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Books by Rev. W. V.

50¢ each or all twelve books for $5.00
Order from GRANT'S FAITH CLINIC Box 353, Dallas, Texas
The Whole Armour of God

W. V. Grant
1 You Are God's Property.....................................................................5

2 Seeing and Believing..........................................................................7

3 Have You Been Exposed?................................................................13

4 Blessed Revelation Gift...................................................................17

5 Blessed Lord, I’m Not Worthy.........................................................23

6 Laying on of Hands Alone Is Not Enough.......................................27

7 Receiving Sets..................................................................................29

8 Cleansed to a 'T'...............................................................................33

9 How to Be Healed and Stay Healed.................................................37

10 The Anointing of Power.................................................................41

11 How to Seek the Holy Spirit Baptism............................................49

Message No. 1
1 You Are God's Property
The house was packed. The power of God was present to heal. The
healing line was long. A man was healed who had been deaf ten years.
“Any believer, who wants your faith strengthened, may come to
the front and test this man’s hearing,” I told the people.
Why didn’t I say “Any Unbeliever”?
This man was God’s property. Why should the unbelieving
children of the devil be permitted to handle the temple of the Holy
Ghost? “If ANY man defile the temple of God, him shall God
destroy ….” (1 Cor. 6:17). That same deaf spirit could come on him
(2 Kings 5:27).
The power of Christ rests on our body. We are Christ’s house. The
power of God at one time dwelled in the Ark. When the Ark was
improperly handled the men were slain.

Pearls Before Swine

Mrs. Leamons was released from the hospital and was told that she
could not live. She was brought to our services in Malvern in a dying
After she was brought to the front she was saved, filled with the
Spirit and delivered from cigarettes, which she had used for nine years.
Suddenly something happened. Her dress looked like it was about
to fall off! She grabbed her dress and wrapped it around her! She could
stand and walk without aid! “All the misery is gone,” she cried, “I can't
even find those cancers.”
She ran back to her seat and brought a belt to the front. Several
people had seen her take the belt off because it was let out to the last
hole and still was too tight. But now the belt would fasten in the last

The Whole Armour of God

hole, with plenty of room left! Hundreds of people had seen her as her
waist line went down nine inches.
The folk could hardly believe their eyes when she went to where
she was staying that night. Night after night she came back and
showed the people how her body had gone down to normal!
An unbelieving preacher sent her word that he wanted to come
over where she was staying and punch on her stomach, to see if the
cancers were really gone.
“Don't let him”, I said, “don’t cast your pearls before swine. They
might turn again and rend you.”
“You are God’s property; it is alright to let God’s people examine
you. But don’t let a man, who does not intend to believe anyway, touch
you, to pass judgment on a miracle.”
She thanked me and went her way rejoicing.

Unto the Dogs

Unto my own satisfaction I examined Ronald Coyne’s eye that is
plastic. In one service four doctors and twelve nurses came, looked at
it, and confessed that it was a miracle that he could see with that eye.
But when an unbeliever touched him darkness shut the vision off,
just for a moment.
One night in Seattle I called a man out of the audience that was
blind in his left eye. He was instantly healed so that he could read fine
As he was in the barber chair the next day he was telling about the
“Here is something that is good for that eye”, the barber said, as he
poured some garlic oil in it. That eye went as blind as a bat.
Be careful after you are healed to stay in the company of believers
all you can. Protect God’s property.

Message No. 2
2 Seeing and Believing

If You Believe You Shall See.

For we are made partakers of Christ if we hold the beginning
of our confidence STEDFAST unto the end. (Heb. 3:14).
Jesus told Mary and Martha that if they would believe they would
see. (John 11:40).
The world says “Show me and I will believe”; but the Word says,
“Believe and I will show you.”

God Manifests Himself to Faith

Some say, “If that old man in a wheelchair will get healed I will
believe in divine healing.” NO, they would find one more cripple. The
truth is they would not believe if one should rise from the dead if they
refuse to believe God’s ministers and the Word of God. (Luke 16:31).
After thousands are saved suppose I would say, “If that bootlegger will
get saved I will believe in salvation.” God manifests Himself to faith
instead of unbelief. Had Jesus been healing to prove He could He
would not have put people out of the house in order to perform a
miracle; and He would have performed a miracle for King Herod. He
heals because He is moved by compassion.

Seek Healing Instead of Feeling

I am a firm believer in feeling, but it always comes AFTER
believing. If I bring you a telegram that you have an oil well you will
not be happy unless you believe it. You may throw it in the waste
The minute you believe, you are saved, filled with the Spirit, or

The Whole Armour of God

healed. Then you will have more feeling than you can contain. You
will receive neither until you believe God’s Word, which is the best

His Word Is Exalted Above His Name

Jesus plainly told His disciples that they were going over to the
other side. But they believed the winds and waves instead of Him.
(Mark 4:35). The lightning, thunder, winds, waves, and storm—all the
laws of nature—said one thing, but Jesus said another. God’s Word
made the storm a lie! It is more reasonable to believe that God will
keep His Word than to break it.
The wind and waves said that Peter could not walk on the water.
But Jesus said he could.

You Can Walk

If Jesus has to break every natural law and ride the waves He will
come to your rescue to deliver you! The law of the Spirit can make you
free from the law of sin and death. When God says you can, say what
He says, and say, “I can.”

The Scripture Cannot Be Broken

God told Abraham, “I have given you a son.” Abraham believed
God and it was counted to him for righteousness. He looked far ahead
and embraced the promises of God and counted those things that be
not as though they were. He was only saying what God said when He
said, “God has given me a son,” even before he saw the son.
God told Joshua, “I have given you the city.” He did not think it
was wrong to say what God said, march around the walls, and say,
“God has given us the city.” They shouted the walls down!
God now tells you His power HATH GIVEN you all things that
pertain to life and godliness. (II Peter 1:3).

Seeing and Believing

Jesus Was Slain From the Foundation of the

Since the blood of bulls and goats could not take away sin, the
people really had their sins forgiven by the blood of Jesus as they ate
the Passover, just as we partake of the fruit of the vine looking
backward to the cross. Isaiah was healed with the stripes of Jesus (Isa.
53:5). So was Hezekiah. God says by His stripes YOU were healed.
Simply say what God says instead of saying what the devil says, or
what medical science says! (I Peter 2:24).

If You See You Should Believe

Harden not your hearts as in the provocation ... when your
fathers tempted me, proved me, and SAW MY WORKS forty
years ... whose carcases fell in the wilderness. (Heb. 3:8-17).
Why were the children of Israel destroyed and not permitted to
enter the Promised Land? It was because of their unbelief (v. 19).
Because they believed not AFTER THEY SAW. (v. 9). It was not
because they were all thieves, robbers, or bad sinners.
These signs shall follow them that believe (the Gospel). He that
believeth not (the Gospel) shall be damned. (Mk. 16:16- 18).

God Hates the Sin of Prejudice

The word prejudice comes from a word, meaning “prejudged.”
Some form their opinion and crystallize their decision BEFORE they
go to church, saying in their hearts, “I won’t believe if I see.”
After the man was healed that was born blind the church leaders
would not believe it after they saw it. They said that was a man just
like him. (John 9). His parents refused to acknowledge divine healing
for fear they would get turned out of “their church.” Men today say,
when they seek a miracle, “There was nothing wrong with them in the
first place”, or “it would have happened anyway.”

