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MANAGEMENT 2nd Term S.Y. 2020-2021

Gatdula, Eunice Samantha D. ACTION

2TOM5 Gaudete et Exsultate

TASK: Integrating at least three take away insights from GE, write a note to your
future son/daughter on the theme “How to be truly happy in life”.

Dear my future child,

This letter is written in the midst of COVID 19 pandemic. Surviving and thriving in
this condition has been a long and difficult journey. I want you to know that the path that
you will take will never be easy; there will be numerous challenges and obstacles in your
path, but never lose hope for God will never forget you. I want you to live your life with
great love and be genuinely content with what you have. I want you to know that you will
find true happiness if you obey your heart rather than what others say. I will always be
here for you in every decision you make, every action you take, and every loss you face.
Everyday life has the potential to contribute to holiness. As the saying goes, "you only live
once," so make your life unforgettable by helping those who are in need or helpless. Be
worthy of the life that God has given you. Always be compassionate and keep a smile on
your face as life will lead you to wonderful opportunities.

I promise you that if you do what you really love, you will never make a bad
decision. It's okay if you fail and commit mistakes because it's just part of the learning
process. You don’t have to be the best, you just have to try your best. What you must
consider is the totality of living a happy life, your entire journey of holiness development.
Allow the Lord to carry you to fulfillment despite your errors and blunders. Put in your
mind that God will always lead you through the right path, and remember to always place
Him at the center of your life decisions, and you will never be wrong and will attain eternal

Never doubt yourself or your ability if you are being your true self to others. Many
people would be jealous and envious of you; therefore, do not let them pull you down just
be happy and grateful because you have become holy. Be true to God and his word, and
you will find genuine happiness. I love you and will take good care of you.

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