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In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
Batch 2018- 2021


ROLL NO – 41850601718



I, Amit Batra hereby declare that the work described in this project titled “Sales
Promotion” has been carried out entirely by me to be submitted for the partial fulfillment of
BBA degree from New Delhi Institute of Management, Delhi and further this to certify that it
has not been submitted earlier to any university or institute for the award of any degree or


This is to certify that the project titled “SALES PROMOTION in GFS WEALTH CREATORS” is an
academic work done by AMIT BATRA Enrollment no. (41850601718) submitted in the partial fulfillment of
the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration from NEW DELHI
INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, Delhi, under my guidance & direction. To the best of my knowledge and
belief the data & information presented by him/her in the project has not been submitted earlier.

Dr. Shweta Goel


It is well-established fact that behind every achievement lays an unfathomable sea of

gratitude to those who have extended their support and without whom the project would

never have come into existence. I express my gratitude to Dr. SHWETA GOEL [Faculty

Guide] for providing me an opportunity to work on this thesis as a part of the curriculum.



o CHAPTER 1: Introduction 6-37

 Objective of the Study

 Review of literature

 Research Methodology

 Limitations of the study

o CHAPTER 2: Company Profile 38-50

o CHAPTER 3: Data Analysis & Interpretation 51-60

o CHAPTER 4: Conclusions & Suggestions 61-63

o Annexure 64-67

 Questionnaire

 Bibliography


While advertising explains the logics behind buying, sales promotion offers can incentives to do

so. Sales promotion operates at three levels.

 At the level of consumer it is called consumer promotion e.g. free gifts, samples and price offs.

 At the level of dealers and distributors, it is allied trade promoting e.g. free goods display contests,

dealer sales contest, push money etc.

 At the level of sale person it is called sales force promotion e.g. salesmen’s contest, benches, sales


Conjunctionally the glamour in sales promotion is stolen by advertising. Advertising expenses so

far accounted for more then 60% of the total promotional budget.

Today sales promotion are rising rapidly with more and more bands flooding the market, the

pressure to occupy display space at retail outlet is more and retailers thus demand more sales

promotion efforts from their suppliers.


The main aim of the study is to accomplish the following objectives

1. Knowing the insight of the company.

2. To know what are the products and services offered by the company and its competitors.

3. To know the right position of the company in a market.

4. Different types of sales promotion strategies adopted by companies

5. To learn how customer is convinced.




While advertising explains the logics behind buying, sales promotion offers can incentives to do

so. Sales promotion operates at three levels.

 At the level of consumer it is called consumer promotion e.g. free gifts, samples and price offs.

 At the level of dealers and distributors, it is allied trade promoting e.g. free goods display contests,

dealer sales contest, push money etc.

 At the level of sale person it is called sales force promotion e.g. salesmen’s contest, benches, sales


Conjunctionally the glamour in sales promotion is stolen by advertising. Advertising expenses so

far accounted for more then 60% of the total promotional budget.

Today sales promotion are rising rapidly with more and more bands flooding the market, the

pressure to occupy display space at retail outlet is more and retailers thus demand more sales

promotion efforts from their suppliers.


The 3A’s, namely, availability, affordability and acceptability has its focus on the customers and

consumers. It is basically a strategy to reach increasing number of consumers.


The main challenge of GFS WEALTH CREATORS is to place its products “with an

arm’s reach of desire”. That’s plans to do with improved or innovative marketing programs.


GFS WEALTH CREATORS address this aspect by making the products available at

a price affordable to the consumers. This is done by continually focusing on making the production

and distribution system more efficient and cost effective.


Acceptability requires the product to be the highest quality. Also acceptability can be

affected through advertising, sponsorships, promotions community programs etc.


‘As defined by the American Marketing Association (AMA), Advertising is ay from of non-

personal presentation of goods, services or ideas for action, openly paid for by an identified


Advertising today is a worldwide phenomenon. It is important at the outset to recognize that many

advertisers use advertisements for many purposes with many different possible effects.

Advertisements can be recognized s paid non-personal communication forms used with persuasive

intent by identified sources through various media.

Advertising are most commonly associated with the mass media of newspapers, magazines,

cinema, television, and radio, although they frequently flourish in the other forms such as

billboards, poster, and direct mail as well and finally advertisements are overwhelmingly used with

persuasive intend. That is the advertisers are striving to alter our behavior and or levels of

awareness, knowledge and attitude, and so on in a manner that would be beneficial to them.

On the basis of various definitions it has certain basic features such as:

1. It is a mass non-personal communication.

2. It is a matter of record.

3. It persuades buyers to purchase the goods advertised.

4. It is a mass paid communication.

5. The communication media is diverse such as print (newspapers and magazines)

6. It is also called printed salesmanship because information is spread by means of the written

and printed work and pictures so that people may be induced to act upon it.


Advertising can be thought of as a five-part business.

 Advertisers who something use

 Advertising agencies and are sometimes assisted by

 Support Organizations sent their messages through

 Media(generally mass) to potential

 Consumers of the product, service.