The Judgment Came on Sodom

The Whole Armour of God

When the religious group refused to believe miracles after they

saw them, Jesus told them that the people of Sodom would condemn
them at the day of judgment. If they had been there they would have
One night in our revival in Stamford, Texas God took things out of
our hands and performed special miracles. A blind man received sight;
a boy who had a club foot discarded his braces and walked, perfectly
whole; a large growth the size of a half-gallon measure disappeared;
several deaf people were made whole.
After service a lady from a certain church came by the Pastor and
said, “Brother B—this is wonderful! This is just what I have always
wanted to see all my life! Oh, I am so glad I am here. But I want you to
know I still don’t believe it.”

This Generation Should Take Heed

To the generation that saw supernatural works and did not believe
Jesus said, that the people of Nineveh would rise up at the judgment
and condemn them. Can’t we as well say to the millions of this
generation who have heard the message preached with the Holy Ghost
sent down from Heaven, confirmed with signs and wonders,
“Although you are moral people, if Hitler had seen what you have seen
be might have repented; he will be ahead of you at the judgment. You
are responsible for more, for you have seen and heard the
supernatural.” or “the people of Russia will be ahead of you at the
judgment.” Many have hardened their hearts as in the provocation.

This Is Our Day

Jesus did not pronounce judgment on the people in His day for not
believing what happened in Elisha’s day, but because they refused to
believe what was taking place before their very eyes. For He is not the
God of the dead but the God of the living.
Today people believe that the supernatural took place in the day of
Peter and Paul, but they discount what happens in our day. Peter and
Paul are dead but we are alive; Moody and Finney are gone, but this is
our day! God is The-Great-I-Am and not the Great-I-Used-To-Be.

Seeing and Believing

God says there will be DESPISERS in the last days. (2 Tim. 3:3).
Beware therefore, lest that come upon you, which is spoken by the
Behold, ye despisers, and wonder, and PERISH: for I work a
work in your days, a work ye shall in no wise believe, though a
man declare it unto you. (Acts 13:40-41).
Of which group are you casting your lot with, those who will
perish because they will not believe after they see, and those who are
delivered because they believe before they see?

Message No. 3
3 Have You Been Exposed?
1. A few days ago I accepted an invitation to go into a room to
watch a photographer make some pictures. I watched him snap
the picture and proceed to develop the film. Then he removed
the film and put it under some water.
2. I waited and watched, and then started to walk off, because it
certainly looked like he had made a failure that time. But
instead of quitting he kept looking at the blank film. Had it
been left up to me I would have walked out, calling it a failure.
3. The photographer had perfect confidence. He waited patiently!
Suddenly, to my surprise I saw a beautiful picture develop
before my very eyes, seemingly out of nothing! Suddenly the
Lord revealed to me that many people walk off and give up,
after they are prayed for, before their healing develops!

There Are Four Steps to Healing

1. We must become exposed to our healing. Just as the camera
had no leaks which let the outside light in, so our lives must be
separated from sin. God says they shall lay hands on the sick
and they shall recover. When hands are laid on us we are
exposed to our healing.
2. After prayer we must stay separated from the things of the
world. As this room had all the natural light shut out, we must
separate ourselves from all natural reasoning. Nature says we
will die. The doctors says we will not get well. But God says
we will recover (Mk. 16:17). We must believe God’s promises
3. We must have absolute confidence in the Master. This master
photographer knew the laws to follow. He depended on them

The Whole Armour of God

alone. We waited patiently. He waited for the results. He

refused to go by sight.
4. Just as the development of the film is in the hands of the
photographer, we must leave our healing in God’s hands. He
will keep what you commit into His hands. We must go by the
law of faith, believe before we see ... and wait for the results.
Just as the film was kept under the water, we must stay under
the blood. Had the film been taken out of the chemicals the
picture would have been lost. It is not enough to keep our
souls saved, but we must keep pleading the blood over our
bodies, keeping them holy, (Rom 12:1). I pray God that your
whole soul, spirit, and body be preserved.
The law of faith will work.
But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength
…. (Isa. 40:31).

Sonic People Won't Believe Until They See the

These people can be helped by the Lord.
Several people, after they saw God’s miracles, believed, and
turned to God, (John 11:45; Acts 9:35).
Many people of all denominations, after they see the miracles in
our meetings, are convinced, convicted, and converted.
Many of them have known that they should, but did not have the
faith to believe they could, be saved. When they see the supernatural,
their faith is simply elevated to the place where they accept the Healer
as their Saviour.
That is one reason they had public healing meetings in the Bible
days. And that is why we want public healing services.
Thomas confessed his faith in the resurrected Christ because he
saw for himself. Jesus actually commended him. But He added that it
would have been better if he had believed beforehand.
There are many honest-hearted human beings who are seeking the

Have You Been Exposed?

truth. When they find it they will accept it.

Some People Won't Believe After They See

These people God can’t help.
The children of Israel refused to believe, after they saw God’s
miracles, and were allowed to die in the wilderness. They never
reached the Land of Promise (Heb. 3:9-12,18).
These folk continually challenge our churches. They say, “Show
me a miracle; prove it. Raise someone from the dead, and I’ll believe.”
The Word of God declares that group of people would not believe,
though one rose from the dead, (Luke 16:3). Lazarus rose from the
dead and they still refused to believe; they killed Jesus, and wanted to
kill Lazarus (John 12:10).
Each time one person gets healed, they find another, and say, “If
he gets healed I’ll believe.”
That unbelieving devil is there, and that’s why “he that believeth
not shall be damned” (Mark 16). Unbelief is of the Devil.

Some People Will Believe Before They See

These people God does help.
While some are saying “Show me and I’ll believe.” God is saying,
“Believe and I'll show you.”
It was said of Mary, “And blessed is she that believed: for there
shall be a performance of those things which were told of her of the
The faith is believing BEFORE you see, else where would faith
come in. Faith is not faith after you see.
Having believed Peter rejoiced with joy unspeakable and full of
Abraham believed and gave glory to God before he saw.
God told Joshua, “I have given you the city.” Joshua had a title
deed to the city just then. Even before the walls fell he marched

The Whole Armour of God

around saying, “God has given us the city.”

When you are given a deed to a home you believe it. It is yours
right then, even before you see it. You simply take possession.
God has given you a title deed to your healing. If you don’t believe
it you will not be happy. You will lay it aside.
If you believe it you will thank Him for it and take possession.
Read the deed ... Believe and receive. Expose yourself to God’s
... by whose stripes ye WERE healed. (1 Peter 2:24).

Message No. 4
4 Blessed Revelation Gift
And the Lord said unto him, Arise and go into the street
which is called Straight, and enquire in the house of Judas for
one called Saul, of Tarsus: for, behold he prayeth, And hath seen
in a vision a man named Ananias coming in, and putting his
hands on him, that he might receive his sight. (Acts 9:11-12).
The Spiritual gift of the word of knowledge means that God gives
us, by the Spirit, a part of His vast knowledge. At certain times, as God
sees lit He makes known to us, by revelation, part of what He knows.
There is no man living who can know all things about anyone, at
will, at anytime. Paul was speaking of the spiritual gift of the word of
knowledge when he said, “... now I know in part: but then shall I
know even as also I am known” (1 Cor. 13:12). Paul is not here now,
but he will be in the perfect age when we shall know as we are known.
God has set this gift in the Church (1 Cor. 12). We are now in the
church period.
The word of knowledge came to Ananias in a vision. God said His
young men would see visions in these last days (Acts 2:15-20).
Ananias was not an apostle, not even a deacon that we know of. What
God has done for Ananias He can do for us. We cannot have the Word
of knowledge any time we want to any more than we can have a dream
at will. The Spirit divides the gifts to each man as He will.

God May Make Us Know Past Events

By the word of knowledge Ananias knew that Paul had seen Jesus
in a vision. Samuel knew that Saul’s asses had been found (1 Sam.
9:19-20). God showed Daniel what the king had dreamed, (Dan. 2:19).
God showed me, while I was sleeping, that a man had been
delivered from cigarettes in the past, and had gone back to using them.

