock-forming silicates, oscillatory zoning involves tration of less compatible elementsincreasestoward
substitutionof wAl for wSi, plus a coupledsubstitution crystal margins) or reverse. In minerals for which
to maintainelectroneutraliry@.9.,NaSi;= CaAl in pla- detailed measurementshave been made" the short-
gioclase). In pyroxenes and amphiboles, more wavelength compositional 26ning typically has an
complicatedsubstitutionsinvolving major and minor asymmetricalsawtoothform, with the less compatible
elementsmay apply(e.9.,Thompson1973,Kawakatsu or lower-temperaturecomponentincreasingsmootbly
& Yamaguchi 1987), and in accessoryminerals, outward, followed by an abrupt retum to the higher-
substitution involving minor or trace elementsmay temperaturecomponentat the start of the next layer
predominate.The variation in the concenfiation of [plagioclase:Bottinga et al. (1966),Pearce& Kolisnik
major elementswithin an oscillatorily zoned mineral (1990); diopside:Shimizu (1990); columbite:Lahti
is strongly constrainedby crystal chemistry and (1987)1.Estimatesof maximum short-rangevariations
crystal-liquid equilibria; trace elements may show in proportion of major elementsof -5-10 mol%oin
much greater variability in concentration le.g., plagioclase and clinopyroxene have primarily been
diopside:Shimizu(1990);zircon:Chakoumakos et a/. determined from electron-microprobeanalysis in
(1987), Halden et al. (1993); titanite: Paterson& combination with an optical study (Smith & Brown
Stephens(L992)). An extreme example is provided 1988, Thompson 1973). Becauseof limitations of
by a crystal of diopside, in which Shimizu (1990) resolutionfor the micro-analyticaltechniquesused to

date, the exact pattern of compositional variation eclogite (Dudley 1969) and in phyllite (Anderson&
within and between individual growth-layers in Olimpio 1,977),and plagioclasein medium-grade
crystals showing oscillatory zoning is unclear. In a schistQVlenard & Spear1996).A commonassumption
study of oscillatory and sector zoning in authigenic of theoretical models of oscillatory zoning is that
dolomite crystals, Reeder & Prosky (1986) used diffusion in the solid phaseis negligibletbroughoutthe
transmissionelectronmicroscopyto observecompo- period of growth. This assumptionis not generallytrue
sitional layering on a scale of tens of nm. Further in casesof regionallymetamorphosed rocks.Because
high-resolution studies of oscillatory zoning in of the paucity of data,suchrocks will not be discussed
minerals by TEM, analytical electron microscopy, further.
electron energy-lossspectroscopy,or secondary-ion
mass spectrometrywould be useful. The precise Op.rcnqs Zonntc
pattern or waveform of the compositionalzoning is
of interest becausedifferent models predict different Backgroundinfonnation
patterns(e.9.,Allbgre et al. 1987,Haaseet al. 1980,
Ortoleva 1990,Jamtveit 1991,L'Heureux & Fowler In common with most investigators,we interpret
1994). However, simple numerical modeling that we oscillatory zoning as a primary growth-texture.The
havecaried out demonstrates that solid-statediffrrsion euhedral,distinctly planar natureof the compositional
in magmaticcrystalswill causezoning to relax toward layersindicatesthat suchcrystalsmaintaineda faceted
a lower-amplitude,sinusoidalform, regardlessof the morphologythroughoutmuch of their growth history,
patternof the original zoning.Even if oneassumesthat with the implication that a two-dimensional layer-
2eningon suchfine scalesas observedby Reeder& spreadingmechanismof growth was operative.Many
Prosky (1986) could form in magmaticminerals,its observationsofcrystals growlng at low supersaturation
preservationwould seemunlikely. Thus the long-term have shown that gowth parallel to partially formed
thermal evolution of the systemis an importantfactor surface-layersoccursmuch more rapidly than growth
to bear in mind for the study of oscillatory zoning, perpendicularto such layers (e.9., Baronnet 1984,
particularly in mineralsof magmaticrocks. Tiller 1991a, b). Thus, although Pearce (1994)
Minerals with zoning involving homovalent cautioned that laterally continuous discrete gro*th-
substitution of low-field-strength elements such as layers do not necessarilyrepresenttime-equivalent
alkalis or alkaline earthswill be more susceptibleto horizons,we considerit reasonableto assumethat they
diffrrsive homogenizationthan minerals with zoning are at leastcloseto being time-equivalent.