Advertising is a key part of marketing, but far from being (as is often assumed) the sum of it.

Advertising is the use of media to inform consumers about something and or to persuade them to

do something in effect; it brings product and consumers together, and then modulates the

relationship between them.


It is a mass communication of information intended to persuade buyer to buy product wit a view of

maximizing a company’s profits. The elements are.

 It is a Mass Communication reaching large number of customers.

 It makes mass production possible. (Helps the company reach economics of scale).

 It is a non-personal communication.

 It is a commercial communication.

 It is speedy communication.

 In today’s competitive world. It is an essential communication.


For many firms advertising is the dominant element of the promotional mix – particulars for those

manufacturers who produce convenience goods such as detergent, non – prescription drugs,

cosmetics, soft drinks and grocery products. Advertising is also used extensively by maters of

automobiles, home appliances, etc, to introduce new product and new product features its uses its

attributes, pt availability etc.

Advertising can also help to convince potential buyers that a firms product or service is superior to

competitors product in make in quality, in price etc. it can create brand image and reduce the

likelihood of brand switching even when competitors lower their prices or offer some attractive


Advertising is particularly effective in certain other spheres too such as :

i) When consumer awareness of products or service is at a minimum.

ii) When sales are increasing for all terms in an industry.

iii) When a product is new and incorporates technological advance not strong and.

iv) When primary buying motive exists.

It performance the following functions:

 Promotion of sales

 Carry out research

 Education of people.


Broadly speaking, advertising may be classified into two categories viz., product and institutional


a) Product Advertising

The main purpose of such advertising is to inform and stimulate the market about the advertisers

products of services and to sell these. Thus type of advertising usually promote specific, trended

products in such a manner as to make the brands seam more desirable. It is used by business

government organization and private non-business organizations to promote the uses features,

images and benefits of their services and products. Product advertising is sub-divided into direct

action and indirect action advertising, Direct action product advertising wages the buyer to take

action at once, ice he seeks a quick response to the advertisement which may be to order the

product by mail, or mailing a coupon, or he may promptly purchase in a retail store in response to

prince reduction during clearance sale.

Product advertising is sub-divided into direct & indirect action advertising & product advertising

aims at informing persons about what a products is what it does, how it is used and where it can be

purchased. On the other hand selective advertising is made to meet the selective demand for a

particular brand or type is product.

b) Institutional Advertising :

It is designed to create a proper attitude towards the sellers to build company image or

goodwill rather than to sell specific product or service. Its purpose is to create a frame of mind and

to implant feeling favourable to the advertisers company. Its assignment is to make friends for the

institution or organization.

It is sub-divided into three categories : patronage, public, relations and public service institutional


i) In patronage institutional advertising the manufacturer tells his prospects and customer

about himself his policies and lives personnel. The appeals to the patronage motivation of

buyers. If successful, he convince buyers that his operation entitles him to the money spent

by them.

ii) Public relations institutional advertising is used to create a favourable image of the firm

among employees, stock-holders or the general public.

iii) Public service institutional advertising wages public support.

c) Other Types :

The other types are as follows :

i) Consumer advertising

ii) Comparative advertising

iii) Reminder advertising

iv) Reinforcement advertising


The long-term objectives of advertising are broad and general, and concern the contribution

advertising should make to the achievement of overall company objectives. Most companies

regard advertising main objective as hat of proving support to personal selling and other forms of

promotion. But advertising is a highly versatile communications tools and may therefore by used

for achieving various short- and long-term objectives. Among these objectives are the following:

1. To do the entire selling job (as in mail order marketing).

2. To introduce a new product (by building brand awareness among potential buyers).

3. To force middlemen to handle the product (pull strategy).

4. To build brand preference 9by making it more difficult for middleman to sell substitutes).

5. To remind users to buy the product (retentive strategy).

6. To publicize some change in marketing strategy (e.g., a price change, a new model or an

improvement in the product).

7. To provide rationalization (i.e. Socially acceptable excuses).

8. To combat or neutralize competitors advertising.

9. To improve the moral of dealers and/or sales people (by showing that the company is doing

its share of promotion).

10. To acquaint buyers and prospects with the new uses of the product (to extend the PLC).


The functions of advertisement, and that purpose its ethics, may be discussion below:

1. It leads o cheaper prices. "No advertiser could live in the highly competitive arena of

modern business if his methods of selling were more costly than those of his rivals."

2. It acquaints the public with the features of the goods and advantages which buyers will


3. It increases demand for commodities and this results in increased production. Advertising:

a) Creates and stimulates demand opens and expands the markets;

b) Creates goodwill which loads to an increase in sales volume;

c) Reduces marketing costs, particularly product selling costs.

d) Satisfied consumer demands by placing in the market what he needs.

4. It reduces distribution expenses in as much as it plays the part of thousands of salesmen at a

home. Information on a mass scale relieves the necessity of expenditure on sales promotion

staff, and quicker and wider distribution leads to diminishing of the distribution costs.