The Whole Armour of God

When I told him about it the next night at church, he was delivered
again, saved, filled with the Holy Ghost, and became a good church
worker. Faith grew until many scores of people were saved, filled, and
healed! The time the man was delivered was the first night of the
meeting, and I had never seen him before.
Recently the secret of a backslider’s heart was made manifest as I
told her that she at one time had the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. She
knew I had never seen her. As a result she was saved and filled with
the Spirit. Then ninety more were filled!
God showed me that a certain woman had gone to a fortuneteller
several years back. She had been seeking for the Holy Ghost for years.
When I told her this she was delivered and filled!

God May Make Known to Us Present Events

Ananias knew this man was in a certain house; he knew the name
of the street; he knew his name; he knew which house it was, and he
knew the man’s name who owned the house. No one told him but God.
He knew Paul was then praying, and knew that Saul was from Tarsus.
God showed him all this!
While Peter was on top of the house praying God made him to
know that three men were seeking him. He knew they were at the gate,
that they had been sent by the Lord. No man gave him this knowledge.
God did. (Acts 10).
While Cornelius was praying God made him to know that a man
named Simon, who was called Peter, was in a certain house, in a
certain town. He knew the name and address. God told him that
another man lived there who was also called Simon. He even
explained in details which Simon He meant! He told him the
occupation of the man who lived there.
God told Elijah that He had 7,000 people reserved. Elisha knew
the location of the Syrian Camp, which was something the intelligence
division did not know, (2 Kings 6:9).
One day as I started to pray God showed me that a certain woman
was in trouble. I prayed earnestly for her. Later I found that at the

Blessed Revelation Gift

same minute I prayed that her house was on fire. She just saw it in
time! She saved their house and their life’s earnings.
Recently a lady came into the healing line to be prayed for. She
wanted to be healed of a blind eye. Suddenly God showed me that she
no longer had a blind eye. I said, “There is nothing wrong with you!”
She said “Yes there is.” Then she discovered that God had healed her
eye on her way to the front.

God May Make Known to Us Future Events

Ananias knew that Saul would receive his sight; that Saul was
going to suffer great things for the Lord in the future. No one told this
man these things but the Lord. He did not learn them at school. God
can reveal things to a little child that has never been to school. For
instance God showed the child Samuel things by the Spirit, but Eli was
too far away from God for God to talk to him. That educated priest
evidently thought those days of revelation had passed away. There was
no open vision in his day, but is wasn’t God’s fault (1 Sam. 3:1). But
Eli was not too much of a modernist to believe it was of God after
Samuel received this revelation!
God revealed to the child Samuel the future. He told him,
“Behold, I will do a new thing in Israel, at which both the ears of
everyone that heareth it shall tingle” (1 Samuel 3:11).
God is now telling his children something about this future revival
which has already begun!
God revealed to Paul that he must go to Rome. Paul even knew
more about the future journey than the captain of the ship. There
should be that kind of preacher on board every ship.
Not long ago God showed me in a dream that a certain preacher,
who was holding a revival in a distant state was going to have serious
trouble with the pastor. I was in a hotel in Denver at that time. I arose
from my bed about three o’clock in the morning and wrote an air mail
letter to that preacher. Later on he told me that the letter just reached
him in time! The trouble came, but God guided him through and kept
him out of the trap which was set for him.

The Whole Armour of God

A few days ago I was praying when God showed me that there
would be two people in the left row of seats and five people in the
middle row of seats who would give one hundred dollars each in the
offering for the church budget, which was in the red. I merely arose
and told them I wanted two people in the left row of seats and five
people in the middle section to give one hundred dollars each. In about
a minute it happened just as God showed me. People who know that
congregation know that was a miracle!
God is concerned about every detail of our life. About a week ago
I was on a deal with a man which involved one hundred and fifty
thousand dollars. I thought everything was fixed up. But that night
Jesus appeared to me in a dream and told me that it would not work
out. You can easily see how the Holy Spirit helps us in our problems.
When I was in Maine God gave me a dream and showed me that
Brother Noah, who was helping me in revivals at that time, was going
to take a church to pastor. Then God gave me another dream and told
me that Brother Underwood, who was pastoring at that time, was
going to resign, that I was to get him to go with me in the tent work.
The next day I told Brother Noah over the telephone that he would
not be with me long. That was news to him. It turned out just as God
told me. Within about a month, Brother Underwood had resigned. He
began helping me in the Big Tent and Brother Noah began pastoring a
Not long ago I was in a night service in Tulsa. Before I went to
church I prayed and God showed me fourteen people who had
sufficient faith for healing. He showed me what was wrong with them.
At church I told the people. Those fourteen people came to the front.
One was deaf in one ear. He was healed. Several more were healed. A
lady with a blind eye was healed. Then I called for a certain lady to
come forward who had a paralyzed eyeball for twenty-one years. A
scum covered that eye. Suddenly the scum melted and ran down her
face. She could then read the Bible! When people saw that, about two
hundred rushed to the prayer-tent seeking God. Their faith was raised
so that many people were saved and filled.
A few nights ago in Charlotte, North Carolina, before service God
showed me about fifteen people who had faith for healing. As I called

Blessed Revelation Gift

for them they came forward and were healed—everyone. One lady
who had no ear drums, and who was deaf in both ears came forward. I
felt led to call for some dirt. I spit in it and put it in her ear. Then she
could hear a whisper!
Then a lady with a paralyzed eyeball came to the front. Suddenly
she could read the Bible with that eye which had been blind for thirty-
five years! That raised faith for several other so that they could receive
That is one way one hundred per cent of the people who came to
the front may be healed. God can reveal to us who has faith, when he
saw he had faith to be healed, (Acts 14:9). Although Peter and John
had past the lame man every day, they did not call him and say, “Look
on us” until they were led of the Lord to do so. When they are healed
other people’s faith will rise higher.
Jesus commanded the blind man to be called (Mark 10:49). Jesus
“calleth unto him whom he would.” Paul called to a man.
If that pattern is followed, and the people will come for healing
only as their faith rises sufficiently for the deliverance, then one
hundred per cent of those who come to the front will be healed.

Message No. 5
5 Blessed Lord, I’m Not Worthy
Why does a stranger come into our services and receive the Holy
Ghost the first night, while our own members seek twenty years?
Why do some Full Gospel people fail to receive healing, while
some sinner is healed the first night?
In Fort Smith, Arkansas I failed to get to a dear old saint when I
should. She felt discouraged. But a little Baptist lady, who had never
been to a Full Gospel service but once in her life, jumped from a wheel
chair, in which she had sat for eighteen long years! She was healed and
is walking!
The first lady was depending on what she had done for God. The
next lady was depending on what God had done for her!

Totally Blind Healed

One night in Bearden, Arkansas a lady who was totally blind was
healed. She could read the Bible the next day. A preacher came to me
and said, “That lady is not faithful. She does not come to church much.
Here I am, a preacher, and I was not healed!”
“That is the reason,” I said, “you are depending on being a
preacher, and the lady was depending on, not what she has done, but
what Jesus has done.”
I asked a man in Oakland, California if he believed that the Lord
would heal him.
“He certainly ought to,” replied the pious man, “I’ve done enough
for Him; I’ve been preaching for thirty years.”
He had depended on what he had done, and received nothing,
while scores of others were healed because they trusted in the merits
of Jesus!