involving chargi-compensatedryAl i= rvsi or highl A model of the origin(s) of oscillatory zoning must
field-strengthelements.In plagioclase,calculatedrates explain the abrupt shifts in chemical composition
of homogenizationare slow enough that fine-scale within and betweengrowth-layers.The oscillationsin
zoning is only likely to be overprintedin large malic chemicalcompositionareseeminglyincompatiblewith
intrusions (Grove et al. 1984). It is likely that slow, near-equilibrium growth. Such compositional
preservation potential of oscillatory zoning varies shifts appear to violate the second law of thermo-
markedly arnongdifferent minerals.Zortrngin certain dynamics because systems cannot spontaneously
minerals (e.9., plagioclase,clinopyroxene,zircon) is reverse their growth composition to lower-entropy
preservedeven in large igneous bodies, whereas states,given stableconditionsofgrowth. This situation
zoningin others(e.9.,spinels,sulfidesoolivine, alkali hasgiven rise to variousphysicalmodelsthat rely upon
feldspar) appears confined to low-temperature or cyclic wholesalechangesin pressureo temperature,or
rapidlygrownandcooledparageneses. bulk compositionto vary the compositionof the
Exsolution, hydrothermal alteration, and strain- growing crystal. The interpretation of oscillatory
induced recrystallization may also overprint or zoning then becomesstraightforward:the composition
eliminate fine-scale zoning. Studiesof the effects of of each layer was controlled by the local (P,TJ)
metamorphismor deformation on oscillatory zoning environment at the time of growth. Satisfactory
(e.9.,Wayne & Sinha 1988,Pidgeon1992) are few. explanationsfor such large-scalerepetitive changes
In certain minerals, such zoning is known to survive have, however, proved elusive. Many recent
metamorphismto the middle to upper amphibolite investigatorsexplain the growth as being due to non-
facies [e.9., plagioclase:Cannon (1966); zircon: linearities causedby coupling of growth parameters
Patersonet al. (1992); allanite: Sorensen(1991); such that chemical variations spontaneouslyarise.
xenotime:Miller er al. (1992);columbite:Cem! et al. Indeed, these types of systems,which are termed
(1992)1.The reverse situation, i.e., the development 'ochemicaloscillators", are now well recognized in
of oscillatory zoning during metamorphism,seems chemistry (Gray & Scott 1990). Theoretical models
uncommonbeyondthe specialcasesof mineralization of oscillatoryzoning(Sibleyet al. L976,Haaseet al.
in skarnsandhydrothermalveins.Examplesof the few 1980,Alldgre et al. 1981,Ortoleva1990,L"Heureux
porphyroblasticmineralsfound with oscillatoryzoning 1993,L'Heureux& Fowler 1994)havemainlyfocused
includejadeite in blueschist(Ernst 1993),gamet in on plagioclase,with someauthorseven consideringit

to be a phenomenonrestricted to that mineral (e.9., which mineralsshow oscillatory zoning. Unequivocal

Alldgre et al. l98l). evidence of magmatic convection (e,9., direct
The presenceof inclusions,cross-bedded growth measurements of fluctuations in flow or temperature)
layers, resorbedsurfaces,etc., in crystals that have has not yet been obtained, such that it remains an
oscillatory zoning signifies that the causative untested(albeit physically plausible)phenomenon.
mechanismis robust, becausesuch perturbationsin Phemister(1934)proposedthat cyclic changesof
crystal substratesor local conditions of growth com- dissolvedvolatile species(largely HrO) led to changes
monly have little effect on subsequentgrowth-layers. in the composition of the liquidus plagioclase.
