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In today’s technological era, with the effect of globalization & social networking, it is
easier for people to connect with others all around the world. Because of this, the entire
world has become like a small village, where people can interact, share opinions, ideas,
and experiences by communicating with each other using telephoning, internet
networking or any other medium of communication. So, we feel proud by getting the
smallest possible details of others such as person sitting next to us in a conference room
or what is the hobby or areas of interests of our childhood friend currently living in the
United States & which is the favorite novel of a college friend & so on. There is nothing
wrong in having such type of information about others. But have we ever thought “How
much we actually know about ourselves?” Sometimes people can answer so many
complex questions but fail to answer a silly, simple, little question. Nowadays, people
become so much busy in doing their jobs that in dedicating their time to their jobs &
family as well as friends, they are not dedicating enough time to their own selves. We
must manage some time in analyzing our self.
How many times in a week or a month, we stand in front
of a mirror and ask to ourselves about the things which are lacking to improve our
personality?, how much time we have spent so far in doing our analysis of our strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, & threats?, What are our good qualities?, what are our bad
manners?, which kind of personality we are having?, How much comfortable we are
actually with others such as family members, friends, neighbors, classmates, colleagues,
superiors, as well as subordinates?, are we shy, lazy, timid, introvert, or energetic,
sociable, artistic, extrovert kind of a person?. These are some of the questions which we
have to frequently ask to our own self if we really want to improve our overall
I, Xitij Nanavaty, age 23 years, have just completed my B.E in C.E at Atmiya
institute of Technology & Science, Rajkot, & currently studying in Anand Institute of
Management, Anand. I am facing the same problem which I discussed earlier.
Throughout the busy years of educational career, after passing so many exams,
completing so many assignments, I still think that I have a lot to know about myself.
What I actually mean is there is always a scope in life in each & every stage for
discovering new dimensions about one’s own self. That is the reason why I am really
grateful to my college that they have given me the opportunity to analyze myself & in
that way I can improve my way of thinking about myself. By analyzing about myself, I
can easily know and better understand what my strengths are, what are my weaknesses,
which are the threats to me, and what the opportunities are for me in a particular field.
This can be done by reviewing the past experiences, analyzing the present situation, and
giving some time in thinking about my future scopes in a particular field in which I am
currently involved.
So, in this document, I will try to mention as much details as possible
which I know about myself and will try to be honest in describing all these details as it
will be important and helpful for me too in future. I will start by describing the three P’s
of me which are Past, Present and Prospects.
Let me introduce myself first. My full name is Xitij Kandarpbhai
Nanavaty. My age is 23 years. I always have a positive attitude towards whatever I do in
my life. I am having a wonderful family, consisting of four members including me, my
father, my mother and a sweet little sister who is four years younger than me. My father,
Kandarpbhai Mahendrabhai Nanavaty, age 51, is doing government service. He is
working as an assistant engineer in Indian Telephone Industries Ltd, Rajkot branch. My
mother, Hinaben Nanavaty is an M.A, P.H.D in Sanskrit language and she is doing job as
a lecturer in Sanskrit in Matushri Virbaima Mahila College, Rajkot. She is in this field for
past 24 years. I have a sweet little sister, Xaama Nanavaty, age 19. She is currently
studying B.P.T in K.M.Patel Physiotherapy College, Karamsad. It is said that a person’s
behavior, attitude towards life as well as overall personality are dependent on so many
factors but the most important factor among these according to me is the family
background of a person. I am one of those fortunate guys in this earth, who is having
such a plus point that I am having such a wonderful family, very caring parents. My
parents have contributed a lot in building my personality and really it is very difficult for
me to express their contribution in words.