The Whole Armour of God

Totally Deaf Healed

Not long ago a lady was saved, filled with the Spirit and healed in
about one minute—she had been totally deaf for thirty years—but the
pastor told me not to publish her testimony, because of the life which
she had lived in the past.
This pastor had been praying thus: “I thank you, Lord, because I
am not as this lady. I fast twice each week. I pay my tithes and teach a
He didn’t receive anything, while this poor woman had prayed,
“Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner.”

The Lame Walk

In a recent revival a man who could not walk, arose and walked.
Soon he ran me a foot race up the road. His wife, who had been dumb
nine months was filled with the Spirit as soon as she became willing to
obey God. Both of them were filled with the Holy Ghost. But one man
thought they should not be accepted into the church, because of their
But look! They had been translated into the kingdom of God and
become citizens of another country in a moment of time! They
acknowledged they were not worthy, but they trusted in the merits of

Cancer Disappears!
In Malvern, Arkansas a man who had been faithful to the church
for many years seemed to become bitter because he was not healed
In the same revival, a lady, who had smoked cigarettes for
seventeen years, was delivered, filled with the Spirit, and healed in one
moment of time! The day before she was sent home from the hospital
to die with cancer. In five minutes after she was healed, her waist line
shrank nine inches. Hundreds of people saw it! She went home and
traded her size fourteen dress for a size nine.

Blessed Lord, I’m Not Worthy

The man who did not receive healing thought this poor lady should
not testify, because she had been a “street walker.” But she was not a
street walker any more! She was as pure and clean as any member
there. She had the right attitude and approach to Christ. She trusted in
Him, “with whose stripes we are healed.”

Wheel Chair Emptied

We had several wheel chair cases in our tent meeting in Duncan,
Oklahoma. I remember one lady who grew discouraged because she
was not prayed for the first night. She would not come back. Another
lady who was not prayed for kept coming back. My wife went to her to
encourage her, but she encouraged my wife! She said the Lord knew
all about it, and would help her.
On the last of the healing lines, the last night of the campaign,
after everyone else had been prayed for, the Lord said, “This is the
time.” At a word this lady jumped from the wheel chair completely
It was because she did not feel like God owed it to her. She did not
feel that God was obligated to her. She did not feel that she had done
anything to pay for her healing. She knew that she was not worthy,
while the other lady felt that she was worthy to be healed the first

Heart Trouble Leaves

Not long back a millionaire came through the healing line. He
stopped me and asked, “Do you remember who I am?”
He was the man who came to my rescue when I was in trouble a
few years back. He was one of my best friends. I told him I
remembered him. Just then the anointing lifted! He was not healed!
Another rich man came to a meeting not far from there. He
belonged to the United Brethren Church. I don’t think he ever had
been to a Full Gospel Church. He wouldn’t as much as come into the
healing line. He sat on the front seat and said from the depth of his

The Whole Armour of God

heart, “Blessed Lord, I am not worthy.”

I slipped to where he was, and quietly prayed. He was filled with
the Holy Ghost instantly. Nine cancers left his face. Within a few days
he brought back a report from his physician that his incurable heart
trouble was completely gone! He had forgotten who he was. He
received healing, not because of what he had done, but because of
what Jesus had done! “... Himself took our infirmities and bear our
sicknesses” (Matt. 8:17).

The Reason Why!

Once the people came to Jesus and requested that He would do a
certain thing for a Centurion, because He had built them a synagogue.
Jesus ignored this altogether. They wondered why “... they besought
him instantly, saying, That he was worthy for whom he should do
this” (Luke 7:4).
... the Centurion sent friends to him, saying unto him, Lord,
trouble not thyself; for I am not worthy that thou shouldest enter
under my roof ... neither thought I myself worthy to come unto
thee.... (Verses 6-7).
Jesus said, “I have not found so great faith, no not in Israel.”
His servant was made whole!
That explains why outsiders receive things so easily, while some
of our own people don’t receive deliverance. Let’s stop thinking that
we are worthy. Let’s come on the merits of Jesus alone! Our goodness
will never heal us. Our badness will never keep us from healing if we
come confessing to Him, “Who forgiveth all thine iniquities; who
healeth all thy diseases” (Ps. 103:3.)

Message No. 6
6 Laying on of Hands Alone Is Not Enough
It was a little, two-room house, with worn out furniture. That
night, as we walked in, we saw the remains of a ruined piece of
humanity, lying across a discarded mattress, with no covers. He had
clothes only over his loins. He was groaning in a low tone. He was
slowly dying with a cancer of the stomach.
His little girl was on the bed with him; but his wife was sitting up.
As we started to pray she slipped into the kitchen, for that was the
only other room.
We got nowhere in prayer, so I arose from my knees and sat in a
worn chair. I inquired of the Lord but the man would not accept the
Lord as his Saviour or Healer, although he was facing the monster,
Then God must have given me the word of wisdom.
“I’m going to send you down a bill of groceries tomorrow,” I said,
as I started for the door.
Things began to change from that very moment.
The lady slowly came back into the room. She fell upon her knees.
They both repented and accepted Christ.
His main trouble was not cancer or death! He had lost confidence
in people. He was so discouraged that he could not pray at all. Why
did he want to be healed when he was hungry and starving?
Discouragement is worse than sickness.
From night to night they were in the revival, healed and filled with
the Spirit. He went to work and was used of God in church.

People Need Encouragement

Sister L. was healed of cancer last year, after the doctors had sent

The Whole Armour of God

her home to die. She was saved, filled with the Spirit, and delivered
from cigarettes, after she was bound by them nine years. Hundreds of
people saw her stomach as it went down nine inches suddenly ... after
The next Monday I saw her. She was nervous and worried, until
she was shaking. Had she lost her healing? Something was wrong. She
wouldn't tell me what was wrong; but I saw she was at her wits end.
On investigation I found that her suitcases were at the bus depot.
She had but nine cents, with no place to stay.
I divided what I had with her and paid her taxi fare.
I saw her face light. The worry and fear were gone! She had just
been turned out of the hospital to die. How could she help being in that
frightened and nervous condition?
Her real trouble was worse than cancer! The devil had brought
discouragement and loss of confidence into her mind.
She immediately went to a revival and witnessed to hundreds of
people of one of the greatest miracles in modern times. Many were
saved through her testimony.

Faith Alone Is Not Enough

Then I said to myself, “Laying on of hands alone will not do the
And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye
warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things
which are needful to the body; what doeth it profit? Even so
faith, if it hath not works, is dead, being alone. (James 2:16-1).

Message No. 7
7 Receiving Sets
For a gift to be given there must be someone to give and there
must also be a receiver. If either is absent there can be no gift given.
Faith is the hand which receives things from God.
In Matt. 19:11-12 we hear Jesus making statements like these: “All
men cannot receive ...” and “He that is able to receive it, let him
receive it.”
There may be two hundred radio waves going through your room.
But you would be ignorant to the fact unless you had a receiving set,
and it in tune. Someone may be sitting in a house near you and never
know a certain program came on. Why? Simply because they had no
receiving set.
We see that happen nightly in our meetings. One will receive
something from the Lord, while another close by received nothing.
They had no receiving set. At least it was not tuned in.
We don't have anything except that we receive it (I Cor. 4:7). So
we should have our receiving sets in tune by making a preparation
You must receive salvation. Some receive salvation, some do not.
Just because some fail to receive salvation is no proof that there is
nothing to it.
I have seen some shout, jump, and rejoice in the Spirit. When
asked if they are saved they say they are not. Why? Simply because
they have no receiving set to receive it. They have not studied the
Word which is able to save their souls. They are not in tune.
Regardless of how much they, shout they have no salvation until
they accept it. Jesus said, “as many as received him, to them gave He
power to become the sons of God ….” (John 1:12).
Jesus said, “Receive ye the Holy Ghost” (John 20:22). You don’t