5. It ensures the consumers better quality of goods. A good name is the breath of the life to an

6. By paying the way for large scale production and increased industrialization, advertising

contributes its quota to the profit of the companies the prosperity of the shareholder the

uplifts of the wage earners and the solution of he unemployment problem.

7. It raises the standard of living of the general public by impelling it to use to articles of

modern types which may add to his material well being. "Modern advertising has made the

luxuries of yesterday the necessities of today ..................... It is a positive creative force in

business. It makes two blades of grass grow in the business world where one grew before.

8. It establishes the goodwill of the concern for the test articles produced by it and in course

of time they sell like not cakes consumer search for satisfaction of their needs when they

purchase goods what they want from its beauty, superiority, economy, comfort, approval,

popularity, power, safety, convenience, sexual gratification and so on. The manufactures

therefore tries to improve this goodwill and reputation by knowing the buyer behaviour.

Advertising as a tool to marketing not only reaches those who buy , but also those whose opinions

or authority is counted for example a manufacturer of marble tiles and building boards advertises

not only to people who intend to build houses but also to architect and engineers. While the

manufacturers of pharmaceuticals products advertise to doctors as well as to the general public. At

time it is necessary for a manufacturer or a concern to advertise things which it does not sell but

which when sold stimulates the sales of its own product. There are concerns like electric heaters,

iron etc. because the use of these increases the demand for their products.

Advertising should be used only when it promises to bring good result more economically and

efficiently as compared to other means of selling. There are goods for which much time and efforts

are required in creating a demand by sending salesman to prospective buyers than by simply

advertising them. In the early days of the cash register in America it was sold by specially trained

salesman who called on the prospective users and had the difficult task of convincing them that

they could no longer carry on with the old methods, and that they urgently needed a cash register.

In our country certain publishers have found it less costly to sell their books by sending salesman

from house to house among prospective buyers than to advertise them. In these two examples the

cost of creating demand would be too high if attempted by advertising alone under such

circumstances advertising is used to make the salesman acceptable to the people they call upon to

increase the confidence of the public in the house. Naturals when there are good profits

competitors will be attracted and they should be kicked out as and when sufficient capital is

available by advertising on a large scale. Immediate result may not justify the increased

expenditure but it will no doubt secure future sales.


Advertising is an organized series of advertising messages. It has been defined as "a planned, co-

ordinate series of promotional efforts built around a central theme and designed to reach specified

goals." In other words, it is an orderly planned effort consisting of related but self – contained and

independent advertisements. The campaign may appear in one more media. It has single theme or

keynote idea and a single objective or goal. Thus, "a unified theme of content provides

psychological continuity throughout the campaign while visual and oral similarity provides

physical continuity. In short run, all campaign want pre-determined psychological reaction in the

long run, practically all campaigns have sales goal.

The series of advertisements used in the campaign must be integrated with the sales promotional

efforts and with the activities of the sales force.

Campaigns vary in length some may run only for a few days, other for weeks, yet other for a

season or the entire year. Usually a range of 3 to 6 months includes many campaigns. Many factors

influences campaign length such as competitors advertising media, policies, and seasonal falls

curves of the product involved the size of the advertising funds, campaign objectives and the

nature of the advertisers marketing programmed.


The advertising campaign, especially those connected with the consumers aims at achieving these


i) To announce a new product or improve product.

ii) To hold consumers patronage against intensified campaign use.

iii) To inform consumers about a new product use.

iv) To teach consumers how to use product.

v) To promote a contest or a premium offer.

vi) To establish a new trade regional, and

vii) To help solve a GFS WEALTH CREATORS regional problem.

The institutional advertising campaigns on the other hand, have these objectives.

i) To create a corporate personality or image.

ii) To build a company prestige.

iii) To keep the company name before the public.

iv) To emphasize company services and facilities.

v) To enable company salesman to see top executive consistently when making sales

calls, and

vi) To increase friendliness and goodwill towards the company.

Developing the campaign programmers. The advertising campaigns are prepared by the

advertising agencies, which work an behalf of their clients who manufacture product or

service enterprises, which have services to sell. The word campaign is used because

advertising agencies approach their task with a sum Blanca of military fanfare in which one

frequently hears words like target audience logistics, zero in and tactics and strategy etc.

The account executive co-ordinates the work in a campaign. The creation of an advertising

campaign starts with an exploration of consumers habits and psychology in relation to the

product. This requires the services of statistical trained in survey techniques and of others

trained in social psychology. Statisticians select samples for survey which are done by

trained interviewers who visits individuals, included in the sample and ask question to find

out about their taste and habits.

This enquiry often leads to a change in a familiar product. For instance bathing soap may

come in several new colours or cigarette in a new packet or talcum powder in another size.

Such interviews are often quite essential to find out the appeal of advertising message for a

product that would be most effective with consumers.

