Autogenous Healing of Sea-Water Exposed Mortar - Quantification Through A Simple and Rapid Permeability Test

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Cement and Concrete Research 84 (2016) 1–7

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Autogenous healing of sea-water exposed mortar: Quantification

through a simple and rapid permeability test
D. Palin ⁎, H.M. Jonkers, V. Wiktor
Faculty of Civil Engineering & Geosciences, Section of Materials and Environment, Delft University of Technology, Stevinweg 1, 2628 CN Delft, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Concrete has an autogenous ability to heal cracks potentially contributing to its functional water tightness and du-
Received 27 April 2015 rability. Here, we quantify the crack-healing capacity of sea-water submerged mortar specimens through a simple
Accepted 17 February 2016 and rapid permeability test. Defined crack width geometries were created in blast furnace slag cement specimens
Available online xxxx
allowing healed specimens to be quantified against unhealed specimens. Specimens with 0.2 mm wide cracks
were not permeable after 28 days submersion. Specimens with 0.4 mm cracks had decreases in permeability of
Microcracking [B]
66% after 28 days submersion, and 50–53% after 56 days submersion. Precipitation of aragonite and brucite in
Granulated blast-furnace slag [D] the cracks was the main cause of crack healing. Healing potential was dependent on the initial crack width,
Autogenous healing thermodynamic considerations and the amount of ions available in the crack. To our knowledge, this is the first
Permeability [C] study to quantify the functional autogenous healing capacity of cracked sea-water exposed cementitious
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Cracks generated through this technique have also been shown to relax
following unloading. Wang et al. [4] noticed that the crack openings
Cracks are an unavoidable feature of reinforced concrete. Cracks after unloading partially closed reducing their widths. Aldea et al. re-
generally allow greater water permeability reducing the functionality corded crack reductions of 62–66% for high-strength concrete and 56%
of, for example, water-retaining structures. If this water contains for normal strength concrete [6] and 32–75% depending on the material
aggressive agents, such as those found in sea-water, deterioration can type used in a subsequent study [7]. In their study, Reinhardt and Jooss
further ensue until a concrete structures' possible ruin. Concrete has [3] included reinforcement in their specimens and were able to form
an autogenous ability to heal cracks potentially reducing its water per- tensile cracks within 0.01 mm of the desired crack width. Though accu-
meability and extending the durability of the structures from which it rate, they anticipated that the crack widths, which were measured ex-
is made. In this way, accurate quantification of concrete permeability ternally, were not constant over the height of the specimens
may provide insight for better service life predictions, particularly demonstrating the difficulty of this method to create defined reproduc-
those in the marine environment. ible crack geometries. Existing permeability tests also tend to wait for a
Studies are available in the literature quantifying the autogenous steady state flow to be achieved, that is, for the crack inflow to equal the
healing capacity of cracked cementitious materials through their crack outflow. This means that the testing periods can last ~14 [3], 20–
water permeability [1–3]. These studies, limited to fresh-water, are no 50 [4], 35–140 [2] and 90–100 [5] days. A long testing period may result
doubt built on research quantifying the water permeability of cracked in healing and crack geometry changes during the test, while the
cementitious materials [4–7]. Quantification of crack healing through amount of water required to reach a steady state flow may not be prac-
water permeability measurements presupposes the generation of tical for many tests. Studies quantifying autogenous healing through
defined (or at least explicit) crack width geometries. Wang et al., in permeability measurements must know the permeability of an un-
their permeability study [4], introduced a feedback-controlled tensile healed crack against which a healed crack can be quantified. Reinhardt
splitting technique for generating cracks in concrete specimens. This and Jooss [3], in their study, established this initial permeability by
study and subsequent studies employing the same technique [6,7] did flowing water through the cracks at the beginning of the test. This
not directly measure the crack width; rather they assumed them to be action, however, has the danger of flushing out reactive components re-
equal to the lateral displacement of the specimen measured using linear sponsible for healing. Edvardsen [2], in her study, was able to negate this
variable differential transformers (LVDTs). This may result in inaccurate flushing out effect by calculating the initial crack flow through
measurements due to crack branching and variability along their length. Poiseulle's law. Calculations, however, only provide an approximation
of the initial permeability. Scope is then available for a setup able to gen-
⁎ Corresponding author. erate reference permeability values for unhealed cracks against which
E-mail address: (D. Palin). healed cracks of the same geometry could be compared and quantified.
0008-8846/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
2 D. Palin et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 84 (2016) 1–7