The Whole Armour of God

have the Holy Ghost until you receive Him. Some seekers receive the
Holy Ghost when we lay hands on them. Others do not. Just because
someone does not receive the Holy Ghost is no proof that there is
nothing to the experience.
Some we pray for speak in tongues and have many manifestations.
Even after this they say they don’t have the Holy Ghost. Why? Simply
because they have made no preparation. They have no receiving set.
They do not have the Holy Ghost until they accept Him.
Peter and John went down to Samaria to pray for the new converts
“that they might receive the Holy Ghost” (Acts 8:15). It was up to
them to accept this experience after it was prayed down on them. All
of them except Simon received, but they could have laid hands on
Simon all day and he would have received nothing because his heart
had not been prepared. His receiving set was not in tune.
If God’s gifts were promised gifts, then the responsibility would
be on Him. Since we are offered gifts then it is up to us to receive
them. This we will do if we are in tune.
Jesus said, “... what things soever ye desire when ye pray,
believe that ye receive them and ye shall have them.” (Mark 11:24).
This includes healing for your body.
Some receive healing. Others do not. Just because some do not
receive healing is no proof there is nothing to healing. We pray. The
healing power is manifested and the pains leave. Then some will not
accept it, or confess it. Why? Because they have made no preparation.
They have no receiving set.
Ananias commanded, “Brother Saul, receive thy sight” (Acts
22:13). The healing power was there. It was up to Paul to receive it.
This he did because he had been making a preparation for three days,
in fasting, praying, and getting on Straight Street.
When healing power is all over the house, some are so teachable
they receive healing while we are yet speaking. Some don’t know it is
there because they are not tuned in.
The man at the Beautiful Gate in Acts 3 was “expecting to receive
something.” (Acts 3:5). He had been around Jesus while He was
healing for years. He had been around the twelve and the seventy. Why

Receiving Sets

hadn’t he been healed already? He just then got his heart tuned in
where he expected healing.
Some will not accept healing until someone prays for them two
hours and everyone shouts. They are not expecting it until then. You
have healing when you expect it. In Matt. 18 Jesus is telling us that we
have power and authority to bind and loose. But He said two must
agree as touching one thing and it will be done. When I tell you the
healing power is being manifested, agree with me then and there and
you will receive your healing.
When the gift, which God has promised to the church (I Cor.
12:28), is being manifested, it is not a question of praying the prayer of
faith as in James 5. All we have to do then is to just command the
disease to leave and we will have whatever we say. (Mark 11:23).
Believe me. Do what I ask. Expect it. Receive it.
Make a preparation. Prepare your heart. Tune in, and you will have
no trouble in receiving your healing.

Message No. 8
8 Cleansed to a 'T'
Many people see visions after a heavy meal, but Peter’s vision was
given while he was a very hungry man; and before dinner was ready. A
vessel was let from Heaven down to Earth after Peter had three times
refused a square meal of “pork chops,” it was received back into
Heaven. God showed us as well as Peter not to call any man common
after he had been cleansed.
We are members one of another, the body of Christ, and should
have the same care one for another. Many are sick, and some die
before their time because they don’t rightly discern Christ’s body.

A Doctor’s Viewpoint
A doctor who was saved and filled with the Holy Ghost in our
revival some time back, was very much upset because some Christians
had failed to pay their bills. But I explained to this physician that many
people are bad managers; about like a six year old child. They do not
know how to do business.
Some folk are saved for years before God begins to deal with them
about some things. I thought I had made about everything right after
my conversion, but about fifteen years later, I thought of one dollar I
had figured a man out of when I was ten years old. I made it right and
stayed saved.
I advised this doctor to be careful unless some bitterness came in
concerning this which would be just as bad as not paying a debt.
Then a minister came to me and thought this same doctor should
not become a member of the church because of abortions which had
been performed a few years back. I told the minister we should not call
common what God had cleansed.

The Whole Armour of God

A Business Lady’s Viewpoint

In this same revival a family of Nazarenes had been filled with the
Holy Ghost and healed of some incurable disease but a “Pentecostal”
business lady thought their experience was not real because they owed
$100.00 they had not paid. I explained to her that God knew His
business when He blessed them and filled them with the Spirit.
I almost lost the victory one time because a deacon owed me a bill,
but I finally got the victory after I had marked it paid and sent it to
him. I freely forgave him of the debt. He does not owe me now, nor
will he in the judgment. God gave me the money from another source.
I then found that this business lady had not had a re-filling of the
Holy Spirit in twenty-four years. After I explained to her that she was
like the prodigal son that stayed at home, she got re-filled with the
Holy Spirit and was bothered no more with that problem. This lady
and the people she felt hard at were all baptized in one tank and
became members of the same church; members of one body.

A Pastor’s Viewpoint
A pastor asked me if he should accept a man and his wife into the
church as members who were just married since they were saved and
filled with the Spirit in that revival although they had lived together
for years. I told him he should not call what God had cleansed
common or unclean. I asked him if he would want people to hold his
back life against him.
This pastor did not accept another doctor in as a member because
some of his other members looked down on the doctor because he had
had trouble in his home years before. But this doctor had also been
saved and filled with the Holy Ghost in that revival.
This pastor wanted only people with reputation in the town to be
members of his church. I understand how this pastor felt about it after
he knew how his members and business men looked at things, but how
did God look at it? God said for us not to call anyone common or
unclean after he is cleansed.

Cleansed to a 'T'

God’s Views
God showed me before I went to a place for a revival that I was to
help a pastor with a church problem. When I arrived, he called me to
one side and told me his plan to turn several people out of the church
who were bound by habits and others who had domestic troubles.
I asked him if he had anyone who got mad, talked about people,
held bitterness in their hearts, or were late to Sunday School. He said
he had some that way.
I said, Turn them out, and after a while they will all be out but you
and the ‘chosen few.’” I told him then they and all of their relatives
would be where he could never help them. Then he would have to
leave because they would be “out” where he couldn’t help them. I said,
“Leave them alone and we will have a revival.” God sent us a revival
and they were delivered from habits of sin.
If God forgave John last night and we remember what he did
yesterday, we do not have the Spirit of Christ. If God were to have
human viewpoints, who would stand?

Message No. 9
9 How to Be Healed and Stay Healed
The question in the mind of the sick and suffering is how to obtain
and retain their healing. First we must have the assurance that health
and healing is God’s highest will for His children. When someone asks
me the question if it is God’s will to heal us and keep us healed I ask
them if it is God’s will to be honest. Is it God’s will to be truthful?
The promise of God is to heal all diseases and all people (Ps.
103:3; Matt. 8:16.17). The purpose of God is to destroy the works of
the devil. (1 John 3:8; Acts 10:38). The prescription of God is given in
Psalms 37:1-7. Let’s look briefly into this which He has prescribed for
His children.
I want to feel your pulse just as your physician would. I want to
leave you four pills, the four gos-pills. Do these four things:

Delight Thyself in the Lord (v. 4)

It is against some folk’s religion to praise the Lord when they don't
feel like it. But this verse says “delight thyself.” If the Bible teaches
anything it teaches us to rejoice evermore, in everything give thanks,
and be content with all things.
To fear and fret will hinder digestion of food. Discontentment
hinders digestion. Dissatisfaction disagrees with food digestion.
Grumbling and grudging will bring disaster and despair. Growling and
grunting will bring disturbance to your digestive organs.
I went to pray for a Sister. I opened the Bible to James 3 and asked
her if she had been discontented and dissatisfied, or finding fault. She
answered, “Yes, why?” I told her that this chapter said the tongue
would defile the whole body. I told her that she would be all right if
she wouldn’t grumble or gripe for six months.
After all, the physician will want to see your tongue. He knows

