Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 3

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 3

Prepared by:

Christian C. Rabadon


At the end of a 45 mins period the pupils should be able to:

a) Identify the parts of the ears and its functions.


TOPIC: "The Ear"


• Science 3 Distance learning program 4 – Parts of ears and their

• Teacher’s Guide 3, p. 50-52
• Curriculum guide p. 23

MATERIALS: Pictures, Cartolina, pentel pen, powerpoint

presentation, and chart.

Values Integration: give importance of taking care of the ear.


Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity


• Prayer Dear Lord, Help us to be good, help us to

do the things we should. Bless my teacher,
my classmates and all. Amen

• Greetings

Good morning class! Good morning Teacher! Good morning


• Checking of Attendance
(The teacher will check the attendance
according to row which is in the seat

• Review
(Ask random students)
➢ What sense of organ would you use to
see the part of your ear? The sense of organ that I use to see the
ear is the eye.

Very good!

➢ Would you be able to study the parts of

your ear without your eyes? No, because I will not be able to see the
form and where the parts of the ear located
so that is why it is hard to study the parts
of ear without the eye.
Very good answer.

• Motivation

Pair the pupils with their seatmate and say;

1. Look at the ears of your partner. Draw
the parts that you see. Give students 10
minutes. to do it.
2. Compare your drawings with your
3. what do you want to know about your
ears? (Ask students)

Grace? I want to know more about the parts of the

Very good question. Other things you want to
know about the ears?

Sarah? I want to know more about the importance

of ear to humans?

Very good Sarah.

Now, what do you think is our topic for today?

Jhon The ear, Sir.

Very good Jhon.

• “The Ear”
I have here a picture about the human ear.

(present a picture of ear through powerpoint

(Ask random students)
How many ears do you have? Ralph? Two Sir.

Correct! well done.

Is there anyone who can express their

knowledge about the picture?
Teacher! Teacher!

Ok Diampon, what is your knowledge about the

video you have seen? My knowledge about the picture teacher, is
about each ears has the same parts.

Very good!

• Parts of Ears
Let them read and look at the diagram of the
parts of ears

(Ask random students)

What is the three main part of the ear? Student 1:The three main parts of the ear
are the outer ear, the middle ear, and
the inner ear.
Very good.
What is the definition of outer ear at its Student 2: The outer ear has a canal that
function? leads to the middle ear. The work of the
ear is to collect sound waves in the air.
Very good answer.
What is the definition of middle ear and its Student 3: The middle ear is separated
function? from the outer ear by a thin membrane
called the eardrum, which has the three
little bones. These bones send vibrations or
sound to the inner ear.
Good answer.
What is the definition of inner ear and its Student 4: The inner ear has a tube called
function? cochlea which is attached to the nerve
cells. The inner ear sends the sound to the

Very good.

Below is the diagram of how the ear work

Teacher! Teacher!

Is there anyone who can express their

knowledge about the picture? Teacher! teacher!

OK, Diaman what is your knowledge about the

video you have seen? My knowledge about the picture teacher, is
about the sound travels like waves.

Is there anyone who can tell me how it travels? Teacher! teacher!

Ok, Paul. The sound first reaches the outer ear, and
then goes through a canal and strike the
eardrum. when the eardrum moves. it
moves the tiny bone nearest it.
Very good!

What is the importance of ear and why should

we care it? Erik? It is important teacher because it can help
us hear and we should properly care it to
not let it impaired.
Very good!
Group activity

Relay Race
I will group you in to 3 groups. each group will
draw a piece of paper in the box. Each paper
consists the parts of the ear. Each member will
relay the parts that they draw from the box and
last member of the group will tell and identify
the parts of the ear and its function in the
picture presented.


Give an essay on the importance of taking care

of our ear.


Did you understand the topic that we discuss

today, class? Yes, Teacher.

Okay, if you understand it get a notebook and

write all the parts of the ear and its functions. (writes all the parts of ear and its

(After the activity)

Do you have question or clarifications, class? None, teacher.

Okay, if you dont have get a 1 whole piece

paper, and anwer this.


Identify and name the following. Choose your answer from the box and write
your answer on the blank.

Outer ear Ears

Middle ear Eardrum

Inner ear Cochlea

1. Sense organ for hearing _________.

2. Part of the ear that collects sound waves _________ .

3. A membrane that separates the outer ear from the middle ear _______.

4. Part of the ear that has three little bones _______.

5. A tube in the inner ear that is attached to the nerve cells_____.


1. Print a picture of the parts of the ear (without label), and identify
and label each part of the ears and write its function under the

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