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A Project Report


“Tour and Travel Agency”

Submitted By

Mihir patel (196230307096)

Sumit (19623030)
Nir patel (196230307097)
Bhavya patel (196230307085)

In partial fulfilment of requirements for the degree



Computer Engineering

Government Polytechnic, Gandhinagar

Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad

October - 2019


Government Polytechnic, Gandhinagar

Computer Engineering

This is to certify that the project work embodied in this report entitled
“Project Name” was carried out by Mr. Student1 name, Ms. Student2 name &
Ms. Student3 name at Government Polytechnic, Gandhinagar for partial
fulfillment of Diploma degree to be awarded by Gujarat Technological University
(GTU). This project work has been carried out under my supervision and is to the
satisfaction of department.

Place: GP, Gandhinagar


Internal Guide Head of the Department

Prof. Kruti Mehta Prof. Manisha Mehta


I sincerely feel the credit of the project work could not be narrowed down to only
on individual. The development of this project involves many valuable
contributions. Getting the opportunity for this project of “Project Name” as
fulfillment of diploma (computer engineering) has been brightening experience for
the near future to come and a focus on excellence in this venture, we are
constantly guided and encouraged by Prof. Internal Guide who is our internal

I would also thank our Head of the Department Prof. Manisha Mehta for giving
us such a wonderful chance to work with this interesting project and perform the
project work for the entire duration of the semester and also thanks to internal
guide for project technical guidance and giving inspiration in all the way during
project making. Finally, I would like to thank our parents, friends and almighty for
being with us to support directly or indirectly while making this project.


Your project description in short

The Tours and Travel Management System is a web-based application. The main

purpose of “Tours and travels management system” is to provide a convenient way

for a customer to book hotels, flight, train and bus for tour purposes. The objective

of this project is to develop a system that automates the processes and activities of

a travel agency. In this project, we will make an easier task of searching places and

for booking train, flight or bus. In the present system a customer has to approach

various agencies to find details of places and to book tickets. This often requires a

lot of time and effort. We provide approach skills to critically examine how a tourist

visits and its ability to operate in an appropriate way when dealing with the

consequences of tourism, locally, regionally, and nationally including visitor

security and ecological influences. It is tedious for a customer to plan a particular

journey and have it executed properly. The project ‘Tours and Travels Management

System’ is developed to replace the currently existing system, which helps in

keeping records of the customer details of destination as well as payment received.

Notes to make a perfect report.

 Update your details in the text shown in red.
 Your content should be font size 12. Line spacing :1.5 and justify the paragraph.
 Update page numbers in Table of contents.
 Give captions to the figures and tables used in chapters as per chapter no. (For ex: Figures in
Chapter 2 will be termed as Figure 2.1, Figure 2.2, etc...).

Table of Contents


Chapter 1 Introduction………………………………………………….... 1
1.1 Problem Summary………………………………………… 1
1.2 Project Purpose…………………………………………… 2
1.3 Project Scope……………………………………………… 2
1.4 Project Objective…………………………………………. 3
Chapter 2 System specification………………………………………….. 0
2.1Hardware Requirement……………………………………. 0
2.2Software Requirement…………………………………….. 0
2.3Requirements Analysis……………………………………. 0
2.4Constraints………………………………………………… 0
2.5Assumptions and Dependencies…………………………… 0
2.6Technology and Literature Review………………………… 0
Chapter 3 System diagrams………………………………………………. 0
3.1Use case Diagram………………………………………… 0
3.2ER Diagram……………………………………………….. 0
3.3Data Flow Diagram…………………………………………. 0
3.4Sequence Diagram………………………………………….. 0
3.5Activity Diagram…………………………………………… 0
3.6Data Dictionary…………………………………………….. 0
Chapter 4 Implementation & Planning 0
4.1 Implementation Environment……………………………… 0
4.2 Snap Shots………………………………………………….. 0
Chapter 5 Conclusion…………………………………………………….. 0
Chapter 6 Future works…………………………………………………… 0
Chapter 7 Bibliography & reference……………………………………… 0
7.1 Books……………………………………………………. 0
7.2 Websites…………………………………………………… 0

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Problem Summary

1.2 Project Purpose

1.3 Project Scope

1.4 Project Objective

Chapter 2: System specification

2.1 Hardware Requirement

2.2 Software Requirement

2.3 Requirements Analysis

2.4 Constraints

2.5 Assumptions and Dependencies

2.6 Technology and Literature Review

Chapter 3: System diagrams

3.1 Use case Diagram

3.2 ER Diagram

3.3 Data Flow Diagram

3.4 Sequence Diagram

3.5 Activity Diagram

3.6 Data Dictionary

Chapter 4: Implementation & Planning

4.1 Implementation Environment

4.2 Snap Shots

Chapter 5: Conclusion

Chapter 6: Future works

Chapter 7: Bibliography & Reference

7.1 Books

7.2 Websites

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