The Whole Armour of God

about what you have been eating when he looks at your tongue. God
knows what you have been saying when He looks at your tongue. You
will be delightful or you will be defiled.
Paul practiced what he preached when put in prison. He praised
and shouted instead of doubting and pouting. Some people, poor and
puny, need Paul’s prescription put into practice. Some seem to be more
interested in their toothache than they are in the thousands dying in the

Commit Thy Way Unto the Lord (v. 5)

Remember the old nature: He will want to have his own way. He
will want to fuss and fume and find fault and never fast. Keep him
dead. Your ways are not the Lord’s ways and the Lord’s ways are not
your ways. Old self can’t give thanks in everything; he can’t see that
everything works together for good.
Remember Naaman’s nature: He would not commit his way to the
Lord at first; but one thing I like about him, he finally committed his
ways unto the Lord and received his healing. You should be as good as
Naaman. Every time Jesus started to heal He would ask the stubborn
person to do something. When their “Naaman nature” was broken, and
they obeyed, they received healing. Jesus is the same yesterday, today,
and forever. Man’s nature is also, “Commit thy way unto the Lord ...
and He shall bring it to pass.”

Trust in the Lord (v. 3)

Some say they cannot trust the Lord. What would your wife think
if you would go all over town telling people you could not trust her?
What does the Lord think?
You trust other things: you trust your car, your chair, or your bed.
You don’t lie awake and worry about your bed falling with you. When
you are riding an elevator, you are trusting your life with a little
colored person. Your life is worth many times more than your body. If
you can trust your life with a colored person, can’t you trust your body
with God? You trust your physician. He could make one mistake and
you would die instantly. If you can trust men whom we call physicians,

How to Be Healed and Stay Healed

can’t you trust the Great Physician who makes no mistakes?

Trust the One who is trustworthy and truthful. If we believe people
we should believe God. Is your baby always worrying because it is
afraid you will drop it? Does it worry over what it will eat tomorrow?
Does it believe you? Can a woman forget her sucking child? “... yea,
they may forget, yet will I not forget you.” (Isa. 49:15).
If you are really trusting the One who is trustworthy and truthful,
you can—

Rest in the Lord (v. 7)

If you are resting, you are not worrying. The physicians know one
must be contented to get well. Worry will cause ulcers, cancers and
goiters. Fear or anger will prove unhealthy. If you are resting you are
not grumbling or complaining.
Some failed to enter into rest because of unbelief (Heb. 3:19).
“Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were
destroyed of the destroyer” (I Cor. 10:10).
Where there is fear there is no faith. Where there is faith there is
no fear. When the disciples were fearful and afraid Jesus had His head
on a pillow resting, trusting through the tempest, resting in the rear of
the ship, resting midst the winds and waves! Rest assured He will
stretch forth His hand and say, “Peace, be still,” then there will be a
great calm. You can have the calm in your soul first.
Friends, you can’t delight yourself in the Lord, trust in the Lord, or
rest in the Lord unless you “commit thy ways unto the Lord” and
first be in the Lord. It is not only God’s will to heal but He wants you
to have health from heaven. (Ps. 91:10).

Message No. 10
10 The Anointing of Power
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed
me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the
brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and
recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are
bruised. (Luke 4:18)

And the Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove

upon Him. (Luke 3:22)
Jesus said, if I go away the Comforter will come, but “if I go not
away, the Comforter will not come.”
I know that He got back to Heaven because I received the Holy
Ghost. I was there the night I got it. In the Book of Acts, we find that
120 received the Holy Ghost. Then thousands received the Holy
Ghost. How do I know it? The Bible says that those who were saved
continued steadfastly in the apostle’s doctrine.

The Early Church Was Full of the Holy Ghost

In Acts, Chapter 2, Verse 4, we read that they all lifted up their
voices with one accord and, while the place was shaking, they were all
filled with the Holy Ghost. This happened at Samaria, at the house of
Cornelius, and at Ephesus. Being full of the Holy Ghost was the
normal Christian experience in the days of the Early Church.
Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, to preach the
Gospel to the poor.”
There is not a thing in the world that we can substitute for the
Holy Ghost’s anointing. People try substitutes but they won’t work.
Some people say they like a pastor with a charming personality. That’s
wonderful, but you need a pastor and an evangelist that is full of the
Holy Ghost. The letter killeth, but the Spirit maketh alive. It’s not by

The Whole Armour of God

power, it’s not by might, it’s not by psychology, but by the Spirit of
the Lord! If the Spirit works, we will have a revival. If we put a
damper on the Spirit of the Lord, we will not have a revival. We need
methods and conferences, but they are not a substitute for the power of
the Holy Ghost.

Jesus Is Coming for the Overcomers

When Jesus received the anointing of the Holy Ghost, He began to
cast out devils. The Bible says that the yoke is destroyed because of
the anointing. The burdens will be taken from our shoulders because of
the anointing. But when Jesus began to do this they said, “What new
doctrine is this?” There are always carnal Christians about. I believe
that Christians are going to be divided into two groups, before the end
of time. There will be a carnal church and a supernatural church. One
group will trust God and be supernaturally delivered. Only those who
trust God will be able to be overcomers, and Jesus is coming for the

The Holy Ghost Anointing Is for Everyone

God wants all His people to be anointed. God can anoint a wash
woman. He can anoint you to sweep floors, make beds or wash dishes.
He anointed me to plow corn. Later He anointed me to sell groceries.
Now He’s anointed me to preach. He anoints me to pray. The greatest
mistake you can make is not to be anointed to hear the Gospel.
I do not have a new revelation or a new doctrine. I believe what I
have always believed. I believe this anointing is for anybody. God can
answer a child’s prayer. God can anoint you and manifest the gifts
through you. You don’t have to have a college education to know what
the word “all” means. You can study Latin until you are gray-headed,
but ALL will still mean ALL—EVERYONE! God’s Word still says
that He forgiveth all your iniquities and healeth all your diseases. The
promise of the Holy Ghost is to “ALL that are afar off.”
I received the Holy Ghost the night after I was saved. The Bible
says, “Ye shall receive the Holy Ghost not many days hence.” Some
people have waited many years hence. The devil says you can’t receive

The Anointing of Power

it, but God says you can! You had better begin to say what God says.
The Bible says that he that is of God speaketh God’s words.

More Than One Way to Be Anointed of the Holy

I remember when I buried my head in the cotton seed and said,
“God, you told us that you’d let these signs follow, and I’m going to
do my best to stay filled with the Holy Ghost. However, I guess I spent
ten years learning to do things for the devil, and I had to spend ten
years trying to undo that. I did a little bit of everything. I shouted and
jumped for 150 nights in succession. I thought that I had the anointing.
But there is more than one way to be anointed of the Holy Spirit. Some
people play with the Holy Ghost like it were a ten cent baby rattler.
They want to pacify themselves like a baby with a toy. And we have
some men bearded and are grey-headed, who still want to cry on
somebody’s shoulder. They ought to get big enough after while to help
someone else!
There were thirteen children in our family. After awhile, some of
the children got old enough to help some of the younger children.
That’s the reason my folks could raise so large a family. I remember
one pastor told me that, for three days and nights, he didn’t pull his
shoes off, he was so busy praying for the sick. He said, “I have 500
members and I can pray the prayer of faith any time for the people’s
healing.” I think that pastor’s church will grow.
There was a time when the Spirit of God came upon me with an
anointing to preach, to shout and to rejoice. Then there came a time
when something else happened. Jesus said that He was anointed to
heal the brokenhearted, and set at liberty them that are bruised. That is
a different kind of anointing. It is a different thing to intercede for
somebody and heal the brokenhearted and to set at liberty them that
are bruised—to console somebody when their heart is bruised and torn
and they are in despair. That is a different kind of anointing.

