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Code No.

9121 / S
B.E. 3/4 (I.T.) I-Semester (Suppl.) Examination, June / July 2015
Subject : Theory of Automata
Time : 3 Hours Max. Marks: 75

Note: Answer all questions from Part - A and answer any five questions from Part-B.

PART – A (25 Marks)

1 Design a DFA to accept odd number of 1’s over {0, 1}. (3)
2 Define Non deterministic Finite Automata and Epsilon – Closure of a state. (2)
3 What is a Regular Language? Explain the use of Pumping Lemma for Regular
Languages. (3)

4 Explain Ambiguity by constructing two parse trees with same yield and give causes

for Ambiguity. (2)
5 Write closure properties of CFLs. (3)
6 Define Transition Function for PDA, Explain briefly. (2)

7 Describe a Universal Turing Machine. (3)
8 How are Undecidability and Recursive Languages related? (3)
9 Define non-deterministic TM. (2)
10 Distinguish between CNF and GNF. (2)
PART – B (50 Marks)

11 Design a DFA to accept the language L. (10)

L={w|w is of even length and begins with 01}

Give: ={0, 1}, Q = {qo, q1, q2 , q3 , q4}, F={ q2})


12 Convert the NFA given below to an equivalent DFA by subset construction method
showing the necessary intermediate steps in detail. (10)

NFA N=( {qo, q1, q2}, {0, 1}, , qo { q2})

 0 1
 qo oq {qo , q1}

q1 q2 q2

* q2  

13 Design a TM to accept L = {an bn cn| n  1}, and also draw the transition diagram. (10)

14 Draw the Transition Diagram for the PDA given below. Illustrate how PDA processes
the string 000011 starting from the left-most symbol in the string using the concept of
instantaneous Description. (10)
PDA P=({qo, q1}, {0, 1}, {X, Y, Z}, , qo, z, { q1})  is given below:
1. (q, 1, Zo) = {(qo, XZo)} 2. (qo, 0, X) = {( qo, )}
3. ( qo, 1, X) = {( qo, XX)} 4. ( q1, 0, Z) = {( q1, YZ)}
5. ( q1, 1, Z) = {( qo, Z)} 6. ( q1, 0, Y) = {( q1, YY)}
7. ( q1, 1, Y) = {( q1, )} 6. ( qo, 0, Z) = {( q1, Z)}

Code No. 9121 / S

15 Define context-free Grammar and define the Language of CFG. Explain Left most
and Right most derivations. (10)

16 Illustrate Acceptance by final state and Halting using the Turing machine given
below. Use the input string : 1001. Show the sequence of IDs, states and tape
content as the TM moves to final state.
TM M= ({qo, q1, q2 , q3 , q4 , q5, q6}), {0, 1}, {0, 1, X, Y, B}, , qo , B,{qo})

 0 1 X Y B
 qo (q1, X, R) (q2, Y, R) (q6, X, R) (q6, Y, R) (q6, B, R)
q1 (q1, O, R) (q1, 1, R) (q3, X, L) (q3, Y, L) (q3, B, L)

q2 (q2, O, R) (q2, 1, R) (q4, X, L) (q4, Y, L) (q4, B, L)
q3 (q5, X, L) - (q6, X, R) (q6, Y, R) -

Q4 - (q5, Y, L) (q6, X, R) (q6, Y, R) -
Q5 (q5, O, L) (q5, 1, L) (qo, X, R) (qo, Y, R) -

17 (a) State Post’s correspondence problem. Test whether the following PCP instance
has a solution or not.
A=(1, 10111, 10)
B=(111, 10, 0)
(b) Write the properties of recursive and recursively enumerable languages.


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