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VMware Edition
Modern enterprises demand access to In the mid-2010s, software-defined
the latest and greatest business appli- WAN (SD-WAN) technology came to the
cations anywhere, anytime. Problem rescue. Acting as a kind of cloud-based
is, you may still use those tools over traffic cop for applications, SD-WAN
private, leased line architectures built in introduced a much smarter, more
the early 1990s. Why drive your newest efficient WAN model. As great as SD-WAN
high-powered sports car down a gravel is though, it’s optimized for connecting
road? In this paper, you’ll take a look at branches and certain home workers.
the older models and discover a better When it comes to the growing number
way to make sure Work From Anywhere of remote users (and devices, and
actually works from anywhere. services) outside the branch, businesses
once again must route everything
Back in the Old Days…
through the data center.
Routing every network connection
through a central data center made Now, the industry is taking SD-WAN to
sense when that data center actually the next level with secure access service
hosted all your business applications. edge (SASE, pronounced “sassy”) and
Today, most of them live in the cloud. zero trust network access (ZTNA)
So, branch traffic often takes the scenic solutions. SASE and ZTNA combine
route from data center, to cloud, SD-WAN efficiencies with a much
back to data center, and finally back more flexible, user-centric approach
to the user. Performance suffers. to securing remote workers and cloud
applications. We’re finally building a to get to most of their applications
secure connectivity model suited to the and data. Enterprises outfitted branches
world we live in today, instead of 30 with dual WAN uplinks, so those
years ago. applications could remain available
even if the primary circuit failed.
What’s Wrong with Current
Connectivity Models? MPLS links were still expensive, but this
To understand the urgent problems basic WAN model served businesses well
SASE and ZTNA solve, we need to for years. And, if it sounds familiar, it’s
review how we got here and why. because many still use it. Today, though,
Let’s take a trip down memory lane. the world has changed. The assumptions
underlying legacy WAN architectures—
The 90s called, and they want their that most users work from branches,
network architectures back that almost everything lives in a central
Back in the early days of the Internet, data center—no longer apply.
businesses used “heavy” branches,
hosting most applications and security Welcome to the cloud
onsite. This wasn’t exactly by choice. Hosting applications (buying servers,
Public Internet connections hadn’t yet installing and maintaining software,
reached every market, and those that scaling with demand) can be an
did weren’t very reliable. You could get expensive, time-consuming job for IT.
a TDM leased-line circuit, but they were One 2018 study conducted by Rackspace
expensive and restrictive in terms of found that for every dollar companies
bandwidth. (You could either aggregate spend on capital expenses to upgrade
multiple 1.5-Mbps T1 links or bump up data center infrastructure, they can
to a 45-Mbps T3.) Businesses had little expect to pay roughly $2 for managing,
choice but to build out branch software maintaining, and securing that infrastruc-
stacks like miniature, standalone versions ture. So, when cloud computing came
of the company headquarters. around in the mid-2000s, and businesses
could offload that effort to someone
In the 2000s, multiprotocol label else, many jumped at the chance.
switching (MPLS) hit the scene to offer
a lot more WAN circuit flexibility and First, tech giants provided software-as-
control. Branches got “lighter” as a-service (SaaS) options like Salesforce
businesses moved everything they and Microsoft Office 365. Suddenly, it
could to a centralized data center. Users didn’t matter where an application tech-
now connected back to the data center nically lived, employees could get to it
from any web browser. Businesses no Rise of the remote workforce
longer had to worry about maintaining
apps, either. SaaS providers could deal Applications aren’t the only thing to
with software updates, resiliency, and move out of the branch. As broad-
scalability. Businesses could now treat band became ubiquitous in the early
key applications like a utility. Turn them 2000s, work started moving out of the
on when you need them, pay for only office. Using virtual private networks
what you use. (VPNs), employees could now securely
Many companies found this to be a much connect to data center applications
simpler, more flexible IT model. They even when they were outside the
could launch new applications and corporate firewall, from anywhere.
services more quickly, with a fraction And they do. According to one 2019
of the effort. And, they could focus survey, remote work has grown by 400
their IT resources on things that really percent over the past decade. And that
mattered to their business, instead of was before COVID-19 forced millions to
the care and feeding of server farms. spend months working from home.