David Ogilvy describes a consumers survey to find out the most meaningful benefit in

which women are interested when they buy a face cream. The largest preference as given to

"Cleans deep into pores" followed in order of importance by prevent dryness, "is a

complete beauty treatment, recommended by skin doctors" makes skin look younger'

contains estrogenic hormones, pasteurized for purity, prevent skin form aging, smooth our

wrinkles ogilvy concludes, form this voting come one of Helena Rutinsteins most

successful face creams. We christened it deep cleanser, thus, building the winning form

into name of the product.

After getting the data the account executive puts together the essential elements of his

clients brief, interprets the research findings and draws up what he calls the "advertising


Several steps are required to developed an advertising campaign the number of stages and exact

order in which they are carried out may vary according to an organisations resources, the nature of

its product and the types of audiences to be reached. The major stages/step are

1. Identifying and analyzing the advertising.

2. Defining advertising objects.

3. Creating the advertising platform.

4. Determining the advertising appropriation.

5. Selection media plan.

6. Creating the advertising message.

7. Evaluating the effectiveness of advertising.

8. Organizing of advertising campaign.

1. Identifying & Analyzing the Advertising target :

Under this step it is to decided as to whom is the firm trying to reach with the message. The

advertising target is the group of people towards which advertisements are aimed at four this

purpose complete information about the market target i.e. the location and geographical location of

the people, the distribution of age, income, sex, educational level, and consumers attitudes

regarding purchase and use both of the advertising product and competing products is needed with

better knowledge of market target, effective advertising campaign can be developed on the other

hand, if the advertising target is not properly identified and analyzed the campaign is does likely to

be effective.
2. Determining the advertising objectives :

The objectives of advertisement must be specifically and clearly defined in measurable terms such

as "to communicate specific qualities about a particulars product to gain a certain degree of

penetration in a definite audience of a given size during a given period of time", increase sales by a

certain percentage or increase the firms market shares."

The goals of advertising may be to :

i) Create a favourable company image by acquainting the public with the services offered

available to the employees and its achievements.

ii) Create consumers or distributor awareness by encouraging requests providing

information about the types of products sold; providing information about the benefits

to be gained from use of the company's products or services; and indicating how

product (or services) can be used;

iii) Encourage immediate sales by encouraging potential purchasers through special sales

contests, getting recommendation of professional people about company's products etc.

iv) It secures action by the reader through associating ideas, repetition of the same name in

different contexts, immediate action appeal.

3. Creating the Advertising Platform :

An advertising platform consists of the basic issues or selling points that an advertiser wishes to

include in the advertising campaign. A single advertisement in an advertising campaign may

contain one or more issues in the platform. A motorcycle producers advertising platform should

contain issues which are of importance to consumers filling and such issues also be those which

the competitive product do not posses.

4. Determining the Advertising Appropriation:

The advertising appropriation is the total amount of money which marketer allocates. For

advertising for a specific time period. Determining the campaign budget involves

estimating now much it will cost to achieve the campaigns objectives. If the campaign

objectives are profit relating and stated quantitatively, then the amount of the campaign

budget is determined by estimating the proposed campaigns effectiveness in attaining them.

If campaigns object is to build a particular type of company image, then there is little basis

for predicting either the campaigns effectiveness or determining the budget required.

5. Selecting the Media :

Media selection is an important since it costs time space and money various factors

influence this selection, the most fundamental being the nature of the target market

segment, the type of the product and the cost involved. The distinctive characteristics of

various media are also important. Therefore management should focus its attention on

media compatibility with advertising objectives.

Media Form
Press Advertising or Print
Newspapers City, Small town, Sundays,

Daily, weekly, Fortnightly,

quarterlies, financial and

annuals, English, vernacular

or regional languages.
Magazines General or special,

illustrated or otherwise,

English, Hindi, Regional

Trade & Technical Journals, Industrial Circulated all over the

year books, commercial, directories, country and among the

telephone, Directories, references industrialist and business

books & annuals. magnates.

Direct Mail Circulars,catalogues,


olders,colanders, blotters,

diaries & other printed

Outdoor or Traffic Poster and bills on walls,

railways stations platforms

outside public buildings.


Advertising is used to build up a long term image for a product in order to trigger quick sales.

Advertising is an efficient way to reach numerous geographically dispersed buyers at

Different Media Used For Advertising Are:

 Radio

 Television

 Dealer Boards

 Stickers

 Banners

 Newspapers

 Magazines

 Exhibitions

 Street Lighting

Out of these Dealer boards, Banners, Exhibitions, bottles under the supervision of the company do

Street lighting etc. where as other forms of advertising in the mass media are conducted directly by

the companies.

In the present scenario day by day there is rising trend in various factors like urbanization,

expansion of education, increase in per capita income, availability of variety of financial products

and various investments. These factors add importance to the customer’s attention, so that the

customer’s attentions are not far from the various sales promotion activities. These activities have

great importance on the mind of existing and potential customers. The customers will become

awarded about this activities offering to him and the possible returns used for attracting the

customers are covered in this project.