[This is additional evidence for a layer-spreading Although volatiles can be rapidly exsolved from
mechanism of growth.l From our observationsof magmasat low pressures,and geothermalphenomena
oscillatory zoning in severaldifferent mineralswithin such as geysersare commonly periodic on a short
the same rock, we infer that such zoning does not time-scale,changesin the concentrationof dissolved
require exceptionalphysical or chemicalconditionsto HrO at higherpressurewill be bufferedby its solubility
form. and rate of diffrrsive transport.The dehydration(i.e.,
exsolution,vesiculation,and volatile loss) of a batch
Mechanismsof oscillatory zoning of magma would appearin most casesto be an
in mngmaticminerals irreversible process.It is also unclear how P(H2O)
would significantly affect the compositionof zircon,
Explanations of oscillatory zoning fall into two pyrochloreand titanite. As wellothis explanationfails
broad genetic categories. Extrinsic mechanisms to account for occurrencesof oscillatory zoning in
involve physical or chemicalchangeswithin the bulk clinopyroxenein anhydrouslunar basalt (Thompson
systemthatarepartiallyor wholly independent oflocal 1973), plagioclasein (typically H2O-undersafurated)
crystallization,such as crystal settling, large-scale mid-ocean ridge basalt (Allbgre et al. L98l), and
convection,fluid mixing, reservoirreplenishment,elc. minerals in pegmatites crystallized from closed-
In comparison,proposed intrinsic mechanismslink Vstem, volatile-rich derivative liquid (Lahti 1987,
crystal growth to purely local phenomena.Primarily, Cem! et al. 1992).
these involve coupling between the rate of crystal knportantly, such extrinsic models fail to explain
growth and solute diffrrsion through the crystal-melt critical observations, such as tenfold (or greater)
boundary layer. Intermiftent small-scale boundary- variations in the concentrationof trace elementsin
layer convection, buildup and relaxation of elastic certain minerals, or the decouplingof geochemically
strain due to cell-parametermismatch in zoned similar elementsin accessoryminerals.The presence
growth-layers,and cyclic "poisoning" by adsorbed of oscillatory zoning in a broad range of minerals in
growth-inhibiting ions are also mechanismsthat have magmaticrocks ranging from mid-ocean-ridgebasalt
beenmentionedin the literature. to carbonatite implies that some form of general
growth-mechanismis responsible.It has long been
Extrinsic mechanisms(magmatic) noted (Greenwood& McTaggart1957,Wiebe 1968)
that fine oscillatory layers in plagioclasecannot be
Bowen(1928)suggested thatcrystalsof plagioclase correlatedamongcrystals.On a slightly smallerscale,
characterizedby oscillatory zoning were advected we have observedsharply different patternsofzoning
throughout a convecting magma in a chamber,and in apatite crystals from Monteregian syenites,even
differences in temperature,pressure,or chemical among crystals of similar size enclosedin a single
composition within the chamber were reflected in amphiboleor magnetitehost-crystal.This is a strong
the composition of the plagioclasegrowth-layers, argument against a simple extrinsic mechanism of
assumedto be in equilibrium with the local melt. This oscillatory zoning.
modelremainswidely quoted(e.9.,Singeret al. 1995).