The aim of the current study is to quantify the autogenous healing Table 1
capacity of cracked sea-water submerged specimens through their Mix-design for mortar specimens.

water permeability. A simple and rapid permeability setup, and a Amount [kg/m3]
novel method for creating defined crack width geometries in cementi- Constituent CEM III/B 42.5N LH
tious specimens are described. Cracked specimens were produced by
Cement 494
which reference unhealed permeability values could be defined and
Water 247
subsequent healed specimens compared. To our knowledge, this study Water cement ratio 0.5
is the first to quantify the functional healing capacity of cracked sea- Sand fraction [mm]
water exposed cementitious specimens. 1–2 608
0.5–1 426
0.25–0.5 167
2. Experimental program 0.125–0.25 319

A permeability test was designed and constructed to quantify the

autogenous healing capacity of cracked blast furnace slag (BFS) cement making it wider than the intended crack width). The specimens were
mortar specimens submerged in sea-water. Three series were setup: then carefully unwrapped and Perspex spacers 2.2 and 2.4 mm wide
(1) to establish the reference permeability values for unhealed 0.2 and placed between their grooves to achieve defined crack widths of 0.2
0.4 mm wide cracks; (2) to establish permeability values for specimens and 0.4 mm. A two-part adhesive, Plex 7742 and liquid Pleximon 801
with 0.2 and 0.4 mm wide cracks after 28 days submersion; and (3) to (Evonik Röhm GmbH, Darmstadt, Germany), was mixed and applied
establish permeability values for specimens with 0.2 and 0.4 mm wide on either side of the spacers. Once the glue was dry, the spacers were re-
cracks after 56 days submersion in sea-water (Fig. 1). Crack widths moved and the remainder of the grooves (where the spaces had been)
and submersion times are based on the work of Palin et al. [8]. were glued. Specimens once cracked were silicone-glued into sections
of pipe (60 mm long), the silicone was allowed to cure for 24 h provid-
ing a watertight permeability cell. A pin was fitted at the base of the cell
2.1. Sample preparation
to prevent the specimen shooting out from the bottom during testing.

Specimens were prepared following the work of Palin et al. [9]. Cyl-
inders (60 mm long and with a diameter of 33.5 mm) were cast from 2.3. Crack evaluation
BFS cement (CEM III/B 42.5N LH, ENCI) in accordance with EN 1015-
11 [10]. The applied mortar mix design is shown in Table 1. Mortar Cracks at the specimen ends were imaged with a stereomicroscope
was chosen as a representative material for concrete. The mortar cylin- (Leica MZ6, Nussloch, Germany). Crack boundaries were defined by
ders were designed to fit standard polyvinylchloride pipes (internal di- eye, their area measured with image-analysis software (Fiji, Is just
ameter 35 mm) and to have two diametrically opposite grooves (2 mm ImageJ, http://fi and the average width calculated. Images of se-
wide and 3 mm deep) running down their side. In order to cast the cyl- lected cracks are shown in Fig. 2.
inders, a master pattern was first created in polyvinylchloride. The mas-
ter pattern was used to cast silicone moulds, which were in turn used to 2.4. Water permeability
cast the mortar specimens. 24 h after casting, the mortar specimens
were carefully removed from their silicone moulds, tightly sealed in Fig. 1 shows the experimental scheme devised to quantify the autog-
polyethylene plastic bags and kept at room temperature for a total cur- enous healing capacity of the cracked specimens submerged in sea-
ing period of 28 days. water. The synthetic sea-water used in this study was produced from
technical grade chemicals (Sigma-Aldrich), the composition of which
2.2. Crack calibration is shown in Table 2. Each series consisted of two crack widths ten spec-
imens each. Specimens from series 1 were first assessed for their perme-
Following curing, specimens were prepared for tensile cracking. ability. Fig. 2B shows a schematic of the permeability setup. Five
Each mortar cylinder was wrapped in polyethylene and steel rods permeability columns were set up to run in parallel. Each permeability
placed at their grooves before being placed between the compression cell was attached via a fitting at the bottom of each permeability col-
platens of an Instron 8872 servohydraulic testing machine (Instron umn. Sea-water was prepared and poured into reservoirs at the top of
Corp., Canton, MA, USA). A compressive load was applied at each column. Taps in each reservoir were released initiating the perme-
0.01 m.s−1 until the cylinders diametrically split from groove to groove ability test. Water flowing through the cracks was individually collected
(Fig. 2A). The polyethylene wrap served to hold the two halves of the in catchment buckets and the weight of the water recorded at 5, 10 and
specimen together (ideally so debris could not lodge in the crack 30 min. The water level of each column was manually maintained

