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Nuclear War Quick Reference

Basic Game
1 – Each player randomly draws a number of population cards based on the number of players.
Players 2 3 4 5 6+
# Cards 15 10 8 7 6
During the game, these cards’ values are kept secret, but not the number of cards you have remaining.
2 – The rest of the population cards are face down in the Dead Pile.
2 – Game owner deals 9 cards to each player.
3 – Game owner goes first.

Turn Overview
A – Going clockwise, each player plays any Secret or Top Secret cards he was dealt. Draw to replace them and play any
more such cards drawn. Play all such cards and replace them before proceeding to the next player. When this step is
finished, each player will have 9 cards containing no Secrets or Top Secrets.

B – Each player places cards face down to the “1st Face Down Card” and “2nd Face Down Card” spaces on their board.

Going clockwise, each player takes a turn, beginning with the game owner. A turn consists of
1 – Draw a card. If this card is a Secret or Top Secret card, play it and repeat this step.

2 – Move the 2 current face down cards up one space and play a new card to the “2nd Face Down Card” space. Turn the “top”
card face up (It should already be in the “Face Up Card” space.) If the face up card is a
– Missile or Bomber: Leave the card face up – it may be used next turn.
– Warhead: if it was preceded by a Missile or Bomber, declare an attack on one player. A “State of War” now exists and
peace is not restored until at least one player has been annihilated. See Attack & Defense.
– Propaganda: if “State of War” exists, discard card unused. Otherwise take the population from one target player.

Optional – if a player wishes, he may expose cards in the “Deterrent Force” spaces. These cards count as part of the hand,
and must be played through the normal turn sequence. This usage is purely for intimidation purposes.

3 – Check for Final Retaliation. If a player was wiped out this turn by anything except Propaganda, they get final strike.

Attack & Defense

 The warhead turned up must match a launcher (missile or bomber) that was turned up the turn immediately prior. If the
warhead is too big for the launcher, both cards are discarded with no effect.
 If a warhead is not turned up the turn following a launcher, the launcher is discarded. If a warhead is turned up without a
launcher immediately preceding it, the warhead is discarded. Thus, a play of Missile – Missile will discard the first
missile, while the second missile will remain face up needing a warhead to immediately follow it.
 When a warhead and launcher are legally matched:
– Declare the target player.
– Does that player have and wish to play a legal Anti-Missile card? Each card specifies what it can shoot down. If so:
the warhead and launcher are discarded with no effect and the attacked player draws a replacement card. It is
now the attacked player's turn.
– If not: Attacker rolls the dice (either 2d10 or 2d6) and checks the Attack Chart (on reverse). Add the effect to the
damage specified on the warhead. The damaged player discards that many population to the Dead Pile.

Final Retaliation
When a player is eliminated by anything OTHER than a Propaganda card:
– They place each valid combination of warheads and launcher from their hand face up and attack.
– With each combination he may attack any player. If anti-missile is played continue to the next attack of the final strike.
– When the final strike is completed, all of the defeated player’s cards are discarded. If the final strike caused another player
to lose his last population, that player now gets a final retaliation.
–If an Anti-Missile was played, it is now the turn of the last player to do so. Otherwise turn passes normally.

After a player is eliminated and all final strikes (if any) are resolved, the game returns to a “state of peace” (assuming anyone
is left alive). Each player may exchange the 2 face down cards with cards from his hand. Face up cards may not be
exchanged or retrieved, but do remain in play.

Ending the game

Comments, complaints, corrections, constructive criticisms? Email: © Michael Weston, 2002
The last player remaining in the game may only claim victory if he has at least 1 million population left alive.

Attack Chart
2d10 2d6 Result
00-04 2 Missile explodes on launch pad or bomber runs out of fuel. Discard warhead and launcher.
05-09 3 Dud warhead. No damage.
10-22 4 Bomb shelters in use. Reduce damage by 2 million people.
23-35 5 Fireball. Increase damage by 1 million people.
36-49 6 No fallout. No adjustment to damage.
7 Roll Again
50-63 8 Radioactive Fallout. Increase damage by 2 million people.
64-76 9 Radioactive Beta Rays. Increase damage by 5 million people.
77-89 10 Lethal doses of Gamma Rays. Increase damage by 10 million people.
90-94 11 Dirty Bomb! Double damage.
95-99 12 Explode a nuclear stockpile. Triple damage.

Comments, complaints, corrections, constructive criticisms? Email: © Michael Weston, 2002
Nuclear Escalation Quick Reference
When combined with Basic Game:
1 – Remove Propaganda from the deck: two 25 million, four 10 million and eight 5 million.
2 – Each player randomly draws a number of population cards based on the number of players.
Players 2 3 4 5 6 7 8+
# Cards 20 15 12 10 9 8 7

Turn Overview
Same as basic game

1 – When attacking, roll on the same Attack Chart. If the result is NOT “Missile Explodes” or “Dud” the player may either
accept the result or add the roll of the Radioactive Die. If the cloud (1) is rolled, roll again on the Misfunction Chart.
2 – If a 100 Megaton warhead rolls Triple Yield, the planet is destroyed. Game over.

Optional Rules
1 – Arms Trades: During peacetime, a player may, during his turn, offer a card from his hand for trade. Other players may
offer any one card in exchange, plus whatever other unenforceable promises they wish to make. Only one card may be
traded per turn, and only for one other card.
2 – UN Peace Resolution – During war, any player may suggest a vot for peace. A unanimous vote returns the game to a
“state of peace” just as if a player had been eliminated, except that all face-up cards are immediately discarded.
3 – Population increase – During peacetime, populations increase. If in a state of peace at the beginning of the first player’s
turn, each player rolls 1d6: 1 or 2: +1 million; 3 or 4: +2 million; 5 or 6: +5 million
4 – Special Neutron Bomb: if a player is eliminated by an enemy rolling the “Neutron Bomb” on the Misfunction Chart, the
attacking player gets any cards left over after the final strike (Assuming the attacker survives). He must immediately
discard down to 9 cards if necessary.
5 – “If I Can’t Win, Everybody Dies” – If a player is conducting his final strike and has a 100-megaton warhead but no
launcher for it, he may choose to detonate it in his own country in hopes of rolling the “triple yield” and thus destroying
the whole planet.

Misfunction Chart – roll 1d6

Roll Result
Cloud Disaster! The warhead has hit one of your own cities. You suffer the damage and lose the population.
2 Orbital Burst! The warhead goes off in the atmosphere over you. Discard launcher and you lose one turn.
3 Missile explodes on launch pad / Bomber runs out of fuel. Discard launcher and warhead.
4 Warhead is a dud. No damage.
5 Neutron Bomb! Double damage.
6 You hit a nuclear power plant. Double damage and attacked player loses one turn.

Lost turns are NOT cumulative.

Nuclear Proliferation Quick Reference

When combined with Basic Game:
1 – Each player randomly draws a number of population cards based on the number of players.
Players 2 3 4 5 6+ OR same chart as Nuclear Escalation
# Cards 17 12 10 7 8
2 – Each player selects a country, starting with the player who will go last, or distribute them randomly.

Turn Overview
Same as basic game

Same as Nuclear Escalation plus:

Countries: Each country has a special power that may be invoked during the game.

Misfunction Chart – same as Nuclear Escalation except

Roll Result

Comments, complaints, corrections, constructive criticisms? Email: © Michael Weston, 2002
3 Missile explodes on launch pad / Bomber runs out of fuel / Submarine or atomic cannon is destroyed. Discard
launcher and warhead.

Comments, complaints, corrections, constructive criticisms? Email: © Michael Weston, 2002

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