Wiebe(1968)suggested thatpoorcorrelationof zoning Intrinsib mechanisms(magmatic)
among crystalswas due to late convectivemixing of
different batchesof phenocrysts.Plagioclasecrystals Many proposedintrinsic mechanismsinvoke feed-
have densitiesrelatively close to tfiose of common back betweencrystal growth and solute diffrrsion or
silicate melts, suchthat their suspensionand retention surface effects as a source of nonlinearity in the
are feasible in convecting calc-alkaline or tholeiitic crystal-growthkinetics. In essence,a growing crystal
magmas.However,onewould expectdenserminerals is surrdundedby a (narrow) boundary layer that is
(e.g., zircon,trtartrte,pyrochlore,andradite,aegirine)to depletedin growth constituentswith respectto bulk
settleout rapidly, particularly in low-viscosity alkaline liquid; the interplay of chemical diffirsion, thermal
or carbonatitic magmas. In addition, textures diffirsidn, and rates of crystal growth may lead to
suggestiveof large-scaleconvection (e.g., modal oscillatory (or cyclic) growth-rates and patterns of
layering or preferred orientation of minerals) are chemicalzoning within crystals.Although qualitative
commonlyabsentin intrusiverocks,including many in suggestionsalong theselines were long ago proposed

for plagioclase(Harloff 1927), zircon (Brammall & aqueous solutions. Explanations proposed for
Harwood 1923), aufi" apatite (Groves & Mourand oscillatoryzoningin thesecrystalscanalsobe divided
1929), the prevalling opinion then was that a stable into extrinsic (e.9., changein solution composition,
steadystatewould rapidly establishitself, with crystal pressure,or temperature)and intrinsic mechanisms
growth constrainedby chemicalor thermal diffusion. (e.9., adsorptionof growth inhibitors).It is difftcult
At any rate, the physical parametersrequiredfor such to isolatethe causesof oscillatoryzoningin minerals
modeling (species diffusivities, pm-scale mineral formed in chemicallyopen aqueoussystems.Such
compositions, partitioncoefficients,etc.) were poorly minerals grow from relatively dilute solutions,
known, and the application of nonlinear differential requiringthatpore-or vein-fillingfluids be exchanged
equationsremainedunexploreduntil the mid-1970s. or recharged manytimesduringmineralizingepisodes.
Pearce(1994) has summarizeda number of recent Nevertheless,evidence is mounting that intrinsic
models(Sibleyer al. 1976,Haaseet al. 1980,Alldgre mechanismsmay play a significantrole, particularly at
et al. 1987, Loomis 1982, Simakin 1983, Ghiorso the microscopicscalein carbonate andsphalerite.
1987,Pearce1993,Wang & Merino 1993).We refer
readersto this review, but add specific comments Extrinsic mechanisms (aqueous)
regardingthe modelof Loomis(1982).
A possible consequenceof a rejected-solute Meyers (1974, 1978) postulatedan extrinsic
boundarylayer aroundcrystals[largely ignoredexcept mechanismthat relatesfine-scalezoning in carbonate
by Loomis(1982),who emphasized therole of rejected rocks to paleohydrogeology.Alternating cathodo-
H2Ol, is the formation of small-scaleconvection luminescentand nonluminescent zonesin diagenetic
currents.Generally,the rejectedsoluteand undepleted carbonate cements were interpreted to be due to
bulk solution will have contrastingdensities.The fluctuations in the concentrationof Fe and Mn.
potential effectsof cyclic gravity-driven separationof Accordingly,the bandsweremodeledto haveformed
crystalandliquid,or depletedandbulk solution,cannot in responseto fluctuating redox conditionsduring
be summarily discounted:for example,convective meteoricdiagenesis. Correlationof similar sequences
instabilitiescausedby as little as 5 ppm Ag or Sn of bandshasled to the conceptof "carbonatecement
can disrupt the gowth of extremelypure Pb crystals stratigraphy"',wherein widely distributedbands are
(Tiller 1991b). However, oscillatory zoning is correlated,andinterpretedto haveformedasa result of
observedin variousmineralswith crystal sizesas small bulk changesin fluid over the scaleof 102-105km2
as 10-30 pm. The smallsizeof suchcrystals,coupled (Meyers 1991).Correlationsare made by matching
with the typically slow rates of crystallizationin "unique" aspectsof samplesfrom the samesequence
geologicalsystems(seebelow), shouldhave allowed or, if correlationsare not uniqueat the fine scale,by
chemical diffusion to reduce density variations "lumping packagesof zoned sequences"(Goldstein
betweendepletedand bulk liquid to a very low level, 1991). Temporal relationshipsare deducedthrough
particularly in the case of growth of accessory stratigraphy,cross-cuttingrelationships,and oxygen
minerals. Therefore, we do not consider boundary- isotopevariationsin cements.