This research is confirmed to Faridabad which is one of the areas in Faridabad in which there is lot

of potential customers to make their contribution in the various sales promotion activities. The

sample size of the study is 100 customers which are representing the whole Faridabad. The

different areas covered of Faridabad in this research.

The research includes covering the Faridabad which was completed by me with the help of my

Area Manger & Regional Manager. For this survey questionnaire was designed to know the

attitude of customers towards sales promotion activity.



Research in common parlance refers to a search for knowledge. Once can also define research as

a scientific search for pertinent information on a specific topic. In fact, research is an art of

scientific investigation. The Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English lays down the

meaning of research as “a careful investigation or inquiry especially through research for new

facts in any branch of knowledge.” Redman and Mory define research as a “systematized effort

to gain new knowledge.” Some people consider research as a movement, a movement from the

known to the unknown. It is actually a voyage of discovery. We all possess the vital instinct of

inquisitiveness for, when the unknown confront us, we wonder and our inquisitiveness makes us

probe and attain full and fuller understanding of the known.


Research comprises defining and redefining problems, formulating hypothesis or suggested

solutions; collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making deductions and reaching

conclusions; and at last carefully testing the conclusion to determine whether they fit the

formulating hypothesis.

Acc. to Clifford Woody


The basic type of research is as follows:

1. Descriptive Research

Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquiries of different kinds. The major purpose

of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at present. The main characteristic

of this method is that the researcher has no control over the variables; he can only report what has

happened or what is happening.


The formidable problems that follows the task of defining the research problem project, popularly

known as the Research Design. “Research Design is the arrangement of conditions for collections and

analysis of data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in



Sample Design is a definite plan for obtaining a sample from a given population. It refers to the

technique or the procedures the researcher would adopt in selecting items for the sample. Sample Design

may as well lay down the number of items to be included in the sample i.e., the size of the sample.

Sample design is determine before data are collected. There are many sample designs from which a

researcher can choose. Some designs are relatively more precise and easier to apply than others.

The task of data collection begins after a research problem has been defined and research design/plan

chalked out. While deciding about the method of data collection to de used for the study, the researcher

should keep in mind two types of data viz., primary and secondary. The primary data are those which

are collected a fresh and for the first time and thus happen to be original in character. The secondary

data, on the other hand, arte those which have already been collected by someone else and which have

already been passed through the statistical process. The researcher would have to decide which sort of

data he would be using for his study and accordingly he will have to select one or the other method of

data collection. The methods of collecting primary and secondary data differ since primary data are to be

originally collected, while in case of secondary data the nature of data collection work is merely that of



We collect primary data during the course of doing experiments in an experimental research but in

case, we do research of the descriptive type and perform surveys, whether sample surveys on census

surveys, then we can obtain primary data either through observation or through direct communication

with respondents in one form or another or through personal interviews. There are several methods of

collecting primary data, particularly in surveys and descriptive researchers. Important ones are

observation method, interview method, questionnaires method, schedules method and other method

which include warranty cards; distributor audits; pantry audits; consumer panels; using mechanical

devices; through project live techniques; depth interview; and content analysis.



Sample unit for this research was the individual’s persons in the Faridabad which were

completed by me with the help of company.





The sampling method adopted for this project is convenience & judgments sampling. In the Faridabad,

with the help of conveyance provided by Relationship Manager Visits were in various areas and other
branch in Faridabad where customers are available. In few of areas referred sampling was used for

interview purpose in which reference of some influential customers was taken for interview.


Though the present study aimed to achieve the above-mentioned objectives in full earnest and

accuracy. It was hampered due to certain limitations. Some of the limitations of this study may be

summarized as follows:

1. As the working time is rigid, we don’t get enough time for the project work.

2. Being new to the place it is difficult to find a place for consultation of books and reference


3. The sale promotion strategies changes very frequently due to this stiff competition so, it is

very difficult to make comparative analysis.



GFS Wealth Creators is a boutique Investments Company focused on helping individuals

maximizes their investment returns in the share market. The company was founded by

Mr. Rajnish Bangia in 2002 to provide a range of investment and educational services to

investors who understand the need to invest to achieve their financial goals. Our goal is to help

you secure your financial future using proven investment strategies. The framework of the

company has been built around years of listening to our clients to gain an understanding of

exactly what they want and need. As a result, GFS wealth creators are quite unique in the

market when looking at our complete range of services . GFS wealth creators are a franchise of

Motilal Oswal Securities Ltd.


At GFS, we are committed

To provide you with quality services,

Ongoing care and attention to detail. 

We promise to always treat you, our client,

With respect, honesty, integrity and professionalism. 

We will always be open and transparent

In all our dealings with you. 

We will answer all your questions

To the best of our ability. 

And we will provide you With advice that is suited to your needs. 

Mission and vision of GFS Wealth Creators

To create long-term value by empowering individual investors through superior financial services

supported by culture based on highest level of team work, efficiency, integrity.


