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t- Test

Prof. Meg Ferrer, RPm
Discussion Part 1: Definition
Part 2: Different Types
Flow Part 3: Examples
I. Definition
t- Test
testing the significance of difference between means
use when: n is small or when n<20 & sample SD is known

use when: n is small or when

sample SD is known
II. Different Types of t-test
1. t- test One Sample Test
2. t - test Assuming Equal Variances
3. t- test Assuming Unequal Variances
4. t- test Paired Two Sample for Means
II. Different Types of t-test
1. t- test One Sample Test
compare the sample mean to the population mean
III. Examples
Example1: t- test One Sample Test
A non-government consumer protection agency wants to test the
credibility of the manufacturer's claims that the average capacity of
batteries they manufacture is 140 ampere-hours. To test the claim,
20 batteries were tested. Test the truth of the claim at 0.05, 2-tailed.
III. Examples
Example1: t- test One Sample Ho: There is no significant
Test difference between the
A non-government consumer average capacity of the
protection agency wants to test manufactured batteries and
the credibility of the the actual capacity.
manufacturer's claims that the
average capacity of batteries Ha: There is a significant
they manufacture is 140 difference between the
ampere-hours. To test the claim, average capacity of the
20 batteries were tested. Test manufactured batteries and
the truth of the claim at 0.05, 2- the actual capacity.
III. Examples
Example1: t- test One Sample
A non-government consumer
protection agency wants to test
the credibility of the
manufacturer's claims that the
average capacity of batteries
they manufacture is 140
ampere-hours. To test the claim,
20 batteries were tested. Test
the truth of the claim at 0.05, 2-
III. Examples
Example2: t- test Assuming Equal Variances
In your excel file, you will find a random sample of grades
achieved in statistics examination by 10 male students and 10
female students in a very large class. Test if there is a difference in
the performance of the male and female students. Use 0.01, 2-

Why t- test Assuming Equal Variances?

Are the two means from the same source/subject? No.
Are there the same number of samples in two groups? Yes.
III. Examples
Example2: t- test Assuming Ho: There is no significant
Equal Variances difference between the
In your excel file, you will find a performance of the male and
random sample of grades female students in Statistics.
achieved in statistics
examination by 10 male Ha: There is a significant
students and 10 female difference between the
students in a very large class. performance of the male and
Test if there is a difference in female students in Statistics.
the performance of the male
and female students. Use 0.01,
III. Examples
Example2: t- test Assuming
Equal Variances
In your excel file, you will find a
random sample of grades
achieved in statistics
examination by 10 male
students and 10 female
students in a very large class.
Test if there is a difference in
the performance of the male
and female students. Use 0.01,
III. Examples
Example3: t- test Assuming Unequal Variances
In your excel file, you will find the number of minutes it took a
random sample of 10 men and 12 women applicants to complete
applications for employment at the HR Dept of ABC Corporation.
Test at 0.01 level if there is a significant difference in the mean
number of minutes used by the two groups of applicants.

Why t- test Assuming Unequal Variances?

Are the two means from the same source/subject? No.
Are there the same number of samples in two groups? No.
Are the variances of the two groups different? Yes.
III. Examples
Example3: t- test Assuming Ho: There is no significant
Unequal Variances difference in the mean
In your excel file, you will find the number of minutes spent by
number of minutes it took a the two groups of applicants.
random sample of 10 men and 12
women applicants to complete Ha: There is a significant
applications for employment at difference in the mean
the HR Dept of ABC Corporation. number of minutes spent by
Test at 0.01 level if there is a the two groups of applicants.
significant difference in the mean
number of minutes used by the
two groups of applicants.
III. Examples
! Look for the descriptive statistics first to identify if variances
of the two groups are different.
III. Examples
Example3: t- test Assuming
Unequal Variances
In your excel file, you will find the
number of minutes it took a
random sample of 10 men and 12
women applicants to complete
applications for employment at
the HR Dept of ABC Corporation.
Test at 0.01 level if there is a
significant difference in the mean
number of minutes used by the
two groups of applicants.
III. Examples
Example4: t- test Paired Two Sample Means
To reduce the number of plant accidents, XYZ Corp implemented
a new safety program for employees. To determine its
effectiveness, the number of accidents a week was recorded
before and after the program was implemented. Test at 0.05 level,
2-tailed if the new safety program is effective in reducing
III. Examples
Example4: t- test Paired Two Sample Means
To reduce the number of plant accidents, XYZ Corp implemented
a new safety program for employees. To determine its
effectiveness, the number of accidents a week was recorded
before and after the program was implemented. Test at 0.05 level,
2-tailed if the new safety program is effective in reducing
Why t- test Paired Two Sample Means?
Are the two means from the same source/subject? Yes.
III. Examples
Example4: t- test Paired Two Ho: There is no significant
Sample Means difference in the number of
To reduce the number of plant accidents before and after the
accidents, XYZ Corp implemented a implementation of the new
new safety program for employees. safety program.
To determine its effectiveness, the
number of accidents a week was Ha: There is a significant
recorded before and after the difference in the number of
program was implemented. Test at accidents before and after the
0.05 level, 2-tailed if the new safety implementation of the new
program is effective in reducing safety program.
III. Examples
Example4: t- test Paired Two
Sample Means
To reduce the number of plant
accidents, XYZ Corp implemented a
new safety program for employees.
To determine its effectiveness, the
number of accidents a week was
recorded before and after the
program was implemented. Test at
0.05 level, 2-tailed if the new safety
program is effective in reducing

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