Iayer convection to be a particularly promising At a detailedlevel, Machel & Burton (1991)
mechanismfor the formation of oscillatory zoning. proposedthat concentriczoningin carbonateminerals
Nonlinearmodelsof oscillatoryzoningnotreviewed couldbe dividedinto fwo types:cyclic andoscillatory.
by Pearce(1994) include tfiose of Jamweit (1991), They definedcyclic zoning as a set of two or more
Wang & Merino (1992), L'Heureux (1993), and intensitiesin cathodoluminescence color that occur
L'Heureux & Fowler (1994). L'Heureux (1993) repetitively,and characterized oscillatoryzoningas a
and L'Heureux & Fowler (1994) proposed subsetof cyclic zoningin which zonesof two distinct
constitutionalundercoolingas a mechanismusing intensitiesin color, rarely more than a few pm wide,
experimentallydeterminedgrowth-ratesof plagioclase oscillate.Cyclic zoningconsistingof only fwo zones
and a major componentpartition-coefficient modified canbe difficult to distinguishfrom oscillatoryzoning,
after Lasaga(1982).Oscillatorybehaviorwas found exceptthat color intensitiesof the former"correspond
for geologicallyreasonableconditions without the to zones that are less regular and have dissimilar
need for an arbitrary term to accountfor dissipation thicknessesin comparisonto those of oscillatory
in the growth equation.The mechanismis generally zonation".[Machel & Burton (1991) also statedthat
applicable,but requires well-characterizedgrowth oscillatoryzoning shouldbe avoidedfor conelation
ratesof minerals.[The modelsof Jamweit(1991)and purposes becauseindividualzonescannotbe correlated
Wang & Merino (1992) are summarizedin the next amongadjacentcrystals.l
section.l Evidenceconsistentwith an external control of
oscillatory zoning is present in other minerals
hning in mineralsgrownf'romaqueoussolution of diageneticor hydrothermalorigin. For example,
we noted earlier that Fraser et al. (1989) measured
Manv of the minerals listed in Table I srew from independentvariationsin the concentrationsof Mn, Fe,

andZn in oscillatorily zoneddolomite [cf the diopside Intrinsic mechnnisms(aqueous

crystal studied by Shimizu (1990)1.Becausethese
divalent cationsare all slightly larger (andpresumably Reeder& Paquette (1989)showedthatsectorzoning
less compatible in dolomite) than Mg, correlated in naturalcalcite commonlyinvolvesthe elementsMg,
variationsin their concentrationsmight be expectedif Mn, Fe, and Sr. They replicated sector zoning in
an inhinsic-type mechanismof zoning had operated. syntheticcalcite, and demonstatedthat incorporation
Episodic flow of fluid during hydrothermal of Mn2+in the solution influencesthe relative growth-
mineralizationhas been postulated(Cathles& Smith rate of different crystallographicforns. Reder et al.
1983,Sibson1987,Fowler& Anderson1991,Yardley (1990) induced oscillatory zoning in calcite from
et al. 1991.,Jamweit et al. L993), and long hiatuses Mn-doped aqueous solutions. The zoning arose
may separateperiods of rapid crystallization. These spontaneously,and from isothermalsolutionswherein
episodes may be responsible for coarse, cm-scale the chemicalcompositionwas not changed.Wang &
banding within Mississippi-Valley-typeore deposits, Merino (1992)mathematicallymodeledthe adsorption
as opposedto fine-scalebandingthat is interpretedto and desorptionof Mn2+ions in calcite growing from
be due to crystal-growth dynamics (Fowler & solution. By considering the interaction of the
L'Heureux 1996).In hydrothermalwgs and veins, electrical chargeof the calcite surface(controlled by
medium to coarsegrowth-bands(tens of micrometers pH and equilibrium involving carbonatespecies)with
to millimeters thick) have been conelated among Ca2+and Mn2+ adsorption,they obtained oscillatory
separatecrystalsof tourmaline(Dietrich 1985),apatite behavior for certain combinations of growth para-
(Knutsonet al. 1985),beryl (Grazianiet al. 1990),and meters.The applicationof this mechanismto the case
prehnite and epidote (Yardley et al. l99l). Such of magmaticmineralswould be difficult.