Most Guiding Principles & Core Values

Customer interest is paramount

Ethical and transparent business practices
Respect for professionals, associates and business partners
Research based value investing
Cutting edge technology to ensure world-class customer service
Board of Directors

Mr. Rajnish Bangia

Mr. Rajnish Bangia is the founder Director of GFS wealth Creator. He has over 15 years experience in

various sectors, including share broking , financial planning , share market education and Professional

Trading . He is an excellent motivator , teacher and a technically competent analyst. With a corporate

vision of reaching the apex of the industry, Mr. Bangia is continuously thriving to lead his team with

client centric and ethical approach of delivering world-class services to the esteemed clientele. 

" Everybody in the organization has to take ownership of customer service and marketing. The goal of

both customer service and marketing is to make people want to do business with us. Without loyal

customers, we cease to exist."

Mr. Deepanker Dora

Mr. Deepanker has an in-depth knowledge and strong understanding of various intricacies of stock

market and commodity market. 

He has a proven record for improving business profits, driving marketing, implementing process

improvements and enhancing the customer experience. 

He has built lasting relationships with clients through successful engagements by transforming the risk

management strategies to help and manage risks associated with clients business and investment

dealings which help growth in revenue and profits. Throughout his career, he has developed cutting-

edge business strategies to capitalize on market opportunities and to facilitate the success of the

customer. His customized approach toward our clients has helped in achieving sustainable competitive

advantage and secures lasting results. 


GFS Wealth Creators is a legendary name in financial services, GFS Wealth Creator’s credit is

defined by its mission to succeed, passion for professionalism, excellent work ethics and

customer centric values. Today GFS Wealth Creators is well known as a premier financial

services enterprise, offering a broad spectrum of customized services to its clients, both

Corporate and retail. Services that GFS Wealth Creators constantly upgrade and Improve are

because of company’s skill in leveraging technology. Being one of the most techno-savvy

organizations around helps company to deliver even more cost effective financial solutions in

the shortest possible time. What bears ample testimony to GFS Wealth Creators success is the

faith reposed in company by valued investors and customers, all across the country. Indeed,

with GFS Wealth Creators wide network touching every corner of the country, even the most

remote investor can easily access GFS Wealth Creators services and benefit from company’s

expert advice.

GFS Wealth Creators Values:







GFS Wealth Creators has adequate internal control systems and procedures commensurate with the

size nature of its business. These system and procedures provide reasonable assurance of

maintenance of proper accounting records, reliability of financial information, protection of

Resources and safeguarding of assets against unauthorized use.


"MR. Bangia and another Team member, Just a quick email to say thanks for a most informative and

enjoyable training conference last Saturday 21st. It was good to finally meet you after a number of

years. My brother and I asked many questions on the day and probably drove you a little crazy, but

we are absolutely 100% happy and rapt with your advice, trading strategies and love your ppt, we

can’t get enough and often talk about how you do things. I feel that after the seminar I will trade

even better and can see the importance of using your capital divided calculator that I had never used.

Once again my heartfelt thanks to you and your team members because prior to joining the GFS WC

I was a shattered man." 


Deepak Bansal

"The GFS wealth Creators is easy to follow and is constantly updated as required providing very

timely trades, and comments on stocks that are setting up. There are also relevant and very helpful

reminders on what makes a successful trader. Positive Reinforcement." 

[Amit Jain]

Product & Services Offered

i. Stock broking
ii. Demat services

iii. Investment product distribution

iv. Investment advisory services

v. Insurance

vi. Mutual fund services

vii. Derivative

viii. Forex

ix. Commodity

x. Portfolio management services

 Stock broking

GFS Wealth Creator is working as Capital Market Intermediaries. Stockbrokers are regulated by SEBI

[Stock-brokers and Sub-brokers] Regulations, 1992.The stockbroker is a member of the stock exchange.

Stockbrokers are the intermediaries who are allowed to trade in securities on the exchange of which they

are members. They buy and sell on their own behalf as well as on behalf of their clients. Stockbrokers

expand their business by engaging sub-broker. Sub brokers mean “any person not being a member of a

stock exchange who acts on behalf of a stock broker as an agent or otherwise for assisting the investors in

buying, selling or dealing in securities through such Stock-brokers.”

 Demat Services

GFS Wealth Creator is a depository participant with the National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL)

for trading and settlement of dematerialized shares. Depository Participants (DPs) are described as an

agent of the depository. They are intermediaries between the depository and the investors. The

relationship between the DPs and the depository is governed by an agreement made between the two

under Depositories Act.

A DP can offer depository-related services only after obtaining a certificate of registration from SEBI.

Since GFS Wealth Creator is also in the broking business, investors who use GFS Wealth Creator‘s

depository services get a dual benefit. They can use GFS Wealth Creator’s brokerage services to execute

transactions and GFS Wealth Creator‘s depository services to Settle them.

 Investment product distribution

Company is also concern with the distribution of investment products like

Bonds: GFS Wealth Creators dealer of following bonds

 RBI Saving Bonds



IPO: Company is also provides services related to Initial Public Offer of company. Company provides

stationary at the time of IPO as well as provides information to investors regarding IPO and solves their


 Investment advisory service

This division provides portfolio management services to high net-worth individuals and corporate. The

expertise of GFS wealth creators in research and stock broking gives it the right perspective to provide

investment advisory services. Company provides advisory services to its clients.

