Building District Improvement Professional Development Plan Milini

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Building/District Improvement & Professional Development

This template should be used as a guide in the planning and implementation of
systemic changes within a school building or district. Each step of the Ohio Improvement
Plan process is noted and color-coded throughout this document and should be carefully
considered in the planning process. (See OIP chart to the left) Once completed this
document should be frequently reviewed and reflected upon by DLT, BLT, and TBT
members to ensure awareness and alignment of school and district goals and priorities.

District Name: Lake Local Schools

School Name: Lake Elementary School

Academic Year: 2020-2021

Team Members: Building Leadership Team, composed of our school principals, school counselors, and current grade level

District Mission: Educating generations, serving our community.

District Vision: To be the leader in addressing the educational, social and physical needs of students and staff
Identify Critical Needs
Needs Assessment
OSPD 1, 4, 7

The purpose of the Needs Assessment is to use data and information to look at and understand the best ways that we can be
proactive in reducing the learning gaps in math which are anticipated due to the early end of the 19-20 school year. “In April, NWEA’s
Collaborative for Student Growth Research Center released research suggesting that on average, students next fall are likely to retain about
70 percent of this year’s gains in reading and less than 50 percent in math. Losses are likely to be more pronounced in the early grades, when
students normally acquire many basic skills, and among those already facing steep inequities” (Hawkins, 2020).

Data Analysis
As a building leadership team (BLT), composed of our school principals, school counselors, and current grade level leaders, we will
look initially at our math curriculum maps which use the Eureka Math curriculum, and teacher
survey( results. We will look deeply at our curriculum maps and highlight the standards that were
not taught, or not mastered by students at each grade level. In the teacher survey, teachers have indicated the major topics that were not
taught, and where they anticipate gaps to occur. Teachers also indicated which professional development they would find most helpful
moving forward for the 20-21 school year. Using the Fishbone Tool for Root Cause Analysis protocol we all agreed that our problem is that
we understand learning gaps are anticipated, especially in math, for the upcoming school year. We have all agreed that the major causes of
these gaps include: current national pandemic causes schools to close quickly, teacher training on remote learning wasn’t available due to
quarantine, teachers didn’t have as many resources as they would have liked while teaching from home, work had to be minimized
compared to what would have been done in-person, laptops were not issued K-6 (except special education students), grades were not given
K-6 so learning wasn’t “required.”
In order to be more specific with our goal and action plan, we have determined that we need to gather more data once we are in
person with our students. We would like to use our Moby Max resource to administer the pre-assessment to see specifically which standards
each student is showing a learning gap this fall. We will also be looking at their fall MAP data, and will compare it to the previous year’s
(different group of students) fall MAP data at each grade level. For example, 5th grade math teachers will compare their Fall 2019 MAP data
to their Fall 2020 MAP data. This data will be analyzed and discussed by grade level in our Professional Learning Communities/TBT time.

We have determined that we already have a lot of resources to help put into place proper interventions, but we will need to implement
good professional development to make sure that each of these resources are being used to their fullest potential. Available resources
include: time set aside for teacher collaboration weekly, time set aside for “no new instruction,” Moby Max subscription, NWEA MAP testing,
free resources provided through the Ohio Department of Education ie. Learning Standards, Learning Progression document, Critical Areas of
Focus, released testing items, and a Gap Analysis document.

Critical Needs Summary/Analysis of Data

Area: Baseline Performance Data: Expected Performance:

❏ Student Learning TBD

❏ Climate/Culture

What is the timeline? 20-21 Academic School Year

Plan for Implementation

Research & Selection of Evidence Based Strategy
OSPD 1,5

Opportunity for Improvement through Evidence-Based Solutions

We can improve the learning gaps, and student achievement by continuing our school practice of Professional Learning
Communities. According to Richard DuFour, “the implementation of Professional Learning Communities (PLC) has been proven to be one of
the most successful strategies for improving and sustaining student achievement (DuFour, 2004). Within our professional learning
communities, we would like to implement more time for not only our teachers to work together collaboratively within the grade level but also
to work vertically. According to David Squires, vertical alignment helps educators increase depth of knowledge, increase the range of
knowledge, and to create a balance of representation (Squires, 2009). By implementing vertical alignment time, we are allowing the
previously given teacher survey to act as an agenda and allow teachers to have meaningful dialogue about curriculum, data and
instructional strategies to close the gaps that are noted.
Within our PLC and vertical planning time, we would like to focus on some of the tools that have been put into place from ODE such as,
gap analysis, the learning progressions, critical areas of focus and the model curriculum. In providing this professional development we are
ensuring that teachers have an understanding of how to identify the learning gaps, and have the tools and resources to teach and reteach
material needed to close those gaps in a timely manner. In planning this Professional Development, we would present the information
provided from ODE in their presentation on Gap Analysis and Preparing for Instruction. This presentation goes into detail how teachers
should identify the main Critical Area of Focus, and how to plan forward from there using the standards and learning progressions. It also
provides a Gap Analysis spreadsheet which would provide good insight during vertical alignment time. Finally, this presentation goes
through the different assessment tools which can provide a better understanding for the learning expectations that students will need in
order to be successful on future state assessments.
We would also like to conduct professional development to reintroduce the Achieve the Core Coherence Map. When looking at
learning gaps it is imperative that we look at the Critical Areas of Focus and Learning Progressions provided by the Ohio Department of
Education and Common Core. These allow a focus to be had on the most important and foundational skills that students should have. The
Coherence Map created by Achieve the Core is a wonderful tool and resource that teachers can use to help with this. The Coherence Map
was developed with the intention that teachers can plug in the standard in which they are teaching, and will be shown which standards are
foundational in leading up to that grade level standard, and which standards will be taught in later grade levels as well. The Coherence Map
also gives many great resources and instructional strategies for teachers to use. This is an outstanding tool to help when differentiating
instruction as it looks back to help struggling learners, and looks ahead for students who may need enrichment. This professional
development will be two fold, first grade level leaders will be shown how this tool is valuable and how to plug in the appropriate critical areas
of focus to see how to reteach learning gaps. Once the grade level leaders have been prepared then more pd can happen at each grade
level individually so that they can look at their own grade level’s specific needs.
We will be using the NWEA Maps Assessment and Moby Max to help give us initial data when our students begin in the fall. Both
programs have been diligently researched and proven valid. Once we have this data we will be able to put into place individualized and
differentiated learning for each student to help address the gaps noted by the data points. Teachers will be given Professional Development
on how to create individualized learning plans using data provided from the Moby Max pre assessment taken by the students at the
beginning of the year. The building instructional technology coach would provide this professional development. This individualized learning
will take place during our schools “No New Instruction/ Blue Streak Time” which is a 35-40 minute block of the day where students are not
taught anything “new,” but the time is meant to reinforce previously taught material. “No New Instruction Time” is a type of Intensive or
Systematic Instruction for students which is described as a Tier 2 RTI Best Practice by What Works Clearinghouse. This time allows teachers
to differentiate instruction to small groups of students based on need.
Differentiated instruction has proven to be an effective teaching strategy. “Differentiated instruction is a philosophy of teaching that
is based on the premise that students learn best when their teachers accommodate the differences in their readiness levels, interests and
learning profiles. The key goal of differentiated instruction is maximizing the learning potential of each student” (Tomlinson, 2005).

In conclusion, our Building Leadership Team, along with our PLC/TBTs will work collaboratively to gather and analyze data to put into
place reliable protocols and instructional strategies to build and create individualized learning plans for students to help reduce the learning
gaps anticipated this coming school year. In order to put all these protocols and strategies into place we will be conducting Professional
Development which would include implementation of the Coherence Map, using Moby Max to create individualized learning plans, looking at
the grade level Critical Areas of Focus, and using the ODE prepared readiness tool kits. This will allow for the teachers to be prepared to
differentiate their instruction to minimize the gaps during classroom instructional time, as well as preparing more individualized learning
during “no new instruction” time.