minerals may well have grown in large (tens to Jamtveit(1991) proposednon-idealsolid solution
hundredsof meters in dimension) but hydraulically betweenmineral end-membersto explain oscillatory
continuoussystems. zoning in grossular-andraditegamet in skarns. An
Geographically extensive correlations appear important point, allowing a damping term in the
reasonablewhere applied in a very general fashion, growth-rateequationusedby the author,is that strain
such as where correlationsinvolve a small numberof within growth-layers should occur owing to the
broad growth-bandswithin similar-sized authigenic different unit-cell dimensions of andradite and
crystalsin little-deforrnedsedimentaryformations.The grossular(-5.5 Vodifferencein volume).In a study of
correlationof individual pm.-scalegrowth-bandsover oscillatory2eningin syntheticbarite--celestite crystals,
distancesof tens of kilometers (e.9., McLimans et al. Putnis er al. (1992) also noted that substantialelastic
1980) is much more problematic,and may be based strain energy would occur owing to the significantly
more upon the nafiral tendencyto seek patterns in different unit-cell dimensionsof the two solid-solution
"noisy' datathan uponthe presenceof truly correlated end-members(-I2.7 Vodtfferencein volume).This is
growth-bands,such as would be shown by a series a general phenomenonthat is readily applicable to
convolution or signal analysis (e.9., Fowler & minerals of any origin. Briefly, if the equilibrium
L'Heureux 1996). Moreover, it is possiblethat in composition (based on the P, T, X of the growth
some cases,correlationsare due to phaselocking of solution) of a crystallizing phasediffers from that of
chemicaloscillators(whereinchemicalreactionsoccur the crystal substratealready present, then interplay
synchronouslyover localized regions owing to feed- betweenchemical potential energy and elastic strain
back effects: Gray & Scott 1990) and not to external energy could arise even in ideal solid-solutions.A
controls. Oscillatory chemical reactions do not necessarycondition for this mechanism is that a
intrinsically require large variations in fluid tempera- minimal amount of crystal-liquid re-equilibration
fure, pressuren or composition(Gray & Scott 1990). occur; in other words, the ratio of the crystal
Extremelyfine, laterally continuousoscillatory zoning growth-rateto the rate of chen'licaldiffrrsionwithin the
is present in sphalerite in many veins that show near-surfacelayersmust be large.
textural evidenceof open-spacegrowth, with only a
limited number of discrete events (e.g., brecciation Ir4PLIcATroNs
or change of mineral assemblage).We have
investigated sub-pm zoning of Ag, Sn, and Sb in Favoredmtchanismsof growth
decimeter-thicksphaleriteveinsfrom British Columbia
(studiedby Beaudoin1991).Attributingeachof these In our opinion, the gleat concentration of
tens or hundredsof thousandsof layers to an event researchon the albite-anorthite system has delayed
of episodicflow, such as a crack-sealcycle, may not investigationinto a number of potentially significant
be necessary,if one considers that similar zoning mechanismsof oscillatory zoning. Plagioclase-melt
can be producedin mineralsgrown in isothermalgels systemshavebeenintensively studied,and the effects
or unstirredsolutions@eederet al. l99},Puuis et al. of changing temperature, P(H2O), and bulk or
199D. boundary-layermelt compositionare well known. The

same cannot be said of chemically more complex conditionsof formation, we suggestthat suchzoning,
minerals such as clinopyroxenes, amphiboles, and ratherthanbeing pathological(cf Alldgre et al. l98l),
tourmaline.The unusuallysmall variation (<17o)of the may be a normal result of crystal growth undercertain
molar volume of plagioclasefrom albite to anorthite circumstances.What those circumstancesmay be is
meansthat little elasticstrainenergyis associatedv/ith presently unknowtr, but nature and experimental
zoning in plagioclase,but this is not generallytrue of igneous petrology hold some clues. Alldgre el a/.
other solid-solutions.In addition, plagioclasegxowth (1981) suggestedthat synthetic plagioclaserarely
canbe modeledwith soriresuccessby consideringo4ly showsoscillatory zoning becauseofthe short duration
the concentrationof major speciessuchas Na, Ca d,l, and larger undercooling experimental runs
and Si. Thus the role of adsorbedions of improper (compared to natural crystallization). The typical
chargeor radius, alone or in charge-coupledsubstifu- absenceof such zoning in experimentalchargesmay
tions, has beenlargely neglectedin numericalmodels thusplacean upperlimit on growth ratesof plagioclase
of oscillatoryzoning,with the exceptionofthe work of and clinopyroxeneof -lFlo m/s. Order-of-magnitude
Wang & Merino (1992). The presenceof oscillatory lower liririts (-10-tl n/s) can be estimatedfrom
zoning in minerals that are nearly compositionally limescalesof diffirsive re-equilibration (Grove et al.
