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Political Frame at Starbucks

Nicole Brennan

OGL 481
Starbucks motto is a “To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and

one neighborhood at a time.” This is a good support and the main people that make this

motto to work is the shift supervisor and managers. Now the support of Starbucks Shifts

will help the Barista see what they need to have successful team. Starbucks has a mainy

situation with bring social justice within the company. My role would be to show to show

an individuals biases and show them show to help prevent that.

Political Role

The politic role states Starbucks has is a neutral role. “Corporate Contributions:

To the extent legally permitted and deemed appropriate and authorized by the Executive

Vice President of Public Affairs, Starbucks may consider corporate contributions to (a)

candidates running for state or local office; (b) state or local political parties and

committees; (c) entities operating under section 527 of the Internal Revenue Code and

other tax-exempt organizations when such contributions are used for political purposes;

and (d) support issue or ballot measure campaigns and committees. Such contributions

may include, in accordance with applicable law, appearances by candidates at Starbucks

facilities or events. The company’s Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee

will review such corporate contributions and payments on an annual basis to ensure

alignment with Starbucks policy and value.”(Starbucks Page 2)

When there was a racist incidence at a Starbucks in Philadelphia on April 17,

2018 Starbucks didn’t ignore it. They met with the people that went through the racism.

“Today announced it will be closing its more than 8,000 company-owned stores in the

United States on the afternoon of May 29 to conduct racial-bias education geared toward
preventing discrimination in our stores. The training will be provided to nearly 175,000

partners (employees) across the country and will become part of the onboarding process

for new partners.” (Racial-Bias)

Organizational Politics an Alternative Course

There are many different alternatives in have action is having training

individually done on the computer. These training would be done annoyance so people

feel like they will not get repercussions against them. These training can have problem

that you can see. There are also a empathy class. The reason is to show others why you

should give empathy. In the time of COVID there is a lot of Asian hate. I rang up a

customer who was an older Asian woman and spoke very broken English. She told me

her order and I thought she asked for extra shot. I always repeat the order to make sure it

is sright and she said yes. That extra shot cost more money and after she paid there was

angry. She did not want an extra shot and started yelling so I refunded it. After the

customer left my other partner came up to me and was telling me how that customer does

it all the time. My co-worker told me how that same customer was so rude, and she made

it decaf. I looked at my co-worker and said there is a lot of hate going around with Asian

that customer was probably scared she was getting judge. Next time show her

compassion and she might not be rude. The training would have a political part where

you must be accepting of others. It would have to be a way to respect others point of


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