El Scs Interveiw Escaperoom

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Escape Room Instructions

Interviewer reads the paragraph once & the

interviewees work together to unlock the
answers to escape the room.

• 10 hints will be available for the interviewees.

• To use hints the interviewees must make a
unanimous decision within their group.
o Hints can be repeated after decision is made.
• They have 30 minutes to finish as many escape
rooms as possible.
• Interviewee can ask for a time check (how much time
they have left) at anytime.
• After the 30 minutes is up, interviewer will as the
interviewees some debriefing questions before
switching to the next activity.
Escape Room Hints

Into the Lion’s Den

6-Digit Number Lock
Answer >> 243648
Hint: How much did it cost to feed the lions for 2 days.

5 Direction: Directional Lock

Answer >> NENWS
Hint: READ and follow the order each animal was visited
by the class.

8 Letter: Word Lock

Answer >> COPELAND
Hint: Look at the images presented on the Intro page.
(School Bus specifically)

3 Digit Number Lock

Answer >> 941
Hint: Go back to the messages and look at when the last
message was sent.

Martin Luther King Jr.

Date Lock
Answer >> 01/15/1929
Hints: The birth of a new era (age)

2 Digit – Number Lock

Answer >> 39
Hint: Infinite age of a legend

Phrase Lock
Answer >> I AM A MAN
Hint: 4-word phrase... Depicted in one of the three
pictures provided.

8 Letter – Word Lock

Answer >> MOVEMENT
Hint: An act of change or development (civil rights____)

Rosa Parks

4 Digit – Number Lock

Answer >> 2857
Hint: The bus Rosa Parks was arrested on is now
featured in Black Historical Museums across the country.

5 Direction: Directional Lock

Answer >> UUULR
Hint: Pay attention to the words used throughout the

7 Letter – Word Lock

Answer >> Protest
Hint: What was Rosa Parks doing (practicing) when she
refused to get up?

Date Lock
Answer >> 12/1/1955
Hint: When the civil rights movement spread to
Montgomery, AL

Jackie Robinson

Phrase Lock
Hint: 3 words found on the biography/ magazine about
Jackie Robinson

4 Digit – Number Lock

Answer >> 7524 (1947, 1955, 1962, 1984)
Hint: Focus on the most significant digit of each
milestone year.
4 Color – Color Lock
Answer >> BRG
Hint: Focus on the order you see the in colors

10 Letter – Word Lock

Hint: Take the quiz on Jackie Robinson
• How did you all feel about this activity?
• What did you learn from this activity?
• How could you all work better as a team or
what improvements could you have made to
work better as a team?
• How can you apply what you learned from
this activity in your life or in work
• What did your group have to do to be
• How do you think this activity improved
your leadership skills?
• If you all had you do this activity again, what
would you do differently?

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