Series Day
0 28 56 84 112
Cast Curing permeability

Cast Curing submerge Healing Permeability Drying Permeability

Cast Curing submerge Healing Permeability Drying Permeability

Fig. 1. Experimental scheme to quantify the autogenous healing capacity of cracked BFS cement specimens submerged in sea-water.
D. Palin et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 84 (2016) 1–7 3


Steel rod Sea-water
1.05 m
Groove Frame
Mortar cylinder Permeability
Crack cell

Polyethylene Cylinder
wrap specimen


Fig. 2. Schematic illustration of: (A) the splitting tension setup used to diametrically fracture the cylinders; and (B) the permeability setup, which has been published previously [9].

between 1 and 1.05 m, giving an almost constant water head of 0.1 bar. 3. Results
Permeability cells from series 2 and 3 were submerged and vacuumed
for 2 h to remove any air bubbles trapped in their cracks, which could 3.1. Stereomicroscope
hinder water flow and healing. These cells were then transferred to
plastic buckets containing 4 l of sea-water (20 ± 2 °C). The cells of series Stereomicroscope analysis of cracks intended to be 0.2 mm wide
2 were submerged for 28 days and the cells of series 3 for 56 days, in were on average 0.04 mm less than intended and those intended to be
sea-water. The buckets were sealed with lids to reduce evaporation. 0.4 mm wide were average 0.05 mm less than intended. Fig. 3 shows
After submersion, the specimens housed in their cells were assessed randomly selected specimens from series 1 intended to have 0.2 mm
for their permeability. Following the permeability test, cells from series cracks, having cracks: (A) 0.16 mm, (B) 0.17 mm and (C) 0.16 mm;
2 and 3 were dried in a drier at 36 °C for 28 days and again tested for and crack widths from series 1 intended to have 0.4 mm cracks, having
their permeability. cracks: (D) 0.41 mm, (E) 0.38 mm and (F) 0.37 mm wide.

3.2. Water permeability

2.5. Precipitate characterization
Fig. 4 shows a box plot graph depicting: the initial permeability of 0.2
Mortar specimens having the mean permeability of each series were and 0.4 mm cracks; the permeability of 0.2 and 0.4 mm cracks after 28
selected for chemical analysis. These specimens were dried, precipitates and 56 days submersion in seawater; and the permeability of the sub-
scraped from their cracks (b5 mg) and the precipitates analysed merged specimens after drying. The mean initial permeability for the
through Fourier-transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) (Spectrum 0.2 mm cracks after 5, 10 and 30 min flow was 0.6 cm3.s−1 with normal
100, Perkin-Elmer Inc., United States of America). Spectra were the re- distributions. Following 28 days submersion, the mean permeability of
sult of 32 scans with a resolution of 2 cm− 1 in the range of 4000– the 0.2 mm cracks after 5, 10 and 30 min flow was 0 cm3.s− 1. The
600 cm−1. Cross-sections of the specimens were also made, impregnat- same specimens after drying maintained a mean permeability of
ed with epoxy resin and polished for both environmental scanning elec- 0 cm3.s−1. Specimens featuring 0.2 mm cracks submerged for 56 days
tron microscope (ESEM) analysis (Philips XL 30 ESEM, Eindhoven, also had a mean permeability of 0 cm3.s− 1 before and after drying.
Netherlands) in back-scattered (BSE) mode and elemental mapping Specimens featuring 0.4 mm cracks had initial mean permeabilities of
analysis through energy-dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). In between 3.5 after 5, and 3 cm3.s−1 after 10 and 30 min flow. Following 28 days
preparation and analysis, specimens were kept in a desiccator to avoid submersion in seawater, the mean permeability after 5 min flow was
continued cement hydration. EDS image maps of calcium, magnesium 2.4 cm3.s−1, a reduction of 30%, with a wide distribution in the data, a
and silica were merged through the apply image tool in Photoshop mean permeability of 1 cm3.s−1after 10 and 30 min flow, both having
(Adobe Systems, San Jose, California, USA) (Fig. 5(D, H, L and P)). a reduction of 66% and normal distributions. Following drying, the
specimens submerged for 28 days were less permeable, with mean
permeabilities of 0.6 after 5, 0.5 after 10 and 0.4 cm3.s−1 after 30 min
Table 2 flow. Drying also resulted in box plots with smaller boxes. Specimens
Synthetic seawater composition based after the major constitu- following submersion for 56 days had mean permeabilities of
ents of seawater [11]. 1.6 cm3 s− 1 after 5 min flow, a reduction of 54%, again with a wide dis-
Compound Amount [g/l] tribution in the data, 1.5 cm3 s−1 after 10 min flow, a reduction of 50%
and 1.4 cm3 s−1 after 30 min flow, a reduction of 53%, with a normal dis-
NaHCO3 0.19
CaCl2.2H2O 1.47 tribution. Drying of specimens submerged for 56 days as with the dry-
MgCl2.6H2O 10.57 ing of specimens submerged for 28 days had reduced permeabilities,
Na2SO4.10H2O 9.02 having mean permeabilities of 1.1 after 5, 0.9 after 10 and 0.5 cm3.s−1
KCl 0.75 after 30 min flow. The boxes this time were larger representing a
NaCl 24.08
wider variance in the data.
4 D. Palin et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 84 (2016) 1–7