DuFour, R. (2004, May). What is a ‘Professional Learning Community’? Education Leadership, 63(8), 6–11. Retrieved July 23, 2020, from

Hawkins, B. (2020, June). New Research Predicts Steep COVID Learning Losses Will Widen Already Dramatic Achievement Gaps Within
Classrooms. Retrieved July 24, 2020, from

Moby Max Research: Retrieved July 24, 2020 from

Ohio Department of Education. Gap Analysis and Learning Gap Analysis. June 2020. Retrieved from

Squires, D. (2009) Curriculum alignment: Research based strategies for increasing student achievement. 59-60.

Tomlinson, C. (2005, Summer). Grading and differentiation: paradox or good practice? Theory into Practice. 44 (3); p.262

What Works Clearinghouse. Best Practice for RTI: Intensive, Systematic Instruction for Some Students (Tier 2). Retrieved July 26, 2020 from

Plan for Implementation

Goal #1: 85% of students will show growth on the individual learning gaps in math noted in their initial MobyMax pretest
through small group instruction in class, and during Blue Streak Time by the end of the 20-21 school year.

Action steps needed to achieve the Possible Resources Person(s) Monitoring Plan & Frequency (Timeline)
goal Barriers/ Ex: budget, Responsible/
Include Professional Development Considerations materials, Groups
which follows a best practices supplies,
checklist technology
● Teacher input, dialogue collaboration
on data & implementation
● Reflection
● Direct relevance to the goal with
implementation plans presented

OSPD 2,5,6 OSPD 3,5,6 OSPD 3,5,6 OSPD 1,2,3,6 OSPD 4,7

Group Training: Meeting with teachers ● Same ● Time slots ● Curriculum Teachers will learn how to use August 2020
to provide guidance on using the presenter during Director the Coherence Map and ODE
Coherence Map, and ODE Readiness ● Make sure beginning of ● Principal Readiness Toolkit during
Toolkit to allot year PD ● Math planning in order to naturally
enough ● Gap Analysis Teachers integrate the learning gaps
*Presentation will be shared with staff time for presentation into their curriculum maps.
attending prior to meeting as an questions from ODE Once teachers can identify the
● Achieve the gaps, they will be able to
agenda. Staff will be asked to bring
Core Website determine if the gaps need
curriculum map & standards.
● Projector/ reinforced whole-group or
Computer individually per student need.
Presentation slides

*This PD session follows Adult Theory

practices based upon use of this

Meeting with grade level leaders to ● We will not ● Time slots ● Curriculum A successful chart has been August 2020
create a data chart for teachers to have data during Director created on Google Sheets so
track student performance yet, so beginning of ● Principal that teachers can successfully
*Shared Leadership making a year PD ● Math track student progress. This
form that ● MobyMax Teachers chart should be easily sorted
can be ● Projector/ into group needs/individual
edited Computer needs.
based on

Math teachers will gather baseline ● Do we allow ● Class time ● Students Student data has been August 2020
data from students using the accommod ● 1-1 computer ● Math collected on each student and
MobyMax program indicating where ations for ● MobyMax Teachers placed into the chart that was
learning gaps lie as a group and IEP program created previously.
individually. students or
look at raw
data only?

Math teachers will meet as a PLC ● We need to ● PD time during ● Math teachers Math teachers will meet with September
group to vertically align with the grade make sure our the grade below in order to 2020 &
bands above and below to see if that we Delayed-Start amend their curriculum maps January 2021
learning gaps noted align with have days to help align with learning gaps
material that was not taught. enough ● MobyMax data noted and anticipated.
time that ● PLC Recording
grade levels Log Math teachers will meet with
can meet ● Curriculum the grade above to discuss
“up” and Maps standards missed as students
“down” with ● Ohio move ahead.
the Academic
appropriate Standards Minutes will be documented on
grade levels ● Critical Areas the PLC log as to what
vertically. of Focus happens throughout this
● Learning meeting and will be shared
Progressions with the principal & curriculum

Peer Observations: each teacher in ● Time ● Time (Pre & ● Math teachers Each teacher will complete This should be
the PLC will observe one colleague ● Coverage Post one peer observation with a done between
*Shared Leadership by sub or conference math colleague. November-Jan
staff and uary
observation They will meet to identify the
time) specific instructional goal that
● Sub/Staff they are working to improve
coverage upon and to set up a meeting
● Peer time using the Planning Page
Checklist/Doc They will complete the
Observation Notes while in the

They will complete the Analyze

Observation Notes prior to the
final meeting.