Moses and Aaron Anointed to Be Priests,


The Whole Armour of God

Back in the Old Testament the horn of oil was poured upon
Aaron’s head (oil is a symbol of the Holy Ghost) and he was anointed
to be a priest to intercede for God’s people. Moses had the same
anointing. Moses got on his face and interceded for God’s people. If he
had not done this, they would have been destroyed.

Intercessors Stand Between God and Man

Abraham got that precious anointing when he got on his face and
interceded for God’s people. An intercessor is one who takes man's
place before God, and God’s place before man. He takes the hand of
an offended God and that of sinning man and joins their hands
together. He intercedes and says, “Lord, leave them alone one more
year, and let me dig around them and enrich them and then if they
don’t bring forth fruit you can cut them down and cast them into the

A Need for Mothers Who Are Anointed to Pray

I wish that we had more mothers in Israel today who would do like
the woman who came to Jesus and said, “Lord have mercy upon my
daughter, because she is vexed by a devil.” Some people don’t even
know where their daughters are. Then some people will pray like the
world’s on fire as long as it’s their own daughter who needs help but,
when someone else’s daughters gets into the prayer room, they cross
their legs and retire. They need to re-fire. They only have the same
love that a bear has for her little ones. Friends, the love of God reaches
beyond natural love. It will reach above natural ties. It will reach
people of other denominations and other nationalities. The love of God
will reach down into Africa, and into Cuba.
I think that we ought to get under the anointing of God and heal
the broken hearts. Lots of people are ready to put a bullet through their
brains and end it all. Friends you can help somebody at the forks of the
road who doesn’t know which way to go. Just one word of criticism
will send them on the wrong road. Just one little word of consolation
may send them on the other road.

The Anointing of Power

We Are Anointed to Tell Others About Jesus

When God did what He did for Paul on the road to Damascus, he
began to tell people everywhere! He told the king! When he got before
the mob be told them the same thing. When he got a chance, he told
the Pharisees and the Sadducees, those who couldn't see, and those
who didn’t want to see. He said, “I started down to Damascus and a
light shone around about me.” (Acts 22:6). They said it was wildfire
and fanaticism. But it was the Holy Ghost fire and the Baptism!

Intercession of Holy Ghost Makes All Things Work

Together for Good
The Holy Ghost makes intercession through us. That intercessory
prayer, that priestly anointing helps us to stand between man and God.
“We know that all things work together for good to them that love
God, to them who are the called according to His purpose.”
(Romans 8:28). We know that things work together for good, when the
Holy Ghost is making intercession for us. Now, if my boy were to go
out and get possessed with the devil, and then commit suicide, I
wouldn’t give thanks for that. I wouldn't say that was working for
good. But when the Holy Ghost is working the will of God through
you and making intercession, then God is making everything work
together for good.
I remember that the Holy Ghost one day began interceding through
me for my brother, who was six thousand miles away. I knew he was
in the marines, but I did not know where he was. Sometimes a mother
doesn't know where her son, or daughter, or husband is. Just let the
Holy Ghost make intercession through you. God will hear you and
answer the prayer of the Spirit. After the Holy Ghost prayed through
me, God gave me the Word of Knowledge and showed me what I had
prayed for. My brother, who had never been saved, spent four days and
nights in the Battle of Midway Island. Nine-tenths of his buddies died.
He got saved and prepared to die. But he never got a scratch.

The Whole Armour of God

Power to Speak and Command Given Through

There is a difference, friends, in praying the prayer of faith and
getting an answer to your prayers, and being in the place where you
don’t have to pray. Peter and John didn’t pray when they said, “In the
name of Jesus Christ, rise up and walk!” (Acts 3:6). They had
already prayed through, instead of getting through praying. They had
the POWER to bind and to loose. They brought it to church with them!
Paul didn’t pray when he looked around at a man and perceived he
had faith to be healed, he only said—“Stand up on your feet! and the
man leaped and walked and praised God” (Acts 14:8-10). How
many times have you read where Jesus or Peter or Paul prayed when
they healed the sick? Of course they prayed sometimes, but most of the
times they spoke the Word AND IT HAPPENED!
I knew a man who tried to preach and every other word was
“Hallelujah! Glory to God.” He couldn’t preach; but when he got into
the prayer room, he could lay hands on the people and they would
receive the Holy Ghost.
I heard another man who could preach a wonderful sermon but,
when he got through, nothing happened. We need both—power to
preach, and power to minister in the Spirit.

The Voice of Healing—Miracles, Signs

I remember I was pastoring a little church in Louisiana and
somebody handed me a magazine. It was The Voice of Healing. I read
of the miracles being performed and said to some of my members,
“We are going over and see what is happening.” I began to criticize.
However, I looked at the magazine again and studied it carefully. I
didn’t see where anybody claimed to be a healer. I prayed about it
then, and I am glad that I did. The Spirit of the Lord told me to go and
see for myself.
A person is a fool to criticize something he doesn’t understand.
That’s what happened fifty years ago when Pentecost first fell. If you
want to know all about your church at home, just ask some old

The Anointing of Power

disgruntled person who hasn’t been to church for six months, and he or
she can tell you all about it. There’s but one thing worse than a
gossiper and that’s the one who will listen to it.

The Blind Saw, the Deaf Heard! I Was Amazed!

Well I went to that meeting. That’s where I met Brother Lindsay
for the first time. I stood amazed and dumbfounded. The thing that I
had criticized was the very thing that I had been crying for, as long as I
can remember. The blind saw, and the deaf heard!
People were there who had come from thousands of miles away. I
told my wife that I couldn’t go home. When I did go home, I was never
satisfied any more to see just one or two saved in a service.

Resolved to Pray for That Power

I can’t speak for the other fellow, but I know what happened to
me. I said, “God, I am not going out of my room, until I have prayed
through.” I prayed all night long. I went on a fast. I had criticized that
too. I still do not think it is wise to go on long fasts, unless God
definitely tells you to go on one. God began to speak to me and tell me
things I have never told anybody. There are some things that it isn’t
wisdom to tell. You can cast your pearls before swine like Samson. I
tell you, when they learn where your strength lies, they’ll hang you up
and shoot you full of bullets!

I Have Felt God's Anointing on My Life

I sold everything I had or gave it away, and traveled 500 miles to
another meeting. Hundreds of people were coming to get saved. I cried
before God. I was never the same again. I’m not where I want to be yet
but, friends, I have felt God’s anointing upon me.

The Anointing Gives Authority—Breaks the Yoke

of Bondage
They poured the horn of oil on David. From then on, HE HAD

The Whole Armour of God

AUTHORITY! He spoke to men in his army to do a thing, and they

did it. He had the kingly anointing! The Centurion, when he met Jesus,
perceived he was a man with authority. Jesus said, “it is not I that
speaketh, but my Father.” The Word of God created the earth,
separated the waters from the waters, separated the light from the
darkness, put the sun and moon into space. The Word of God spoken
through Joshua caused the sun and moon to stand still. The Word of
God through Elisha caused the iron to swim. The Word of God
through Peter and John made the lame man leap and walk. It wasn’t
their word—it was God’s Word! It was the anointing! The yoke shall
be destroyed because of the anointing!