Over the last decade, companies have
been moving several IT workloads to Today, practically every business appre-
the cloud: ciates how important remote work
can be to business continuity, but the
• Computing
benefits don’t end there. By giving
• Storage employees the option to work where
• Test and development they choose, businesses say they can:
• Better attract and retain talent
• Enterprise applications such as web
hosting, telephony, conferencing, • Improve employee morale
email, and customer relationship and job satisfaction
management (CRM) tools
• Increase productivity
In a recent Frost & Sullivan cloud
survey, 84 percent of respondents • Reduce environmental impact
now use or plan to implement public
cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) • Lower operating costs
in the next two years, and 77 percent
use or plan to implement SaaS.
Yesterday’s WAN Can’t Keep Up •R
 emote workers: Imagine an
employee traveling overseas,
These cloud and remote work trends trying to download the latest sales
are stretching early-1990s-era WAN presentation from a Box folder of
architectures to the breaking point. his/her international colleague. Box
Under the new status quo, applications may host a PoP in that country,
might be hosted from a cloud point-of- but the employee must connect to
presence (PoP) practically anywhere. SaaS applications through a VPN
But, to minimize the risks of connecting gateway back in the central data
over the Internet, many enterprises still center. Their download request
see a need to route all cloud application travels all the way to the company
traffic through a central data center. headquarters and back. That’s
This creates many challenges for busi- a long detour for that big file.
nesses and their IT and security teams.
This connectivity
Inefficient architectures drive higher model creates big
costs and hurt user experience bottlenecks in the
data center. Worse,
In yesterday’s WAN, most application it leads to major inefficiencies, as
traffic traveled back and forth from traffic gets “hairpinned” (or “trom-
branches to the data center. Very little boned”) back and forth, sometimes
traffic went between branches or out to over vast distances. Those extra
the Internet. Today, employees use roundtrips can introduce latency,
multiple cloud-based applications producing a poor experience for
running in many public and private users, especially for delay-sensitive
clouds. Branch traffic might be going voice and video applications. They
anywhere. This creates big inefficiencies for: also rack up much higher costs for
WAN capacity than businesses
 ranch employees: A user joining would otherwise need.
a Microsoft Teams videoconference
might have a Microsoft cloud PoP Static WAN architectures
available just a few miles from waste resources
their location, but the WAN still Even if businesses didn’t have to
routes all their traffic through the hairpin traffic, legacy WAN architec-
company’s central data center— tures would still waste resources.
even if it’s hundreds of miles away. Remember those dual WAN uplinks
branches used in case one circuit application may be using multiple
fails? Well, by default, that means services running in multiple public and
the business is typically paying for a private clouds, all in the same session.
backup link that sees minimal usage.
The risks get even higher for remote
In traditional WAN architec- workers. Even when enterprises try to
tures, the backup link only force remote workers to access cloud
activates if the primary fails, applications through the data center,
so it almost never gets used. employees find ways around it. To
These architectures also tend to be avoid the performance hit, some
very static. You can’t reroute traffic employees try to avoid using the VPN
without extensive manual and attempt to access the application
reprogramming. directly over the Internet—bypassing
data center defenses entirely.
Relying on old security models
in a world of new threats Antiquated concepts of trust
also add complexity
Habit and momentum aren’t the only
things keeping antiquated WAN archi- An “inside-versus-outside” trust model
tectures in place. Enterprises still keep may seem simple on its surface. In
firewalls, intrusion prevention systems practice, it adds a lot of complexity for
(IPS), VPN concentrators, and more in IT security teams. They must maintain
the data center. They don’t want to deal separate sets of security policies
with dozens or hundreds of instances for users, depending on where and
of those security tools at every branch. how they connect. They also must
So, they just make application traffic manage a patchwork of disparate
pass through centralized defenses. security tools for all the different
possible access scenarios.