0.2 mm

1 mm

0.4 mm

1 mm

Fig. 3. Cracks of randomly selected specimens from series 1 intended to have 0.2 mm wide (A, B and C) and 0.4 mm wide (D, E and F) cracks.

3.3. Precipitate characterization 4. Discussion

Fig. 5 shows both ESEM and EDS images of a selected specimen from We have investigated the autogenous healing ability of cracked BFS
each series and crack size. Specimens were selected based on their hav- cement mortar specimens submerged in sea-water. To do this, a
ing the mean permeability of the ten tested making up each series crack simple and rapid permeability test was implemented. Specimens
size. Fig. 5 (A, B and C) shows ESEM images of a specimen with a 0.2 mm with 0.2-mm-wide cracks were not permeable, and specimens with
crack after submersion for 28 days and subsequent drying. The image is 0.4-mm-wide cracks had reduced permeabilities, following 28 and
plugged at one end with a dark grey (grey scale binary image) precipi- 56 days submersion in sea-water. Specimens also displayed reductions
tate overlaid by a white precipitate (Fig. 5A). Dark grey precipitates can in permeability between 5 and 10 min, which can be attributed to
be seen in relatively smaller amounts towards the centre of the crack water sorption [14,15] and resultant reductions in the crack flow vol-
(Fig. 5B). Both white and dark grey precipitates can be seen at the umes. Further, dry specimens had lower permeabilities than wet speci-
crack mouth at the other end of the crack (Fig. 5C). This white precipi- mens; these lower permeabilities are likely due to the formation of
tate decreases in quantity from the crack mouth towards the centre of precipitates in the cracks as a result of drying. Specimens submerged
the specimen. Fig. 5D shows an EDS elemental map corresponding to for 28 and 56 days showed little difference in their permeabilities
Fig. 5A. This map shows these precipitates to be composed of calcium (based on the overlapping boxes of their box plots (Fig. 4)), meaning
and magnesium. Magnesium can also be seen to have intruded into that the majority of healing took place in the first 28 days in line with
the sample. Fig. 5 (E, F and G) shows ESEM images of one of the speci- the results of Palin et al. [8].
mens with a 0.2 mm wide crack after submersion for 56 days and sub- BFS cement is a blend of BFS and ordinary Portland cement. The
sequent drying. Precipitate formations after 56 days submersion are slag's latent hydraulic properties are activated by calcium hydroxide,
much the same as those after 28 days submersion. ESEM images of the which is released from the cement when mixed with water. Sea-water
specimens with 0.4 mm cracks submerged for 28 days (Fig. 5 (I, J and mainly contains magnesium chloride, magnesium sulphate and carbon-
K)) and 56 days (Fig.5 (M, N and O)) were not plugged, though both ate ions. Cracking of marine concrete allows sea-water (pH ≈ 7.5) to
can be seen to have reduced their crack mouth openings to ~ 150 μm enter the cracks where its comes into contact with exposed cement
(I and M). Dark grey precipitates could be seen along the crack walls to- paste (pH ≈ 13). Calcium hydroxide of the cement paste being soluble
wards the centre of both cracks (Fig. 5 (J and N)). Not bridging the crack, in sea-water (Ksp = 4.1 × 10−6 [15]) is leached into the crack where
both dark grey and white precipitates can be seen at the other end of the the hydroxide ions react with magnesium ions in the sea-water
crack (Fig. 5 (K and O)). Precipitate formations after 56 days submer- (Eqs. (1), (2) and (3)):
sion, like the 0.2 mm wide cracks, are much the same as those after
28 days submersion. EDS mapping (Fig. 5 (L and P)) again shows MgSO4 þ CaðOHÞ2 → MgðOHÞ2 þ CaSO4 $ 2H2 O ð1Þ
Brucite Gypsum
these precipitates to be calcium and magnesium based. It is worth
pointing out that, unhealed crack openings directly sat on the bottom " #
of the bucket while the plugged crack opening faced upward when sub- MgSO4 þ CaðOHÞ2 þ CaO $ Al2 O3 $ CaSO4 $ 18H2 O →
merged in the sea-water. FTIR analysis of precipitates scraped from the Calcium monosulfoaluminate hydrate ð2Þ
cracks revealed bands at 3642 and 3696 cm−1 correspond to the O—H MgðOHÞ2 þ 3CaO $ 3CaO $ Al2 O3 $ 3CaSO4 $ 32H2 O
Brucite Ettringite
stretching vibration of calcium hydroxide and brucite, respectively
[12]. Calcite has characteristic absorption peaks: C—O asymmetric MgCl2 þ CaðOHÞ2 → MgðOHÞ2 þ CaCl2 ð3Þ
stretching vibration (v3), C—O out of plane bending (v2), and C—O pla- Brucite Calcium chloride
nar bending vibration (v4) centred at 1400, 872 and 712 cm−1, respec-
tively. While aragonite has in addition a characteristic peak stretching Brucite not being soluble in the crack water (Ksp = 1.2 × 10−11 [16])
vibration (v1) 1083 cm−1 and a bending vibration (v4) centred at 700 is quickly formed. At the same time, alkalis from the cement paste can
and 712 cm−1 [13]. raise the pH (N8) of the crack water converting bicarbonates to
D. Palin et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 84 (2016) 1–7 5