invariant suchasquartz(Pemyet al. 1992)or diamortd 1984),crystal-sizedistributions(Cashman1990,L992,
(Lang et al. l99l), cannotbe explainedby fluctuating Resmini & Marsh 1995),'heatfluxes from magma
ratios of major constituentspeciesin a boundarylayer. bodies (Brandeis& Jaupart1987), and other galcula-
Impurities are likely incorporatedinto suchcrystalsin tions of rirean residence-timesof batchesof magma,
an organizedmannermore consistentwith adsorption- such as uranium decay-seriesdisequilibria (Volpe &
controlledgrowth. Hammond 1991). In qualitative terms, oscillatory
Adsorption of minor or'tace constituentshas been zoning is'favored by moderatelyrapid growth, on the
proposedas d mechanismfor sectorzoning in crystals order of 10-ll to 10-13m/s for commonrock-forming
gtown from magmas (DpwO 1977) and aqueous magmatic silicates, and proportionately less for
solution (Reeder & Glams 1987), and may be accessoryminerals of smaller size. Clearly, fower
applicableto;oscillatory zoniqg as well. [These fwo constraintsexist on the growth rates of crystals in
types of zoning oc0ur together in a number of aqueopssystems.
minerals.l The large shore,ilnge i'ariations in trace-
element concentrationin soine cases of oscillatory Areasof future research
zoning in crystals seenq. ,to require some form of
disequilibrium partitioning (e.9., Shimizu 1990). One reason for the profusion of proposed
Adsorption is likely to be a less effective inhibitor of mechanismsfor oscillatory zoning is that research
growth in magmasthan it is in low-temperaturedilute has largely been theoretical, or concentratedon
solutions or very pure melts (Baronnet 1984, Tiller observatiqnson plagioclase.To our knowledge, no
l99la), owing to both the exponentialdependenceon comprehensivestudy of oscillatory zoning has been
temperatureof attachmentand detachmentkinetics attempted.Such a study would ideally include the
(Tiller 1991a)andincreasedsolid-solutionin minerals examination of natural occlurences, experimental
at high temperatures, This is not to saythat sucheffects synthesis,andtheoreticalmodeling.
arenegligiblein igneoussystems.For examplq Beattie Very few of the many published observationsof
(1994) used a combination of elastic theqry with a oscillatory zoning have been made at the important
simpfe ionic model of a crystal to successfullymodel 10.-100nm scale. hoperly oriented thin foils of
equilibrium olivine-melt partition coefficients by crystalp qhowing oscillatory zoning could give key
estimating the lattice-strain energy associatedwith information if studied with the transmissionelectron
substitutionalcations.The possible connectionto the microscope'combined with energy-dispersionmicro-
previously mentionedwork of Jamtveit (1991) is analysis.Minerals of igneousorigin would have to be
clear. [n many minerals showing oscillatory zoning, carefully selectedin order to minimize the "smearing"
substantial short-rangetensional and compressional effect of prolonged solid-state diffusion at high
forces must exist within growth layers. Carefully temperatures;for this reason,minetalsof hydiothermal
conftolled experimentson, semiconductorcrystals of origin might be more suitablefor suchq study.
