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LEADER CONDE; FUME Tie a S)YLe® Px Concngt Ot Lenderetig, 91 nee & vibe) Wy va ee HIVE ae g wom catty atl OVY enemy ~ has OPER Wie oe wee EVAR fe Viteree ty a“ , - eked FOAOrTED ert tie i, waters (Hay ve cr) vity hae Viena) jae aed Thee Vena CN Neeaatnimiiny erg (eG) # ede @ He WUE AN ip erty a ar OURNERPON Nels them i ty SMlalieliinerd ot We ONinverNH « HWihiaie ark) 1 1 aot trae re rus @ an art ol MENON NON Kaerteylenage inp tt thaws na task IN the manner desir o~ Ce 2 ora (2004) Wentitied four basw LOMpanert. of ae (a) adersiip is @ procena, (b) leaders We lyohyee oe. (2) leadership coours wilhin a WIEUD Corlert, aru (yy volves goal attainment Anoording to Karger goes can be defined as a a lyter tHe avianias 2 10 integrate both the organizational fexuiramene ores 92 has been viewed as an IMteracton. Thay involves Ihe conscious intenbons of One parse, a communicated in his behaviour (verbal ang uence that other persons Py dance ‘aith the ieader’s Wention Accor we s of any leader ied in the degree % qet the desired response from the non-verbal penave in BCC thie videw port, fhe SUC whic?) he has been apie t ntgndedt audince Leaderstip has GSO been viewed as "e Bue a u uthority Some view leader as an act of persuading. Still some conceive leadecship as a # mfuencing group activities towards goal setting ard 1y actunvement. Shriderg ai al. (2005) Waewed leadership a « ch people work together to achive mulum thee penoephon, eflective \eaderstep can te actvibes aimed at syocesstutty actnaving the Leadership has Seen regarded as ona of the deca TuBUNY a proces! most cnsenved and least undarsiood on @ann. ft y, af attiiude, of sinie of means teaching aan rr peadorolt has alte © md Rb CCE oF etuanong ganer® working togetnet to wna nae means rughiights the porns ede re without 4 group. 008 cannot think of wy rs hacia 8 ee gomvity tabeviows agnitios the impartane S others, wr acrieving grour sols, es eee abe! geting pyle 10 ee : ere rernise nat happen emon (1993) viewed pnarted and ” *6 (ai) the abslity to in Hl 1 werent! 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Fh ieee int oe arsine wher Ihey LIP fe) ots te erie usane weir Hiotey G0 Me) Wrmeaeaein nee tay gone rte, conpantendl Wr PPT Fae Nitinnay ' nalts "vusnihne Wt Oi Miahatee # hw shaas eg ery are ralinen Hiren: 6) trate, OT Ld een iy haat Tait arti es “tame te —— ae et ee ep ee en fot fei coolers vtel Namie FHempy way peli pety Bement Wo ee foc ther oe Gig feck ft Ur errs oat Drei on ean ort Ther try Mean - ated ity aula ate Wrahon atm 9 prs rel tn ne cance ed ineeee are Gres ape Le HO CONDOR eg eruty to the lenders ee a demonstreind ihe Mlerenced (hat varie leaiorerayy ne out Fo dnamiingty scares tale We GHAR) WoL Be ate I prceed ath the work evan elihoul hia presence Vihie tag monk) not Degen if Case at caver teen wnyhee Howe? so Gngie syle can be regarded as the imeel techs, 4 depend, uber Ine suahon and Mme send of (med te pe pedomed in ane situahon autocratic styte Mmby perineny best whée in anothe: situaban democtiie style may yield better reautts and ewen there hight be Miwhcre wien lemme. tare style May be the most approphatn Ml departs upon the cade hom he yeews the spect: siusier ad epphes the mon approprain eye in Ts confed Adier end Alodman (2003) atyued imal a democrabe approach to isadership cormiated Highly with ar hr. s. arsenal oo woe sane a £ tata on > wi yam 2 ae at tap te a conrad (ae oS -*, Cael ae gy = aaneleige pngee or Om ane ee ee and ure is) aed Co a bow ome ee — encourages to do aarti » woe oo comer = fetane more * ww pervert! oF — si eorves othart ; one os cond » pisces bieere solves the protitere « preaches 1 00 _ 9 a ask as Participstory versus Supervisory —_— a y leadership an a euperns = There was direct Wil Lome Potts. Charmcrgy , nee et Ping he Chapter 9 ADERSHIP: ROLES, CHARA\ Le CTERIS PRINCIPLES TICS AND Loader as Supervisor ru osed 10 play a supervisory role. A \ . yan 8 AEE supervisor, As a supervisor -ieeaned a 08 a (FAO, 1982), his approach may be authortate oo aro told, and don't ask questions”. This style may yo upervisors non-cooperative, irresponsible. non and unproductive. They are unlikely to take any Another style of supervision may be anarchic" don't do as long a5 you stay out of my way”, This me on freedom to the supervisors but it gives no Piece, no dracon and no help to gol the task done. The iso use another style ie. democratic or py this is the job to be done. Let's agree on the best is ps the most appreciated one. it ] ve, confidence, expecta © aceare Te — waneat coopeestion by fe grouP ert a mace as ax aorminsiator iS 1 Get Pings peagh te efons of other pecs The success of eucenon may matty De amriouied io is rng & Manning and Curts (2007) leadetstap potent ox! 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