The will meet to reflect upon

the observation using the
Debrief Form.

*All forms used are from

Learning Forward

Math teachers will meet as a PLC ● Sometimes ● Common ● Math teachers The PLC at each grade level Weekly
group weekly for PLC time is planning time will work weekly to plan and
planning/collaboration. lost due to ● PLC Recording collaborate on instructional
cancellatio Log strategies for whole group, and
PLC Meeting roles will change n of ● Curriculum small group instruction
throughout the year (agenda, timer, specials, Maps (including Blue Streak Time)
recorder, copies etc.)*Shared delayed ● Ohio
starts, Academic Minutes will be documented
calamity Standards on the PLC log as to what
days etc. ● Critical Areas happens throughout this
of Focus meeting and will be shared
● Learning with the principal & curriculum
Progressions director. This will serve as
documentation and peer
observation that appropriate
instructional practices are
leading to closing the learning

Monthly Meeting: The principal and/or ● Flexibility ● Common ● Curriculum Minutes will be documented Monthly
curriculum director will check in with with this planning time Director on the PLC log as to what
the PLC group to discuss MobyMax meeting is ● Moby Max and/or happens throughout this
data. Reflection & adjustments may necessary data chart Principal meeting
occur at this time. as ● Math teachers
sometimes Adjustments and reflections
admin gets will be noted, and the
pulled into implementation plan will be
other adapted as necessary.
Baseline Data Progress Measure Progress Measure Progress Measure

Adult Data Data Date Results Outcome Date Results Outcome Date Results Outcome
Implication Collection Tool Projected Projected Projected
Peer Peer October ❏ Met November ❏ Met December ❏ Met
❏ Not Met ❏ Not Met ❏ Not Met
Observations on Observation
❏ Adjust ❏ Adjust ❏ Adjust
identified Checklist
instructional PLC Meeting
practice to bridge Notes
learning gaps.

Student Data Data Date Results Outcome Date Results Outcome Date Results Outcome
Performance Collection Tool Projected Projected Projected

Student Student data MobyMax October ❏ Met November ❏ Met December ❏ Met
will be ❏ Not Met ❏ Not Met ❏ Not Met
Growth in entered on ❏ Adjust ❏ Adjust ❏ Adjust
Math spreadsheet

Data Cont’d
Progress Measure Progress Measure Progress Measure Progress Measure

Adult Date Results Outcome Date Projected Results Outcome Date Results Outcome Date Results Outcome
Implication Projected Projected Projected
Peer January ❏ Met February ❏ Met March ❏ Met April ❏ Met
❏ Not ❏ Not ❏ Not ❏ Not
Met Met Met Met
on identified ❏ Adjust ❏ Adjust ❏ Adjust ❏ Adjust
practice to
bridge learning
Student Date Results Outcome Date Projected Results Outcome Date Results Outcome Date Results Outcome
Performance Projected Projected Projected

Student January ❏ Met February ❏ Met March ❏ Met April ❏ Met

❏ Not ❏ Not ❏ Not ❏ Not
Growth in Met Met Met Met
Math ❏ Adjust ❏ Adjust ❏ Adjust ❏ Adjust

Evaluation Plan
Evaluation Team Involved Actual Results Intended Results Next Steps
Meeting/Description of
May 11, 2021 Math teachers by grade TBD 85% of students will show After looking at all the data
Team Meeting to review the level growth on the individual and results, we will look at
year’s data analysis on Curriculum Director learning gaps in math noted the plan and how we can
individual learning gaps. Principal in their initial MobyMax adjust to make it better for
pretest. next school year.
We will also discuss if this
model was effective, and
can this be used in different
capacities moving forward?

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