Message No. 11
11 How to Seek the Holy Spirit Baptism
About two hundred people were filled with the Holy Ghost the
other night. But one young lady didn’t go up to be filled. I asked her
why. She said she didn’t feel a burden to pray.
I explained to her that one does not have to pray for the Holy
Ghost. When one is convicted about something, or has a burden to
pray, he needs to ask for forgiveness, and pray the burden off, and then
be filled with the Holy Ghost.
The Holy Ghost is already given. Why do we have to beg for
something which is already given?
At one time the Holy Ghost was not yet given, because Jesus was
not yet glorified (John 7:37-38). That is why they tarried for the Holy
Ghost before Pentecost. But since Pentecost the Holy Ghost has been
given. Since Pentecost people may receive this experience instantly.
The reason people tarry, they need to get ready. God has been
ready nineteen hundred years.
If I offer you a dollar, you no longer have to beg me for it. It is up
to you to take it. The responsibility is on you, not me. The Holy Ghost
is an offered gift. It is up to you to take this experience.
If you are already empty, all you need to do is to get filled.
They who obey the Lord receive the Holy Ghost (Acts 5:32).
Become obedient.
I prayed with a man for eighty-four nights in succession. We did
without our evening meal and drove several miles to church. We
stayed up until about midnight and worked every day, long hours.
At last he said, “Brother Grant, for eight years, every time I pray
up to this place I feel like doing something.” I said, “Do it, brother, do

The Whole Armour of God

He did it and received the Holy Ghost. He had worked eight years
on an eight minute job. He wasn’t waiting for God to get ready; God
was waiting for him to get ready.
If there is one thing that you are not willing to do, you are not
If there is a little rebellion in you, then you are not empty. You
must empty that out before you get filled.
The world cannot receive the Holy Ghost. (John 14:17). You first
need to get the world out of you before you receive the Holy Ghost.
You are not ready for the Holy Ghost until after you are saved.
One lady, who was an official in the church, said that she did not
want to seek for the Holy Ghost because people might think that she
wasn’t living right if they saw her up there praying for the Holy Ghost.
A song leader stood back because of this excuse. A Sunday School
superintendent did the same thing. I know of a preacher and a deacon
who felt the same way.
But, I repeat, you have to be emptied before God can fill you.
Laying on of hands helps you to get emptied out. In the five places
where it is recorded that people received the Holy Ghost, three of the
places tell us that hands were laid on them. In only two cases hands
were not laid on them. One case there was no one to lay hands on them
(Acts 2). In the other case the Jews would not have laid hands on the
Gentiles (Acts 10). They received it instantly because the Holy Ghost
was already given.
When a godly man lays hands on a candidate the spirit of
stubbornness, pride, rebellion, disobedience, unbelief, and such like,
leave. Then the candidate is emptied and ready to be filled.
After you are emptied you are not under conviction. You have no
It is not “Oh God”; but it is “Praise God”. You didn’t put your
head under the bench and say, “Lord help”, You look up and open
your mouth and get filled. Instead of crying and saying, “Lord save
grandpa”, you smile “hallelujah, Jesus.”
Of course if you have a burden, then pray it off and you will be

How to Seek the Holy Spirit Baptism

ready to get filled instantly.

God is ready when you are ready!
Just open your mouth wide and take what God has already given
He is not up in Heaven; He is there, all over you!
Don’t try to figure out in your mind how He will come in. Be as
yielded in the hands of Jesus as you were in the hands of the minister
when you were baptized in water. It is Jesus who baptizes you in the
Holy Ghost.
Delight thyself in the Lord. Mary, the Mother of Jesus returned to
the upper room with GREAT JOY. One hundred and nineteen more
did the same way. Not all but one were continually praising blessing
God. But every one of them had Great Joy. They were all praising God
at once.
AFTER the people at Samaria were saved they had GREAT JOY.
But they did not have the Holy Ghost until Peter and John laid hands
on them. Some people get GREAT JOY and think they have the Holy
Ghost. Salvation brings joy; The Holy Ghost brings power.
Remember it is not praying, but it is praising.
Let your request be known with thanksgiving (Phil. 4:6).
“Delight thyself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of
your heart” (Ps. 37:4) Believeth thou this?
After hands are laid on you; after you are ready; don’t pray for
Grandpa; don’t pray for yourself; Start praising God with ALL YOUR
Glorify God with your body which is God’s. Present your body as
a living sacrifice ... Clap your hands for joy ... You may leap for joy.
You may praise God; in a dance. You may praise God with a loud
voice. You may open your mouth wide. Remember it is YOU who are
praising God. Teach your body to praise God. Your body is the temple
of the Holy Ghost. Let it know that.
Remember your body is a house in which the Holy Ghost dwells.
When you are saved the Holy Spirit comes in your heart. When you

The Whole Armour of God

are filled with the Holy Ghost, He dwells in your body; in your flesh.
God has come into your flesh to dwell.
If you go under the water all except your hands, you are not
If you go under the power all except your hands, you are not
baptised. If only your tongue remains unyielded you are not baptised.
The tongue is unruly; It is the last member of the body that can be
tamed (James 3:8).
Baptism means immersion.
I was praying for a lady in Detroit who had sought for the Holy
Ghost ten years. I saw that the Holy Ghost was upon her, and asked her
why she did not yield.
“I am afraid I will do something unseemly or something obscene”
she said.
After I explained to her that the Holy Ghost was a perfect
Gentlemen she was baptized with the Spirit sitting in her chair. The
fear was gone. You are not empty as long as you have fear. You can’t
get filled until you first get emptied.
Before you are saved the Holy Spirit starts at your heart. You
repent and get emptied. That is when you should get baptized with the
Spirit, immediately after you are saved.
When you are saved you are emptied out. When you are filled the
Holy Spirit comes in to dwell.
The power may first hit you in the feet, your hands, or your head.
As you glorify God with your body He will slowly creep all over you.
When He takes control of your tongue you are baptized. Your tongue
is the last member of your body that can be tamed. It is a unruly
member. Many people want the Holy Ghost power to come on their
tongue first. If you will glorify God with your body, He will finally
come to your mouth. When you feel the power in your mouth, when
your tongue becomes thick and begins to tingle with God’s power,
don’t be afraid to make sounds.
I’ll be responsible. You may stammer, or groan. You may laugh or
cry; but keep on! I'll guarantee you will be alright.

How to Seek the Holy Spirit Baptism

It may sound like anyone else; but keep on! Keep glorifying God
with your mouth. You can’t say the wrong thing. You can’t do the
wrong thing. If you know how to give gifts to your children, how much
more will your Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to His children.
He knows how. Believe it! He will not give you a serpent, stone, or
scorpion (Luke 11:10,13). When you are where the power of God is,
when you are in an atmosphere like that you are safe! I’ll be
You'll not talk like anyone else you have ever heard. Don’t think
you will act like anyone else. The sounds will sound like sounds but
keep making sounds. You won’t know what you are saying, but saying.
It is unknown!
It is you who do the speaking. It was Paul who did the speaking (1
Cor. 14). It was the one hundred and twenty who did the speaking
(Acts 2). It was the twelve who did the speaking (Acts 19). It was the
Gentiles who did the speaking (Acts 10). It was the Corinthians who
did the speaking (1 Cor. 14). Don’t be afraid to glorify God with your
tongue. The devil will try to make you stop, but keep speaking. A
stammering tongue is what breaks old self down. I’ll be responsible;
keep on making sounds!
You don’t know what you are saying. It is unknown! Keep talking
as long as the power is on you, whether it is thirty minutes, two hours
or all day. That will build up your faith. You will receive a gift! Keep
And don’t ever let a day pass unless you keep speaking. Speak
each morning before you get out of bed. God has given you a language
and you can speak! So speak!
Sing in the Spirit; Pray in the Spirit. Bless God in the Spirit. You
can’t understand it; but it will edify you. (1 Cor. 14:4). It will build up
your most holy faith, so you will do exploits.

The Whole Armour of God


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