0.2 mm 0.4 mm
5 5

Permeability after 5 min [cm3.s-1]

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0

5 5
Permeability after 10 min [cm3.s-1]

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0

5 5
Permeability after 30 min [cm3.s-1]

4 4

3 3

2 2

1 1

0 0

1(0.2) 2(0.2) 2(0.2) dry 3(0.2) 3(0.2) dry 1(0.4) 2(0.4) 2(0.4) dry 3(0.4) 3(0.4) dry

Fig. 4. Permeability data of series 1, 2 and 3 in the form of 6 box plot graphs. Graphs (A, C and E) show the permeability data for the 0.2 mm cracks after flowing for: (A) 5, (C) 10 and
(E) 30 min. Graphs (B, D and F) show the permeability data for the 0.4 mm cracks after: (B) 5, (D) 10 and (F) 30 min. The first box plot to the left of each graph shows the initial
permeability, the second to its right is the permeability after submersion for 28 days, the third is the permeability of the 28-day submerged specimens after drying, fourth is the
permeability of the specimens after 56 days submersion and the final box is the permeability of the 56-day submerged specimens after drying. Each box represents the permeability of
10 separate specimens. The top, middle and bottom line of the boxes correspond to the 75-, 50- and 25-percentile value (x.75, x.5 and x.25), respectively. The whiskers show the
minimum and maximum values.

carbonates. These carbonates are then able to react with calcium from amounts of precipitate being formed between the specimens analysed
the seawater and mortar matrix forming calcium carbonate (Eq. (3)): (Fig. 5), with 0.2 mm cracks having the precipitate concentrated at the
crack mouths and 0.4 mm cracks having the precipitate at the mouth
CO2 þ CaðOHÞ2 → CaCO3 þH2 O ð4Þ but also along the crack length. EDS images clearly show the healing
Calcium carbonate materials to be made up of calcium (aragonite) and magnesium
(brucite) and not silica (unhydrated cement particles) based. The lack
Aragonite (Ksp ≈ 6.65 × 10−7 [17]) is precipitated in favour of calcite of silica indicates the formation of the healing materials to be autoge-
(the more thermodynamically stable of the two calcium carbonate poly- nous and not as a result of continued hydration of unreacted cement
morphs) due to magnesium ions binding to nascent calcite inhibiting particles. In accordance with Eqs. (1), (2) and (3), brucite formation
growth [18]. continues until calcium hydroxide is sufficiently depleted. Following
Carbonate and magnesium ions are quickly depleted in the crack this, magnesium sulphate is then able to decalcify the calcium silicate
generating a concentration gradient between the crack and the bulk hydrate (the binding material of the cement) transforming it into
water. This gradient causes the calcium and hydroxide ions from the magnesium silicate hydrate, a non-cementitious material (Eq. (5)) [19]:
matrix to migrate along the crack until they meet an opposing front of
magnesium and carbonate ions from the bulk water. This front is con- xCaO $ SiO2 $ kH2 O þ xMgSO4 þ mH2 O→
centrated at the crack mouth where most of the precipitate is formed yMgO $ SiO2 $ nH2 O þ ðx−yÞMgðOHÞ2 þ x ðCaSO4 $ 2H2 OÞ ð5Þ
(Fig. 6). To a considerable degree, autogenous healing is influenced by Gypsum

