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BLS. 3399: 1961 of operation at its rated kVA without injury on any tapping and at any applied voltage which does not vary from the voltage for which the tapping is rated by more than plus 5 per cent. SECTION SEVEN: INSULATING MATERIALS GENERAL 701. The recognized insulating materials shall be suitable for use in the service conditions specified in Section Four. soLips 702. Four of the classes of insulating material listed in B.S. 2757*, A, B, H and G, are recognized in this standard for dry-type transformers. For transformers immersed in oil or synthetic liquid, Class A only is recognized. igus 703. a. Oil. Mineral oil, when provided, shall comply with B.S. 148, * Insulating oil for transformers and switchgear" NOTE, Attention is drawn tp the fact that sustained operation of transformers at the maximum temperatures permitted by this standard may cause the oil to deteriorate more rapidly than the other components {see CP 1009 * Maintenance of insulating oil (with special reference to transformers and switchgear)). 4. Synthetic liquids. In the absence of British Standards covering synthetic insulating liquids the provision of such liquids is a matter for arrangement between manufacturer and purchaser. NOTE. Oil and synthetic liquids should not be interchanged. SECTION EIGHT: INSULATION TESTS GENERAL 801. The test voltages shall be as follows: TABLE §. TEST VOLTAGES FOR DRY-TYPE TRANSFORMERS AND OIL-IMMERSED TYPE TRANSFORMERS i | j eee 1 | 2 Rated voltage Power-frequency test voltage kV ms. kV rms. Less than 10 25 to | + 3 33 a NOTE 1. Where the rated voltage of a transformer is an intermediate value, the test voltage should be the next higher valve, NOTE 2. Transformers for use in ships are not designed for impulse testing + B.S. 2757, * Classification of insulating materials for electrical machinery and apparatus ‘on the basis of thermal stability in servic 4 BS. 3399: 1961 SECTION NINE: TEMPERATURE RISE LIMITS. crsrmat 901, The terapercmare rises of transformer windings, oil and cares shai 1 nat excoed tive sists specified in Tables 6 and 7, when tested in accorciance Section Eighteen. with Fer water cooled transformers, the temperature rise given is that meassured above the inlet water temperature, For ather types of cooling, the temper ature rises piven are those measured above the temperature of the cooling air. TABLE 6. TEMPERATURE RISE LIMITS FOR DRY-TYPE TRANSFORMERS | | Temperature rise measured by resistance") Cooling Class of Part classification | inenlation - a Gee Table 1) mt | Group 2 she aie ] : dec) ee Windings AN oF AB A 0) | B | 7 5 no | ous us | | x | aa 5 | Gv inert ens | c 45 145 | (Silicone material | a I _ only) _ corer |The empeture ssa in no east such yale tat ere 15 risk of injury to any insulation material on adjacent parts. B.S. 3399 : 1961 = : i d 5 oe ae NOTE. This figure does not purport to show constructional details. Fig. 15. Recommended position of fittings for alr cooled transform ers SECTION SEVENTEE! PERFORMANCE AND TOLERANCES EFFICIENCY 1701. When statements of efficiency are required they shall be based on the loading at the rated KVA and at unity power factor (and other po-wer factors if agreed), and computed in accordance with Appendix E. PERFORMANCE AND TOLERANCES 1702. A transformer complies with this standard when the differences between the measured test results and the figures guaranteed by the manufacturers are not greater than the permitted tolerances. Characteristics which may be subject to guarantees in respect of electrical performance are given in Table 10, in which the tolerances are also stated. The ‘object of these tolerances is to allow for the effect of small manufacturing variations. - The tolerance on voltage ratio shall apply to all tappings, but in a tapped ‘winding having few turns it is permissible, by agreement between manufacturer and purchaser, for the tolerance to apply to the nearest voltage ratio obtainable and not to the specified voltage ratio. The statements of impedance, load losses, no-load losses, efficiency and regulation apply to the principal tapping only. 30 BS. 3399 : 1961 TABLF, 10. TOLERANCES ON ELECTRICAL PERFORMANCE: Tolerance Voltage ratio at no load 0.5 por cent of the declared ratio, or a percenta to 1/10th of the percentage impedance voltage at rated load, whichever is the smaller Impedance voltage of |_| On principal tappings transformers 4, Two-winding transformers +t 10 per cent 5. Multi-winding transformers + 15 per cent . ‘Ohmic impedance of series | Minus zero current limiting reactors | Plus 20 per cent of the rated value (see Note 2) ‘ Load losses | Plus 20 per cent of the declared losses No-load loss, Plus 10 per cent of the declared loss Fificiency | In accordance with the tolerance on losses —— | __ — Regulation In accordance with the tolerances on impedance v9 Tage [and toad losses I NOTE 1. A tolerance for no-load current is not specified. NOTE 2. Reactors should be designed to have not less than the specified reactive KWA at the current corresponding to the rated current multiplied by the overcurrent factor. SECTION FIGHTEEN: TESTS CONDITIONS FOR TESTS. 1801. Tests chall be made at the manufacturer's works at room temperature and with all those external components and fittings in place which are likely to affect the performance. i Unless otherwise agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser and unless the test specifically requires otherwise, windings with tappings shall be © connected on their principal tapping The test basis for all characteristics except insulation is the rated condition unless it is specifically stated otherwise. 