I was born in 19th February, 1986 at Rajkot. I was very mischievous boy in childhood
days, according to my parents and other members of my family. Let me give you some of
the examples of my mischievousness in those days which I have remembered. Whenever
my family visited occasionally to other’s place, I used to ask to my mother whether they
will give us any cold drinks or ‘Sarbat’ or not! I remember one incident in which I broke
the headlight of the scooter of one of our neighbors when we lived in Rajkot. During
early years of my childhood, from 1988 to 1993, we lived in Bhuj, Kutch as my mother
got the transfer order. I personally find those years as the best years of my childhood as I
liked living in Bhuj. Then, in late 1993, my mom got another transfer order and we came
to live in Junagadh and we lived there from 1993 to 2009 until we shifted to Rajkot early
this year. So, from later part of my childhood days to the part of my college days, till I
got admission in M.B.A, we stayed and lived in Junagadh. Living in Junagadh was one of
the most important parts of my life as I brought up there, got the most of my school
education from the same city and I can describe this as the golden period of my life as
well as my career. During early days of my educational career, I was comparatively weak
in studies as I was a bit mischievous child and spent more time in playing various games
and other co-curricular activities as well as enjoyment than studies. However, from
standard 6 in the primary school, suddenly there was some drastic change and
improvement in my educational career as I started getting some good marks in almost all
the subjects and was rated among the top students of my class. As the years passed, my
performance got better and better and in S.S.C, after putting a lot of hard work and
efforts, I got result as 88.14%. After that I choose Science stream in H.S.C. But, after
S.S.C, there was again some fluctuation in my career graph as there was a downward
slope to some extent in the graph due to my average performance in H.S.C. But, it was
not so bad either as I got enough merit to get admission in an engineering college in C.E.
branch. I was successful in getting admission in C.E in Atmiya Institute of Technology &
Science, Rajkot and learned a lot during those college years and enjoyed my hostel life
also. I have taken training earlier this year in 2009 in H.C.L Info systems, Ahmedabad for
three and a half months as it was the part of my curriculum of C.E. in my final semester.
During those training days, I used to live in a small flat in Vastrapur area in Ahmedabad
with my colleagues and learned a lot from that experience, also.
From all these events which happened in my past, I can summarize that as the years
passed, I become more matured as a human being and become aware of my
responsibilities towards my family and network of my friends have also increased & it
has become richer than before. During earlier years of my college, I was a bit introvert
but later I improved in this area & trying to be as much intellectual as possible with my
friends as well as faculties. I am one of those luckier ones who has got such a good
network of friends as I personally believe that in today’s world one needs to have a
proper network of friends socially as well as professionally to enhance opportunities
towards reaching to one’s desired goal.


I believe that my present is better than my past as I have learned a lot from my mistakes
which I did in my past .Still, I think that there are a lot of aspects in which I need to
improve or areas in which I lack something and I am frequently finding those areas.
Presently, I am pursuing my M.B.A from a reputed institute called Anand Institute of
Management, Anand. My communication skills have been improved a lot now since I got
admission in M.B.A and my intellectualism is also improved. I have become more self
confident than I used to be in the past. I am living with my family in Rajkot, which is one
of the most developing cities in Gujarat and my standard of living has also improved
compared to the past. In my new college, I am getting more and more opportunities of
presenting my work in front of a mass of people which is helping me reducing my stage
fear and improving my communication skills.


My strength lies in my simplicity. In whatever task I am associated to

perform, I always keep the things simple and straight forward. I have a positive attitude
towards everything in life. Even anyone criticizes me then I can take it as a challenge and
try my level best to improve in that particular area. I am very sincere about my work. If
any task is given to me by my faculties or superiors, I always try to complete that task in
the given amount of time as well as in a proper manner. I am very punctual and I like to
be on time. If the college time is 9:30 am, I always try to reach to the college fifteen
minutes or ten minutes early. I also believe in regularity and consistency. I always believe
that consistent efforts will lead towards the desired goal, no matter how difficult the task
is to achieve that goal. As I said that I am punctual, one would not associate me with
bunking the lectures as I hate bunking the lectures. So I always try to be as much regular
during the academics as possible except some exceptional situations. I am very cautious
about self improvement and always try to improve myself from my past mistakes. I know
that I am a part of a real world and in this world nobody is perfect. But, I try hard to be
somewhat nearer to the perfect in majority of my tasks. Honesty is also a quality which
you can associate with me. I try to be as much honest in my work as possible. I always
give respect to my elders as well as the younger ones. I am having a simple nature as well
as pleasing personality. It is easy for anyone to be my friend. I am not having egoistic
nature and always believe that teamwork and co-ordination are equally important for
individual as well as organizational improvement. I am also having another very good
attribute in me which I believe is a very important an necessary attribute for anyone to
have. I am not afraid of failures. I had failures in the past but every time I had the failure,
I worked two or three times harder to achieve the success. My failures made me stronger.
It is not important that you have got the failure, what is important is what you do after
you have got the failure. In fact, I was motivated to work harder towards success
whenever I got failures in my life rather than loosing my focus. I am not a kind of person
who feels depressed or de-motivated after failures. Like success, failures are also part of
our lives. Of course, I also feel disappointed but that disappointment is up to some extent
only. I am also a quick learner. Another good strength I have is I know what my
weaknesses are and try to convert the weaknesses in to my strengths.