Financial goal of each individual investor varies according to his dream, ambition and family size and

future financial planning for the children & old age pension for self and wife so does the pathway to

achieve it. GFS Wealth Creators apply the principles of Financial Planning as both science & art; it

understands the time horizon, risk bearing capacity and investment goals of investors keeping in mind

their psyche and financial needs. Based upon this GFS wealth creator’s helps individual investors to

plan their entire life up to retirement, Taxes, Insurance needs and other important personal financial
goals. It designs portfolio for investor to invest their saving in various financial products like shares,

bonds, debentures, mutual funds, etc.

Company designing portfolio by considering the following factors

 Investor’s requirement of getting money back,

 Investor’s willingness to take risk ,

 Investor’s tax planning etc.

 Insurance

GFS WEALTH CREATOR is also dealer of many private life insurance companies. Company is

associated with dealing of following companies.

 ICICI Prudential Life Insurance

 HDFC Life Insurance

 TATA AIG Life Insurance

 Mutual fund services

Since its inception in 2002, has GFS WEALTH CREATORS demonstrated a dedication coupled with

dynamism that has inspired trust from various segments – corporate, government bodies and individuals.

GFS WEALTH CREATORS has since been performing a pivotal role as the intermediary – the interface –

between these players.

With Mutual Funds emerging as a distinct asset class, GFS WEALTH CREATORS has made a

strategic choice to leverage the power of latest technology to provide a cutting edge to its services.

GFS WEALTH CREATORS, today, service nearly 80% of the asset management companies (AMCs)

across an extensive network of service centers with assets under service in excess of Rs.10, 000 crores.

GFS WEALTH CREATORS ability to mass customize and offer a diverse range of products for a

diverse range of customers has helped mutual fund companies to uniquely position themselves in the
market place. These diverse range of services cut across multiple delivery channels –service centers,

web, mobile phones, call center – has brought home the benefits of technology to investors,

distributors, and the mutual funds.

Going forward, GFS WEALTH CREATORS shall strive to create new products and services, which

would address the needs of the end customer. Company’s single minded focus in delivering products

for customers has given it the distinguished position of being the preferred provider of financial

services in the country.

 Derivatives

The derivatives market is the financial market for derivatives, financial instruments like futures contracts

or options, which are derived from other forms of assets. The market can be divided into two, that

for exchange-traded derivatives and that for over-the-counter derivatives. The legal nature of these

products is very different as well as the way they are traded, though many market participants are active in


 Forex

The global increase in trade and foreign investments has led to inter-connection of many national

economies. This and the resulting fluctuations in exchange rates, has created a huge international

market for Forex rendering investors another exciting avenue for trading. The Forex market offers

unmatched potential for profitable trading in any market condition or any stage of the business cycle. 
Currency futures is a standardized foreign exchange derivative contract traded on a recognized stock

exchange to buy or sell one currency against another on a specified future date, at a price specified on

the date of contract, but does not include a forward contract Currency Futures are permitted in US

Dollar – Indian Rupee (USD INR), Euro – Rupee (EUR INR), Great Britain Pound – Indian Rupee

(GBP INR) and Japanese Yen – Indian Rupee (JPY INR). Currency Futures can be traded through


A currency option is a contract that allows the buyer the right but not the obligation to buy or sell the

underlying at a stated date and at a stated price. A call option gives the right to buy and put option

gives the right to sell. In every currency transaction, one currency is bought and another sold. For

example an option to buy US dollars (USD) for Indian Rupees (INR) is an USD Call and INR put.

Conversely, an option to sell USD for INR is an USD put and INR call. The other basic likes strike

price, expiration period, American style or European style are similar to stock options.

 Commodity

Through GFS Wealth Creators Commodities Broker (P) Ltd our fully owned subsidiary; we provide

commodity trading facilities and related products and services on MCX and NCDEX.

Besides access to the best of research in the form of Daily Fundamentals & Technical Reports on

highly traded commodities, our clients also get access to our exclusive Customized Trading Advice on

both the trading platforms. We offer these services through our branches, Business Partner locations,

the internet and mobile channels.

 Portfolio management services

GFS Wealth Creators Portfolio Management Services offer a range of investments solutions through

discretionary services. We at GFS Wealth Creators have helped create wealth for our customers through

our Portfolio Management Services. Our knowledge of the markets together with our understanding of our

customers and their risk profiles has helped us design a range of portfolio offerings for our clients. These

include the Value PMS, Bulls Eye PMS, Trillion Dollar Opportunity and Focused Portfolio Series I. As of

June 30th, 2008, the assets under management of our various portfolio schemes stood at Rs.6.92 bn. GFS

Wealth Creators group has applied to the regulatory bodies for a license to operate as a Domestic Asset

Management Company (Mutual Fund) and we expect to begin operations soon.