31 BS, 3399 : 1961 TESTS OF TRANSFORMERS 1802, *a. Routine tests. All transformers shall be subjected to routine tests at the manufacturer's works. The tests shall comprise: 1. Measurement of winding resistance ‘Clause 1804 2. Ratio, polarity and phase relationships ‘Clause 1808. 3. Impedance voltage Clause 1806. 4, Load losses Clause 1807. 5, No-load losses and no-load current Clause 1808. 6, Insulation resistance Clause 1809. 7, Induced over-voltage withstand Clause 1810. 8, Separate-source voltage withstand Clause 1811. *b. Type test, In addition to the routine tests, the following type test may be made if ordered by the purchaser: ‘Temperature rise test Clause 1812. Where the purchaser desires evidence corresponding to the temperature rise test in lieu of actual tests, the manufacturer may submit records of tests on a transformer which, in essential details, is representative of the one being purchased. Test ceRriicates 1803. Where required by the purchaser, a certificate of all tests made on the transformer shall be provided by the manufacturer. In the case of three-winding transformers test certificates shall give the actual measurements and also the derived values for losses, impedance voltages and regulations, for stated loading conditions. MEASUREMENT OF WINDING RESISTANCE 1804. The resistance of each winding, and the terminals between which it is measured shall be recorded. When measuring the initial resistances, care shall be taken to determine the temperature of the windings. The temperature at which the measurement is made shall be recorded. In all resistance measurements, care shall be taken that the inductive effects are reduced to a minimum. The induction time for the measuring current to become constant should be noted during the cold resistance measurements in order to give guidance when hot resistance measurements are made luring any subsequent tests, e.g, temperature rise tests, so that sufficient time is aallowed for the inductive effect to disappear before the hot resistance readings are recorded. a. Dry-type transformers. The temperature recorded shall be the average teading of several thermometers placed on the winding surface. * IC tests a and b are required to be made at the manufacturer's works in the presence of the purchaser, this should be stated by the purchaser. 22 BS. 3309) ‘The initial resistance and initial temperature of the winding shall be measvured at the same time, and the temperature of the winding as measured by thermo- meter before beginning the test should approximate to that of the surrounding medium, b. Oil-immersed type transformers. Before recording the initial resistance and the oil temperature the transformer shall have been under oil without excit ation or load for not less than 3 hours The temperature of the winding shall be taken to be the same as the effective average oil temperature determined as in Sub-clause 181 RATIO MEASUPEMENT, CHECK OF POLARITY AND PHASE RELATIONSII" 1805, ‘The tucrs ratio shall be measured on each tapping, and the polarity and phase éelationships shall be checked! MEASUREMENT OF IMPEDANCE VOLTAGE 4806, Tre in:pedance voltage shall be measured at rated frequency usimg an approximately sinusoidal supply. The measurement may be made at any current not less than one-half rated current and the value so obtained shall be increased in the ratic of the rated current to the test current, The impedance voltage may be measured at any convenient temperature but the test results shall be corrected to the appropriate reference temperature detailed in Table 11 On three-winding transformers, the impedance voltages shall be measured between the windings taken in pairs as shown below a. between higher voltage and intermediate voltage windings, b. between intermediate voltage and lower voltage windings. ¢. between lower voltage and higher voltage windings. For transformers with more than three windings, the windings shall be taken in pairs and the principle established above for three-winding transformers. shall be followed, MEASUREMENT OF LOAD LOSS 1807. ‘The load loss shall comprise the sum of the J4R loss in the windings cleter- mined from their resistances and the currents flowing, plus all stray losses: due to eddy currents and to the leakage fx between windings. On a ewo-winding transformer the sum of the components taken ingettier may be measwed by a wattmeter or other suitable means by applying 1 one winding the voltaze required at rated frequency to produce in it rated current, the ather winsting being short-circuited during this test. a 1961 BSS. 3399 : 1961 ‘The measurement shall be made at any current not less than one-half rated current. The value s0 obtained shall be corrected to the value at rated current by multiplying it by the square of the ratio of the rated current to the test current. ‘The losses measured by the above method include the core loss corressponding to the impedance voltage, and such core loss may be deducted frome the total short-circuit losses in order to determine more exactly the true load lossses. This core loss may be determined by measuring the no-load loss with an applied voltage equal to that used in the load-loss test. On a three- (or more) winding transformer, three (or more) separate load- oss measurements shall be made corresponding to the three (or more) measure- ments of