Relying on centralized
security solutions worked fine In security, complexity equals
when the traditional concept risk. If you’re dealing with tens
of the network perimeter of thousands of firewall rules,
still applied—when trust was based on for example, it’s much easier
whether a user (or device, or application) for a misconfiguration somewhere to
was “inside” or “outside” the business. leave something important exposed.
Today, those lines have disappeared. But, when you’re forced to think about
A branch employee using a cloud security in terms of “inside” versus
“outside” the network perimeter technology uses all available links,
(even if that bears little resemblance all the time, in an “active-active”
to reality), you don’t have much choice. configuration. It continuously tracks
There’s no good way to implement a the health and status of all connec-
single, consistent policy based on the tions, sending traffic down the best
user, rather than their IP address. path available at that moment.

SD-WAN Solves Many (but Not All!) SD-WAN technology gives

of These Problems users a much more efficient,
higher-performing connection
Enterprises understand the inefficiencies to cloud-based applications.
of outdated connectivity models better Modern SD-WANs can recognize
than anyone. In fact, that’s the rationale traffic for more than 3,000 applications.
for one of today’s fastest-growing tech- Based on each application’s business
nology trends: SD-WAN. According to policy, the SD-WAN can route that
Frost & Sullivan, the global SD-WAN traffic to the enterprise data center,
market exceeded $1 billion in 2019, more a nearby cloud PoP, or directly over
than doubling 2018 revenues. During the Internet.
the same period, the number of sites
using SD-WAN also grew by more than SD-WAN capabilities like these produce
100 percent. much better application experiences for
users, while reducing WAN bandwidth
SD-WAN adds a layer of consumption and costs. They enable
software intelligence on top a more flexible approach to WAN
of the WAN infrastructure. connectivity, aligned to the cloud-
Instead of using a static centric world in which we live today.
topology that mostly routes traffic
through the data center, SD-WAN SD-WAN solutions solve most of the
technology can route traffic on a performance and efficiency problems
packet-by-packet basis. SD-WAN can associated with antiquated WAN
change those routing decisions on architectures, and most include an
the fly, automatically, in response to in-built stateful firewall. But, when it
real-time conditions in the network. comes to remote workers and cloud-
based application traffic, they just weren’t
Unlike yesterday’s static WAN, which designed to provide the full-featured
wastes capacity and costs on backup security stack available in the enterprise
links that rarely get used, SD-WAN data center. Until now.
Welcome to the Secure Connectivity enterprises, bringing security functions
of SASE and Zero Trust wherever they’re needed, like with other
cloud services.
What if you could take everything that’s
great about SD-WAN and combine it with SASE providers (often, companies that
more dynamic, user-centric security? already offer SD-WAN) build a national
What if your core security capabilities— or global fabric of PoPs and peering
encryption, firewall, access control, and relationships with cloud providers.
more—could run from any of hundreds These PoPs serve as an onramp to SaaS
or thousands of cloud PoPs around the applications and other cloud services.
world, like any other cloud service? When users (or devices, or applications)
connect, either in a branch or via remote
You don’t have to wonder anymore. A access, each PoP can apply the full suite
new generation of SASE solutions now of enterprise security functions. Typically,
delivers that. These solutions also free that includes
businesses from perimeter-based trust
models that haven’t reflected reality • Zero trust network access
for years. Using zero trust network • Secure web gateways
access (ZTNA), they grant trusted access
• Cloud access security broker
based on the identity of the user (or
(CASB) solutions to apply
application, or other entity), instead
security policy to cloud
of their location or IP address.
applications and data
Together, SASE and ZTNA finally bring
• Cloud-based firewall
branch and remote connectivity out of
a model that dates to the turn of the • Identity services to establish the
millennium. They create a foundation user’s context and security posture
for much more secure and intelligent Just as important, SASE delivers many of
connectivity from anywhere. these cloud-based security functions
“as-a-service.” Businesses can apply the
A smarter, more secure edge
full suite of state-of-the-art security
As originally defined by Gartner, SASE protections anywhere, without having to
brings together network and cloud secu- maintain hundreds of point products
rity services to provide flexibility, agility, distributed around the globe. Who’s got
and scale. SASE offers a much simpler the time and frequent flyer miles for
secure connectivity model for cloud-first that, anyway?