 Employees are highly empowered.

 Strong Communication Network.

 Good co-operation between employees.

 Number 1 Registrar and Transfer agent in India.

 Number 1 dealer of Investment Products in India.


 High Employee Turnover.


 Growth rate of mutual fund industry is 40 to 50% during last year and

It expected that this rate will be maintained in future also

 Marketing at rural and semi-urban areas.


 Increasing number of local players.

 Past image of Mutual Fund.


 India bulls financial services limited

 India info line

 Karvy securities

 Fortis securities (religare)

 Hdfc securities

 Share khan ltd

 Kotak securities

 Icici securities ltd






The analysis of the data is one as per the survey findings. The data is represented graphically

percentage. The views on the various aspects of training were analyzed through questionnaire.

Each question was weighed on certain aspect. The opinion of the respondents was totaled under

their respective heads and this totaling was further used fort calculating the percentage of

people expressing their views on various aspects. The % of people and their opinion were

analyzed and expressed in the form of graphs and have been in the next pages.

The data is being with the help of Pie & Bar Graph.

1) Whether the customer aware about your service?

Attributes Percentage
Yes 90%

No 10%

N o, 10%

Y es



Survey shows that 90% respondents says customer aware about the service of


2) Which factor makes awareness among the customer about your service?
Attributes Percentage
Existing Customers 40%

Sales promotion Activity 60%

E x is t in g C u s t o m e r s S a le s p r o m o t io n A c t iv it y


Survey shows that 60% respondents says customer aware about the service of

the GFS WEALTH CREATORS through sales promotion activity.

3) What are the tools of sales promotion activity used by you?

Attributes Percentage
Advertisement 35%

Tele calling 25%

Cold calling 35%

Personal selling 5%

40% 35% 35%

30% 25%
10% 5%

Tele calling

Cold calling



Survey shows that 35% advertisement & 35% cold calling tools used by the GFS

WEALTH CREATORS to promote their service.

4) Whether the customers would be attracted by your sales promotion activity?

Attributes Percentage
Yes 90%

No 10%

N o, 10%

Y es



Survey shows that 90% respondents say customer would be attracted by the sales

promotion activity

5) Whether the sales promotion activity makes any benefit for you?

Attributes Percentage
Yes 90%

No 10%
No ,

Y es

Yes ,


Survey shows that 90% respondents say sales promotion activity make a benefit


6) Whether the customers satisfied with your service?

Attributes Percentage
Yes 85%

No 15%
No ,

Y es

Y es ,


Survey shows that 85% respondents says customers are satisfied with the GFS


7) Whether you’re RM have full knowledge about your service?

Attributes Percentage
Yes 95%

No 5%
N o, 5%

Y es



Survey shows that 95% respondents say RM have full knowledge about the all the

service which is offered by the customers.

8) Are you wanted to use any other tool of sales promotion so that more

customers would be attracted?

Attributes Percentage
Yes 90%

No 10%
N o, 10%

Y es



Survey shows that 90% respondents say that they wanted to use any other tool

so that more customers attracted towards the GFS WEALTH CREATORS.




1. 79% of the respondents surveyed were this company users. Remaining was divided amongst others.

This is a sufficient indication of this being market leader in Faridabad market.

2. The decision-making criteria of the consumers were also studied. The results of the same were as

3. 72% of the respondents find Brand Name to be very important buying criteria.

4. 73% of the respondents rated quality action to be very important buying criteria.

5. 39% of the respondents rated location to be very important buying criteria.

6. As per the survey, price is perceived to be an important criterion by only 61% of the respondents.

7. The research also establishes that consumer perceive the timely sales promotions offered by the

company as an important buying criterion with over 29% respondents considering this as an important


8. Surveyed conclude that as our company is new it has more growth as compared to other companies.

9. The research showed that over 82% of the respondents find TV as the major source of information

about our company. Despite of this only 26 respondents were able to correctly recall any other

advertisement seen on TV. This finding points towards the reduced recall of communication by the

brands due to excessive cluttering on mediums like TV.

10. The research showed that the consumer perception about this company is by-large every good.

Consumers perceive it to be very good in mineral water.





Q1. Whether the customer aware about your service?

1) Yes 2) No
Q2. Which factor makes awareness among the customer about your service?

1) Existing customers

2) Sales promotion Activity

Q3. What are the tools of sales promotion activity used by you?

1) Advertisement

2) Tele calling

3) Cold calling

4) Personal selling

Q4. Whether the customers are attracted by your sales promotion activity?

1) Yes 2) No

Q5. Whether the sales promotion activity makes any benefit for you?

1) Yes 2) No

Q6. Whether the customers are satisfied with your service?

1) Yes 2) No
Q7. Whether you’re RM have full knowledge about the service offered by you?

1) Yes 2) NO

Q8. Are you wanted using any other tools o sales promotion activity?

1) Yes 2) No


 Research Methodology – Kothari C. R.

 Marketing Management – Kotler Phillip




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