impedance voltages, ‘The load loss may be measured at any convenient temperature, but the test results shall be corrected to the appropriate reference temperature on the assumption that the /*R loss varies with the temperature directly as the. variation in resistance, and that the stray loss varies with temperature inversely asthe variation in resistance. The reference temperature to which correction is made shall be as given in Table 11. TABLE 11, REFERENCE TEMPERATURES (Class of insulation sed Reference temperature A 18°C B 95°C Hin air 140°C in inert gas 170°C C Gsilicone materials only) 170°C MEASUREMENT OF NO-LOAD LOSSES AND NO-LOAD CURRENT 1808, The no-load loss shall comprise the following: Tem a. Core loss, including the stray losses du to the excitation current. b. Dielectric oss. ¢. PR loss due to the excitation current. The no-load losses shall be measured at rated frequency with the rated voltage applied to one winding, the other windings being open-circusited. The no-load current shall be recorded. For all normal transformers (except 3-phase transformers without ainy delta~ connected winding) the voltage shall be set by reference to an instrument actuated by the mean value of the voltage wave between fines, but scaled to read the rms. value of that sinusoidal wave having the same mean value. 4 Rs. uy For three-phase transformers without any delta-connected winding, the no-load losses shall be measured at the r.m.s. voltage indicated by an instrurnent actuated by the rm.s. value of the voltage wave. In this ease a supply sha I! be used in which the wave-form of the supply voltage is stich that the sum off the Sth and 7th harmonic voltages of the supply is not greater than 5 per cent of the rm.s, value of the voltage supplied. MEASUREMENT OF INSULATION RESISTANCE 1809. The insulation resistance of each winding in turn to all the other windings, core and frame or tank connected together and to earth shall he measured and recorded, The oil and winding temperature shall be measured immediately before the test and recorded YINDUCFD OVERVOLTAGE WITHSTAND TEST 1810. To test between turns, coils and terminals of windings aii alterna ting voltage shall be applied corresponding to twice the voltage appearing, between these parts when rated voltage is applied to the terminals. ‘The duration of the test shall be 60 seconds for any test frequency up to and including twice the rated frequency. When the test frequency exceeds twice the Tated frequency, the durstion of the test in seconds shall be 60 times twice the Tated frequency divided by the test frequency, or 15 seconds, whichever is the greater, SFPARATE-SOURCE VOLTAGE WITHSTAND TEST 2813. Tho eeparate-source voltage test shall be made with single-phase alte ena ing vollage as nearly as possible of sine-wave form and of any conven ient frequency noc iess than 25 c's, The rm.s. or peak value of the applied voltage shall be measured. The ems value, or the peak value divided by 4/2, shall be in accordance with Table 5. The appropriate voltage obtained from a separate source shall be applic«l for ‘61 seconds fo each winding in turn, between the winding under test and. the remaining windings, core, frame and tank or casing of the transformer, connected together and to earth. The test shall be commenced at a voltage of not greater than one-third of the test value end shall be increased to the specified value as rapidly as is consistent with its magnitude being indicated by the measuring instrument. At the enel of the test the voltage shall be reduced rapiclly to less than one-third of its full value before switching of, TEST OF TEMPERATURE Rist BES. The tests may be made at any air temperature not exceeding 45°C or water tempereture not exceeding 30°C as appropriate x 1961 BS. 3399: 1961 For oilsimmersed transformers, the temperature of the oil shall be measured by a thermometer placed in the thermometer pocket. ‘The winding temperature shall be ascertained by means of the resistance ‘method when the windings have a resistance of 0-005 ohm or greater. Practical difficulties due to the short time available for the measurement of hot resistances may prejudice the accuracy of such measurement about 1 per cent. For measurements having a value less than 0-005 ohm, the resistance methods may be inaccurate. In such cases, the temperature rise at the end of a temaperature test shall be determined as follows: 1. Dry-type transformers. The surface temperature shall be mea sured by placing a thermometer at the hottest accessible point® and the temmperature rise, so measured, multiplied by a factor of 0°75 shall not exceed the limiting value of Table 6. 2. Oi-immersed type transformers. The temperature of the oil shall be measured by a thermometer placed in the thermometer pocket. The tempera~ ture rise so determined shall not exceed the limiting value for oil given in Table 7. a, Thermometer method of measurement. Thermometers containing mercury shall not be used in places where there is a magnetic field that is varying in intensity or moving in space. . Resistance method of measurement. The temperature of a windin g (7;) at the end of a test period shall be calculated from its measured resistance (Ry) at that temperature and its measured resistance (R,) at some other temperature (7,) using the formula: Ry Teo The initial resistance of (R,) shall be measured as laid down in Clavase 1804 NOTE, For the temperature correction after shut-down, ste Sub-

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