simple compositionhave detnonstratedthat short- and Experimentalsynthesishas been perhapsthe least
medium-rangeelastic stresses associated,with explored approachto the study of oscillatory zoning
differences in ionic size, considerably affect the (and iq thus possibly the most promising). Very few
selectionof incorporatedspecies(e.9.,Tiller l99lUb). controlled experimentshave produced oscillatory
A similar argumentcan be made for the electrostatic zciningiinminerals,exceptionsbeing Mn-dopedcalcite
forces associatedwith adsorbed ions of incorrect (Rcrderet q\.1990)andcelestite-barite solid-solutions
charge. @utnisi et q.l. 1992). However, a number of other
In light of the variety of minerals that show experimentShave produced such 26ning in non-
oscillatory zoning and the wide range of their systematicfashion [e.9., spinel: Wang & McFarlane

(1968),plagioclase:Lofgren (1980)"majoritegarnet: AurHrER, A. & ZARKA, A. (1977): Observation of growth

Katoet al. (1988),phlogopite: Sun& Baronnet(1989), defects in spodumene crystals by X-ray topography. Pftys.
Chem. Minerals I. 15-26.
ruby: Hughes(1990),diamond:Lang et al. (1991)1.
Carryingout a silicatecrystalllzationexperimentwith
BARoNNET, A. (1984): Growth kinetics of the silicates.
a durationof severalmonthsor yearsposesnumerous
F orl schr. M ineral. 62, 187-232.
technicaldifficulties. A morepractical alternativeis to
grow carbonate,sulfate, molybdate, tungstate, or
BEA'rrrE, P. (1994): Systematics and energetics of trace-
sulfidecrystalsin isothermalgelsor aqueoussolutions element partitioning befween olivine and silicate melts:
dopedwith minor or trace levels of impurities(e.9., implications for the nature of rnineraVmelt partitioning.
Putniset al. 1992). Abanery of suchexperimentswith Chem. Geol. ll7.57-7l.
different concentrations of reagentand dopants,and
different growth-rates,could readily be carried out BEALTDoTN,G. (1991): The Silver-Izad-Zinc Veins of the
in order to investigatekey factors underlying the Kokanee Range, British Columbia. Ph.D. thesis, Univ. of
formationof oscillatoryzoningin crystals,including, Ottawa, Otlawa" Ontario.
one would hope, some factors also relevant to
magmaticcrystals. BorrrNGA, Y., Kuno, A. & WEILL, D. (1966): Some
Oscillatoryzoning occursin at least 75 different observations on oscillatory zoning and crystallization of
minerals, ranging in origin from phenocrystsin magmatic plagioclase. Arz. Mineral. 5L, 792-806.
magmatic rocks to cementsin sandstone,Further
investigations areneededbothto fully characterize the BowBN, N.L. (1928): The Evolution of the lgneous Rocks.
details of the zoning found in minerals and to Princeton Univ. hess, Princaton, New Jersey.
understandthe underlyingmechanism(s)of growth.
Such an understandingwill be requiredin order to BRAMMALL,A. & Hanwooo, H.F. (1923): Occunences of
determinethe significancethat oscillatoryzoningmay zircon in the Dartmoor granite. Mineral. Mag. 20,27-31.
havein determiningthe historyof the hostrocks.
BRANDETS, G. & Jaupanr, C. (1987): Crystal sizes in
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS intrusions of different dimensions: constraints on the
cooling regime and the crystallization kinetics. ft
Magmatic hocesses: Physicochemical Principles @.O.
Financial supportfor this study was provided by a
Mysen, ed.). Geochem.Soc., Spec. Publ. 1,307-318.
Natural Sciencesand EngineeringResearchCouncil
(NSERC)scholarshipto M.S. and researchgrant to
Cemror.l, R.T. (1966): Plagioclase zoning and twinning in
A.D.F. The authorsthank Glenn Poirier and Peter
relation to the metamorphic history of some amphibolites
Jonesfor electronmicroprobeandSEM assistance, and and granulites. Am. J. Sci.264,526-542.
Don Hogarth,Ralph Kretz and Dolores Durant for
readingvariousversionsof the manuscript.Reviews
Cesnuerq, K.V. (1990): Textural constxaints on the kinetics
by B. Jamtveit and E. Merino and editorial and of crystallization of igneous rocks. 1n Modern Methods of
scientificsuggestionsby R.F. Martin andR.A. Mason Igneous Petrology (J. Nicholls & J.K. Russell, eds.). Rev.
are gratefully acknowledged. Mineral. U.259-314.

(1992): Groundmasscrystallization of Mounl

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