Reimagining trust their IP address. It can examine context
(such as device type, geolocation, security
Inside SASE solutions—in many ways, posture, specific resources being
making them possible—there’s a accessed) to apply the right policy. And,
revolution in the way businesses think it applies that policy automatically,
about secure connectivity and trust. without security teams having to
With ZTNA, they can eliminate yester- manually spell out what should happen
day’s inflexible inside-versus-outside for every possible access scenario.
approach to granting access to corpo-
rate resources. Instead, they can A powerful combination
implement a dynamic, user-centric
software-defined perimeter (SDP). SASE and ZTNA represent different
technologies. But, like many of the
Businesses don’t have to build the entire classics—peanut butter and jelly,
IT security stack around physical locations burgers and fries, bacon and eggs—
or IP addresses. Instead, SASE platforms they just go better together.
grant access based on the identity of the
user, device, and application. Used in concert, ZTNA can provide the
user’s contextual identity (such as their
ZTNA replaces VPN remote access location and the security posture of
models, though it does much more their device) to all the different SASE
than that. It creates a virtual gatehouse security services. That contextual
guarding all corporate applications and identity can then dictate policy. For
resources, no matter where they’re example, if the system identifies that
physically located. As “zero trust” implies, a user is connecting with a “jailbroken”
ZTNA denies access to those resources iPhone, it can send that traffic to the
by default. In fact, it hides them entirely, CASB service for further threat protection
so they’re not even discoverable except and scanning.
to the users, applications, or other entities
that the enterprise specifically allows. Organizations also end up with a single
access infrastructure for both “inside”
Whenever a user, device, or application and “outside” users, as well as both data
tries to access a corporate resource, center- and cloud-hosted applications.
ZTNA verifies that they’re a trusted entity. Which means they can now use a single,
It does this based on their identity, not consistent security policy everywhere.
You could use SASE or ZTNA from anywhere, using any traditional or
in isolation—but you really cloud-based application, and automati-
shouldn’t. cally get the right security protection—
without compromising performance.
If you use ZTNA without SASE, you may
leave users exposed to certain types The model also makes life better for
of web-based attacks. You also must IT operations. SASE and ZTNA make it
handle malware and threat detection much easier to manage security and
on a per-device basis, making it more access. Most deployment, monitoring,
expensive, harder to manage, and (for and troubleshooting tasks now happen
employee-owned endpoints), sometimes automatically. And, enterprises can use
not applicable at all. a single security policy and infrastructure
If you use SASE without ZTNA, any
user accessing an application could see Finally, you’ll see better results for
all other applications hosted on that enterprise security. Enterprises can now
network, increasing the potential attack protect themselves with contextual
surface. You’re also now relying on each intelligence, automatically granting or
application to handle user access denying access based on a user’s identity
individually—a big operational problem. and security posture. They can combine
all the layers of defenses used in the data
The SASE/ZTNA Advantage center—plus new ones for the cloud—
and apply them anywhere from local
When businesses move to a SASE +
PoPs around the globe.
ZTNA model, they get secure, reliable,
performance-optimized access for both Check out the following
traditional and cloud-based applications. resources from VMware
They can securely connect anything to learn more:
and everything—branches, campuses,
remote workers, Internet-of-Things • Software-Defined WAN For Dummies
devices—with a single, holistic solution. • VMware Secure Access
This result is obviously better for users. • VMware SASE
Drawing on SD-WAN innovations, SASE
makes WAN architectures and security
models align with the way enterprises
actually work. Employees can work

For Dummies is a trademark of John WiIey & Sons, Inc. VMware and the VMware logo are registered trademarks or trademarks ISBN: 978-1-119-77691-8
of VMware, Inc. in the United States and other jurisdictions.

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