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Chapter lll – Lesson 3.

Answer the following questions.
1. What is medium? What is technique?
ans: The choices a designer or artist can make are determined by the
characteristics of the materials used, and the techniques applied to those
materials. The combination of materials and techniques used are also referred to
as the medium used.

2. What are the different mediums used by painters? Sculptures? Architectures?

ans: The architect uses woods, bamboo, bricks, stone, concrete, and various
building materials. The painter uses pigments on wood or canvas to recreate
reality of nature. A sculptor uses steel, marble, bronze, metal and wood.

3. Why do artist differ in their choice of their artworks?

ans: Visual artists differ in style or method in presenting a particular subject
because art is subjective. These differences affect the artists in various ways and
magnitude. The way people perceive their surroundings and experiences are
influenced by their own backgrounds and thinking.

4. What is the medium in music and how the instruments enhance the properties of
musical sound?
ans: Musical sound, any tone with characteristics such as controlled pitch and

5. What is the medium of literature? Explain the nature of translation.

ans: The medium of literature was the language, tone, theme and symbolism
used by the author in writing literary piece. Language is the medium of literature
as marble or bronze or clay are the materials of the sculptor. it is a question of
translating his work into another language, the nature of the original.

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