Every coin has two sides. In my case also, on one side are my strengths, and on the other
side of the coin are my weaknesses. I am not quite sure which side is stronger, the
strengths side or the weaknesses side. In this section, I have tried to put all my
weaknesses which I know and also tried to get reviews of others such as family members
and friends. I will start with confidence. I feel that I am sometimes very low at my
confidence level. As my basic nature is introvert, sometimes I am not at my usual best
when I am dealing with others in public meetings and feel less confident. This is one of
my weaknesses according to me. I don’t actually know the reason for this but I think my
shy and introvert nature is responsible for this discomfort. I have always under estimated
my self so far and lack of confidence (only sometimes) is also responsible for such under-
estimation. I sometimes feel that my dressing sense is not good. I am not very good at
organizing and managing my clothes. Sometimes, I contribute more time in helping
others and doing well of others. There is nothing wrong in doing this but in denoting
most of time for other’s welfare I completely forget my welfare and often realize that I
am loosing precious time of doing work which is necessary for me at that particular
period of time. Due to my shy nature I feel uncomfortable while talking with girls and I
rate this as one of my biggest weaknesses as I know that one has to deal with women in
any organization also. I am not so good in managing my things properly. I mean, in my
room you can not find my things at their right places such as my clothes, my books and
so on. I am having stage fear due to which I often could not give my 100 percent in my
presentations also. However, my fear has reduced to a certain extent over the past couple
of years in college as I am engaged in lot of presentations and seminars as a part of my
curriculum activities. I often take decisions very early and realize afterwards that if I
could have waited for some more time in taking decisions then I could have a better
result. I often feel that I lack the enthusiasm and energy which is needed to perform a
particular task and take too much tension on my head as if I am the only person in this
world who has been given the hardest job by his organization, which affects in the
outcome also.


As I have completed my B.E in Computer Engineering this year, I am having knowledge

of the field of information technology which is one of the fastest growing sectors in the
world in this age. I am also pursuing my M.B.A currently at my postgraduate level. I
want to specialize in the finance field as there is a vast area of scope and tremendous
amount of opportunities in the finance sector these days. Finance is the blood of any
organization. From the starting of the organization till the end, finance is the most
essential part. I also personally believe that B.E in C.E branch and M.B.A is a
combination that is very much in demand in the industries at present. I will have enough
knowledge of science as well as commerce, both the fields at the end of my M.B.A which
will be a big advantage for me. I am very good at singing also. Singing is my hobby and I
have done some stage performances also in singing. According to my friends and others I
have a bright future in singing also if I take this skill seriously. But, however I am
currently interested towards making my career in finance field only. Systems analyst and
computer engineer are two of the fastest growing job titles in the United States.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, both are expected to grow more than 90
percent by 2010. Salaries continue to be relatively high because of an imbalance in
supply and demand for skilled professionals. Same thing can be said about financial
manager’s post also as it is such a prestigious post and salaries of them are also according
to their position and relatively high.


The world is growing at a faster rate day by day & there is a lot of competition in each
and every field which are concerned with the day to day life of the human beings. I know
that I will have a tough competition in my field which I am currently pursuing also. I
have given the GCET online examination for entering into the M.B.A Institute. Like me.
There are so many students in Gujarat who have entered into this course by giving the
same GCET Exams. There are as many as 10,000 approximate students who are currently
pursuing M.B.A from as many as 103 B-Schools in Gujarat only. Likewise, there are a lot
of B-schools in India. Hence, I am already having a tough competition at the time of my
academics itself. I wonder what kind of competition I will face at the time of entering in
to the industries after two years. There are a lot of students studying in a top rated B-
Schools in India like IIM, who are more knowledgeable, brighter than me and also
companies will give them higher priorities at the time of selecting. A great deal of
publicity has surrounded the phenomenal growth in the information technology field, and
more people are enrolling in training programs to take advantage of the trend. Many
children have the technical skills in computer systems of entry-level analysts. Today's
standard of technical competence will be tomorrow's level of incompetence. The
technological landscape changes so quickly that being successful requires constant
upgrading of skills and proficiencies.

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