the crack width and thermodynamic considerations, but also by the

concentration of ions available in the crack. The concrete matrix sup- where k +m = n+ 3x − y
plies calcium and hydroxide ions and so the greater the crack surface, Conversion of calcium silicate hydrate to magnesium silicate hydrate
the more ions are available for healing. Indeed, we see relatively similar is known to result in weakening of the cement matrix [19,20]. We can
6 D. Palin et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 84 (2016) 1–7


0.2 mm 28 days

0.2 mm 56 days

0.4 mm 28 days

0.4 mm 56 days

Fig. 5. ESEM and EDS analysis of polished sections prepared after the permeability test. (A–C) are ESEM images of a specimen with a 0.2 mm wide crack submerged for 28 days in seawater:
(A) Shows the crack mouth which was facing upwards when submerged; (B) an area towards the centre of the crack; and (C) the crack mouth at the other end. (D) Is the corresponding
EDS analysis for image (A). (E–G) are ESEM images of a specimen with a 0.2 mm wide crack submerged for 56 days in seawater: (E) shows the crack mouth which was facing upwards;
(F) an area towards the centre; and (G) the other crack mouth. (H) Is the corresponding EDS analysis for image (E). (I–K) are ESEM images of a specimen with a 0.4 mm wide crack
submerged for 28 days in sea-water: (I) shows the crack mouth which was facing upwards; (J) an area towards the centre; and (K) the other crack mouth. (L) Is the corresponding
EDS analysis for image (I). (M–O) are ESEM images of a specimen with a 0.4 mm wide crack submerged for 56 days in sea-water: (M) shows the crack mouth facing upwards; (N) an
area towards the centre; and (O) the other crack mouth. (P) Is the corresponding EDS analysis for image (M). Yellow of the EDS images representing calcium, blue representing
magnesium and violet represennting silicate.

see possible evidence of this conversion in Fig. 5, with the incursion of between replicates has been high [4–7]. Stereomicroscope analysis of
magnesium into the cement paste. This incursion is visibly more cracks intended to be 0.2 mm wide showed them to be on average
pronounced in the 0.4 mm cracks, which is likely due to increased ion 0.04 mm less than intended, and those intended to be 0.4 mm wide
concentrations of magnesium afforded by the larger cracks, resulting showed them to be on average 0.05 mm less than intended. Cracks
in more leaching and replacement of calcium by magnesium ions were, however, delineated by eye and so include inherent subjectivity.
(Eq. (5)). Further, spacers used to define the crack widths were also machined
Calibration of concrete cracks with well-anticipated positions and by hand contributing to crack width variances. Having spacers with
predictable widths is a difficult venture. Attempts have been made to greater accuracies should allow for better-defined crack width geome-
develop setups which fulfill these requirements but variability in results tries and hence better comparison of crack permeabilities within and
D. Palin et al. / Cement and Concrete Research 84 (2016) 1–7 7

A CO32-
Ca2+ B CaCO3

Ca2+ OH- CaCO3
OH- OH- Ca 2+
OH- CO32-
CO32- CaCO3
OH - Mg(OH)2
Mg2+ Ca2+
Mg2+ CaCO3 Mg(OH)2 Mg(OH)2
Mg2+ Mg(OH)2 Mg(OH)2
Mg2+ CaCO3
CO32- Mg2+ Mg(OH)2
Mg 2+
Mg 2+ CaCO3
CO32- Crack CaCO3 Crack
Ca 2+
OH - Ca 2+

CO3 2-
Ca 2+ CaCO3
Mg2+ OH- OH- Mg2+
Ca2+ OH- CaCO3
CO32- Ca2+
Sea-water Mortar Sea-water CaCO3 Mortar

Fig. 6. Crack schematic with a simplified precipitation model showing: (A) the main ions in the paste, crack and bulk water; and (B) the major chemical reactions, precipitates and main
locations of the precipitates in the crack.

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